Technique Magazine - January 2008

Page 1


2008 JANUARY 18 19-21 25-27

Flanders International Acro Cup Selection Event (AGI Super Clinic (AGI JumpStort Notional Testing (TTl

TBD O'Fallon, MO Broken Arrow, OK

Notional Elite Qualifier (WI Winter Cup Challenge (MI Notional Elite Qualifier (WI Rhythmic Invitational (RI Rhythmic Challenge (RI T& TWinter Classic (Tl

Allentown, PA Los Vegas, NV Kansas City, MO Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Tulsa, OK

Tyson American Cup (M/WI Pre路Elite and JumpStarl Notional Team Training Camp (Tl Grenzland Cup (TIl Flanders International Acro Cup (AG I USA Gymnastics Men's Collegiate Championships (MI Pacific Alliance Gymnastics Championships (M, W,R, n Level 9/ 10 State Championships (WI

New York, NY Sacramento, CA Aachen, Germany Puurs ,Belgium Springfield, MA Son Jose, CA Various sites

3-4 6-11 8-11

Notional Qualifier (RI JO Notional Championships (MI Level 9 East &West Championships (WI

16-18 22-24 23-24 23-25 23-26

JO Notional Championships (WI Viso Championships (M,R,n World Cup Series of the Lemon (AGI U.S. Classic/ Challenge (WI Festival Rhythmic Nationals &Gymfest (GGI

TBD Balliecreek, MI Dayton, OH & SI. Louis, MO Kissimmee, FL Houston, TX Publier -Amphion, FRA Houston, TX Crossville, TN

Visa Championships (WI Junior OIYlJlpic Compulsory Championships (RI TeamGym Nationals Notionol Gym Fest (GG) USA Gymnastics Notional Congress U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics World Cup (TRI Final Olympic Selection Event (Tl

Boston, MA TBD Los Vegos, NV Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Switzerland Kansas City, MO

J.O. Notional Championships (Tl Notional Championships (AGI Acro Nationals (AGI

Kansas City, MO Des Moines, IA TBD

Olympic Gomes

Beijing, CHN

FEBRUARY 2-3 7-9 9-10 14-16 17 21 -24

MARCH 6-9 13-16 27-30 28-29 28-30 29-30

5-7 7-9 13-15 19-21 19-22 20-21 30

JULY 1-6 25-31 27-31



Level 9/ 10 State Championships (WI

Various sites

2-6 or 11-13 17-19 17-19 18-20 or 25-27 18-20 21-23 22-23 22-27

Men's JO Regional Championships (MI NCAA Championships (MI U.s. Elite Challenge (Tl Level 9/ 10 Regional Championships (WI Junior Olympic Optional Championships (RI Notional Qualifier to Visa Chomps. (MI Flanders International Acro Cup Cup of Flanders (TIl

Various sites Stanford, CA TBD Various sites TBD Colorado Springs Puurs, Belgium Belgium

W=Women AG =Acrobatic Gymnastics

R=Rhythmic B=Business

NOTE: Dates and events subiect to change or cancellation.




TR =Trampoline IT =Trompoline!Tumbling



Notional Gymnastics Day


GG =Group Gymnastics

TU =Tumbling


2008 • VOLUME

28 •



Steve Penny EDITOR


Zemetria Barnes-Perry USA GYMNASTICS IXICUTIYI COMMlnll (HAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: SIeve Penny; VICE (HAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VI(E (HAIR MEN: YoichiTomila; VI(E (HAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE (HAIR TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplan; VICE (HAIR A(RO·GYMNASTI(S: Tanya (ase; SE(RETARY: Gary Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; FIG REPS: Bob (olarOlsi IExeculive (ommittee!, Ron Froehlich IAud~orl, Tanya (ose (AG Technicol (ommiHee) and John Roelhlisberger (Alhlel. Rep.). AT lARGE MEMBERS: SIeve BUlcher, David Holcomb; ATHlETE DIREGORS: Kim Zmeskal·BurdeHe, John Roelhlisberger, Jessico Howard, Karl Heger, USO( ATHLm DIREGOR: lorisso Fonlaine. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRICTORS (HAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDENT: SIeve Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SE(RETARY: Gary Anderson; VICE (HAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE (HAIR MEN: Yoichi Tomilo; VICE (HAIR RHYTHMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE (HAIR TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplon; VICE (HAIR A(RO·GYMNASTI(S: Tanya (ose; PUBlI( SEGOR: Fronk Marshall, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHlETI( UNION: Ron Ferr~; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Michelle lesperance; COllEGE GYMNASTI(S ASSO(IATION·MEN: Foncis Allen; NATIONAL ASSO(IATIDN OF COLLEGIATE COA(HES-WOMEN: Mark (oak; NATIONAL ASSO(IATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Slrawbridge; NATIONAL ASSO(IATIDN OF WOMEN'S GYMNASTI(S JUDGES: (orole Ide; NATIONAL (OllEGIATE ATHlETIC ASSO(lATION·MEN: YOIhi Hoyosoki; NATIONAL FEDERATIONOF STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSO(lATIONS: Becky Oakes; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSO(lATlON·MEN: Bulch Zunich; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS COA(HES ASSO(lATlDN: open; U.S. ASSO(lATION OF INDEPENDENT GYMNASTI(S (lUBS: Paul Ziert; U.S. ELITE COACHES ASSO(IATlON·MEN: Thom Glielmi; U.S. ElITE COACHES ASSD(IATION·WOMEN: SIeve Ryb"ki and Tony Gehman; U.S. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COACHES ASSO(lATlON: TIm klempnouer; U.S. RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS COA(HES ASSO(IATIDN: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S (HRISTIAN ASSO(lATION OF THE USA: (osey koenig; NATIONAL COllEGIATE ATHlETI( ASSO(lATION·WOMEN: Meg Slephenson; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP DIREGORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie GrOlsfeld; RHYTHMIC: Ivonko kirov, Michelle larson; WOMEN: kelli Hill, Tom Forsler; TRAMPOLINE: ScoH Uneberry, Dr. George Drew; A(RO·GYMNASTI(S: Undo Porter, Joy Binder; ATHlmS COUN(ll Dominique Dawes, Don Gill, Mary Sanders, Shannon Miller, Michoel Rodrigues, Joy Tharnlon, ASSO(lATE MEMBERS: JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS, lori katz; SPECIAL OLYMPICS, Gndy Bickmon; U.S. COMPETITIVE AEROBICS FEDERATION, Howard Slhwartz

FEATURES 6 Vault and Sprint Run-Ups 10 Background Check 12 New Programs to Grow Your Business 16 Fitness Fundamentals 20 Member Club Invitional Listing

DEPARTMENTS 2 Event Schedule 4 USA Gymnastics Message 28 Business Tips 30 Athlete Focus 32 Member Services 34 Education 36 Congress Facts 38 Congress Registration Form 46 Classifieds 48 Safety Certification Schedule


(HANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, nolice of Ihonge of address should be mode eighl weeks in advance. For foslesl service, pleose endose your presenl moiling label. Direct ollsubscriplion moil 10 TECHNIQUE Subscriplions, USA Gymnoslics, 201 S. (opilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225. TECHNIQUE is published monlh~ excepl bimonlh~ in 5epl/ Oct and Nov/Oec by USA Gymnastics, Pan Americon Plaza, Suile 300, 201 Sauth (op~ol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Iphone: 317·237·5050) ar vis~ online @ www.II111YIMQ.lkl.Org Subscriplion pri"': U.S.-S25 per year; Canodo/ Mexic ...S48 per yeor; all olher foreign counlries-S60 per yeor. If aVailable, b"k illue single copies S4 plus pOlloge/handling. All reasanobl. care will b. loken, bUI no responsibility Ion be ollumed for unsoliciled moleriol; endose relurn posloge. Copyrighl 2006 by USA Gymnestill and TECHNIQUE All righls reserved. Prinled by Sport Grophill, Indianapolis, IN. Member Service, 1·800·345·4719

Un/... exp" id•• lill.d 10 lb. c.,'r.ry, .11 .rlieles,

,'.'.m••', ••d view, prinled berei• • " .IIrib.,ed ,0/.ly I. lb• ••,b., ••d USA Gym/lll,'i" up,..... •• • pi.i•• rmcI .".m.. /III "'po.,iIIilily tIIer..l. COVER: USA WOMEN'S AND MEN'S PAN AM TEAM JANUARY 2008 • TECHNIQUE





Dear USA Gymnastics Members, Happy New Year! I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday seaso n and are now prepared for a busy and prosperou s gymnastics year in 2008. As you are aware, thi s past fall, USA Gymnastics instituted a mandatory background screening program for professional members. Throughout the past year, we have been working with our partner from NCSI to prepare for this launch, and have been preparing our professional members through updates at the National and Regional Congresses, along with providing information through Technique and a direct-mail piece in November. Background checks are becoming a best practice for many youth sports organizations in the United States, and NCSI is the approved agency for the U.S. Olympic Committee, Little League Baseball, USA Hockey, and U.S. Youth Soccer, to name a few. Over the years, and through the implementation of this policy, we have learned that many clubs have instituted background checks on their employees and have found it highly useful. The overall response has been positive, and we have received some questions about this program . In this issue of Technique, we are providing a sig nificant amount of background information on this new practice. Among the most asked questions are: "Why can't I use a background check from another agency?" For the purposes of a national program, it is important that background screening is standardized and that consistency is maintained . USA Gymnastics has researched NCSI and wants to ensure that all members are held to the same standard and that best practices are followed for all members. "Who receives the revenue from the background screening?" NCSI is the only company receiving money from the backg rou nd checks. USA Gymnastics does NOT receive any of the money from the background check process. USA Gymnastics worked closely with NCSI to obtain as affordable a price as possible for this service. Some of the fees are dictated by the county and/o r government agencies in which you reside. Also, USA Gymnastics is working to develop a cost effective club program that can be available to all Member Clubs. "Why does the sociaL security number need to be provided?" The social security number allows NCSI to verify that the information the applicant has submitted is accurate. For example, there are many variations of names such as William & Bill, Robert & Bobby & Robbie. Also, we have found that individuals try to change their dates of birth or spelling of their names to avoid being found in sex offender registries. These are just some of the reasons that NCSI needs to verify the information received by applicants to ensure they are looking for records for the right person . The social security number is a consistent reference for one's identity and is a required field for a background check. I would also like to welcome back from maternity leave our Director of Educational Services Carisa Laughon. We are looking forward to new developments in USA Gymnastics University and the launch of a Levell course - the Fundamentals of Gymnastics Instruction. Lastly, a task force of club owners is being assembled for 2008. This group will help USA Gymnastics identify new ways in which the organization can help clubs with their business. Among the areas of focus will be marketing the sport, education, development at the grassroots levels, and pinpointing other benefits that USA Gymnastics can provide. We look forward to the outcome of this effort. We look forward to 2008 and invite you all to join us as we head into the excitement of the Beijing Olympic Games. See you in the gym ,




Vault and Sprint Run-Ups: Male Junior National Team Gymnasts

Introduction Sprinting is an important event in many sports including gymnastics. Gymnasts sprint in tumbling and vaulting. The vault run up has been studied by several investigators (Krug et aI., 1998; Sands, 2000; Sands & Cheetham, 1986; Sands & McNeal, 1995). Bradshaw and colleagues (Bradshaw & Rossignol, 2002) have used sprinting as a measure of vaulting aptitude, and a 20m sprint has been included in the Talent Opportunity Program (TOPs) for more than a decade (Sands, 1988; Anonymous1993; Sands, 1994; Sands et aI., 2005). Coaching information and observation indicates that vaulters are running faster and faster. The change from the horse to the vault table apparatus has probably helped with increasing vault speeds due to its larger surface (Sands & McNeal, 2002). Mathematical models and other kinematic studies of vaulting have indicated that the vault run up speed can be a limiting factor in performance, and the resulting score awarded by judges (Dainis, 1980; Dillman et aI., 1985; Gervais, 1994; Krug et aI., 1998; Nelson et aI., 1985; Sands, 2002; Sands & Cheetham, 1986; Tichonov, 1978). However, vaulting is usually not an event that requires an absolute all-out sprint (King & Yeadon, 2005; Sands & McNeal, 1995). Moreover, such a maximum speed is unlikely to occur given the short distance in which gymnasts must confine their runs (Berg et aI., 1986; Henry & Trafton, 1951). The common assumption of coaches is that a faster run speed will translate to a better vault. This idea is supported by some (Dainis, 1980; Sands, 2000; Sands & Cheetham, 1986; Sands & McNeal, 1995; Sands & McNeal, 1999; Takei, 2000), but not all investigations (Sands, 2000; Sands & McNeal, 1995). The primary caveat may be that vaulters want to run as fast as they can control. If a vaulter can succeed in running faster and control the momentum at the vault board and table, then this gymnast is more likely to perform a better vault. The purpose of this investigation was to describe the vault run speeds and simple sprints of Junior National Team male gymnasts. This is a descriptive study because the gymnasts were not judged on their vaults, and the two types of runs were not performed under the same identical conditions. Descriptive studies are often an important fi rst step in determining other important questions. As such, this was a hypothesis generating study rather than a hypothesis testing study.

Methods ----------------------------__________ Subjects Twenty-five male gymnasts volunteered to participate. The athletes were divided into two groups based on age ( age ~ 14 and age ~ 15). The younger group was composed of 13 gymnasts (age 13.5(0.8) yr, height 155.7(6.1) cm, mass 47.7(7.4) kg) . The older group was composed of 12 gymnasts (age 17.2(0 .9) yr, height 167.9(5 .6) cm, mass 64.4(4.9) kg) . Athletes provided informed consent in compliance with u.s. Olympic Committee requirements. Athletes were participating in a Junior National Team Training Camp at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO, USA. Instrumentation. Timing was accomplished by five timing gates using an LED emitter and a reflector in a paired

configuration perpendicular to the vaulting runway (McGinnis, 1991 ).The five timing gates were set at three meter intervals beginning from the edge of the vau lting table and proceeding along the vault runway (Figures 1 and 2) . The timing gates were cabled to a laptop computer, and time s were recorded to 1/ 1Q00th s resolution. The time s for each run interval were stored for later analyses. Procedures Two separate sprint te st s were performed . The first test measured the time intervals as the gymnast performed a handspring-timer vault onto the vault table and then a mat stack roughly equal in height to the vault table. The run began in varying places based on the athlete's preferred sprint distance to the vault board and table. ~ conti nue on p.8




from p.l

9-12m 2-15m


Figure 1. Older age group vault run and sprint run performances

The athlete began sprinting at his discretion, and times were recorded as the athlete's body broke the LED beam of the timing gates. The second test was a sprint test without a vault table. Due to the confined space of the gymnasium the athletes began running in the opposite direction as their vault sprints. The athletes began by placing their rear foot on the base of the vault table and then began sprinting down the vault runway. Interval times were recorded as the athletes broke the LED beam at each timing gate. The timing gates remained in the same place as the vault runs. Athletes performed a self-selected warm-up including several sprints and vaults. All athletes began with vault runs and then proceeded to sprint runs. All athletes completed two trials of each run type. Failed attempts or technical difficulties resulted in the athletes repeating the run .

