USA Gymnastics - January/February 2007

Page 1

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cUSAs Publisher

contents January路 f=ebruary 2007

Steve Penny Editor

Luan Peszek



Zemetria Barnes-Perry Design Associate

Adam Braden



USA GYMNASTICS USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PR~DEm. Steve Penny; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoi(hi Tomita; VKE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUNE: Paul Parrlla; VICE CHAIR ACRO-GYMNASTICS: Tonya Case; SECRETARY: Gary Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; AG REPS: Bob C~arosli (Exerutive Comminee). Ron FroehlKh (Aud'or). Tooya Case (AG TedinKaI Comminee) and John Roethlilbe!g~ (Athlete Rep.). AT LARGE MEMBERS: Steve But(her, David Hokomb; ATHLETE OIREaORS: Kim Zmeskal-Burdene, John Roethlisberger, Caroline Hun, KaII Heger. USOC AIIIlflE OIRKlOIll;rissa Footaine.

USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR: Ron froehli(h; PRESIDEm: Stele Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knap~ Mike Donahue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRETARY: Gary Ande"",,; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN. Yoi<hi Tomita; VKE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Sdlmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOliNE: Paul Parilla; VICE CHAIR ACRO-GYMllASTICS:Tonya Case; PUBlIC SECTOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AlMATEUR ATHUETIC UNION. Ron ftrris; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jefry Milan; AMERJC.W TURNERS: Betty Heppner; COlLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION-MEN: Fands Allen; NATIOllAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE COACHES-WOMEN: Mark Cook; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION fOR GIRLS ANOWOMEN IN SPORT: Mari~ St~Vlbridg<; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'I GYMNASTICS JUDGES:Carole Ide;NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHUETIC ASSOCIATION-MEN: Yashi llayasaki; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOCR ASSOCIATIONS: Be<ky o..kes; NATIONAL GYMNASTICI JUDGEI ASSOCIATION-MEN: But(h Zuni(h; IIATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNA5TICI COACHES ASSOCIATION: Margie Canfield;U.s. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS CLUBS: Paul fu(; U5. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATION-MEN:Thorn Glielmi; U.S. ElITE COACHES ASSOCIATION-WOMEN: It"" Ryba(ki and Tony Gehman; U.s. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCJATlON: Tim ~emPllauer. U.s. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie Or1ulllO; YOUNG MEN~ CH~STIAN ASSOCIATIOIl OF THE USA: Casey Koen~; IlATlONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIOII-WOMEN: Me<) Stephenson; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP OIRKIORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Gr",s~ld; RHYTHMIC: lvanka Kilov, Mi(helle Ll"",,; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tom Fmster, TRAMPOUNl Shaun Kempton, Dr. George O!ew; ACRO-GYMNA5TICI: Unrla Poller, Jay Binder; ATHUETES COUNCIL: Mohini Bhardwaj, Kim Zrneskal-Burdette, Llrissa fomaine, Karl Heger, Jessica Howard, Caroline HunL Jamie Marshik, Sieve McCarn, Shannon Miller, Midlael Rodrigues, Jay Thornton, USOC Athlete Re~; Llrissa fontaine, USOC Athlet.Rep.; Lllissa Fontaine, ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. JEWISH COMMUNITY CEmERS, loIi Kall; SPEGAL OlYMPICS, Kate Fa~-Hi<kie; U.I. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard Sdiwaru CHANGE OF ADDRESS AlID SUBSC~PTlOII INQUI~ES: In Older 10 ensure uninterrupted delivery of magazine, nOlice of change of address should be made e~ht weeks in advance. for fastest ser'/ice, pl"se end"" your present mailing labeL Oir"t all subscription mail to USA Gymna~i(5, 201 S. Capitol A'If., Ite. JOO, Indianapolo, IN 46225.

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, statements and views prinled herein ueattribUied solely to the author and USA Gymnastiu expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.

ON THE COVER: ~"' Bie<)er

Photography by Minkus Images


Jana Bieger-Brings Home t--1edals

World All-Around Silver Medalist Jana Bieger talked to USA Gymnastics about her experiences at the World Championships and the DTB-Pokal World Cup, where she won a combined total of two gold and three silver medals,


The TOPs program is now in its 15th year with more than 2,700 gymnasts competing in regional testing in the summer of 2006, A total of 70 gymnasts were named to the TOPs national team, 20 i=uture Stars-t--1en The 11th Future Stars National Championships featured the best 10, 11 and 12 year old boys in the United States performing special Future Stars routines on the six men's events plus additional strength and flexibility requirements_

26 i=uture Stars-Rhythmic Thirty top rhythmic gynmasts make up the Future Stars Rhythmic national team. They came together in September for a national camp at the OlympiC Training Center in Lake Placid, NY.

28 Alicia Sacramone-A Born Leader Alicia Sacramone will be one of the first U.s, female gymnasts to compete at both the collegiate and elite levels at the same time, After winning the silver medal in team and vault at the 2006 World Championships, Alicia heads back to training and will compete for Brown University and team USA

32 Kevin Tan Gets a Second Shot! Kevin Tan didn't have the World Championships he had drean1ed of due to a bout with food poisoning, However, he was given a second chance when he was invited to the 2006 DTB Pokal World Cup event, where he earned a bronze medal on rings,



36 !;V!;NT R!;SULTS 42 GYM UPDAT!; 44 !;V!;NT SCHEDULE 48





USA GYMNASTICS is published bimonthly for S19.95 pel year in the U.5., S32 pel year in Canada Of Mexico, and S45 pel year in all other (ounllies. U5AGYMNASTICS is published by USAGymnastics, Pan Amelican Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300, Indianapolis. IN 46225, ( 17) 237-5050, www, USA Gymnastic is the sole national yo.-erning body for the sport of gymnastics. Aoot-for profit organization. USA Gymnastics selects, trains and administers the U.S. Gymnastics Team, including the US Olympic Gymnastics Tram. Contributions and suppon are always welwme andare tax-dedualble. 漏 2006 USA Gymnastics. All rights lesmed. Printed bySport Gr.JphiC5, Inc, Indianapolis, IN, USA.



side USA gymnastics


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HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have always felt that the begimung of a new year is exciting. It is time to turn the page; pursue new ideas; and move forward into new areas of growth, For USA Gymnastics in 2007, our focus in particular will be in the areas of teclmology and education, Both of these initiatives will allow us to service our members and fans in new and different ways. 2007 is also a very important year for our elite athletes as they travel down the road toward the 2007 Pan American Games; the 2007 World Championships and, ultimately, the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. One of USA Gymnastics' most important itutiatives in 2007 is education, Plans are beitlg finalized for the USA Gymnastics University certification program, The Uluversity will develop a curriculum for each gynmastics discipline and will contit1Ue to add on-litle courses, Also among our early priorities was to conduct an FIG Academy in Houston for some of the elite women's coaches, accompatued by a High Performat1Ce Clinic. USA Gymnastics will be working closely with the FIG, which has itwested a great deal of effort itl developitlg its Academy materials, featuring various levels of development. Technology is a new frontier on the horizon in 2007, USA Gymnastics is begilming a complete redesign of our web site, which will become more fan-oriented and user friendly. We are also working closely with our technology providers to explore a more efficient membership data processitlg system, which is a vital component in serving the clubs and professional members, As we begitl the new year, it is important to remind everyone that safety should be at the forefront of all our efforts, Safety is fundamental to the success and ongoitlg popularity of our sport. Every gymnastics professional has atl obligation to keep safety as the number one priority, USA Gymnastics will be working closely with the gynmastics itldustry to better identify issues of concern for safety within the sport. Safety continues to be a core component itl all of our educational courses, Remember - safety is an every day priority for all of us, The Tyson Fitness Challenge is once again in development for 2007. Fitness will continue to be one of our key busitless priorities, and we have re-vamped the progratn to incorporate suggestions from the Member Clubs. We are developitlg the new materials for the 2007 Tyson Fitness Challenge and will be delivering the program eat'lier itl the yeat· to the clubs, with a kick-off at the Tyson American Cup. This year's program will be updated and enhanced with games, levels (begilmer-advanced), and preschool components. The Tyson Fitness Challenge will once again be the drivitlg force for our fLmd-raising effort for the Cluldren's Miracle Network and the lead-in to National Gymnastics Day. We will set the bat· high in our ongoing efforts to contribute to tlus worthwhile charity that continues to assist those who at'e in need. USA Gymnastics looks forward to an exciting competition season for our elite athletes. Starting off the y eal~ we will host the Tyson American Cup in Jacksonville, Fla , Broadcast live on NBC on March 3rd, this year's event promises to boast one of the strongest international fields in years. 2006 world medalists Jana Bieger and Alexander Artemev highlight the field, w ith more talented American competitors to be added to the roster as we get closer to the event. In 2007, not only do we move one step closer to Beijing, but also tlle World Championslups events serve as qualifiers to the 2008 Olympic Games, Artistic World Chanlpionships for men atld women will take place September 1-9 in Stuttgatt, Germany. Rhythmic Worlds follow October 19-22 in Patras, Greece; and Trat1lpoline and Tlunbling concludes the World Championships season November 2-4 in Quebec, Canada. USA Gynmastics applauds all of our athletes and coaches for tlleir continued efforts in the gym atld wishes tllem all the best as they prepare for tlus important competitive season, Once again, Happy New Year!! Best of luck to everyone as together itl 2007 we continue to work togetller atld help the sport of gymnastics reach new heights. See you in the gym!



Steve PemlY President






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nu;: MAGAZINE'S MISSION STATEMENT USA Gymnastics, a bimonthly magazine, isa benefit of membership from USA Gynmastics. The mission of USA Gymllastics magazine is to commwu cate with gymnasts, parents, coaches, judges, • volw1teers, clubs and fans of the sport in order to promote the programs, people, events and services of USA Gymnastics.

VISION To in spire and enable our members to adueve excellence in the sport of gymnastics and in life.


