Technique Magazine - April 2008

Page 1

A hi F IS Aero Medalists

Top: Chelcea Reigel Left Base: Kris~n Weidmoier Right Base: Ashley Hargis

PARENT/CHILD CLASS: Partner Them Up ICE VS. HEAT for iniuries

Savannah Shields and Mallory Henthorn

C} List of Congress Topics and Presenters

Madeline Banes ond Kyle Bloom

EVENTS 2008 APRIL 4-6 2路6 or 11-13 12-13 17-19 17-19 17-19 18-20 or 25-27 20-23 21-23 22-27 24-26 24-27 24-28

Level 9/ 10 State Championships (W) Men's JO Regional Championships (M) CoHbus World Cup (M & W) NCAA Championships (M) U.S. Elite Chollenge (T) USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (W) Level 9/ 10 Regional Championships (W) JO Coaches SpoHing Clinic (Level 7/ 8) (W) National Qualifier to Visa Champs. (M) Cup of Ronders (TI) NCAA Chompionships (W) Junior Olympic Optional Championships (R) TOPs Open Training Camp (W)

Vorious sites Various sites CoHbus, Germony Stanford, CA Mobile, AL Shreveport, LA Various sites Huntsville, TX Colorado Springs, CO Belgium Athens, GA Deerfield, IL Huntsville, TX

3-4 3-4 6-11 8-11

National Qualifier (R) Notionol Quolifier (W) JO National Championships (M) Level 9 East & West Championships (W)

11-12 16-18 22-24 23-24 23-24 23-25 23-26 27-30 31 -June3

Age Group Workshop (M) JO National Championships (W) Visa Championships (M,R,T) World Cup Series of the Leman (AG) Age Group Workshop (M) U.S. Clossic/ Challenge (W) Festival Rhylhmic Nationals & Gymfest (GG) 10 Compulsory Level Training Camp (W) JO Cooches SpOiling Clinic (Levels up to 7) (W)

TBD Dallas, TX BOHle Creek, MI Dayton, OH & SI. Louis, MO BOHle Creek, MI Kissimmee, FL Houston, TX Publier -Amphion, FRA Houston, TX Houston, TX Crossville, TN Huntsville, TX Huntsville

Viso Championships (W) Age Group Workshop (M) Junior Olympic Compulsory Championships (R) TeomGym Nationols National Gym Fest (GG)

Boston, MA Los Angeles, CA TBD Las Vegas, NV


JUNE 5-7 7-8 7-9 13-15

W=Women AG = Acrobatic Gymnastics

R= Rhythmic B= Business

NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.



TR = Trampoline TT = Trampoline/Tumbling

19-21 19-22 20-21 30

USA Gymnastics National Congress US. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics World Cup (TR) Final Olympic Selec1ion Event (T)

Philadelphio, PA Philadelphia, PA Switzerland Kansas City, MO

J.O. Notional Chompionships (T) Region 4 Congress Region 8 Congress Region 3 Congress National Championships (AG)

Kansas City, MO Coralville, IA Jacksonville, FL Oklahoma City, OK Des Moines, IA

Olympic Games Region 6 Congress Region 1 Congress

Beijing, CHN Burlington, MA Santa Claro, CA

National Gymnastics Day Region 5 Congress

All Over Indianapolis, IN

National TOPs Testing Region 2 Congress Glasgow Grand Prix (W) DTB (W)

Huntsville, TX Portland, OR Glasgow, GBR StuHgart, GER

Future Stars Championships (M) National Coaches Workshop (M) High Performance Coaching Seminar (W) Junior Olympic & National Team Training Camp (AG),

Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Huntsville, TX TBD

TOP National Teom Training Camp (W) TOP National BTeam Training Camp (W)

Huntsville, TX Huntsville, TX

GG =Group Gymnastics

TU =Tumbling

JULY 1-6 11-13 18-20 18-20 27-31

AUGUST 8-24 15-17 22-24

SEPTEMBER 13 26-28

OCTOBER 3-5 10-12 16-19 23-26

NOVEMBER 6-8 6-9 12-16 21-25

DECEMBER 3-7 7-11

M= Men


2008 • VOLUME 28 • #4


Steve Penny ED I T OR


FEATURES 6 Parent/Child Class: Partner Them Up!

Zemetria Barnes-Perr y USA GYMNASTICS EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE (HAIR: Ron froehli(h; PRESIDENT: SIeve Penny; VI(E (HAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VI(E (HAIR MEN: Yoi(hi TomHo; VI(E (HAIR RHYTHM IC: Andrea Schmid, VI(E (HAIR TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplon; VICE (HAIR A(RO·GYMNASTlCS: Tanya (ose; SE(RETARY: Gary Anderson; TREASURER: Bob Wood; fiG REPS: Bob (olarossi (Execulive (ommittee), Ron froeh)i(h (Audilar), Tanya (ase (AG Technicol (ommittee) and John Roelhlisberger (Alhlele Rep.). AT lARGE MEMBERS: SIeve Bul(her, David Holcomb; ATHlfTE DIREGORS: Kim Zmeskol·Burdelle, John Roelhlisberger, Jessico Howard, Karl H'lIer; USO( ATHLETE DIRECTOR: Larissa fonlaine. USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS (HAIR: Ron froehli(h; PRESIDENT: SIeve Penny; PRESIDENT EMERITUS: Sandy Knopp, Mike Donohue; TREASURER: Bob Wood; SE(RETARY: Gary Anderson; VI(E (HAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VI(E (HAIR MEN: Yoi(hi Tomila; VICE (HAIR RHYTHMI(: Andrea Schmid, VICE (HAIR TRAMPOLINE: Shoun Kemplon; VICE (HAIR A(RO·GYMNASTICS: Tanya (ose; PUBlI( SEGOR: fronk Marshall, Bob Wood; AMATEUR ATHLETI( UNION: Ron ferris; AMERICAN SOKOL ORGANIZATION: Jerry Milan; AMERICAN TURNERS: Mi(helle Lesperance; COLLEGE GYMNASTICS ASSO(IATION·MEN: foncis Allen; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Of (OLLEGIAn: COA(HES·WOMEN: Mark (ook; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION fOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT: Marilyn Slrawbridge; NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Of WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS JUDGES: (arole Ide; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHlETl( ASSOCIATION·MEN: Yoshi Hoyasaki; NATIONAL fEDERATIONOf STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSO(IATIONS: Becky Oakes; NATIONAL GYMNASTICS JUDGES ASSOCIATION·MEN: Bul(h Zuni(h; NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTI(S COA(HES ASSOCIATION: open; US. ASSOCIATION Of INDEPENDENT GYMNASTICS ClUBS: Paul Ziert; U.S. ElITE COACHESASSOCIATION·MEN: Thom Glielmi; U.S. ElITE COACHES ASSO(IATlON·WOMEN: SIeve Ryb"ki and Tony Gehman; US. MEN'S GYMNASTICS COA(HES ASSO(IATION: TIm Klempnauer; U.S. RHYTHMI( GYMNASTI(S COACHES ASSOCIATION: Suzie DiTullio; YOUNG MEN'S (HRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Of THE USA: (osey Koenig; NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETI( ASSO(IATION·WOMEN: Meg Slephenson; NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP OIREGORS MEN: Mike Burns, Abie Grossfeld; RHYTHMIC: Ivanka Kirov, Mi(helle Larson; WOMEN: Kelli Hill, Tom forsler; TRAMPOLINE: SCOII Uneberry, Or. Gearge Drew; ACRO·GYMNASTICS: Undo Porter, Joy Binder; ATHLETES COUN(ll Dominique Oowes, Don Gill, Mary Sanders, Shannon Miller, Mi(hoel Rodrigues, Joy Thornlon, ASSO(IATE MEMBERS: JEWISH (OMMUNITY CENTERS, Lori Katz; SPECIAL OLYMPI(S, Gndy Bi(kmon; U.S. COMPfTITIVE AEROBICS fEDERATION, Howard S(hwortz

10 Ice Vs. Heat 14 Tyson Fitness Challenge & National Gymnastics Day

DEPARTMENTS 2 Event Schedule 4 USA Gymnastics Message

16 Athlete Focus 18 Business Tips 20 Member Services 22 Education 24 Congress Facts 26 Congress Registration Form 28 Congress Additional Course Form 30 Hall of Fame Ceremony Luncheon 32 List of Congress Presenters 38 Important Notice 42 Business Conference 46 Classifieds 48 Safety Certification Schedule


UPDATE 44 Women's Program

(HANGE Of ADDRESS AND SUBS(RIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninlerrupled delivery of TECHNIQUE magazine, nolice of (hange of address should be mode eighl weeks in advance. for faslesl service, please endose your presenl moiling label. Oired all subscriplion moil 10 TECHNIQUE Subscriplions, USA Gymnoslic;, 201 S. (apilol Ave., Sle. 300, Indianapolis, IN46225. TECHNIQUE is published monlh~ excepl bimonlh~ in Sepl/ Oct and Nov/De( by USA Gymn"'ic;, Pan Americon Plaza, Suile 300, 201 Soulh Copilol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·5050) or visil onune @ www.usa· Subscriplion prices: US.- S25 per yeor; Conodo/ Mexico-54B per yeor; all olher foreign countrics-560 per yeor. 1f available, b"k issue single (opies 54 plus posloge!hondling. All reasonable (Ore will be loken, bUI no responsibility (on be assumed far unsoliciled moleriol; endose relurn posloge. Copyrighl 2006 by USA Gymnoslic; and TECHNIQUE All rig hIs reserved. Prinled by Sport Graphic;, Indianapolis, IN. Member Services I·BOO·345·4719


Unless expressly identified to the ,ontrory, all articles, stotements and views printed herein are attributed solely to the outhor and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and ossumes no responsibility thereof. WWW. U·"·· """'





Education is a hot topic these days and is vital to the health and growth of our sport.



