Technique Magazine – August 2005

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AUGUST 6 10-13 10 11 -13 14-20

National Gymnastics Day Visa Championships (M,I'I,R,AG) National Business Conference (B) National Congress T&T Scholarship Camp (TTl

Nationwide Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Three Rivers, MI

14 15-18 21 -23 23-25 25-0ct.l

Jeff Metzger's I-Day Boot Camp World Championships (TT) International Age-Group Competition (TT) TOPs National Testing (W) Deci Memorial Camp (M)

Chicago, Il Eindhoven, NED Eindhoven, NED Houston, TX Colorado Springs, CO

OCTOBER 3-9 5-9 6-9 28 28-29 28-30 30

Rhythmic World Championships (R) World Team Selection Camp (M) Pan American Championships (M,W) Jeff Metzger's Front Office &Customer Service Compulsory Check Up Clinic Core Symposium Financial Management Seminar with Sean Dever

Baku, AZE Colorado Springs, CO Rio de Janeiro, BRA Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN

10-13 10-13 10-13 10-14 11 -14 17-21 20 14-19 21 -27

Future Stars National Championships (M) Rhythmic Pan Americon Championships (M,W) National Coaches Workshop (M) Women's World Championships Selection Camp (W) Internotional Judges Course (AG) Jeff Metzger's Boot Camp Program Summit (AG) Freedom Cup (AG) World Championships (M,W)

Colorado Springs, CO Rio de Janeiro, BRA Colorado Springs, CO Houston, TX landover, MO Cincinnati, OH landover, MO landover, MD Melbourne, AUS

JumpStarl National Testing (TT) 1.J. Max xTOPs National Camp (W) Jeff Metzger's l-Doy Boot Camp 1.J. Maxx TOPs BNational Camp (W)


Visa Championships (M,I'I,R,AG)

SI. Paul, MN


World Championships (M, W)

Aarhus, DEN

NOVEMBER Future Stars National Championships (M) National Coaches Workshop (M)




American Cup


level 9/10 Regionals (W)

Various Sites

JO National Championships (W) level 9 East &West Championships (W) JO National Championships (M)


World Gymnaestrada (GG)

Dornbirn, AUI

Visa Championships (M,W,R,AG)

San Jose, CA

APRIL MAY 11 -13 18-20 TBO



DECEMBER 1-4 3-7 7 7-11

Notional Championships (AG) T&T National Championships (TT)




TBD Indianapolis,IN TBD




level 9 Championships (R) GG World Gymnaestrada Training Camp GG Nationals

TBD Houston, TX PhoeniX, AZ Houston, TX



Future Stars National Championships (M) National Coaches Workshop (M) World Championships (TT) International Age-Group Competition (TT)

TBD TBD Quebec City, CAN Quebec City, CAN

Olympic Games (M,W,R,TR)

Beijing, China


Winter Cup

las Vegas, NV


MARCH American Cup


level 9/ 10 Regional (W) Pacific Alliance Championships (M,W,R) level 9 East &West Championships (W) JO National Championships (W)

Various Sites Honolulu, HI TBO TBO

JO National Championships (M) World Championships (AG)

BOHle Creek, MI TBD

M= Men ACRO = AG

J.O. Championships (R)


NOTE: Dates and events subiect to change or cancellation.

APRIL 1-2 13-15 21-23 28-30

W= Women


JUNE 2-4

rl-=2- - - - - - - -- - - - ----1(


R= Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnastics B= Business

TR =Trampoline TU = Tumbling IT = Trampoline/ Tumbling

2005 )>-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

an official publication of USAGymnastics PUBLIS H ER

Steve Penny EDITOR




.. .. 6

The Biomechanics Principles Behind Training Giant Swings. National Gymna stics Day 2005 .

. 18

Thank You to Exhibitors . .. .


Handstand Mania ..... . . .

. . .40

CHAIR: Ron Froehli,h; PRESIDENT: Steve Penny; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIRMEN: Yoi,hi Tomita; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andreo S,hmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Poul Parillo; VICE CHAIR ACRO·GYMNASTICS: Tonyo Case; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG REPS: Bob Colarossi IExewtive Commillee), Ron Froehli,h IAuditar) ond Tonya Case (Sports Aero Ted"icol Commillee). AT LARGE MEMBERS: Steve But(her, Poul Spadaro; ATHLETE OIREGORS: Larissa Fontaine, John Roethlisberger, Vonessa Vonder ~uym, Karl Heger; USOC ATHLETE DIREaOR: Larissa Fontoine.




25 •



CHAIR: Ron Froehli,h; PRESIDENT: Steve Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sondy Knopp, Mike Donahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRETARY: Gary And",on; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoi,hi Tomita; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea S,hmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Parillo; VICE CHAIR ACRO·GYMNASTICS: Tonyo Cose; PUBLIC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION: Ron Ferris; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milon; AMERICAN TURNERS: Belly Heppner; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Froncis Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGtATE COACHES·WOMEN: Mark Cook; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Sirawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOClA· TION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: Corole Ide; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATlON·MEN: Lou Burkel; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE . HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Cynlhio Doyle Perkins; NATIONAL GYMNAS· TICS JUDGES ASSOCIATIOl!·MEN: Bul,h Zuni,h; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Todd Vesely; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS CLUBS: Paul Spadaro; U.S. ELITE COACHES AS· SOCIATlON·MEN: Thom Glielmi; U.S. ELITE COACHES ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: David Holcomb, Sieve Rybacki; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSO· ClATlOl!: Bill Foster; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATlON·WOMEN: Meg Slephenson; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREGORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Ivonko Kirov, Mi,helle Lorson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tom Forsler; TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplon, Dr. George Drew; ACRO·GYMNAS· TICS: Undo Parler, Joy Binder; ATHLETES COUNCil Vonesso Vander Pluym, Caroline Hunl, Larisso Fonloine, Shonnon Miller, Kim Zmeskol·Burdelle, Jomie Sirondmork, Korl Heger, Joy Thornton, Steve M,Coin, Arthur Davis, USOC Athlete Rep.; Lorisso Fontaine, Executive Boord Member John Roeth· lisberger. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: JEWISH COMMUNIn' CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kate Fober·Hi,kie; U.S. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS fEDERA· TlON, Howord S!hwortz. CHANGE Of ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, notice of ,honge of oddress should be made eight weeks in odvonce. for fastest service, pleose endose your present moiling label. Oirect all subscription moil to TECHNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnastics, 201 S. Copitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indionopolis, IN 46225. TfCHNIQUE is publ~hed month~ except bimonth~ in Sept/ Oct and Nov/ 0" by USA Gymnastics, Pan Americon Plazo, Sune 300, 201 South Copitol Avenue, Indianopolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·5050) or visit online@ www.usa Subscription prices: U.s.-525 per yeor; Canodo/ Mexi,o-548 per year; all ather foreign (Ountries-560 per yeor. If available, back issue single <opies 54 plus postage/hondling. All reosonable (Ore will be taken, bul no responsibility <on be assumed far unsoli(ited material; endose return postage. Copyright 2004 by USA Gymnastics and TECHNIQUE. All rights reserved. Printed by Sport Grophics, Indionopolis, IN. Member Services I·BOO·345-4719

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.





DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule ............... .. ................. 2 USA Gymnastics Me ssage .................. 4 Spotlight ................................ .......... 1 0 Business Tips ................................. ... 16 Member Service Update .......... ........ 24 Athlete Focus ........................ .. ......... 28 COVER PHOTOGRAPHY OF ASHLEY PRIESS' PHOTO

www.u sa-gymnastics.o rg


KAT/M ElPD .... ... ............................. 30 What's New .... .. .. .. ... .... ........ ........... 39 Classifieds .................................. ... .. 46 Safety Certification Schedul e ............ 48

PROGRAM UPDATE Men' s Prog ram Update ... .............. ... 41


USA GYMNASTICS Message August is the true start of the quadrennium when we ask the question of "Who's Next?" Not only will new National Champions be crowned, but the leaders of Team USA will emerge as we begin the journey to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. More than 250 athletes are descending on Indianapolis to participate in artistic, rhythmic and acrobatic gymnastics in their quest to win the 2005 Visa Championships and qualify for our national teams. Winning a U.S. title is a lifetime dream and a major accomplishment-an opportunity that only comes once a year. Win the title and your name is etched for all time as the very best in the United States. I acknowledge all of the former champions and salute those who will showcase their years of hard work and determination on the competitive floor in Indianapolis. Ron Galimore Vice President of Events Olympic Relations/ Men's Program

As the Vice President of Events for USA Gymnastics and a former U.S. Champion, I am excited about the upcoming 2005 Visa Championships. I understand the responsibility of staging a great event and doing everything possible to provide a special opportunity for all of the participants. The work that has been done by USA Gymnastics, the Indiana Sports Corporation and Visa in preparation for this year's event is second to none. Preparations include setting the world record for the greatest number of handstands done at one time (1,072) on July 14, the creation of "Tumbling Pass" with outstanding decorations, a mural projection of former champions on the sides of buildings; and creating specially commissioned ribbons for the awards which will be a keepsake for each medal winner. Also, special attention to detail has also been given to event presentation, focusing on the educational and entertainment value for those in attendance, as well as the overall experience for all of the participants who work so hard for the opportunity to compete in the field of play. The new quadrennium will bring many new things, new champions and events in new cities. We are extremely proud to be associated with familiar partners such as Visa, the Indiana Sport Corporation, and local gymnastics clubs and volunteers, who are critical for a successful event. The focus of the individuals in these organizations is on the hardestworking athletes and coaches in the world, who continue to give us much to cheer about and are the centerpiece of what we do. For those of you who will not be joining us in Indianapolis, I encourage you to stay tuned to NBC Sports who will be covering the action. Thank you to everyone for your contributions and hard work, and congratulations to each of the participants who qualified to the 2005 Visa Championships. Also, mark your calendars now for the 2006 Visa Championships and USA Gymnastics National Congress, August 16-19 in st. Paul at the Xcel Energy Center.


Ron alimore




August 10-13




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Acknowledgement - I would like to thank Don McPherson, owner and director of Aen"al Gymnastics, Downers Grove, IL, for his assistance in prepan"ng this manuscn"pt. A giant swing requires that the gymnast move their center of mass (COM) in a circular pattern around the bar - a simple concept, but technically challenging to coach and spot effectively. A giant is basically a somersault except that the hands-on-the-bar replace the normal axis of rotation through the body COM. With this in mind, many of the same concepts used to teach a layout on trampoline can be used, in principle, to guide the instruction of a giant.

Thg basic COnCgpt

The simulated pattern of the COM can be seen in Figure 1 for an attempted single bar giant swing. With no change in the body shape during the performance of the skill, the distance of the COM relative to the bar remains the same. In this circumstance, the gymnast would not have enough rotational energy to complete the giant and would not get to the final handstand position. Although the energy stored during the falling phase is released in the second half (or rising phase), losses due to bar movement and friction result in lost rotational speed. To compensate for this, gymnasts are taught to shorten their bodies during the rising phase. This decreases their rotational inertia and resulting increase in rotational velocity is governed by conservation of energy principles. To accomplishing this "body shortening", gymnasts are typically taught to close of the shoulder angle while maintaining a hollowed trunk and hip position. Asking the gymnast to "tap" near the bottom of the swing, allows the transition from an extended position to closed position, often facilitating this change.