ORGANIZATION'S MISSION The mission of USA Gynmastics is to encourage participation and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of gynmastics. CORE OBJECTIVES . Build the base . Promote the sport- . Adlieve competitive success

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Spieth Anderson 877-789-2267 ~ Masl~ MIiII v 11:::1 I!.::II -~

Birth Date: November 12, 1989 - 17 years old Residence: Coconut Creek, Florida Began Gymnastics: 1991 Favorite Events: Beam and Floor Club: Bieger Inrernational Gymnastics Coach: Andrea Bieger Fun Fact: Her mom and coach is a three-time Olympic gymnast from West Germany. Favorite Music: All Music Favorite Book: Gossip Girl Favorite Food: Fajitas, steak Q: What was your World Champi onships J

experience like? Jana: It was a great experience. At the 2005 World Championships it was not a team competition so it was great working together as a team in 2006.

Q: What was the best part of the trip? Jana: Everything. Competing together as a team and winning the silver medal, winning the allaround silver medal and winning the floor exercise silver medal. Q: How long \\'ere you gone on your trip? Jana: We were gone for about five weeks. We were in Houston at the selection camp, then in Denmark at the World Championships and then I went to Smttgart, Germany, to compete in the DTB Pokal.

Q: Was it hard being gone for so long? Jana: I didn't look at the time when I was out training and competing. We were pretty busy, but toward the end, I could really feel it. I'm really glad to be back home no\v, Q: Did you miss ,'our family? Jana: My mom was with me as my coach and my dad and brother came to the World Championships fo r a few days to watch so I was able to see my family. Q: TeU me about the team competition.

Brings Home Medal~ (;'

By Luan Peszek


Photography by Volker Minkus

Jana Bieger brought home three silver medals from the 2006 World Championships - in team, all-around and floor exercise competition. She also won two gold medals at the DTB Pokal World Cup event in Stuttgart the week following the World Championships. We talked to Jana and her mom, who is also her coach, about their experiences and what's next forher. Here's-what she had-to-say! Jana: We thought we'd get the gold medal if we hit but we didn't hit all of our routines. China did hit all of their routines so they were the better team that day. We were a little disappointed because we knew if we wouldn't have fallen we may have won the gold. But tl1e way we look at it is tl1at we didn't lose the gold we won tl1e silver medal. W/e were happy to have the medal around our necks.

Q: During the all-around competi tion, did you know tl1at some of the top gymnasts had fallen? Jana: I don't like to watch others or watch the scoreboard. However, I did know going into floor, my last event, that I needed to hit my routine and I could possibly win an aU-around medal. I just went out and gave my floor routine all I had.

Q: Who did )'ou room with at the World Championships and ho\\' did you occupy yourself when you were not training or competing? Jana: I roomed with Chellsie Memmel- my same roommate as last year at the World Championships. We all go into one room and hang out and watch TV and relax when we're not training.

Q: Did you get to do an)'thing fun or special at tl1e World Championships? Jana: The last day we went to Copenhagen, Denmark, and took a trip to a castle and then a few

of us went to an amusement park. It was fun.

Q: Tell me about the World Cup event and how did it go? Jana: It was good. The arena for the \'(Iorld Cup is tl1e same one tl1ey'1l use next year for the 2007 World Championships. I got to tryout the podium and equipment, which was great. I was a little tired going into the World Cup, but I was glad I was able to win both bars and floor. Q: SO, what's next? Jana: I'm back in tl1e gym looking to add new skills to my routines. We're working on a few things like my double layout, full out on floor. We'U begin preparing for the Tyson American Cup. Q: What is your gym simati on? Jana: My parents are plam1ing to open a new gym called Bieger International G ymnastics in Deerfield, Florida, in January. I'm training at a local gym until our gym opens. Q; Tell me about your school simation. Jana: I'm homeschooling and it's going pretty good. I'm a senior and I'll graduate in 2007, a year early. I did a little school work on the road, but not too much because we had a lot of workouts and not a lot of free time. j\l{y plans are to gradua te from high school in 2007 and tl1en go to community college close to home while I train through 2008 ~ Continued on page 47 USA GYMtoIASTICS JANUARY 路 ~~BRUARY 2007



TOPs program, which stands for Talent Opportunity Program, is now in its 15th year. The Program was developed by USA Gymnastics in 1992 as a way of finding talented young gymnasts in order to identify them early and provide education to the gymnast and her coach. The program is definitely working as evidence by the number of former TOPs gymnasts making the National Team . According to USA Gymnastics Elite Program Manager Gary Warren, "It's exciting to watch these young TOPs gymnasts develop into amazing athletes and win medals at the international level. It shows the program is working and is headed in the right direction." TOPs Regional testing took place throughout the summer of 2006 and approximately 2,700 gymnasts partiCipated. From those who participated, the top athletes were named to the 7-8 year old National Team, called the Diamond Level. Of the 911 year olds, 300+ were invited to National JANUARY · FEBRUARY 2007

Testing and 70 made the TOPs National Team. The National Testing was held in Houston, Texas, in October at the Women's National Team Training Center. At National Testing the gymnasts perform physical abilities tests including pull ups, leg lifts, flexibility, sprint, rope climb, vertical jump, push ups and press handstands as well as the required skills on each of the events including vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise. The scores are tallied and the top gymnasts in

• •

• •



2006 TOP Averages and National Best

2006 Averages and National Best PHYSICAL ABILITIES

each age division were named to the TOPs National Team. _ The camp was held- in- December and was comprised of three days of educational opportunities for both the athlete and her coach on basics, sports science and general development of these talented young athletes. USA Gymnastics' National Coaching staff, along with coaching support personnel and sport science professionals, conducted the camp. An additional "B" camp was held for the next level of gymnasts at their own expense, also in December. The TOPs program has shown dramatic success over the last 15 years and continues to be a big part of the success of the USA women's program. t3


9yr NAT

10yr NAT

11 "NAl

Shoulder Flexibility

21 .85 27.57 31 .92 40.47 33.39 42.31 34.93 42.93





National Best

45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00

National Best




Right Leg Spl it






National Best

15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00

National Best




Left leg Split


Beam Aero




National Best

14.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 15.00 15.00

National Best




Leg Lifts

13.53 15.60 17.31 19.30 18.04 20.89 17.88 19.75

Beam Dance




National Best

24.00 26.00 26.00 25.00 29.00 26.00 27.00 26.00

National Best




Cast Handstand




Floor Aero




National Best



10.00 10.00 10.00 9.50

National Best




Vertical Jump

12.65 14.04 15.83 14.88 17.00 ' 15.89 18.32 16.69

Floor Dance




National Best

21.00 21.00 22.25 19.25 25.50 19.25 24.50 20.50

National Best




Press Handstand




Skills Total




National Best



10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

National Best




Handstand Hold


10.13 14.49 24.58 31 .10 50.29 33.15 47.43

National Best

28.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 60.00 60.00

60.00 60.00

Overall Adjusted Total




20 Meter Sprint









Overall Adjusted National Best




National Best









Rope Climb



13.62 9.73

12.04 8.15

10.32 7.70

National Best






PA Total

38.67 45.38 46.76 56.91 50.91 60.40 54 .13 59.25

National Best

76.16 85.49 83.99 81.99 84.96 77.52 84.96 82.52

10.45 10.90 10.59 11 .11 ' 10.87 11 .28 9.06 -


10.43 10.50 10.56 10.39 10.78 8.68




3.44 ,4.28






10.00 10.00




TOPs Diamond Level CLUB


All Around Gymnastics Academy Morgan Lee

All Olympia Gymnastics

Alexandra Ozuna

Capital Gymnastics-Austin

Kathleen Eliasen

Capital Gymnastics-Austin

Riley Thompson

Champion Gymnastics

Anwen Y. Herbert-Lewis Chelsea Piers Gymnastics

TOPs National Team NAME


Tia Allbritten Kathryn Bagby Mary Bailey Kennedy Baker Abby Beauchamp Courtney Bisbe Megan Blomberg Desi Borgese Mackenzie Brannan Emily Briones Sarah Caoili Kathryn Carlisle Kyleigh Compton Sydney Converse Jenna Crisalli Lacy Dagen Rachel Daun Alex DeMoura Gabrielle Douglas Casey Dreyer Megan Finck Bailey Fitzpatrick Anna Gartner Alexandra Gremillion Heather Hannon India Hardaway McKenna Harris Kaitlynn Hedelund Adeline Helland Elle Heppes Kristen Heuston Bridget Hodan Mary Jane Horth Jessica Howe Kana Kobayashi Laurie Lacher Alison LaRocca Erica Len Korinne Manjarres Julia Mark Alberta Massey Skyler Memme Jorden Mitchell Allyson Neid



Mesquite Gymnastics Cincinnati Gymnastics C&B Flip Force Gymstars Stars Houston Cabarrus County Charter Oak Gliders Almaden Valley Capital Gymnastics-Austin HUGS Excalibur Buckeye Gymnastics Texas Dreams Gwinnett Gymnastics Worldwide Gymnastics Bay Aerials Gymnastics Capital Gymnastics-Austin Mid Island Gymnastics Excalibur Eagles Wings Athletics Exper-Tiess Gymnastics Swiss Turners Gym. Acad Cincinnati Gymnastics All Olympia Gymnastics DeVeau's Gymnastics All Olympia Gymnastics HUGS Excalibur US Gold at Excite Texas Dreams Northwest Kids Saito Gymnastics Gymnastics World, Inc. Eagles Wings Athletics GTC of Utah Worldwide Gymnastics Exper-Tiess Gymnastics Gymnastics Acad. of Atlanta Eagles Wings Athletics US GYM Development Center I Girls and Boys In Co-operation 1M And M Gymnastics DeVeau's Gymnastics Texas Dreams


AGE 10 11 11 10 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 11 11 11 11 10 9 10 11 10 10 9 10 9 10 9 11 11 11 11 9 11 9