USA Gymnastics recognizes the importance of providing educational information and opportunities for our coaches, instructors, judges, administrators as well as athletes and parents. We continue to make strides through USA Gymnastics University in meeting this need for our members. Coaches, instructors, judges, and administrators have the responsibility to learn and maintain competencies. Knowledge of the sport and its skills, techniques, progressions, and rules are all extremely important. But equally important are aspects of risk management, safety, injury prevention and care, nutrition and fitness, ethics, coaching styles, leadership, and business among others. USA Gymnastics University and its certification program are being designed to accommodate gymnastics professionals of various backgrounds and experience levels and provide the foundations of knowledge across many areas. Although we have a number of educational opportunities available now, we also are committed to broaden the scope of gymnastics education in the future . Our goal is to provide a comprehensive and structured educational program for both competitive and recreational coaches, as well as other groups of gymnastics professionals. We realize the importance of a structured education system and want to help all of our professionals be the best they can be. We encourage all of you to begin taking advantage of these opportunities now. The follo wing courses are currently available through USA Gymnastics Unive rsity. Complete co urse descriptions and regist ration information can be found on our website (usa-gymnastics. org ). • OnLine Courses: • Safety/Ris k Management Certifi catio n (also offered as a live course) • First Aid Basics • Preschoo l Fu nda menta ls: Theory • SeLf-study Courses: • Professional Development Program • Live Courses: • Presc hoo l Fu ndame nta ls: Hands on Train ing • Women's Level 1-4 Skill Development Curriculum • Trampoline & Tumbling Coaches' Course • National Congress • Regional Congresses • CO RE Workshops • USA Gymnastics Business Con ference • Numerous clinics/cam ps for co mpulsory, optional, and elite coaches withi n each discipline SeveraL new courses and initiatives are currently under deveLopment , including: • Fundamentals of Gymnasti cs In st ruction • Basic Skills and Compulsories - one course per di scipline • Recreationa l Gymnastics Instructi on • Respect in Sport We are proud of our educational offerings and continue our efforts to provide consistent, high quality, and readily available education to all gymnastics professionals. See you in the gym!


' (j.'~~-rcj~1t~

Kathy Feldmann Vice President of Member Services

Ca ri sa Laughon Director of Educational Services


President of USA Gymnastics





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Linda Thorberg TAGS GYMNASTICS, MN USA Gymnastics National HOT Instructor

eaching Gymnastics to two-year-olds and parents can be challenging and uncomfortable for unprepared staff at your gym. A parent/child class is often the last choice of levels to teach for many because of the "parent factor." For those who do teach parent participation classes, it can be extremely fun and rewarding. This article will provide a basic guide and ideas to follow for successful classes. AtTAGS, our parent/ child classes are "buddy" classes. The parent is the safety net during class and all activities are "hands on." Our goal is to expose the parent to this fun time with their child where they can truly interact in special activities. The more things we do with the



parent holding on to the child, the more involvement the parents have, and the easier to teach. Teaching the parents to play with their children in an appropriate way is a major benefit for the parents. The teachers should not try to pry the children away from their parents. Instead, the goal should ~ conti nue on p.8


~continu ed

fro m p. 6

be interaction between the parent and child, not separation. There are times, like on trampoline, when safety must come first and the children will need to go one at a time with the teacher. But the majority of class time should be spent with the parent and child together. When the children move on to a class without parent assistance, we hope the parents have great memories of their time in class together.

BLAST-OFF, ROLL OVER! This is a way to learn safety falls and rolls. The parent lifts the child up by holding under the arms (Blast off), tells them to land on a target on their feet, and then do a forward roll. The child will eventually learn that they should land on their feet when coming down from a height and rollover if off balance. Varieties of this action can also be done: TWIRL AND ROLL - Hold under armpits, twirl in a circle (get a little bit dizzy), land and roll. SUPERMAN RIDE - Lift them while they balance on their tummy and fly around the room, come back to target to land and roll. TICK TOCK - Lift under arms, swing side to side, land on target and roll. CATERPILLAR A fun, cooperative game of crawling across the floor. The parent holds the child's legs or ankles and they crawl across the floor as one unit. Then change places!


WHEELBARROW WALK The parent holds the child's hips while he/she walks on hands to an object. It's a great upper body strength game. ROW YOUR BOAT Everyone knows the song! Parent and child sit in straddle posit' on, facing each other, hold hands and lean forward and backward, singing the song. Focus on keeping the knees facing up, but don't worry too much about straight legs at this point. PARTNER LOG ROLL Parent and child lay on the floor facing each other. Hold hands and roll sideways together. It is fun, but you need a lot of room.

JACK BE NIMBLE Hold arms or torso and jump over parent's legs. Jump over one or two legs at a time. Change places!


TUCK, PIKE, STRADDLE LEGS Manipulate the child's legs into the correct position. Then see if they can do it alone. When you do straddle, say "Peek a Boo."

Use your imagination! There are many more activities to try. Pick several to do during each class to get the parents involved in a fun way. X

Should you ice iniuries or apply heat? ~ St. Vincent

~ Sports Performance Center

ny athlete that has suffered an injury has experienced the wonderful world of ice. But for how long should they ice? When should they switch to heat? Or should they start with heat? What benefits do ice and heat bring to an injured site? Understanding the two classifications of injuries will help guide you to the best treatment.

Acute and Chronic Injuries Acute injuries, such as a sprained ankle, strained back, or fractured hand, occur suddenly during activity. Signs of an acute injury include: • sudden, severe pain • swelling • inability to place weight on a lower limb • extreme tenderness in an upper limb • inability to move a joint through full range of motion

Ryan Harber, lAT, ATC, CSCS St. Vincent Sports Pe~ormance

• extreme limb weakness ·visible dislocation/ break of a bone Chronic injuries usually result from overusing one area of the body while playing a sport or exerci sing over a long period. They sometimes develop when an acute injury is not properly treated and doesn't heal. Signs of a chronic injury include: • pain when performing activities • a dull ache when at rest • swelling

Cold Therapy For acute injuries, cold therapy with ice is the best immediate treatment because it reduces swelling and pain. Ice is a va so-constrictor (it causes the blood vessels to narrow) and it limits internal bleeding at the injury site. Without the use of ice the swelling can begin to hinder the rehabilitation process and prolong the return to competition . ~ continue on p.12 APRil 2008 • TECHNIQUE


~continu ed

from p.ll

Cold t herapy is also helpful in treating some overuse injuries or chronic pain in athletes. An athlete who has chronic knee pain that increases after running may want to ice the injured area after each run to reduce or prevent inflammation. It's not helpful to ice a chronic injury before exercise. Apply ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time. Allow the skin t emperature to return to normal before icing a second o r third time. You can ice an acute injury several times a day for up to three days. There are several methods of delivering cotd treatments for therapeutic purposes:

increased metabolism, cell permeability, and an increase in the body's ability to remove some of the waste products of the old blood and damaged tissue. Safely apply heat to an injury 15 to 20 minutes at a time and use enough layers between your skin and the heating source to prevent burns. Heat can be applied in different ways fo r different injuries:

Hot Bath: For a sprained wrist or ankle, thi s method would be the best option after 72 hours, soaking well for 20-30 minutes in water that is quite warm but not scalding. Ice Packs: An ice pack can be made of crushed ice or use a

Heat Pad: If there is some discomfort to a stiff neck or a low

canvas cover and silica gel. They are pliable, neat, and maintain their low temperature for an extended period, but they do not lower skin temperature as much as ice does. They can be used for any condition in which cold is indicated, especially if less intense, prolonged cooling is desired.

back after an initial injury and following the use of ice, a heating pad would be the method of choice. Do not lie on a heating pad, however, because the electric fibers that are present in a heating pad can cause burn s. The heating pad should have a timer, or the athlete may have someone el se present to make sure they do not fall asleep with the heating pad on. This can lead to burns and is probably the biggest mista ke made when applying heat.

Iced Towels: These are terry cloth towels that are soaked

Moist Heat: You can buy special hot packs or you could try

in an icy slush. This method is most appropriate for cases of spasticity or painful muscle guarding in which large areas are involved, in cases in which it is desirable to treat only specific muscles, or in cases in which concurrent exercise is desirable.

using a hot wet towel. The hot pack is made of canvas and filled with silica gel. It is immersed in water of about 170 degrees in a hydroculator (controlled heater) and is capable of retaining heat for about 30 minutes.

bag of frozen peas!

Cold Packs: Commercial cold packs are made of a plastic or

Ice Massage: Ice This procedure involves rubbing a large cube of ice over the injury. Freezing water in a paper or Styrofoam cup are the easiest methods of delivery. Ice massage is most appropriate for small areas of painful muscle guarding and for acute injuries to decrease pain and swelling.

Heat Therapy Heat is generally used for chron ic injuries or injuries that have no inflammation or swelling . Sore, stiff, nagging muscle or joint pain is ideal for the use of heat therapy. Athletes with chronic pain or injuries may use heat therapy before exercise to increase the ela sticity of joint connective tissues and to stimulate blood flow. Heat can also help rela x tight or spasmed muscles. Do not apply heat after exercise. After a workout, ice is the better choice on a chronic injury. Because heat increases circulation and ra ises skin temperature, you should not apply heat to acute injuries or injuries that show signs of inflammation. Once the condition is under control, heat is used to promote some circulation, returning blood flow to the damaged area . Returning blood flow to the affected area at the proper time also results in



Basic Tips to Remember • With an acute strain/sprain, ice the affected area and elevate it. Elevation is always best if it is above the heart level. The reason is gravity. It is more difficult for blood to run uphill than downhill. This also prevents the bleeding from becoming excessive in an acute injury. • If the condition persists or continues to get worse, seek medical advice around the 3rd day. If there is a suspicion of a serious injury, such as a bone fracture, always have it checked by a medical professional.

