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Publisher Steve Penny Editor Luan Peszek Designer Zemetria Barnes-Perry Design Associate Adam Braden
USA GYMNASTICS USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAI~ Ron Froehlich; PR~O£NT: Steve Pennr. VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KoII; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yokhi Tomita; VKECHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea S<hm~, VICE CHAR TRAMPOlINe Paul Panlla; VKECHAIR ACRO-GYMNASTICS: Tonya Case; SECRETARY: Gary AnderlOll; TREASURE~ Bob Wood; RG REPS: Bob Colarossi (Executive Committeel, Ron Froehlich (Auditor!. Tonya Case (lportS A[ro Technital Committee) and John Roethlisbellier (Athlete Repel. AT LARGE MEMBERS: ItM Butcher, Oavid Holcomb; ATHLETE DlREOORS: ~m Zmeskal-BuJdene, John Roethlisberger, Vanessa Vander ~uym, Ka~ Heger; USOC ATHLfTE DlREOOR: LlIissa foota ... USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAI~ Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: It eve Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUI: Sandy Knapp, Mike Donahue; TR!AlURE~ Bob Wood; IECRETARY: Gary Ande""n; VKE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yokhi Tomita; VICECHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea S<hmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUNe Paul Panlla; VICE CHAIR ACIIO-GYMNASTICS:Tonya Case; PUBUC Imo~ Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION: Ron ferTis; AMEruCAN SOKOL ORGANIZAOON: Jeny Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Beny Heppner. COillGE GYMNASnCS ASSOCIATION-MEN:Fands Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUfGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Ma~ Cook NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLI AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Mari~n Sttawbndge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'I GYMNASnCS JUDGES:Carole Ide;NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHlETIC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Ma~ VOlliams; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ITATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONI: Becky Oakes; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Butch Zuni[h; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOl GYMNAITICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Margie Canfield; U5.AISOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBI: Paul lpadaro; U.I. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATION-MEN: Thom Glielmi; U.I. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: Iteve Rybacki and Tony Gehman; U.I. MEN'I GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Tim ~empnauer. U.I. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: IUZie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'I CHrul1lAN ASSOCIATION OF THE UIA: Casey Koenig; NATIONAL COlLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: Meg ltepheroon; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREOORS MEN: Mike Bums, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: lvank; ~rov, Michelle LlrlOll; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tom fomer. TRAMPOlINe lIlaun Kempton, Dc George Drew; ACRO-GYMNASTICS: Unda Porter, Jay mnder, ATHLETES COUNCil Vanessa Vander Pluym, Caroline Hun~ Larissa Fontaine, Shannon Miller, ~m Zmeskal-Burdene, Jamie Maohik, Ka~ Heger, Jay Thormton, Iteve McCain, Arthur Davis, USOC Athlete Rep; Llrisl<l fontaine, Executive Board Member John RoethlObellier. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: JEWlIH COMMUNITY CENTERS, lo!i K.lcz; IPECIAL OLYMPICS, K.lte Faber-Hitkie; U.I. COMPETITIVE AEROmCS fEDERATION, HowaJd S<hwanz CHANGE OF ADDRESI AND IUBSCruPTION INOUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninterrupted delivery of magazine, ootice ofdlangl.'
of address should be made eight weeks in advance. for fastest service, please enclose your present mailing laDe!. Direct all subscnpt~n mail to USA Gymnas,,,, 101 I. Capnol Ave., It~ 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225.
Septembe r' October 2006
FEATURES 10 2006 VISA CHAI'o1PIONSHIPS The 2006 Visa Championships took place in St. Paul, Minn., August 16-19, 2006. The Xcel Energy Center was the site of Men's and Women's Artistic competition and Rhythmic and Acro competition took place at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium. Not only was there great gymnastics action inside the arenas, but there were also many exciting events outside of competition. Read features in this issue on:
• Nastia Liukin • Alexander Artemev • Lisa Wang • Danell Leyva and Tim Pittman • Shawn Johnson Top left: Kayla Hoffmal1 . Top right: Geoffrey Corrigml Bottom left: Joseph HagerhJ Bottom right: Jacquelyn Joh nsoll
30 Trampoline and Tumbling National Championships Trampoline and Tumbling hosted its National Championships in Schaumburg, IlL, in July. The sport crowned numerous national champions, including Erin Blanchard who won the gold medal in women's trampoline. USA Gymnastics spoke with Blanchard and learned more about her training for trampoline. 34 2006 Acro International Age Group
Competition The women's group of Nicole Summers, Karilynn Rockhill and Melissa Summers earned the silver medal at the 2006 Acrobatic Gymnastics International Age Group competition in Portugal. The group also earned second allarolU1d and first in dynamic exercise at the 2006 Acro National Championships. Meet the group and learn more about their training in acro.
DEPARTMENTS 6 !;:DITORIAL 38 !;:V!;:NT R!;:SULTS 44 !;:V!;:NT SC~!;:DUL!;: 48 FAC!;:S IN
Unless expressly idemified 10 the contrary, all articles, sratementsand views printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses 00 opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.
ON THE COVER: AIex;nderAnemevand NastiaUukin
Photography by (Left)Steve Lange (Right}Casey Gibson
UIA GYMNASTICS is published bimonthly fm \19.9S p€f )1''' in the U.s, III per)1'ar in Ca",da or Mexico, and \41 per l"ar in all oth" [ounlnes. USA GYMNAITICI is publohed by UIA Gymnasoo, Pan Am'ntan ~aza, 101 I. Caprtol Ave., lune lOO, Indianapolis, IN 46115, (lI7)ll7-101O, www,usa-gymnartia,org. USA Gymnastics is the sole national governing body for the spon of gymnastics. Anot-for-profit Ofganization, USA Gymnastics selects, trains and administers the U.s. Gymnastics Team, including the US. Olympic Gymnastics Team. (ontlibutions andsupport are always welcome and are laK-deductible. © 2006 USA Gymnastks. All rights reserved. Printed bySpon Graphics, Inc, Indianapolis, IN,USA.
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nside USA gymnastics
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Saint Paul, Minnesota, was a fantastic host city for the recent Visa Championships and USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show. In an exciting week filled with gymnastics, fans and profeSSionals alike enjoyed intense competition, educational opportunities, and celebrations of both the past and the future of the sport. At the Visa Championships, new national teams were named in the Women's, Men's, Rhythmic, and Acrobatic Gymnastics competitions. The event was an incredible success, showcaSing the depth and talent that exists within all USA Gymnastics' disciplines. I would like to recognize the efforts of all the athletes and coaches, whose hard work and preparation were apparent on the competition floor. Congratulations to our newly crowned national champions. Nastia Liukin repeated as senior national champion for the women, while Alexander "Sasha" Artemev and Lisa Wang captured their first national titles for the men and rhythmic diSCiplines, respectively. Trampoline and Tumbling and Acrobatic Gymnastics held their national championships in July, where Trampoline named Chris Estrada and Erin Blanchard became trampoline national champions, and the Acro competition was highlighted with the performances of mixed pair national champions Clare Brunson and Michael Rodrigues. USA Gymnastics is excited about this new crop of athletes who will wear red-white-and-blue and represent our country in international competition. The Visa Championships also provided a chance to honor the 10th anniversary of the w omen's team gold medal performance in Atlanta. All members of the "Magnificent Seven" were present as the crowd commemorated their historic performance from the Centennial Olympic Games. USA Gymnastics was proud to recognize the Roethlisberger family in their home state of Mirrnesota for the contributions they have made to the sport of gymnastics over the last five decades. Located directly across the street from both the Congress and event venues, Visa Championships Plaza at Rice Park was loaded with activity. Each morning started with fitness workouts led by a personal trainer and a host of gymnastics celebrities. On Friday and Saturday evening, Visa Championships Plaza turned into a post-event celebration with music, food, drink, athlete appearances, autograph signings, and more. Special thanks to our title sponsor Visa for its support of the event, which once again helped elevate the Visa Championships to great heights. Please join me in celebrating the success of all our athletes and welcoming our new National Teams. Good luck to our artistic World Championships Teams as they enter the world stage this fall in Aarhus, Denmark, to represent our sport and our country and compete at the highest level. Go Team USA! See you in the gym,
Visa Championships Plaza at Rice Park was the venue for all types of activities during the 2006 Visa Championships.
Steve Penny President 6
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USA Gymnastics, a bimonthly magazine, is a benefit of membersru from USA Gymnastics. The mission of USA Gymnastics magazine is t communicate with gymnasts, parents, coaches, judges, volunteers, clue and fans of the sport in order to promote the programs, people, evenl and services of USA Gymnastics.