NAME Madison OIandt Catalina Palma Kiana Palin Desiree Palomares Jasmine Pasigan

Becky Peoples Catherine Perry Gena Pitts Lexie Pressman Elizabeth Price ChanenRaygoza Josie Reintz Gaia Robinson Mary Lillian Emily Schein Rachel Schick Nicole Shapiro Chelsea Shu Glennis Smith Sara-Kathryn Stevens Shanitae Then Kacie Traina Eryn Underwood Jessica Wang Julie Weismiller McKenzie Wofford

CLUB All Olympia Gymnastics Apollo Gymnastics Hawaiian Island Twisters All Olympia Gymnastics Hawaiian Island Twisters California Dynamites Parkettes Gymnastics Texas Dreams Cincinnati Gymnastics Parkettes Gymnastics Charter Oak Gliders Buckeye Gymnastics US GYM Development Center I SandersPrattvilie YMCA Dallas Gymnastics Center Charter Oak Gliders All Olympia Gymnastics All Olympia Gymnastics All Olympia Gymnastics HUGS Excalibur All Olympia Gymnastics Gymnastics Acad. of Atlanta Diamond Elite Gymnastics US Gym Develop Center II Capital Gymnastics-Austin


Amelia M Hundley

Cincinnati Gymnastics

Raine Gordon

Club Champion

Courtney Loper

Desert Lights Gymnastics

Stevanni McCray

DeVeau's Gymnastics

Sage Duff

Finger Lakes Gym. Academy

Karli Collins

Girls and Boys In Co-operation

Laura Shannon

Gold Star Gymnastics

Kayleen Davis

GTC of Utah

Anaka Benink

Gymnastic Academy of Rockford

Julia Blum

Gymnastic Academy of Rockford

Hannah Miller

Gymnastic Academy of Rockford

Alexis Monier

Gymnastics World - East

Jasmine Allen

Hill's Gymnastics

Michaela Nelson

Hill's Gymnastics

Alyssa LaOieu

Mesquite Gymnastics


Olivia M Ference

Michigan Elite Gymnastics Acad

10 9

Phoebe Marx

Palm Beach Gymnastics

Jasmine Newsome

Perfect Balance Gym. Acad

Julianna Orapkin


Shannon Farrell


Kristen Politz




11 9 11 10 9 10 10 11

9 11 10 11

9 10 10 9 11


Ashley CMartyniak

Salta Gymnastics

Colleen Hodan

Salta Gymnastics

Jessica Jade Baumbach Salta Gymnastics Lauren Reese

Salta Gymnastics

Ryan Shannon


Allison Cary

Texas Dreams

Ashton Kim

Texas Dreams

Cameron Belies

Texas Dreams

Ka therine Campbell

Texas Dreams

Madison Turner

Texas Dreams

Meg Howard

Texas Dreams

Sara King

US Gym. Development Center I

Brooke K. Kusmider

Worldwide Gymnastics

Credit cards accepted for deposits!


i).0. Box 4088 • Tequesta, Florida 33469 el: (561) 743-8550 • Fax: (561) 745-4800 Email:

:;GTC Photog rapher: John Cheng · Cover Photos: Steve Lange


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USA Diving National Team Sport

~ Sports PeJjonnance Center Psychologist

n the middle of a difficult training period, before the competitive season begins, a gymnast may feel overwhelmed by distractIons, such as "How good can I be?" "What kind of scores can I get with my new floor routine?" or "Am I going to move up this year to LevellO?" These distractions are a normal aspect of developing as an athlete; however, it is important to remember where your focus should be. It is truly "in the moment" mental preparation that is effective. So if you are on the bars, focus on your optimal bar routine. If you are working on tumbling passes, focus on the "cues" you need to do well to have a great pass. When we sometimes "over think," we get more frustrated and tense, so sometimes the best mental plan is to "keep it simple." Here are some brief mental training "tips" to help you keep it simple:





Remember Your Best Performance By visualizing and recalling your past best performance, and applying that image to your present event or pre-meet preparation, you keep your subconscious focused and positive. Think of your last great routine, then use this image as you prepare for the next event or competition.

"Let Go" of Distractions Find a technique that allows you to disengage from the distractions that are around. Write on a piece of paper all of the things that are distracting you from your pre-event or pre-meet mental preparation. Then tear the paper up or throw it away. Then focus on what you can control! For example, if you had a bad beam practice on Monday, then write down all of your negative thoughts on a piece of paper, tear it up and throw it away. Then write down your "best beam performance" and visualize that routine before your next practice.

Keep Your Thoughts Positive There are no what ifs, only beliefs in you and your gymnastics abilities. Have confidence in your preparation and see yourself 16


hitting your routines. Use Positive Self-Talk in your pre-event preparation. Remember the saying, "What the Mind Believes, the Body Achieves."

Enjoy the Sport and Enjoy Being a Gymnast! When you love something, you are more focused, attentive, and able to achieve the "flow" experience. Thinking about competing in your sport should bring a great feeling inside. This will allow you to have great success by focusing on the image of perfect performance. Sometimes, keeping gymnastics "simple" helps your mental game to focus on what you have control over-your own performance. When we remove the distractions, fears, and doubts, we can increase the chance of performing at our best. Good luck!! ta St. Villcellt Hospital alld S f. r 'illcellt Sporfs Perfor/IJallce ill Indiallopolis, Illd. , are official sen'ice providers fo USA GJ'IIlIIaJtics. Call J 17415·5747 or L'isit bttp:! / spOitsperfor/IJt/I/ ILLUSTRATION · ADAM BRADEN

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*** Future Stars National By Jeff Robinson THE 11TH FUTURE STARS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS was held at the United States OlympiC Training Center, November 10-11, 2006. The Future Stars Championships features the best 10, 11 and 12 year old boys in the United States performing special Future Stars competitive routines on the six men's events plus routines for still rings strength, parallel bar strength and flexibility. The main feature of the Future Stars program is its emphasis on education and preparation for the future. The Future Stars Championships is always held in conjunction with the Men's National Coaches Workshop. This format of linked events provides for


Photos by Steve Lange

both a competitive experience and a tremendous educational opportunity. During the workshop portion of the event, athletes and coaches are provided hands on development sessions. There are also educational presentations for both coaches and parents. This "team" approach of working with athletes, coaches and parents is intended to provide positive information to aide in the proper development and future success of the athlete. The workshop portion of the weekend exposes the participants to presentations from some of the best coaches in the country as well as specialists in the sports science field. Congratulations to all oUI Future Stars competitors and good luck in the coming season! i:i


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Mumy. Mkhael (harlorreGymna~"' A(ademy ....SiejiliffiiOii:AniiiOni.. iiiVi,JisiiiOOiiifGyriinaiiiiS..... I .. si;;(k.oMg;;:Grani.. ·iiUiiiilo'GiO';. ..................· ..... l " ·Bii~e:iiKas """· P'ikeites 7 · YOiIfi.'Ai"'............ Oeveau'i ·iaiOOi'ot'Gymii,siics·.... I sur;;i)ii<haii" "·HOCkiii.jvalieYGymii.iiics·" ..··· 5 "·Slachiy,·N' .. ·.... iieve,Jii,iiiiOiiirGymna'iiics· ... I "·ikiiinft.8iinnao" ::::D.iV)ii~y'n;iiaii~~n.llriiri~ . 1 ildi,hei.;:r;iei.... GymnastrC5 OIympica ·Kiii.j:ioiii,;; ........ · ..Hoii~iin·Gim·n'si;(5Ciub .. ·Goin·lo)111<helj"· ....C&S·AlpForce ' ....... ·.. ·sai,ii.iii;Coiio........ leh~ii·Va·lieyGymnaslics . Kiamei,'i;,f ...... "·Charloiii·Giiiinaiiics·Ac.diiiii .... 8 '''liiiiedJ .. ·AreieGymnasiiii·.... .......... · ... 9 Kane. Auslin '''Siiio'Gymn,iiiii'' .............. 4 'Denotes Internatronal GueslAthlete