Analysis The vault run and sprint run data were analyzed with descriptive statistics such as means (averages), standard deviations (measures of variability), and graphed for ease of inspection. Correlational analyses were performed but not included here due to the potential confounding nature of growth and development on run and sprint performance.

Results - - - - - - - Figure 1 shows the mean vault run and sprint speeds for the older group. Figure 2 shows the mean vault run and sprint speeds for the younger group. The reduction in sprint speed for the older age group in the last sprint segment wa s approximately 4.6% while the young group decreased sprint speed by 3.7%.






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Figure 2. Younger age group vau lt run and sprint run performances

Discussion _______ Both groups of athletes showed that their vault sprint speeds decreased as they approached the vault board. However, the two groups show a different pattern during the sprint. The older boys showed a decrease in speed at the end of their sprint while the younger boys showed a continuing increase in sprint speed. This may have been due to the physical setup for testing. The sprint test was performed in fairly cramped conditions and relied heavily on a large skill cushion at the end of the runway to decelerate the gymnast. Since the older gymnasts also achieved greater speeds they may have been forced to reduce their sprint speeds earlier than the younger group in order to prevent striking the large mat with too much force. Peak speeds were greater than 7.5 m/ s in the older group and greater than 7.0 m/ s in the younger group. The peak speeds in this investigation compare ~ continue on p.42


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USA Gymnastics

USA Gymnastics


USA Gymnastics is proud to announce a working partnership with National Center for Safety Initiatives through which we will engage in a comprehensive background screening program.

Check Don't delay...

Get your background check today! GYMNASTICS

USA Gymnastics is requiring background searches on all USA Gymnastics Professional Members to ensure a safe and secure environment for participants and it members.

Why background screening?

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Gymnastics is In fact, USA GymnastiCS") ~"pfion hplon~' ~ @; /""\sports organization, will begin requiring mandatory and gymnastics is one of the background checks for all country's most popular sports, professional members, as well especially for girls and young as staff and Board members, women. Providing a safe, clean, USA in December 2007 . As a pilot and fun environment is important program, the USA Gymnastics for the sport to continue to grow Board of Directors and staff Logon to start the Background Check process and thrive. Parents must have the completed already have highest degree of confidence that background checks with our I Membership Home I their children are not only receiving partner, the National Center for good care and proper instruction, "'........tI..,.. Safety Initiatives (NCSI). Through ~!.':!:~·=.:::;.::~7:;:,:, but also are safe from negative and NCSI, all professional members improper conduct. These basic will have the endorsement tenets are crucial to maintaining of completing a successful a positive image in the community background check for previous and a good reputation, both in local communities and as an criminal behavior which may be inappropriate for contact activity nationwide, especially since 98 percent of our athlete with children. Screening covers criminal background, sex members are under 18 years of age. offender registry and identity verification. Professional membership in USA Gymnastics should USA Gymnastics has worked hard with NCSI to develop be the gold standard, an indicator that the person or a program that is affordable, and the fees cover the organization has committed the time, interest and hard costs for this service. This is not a profit center for USA work into being the best they can be. This membership Gymnastics. The monies go to and remain with NCSI. should be a distinction that parents look for and depend This is going to be a major undertaking for USA upon to know that they are placing their children into well- Gymnastics, but this initiative is an important part of trained and professional hands. providing a safe environment for our athletes, which is the The responsibilities of an organization that provides activities responsibility of every member. .for children and young adults include protecting the safety and welfare of its athletes and participants. USA Gymnastics has already mandated a safety certification program, which provides professional members with a working knowledge of how to conduct gymnastics activities in a safe environment. As outlined in the Code of Ethics, USA Gymnastics does not tolerate sexual misconduct or other inappropriate behavior with an athlete. USA Gymnastics is now requiring background screening of professional members to support this policy and in response to inquiries for this service from gym club owners. 0," pJ.uW O'Id _ - -Background checks are becoming commonplace with many youth organizations and institutions and are endorsed by the U.S. Olympic Committee. rnces la.dctrouncl (hedi;

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Background Check a&A

Below are answers to many questions that you may have regarding the new background check requirement.

Q: Who must complete the background check? A: All USA Gymnastics Professional Members must complete and pass a background check. Professional membership will carry a pending status until the background check and safety certification have been successfully completed. Q: When must the background check be completed? A: Beginning December 2007, all new professional members must take and pass a background check and safety certification to receive a professional membership. All current professional members must complete the background check prior to renewing their professional memberships that expire December 31, 2007 and all professional members renewing in 2008.

Q: What is the cost of the background check? A: The minimum cost is $20 for one name and one county address. The cost of the background check may increase depending on the state and/ or number of counties or last names that are being searched . Q: What is my username and password? A: Username = Professional Membership Number. Password = 8 digit date of birth (mmddyyyy) Q: Can I mail or fax my background check? A: Yes , you can obtain a form from NCSI website. Please note that processing time when faxing or mailing is 4-6 weeks from the date received. This form is sent directly to NCSI. It does NOT come to USA Gymnastics.

Q: What information is required for the background check? A: The screening will need the following information: • social security number (required for verification purposes, background check will not be submitted or completed without this information). • first and last name • city, state and zip • contact information • gender Q: How far back does the background check search? A: The first time check will go back 10 years. It will check all names and addresses with in that 10 years. Subsequent checks will not need to go back into the long history.

a professional member of USA Gymnastics. Q.: What if I am given a red light? A: The "red light" indicates an individual does not meet the criteria as suitable for participation as a professional member of USA Gymnastics. If a question arises concerning a background search , the applicant will be contacted by NCSI and provided with an opportunity to correct potential errors in the applicant's record or to provide additional information prior to issuing a "red light." In such situations USA Gymnastics may also be contacted.

Q: Can I contest a red light? A: For an applicant to contest the content of a record provided to the applicant as part of USA Gymnastics background check, the applicant may seek an appeal of his/ her record with NCSI pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. USA Gymnastics will use the determination provided by NCSI, in accordance with USA Gymnastics Bylaws Article 9 Membership, to determine an individual's eligibility for membership in USA Gymnastics. Should an individual contest a USA Gymnastics decision to deny partiCipation based upon a "red light" from the background search, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision pursuant to Article 10 of the USA Gymnastics Bylaws.


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Q: When does the background check expire? A: The background check must be redone every two years, dating from the month the first background check was completed. The background check must be done prior to renewing your membership.

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Q: Who do I contact if I have questions on my background check? A: National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) at 866- 833-7100 x1 09

Q: What information is USA Gymnastics provided on my background check? A: The Presidential and Vice Presidential offices of USA Gymnastics can be made aware of the content provided on a background check. No other employees of USA Gymnastics have access to the content of an individual's background check. Q: When will I be notified of background check results? A: Once you have completed the background check you will receive email notification. Normal processing time is 3 to 4 weeks . Q. What if I am given a green light?

A: The "green light" indicates an individual has passed the background search with regard to suitability for participation as


Q: Can an Instructor Member or Non-Member complete the background check? A: At this time the background check process is only available to Professional or Pending Professional members .

- -- "

Q: Can a club do a background checks for their employees? A: Services for a club to do so will become available in the first quarter of 2008.

Q: Can I use the results from a different background screening agency? A: No. USA Gymnastics will only accept results from NCSI. No other agency results will be accepted . Q: Who receives the revenue from the background check screening? A: NCSI is the only company receiving money from the background checks. USA Gymnastics does NOT receive any of the money from the background check process. We are serving as a facilitator for the background screening agency and the members. USA Gymnastics worked closely with NCSI to obtain an affordable price for this important service.

Q: Can one go through background check prior to their membership expiring? A: Yes, the background check will be valid for two years from the month of the original background check. 1\ JANUARY 2008 • TECHHIQUE


NEW PROGRAMS To he gymnastics industry has been on a slippery slope in the last year but club owners have found a way to charge forward. Owners are faced with competition in all forms, primarily other sports, but the underlying fact is everyone's competing for the same dollar. Club owners have discovered they can keep their gymnasts coming back if they require a smaller time commitment, which allows the gymnasts to participate in school and social functions. The Introductory membership program debuted in August 2005 and there are now more than 3,700 athletes in

the Levels 1-3 and Women's Prep Optional programs. This is a great program and opportunity for students, athletes, clubs and parents. MemberClubs are embracing the Introductory level programs and realize the benefits for their businesses. Sanction your prep optional competitions and be sure your business is insured and registered with USA Gymnastics today. The Memberships for Introductory Level 2,3 and Prep Optional programs is only $15 per year. Below are a few comments from club owners and coaches who are involved with these programs. "Ouf evel 2 and 3 gymnasts have been competing for many year-5. We teach the routines and have about five competitions a year. The kids and parents love it! At our competitions, every kid gets a trophy, ribbons and lots of high fives! It's so much fun seeing all ofthe smiling faces and knowing they are truly enjoying their first competition experience." -Angie Tyler, All About Kids/Champion Gymnastics, Louisville, KY

"Here is a quick overview as to why I love the Levell to 3 programs in botH artistic gymnastics and trampoline and tumbling.They are the gym's "bread and butter." Once I decided to teach and compete Levels 1 to 3, our enrollment has grown by leaps and bounds and the meets have become the highlight of their gymnastics experience. I really like the quick progression from beginner to a "Level" athlete learning routines, not just skills. I like how the routines force the athletes to learn sequencing of both tumbling and dance. The parents have commented that they really like seeing their child compete at meets like the team kids and they feel it is more than just a simple recital to show off their progress." -Barbara Diehl, High Uinta Gymnastics, Evanston, WY



Grow Your Business

The Prep-Opt. Program in Michigan is phenomenal. To explain let me tell you about two sisters . . . The youngest now competes in the 11 year old Bronze division. However, with her past medical problems, it's truly amazing she can compete at all. She was a 2 Ib.,4 oz. preemie at birth and was on a ventilator until she was 9 years old. She had a tracheotomy, heart surgery, three tracheal reconstructions, six cardiac arrests, seizures, and was even diagnosed with cerebral palsy until she was 3. She now does a round off, two back handsPJings, and aJront handsRring, too. Her muscle tone is not great, but she enjoys the sport and is so fun to watch. Her sister, who was also a preemie, had a brain bleed at birth. She has seizures and a learni disabiltty1:hat-interferes with memory.-S two scores of a 9.0 (or above) and took fifth place at State in the Gold division on floor (12 year old group). These two special gymnasts are my daughters. We have a few other girls in our gym with disabilities that the Prep-Opt. program has turned into abilities. In addition, every girl in our gym that competes in Prep-Opt. also competes in some other sport or activity outside of gymnastics like cross country, volleyball, cheerleading, softball, soccer, dance, or ice skating to name a few. They also work very hard on academic excellence. Prep-Opt. has been a perfect fit for us this year. We have a very small gym, 60 x 40 with limited equipment, and only one sanctioned coach to work with all of the athletes at every level. So you can see it took very little effort. We would encourage every gym to give it a try and see

"Tli USA Gymnastics Level 2 and 3 program has built our competitive program. It has made it easier for the gymnasts o learn the Level 4-6 routines after competing Level 2 and 3. We find that the children who have competed Level 2 and 3 or who have worked the routines have a better background of basics and more body awareness. I recommend that all clubs participate in this program especially if they live in a small city because it is a tremendous help." -Amy Powell,

Hot Springs Gymnastics, Hot Springs, Ark.