Ryan is a certified athletic trainer and strength and conditioning specialist in charge of training severallRL pit crews and drivers at St. Vincent Sports Performance. J(

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Us Reach


(j)ear C{u6s, Please join me in supporting the Tyson i=itness Cha llenge to benefit Chil dren's M iracle Network. I would encourage you to use t he online fr iends asking friends fund raising outlet to help you market your gym and increase enrollment while you support C hildren's Miracle Network. C hil dren's Miracle Network has created an online, friends asking frie nds website for your participants to collect secure donations on line. Because today's youth primari ly use the computer as a way to communicate with friends, this program gives yo u and your students the opportunity to reach a new target audience with ease and convenience. Since partnering in 2001, USA Gymnastics and its gym clubs across the country have raised more than $834,000 for Children's Miracle Network. USA Gymnastics recently announced its goal to raise that total to $1 million by the end of 2008. Through your participation in th e Tyson i=itness Cha ll enge and fund rais ing efforts for Children's Miracle Network, you ca n be a part of helping us reach our goal l As a club owner, this site ( gives you access to create a customized club page for your Tyson i=itness Challenge so you can invite th e public to participate with just one email! You can even link thi s fund raising site from your club's homepage to in crease participation. The online program gives yo u th e advantage of tracking donations from your participants in real time, and allows Children's Miracle Network to send automatically generated ta x receipts to your donors. Participants can join your t eam through your customized club page and th en make individual fund raising pages of thei r own. t:ach gymnast can e-mail fami ly and friends and ask them to either make a flat donation, or donate a set amount per fitness skill that the gymnast plans to accomplish. i=amily and friends can make a secure on line donation to Children's Miracle Network, and all funds are submitted directly so you don't have to worry about co llecting cash and checks I The home page of this site wi ll track the top fund raising clubs and individuals,



so you can keep your team motivated and excited. To create a club page and get started, complete t he steps below. (Note: Ind ividual gymnasts wi ll not be able to sign up until the club page is created.) 1.

Go t o: http://usagym.chi ldrensm iraclenetwo to create your club page.

2 . C lick on 'C rea t e i=und Raising Page' in the left hand margin .

3. The site wi ll automatica lly walk you through t he steps to create your page. The system wi ll ask you to set up a persona l page first and then wi ll prompt you to set up your team page. C lub owners can fund raise from their personal page if desired and all f unds will be contributed to your club total. Please note: club owners are not eligible for individua l prizes. I-lowever, your individua l fund rais ing and club's total will count toward your eligibility for winning the club prizes. 4. Once your personal page is created, you can create your club page. This club page is where you want to list the details of your Ty son i=itness Challenge activities. You must create a club page in order for your members to participate in the online program .

5. Once your club page is created, you can invite members to participate by emailing them through the si t e. Make sure you tell them your club and coach's name exactly as you entered it on the site. Your members will need to have t his information in order to join your club's page. If you have any questions, or need help rega rding the online program, please email support.usagym@ or call Cindee Starkie with Children's Miracle Network at (80l) 278-8900.



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Maia International Aero Cup TEAM USA WON FIVE MEDALS INCLUDING four gold and one bronze at the second annual Maia International Aero Cup in Maia, Portugal, March 8-9. The competition hosted nine countries including Portugal, Spain, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Wales, England, United States, Italy, and Scotland; 31 delegations and more than 270 athletes. The MAIC was very well supported providing strong competition for all agegroups in all categories. USA Gymnastics earned t he first of four gold medals by capturing the highest 11-16 team score. Krissy Weidmaier, Ashley Hargi s, and Chelcea Reigel (WG) Alexa Vitale, Samantha Larson, and Kelly Phillips (WG) Ani Smith and Ja ke Kanavel (MXP) **All of the above 11-16 athletes are Junior Olympic National Team Members In the 11-16 category, Women's Group, Krissy Weidmaier, Ashley Hargis and Chelcea Reigel earned the gold medal. The trio is coached by Linda Porter and trains at Rising Star Acrobatic Club in Kearney, Mo.



. k ow' Kriss Weidmoier, Alexo Vitole, Somontho Junior Olympic Nol1Onol Teom Boc ~ Ch I ~eigel Kelly Phillips ond Am Smith. Lorson and Joke Konovel. front Row. eseo , In the 11-16 category, Mixed Pair, Ani Smith and Jake Kanavel earned the bronze medal. The mixed pair is coached by Linda Meier and trains at Aerial Tumbling and Acrobatics in San Jose, Calif. Junior National Team Member, Madeline Bones and Kyle Bloom earned the gold medal in the Junior division. Kyle and Maddie train at Aerial Tumbling and Acrobatics in San Jose. The JNT members are medal hopefuls for the 2008 Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships. Kyle and Maddie are coached by Linda Meier. In the Senior Women's Pair division, Senior National Team Member Savannah Shields and Mallory Henthorn earned the gold medal. The women's pair trains at Aero Explosion in Blue Springs, Mo., and is coached by Ronda Francis. Mallory and Savannah are first year national team members. 1\


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Emotional Maturity is a Process: A Question from a Boot Camper Jeff,

In my organization, I have noticed a hiring pattern that I am trying to break. We hire people who are great in most areas but are "emotionally immature. " These people get way more emotionally involved in a situation than is necessary for a variety of reasons--fear of not being liked, fear of being yelled at by a customer, etc. I am trying to figure out how to detect this behavior in the interview process so we do not hire these people. I realize that everyone has his/ her issues but looking at our situation, I think I found a common element. Some people are not willing to change after poor behavior or decisions are pointed out. Where do you drow the line in your organization as far as pointing out weaknesses/issues? It feels like straddling the fence of employer and counselor. M

M, You pinpointed it exactly with the words "not willing to change." Seek to hire those who are willing to change! To determine where to "draw the line," you must answer the question: "how much pain are you

wi lling to accept?" Over the years, in t he very rare instances when I interviewed a candidate who was clearly emotionally mature in all ways, it shined through without a trace of doubt. Did that mean in all the other instances I was dealing with a certain leve l of immaturity? Yes. Reality dictates that a business leader must accept a certain level of immaturity in most new employees. Therefore it follows, a business leader must carefully identify what level of immaturity and what pace of maturation is acceptable. If I were to query the impressively emotionally mature Kids First Department Leaders, I have little doubt most, if not all, would say they have steadily matured throughout their tenure here. CertainLy at least a handful were merely acceptably mature at the onset of their employment yet their pace of maturation was admirable and today they stand out as role models of emotional maturity. I view maturity as a process, one a business leader must initiate and perpetuate.

~-, Ilf)f)')' , f~l'~~~ ~Small Business

The process is a paradoxical blend of (1) recognizing emotional immaturity, (2) conceptualizing it (naming it) , (3) speaking openly about it and (5) patiently encouraging others toward greater maturity, while simultaneously remaining cognizant that he/ she may need to terminate the employee if the pace of maturation is too slow relative to the "pain" the immaturity is causing. This blend of opposites-gentle patience and the courage to decisively cut losses-is a leadership skill that your constituents will recognize and appreciate, thus aiding your effort toward ongoing maturation. In summary: as leaders, we must accept a certain initial level of emotional immaturity but not stagnation. The acceptable level of emotional immaturity and the pace of maturation are yours to clarify for your company. If overlooking these issues in the past has caused unacceptable pain, tighten your stops. Have fun! Jeff"~ Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner PreSident, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center

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• Background checks are mandatory for all Professional Members. There is a roll out program taking place on a monthly basis. You must receive your Green Light from your background check prior to the expiration date of your membership. Please check the calendar reminder on the back cover of this issue. • You must allow 3 to 4 weeks for your background check to be completed. There is NO RUSH fee or processing that can take place.

• Please review all of the information on Background checks posted on the website . • NEW online course available. Preschool FUNdamentals and First Aid Principles. The practical live course portion of the preschool FUNdamentals course is called H.O.T. which stands for Hands on Training . • H.O.T. course is being offered at National Congress and at all Regional Congresses.

TOGETHER WE CAN .......... .

• Reach our goal of raising one million dollars for Children's Miracle Network by the end of 2008. • Help and encourage children of all ages to be active through the Tyson Fitness Challenge. Make sure to sign up and get your kit today! • Increase the number of instructors and qualified coaches through USA Gymnastics University courses, clinics, and congresses. Excellence through Education. • Break attendance records at the 2008 National Congress & Trade Show in

American Athletic's largest stocking equipment dealer Over 20,000 sq . feet of NEW & Meet Demo equipment available. Shipping in-stock equipment same day as payment on Men's & Women's apparatus & mats. Competitive pricing and 50% freight allowance on all orders.

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• •

Philadelphia, PA. Region 7 can you help break the 2,000 attendance record? Attend the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials-Gym nastics Sellout the Visa Championships and support, applaud and enjoy the athletes who will be representing the United States in Beijing, China. Enjoy the great skills and routines of our 2008 Olympic Team. We are on the road to Beijing. Support your region; receive educational and complete certifications by attending your regional congress. Please note all regional congresses are open to all members. Travel to a different part of the country and attend a regional congress. Grow the sport, grow the grassroots initiative, and grow your business. Continue to provide a safe and healthy environment for all gymnasts. Grow your organization. Increase the fan base. Increase the membership ranks.

online, mail, fa x or call with the corrected information . • Make sure we have your current email address. A great deal of information is being sent via email blasts. • Make sure all of your teachers and instructors are USA Gymnastics members so that they may take advantage of the educational discounts and opportunities.

Together we can .. .. .. ma ke an impact, ma ke a difference and grow the sport.

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: • Register now for National Congress & Trade Show taking place in Philadelphia, PA, June 19-21, 2008. Region 7, this is your congress. • Registration is open for all regional congresses. • New online courses. Online theory course for teachers/ instructors of young children and preschool. Online First Aid course. • Hands on Training (H .O.T.) course for preschool will be offered at all congresses. • Live safety courses will be given at National Congress and all Regional Congresses.

MEMBERSHIP SERVICES: • Keep all of your information current and up-to-date. Make sure the correct name, address and email is in the database system. Update information

CLUB SERVICES • Become a Member Club. Immediately begin to enjoy the many benefits afforded by this special membership program. Sign up online today!