9500 9.700 8.950 9.100 84.300 I 9.110 "'9.450'" 9510 ""9:550" 8.910 "Tioo'" 81600 "T" 8400 9:4.Dii :. 9.000 9650 9.000 ' 9000 · j · 8500 9.110 9.100 9.100 9.300 ···9300···· 80611 4 7.850 9.010 8.600 ' 8.950 9.300 ):6s.1i 8.350 ).1iliC 79671 ..i.... 8.971 .. 8.450 "9.oio" 8.110 "''8:700'' 8.110 9.900 7.BOO 9500 78.771 6 8.471 .. 8.450 ''8'9io'' 8.910"''9:000 .. 9000 9.350 8.150 '"8300''' 78.615 '''i "s6sif 8.450 '''9.110 7950 ' 9.100 8.600 '"ijJSIi''' 8.000 '"9.200''' 78.450 .. ·S·.... Tioo . 8.610 "ij,Joo'" 8.850 "'9:)(ji" 7.900 'T$OO 8.150 "·s.8OO·" 78.050 9 "8.600" 8.010 ' 9000" 8250 '''9'500 8.450 · 8.·iso . 8.800 ·"ii.7oo·· 77.900 10 ' 8:950 " 8.900 "ii.3oo · 7610 ' 9:i'io" 8.800 "iiooo" 8.BOO .. ·8300.... 77.810 11 "8.950 ' 8.810 "9.ioo" 8l SO " '9:600' 1.410 "96ii6 . 8900 "'8900" iiioo "iT" 7.971 . 9100 8llO 8.300.... ·9\iO .. 9.100 "7.950'" 8.900 8.606" 77.415 1J 'ii:ioo .. 8.000 "8.250" 8.700 '''9:i'00'' 8.610 "ij:iiiii' 8.150 ··93OO.... 7i.4OO· '"i4''' "siso . 8.850 "'8'300" 9.050 ....9'ioo .. 5.850 "99ii1i . 8.050 · ·9200.... 77:ISO .... is' .. '8'ioo . 8.100 "8.62S" 8.750 ....9:500 .. 8.050 " 8:3sii 9.050 78OO.... ·76921 .... i6· .. "ssiS' . 7750 ·"8·.6S0" 8600 "'ij:ioo" 8400 "ii.6OO . 8.100 . 8200 7617S .. .. if .. 9'.'ig" 8500 "'8:410 75sO "8:950" 6.BOO "ii.400"· 8.110 .. ·9'000.... 759i5 .. ·.. is ..· fiiili" 8.000 'Tiiif 8.200 "''8:400'' 8.610 "ii:8S0" 8100 .. ·ifioo .... 'ylBOO 19 "siii'l 7.650 ' 8700 7.400 " 9\50" 8.100 ·.. ii:ioo· .. 8iio ....8·6iiQ .... jl l11 20 7.710 7.100 8.700 8.610 '''iiio . 8.700 "8:650" 8.150 '''8300 .. 75.ilO.... ·ii' .. 8.57S" 8.500 "ii'oo" 8.000 "''8:400'' 6.300 .. 9.100 '7:850'" 9500 74.421" 12 J .02.L.8.150 j/if 8.300 ::);45.0. 7.950 "8700 "' 7800"9200' 74 iis "'iJ " 7.150 8.100 8.410 8100 8500 7.900 .. 8:600..·'7:8OO ....ii.8OO .. 7i8OO ....i4·.. "fiSc'" 8.100 "fsoo" 8.050 "'8'650''' 7.950 'Tisc' ..i9iiii ....8.8OO.. 'ii'i5li .... ·iS' .. iD5O" 8.4SO "8600" 8000 "9'100" 7.350 8.800 7.600 '''9200 '' 73550 26 'liiiIi'" 8.150 ' 9.450'" 8510 '''9'i'io'' 7.4OO ·ii:000· 6.850 's3oo ')jjio "ii" ·T85O.... 8.650 'Tii5O" 7.850 "'8:800" 7.800 "'8:iso" 7900 .. ·7ioo.... i2750 "'i8'" lioo" 8.300 "siso ' 8.300 "i6OO" 6.950 ' 9:ioo' 6.000 .. iiooo ·.. jiioo ....iij..· ''7:400 ' 8550 "i.iiso" 8.000 ' iiiio ' 6.1SO ii:8ixi" 73SO ·" 'hoso "iii" Ti~ :: ]]50 ))5( 8350 :J4.Dii:: 7.110 · ii~ : n50 71.850 :) C 8110 7.900 8.100 7.850 9.100 1.2SO 8500 8.100 8.700 71.750 32 ''7:iso'" 8.650 "8.200" 8300 '''-S:ioo'' 6.050 9.200 5.750'" 9.200 moo 3l ' 6.400'" 7.800 "as5O" 8.150 ....8Bo .. 8.4SO 'ii:900 .. 6650 .... 7iioo.. 70910 '''if' .. i.87S· .. 7.000 '''8:500'' 7.510 '''ij'iSii'' 6.2SO '"i.900''' 7.200 9.100 70625 II "6.·iii!i" 8310 "8:ioo" 7.900 ....8:45ii' 6210 ''8:ioo'' 8.700 "'8:joo" 70.410 '''ir ]]00 ' ]]00 "i 'iio" 7.600 '8:400' 7.000 "8:300'" 8.100 '''S5oo . 70.450 " '3'j" '6:700" 8.700 "7400" 8.1SO ·"S.7iO''' 6.100 "8:4iiii . 7.200 '"iUoo''' 70.100 "'38" 9.700



Championships *** 'N1 Results 10 YHr Old Division [Continued)



Gatinho, Marros Orlando Metro Gymnasticl "'5iiiauii:Andy-" """ 'MfdweiiTwfiiiii:Wr"" " " POChiiiki;V,'riiiiiv ' WriiiRujiGyriina~iii" " .. ......, 7 "'&obai;Robe,io" San Maleo GymnasikS' ·,,··········· 1 ::: iOjie;;:~n.i~n.• :::::: Gy.~:w.ia:v;;i~iiiin.aif(,iiier ·····1 5emonsen, Bryan Metro Gymna~i<5 2 . Hiilri'g,rAlidri"ii ' iia;ijiiiovGymniiiiii"ciiiiii ' ... ,. 2 ·iiing;·Oiey;-.. ···· "'San'Maiiiiliymnaitlii' .........i "MiIli:-Siandiin" '" 'Oif,joii GyffiiiiiiliSiiiideffiy ", i 'iieigirian:iiian " ·iiiGSiiiuih········,··, ····4 "'Avgouia,)d,mS,iio'Gymiii,iii:l ······· 4 5iiigiadei;Z,ch,iY "5alioGymiiiiiiii" 4 caiiipiiiii,TOijiii '· 5i IoiiiiGymCeniie · ·3 Gerbiffhdusiiii . HoiiiionGiirin,iiaiub ······'····3 " A,iiiia;[iii's " }U~~~n~i~i~.naiii'~~~d~~i :: 3 n

PI! 51 $IS " PI PI$ III 7.410 7.410 8.200 7.700 8.000 7.700 8.950 6.000 8.600 70.050 39 '6:650'" 5.700 8.4SO·· 8.000 . 8.700 7.100 '9;)00" 8.200 ""i9OO" '69:900" "40" ' ifioo" 6.150 8.110 "6.850 "iiioif ' 6.150 '9150' 7350 ' l 9OO '''69.800''' 4"(' ' 6915"'7300 8800 ' 8500 8:ioo 5.650 9ioo 6.100 ' 8:600 ·69.675 .... 42 '7600 " lJoo 'i5so' 7.900 "8.600 5.95o l8iii 7550 8ioo " 688OO" 4i 6.800 5650 '7:iio 7.950 "9:010'" i500 ·i.ilo· 7,500 ' 9.100 68.650 44 6.350-" 8.700 8.050 7.750 " S.850 6.050 ·8.800···"1:850····6:000 "'68.400 .. 45 "1015"' \.500 "7:100" 7.250 ""8:800'" 6.200 '7s{)(r'T!loo'''!lSIlO ...6tiJi5 ....:j6 .. '"7".iiW' 6.750 'lSIlO'" 6500 '''9:050'' 5.900 "if100'" 6.800 "l8OO "'ilHiS-'''4r "i:5iii'" 5.100 "'i810" 6.500 '''sioo '' 6.750 "1000 "S:6oo 9.000"" 66:6"50 48 li7s" 5.650 '8:000" 7.700 ' 8:700'" 6150 ' 9000" 4.850 "8:300 " 65:6i5'" 49" "iJjl" }6OO 'i:410' 7.250 ""8:600'" 5.950 8.950 '"4:450" '8:000 " 65:575"" ' 50 " 'nK· 7.150 "6:8iiIi' · 7.750 '8.'800' 1.200 "S:500' "5:550 ,·iioo··..64:67i'·' If "Ilia" 5.550 ' 'Iioo .. 7.400 "8:910" 5.800 "7500 7.000 ···8.300·· .. 64:350 ....ii ·6:900 .... sssO "goo" 7.800 '''8)00' . 5.250 "1400 · Tsoo·iioo····ii4:ioo· 53 ........ ..... .......... ... .