"I love the USA Gymnastics sanctioned Prep-Opt. program with all of its levels because it gives the smaller gyms like mine a whole new market to tap into. I am retaining more competitive gymnasts longer now that they have the creative freedom to perform their own routines without all of the time commitment that is necessary to be competitive in the optional program.They spend fewer hours in the gym allowing them to be involved in other activities such as school sports while enjoying the benefits of optional gymnastics. Prep-Opt. has increased our team morale and the girls are just having a blast at practice and at meets." -Jana Lyon, Jana's ~ continue on p.14 Gymnastics, Plymouth, IN JANUARY 2008 • TECHNIQUE


~ continued from p.13

"We began competing our Level 2 and 3 gyml'lasts three years ago. It has become a grea ddition to our overall competitive program. We try to keep the emphasis with these groups on strength, flexib ility and proper form. We spend the first three months concentrating on strength training with fun games and activities that allow them to become stronger but have fun at the same time. We also incorporate dance and conditioning into their training. We spend a great deal of time working on their fl exibility with contests like who can get the flattest split the quickest. The second three months of training we concentrate on proper form. It isn't until six months into their training that we introduce t heir routines. This gives the girls time to become successful with each skill before trying to memorize a routine. Most of t he girls in our developmenta l prog ram come from recreational or preschool classes. In the beginning, some of them cannot even wa lk properly across the floor. By the end of th e yea r of training t hey can complete an entire routine with their heads held high, backs straight and toes pointed. That is an amazing feat for a five year old girl! Along w it h t hat, we have given them a foundation of general athleticism, healthy eating habits and a positive sense of themselves. These gi rl s view themselves not on ly as successfu l gymnasts but also as part of a team of girls working toward the same goaL" - Jen Leonard, Starlight Gymnastics, Jacksonville, FL



"We started a program emphasizing optional competition utilizing the Prep-Opt. Program primarily because it was more interesting and fun for our girls than the traditional compulsories. lt also allowed us to bring younger and less skilled girls into a competitive team program. This has allowed girls who would not yet (if ever) be on a team an opportunity to show off and perform in front of parents and friends, maintaining their interest and excitement for gymnastics. The program has also been used on occasion to develop very talented girls at an accelerated rate, allowing them to begin Level 7 or 8 competition earlier."- Don Davis, North Raleigh Gymnastics, Raleigh, NC

"One of the most exciting things that came out of our State Chair meeting was the announcement of the Regional Invitational for PrepOpt. All eight states Prep-Opt. rules have been reviewed and combined. We now have a Region 8 Prep-Opt. Guideline. Several meet directors had t he opportunity to review t he guideli nes t his past weekend, and want to use it for t hei r invitational meets that include other st at es th an their own. The meet is scheduled for May in Tupelo, Miss.To make the meet even more exciting, there will be team awards after each session, and a Grand Champion State Tea m Award as well. Why is there a need for this regional event? Coaches thi s past weekend discussed how difficult gymnastics is becoming.What may have been a seri es t hat received .2 -.4 in bonus has been reduced to .1 - .2. What may have been an E or D may now be a C. We have to offer programs that are accessible to all athl et es who may not be in that small group at the top of the levels. If we don't, we may all find ourselves out of business in the next few years. Many of us have gone to cheerleading and tumbling classes, and other revenue producing programs. Why not take advantage of the program we know best-GYMNASTICS.That includes Levels 1,2,3 and 4 and PREP OPTIONALS. We must take steps to perpet uat e our businesses! Offering championship opportunities for lower levels validates these programs and will make them more successful in our gyms." - Debby Kornegay, USA Gymnastics Region 8 Administrative Committee Chairman

Fitness Fundamentals AiZ!!!: St.villcent .~ Sports Performance Cwtcr

Robb Rogers M. Ed., CSCS, MSCC St. Vincent Sports Performance

• Age of Sensitivity

Loss of Clientele

The age of sensitivity is critical to increasing the bio-motor qualities of coordination, rhythm, balance, strength, speed, power and work capacity in children . As they mature, each of these qualities is trainable at different rates as well as varying times as the child ages. There is gender as well as individual differences in children's ability to acquire these traits in relation to age. Girls tend to mature quicker and therefore tend to be sensitive to acquiring these traits at a slightly earlier age. The absolute ceiling of each of these abilities can be raised if they are properly addressed at the opportune time the body is sensitive to enhancing these properties. One of the goals of physical training is to provide a conceptual fra mework for addressing each of these skills in an appropriate method as well as an age specific manner.

Many children leave sport because of discomfort levels caused by injury due to poor compensation patterns, inability to master basic skills needed to co mpete or ot her interests supersede the time requireme nt of sports. If the proper foundation of basic bio-motor skill development is not in place, poor compensation patterns may be the cause of discomfort, pain or inju ry as well as performance restrictions. Many of the athletes that fall by the wayside due to discomfort caused by poor co mpensation and/or inability to handle the stressors of practice repetitions can be retained in the program if they ca n recover adequately and physica lly feel better at the beginning and end of the practice bout. This quality can be enhanced by assessing the compensation weaknesses and prescribing corrective exercises, ~ continue on p.18



• ~ continued from p.ll drills, and games that will allow for proper patterns of accepting and producing force. The final factor that goes into creating the workout template is the fun factor. Always include and plan for fun. The more fun the drill, the exercise, the circuit and the practice, the greater the athlete retention is in the program. It is always more fun to play than to work, so always consider the role of playing for fun in the exercise prescription/ practice plan .

The Building Blocks of the Program Work Capacity - the ability to execute

a work bout and recover sufficiently in the time allotted to return to practice and/or competition and repeat the work bout with quality - the ability to withstand the amount of work demanded by the day's activities. -Vern Gambetta For some this is "fitness" or "endurance" or "cardiovascular ability" but in today's world this quantity is termed work capacity. In gymnastics it is not about the ability to run distance or ride for hours but rather the ability to work at high levels for relatively short periods of time and possess the ability to recover and repeat those quality technical skills. Observe young children at play. They play hard for several minutes and then sit down to rest and recover. Humans are anaerobic creatures, built for relatively short bouts of exercise interspersed with longer bouts of recovery. In order to prevent the neuromuscular system from being re-configured for long, slow bouts of exercise, the training prescription should be dynamic short bouts of exercises in circuit/game form in order to enhance the neuromuscular and energy systems inherent to gymnastics. Long slow bouts of exercise can depress the explosive neuromuscular system and its' ability to absorb and produce the forces needed for many of the higher level skills of the power sports such as gymnastics. Circuit training tends to be the best way to increase work capacity in a form that is conducive to mimicking the demands of various sports or positions. The younger the child the more the circuits should be game based in order to increase interest, compliance and competition. The older and more elite level competitors will crave more structured skill development focused on the competitive skills needed to excel at the local, regional and national levels. Strength, speed and power is of utmost importance to be able to handle the loads of gymnastics. At the younger ages of 5-12 children will not exhibit muscular size gains, but rather increased ability to coordinate the recruitment of muscle bundles by the neural part of neuromuscular coordination as well as the gross coordination in proper sequencing and summation of forces. In fact. in gymnastics, added mass is generally detrimental to the


sport itself. Therefore, bodyweight exercise is a key component to gymnastics fitness. The general rules of thumb are bodyweight through the full range of motion before adding external load. Stress can be increased by adding repetitions, speed and/or time under tension. It is always better to do more sets and fewer reps than fewer sets with more reps in order to add strength without mass. Gymnasts want a very high strength to mass ratio. In order to add speed to the exercise the lowering/contracting portion of the repetition should be done with control and the extending portion should be done with quick to explosive tempo. The concept of time under tension is excellent to create a higher quality contraction and prepare the tendon for load absorption. To increase the time under tension the movement is paused or held at a certain joint angle for up to 10 seconds. This will cause the short term fast twitch muscle fibers to become exhausted and the intermediate and slow twitch fibers to become more involved in the contraction of the muscle. A good mixture of controlled-explosive and time under tension repetitions will greatly enhance the athletes' ability to absorb and generate force. The younger the athlete the greater importance force absorption, also known as stopping strength, plays in preparation. Watch young children at play at the soccer fields or in the living room. They do not jump up to play; they climb up on bleachers and couches and jump off to land in partial to full squat positions. The human body innately knows it must do lots of landing, force absorption repetitions in ~ conti nue on p.43


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Member Club Invitational Listing ARIZONA Winter Sun Invitational Boulder Creek High School; 40404 NGavilan Peak Pkwy; Anthem, AZ Start Date -1 /1812008 Phoenix Gymnastics Academy Phone - 623/582-5293 Levels - W4-10 Cactus Cup Glendale High School; 6216 W Glendale Ave; Glendale, AZ Start Date - 3/712008 Oasis Gymnastics Phone - 623/977-6399 Levels - W4-10 Jessica Kleya Memorial Invitational 2475 WNaranja Dr; Oro Valley, AZ Start Date - 3/14/2008 Gymnastics World Northwest Phone - 520/744-6180 Levels - W4-10, open Arizona Sunrays Hard Rock Invite Phx Civic Plaza; 111 North 3rd Street; Phoenix, AZ Start Date - 2115/2008 Arizona Sunrays Phone - 602/992-5790 Levels - W4-Elite Arizona Sunrays Hard Rock Invite Event Site - Phy Civic Plaza; 111 North 3rd Street; Phoenix, AZ Start Date - 2115/2008 Arizona Sun rays Phone - 602/992-5790 Levels - W4-Elite Make-A-Wish Classic Event Site - 9181 E. Bell Rd.; Suite 104; Scottsdale, AZ Start Date - 1126/2008 American Elite Gymnastics Phone - 480/423-5483 Levels -W4-10, open CALIFORNIA Stanford Open 2008 1306 Elmer Street; 8elmont, CA Start Date - 1125/2008 Club Name - San Mateo Gymnastics Phone - 650/591-8734 Levels - M4-10 Golden State Friendship Challenge Burbann Airport Marrott ; 2500 Hollywood Way; Burbank, CA Start Date - 2129/2008 Golden State Gymnastics Phone - 818/558-1177 Levels - W4-Elite Lord of the Rings 2330 ABates Avenue; Concord, CA Start Date - 2/9/2008 liberty GYM Training Center Phone - 925/687-8009 Levels - M4-10 LA Lights Tournament Memorial Auditorium; 4117 Overland Ave; Culver City, CA Start Date - 1124/2008 Los Angeles School of GYM Phone - 310/204-1980 Levels - R4-1 0 Fallbrook Spring Classic 342 Industrial Way Suite 103; Fallbrook, CA Start Date - 2123/2008


Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Phone - 760/723-1345 Levels -W4-6 Fallbrook Team Challenge 342 Industrial Way Suite 103; Fallbrook, CA Start Date - 5117/2008 Fallbrook Gymnastic Club Phone - 760/723-1345 Levels -W4-6 Spirals Boys Invi tational P.O. Box 1198; Goleta, CA Start Date - 2123/2008 Club Name - Spirals Gymnastics Team Phone - 8051968-2453 Levels - M4-10, open Spirals Compulsory Invitational P.O. Box 1198; Goleta, CA Start Date - 5/10/2008 Spirals Gymnastics Team Phone - 8051968-2453 Levels -W4-6 GCG Spring Invitational Girls 110 Springhill Drive #14; Grass Valley, CA Start Date - 2/2/2008 Gold Country Gymnastics Phone - 530/273-3680 Levels - W4-10 2008 All Olympia Invitational John Wooden Center; 405 Hilgard Ave; Los Angeles, CA Start Date - 2116/2008 Club Name - All Olympia AOGC Phone - 310/301-8066 Levels - W4-Elite, open Peter Vidmar Men's Gymnastics Invitational 100 South Barrington Place; Los Angeles, CA Start Date - 212812008 Broadway Gymnastics Schllnc. Phone - 310/450-0012 Levels - M4-Elite Under the Big top 2639 Terminal Blvd; Mountain View, CA Start Date - 3/912008 Twisters Gymnastics Inc. Phone - 650/967-5581 Levels -W4-10 Golden State Classic 11345 Folsom Blvd; Rancho Cordova, CA Start Date - 3115/2008 Technique Gymnastics Phone - 916/635-7900 Levels - W4-Elite Byers Invitational 2008 SAC State Univ; 6000 J Street Yosemite Hall; Sacramento, CA Start Date - 2115/2008 Byers Gymnastics Center Phone - 916/689-5075 Levels - W7-Elite San DiegoClassic Town and Country Hotel; 500 Hotel Cirele North; San Diego, CA Start Date - 1125/2008 Poway Gymnastics Phone - 858/748-1716 Levels - W4-10


San Diego Team Cup Town Country Hotel; 500 Hotel Cirele North; San Diego, CA Start Date - 1/25/2008 Poway Gymnastics Phone - 8581748-1716 Levels - M4-1 0 Gold CountryClassic Fort Mason Landmark Building A; San Francisco, CA Start Date - 2116/2008 Gym Weavers Gymnastics Phone - 209/369-2436 Levels - M4-Elite, W4-10 Chris Wallers Heart of a Champion Golden Valley High School; 27051 Robert ELee Pkwy; Santa Clarita, CA Start Date - 3/112008 Wallers' GymJam Academy Phone - 661 /251-3390 Levels - W4-Elite Invitational Event 7735 Haskell Avenue; Van Nuys, CA Start Date - 3115/2008 Gymnastics Olympica USA Phone -818/785-1537 Levels -W4-6 LA Classic 7735 Haskell Avenue; Van Nuys, CA Start Date -1119/2008 Gymnastics Olympica USA Phone - 818/785-1537 Levels - W4-10 COLORADO Pikes Peak Cup 1 Lake Ave.; Colorado Springs, CO Start Date - 2/1/2008 Colorado Aerials Gym. Center Phone - 7191260-1893 Levels - W7-Elite, open 5280 Mile High Optional Womens Meet 10601 W44th Ave; Wheat Ridge, CO Start Date - 2122/2008 5280 Gymnastics Phone - 303/431-8838 Levels - W7-Elite, prepopt., open CONNECTICUT Northeast Invite DGS Trinity College; 300 Summit Street; Hartford, CT Start Date - 1118/2008 Deary's Gymnastics Phone - 8601774-7425 Levels - W4-Elite, prepopt FLORIDA 2008 Cruise Classic 12239 SW 53rd Street; Cooper City, FL Start Date - 21912008 Park Avenue Gymnastics Phone - 954/434-0099 Levels - W4-10, prepopt. Daytona Beach Open Ocean Center; 101 NAtlantic Ave; Daytona Beach, FL Start Date - 2/9/2008 ACEGymnastics Phone - 407/831-2582 Levels - W2-Elite, prepopt. San Dollarl Whitlow Invi tational World of Sports; 700 5Victory Way; Kissimmee, FL

Start Date - 1/25/2008 Orlando Metro Gymnastics Phone - 407/246-1200 Levels - M4-Elite, W4-Elite

Start Date - 3/1512008 Pantheon School of Gymnastics Phone - 808/961-2502 Levels -W04,W05,W06,W07,W08, W09,WlO

Princess Classic North Port High School; 6400 Price Blvd; North Port, FL Start Date - 2116/2008 Horizon Gym & Dance Acad Phone - 941 /627-5342 Levels - W2-Elite, prepopt.