The path of the COM for a more typical giant is illustrated in Figure 2. In this example, the gymnast is taught to close their hip angle (or flex) slightly during the falling phase allowing the hips to open (or extend) near the bottom of the swing and then again return to a slightly closed position. This has two important outcomes. First it promotes an increase in rotational energy in the rising phase of the skill. Second, it results in a brief increase in translational velocity near the bottom of the swing. This increases the centripetal force on the gymnast, acts to bend the bar, and stores energy in the bar system. This elastic potential energy can then be released as the subject finishes the tap, facilitating vertical propulsion of the COM. The timing of this event is crucial since it impacts the direction of the COM in the rising phase.

F..uliny 4'law

Figure 2 - Typical giant swing COM pathway. Decreasing the rodius dun"ng the n路sing phase results in increased rotational velocity. This promotes successful completion of the skill.

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Rising Phas e

correct execution of the tap and the feeling of increased rotational velocity at the end of the rising phase. Figure 3 illustrates why this occurs. Once the tap is complete, the COM continues to decrease in radius relative to the bar as the gymnast closes their shoulder angle. This results in an increase in rotational velocity (again conservation of angular momentum) and the gymnast ends in a support position. As the gymnast becomes more competent in this drill, they can start to end in a cast position or by jumping down from the bar (without making the typical support position hip contact).

Falling Phase

Figure 1 - Simulated COM pathway for giant attempt with no "body shortening': .....- = - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 芦


AUG UST 2005 ) > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Spotter Applied A6e;6t~noe

Figure 3 - Pathway of the COM for a swinging puLlover driLl.



These drills provide the appropriate body position , awareness, and strength to complete the giant. They are a natural progression that should not be done in isolation, but in conjunction with giant training. It's no accident that current compulsory routines have both free-hip and swing-pullover elements. Once again, however, it is important that the training emphasize (1) a hollow body position throughout and (2) an opening phase that includes wrist rotation and bilateral/symmetric shoulder opening. If spotting is required, the best way to hand-spot this drill is to stand opposite the bar from the gymnast. Reaching under the bar during the cast (targeting the upper abdomen / lower sternum) allows the spotter to accelerate the gymnast during the falling phase. The rising phase is then assisted by applying force through the gymnast's trun k and shou lders, guiding their opening . The COM pathway during the completion of the freehip is similar to a giant (Figure 4).

COM path for giants

Figure 5 - The resulting position when a spotter "pulls" the gymnast through the end of the free-hip driLl. Note that in position 3, the feet have actuaLly moved in a direction opposite the intended direction of the COM.

Transitioning drills to ungvgn bars

Attempts to transition from a ski ll-bar to uneven bars too quickly can be problematic. The addition of a low bar creates an obstacle that impedes the gymnast's ability to extend and store energy during the fall. The gymnast must be taught to extend over the low bar, close their hip angle (or pike) enough to clear it, and then re-extend under the bar. This shape change while passing the low bar helps create the tap action and the correct body shape for the rising side of the skill. Remember that a long body rotates slower than a short one. Extension over the low bar may actually assist the gymnast in learning how to control the swing . One problem associated with low-bar obstacle is that it tends to decrease energy storage during the falling phase. Some spotters will stand under the bar to push and re-accelerate the gymnast through the bottom of the swing. This is an efficient way to add rotational energy to the gymnast, but pushing in the wrong place can actually undo some of the motor planning that previous drills were designed to reinforce. For example, the mechanical outcome of applying force to the trunk is to open both the shoulders (into hyper flexion) and the hips (into extension). Overall, the body shape does shorten and rotational speed is increased, unfortunately that shape makes it almost impossible to recover and complete the skill in the handstand position . It also sets up the next giant from an arched position (Figure 6). Assisting the legs in the rising (or shortening) phase of the giant is more appropriate and promotes a hollow body position at the co mpletion of the skill. RE<lultifY,j Bcdj' Snape anC



Figure 4 - The free-hip COM pathway is similar to the giant at the completion of the drill. Spotting from above the bar requires specia l care. Lifting the gymnast by their feet and legs promotes arching. The natural response of the gymnast in this position is to put more of their weight into the spotter's hands (Figure 5) . The gymnast may activate low-back extensor muscles accomplish this. This muscle activation pattern is not typical during free-hips or giants and is obviously a detriment to the performance of the skill (and future progressions). When using t his spotting technique, assisting the shoulders while guiding the legs to the proper destination may help prevent the related arching.

Spotter Applying 1~ 1 '5:l3nce

Figure 6 - Improper spotting technique resulting in arched giants. (continued on page 8)

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(continued from page 7)


always want the best for

Hgad position and thg vgstibular systgm

all my gyms. Acct Sum












Your sense of balance and equilibrium come primarily from your vestibular system. This is located in your head. Most of human movement is designed to stabilize the head. A stable platform allows better integration of senses like vision and proprioception . This can be important when people are asked to perform complex tasks. Head stability is sensed by the vestibu lar system. This system includes the semicircular canals and otoliths. These are sensitive to angular rate change and linear acceleration change respectively. If the head is allowed to rotate quickly prior to the completion of the giant, then the end of the skill can be performed with a relatively stable head platform. This may make the giant feel less risky since the gymnast is performing from a relative ly stable head platform and can better integrate information about body position. When the head does not come out, then it continues to rotate backwards until the final handstand position is reached. This change in sensory input typically results in responses from the gymnast like "that feels weird" or "that was scary". Recognize that eve n a 10° change in head movement can result in 40-50° Is head velocity increase. That is a large input to the vestibular system and does produce an unusual sensation . Preemptively describing this to the gymnast may help to mitigate the results of this necessary change in technique. The combination of the vestibular and proprioceptive systems is what some have termed your kinesthetic sense.

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Another struggle when teaching glants is how to get the gymnast to keep their head in. It is very easy to allow the head to extend slightly in the rising phase of the skill to promote an increase in backward rotation speed. Thi s usually happens when the shoulders are transitioning from hyper-flexion into flexion. Think of it as leaving weight behind in order to allow the rest of the body to advance (basically sacrificing one body part for the good of the others) . This technique can result in completion of the skill, but again in an arched position (until the rest of the body catches up). Getting the gymnast to correct this once it has become habit is difficult primarily due, not to the mechanical changes that resu lt, but the sensory ones.

Arching prior to thg low bar

I have started to see more gymnasts performing giants with arched body position as a technique to clear the low bar. Wider bars may actually promote the posture since, when training at this setting, there is often little need to shorten much at all and hollowing is just as easy as arching . The resulting changes in timing produce the tap too early and the gymnast has to compensate by again completing the skill in an arched position. In some cases this is an advanced technique used to increase the rotational energy sto red in the body and bar system, but should not be used to instruct beginner or intermediate giants. Stresses place on the lumbar spine (specifically on L5/ S1) can be tremendous in this position , leading to potential overuse injuries or irreversible boney and soft tissue changes.


Most successfu l giant training incorporates a variety of drills and progression. This list is in no way comprehensive, but may illustrate reasons why some drills work and others fail. It is important that the spotter be mechanically aware of his or her actions and that the gymnast always be instructed on how to "fight" any adverse tendencies resulting from the interaction . The fundamental thing to remember when designing a drill or facilitating a progression is that the human body is designed with a lot of kinematic redundancy. Many joints provide movement in the same plane. As a result, a gymnast can make choices about which joints to use. One of the coach's jobs is make sure they are using the right combination of joint movements to accomplish the task correctly.


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AU GU ST 2005 )-----------9~1


USA GYtvfNASTICS Congratulations to the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame Class of 2005 including: Harry Bjerke, Amy Chow, Dominique Dawes, Kelli Hill, Jenifer Lovell Moreno, John Roethlisberger, and Chainey Umphrey. The individuals will be honored at a luncheon on Saturday, August 13 at the Marriott Hotel

in downtown Indianapolis, in conjunction with the USA Gymnastics National Congress. Below are highlights of each individuals achievements.

Congratulations to the Hall of Fame Class of 2005.

Harry Bjerke has contributed more than 30 years of service to the sport of gymnastics. HalTY has been a highly respected men 's brevet judge for 25 years , and has judged three of the past Olympic Games, 1996, 2000, and 2004. He has also judged eight World Championships and three World Cups as well as earning the rank of FIG Technical Expert in the last two quadrenniums. Harry has served as the Men's Technical Director or judge at every USA Championships, Olympic and World Championships Trials since 1977. Harry is truly committed to the USA Men 's Program. He has served as men's technical director or judge at numerous collegiate events and was an instructor at the USA Continental Judges' Course in 1989, 1993, 1997 and 2001. As President of the National Gynmastics Judges Association from 1987-1996 and continuously on the NGJA Board of Directors for over 25 years, HarTY has given of his time and talent to the sport. He even coached for SUNY at Farmingdale from 1972-1982. HalTY was a member of the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors from 19871996 and a member or chair of the Finance Committee from 1996 to present. His dedication to the sport earned him an induction into the NGJA Hall of Fame in 1991 and the Spirit of the Flame awar'd in 200 1. Harry is marTied to Maureen and they live in Bay Shore, New York.



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Not only was Amy Chow a world class gymnast, but she was also an accomplished pianist, a competitive diver during the summers, and an exceptional student. In fact, Amy was able to maintain a 4.0 grade point average during her high school! elite training days. Amy was a member of the first ever Gold Medal Olympic Gymnastics Team in 1996. She also earned a silver medal on her favorite event, bars, where she dismounted with an incredible double twisting double back. Amy was a member of two World Championships teams - 1994 which won team silver and 1996 where she was a semi-finalist on vault. Amy qualified for the 1995 World Championships team but a sprained ankle two days prior to her trip cancelled her plans. Amy was a member of the 1995 gold-medal Pan American Games team and also won vault, earned the silver medal on bars, and the bronze medal in the all-around. Amy continued training in elite gymnastics at West Valley Gymnastics School with her coaches Mark Young and Diane Amos while pursuing her degree at Stanford University. She was able to earn a spot on her second Olympic Team in 2000, where she and her teammates finished fourth. Chow graduated in 2002 from Stanford with a BS in Biology. CUITently studying at Stanford University, Amy is now in her third year of medical school. Amy is leaning toward a career in pediatrics, which has been her goal since she was 12 years old. She'd like to stay on the west coast to practice medicine. Although Amy doesn' t do gymnastics seriously anymore, she has taken up pole vaulting in the last couple of years just for fun. An accomplished pianist, Amy played in the National Piano Auditions for 14 years .

From Olympic Gold Medalist to the CUITent President of the Women's Sports Foundation, Dominique Dawes continues on a path to inspire, motivate and lead. Dominique's start in gymnastics began at age six. Her first and only coach, Kelli Hill , quickly realized her potential. She burst into the international spotlight at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, becoming the first African American female to qualify to an Olympic Games in the sport of gymnastics.

mil i1 tli ftnIt9 ~

At the 1996 Olympic Games Dominique and the USA Gynmastics Team stole the hearts of Americans with their first ever team gold medal. At those same Games , "Awesome Dawesome" became the first African-American to win an individual gymnastics medal with her bronze on floor. Dawes wrapped up her competitive gymnastics career following her third Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. -1'

Dominique is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park. While she was a full -time student she remained foc used and committed to her multiple career opportunities which included moti vational speaking, broadcasting, and private coaching. Due to her drive and dedication , Dominique is becoming a renowned public speaker and spokesperson for many different campaigns and companies. These experiences have ranged from educating the public on health related issues, consulting with a sports apparel line of clothing, engaging communities on public issues of equality and political concerns, and supporting Olympic bids, Chespeake Region 20 12 Coalition. Additionally, Dominique continues to gain experience in the world of broadcasting by commentating numerous collegiate and international competitions.