F U1JJ R E 5 T~R 5

2006 National Future Stars Championships Results 11 Year Old Division "'--------






~ HI

Orlando MetroGymnastl<5

9.22S 9.37S 9.900 9.400 8.750 9.700 9.910 9.200 Waiii:~Yiaii " Ri'hmoiid iiegionaiM,ii~Gym 7 "'9010 9.000 iliOO 9350" 9.35'0 9.800 '''9700 8.910 8800 " Kiiai;;:Naiiiaii' iiieijo'nGimnaiiics"ACiiiiffiy' 2 "if8oo' . 9.575 '"9i5ii''' 9.250 ····94liif" 8.150 '9:400 ' 8.950 "TiOO' i;reenbetiSam ·iiiimpidiilii·GimnaiiCi ....·.. 3 8.725 9.6OO 9.45ii" 9:050 ····9:3iii .. 9.050 "9:610' 7.800 "9.000 . 8Ui75 "';r'" ·iii;ii;, iliaii .. ::::. P.ii~i~i ~iiiin.,iii~:' 5 8.325' 9.450 '''8.950 8.750 "isIO .. 9550 ' 9500 9.050 "8.800' 81.225 '5'" 'M,EWli19),ii AmericanGymnasti"············ .. ,· 7 "8:910'" 8.900 '8.700" 8:600 "" 8:900" 8.910 "i7oo 9.000 ""9:ioo·· 81200 '''6 Joiin'seii,Andrew ·····cOiiiihouSi·GyffiiiiSiki ····8 "ii.450" 9.300 "l8OO" 8.600 ····g:ioo .. 9.300 'ij6OO " 8.250 "l9OO ...80.300 "r'" BrookS,Aa,on " .. i(iii",ih' Giiii ii;i~K5'Ok"iio'rii," ., 3 "ii"ioo'" 8.900 ' 9:1100 . 8550 " 9400" 9.ioo '"9:650'" 8.400 "·9.ooif 8li.100 ·"S· Hiriiffieiiiiiiii,leiie' du;eo'ci~' Giiiiii,iiii5""""' " S ··8m···'9.250 · '84iif 8.050 ....9:1Xiif 9.050 "ii:9Oii" 9.000 '· iJ.iiiiO" 79025 9 D,iiiUjijj'obW.. ··· ·iirii,Gyiiiniiiiiii· .. ···· ...... . 9 "7725" 9.310 ""8"6iii" 8500 ' 9:000 9.200 ' sioo '- 8.800 8.400 78.325 "iii " 'R'i,ii~:Andrew""" Hockii19'v,'lieii;ymna~icl s ··"8:610.... 8.400 "8.800" 7.900··..9.500 . 8.700 "9:050 · 8.100 "·9:ioo·" 78.300 .... iT "oiiione:AI,," tajiiiaiGiiiiniiiiiii'fiiC ···· 7 "ifiI5 ' 8.100 "I5io .. 8.550 ....g:ioo ·· 8.800 "TiOO" 8.400 "'92liif 78.175 ' 12 "Goeck,)~e Go For It USA "... , ., ... , 1 '"8:800' . 8.650 ·"8.2io"· 8.200 ···'9:450 ' 8.100 ""8:800' . 8300 ·"9.'iliif . 77850 "Ti" Ben'neit;'tade "'AiiihOrag,'GyiiiniiiiiiiiiiiOdiiiioii' 2 8500' 8.600 · 8.9io" 9.1X1O·' sJ50 8.900 9:410 ' 7850 ' 8ioo ·"77.8OO · i"i Declir\diirdan ·· PaimeAGimnaiiics'·'·····,··, 5 "'8i15" 8.450 ' "9000" 8800 "' 8:700 . 8.600 "9:iI0" 7.400 '''8900' 77.725 '"il''' Hengiin) iiiii"'" NESAK " l : 6 5 0 9.150 '8.450 ' 7.700 9:000 " 8.100 "9:iI0" 8.700 'Tioo" 77.500 16 ···pangiiin.n)icoii' Capital GyinnastKs NiC'" "'s:m" 8550 ""8:650 " 8.600 "8:950" 7.400 "9:450' "9.200 '''8.200' ' 77.175 ' 17 "' Kiiiniii:iairiii,i"" 'c&Miipliii'" ,. "" "" 8 "iil15" 7.850 "'8.650" 7.800 " g:iOO" 8.950 'T95O--' 9.100 "8.400 77.025 18 . Ri,k,ii;Ree;e ········Cijir"i·Ai.idemj" .......... 3 '8:i7S' . 7.750 " S:iOO" 8.750 "'S:9OO'" 8500 9.550 8.400 T5OO' 76.625 " 19 Biiiio;iiiiiiiiw::::}'n.t;iii~:~1~:n,:sii~::: ············ 1 6.575 ' 8.100 '''9000' 8.310 ' g:ioo" 8.450 "9:050" 9.050 ··"8:iiliii 75.875 .. 20 iiepiiiiiiiin: Chnstopher DeVeau's School of Gym. 8.525 8.200 8.250 7.900 8.650 8500 8.600 7.800 9.200 75.625 21 "'Miiuliiiey' '···Preffi1e'·bimnaiiiii'·.... ..,..,. 5 "S:iI5" 6.700 'l5OO'" 8400 "s:6iitf' 8.650' "9]00'" 8.050 9.000 ' 75.475 ··w,iii"ffii).iey,r-·· " ASiGyffinasiics'" "" 3 "8.075" 7.500 "'S5S0 ' 8.350 8.900 8.400 ' "9:ioo' .. 8.400 '''8.000' "75.275 23 'W,iliiugiiby:iiiiW' " san'Mateo Giffiii,'iii<5 ' 1 '7.000 ' 8.750 '·'S200' ·7.950 "·9050 7500 Tioo" 8.400 ··9.iiIiii· · lS.050 '·X ' '- ·sai~ii; (.iiiieiiin· ·· · · · ·In~friijhi"biiiiiiaiiiii-reni"· '·· .. 6 '7:4"1'; " 7.650 "·S.4sn·" 7.950' "1I"SO" 8.150 "l9ij(j"' 8.300 "8.6iilr · 71975 "-YS" tiuii;"Niiih.n.... · " " 5iiiia'Ciiii'sjiiiri5(iiii~i"""" 1 7:850' 7.300 '7800" 7.650 " 9:i50 .. 7550 "'S:iIO .. 8.600 Tioo' 71650 " 26 ·..·iiiirtiiiii:leffieY'·· '"siiiiibiiiin',iifii''' ................., 9 ··F/S····8050 '"7.900''' 7.650 ""8:150" 8.150 "-S:6sij"' 8300" '8.00)"" 7JJ71 27 ·"Giiide~:i.fiiiC · iiockliiijViilie"i"Gyffiiiiiiks'" ...,. 5 . 'l§g" 7.350 "'7.900' i 400 " 9:200'" 8.000 7.900 6300 " 9000 ' 70.975 '''is' "Hiadman,iiiion, ·iiiiieGymniiilii ··'····· 9 "1:450" 7.850 ' ifilo" il50 ....8.15if" 7.550 "6:s5ii" 7.450'· ii.8OO·· 69.9(J() '''i-g' " Eiigl;;nd;G~itiih AeiliiWoiki iliiiquiii' 3 7475 4.200 Kiio' 7.850 "'"86io 7.700 9.150 6.250 "'8900"" 69.325 "'iii" "' ioiiiiioii;Eifi "'" "'ChiiffijifoiiGyffinaiilii' 5 '"6450 .' 7500 ' 7.300 7.700 "S:5oo . 8.150 8.700 6.700 "'7.800'" 68.8{j() " "Ii '"siiowiiiii;Aiiiifo' 'C;iiiin,iiiii'fliV,d,''''''' '''''' .. 1 "i.iiiiti 5.250 ")"500 ' 8.800 ""8:650' . 8.750 "6:S50" t500 ··ii.2oo· ., 68.500 32 . Riiii:·liaac····.. ·.. ·iioniirey·P;iiini·u"·GiiiiCiiii;;· .,. 1 "6.800' . 6.900 "f4io" 7.700 ' "8:45ii' 7650 ' 7:910'" 6.700 "8800' 68.400 "Ii "'iiiiil,,'r1o:Mkhaei SanMateO Gymnaiti<5 . , 1 "6.100' .. 4.600 "'gOO" 8.100 ' "8:S50'" 7.200 "'7800' . 8.000 "9:300 ,. 67.850 '''if' 'iiifrjiViri:iioiiifoii,·.. tNYGiiiina~iii·' ··" . 7 5.iM ,. 6300 " 8.300 ' 7.750 "Kiso " 7.210 'Tioo'" 6ooo ' ")6iJii"' 65<iOO '''j5"'' 'Denotes Intemational Guest Athlete USA GYMNASTICS JANUARY · ~~BRUARY 2007


I~** Future Stars National Championships

• PH







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.:::s: :::

• •

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USA GYMNASTICS IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE 2006-07 Future Stars Regional Development Teams in the 8- to 9-year-old division.This team is comprised of the top six finishers from each of the nine regions. These young men represent the finest, up-and-coming gymnasts from their respective regions. Congratulations to these young rising stars and their coaches. Keep up the great work! ta


\..\Al&it this link for m~re information on the Future Stars Program ,

• Chris Siebel West Coast Olympic Gymnastics Academy John Eisenberg High Sierra Gymnastics Tyler Gerads Oasis Gymnastics Max Maynard Victory Gymnastics Kwate Quartey San Mateo Gymnastics

Josh Havelind Oregon Gymnastics Academy

Seth Roy Yellow Jackets Gymnastics Erick Duffy Yellow Jackets Gymnastics

Matthew Cayer Interstate Gymnastics

Kyle Fein Preston Gymnastics Jacob Ught Parkettes Gymnastics Johnny Grail Docksiders Mrtchell Rachuba Preston Gymnastics Elijah Ty-Phelps Youth Sports

Michael David lewis The Colony GymnastiCS

Adam Scow Mini-Hops Derek Mikus Nebraska SChool of Gymnastics Ryan Wangler Minnesota Valley



landon Mathis Greenville Gymnastics

Nathan Dain Mountain Gymnastics Jason Snyder Arete Gymnastics Row 2

Byron Parmely Xlreme Gymnastics


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}-URE 9 "1' '''


THE 2006 FUTURE STARS CAMP TOOK PLACE AT THE OLYMPIC Training Center in Lake Placid, NY, September 24-28. The Future Stars Team is made up af 30 gymnasts from all aver the USA who. attended this three-day camp, lead by Future Stars Directar, Broake Bushnell Taahey. The USA Gymnastics staff included Stan Picus, ballet and dance instructor, plus coaches Mila Hardy and Iliana Ivanava. The staff facused an apparatus handling, stretching, bady technique and canditianing. Mast af the gymnast's persanal caaches were able to.

attend the camp.This enabled them to. nat anly learn, but share their awn expertise and knawledge af the spart with ane anather. The gymnasts were able to. train six haurs a day which gave them time to absorb what they were taught by the staff and caaches. The caaches and athletes were also. fortunate to. have a sessian with sports psychalagist Mara Smith. The 2006 Future Stars Camp was a success again this year.Thanks to. the staff, caaches and athletes far all their hard work! iij

RHYTHMIC FUTURE STARS TEAM Bottom Row (left to right): Laura Tutunikov, Amanda Tran, Sonya Nisevich, Meghan Lalor, Daniella, Ramashin, Serena Lu, Madysen Felber, Jazzy Kerber Middle Row (left to right): Aria Rodli, Polina Kozitski, Megan Kincaid, Diana Kim, Rebecca Sereda, Jane Braverman, Cindy Lu, Peggy Flavin, Ashley Itner Top Row (left to right): Alexis Page, Katie Kouvelas, Sofia Bouzos, Alexa Horn, Karina Routchka, Martha Demarco, Lyrica Okano



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• 26



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26 years of unforgettable times with our summer campers and coaches.

Bela and Martha Karolyi , coaches of the 1984,1988,1992,1996 USA Olympic Teams, invite you to be part of an action-packed and fun-filled summer. They will help you to have the most unique gymnastics experience of your lifetime.

Come and be with us at the Karolyi s 2,000 acre ranch as we celebrate the 26 year anniversary of the Karolyi Camps-Home of the National Teams. Camps will be personally directed by Bela, who will share his 40 years of coaching experience as he developed some of the most famous Olympic champions in the world, such as Nadia Comaneci, Mary Lou Retton , Kim Zmeskal, Dominique Moceanu and Kerri Strug. One quarter of a century igniting dreams and spiriting students toward excellence in sport!