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CHAMPIONSHIPS e 2006 Visa Championships took place in St. Paul, Minn., August 16-19, 2006. The Xcel Energy Center was the site of Men's and Women's Artistic competition and Rhythmic and Acro competition took place at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium. Not only was there great gymnastics action inside the arenas, but there were also many exciting events surrounding the event, including the USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show; a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the women's team gold medal performance in Atlanta; recognition for the Roethlisberger family and all of their contributions to the sport of gymnastics over the last five decades; and the Visa Championships Plaza at Rice Park, where fitness took place in the morning, exhibitions were Row 1: Nastia Liukin and Visa held at noon, and post-event celebrations took place Championships Plaza at Rice Park Row 2: in the evening. Alexander Artemev and the There was a great deal of gymnastics action in 2006 Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievement Award winners St. Paul! ~ Row 3: Congress Exhibit Hall, the
Roethlisberger family and Nicole Summers, Karilynn Rockhill, Melissa Summers Row 4: 1996 Olympic team and Lisa Wang PHOTOS 路 (ROW 1LEfT; ROW 2RIGHT; ROW 3 LEFT 2) STEVELANGE, (ROW 1RIGHT; ROW 2lEFT; ROW 4 LEfT) CASEY GIBSON (ROW 4RIGHT) DIANE BIDERMANN
Liukin Wins Again
Nastia Liukin, 17, won her second senior all-around title at the 2006 Visa Championships. She also won the competition twice as a junior, making it her fourth consecutive title. Liukin trains at WOGA in Plano, Texas, and is coached by her father, Valeri. Liukin, who is the 2005 World Champion on bars and beam and silver medalist in the all-around, also won the uneven bars and balance beam titles at the 2006 Visa Championships. We talked with Liukin after the Visa Championships and here's what she had to say. Q : What was it like to win the all-around at the Visa Championships? A: It was awesome winning four titles in a row. Since the 2005 World Championships I've had lots of changes in my routines. It feels great to be on top with all of my new changes. Q: It must be hard to stay on top in the sport of gymnastics. How do you approach each competition? A: Going into each competition, my goal is not to win. I just try to perform my routines the way I've been training them. Q: Which event were you most pleased with at the Visa Championships. A: I was most pleased with my first day bars and beam routines. My execution score was 9.5 or above on both of these routines. 12
That's what I strive for. the execution and start value are important. My dad and I focus a lot on the execution -- we strive for perfection. Q : What advice does your dad give you going into a competition? A: He says to try to stay calm and confident and do the same thing you've been doing in training each day. Q : Watching the competition on TV we saw your dad speak to you in Russian. Does he do that often in the gym? A: Yes, actually he does speak to me in Russian at the gym. It's sort of random, whatever comes out. Q: What school and grade are you in now? A: I'm a senior at Spring Creek Academy. I missed the entire week of school while at Visa Championships. This year is kind of a lighter year for me since I'm only taking two classes - calculus and British literature. My school gives me the work ahead of time and I try to keep up as best I can and then I return. They give me extra tutoring if I need it. I'm hoping to go to Southern Methodist University in Dallas next year. It's close to my home and the gym (20 minute drive). So I can stay at home, train and go to school. We visited the school a few times and had meetings with the counselor. I don't know what I want to study yet. Q: I saw on the television broadcast you were playing volleyball. Do you enjoy playing volleyball? A: My dad, uncle and Ryan (a coach at the gym) made a beach volleyball court in our back yard. They dug a hole, added a layer of rocks to the bottom and poured sand on the top to make the beach volleyball court. We all like volleyball. My friends and I get together on Friday for a barbeque and hang out and play volleyball. We live on a few acres and have a big pond, where we go fishing. Q: I heard you moved into a new house? A: Yes, we moved into a new house last October. Right around Christmas last year we also got two new puppies to go with the house, a yellow and chocolate lab, Lexy and Rex. They love to swim in the pond. Q : Do you have you driver 's license now? A: Not yet. I was able to get my license last week but I didn't have time to get it before the Visa Championships. I'm probably going this week to get my license. Q: What's the one thing that most people don't know about you? A: I speak Russian, English and I'm learning Spanish. Also, I was in the movie, Stick It. It was so much fun. I would really like to do more acting in the future. PHOTO 路 STEVE LANGE
Senior Women NASTIA LlUKlN EARNED HER SECOND CONSECUTIVE SENIOR all-around title at the Visa Championships and also won the bars and beam event titles. Liukin's bars and beam routines showed her usual style and class on these events, where she owns the world titles. However, Liukin was closely trailed- in the- all=around- by- two other 1-6~year- olds, Natasha Kelley of Stars Houston and Jana Bieger of Boca Twisters. Kelley, who was the Junior National Champion in 2005, was competing for the first time as a senior at the Visa Championships. She not only took second all-around, but she also finished second on bars and beam and fourth on floor. Kelley's beam routine is stacked with difficulty, including a standing full and a standing Arabian. Bieger, who was a member of the 2005 World Championships team, was second on vault and third on beam. On vault she completed a Yurchenko one-and-a-half and debuted a new second vault, a front handspring layout front full. Although she was still retuming from a shoulder injury and was not able to compete at 100 percent, all-around world champion Chellsie Memmel finished a solid fourth in the all-around and third on floor. This was quite an accomplishment because she had just retumed to training early in August. Alicia Sacramone of Brestyan's, who finished fifth in the all-around, won vault with her double-twisting Yurchenko and front handspring front Rudy. She also tied for first on floor with Randi Stageberg of Excalibur, where both showed powerfu l tumbling and exciting choreography. Cincinnati Gymnastics' Ashley Priess, who tied for first in the all-around with Kelley at the 2006 U.S. Classic, finished sixth all-around. Orlando Metro's Kassi Price was seventh all-around and also took third on vault and bars. In addition to those named above, the 2006-07 Top to Bottom: national team also includes Parkettes' Amber Trani, Natasha Kelley, WOGf:\s Christine Nguyen, Cincinnati's Jacquelyn Jana Bieger, Alicia Johnson and Rebound Gymnastics' Kayla Hoffman. Sacramone, Chellsie Shayla Worley, who did not compete in the Visa Memmel, Ashley Championships due to injury, was added to the USA Priess, Amber Trani, National Team. Randi Stageberg, The senior women's national team is invited to a and Kassi Price World Championships selection camp in September. ~ PHOTOS 路 STEVELANGE; (BOTTOM LEFT) CASEY GIBSON
Junior Women SHAWN JOHNSON, 14, OF CHOW'S GYMNASTICS IN W est Des Moines, Iowa, won the j unior nation al all-aroun d t itle. She also took fi rst on vault, beam and floor and was second on bars. Jo hnson showed a high difficulty level on each event, mat ched with excellent execution, including a full twisti ng double back dismount on beam and a double twisting double back on floor. Cincinnati Gymnastics' Bianca Flohr, 15, took second in the all-around , followed by 14-yearold Samantha Peszek of DeVeau's School of Gymnastics. Flohr, who performs a high d ifficulty routine on bars, grabbed the t it le on this event . She also p laced second on floor and tied f or third on beam. Peszek took second on vault, third on bars and debuted a new tumbling pass on floor, a double twisting, double back . WOGP\s Rebecca Bross, 13, finished fourth allaround and was second on beam, where she dismounts with a double Arabian . The top fou r junior gymnasts, Johnson, Flohr, Peszek and Bross, were selected for the Junior Pan American Championships, which took place the week following the Visa Championsh ips in Canada. Ivana Hong , 13, is from Great American Gymnastics Express in Blue Springs, Mo., and finished fifth in the all-around and tied for third on beam . Hill's Gymnastics' Corri e Lothrop, 14, made her first national team by placing sixth in the all-around and earning the bronze medal on vault. GAGE's Sarah Demeo, 14, was seventh in the all-around, followed by WOGP\s Catherine Nguyen, 15, in eighth. Shantessa Pama of Gym-Max and newcomer Jordyn Wieber of Twistars USA tied for ninth. Wieber, who just turned 11 on July 12, is the youngest member of the Junior National Team . Cincinnati Gymnastics' Cassie Whitcomb, 13, finished 11th all-around followed by GAGE's Rachel Updike , who is 14. Bridget Sloan, 14, of Sharp'S Gymnastics, competed only on vault, bars and beam due to an ankle injury. Sloan tied for third on beam and was added to the National Team because of her outstanding performances on three events and her success in past competitions. Thirteen-year-old Samantha Shapiro, who placed 13th in the allaround, was also added to the Junior National Team . Brestyan's Gymnastics' Petra Matthies showed outstanding work on floor and won the bronze medal on this event.