Aloha Gymfest 451 Ulumann Drive; Kailua, HI Start Date -1118/2008 Kokokahi Gymnastics Team Phone - 8081235-6866 Levels - W4-10

Edgewater Classic Edgewater Beach Resort; 11212 Front Beach Rd; Panama City Beach, FL Start Date - 2115/2008 Edgewater Gymnastics Academy Phone - 850/814-3468 Levels -Wl0 Battle Of Champions 8005 15th St.; Sarasota, FL Start Date -1118/2008 Halkers Gold Gymnastics Phone - 419/659-5789 Levels -W3-10, open Gasparilla Classic One Tropicana Drive; St Peter.;burg, FL Start Date - 2129/2008 lightning City Gymnastics Phone - 813/558-0035 Levels - M4-Elite, W2-Elite GEORGIA Gymnastix Champions Cup 4667 Thompson Mill Road; Buford, GA Start Date - 3/1/2008 Gymnastix Training Center Phone - 678/546-6626 Levels - M4-10 TGN'SDisco Inv 120 Macon West Drive; Macon, GA Start Date - 3/8/2008 The Gym Nest Phone - 478/474-3021 Levels - W2-10 TGN'S Round UP INV 120 Macon West Drive; Macon, GA Start Date -1 /1912008 The Gym Nest Phone - 478/474-3021 Levels - W2-10 Mardi Gras life University; 1269 Barelay Cir SE; Marietta, GA Start Date - 2115/2008 Gymnastics Academy of Atlanta Phone - 770/975-8337 Levels - W7-Elite HAWAII 2008 Gymnastics in Paradise Aiea District Park; 99-350 Aiea Heights Drive; Aiea, HI Start Date - 1/25/2008 Hawaiian Island Twisters Inc. Phone - 808/839-4494 Levels - W4-10, open Rainbow Gymnastics Ku'uipo Classic 98-023 Hekaha Street #7; Aiea, HI Start Date - 211612008 Rainbow Gymnastics Academy Phone - 808/488-7030 Levels -W4-10 Pantheon Games 484 Kalanikoa Street; Hilo, HI

IDAHO Gem State Invitational 5610 Glenwood; Boise, 10 Start Date -1/31/2008 Gem State Gymnastics Academy Phone - 208/853-3220 Levels - W4-Elite, open, M4-Elite Swing Time Invit. 5420 West State Street; Boise, 10 Start Date - 3/7/2008 Gem State Gymnastics Academy Phone - 208/853-3220 Levels - M4-10 , W4-10 Great West Gymfest Coud'Alene Resort N.l.C; 115 5 2nd Street; Coeur D'alene, 10 Start Date - 2122/2008 Funtastics Phone - 2081772-9443 Levels - M4-Elite, W4-Elite ILLINOIS Midwest Open Unity Jr High School; 2100 5 Laramie; Cicero, IL Start Date - 3/712008 Aerial Gymnastics Club Phone - 630/495-0150 Levels - W4-Elite Cupids Twist Invitational Elgin Comm College Spartan Ctr; 1700 Spartan Drive; Elgin, IL Start Date - 2115/2008 St. Charles Gymnastics Academy Phone - 630/584-5544 Levels - W4-10 Elgin Gymnastics Invitational Event Site - ECC Ctr Elgin Comm College; 1700 Spartan Dr; Elgin, IL Start Date - 2122/2008 Spring Hill Gymnastics Inc. Phone - 847/488-9467 Levels - W4-10, prepopt. Arena Classic 2701 Black Road; Joliet, IL Start Date - 3114/2008 Arena Gymnastics Phone - 815/730-7453 Levels - W4-10 King Arthur Invitational Morris High School; 1000 Union St; Morris, IL Start Date - 1/26/2008 Gymnastics X-Calibur Phone - 815/634-8698 Levels - W4-10 Annual St. Jude Benefit Meet 201 SW Jefferson Ave.; Peoria, IL Start Date - 1/18/2008 Jump Start Gymnastics Phone -3091692-5867 Levels -W4-10 Memorial Invite 1880 Circuit Dr.; Round Lake Beach, IL Start Date - 112012008 American Eagles Gymnastics

Phone - 8471201 -1567 Levels - M4-10 INDIANA For Love or Money The Gathering Place; 1477 Main Street; Greenwood, IN Start Date - 219/2008 Wrights American Gymnastics Phone - 317/888-4805 Levels - W4-Elite CireleofStars Indiana Convention Center; 100 5 Capitol Ave; Indianapolis, IN Start Date - 2/2212008 DeVeau's School of Gymnastics Phone - 317/849-7744 Levels - W4-Elite, M4-Elite IOWA Chows Rising Stars 7 Flags Event Center; 2100 NW 100th 5t; Clive, IA Start Date -1119/2008 Chow's Gymnastics & Dance Inst Phone - 515/223-5460 Levels - W4-10 KANSAS Kansas City Coed Invite 9063 Bond; Overland Park, KS Start Date - 1/24/2008 Emerald City Gymnastics Inc. Phone - 913/438-4444 Levels - W4-Elite LOUISIANA Battle of New Orleans 5t John Community Center; 2900 HIVY 51 ; Laplace, LA Start Date - 2129/2008 Elmwood Gymnastics Academy Phone - 504/733-4496 Levels - WZ-Elite, prepopt. North Shore Gymnatics Classic Castine Center; 63350 Pilican Drive; Mandeville, LA Start Date - 211512008 North Shore Gymnastics Phone - 985/624-8310 Levels - W2-Elite, prepopt. The New Orleans Jau Invitational Tulane Univer.;ity; Reily Student Center; New Orleans, LA Start Date - 2/22/2008 Empire Gymnastics Academy Phone - 504/734-0644 Levels - M4-10, open, W2-10, open, preopt. Gumbo Cup Sulphur Rec Center; 933 West Parish Road; Sulphur, LA Start Date - 1/25/2008 Gym. Elite Training Center Phone - 337/625-3547 Levels - W2-Elite, prepopt. MAINE American Flyers Club Maine Community College; 2 Fort Rd; 5 Portland, ME Start Date - 31712008 Maine Academy Of Gymnastics Phone - 2071856-0232 Levels - W4-10 MARYLAND 2008 Frederick Classic Invitational 4604 Wedgewood Blvd; Frederick, MD Start Date -311412008 ~

continue on p.22


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Member Club Invitational Listing ~

co ntinued from p.24

Frederick Gymnastics Club Phone· 3011695-0205 Levels - W4·10 Mid-Atlantic Invitational 7967 Cessna Avenue; Gaithersburg, MD Start Date - 2/29/2008 Preston Gymnastics Academy Phone - 301 /948-0827 Levels- M4-Elite Carnival Classic Meet 701 Whitaker Mill Road; Joppa, MD Start Date - 1125/2008 Harford GymnasticsClub Inc. Phone - 410/879-3718 Levels -W4-7 31st Nation's Capital Cup PG Sports and Learning Complex; 8001 Sheriff Road; Landover, MD Start Date - 2129/2008 MarVaTeensInc. Phone - 301 /468-9181 Levels - W4-10 East Coast Classic Prince Georges Sports Complex; 8001 Sheriff Rd; Landover, MD Start Date - 219/2008 Fairland Gymnastics Phone - 301 /3 62-6060 Levels - W4-10 Hills Maryland Classic PG Sports and Learning Ctr; 8001 Sheriff Rd; Landover, MD Start Date - 1118/2008 Hill's Gymnastics Phone - 301 /840-5900 Levels - W4-Elite The Columbia Challenge Univ of MD College Park; Prince George, MD Start Date - 2116/2008 Top Flight GymnastiCS Center Phone - 4101992-1600 Levels - W4-10

MASSACHUSETTS Starlight Invitational MIT; Cambridge, MA Start Date· 3/712008 Massachusetts Gym. Center - Wal Phone - 781 /893-2009 Levels - W4-Elite Daggett Invitational Mt Holyoke College; Kendall Sport 50 College St; South Hadley, MA Start Date - 21812008 Tim Daggett Gold Medal Gym Phone - 413/786-4686 Levels - W4-10, prepopt. Thompsons Spring Fling 200 Old Lyman Road; South Hadley, MA Start Date - 4/12/2008 Thompsons Gymnastics Phone - 413/532-0374 Levels - W2-10, prepopt. Tim Daggett National Invitational Kendall Sports and Dance Cplx; 50 College St; South Hadley, MA Start Date - 219/2008 Tim Daggett Gold Medal Gym. Phone - 413/786-4686 Levels - M4-10 Little Bigger Invitational Joyce Middle School; Locust St; Woburn, MA Start Date - 212112008 Gymnastics And More 8 Micro Drive; Woburn, MA 01801 Phone - 781 /938-3669 Levels - W2-10 MICHIGAN JasonWhitfield Cliff Keen Arena Univ of MI; 1000 5 State Street; Ann Arbor, MI Start Date - 1119/2008 Branch Gymnastics Phone - 2691963-3678 Levels- M4-1D Cereal City Classic Kellogg Arena; 1McCamly Square; Battle Creek, MI Start Date - 2115/2008 Branch Gymnastics

Phone· 269/963·3678 Levels- W2·10, prepopt., M4·10 Factor of Fear Challenge 12420 E. Grand River Ave; Brighton, MI Start Date - 211/2008 Infinity Gymnastics Aca demy Phone - 8101229-4966 Levels - W4-10, prepopt Mission Impossible 12420 E. Grand River Ave; Brighton, MI Start Date - 3/28/2008 Infinity Gymnastics Academy Phone - 810/229-4966 Levels - W2-7, prepopt. All American Invite 9525 Highland Rd; Hartland, MI Start Date - 2122/2008 Hartland Gymnastics Academy Phone - 810/626-2170 Levels - W4-10, prepopt. Karaoke Classic KidsSports USA; 6712 National City Pkwy; Kalamazoo, MI Start Date - 218/2008 Branch Gymnastics Phone - 269/963-3678 Levels - W5-6 Spring Fest KidsSport USA; 6712 National City Pkwy; Kalamazoo, MI Start Date - 3/29/2008 Branch Gymnastics Phone - 269/963-3678 Levels - W5-7, prepopt. Spring Fling State Prep Invitational 2723 Kersten Court; Kalamazoo, MI Start Date - 3115/2008 Greater Kalamazoo World of Gym. Phone - 269/381 -5749 Levels - W4-8 Totally Rad 15 Kalamazoo Radisson Plaza; 1DOW Michigan Ave; Kalamazoo, MI Start Date - 211 /2008

Greater Kalamazoo World of GYM Phone - 269/381·5749 Levels - W4·10, prepopt. GTC ClassicCup Motown Madness Oakland University Athletic De; 2200 MSquirrel Rd; Rochester Hills,MI Start Date - 3/7/2008 Gymnastic Training Center Roch Phone - 248/852-7950 Levels- W4-Elite, prepopt. MINNESOTA Northern Lights Classic Event Site - Champlin Park HS Fldhse; 6025109th Ave N; Champlin, MN Start Date - 2129/2008 Twin City Twisters Phone - 7631421-3046 Levels - W4-Elite Rev It Up 255 7th Ave NW Ste A; Forest Lake, MN Start Date - 212/2008 FlyawaysGold Gymnastics Phone - 651 /464-8648 Levels- M4-6 Winterfest 2008 Marrott Vetrans Memorial; 8055 Barbara Ave E; Inver Grove Hts, MN Start Date - 111912008 Perpetual Motion GYM Center Phone - 651 /459-5837 Levels - W4-10 Lights! Camera! Action! Invitational Meet Maple Grove Jr. High School; 7000 Hemlock Lane North; Maple Grove, MN Start Date - 1/25/2008 Gleason's Gymnastic School Phone - 651 /454/6203 Levels - W4-1D Gopher Womens National Invitation Uof MN Sports Pavilion; 1901-4th St 5E; Minneapolis, MN Start Date - 218/2008 North Shore Gymnastics Phone - 763-479-3189 Levels -W7-10

John Roethlisberger Iceberg Invitation Uof MN SportsPavilion; 190Hth St SE; Minneapolis, MN Start Date - 2115/2008 North Shore Gymnastics Phone - 763-479-3 189 Levels - MHlite, open Rising Stars Invitational North St Paul High School; 2416 East 11th Ave; North St Paul, MN Start Date - 3115/2008 Rising Stars Gymnastics Acad Phone - 651 /730-4376 Levels -W7-10 Winter Carnival Classic Saint Paul RiverCentre; 175 West Kellogg Boulevard; Saint Paul, MN Start Date - 212212008 Midwest Gymnastics Center Phone - 651 /482-9616 Levels - WHlite, open

St LouisClassic AmericasCenter; 701 Convention Plaza; St. Louis, MO Start Date - In12008 Team Central Phone - 314/291-5436 Levels - W4-Elite Kanasa City Code Invite; 1775 Universal Ave; Kansas City, MS Start Date - 1/24/2008 Emerald City Gymnastics Inc. Phone - 913/438-4444 Levels - M4-Elite MONTANA Mismos Magical Meet Sister Rita Mudd Activity; 1040 51st Street West; Missoula, MT Start Date - 1115/2008 Mismo Gymnastics Inc Phone - 406/728-0908 Levels- M4-10

Winter Carnival Classic Saint Paul RiverCentre; 175 West Kellogg Boulevard; Saint Paul. MN Start Date - 212212008 Midwest Gymnastics Center Phone - 651 /482-9616 Levels - M4-Elite, open

NEVADA AH MSO 1000 Stephanie Place # 1; Henderson, NV Start Date - 2129/2008 Academy of Gym - Salcianu Gym Phone - 702/795-3332 Levels- W4-Elite

TropicalTwist Apollo High School; 1000 44th Ave N; St Cloud, MN Start Date - 2116/2008 Granite City Gymnastics Phone - 320/251-3547 Levels - W4-10

Vegas Vacation 1000 Stephanie Place # 1; Henderson, NV Start Date - 1118/2008 Academy of GYM - Saleianu GYM Phone - 702/795-3332 Levels- W4-Elite

MISSOU RI Dragon Invitational 2008 1101 NW Jefferson; Blue Springs, MO Start Date - 218/2008 Great American Gymn. Express Phone - 8161229-7775 Levels - W4-Elite, open,

Cactus Cooler Invitational Cimarron Memorialm High School; 2301 NTenaya Way; Las Vegas, NV Start Date - 212212008 Desert Gymcats Gymnastics 950 S. Cimarron Road; Las Vegas, NV 89145 Phone - 702/798-3547 Levels - WHlite

GymQuarters Invitational Millennium Hotel St Louis; 200 5 4th Street; 5t Louis, MO Start Date - 2115/2008 GymQuarters Gymnastics Center Phone - 636/498-6854 Levels - Wl-Elite

Vitaly Scherbo Invitational 3250 N. Bronco; Las Vegas, NV Start Date - 111912008 Vitaly 5cherbo School of Gym ~

co nti nue on p.24



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Member Club Invitational Listing ~

continued from p.22

Phone· 7021259·5020 Levels - MHlite

Start Date· 3/912008 Head Over Heels Phone· 732/671·2328 Levels -W5-9

Go For It Classic 3105 Coleman Street; North Las Vegas, NV Start Date -1 /2512008 Go For It USA Phone - 7021658-9003 Levels - WHlite , M4-Elite

Winter Bowl 309 Fries Mill Road; Echo Plaza; Sewell,NJ Start Date - 112712008 Atlantic Coast Gymnastics Phone - 856/582-6444 Levels - W4-10

Niagara Cup 2008 2001 Main St.; Buffalo, NY Start Date - 3/712008 Niagaral Gleason's Gymnastics Phone - 716/694·6557 Levels - W4-Elite

Lucky Leprechan Meet 950 North Main Road; Vineland, NJ Start Date - 3115/2008 Airborne Gymnastics Academy Phone -856·507-1700 Levels-W4-7


Get Ready For States Invitational William Paterson University; 300 Pompton Road; Wayne, NJ Start Date - 4/12/2008 Eastern National Acad of GYM Phone - 973/835-1665 Levels-W5

Valentine Meet PO Box 986142 Rte lll ; Hampstead, NH Start Date - 2/17/2008 Club Name - Phantom Gymnastics LLC Phone - 603/329-9315 Levels -W4·6, prepopt.