SESSIONS: June 5-10, 12-17,

19-24, 26-July 1, July 10-15, 17-22 , 24-29 (All dates are Tuesday-Sunday)

SPECIAL OFFER • Coaches, or group organizers, with 10 students enrolled are invited free of charge ... • Coaches, or group organizers, with 10 students enrolled to attend camp will benefit from housing, meals, recreational facilities, and optional participation in daily technical meetings and instructions.

• Tuition/session:$415 • Additional session: $395 • Enrollment is Limited: Call or write for your camp brochure or check out . NOTE: Only money order or cashier's check wi ll be accepted. • Deposit $75Isession(non-refundable) • High-quality intensive gymnastics

instruction in the 45 ,000 square-foot gymnasium complex ,(training site of the USA National Team) . • Exciting additional outdoor activities include: horseback riding, swimming (Olympic-size pool) , tennis, ball games , campfire activities, hay ride, dancing and boating . • Optional Airport pick-up available.

APPLICATION NAME ______________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________ CITY _________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ______________ CAMPDATE ____________________




Housing, meals, instruction, additional . activities. Additional sessions: $395 Coaches: See special offer with 10 students enrolled.

Karolyi's Gymnastics Camps 454 FS 200 Huntsville, TX 77340 Phone: 936-291-0007 Fax: 936-291 -8637 Email:

Karolyi's Gymnastics legends Bock row, left to right: Betty Oki no, Mary lou Retton, Martha Karolyi, Bela Karolyi, Nadia Comaneci. Front row, left to right Jennie Thompson, Kim Zmeskal, Dominique Moceanu.

licia Sacramone ader One oj the first V.S. Jemale gymnasts to compete at both the collegiate and elite levels at the same time.

cBy £y,an cfeszek

ALICIA SACRAMONE HAS ALWAYS BEEN described as a leader and once again she takes the lead by becoming one of the first U.S. female gymnasts to compete at both the collegiate and elite levels at the same time. She made a tough decision in 2006 to turn down a full gymnastics scholarship to a university in California to stay in Massachusetts and train at Brestyan's Gymnastics with her long-time coaches Mihai and Silvia Brestyan, as well as attend and compete for Brown University. " It was definitely a hard decision to pass up a scholarship to UCLA, but I felt that I wasn't ready to be done with elite gymnastics and Val (Kondos) was very understanding. I am very grateful for that," said Sacramone. "I couldn't be happier here at Brown, and training at Brestyan's, I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds." This Winchester, Mass., native turned 19 on December 3 and has a pretty brutal schedule, juggling a rigorous course load at an Ivy League school, competing for both Brown University and USA Gymnastics and trying to find a little time for socializing as well. If anyone can handle this schedule, Sacramone is the one to do it. Her mom, Gail, describes her daughter as a whirlwind, "She has a bubbly personality, is always concerned with other people and is a team player." When Alicia was young she was involved with dance. According to her mom, the dance teacher called Alicia a spark plug! Alicia started gymnastics a little later than most. "She was 8 turtling 9 when she started gymnastics," said Gail. "I enrolled her in a recrea tional gymnastics class because she had so much energy." Eventually she had to choose between dance or gymnastics and the rest is history. ~ JVame:,jllicia Sacram one (pronounwd Sack m il



13irth rfJate: 12/ 3/ 198 7 rf\.esidence: l Vinchesle,; iYlassLichusells Club: 13 res lyclll :~Jlrnel"ica ll Gymnastics Coach:NTij;;;;-;;-;;dSil~-;;;p,;;;';O!...l/-a-n-------&blings: O lder brot.her It'i1o is 24 Pet: Y orkshire terrier /1am;Ti;,I;c/°c-c'/ -oe - - - - -PHOTO · MiNKUSIMAGES

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These are photos of Al icia as a toddler, in a dance recital , and at the 2006 World Championships.

This rising star moved from Level 5 to elite in just four short years. "The Brestyan's began coaching Alicia when she was a Level 5, and they developed a plan for her and told me she'd be an elite in four years," said Gail. "Her father and I were amazed at her progress. We knew she had something special but we didn't know wqat." She just continues to improve. In fact she's the 2005 world champion on floor, the 2006 silver world medalist on vault, the 2006 national champion on both vault and floor, and a Pan American Championships and World Cup gold medalist, just to name a few of her accomplishments. Always the overachiever, Sacramone would still like to have "Olympian" stamped on her credits and plans to continue training in hopes of making the 2007 World Championships and 2008 1 U.s.Olympic teams. Oh yeah, she also wants to help the Bears win its Ivy League championship while preparing for a career in fashion design. Sacramone took a few minutes out of her busy schedule to answer questions about the recent World Championships. Here's what she had to say. Q: You had an outstanding World Championships in all of the events you competed in (vault, beam and floor). How did that make you feel? Alicia: I was really pleased with my performance at Worlds. It was a big confidence booster for this upcoming year knowing that I can go out and hit my events two days in a row. Q: What was the best part of your World Championships experience? Alicia: I always enjoy spending time with the team. We have all become so close it's like we are one big family. Q: What was it like to win the team silver medal? Alicia: It was awesome winning the team silver. I would have loved if it was gold, but I'm not complaining. We all worked really hard for that medal and all the girls should be proud. Q: I know you had a half point deducted because of your leap pass on floor 30


exercise during the team prelims. Can you tell us a little more about this and how you felt? Alicia: I actually had no idea I did anything wrong until one of the coaches told me my score and why it was so low. I was really upset after prelims. It was like a slap in the face not even making it to event finals on floor, which was what I was working all year for. It honestly felt like a great routine. I did my job and that's all I could have asked for. Q: Does this give you extra incentive for the future? Alicia: Not making floor finals this year definitely got me all fired up, and it's motivating me to make my floor routine flawless so that next year there will be no question on ANY of my connections. Q: How did you motivate yourself

and get back up for the future days of competition and do so well? Alicia: It was really hard to put on a happy face and continue on, but the girls and coaches were great. They all made an effort to cheer me up and let me know it wasn't totally my fault. Don't get me wrong, tears were shed, but I pulled myself together because I knew my team needed me and they were looking to me for support. Q: I know you missed the beginning of freshman year at Brown University while at the event. How much did you miss and how do you get caught up when you returned? Alicia: I missed a grand total of three weeks of school. I actually was doing schoolwork the whole time I was in Denmark; I have online access to my classes so I could keep up while I travel. But, I did have to make up some tests when I got back. Q: What is college life like? Do you live on campus or at home? Alicia: College life consists of a lot of freedom to do what I want, which

is refreshing. I actually live on campus in the dorms. Q: How is it balancing college and training in elite gymnastics? Alicia: It is a lot of hard work, but it was my choice and it's a lot easier than it seems because I'm enjoying myself.

Q : Do you feel like a pioneer, being one

of the first women on the national team to compete NCAA at the same time as collegiate gymnastics? Alicia: I do kind of feel like a pioneer, I figured if men can do both NCAA and Elite level gymnastics why can't women, too. We are so used to packing up and leaving the elite scene once we have graduated high school. I hope that other girls will see that you can do both if you want to. Q: Do you have time to enjoy a

social life while at college? Alicia: I try to balance my life as much as I can. If you are all work and no play you will go crazy. I try to hang out with my friends whenever I get some free time. Q: What's next for you in

terms of gymnastics? Alicia: Right now it's just to relax for a little bit. It was a hard season for a lot of us and my body . needs some recovery, but other than that I'm just training right now. Q: What are your gymnastics goals for the next couple of years? Alicia: My goals for the next couple of years are to stay healthy and to try for Worlds in 2007 and the Olympics in 2008, and to prove to everyone that you can go to college and still do elite gymnastics. i3 PHOTO (TOPRIGHT &BOTTOM) • MINKUS IMAGES

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Gets a Second Shot! • By Lu an Peszek Birth Date: September 24, 1981 Residence: State College, Pennsylvania Hometown: Fremont, California Team & (oach: TeamChevron & RandyJepson Favorite event: Rings Hobby: Golf School: Graduate of Penn State University in 2004 with degree in Finance EmploymentAssistant coach for Penn State University Men's gymnastics team Accomplishments: 2006 Rings National Champion; 2006 World Championshipsteam member; 2006 DTBPokal WoM Cup Bronze Medalist on Rings; 2005 World Championships, 10th SR

hampionships Captain and National Rings

• •

amIi on Kevin Tan got a second shot to win a medal when e was invited to the DTB Pokal, a World Cup event in Stuttgart, Germany, immediately following the 2006 World Championships.

KevinTan prepares for competition at the 2006 World Championships.



"It was a nice surprise to win a medal," said Tan. "It was great to get back out there after having a disappointing World Championships. It was almost like a second shot!" Tan is known as Kai Wen to his family and college teammates. However, most of his life he's gone,by his "Americanized" name which is Kevin, "My older brother's name is Kai Yuan Tan and our names were so similar .that my parents called me Kevin growing up," said Tan. "It also made things easier at school 'with teachers and friends. When I went to college my teammates and friends chose to call me by my real name, so basically I go by both." Tan started gymnastics when he was 7 years old becau se he had so much energy. Gymnastics was a good fit for Tan, who was very strong and excelled on rings from the beginning. Gymnastics taught him diScipline, coordination and the importance of hard work. A member of Pe1U1 State's 2004 NCAA Championships team and two time rings champion from Perm State, Tan graduated in 2004 with a degree in finance. He spent 17 years in gymnastics and, after graduating, decided to continue on the path to Beijing and h'y to the make the Olympic Team. He now serves as the assistant coach at Penn State where he also trains, In 2005, Tan focused on rings and took about a year and a half off from the other events in preparation for the individual event World Championships. However, he began training ~ Con ti n ue d on page 46 PHOTOS · MINKUSIMAGES

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vent results

Left: Cassie Wh itcomb Right: Sara h DeMeo

WHITCOMB AND DEMEO WIN GOLD AT 2006 TOP GYM COMPETITION Whitcomb, 13, is an eighth grader at will turn 15 on January 29, is an eighth he 2006 U.s. Junior National Team T members Cassie Whitcomb of Ohio Connections Academy. In the grader at Blue Valley Middle School. Cincinnati, Ohio, and Sarah DeMeo of junior division earlier this year, she Earlier this year, she won the junior Rochester, Kansas, represented the U.S. in the 2006 Top Gym Competition, Nov. 25-26, in Charleroi, Belgium. Whitcomb, who trains at Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy, took first allaround with a score of 57.050. She also took first on bars and second on vault. 36


finished sixth on bars at the Visa Championships, where she was also 11th in the all-around . DeMeo, who trains at Great American Gymnastics Express, took second allaround with a score of 56.750 and won the gold medal on beam. DeMeo, who

balance beam title at the u.s. Classic and finished seventh in the junior all-around at the 2006 Visa Championships. The u.S. delegation also included: Enrique Trabanino of CGA, Al Fong of GAGE and judge Pat Panichas. toi PHOTOS · STEVELANGE

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MARCH 2-4, 2007 Greater Columbus Convention Center _ Columbus, Ohio USA WEEKEND INFORMATION: www.arnoldsportsfestival,com C 2006 CLASSIC PRODUCTIONS INC.