Johnson On a Roll Fourteen-year-old Shawn Johnson tumbled, vaulted, balanced and swung her way to the junior national all-around title at the Visa Championships, collecting three event titles along the way. When asked what it was like to win the competition, she said, "It's overwhelming. I've been training hard and I wanted to go for a title and win the gold medal. It was really satisfying."Johnson, who is a freshman in high school, continued, "After I hit one routine, I gained more confidence and was motivated to do better on the next." Johnson maintained her consistency throughout the competition, hitting all eight routines. She was definitely on a roll! Johnson's 2006 year has been spectacular, winning the junior all-around titles at the Pacific Alliance Championships, U.S. Classic and Visa Championships. More recently she won the Junior Pan American Championships all-around title. Full coverage will follow in the next issue! Johnson is coached by Liang Qiao and Liwen Zhuang. She says beam is her favorite event because it's the most challenging and fun and she has the best beam coach! She started gymnastics when she was 3 years old because she had lots of energy to burn. She said, "I started out in a dance class but only stayed for about a month. I liked gymnastics a lot better." Her favorite part of gymnastics is traveling and meeting new people. She hopes to one day travel to the World Championships and the Olympic Games as a part of Team USA. ~
First Row: Senior Women's National Team. Back row (L to R): Nastia Uukin, Natasha Kelley, Jana Bieger, Chellsie Memmel, Alicia Sacramone, Ashley Priess. Front row (L to R): Kassi Price, Amber Trani, Christine Nguyen, Randi Stageberg, Jacquelyn Johnson, and Kayla Hoffman.; Samantha Peszek, Bianca Flohr Second Row: Rebecca Bross; Sarah Demeo; Ivana Hong Thrid Row: Junior Women's National Team. Back row (L to R): Shawn Johnson, Bianca Flohr, Samantha Peszek, Rebecca Bross, Ivana Hong, Corrie Lothrop. Front row (L to R): Sarah Demeo, Catherine Nguyen, Jordyn Wieber, Shantessa Pama, Cassie Whitcomb and Rachel Updike; Corrie Lothrop
The Underdog Takes the Title Alexander Artemev, nicknamed Sasha, came into the Visa Championships as the underdog but left St. Paul with the title of National All-Around Champion. When asked what it was like to win the title, Artemev said, '1t was a dream come true. I've been trying to place in the top three for a while now and to actually win the event, it's just great." Artemev's coach and father Vladimir said, "No one believed he could do all six events. He's healthy, and he's ready for Worlds." Tenacious is a word that describes Artemev. This 21-year-old was born in Minsk, Belarus, and moved to the United States in 1994. He became a star in the junior ranks, winning the 1998 and 1999 Junior Olympic national titles. At the JO National Championships, he finished second all-around in 2001 and third in 2002, plus he earned his U.s. Citizenship that same year. He advanced to the big leagues in 2002 by competing in the U.S. Championships. Unfortunately, this was also the year he tore
ligaments in his elbow. He fought back, and by 2003 he had worked his way up the ladder to secure a spot on the 2003 World Championships team as the alternate. Injuries once again got in the way, preventing him from making U.s. Teams for the 2004 Olympic Games and the 2005 World Championships. Artemev never waivered. He continued on his path, worked hard, and grabbed the senior men's title at the 2006 Visa Championships. He also won pommel horse and parallel bars; was fourth on floor; and sixth on vault. He was named to the 2006 World Championships team. Artemev comes from a family with a long history of gymnastics success. His father and coach Vladimir was a member of the Soviet National Team and the USSR national all-around champion in 1984. His mother, Svetlana, is a former rhythmic gymnast. ~
Far Left: Alexander Artemev Left: Jonathan Horton Above: Here is the Men's Senior National Team, which was named immediately following the event Back row (L to R): Alexander Artemev, Jonathon Horton, Clay Strother, David Sender, Sean Townsend. Front row (L to R): Sean Golden, Guillermo Alvarez, Kevin Tan, and Tim McNeil.
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Top Row: (L to R) David Durante, David Sender and Guillermo Alvarez Second Row: Sean Townsend and Clay Strother Third Row: Kevin Tan, Sean Golden. Above: lim McNeil Right Raj Bhavsar
Championships all-around title showing clean and consistent routines and winning the title over University of Oklahoma's Jonathan Horton and Team Chevron's Guillermo Alvarez. Artemev also earned two event titles, pommel horse and parallel bars. Stanford University's David Sender finished fourth in the all-around and won vault. Team Chevron and Olympian Sean Townsend placed fifth all-around, and also from Team Chevron , David Durante, placed sixth. Horton, the 2006 NCAA all-around and Tyson American Cup champion, won the title on floor exercise, while rings talent Kevin Tan of Team Chevron won his best event. University of Oklahoma's Chris Brooks won high bar. USA Gymnastics named the U.S. Men's Team for the 2006 World Championships following the Visa Championships. The team includes: Artemev, Alvarez, Horton, Justin Spring, Clay Strother, and Kevin Tan . Alternates are Durante and Sender. Strother tied for second on floor with Sender, placed second on vault and was fourth on pommel horse. Spring, who did not compete atthe Visa Championships because he is recovering from an injury, petitioned to the team. He must show competitive readiness at the world team training camp in September at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colo . Earlier this year, Spring made it to the finals in the horizontal and parallel bars at the World Cup event in Ghent and was a member of the 2005 World Championships Team . The USA Men's National Team was also named based on a point system . The following athletes make up the 2006-07 Men's Senior National Team and are listed in alphabetical order: Alvarez, Artemev, Raj Bhavsar, Durante, Jason Gatson, Sean Golden, Joseph Hagerty, Horton, Tim McNeil, Sender, Spring, Strother, Tan, Yewki Tomita and Townsend. ~ PHOTOS 路 (TOP LEFT AND RIGHT; SECOND ROW LEFT; THIRD ROW LEFT) CASEY GIBSON (TOP MIDDLE; SECOND ROW RIGHT; BOTTOM THREE) STEVE LANGE
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Danell Leyva
Tim Pittman
Junior Champion in the 14-15 year old division Danell Leyva is from Universal Gymnastics in Miami, Fla., and 2006 was his first Visa Championships. Leyva was successful in his first event to compete on a podium, winning the all-around title in the 14-15 year old age division. "It's very exciting" said Leyva. "My goal was to hit all of my events and to do them cleanly." Leyva won the all-around title with a score of 82.000. He also tied for first on floor with a 14.150, was first on high bar with a 14.750 and tied for second on parallel bars with a 13.90. Leyva is coached by his dad, Yin Alvarez. He said, "My parents own the gym. My mom is the head women's coach and my dad is the head men' s coach." Born in Cuba, Danell moved to the USA when he was 2 years old. He started gymnastics when he was 4 and claims parallel bars and high bar are his favorite
Junior Champion in the 16-18 year old division Tun Pittman trains at Cypress Academy in Houston, Texas, and is coached by Tom Meadows, Colby Van Cleave and Mike Dutka. He competed in his third Visa Championships and went from 13th in the all-around in 2004 to ---------.,ninth all-around in 2005 to first all-around in 2006. When asked about the Bt~ <A.l.neL, 1 .98.9 competition, Pittman said, "It Fa.v<Rite.skiLl. rkatchev felt great to win. It was a new Best.J4:!! # ~ &['1<1 experience for me. I've never [n. t& air. FU.nL'1<1 a;ntl twLst['1<1 won a big meet like this before. artUnd. It didn't hit me until afterwards, Idd in. the ¥rt. <kl.son gU.sdn ~I fiJ<e JUs tiltlt:JiCle. fie's walking outside, that I had r~ [nto t& fI'dT'i. really won the meet." .5chorJ" .sen£in- [n. hfJh schad (holtt< Pittman also took first on ~J'rwmm) parallel bars, second on vault Fa.vtJrite sufjtX:t; Sctence, and still rings, and tied for lfJtJQ-e~ ttl fiJ<e (:Q8" (:Q u second on high bar and pommel ne.xtff4r Hd sure Kher-ec':l'*' f d horse. He says parallel bars are fiJ<e1P be lUI. d«:cr~~. his best event.
