DECEMBER 1-5 5-9 7-B
JULY 4-6 6-8 7-8 8-14 13-29 20-22 21 21 -22 22-26 27-29
Pan Am Games Training Camp (W) National Elite Qualifier (W) East Championships Rhythmic (R) World Gymnaestrada (GG) Pan Americon Games (M,W,R,TR) Freedom Cup (AG) Future Stars (R) West Championships Rhythmic (R) JO National Championships (AG) U.S. Classic/Challenge (W)
Houston, TX Houston, TX Deerfield, Il Dornbirn, AUT Rio de Janeiro, BRA Palm Springs, CA Newark, CA Newark, CA Palm Springs, CA Battle Creek, Ml
Jeff Metzger Business Builders Workshop Region 6 Congress National Gymnastics Day J.O. National Team Training Camp (W) T& TScholarship Camp (TTl World University Games National Business Conference State & Reg. Chair Training (TTl Visa Chompionships (M/W/R/AG) National Congress and Trade Show World Championships Training Camp (W) World Cup -Russia (TTl
Newlon, MA Newlon, MA Colorodo Springs, CO Three Rivers, MI Bangkok, THA San Jose, CA San Jose, CA San Jose, CA San Jose, CA Houston, TX St. Petersburg, RUS
World Cup -Poland (TTl World Championships (M, W) Stars & Stripes Cup/IAGC Team Trial (TT) World Championships (R) Region 5 Congress Jr. Japan Competition (W) Jeff Metzger Business Builders Workshop Region 7 Congress
Zelona-Guro Stuttgart, GER Birmingham, Al Patras, GRE Indianapolis, IN Yokohama, JPN King of Prussia, PA King of Prussia, PA
TOPs ACamp (W) TOPs BCamp (W) JumpStart Nationo) Testing (TTl
Houston, TX Houston, TX TBD
AUGUST 2-5 4 9-12 5-11 12-21 15 15 15-18 16-18 20-26 25-26
SEPTEMBER 1-2 1-9 13-16 19-23 20-23 23-26 27 28-30
A USA delegation will depart this month for the 2007 World Gymnaestrada in Dornbirn, Austria.
2008 MARCH 1 29-30
Tyson American Cup level 9/10 State Championships (W)
TBD Various sites
level 9/10 Regional Championships (W)
Various sites
level 9 East & West Championships (W) JO National Championships (W) U.S. Classic
TBD Kissimmee, Fl Virginia Beach, VA
U.s. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics
Philadelphia, PA
Olympic Games
Beijing, CHN
APRIL 18-20
MAY 9-11 16-18 T8D
JUNE 19-22
OCTOBER 5-7 23-28 TBD
National TOPs Testing (W) World Chomps. Team Training Camp (TTl National Team Training Camp (AG)
Houston, TX lake Placid, NY Houston, TX
World Championships (TT) International Age-Group Competition (TTl Future Stars National Championships (M) National Coaches Workshop (M) Jr. Pan American Championships (M/W) Olympic Test Event
Quebec City, CAN Quebec City, CAN Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Guatemala Beijing, CHN
NOVEMBER 2-4 7-9 7-11 7-11 20-25 25-Dec 7
W= Women M= Men AG =Acrobatic Gymnastics
R= Rhylhmic GG =Group Gymnaslics B= Business
NOTE: OGtes IIIffI events su6;ect to dtage 01 ClIIKeIatioft.
TR =Trampoline TU = Tumbling IT = Trampoline/ Tumbling
2007 • VOLUME 27 •
Steve Penny EDITOR
Zemetria Barnes-Perry USA GYMNASTICS IXICUTIVI COMMlnll CHAIR: Ron Froehnlh; PRESIDENT: SIeve Penny; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoichi Tomno; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea S!hmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINt Paul Parillo; VICE CHAIR ACRO·GYMNASTlCS: Tanya Case; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG REPS: Bob Calorassi (Executive CammiHee), Ron Froehlilh (Audnor), Tanya Case (Alrobalil GymnastilS TechnilOl Cammi"eel and John Roelhl~berger (Alhlele Rep.l. AT LARGE MEMBERS: SIeve Bullher, David HollOmb; ATHLETE DIREGORS: Kim lmeskal·Burde"e, John Roelhlisberger, Coroline Hunt, Ka~ Heger; USOC AIliLETE DIRECTOR: Larissa fonloine. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIUnORS CHAIR: Ron Froehlilh; PRESIDENT: SIeve P.nny; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SECRETARY: Gory Anderson; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: Yoilhi Tomila; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Slhmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUNt Paul Porilla; VICE CHAIR ACRO·GYMNAsnCS: Tanya Case; PUBUC SEGOR: Bill Hybl, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLf1lC UNION: Ron Ferris; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Beny Heppner; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION·MEN: Fronds Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COllEGIATE COACHES·WOMEN: Mark Cook; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Slrawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTlCS JUDGES: Corole Ide; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE AIliLf1lC ASSOCIATION·MEN: Yashi Hayasaki; NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS: Becky Oakes; NATIONAL GYMNAsnCS JUDGES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Butlh lunilh; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTlCS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Morgie Canfield; U.S. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTlCS CLUBS: Paul liert; US. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Thorn Glielmi; U.S. EUTE COACHES ASSOCIATION· WOMEN: SIeve RybOlki Tony Gehman; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Tim Klempnauer, U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTlCS COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S CHRlsnAN ASSOCIATION OF IliE USA: Cosey Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION· WOMEN: Meg Slephenson; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Ivonka Kirov, Milhelle Larson; WOMEN: K.lli Hill, Tom Forsler; TRAMPOUNE: Shoun Kemplon, Or. George Drew; ACRO·GYMNASTICS: Undo Porter, Joy Binder; AIliLETES COUNCIl: Mohini BhordwoL Kim lmeskal·Burde"e, Lorissa Fonlaine, Karl Heger, JessilO Howord, Corolin. Hunl, Jamie Morshik, SIeve MICain, Shannon Miller, Milhael Rodrigues, Joy Thornlon, USOC Alhlel. Rep.; Lorissa Fonlaine, Exewliv. Boord Member John Roelhlisberger. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Kale Faber·Hilkie; U.S. COMPETlTlVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard S!hworlz
FEATURES 6 Accelerate Your Gymnastics Scores to New Heights Linear Acceleration Training for Vault and Floor.
12 Tyson Fitness Challenge
DEPARTMENTS 2 4 14 16 18 20 22 30 46 48
Event Schedule USA Gymnastics Message Business Tips Athlete Focus Education Hall of Fame Lunchen Congress Information What's New Classifieds Safety Certification Schedule
CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TfCItNIQUf magazine, nolice of Ihange of address should be mode eighl weeks in advanle. For faslest servile, please endose your presenl moiling label. Direct all subscriplion moil 10 TfCItNIQUf Submiplions, USA GymnastilS, 201 S. Capilal Ave., Sle. 300, Indianopol~, IN 46225. TECItNIQUf is pubtoshed monthly mepl bimoothly in Sept/Od and Nov/De< by USA GymnostiG, Pan American Plaza, Sune 300, 201 South Copnol Avenue, Indianopolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·50501 or vis» onnne @ www••~.", Submiplion priles: U.S.-525 per year, Canada/ Mexico-54B per year; all olher foreign lOunlries-56D per yeor. If available, bOlk issue single lopies 54 plus paslage!handling. All reasonable lOre will be loken, bUI no responsibility Ion be assumed for un",lidled malerial; endase return poslage. Copyrighl 2006 by USA GymnoslilS and TfCItNIQUE All right< reserved. Prinled by Sport GrophilS, Indianapolis, IN. Member Servim I·BOO·345-4719 Unless expressly hI••,ifled 10 Ih. co.'rorr, 011 orticles, stotem.nls """ views pri.,ed her... or. otlrilwlod sof./y 10 l/oe Mho. IIIHi USA Gylll/f//stics expresses no opinion I11III OSSrlllNS no resJIOIlsillilily l/oerlOf.
www. usa-gym nastics .org C OVER: SHAWN JOHNSON PHOTOGRAPHER
UMMER HAS REACHED ITS MIDPOINT, AND USA GYMNASTICS is in full swing with a flurry of hlete and promotional activity. n May 31, the nationwide audience of Today had the opportunity to get to know three of America's Q(! gymnasts - Jana Bieger, Nastia Liukin and Chellsie Memmel- and to hear how gymnastics and summer are a natural combination through summer camps and fitness. With local gymnasts from New York City Elite Gymnastics demonstrating various exercises, Bela Karolyi spoke about summer camps and the importance of fitness for today's youth, as well as the Tyson Fitness Challenge. Chellsie, Jana and Nastia talked about their goals and the upcoming Olympic Games and gave a brief beam demonstration. In addition, the premiere episode of "USA Gymnastics: Behind the Team," made its debut exclusively on AT&T blueroom. Bela and Mary Lou Retton teamed up for a satellite media tour that was carried on more than 20 national and regional media outlets to promote the launch of this cooperative effort between USA Gymnastics and AT&T. This multi-episode series gives an inside look at the nation's top gymnasts as they prepare to represent their country in international competition through 2008. Please be sure to register so you can remain updated on new episodes as they become available over the next 15 months at teamusa. All of the episodes are archived, in case you missed one. National Gymnastics Day will once again be celebrated in clubs around the country on August 4 along with the official culmination of the Tyson Fitness Challenge. Join USA Gymnastics in this important joint initiative with Tyson Foods to promote fitness, provide kids with a fun and safe environment to exercise and help kids who need help in their local area. Our goal is to raise $1 million for Children's Miracle Network by the end of 2008 and we are well on our way. The Tyson Fitness Challenge is the opportunity for you and your club to support this valuable cause while also increasing the awareness of fitness among America's youth. For more information, go to tysonfitnesschallenge. Athletes within all disciplines are busy training and competing at the highest level of the sport. Trampoline and Tumbling kicked off the summer in Memphis, Tenn., with the U.s. Trampoline and Tumbling National Championships. The USA is sending a delegation of 400 individuals to the World Gymnaestrada in Austria this July, where they will join more than 21,000 participants in a full week of General Gymnastics performances. Also in July, the Pan American Games are in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and include competition for men, women, rhythmic and trampoline. Acrobatic gymnastics will host the Freedom Cup in Palm Springs, Calif. in July. Many are gearing up for USA Gymnastics premier event, the Visa Championships in San Jose, Calif., (L 芦> RJ JMYo. ~, N~ ~, ~ ~ 11~ August 15-18, along with the USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show. This year's Visa Championships will be especially exciting as the World Championships teams for men and women artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics will be named at its conclusion. The artistic teams will leave almost immediately for the World Championships in Stuttgart, Germany, September 1-9, which serve as the qualifying event for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Please join us in San Jose or follow the action on NBC Sports. The World Championships will be available via WCSN .com on the internet and USA Gymnastics will keep you posted about other ways to follow the progress of the U.S team. Stay updated on all the gymnastics news this summer by logging on to the USA Gymnastics Web site at . Make it a great summer and I look forward to seeing all of yo u at the Visa Championships and USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show in San Jose!
~a:::;~""'~"" -~ra t e
Your Gymnastics Sc res to New
I By Greg Moore, CSCS Performance Special ist ~ St.vincellt
~ Sports Performallce Center
efore a gymnast can Improve his or her accele"r ation mechanics, he or she must first develop a strong and stable core (the region on the body from sternum to mid-thigh, front-side, back-side, left and right). The core musculature must be trained in all planes of movement (sagittal, frontal and transverse) to provide efficient force production and stability when the foot makes contact with the ground. See the 6-pack "to go" core exercises to right. T he emphasis in any quality strength training program that is designed to enhance speed development and human performance is to train multi-joint movements in all planes of motion. A human's brain does not recognize isolated muscles; therefore we should train patterns of movement to enhance our overall quality of movemen t.