TOWNSEND CLAIMS BRONZE MEDAL AT GLASGOW GRAND PRIX AND WORLD CUP ouston's Sean Townsend won the bronze medal on parallel bars at the 10th Glasgow Grand Prix and World Cup at Kelvin Hall International Sports Arena, in Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 11. Joseph Hagerty of Albuquerque, N.M., also competed in the event finals . Townsend, who is a member of Team Chevron, earned a 14.700 for his parallel bars routine to finish in third place. France's Yann Cucherat took first followed by Poland's Roman Kulesza in second. Hagerty, also a member of Team Chevron, competed in the finals for both the floor exercise and high bar. On floor, Hagerty posted a 14.775 to place sixth and on high bar he scored a 15.500, also for sixth. Germany's Matthias Fahrig took first on floor and Cucherat was first on high bar. ta



• •


uliya Hall of Idaho Falls, Idaho, just missed tumbling's medal podium at the 2006 World Cup Final for trampoline and tumbling in Birmingham, Great Britain. Hall finished fourth with a total score of 63.20. Great Britain's Samantha Palmer won the women's tumbling competition with a 68.80, followed by Russia's Anna Korobeynikova at 66.80 and Belarus' Anna Terrenia at 63.80. Tumbling's final included two tumbling runs. Hall scored a 31.90 on her first pass, followed by a 31.30. ta


• •

Tumbling Results

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~ 1._~ _m _~ ~~ a~ ~~ lm~e~ ~~ Gre _a_t_ B~ -=n~~~ ~.~ ~~____~.~5~ .E~m~iIy~S~m~~ ~,~Qm ~a~ da~ ______ 6_2_ ._______ ro ~

2. Anna Korobeynlkova, Russia


6. An De Win, Belgium

58.40 - - , - , - --1

3. Anna Terrenia, Belarus


7. Zoe Mclean, Great Britain

51.1 0

4. Yullya Hall, USA


8. Emeline Millory, France




ent results

USA WINS TWO GOLD AND ONE BRONZE AT 2006 DTB-POKAL WORLD CUP ana Bieger won the uneven bars and floor exercise titles and Kevin Tan won the ronze medal on still rings at the 2006 DTBPokal, a World Cup event held in Stuttgart, Germany, immediately following the 2006 World Championships. 2006 all-around world silver-medalist Bieger of Coconut Creek, Fla., scored a 15.425 to win the uneven bars title and a 15.150 to win the floor exercise title. She competes for


Bieger International Gymnastics. 2006 U.S. World Championships Team member Tan, of Fremont, Calif., earn the bronze medal on rings with a score of 16.075. Tan trains for Team Chevron. David Durante of Garfield, N.]., who also is a member of Team Chevron, finished seventh in the pommel horse with a score of 14.950. i3 http://


n December 1, the u.s. Acrobatic Gymnastics Delegation arrived in Great Britain for the 2006 British Open Tournament. The u.s. delegation included 22 athletes from across the country. Athletes were selected to compete at the British Open Selection Competition held in Huntsville, Texas, and/ or were extended invitations as members of the 2006-2007 National Team and Junior Olympic National Team. Team USA consisted of the following athletes and their respective clubs (below). Senior Men's Pair of Amaro and Spray won the gold medal medal with a score of 28.140. The audience erupted with applause immediately following their amazing routine. Women's Pair of Henthorn and Shields won a silver medal against a strong field in the junior division, scoring a 26.900 with their combined routine. Senior Mixed Pair of Kincher and Allen won the silver medal with their combined routine (25.140). In the 11-16 age group division, women's group of Busha, Scheid and Spray won a bronze medal with their dynamic routine (28.150). Eight of the nine U.S. pair/groups qualified to finals. Congratulations to all the U.s. athletes who competed in the 2006 British Open Tournament! Competitors in the British Open Tournament represented clubs and federations from the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, Spain, Wales, London, Scotland, West Midlands, United States, and Yorkshire. i3




Club/Location West Coast Acrobatics in Livermore, CA . West Coast Acrobatics in Livermore, CA Acro ExplOSion in Blue Springs, MO Mid-America Aero Trampoline and Tumbling In Owensville, MO 11-16 Women's Pair: Maren Rey, Hannah Vires Xtreme Acro in Rockville, MD 11-16 Women's Group Hannah Busha, Steffi SCheid, Mariah Spray West Coast Aerobatics in Livermore, CA 11-16 Women's Group: Madison Lamey, Brooke Sassin, Audrey Palmer ; Brown's in San AntoniO, TX 11-16 Women's Group: Mackenzie Porter, Emily Lingo, Courtney Harms Rising Star Aero Club in Kearney, MO 11-16 Women's Group: Chelcea Riegel, Ashley Hargis, Kristin Weidmaier Rising Star Aero Club in Kearney, MO

Senior Men's Pair: Senior Mixed Pair Junior Women's Pair 11-16 Women's Pair

USA Athletes Julian Amaro, Tyler Spray Brian Kincher, Kristin Allen Mallory Henthorn, Savannah Shields Megan Clemons, Maranda King




W!-lAT: Design a GOOD LUCK message to the gymnasts participating in the Tyson American Cup. All of the Good Luck messages will be hung up at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena for all the competitors to see and enjoy.

PICTURE PERFECT Here's a fun photo I took of my 9 year old Level 6 gymnast, Hailey Burlenson, from Olympia nastics in Hendersonville, NC. --_.......~~~ Thanks!!

!-lOW: Use standard sized paper, any color, 8112"x 11"in size. Use markers, crayons, paints, or whatever. Be creative, anything goes! Please include your name, club, age and address on the back of your sign so that if you're one of the winners we can mail you a gift.

W!-lO: Your good luck message can be directed to all of the athletes or to a specific country. The countries invited to participate include: Canada, China, Germany; Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United States (at time of print athletes have not yet been named). W!-l I':; R1':;: Mail your good luck message to: Luan Peszek, USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 DI':;ADLlNI':;: February 19, 2007. Keep watching throughout and following the Tyson American Cup on March 3 to see if you are awinner.

Olympic Gold Medalist Dominique Moceanu Gets Married

MISTAKEN IDENTIFY In the Nov/Dec issue of USA Gymnastics magazine, Bianca Flohr was listed on page 24 in the Junior Pan American Championships feature, but the wrong photo was used. Here's the right photo of Bianca.

muuque oceanu, who won a gold m e al at e 1996 summer Olympics as part f e U.S. women's gymnastics team dubbe the Magnificent Seven, married long-ti , e boyfriend Michael Canales in her hometown of Houston on Nov. 4. Moceanu, 25, and Canales, 29, a former nationally ranked collegiate gymnast who is now a resident in podiatric surgery in Cleveland, started dating in 200l. Congratulations to the happy couple!

• AHention Club Owners

Summer Camp

DIRECTORY If you would like your summer camp listed in the free summer camp directory in the March/April issue of USA Gymnastics and online, please register at

In order for your camp to be included in the March/ April issue of USA Gymnastics magazine you must register by February I, 2007. 42


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ent schedule 2007


JANUARY .1 .~: ~? ... ...~~~C? ?~'p~!.S!i.~i.~ ~A.~~ .~iy~~~i~~,. ~.": . .... . . 18-21

Pre-Elite Training Squad Camp (TI) Houston, TX

3 Tyson American Cup (M,W) ........ . . .. !?~~~C?~~i.l!~,. ~!~: ...... . . . ...... ..... . .. .. . . 5-10 USA vs. World Training Camp & · . .. .. . . .. .. ~c?!1:1p.~~~t.i?~ .(XV). ~.C? T~ . . . . .. .... . . .

!B~ .. . . . . . yY.<?~I~ ~l!p. ~~~~ p.,:,~!s! .~~~ . . . .. .. •• ... . . .• . MAY ~-.~ . . . . . ... ~?~i.<?~.~I. ~!i~~. q,:,?!i.f!~~ .(yY)! . ~C?~.s.t~n~ !!< ..

.1.3: 2~. .... . ~~~?~. ~~~t.a.i~. ! ~l!~ .(XV).~.~~. . ... . .. .... ... . .


.1.6: 1? ......GY!1:1.~i.~ !':l~~!~.~~i~~?! .(XV). ~?~~~~a!,9~~. .

............ q~!~~.<?!1:1? ~.iW,. q~.... ...... .. .. ...... .... .

22-25 USA Gymnastics Collegiate · . . .. . ..... . .C~?~f?!C?~.~~~f?~ .(.10) y'{i.lI.i?':1.s~~.r~,y{\ .... .

.... . ..... . . TBD . ... . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . ....... ..... .. . . . .......