11th Annual Star Struck Invitational Sheraton Hotel and Conv Ctr; Two Miss America Way; Atlantic City, NJ Start Date - 2/15/2008 Star Bound Gymnastics Academy Phone - 856/825-9222 Levels - WHlite Garden State Classic 7 Kanes Lane; Middletown, NJ

Buffalo Challenge 1641 NFrench Road; Getzville, NY Start Date - 1/2612008 Greater Buffalo GYM Center Phone - 716/639-0020 Levels -W4-9 Long Island Classic 27 AIndustrial Blvd.; Medford, NY Start Date - 2/29/2008 Long Island Gym Nest

Phone · 631 /924·9422 Levels - WHlite, open Spirit of America 1949 E. Main St. Box 2; Mohegan Lake, NY Start Date - 1/26/2008 Dynamic Gymnastics Phone - 914/528·5437 Levels - W4-10 Manhattan Classic BMCC Mnnanhattan Comm Colleg; 199 Chambers St; NewYork, NY Start Date - 211 /2008 NYC Elite Gymnastics Inc Phone - 212-334-3628 Levels - WHlite Rochester Classic RIT; Rochestr City, NY Start Date - 2116/2008 Rochester Gymnastics Academy Phone·585/248·3750 Levels - M4-10, W4-10 The Princess Classic 10 Nassau Place; Staten Island, NY Start Date - 4/5/2008 Athletic Edge Sports Center Phone - 718/608·0100 Levels -W3-7 Winter Wonderland Invitational Intercollege Athletics Indoor; Sports Complex; Stony Brook, NY Start Date - 21812008 Exper-Tiess Gymnastics Phone - 6311584-8116 Levels -W4-10, open

Boys Nickel City Invitational 70 Weiss Ave; WSeneca, NY Start Date - 31112008 Gym Unlimited·Orchard Park Phone - 716/675-9748 Levels - M4-1 0 Nickel City Invitational 70 Weiss Ave; WSeneca. NY Start Date - 2/8/2008 Gym Unlimited-Orchard Park Phone - 716/675-9748 Levels-W3-10 NORTH CAROLINA

Bring Home the Gold 33705 Church Street; Burlington, NC Start Date - 1/25/2008 Kidsport Gymnastic Academy Phone - 336/538·0073 Levels -W3-10, prepopt. Winter Fun Invitational 2008 1802 Old Firetower Rd.; Greenville, NC Start Date - 21212008 Rose's GYM Training Center Phone - 252/321-7264 Levels -W3-10, prepopt NRG Challenge 5400 Atlantic Springs Road; Raleigh, NC Start Date - 1/19/2008 North Raleigh Gymnastics Phone - 9191790·9400 Levels - W3-10, prepopt. NRG Invitational 5400 Atlantic Springs Road; Raleigh, NC

Start Date· 3/8/2008 North Raleigh Gymnastics Phone - 9191790·9400 Levels - W3-10, prepopt. OHIO

Rock-N-Roll Classic 50's style 6630 Harris Road; 6380 Mill Rd.; Broadview Heights, OH Start Date -111812008 Gymnastics World Inc Phone - 4401526-2970 Levels -W3-10, prepopt. Milky Way Invitational 151 Chardon Avenue; Chardon, OH Start Date - 3115/2008 Emeth Gymnastics Phone - 440/632-5870 Levels -W3-8, prepopt. Blaine Wilson Ohio Classic Lau" he Building; 717 East 17th Avenue; Columbus, OH Start Oate - 2116/2008 Ohio Gymnastics Institute Inc Phone - 330/652-4386 Levels - M4-Elite Shooting Stars Invitational 1232 Falke Dr.; Dayton, OH Start Date - 21212008 Stars GYM And Dance Inc Phone - 937/252-8787 Levels - W4-9 Follow Your Dreams Inv Dublin Coffman High School; 6780 Coffman Rd; Dublin, OH Start Date - 311512008 Fliptastic Gymnastics Inc Phone - 614/529-8828 Levels - W4-10

2008 CGA Coaches Spectacular 3635 Woodridge Blvd; Fairfield, OH Start Date - 111812008 Cincinnati Gymnastics Phone - 513/860-3082 Levels - WHlite Girl Power Invitational Fairfield High School; 8800 Holden Blvd; Fairfield, OH Start Date - 21912008 Flip nTwist GYM &Cheer LLC Phone - 513/942-4435 Levels - W3-10 2008 Pajama Pageant 1850 Manor Hill Road; Findlay, OH Start Date - 3115/2008 Gold Medal Gymnastics Phone - 419/425-4653 Levels -W4-6 Winter Invitational 2876 Harding Highway East; Marion, OH Start Date - 2/9/2008 Mid Ohio Gymnastics Phone - 740/387-1975 Levels - W4-10 Sunrise Boys Gymfest P.O. Box 69; Sylvania, OH Start Date - 211012008 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy Phone - 419/841-2902 Levels - M4-10, open Sunrise Gymfest P.O. Box 69; Sylvania, OH ~

continue on p.26

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Member Club Invitational Listing ~ continued fro m p.24

Start Date - 3115/2008 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy Phone · 419/841·2902 Levels· W4·10 Sunrise Open P.O. Box 69; Sylvania, OH 43560 Start Date · 1/26/2008 Sunrise Gymnastics Academy Phone - 419/841 -2902 Levels· W4-10 Frogtown Invitational 2255 S. Reynolds Road; Toledo, OH Start Date - 2/212008 Exceleration Gymnastics Center Phone· 419/381 ·1000 Levels - W4·10 Buckeye Classic 7159 Northgate Way; Westerville,OH Start Date - 2/1512008 Buckeye Gymnastics Phone · 614·895·1611 Fax· 6141895·7644 Levels · W4-10, preopt, open The Flyers Invitational Christian Middle School; 8225 Worthington Galena Rd; Westerville,OH Start Date - 4119/2008 Buckeye Gymnastics Phone · 614·895·1611 Levels -THlite


OKLAHOMA Bart Conner Invitational P.O. Box 720217; 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; Norman, OK Start Date· 1125/2008 Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy Phone· 4051447·7500 Levels - MHlite

Nadia Comaneci Invitational P.O. Box 720217; 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; Norman, OK Start Date - 2/15/2008 Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy Phone· 4051447·7500 Levels - W4·10

PENNSYLVANIA 200B Brian Babcock Memorial Invi tational 401 Martin Luther King Drive; Allentown, PA Start Date - 1125/2008 Parkettes National Gym. Center Phone - 610/433·0011 Levels - W4-10

2008 Parkettes Invitational 401 Martin Luther King Drive; Allentown, PA Start Date· 21112008 Parkettes National Gym. Center Phone· 610/433·0011 Levels - W4-1O

OREGON Emerald Team Challenge Cottage Grove High School; 1375 5 River Rd; Cottage Grove, OR Start Date - 31712008 lli!tioJ]aLAcali..oiALtisIDy Phone· 541 /744·2002 Levels - M4·7, WHlite

2008 Parkettes Invitational Louis EDieroff High School; 815 N Irving Street; Allentown, PA Start Date· 2/2/2008 Parkettes National Gym. Center Phone· 610/433-0011 Levels - W4·10

Co Ed MAC Open P.O. Box 390; Portland, OR Start Date - 211512008 Multnomah Athletic Club Phone· 5031223·6251 ext 242 Levels - MHlite

Tri State Open Optional Team Championships 560 Evans City Road; Butler, PA Start Date · 212312008 Butler Gymnastics Club Inc. Phone - 724/482-2900 Levels - Wl-Elite

Winter Invite 869 Shelly; Springfield, OR Start Date ·1115/2008 National Mad of Artistic Gym. Phone - 541 /744·2002 Levels- M4-10

Mardi Gras Invitational lincoln High School; 501 Crescent Ave; Ellwood City, PA Start Date - 212312008 Gold Medal Gym. Dance &Cheer


Phone· 7241752·4133 Levels - W3·10, prepopt. Stars and Stripes Invitational Family First Sports Park; 8155 Oliver Rd; Erie, PA Start Date· 1125/2008 Erie Gymnastic Center Phone - 814/898-2936 Levels - WHlite

Uzelac Gymnastics Phone - (B14) 266·USA2 (8722) Levels - W3·10, prepopt. KMC Invitational 912 W. Cypress Street; Kennett Square, PA Start Date· 2116/2008 KMC Dance and Gym. Center Phone·610/444·4464 Levels - T4·Elite, M5·10

Phone - 215/699·2900 Levels· W4·1 0, prepopt. Fun in the Sun University of Pittsburgh; Fitzgerald Field House; Pittsburgh, PA Start Date - 2/29/2008 TrinityGymnastics Inc Phone· 724/444·3010 Levels· W3·10, prepopt. Friendship Classic 16th Laurel Blvd; Pottsville, PA 17901 Start Date - 3113/2008 Pottsville Gymnastic Training P.O. Box 631; Pottsville, PA 17901 Phone· 570/628·4966 Levels - W4·Elite

John Pancott Invitational Church From School; 1001 Elincoln Highway; Exton, PA Start Date · 219/2008 John Pancott Gymnastic Center Phone· 610/647·9847 Levels - M4·1 0

Valentine Invitational 1605 ligonier Street; Latrobe, PA Start Date· 2115/2008 Willow Tree Gymnastics Academy Phone - 7241539·0899 Levels - W4·7

Winterfest 2008 362 S. Warminster Road; Hatboro, PA Start Date· 2/1/2008 Ricochets GymnastiCS Club Phone· 2151328·0900 Levels - W4·10, prepopt.

Lebanon Classic Lebanon YMCA; 201 N7th St; Lebanon, PA Start Date - 212212008 Lebanon YMCA Gymnastics Phone - 717/273·2691 Levels - W3-10

Hug Kiss Meet Granada Avenue Gym Fit Ctr; 30 E Granada Ave; Hershey, PA Start Date · 21912008 Gym nastic Center of Hershey Phone· 7171534-1881 Levels - W4·10, prepopt.

Red Rose Invitational 10 Citation Lane; lititz, PA Start Date - 2/15/2008 Accelerations Gymnastics Acad Phone · 717/560·4978 Levels -W4-10, prepopt.

Nittany Invitational The Penn Stater; 215 Innovation Blve; State College, PA Start Date - 1119/2008 Nittany Gymnastics Academy Phone · 8141238·8995 Levels - W4-10

Dalmatian Classic 513 Dickerson Road; North Wales, PA 19454 Start Date · 218/2008 Spirit Gym. Training Center

Nittany Spring Invitational Rec Hall Penn State University; University Park, PA Start Date· 31912008 Nittany Gymnastics Academy

Kristal Uzelac Inv 210 Industrial Park Rd; Suite 195; Johnstown, PA Start Date· 1/26/2008

Dutch Classic 325 Morgantown Road; Reading, PA Start Date· 2/912008 Berks Gymnastic Academy Phone - 610/372·8454Levels - W4·10, prepopt.

Phone - 8141238-8995 Levels -W4-7

Phone - 972/471 -2345 Levels - W2-Elite

Phone - 757/723-4966 Levels -W3-10, prepopt.

Phone - 360/944-4444 Levels -W4-6

NittanySpring Invitational Rec Hall, Penn State Univ.; University Park, PA Start Date - 3/912008 Nittany Gymnastics Academy Phone - 814/238-8995 Levels - W4-7

Invitational 16665 Huebner Road; San Antonio, TX Start Date - 219/2008 Alamo Gymnastics Center Phone - 210/479-8282 Levels - M4-Elite

Mother May I 709 Middle Ground Blvd.; Ste 117b; Nwprt Nws Cly, VA Start Date - 415/2008 World Class Gymnastics LLC Phone - 757/873-6440 Levels -W4-7

Northshore Invitational 19460 144th Ave. NE;Woodinville, WA Start Date - 2116/2008 Northshore Gymnastics Center Phone - 425/402-6602 Levels - W4-10

Silvia's Invitational 313 Big Road; PO Box 282; Zieglerville, PA Start Date - 1/26/2008 Silvia's Gymnastics LLC Phone - 6101754-8001 Levels -W4-7

VERMONT Green Mountain Invitational St Michaels College; One Winooski Park; Colchester, VT Start Date -1 126/2008 Northern lights Gymnastics Phone -8021295-2070 Levels - W4-10

VA Beach Classic 5644 Parliament Drive; Virginia Beach, VA Start Date - 218/2008 Gymstrada Gymnastic School Phone - 757/499-8591 Levels - W4-10