• • •

• Register for the annual Business Conference taking place on June 18 at the Philadelphia Marriott pri or to National Congress • Begin the Tyson Fitness Challenge in your club. • Make a pledge to support National Gymnastics Day on Sept. 13 and Children's' Miracle Network. X

USA Gymnastics Member Services Department: Membership Services, Educational Services, Club Services Email: membership@usll1lymnastics.arg Phone 1·80(}345-4 719 Kathy Feldmann - Vice President of Member Services Corisa Laughan . Director of Educational Services Loree Galimore - Director of Club Services Tania Heath - Manager af Educational Services Erica Koven - Manager of Member Services Brenda Grigsby - Coordinator of Member Services Ann Perrin - Senior Representative Juanita Riggs - Senior Representative Erin Chaktar - Representative Sue Stutz - Associate Judy Davis - Receptionist




USA GYMNASTICS UNIVERSITYGYMNASTICS EDUCATION USA Gymnastics University offers a variety of educational opportunities for all gymnastics professionals. Take the time to explore our offerings and get started today. Earn USA Gymnastics University credits with all courses. Additional offerings, detailed course information and registration are available on our website at • Safety/Risk Management Certification This course focuses on safety and risk management. including environmental, program and legal factors, as well as sports injury prevention and care and special gym nastics safety factors. This course is offered as a live course and as an online course. The online course is always available from our website and the schedule for upcoming live Saftey/ Risk Management courses is on the back cover.



• First Aid Basics - This online course provides basic first aid information for all gymnastics professionals. It covers injury prevention, common types of gymnastics injuries and risks and the symptoms and treatment of those injuries. It also includes general information on other life threatening conditions. • Preschool Fundamentals - The Preschool Fundamentals course is comprised of two parts. Part 1, Preschool Fundamentals: Theory, is an online course that will focus on the theory and concepts of preschool education. Part 2, Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (HOT) , is a live course that focuses on the practical application of the concepts learned in Part 1. See the schedule to the right for dates and times of upcoming HOT courses.

• National & Regional Congresses - Threeday conferences held throughout the country. National Congress includes up to 130 lectures and Regional Congresses include up to 75 lectures covering topics in competitive gymnastics, recreational and preschool gymnastics, sports science, business and leadership topics and more.X Pres(hool Fundamentals: HOT (ourse S(hedule June 18... . . ............................... Philadelphia, PA June 22 Philadelphia, PA July 13 ............................... Coralville, IA July 20 .... Jacksonville, FL July 20 ... .................. Oklahoma City, OK August 17... ........................... Burlington, MA August 24 ................. Santa Clara, CA September 28 ... . ........................ Indianapolis, IN Registration information at HH




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NATIONAL 44th ANNUAL CONGRI;:SS USA GYMNASTICS & TRAD[; s~ow NATIONAL CONGRESS "Gymnastics Excellence Through Education" Philadelphia' 2008 and TRADE SHOW



June 19-21, 2008 • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania held in conjunction with the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics WHO SHOULD ADEND? All USA Gymnastics Professional members, Instructor members, coaches, judges and instructors of all levels. Recreational and preschool teachers, business managers, administrators, club owners, high school and college coaches WHAT IS OFFERED? Three days of education with more than 135 sessions offered. Lectures given by recognized individuals in the field . Sessions on coaching, judging, business, preschool, re creational, sports science, and fitness . Presentations given daily from the leading experts in Women , Men , Rhythmi c, Trampoline and Tumbling, Acrobatic Gymnastics and Group Gymnastics Programs. Trade Show exhibit hall will feature 200 booths of products and services from more than 85 different USA Gymnastics Industry members. WHERE: Philadelphia Convention Center Congress Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m


PRE-CONGRESS EVENTS: Risk Management/ Safety course, Hands on Training preschool fundamentals (H.O.T.) course, Business Conference, NAWGJ National board meeting , National Congress Registration opens at 12:30 p.m.

HOTELjTRAVEL RESERVATIONS: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown National Travel Systems 888-603-8747 Email: Website: CONGRESS DATES: June 19-21, 2008 - Philadelphia Convention Center OLYMPIC TRIALS: June 19-22, 2008 - Wachovia Center Men's and Women's Artistic events

JUNE 22: Hall of Fame Class of 2008 Induction Ceremony Luncheon.


U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM TRIALS - GYMNASTICS, JUNE 19-22: Special rate for All-Session tickets to U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics for all Congress attendees. To secure early bird discount order by March 15 (see form pg 38).

POST-CONGRESS EVENTS: Risk Management/Safety course, Hands on Training preschool fundamentals (H.O.T.) course, Women's State and Regional Chair Workshop, Women's Judge's exams

REGISTRATION FORM : In Technique and on Website Special discounted group registration for Member Clubs. Special Early Bird Pricing ~

#Ci§/lUfl ., ...... ... s


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ymnastics National Congress and Trade Show







June J9-2J, 2008 - Philadelphia, PA • Held in Coniunction with the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics

Early Bird Ends March 1 S. Complete one form per person. Photocopy for additional registrations . Your confirmation will be sent by email. Please provide valid email address . On-site registration desk opens June 18. Congress sessions and Exhibit Hall open June 19-2 1. To become an Instructor Member to receive the member di scount, simply check "please sign me up" and include an additional $50 ($70, Foreign Instructor Member) in your total amount enclosed .




(Early Bird postmarked by March 15 - All others by May 26 - NO EXCEPTIONS)

Professional, Jr. Professional, Instructor and Athlete Members

(J5+ years old)

Minimum age for Congress affendees is 15.

Regular Pricing (March 16 - May 26)




$235 Congress Registration


$485 Congress and Olympic Trials all-session ticket package P1 $410 Congress and Olympic Trials all-session ticket package P2

Onsite Registration - $300

(Ends May 26)

$400 O n-site Regi stration

Pl - Lower Level Sides (lower to upper rows) P2 - Lower Level End (lower and upper rows) Special rate fo r 01/ sessions is for Congress attendees. VIP seating is 0150 available for $500 per aI/-session ticket. A/~sess ian tickets are non-refundable.

Additional U.S. Olympic Team Trials Ticket Information


& Other Member Types

$ 33 5 Congress Regi stration

Additional all-sess ion tickets at P1 _ _ _ x $250. 00 Additional all-session tickets at P2 _ __ x $1 75 .00

Please contact USA Gymnastics at 317.237.5050 for additional ticket informatian.

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date (m/ d/y) _ __ _ _ __ __


USA Gymnastics Member No. ______ _ _______ __

Please sign me up for an Instructor Membership. I have included $50 ($70, Foreign Inslructor) in total amount due.

Email Address _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

(Email address must be provided in order to receive confirmation.)

Mailing Address _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _

D This

is a new address.

(Please make the change in the USA Gymnastics database)

City _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ State Day Phone (

Zip _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

Evening Phone (

Club Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ Club Number _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ Check all that apply:


Club Owner







Exp. Date

D Judge D Administrator



Make check or money order payable to USA Gymnastics.

Card Number Signature ________________ __ _ __ ________

Print Cardholder Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Telephone # _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastics Congress, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave. , Ste 300, Ind ianapolis, IN 46225 • FAX: 317.692.5212 Attention: Member Services

THE INDIVIDUAL CONGRESS FEE INCLUDES: • Credential for entrance to Congress sessions, June 19-21. • Entrance to the Exhibit Hall featuring the industry's finest products and services. • One ticket to the Congress Donee Party on Sa turday, June 21 . {Must be 18+ years ta attend. Additional Congress Dance Party tickets for spouse/ guests ore $35 each-ovailable 0 1 on·site registration .I

Videotaping: Videotaping of Congre" se"ions is permiHed FOR PERSONALUSE ONLY unle" the se"ion prese nters announce thot his/her/thei r session may not be videotaped.

Language: The official lang uage of Cong ress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no spec ia l provisions fo r translation of sessions into othe r languages.

Congress attendees with special needs must nolify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to May 26. We suggest this informatio n be included with the Congress registra tion form.

SUBSTITUTtON PaUCY To transfer regisrratian to another person, the new Congress attendee must olso have a Professional or Instructor membership. After May 26 - 530 per substitution Submit request in writing 10 USA Gymnastio, Attention Cathy Allen CANCEllATtON paUCY AU registration cancellations must be in writing. Submit written requesllo USA Gymnastics, Attention Cathy Allen Before May 26 - Registrotion fee less 530 service lee per person concelling. After May 26 - 50% of registration lee per person cancelling. NO REfUNDS AfTER JUNE 30, 2008

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Additional Congress Educational Opportunities Registration Form Mailed and faxed registrations for pre- and post-congress courses must be recieved by June 4 unless otherwise noted below. After June 4 you must register on-site and an on-site registration fee of $25 will be charged.






= ~


NOTE: Due to limited space and materials, admission is not guaranteed unless pre-registered. Due to time constraints, several courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when scheduling.


One form per person. Photocopy for additional registrations.



NOTE: Your Pro or Instructor Address (listed in the USA Gymnastics member datobase) will be used for all correspondence.

...................................................................................... Social Security No ... .

Name ... Birth date ..

.................. USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. # ..

....... Safety Expiration Date ...


Mailing Address .... State ............................................. Zip .. .

) ....

Night Phone (

Day Phone ( Email ...

Check appropriate space for the courses you wish to aHend.




SAFETY CERTIFICATION/RISK MANAGEMENT COURSE Minimum age for Safety Certification is 15

Wed. June 18, 1:30-7:00 p.m. o Pro·Member wilh Current Safety Certification wishing to recertify at live course ... No charge o Pro·Member or Junior Pro with Expired or New Safety Certification. .. ..$65 o Instructor, Athlete, Intro Coach Member .. . $65 o Non-Member .. . .. . ... .... ... . . ............................ ..... . ..... $115

Sun. June 22, 8:45 a.m.-2:00 p.m. o Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to recertify at live course .. .No charge o Pro-Member or Junior Pro with Expired or New Safety Certificolion. $65 o Instructor, Athlete, Intro Coach Member .. . ..$65 o Non-Member .... ...... .. ... ..... ... ..... ............ ...... $115

PRESCHOOL FUNDAMENTALS: Hands on Training (H.O.T.) Course:

PRESCHOOL FUNDAMENTALS: Hands on Training (H.O.T.) Course

Minimum age is 15 Wed. June 18, 2:00 - 6:30 p.m. o $65 (Instructor/Pro/Athlete) o $115 (Non-Member, and other member types)

Minimum age is 15 Sun. June 22, 8:45 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. o $65 (Instructor/Pro/Athlete) o $115 (Non-Member, and other member types)


CLUB #:-:---:--=---::--::-::-_-=-=

o Wed. June 18, 8:00 a.m.-S:30 p.m.