APRIL .1.-.~ . . .... . . XV<?~I~ .~~p. ~ .U?":.(~) ..L~~~. ~!~~~d~ ~Y.... .

. . . . ... ......~i~~ir:'!!1:1e.~,. ~~.~. ?P'C?~?~~~ yY~ . ... . .. . . ... .

?-.~ ....... ..~<?~I~ .C~P' ~ .~?~~~.~ .t:r:~ q~.~~~.~ qy ... .

.1.1.: ~?

... .

12-15 NCAA Championships (M) ..... ... . ....~t.~~~ .~C?II.~!;J~! .P":. .. . .. . . . .. . .... . ... " .•• . .


... ... ....<?n! .<?~ .... ..... ... ... .. ...... ... ..... ..

18 Rhythmic Challenge (R) . ... .........~C?!C?!?~C?Sp.r!~~~,. ~.C? .. ..... ............ ..

14-18 National Team Training Camp (W) · . . . . ..... ...~?~~~o~! .~~.. ..... . . . .. .. . . . . ...... . . ... •. .

21-24 Tyson American Cup Selection Camp (W) · .. .. .. . . ....~?~~!C?~! .~~......... . .. . ...... . ... . .. .... . .

. . .. . . . . . . . . .t~.~ ~,. ~.<?I?~~.... ... .. . . . . ... . . . .. .

17-2 1 USA Gymnastics Collegiate ....... ..... .C~?~f?iC?~.~h!f?s.(~~ ?~~~I~! .~": ... . .... . . .

:2.2: ~4. ... . . XVi~.t.~r. q?s.s!~. (~) . ~~.~~~~k,. !.~ .......... .

?qP .... ..~~~~! .~!~~. ~~.!;Ji.<?~.~ls. (~~ y?riC?!J.~ ?i~~~ . . . .

FEBRUARY 5-11 USNJPN/Others Training and Verification .. .... . ......~a!1:1p. .P'!'!).~.<?~.s.t~~~

TX .... ... ... ..... .... .

2007 Winter Cup Challenge (M)


·... ... ..... .~~~ Y~~'~~" ~y .... ... ..... ........ ... .... .. . 7-11 National Team Training Camp (TI) · . .. .. . .... . .~?~~!C?~! .~~. .. .. . .. . ...................... . 15-17 Rhythmic Invitational & Coaches · . . .. ........~}:,r:'!p'<?~i.~r:'! .(~)..;l? ?p'~i~!;J~~ ~<?


Tyson American Cup Training Camp (W) Houston, TX


NCAA Championships(W) Salt Lake City, UT

10-12 11-13

24-27 27-31

JO National Championships (M) U.s. Elite Chalienge/lAGC Team Trial (TI) Level 9 East & West Championships (W)

.....~r:'!~!!~~~. q?s.s!~.(~). !-!C?!J.~t.<?':l! !~ ........ . JO National Championships (W) International H. Chmielewski Tournament American Classic (Pan Am Verification)

. . .. . . .. . .. . .tyY).~.<?~~~o.n,. T~ ...... .. ... ... .. .... ...... .

?~ :J.~~.~ .1.. ~r:'!e!!~~~. ~.I?ssi~.(~). !-!C?~st.<?n! !~ .. . ..... . TBD

Machuga Cup (AG) Krasnodar, RUS ~

• •

• 44



-=-~, --~



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~ Continued from p. 32· Kevin Tan

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on six events in late 2005 in preparation for the 2006 World Championships . . "Going into 2006 I knew in order to make the team I'd have to contribute on other events to help the team," said Tan. "Things came back pretty naturaJly for me, but, I'm not going to lie, I had to work really hard to' get back to the level I'm at now." Tan was thrilled to make the 2006 World Championships Team but didn't have the competition he'd hoped for. "I got food poisoning the second day I was there from a sandwich I ate," said Tan. "I didn't feel good for a couple of days and it drained everything out of me. I had no energy. I trained so hard for so long and then things just got taken out of my hands." Tan competed in four events for Team USA during the preliminary competition, .including pommel horse, still rings, parallel bars and high bar. He had the highest score

for the team on both parallel bars and high bar, but didn't hit his rings routine the way he wanted. The U.S. team finished 13th, just a little more than a point out of the team finals competition. Tan was invited to compete at the DTB Pokal, a World Cup event in Stuttgart, immediately following the World Championships. He had regained most of his strength from the food poisoning incident and was able to earn the bronze medal on rings. He said, "It was nice to end my season by winning a medal at the World Cup. It would have been bad to end my season after the World Championships." So what's next? ''I'm back to the gym and training. My next competition will be Winter Cup. I have a couple of months to improve my routines and difficulty and make myself more of a world-caliber athlete. My plan is to continue competing through 2008."~

Fund Raising

~ Continued from p. 11 • Jana Bieger

and 2009. Right now I'm not sure about collegiate gymnastics, it just depends.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time? Jana: I like to go shopping, babysit, and go to our pool.

Q: Tell me about your expelience at the World Championships. Andrea: It was a long time away from home. It was very successful but unexpected. We went to the selection camp and didn't know if Jana would make the World team or not. She did great and qualified to the team. We flew to Denmark. The main goal was the team competition and the first day went great. The team final day was okay but we had two mistakes. The Chinese hit all of their routines. We have to admit they hit and we didn't. I'm not mad about that. We just have to accept it. It will make us stronger and more consistent for next year. After the 2005 World Championships in Melbourne, the USA had all these gold medals and it was reachable, but not this time.

Q: H ow do you flX the mistakes for next time? Andrea: These falls never happened before. I can't recall Jana ever putting her hand down on her vault. Same thing with Chellsie missing her Hindorf on bars - it never happens. You can not flX this. You just go home and continue to work on consistency. We have the difficulty; we just need to clean up more. We are completely on track. We didn't lose the gold, we won the silver. You can never lose sight of this.

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Q: What were your goals for Jana in the allaround competition? Andrea: We just wanted Jana to go in and be consistent and show them what she can do. Of course we're happy with second in the world in the all-around and floor. This position is good for her. It's ideal for next year.

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Q: What's next for Jana? Andrea: Working, working, working. We'll add some new skills and change some routines. Her difficulty is very high, but we'll add one new skill on beam and one new skill on floor and we'll see about vault. She'll also get a new floor routine choreographed by Antonia Markova. ~


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Burke, Vi rginia

Simone is the 2006 Level 7State Champion in the 10-year-old division. She took first all-around with a38.20 and second for all age groups. Simone is coached by Tatiana Perskaia, Marina Gerasimova Gerome and VictorVetrov at Capital Gymnastics.

aces in the gym


W est C on shohocken, Pennsylvani a Sisters Chelsea (L) and Michaela are 2006

Pennsylvania state champs. Chelsea, 16, is the Level 9 State Beam Champion. Michaela, 13, is the Level 8 State Vault Champion. They train at Mannettes Gymnastics Center and are coached by Karen Hendricksen, Carol Ramos-Vega and Jackie Bier ~ SI-IAN IA SPI-IAR Morgantown, West V irgin ia

Shania, 8, was the 2006 Level 4 West Virginia State All-Around and floor Champion. Shania only started competitive gymnastics one year ago, and 2006 was her first year on the competitive team. Shania competes for WVGTC and is currently training Levell. Her coaches are Ryan Schulz, Rebekah Horn, and Gene Diaz.

Simpsonvi lle, So uth Caro li na


LEVEL 8'S Tucson, Arizona

The Tumbleweeds were undefeated during the 2005-'06 season. Coached by Kim Bird, Jessica VV1ckizer and Zena Stewart, team members include (kneeling) Caitlin Mann, AZ State AA Champion and Region 1Beam & floor Champion; (standing from Lto R) Samantha Romero; Logann Berg, AZ Beam Silver; Monica Ahanonu, AZ State &Region 1AA Champion; Kassandra Lopez AZ State & Region 1AA Champion; and Breanna Sims, AZ State AA Silver & Region 1Beam and floor Champion.


... SI-IELBY I-IELLMER Highlands Ra nch, Colorado

Shelby captured the gold medal at the Colorado Trampoline and Tumbling State Meet in Level 5 Tumbling, Level 6Trampoline and Level 6 Double-Mini Trampoline. She's coached by Joshua Denmark at Vertical Sports Training Center in Linleton, Colorado.


SAGE .Madison , Wisconsin

Jade, 7, moved from Academy of Olympic Gymnastics in California to VV1sconsin where she now trains at Saito Gymnastics. She placed first all-around as aLevel 5 in three out of four consecutive meets with an all-around average of 35.550. She's coached by Jay Murphy and Julie Holden.



MACKIiNZIE GRAY Andover. Massachua.tts MadeIzIe won tile leYeI Sa/I-atvund cumpeIIt/on at tile 2006 Massachusetts 5ta1e Meet with ascore of37.25. She also took ftrst on vault and second on ftoor and beam. Mada!IIZIe competes forVe/1ow .IackI!Is GymnastIa Academy and also quallfttd to 2OO61OFs national testing.

Maria, 7, is the bronze level national champion of the Rhythmic festival National Competition held in Indianapolis, Ind. This competition was held in conjunction with General Gymnastics Nationals. Maria is coached by her grandmother, Betty Goodwin, of Elite Gymnastics and Doina firica and Michaela Cigareanu.


Hannah (R), and Taylor, are both 9years old and Level 5's. They train at American Institute of Gymnastics and finished first and second, respectively, inseven of their nine competitions. Their year was topped off at the 2006 Illinois State meet when they againwent 1-2 in the all-around (Hannah, 37.775) and (Taylor, 37.475). Hannah was the vault championand Taylor was the bars champion .




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PAYMENT: Mall your ad and payment to· USA GymnastICl. Pan Ame(l(iin Pldld, 201 S. Capitol Avenue, SUite 300, Indlanapolil, IN 46225 or fax to 3172375069. If you fax. pleOle Include your credit card number, expiration date and IIgnature. ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnast'" relervel the right to vary format.

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