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(continued from page 11)

Kelli Hill has been a dominant force in the USA women's success over the last four quadrenniums. Kelli has coached a national team member every year since 1989 and was the coach of the national champion in 1994, 2000, 2003, and 2004. She was the personal coach of an Olympian for each of the last four Olympic Games , and coached the last three Olympic trials Champions in 1996, 2000 and 2004. Kelli has placed three different gymnasts on Olympic teams - Dominique Dawes, Elise Ray and Courtney Kupets . Kelli was the head coach for the USA Women's Olympic Team in 2000 and 2004, and was the head coach for the USA women at the 1994, 1996, 1999, and 2003 World Championships. She was the personal coach for three-time Olympian Dominique Dawes at the 1992, 1996, 2000 Olympics, and 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1996 World Championships; Elise Ray at the 2000 Olympics and 1999 World Championships; and Courtney Kupets at the 2004 Olympics and 2002, 2003 World Championships. She was named the USA Gymnastics women 's artistic coach of the year in 2000 and 2003, and was the United States Elite Coaches Association Coach of the Year in 1991 , 1993, 1996,1999,2000,2003. Kelli is the owner of Hill 's Gymnastics in Gaithersburg, Md. In addition to her role as coach in elite women 's gymnastics, she has served on the following: International Elite Committee from 1992 to present, the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors, the Junior Olympic Program Committee, the Region 7 Board and the Maryland State Board. Kelli has given of her time and talents to our sport and has been a major factor in the building of the USA women's success in the world of gymnastics.

Jenifer Lovell Moreno is from Miami, Florida, and was a rhythmic national team member for seven years during her career. A highlight for Jenifer was to win the 1992 Olympic Trials and earn a spot on the 1992 Olympic Games Team for Rhythmic Gymnastics. She placed 23rd all-around at the Games in Barcelona. Jenifer trained in Miami with her coaches Mary Ellen and Maureen Holdrieth during the beginning years of her career and then moved to Chicago, Ill. , when she was 16 to train with Irina Vdovets at Illinois Rhythmics. She began the sport of gymnastics in 1983 and competed internationally on numerous occasions visiting countries including Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Greece, Cuba, Portugal and Japan. Jenifer was a member of the 1991 World Championships team and the Pan American Games team where she won the bronze medal for her ball routine. She also finished 14th all-around at the 1990 Goodwill Games. Another highlight was becoming the 1991 Rhythmic National Champion and Olympic Festival Champion the same year. Jenifer graduated Magna Cum Laude from Lake Forest College with a Bachelor of Arts degree where she majored in Business and Psychology. She was a member of the Entrepreneurs Club and the Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics Honor Society). Jenifer met Juan Miguel Moreno , a Taekwondo athlete, at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs in 1991 while attending a rhythmic competition. They both competed in the 1992 Olympic Games and were married in 1994. They have two daughters Olivia who is 4 and Natalia who will turn 2 in November of this year. (continued on page 14)



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Indiana Convention Center Downtown Indianapolis Over 2,900 Athletes in 2005 Men's and Women's Compulsories and Optionals LEVEL 10 OPEN SESSION Modified Capital Cup Format AAI Equipment Individual Awards to 50% of Age Group per Session Overall Level Team Cash Prizes and Trophies Methodist Sports Medicine Trainers on site

Premier facility; Sky walk to hotels, restaurants, shopping and entertainment


The 2006 Circle of Stars Invitational is hosted by DeVeau's Gymnastics Booster Club, DeVeau's School of Gymnastics in Fishers, Indiana.

(continued from page 12)

For John Roethlisberger, being an Olympian was a family affair. John 's father Fred was a member of the 1968 Olympic Gymnastics Team while his sister Marie was a member of the 1984 Olympic Gynmastics Team. Not to be outdone, John is a three-time Olympian competing in the 1992, 1996 and 2000 Olympic Games. John finished seventh all-around in Atlanta, at the time this was the best U.S. finish in a non-boycotted Olympics since 1932. This dynamic athlete won four National All-Around titles in 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1995, the first gymnast to do so in 29 years. John was named Sp01isperson of the Year in 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998 and 2000 and was a member of six World Championships teams . John had a very successful collegiate career at the University of Minnesota, becoming a three-time NCAA all-around champion and a four-time Big Ten a11around champion under the direction of his coach and father, Fred Roethlisberger. He also won the 1993 Nissen Award and was a 1992 and 1993 Academic AllAmerican. In 1993, John was named the winner of the NCAA Top-six Award, which is awarded annually to the top six student-athletes in the nation from all sports. A graduate ofthe University of Minnesota, John has a degree in Intemational Business and Finance with a minor in Speech Communications. Cunently, he and his former teammate John Macready own and operate Flip Fest, a summer gynmastics camp in Knoxville, Tenn. John has also obtained his real estate license and has worked in this field in Minnesota. He has also done commentating for NCAA events on Fox SP01iS Net, College Sports Television, worked with NBC Sports in production at the 2004 Games, and worked with USA Gymnastics, since 2001, doing event promotions and marketing. John, who is also a brevet judge, is now serving on the Executive Committee of the USA Gynmastics Board of Directors as an Athlete Director and sits on the Athletes' Commission for the FIG.

Chainey Umphrey was decorated with the "Most Impressive Performance" on high bar at the 1994 Goodwill Games and that same year was featured in Sports Illustrated's "Faces in the Crowd." He later went on to become a member of the 1996 U.S. Olympic Team. Chainey 's career dates back to the age of 13 when he made his first National Team and then two years later became National Champion. From there he went on to represent the U.S. abroad in international competitions. In 1992, Chainey suffered a near career ending injury, however, with the support of his family and friends he returned to competition and was awarded the 1993 Hilton Bounce-Back Award for his recovery from an ankle injury. Chainey was a four-time World Championships team member from 19891996 and an Individual Event World Championship Finalist from 1994-1996. He took fourth place on high bar at the 1994 World Championships. He attended UCLA as an undergraduate majoring in Physiological Science and was also a member and later captain of the UCLA Men's Gymnastics Team. He graduated in 1994 and went on to medical school graduating from UCLA Medical School in 2003. He subsequently finished two years of Orthopedic Surgery training at the University of Colorado and will complete his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Stanford University with plans to pursue a career in sports medicine. Born and raised in Albuquerque, NM , he and his wife, Christina, currently reside in Santa Clara, Calif.



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AUG UST 2005 ) >---- -- - - - - -- - -- - -

the choice of champions New for 2005·2006 Coaches/ Club Owners: Call to receive the new free catalogs for your team apparel or pro shop needs. Ask about our custom design services, the GK Risk Free Program and how you can receive wholesale prices on all GK apparel.

GK Team Competitive Wear

Dealer Inquiries Welcome

GK is proud to have been chosen by adidas' to manufacture the 2005 National Team Competitive apparel for USA Gymnastics.


USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Program

Support the Company t hat Sup ports Your Sport!




ELITE SPORTSWEAR, L.P. • 2136 N. 13th Street / PO Box 16400 / Reading, PA 19612 Toll Free Phone: 1.800.345.4087 • Toll Free Fax: 1.888.866.9884 E-Mail : • Webs ite:

An Interview About Hiring an 'Office Manager' Q.

At what point does a gym owner typically decide it is time to : Q. When reviewing applicants for an office manager's position, hire an office manager? : what should the Gym Club owner consider? (education, experience and : professional background, people skills, etc.)


Let me answer this question by revealing a rule of thumb I have identified through my Boot Camp experience-the 500/ 3 Decentralization Rule. When a Gym Club is 'young' and small and employees are few and the owner is fresh and has tons of energy, a Hub and Spoke 'organizational strategy' can be effective and arguably, the best strategy (guess who is the 'hub'?). However, at a certain point in the growth , some responsibilities, including those an office manager would typically hold, must begin to be decentralized (delegated). Broad observation tells me this point is around 500 students and 3 separate programs (separate curricula, goals, etc.). If the owner fails to decentralize at 500/ 3, this tends to be the result: (1) The organization hits a growth ceiling (it is NOT coincidental that many Gym Clubs hit a 'perpetual' enrollment plateau of around 500 students); and/ or (2) the owner slowly begins to go 'i nsane' (figuratively, hopefully!). More seriously stated, as a Gym Club grows to a certain size, if the owner fails to decentralize s/he will run out of time (there are 24 hours per day here in Cincinnati); run out of physical energy (most of us need at least some sleep); and run out of emotional energy (as in 'strung tight', 'pushed to the limit', 'ready to explode'). I have seen too many GymClub Owners' state of mind go from excitement to frustration , cynicism, and, finally, bitterness, because they couldn't keep up the pace required of their Hub and Spoke organizational strategy.

~ ---, Ilf)f)')' ~ Sma" Business


: A. At Kids First we have 5 Hiring Mantras which ground our hiring : strategy and the first and most important is Hire the character, train : the skill. Clearly, the applicant must have a mind capable of learning : the skill and your organization must possess the knowledge to train : or have the ability to find other training . I can say with certainty : that character cannot feasibly be trained and failing to realize this : will only bring pain and heartache to your organization. Kids First : has a specific definition of character* and we search for people who : are aligned with our definition. Additionally, for an office manager's : position we are looking for a service attitude (one who naturally : likes to help and serve others; an ability to build rapport; a good : decision -maker; an organized mind; a big -picture thin ker (able to : grasp the 'why's' behind a procedure) . As to the need for 'formal : education', that is way down the list for any position at Kids First. : I do not believe I have ever made a hiring decision based on formal : education. : Q.

When an office manager has been hired, what are typical job : responsibilities? (booking travel arrangements, scheduling classes, : coordinating competitions, customer service, supervising staff, : bookkeeping/ billing, etc.)

... {ifetime so{utions for your business... business so{utions for your {ifetime .

(~1 ~~!~

... ~~

Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners. Dates: Nov.17-21, 2005 and May 11-15, 2006 For FREE portfolio of information: 513.489.7575 or

Visit us at --1-=-1-=6-- - - -- -- - - - - - - - { (


)>-- - - - - - -- -- - -- --

Boot Camp stewardship like this. Assuming you have an adequate demographic base (another subject), the right person in a customer service management position will pay for him or herself many times over!

A. Let's split some very important hairs, Kids First does not have an 'office manager', it has a 'Customer Service Department Leader' (DL) and taking care of the client is job #1. Note that every DL at Kids First has the same #1 responsibility-to hire, fire and inspire his or her own team. Our Customer Service DL is also responsible for registration; client data management; class data management; marketing data management; accounts receivable (to help ensure financial controls in an organization, never make the same individual responsible for receivables and payables).

Make it a great summer and hope to see you at Congress in Indy! Jeff Metzger * If you would like to know how

Kids First defines 'character' we will be glad to send you a copy of our '28 Points'. Include $5.00 for time and handling and write to this exact address: Pamela Groskopf, 28 Points, Kids First Sports Center, 7900 East Kemper Rd. , Cincinnati, OH 45249

Q. Do you recommend a trial period (perhaps 60 days) followed by a performance review? In concept, trial periods do not make much sense to me because every day is a trial period. No matter at what point of the employment, if an employee ceases to take care of responsibilities there should be a separation. On the other hand, some states' hiring/ firing laws make it practical to have a 60 or 90 day trial period during which you can fire with less fear of a false claim of discrimination. Know your own state's laws and base your decision appropriately. In practice, in most instances, having versus not having a trial period is inconsequential. The big deal is: (1) does the organization have the discipline to clearly define the character, responsibilities and work ethic required for the position? and (2) does the organization have the courage to fire an employee who fails to measure up to those requirements?