Linear Acceleration Training for Vault and Floor
Central Nervous System Training for Improved Acceleration The central nervous system is a dominant influencer on athletic performance. Careful planning is a must when designing training sessions. Facilitation in the recruitment of the appropriate musculature will produce the greatest force production in the shortest amount of time (power). Functionally strong athletes/gymnasts will spend less time on the ground and carry their center of mass (stride length) farther with each efficient foot contact, which they can also repeat with greater frequency. Remember to allow twice the recovery time when training the central nervous system than you would for energy system development (conditioning) . Acceleration is the rate of change of velociry that allows an athlete to reach top speed in the least amount of time. Since a gymnast will not reach his or her absolute top speed due to the distance of the vault runway and the floor exercise, he or she should concentrate on the pure acceleration (the first 8-10 steps of linear speed) phase of speed development. To accelerate efficiently and to incorporate all the right musculature, the gymnast must attain the proper posture and maintain it down the runway or across the floor exercise. The key component of this athletic posture relates to the position of the hips relative to the torso. Many athletes (gymnasts included) run with their hips tilted forward creating stress on the posterior chain (hamstrings and low back). As previously mentioned, to achieve and maintain a pelvic-postural athletic position that is not tilted forward, the core musculature must be strong enough to hold this pelvicpostural position. You may also want to refer back to Scott Hudson's article, "Glute Strengthening Enhances Knee Stability," in the April 2007 issue of Technique. Although no two athletes/gymnasts will run the same way, proper acceleration mechanics are similar for every athlete. Eliminating errors in body position, foot contact to the ground, over-striding, understriding, and arm action can improve acceleration. The following acceleration power line exercises will lay the foundation for your new found speed on the runway to the vault and floor exercise. Thrust Inside: A muscle action and dynamic mobility exercise that emphasizes hip flexor and extensor recruitment. This exercise is very demanding due to the core, upper body and lower body strength requirements. Execution of Thrust Inside: Establish a narrow grip push-up position with hands directly underneath the shoulders. Feet are slightly separated and in line with the hips, knees and ankles. Ankles are dorsiflexed with weight on the balls of the feet. Eyes are looking down at the training surface, with head and neck in the cervical neutral position. Back is flat, transverse abdominis (abdominal musculature) is activated, as well the glutes. The body should feel long and strong like a solid wooden plank. To initiate the movement, the athlete will forcefully contract his or her abdominals, hip flexors and hamstrings in order to flex at the waist, hips and knee joint. The athlete will land on the balls of the feet that are approximately hip width apart, knees punched towards the chest and inside the hands. Hips stay low and chest stays up. After a slight pause, the athlete will forcefully contract hip extensors
and quadriceps to extend the lower body and return to the start position. Continue this for five complete repetitions (in and out is one repetition).
Thrust Outside: A muscle activation exercise that emphasizes abductor, adductor, hip flexor and extensor recruitment, as well as low back mobility. Just like the thrust inside, this exercise is very demanding due to the core, upper body and lower body strength requirements . Execution of Thrust Outside: Establish a narrow grip pushup position with hands directly underneath the shoulders. Feet are slightly separated and in line with the hips, knees and ankles. Ankles are dorsiflexed with weight on the balls of the feet. Eyes are looking down at the training surface, with head and neck in the cervical neutral position. Back is flat, transverse abdominis (abdominal musculature) is activated, as well the glutes. The body should feel long and strong like a solid wooden plank. To initiate the movement, the athlete will forcefully contract hip adductors to separate feet along with his or her abdominals, hip flexors and hamstrings in order to flex at the waist, hips and knee joint. The athlete will land on the balls of the feet with both knees and feet punched forward towards the outside of the hands. Hips stay low and chest stays up. After a slight pause, the athlete will forcefully contract adductors to bring the feet back towards midline, as the hip extensors and quadriceps contract to extend the lower body and return to the start position. Maintain a straight acceleration power line with the body and continue this for five complete repetitions (in and out is one repetition). ~ JULY 2007 â&#x20AC;˘ TECHNIQUE
posmon outside the hands) . The opposite leg is extended straight back to the midline. Both the ankles are dorsi flexed with weight on the balls of the feet. Eyes are looking down at the training surface, with head and neck in the cervical neutral position. Back is flat, transverse abdominis (abdominal musculature) is activated, as well the glutes. The body should feel long and strong like a solid wooden plank. To initiate the movement, the athlete will move in a quick and controlled manner, switching positions of the legs by extending the anterior leg back to the midline, while simultaneously triple-flexing the posterior leg. H ips stay low back stays flat and chest stays up. Legs finish in a position opposite of the ready position. Maintain a straight acceleration power line with the body and continue this for 10 complete repetitions (in and out is one repetition). Donkey Kicks: A muscle activation exercise for the posterior chain musculature of the legs that uses the stretch shortening cycle of the gastroc-soleus complex to assist in explosive knee flexion.
Mountain Climber Inside: A muscle activation exercise that focuses on hip flexors and extensors while developing an efficient knee punch and drive with correct ankle position (dorsiflexion) . This is an introducrory exercise to lower body acceleration mechanics. Execution of Mountain Climber Inside: Establish a narrow grip push-up position with hands directly underneath the shoulders. The athlete gets into a triple-flexed (hip, knee, ankle) position (one leg to the ready position inside the hands). The opposite leg is extended straight back. Both the ankles are dorsiflexed with weight on the balls of the feet. Eyes are looking down at the training surface, with head and neck in the cervical neutral position. Back is flat, transverse abdominis (abdominal musculature) is activated, as well the glutes. The body should feel long and strong like a solid wooden plank. To initiate the movement, the athlete will quickly move and simultaneously triple-flex the posterior leg and extend the anterior leg. Hips stay low back stays flat and chest stays up. Legs finish in a position opposite of the ready position. Maintain a straight acceleration power line with the body and continue this for 10 complete repetitions (in and out is one repetition) . Mountain Climber Outside: A muscle activation and dynamic mobility exercise that activates the hip flexors while stretching the upper hamstrings and adductors. Just like the mountain climber inside, this too is an introductory exercise to lower body acceleration mechanics. Execution of Mountain Climber Outside: Establish a narrow grip push-up position with hands directly underneath the shoulders. The athlete gets into a tripleflexed (hip, knee, ankle) position (one leg to the ready
Execution of Donkey Kicks: Establish a narrow grip push-up position with hands directly underneath the shoulders. The athlete's hips are raised in the air so the hip joint angle is approximately 90 degrees. The athlete's knees are slightly bent with pressure on balls of the feet (dorsiflexion). The athlete's head and neck are in cervical neutral position. The transverse abdominis and glutes are activated. To initiate the movement, the athlete will move in a quick and controlled manner, applying pressure into the ground by eccentrically flexing the knee joints slightly. The athlete will then stabilize the arms to support body weight and explosively flex the knees through full range of motion (heels to glutes) . After maximum flexion, the athlete will then extend knee joints, landing on the balls of the feet at ground contact. Upon landing, the athlete will use the stored elastic energy in the gastroc-soleus complex to immediately perform another repetition of the donkey kick. Maintain body position and continue this for five complete repetitions (flexion and extension is one repetition).
Announcing adidas®Gymnastics Apparel made by GK GK is proud to manufacture authentic adidas®gymnastics apparel. Choose from a great range of retired National Team styles .
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Profitability and Efficiency Assessment
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(Acceleration Power Line Stance, Acceleration, Power Line Ready Position and the l-Count, 2-Count, 3-Count and Rapid Fire/Acceleration A-Run exercises): Linear acceleration drills that teach correct body position for acceleration training. Execution of Acceleration Power Line Stance (Figure 1): The athlete startS with feet hip width apart. Stand facing the wall a distance equal to the shoulder height of the athlete. This position will allow an approximate 45 degree angle when the athlete leans forward with arms outstretched toward the wall. The athlete's hands will be shoulder width apart with the finger tips at shoulder height. The athlete's body will form a 45 degree acceleration power line extending from the shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle. The head and neck are aligned in the acceleration power line. The athlete's ankles are dorsiflexed, with heels slightly off the ground. The athlete's glutes and abs are activated, while the glutes are tucked under the hips with the back in neutral spine position. The athlete should hold this position for 20 seconds.
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Execution of Power Line Ready Position (Figure 2): Once the athlete has established his or her acceleration power line stance, he or she will punch the knee forward (hip flexed to 90 degrees) at the wall. The knee and ankle joints are also flexed at the same time. The shin angle of the flexed leg will run parallel with the support leg shin. Ankle is dorsiflexed, so that the bottom of the shoe is facing the ground. Toes are on a string, slightly behind the knee. The athlete should hold this position for 10 seconds.
PeerN ( Business Brain Trust Conference)
Execution of l-Count, 2-Count, 3-Count and Rapid Fire Acceleration A-Run: Once the athlete has established his or her power line ready position, he or she will perform 5 repetitions of I-counts, followed by 2-counts and lastly 3-counts. The athlete will finish with 5 seconds of rapid fire/acceleration A-Run. Just like gymnastics, speed is a fine motor skill that demands a high level of coordination. It is also best developed during the "skill hungry" years of 8-12 years old. Remember the focus of acceleration training should be on technique, form and quality of movement.
For more information on speed development training for gymnastics, contact St. Vincent Sports Performance at 31 7-415-5747. "t..
Begin Today By Visiting
SI. Villcelll Hospilal alld SI. Villcellt Spol1S Pet/onlumce ill Illdianapolis, Ind., are official service providers to USA Gymnaslics. Call 3174 15-5747 or visil hllP:/ /
This year, the prizes given to the top fundraisers for the Children's Miracle Network are better than ever! The top three clubs and the top three individuals who raise the most money for Children's Miracle Network through their participation in the Tyson Fitness Challenge will receive prizes, pending fulfillment of administrative requirements outlined on the Tyson Fitness Challenge Web site.
Cl ub Prizes
The three clubs that raise the most money for CMN through participation in the Tyson Fitness Challenge receive*: First place AAI TACII O LZT Vault Table (retail value: $3,332) $250 in Tyson coupons to host a Tyson Protein Parry at yo ur gym One-year USA Gymnastics Club Membership (val ue: $ 160) Club photo featured on a USA Gymnastics promotio nal poster in 2008 Second place AAI TACII O LZT Vault Board (retail value: $730) $ 150 in Tyson coupons to hos t a Tyson Protein Parry at yo ur gym One-year USA Gymnastics Club Membership (value: $ 160)
Third place AAI 1M 1.5 Folding Mat (retail value: $2 14) $ 100 in Tyson coupons to host a Tyson Protein Parry at your gym One-year USA Gymnastics Club Membership (value: $ 160)
Thankyou New YorkCity Elite fo r you r help on the Today Show
Individual Prizes
Thetop three individuals who raise the most money for CMN through participation in the Tyson Fitness Challenge all receive*: • Round-trip airfare for winner and a guest to the 2008 Tyson American Cup • Two tickets to the competition on Saturday, March 1,2008 • Two pre-event VIP hospitaliry passes • One-night stay in the USA Gymnastics host hotel In addition to the above prize package, the individual who raises the most money for CMN will also be featured on a USA Gymnastics promotional poster in 2008. *Must raise a minimum 0/$1,000 to quaLifj for USA Gymnastics prizes.
Here are some clubs' unique ideas for the Tyson Fitness Challenge and National Gymnastics Day celebration. Monmouth Gymnastics of Morganville, N.J., will celebrate National Gymnastics Day on Aug. 4 from 10 a.m. -2 p. m. It will have inflatables, obstacle courses, games and contests, team demonstrations, prizes and more! Proceeds will benefi t Children's Miracle Network. It will begin its eight-week Tyson Fitness Challenge classes on Sept. 4.
Texas D reams Gymnastics/EveryBody Fits of Coppell, Texas, is offering the Tyson Fitness Challenge during the Summer Six Pack Camps. There will be three classes offered each Friday for eight weeks beginning in June. T here will also be a Tyson Fitness Challenge Boor Canlp for team gymnasts. Texas Dreams Gymnastics/ EveryBody Fits will be working with local elementary schools [Q get the students to take the Tyson Fitness Challenge.
Sonshine Academy of Conway, Ark., will be incorporating the Tyson Fitness Challenge activities and informational nutritional handouts into its week-long summer camps, as well as its regular gymnastics classes rhroughour the summer. Students will be invited [Q participate in the Children's Miracle Network fundraise r wi th the on line giving. Last year, Sonshine Academy's Andrew W ise raised the most money for Children's M iracle Network and was on this year's National Gym nastics Day poster.