8 - 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast. limited enrollment.

No on-site registration.


Sun. June 22, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. WrittenD 5/60 7/ 80 9010 PracticalD 8 0 9 0 10


Choose Exam and Level or register online www.uIQ·gymnosti! judging/ Scroll 1o boHom of poge - Judges' Amedil'lion

Cost: $20 per test port

' You must have your USA Gymnastics number or dote applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the member discount. Language: The Official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Videotaping: Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the Session Presenters announce that his/her session may not be videotaped. Travel & Hotel: For hotel and travel needs, visit Please return this USAGymnastics Congress or call Notional Travel Systems registration form to: Pan American Plaza at 1·800·603-8747. 201 South Capitol, Suite 300 tndianapolis, IN46225 fAX: 311-692-5212 ATTENTtON: Member Services



Cord No . .. Exp. Dote ... Signature (required) ..

0 Other .. . ..


USGSA presents:

MEGA Raffle

2008 us

USA Gymnastics Congress & Team Trials June 79-22,2008

Olympic Gymnastics Philadelphia, PA

Over $52,000 • • In prizes Generously donated b USGSA Members. $2000 in Gift Certificates from A-l Awards· $2000 in Gift Certificates from Alpha Factor· $7300 Ca"~"'"'­

Block Set from American Athletic· $2000 in Artistic Covering Items from Artistic Coverings, Inc. • $3200 in Complete Work Station and two Preschool Starter Kits from DGS 9.9'5 .

$6400 Complete Flexi

Gymnastics Floor from Dollamur . $1500 in Gift Certificates from Dreamlight, Inc.. $2000 in Gift Certificates from Garland Activewear . $6000 in Gift Certificates from GK Elite Sportswear • $250 Gift Certificate from Gym Treasures· $285 Pommel Top from Gym-Trix, Inc, . $1000 in Gift Certificates from

Hodges Badge Co., Inc.. $500 five-month subscription to Class Software from Jack Rabbit Technologies • $500 in Sleeveless Proshop Leotards from JKLM Designs· $4700 in Competition Mat Set and Holiday Mat Package from Mancino Manufacturing Co., Inc .. $4400 in Canyon Bar Blocks (ha lf stack) and Mobile Gym Starter Kit from Norberts Ath letic Prod ucts, Inc .. $250 Gift Certificate from Patti Komara's

Tumblebear Connection· $300 in Borderlite Leotards from Rebecca's Mom· $500 Gift Certificate from Reslilite • $2500 in SA Sport-USA equipment from S.A. Sport-USA. $2000 in Gift Certificates from Satara Leos· $250 Gift Certificate from Trampolines Unlimited, Inc.· $2200 in 8' Air Beam and two 16' Air Beams from Tumbl

''Gymnastics Excellence Through Education" h t tp://www . uso-gymn a st ics. o r g

Suppliers Who Support Your Congress and Your Industry.

2008 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Luncheon HALL OF FAME CLASS OF 2008

HALL OF FAME CEREMONY AND LUNCHEON When: Sunday, June 22nd, 2008 11:30am-l:30pm Where: PhiladeLphia Marriott Downtown, PhiladeLphia, PA Cost: IndividuaL $45; TabLe $400 (tabLe) HALL OF FAME CLASS OF 2008 Jessica Davis-Athlete (Rhythmic) Stuart Ransom-Athlete (Trampoline and Tumbling) Brent Simmons-Athlete (Men) Marie Walther Bilski-Athlete (Women) Wayne Young-Athlete (Men) Mary Lee Tracy-Coach (Women) Wendy Hilliard -Contri butor (Rhythmic) 2003 Gold Medal Women's World Team

(Chellsie Memmel, Courtney Kupets, Terin Humphrey, Carly Patterson, Tasha Schwikert, Hollie Vise, Annia Hatch, Ashley Postell) LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNER Ke nneth Allen REGISTRATION/TICKET FORM: IndividuaL Tickets: $45 per personIndividuals will be open seating. Reserved TabLe: $400 (10 people) Full tables will be reserved. Tickets will be mailed out to the address provided on the order form. Orders must be received NO LATER than May 14th to ensure proper deli very time.

PLEAS E PRI NT: Please submit email address. Confirmation will be sent via email Name ______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State _______________ Zip Code __________ * Email Address _______________________________________ (Required for confirmation)

Phone : Dayti me ______________________ Credit ca rd: Type _ _ _ Number___________________ Name (print) on card: _ _ __ _ _ _ _


Signature ___________________________

# of tickets ___ @ $45 each .• # tables ____ @ $400 (table of 10) • # tables ___

Donation to HOF * ___________________ Total amou nt due: Table(s) reserved in the name of _____________________________________________


* All donations of $50 or above wi ll be listed in the Hall of Fame Program, Congress Information Guide and Tec hnique magazine. Must be received by May 1st in order to be in publications. Fax form with credit card information to 317-692-521 2 or mail form and check (made out of USA Gymnastics) to: USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame Ceremony - Erica Koven 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or download at usa-gymnastics.orgfHOFf



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USA GYMNASTICS Begin Go Anywhere.

Limit one per person. First time guests and local residents only. Must use some club tor entire term. Days must be used consecutively, and between the hours at 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. only. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be at least 18 years old (19 in NE) or 12 with parent. Incentives may be offered lor enrolling in other memberships. Personal Training and Kids' Club available tor on additional tee. Facilities and amenities vary. Not all clubs open 24 hours. Participating locations only. Not for re-so le. No cash value. Offer may expire without prior notice. See club tor details. Š2007 24 Hour Fitness USA, Inc.

2008 USA Gymnastics National Congress Presenters and Sessions Preliminary Listing As of March 19, 2008, the following is a partial list of presenters and sessions for the 2008 USA Gymnastics National Congress & Trade Show. This year's Congress wi ll offer more than 182 educational sessions, with certain sessions being presented in the Trade Show Hall with live equipment and demonstrators. Along with sessions, the Trade Show Hall will host more than 200 booths of products, services and information from more than 85 different vendors within the gymnastics industry. There will be special events, such as the USGSA MEGA Raffle, which will be giving out

more than $60,000 in prizes and will be held daily in the Trade Show Hall. Only registered Congress attendees will recei ve a ticket for entry into the USGSA raffle. For mo re information regarding the exhibitors and events taking place in the Trade Show Hall please visit www.

Please Note: Initial release of presenters and topics will be subject to change. Please watch the USA Gymnastics website www., for additional presenters and topics. Brad Harris ...

WOMEN'S PROGRAM PRESENTERS AND TOPICS Presenter Topia Tammy Biggs .................... Beam Complexes-Acro & Dance "Need Some Fresh Ideas?" Success Through Circuit Training Elite Compulsory: Beam and floor How to fix Bent Legs on flic Flac and Layout Step outs. w/L Thorberg Raising the Expectations of Beam Skills Drills to Improve Training and Make your Job Easier. w/C. Jarrett Switch Leap Variations Mihai Brestyan ................. Leg Conditioning Carole Bunge ..................... Optional Bars: Releases and Dismounts. w/M. Elfenbein Optional Bars: Circles and Pirouettes. w/M. Elfenbein

.... ..Ideas for Conditioning Drills for Compulsory Tumbling Handspring Development: Level 3-6 Vault

Don Houlton .................... Drills for Technique the Basic flyaway Compulsory Vault w/L Reid Carole Ide .......................... USAG NAWGJ-JAS Meeting w/CMaloney Cheryl Jarrett ....................Optional Beam Aero: Evaluate Correctly w/MDykes Teaching Leaps, Jumpsand Turns Drills for Compulsory Beam Elements Drills to Improve Training and MakeYour Job Easier. wIT. Biggs Linda Johnson .................. Closing the Gap Part 1: What is Generational Diversity? Closing the Gap Part 2: Tips for Effective Coaching & Managing Across Generations

Chris Burdette ................... Elite Compulsory: Vault and Bars Char Christensen ............... Optional Beam: Evaluate Dance Correctly. wIN . Nelson Optional Beam: Compulsory Beam: See the Difference. wIN. Nelson

Martha Karolyi .......... Program Review and Olympic Preview

Marian Dykes .................... Optional Beam Aero: Evaulate Correctly w/C. Jarrett Compulsory Bar: Separate and Rank wID. Witenstein

Tom Koll .......................... .10 Update w/C. Maloney Artistry for Compulsory floor: The Correct Quality of Movement

Myra Elfenbein ............... Optional Bars: Releases and DismountswIC. Bunge Optional Bars: Circlesand Pirouettes w/Bunge

Mike Lorenzen .................. NCAA Update Antonia Markova ............... National Team Warm-Up

Tom Forester ................... Clear Hip to 30 Degrees Correctly Progressions: Basic Bar Releases Preparing Level 5/6 Optional Tumbling : See the Difference w/C. Maloney Don't Reinvent the Wheel: Creating Lesson Planswith USA Gym L4 Cheryl Hamilton... ..

Kathy Kelly ........................ Sexual Abuse-Prevent ItI

.. ... Optional Vault: What to Look for w/P. Panichas

Linda MulvihilL....

. ... To Give or Not to Give: floor Dance Connections w/A. Schweyer Compulsory Floor: See the Difference

Neela Nelson ................. Optional Beam: Evaluate Dance Correctly w/C. Christensen Compulsory Beam: See the Difference w/C. Christensen Pat Panichas ............. Optional Vault-What to look for.


continue on p.3 4

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Peter Pidcoe .................... .conquering the fear ofTumbling Backwards.

Carlos VasqueL ............. Still Rings - Guczhogy

l aurie Reid ............ .... Compulsory Vault wi D. Houlton Compulsory floor: See the Difference w/l . Mulvihill

Jon Valdez ......................... Horizontal Bar - Kovacs & Kohlman or Takamoto 112 and 111 Vault - Handspring Double front (Roche)

Tony Retrosi.. .................... Developing Strong Gymnasts: APlan for the future Vault: Developing a Bridge from Handsprings to Optional Vault.