Junior Men
Top: Josh Dixon, Junior National Team Members Back row (L to R): Miguel Pineda, Neal Thompson, Alexy Bilozertchev, Kyle Bunthuwong, Josh Dixon, Danell Leyva. Front row (L 10 R): Andrew Stover, Paul Ruggeri, Cameron Rogers, Mel Sanlander,Timothy Pitbnan. Bottom: 16-18 AA winners : Chris Cameron, Timothy Pitbnan, Mel Santander. Middle photo: Chris Cameron; 14-15 AA winners: Josh Dixon, Danell Leyva, Paul Ruggeri III
The Ju nior men have a one-day competition to determine the junior men's national champions in the all-around and each event. The 2006-07 national team is named fo llowing the conclusion of the senior men's competition. In the 14-15 year old age d ivision, Danell Leyva who trains at Universal Gymnastics in Miami, Fla., won the all-around title fo llowed by Champions' Gymnastics Josh Dixon and Golden Bear's Kyle Bunthuwong . Rounding out the Jun ior Nationa l Team are Alexy Biloze rtchev from OSU Boys Team and Neal Thompson from San Mateo. In the 16-18 yearold division ofthe junior men's competition, Tim Pittman of Cypress Academy wo n the all-around, followed by Mel Santander of the Massachusetts Gymnastics Center (who qua lified to and competed in the Senio r Division). Chris Cameron of Florida Flips and Pau l Ruggeri III from CNY Gym nastics were third and fo urth in the al l-around rankings with Andrew Stover of SCATS Huntington Beach in fifth . Tim Gentry and Rya n Lieberman, who are 16-18 year old age d ivision athletes, and Phi lip O norato and Miguel Pineda, who are 14-15 year old age division athletes, we re placed onto the national tea m after being selected to compete at the Junior Pan American Championshi ps which was conducted the week fo llowing the Visa Championships. These athletes qua lified based on their performance at the Men's National Qualifi er in July. They had the option to compete in the Visa Championsh ips. On ly Pineda competed in the Visa Championshi ps and finished 18th in the senior d ivision. ~ PHOTOS· (TOP LEFT AND TOP ROW) STEVELANGE(TOPRIGHT AND BOTTOM ROW) CASEYGIBSON
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W is for WANG and WI NER Rhythmic gymnast Lisa Wang, a senior in high school, won her first Senior Rhythmic National All-Around title at the 2006 Visa Championships. She also won the ball and ribbon titles, was second in rope and fifth in clubs. Wang is a member of the gold-medal team from the 2005 Pan American Championships and also took second place in the all-around at the 2005 Visa Championships. Wang had the opportunity tlUs past July to go to Montenegro with three of her national teammates to train with the Russian National Team for two weeks. She said, "The training was difficult, but also extremely useful. Each day, we had an hour-and-a-half of intensive ballet with the Russian ballet teacher; then immediately afterwards, it was just non-stop work, work, work! The Russian coaches tried to show us how to have bigger amplitude, more expression, and pointed out so many little corrections that while on the surface may seem insignificant, actually do make a world of difference in a gymnast's performance. Even though it was difficult for me, it was just an incredible experience being able to learn and train with the best in the world." The experience seemed to work for Wang as she went on to win her first senior national all-around title. We talked to Wang after the competition and here's what she had to say. 22
Q: What was it like to win the all-around title at the Visa Championships? A: It was amazing. I've been working so hard for the last few years, and it is just overwhelming to finally achieve the title of national champion. What was even better was being able to stand up on the podium with one of my close teammates, Ava Gehringer. Q : What event did you perform the best and why? A: I felt that my best performance was in ball. I felt a bit shaky in it because it was my first routine of the competition, but I'm glad I was able to deliver a solid routine. Q: What was the best part of the competition? A: As much as I love competing, I have to admit that the best part was when I finished my last routine! I felt like all of the stress and pressure of the last year had finally been lifted off my shoulders. I had done everything that I could, and the rest was left to the judges. Q: Did you get to do anytlung exciting while in Minnesota? A: I got to visit the Science Museum of Minnesota. They had a special exhibit called Body Worlds, which was really interesting. It was an exhibition of real human bodies, muscles, and organs. It really took my appreciation for the human body to a new level. Q: Do you have a pre-event ritual? Something that you always do before a competition either the night before or the momingof? A: Every Nationals, my teammates and I usually go to a Chinese restaurant and get fortune cookies the night before the competition. This year, our team has grown so big that we were unable to go to a restaurant. So my dad went out to a Chinese restaurant and gave me his fortune ... It said, "Be a winner!" Q: What are your goals in rhythmic gymnastics? A: I really hope that I can improve my international standing and help the u.s. move higher in the rankings. Now that the Visa Championships is over, I'm going to try and drill new, harder elements for the upcoming season. Q: What's the one thing that most people don't know about you? A: A lot of people perceive me as a really soft-spoken person. With the exception of my closest friends and fanUly, not many people know how loud and out-going I can really be. I also love blasting music in my car and singing along to it. .. when no one else is with me! Q: What advice would you give young girls/ guys who are sh'iving to be an elite gymnast Btrth'Dai:&~~r- 2A-, 1988 like you some day? Homdown.. BqjjaLo 9"'ov",. IiUlW拢s A: Never give up and never cLuh, Ntnth shor-nu/!jth",1c underestimate yourself. As CoacJze.s, Natcla KUmouk. and impossible as your dream may 'DQ.m raktwa feel at times, the only way to get there is if you persevere. In fact, one of my favorite quotes is by Sasha Cohen in which she said, "In every athlete's career there are the highs and the lows, and the lows are what make the highs great. It is when you don't win that you learn about yourself and learn the lessons that make you better next time." ~ PHOTO 路 DIANE BIDERMANN
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:: 2006
Top Left Senior National Team. back row (L to R): Tracy Agyeman. Brenann Stacker. Ava Gehringer. Julia Ilkina. Front row (L to R): Julie Zetlin. Aline Bakchajian. Usa Wang. Kristian Brooks. Top Right Aline Bakchajian Bottom Row: Rachel Marmer. Ava Gehringer. Junior National Team. back row (L to R): Rachel Girma. Ada Moisescu. Marlee Shape. Delaney Lonergan. Front row (L to R): Rachel Marmer.
Rhythmic Action THE 2006 VISA CHAMPIONSHIPS TOOK PLACE AUGUST 17-19 AT the Roy Wilkins Auditorium in St . Paul, Minn. Lisa Wang won her first senior allaround title. Aline Bakchaj ia n took second, and newcomer and teammate to Wang, Ava Gehringerfin ished third in the all-around. During event finals, Julie Zetl in won clubs and rope, while Wang won ball and ribbon . O n the junior side, Rachel Marmer won her fourth junior national title and earned all four event titl es. Marlee Shape took second all-around and first-time competitor at national championships, Tyler Rosemond, finished third in the all-around. At ri ght is a list of the top eight gymnasts in th e all-around who made t he nationa l team. For fu ll results and event finals log onto: ionshi ps/ ~
Senior Rhythmic All-Around
!Athlete i Lisa Wang ~ Aline Bakchajian iAva Gehringer ~ Julie Zetlin Julia Itkina ! Brenann Stacker i Kristian Brooks !Tracy Agyeman
! Club i North Shore RSG ~ Hollywood Acad . 1North Shore RSG ~ Rhythmflex 1Calif. RhJ:!hms ~ North Shore RSG 1Sorts Club of Novi 1Isadora's
Score 53.700 52.325 52.225 52 .050 51 .550 51.450 47.775 47 .600
Junior Rhythmic All-Around ~ Athlete
~ Radl el Marmer 1Marlee Sha e ~ Tyler Rosemona i Anastasia Torba ~ Reba Daniels ~ Ada Moisescu 1Delaney Lonergan i Rachel Girm a
Club Holly!yooa Acaa. North Shore RSG Big A Ie RSG All egro RSG HoII~ooa Acaa. Rhythmic Drea ms LA Sc 001 of Gym LA School of Gym
1Score 152.475 ~ 50.475 146.975 ~ 45 .750 145.725 ~ 45.700 145.650 i 45.400
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Acrobatic Gymnastics Visa Championships THE ACROBATIC GYMNASTICS NATIONAL TEAM TRIALS TOOK PLACE AS PART of the Visa Championships. The event was the second of two qua lification events for the Acrobatic Gymnastics Junior and Senior National Teams. A USA Gym nastics se lection committee determined the members of the National Team based on performances from both qualification competitions. Congratulations to the 2006-07 Acrobatic Gymnastics National Team . Back row (L to R): Allysha Kidd, Tisa Penny, Julian Amaro, Michael Rodrigues, Andre Solodar, Brian Kincher, and Rya n Ward . Front row L to R: Kellianne Stankus, Mariah Henni nger, Clare Brunson, Tyler Spray, Xiau-Ling Wee, and Kristin Allen. For full results go to ~
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CHAMPIO~PS Women Senior All-Around 1 Nastia liukin 2 Natasha Kelley 3 Jana Bieger 4 Chellsie Memmel Alicia Sacramone Ashley Priess Kassi Price Amber Trani Christine Nguyen 10 Randi Stageberg l1T Jacquelyn Johnson l1T Kayla Hoffman
Club WOGA Stars Houston Boca Twisters M&M Brestyan Cincinnati Gym. Orlando Metro Parkettes WOGA Excalibur Cincinnati Gym. Rebound Gym.