Gymnastics Elite ofEI Paso, Texas, has 18 kids ages 5- 11 /Tom the local battered women's shelter participating in the Tyson Fitness Challenge. These kids were sponsored by local businesses for $100 per child with $25 of that money donated [Q Children's Miracle Network.
Top: (L to R) Nastia Liukin, Ann Curry, Chellsie Memmel and Jana Sieger. Above: (L to R) MeredithVieira and Bela Karolyi
Patti's All American Gymnastics of Dyer, Ind., is offering Tyson Fitness Challenge classes this sunlmer for eight weeks in both its school-age and prescllOol departments. It also will have a Tyson Fitness Challenge Boot Camp. It is going to charge a $1 donation to get into its end-of-the-year shows and donate that money to CMN. In May, it celebrated a week entitled "Customer Appreciation Week" and provided a cluir massage for $15 with $2 donated to Children's Miracle Network.
Athens Clarke Gymnastics Academy of Athens Ga. , is hosting a Tyson Fitness Challenge mini-camp (ages 3-5), May 29-June 1; a Tyson Fitness Challenge day camp (kindergarten-6th grade), July 2327; and a Tyson Fitness Challenge Day (anyone), July 28, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Camps will feature speecl1es given by a certified nutrition ist and campers will learn how [Q make fun snacks using the Tyson recipes. Tyson Fitness Challenge Day will feature an open gym and team performances urilizing the exercises from the Tyson Fitness Challenge.
Gymnastics Plus of Manhattan, Kan., is join ing a local radio station to provide an eight-week Tyson Fitness Challenge this summer on Samrday mornings. Because it wants to encourage fitness for families, the cost to participate is free.
Thank yo U to all the club owners who have contacted their governors and shared the proclamation for National Gymnastics Day. Visit to download your state's National Gymnastics Day Proclamation to post on the day of your event. 1\ PHOTOS: TOP RIGHIIWO: LOREE GALIMORE
JUL Y 20 07 â&#x20AC;˘ TECHNIQUE
BUSINESS !;:, - -- -----
The CPI (Consumer Price Index) and How It Affects Your Prices AFTER ADDRESSING MORE THAN A thousand gym club owners at Boot Camp over the past decade and a half, there seems to be three basic pricing "strategies": (1) those who seek to maximize profit, focusing on what the market will bear; (2) those who target a specific profit margin, mecha nically adjusting prices in order to maintain that target margin; and (3) those who have no plan at all and basically raise prices when some "galvanizing event" takes place (such as, perhaps, when profits sink). Without debating the merits of #1 versus #2, I will merely mention that Kids First is moving more and more toward the latter. Regarding #3 I will say only this: I have NEVER seen a financially viable gym club that has adopted a "low price strategy". The logical reasoning is this: a "low price" strategy requires paying low wages and, later if not sooner, low wages will translate into poor class quality, which ultimately leads to a degradation of the business. I begin my pricing decisions by researching the CPI inflation data ( bls/ inflation.htm). I also repeat this mantra as many times as necessary to get it into
my brain (I can be slow at times): "If I fail to adjust my prices at least equal to the CPI inflation rate then I have effectively lowered them!" Where does the CPI stand right now? The CPI inflation data over the most recent 12 months was 2.6%, not too alarming. Assuming that future repeats the past, if I opt to hike my price by 2.6% then I will not be raising my prices, I will be merely "ADJUSTING" them. And of course if I fail to hike my price at all, I effectively will be LOWERING them. Got it? I hope so because there is more to the story and it is pretty sobering. Read on. The CPI inflation for the most recent month was 0.65%. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Not so fast. When we annualize this most recent data, looking forward, the CPI inflation rate will be 7.8%. To me, 7.8% is enough to choke a horse, but just in case it doesn't mean too much to you, I have some figures for you to consider. Assu ming I only want to "adjust" prices to "stay even," at a steady 7.8% CPI inflation rate, after only three years my $15.50/ hr. gymnastics class must become $19.42/ hr. and after only five
Make it a great month! Jeff Metzger
tJ:"ff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, Small Business Boot (amp President, Kids First Sports (enter
~ Small Business
, Ilf)f)')' ,
years I will have to charge $22.56. And let's say I "forget" to hike prices this fall. I must now hike prices by 10% per year for the next four years just to "catch up." Please know that I am not predicti ng a forward CPI inflation rate of 7.8%. Truth is, no one knows what it will be. Can the CPI go that high? Yes, and in fact it could go even higher but such a discussion is for another time. My goal here is not to predict the future but to alert you to the insidious nature of inflation and to help you tune in to tracking the CPI, an essential first step in wise pricing decisions.
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SHAWN JOHNSON IS 15 YEARS OLD AND WON THIS YEAR'S prestigious Tyson American Cup title. She is from West Des Moines, Iowa, and trains at Chow's Gymnastics with her coaches Liang Qiao and Liwen Zhuang . This soon-to-be high school sophomore began gymnastics in 1995 when her mom enrolled her in the sport. She's gone on to make a name for herself. At last year's Visa Championships, Johnson won the junior title. She also won vault, beam and floor titles. At this year's Visa Championships, she'll compete as a senior. Johnson also won titles at the 2007 USA vs. Great Britain International Competition and the 2006 Junior Pan American Championships and Pacific Alliance Championships. Most recently, Johnson won the all-around at the American Classic, which also served as the Pan American Games Trials. Johnson, along with 11 of her teammates, was named to the Pan American Games Training Squad. Johnson will go back to camp June 30-July 4 in hopes of making the Pan American Games Team. Johnson's favorite parts about gymnastics are the interesting places she gets to go and all of the different people and friends she gets to make. Her favorite event is beam . Her goals are to compete in the 2007 World Championships and 2008 Olympic Games. X ____
Get the edge on your competition with the GymCert's new "Skills & Drills Manuals" for Level's 4, 5 & 6
• Contains excellent detailed drills &illustrations. • Lead up skills, conditioning exercises, spotting tips! • Specific dance drills for beam and floor. Skill and strength tracking forms are also included for at a glance tracking throughout the season.
Add this book to your
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USA GYMNASTICS UNIVERSITY LIVE COURSE OFFERINGS USA GYMNASTICS UNIVERSITY is an educational resource that offers numerous educational courses and activities and five levels of certification for gymnastics coaches, recreational teachers and instructors, judges, and business owners/administrators. The mission of USA Gymnastics University is to provide a multi-level, standardized education program that is available throughout the country and emphasizes the proper development of gymnastics participants in a fun, safe environment.
Course description Preschool Fundamentals Part 2: Hands on Training H.O.T. (Live) Thi s is a live, hands-on training course designed for preschool instructors. Part 2
course topics include fundamental movement for children, class safety overview, games, activities to avoid, manipulatives, lesson planning, inclusion of music, thematic teaching, parent/child teaching, and the use of apparatus. Thi s is a great hands-on follow-up to the Part 1 theory course, with course instructors demonstrating practical examples of many of the concepts taught in Part 1. It is recommended to take Part 1 prior to Part 2, but not required. Part 1 of the Preschool Fundamentals Course is scheduled to be available in July. Part 2 wi ll debut at the National and Regional Congresses this year. Register for a Preschoo l Fundamentals: Hands on Training (H.O.T) course today! X
COURSE SCHEDULE Preschool Fundamentals: H.O.T. Course DATE
To register or for more information, visit our website at or caLL USA Gymnastics Member Services at 800-345-4719.
it America can take care of your insurance needs and put you one step closer to reaching your goals as a business. The Tumble Time insurance program provides comprehensive coverage perfectly balanced with quality service from our knowledgeable sports insurance professionals. For more information, visit our website at
T&iMHi.E " ~ 1-liiiiiE 18
2007 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Luncheon HALL OF FAME INDUCTION CEREMONY AND LUNCHEON
When: Friday, August 17, 2007 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Where: San Jose Marriott Hotel, San Jose, Calif.
Dr. Joseph C Schabacker - Contributor (Acrobatics)
Cost: Individual $40; Table $400 (10 people)
REGISTRATION/TICKET FORM: Individual tickets or reserved tables
Individual Tickets $40.00 per person.
Kevin Davis -Athlete (Men) Sadao Hamada -Coach (Men) Karl Heger- Athlete (Trampoline and Tumbling) Leigh Hennessy-Athlete (Trampoline and Tumbling) Irina Vdovets -Coach (Rhythmic) Dr. Gene Whelan-Athlete (Men) Valerie Zimring-Schneiderman -Athlete (Rhythmic)
TABLES: $400.00 (10 people)
Full tables will be reserved. Individual seating will be open. Tickets may be picked up at the National Congress Registration Desk at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center or at the ceremony door location on Friday, Aug. 17, at 10:30 a.m . at the San Jose Marriott Hotel.
PL EASE PRI NT: Please submit email address. Confirmation wi ll be sent via emai l
r------------------------------------------------, I
Name _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ Member # (if Applicable) _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ Address _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ City _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ State _ _ __ _ _ _ Zip Code _ __ _ __ _ *Email Address_ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __
(Required for confirmation)
Phone: Daytime_ _ __ __ __ __ _ Evening _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Credit card: Type_ __ Number_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,Exp. _ _ __ Name (print) on card: _ _ _ _ __ _ _
# of tickets _
@ $40 each. • # tables _
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ @ $400 (table of 10) • # tables_
Donation to HOF *_ _ _ __ _ _ __ Total amount due: Table(s) reserved in the name of _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ * All donations of $50 or above will be listed in the Hall of Fame Program, Congress Information Guide and Technique magazine. Must be received by July 16 in order to be in publications. Fax form with credit card information to 317-692-5212 or mail form and check (made out of USA Gymnastics) to: USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame Ceremony - Cathy Allen 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or download at
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Best Quality
Best Fit
Best Variety
Best Service
"Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"
43rd ANNUAL USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS and TRADE SHOW Held in coniunction with the 2007 Visa Championships August 15-18, 2007, San Jose, California WHO SHOULD ATTEND? All USA Gymnastics Professional and Instructor members. Coaches, judges and instructors of all levels. Recreational and preschool teachers, business managers, administrators, club owners, high school and college coaches.
WHAT IS OFFERED? Three days of education with more than 150 sessions offered . Lectures given by recognized top individuals in the field . Sessions on coaching, judging, business, preschool, recreational, sports science, fitness, Group Gymnastics and cheerleading. The leading experts in the areas of Women's, Men's, Rhythmic, Acrobatic Gymnastics and Trampoline and Tumbling programs will present. The Trade Show exhibit hall will feature 200 booths of products and information from over 90 different Industry Member vendors. Special events to take place in the exhibit hall daily. WHERE? HOTEL TRAVEL RESERVATIONS:
San Jose McEnery Convention Center
National Travel Systems 888-603-8747
Email Website: CONGRESS DATES:
August 16-18, 2007
August 15-18, 2007
AUGUST 15, 2007
Special rate for all-session tickets for Congress attendees. Rhythmic and Acrobatic Gymnastics events included in Congress registration fee.
In Technique and on Website at X
Congress Registration 12:30-6:30 p.m. San Jose Convention Center Pre-Congress events • Annual Business Conference • Safety/ Risk Management course • Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (H.D.T.) Course • Women's SC/ RC Workshop
II p~~)~~S!~~~ Ii. Fun & Fit Gymnasr--!e_~~_i~_OnP_iaIS_~_o-,=,--r_a_m______
• SET Achievable goals for Students Loree' Galimore USA Gymnastics, Club Services Manager "The Fun & Fit Gymnastics Program will save your club time and money! The Curriculum cards and posters • BUILD Enrollment Retention for your students to lake home provide a system for everyone 10 fotfow and adds value and professionalism 10 • MEASURE Teacher Efficiency YOUrbUsiness. " . , . . Patti Komara Presldenl,Tumblebear Gym Program and Patti 5 AII-Amencan, • REeORD Student AccOinpits hm.ents "Jeff Lulla hasccmered the mar1<eton 'Feet Good Gymnastics tor Children'. The Fun and Fit Poster Reward Instructor Training Videos _ ~~~~~~~~ C~~I~~:a~:~~ ~uun~ kl~~~Jeo~rti~~~:~sc~:~~~rn~~~t{~~n:~~!~ent. each child in your program 30+ skills per level explained step by step. KyteZak Co-Rec. Director. Midwest Gymnastics Center. Arden Hills, MN Curriculum Cards p;~~~sk~~sp~:fa~~es~~~~~~oa~ ~~~~~~ ~~~:~i~9 ~~e~!I~t:t~;:!. ~~! ~%:~nh~~eV~kn S:~tj~~·t!~~~th Track skills taught as required in USAG our instructor>, clarifying a skill they may not know how to teach, especially dance skills: Safety manual. JEFF LULLA is Founder and Star Posters President of the F UN & FIT Kids take home _ GYMNAST tCS CENTERS. Jeff is a National Safety Helps them experience success. Instructor and a member of the National Safety Review MA.<E ALL .<.DS FEEL board and National Preschool Advisory Board for USAG and has co-authored LII<E WINNERS! their ··KAT" (Kinder Accredita-
For Details~ FREE VIDEO~ Infonllation and Samples~ call (800) 800-3162
tion for Teachers) Course. Jeff Lull. receiving Hie 2006
"Business Leader of the Year" awa rd with
Loree' Galimore, USAG Club Services Manager
Jeff speaks internationally
and consults on the Fun and Fit PERSONAL BEST philosophy and teaching
concepts to club owners and coaches.