What final advice would you offer?


Let me sum up 30 years of GymClub ownership and 14 years of

Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center

Coral Springs, Florida February 17-19, 2006




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Girls levels 2-10 (USAG &AAU) 100% AA Trophies Awarded


$100 Reserves Your Space


• 1r


3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. #308, Boca Raton, FL 33431



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On August 6, 2005, thousands of gymnasts across the country helped us celebrate the seventh annual National Gymnastics Day! Again this year, we cartwheeled our way to a successful celebration of physical fitness and the sport of gymnastics. To help even more people celebrate, this year USA Gymnastics partnered with North American Precis Syndicate, Inc. (NAPS) to provide 10,000 newspapers nationwide with information about National Gymnastics Day. The International Federation of Gymnastics (FIG) also proclaimed National Gymnastics Day for the first time in 2005, providing even more prestige to the day.

Since 2001, USA Gymnastics has been proud to partner with the Children's Miracle Network (CMN) for National Gymnastics Day. Through this winning combination, gymnasts across the country have raised thousands of dollars to help CMN. Club's that send in their CMN pledges by September, 2005, will be qualified for our National Gymnastics Day prizes. Both the club and individual gymnast that raise the most money for CMN will be featured in USA Gymnastics and Technique magazines as well as on the poster for National Gymnastics Day 2006! The top fundraising club will also receive an all expenses paid visit by a USA Gymnastics National Clinician to its gym.

With your help, National Gymnastics Day was a success, and we would love to see how each of you celebrated! By sending us photos and a description of your club's events, we can help more people see how great National Gymnastics Day is and hope for an even better celebration in 2006. Select photos will be used in upcoming issues of Technique and USA Gymnastics magazines as well as on the USA Gymnastics website. Pictures can be sent to: USA Gymnastics, 201 South Capitol, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46225 or emailed to pub licati 0 ns @usa-gymnastics. 0 rg

You can send your club's CMN pledges to: Children's Miracle Network, 4525 South 2300 East, Suite 202, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117. USA Gymnastics would li ke to thank you for participating in National Gymnastics Day, supporting CMN, and helping to showcase the benefits of physical fitness and the sport of gymnastics! Don't forget to turn in your CMN pledges and se nd us pictures and a description of your celebration so that we can always look back on the success of National Gymnastics Day 2005!

.--1-=-,-=8-------------~C TECHNIQUE' AUG U5T 2005 )>-- - - -- - - - -- - - -- -

fundraising opportunity

at 24 Hour Fitness we empower you to achieve - no matter what your game! as part of our comm itment to service, 24 Hour Fitness works with student-athletes to reach their fundraising goals. earn money for your team by se llin g somethin g you can believe in: 24 Hour Fitness 14 day passes. you r commu nity will recognize yo ur team as a force for health and we lln ess wh ile you raise fund s for tournaments and league fees. it's simpl e. just have your coach log on to (click on the team sports link)

here's how it works • • you will receive books of passes to sell. • your team sells the passes. • your team keeps 100% of the proceeds. • you return the left over passes.



USA GYMNASTICS Begin f-ler • . Go Anywhe r• .


USA GYMNASTI Compulsory Check-Up! Zionsville, Indiana • October 29-30,2005

USA GYMNASTICS PRESENTS THE 2005 CORE SYMPOSIUM & COMPULSORY CHECK-UP COMPETITION October 28 - 30, 2005 Indianapolis, Indiana Attention all Teachers, Coaches, Club owners - this workshop weekend addresses the CORE of your gymnastics business: Front Office, Customer Service, RecreationaVPreschool gymnastics, Cheer, Risk Management and Compulsories. Send your entire staff. Special Member Club group discount for clinics - Buy 3 get the 4th one FREE! Earn Continuing Education Credits for USA Gymnastics University Certification Levels

Friday, October 28, 2005 - Sheraton at Keystone Crossing Hotel, Indianapolis • Women's Program PDCP Level 1-4 Course 8:30 AM - 10:00 PM • Women 's Judges - Compulsory rules review • Women 's Judges - Compulsory written exams and certifications • Women's Judges - Optional exams • Clinic and Meet Welcome Reception for coaches, judges and clinic attendees

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - Sheraton at Keystone Crossing Hotel, Indianapolis • KAT preschooVdevelopmental teacher certification course • MELPD Movement Education Lesson Plan Development certification course • Front Office & Customer Service Workshop with Jeff Metzger • Cheerleadlng Workshop • Roundup Reception for Clinic and Competition Attendees: Tom KolI, Connie Maloney, Jeff Metzger, Sean Dever, Linda Thorberg, Kathy Feldmann, Loree Galimore, Sandy Oldham and others to be announced

Saturday & Sunday, October 29-30, 2005 - Interactive Academy Gymnastics, IN • Compulsory Check-up Competition - Levels 4, 5, 6 Limited entries accepted • Check-up comments/education by Tom Koll , Connie Maloney and others TBD • Tank leotard from Elite Sportswear for every competing gymnast • Awards Ceremony - Team & Individual. Participant Award • Individual gymnast critique on every event by clinic judges • Seasonal Fall and Halloween themes, prizes and surprises

Sunday, October 30, 2005 - Sheraton at Keystone Crossing Hotel, Indianapolis • Cookin' the Books - Financial Seminar with Sean Dever • PreschooVrecreational Workshop • Risk ManagemenVSafety Certification Course

• It's the only chalk in the world that is 100% pure with no fillers. So pure in fact that it will not cause irritation or infection into open cuts. • Only Itali an chalk provides unparalleled moisture absorption, superb adhesion and a non-slip surface. Un like cheaper chalk, its perfect moisture balance means more chalk on your hands and less in the air. • Italian chalk has no oily or greasy texture. And, its solid cube form is neater, easily stored and ensures less waste. • Each case co ntains 7.5 pounds, conveniently packaged in 2 oun ce cubes.

Spieth Anderson - Always responsive to the

needs of the sport and the No. 1 leader in new product innovation

. '.

USA GYMNASTICS ~~~iiiiiiiiil Compulsory Check-Up!


Zionsville, Indiana· October 29-30,2005

USA Gymnastics National Compulsory Check Up Competition Visit for Forms and Updated Information

Don't Miss it! Individual event critiques will be done for all participating gymnasts. Special weekend clinicians - Tom Koll - National Junior Olympic Chair and Connie Maloney - USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Program Manager

Every competing gymnast wiLL receive these very speciaL items! • Elite Sportswear will supply every competitor with a special tank leotard • Individual event critique in notebook form on all four events • Participant award certificate especially designed for the event

Date: October 29 & 30, 2005 Site: Interactive Academy Gymnastics, Zionsville, Indiana Directors: USA Gymnastics - Kathy Feldmann, Vice President & Loree Galimore, Club Services Manager Meet Director: Nancy Gibson Site Directors: Lisa Staton & Kendra Brens Time: Sessions will be assigned according to level entries Sessions: Three Sessions on Saturday and two sessions on Sunday Entries: Limited to a maximum of 480 athletes. 96 per session Entry Fee: $ 75.00 per gymnast Team: $ 25.00 Format: Capitol Cup Levels: Women's Level 4 - 6 Compulsory Equipment: AAI Awards: A-1 Awards. Individual, Team , Ribbons Entry Deadline: September 30, 2005 or when meet is filled

Host Hotel: Sheraton - Keystone at the Crossi ng Indianapolis Hotel & Suites 8787 Keystone Crossing Indianapolis, IN 46240 Rates: $ 92.00 plus tax

Make Hotel Reservations: National Travel Systems Sports Travel Team Toll Free: 1-888-603-8747 Main Line: 806-794-313 5 Fax: 806-687-3815 Email:

Coaches: Special Welcome Reception at hotel on Friday and Round-up Clinic Reception on Saturday evening at the hotel with the weekend clinicians

.-.-=2 - = 2 - - - - --

- - - --

-------j( TEe HN10 UE • AUGUST 2005 )>----





USA Gymnastics has awarded the Visa Championships, the national governing body's premier annual championship, to St. Paul, Minn., and San Jose, Calif., in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Both events will have coverage on NBC Sports.



The Visa Championships determines the nationaL champion for men's and women's artistic championships and rhythmic gymnastics each year. For 2006, the Visa Championships, which showcases men's and women's artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics, are scheduLed for Aug. 16-19 at the XceL Energy Center in St. Paul. For 2007, the three-day event is set for Aug. 16-18 at the HP PaviLion. The 2007 Visa Championships in San Jose is currently scheduLed to feature women's and rhythmic gymnastics; detaiLs on the men's competition wiLL be determined at a Later date. In addition, the annuaL NationaL Congress and Trade Show for USA Gymnastics is heLd in conjunction with the Visa Championships.



St. Paul, Minnesota


August 16 -19

"USA Gymnastics is excited to have two such great cities and partners for our most prestigious domestic event," said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics. "The Visa Championships showcase the USA's best gymnasts, on both the junior and senior LeveLs, and it is the perfect chance for fans to see first hand the next gymnastics stars in action as they prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing."

USA. "The journey for America's summer Olympic hopefuLs begins Long before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and the Visa Championships are a vitaL step towards heLping our current and future athLetes achieve their dreams." "We are very excited to bring the premier nationaL gymnastics competition to the city of St. PauL," said XceL Energy Center Vice President and GeneraL Manager Jack Larson. "We continuaLLy strive to bring high-profiLe events Like the Visa Championships to our city, and the commitment of our staff, the convention and visitor's bureau, city of St. PauL and the LocaL gymnastics community has made this a reaLity." Dean Munro, executive director of the San Jose Sports Authority, said, "This is great news for the city and the Sports Authority. This event is one of the premier championships in the Olympic famiLy of events and hosting it is a first for San Jose. Jim Goddard of HP PaviLion deserves the city's gratitude for his efforts and a speciaL thanks to Dan Fenton of Team San Jose for his support." Those interested in priority seating for the 2006 Visa Championships in St. PauL. can downLoad the ticket package reservation form Located on the Visa Championships event page at and fa x it to the ticket saLes office number Listed on the form. The five-year-oLd XceL Energy Center and the St. PauL Convention and Visitor's Bureau have been very successfuL in a short period of time at bringing high-profiLe events, such as the Visa Championships, to the Twin Cities community. Since opening in September 2000 with the first-ever Minnesota WiLd hockey game, the XceL Energy Center has hosted the 2002 NCAA Frozen Four, 2001-05 WCHA FinaL Five Hockey Tournaments, 2003 StanLey Cup PLayoffs, 2003-04 TJ Maxx Tour of Gymnastics Champions, 2004 CampbeLL's InternationaL Figure Skating CLassic and 2004 NHL ALL-Star Game. The San Jose Sports Authority is the sports marketing agency for the City of San Jose. Since its inception in 1991 the organization has brought 150 events to the City including six NCAA Championships, the NHL and MLS ALL Star Games and the U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

"Visa's support of USA Gymnastics and the Visa Championships continues to be a cornerstone of our ongoing commitment to America's Olympic athLetes," said MichaeL Lynch, senior vice president, Visa

---------------~c TECHNIQUE' AUG U5T 2005 ) t - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -..,..--,,-3---.


trainers or anyone responsible for any injured gymnast. • It is the responsibility of the person attending to the injured

• •


Remember - Everything in Writing! Keep Copies!