Meet 2 62.600 61 .500 61.050 61.050 60.700 60.750 58.850 57.250 57.250 57.350 56.200 56.100
Meet I 61.H)!! 61.700 61 .950 60.350 60.300 60.150 58.050 57.950 57.800 56.850 57.650 57.750
Total 123.700 123.200 123.000 121.400 121.000 120.900 116.900 115.200 115.050 114.200 113.850 113.850
Vault 1 Alicia Sacra mane Jana Bieger Kassi Price
Brestyan Boca Twisters Orlando Metro
31 .275 30.300 29.175
Bars 1 Nastia liukin Natasha Kelley 3 Kassi Price
WOGA Stars Houston Orlando Metro
32.250 31.500 31.350
Beam 1 Nastia liukin Natasha Kelley 3 Jana Bieger
WOGA Stars Houston Boca Twisters
31.850 31.600 31.200
Excalibur Brestyan M&M
30.650 30.650 30.600
1T Randi Stageberg 1T Alicia Sacra mane 3
Chellsie Memmel
Junior All-Around 1 Shawn Johnson Bianca Flohr Samantha Peszek Rebecca Bross Ivana Hong Corrie Lothrop Sarah DeMeo Catherine Nguyen 9T Jordyn Wieber 9T Shantessa Pama 11 Cassie Whitcomb 12 Rachel Updike
Club Meet 2 Chow's Gym. 61.700 Cincinnati Gym. 61 .050 OeVeau's 59.650 WOGA 58.250 GAGE 58.450 Hill's Gym. 57.850 GAGE 57.950 WOGA 57.500 Geddert's Twistars 57.500 Gym-Max 56.150 Cincinnati Gym. 56.750 GAGE 56.600
Meet I 62.400 58.900 59.800 58.150 57.800 57.700 57.150 56.700 56.550 57.900 56.700 56.800
Total 124.100 119.950 119.450 116.400 116.250 115.550 115.100 114.200 114.050 114.050 113.450 113.400
Vault 1 Shawn Johnson 2 Samantha Peszek 3 Corrie Lothrop
Chow's DeVeau's Hill's
30.750 30.500 30.400
Bars 1 Bianca Flohr Shawn Johnson Samantha Peszek
Cincinnati Gym. Chow's DeVeau's
30.650 30.350 30.250
Beam 1 Shawn Johnson 2 Rebecca Bross 3T Bridget Sloan 3T Bianca Flohr 3T Ivana Hong Floor 1 Shawn Johnson 2 Bianca Flohr 3 Petra Matthies
Chow's WOGA Cincinnati Gym. GAGE
32.000 30.800 29.850 29.850 29.850
Chow's Gym. Cincinnati Gym. Brestyan
31.000 29.800 29.350
Men Senior All-Around Club 1 Alexander ArtemevTeam Chevron Jonathan Horton U. Oklahoma 3 Guillermo Alvarez Team Chevron 4 David Sender Stanford Univ Sean Townsend Team Chevron David Durante Team Chevron Floor 1 Jonatha Horton 2T Clay Strother 2T David Sender
Meet 2 89.450 89.150 89.400 88.600 87.500 88.050
Meet 1 91.400 90.150 88.750 89.000 88.950 86.250
U. Oklahoma Team Chevron Stanford Univ
Total 180.850 179.300 178.150 177.600 176.450 174.300 31.000 30.350 30.350
Pommel Horse 1 Alexander Artemev 2 lim McNeill 3 Guillermo Alvarez
Team Chevron UC-Berkeley Team Chevron
Still Rings 1 Kevin Tan Sean Golden Nyika White
Team Chevron Team Chevron Temple Univ
David Sender Clay Strother Steven Legendre
Stanford Univ Team Chevron WOGA
Alexander Artemev Sean Townsend Raj Bhavsar
Team Chevron Team Chevron Team Chevron
High Bar 1 Chris Brooks 2 Bryan Del Castillo Jonathan Horton David Durante
Cypress Academy SCATS HB
14.450 14.050
Steven Legendre lim Pittman Paul Ruggeri III
WOGA Cypress Academy CNY Gymnastics
15.500 15.300 15.200
lim Pittman Steven Legendre Kyle OJ
Cypress Academy WOGA New Hope Academy
14.200 13.900 13.750
CNY Gymnastics Cypress Academy Gattaca-Universal
13.750 13.500 13.500 i:i
High Bar 1 Paul Ruggeri III lim Pittman Ari Barrera
U. Oklahoma New Hope Academy U. Oklahoma Team Chevron
Junior Men 14-15 year olds All-Around 1 Danell Leyva Gattaca - Universal Josh Dixon Champions Ac ademy Kyle Bunthuwong Golden Bear Alexy Bilozertchev OSU Boys Team NealThompson San Mateo Josh Dixon Danell Leyva Kyle Bunthuwong Alexy Bilozertchev
lim Pittman Andrew Stover
Champions Acad. Gattaca-Universal Golden Bear OSU Boys Team
Pommel Horse 1 Glen Ishino 2 Neal Thompson 3 Josh Dixon
SCATS HB San Mateo Champ. Acad.
Still Rings 1 Matthew Martin 2T Kyle Bunthuwong 2T Christopher Stehl 2T Kyle Voissem
Gym. Village Golden Bear Cypress Acad. Swiss Turners
Vault 1 Josh Dixon 2T Zach Cazabon .2T Micah Elolson
Champions Acad. 15.300 S1. Louis Gym Ctr. 14.900 TAGS-E. P. 14.900
Parallel Bars 1 Kyle Bunthuwong Golden Bear 2T Christopher Stehl Cypress Acad. 2T Danell Lel'l1a Gattaca-Univ.
14.600 13.900 13.900
High Bar 1 Danell Leyva Gattaca-Univ. Josh Dixon Champ. Acad. Alexy Bilozertchev OSU Boys
14.750 13.700 13.650
Junior Men 16-18 year olds All-Around 1 lim Pittman Cypress Acad. Mel Anton Mass Gym Ctr. Santander Chris Cameron Fla. Flips Paul Ruggeri III CNY Gym. Andrew Stover SCATS HB * Santander competed with Sr. Men.
Thank you for celebrating National Gymnastics Day and the Tyson Fitness Challenge. A full wrap-up and the announcement of winners will follow in the next issue of USA Gymnastics magazine. Remember to send your photos and a short paragraph letting us know how you celebrated National Gymnastics Day to:
83.800 83.650 81.850 81.600 80.400
Floor 1 Paul Ruggeri III 2 Chris Cameron 3T Andrew Stover 3T Michael Almazan
CNY Gym. Fla. Flips SCATS HB Gattaca-Univ.
14.250 14.150 13.850 13.850
Pommel Horse 1 Chris Cameron 2T lim Pittman 2T Kyle Di
Aa. Flips Cypress Acad. NewHope
13.950 13.450 13.450
Still Rings 1 BrandOilWynn
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Blanchard, 17, won the trampoline title at the 2006 Pacific Alliance Championships in the junior division. Then she moved up to the senior division and took first in trampoline at the 2006 Trampoline and Tumbling National Championships. "It was very exciting to win," said Blanchard. "It was my first time competing senior and it was definitely my goal to win." When asked why she likes trampoline, Blanchard said, "Because it's a rush, especially when you learn new skills. r love the feeling! It's great. It's like jumping off a roof or flying. You're so high in the air and you see everything." Blanchard got involved in trampoline when she was 5 years old. "My family and r were watching the Olympics on TV and saw artistic gymnastics. It looked like a lot of fun. My mom signed me up at the local gym, Trampoline and Tumbling Express. r started out doing tumbling, double mini and trampoline, but r had the most potential in trampoline. So in 2001, r concentrated just on trampoline." One reason Blanchard is so competitive in the sport is due to her family. She's the youngest child and the only girl. "r have three older brothers and we used to fight, which made me tough," said Blanchard. Hometown. Youngsville, Louisiana "Now that we're older we look after one Birthday. Nov. 20, 1989 another." Blanchard's mom is a thirdgrade teacher and her dad is manager of Club • Trampoline and Tumbling Express a warehouse company. Blanchard took a break from Coach • Tara Guidry and Dmitri trampoline in 2002 and took more than Poliaroush two years off to try other things. She Began Gymnastics • 1995 came back last summer because she Most difficult element in missed it. routine • full in, full out pike "It's what r love to do. r thought r was missing out on other things so r Car • Mitsubishi Galant Favorite color • yellow quit trampoline to do track, but r learned Favorite store • Target (although trampoline is what r love to do." she's not a big shopper) When asked what she missed the most, Blanchard said, "r missed Favorite clothes • adidas shorts going to competitions and meeting and T-shirt new people. r also missed seeing the Favorite Sport (other than excitement on my coaches' faces when r do well. They look very trampoline) • Football, to proud when we do well." play and watch. Blanchard trains about 18 hours per week and just competed in Favorite Food • mac and cheese three competitions including The Pan American Championships in hat's on her iPod • Everything from Mexico, and two World Cup events in Switzerland and Germany. She hip hop to country to her was gone about three weeks in late August and early September. dad's old rock and roll music. She So how does she travel for three weeks and handle her junior listens to everything. year at Comeaux High? "We start school on the day r leave for my Hobbies • She has a pool at her competitions. I've already talked to my counselor and I'll just get my house and likes to swim a lot. She work when r get back. The teachers are great about giving me time likes to go to the library and read, to make up my work. They're very supportive." mostly fiction books. Blanchard says biology is her favorite class and she'd like to go What's in her gym bag? Her warm-up into the medical field to become a pediatric nurse. and leo. Two pairs of socks because As for Blanchard's goals in trampoline? She said without hesitation, she wears a long pair and a short "r want to make the 2008 Olympic Team for sure." She added, 'T d also pair when she jumps trampoline. Hair like to finish in the top eight at the 2007 World Championships." ~ clips. iRod ~bone. Wate bottle!._ _ _ _ _---' 30