. .. ~- :..
2007 USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS AND TRADE SHOW August 16-18, 2007 • San Jose, CA REGISTRATION FORM Held in Conjunction with the Viso Chompionships
_ _•
Complete one form per person-Photocopy for additional registrations. Your confirmation will be sent by email. Please provide a valid email address . Registration opens August 15; Congress sessions and Exhibit Hall August 1618. To become an Instructor Member to receive the member discount, simply check "Please sign me up" and include an extra $50 ($70 Foreign Instructor Member) in your total amount enclosed .
(July 15th - Registration Deadline)
Professional, Jr. Professional & Instructor Members Minimum age for Congress aHendees is 16_
Non-Members & other member types
o $335 Congress Registration (Ends July 15th)
REGULAR PRICING (Deadline July J5th) 0$235 Congress Registration 0$334 Congress and Visa Championships all session ticket package at seating level P2 $434 Congress and Visa Championships all session ticket package at seating level P1
Additional Visa Championships ticket information Number of additional all session tickets at P2 Number of additional all session tickets at P1
o $400 On-site Registration To become a Professional Member call: 1.800.345.4719 or go online to
x $99.00 each x $199.00 (Deadline July 15th)
PI -lower level side seoting (lower rows); P2 - lower level side seoting {mid to upper rows}; Special Rate for all session tickets are for Congress affendees.
On-site Registration in San Jose for members is $335.00
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date (d/m/y} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
o Please sign me up for an Instructor Membership. I hove included $50 ($70 Foreign In structor) in toto I amount due.
Email Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
{Email address must be provided in order to receive confirmation}
~ 0CD 0 0 Z
» r-t
~m r-
!!I m ~
Mailing Address
CL -f -, 0
This is a new address
{Pleose moke the chonge in the USA Gymnastics dotobase}
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Day Phone(
Evening Phone(
Club Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Club Number _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
< CD
Check all that apply:
0 Club Owner 0 Coach/Teacher 0 Judge 0 Administrator
1 . . 1_ _ _ _ _ _
-11 Make check or money order payable to USA Gymnastics
Exp. Date __________ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Card Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Print Cardholder Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone # _______________
please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave. Ste 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 • FAX: 317.692.5212 Attention: Member Services CANCEUATlON POUCY
All regi strolion concellotions must be in writing. Submit writlen request 10 USA Gymnostin, Atlention Cothy Allen Before July 15 - Registration fee less $30 service fee per person concelling. After July 15 - 50% of registrotion fee per person cancelling
• Credential for entrance 10 Congress sessio ns Aug_ 16- 18.
• Admission to Rhythmic & Acrobatic Gymnastics Competitions. • Entrance 10 the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services.
• One ticket 10 the Congress Dance Party on Satu rday, August 18 ladditional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/guests ore $35 each-available 01 on-site registration)
Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE O NLY unless the session presenters announce that hi s/her/their session may not be videotaped. Language: The officia l language of Congress is English. USA GymnastiCS will make no special provisions for Iro nsla lion of sessions lnlo oth er languages.
Congress aHendees with special needs
must notify
this information be included with the Congress registration form .
USA Gymnostics in
w riting in this regard prior to July 15. We suggestlhat
To tronsfer registration to another person, the new Congress otlendee must also have a Professional or Instrudor membership. Before July 15 - $30 per substitution On-Site - $35 per substitution Submit requesl in writing to USA Gymnostics, Altention Cathy Allen
REQUESTS FOR REFUNDS AmR AUGUST 31 , 2007, WIll NOT BE ACCEPTED • all seuion tickets ore norwefundoble
Because, we are getting ready for you! At the 2007 USAG Congress you will see Spieth Anderson like never before. With a renewed commitment to quality and innovation Spieth Anderson will be showcasing an assortment of new and improved products. •
New designs that improve apparatus performance
New multi-use products that will enhance the versatility of training stations
An expanded dealer network that will allow faster access to all Spieth Anderson products
See you in San Jose, and get ready!
Over $46,000 in Prizes generously donated by USGSA Members, USA Gymnastics and Visa Don't Miss This Event! • Must be present in Exhibit Hall to win • One Raffle Ticket per USA Gymnastics Registrant • Complete Raffle Rules, Schedule and Prize Listing available at Congress
''Gymnastics Excellence Through Education" Suppliers Who Support Your (ongress and Your Industry.
I San Jose • 2007
rn l wordscO ] o- o . ]
hletiC.cOrfl lds !,-lNa [WW"" I . WW"'.ornericonot OS lrol1\ P<' a ctorlWW""o P . 0 I\.thlet,d . am] 0 00 in Gift frol1\ !\Iph u1t lrol1\ !'-l1\enca[WW"'.ortisticcovenngs.c.•• MI gym su pply.coml $2 certlnca ZTVa \nC. 00 In Gift lAC/\O L • (o.eliOgs, as SUp p\y [vvvvv •. \20 8ars & MtistIC y's Gyl1\O tiCS EllIE uneven. rPackage frol1\ . n Ktt frol1\ Deal doliol1\]
G mDeCo
Kit & [)GS Dollal1\UI . rCOl1\] . Floor from dloctlvewea . Pres . fleXi [W'INI. rcorn] ' 2S'Gyl1\nastlCS amlight, loc. k-elitespor~wea. 42'x42 xl. C rtificates frol1\ Ole tsweal GK [W'INI.g m] 1 \ 000 in Gift e from Elite Spal · [] C rtificates I [WWW.g 1 5 \ s inc. . \3000 in Gift e f mGibson, nc. RGymnastics a e , . Gift Certificates ro ducts from GM $1 000 In rtificate towards lEND pro] $1000 gift ce Gym Tleasures [W' ym-trix.comJ
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\ Starter
Gym-Trix, Inc. [www.g
200 Gift Certificate from
$ d Trainer Instructional CD from C Inc [] Handstan H dges Badge 0., .
. [ Banners an d Cling Decals from . f0 Inside Gymnastics . . subscriptions rom 25-year magazine D 'ns ljklmdesign@Qol.comJ leotards from JKLM eSlg
Sleeveless pros hop
facturing [wwwmancinamats.comJ
$2000 in Gift Certificates from Mancino Manu
Practice Pac age -ma . k 3 t set from Norberts Athletic Products, Inc. [] Gymnastics Lesson Plan Kit from Patti Komara's Tumblebear Gym [www.tumblebearcomJ
Grips, Etc & International Gymnast merchandise from Paul Ziert & ASSOciates Iwwwintlgymnast.comJ Junior Mini Bar With Fiberglass Rail & Mini Bar Mat from Professional Athletics Iwwwgymnastics-equipment.comJ $2000 in SA Sport-USA equipment ITom SA Sport-USA [wwwsPiethanderson.comJ $2000 in Gih Certificates from Satara Leos [WWW,sataraleos.comJ Single User Software License fr $500 In . Glh . Certificates from
am Mast core Master [WWW,score-masteccomJ Tramp
er, Inc. [WWWtrampmastercom7 T" I' . 'J ampo fOes Unlimited I Arr Floor &SWeet SPot With c < ' ne. [WWW,tramfJOlinesUnhinitedcorn' $500 GFt over Irom Tumb/1i k , 7 I Certificate from UCs / ra !WWW,tumbltrakcomJ $ 000 in Gift CertOli ' ne. [WWW,uessPiriteom; I Cates from U . 39 Over $ 00' A n/ted Athlet,' it In IVlemb. c WWWun ~ 'CIt . Visa OIYm . erch er Service Benefit Ii r e athletlccorn; PIC M . s rom USA G e andlS & Gift C Ymnastics !ww ard from \Ii' WUso-gYrnn . ISa -proUd OstlCS.orgj sPonsor ofUSA, G IJIrnnOstics $250 Gift Ce rt'{:; It {cate from
6M .
Additional Congress Educational Opportunities Registration Form Mailed and faxed registrations must be recieved by August 1 After August 1 you must register on-site for an additional $25 fee per course per person
One form per person. Photocopy for odditionol registrations.
NOTE: Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member database) will be used for all correspondence.
Birth dote .
;~ ~ !
NOTE: Due 10 limited space and materials, admission is not guaranteed unless pre-registered. Due to time constraints, several courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when scheduling.
Nome ...
.. ................................... ... ............................................... ... . . . . . . . . Socia l Security No. ...... USA Gymnastics Pro/ln st. #
.................................... Safety Expiration Dote
. ........... 0 THIS IS A NEW ADDRESS
Moiling Address City
.......................................... Stote
z-Ip ...
Email ...
Check appropriate space for the add-ons you wish to attend. SAFETY CERTIFICATION/RISK MANAGEMENT COURSES Minimum age for Safety Certification is 16
Language: The Official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages.
Wed. August 15, 1路6 p.m.
Congress Attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to the July J5 early bird registration deadline. We suggest that this information be included with the Congress Registration Form.
o ..,
o o o
Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to recertify at live course .... No charge Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification.... .$65 Instructor Member. ... ... ....... .. ...... $65 Non-Member.. ........... ...........$115 ' You must have your USA Gymnastics number or dote applied for on the registrotion form in order to qualify for the discount.
PRESCHOOL FUNDAMENTALS: Hands on Training (H.O.T.) Course
Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permiHed FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped.
Wed. August 15, 1 p.m.- 5 p.m. $65 (Instructor/Pro) 0 $115 (Non-Member) Minimum age is 16.
Amount Enclosed
Charge to:
a VISA a
Card No. Exp. Dote ...
Signoture (required)
CLUB #"7"""--:-:--::--=-=------=
o Wed. August 15,8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. :$125 8 - 8:30 a.m.Continental 8reakfast. Limited enrollment. No on-site registration.
Sun. August 19, Time TBD
o WriHen 0 5/ 6 0 7/ 8 0 9 0 10 o Procticol 0 7/8 0 9 0 10 (hoole Exom and Level
Cost: $20 per test port Times:TBD Site: TBD
Please return this registration form to:
USA Gymnastics Congress Pan American Plaza 201 South Capitol, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-692-5212 ATTENTION: Member Services
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The Draw is Complete The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG)
held the draw for competition slots for the 2007 World Championships, Sept. 1-9, in Stuttgart, Germany. The 2007 World Championships is the qualifying competition for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China. The draw determines the order for competing in the preliminary rounds, as well as timing for podium training, etc. At this time, we do not know what days the U.S . Team will compete, but we do know in which subdivision. For the women, the USA is in Subdivision 9 (there are 10 total), along with Japan, the Netherlands and a mixed group that includes gymnasts from Chile and South Africa. They will start on the balance beam. The U.S. men are in Subdivision 6, out of a total of eight. Their group includes the Netherlands, Romania and three mixed groups that include gymnasts from Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Egypt, Chinese Taipei, Cyprus, Armenia and Luxembourg. The USA men start on vault. A total of 84 federations are participating in the World Championships, breaking the record of 73 set Call Not io nal Travel Syst ems in 1999 in Tianjin, China, and matched in 2003 in t oday t o boo k your next t ri p. Anaheim, Calif. The field includes 517 gymnasts, 283 whether it 's a gymnastiCS men and 234 women. compet it ion or a vacation getaway!