GeneWatson .................... Basic Parallel Bars

Audrey Schweyer. ............. floor Dance Connections: To Give or Not to Give EnriqueTrabanino............. Body Shaping Ma ry lee Tracy .................. Balance Beam: Daily Minimum Requirements Gary Warren ..................... TOPS and HOPES Dan Witenstein .................. In-Bar Circle Technique Compulsory Bars: Separate and Rank w/M. Dykes MEN'S PROGRAM PRESENTERS AND TOPICS Presenter Topics Miles Avery ............. ..... Vault - Yurchenko 720째 Mike Burns ........................ Pommel Horse - Handstand Dismounts w/Aaron floyd Kelly Crumley .................... Developing a Boys Program at Your Club Jon Culbertson ................ JO Judging Update plusQ& A Thom Glielmi .................... floor Exercise - Double layout, layout/full out, Double/Double Randy Jepson ................... Still Rings - Dand Higher Dismountsand Yamawaki Tom Meadows................... Basic Pommel Horse Parallel Bars - l ong Hang Skill Development (JO dismt, Moy, Giant, Belle) Stacy Maloney................... Vault - Yamashita

Butch Zunich ............ 2009 fiG Code of Points Update TBD...

.......................... Basic Still Rings

TRAMPOLINE AND TUMBLING PRESENTERS AND TOPICS Presenter Topi cs Joy Umenhofer. ................. Trampoline Ski ll Development for all Gymnastics Disciplines Developing Success within your Club as well as financial Trampoline, Tumbling, and DMTRoutine Construction Motivating Athletes in Daily Training. RECREATIONAL PRESENTERS AND TOPICS Presenter Topics Dave Adlard ....................... Games and fun Cool Warm-Ups Part 1 Games and fun Cool Warm-Ups Part 2 Pamela Evans.................... Designing ParentiTot Classes Creating Preschool Gymnastics Games Beth Gardner. .................... Girls are from Venus, Boys are from Mars Coaching to the learning Styles:...

. .. Identify and Utilize the learning Styles to Improve your Coaching. Organized Chaos. Preschool Class Management Preschool Safety: Taking Care of Young Bodies So, You'reCoaching Boys? ASurvival Guide

Kevin Mazeika ................... Horizontal Bar - Takamoto 112 and 111

Tom Koli ........................... Balance Bea m Drills for levels 1-3 floor Exercise Drills for levels 1-3

Steve Posner .................... Developing Sportsmanship and Character through Sport

Patti Komara ..................... Excellence in Preschool Teaching

Jeff Robinson ................... Horizontal Bar - Dismounts Keeping Male Adolescent Athletes Healthy JO Program Update plus Q& A

Brant l utska ..................... Staffing &Training Preschool Teachers Tips for Teachers Round Table Discussion, Q& A l esson Planning for theYear

Bill Sands........................... Training Design for Male Athletes Ages 6-11 Conditioning for Adolescent and Pre-Adolescent Boys Joy Umenhofer ................. Basic Trampoline for Men's Gymnastics

Jeannie McCarthy ............. Win, Win, Discipline let'sTeach REAL Gymnasticsto Preschoolers

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··············Lyiiii·Moskiiilitz .••••••••••••••• MyTiipiOTeachiiigfips ·· Understanding the Learner. Randy Parrish........ .... Uneven Bar Skills and Drills for Classes and Level 1-3 Musical Warm-Ups, Conditioning Games and Ending Activities Develop the Cartwheel and Keep your Gym. Birthday Parties-How to Use Music and Non-Gymnastics Activities for an INCREDIBLE Birthday Party. Linda Thorberg .................. Do'sand Don'ts for Preschool Teachers Beam Bonanzafor Preschool/Rec Stations, Stations, Stations for Preschool/Rec The Latest Greatest Rec Equipment & Props SPORT SCIENCE PRESENTERS AND TOPICS



Alison Arnold .......... How to Create a FIERCE Competitor The Master Coach from Ato Z: Lessons from the Samurai Communication, Motivation & Competition Style: Coaching Across the Spectrum. Dr. Michael Canales ........... Ankle Injuries in the Gymnast: IT IS NOT ALWAYS ASPRAIN! Gina Pongetti ......... ........... Abs and Core: The Absolute of Strength for the Beginner to Elite Low Back Pain: Hinge Theory Presentation, Flexibility and Prevention Abs for our up and coming: It is never too early to start! Gymnastics Injuries: Overuse and Chronic What Do We Do? Flexibility: Let'sReally Stretch the Legs and Back, the Right Way!!

Join the


Dr. Robyn Silverman .........Turning Quitters into Keepers: Strategies to Win the Retention Battle. Helicopter Parents: Strategiesfor Dealing with Over-Involved Moms & Dads Michael Taylor ................... Partners not Problems - Keep Parents off Your Back and on Your Side. S!. Vincent Sports .............WiII be providing a series of sessions. Topic TBD Medicine Team RISK MANAGEMENT TRACK



Phil Frank ....................... Beyond Safety Certification: Coaching your Coaches Michael Taylor ................. Safety in the Gym for Class Instructors Setting up Your Preschool Gym Safely Best Practices of First Aid in the Gym ALL PROGRAMS



A.B. Frederick .................... America's Forgotten Gymnastics Centurions Beth Gardner ....................5pecial People in our Gym: Opening Doors to Special Needs Children. Gene Hurwin ..................... Behavioral Strategies for Typical and Special Needs Children: A2 part Workshop for Recreational Coaches Tom Kovic ......................... Youth Leadership: Developing Strong Team Dynamics The Fire from Within: Developing Competition Readiness College Recruiting 101 BUSINESS TRACK PRESENTERS AND TOPICS



Sean Dever ....................... Should You Start a Profit Sharing and/or Bonus Plan for Your Small Business? Positive Profits: How to improve your bottom line. Tax tips for 2008 Keep More Money Today, Leave More Money to Your Heirs Tomorrow (Estate Planning and Insurance) Steve Greeley .... ............. Staff Manuals (that are read more than once ...) Organizing Staff Clinics and Training Sessions Training Leaders of Class Programs Dave Holcomb ................... Real Estate for the Gymnastics School Owner: Buying Real Estate Real Estate for the Gymnastics School Owner: Gym Design Patti Komara ..................... ASummer Daycamp Program for Your Facility: Why It's So Easy to Do and So Profitable What Today's Mom are Seeking in an Instructional Facility for their Children Creating Ads that Get Stellar Results Teaching Training Systems that Work. Jeff Lulla .......................... Preparing for the Olympic Boom. Jeff Metzger ...................... Handling Confrontation: The Good, The Bad, the Ugly Subcontracting vs. LeaSing vs. Hiring: When, How, Why? No Organization Strategy? ASure path to urgencies, emergencies and 60 hour work weeks! Open Book Managements: How every Business Should Run.

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Frank Sahlein .... ............ .5electing Great Program Managers - with Science Business Expansion the Professional Way. Children Activity Program Trends Beau Biron ......................... How to Restructure your Rec Program to Attract the 21 st Century Discerning Mom ASummer Day Camp Program for your Facility: Why it's So Easy to Do and Profitable. 1\



SUPPORT TEAM USA! The Road to 8eijing'M begins with 2008 USA Gymnastics events ... If history serves, looking at 2004 as a guide, an Olympic Champion may very well emerge in 2008 at a USA Gymnastics event.

Terin Humphrey 2004 Olymp ic silver medal

, uneven ba rs

Paul Hamm 2.004 OlYmp ic AII-Aro u SIlver meda l. high bar nd Cha mpion

2008 USA Gymnastics Events Schedule (Artistic) 2008 Visa Championships Men's...... ... ........... ........ ... .. ..... .... ...... ..... ...... ... ... .. .. .. ..... .. ... .... Houston, TX .... ...... ...... ... ..... .. May 22-24, 2008 Women 's.. .... ... .. ............ ... ....... ..... ... ...... .. ... .... ......... ... ..... ....... Boston, MA ..... ....... ... .. .......... ... June 5-7, 2008

2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Gymnastics ........ .. ... ...... ... .. .. Philadelph ia, PA ........ ......... .. . June 19-22,2008 Schedule subject to change

TICKETS FOR THESE EVENTS ARE ON SALE NOW TO THE PUBLIC. Visit for the latest information about these events, including your opportunity to secure your seats to all the exciting 2008 action. The Road to Beijillg is 0 trodemafk of the U.S.Olympic Commiffee

The Road to Beijing goes through Philadelphia ...



o m Ie t rIJ is PHILADELPHIA, PA • JUNE 19 - 22, 2008

Event Schedule Thursday, June 19 7:00 pm Men's Preliminary All-Around Competition Friday, June 20 7:00 pm Women's Preliminary All-Around Competition

Saturday, June 21 3:00 pm Men's All-Around Finals Sunday, June 22 6:00 pm Women's All-Around Finals

• • WHAT'S


IMPORTANT NOTICE The following former professional members are permanently ineligible for membership within USA Gymnastics: The following Membership Statement has been adopted by the Board of Directors of USA Gymnastics: Membership in USA Gymnastics is a privilege granted by USA Gymnastics. That privilege can be withdrawn by USA Gymnastics at any time where a member's conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the best interest of the sport of gymnastics and of the athletes we are servicing.




Charles Theodore Bates James Bell Jose h Bowers


Joseph Fountain Roy Larry Gallagher Robert Allen (Bob)Garner Timothy Glas Ricardo "Chico" Goddard Paul Hagan Robert Dean Head Ted Hicks Michael Hinton Robert Hoefer Frank Hohman, Jr. Milos Hroch Steven L. Infante

Steven Elliott Anthon En elke Matthew H. Erichsen William Alexander Etheridge Rick Feuerstein William Foster



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CONGRATULATIONS! IT IS MY PLEASURE TO INFORM all of you that the nomination process for the Chairman of the Women's Program Committee, the National Administrative Committee Chair and the International Elite Committee Chair is complete. Nominations were received for ONLY the current chairs of the committee. Therefore, the incumbent Chairs are re-elected by acclamation.