SOUTH CAROLINA Winter Invitational 1760 Calhoun Road; Greenwood, SC Start Date - 21112008 Greenwood YMCA Phone - 864/223-8240 Levels - W2-10, prepopt. Hilton Head Island Gym Invitational Marriott Beach and Golf Resort; 1 Hotel Circle; Hilton Head Island, SC Start Date - 1/24/2008 Rockdale Gymnastics Phone - 7701483-0229 Levels - W3-10, prepopt. Capital City Classic 11 93 North Lake Drive; Lexington, SC Start Date - 2115/2008 Columbia GYM Acad of Lexington Phone - 803/951-2090 Levels - W2-10, prepopt. Beach Break 2008 304 E. Hwy 90; Unit B; little River, SC Start Date - 2115/2008 Gymnastics and More Phone - 8431249-5867 Levels - M4-Elite, open Beach Break 2008 304 E. Hwy 90; Unit 8; little River,SC Start Date - 2115/2008 Gymnastics and More Phone - 843/249-5867 Levels - WHlite, prepopt TENNESSEE Flippin in Memphis Classic Collierville Community Center; 440 WPowell; Collierville, TN Start Date - 21112008 Gymstars Gymnastics Phone - 901 /861-8468 Levels - WHlite, prepopt Music City Rhythmic Inv 1892 General George Patton Or.; Franklin, TN Start Date - 2/912008 It Shine Gymnaslics Inc. Phone - 61 5/369-3547 Levels - R3-10, group TEXAS Friendship Invitational 104 NGreenville Ave; Allen, TX Start Date - 21312008 Eagles Wings Athletics Phone - 972/727-9911 Levels - M4-Elite, open Texas Prime Meet 200 Fitness Court; Coppell, TX Start Date - 218/2008 Texas Dreams Gymnastics

VIRGINIA CA GymStar - Flower Power Invite 14088 KSullyfield Circle; Chantilly, VA Start Date - 4119/2008 Chantilly Academy Phone - 703/378-4966 Levels -W4-10, prepopt CA GymStar - March Madness Invite 14088 KSullyfield Circle; Chantilly, VA Start Date - 3115/2008 Chantilly Academy Phone - 703/378-4966 Levels -W4-10, prepopt. 14th Ann ual Beach Invitational 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 1119/2008 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA 23320 Phone - 7571547-0169 Fax - 757/436-2724 Levels -W4-10, prepopt. Excalibur Cup International Oscar Smith High School; 1994 Tiger Drive; Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 218/2008 Excalibur Gymnastics Phone - 757/499-8258 Levels - W4-Elite Shamrock Invitational 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 3/15/2008 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone -7571547-0169 Levels -W4-10, prepopt

Hugs and Kisses Invitational 37W Windsor Blvd; PO BOX 159; Windsor, VA 23487 Start Date - 213/2008 Windsor GYM Training Center Phone - 757/242-4900 Levels -W4-7 Presidents Day Invitational 14023 Noblewood Plaza Drive; Woodbridge, VA Start Date - 2116/2008 Youth Sports Virginia Training Phone - 703-590-8400 Levels - M4-10 Team Challenge 14023 Noblewood Plaza Drive; Woodbridge, VA Start Date - 2117/2008 Youth Sports Virginia Training Phone - 703-590-8400 Levels -W3-9 WASHINGTON Eastside Harley Battle in Seattle 13425-2A SE 30th St. Suite 2A; Bellevue, WA Start Date - 311 /2008 Gymnastics East Phone - 425/644-8117 Levels -W4-10 Mardi Gras Madness 1710 Express Drive Suite G; Bellingham, WA Start Date - 219/2008 Leading Edge Gymnastic Acad No Phone - 360/733-6969 Levels - W2-10 Seattle Open 711100th Street S.E.; Everett, WA Start Date -1118/2008 Leading Edge Gymnastic Academy Phone - 4251353-9137 Levels - W4-10

Spring Fling 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 4/26/2008 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone - 7571547-0169 Levels - W4-10

Bunny Hop Invitational 6822 S. 190th; Kent, WA 98032 Start Date - 3/2912008 Metropolitan Gymnastics Inc. Phone - 206/575-4138 Levels -W4-6

VA NAWGJ Judges Cup 912 AProfessional Place; Chesapeake, VA Start Date - 2123/2008 Ocean Tumblers Gymnastics Phone -7571547-0169 Levels -W4-10, prepopt

Yule Cup Challenge Evergreen HighSchool; 830 SW 116th Street; Seattle, WA Start Date -1 /1912008 Rising Stars Gymnastics Phone - 360-653-7827 Levels - R7-10

Teddy Bear Picnic 390 Salters Creek Road; Hampton, VA Start Date - 2116/2008 Gymnastics Inc.

Rock and Roll Classic 5313 NE 94th Ave; Vancouver, WA 98662 Start Date - 21212008 Naydenov Gymnastics Inc.

Spring Fling Invite 19460 144th Ave. NE;Woodinville, WA Start Date - 3/2912008 Northshore Gymnastics Center Phone - 425/402-6602 Levels - W4-6 WEST VIRGINIA Damian Herr Boys Invitation 226 Vista del Rio Drive; Morgantown, WV Start Date - 2117/2008 West Virginia GYM Training Cen Phone - 304/292-5559 Levels - M4-1 0 Mountaineer Classic 226 Vista del Rio Drive; Morgantown, WV Start Date - 21212008 West Virginia GYM Training Cen Phone - 304/292-5559 Levels - W3-1 0

From here, it's possible.

WISCONSIN Midwest Twisters Harley Davidson Invite Waynz World; 568 W226665 National Ave; Big Bend, WI Start Date - 2/29/2008 Midwest Twisters Gymnastics Phone - 4141764-6540 Levels - W2-10, preopt. Saito National Invitational Wayne World; 563 W22665 National Ave; Big Bend, WI Start Date - 2115/2008 Saito Gymnastics Phone - 262/782-3430 Levels - M4-10

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Saito National Invitational Waynz World; 568 W22666S National Ave; Big Bend, WI Start Date - 2115/2008 Saito Gymnastics Phone - 2621782-3430 Levels - W3-10,

• A recommended 24-credit college preparatory diploma program is available. • Enroll in courses or Credit by Examinations at any time.

2008 Scamps Boys Invitational 571 1 77th Street; Kenosha, WI Start Date - 212312008 Scamps Gymnastics Phone - 262/694-0805 Levels - M4-10, open

• Online and print-based courses are available. • Courses are self-paced; you have 6 months to complete a course.

Midwest Challenge POBox 510474; 16760 WVictor Rd; New Berlin, WI Start Date - 1119/2008 Mand MGymnastics Phone - 2621789-6885 Levels - W3-Elite Wisconsin Dells Gymnastics Vacation Classic Wisconsin Dells Center; 2100 River Rd; Wisconsin Dells, WI Start Date - 112512008 CSA Kids Sports Arts Campus 4113 Whitney St; Janesville, WI 53546 Phone - 608/756-0444 Levels -W3-10, open, prepopt

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Leadership: The Subtle Things Are the Big Things! MANAGERS MANAGE SYSTEMS, directors

direct people and leaders inspire others toward the accomplishment of a high goal such as a mission or vision. Managing, directing and leading are three separate skills and, comparatively speaking, managing and directing are easy. It takes effort, courage, skill and practice to inspire and my experience tells me that most people are not willing to pay the dues it takes to become a leader. Please interpret that as a challenge rather than a judgment. For decades at Kids First Sports Center, we have considered ourselves students of leadership above all other business skills and functions, though often I still feel like a newborn babe. However, recently, I had a satisfying insight about a certain leadership mistake about which I have long been aware but unable to adequately articulate. This insight wormed its way into my mind while observing a candidate for a leadership position in our company. For some time I had sensed that this person possessed a certain quality that, left unchecked, was sure to cause her to struggle in a leadership

role. My eureka moment allowed me to verbalize my feelings. Allow me to share:

Grounding thought: To inspire others you cannot be 'one of them' yet you cannot be 'above them: (I have not yet reconciled the paradoxical implication that, therefore, you are either 'beneath them' or do not exist at all!) Here is what happened: The candidate witnessed an employee lamenting that a patron did not treat him as he would have liked. To be accurate, the employee's lament could not be characterized as destructive, it was, say, merely unproductive. Upon hearing the lament the candidate innocently commiserated with the employee. BAM ,

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at that instant the damage was done! By commiserating, the candidate immediately became 'one of them; that is to say, by being 'one of them' she specifically was

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Hosted in Cincinnati, BOOT CAMP is a life-changing, 4 1/2 day total immersion leadership, marketing and organizational workshop for GymClub Owners. Dates: May 15-19, 2008 and Nov 20-24, 2008 For FREE portfolio of information: 513.489.7575 or

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not a leader. Is such damage permanent? Theoretically speaking, not necessarily; practically speaking, probably. Not that this event or similar events cannot be undone but because a person who is likely to make this mistake is not likely to recognize the damage it does to their ability to lead. Worse, the damage would be faster and farther reaching had the leader com mise rated with destructive thi nki ng. I also want to stress how easy it is to inadvertently commiserate; in the above example mere silence would condone and validate such unproductive thinking. May I suggest reading the above example twice. On the first reading critically inspect yourself to evaluate if you sometimes step over this line; on the second reading envision yourself an interviewer, as a leader responsible for evaluating other leaders for this quality. Here is a typical doom loop that might accompany this situation: I am a human being and want to be liked and accepted.


In order to be liked and accepted I will com miserate (or merely stay silent) with your unproductive thinking. I accomplish my goal and am accepted. Later, I attempt to make a Leadership-like decision; as one of the gang I am specifically not your leader so I get some version of 'push-back: I feel ostracized and work harder to be accepted; I become even more impotent as a leader, etc. .. The only way to emerge from a doom loop is to embrace and reconcile reality as painful and paradoxical as it may sometimes be. Here is how I see reality as it pertai ns to this situation:

Reality #1: wanting to be accepted and be one of the gang is a natural part of being human. Reality #2: inappropriately trying too hard to be one of the gang usually backfires in one of a variety of ways.

Reality #3: a person cannot be one of the gang and be viewed as a leader. Reality #4: a person who can't reconcile realities 1-4 should not accept a leadership role in a company or elsewhere.

FAQ: Is it OK to be friends with empLoyees? ANSWER: Yes, as long as you understand what true friendship is. Buddies commiserate but true friends inform friends when their thinking is unproductive (or destructive). Interesting ... great leaders do, too!

Make it a great month! Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp PreSident, Kids First Sports Center

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USA Sweeps Team and All-Around at Junior Pan Am Championships THE USA HAD A SUCCESSFUL TRIP TO GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, for the Junior Pan Am Championships. The USA won the men's and women's team titles and also swept all three medals in both allaround competitions. The USA won an additional 11 medals during event finals. The men's team included: Alexy Bilozertchev, 17, of Ohio State Boy's Gymnastics; Glen Ishino , 17, of SCATS - Huntington Beach.; Steve Legendre, 18, of the University of Oklahoma; and Danell Leyva, 16, of Universal Gymnastics. John Orozco, 14, of World Cup Gymnastics was the alternate. The women's team included: Olivia Courtney, 15, of Orlando Metro. ; Chelsea Davis, 15, of Texas Dreams; Mattie Larson, 15, of All Olympia; and Jordyn Wieber, 12, of Geddert's Twistars. The USA men won the team title over Brazil and Argentina.

Legendre won the all-around, Ishino finished second, with Bilozertchev in third and Leyva in fourth . During event finals, Bilozertchev claimed three individual event silver medals in pommel horse, floor exercise, and parallel bars. Ishino earned the silver in the still rings. Leyva won the gold medal on high bar, beating his closest competitor, Argentina's Nicolas Cordoba, by a full point. The USA women easily outdistanced Canada and Brazil. The USA dominated the all-around competition with Larson winning the allaround gold medal. Wieber placed second and Davis finished third. During event finals, Wieber and Larson went one-two, respectively, in the uneven bars. On beam, Wieber won another gold medal and Davis earned silver. Larson earned the gold on floor while Wieber earned the bronze.~

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Our exclusive, fuLL-service screening soLution works in accordance with the Recommended GuideLines© established by the NationaL Council of Youth Sports. Includes Check-it-Twice ™ PLUS: • "Red Light/ Green Light" results based on the NCYS Recommended Guidelines© • Fair Credit Reporting Act** (FCRA) & Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) compliance • Full follow-up on "Red Light" results • Identity verification on "Red Light" results • Safe and confidential storage of records • Assistance on legal issues • Periodic automatic re-checks • One county-level criminal record sea rch covering county of longest and most recent residency in the past ten years. FEES ASSOCIATED WITH THE BACKGROUND SCREENING PROCESS (Fees can be subject to change)

Background screening process fees are the responsibility of each individual. Fees will vary depending on how many searches need to be

conducted during the 10-year time frame. If a person has lived in more than one county, additional county searches will take place. If a person has had a name change, all last names will be checked and this will incur additional fees. The basic background process will cost approximately $22.00. Additional fees may be incurred with additional searches. The average cost of the checks to date has been $38.00 per person. SOIll~ counties in specific states charge additional fees. Prices vary depending on the state. Many counties in the state of New York are charged a minimum of $52 by the New York Office of Court Administration. These funds go directly to the state. Members should check with their tax consultant as the cost of the background check may be deductible for business/ professional itemization of expenses on their income tax.

IMPORTANT NOTICE Each member should complete his/ her own background screening. It is very important that the person's 10 number and password used

on the USA Gymnastics site are the same person's information given for the background screening on the NCSI site. If you enter another person's information on the NCSI site, there is a chance that the correct professional member number may not be recognized when the green light determination is sent back to USA Gymnastics. It is also important that all of the privacy and legal issues be followed . Each person is responsible for his/ her own information and the release of that information. NCSI is the company who has been contracted to perform these functions. All questions should be addressed to NCSI. X

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USA GYMNASTICS UNIVERSITY COURSE OFFERINGS USA GYMNASTICS UNIVERSITY debuted two new online courses in October: First Aid Basics and Preschool Fundamentals Part 1: Theory. First Aid Basics teaches the basics of first aid with a focus on the sport of gymnastics. The Part 1: Theory course is the online portion of the Preschool Fundamentals course. The live portion, Part 2: Hands on Training (HOT) , debuted this year at the National and Regional Congresses.

COURSE DESCRIPTION First Aid Basics This course provides basic first aid information for aLL gymnastics professionals. It covers injury prevention, common types of gymnastics injuries and risks and the symptoms and treatment of those injuries. It also includes generaL information on other Life threatening conditions. This course is essentiaL for gymnastics coaches, instructors, and teachers

as weLL as aLL gym empLoyees. This onLine course is $25.00*, and wiLL take approximateLy two hours to compLete.

for chiLdren, class safety overview, games, activities to avoid, manipuLatives, Lesson pLanning , inclusion of music, thematic teaching , parent/chiLd teaching, and the use of apparatus. This is a great handson foLLow-up to the theory course, with course instructors demonstrating practicaL examples of many of the concepts taught in Part 1. It is recommended to take Part 1 prior to Part 2, but not required . The Part 2: HOT Live course is $65.00* Check onLine for the scheduLe of courses avaiLabLe. www.usa- ucation.