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To see the complete draw, go to jsp?menu=dismag. NOTE The U.S. men's and women's teams will be named at the conclusion of the 2007 Visa Championships, Aug. 15-18, in San Jose, Calif.
') -I-Ie BULLt>O<i~ EN<iLJSH~ flMt %p& II1001 b'~ GIBSO 30
Women's Program
UPDATE MINUTES OF THE JOINT JR. OLYMPIC AND TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 21 2007 GREAT WOLF LODGE, MASON, OH 1. ROLL CALL J.O. Administrative and Technical Committee Chairmen Tom Ko ll and Cheryl Hamilton, respectively, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. J . O. Comm . Technical Comm. Region 1 .. .................................... Dan Witenstein Neela Nelson Region 2 ...... Laurie Reid Linda Mulvihill Region 3 .... ........................... Cheryl Jarrett Carole Bunge Region 4 .... Don Houlton Linda Thorberg Region 5 ....... John Geddert Char Christensen Region 6 . . . . . ......... Larry Goldsmith Pat Panichas Region 7 ........................................ Linda Johnson Myra Elfenbein Region 8 ........................................ Paul Padron Marian Dykes Asst. Te. Chair .............................................................................. Audrey Schweyer NCAA liaison ................................. Mark Cook NAWGJ .... Caro le Ide JO Program Manager. ........... Connie Maloney Vice President-Program ........ Kathy Kelly
II. GENERAL DEDUCTIONS & PROGRAM ISSUES A. The wording for the deduction for "Insufficient exactness of tuck, pike and st ret ched position" whi ch can be found in various pages in the JO Code of Points, will be changed as follows: "Insufficient exactness of Body Position" • Insuffi cient exactness of tuck or pike position Up to 0.20 (UB, BB , FX) Up to 0.30 (Vault) • Insuffici ent exactness of stretc h position • arch up to 0.20 (UB , BB, & FX) Up to 0.30 (Vault) • pike (135°- 179°) up to 0.20 (UB , BB & FX) Up to 0.30 (Vault) B. A technique page with illustrations and deductions of specific dance elements wi ll be added to the JO Code. e. State Meet Injury Petitions Recommendation t o apply the same principle to State Meet petitions as found in the R &P on pages 49/50 in regards to Special considerations #1 - petitions for Regional meets: Add II, D on page 49: If any Level 8/9/10 athlete is unable to compete at any Sectional or local State-qualifying meets in the current season (or cannot compete AA at such events) due to an injury or illness and is also lacking scores from the previous season due to injuries, but has previously qualified to and competed in either Level 8/9/10 Regionals, Level 9 East/West or Level ~
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UPDATE 10 Nationals, an injury petition to State Championships for the same level may be considered under special circumstances by the RTCC and the RJOCC. If necessary, the SACC and the National Chairmen (JO & TC) will be consulted. • The scores from the previous Regional/National competition must be at least one point higher than the current State qualifying score. • The petition must include a current video that is se nt to both Regional officers. Motion: C. Christensen Second: L. Thorberg PASSED D. Change of Score after submission by Judge Recommendation to allow a Chief Judge to change a score after submission to the scoring system if a neutral deduction (such as out of bounds or overtime) was inadvertently not applied. This change must occur prior to the end of the rotation. The coach must be notified of the score change and if possible, the new score should be displayed to the public. Motion: C. Christensen Second: N. Nelson PASSED E. Flashing of Start Values Recommendation that at all Level 7 and above competitions, the Start Values are required to be either flashed or written on the competitor's card. Motion: N. Nelson Second: L. Reid PASSED
F. Open stretch warm-up period The committee requested that an additional clarification be added to the R & P on page 41 in regards to what is allowed during the open stretch: Add "Line drills on Floor involving simple elements are allowed; however, tumbling on the diagonal is not allowed." G. Attire deductions Clarification: If underwear is visible due to the cut of the leotard, warn the coach of the athlete. If they do not correct it, take a deduction on the subsequent event. Underwear, including sports bras, should not be intentionally visible throughout the entire routine. However, if briefs or bra straps show due to activity, do not take the deduction. Judges need to use common sense. H. Competitor numbers Clarification: At Level 9 Eastern/Western and JO National Championships, competitors MUST wear their number unless performing a back spin on beam or floor, in which case the coach must show the number to the judges. If the gymnast refuses to wear the number, a warning would be issued to the coach of the gymnast. If the gymnast fails to wear the number at subsequent events, a deduction for inappropriate attire would be applied. At any other meets at whic h numbers are provided, the numbers may be worn or displayed. 1. Equipment failure Clarification: The Yurchenko hand placement mat and the safety zone mat are NOT considered part of the vault apparatus. If a Yurchenko hand placement mat slips on the runway, it is NOT considered apparatus or personal equipment failure. It is the coaches' responsibility to make sure the mat is placed properly and the Velcro is secure. The tape measure is also part of the coaches' responsibility.
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If the gymnast runs over or touches the hand placement mat (or
the safety zone mat) , with or without executing a vault, this should be considered one of the three vault approaches/ attempts allowed. Do not void the vault. J .Individual Specialists Recommendation that for Levels 7 - 10, individual event specialist competition may be conducted up to and including regional meets, at the discretion of the respective state and regional administrative committees. Individual specialist competitors may compete amongst the all-around competitors and would receive duplicate awards. Motion: J. Geddert Second: L. Goldsmith PASSED K. Rules & Policies Changes/ Additions 1. Change in wording on page 35 1, B, 2. "Athletes who are limited in the number of events in which they can perform due to a permanent physical handicap (verified by a physician) ... 2. Number of judgments for Levels 1-3 Committees discussed the number of judgments for these levels and the following guidelines are suggested: In keeping with the philosophy that these young athletes should not be in the gym longer than 2 1J2 hours, induding warm-up time, the following examples are offered for competitions with or without timed-warm-ups: 60 gymnasts with a timed warm-up' Open stretch & bar settings 20-30 minutes=20-30 min . Timed warm-up 30 sec. per gymnast=30 min. March-in 10 min.=10 min. Competition 1 min. per gymnast=60 min. Approximate total time =2 hr. - 2 hr. 10 min. 80 gymnasts - witholJt a Timed Warm-up Open stretch & bar settings 30 min.=30 min . March-in 10 min.=10 min . Competition 1 min. per gymnast=80 min. Approximate total time =2 hrs. 3. Number of judgments at State and Regional meets At any State or Regional meet to which the qualification is by score, the Meet Director must accommodate all entries, regardless of the number qualified. The committee discussed various methods of handling situations in which a few too many athletes qualify in a certain age group, thus exceeding the maximum number of judgments per session. Recommendation to add to the format in R & P page 40, E. 2, c. For State/Regional meets: the maximum number of gymnasts per session may be exceeded by a small percentage for special circumstances, with the approval of the RTCC, RJOCC and the RACC for State Meets and by the NTCC and the NJOCC for Regional meets. It is the Meet Director's responsibility to contact the appropriate officers (State Meet Directors contact SACC; Regional Meet Directors contact RTCC). The State or Regional officer(s) will then contact the appropriate individuals, as stated above, for final approval. Motion: M. Dykes Second: C. Jarrett PASSED 4.Injury petitions Recommendation to reword statement on page 49, I. B. to "If an athlete is injured prior to a Qualifying meet, but is capable of competing in "one, two or three events," she may compete in the qualifying meet without jeopardizing her right to petition to the next competition. Motion: D. Houlton Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED Note: The Injury petition form will be revised to include only one score. ~
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5. LeveL 7 Timed Warm -ups Recommendation to reduce the timed warm-up period for all formats of Level 7 competition to 1.5 minutes per gymnast. Motion: D. Houlton Second: N. Nelson PASSED 6. Clarification regarding injuries and faLls off the apparatus Take steps to stop the bLeeding immediateLy and cover the wound as soon as possibLe. However, a bLeeding wound (nor any other injury due to a faLL) does not give the athLete the right to repeat her exercise or resume from where she Left off. If the 30 or 45 second faLL time (BB or UB respectiveLy) is exceeded before the wound can be covered, then the routine is terminated. If there is bLood on any equipment or mats after a gymnast finishes her exercise, the bLood must be removed prior to the next athLete beginning her routine. The coach and athLete have the right to determine if the athLete can continue the routine after a faLL (within the faLL time Limitations); however, it is advised that any recommendation from medicaL personneL be heeded, in the best interest of the athLete's safety. The meet hosts shouLd consider providing a smaLL first-aid kit including tape, gauze or band-aids at each event, especiaLLy if there is no trainer avaiLabLe, so that these items couLd be accessed quickLy.
2. Clarification for LeveL 4 VauLt: ALthough the run is evaLuated,
if the gymnast faLls on the runway during the approach , it wiLL be considered a baLk (one of three approaches to compLete two vauLts). It wiLL not be considered a faLL or a void vauLt. B. OptionaL VauLt 1. Recommendation to add the following vault to the Level 9/10 and Level 8 vault charts: #4.102 Round-off, flic-flac on repulsion with 1/2twist off. Level 9/10: 8.7 SV; Level 8: 9.1 SV Motion: M. Dykes Second: L. Thorberg PASSED 2. Change in VauLt vaLues Recommendation to lower the following non-salto vaults start values for Levels 9 & 10 only, effective August 1, 2007:
III. VAULT A. CompuLsory VauLt 1. Recommendation to change the height requirement for matting at Level 3 Vault to "waist high, plus or minus up to 8 inches of skill cushion". Motion: M. Dykes Second: P. Padron PASSED
Group 1 Description
Current value
1.101 Hanilspring 1.102 .Lliil.nd.sp.r:iT19 . -:: .1!z~ff. 1.103 : yamashita
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Motion: P. Panichas Second: P. Padron PASSED
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4. Safety Zone Mat According to the Women's Rules & Policies, page 79, C, last sentence "The safety zone mat must fit snugly around the board so there is no space between the board and the safety zone." Recommendation to add the words "For Round-off entry vaults" at the beginning of the above sentence. Motion: D. Houlton Second: A. Schweyer Note: If the safety zone is used for forward approach vaults, the safety zone may be present, but is not required to fit snugly around the board. 5. Level 7 vault proposal/issues Discussion regarding adding a Round-off entry vault timer onto mats stacked as high as the vault table to be a competitive choice. The committee concurred that this was impractical, especially in a competitive environment. They concluded that Round-off entry vault training should occur over years and doing a handspring allows the coaches to be able to spend the time on Yurchenko drills without losing quality of the handspring. A motion was made with no second. No action was taken. 6. Vault Proposal The committee discussed the possibility of changing the number of vaults for competition or the number of touch warm-up vaults. After much discussion, no action was taken.
IV. BARS A. Compulsory Level 5 and 6 Counterswing deductions: After a long discussion of the expectations of this element, the following recommendations were made to change the deductions: 1. Recommendation to change the wording in the Level 5 and 6 Compulsory Bars penalties (pages 88-89, 124-125, 169 & 171)
to read: Failure to show a straight line from hands to hips with chest in a hollow position Up to 0.20 (delete "with rounded hip angle") Motion: L. Reid Second: C. Bunge PASSED 2. Recommendation to add the following deduction to the Level 5 and 6 Counterswing: Failure to show a rounded hip angle with the feet below the hips during the counterswing (upswing) • Hips extended in line with the feet at horizontal 0.20 • Body arched (flaired) with the feet higher than the hips 0.30 Motion: L. Reid Second: C. Bunge PASSED 3. Failure to maintain hollow body position until feet pass the low bar in the downward-forward swing of the tap swing forward (early tap) Up to 0.2 Motion: J. Geddert Second: D. Witenstein PASSED Note: The text will also be changed to reflect these deductions. B. Optional Bars 1. NEW BAR ELEMENT FROM JO NATIONALS Dismount: Underswing with 1J2 turn to salto backward tucked with 1J2 twist (Comaneci 1J2 dismount) (Haba) awarded "D value #8.402 2. Bar elements - Change in Value Recommendation to raise the value of the following ~
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elements from D to E: #3.401 2nd illustration Clear hip circle through handstand on LB with 1J2 turn in flight to hang on HB (Khorkina) to #3.501 #6.405 Back stalder on LB with flight and 1/2 turn to hang on HB to #7.505 #7.410 Pike sole circle backward through handstand with flight and 1J2 turn to hang on HB (Byhovsky) to #7.510 Motion: D. Witenstein Second: L. Reid PASSED 3. Technical requirements of the overshoot 1J2 turn and counterswing to straddle back (B version) Clarification of the ideal position of these two ski lls: # 4.204 Long swing forward with 1/2 turn and flight over LB to hang on LB - This element should catch in an extended body position (shoulders to feet) at horizontal or above for no amplitude deduction. #2.205 Counterswing backward in straddle or pike with flight over LB to hang on LB - Look for flight (distance of hips from bar) and for the element to finish in an extended body position from shoulder to hips, but it is acceptable to maintain a pike in the hips. 4. Optional Bar Dismounts a. Recommendation that if there is an intentional early termination to a bar exercise without executing a dismount element (gymnast swings and jumps off, for example), that the deductions be applied for failure to perform a dismount (0.30) and for failure to fulfill the dismount Special Requirement (0.50). Do not take 0.50 for a fall.