CongratuLations to:


Women's Program Committee Chairman Tom KoLL Administrative Committee Chairman Kathy Ostberg International Elite Committee Chairman Steve Rybacki 1\

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• • • WHAT'S


FIG confirms USA's participation in men's trampoline at 2008 Olympics THE INTERNATIONAL GYMNASTICS FEDERATION (FIG) has notified USA Gymnastics

Chris Estrada

that the USA was awarded a berth in men 's trampoline for the 2008 Summer O lympic Games in Beijing , China, because the International Olympic CommiHee's Tripartite Commission determined no National Olympic CommiHee was eligible to use trampoline's tripartite slot and the USA was first on the reserve list. The USA wi ll now send athletes to the Olympic Games in men 's and women 's gymnastics and men 's and women's trampoline. "Qualifying both a man and a woman in trampoline for the 2008 Olympics has been an important goal ," said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics. "The hard work and dedication of our athletes and coaches is paying off, and w e look forw ard to sending our top male and female trampolinists to Beijing ." The USA's Chris Estrada finished 24th in men 's trampoline at the 2007 W orld Championships, which put the USA as the number one on the reserve list for Olympic selection if the spot was not utilized. Tripartite spots, awarded by the IOC Tripartite Commission , are intended to give additional representation for countries w ith small delegations or that have not yet qualified for the Olympic Games. The USA earned an automatic berth in women's trampoline via their finish at the 2007 World Championships. The athletes who will represent the USA in trampoline at the Olympics will be the first-ranked male and female gymnasts based on the Olympic Selection Points System . Points are earned based on performances at the four selection events, and only three of the four competitions count toward the final ranking , with the lowest points being dropped. The four selection events are : the Grenzland Cup, March 14-15 in Aachen, Germany; the U.S. Elite Challenge, April 18-19; the Visa Championships, May 22-24; and a final selection event held in conjunction with the U.S. junior Olympic Championships, june 30 . To compete in the final selection event, gymnasts must be ranked in the top eight of the Olympic Selection Points System after three events or a member of the senior national trampoline team who has received points at a minimum of two prior qualifying events . To make the Olympic Team , a gymnast must compete in the final selection event and be at least 18 years old in the 2008 ca lendar year. 1;

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2008 USA Gymnastics National Business Conference June 18, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. - Early Bird registration ends April 18 • Seating is limited. Keynote Speaker, Nancy J-Iunter Denney "Zing! Your Life and Leadership" Ever notice how some people have "it" and some wonder what "it" is? Have you started to wonder why some people get noticed and you only get passed by and passed up. In a highly humorous and engaging presentation style, Nancy Hunter Denney presents her original Zing! Impact Equation demonstrating it's never just one thing, rather a combination of the person, environment, skill leve l and minimization of distractions that determine the level of one's potential influence or charisma. Zing! is the thing that allows others to "override competing forces to positively influence others." Zing ! is living life and leadership w ith an exclamation point and comes from the fundamenta l belief, "the energy you put out there, is the energy you get to draw from." From self-inspection to humility, insights are shared suggesting any person has the potential to increase their influence by recognizing another fundamental belief, "you can't expect different results by repeating the same behaviors." It's time to live life and leadership with an exclamation point. Audience members are challenged to use their aptitude to show their gratitude and turn the many opportunities afforded them into a personal sense of obligation to serve a greater socia l good. What time is it? It's Zing! time. This keynote is based upon Nancy's third book: How to Zing ! Your Life and Leadership: 21 Insights Nancy Hunter Denney is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, author, leadership trainer and educator. Although her goal is one of inspiration, she does not consider herself a "motivational" speaker. She is an educator who seeks to inspire in others a personal sense of responsibility (and obligation) for serving a greater social good. She passionately presents her own original definit ions, theories and lessons on life and leadership while possessing a unique ability to teach audience members how to apply them . Prior to starting her own speaking business in 1993, Nancy Hunter Denney worked in higher education student affairs - an experience which differentiates her from many other speakers and speaks to her love of helping others learn and grow. Invited guest speakers include Steve Penny President of USA Gymnastics, David Holcomb, Jeff Metzger, Tom Forster, Frank Sah lein, Patti Komara and Mark Mahoney.

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To stay enrolled kids need to have fun, be successful and learn in a safe Our newest licensees include: and progressive manner. Since 1991 United Gymstars & Cheer, LLC - Kim Mosheim ·d d h d d fib Tumble Jungle, LLC - Tara Jasinski we have proVI e un re so c u S Legacy Gymnastics Center _ Li sa Winstead and thousands of teachers the tools Kandi Land Kidz Gym, LLC - Ka ndi Blakeslee they need to help every child feel Vasilios Aggelakos - Kalamaia, Messinia GREECE successful. Jeff Lulla is Founder and President of the Fun & Fit Gymnastics Centers and was named USAG "Business • INSTRUCTOR VIDEOS - show Leader of the Year" in 2006. Jeff is a National Safety Inhow each skill is taught and create a structor, USAG University Instructor and co-author of the Kinder Accreditation for Teachers - the heart of the STANDARD in your gym new USAG Preschool course. Jeff speaks intemationally and consults on the Fun and Fit PERSONAL BEST • CURRICULUM CARDS - track students progress and philosophy, business and teaching concepts to club owners and coaches. help structure classes by ability level • CURRICULUM POSTERS - for the kids to TAKE HOME to Call or e-mail today f or FREE SAMPLES & D V D track their progress SHOWING THE P ROGRAM IN ACTI ON • STARS & CERTIFICATES - reward ACHIEVABLE GOALS OR call (800) 800-3162 building self-esteem and confidence 42


Business Conference registration fee includes: continental breakfast, business sessions, plated lunch, special keynote with Nancy Hunter Denney, wine reception, Nancy Hunter Denney's Book Zing!, and goodie bag courtesy of the United States Gymnastics Suppliers Association.

Name _____________________________________________________ ClubNo. _____________________________________ USA Gymnastics Pro/lnst. # _________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________


City ______________________________________________ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip __________________________ Day Phone ( _________________________________________ Night Phone ( Email :WLY IIRD ~


EIIIy lin! fIIIstratIot eMs AprIle





Amount Enclosed

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Charge to:




o Wed. June 18,8:00 a.m.-S:30 p.m.

0 VISA 0 Other

Card No.

8 - 8:30 a.m.Continental Breakfasl. Limited enrollment. No on-site registration. * Price per person

Exp. Date .. Signature (required) ..


Uutd Statu ~ S~ /I~ 3tui~wet~


Please return this registration form to: USA Gymnastits Congress Pan Ameritan Plaza 20 I South Capitol Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: 317-692-5212 ATTENTION: Member Servites


Language: The Official Language is English. UIA Gymnaslics will make no special provisions lor lranslation 01 sessions inlo olher languoges. Allendees wilh spe<oai needs musl nolily UIA GymnaslICs mwlllmg mIhlS regard p"or 10 Ihe April 18 eorly bIrd reglSlrallOn deadline. We suggesllhallhis inlormolion be induded wilh Ihe Regislralion Form. Videotaping: Videoloping 01 sessions is permitted FOR PERIONAL UIE ONLY unless Ihe lession Presenlers announle Ihal his/her session may nol be videolaped.

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Women 's Program

UPDATE National Team Coordinator .......... Martha Karolyi Athlete Representative ............. Kim Zmeskal Vice President Program .................. Kathy Kelly


Meeting commenced at 1:00 pm.

ROll CAll NIECC .......................................................... Steve Rybacki Coach Representatives ................... Valeri Liuken Donna Strauss Mary Lee Tracy Liang Qaio (non voting)

1. ATHLETE REPRESENTATIVE The committee discussed the athlete representative for the selection of the Olympic Team. Kim and Kathy will speak with the Senior athletes for their opinion and let Steve Penny know so he can present that to the Olympic Committee.

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2. CHINA PLANS The committee discussed plans for the alternates, our training venues for them and the number of alternates we will travel. Kathy is charged to look into hotels for the personal coaches and work with Peter Zhao to organize training in Tianjin.

3. BONUS MONEY Committee discussed the split of the bonus money for the alternates and coaches. The committee decided to split the USA bonus money with the coaches of the two traveling alternates. The committee made the following motion: Recommendation that onLy two aLternates wilL traveL to China for preparation. They and their coaches wilL be compensated from the Bonus Money provided by USA Gymnastics divided equally according to the foLLowing scheduLe: Coaches GoLd Team MedaL $10,000.00 Silver Team Medal. .................$3,750.00

ALternate AthLetes GoLd Team MedaL Silver Team MedaL Bronze Team MedaL Motion Strauss Second Tracy PASSED


$2,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00

4. CHANGE TO CLUB SUPPORT FUNDING The Committee discussed disbursement of Medal Pool monies after an athlete has changed clubs. Issue was tabled to get more feedback from the National Team Coaches.

5. FLOOR EXERCISE The committee decided to put the Jansen Fritizen floor in the training center before the May camp. Steve Rybacki is working on plans to build a podium for the floor exercise.