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2006 Trampoline &Tumbling National Championships
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Trampoline and Tumbling U. S. Championships were held in Schaumburg, III., July 7-9. Taking gold in Senior Trampoline were Chris Estrada and Erin Blanchard, both of Trampoline and Tumbling Express in Lafayette, La. Estrada is a two-time national champion, repeating his win from 2005. Blanchard took her first title at the Senior Elite level, having previously won as a Junior Elite. Kalon Ludvigson of Texas Dreams in Plano, Texas, took first in men's double mini and also in men's tumbling. New women's champions are Shelley Klochan in double mini and Leanne Seitzinger in tumbling, representing Great Lakes Griffins, Grand Rapids, Mich., and Novak's Gymnastics, Dumfries, Va ., respectively. The synchronized trampoline title went to Amanda Bailey, Acrospirits, Levelland, Texas, who paired with Blanchard in women's action and Michael Devine, J&J Tumbling & Trampoline, Winnebago, III., with Estrada for the men. Junior Elite champions include Steven Gluckstein and Nani Vercruyssen, both of when took gold medals in both trampoline Above: Chris Estrada Below: Senior and double mini. Gluckstein, representing Ultra Twisters, women's trampoline awards Middletown, N.J., is a four-time Junior Elite champion in trampoline, winning in 2003-06. Hawaii Academy's Nani Vercruyssen of Honolulu, Hawaii, was a repeat champion from 2005 in trampoline. Dacyn Caudell of Xtreme Trampoline and Tumbling, Lee's Summit, Mo., took her second tumbling championship in as many years, while the men's title went to Maurice Dunker of Gymnastic Academy of Rockford III. Junior Elite synchronized trampoline champions are Vercruyssen and partner Kaci Barry, of GTC Academy, San Diego, Calif., for the women and Gluckstein with partner Jesse Kiley of Great Lakes Griffins, Grand Rapids, Mich., for the men. Following the U. S. Championships, the J.D. Championships were held, with more then 1,600 athletes competing for titles in Levels 5-10. Highlighting the J.D. Championships was the Regional All-Star competition, featuring Level 10 regional champions competing for the six regions. Region 4 took the title of Grand Champion team for the third year in a row. ia Results and photos from both events are available at
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Aero in ACTION
Hometown • Clarksburg, Md. Birthday • March 31, 1988 - age 18 Position • Middle Club • Skyview Gymnastics in Mount Airy, Md. Coaches • Diane Floyd and LeeAnn Lenhart. Training 20+ hours per week
most people watch Acrobatic Gymnastics for the first time they can't help but sayWOW. The synchronization, timing, balance, and physical demands make the sport so much fun to watch. The U.S. women's group of Nicole Summers, Karilynn Rockhill and Melissa Summer, definitely make spectators say WOW when they perform. This group earned the silver medal at the 2006 Acrobatic Gymnastics International Age Group Competition in Portugal. The trio also competed in the senior elite division for the first time at the 2006 Acro National Championships and finished second in allaround, second in balance exercise finals, and first in dynamic exercise finals. This group has crossed three lines in the sport of gymnastics - winning State and Regional titles in artistic gymnastics, winning international titles in acrobatic gymnastics and also participating in group gymnastics. In 2005 the gymnasts decided to give up artistic gymnastics and concentrate on acro so they could compete at the elite level. They continue to be involved in Group Gymnastics and have even participated in the World Gymnaestrada. These three gymnasts have represented the USA in international acro meets in France, Belgium, Portugal and the Washington D.C. area where they have medaled in the last three and placed fourth in France. Karilynn's dad, Regan said, "The girls utilized, built upon and combined what they have learned from one form of gymnastics into other forms of gymnastics. Their choreography and movement to music ~
What's Next • I'm starting my freshman year at Ithaca College. I'm still deciding if I'll go back to artistic gymnastics at Ithaca. They have a Division III program. What was it like to win the silver medal at the World Age Group Games?· It was amazing. We went to France two years ago as 11-16 year olds and for two years I've wanted to go back to Worlds and win a medal. How did you get involved with acro? When did you start? • Our gym watched Sports Acro for the first time in Cleveland at the 2002 Visa Championships and we decided that it looked so cool that we wanted to give it a try. We saw Arthur Davis and Shenea Booth and they were awesome. Our club owner Diane Floyd said, "Okay let's give it a try." We just started training and working hard. Diane developed a program and we went from there. What's the best part of acro? • The best part of acro is having three of us together on the floor. It's a lot of fun. In artistic you are by yourself out there. I like acro better. What is one t hing most people don't know about you? • All three of us live on farms - we're all farm girls. I have cattle and they have horses.
Hometown • Dickerson, Md. Birthday • January 24, 1989 - age 17 Position • Base Club • Skyview Gymnastics in Mount Airy, Md. Coaches • Diane Floyd and LeeAnn Lenhart. Training 20+ hours per week
Hometown • Dickerson, Md. Birthday • July 6, 1992 - age 14 Position • Top Club • Skyview Gymnastics in Mount Airy, Md. Coaches • Diane Floyd and LeeAnn Lenhart. Training 20+ hours per week School • Freshman in high school, Fall 2006 What's Next: • I'm planning to go back to artistic gymnastics and compete Level 9. My dream is to get a college scholarship for artistic gymnastics. What is it like being the top? • It's a lot of fun. I like going high. Most people are scared of going high, but I like it. What's it like working with your sister? • It's ha rd not to bring outside things into
the gym. But I like it because it brings us closer. Sometimes it's hard because we'll fight at home and then we're mad at each other in the gym but I trust my sister and Karilynn, and I know they'd never drop me. What's the best thing about acro? • You get to have fun with other people - it's not just you out there competing. What's the best thing about artistic? • It's a lot of fun because I get to be on the floor by myself. I don't have to count on other people. I like knowing that I can control how I do. My favorite event in artistic is beam. What is one t hing most people don't know about you? • I'm a straight A student. I've been out of artistic gymnastics for a year but now I'm training again as a Level 9.
High School • Senior - Looks forward to going to college. Would love to one day be involved with Cirque du Soleil. What's Next • Doing print modeling and will coach acro at her gym. What was it like to win the silver medal at the World Age Group Games? • It was amazing. When you finally win something that you've been working so long for it's really cool. The eight years of gymnastics that I did made it all worth it. What is it like being the base? • I like the floor and being the base. It makes me feel more in control. I wouldn't want to be in the air. What is it like working with your sister? • That's a hard question. I just think of her as being a teammate in the gym instead of my sister. Sometimes we get in fights when things are not working and things can get out of hand but we always bring it back and are able to control it. What is one thing most people don't know about you? • I love t o dance!