Motion: M. Elfenbein Second: M. Dykes PASSED This will be added to the JO Code of Points, page 49, B: Change # 3 to: If a gymnast performs a dismount element without a hecht or saIto: 1. Deduct 0.50 for missing the dismount Special Requirement 2. Do NOT deduct 0.30 for no dismount. Change #4 to: If the gymnast makes no attempt to perform a dismount or performs a dismount element of no value, deduct: 1. 0.50 for missing the dismount Special Requi rement (due to no Value part awarded) 2. 0.30 for no dismount 3. Do not take 0.50 for a fall. b. Di smounts from the feet Recommendation to add the following to page 49, under Dismounts in the JO Code of Points: Dismounts from the feet are not allowed and will not receive Value-part credit. Motion: C. Bunge Second: A. Schweyer 5. Clarifications a. Gymnast attempts a Squat on, falls backward, but stays on the bars and continues the exercise with a glide kip - do not consider it a fall. Use any applicable execution deductions, such as bent legs, arms, touch of floor with feet, etc. b. After a fall from the bars, the routine resumes when the gymnast performs an element that is listed in the JO Code of Points. If a gymnast falls from the bar, re-mounts with a glide kip, stops in front support to crawl up to stand on LB - take 0.10 for uncharacteristic element, plus 0.10 for lack of continuity.
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6.LeveL 7 Bars Recommendation to replace the Level 7 Bars Special Requirement of "One Bar Change" with a requirement to perform an "A" level cast (21 °_45°). Motion: L. Johnson Second: L. Goldsmith PASSED 7. CompositionaL deductipn clarification: In regards to the deducbion of 0.05 for "FaiLure to perform both forward and backward circle eLements and/or reLease eLements" at LeveLs 9 and 10: To be considered a Forward Circle eLement or Forward reLease eLement: a. Both must move forward around an axis (either around the bar or the breadth axis of the body). b. When in doubt, check the symbols. 1. Many forward circling eLements have the small diagonaL Line at the beginning of the symboL to indicate "forward"; Like the clear hip circle forward (WeiLer kip), front staLder, pike soLe circle forward, etc. Front giants & L-grip front giants have their own forward symboL-an upside-down U 2. Forward reLease eLements are symboLed with a "front saLto" symboL, Like the #5.505 Jaegers (on same bar or LB to HB), #5 .404 mixed-grip Deltchev (aLthough the downswing is a backward giant-the upswing is a forward swing and the saLto is forward) and # 5.303 3/4 forward giant swing on HB to reLease and straddLe flight backward with over LB to hang on LB c. Elements that ARE NOT considered forward: 1. Gienger/reguLar DeLtchev -symboL & description indicates a backward saLto
2. Clear underswing on LB, reLease and counter-movement forward in flight to hang on HB and other variations (Like toe-shoot, staLder shoot to HB) aLL stem from a BACKWARD circle and never compLete a forward 360° BA turn 3. Long swing forward with flight and 1j2 turn over Low bar and straddLe back to handstand type eLements are aLL initiated with a backward swing or circle.
v. BALANCE BEAM A. New eLements from JO Nationals 1. 7.503 Switch-Leg side aeriaL - E (Baudhuin) (takes off and Lands on same Leg) 2. New #8.304 - C Back saLto stretched to swing down to cross straddLe sit (Pearce) (arms swing up above head to set for back saLto stretched, then arms puLL down to the front of the thighs and return again to high position to reach for the beam for the swing down phase.) B. ELement VaLue Changes 1. Recommendation to raise #8.304 Back salto stretched with step-out and #8305 gainer back salto stretched with stepout (also with leg change) from C to D value (new numbers #8.404 and 8.405 respectively), making them eligible to receive +0.1 bonus for difficulty value at Level 10. Motion: C. Jarrett Second: P. Padron PASSED In favor: 12 Opposed: 4 2. Recommendation to allow Level 8's to perform the Back salto stretched ..lith step out and gainer back salto ~
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stretehed with step out (no .. 9 value) on beam. Motion. L. Johnson Seeond. M. Elfenbein 5 in favor 11 opposed DEFEATED 3. Recommendation that the Back salto stretched with stepout and gainer back salto stretched with step-out will be considered as "C" value when awarding Connection Value at Level 10. "D" Difficulty Value bonus of +0.1 will still be given. Motion: L. Mulvihill Second: L. Reid PASSED 4. Recommendation to raise the value of a # 9.407 double back dismount from D to E, new #9.507. Motion: P. Padron Second: J. Geddert PASSED C. Level 10 Special Requirement for an Acro Series Recommendation to award Special Requirement credit at Level 10 for any E-acro flight element in direct connection with an "A" acro-element (non-flight) from Group 7 (Walkover/Cartwheels). Motion: L. Johnson Second: P. Padron D. Optional Beam Acro Series Clarification: Connecting elements in an Acro series: The landing leg or the free leg must be the take-off leg for the next element. If both feet land at the same time, the take-off must be a jump from two feet. The following is an example of an acro series that is considered NON CONNECTABLE, regardless of how quickly they are performed: Back Walkover (or back handspring step-out) to Round-off (or cartwheel): In this example, the first element lands on one foot. then the second foot is placed on the beam behind in a lunge; the gymnast then leans forward to initiate a Round-off (or cartwheel). Note: The only way these two elements could connect legitimately is by landing the first element on one leg and swinging the other leg forward to step into the Round-off (or cartwheel); that would mean performing the two skills on opposite legs. Of course, the gymnast could do a Right BWO and switch legs to land on the Left foot so that she could then step forward on the Right leg to initiate a Right Round-off (or cartwheel). E. Use of a Handstand element in Level 7 Acro series Recommendation that in order to allow a handstand step-down to be used as the first element in an acro series at Level 7, the following criteria must be met: the handstand must achieve vertical and must be held for 2 seconds in order to receive "A" value part. If one or both of the criteria are not fulfilled, no Value Part credit and no series credit is awarded. Motion: C. Christensen Second: N. Nelson PASSED F. Level 7 Beam Recommendation to allow Level 7s to perform a Switch-leg leap (# 2.305 - C) on Beam for B value-part credit. Motion: L. Goldsmith Second: L.Johnson PASSED G. Warm-up following a fall from the beam Clarification: If an element is performed on the mat after a fall before remounting, a deduction for additional warm-up should be applied. No warning is required. H. Change in Dismount Value Recommendation to change the value of #9.106 Back salto with 1j2 twist dismount from A to B. The new number is 9.206. Motion: M. Elfenbein Second: M. Dykes PASSED ~
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UPDATE 1. Level 8, 9 or 10 Acro Series Special Requirement
Clarification that the flight element may be from the Roll category (example: dive forward roll). J. Compulsory Beam Time Recommendation to increase the time for Level 4-6 Beam routines by 5 seconds: Level 4: from :50 to :55 Level 5: from 1:05 to 1:10 Level 6: from 1:10 to 1:15 Motion: P. Panichas Second: M. Dykes PASSED
K. Compulsory Beam Heel-Snap turns If the heel-snap turn is performed on the correct foot but turns
in the wrong direction, apply the deduction for reversing a major element. This element is a 0.40 element, so deduct 0.20.
VI. FLOOR EXERCISE A. A Double stag jump with 1/1 turn was discussed as it is not in the JO Code, but since this element was not performed at Nationals as a new element, it must be submitted to the RTCC for evaluation. B. Clarification: See JO Code, page 238, b. 2: Kickover front salto to sit is not considered a salto, and if performed at the end of the exercise, would not affect the awarding of the Dismount Special Requirement. C. New business: Discussion regarding adjustments to the routines/ music for the new cycle. No action was taken at this time. D. Level 7 Floor
Clarification: The Special Requirement of Two forward acro elements directly connected indicates FORWARD aero elements only (side aerials or side saltos may not be considered). E. It was suggested to present the agenda in reverse Olympic order next year. The JO and Technical meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
JR. OLYMPIC COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 21 2007 GREAT WOLF LODGE, MASON, OH The JO Committee met during the lunch break and from 10:30 - 11:40 p.m.
1. ROLL CALL Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region
1 .... 2 ......
Dan Witenstein Laurie Reid Cheryl Jarrett 4 .. Don Houlton 5 ................................... John Geddert 6 ......................................... Larry Goldsmith Linda Johnson 8 .......................................... Paul Padron ~ 3
H H . H
• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• ••••• H
•• H
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UPDATE JOCC ............................................. Tom Koll JO Program Manager ............ Connie Maloney
II. 20 CM MATS Currently 20 cm mats are allowed, but not required. At JO Nationals, only Vault uses a 20-cm. mat. A requirement to use 20 cm mats for competition would present an additional shipping cost for meet hosts. No action was taken at thi s time.
effective warm-up without upsetting the flow of the ongoing event. Provided that she has arrived for her designated session/age group, her scores will be valid for all individual and team rankings. Motion: J. Geddert Second: L. Goldsmith PASSED
Regional All-Star team and meet concept: Regions 2, 5, 7 and 8 have sent athletes to foreign countries. Region 7 sent a team to the Cancun Classic in early January of 2007 and asked if any other region would be interested in attending to provide a Regional competition component (separate session) to the Classic. John Geddert encouraged the regions that have not done this yet to organize this type of experience for their athletes. It provides additional incentives and international experiences for many athletes who will never have an opportunity to represent the U.S . on a National Team .
Recommendation to make the following changes in the Compulsory Floor Exercises: Levell FX: Replace the bridge with a crab stand Level 2 FX: Replace the arch back with a Hinge back Level 3 FX: Replace the backbend from a stand, kickover with a push up to bridge, kick-over Motion: C. Jarrett Second: L. Johnson PASSED Revised text and illustrations will be posted on the web site.
Committee discussed the problems experienced by many states due to no mandate scores; however, no action was taken. It was recommended that the State Chairmen's workshop provide guidance to those States that need assistance. Many states have initiated programs to provide even first-year athletes an opportunity to be competitive. The chairs of these states are requested to share these procedures.
V. EQUIPMENT CONCERNS Recommendation to the National office that the R & P reflect the requirement of padding the upright of the vault table and of covering any weights placed on the vault base for stability. Motion: J. Geddert Second: D. Witenstein PASSED
VI. LATE ARRIVAL OF ATHLETES TO COMPETITIONS Recommendation that, if a gymnast arrives late to a competition due to circumstances out of her control (traffic delay, weather-related), every effort should be made to allow the athlete to compete. She should be provided a safe and
Recommendation that if an athlete who has qualified to East/ West Championships as a Regional Team member is injured prior to the competition but is able to compete in 3 or fewer events, the first alternate-from that region will replace the injured athlete on the Regional Team and the injured athlete will compete as an individual. Motion: L. Johnson Second: P. Padron PASSED
IX. JO COACH OF THE YEAR The committee discussed and selected a JO Coach of the Year. This award will be presented at Visa Championships.
XI. JO NATIONALS Connie presented an idea to allow more Level 10's a National competitive experience by initiating a Jr. Olympic NIT (National Invitational Tournament) in conjunction with JO Nationals. The committee was receptive to the idea, which would give incentive to the Level 10's who are in the larger regions. Connie will work on some ideas for the number of athletes and the qualification procedures and will se nd them to the committee.