Preschool Fundamentals Part 1: Theory This course is a must have for preschooL instructors. Part 1 covers young child deveLopment theory including teaching phiLosophy, stages of chiLd development, characteristics of a good teacher, class management, safety considerations, skilL deconstruction, Lesson pLanning, and program assessment. This course wiLL heLp instructors better understand their students and better prepare, organize, and run safe and successful preschooL classes. The Part 1 onLine course is $50.00*, and wi LL take approximateLy four hours to compLete.

ALL USA Gymnastics University onLine courses have a 30 day access ti me. The user is abLe to Log in and out of the course Limitlessly during the 30 days. REGISTER FOR A COURSE TODAY! X

Part 2: Hands on Training (HOT) This is a Live, hands-on training course designed for preschooL instructors. Part 2 course topics include fundamentaL move ment

To register or for more information, visit our website at or caLL USA Gymnastics Member Services at 800-345-4719.

• Member rate

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''Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"

I Philadelphia· 2008

44th ANNUAL USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS and TRADE SHOW June 19-21, 2008 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania held in coniunction with the 2008 Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics WHO SHOULO ATTENO? All USA Gymnastics Professional members, Instructor members, coaches, judges and instructors of all levels. Recreational and preschool teachers, business managers, administrators, club owners, high school and college coaches WHAT IS OFFERED? Three days of education with more than 135 sessions offered. Lectures given by recognized individuals in the field. Sessions on coaching, judging, business, preschool. recreational. sports science, and fitness. Presentations given daily from the leading experts in Women, Men, Rhythmic, Trampoline and Tumbling, Acrobatic Gymnastics and Group Gymnastics Programs. Trade Show exhibit hall will feature 200 booths of products and services from more than 85 differe nt USA Gymnastics Industry members.

WHERE? Philadelphia Co nvention Center Congress Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m HOTEL(TRAVEL RESERVATIONS: Phi ladelphia Ma rriott Downtown National Travel Systems 888-603-8747 Email: Website: CONGRESS DATES: June 19-21, 2008 Philadelphia Convention Center OLYMPIC TRIALS: June 19-22, 2008 - Wachovia Center Men's and Women's Artistic events JUNE 18 PRE-CONGRESS EVENTS: Risk Management/Safety course, Hands on Training preschool fundamentals (H.O.T.) course, Business Conference, NAWGJ National board meeting, National Congress Registration opens at 12:30 p.m.

JUNE 22 POST-CONGRESS EVENTS Risk Management/ Safety course, Hands on Training preschool fundamentals (H.O.T.) course, Women's State and Regional Chair Workshop, Women's Judge's exams JUNE 22 Hall of Fame Class of 2008 Induction Ceremony Lun cheon. U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM TRIA LS - GYMNASTICS, JUNE 19-22 Special rate for All-Session tickets to U.S . Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics for all Congress attendees. To secure early bird discount order by March 15 (see form pg 38). REGISTRATION FORM: In Technique and on Website Special discounted group registration for Member Clubs. Special Early Bird Pricing X


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June 19-21,2008 - Philadelphia, PA • Held in Coniunction with the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics

Early Bird Ends March 1 S. Complete one form per person . Photocopy for additional registrations. Your confirmation will be sent by email. Plea se provide valid email address. On-site registration desk open s June 18. Congress sessions and Exhibit Hall open June 19-21 . To become an Instructor Member to receive the member discount, simply check "please sign me up" and include an additio nal $50 ($70, Foreign In structor Member) in yo ur total amoun t enclosed.



(Early Bird postmarked by March 15 - All others by May 26 - NO EXCEPTIONS)

Professional, Jr. Professional, Instructor a nd Athlete Members

(J5+ years old)

Minimum age for Cangress attendees is 15. If'M§1 :jiilo]Pricing (Ends March 15)

Additional U.S. Olympic Team Trials Ticket Information

o D o Regular Pricing (March 16 - May 26) o D o $ 199 Congress Registration

$449 Congress and Olympic Trials all-session ticket package P1


Add itional all-session tickets at P1 _ _ _ x $250.00 Additional all-session tickets at P2 _ _ _ x $ 175.00

$374 Congress and Olymp ic Trials all-session ticket package P2

Non-Members & Other Member Types

$235 Congress Registra tion

$485 Congress and Olympic Trials all-session ticket package P1 $4 10 Congress and Olympic Trials all-session ticket package P2


(Ends March 15) (Ends May 26)

$300 Early Bird Congress Registration $335 Congress Registration $400 On-site Registration

Onsite Registration - $300 Pl - Lower Level Sides (lower to upper rows) • P2 - Lower Level End (lower and upper raws) Special rote far aI/ sessions is for Congress affendees. • VIP seating is also available for $500 per aI/-session ticket. AI/·session tickets are non-refundable. • Please contael USA Gymnastics at 317.237.5050 for additional ticket information.

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date (m / d/y) _ _ _ __ __ __


USA Gymna stics Member No. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___

Please sign me up for an Instructor M embersh ip. I have included $50 ($70, Foreign Instructor) in total amou nt due.

Email Address ________________________________________ (Email address must be provided in order to receive confirmation.) Mailing Address _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _


Thi s is a new address .

(Please make the change in the USA Gymnastics database)

Ci~ ------------------­ State Day Phone (

Evening Phone (

Club Name _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _

Check all that apply:

Club Number _ _ __ _ __ _ __

D Club Owner D Coach/Teacher D Judge D Administrator D Other



Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Make check or money order payable to USA Gymnastics.

D Other

Exp. Date

Card Number Signature ___ _ ____ ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ ____

Print Cardholder Name

Telephone # _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _

please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza , 201 S. Capito) Ave. , Ste 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 • FAX: 317.692.5212 Attention: Member Services

THE INDIVIDUAL CONGRESS FEE INCLUDES: • Credential for entrance to Congress sessions, June 19-21 . •

Entrance 10 the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finesl products and services.

• One ticket to the Congress Donee Party on Saturday, June 21. IMust be I 8+ years to oHend. Additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/guests are $35 each-ovailable 01 on-site registra tion.)

Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permiHed FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the session presenters announce that his/ her/ their session may not be videotaped. Language: The official language of Congress is English . USA Gymnastic s wi ll make no special provisions for trans lation of sessions into other languages. Congress attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in th is regard prior to Ma y 26. We suggest this information be included with the Congress registration form .

SUBSmunON POUCY To transfer registration to another person, the new Congress alfendee musl also hove a Professional or Instructor membership. After May 26 - $30 per substitution Submit request in writing to USA G ymnostics. AHenlion Cathy Allen

CANCEUATION POUCY All registration cancellotions musl be in writing . Submit wrilfen request to USA Gymnastics, AHention Cathy Allen

Before May 26 - Reg istration fee less $30 service fee per person cancelling . After May 26 - 50% 01 registration fee per person cancelling .


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Call for Presenters - 2008 National Congress & Trade Show "Excellence through Education" Call for Presenters

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USA Gymnastics invites you to submit a presentation proposal for the Nationa l Congress 2008, June 19- 21, in Philadelphia, Pa. , in conjunction with the U.S. Olympic Team Trials-Gymnastics. Kathy Feldmann, congress director and the specific program directors, plus their designated committees, will select presenters/clinicians through invitation, as well as from the outlines received. Individuals will be selected based on their ability to bring practical and relevant information to USA Gymnastics professionals.



'-.. '-..



Selection Criteria: Due February 1, 2008 Proposals received by the deadline (February 1, 2008) will be forwarded to the appropriate national program planning committee. Your proposal will be evaluated on the following: • Overall quality and innovation • National significance • Relevance to the program • Well-defined focus • Sound research/theoretical basis • Practical application of materials

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You will be notified of accept/decline by March 28, 2008. If accepted you will be requested to send head shot photo and complete a specific form for biography, topic outline and contact information. You may also submit your business logo. All of this wi ll be listed in the Congress Guide. All materials must be received in the USA Gymnastics office by April 18, 2008. After that date, the presenter information and the details of the sessio n(s) WILL NOT be included in the Congress Guide. We must adhere to print deadlines.



Manage it with class

Materials are submitted to Erica Koven , Member Services Coordinator at USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 or email to ekoven@usa-gymnastics. org Phone: 317-829-5622. You may also contact Kathy Feldmann at 317-829-5625 or email Terms: Presenter's receive complimentary Congress registration, dance party ticket and $75 per one hour sessio n. Speakers shari ng same session must be pre-approved and honorarium will be split amongst the presenters. Presenter is responsible for his/ her own expenses including airfare, hotel, food, transportation, etc. Presenters will have access to LCD projector for Power Point and DVD in a lecturetype setting . You must supply your own computer. No gymnastics equipment will be available. Selected sessions will be given in the exhibit hall where specific equipment wi ll be made available. If you are selected as a presenter for the 2008 Congress, you will be notified as to what topic(s) has been accepted for presentation. Due to the great number of sessions and submissions received, we ask that everyone follow the procedures and deadlines as outlined above. The National Congress sc hedule with topics and speakers needs to be posted and announced in April. 1\

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from p.l8 favorably with a variety of other studies of male gymnasts (7.5 mi s, sen ior male U.s. gymnasts (Sands & McNeal, 1995); 7.2 mi s, National Team gymnasts and 7.93 ml s Olympic gymnasts (Sands & McNeal, 1995;Takei, 1988); 7.79 mis, 1984 men's Olympic vaults (Dillman et aI., 1985); 7.15 mi s, senior male U.s. gymnasts performing the hecht compulsory vault (Sands & McNeal, 1995)). Interestingly, both age groups showed that they had the capability of producing higher peak speeds while sprinting than they were using at the end of their vault sprints. Their final sprint interval was greater than 7.25m/s, but their final vault run interval was less than 7.0 m/s.The older age group showed that they could reach nearly 8 mls during a sprint but constrained themselves to approximately 7.5 mls in their vaulting approach. The reader should keep in mind that the final measurement segment in the vault sprint approach was still at least three meters from the vault table. Thus, a gymnast could have slowed down even more, or less likely he could have increased his speed, in the final three meter interval leading to board and table contact. Thus, suspicions were confirmed that the athletes had more sprinting speed available to them than they were using. This fact,

while disquieting, does not deal with the parallel issue of sprinting technique and the observed inefficiency of running that is displayed by many if not most male gymnasts. The gymnasts often choose to run less than a maximal run up distance which forces them into a lower speed range due to the relationship of run up distance to speed (Henry & Trafton, 1951). Finally, it is not uncommon to see gymnasts performing runs with straight arms, odd trunk and head carriage, and a variety of other faults that sprint coaches would never allow in trained sprinters.

Conclusion ___________ The results of this initial descriptive study indicate that the gymnasts may be able to produce run speeds that are commensurate with higher levels of performance. However, they lose a considerable amount of their speed as they approach the vault board . Further investigations will be needed to determine the relationship of increased attention to sprinting technique and whether this has any influence on the run up for vaulting. X

References 1. Berg, K., Miller, M., and St ephens, L. Determ inants of 30 meter sprint time in pubescent males. Jou rnal of Sports Medici ne 26.225-23 1. 86. 2. BRADSHAW, EJ. & ROSSIGNOL, P.L. (2002). Identificat ion of floor and vau lting aptitude in 8- 14 yea r old talentselected female gymnasts. In Scientific Proceed ings of the XXth International Symposiu m on Biomechanics in Sports, ed. GIANIKELLIS, K.E .• pp. 171 - 174. Caceres, Spain: Universidad de Extremadura, International Society of Biomechanics'in Sports. 3. Dainis, A. A model and analysis of va ulting. IG Technica l Supplement 3 1(3),1- 12.80. 4. Dillman, C J., Cheetham, P. J., and Smith, S. L. A kinematic analys is of men's Olympic long horse va ulting International Jo urnal of Sport Biomechanics 1(2),96-110. 8S. S. Gervais, P. A prediction of an optimal performance of the handspring 1 1/2 front saito longhorse vau lUournal of Biomechanics 27( 1),67-75. 94. 6. Henry, F. M . and Trafton. I. R The ve locity curve of sprint running . The Research Quarterly 22(4),409-422.5 1. 7. KING, MA & YEADON, M.R (2005). Factors influencing performance in the hecht va ult and implications for modelling. Jo urnal of Biomechanics 38, 145- 151 . 8. KRUG, J., KNOLL, K., KOTHE, T.& lOCHER, H.-D. (1998). Running approach velocity and energy transformation in

difficult vaults in gymnastics. In ISBS '98 XVI International symposiu m on biomechanics in sports, eds. RIEHLE, HJ. & VIETEN, M.M., pp. 160-163. Konstanz, Germany: UVK - Universitatsverlag. 9. MCGINNIS, P.M. (1991). The accuracy of devices and techniques for measuring the speed of athletes. In Biomechanics in Sports IX, eds.TAUT, CL., PATIERSON, P.E. & YORK, S.L., pp. 177- 18 1. Ames, IA: International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Iowa State University Press. 10. Nelson, R C, Gross, T. S., and Street, G. M. Vaults performed by female Olympic gymnasts: a biomechanical profil e. International Journal of Sport Bi o m echanics 1(2), 111 - 121. 85. 11. Sands, W Gymnastics Federation physical abilities testing for wome n. Technique 8(3-4), 27-32. 88. 12. SANDS, WA (1993). Tal ent opportunity program. Indianapolis, IN: United States Gymnastics Federation. 13. SANDS, WA (1994). Physical abilities profiles - 1993 national TOPs testing. In 1994 Congress. USA Gymnastics Proceedings Book. ed. WHITLOCK, S., pp. 29-34. Indianapo lis, IN: USA Gymnastics. 14. Sands, W A. Vault run speeds. Technique 20(4),5-8.2000. 15. SANDS, W.A. (2002). Biomechanics. In Scientific Aspects of Women's Gymnastics, eds. SANDS, WA., CAINE, DJ. & BORMS, J., pp. 8-45. Basel, Switzerland : Karger.