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and dynamic moves comes from aero and when it all gets combined - it is stunrUngly beau tiful, however performed ." ~
2006 International Age Group Competition The International Age Group Competition is a FIG-sponsored event which is comparable to a Junior World Championships. It provides the younger acrobatic gymnasts an opportunity to gain experience in world-level competiti on. This year's event took place June 22-24 in Coimbra, Portugal, on the heels of the Acrobatic The USA Team included: (Front) Jake Kanavel, Makaela Bogowitz, Karilynn Rockhill, Paula Gymnastics World Championships. Kidwell, Lukas Martincik, Melissa Summers. All of the USA pair/groups finished (Middle) Cassidy Dolstra, Marina Mihov, Ariel preliminary competition in 10th place or higher. Walsh, Caitlin Cusano, Nicole Summers. (Back) The top eight per event qualified to finals, with Kristen Sanchez, Jordan Rozsa, Jordan Seto, the restriction of one pair/group per federati on. Samantha Olivencia, Courtney Olivencia, Kayla The USA had four pair/groups, one in each of Huesgen, Amber Kottwitz the events entered, advance to finals. They included Men's Pair Jake Kanavel and Lukas Martincik, (12-19); Women's Pair, Cassidy Dolstra and Jordan Rozsa, (11-16); and Women's Group Marina Mihov, Kristen Sanchez, and Samantha OIivencia (11-16). They all performed with confidence and grace and hit their routines in finals. All three pair/groups ended the competition in fourth place. The other U.S. pair/groups to qualify to finals were Women's Group, Nicole Summers, Karilynn Rockhill and Melissa Summer (12-19). This trio stood out among the competition and earned a silver medal for their performance. For complete results from the Acrobatic Gymnastics International Age Group Competition, visit
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ent results
he United States nailed all five parallel bar routines in its final rotation to clinch the team title in the France/Switzerland/USA tri-meet at the Robert Charpentier Palace of Sports in Issy les Moulineaux, France, located on the outskirts of Paris, June 24. The USA's Jonathan Horton of Houston and David Durante of Garwood, N.J., were second and third in the all-around, placing behind France's Raphael Wignanitz. The competition format had five men 38
competing on each apparatus, with four scores counting toward the team score. Each team determined which five compete on each apparatus. The six men on the U.S. Team were: Guillermo Alvarez of Denver and Team Chevron; Alex Artemev of Morrison, Colo., and Team Chevron; David Sender of Chicago and Team Chevron; Kevin Tan of Fremont, Calif., and Team Chevron; Durante of Team Chevron; and Horton of the University of Oklahoma. ~
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ent results
irst year seniors Natasha Kelley and Ashley Priess tied fo r fi rst all-around at the 2006 U.s. Classic in Kansas City, Mo ., July 29. Kelley, the 2005 Junior National Champion, an d Priess, the 2005 U.S. Classic Junior Champion, both scored a 60.900 to take the title, followed by 2005 World Floor Exercise Champion Alicia Sacram one in third . Priess, 16, who trains at Cincinnati Gymnastics, said, "I w as really happy with the way I hit four for four routines tod ay. I didn' t know what the scores were. I just stayed in m y box and focused on wh at I needed to do." Kelley, 16, wh o trains at Stars Gymnastics in Texas, said, ''I'm very happy. I've been r+~~~..,o,;;,;;,.p~.; training really hard for this and I'm t~~~=~~ prepared fo r Visa Championships." Shawn Johnson of Chow' s Gymnas tics in Iowa won the junior competition scoring 60.650, followed by Samantha Peszek of DeVeau's Gymnastics in Indiana who took second with a 60.500. Bianca Flohr fro m 2. Shawn Johnson Chow's Cincinnati Gymnastics finished third allBrestyan's 3. Petra Matthies around with a score of 59.950. t3
Seniors 1. Natasha Kelley
Stars Houston
1. Ashley Priess
3. Alicia Sacramone
14.850 14.600
2. Ashley Priess
2. Kayla Hoffman
Event Information: Ticket Information: 408-999-5844 San Jose Information:
J 0 5 E
ent results
ACROBATIC GYMNASTICS ONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS he 2006 Acrobatic Gymnastics National Championships took place July 2327 in Kansas City; Mo. Much excitement surrounded the event due to the positive results from the 2006 World Championships and Age Group Competition, the success of Arthur Davis & Shenea Booth on the television show "America's Got Talent," and strong support from the local acro clubs in the Kansas City area. This year's event attracted the most participants to date, with 646 competing athletes representing 42 clubs across the country. Athletes competing in Levels 5 through 10 and the Elite level showed their best throughout the week of competition. In the senior elite division, Mixed Pair, Clare Brunson and Michael Rodrigues and
Men's Pair, Tyler Spray and Julian Amaro continued their dominance, claiming their second consecutive national titles. Women's Group, Mariah Henninger, Tisa Penny; and Allysha Kidd became first time National Champions. In addition to national titles, athletes were also competing for selection to the JO National Team. A total of 26 pair / groups from Levels 8,9 and 10 were named to the Junior Olympic National Team. Congratulations to all of the 2006 National Champions and other award winners. For complete competition coverage and results, visit acro. ~ Top: Clare Brunson and Michael Rod rigues Bottom: Tyler Spray, and Julian Ama ro
P,. ease V,i sit O Llr website for ptete detailsl 42
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vent schedule
FIG Academy (High Performance . . <; .. . . . . . . . .. f:'o.Lf~~o.~! TX.
David Ward Hunt Camp (TI)
(]~I!i.~!;)~arn,. E.N(j . . . ... . ... ... ... . ...... . ... .
PAGUTraining Camp Exchange
· ....... .... :!o.(jsto.n,.T?< . .. ........... ... .............. .
........ .... .Co./orad.o. ~p~i~.9.~'. ~<?
TOPs National Testing (W)
· ........... :!o,!.st()n,.T?< .. . ........ ...... .. .. .. ... ..... . 24-28
WOGA's Christine Nguyen finished ninth allaround in the senior women's competition at the Visa Championships.
Future Stars National Championships (M)
...... ...... ....... ....
National Coaches Workshop (M)
OCTOBER 12-14 . ... ~t;!;)!of) 2. C:on.wes~ ... . ... . 14-21
Port/and, OR ....... .........
World Championships (M,W)
· ........... ~q~h,!s! .oEf.} .... ... ..... ............ . 27-29
DTB World Cup (W,M)
. . S.t(jt!9~~t! C;E~ .. ..... .. .. .
TOPs National Tea m Training Camp
. ~~ke P.'~cict .Ny' ................. ...... . 29-0ct. 1 Region 7 Congress · ........... ~t/an.tic.Citr!'!~ ... .
National JumpStartTesting
..... .. .. ... :!ou.s.t()'!,.T?< . ... . .. ... ..... . .. ... . ... .. . ... .
C:%rad.o. Spri~.9.s,. C<? .. .. ..... . .. .
Future Stars National Team Camp (M
l -Day Business Builder Workshop with
. . . ...... . . . ~~.~ .~.t;~!;)er . . ... . . ... ....... .F~er:nC?~.t!
11 -12 . . . ~orl~ <;up' (Wi!'N.) ...... ... ...G!as9!o~. G.~~.
11 -15
............ :!o.'!.s.tO!"!-. T?< ...... ... . .. . ........ .
Pre-Elite Training Camp (W)
......... ... !1C?u.~t.o.n,. T!.. .. . . . .. .. ... . . . . .. .. .. . ... .... . . 1?~ ~ ~ ..... ~o.~l~ <;~p. ~.i~.a l. (~! ............... ."1i~! I!'."!. ~3~2~ . . . . . ~orl~ <;up. . . ... Bi~fl1i~.9.~~fl1,.~,,!G. 28-Dec 1 Olympic Test Event (MNoJ)
.0 ..
TOPs National B Camp (W) l -Day Business Builder Workshop with
......... ... Jeff .M.t;~!;)er................ .. P.o.rt/an. d,. (JR. 16-17
World Cup Final (MNoJ)
. .. . .. .. .... .Pa,!/o! .~R~. ... .... ..... .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . .
. .. ... ..... . ~eif!nfl! C:Hf.} .... ... ...... .......... .
28-Dec 2 Developmental Training Camp (W)
Houston, .... . .... . . . .. . ... . ....TX . . . .. . . . .... . ... . ...... . .....
........... . L.a~ ye!;)a.s! .~y
2007 Winter Cup Challenge (M)
.......................... ~
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(GImeJI GYMNASTICS Gibson Tumbling Mats 44
ent schedule 15 15-18
World Championships (M,W)
· ... .. .... .. ?.tu.tt9.a'!~ .~f~ ...... ..... ........... ..... ...
)0 National Championships (M)
.. . ....... .. ~~!C!~.0f!lQ.(it'f! .C?~ ... .... .......... ........ 11-13 Level 9 East &West Championships (W) · . .. . . ... .. . ~is~i'!'.f11ee,. FL.&.Sf?ok,!~.e,. w.A ... .. .. . . ... .. .
1.~:2~ ... ...VI{or!~!lp.i?~~hips. (~) . ... .P9.trQ~~ (jRf
Future Stars National Championships (M)
)0 National Championships (W)
........ .. .. 0~sC!n~ ~H. ................ ......... .. .. ... .
!~~ .. .... . s VV~r~h()I?(MJ. .. . . .~W
Trampoline & Tumbling National
· . ... . ......'p~
.(:n.-l..... ... 0'his,.TN. .
Western Championships Junior A Event Champions Event
Jasmine Berry
· .. .. .. .... . que.b~c.c!t'f! 0t'J ... ... .... .... .... ..... ....
Lexi Mills
Charity Jones
WOGA Krafft Acad.
Kailah Delaney
World Championships (TI) International Age-Group Competition (TI)
~~:[)~c: ? . ()IXf!lp.ic.T~st .~vent.. . . . . . . . . Be.~in.9.'. (/-IN. toi
World Gymnaestrada (GG)
· .... . ...... [)orn.bir~~ 1lU.~ ............ .... .... ... .... ... 13-29
In the July/August issue of USA Gymnastics the Level 9 Eastern and Western Championships were covered. We had a few mistakes that we want to correct. Below are the correct winners and we apologize for the mistake.
· ........ ... que.~~c .q~ .CAt'J ..................... ..... .
National Congress and Trade Show
... ..... .... ?a.n/C!s~,. 0. ................ .. ....... .. ... ..
~.1 :2~ ..... Le:v~! ~~l.~ .R~Qi~nals.t.W.).. .. . .v,!r~c!l!~.Sit~~.
Visa Championships (MIWIR)
· .... ..... .. ?Q,! /C!~e,. 0. .... ...... .... .. ..... ......... ..
Tyson American Cup (M,W)
National Business Conference
· .. .. .... ... ?Q,! /C!~e,. 0. ...... ...... ............ ....... .
aym update
Pan American Games (M,W,R,TR)
· . .. .. . .. .. . ~iC? de.J,!n.~iro~ ~~A. ... ... ... ....... .... .. .. .