Have you been in this situation before?

You are the Meet Director for an event. You verified that all participants have the proper membership and Safety Certification; you have verified that all equipment specifications are correct and properly installed, you were present during the warm-up, and you have followed all regulations in the Rules and Policies. Despite all precautions, there is an injury at your event. Would you know what to do? Would your club's staff know what to do? •

Review your injury plan now, and prevent major headaches later!

When you apply for a USA Gymnastics sanction, there are several important pieces of information included with your certificate of sanction. One important part is the "Injury and Incident" form. • The Incident and Injury Report should be kept on hand at your event at all times. You should make copies for all coaches and

person to complete the Incident Report and the Meet Director must sign in the designated space. After the Meet Director has signed the for m, the injured gymnast or the gymnast's parent/guardian should complete the form, detach it from the instruction page and fax or mail it to American Specialty Insurance Services. To avoid delay, please do not mail the report to the USA Gymnastics office. It is advised that all involved individuals keep a copy for their records. Upon receipt of the Injury Report, American Specialty will contact USA Gymnastics to verify that the injured person is in fact a current member of USA Gymnastics. As well as confirm the meet was sanctioned. Once received, send itemized physician, hospital or other provider's medical expenses being claimed as well as the primary carriers Explanation of Benefits showing payments and denials. These medical bills must show the patients name, condition (diagnosis), type of treatment given , date the expense was incurred and the charges made. Make sure that this follow up medical information includes athlete name, USAG athlete number and the Sanction Number. Return the form to: Fax: (219) 673-1291 Telephone: (800)566-7941 Or mail to: American Specialty Insurance Services, Inc. PO Box 459 Roanoke, IN 46783-0459

Girls Levels 2-10 (USAG &AAU) Boys Levels 4-10 (USAG) ~ 000/0

AA Trophies Awarded ver $5,000 in Prize Money

$100 Reserves Your Space


**** J ** *

I fq ** *

Lauderdale Convention Center ~J


January 13-15, 2006



~ *;-



3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. #308, Boca Raton, FL 33431



) r - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -



HiEE 0TILillTI~r: 13 jnCGJUInITIIlj'd mrB ~~ ".A.I~ I CDiIil38illlPLiJ]]U I~:j (flII.0 n[rn I . ~oU...IlJllif: fBfrGIITfi(CBJI!J1jj IJID I I I


We are looking for performers







• Individuals, couples, small groups, large groups, combined groups • Children, Youth, Adults, Seniors - all ages! • Recreational gymnasts, gymnasts (GG, Women, Men, Acrobatic Gymnastics, Trampoline & Tumbling, Rhythmic), cheerleaders, dancers, circus arts performers, show choirs, marching bands ... just about anyone and everything! • New in 2007, we are organizing a Large Cheerleading Mass Display... we need All-Star Cheer squads large and small. We will provide the choreography.

-----------To receive more information and 2007 World Gymnaestrada newsletters, please send the following:











L ____

Mail or fax to:


USA Gymnastics, Attn: World Gymnaestrada Program 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Fax: 317-237-5069 Phone Steve Whitlock 317-829-5636

New from GymCert! Get the edge on your competition with GymCerts new "Skills & Drills" manual which contains:

* several alternate drills, * conditioning exercises, * coaching, safety, and spotting tips. * specific dance drills on beam and floor. Rita Brown ith Rik Feeney

.--12:::-6-::---------------.--;( FEe HN IOU E

Skill and strength tracking forms are also included for at a glance tracking throughout the season .

• AUG UST 2005

)>-- - -- - - - - - - - - - -

release move around so I had a slightly new bar routine, but everything else was the same that I've been doing. I'll do the same routines at Visa Championships."

She's looking forward to competing in the 2005 Visa Championships in Indianapolis because it's close to home and lots of her relatives and friends are planning to come and watch.

The Priess family moved from Chicago to Cincinnati in 2001 so Ashley's sister Courtney could train at the elite level at CGA. At the time, Ashley was a Level 10 gymnast.

By Luan Peszek

Ashley Priess, 15, trains at Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy with her coach Mary Lee Tracy. Ashley took first all-around for the second consecutive year at the 2005 U.S. Classic, held in Virginia Beach, July 23 . She also won bars and took second on floor. She said, "It was awesome to win. I've been training really hard for this so I'm glad my work paid off." Regarding her routines at the U.S. Classic, Ashley said, "On bars I changed my

Ashley said, "My dad commuted on the weekends for about a year but then he switched jobs and moved to Cincinnati. Now, my sister will be a freshman at the University of Alabama and I'm the elite here at CGA." Ashley was the bronze medal all-around winner at the 2004 Pacific Alliance and also won the silver medal on bars. She did the European Tour this year, traveling to England and Switzerland. "I competed bars, beam and floor," said Ashley. "It was a lot of fun. " At last year's Visa Championships, Ashley was fourth in the all-around among the juniors and the bronze medalist on floor.

3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd. #308 Boca Raton, Fl 33431 .-1-=2-=8--------------ÂŤ


) .....---------------

GK Workout Essentials Endorsed by early Patterson GK Risk Free Program • It's easy to order, easy to sell and easy to return. • Let us select an exciting new assortment of styles to send you each month. • YOU'll find your "Risk Free" shipments always create some new excitement and a rush of sales in your pro shop. • You'll earn extra profits with no investment and no risk! • We will even provide free sales analysis upon request.

• This line now features new and exciting leotards endorsed by Gold Medalist Carly Patterson . To enhance Pro Shop sales, GK is offering a FREE Carly poster with each leotard purchase. These are sure to be a big hit in your pro shop. • YOU'll also find a complete selection of accessories and novelty items .. .from briefs &. wristbands to gymnastic shorts and t-shirts. • GK releases seven exciting new lines each year ... so you'll always have something fresh and new in your pro shop. • Also a great way to supplement your "Risk Free" packages.

GK Team Workout Wear • Add even more variety to your pro shop ... this collection of elegant workout wear and basics are in stock for one year making reordering easier. • These styles are great for your team or if you have a special event coming up and you need to outfit a group of gymnasts. • Look for a complete selection of accessories in this catalog too.

to fill your pro shop with the hottest selling apparel in the gymnastics industry. Call GK at 1-800-345-4087 for more information. Call to receive free catalogs for your pro shop needs. Ask how you can become a Dealer and take advantage of our GK Dealer Exclusives: OFFICIAL SUPPLIER TO

USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Program Support the Company That Supports Your Sport!



• Receive Wholesale prices on all merchandise. • Electronic Invoices. • Shipment Notification. • Broadcast Emails.

• Bargain Basement Closeouts. • Visit our website, to get more information on our Dealer Program.

GK is proud to have been chosen by adidas~ to manufacture the 2005 National Team Competitive apparel for USA Gymnastics.

Elite Sportswear, L.P. • 2136 N. 13th Street • P.O. Box 16400 • Reading, PA 19612-6400 Toll Free Phone: 1-800-345-4087 • Toll Free Fax: 1-888-866-9884 • E-mail: • Web:

USA GYMNASTICS 100S KAT AND MELPD WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A KAT works hop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understanding the preschool-age child, safety considerations, class management. and much more!

the individ ual students and encourage adoption of lifelo ng physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend a MELPD course. If there has never been a KAT or MELPD

A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlighteni ng hours of preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program . The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to rlevelop pre:ichool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmentally appropriate practices, fundamental ski ll development, and much more. This works hop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of DATE

workshop in yo ur area, 2005 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR. If your wo rkshop has 12 paid participants, your

club will receive one free registration . Member Clubs rEceive two free registrations, with 12 paid participants. Complimentary registrations are non-transferable and will only be valid at the works hop you are hosting. The workshop must

For more information on the KAT & MELPD courses call 1-800345-4719 or visit membership/

MONTH September





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maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations. Courses that do not meet minimum particip, tion levels are subject to rescheduling or cancellation.


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NOW AVAILABLE - New Educational and Instructional Videos #4004

Physical Preparation DVD & Booklet


This Physical Preparation DVD has over 300 exercises and variations for strength, power, flexibility, body positions, etc. Also single rail drills, floor exercise team activities and more. The DVD comes accompanied by a booklet offering up to date info and tips for gymnastics physical preparation, suggestions for Yearly Training Plans and other areas of interest for Men's or Women's gymnastics coaches alike. Instruction is by Roberto Pumplido .

2005-2008 Men's Program Junior Olympic Competition Program Materials This set includes a DVD of the compulsory routines, a CD Rom of the J.O. Prog ram rules and a CD Rom of the Junior National Coaching Staff materials on strength planning as well as training plans and core strength exercises from the United States Olympic Training Centers Sports Science Department. .. .... ... .... ................. .. .. .... .............. ...... . $65.00

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Thanks to USA Gymnastics National Congress Exhibitors A-I Awards, Inc 2500 N Ritter Ave Indianapolis, IN 46218 Ph: 317-546-9000 Fax: 888-504-5111/ 800-444-9569 Web: Ad Mats Corporation 5800 St Denis Ste. 1206 Montreal, Quebec H2S3L5 Ph: 800-971-0205 Fax: 514-270-3290 Web: adidas Team Sales 5210 Kathcart Way Indianapolis, IN 46254 Ph: 317-290-8933 Alpha Factor 333 E. 7th Ave York, PA 17404 Ph: 717-852-6940 (800) 8ALPHA8 Web: American Athletic Inc. 200 American Ave Jefferson, IA 50129 Ph: 800-247-3978 or 515-386-3125 Fax: 515-386-4566 Web: Artistic Coverings, Inc. 16444 Manning Way Cerritos, CA 90703 Ph: 877-599-9343 Fax: 877-599-9335 Web: Auburn Electronics Group PO Box 395 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741 Ph: 916-852-2900 Web: Can You Say Geronimo? 200 South Main St Suite A Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Ph: 256-710-5493 Fax: 256-386-7272 Web:

Carolina Gym Supply Corp. 575 Dimmocks Mill Rd Hillsborough, NC 27278 Ph: 877-GYM-STUF (877 -496-7883) Fax: 919-732-1510 Web: CL Activewear 3400 East Cremazie Suite 100 Montreal, Quebec H2A 1A6 Ph: 514-374-6566 Fax: 514-374-6510 Web:

cn Software 799 Ajax Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Ph: 408-773-1296 Web: Cyber Cafe powered by MeetScores (MSO) 16614 N 51st St Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Ph: 602-254-2138 Web: Destira 22641 Macfarlane Dr. Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Ph: 877-741-1325 Fax: 818-225-0211 Web: DGS- Ni ne Ni nes 17 Lucienn Avenue PO Box 688 Danielson, CT 06239 Ph: 800-932-3339 Fax: 860-779-0854 Web: Dollamur Sports Surfaces 4709 S. Edgewood Terrace Ft. Worth, TX 76119 Ph: 800-520-7647 Fax: 817-534-3055 Web: Dreamlight Activewear 1620 Centerville TurnPike #119 Virginia Beach, VA 23464 Ph: 866-479-8700 Web: www.d

EliteSportswear 2136 N. 13th St Reading, PA 19612-6400 Ph: 610-321-1469 Fax: 888-866-9884 Web:

GTM Sportswear 520 McCall Rd Manhattan, KS 66502 Ph: 800-336-4486 Fax: 877-634-7634 Web:

Floor Express Music PO Box 2200 Frisco, CO 80443 Ph: 800-668-0043 Fax: 970-668-0405 Web:

Gymcert 740 Orange Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Ph: 407-869-8744 Fax: 407-444-5668 Web:

Foxy's Fitness Fashions 3420 Broadmoor SE Suite 4 Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Ph: 616-949-1847 Fax: 616-949-3549 Web:

Gymnastics Journal 2801 Regal Rd #103 Plano, TX 75075 Ph: 972-985-7961 Fax: 972-612-1741 Web:

G.A. Deitch, Inc 275 Rich Valley Road Carlisle, PA 17013 Email: Ph: 717-697-3107 Fax: 717-697-5598

GymsmartsfTRB Design, Inc PO Box 5151 Norwell, MA 02061 Ph: 781-987-1655 Web:

Garland Activewear 3037 Loretto Road Jacksonville, FL 32223 Ph: 877-GARLAND Fax: 904-683-6382 Web:

GymTreasures 11227 W. Forest Home Avenue Franklin, WI 53132 Ph: 877-536-9432 Fax: 414-525-1906 Web:

Gibson, Inc. PO Box 1444 Englewood, CO 80150 Ph : 800-275-5999 Fax: 303-937-1012 Web:

Gym-Trix, Inc 1220 N Brazos Whitney, TX 76692 Ph: 254-694-8792/ 800-496-8792 Fax: 254-694-8793 Web:

GMR Gymnastics Sales Inc 6729 Marbut Rd Lithonia, GA 30058 Ph: 800-241-9249 Fax: 800-243-2556 Web:

Happy Dance 29826 Bayview Drive Grosse Isle, MI 48138-1959 Ph: 734-676-3053 Web:

Greater Woodfield Sports Council 1430 N Meacham Rd Ste 100 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Ph: 847-490-1010 Fax: 847-490-1212 Web:

Hasty Awards 2125 Jackson Rd Ottawa, KS 66067 Ph : 785-242-5297 Fax: 785-242-5342 Web:

(continued on page 36)

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Hodges Badge Company, Inc PO Box 1290, 1170 E. Main Rd Portsmouth, RI 02871 Ph : 800-556-2440 Fax: 800-292-7377 Web: Innovative Inflatables 53 Quarry Rd Simsbury, CT 06070 Ph: 860-408-0082 Web: www.innovative Inside Gymnastics Magazine PO Box 88605 Atlanta, GA 30356 Ph: 404-495-4504 Web: International Gym nast 3214 Bart Conner Dr. Norman, OK 73072 Ph: 405-477-9988 Fax: 405-321-7229 Web: International Play Company Inc. 20216-98 Avenue Langley, BC VIM 3G1 Canada 604-882-1188 Jackrab bit Technologies POB 31421 Char, NC 28231 Ph: 704-895-4034 Web: Jamfest Cheer and Dance Events 11221 Plantside Dr Louisville, KY 40299 Ph : 866-JAMFEST Fax: 502-266-6614 Web: JKLM Designs 1570 Wethersfield Drive South Allentown, PA 18104 Ph : 610-391-9227 Fax: 610-391-0940 K&K Insurance Group 1712 Magnavox Way Fort Wayne, IN 46804 Ph: 260-459-5718 Fax: 260-459-5800 Web: Ku lin - Sohn Insurance PO Box 1357 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 Ph: 800-640-6601 Fax: 847 -991-4351 Web: www.Gymnastics Mancino Manufacturing Co., Inc. 4732 Stenton Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19144 Ph: 800-338-6287 Fax: 800-949-3595 Web :

Markel Insurance Company 4600 Cox Road Glen Allen , VA 23060 Ph: 800-900-1155 Web: Marsha's Sportswear 7010 Alder Dr. Houston, TX 77081 Ph : 715-661-2727 Web: Motionwear 1315 Sunday Drive Indianapolis, IN 46217 Ph: 317-780-4178 Fax: 317-780-4188 Web : NAWJ Library 3446 Gordon Dr. Sterling Heights, MI 48318 Ph: 586 -264-2047 Fax: 586-795-5204 National Travel Systems 6502 Slide Road, Suite 404 Lubbock, TX 79424 Ph: 888-603 -8747/ 806-794-3135 Norbert's Ath letic Products, Inc. PO Box 1890 San Pedro, CA 90733 Ph : 800-779-1904 Fax: 310-830-6675 Web: Patti Komara's Tumblebear Gym 1530 Joliet St Dyer, IN 46311 Ph: 219-865-2274 Fax: 219-865-2389 Web: Platforms Plus Inc 5590 Indianola NE Worthington, OH 43085 Ph: 614-531-4163 Web: Pro-Athletics, Inc DBA Professional Athletics 2394 Industrial Rowe Turlock, CA 95382 Ph: 888-837-0352 Web: www.gymnasticsequipment. com Rebecca's Mom Leotards 5445 Ben Ave Valley Village. CA 91607 Ph: 888-289-2536 Fax: 818-980-0119 Web: Resilite Sports Products, Inc. PO Box 764 Sunbury, PA 17801 Ph: 800-326-9307


Satara Leos, Ltd. 1201 Richa rdso n Drive Ste 210 Richa rdson, TX 75080 Ph : 972-267-7676 Snyder Insurance Services, Inc. 6900 College Blvd Ste. 200 Overland Park, KS 66211 Ph: 800-874-6704 Spieth Anderson 4608 Fairlane Avenue Ft. Worth, TX 76119 Ph: 800-331-8068 Fax: 817-536-3006 Web: www.spiethanderson .com Summit America Insurance Services 7400 College Blvd, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66210 Ph: 800-955-1991 Fax: 913 -327-0201 Web: Trampbrasil 605 Corliss Avenue Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 Ph : 866-389-6873 Web: TrampMaster, Inc. 1865 W. 12th Avenue Denver, CO 80204 Ph: 800-553-1402 Fax: 303-572-1409 Web: Trampolines Unlimited PO Box 924 Carpinteria, CA 93014 Ph: 800-287-7071 Web: Tumbl Trak PO Box 289 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804-0289 Ph: 800-331-4362 Fax: 989-772-5121 Web: Tumblebus, Inc 324 East Main St. New Albany, IN 47150 Ph : 812-945-6866 Fax: 812-945-6866 Web: U and I Productions, LLC 748 Easy St Ste 6 PO Box 727 Carefree, AZ 85377 Ph: 480-595-4787, 800-935-5370 Fax: 480-595-4789 U.S. Elite Coaches Association for Women's GymnasticsU.S.E.C.A. 10 Quail Point Place Carmichael, CA 95608 Ph: 916-487-3559 Fax: 916-487 -3 706 Web: www.gym .net/ useca

Trc HN10 UE • AUGUST 2005

UCS Inc 511 Hoffman Rd Lincolnton, NC 28092 Ph: 800-526-4856 Fax: 704-732 -9559 Web: United Athletic International 255 Marshall Road Saint Louis, MO 63088 Ph: 800-877-5294 Fax: 888-533-8095 Web : Universal Cheerleaders Association 2617-B Talley St Decatur, GA 30030 Ph: 404-687-9911 Web : US Glove Inc. PO Box 20564 Albuquerque, NM 87154-0564 Ph: 505-856-7750/ 800-999-5408 Fax: 505-856-7751 Web: USA Competitions 3100 NW Boca Raton Blvd #308 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Ph: 800-841-4977 Fax: 561-750-8814 Web: USA Gymnastics - World Gymnaestrada 2007 201 S Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 Ph: 317-829-5636 Fax: 317-237-5060 Web: USAS 2617-B Talley St Decatur, GA 30030 Ph: 404-687-9911 Web : Vaughn Software Services PO Box 1086 Apex, NC 27502 Ph: 800-821-8516 Web : Winter Carnival Classic 1160 Red Fox Road Arden Hills, MN 55112 Ph: 651-482-9616 Fax: 651-415-0858 Web: Zero Gravity Sports 1431 Willow Lane SW Rochester, MN 55902 Ph: 507-289-5786 Web:

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USA Gymnastics and the Hall of Fame Nomination Committee wish to recognize the following sponsors who have made a significant contribution to this year's special event.

THANKYOUI • City Securities Corporation, Patrick O'Connor, Executive Vice President, Indianapolis

GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR $ 5,000.00 Level • Sports Graphics Frank M. Hancock Owner/CEO, Indianapolis, Indiana

PATRON LEVEL $ 700.00 Level • National Travel Systems, Allan Judah, COO, Lubbock, TX



• A-I Awards, Inc. Stephen 1. Capper, CRM Owner/CEO Indianapolis, Indiana

$ 500.00 Level • USA Gymnastics Ohio Women's Program Committe~BobbiMontanari,ChaIT

$ 300.00 Level • Tumbl Trak, Douglas Davis, President, Mt Pleasant, MI

BRONZE LEVEL SPONSOR $ 1,000.00 Level • Paul Ziert & Associates, Paul Ziert, Norman, OK • Region VI Women's Program Committee, Kathy Ostberg, Chair • Region VIII Women's Program Committee, Deb Kornegay, Chair

$ 250.00 Level • Septima Green, Fort Worth, TX

$ 200.00 Level • Foxy' Fitness Fashions, Sue Fox, President, Grand Rapids, MI

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.... .'

Collegiate Gymnastics ~\wrv'es\cLe"\ President George W. Bush stands with members of the University of Oklahoma Men's Gymnastics Team and the University of Georgia's Women's Gymnastics Team team during Championship Day at the White House.

Men Front Row (L-R): Head Coach Mark Williams, Jonathan Horton, Kyle Fernandez, George W. Bush, Jacob Messina, David Henderson. Second Row (L-R): Joseph Weaver, Shannon Carrion, Daniel Furney, Josh Landis, Athletic Director Joe Castiglione. Third Row (L-R): James Myers, David Iammatteo, Quinn Rowell, Jamie Henderson, Senior Woman Administrator Stephanie Rempe. Fourth Row (L-R): Jock Stevens, Michael Gehart, Taqiy Abdullah-Simmons. Fifth Row (L-R): Heath Mueller, Brian Trause, Brian Carr, Josh Gore, Assistant Coach Yuan Xiao, Mubarak Abdullah-Simmons.


\S \\ \

Women Front Row (L-R): Head Coach Suzanne Yoculan, Samantha Sheehan, Brittany Smith, President George W. Bush, Michelle Emmons, Ashley Kupets, Assistant Coach Doug McAvinn, Kerri Evans. Second Row (L-R): Jamie Ackerman, Kelsey Ericksen, Nikki Childs, Adrienne Dishman, Director of Athletics Damon Evans. Third Row (L-R): Katie Heenan, Audrey Bowers, Brittany Thome, Megan Dowlen. Back Row (L-R): Assistant Coach Jay Clark, Assistant Coach Julie Clark, Athletic Trainer Jenn Cappuzzo, Administrative Assistant Donna Hallman, Assistant Sports Communications Director Tyler Sabo. More What's New continued on p. 47


TEe H N10 UE • AUG UST 2005

) 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:;;-9 .... 3

Monument Circle, in Indianapolis, was the backdrop for J ,072 peo pl e who set th e world record on Jul y 14 for the greatest numbe r of handstands pelt'orm ed at one time. Lege ndary gymnastics coach Bela Karol yi (a bo ve ri ght) and Olympic silver-medali sts Courtney K lIpets and Blaine Wilson (above left) were also on hand to lead the participants in settin g the reco rd. For a full li st of participants, log



MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE CONFERENCE CALL MINUTES MAY 16,2005 Conference call began at 9:05 a.m. Pacific by Chair Yoichi Tomita

I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita, Kurt Golder, Miles Avery, Steve Butcher, Bill Foster, Jr. Jay Thornton, John Roethlisberger,

MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. (absent) Coaches Rep. Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep.