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XII. REVIEW OF EAST/WEST TEAM FORMAT The response was predominantly positive in regards to the Regional Team concept. It was decided to maintain the new format and review again after the 2008 event .
XIII. CALENDAR Several regions have expressed concern regarding the scheduling of the 2008 Level 9/ 10 Regionals on April 18-20, the same weekend that Passover begins (April 20). The options currently are to either have the 9/ 10 Regional meet one week earlier on April 11-13 (4 weeks prior to East/ West and 5 wee ks prior to JO Nationals) or to have all the regions hold Level 10 Regionals the weekend of April 25-26 (3 wks prior to Na~ionals). Note: The decision was made to allow the regions to hold the Level 9/ 10 Regional meet on the following weekend of Ap ri l 2526, with the condition that all results fo r Level 9 competition be sent immediately to Connie and apparel sizing be sent overnight to GK Elite Sportswear Proposed dates for Championship meets: Event
Tuck Jump; Wolf Jump; Cat leap; and Straddle Pike Jump . This page will be posted on the USA Gymnastics web site under Technical.
V. BODY POSITIONS Myra distributed examples of different body positions during saltos (stretched and piked). The committee agreed on what the shape was and how much should be deducted. These examples will be added to the JO Code and posted on the web site.
VI. JO CODE OF POINTS REVIEW The Technical Committee bro ke into small groups to review the JO Code of Points and made revisions for the next edition. An errata sheet will be forthcoming and posted on the website until the new edition is available. The committee will tentatively meet on October 13-14, 2007 in Indianapolis to continue work on Judges' training films and other educational projects. Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
L. 9./1.0 .S~t~Me:ets Maith,29-~or April HMa.(d) ~1-2,2 Qr ~ard! 2$-~9 Marth2G-21 orMard127-~
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Apnll8-2j)Qf Aj!ri! 2H7Ap.~I1.?:J9.. . .Ap~!.~H§ . .
R~i9~!s. ...... ApriI2H~ !., ~.~~~ .. May 8-11 . l. 10 JO Nationals M.aY 16-18
. ..AprjI. l6-l~ L 10 only .April ~4-75 ~f 7-W. .... ..... ........ May 6-9. .. May 15-17 May 14-16
XIV. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 PM. Next meeting is scheduled to follow the 2008 JO Nationals in Kissimmee, Flo rida.
1. ROLL CALL: CHAIRMAN CHERYL HAMILTON CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 9: 15 AM. Region 1 ..H .. HH Neela Nelson Region 2 H............................... H.. HH Linda Mulvihill Region 3 ..... ······.H .. H. Carole Bunge Region 4 ... ·· .. H.. HH. Linda Thorberg Region 5 . . .... H.HHH. Char Christensen Region 6 .. H.HH ... Pat Panichas Region 7 H·· ... H.... H.H ..... H. Myra Elfenbein Region 8 .H.HH ................... Ma rian Dykes Asst. Tech . Comm. Chair ...... Audrey Schweyer JO Program Manager ........ Connie Maloney
II. LEVEL 7/8 START VALUES Clarification : Any time a 2.00 deduction for performing an unallowable element is ta ken at Level 7 or 8, it should be reflected in the Start Value.
III. JUDGES' TRAINING MATERIALS The committee discussed the development of DVDs for teaching core judging topics at futu re Regional and National Congresses.
IV. DANCE TECHNIQUE A page will be added to the JO Code of Points illustrating the following dance elements, indicating the technical expectations and deductions: Switch-leg leap, Ring/ Switch-leg ring leap, Sheep/ Ring Jump; Yang Bo leap; Switch-leg leap with 1j2 turn;
WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL ELITE COMMITTEE MEETING . .............................. Steve Rybac ki Coach Representati ves . .. ............................... Mihai Brestyan Valeri Luikin Mary Lee Tracy . ............................... Donna Strauss National Team Coordinator ........................... Martha Karolyi Athlete Representative ....HHH.H .. H. Kim Zmeskal - Absent Senior Di rector Women's Prog .H.HHH . H Kathy Kelly
I. NATIONAL QUALIFIERS Recommendation to have two additional National Qualifiers attached to age group program invitationals with the following conditions. 1. National qualifiers must follow all the rules fo r elite competitions with t he exception that 20cm mats are not required but 20cm of matting must be available. 2. All judges must have a current brevet rating and have judged or sat on the video panel at a national classic competition no later than Jan. 1st of the previous yea r. 3. The meet host will donate one dollar per total number of athletes in the invitational to women's program fo r the purpose of elite athlete scholars hips. 4. Competition schedule must be approved by the Women's Program Director. Dates to be determined. Motion Mary Lee Tracy Second Mihai Brestyan PASSED
II. PAN AM SELECTION CAMP COMPETITION Committee discussed the format of the competition for the Pan Ame rican games selection camp competition. Details of competition and schedule to be dist ributed to t he Pan American training squad ASAP by the Women's Prog ram Di rector. Motion Valeri Luikin Second Mary Lee Tracy PASSED ~ JULY 2007 • TECHNIQUE
CLASSIFIEDS fo r sa l e ' p os iti o n ava il a bl e' see k i n g e m p l oy m e nt· e du c at ion ' co n s ignm e nt
POSITION AVAILABLE If you are an Optional Gymnastics Coom and looking for a greot place 10 work, The Gymnastics Academy 01 amwood Frtness (enler, a service of Ochsner Health Systems is Ihe ploce 10 app~. Ful~lime cooching pos~ion, requires Level 9 & 10 experience and expertise on bars, vault, and lumbling 10 complimenl our winning learn. B~e experience a plus. Offers excellenl benefits including health, denIal, and 401 K. Mease log on 10 www. and app~ online. Bmwood Frtness (enler ~ on Equal Employmenl Opportun~ Employer. Rettig's Gymnastics Training Center Inc., ~ localed in beautilul northwest New Jersey, half way between New York ~ and Ihe Pocono Mounlains. We are seeking lull lime instructors and cooches. (orne join our greal stoff. Appliconls need 10 be fun, energelic, leom players. You must have strong spoHing skilk and Ihe abil~ 10 coach levek 8 Ihrough 10 of Ihe Woman's J.O. Program. We are aka looking for a coach for our ne~ formed boys learn. ReHig's offers starting pay between 518.00 and 523.00 per hour depending on experience and versotil~, paid vacalions, holidays and health ins. (onlact: Dove / Dione ReHig. Web Address: Email: Phone: (973)267·5611. Fox: (973)267·7796 HEAD COACH/TEAM COORD1NATOR- Slafford Gymnoslics (enler is accepling applications for this lulllime pos~ion. Slafford Gymnoslics (enler is locoted near Frederi[ksburg and 50 miles from Woshin!JIon DC. Well establ~hed gymnastics program is in its 2SIh year of business, 900+ studenls, learn of 80 !level 4-9). 8enef~s include: Health, denIal, eye and life insuronce. Paid annual and silk leave, poid holidays. Retiremenl is Ihrough Virginia Retiremenl System (VRS) and 457 Deferred (ompensation inveslmenl opportunities are available. Seporote leam and re[leotional gyms. (ompetilive solary (530,931- 47,942 onnuol~). App~ on line ot: www.[ or call Angelo ot (540) 373-8192. EOE Established 1000+ student Soulhern New Hampshire gymnaslics school is searching for a qualified individual 10 lea[h classes and ass~llhe head girk' and boys' coaches wilh leams. 8enefils include denIal and medilal insuronte, silk days, paidvocalians and a 401 Kaplian. Send resume 10 judy@gymnaslicsvillage.[om Gymnaslics Village hHp:// (anlact: Judy Shenk. Phone: (603)889-8092.Fax: (603)598-4616 Head Girls' Coach. Well established 1000+ sludenl Soulhern New Hampshire gymnastics Slhool is searching for a superior, well qualified, organized head girk' cooch 10 [onlinue our successlul competITive program and lake Ihe responsibility of coordinoting and running bOlh aplional and [ompulsory gymnasts. Duties involve supervising coaching sloff, seHing Ihe [ompelilive s[hedule, coordinaling leam practile and re[lealional closs schedule, and [ocching Levels 8-10. 8enefils include denIal and medical insuronte, silk days, paid vocotions, and a 401 Koplion. (ompony/ aub Nome: Gymnaslics Village. Web Address: www.gymnasli[svillage.[om (anlact: Judy Shenk. Email: judy@gymnoslicsvillage. com. Phone: (603)889-8092. Fox: (603)598-4616 CLASS/TEAM COACHES AII-Slor Gymnaslils is seeking experiented, malivaled closs and learn cooches for weekdays/ weekends/ evenings. Posilions are available for pres[hool Ihrough advanced girls' and boys' re[lealional classes and [ampetITive leams in a well established, stole of Ihe art lraining facil~. Salary [ommensurote wilh experiente. (all Tom 01 (978)256-7766, fox resume 10 (978)256-7779, email 10 or moil 10 All-Star Gymnastics, 5 Kidder Rood, Chelmslord, MA 01824. INSTRUCTORS/COACHES. Paragon Gymnostics of Norwood (8ergen (ounty), NJ is looking for Instructors and (oa[hes, PIT-FIT Weekdays/ weekends/ evenings. Requirements: Positive oIIiIude, responsible, reliable, love of [hildren. Positions available for pre-Sthool Ihrough inlermediale level instruction. (ompelitive Team (oa[h
Levek 5-1D. (ompony sponsored tertifi[ations (Sofety, (PR, Rm Aid) Full benefits/ poid vo[otion & silk days, company motmed reliremenl plan. ~lIlrain. Solary [ommensurote wilh experiente. NEW fa[iI~, slale-of-Ihe-art, opprox. 11 ,000 sq. ft. LD[oted in the NY!NJ Melropol~an orea, eosi~ accessible from all major highways. (onlact Dol: 201-767-6921 or fox resume 10 201-767-6693 or e-mail: Slreel, Su~e 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. Women's Optional Gymnastics Team - Head Inslructor. Hanover Area Fami~YMCAseeks Head Inslructar for ~s Women's Oplional Gymnastics Team. Successful candidale will plan and coa[h Ihe women's oplionalleam in gymnastics. The individual will demonslrale lerhniques and melhork of partitipalion. ~II evaluale alhleles' slrenglhs and weaknesses as possible reuu~s or 10 improve Ihe alhleles' lerhnique 10 prepare Ihem for compelilion. Plan and direct physical condilioning programs Ihal will enable alhleles 10 a[hieve maximum performante. Position requires a 8achelars degree in Physical Educalion. Must have five years experiente as Professional Gymnaslics (aoch. Please moil resume 10 Hanover Area Fami~ YMCA, AHn: Norine Henrie, Human Resource Director, 500 North George Slreel, Hanover, PA 17331. Hanover YMCA is on Equal Opportun~ Employer. COACH NEEDED. Randolph Gymnaslics lo[aled in Randolph, New Jersey, is looking for on experienced learn coam 10 work part·time. U5AG learn levek 5-9 and USAIG( learn, who just retenl~ won the NJ Team Slote tITle. Please conlact Shannon Moretti ot (973)584-4111 or fox your resume 10 (973)584-9967. Director Position Available. High Poinl Gymnaslics is looking for a full-lime director 10 oversee all programs intluding compelilive and recreational power lumbling, girls/boys gymnaslics, preschool, and cheer leading. Responsibililies include supervision of coaching slaff, adminislralive dulies, human resource lasks, and caaching levels 1-10. Director musl be highly molivaled and love working wilh youlh. Performante based pay. 8enefils available. High Poinl is a 10,000 sq. fool fatility localed within a filness complex jusl 80 miles north of Soil Lake Oty in beauliful Logon, Ulah. Please send resume 10 or call Don Smilh 01 (435)753-7500.