For a complete event schedule go to NOTE: Dotrs and _ subj«llo clHllI9f orclllKrllatlon. W= Women M= Men R= Rhythmic GG = Group Gymnastics AG = Acrobatic Gymna~ics n = Trampoline and Tumbling TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling
In the Eastern Championships, Senior A division, Devon Young of Gwinnett was left off the list and she tied for first on floor with
a 9.400. fa
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aces In the gym
Au burn, Washington Caitlin, 7, wonvault and floor at the 2006 SW Washington State l evel 5 Sectionals. She also took second on bars and beam, and first all-around with a37.025 in the 7-8 age division. Caitlin trains at Auburn Gymnastics Center and is coached by Brent Phelpsand Peter Flores.
APOLLO GYMNASTICS LEVEL,. BOVS Woodbridge. Virginia lIuee 00ys maile up the l.eveI4 gymnastks team at Apollo Gymnastks: Tlistln Minor; Tomas Palma and Ian Heflin.They went undefeated at the team level for ~ 'Mth each one Ii their smres counting they won the l.eYeI4 Team first place ~ at the following meets-Apollo Invitational. BWIIIlYitat1onaI, BlaIne Y&on IIlYitatIonaI and the VIrginia Stale meet The 00ys are coached by Jason filii:
New Jersey Two cousins both camein first place on thebalancebeam at the level SNew Jersey State meet, held in May 2006. Francesca lupo (left) trainsat Middlesex Gymnastics in East BrunSWick, and scored a9.625 towinin the 9year-old age group.V1ctoria Adriano (right) trainsat AtlantiC Coast Gymnastics in Turnersville and scored a9.575 to win inthe 10-year-oldage group.
.. NINA GYMNASTICS CENTER tvlaspet h, New York The level 7gymnasticsteamfromNina GymnasticsCenter won their third consecutive State Team Championship titlein March. The 10 gymnastswere recognized at theawards ceremonyfor having set a record for their consecutive wins as well asan impressive team scoreof 192.1 0.They also took first place 19 times, including five first place all-around titles, and 14 individual first place titles.
Greensboro, North Carolina The Tumblebees girls level 7team placed first at their state meet March 10-12, 2006. with ateam score of 112.!XXl. Bottom IfNi (l to R): Ariel Davis. Brittany Weiss, Madison Holder. Middle IfNi (l to R): RadleI Jackson, Christina Gagliano, ICaIdyn Shaw. Tamsyn DIdIs. Top row (L to R): MoIgan Carraway. &fa Undenbetg; DanIIIIe fl)'l!r.1hey are
.... TOP FLlGI-lT GYMNASTICS TRAINING CENTER Southl ake, Texas Top Flight Gymnastics Training Center level 6 boys (age12-13) won the teamcompetition at theRegion III Championships, April 7. Pictured Back (l toR): Matthew Robinson (2nd AA), MarceloGuimaraes(Head Coach), Colton Howard (7th AA), Tim Jara (1st AA), and SteveWhite (Coach). Front (l to R): Hayden lewis (2nd AA) and luke lanham (7th AA who were l evel 6 (age 8-9) Champions fromTFGTC
.... SARAI-l MATSON Danielso n, Connecticut Sarahtrainsat Deary's Gymnastics. She wonthel evel 7 2006 StateChampionshipfor her age division with an all-around scoreof 37.325. She placed first on bars and beamand secondon floor. GYMNASTICS
s"p n~MB"R
· OCTOBm 2006
Decatur, Illinois Zach,13whotrains under coach Ken Davis at Dynamite GymnastiC S,competed l evel Sat theIllinois State Meet. Zach finished first in the all-around, parallel bars, high bar, and pommel horse. Healso placed third onfloor and rings. Zach's grandmawasagymnast, representingGermanyat the 1936 Olympicsheld in Berlin.
3804 BLOCK
-= :M" 31"
lassifieds POSITION AVAILABLE OUTSTANDING JOB OPPORTUNITY for experienced, career minded, optional girls coach with strong spotting skills. Full time position with large, successful USAG program, recently recognized by USAG as the top school in New Jersey. Excellent salary, health benefits, 3weeks vacation. Gym is only 45 minutes from NYC surrounded by many beautiful communities with great school systems. Gym has 20,000 sq. ft., 3floors and separate apparatus areas for teams. Fax resume to 732-863-0461. Call 732-249-6422, or email Head Gymnastics Coach, Hicksville, NY: Full-time, Refs and B.A. in Physical Education + 6 yearsexperience including conditioning, demonstrating equipment, instruct in all events from novice to elite, prepare for competitions. Send resume to Madeline@ Mid-Island Gymnastics, 485-21Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801. Great Opportunity for Team Coaches. Families in Motion, home of the Port City Gymnastics Competitive Team, located in the beautiful beach town of Wilmington, North Carolina, is looking for experienced, highly motivated instructorsfor our growing programs. We have immediate openings for team coaches (Levels 4-10) with strong spotting skills, TOPs experience, knowledge of JO compulsory routines, and a positive coaching style. USAG pro membership and current safety certification a plus. We also have positions available for preschool. recreational, cheer/tumbling, and pre-team programs. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Please send resumes to Traci at TEAM COACHES NEEDED. Exxcel Gymnastics, LLC.lsa well established gymnastics school located in Newton, MA. We are currentlyinterviewing for a Girl's Team Coach/Choreographer for Pre-Team, Levels 4-10 and recreational classes. We are also interviewing for a Boys Team Coach. These are full-time/part-time positions with growth potential. All applicants should be positive, energetic teamplayers who wish to work in a supportive, receptive atmosphere. Salary is commensurate with experience. Call Tatianaat 617-244-3300. Fax 617-244-5777.
FOR SALE -- the largest variety of leotards on the Intemetl Find leotards, transfer printed shirts, and gift items here. Many items under $10. Check out the positive feedback of over 3000 happy customers I Fall classes will be here before you know it! Is your proshop ready) Email ftipflopleos@charter.netto see how you can participate in the best consignment program yet. Offer awide variety at great prices. Team leotards also available. Shop today for your gymnastics needs. I have the best customer service on the Intemet .. And whyshouldn't I) I already have the best customers! Score Master - NO MORE Inputting Gymnast Roster data!! Score Master, the most widely used software, just got even better l Meet Directorscan now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directlytoyour website. Supports womens/ mens, individual/team, artistic/rhythmic/trampoline, compulsory/ optional. - FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421, Charlotte, NC 28231. GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's better than ever, with a terrific alsortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable lales potential. Plul, it's easier than ever to order, sell and retum your RISK FREE garmentl. We offer customized packagel for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've lold and may retum the relt, there il ablolutely NO RISKllf you haven't tried
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EDUCATION Available now! The NEW GYMCERT Gymnastics training manuals (Levels 1, 2, 3, & the NEW Skills & Drills for the Compulsory Coach Level's 4, 5 & 6) a must for training your staff; cut your lesson planning time significantly; use to coordinate clals progressions and skill training methods; and, best of all have aquick reference that is easy to use which includes Lesson Planning Forms andClass Evaluation Forms by level. The GYMCERT manuals provide concise instruction, clear illustrations, and several coaching, spotting, and safety tips. Will your staff be ready for your fall students) Order direct by calling toll free 1-866-591-8500 or online: www.GYMCERlcom.
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PRACTICE BEAM 2"high x 9' length is lightweight and folds in half for easy handling and storage. 4" top working surface tapers to 6" bottom for stability. High density polyethylene foam core. Covered with synthetic suede - the same as used on regulation beams.
LOW BEAM Constructed and styled like regulation beams. Easily increase the 4' long Infinity Beam by connecting additional beams. 4" top working surface only 6" from the floor. â&#x20AC;˘ Beam rests securely on (2) 7" wide base plates. â&#x20AC;˘ No assembly required.
54" long bar sits securely 41 / 2" offfloor. Reinforced PVC bar "flexes" like competitive equipment. 350 lb. weight capacity. No assembly required. FREE wall mount brackets perm it use as a pu ll-up or ball et bar.
INCLINE MATS 30" wide x 72" long working surface. Inclines from 1" up to 12" in height. Folds in half for versatility and ea sy storage. Firm polyurethane foam core. Available in red/It. grey or blu e/ It. grey heavy duty vinyl fabric.
4' x 8 ' HOME USE
4 ' x 12 ' HOME USE
Our best 4'x 8' x 1 3/ 8" folding mat. 1 3/ 8" Crosslink foam core. Velcro on each end to join mats end-to-end. Available in heavy duty red or blue vinyl fabric.
Made from the same great materials as the 4' x 8' folding mats. This 12' long mat allows you to combine individual. skills into a tumbling series. Velcro on each end to join mats end-to-end. Available in heavy duty red or blue vinyl fabric.