II. NOMINATIONS TO THE USA GYMNASTICS HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE The committee talked about individual who they felt might be willing to serve on the Hall of Fame Committee. Kurt Golder was asked to contact Tom Dunn , Abie Grossfeld, and Lou Burkel to find out if they were interested. Ron Galimore mentioned that Abie is presently serving on the committee, but was not sure if it was his second term. After Kurt reports back to the committee, an email vote will be done to determine who will be selected to serve on the committee.

• Must have been a former or active coach or administrator with domestic & international experience in men's gymnastics • Must have extensive working knowledge of the USA Gymnastics Men's Program • Must have strong communication skills • Must have a strong desire to serve the gymnastics community as a whole • Must be available for all Executive Committee meetings involving travel or conference calls Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously Motion: Nominations are due to the MPC for the Vice Chairman for Men's Program position by June 20, 2005 with a final vote taking place at the MPC meeting scheduled to take place at the 2005 U.S. Qualifier in Colorado Springs. Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously

VI. PETITIONS TO THE 2005 U.S. NATIONAL QUALIFIER The petitioning process was reviewed prior to the review of individual petitions.

III. VICE CHAIRMAN FOR MEN'S PROGRAM Motion: To approve the following criteria for the Vice-Chair for Men's Program position:

Motion: To approve Troy Maillis, FX & VT Exhibition/Score Only (continued on page 42)

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(continued from page 41)

Motion: to approve Kerry AdderLy, Ohio State University

Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously There was a long discussion about the petition of Matt Hicks from Houston Gymnastics Academy. The committee questioned if there were extenuating circumstances or not, was concerned that the petition was based on scores from an intra-squad competition and asked Ron Galimore to gather more information before making a final decision. Motion: To approve Johann Donawa, UniversaL Gymnastics, SR OnLy Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously

Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously

V. NEW BUSINESS Ron Brant mentioned that a proposed athlete and coaches funding document had been given to the coaches and athletes at a recent national team camp and that a decision needed to be made concerning funding in the near future.

VI.ADJOURNMENT Motion: To Adjourn at 10:10am Pacific

Motion: To approve Abhinov Ramani, Exhibition/Score OnLy Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: John Roethlisberger PASSED: Unanimously

Motion: Kurt Golder 2nd: PASSED: Unanimously Respectfully submitted by Ron Galimore, Sr. Director, Men's Program

Motion: To approve Brian Liscovitz, Surgent's ELite

Approved by: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, USAG Men's Program

Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

Approved by: Steve Penny, President, USA Gymnastics

Motion: To approve CoLe Storer, WOGA Motion: John Roethlisberger 2nd: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously The petition for Cole Storer was into the U.S. Championships and the U.S. Qualifier. The committee decided to address the petition into the U.S. Championships first and asked the office to get input from it's legal council concerning junior athletes petitioning into the 2005 Visa Championships.

Addendum May 18, 2005 - Concerning Cole Storer, Ron Galimore reported to the committee that a petition to the 2005 Visa Championships from a junior athlete could be considered which led to an email vote. Cole's petition to the 2005 Visa Championships was approved by email 7 votes in favor and 0 against. After considering additional information about Matt Hicks, his petition into the U.S. Qualifier was denied receiving 3 votes in favor and 4 votes against.

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Conference call began at 12: 40 p.m. Mountain Time by Chair Yoichi Tomita Yoichi Tomita requested that Dennis McIntyre record the Minutes of the meeting in Steve Butcher's absence

I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita, Kurt Golder, Miles Avery, Steve Butcher, Bill Foster, Jay Thornton, John Roethisberger,

MPC Chair & Vice Chair for Men Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. (Absent) MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. (Absent) Jr. Coaches Rep . Athlete Rep . Athlete's Rep. (Absent)

II. VICE PRESIDENT USA GYMNASTICS The MPC extended its congratulations to Ron Galimore on his appointment to Vice President of Events, Olympic Relations / Men's Program

Due to conflicting philosophies between the Men's and Women's programs concerning the separation of domestic selection events and international championships in 2007 the Men's and Women's Visa Championships will be held separately. The proposed dates for the Men's Visa Championships in 2007 are August 2-4. With the separation the Men's Program has the opportunity to make changes in the basic format for the Visa Championships which will benefit the goals of the men's program. Motion: Modify the format of the Visa Championships for Men to meet the following criteria and schedule for 2007 and 2008. Exact qualification procedures, final participant numbers, etc., will be determined by the MPC at a later date. The entire format will be reviewed for possible changes in 2008. 1. Include Level 9 gymnasts 2. Select Level 9 and 10 Junior National and Junior Elite Teams 3. All Level 10 and Senior Elite athletes will compete two days, in two sessions. Determination of second day session placement will be contingent on results of first day competitive results. 4. Basic Daily Schedule:

Wednesday: Training

III. ATHLETE AND COACHES FUNDING The final document for funding of the Senior National Team Athletes and Coaches effective at the 2005 Visa Championships through the 2006 US Championships was reviewed a final time. This document had been previously presented to the Senior Team and discussed at their last training camp.


Session I - Junior Division Session II - Senior Division


Level 9 Division and Junior National Team Selection


Junior Elite and Senior Elite Team Selection First Session - Level 10 Junior and Senior Division athletes, qualification TBD Second Session - Level 10 Juniors and Senior Division athletes, qualification TBD

Motion: to approve the Senior National Team Athletes and Coaches Funding Program as presented for the 2005 Visa Championships through the 2006 US Championships.

Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

Motion: Jay Thornton 2nd: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

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(continued from page 43)

V. 2005 PAN AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS IX. NEW BUSINESS The basic format, dates and selection for the 2005 Pan American Championships was discussed. This competition will consist of a four man team with the top three scores counting. This is an important competition as it qualifies teams to the 2007 Pan American Championships. The format dictates the selection of all around athletes to the team. In addition, this event conflicts with the final World Championships Selection Competition. The date and location for the competition are: October 6 - 9, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Motion: To have the MPC select the 2005 Pan American Championships Team according to the following criteria: 1. The MPC will select four all around athletes, plus one traveling alternate to the Pan American Championships Team. 2. The results of the 2005 Visa Championships using both Senior and Junior Divisions will be used. 3. Petitions to the Pan American Championships team will be considered. Petitions to the 2005 Pan American Championships must be submitted to the Senior Director, Men's Program by the conclusion of the Visa Championships. Petitioned athletes must show competitive readiness by demonstrating routines to a representative of the MPC no later than September 3, 2005. 4. Members of the 2005 Pan American Championships Team will not be considered forthe 2005 World Championships Team. 5. Final team selection will take place no later than September 5,2005.

Ron Galimo re updated the MPC on some of the details of the Chevron sponsorship of the Men's Program Ron Brant reviewed the long term sc hedule for the Senior National Team and factors that must be considered for team success in 2008. Ron Brant and Ron Galimore updated the MPC on attempts to find viable group insurance coverage for Senior Elite athletes.

X. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To Adjourn at 2:35 pm Mountain Motion: Bill Foster 2nd: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously Respectfully submitted by Dennis McIntyre, Junior National Team Coordinator Approved by: Ron Galimore, Vice President - Men's Program Approved by: Steve Penny, President, USA Gymnastics

Motion: Yoichi Tomita 2nd: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously As additional information, Ron Galimore covered the general schedule that the MPC must be aware of in relation to the development and submittal of selection procedures for major events through 2008. For example the Olympic Selection Procedures are due to be submitted to the USOC for approval eighteen months prior to the Olympic Games.

VI. MULTIPLE EVENT QUALIFYING FOR JUNIOR ATHLETES INTO US CHAMPIONSHIPS AND JUNIOR TEAM SELECTION Dennis McIntyre reviewed published proposals concerning modification of the Junior Team Selection to include using a combination of all around results and a points system to allow for the possibility of multiple event athletes to earn a position on the Junior Elite National Team. This would also necessitate procedures that wou ld allow multiple event athletes to qualify into the US Championships through the JO Nationals and/ or the US Qualifier. This proposal needs to come to a vote at the MPC's Congress meeting.

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VII. THE POINT SYSTEM FOR NATIONAL TEAM SELECTION Ron Brant reviewed the format for a report showing the Senior Team Selection Points system. This report will be tested using the results from the National Qualifier.

VIII. MPC ELECTIONS The terms of three MPC members will expire at the 2005 Visa Championships. Those positions are: • Senior Representative: Kurt Golder (elected by Senior National Team Coaches) • Junior Representative: Bill Foster (elected by Junior Elite National Team Coaches) • Athlete Representative: John Roethlisberger (selected by Athlete's Council) ~1-4-4-----------------<C rECHNIQUE· AUG UST 2005


POSITION AVAILABLE 2 POSITIONS AVAIlABLE. Girls Team Coach l 5-10/ Recreation Instructor Full and Part Time positions ovoiloble. Experience necessory. Great facility. So lory and benefits. Call or send resume to: Gymnastics learning Center, 574 lake Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545. Phone: (50B)792-1551 or Fax: (508) 7999459. E-MAIl: GlC574@TOWNISP.COM Class Instructors/Team Coaches. Well established, state of the art facility has coaching opportunities for experienced instructors/ coaches for PT/ Fl weekdays/ weekends/ evenings. Positions are available for preschool through advanced girls' and boys' recreational classes and competitive teams (levels 4-10 and Prep/ Optional). Salary commensurate with experience. Fax resume to (978)256-7779, email or mail to AII-Stor Gymnastics, 5 Kidder Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824. 8eautiful Park City, Utah is the place for you! Black Diamond Gymnastics & Sports Center is seeking Fl & PT artistic and tnt coaches (levels 4-1 0). Positions also available for preschool and recreational director(s). REQUIREMENTS: High energy, strong teaching and spoiling skills and a team player. Our new 15,000 square foot facility opens late summer 2005 and is within 5 miles of 3 world-renowned ski resorts! Salary is commensurate with experience. Email resume and references to katy@blackdiamondgym. com or call1-866-FlIP4FUN for more information. All AMERICAN GYMNASTIC ACADEMY - rapidly growing program needs career-minded coaches and instructors. Openings available in our recreational, and girls & boys team (levels 4-10) programs. Applicants must have a love of children and the sport of gymnastics. This is a new 18,000 sq. ft., state-ofthe-art gymnastic facility, and includes a tunnel bar, pits, and in-ground trampolines. Great kids, great staff - need more of the same! Please contact Anne or Joe at Benefits and salary commensurate with experience. INSTRuaORS/ COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (8ergen County), NJ is looking for Instructors and Coaches, P/T-F/T Weekdays/ weekends/evenings. Requirements: Positive allitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for pre-school through intermediate level instruction. Competitive Team Coach levels 5-10. Company sponsored certifications (Safety, CPR, First Aid) Full benefits/ paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salory commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state-of-the-art, approx. 11 ,000 sq. ft. located in the NY/ NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all major highways. Contact Dot: 201-7676921 or fax resume to 201-767-6693 or e-mail: 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. MANAGER/ GYMNASTICS INSTRUaORS. Great coreer opportunities in our NYC and Westchester location. Full time and part time positions available. Weekdays and/ or weekends. If you love kids, love gymnastics, and love to teach in a fun, safe, positive and caring environment, give us a call. Positions available for boby, toddler, preschool, after school program, ond birthday parties. Excellent salary. Only highly

motivated, enthusiastic team players that want to make a positive difference with kids need apply. Call Jodi's Gym at 914-244-8811 , fax resume to 914-244-8833, or e-mail

Only $600 (S300/ additional workstation). Contact Vaughn Softwore Services at 800-821-8516,, or MC/VISA/AMEX/Discover.