FOR SALE GREAT INVESTMENT: Gymnaslics school for sale, Located in Loveland, CO which is a greal family commun~. We are a small town gym ~h Ions of polential for growth, averaging around 100 students This gym offers instruction for girk gymnaslics ages 2 1/2 and up. The gym has all Ihe gymnastics equipmenl as well as long standing coaches. We have a parenls club Ihot ~ 501(3 tertified and willing 10 help in any way. (all for more delails: Anno 970-663-9012 CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Serving Gymnaslics sinte 1990 wilh (loss Managemenl and Accounls Receivable sohware, intluding free Iraining and lechnical support. Pocked wilh fealures, easy 10 use, and networkable. Flexible selup, easy assignmenls, roslers, aHendante, markeling analysis, aulomaled luilion calculalion, multiple discounls, addilional/relail charges, invenlory manogemenl, sales lox support, lole charges, eorly paymenl discounls, invoites/ slalemenls, re"iveables reports, financial and enrollmenl summaries, inslructor schedules, waning and makeup lisls, moiling labels, send messages and invoices bye-moil, support for bonk draft and credil card paymenls, and much more. Only 5600 (5300/ additional workslalion). (onlact Vaughn Sohware Services 01 800821-8516, vaughnsohware@bellsoulh.nel, or www. M(jVISA!AMEX Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Books. Gymnastics Drills and (ond~ioning for Ihe Handstand-IS8N # 1-4116-5000-X \ Gymnastics Drilk and (ondilioning Exertises - IS8N # 1-4116·0579-9 \ Gymnaslics
(ond~ioning for Ihe Legs and Ankles - IS8N # 1-41162033-X \ Gymnaslics Drills and (ond~ioning for Ihe Walkover, Umber, and Bock Handspring - ISBN # 1-41161160-B\ Order all 4 drilk books logelher - 566.96 + s\h. Also available, Gymnaslics (ompetITion Journal: My Scores, My Goals, My Dreams - ISBN # 1-4116-4145-0 \ V'"~ loday for Ihese and olher gymnaslics products including Gymnaslics Equipmenl, Apparel, Books, Supplies, and Gifts. www.GymnaslicsSluff. com \ BB8-496·8749
GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Gel wilh Ihe program! It's beHer Ihan ever, wilh a lerrific assortmenl of NEW styles and labrics and incomparable sales polenlial. Plus, iI's easier Ihan ever 10 order, sell and relurn your RISK FREE garmenls. We offer cuslomized packages lor your pro shop, meels and summer camp. You only pay for whal you've sold and may relurn Ihe resl, Ihere is absolulely NO RISK! II you haven'l Iried us lalely, iI's lime you slarted eorning exIra profils with our RISK FREE merchandise. (all 1-BOO-345-40B7 for more informalion on howyou can gel slarted loday! Email: ESTABLISHED BUSINESS localed in Sparta, New Jersey. Owner is moving and looking 10 sell. 7,000 square loollacility with slale oflhe art Olympic quality equipmenl and Iraining aids designed lor bOlh boys and girls. In ground lrampoline, 30 ft. power lrack and foam pil intluded. please lox informolion 10 1973)584-1793. Score Master - Scorekeeping sohwore inlerlaced 10 many differenl score boords: ElileScore, BelaBriles, TV's & Projectors. Download learn roslers Irom Ihe USAG websile. Feolures include: random draws, creole rolalions, assign #'s, Ihe mosl comprehensive reporting and results can go directly 10 your website. Supports: womens/ mens, individual/team, artislic/ rhythmic/ lrampoline, compulsory/ oplional. Download a FREE demo 01 www.5core· <> .
CONSIGNMENT LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like 10 expand your leolord sales? This is a good lime ollhe yeor 10 inlroduce a new assortmenl of leo lords. Rebecca's Mom popular leolord [onsignmenl program is Ihe solulion. Our consignmenl selection lealures our newesl styles and fabrics, including Ihe Framed Hologram style. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workoulleolards and learn warm·up leolords leoluring Holograms, Foils, GIiHer, Rhineslones and Nail Heads and our rainbow 01 soft Velvel fabrics. We also include a sensolionol selection of nylon Iycra designs lealuring Hawaiian prinls. Our leolords are designed wilh your Team Gymnosls in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/ 6 Ihrough adult large. We are currenlly accepting new applicalions lrom (Iub Pro Shops, Parenl 800sler Groups, Relail Slores and Summer (amps. Please call our loll free lelephone number, 1-8BB-289-2536 or fox Rebecca's Mom at 1BI8-980-0119 lor credil opplicalion, lerms, and prices. We also supply Slale and Regional Meel Packages as well as leolards lor special evenls, so please call TODAY.
EDUCATION Available now! The NEW GYMCERT Gymnaslics Iroining manuals (Levels 1, 2, 3, & Ihe NEW Skills & Drills lor Ihe (ompulsory (oach Level's 4, 5 & 6) a musl lor Iroining your stoff; cuI your lesson planning lime significanlly; use 10 coordinale closs progressions and skililraining melhods; and, besl 01 all have a quick relerence Ihol is easy 10 use which includes Lesson Planning Forms and (loss Evalualion Forms by level. The GYMCERT manuals provide concise instruction, cleor illuslrotions, and several coaching, spoHing, and safety lips. ~II your sloff be ready lor your fall sludenls? Order direct by colling loll free: 1-B66-591 -B500 or online:
FREE EXCERPT: "Round Off: KeyloAdvancedTumbling: is available online from Ihe book "Bock Handsprings: The Secrel Techniques." Recrealional inslructors will gain confidence leaching by learning successful lechniques explained in easy-Io-leorn lessons ~h clear illustralions. The new "GYMNASTICS JOURNAL & MEET SURVIVAL GUIDE" ~ a greollundroiser Imultiple copy d~counls) and provides Ihe compelilive alhlele ~h activities like word search, anagrams, meel lracking lorms, journal pages, calendars, and informolion on meel eliqueHe for gymnasls and parents! IRecrealionol version available also.) A greal holiday or special occosion gift 10 sell 01 pro shops or meels.
AUDITIONS Grque du Sofeil is holding auditions in Los Vegas, October 2007! Orque du Soleil is seeking new lolenlfor ~s 14 currenl productions. The Grque du Soleil (osting learn ~ continually on the lookoulfor lalenled new artists and olhleles. Our scouts search Ihe globe for oulstanding performers who are ready 10 embork on a newadvenlure. Orque du Soleil has carved out a special niche lor ~sell in Ihe world of performing arts. Through a mix 01 streel performance, circus arts, dance, Iheolre, music and song, (irque du Soleil has given lile 10 a magical new universe. Holding oudilions ~ Ihe primary means by which Grque du Soleil recruils new lalent. The casling team will be specilically seeking prolessional artists and alhleles: acrobols, othleles and circus artisls, artistic, rhythmic and acrobolic gymnoslics, lrampoline, lumbling, martial arts, slunls, diving, synchronized swimming, and circus arts. Audilions based on video demo evoluolion. Submission delails:
HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES l-100 word. = $100 101-200 word. = $700
Your od in Te</nijuewiH aulomotimly be pIoced online lor 30 days ot no odditionaI charge_The address is: www•••a"JYmna.Ii<s.orgjdassi/iod.j Your 30 days wi! begiI 00 the next regulcr posIilg dote. DEADLINES ISSUE DIADUNE FOR AD AND PAYMENT
Jnnuory. .___________ De<.10 February _________________________ . _________ . Jon. 1O Murch __________________________________________ Feb. 10
~.=:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :=: : : ~i \~
..:.: : ::: : ::.:.:: : i~e:~
NOTE: H,IN 'Otlr falls on a wHkerrrl or ""//day, ,IN proceding wort Jay is ,on.idtred ,IN derJin..
Email your ad anti aedit corti information to: Or mail to: USA Gymnastics, Pan American PI010 201 S. (apitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fox 10 317·237-5069. *H,outa., please indude your attlt ami nurnIoec, 'xpo'ation dOt, and .......... Please designate a your ad should appear in Tedrniqu.
mogo1ine or USA Gymnostia mogazine. ADS SUBMfTIID WmtOUT PAYMENT WtLl NOT BE PUBUSHED. USA Gymnostia reserves the righllovory format 1e<hn~ue is ,oc.ived by more than 17,000 USA G ymnostia prolessional m.mbe. ~us thousorxfs 01 viewe. will be exposed 10 1011 od OIInne. Advertise your employmenl opportunity, product, service, or compenlioo here lorg'eot resIXtl. Ouestions? (all loon Peszek ot 317-819-5646.
FOR INFORMATION on how to publish a classified ad in recltnlque, go to http://www.uSll-fYtrlll/ Or call Luan Peszek at 317-829-5646.
Visa is proud to support U.S. Olympic Team hopeful Nastia liukin and USA Gymnastics. 36USC220S06 Š 2007 Visa U.s.A. Inc.
USA Gymnastics 20 1 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225
PAID Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 7867
2007 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website Please see the website for the most current schedule. "Tme mrd date •
July 27 Itasca, Il60143; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Itasca Park District -350 E. Irving Park Rd. Directions: Chr~ Eismenn 630-355-1779 Course code: EP07272007Il Instructor: Edgar Pulido 630/ 632-3544 29 Itasca, Il60143; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Itasca Park District -350 E. Irving Park Rd. Directions: Chr~ Eismenn 630-355-1779 Course code: EP072920071l Instructor: Edgar Pulido 630/ 632-3544
to charge. See for updates.
24 Oklahoma Gty, OK 73132; 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Man Troners, 7009 NW 63rd Directions: Jeff or Trish Carter 405-722-0808 Course code: JE082420070K Instructor: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065
27 King of Prussia, PA; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Reg 7 Congress, The Inn at Valley Forge 251 De Kalb Pike Course code: XX09272007PA
31 Austin, TX 78759; 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. GAT: Renaissance Hotel Directions: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065 Course code: JE08312007TX Instructor: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065
30 Valparaiso, IN 46385; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Horizon Gymnastics Center, 1254 Horse Prairie Ave Directions: Linda Beach 219-477-6542 Course code: EP093020071N Instructor: Edgar Pulido 630-632-3544
September 2 Austin, TX 78759; 5:00 p.m. to10:00 p.m. GAT: Renaissance Hotel Directions: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065 Course code: JE09022007TX Instructor: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065
August 2 Newton, MA; 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Reg. 6Congress, Boston Marrion Newton Course code: XX08022007MA Instructor: Pot McDiormid 413-596-2313
October 19 Kent, OH 44240; 12:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Kent State University Directions: Carol Arnaut 330-534-5224 Course code: BM101920070H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-770-9430
Gncinnaft, OH 45014; 11 :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Gncinnati Gymnastics Academy Directions: Mary lee Tracy 513-860-3082 Course code: BM090720070H Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430
11 Woodword, PA 16882; 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Woodward Camp, 134 Sports Camp Dr. Directions: Stephen Hoss814-349-5633 Course code: SH08112007PA Instructor: Stephen Hass814-880-3410
20 Indionapolis, IN; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Reg. 5Congress, Sheraton Indianapalis Hotel 8787 Keystane Crossing Course code: XX092020071N
15 Son Jose, CA; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Notional Congress, Son Jose Marrion Hotel, 301 SMarket St Course code: XX08152007CA
SAFETY CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIp· BA'TION FORM (M,nimum .. 6 6 ,... COST: www.uso·gymnos! PRE-REGIST I\M age ror Sarety Certl."atlon IS r6 years) Nome: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mole or Female: Professional or Instructor #: ______;-- Current Safety Exp. Dote: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Dote: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ _ _ _ Zip: Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(W) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
E-mail Address: Course Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Course City/State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dote: _ _ _ _ _ __ Form of Payment:
OOther _ _ __
Payment Amount: _ _ _ __
Nome on Cord: Number: - - - - Exp. Dote: _ __
Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pro-Member with Current Safely Certification WIS. h'109 t0 r~cert'fy I . atl'Ive course .............:.:....;................ no chorge Pro-Member With Expired or New Safely CerllflcatlOn ............ $ 65.00 Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 65.00 Non-Member ........................................................................ $ 115.00 • You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.
All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two (2) weeks prior to the course dote'. late registrations incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment wi rI not ~e processed. late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site ana late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, including tlie course book, are provided at the course and are port of the course fee. Certification is valid for four (4) years. Safely Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safely Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six (6) months with prior written notification. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. ' USA Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline
Mail registration form and payment to: VISA USA Gymnastics Member Services P,o,d Spo",o, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-5212
1\ us>