16. Sands, W A. and Cheetham, P. J. Velocity of the vault run: Junior elite female gymnasts.Technique 6(3), 10-14.86. 17. Sa nds, W. A. and McNea l, J. RThe relationship of vault run speeds and flight d uration to score. Technique 15(5), 8-10.95. 18. Sands, W. A. and McNeal, J. R Judging gymnastics with biomechanics. SportScience 3(1), was.html. 99. 19. Sands, W A. and M cNeal, J. R. Some guidelines on th e transition from the old horse to the new table. Technique 22( 1),22-23.2002. 20. SANDS, WA., MCNEAL,J.R & JEMNI, M. (2005). A look at th e sprint testTolent Opportunity Program. Technique 25,6-7. 21.Takei, Y.Techniques used in performing th e handsprin g and saito forward tucked in gymnastic vau lting.lnternational Journal of Sport Biomechanics 4(3), 260-28 1. 88. 22. Takei, Y. The hecht va ult: Elite performance, mechanical model, and judges' scores. Medicine and Science in Sports an d Exe rci se 32(5), S3 40. 2000. 23. TICHONOV, V.N. (1978). Improveme nt of vaulting technique in gymnastics. In Biomechanic s of Sports an d Kinanthropometry, ed s. LANDRY, F. & ORBAN, WAR, pp. 237-243. M iami, FL: Symposia Specialists.

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~con tin ued from p.18

order to prepare it for the force production needed later in life. This teaches the tendon to handle and store the energy absorbed in the loading phase and will create an elastic component that can snap back like a rubber band for great force development. Faster, higher, quicker and farther are much easier to attain through elastic training of the tendon and nervous system than through the contractile training of the muscle fibers themselves .

Flexibility is the ability to move the body through a range of motion. Mobility is the ability to move the body through a functional range of motion. Just because a child can lift one leg up in front of or to the side of the body does not mean the child possess' the ability to do either type of splits. Just

because an adult can lay on his or her back and pull his or hers knees up to the shoulders at the same time as he or she reaches up over head does not mean that person can doe a full squat with an over head reach. Those two examples are the difference between mobility and flexibility. Many young children possess great mobility and average flexibility while adults many times have just the opposite. The many types of stretching can be employed at various times in order to enhance flexibility. Static stretching, passive stretching, PNF stretching, dynamic stretching can all be employed at various times. This will increase flexibility and may enhance recovery if done post-workout, but this mayor may not enhance the ability of the child to be mobile. Lack of mobility can be due to various "software" reasons from poor neuromuscular recruitment patterns, asymmetries, imbalances and unfamiliarity with the skill. On the other side of the coin "hardware" reasons for poor mobility are usually due to actual inhibitions and joint restrictions caused by scar tissue from previous injuries or poor lever length coordination at times of rapid growth spurts. Corrective exercise and activation can increase the ability to exhibit mobility in the case of software and scar tissue restrictions, but other hardware problems tend to be non-correctable. Nutrition is a huge component of recovery as well as preparation for the work bout. The most important meal or snack is the one the child eats in the 2-3 hours prior to training or competition. The second

most important meal is the snack the child eats in the 15-30 minutes post workout. Quality proteins combined with some form of carbohydrate are key components of these meals. Hydration is also a factor in the athletes' ability to exhibit skills, withstand work bouts as well as recover post training. Each athlete should have between 4-6 servings of a combination of fruits and vegetables each day. Each athlete should try to limit processed forms of carbohydrate or simple sugars in the forms of white flour or high fructose corn syrup. Blood sugar spiking has been implicated in a myriad of health problems and can be controlled my ingesting low glycemic content carbohydrates or starches that have very little processing. Breakfast is the key meal as it stokes the body's engine for the day ahead and jump starts the body's metabolism. Train hard, eat right, rest and recover in an atmosphere of science based fun instruction in the traditions of gymnastics can lay the foundation of fitness that will pay dividends for years to come.

For more information: "Children and Sports Training" Jozef Drabik "Science of Sport Training" Thomas Kurz X St. Villcent H ospital alld Sf. Villcellt Sports Peifol7l1a1ICe ill Indianapolis, Ind., are rfficial serl)ice prolJidm to USA G)'IIJllt1J'tics. Call 3174 15-574 7 or lJisi! http:/ / spOitspeljol7J1rlllce.stv;

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SUPPORT TEAM USA! The Road to Beijing begins with 2008 USA Gymnastics events ... If history serves, looking at 2004 as a guide, an Olympic Champion may very well emerge in 2008 at a USA Gymnastics event.

Terin Humphrey 2004 Olympic silver medal

. uneven bars

Paul Ha mm 2.004 OlYmpic All-Arou Sliver meda l. high bar nd Champion

2008 USA Gymnastics Events Schedule


2008 Tyson American Cup ............................................................... New York City, Ny ........................ March 1, 2008 2008 Pacific Alliance Gymnastics Championships .......................... San Jose, CA ..... _............. .. .... March 28-30,2008 2008 Visa Championships

Men's ...... ..... ............... .... ......... ... .... .... .... ... .. .. .... ...... ... ............... ... Houston, TX .. ........... ...... ......... May 22-24, 2008 Women 's.. ..................... .................................. ... ..... ..... .. ...... ........ . Boston, MA .... ... ............ ...... ..... ...June 2-5, 2008 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics ........................... .-..... Philadelphia, PA .. .. .... ..... .. ....... June 19-22, 2008 Schedule subject to change.

Visit for the latest information about these events, including vour oDDortunitv to secure vour seats to all the excitina 2008 action.

The Road to Beijing goes through Philadelphia ...



o tr PHILADELPHIA, PA • JUNE 19 - 22, 2008

Event Schedule Thursday, June 19 7:00 pm Men's Prelim inary All-Around Competition Friday, June 20 7:00 pm Women's Prelim inary All-Around Competit ion

Saturday, June 21 3:00 pm Men's All-Around Finals Sunday, June 22 7:00 pm Women's All -Arou nd Finals

CLASSIFIEDS for sale· posit i on available· seeking employment· education· consignment

POSITION AVAILABLE INSTRUCTORS/COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen (ounty!, NJ is looking for instructors and coaches, P/H/T. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Positions available for competitive team coach level 6 and up with flexible hours. Also preschool through intermediate instruction. (ompany sponsored certifications (Safety, (PR, First Aid) Full benefits/ paid vacation & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state· of-the-art, apprax. 11,000 sq. h. lacoted in the NY/ NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all maiar highways. (antact Dol: email:dot@paragongym. com., 201-767-6921 or fax resume to 201-7676693 or at 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 0764B. JOIN THE FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN MASSA(HUSETTS. Massachusetts Gymnastics (enter has exciting coreer opportunities available. MG( operates five "state of the art" gymnastics facilities in the Greater Boston/ Metro West/ South Shore area with programs ranging from, Tumble-tot to National level J.O. girls and boys teams. We are looking for '1he Best" instructors and coaches in the industry. We offer a competitive compensation package and fantastic growth potential. We have immediate full and part-time openings for the following positions: USAG girls coach, USAG boys coach, Ree. Team (oaches. (heerleading coaches, Recreational Program Director, Pre-school and (lass Instructars. Interested candidates should forward their resumes to: Mike (olarossi, MG(, P.O. Box B56, Stow MA 02043 Rapidly expanding and largest state of the art facility in northern Virginia, Apollo Gymnastics, is seeking enthusiastic, qualified coaches and affice staff for our 1000+ student recreation program as well as our champion boys and girls team. These are lang-term positians for professionals who want ta be part af an up and coming premier training facility. Our full time employees enioy a generous benefits package to include dental and medical insurance, sick days, holidays, and paid vacations. We offer a highly competitive salary commensurate with experience. (ontact Valerie Teets at (703)-S80·9144 or Apollo Gymnastics in Woodbridge, VA, is seeking a qualified Team Director/ Head (oach to lead our 100+ strong champion boys and girls team. Duties include coordinating and running both optional and compulsory programs. Responsibilities involve supervising coaching staff, setting the competitive meet schedule, and coordinating team practice. Must be enthusiastic with strong motivational skills. Must be willing to seek professional development and work within 011 aspects of USA Gymnastics to include the TOPs program. This is a longterm position for a well-experienced coach who

46 r EC HN IOU E •

JAN UAR Y 20 0 8

wants to be part of an up and caming premier training facility. Our generous benefits package includes dental and medical insurance, sick days, holidays, and paid vacotions. We offer a highly competitive salary commensurate with experience. (ontact (ontact Valerie Teets at (703)-580-9144 or

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Serving Gymnastics since 1990 with (lass Management and Accounts Receivable software, including free training and technical support. Packed with features, easy to use, and networkable. Flexible setup, easy assignments, rosters, attendance, marketing analysis, automated tuition calculation, multiple discounts, additional/retail charges, inventory management, sales tax support, late charges, early payment discounts, invoices/statements, receivables reports, financial and enrollment summaries, instructor schedules, waiting and makeup lists, mailing labels, send messages and invoices bye-mail, support for bank drah and credit card payments, and much more. Only 5600 (5300/ additional workstation). (on tact Vaughn Software Services at 800-821-8516,, or M(/VISA/ AMEX GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's better than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabrics and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits with our RISK FREE merchandise. (all 1-800-345-4087 far more informatian on how you can get started today! Email: Score Master - Scorekeeping software interfaced to many different score boords: EliteScore, BetaBrites, TV's & Proiectors. Download team rosters from the USAG website. Features include: random draws, create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results con go directly to your website. Supports: womens/ mens, individual/team, artistic/ rhythmic/ trampoline, compulsory/ optional. Downlaad a FREE demo at

EDUCATION Gymnastics Books: These gymnastics drills and conditioning books have been coiled the most useful on the market. Every gymnastics coach must have these books. They include proven drills for skills such as the handstand, split leap, and back handspring. And if you need a whole new training program, the entire package of six drills and conditioning books is for you. If you're a club owner, buy one book for every coach. Visit or call

888-496-8749 to buy the most useful gymnastics books now! You may also enioy the new Swing Fitness books, also great conditioning for gymnasts at

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1-100 words = $100 101-200 words = $200 Vour ad in Tedmique wiN oulomali<a!fy be pl.xed online far 30 days at no oddiIianalmarge. The cxIdr", is: www.usa-gymnastics,org/dassifieds/ Your 30 days.,] be!Jin on the next regumrposting dote.

Available now! The NEW GYMCERT Gymnastics training manuals (levels 1, 2, 3, & the NEW Skills & Drills for the (ompulsory (oach level's 4, 5 & 6) a must for training your staff; cut your lesson planning time significontly; use to coordinate class progressions and skill training methods; and, best of all hove a quick reference that is easy to use which includes lesson Planning Forms and (lass Evaluation Forms by level. The GYMCERT manuals provide concise instruction, clear illustrations, and several coaching, spotting, and safety tips. Will your staff be ready for your fall students? Order direct by calling toll free: 1-866-591-8500 or online:



DEADLINE FOR AD AND PAYMENT January ....... Dec.IO February ...................................... Jan. 10 March . ............................... Feb. 10 April .... Mar.lO

~~. ..::::::::: : ::::~~ \~

July .. ...... June 10 August " ...................... July 10 Sept/ Od. .... Aug. 10 Nov/ Oec...... . . ........................ Oct. 10 NOTE: If the IOlh falls on a weehnd or hoflday, Ihe preceding work day is considered Ihe deadline.



LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time of the year to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecca's Mom popular leotard consignment program is the solution. Our consignment selection features our newest styles and fabrics, including the Framed Hologram style. Rebecco's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team warm·up leotards featuring Holograms, Foils, Gliller, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of soh Velvet fabrics. We also include a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs featuring Hawaiian prints. Our leatards are designed with your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/ 6 through adult large. We are currently accepting new applications from (Iub Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Retail Stores and Summer (amps. Please coli our toll free telephone number, 1-888-289-2536 or fax Rebecca's Mom at 1-818-980-0119 for credit application, terms, and prices. We also supply State and Regional Meet Packages as well as leotards for special events, so please call TODAY J(

Email your ad and credit card information to:

Or mail 10: USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S. (apitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fax to 317-237-5069. *If you fax, pleas. include your uedit ,ard numb.r, exprration dole and signature. Please designate if your ad should appear in Technique magazine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnasti" reserves the right 10 Yory formol. Technique is received by more than 11,000 USA Gymnasli<s prolessional membeo ~us thousonds 01 vieweo Vlill be exposed to yourad online. Advertise your employment opportunily, product, service, OIcompenlion here lorgreot resulls. Quesnons' Coli Luon Peszekot311·829·5646.

FOR INFORMATION on how to publish a classified at! in Tedmique, go 10 hllp:// Or call Luan Peszek al 317-829-5646.

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USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225

PAID Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 7867


2008 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website wwwousa-gymnasticsoorg. Please see the website for the most ruITent schedule. "Tille cnI date SIiJiect to dmge. See for r¢otes.

Januray 27 Phoenixville, PA 19460; 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Phoenixville YMCA- 400 EPothouse Rd. Directions: Diedra Wood 610·933-5861 Course code: PF01272008PA Instructor: Phil Frank 856-786-3977

March 15 North Hoven, CT 06473; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. East Coast Sports Directions: Jerry Nelson 203-392·8874 Course code: JN03152008CT Instructor: Jerry Nelson 203-392·8874


(Minimum age for Safety Certifilation is J6 years)

Mole or Femole:_ _ _ _ __

Professional or Instructor #: _______ Current Safety Exp. Dote: _ _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _--'_______ Birth Dote: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stote: _ _ _ _ _ Zip: Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (W) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E-mail Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'-_ _ _ __ _ Course Code: _ _-'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'--_ _ _ __ Course City/State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dote: _ _ _ _ _ __ Form of Payment:


0 Other _ _ _ _ _ Payment Amount: _ _ _ __

Nome on Cord: Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: ___


Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to r~certifx at live course .............:.: ....:................ no charge Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification ............ $ 65.00 Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 65.00 Non-Member ........................................................................ $ 115.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or dote applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.

All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two (2) weeks prior to the course date*. late registrations incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment wi rI not be processed. late registrations are not guaranteed a book or admission to the course. On-site anillate registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, inciudinD t~e course book, are proVided at the course and are part of the course fee. Certification is valid for four (4) years. Safety Certification is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six (6) months with prior written notification. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. ' USA Gymnastics reserves the right to alter course deadline

Mail registration form and payment to: VISA USA Gymnastics Member Services P,o"d Spon,o, Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapalis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-5212

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