INSTRuaORS/ COACHES: Head Over Heels Gymnastics of Central New Jersey, (with 2 locations), is currently interviewing for the follOWing positions: Girls Optional Coach, Girls Program Director, Boys Compulsory Coach, Preschool and Recreational Instructors for all levels. Fl/ PT positions are available for highly motivated, team player. We offer a competitive compensation package with growth potential. Send resume to or fax 732-577-1056.

GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's beller than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE gorments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800-345-4087 for more information on how you can get started today! Email:

GYMNASTICS FACILITY MANAGER. large multilocation gymnastics school seeking facility manager for one location. Excellent career opportunity for management oriented gymnastics professional in a well-established business of over 32 yeors, with a great staff and support systems already in place. Centrally located near major Midwest university. Starting salary of $34,500-36,500 includes medical, retirement. Paid vacation, paid holidays, sick days and profeSSional fees are provided. Great interpersonal skills, ability to organize and delegate are a must. Some team coaching available if desired. Send resumes to: or fax to 319-338-0187. COACHES NEEDED! We are currently seeking competitive Team Boy's and Girl's Coaches. looking for reliable individuals who are positive, motivated, and energetic to work within our well established team program. Must be willing to work as part of a coaching team. The individual hired for this position would also be responsible for teaching some recreational classes. Competitive Salary/ Benefits available for more information contact Jonathan Schafer (Schafer's Gymnastics) at 609-393-5855. TEAM COACHES WANTED: 8rand new 12,000 square foot facility in northeast Pennsylvania is seeking full time and part time coaches to work with the girls and boys competitive teams. Must have experience with all levels. Boys coach wanted to work with boys in the class program and to help coordinate a boy's team program. looking for dedicated people who are interested in a long term position and to be part of program that will be first class. Salary S25K-$45K commensurate with experience plus benefits. Please send resume and references to: First Class Gymnastics, 317 Greenbriar Dr., Moscow, Pa. 18444.

FOR SALE ClASS CONTROL for Windows. Serving Gymnastics since 1990 with Class Management and Accounts Receivable software, including free training and technical support. Packed with features, easy to use, and nelworkable. Flexible setup, easy assignments, rosters, allendance, marketing analysis, automated tuition calculation, multiple discounts, additional/ retail chorges, inventory management, sales tax support, late charges, early payment discounts, invoices/ statements, receivables reports, financial and enrollment summaries, instructor schedules, waiting and makeup lists, mailing labels, send messages and invoices bye-mail, support for bank draft and credit card payments, and much more.

.-1-= 4-=6, - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ---«

number, 1-888-289-2536 or fa x Rebecca's Mom at 1-818-980-0119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply State and Regional Meet Packages as well as leotards for special events, so please call TODAY. CUSTOM ORDERS/WHOlESAlE. let Satara Leos help you design your next custom leotard, crop top, or shorts! Perfect for: team workout allire, recitals, exhibitions, shows and summer camps. Satara leos' design staff will be there to assist you every step of the way. Call 1-877-475-7676 (toll free) with questions or to place your custom design order. Norisk consignment camp packages and meet packages are also available. Satara's no-risk consignment program is the perfect way for you to sell the latest gymnastics, cheer and dance items without any initial investment. Check us out at www.sataraleos. com. Call and get started today!

Score Master - NO MORE Inpulling Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even beller! Meet Directors can now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline, compulsory/ optional. -FREE demo &user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421 , Charlolle, NC, 28231.

EDUCATION Available now! The NEW GYMCERT updated Gymnastics training manuals (levels 1, 2, & 3) you can use to train your staff; cut your lesson planning time significantly; use to coordinate class progressions and skill training methods; and, best of all have a quick reference that is easy to use which includes lesson Planning Forms and Class Evaluation Forms by level. The GYMCERT manuals provide concise instruction, clear illustrations, and several coaching, spoiling, and safety tips. Will your staff be ready for the Olympic surge in enrollment? Order direct by calling toll free: 1-866-591-8500 or go online to: .

CONSIGNMENT lEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time of the year to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecca's Mom popular leotard consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection features our newest styles and fabrics, including the Framed Hologram style. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm-up leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Gliller, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of soft Velvet fabrics. We also include a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs featuring Hawaiian prints. Our leotards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/ 6 through adult large. We are currently accepting new applications from Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer Camps. Please call our toll free telephone

Palli Komara Training Tapes and lesson Plans - Make your life easier by having Palli train your staff with tapes such as "Teaching Preschool Tumbling" and "Teaching the Back Handspring." lesson plans available for all ages in gymnastics, preschool dance, nursery school, daycares, and parent and tot classes. Check out all her tapes @ or call for a current catalog (219)865-2274. Find out her secrets to success and how she has developed the Tumblebear Gym Program, Gym-N-leorn Nursery School, 0 successful school-age program, a dance program, and large swim school. Mention this classified ad and take 5% off your order.

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1-100 words =$100 SUBMIT 101-200 words = $200 : Mail your arl anrl payment to: Your od in Technique will outomatically be placed online ~ USA Gymnostics, Pan American Plaza for 30 days at no additionol charge. The address ~: ~ 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 : tndianapolis, IN 46225 Your 30 days will begin on the next regular pO'lting dote. : or fo xto 317-237-5069. IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INClUDE YOUR CREDIT DEADLINES CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD SIGNATURE. AND PAYMENT Pleose designate if your ad should appear in January .. .... .. ..... ... .. Dec. 10 : Technique mogazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ill NOT BE February ..... ........... . Jan. 10 ~ ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT W March ....... .. ... ....... .. Feb. 10 : PUBLISHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary formal. Technique is received by mare Ihan 16,000 July ...... .. ... ............ June 10 : USA Gymnaslics professional members Ilus Augusl .... ...... .. ..... .. July 10 ~ thousands of viewers will be expose 10 Sept/Oct•........... .. ... Aug. 10 ~ your ad online_ Advertise your employment Nov./Dec . ............... Ocf. 10 ' opportunity, product, service, or comp'elition NOTE: If the 'Oth falls on a weekenrl or : here for great resulls_ Questions? Call Luan holirlay, the precerling work rlay is consirlererl ~ Peszek 013 17-829-5646. the rlearlline. ~

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TEe HN10 UE • AUG UST 2005

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Continued from p. 39

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U.S.A Competitive Aerobics Federation Gains FIG Sanction through USA Gymnastics On December 22 an il1(el11ational agreement of coOperation was signed between the International Gymnast ics Federation (FIG) and the Association of National Aerobic Championships Worldwide (ANAC). This agreement allows for FlG

U.S.A. Competitive Aerobics Federation Gains FIG Sanction through USA Gymnastics

members/affi liates to pa rticipate in ANAC events and for ANAC members/affiliates to participate in F IG events. The agreement is expected to increase participatio n of gymnas ts in sportaerobics worldw ide. The United States Competitive Aerobics Federation (USCAF) is the USA affiliate for aerobic gymnastics widely knOwn as SpOrtaerobics. The USCAF is a member of USA Gymnastics and has a seat on the USAG Board of Directors. This summer the USCAF wi ll host the 16th annua l ANAC JI1(el11a tiona l Aerobic Champions hip in Los Angeles, August 13- 17. There will be a USA quali fyi ng event just prior to the International Championship set for A ug ust II & 12. International and US athletes wi ll participate in this event, wh ich is open to gymnasts of all ages. If you are interested in learn ing more abo ut aerobic gymnas tics or geUing a program stal1ed please visit the USCAF website at www.spol1aerobics_nac.colll or call 1.800.669.5867. There are Sport specific coaches and choreographers Who are able to prov ide assistance if necessary. The rules for competition may be found 011 the FIG website www.fig-gvmnastics.o.rg under Aerobic Gymnastics.



Howard SChwartz Executi ve Director USCAF

PreSident USA Gymnastics

(860) 408-0082 email:

USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225


PAID Indianapolis, IN Permil No. 7867


1005 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the : website for the most rurrent schedule. 'Tille cnI date sd!;ect 10 dmge. See Ior,.xlates. ~



19 Williston, VT 05495; 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Green Mountain Gymnastics, 240 Pioneer Dr Directions: Robin Bourdeau 802-652-2454 Course code: GM08192005VT Instructor: Gail McGann 802-273-3627 21 Angier, NC 27501; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. langley Gymnastics Directions: Sue or Joe langley 919-639-8288 Course code: lS08212005NC Instructor: laurie Shumate 704-716-6860 21 lincoln, NE 68502; 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Solid Rock Gymnastics, 610 Hill St Directions: Danelle Catlett 402-476-4774 Course code: DC08212005NE Instructor: David Contreras 402-895-2721 21 Elkhorn, WI 53121; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. WCGC, 213 E. Commerce Ct. Directions: Melissa Fuller 262-743-1224 Course code: J008212005WI Instructor: Joson Orkowski 608-848-3547

30 Cincinnati, OH 45249; 11 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Queen City Gymnastics Directions: Sheri Stulz 513-489-7575 Course code: BM083020050H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430

September 2 Santo Claro, CA 95054; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Region One Congress Directions: CherEl Tamura 510-410-7840 Course code: MT09022005CA Instructor: Michael Taylor 650-330-2255 4 Hilliard, OH 43026; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Universal Gymnasts, Inc. Directions: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430 Course code: BM090420050H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430 5 Santo Clara, CA 95054; 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Region One Congress Directions: Chere Tamura 510-410-7840 Course code: MT09052005CA Instructor: Michael Taylor 650-330-2255

25 Edison, NJ 08820; 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Hendersons Gymnastics, 216 TIngley lone *9: 15 Registration Directions: Cathy Finkel 973-335-1943 *lunch break given. Course code: CF09252005NJ Instructor: Cathy Finkel 973-335-1943

October 6 TImonium, MD 21093; 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Holiday Inn Select (Reg. VII Cong), 2004 Greenspring Dr Directions: John Perno 410-876-0662 Course code: JPl 0062005MD Instructor: John Perno Jr 410-876-0662 15 Baton Rouge, LA 70815; 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. e.G.'s Gymnastics Inc. Directions: Caesar Garcia 225-275-5597 Course code: CG10152005LA Instructor: Caesar Garcia 225-275-5597


PRE路REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age lor Solely Cerlili(alion is

'6 years)

Nome: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Male or Female:,_ _ _ __ Professional or Instructor #: _ _ _ _ _ _ Current Safety Exp. Dote: _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ _ _ _ Zip: _ _ _ __ Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (W) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E-mail Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Course Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Course City/State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ Form of Payment: Name on Card:

0 VISA 0 Other _ _ _ _ _ Payment Amount: _ _ _ __

Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: _ __


Signature: _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __


Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to r~certi~ at live course .............:.: ....;................ no charge Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification ............ $ 65.00 Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 65.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ........................................ $ 115.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for

on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.

All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two(2) weeks prior to the course date*. late registrations, incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment will not be processed. late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including the course book, are provided at the course and are port of the course fee. Certification is volid for four( 4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six(6) months with prior written notification. late fee will apply if notification is received alter course deadline. 'Usa Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline

Mail registration form and payment to: VISA' -V USA Gymnastics Member Services p;;; : :, GYo-f~~,cs Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317路692路5212

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