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CLASSIFIEDS for sale· position available · seeking employment · education· consignmen t

POSITION AVAILABLE Optional coach needed. Elmwood Gymnaslics Academy in Harahan, louisiana is currenlly seeking lull-lime optional coach, specializing in bars and voull lor successlul and growing program in 18,000 square-Iool, slole 01 Ihe arl locilily_Generous benelits package (heolh and denial, paid vocalion, sick days, holidays and Iree heollh dub membership 10 Elmwood filness Cenler) lor all 01 our lull-lime employees. Salary negolioble based on experience. for queslions, please call Head Coach, Hillary Hebert @ 504-723-4343. To apply on line, go 10 Click on About us and Ihen Employmenl lor opplicalion. JOIN THE FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN MASSACHUSETTS. Massochusells Gymnaslics Cenler has exciling career opporlunilies available. MGC operoles live "slole 01 Ihe orl" gymnaslics focililies in Ihe Greoler Boslon/ Melro Wesl/ Soulh Shore area wilh programs ranging from, Tumble-Iol 10 NOlionollevel J.O. girls and boys leams. We are looking for '1he Besl" inslruclors and coaches in Ihe induslry. We offer a compelilive compensalion package and lanloslic growth polenliol. We hove immediole full and pori-lime openings for Ihe following posilions: USAG girls coach, USAG boys coach, Ree. Team Cooches. Cheerleoding coaches, Recrealional Program Direclor, Pre-school and Closs Inslruclors. Inleresled condidoles should lorword Iheir resumes 10: Mike Colorossi, MGC, P.O. Box 856, Slow MA 02043 INSTRUCTORS/COACHES. Parogon Gymnoslics of Norwood (Bergen Counly)' NJ is looking lor inslruclors and cooches, PIT-FIT. Requiremenls: Posilive oHitude, responsible, reliable, love 01 children. Positions available lor competitive team cooch level 6 and up with flexible hours. Also preschoollhrough intermediate instruction. Company sponsored certificotions (Sofely, CPR, First Aid) Full benefits/paid vacolion & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW focilily, stote-ol-the-art, opprox. 11 ,000 sq. ". located in the NY/NJ Metrapoliton oreo, easily accessible Irom all moior highways. Conloct 001: email:do1©parogongym. com., 201-767-6921 or lox resume to 201 -767-6693 or ot 49 Wolnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. COMPETITIVE GIRLS GYMNASTICS COACH. Position ovoilable lor personol1roiner and coach lor levels 6-8 gymnos1. Salary 01 S44,000 to S48,000 per year for training in personal gym in Montano; 4-6 hours/ day, 5 days/week. Opportunily may exist lor training other sludents as well. Applicont should be personable, goal-oriented, organized, knowledgeable of competitive gymnoslics ond able to help studenl move from level 6 to level 8 in preparation lor college. Pas ilion is from June or July of 2008 Ihrough August, 2010. Contact Dovid Hirschleld ot (406) 466.2646 or Or submit resume to P.O. Box 7, Choleau, MT 59422. Vasi's Inti. Gymnastics in Newtown, CT is seeking a quolified Head Coach for our level



4 through 10 girls' team. Duties include running compulsory and oplionol programs, recreational classes and cheerleoding programs. Requirements: years 01 experience, posilive aHitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Full-time posilion ovailoble now. Salary based on experience_Benefits and Vacolion available. Contoc1:, 203-270-8274.

of year other. In oddilion to Ihe gym in laGrange, Gymnastics 01 laGrange has contracted its' stoll out 10 our neighbor West Point Recreation lor over 8 years. Wesl Point is located approximolely 15 minutes south 01 laGrange. The owner is relocoling doser to family. If you are interesled in purchasing this gym, contact Jane Poythress on her cell phone: 706-302-1211. Email address issmileiov@earthlink_ne1.

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1-100 words = $100 101-200 words = $200 Your od in Technique wi! 1IIJ100000000Hy be pIoced ont!ne for 30 days of no od<lrionol cMrge.1he oddr", I\:

fOR SALE Score Moster - Score keeping sOMwore interlaced to many dille rent score boards: EliteScore, BetaBrites, TV's & Proiectors. Download team rosters from the USAG websile. Fealures include: random draWl, creole rotolions, ossign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and resulls con go directly to your website. Supporls: womens/ mens, individual/team, orlislic/rhythmic/ trampoline, compulsory/oplionol. Downlood a FREE demo 01 CLASS CONTROL for Windows. Serving Gymnaslics since 1990 wilh Closs Management and Accounls Receivable sOMware, including free training and technical suppor1. Pocked with feolures, eosy to use, and ne!workoble. Flexible selup, easy assignments, rosters, allendonce, marketing analysis, oulomoted tuition colculotion, mulliple discounls, additional/retail charges, invenlory management, sales tax support, late charges, early payment discounts, invoices/slolemenls, receivables reporls, finonciol and enrollment summaries, instructor schedules, waiting ond makeup lists, moiling lobels, send messages and invoices by email, support for bonk dro" and credit cord payments, and much more. Only S600 (S300/ oddilional workstolion). Contact Voughn SOMwore Services at 800-821 -B51 6,, or MC/VISA/AMEX GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get wilh the program! I1's beller than ever, wilh a lerrific ossortmenl of NEW slyles and lobrics and incomparable sales potenlial. Plus, it's easier tl,an ever to order, sell and relurn your RISK FREE garr"ents. We offer cuslomized pockoges for your pro snap, meels and summer compoYou only pay for Nhot you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! II you haven't tried us lately, it's time you storted earning extra prolils with our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1-800-345-4087 lor more informalion on how you can getstorted today! Email: customerservice@gkelite_com Gymnastics and Cheerleading Academy For Sale. Gymnostics 01 loGrange, Inc., "Where Kids Come First" is located in laGrange, Georgio_ loGrange is opproximolely 4S minutes soulh 01 Atlanto_The gym is a 13 year successful business, wilh continued growth every yeor. Gymnastics 01 laGrange is a "smaller gym" compared 10 your big cily gyms. The gym oilers gymnastics inslruction lor girls and boys ages 2 and up, and has a compelilive leom. The gym overages over 225 kids. The gym has all the gymnaslics equipmenl, plenly of mals, a porent wailing room, a student wailing room, and two ollices. In October of 2007 Gymnaslics of laGrange opened up the Stateline Siorz Cheer and Tumble Focilily. Designed for competitive cheerleading as well as cheer and tumbling dosses. Bolh lacilities are within 100 yards

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July ..................................... ········ Ju%10 Augusl ........................................ July 10 Sepl/Ocl.. .... Aug. 10 Novj Dec.. ... Od. 10 NOTE: Illhe 1Dlh lolls on a we.bnd or holiday, the preceding work day is considered th, deadline.

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CONSIGNMENT LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Would you like to expand your leotard sales? This is a good time 01 the year to introduce a new assortment of leotards. Rebecco's Mom popular leotard consignment program is Ihe solulion. Our consignment selection fealures our newest slyles and labrics, including the Framed Hologram slyle. Rebecca's Mom specializes in workout leotards and team worm-up leolards featuring Holograms, FOils, GliHer, Rhinestones and Nail Heads and our rainbow of so" Velvet fabrics. We also include a sensational selection of nylon Iycra designs leaturing Hawaiian prinls. Our leotards are designed wilh your Team Gymnasts in mind and are available in all sizes, 5/ 6 Ihrough adull lorge_We are currenlly accepting new applications Irom Club Pro Shops, Parent Booster Groups, Reloil Stores and Summer Camps. Please coli our toll Iree telephone number, 1-888-289-2536 or fox Rebecco's Mom 011818-980-0119 for credit applicolion, lerms, and prices. We also supply State and Regional Meet Packages as well asleolords lor special events, so please coli TODAY. 1\

USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capilol Ave., Sle. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fox to 317-237-5069.

*expIration "you fax,dcileplease include your credil cord numbe, signature. and


Please. designal. if your ad should appear in Techniqu, magoz,", or USA Gymnast", magazine. ADS SUBMmED WI1HOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymn,"li" reserves Ih. righl 10 vary formal. T"hni~ue is received by mare than 17.000 USA Gymn"'"" pmless"""l m.mbe" plus thoUlOOOs of view." will be exposed 10 you, od online. Advertise lOU' .mp~ymenl opportunity. p,odu<i, selYKe. 01 compention hOI. 01 g,eal resul~. OneS"ons? Call Loon Peszek 01317·819-5646.

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i Orca/lLuan Peslek af 317-829-5646.

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USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225

PAID Indianapolis. IN Permit No. 7867


2008 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website lr .J. -i ~ ). ~

*Time and date subject to change.



20 Okl~homa Gty, OK 73102; 2:00 ~.m. to 7:00 p.m. : Region 3Congress, The Skirvin Hilton Oklahoma Gty, : 1 Pork Ave~ue : Course code. XX072020080K : Instructor Jan Eyman 254-694-2065 : August June :. 14 8urIington, MA 01803; 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 14 Stroudsburg, PA 18360; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. : Region 6 Congress, Marriott 80stan 8urlingtan, International Gymnastics Camp, 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd : One Mall Road (Rt 128 & 3A) Directions: 8runa Klaus 570-629-0244 : Course code: XX08142008MA Course code: PF06142008PA : Instructor: Patricia McDiarmid 413-596-2313 Instructor: Phil Frank 856-786-3977 : : 21 Santa Clora, CA 95054; 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 18 Philadelrhia, PA 19107; 1:30 7:00 p.m. : Region 1Congress, Marriott Santa Clara, Nationa Congress, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, : 2700 Mission College Blvd 1201 Market St : Course code: XX08212008CA Course code: XX06182008PA : Instructor: Michael Taylor 650-330-2255 Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430

APri L


20 EI Paso, TX 79907; 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Gymnastics Bite, etc. 8340 8urnham, Ste 300 Directions: Debra Vafverde 915-590-9056 Course code: RH04202008TX Instructor: Richard Hall 505-642-3338

22 Philadelrhia, PA 19107; 8:45 2:00 p.m. Natiana Congress, Philadelphia Marriott Dawntown, 1201 Market St Course code: XX06222008PA Instructor: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065

JuLy 10 Coralville, IA 52241; 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Region 4 Congress, Marriott Coralville, 300 East 9th SI. Course code: XX071020081A Instructor: Jim Schlott 319-338-4946 17 Jacksonville, FL 32202; 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Region BCongress, Omni Jac~sonville Hotel, 245 Water SI. Course code: XX07172008FL Instructor: Chris Calvert 404-6B7-9911

September 25 Indianapolis, IN 46240; 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Region 5 Congress, Sheraton Indianapolis, 8787 Keystone Crossing Course code: XX092520081N Instructor: Bobbi Montanari 614-777-9430





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New requirements for professional membership began December 1, 2007. Background checks are required for all new professional members. All current/renewing professional members must complete the background check by their renewal date/month.

Pro. Expirotion Date

Complete . background check by this date.

12131/07 or 12131/08 ··· .. ·December 31, 2007 1/31/08 or 1131/09··· · . ..January 31, 2008 2129/08 or 2128/09 ····· .. February 29, 2008

3/31/080r3/31/09 · March 31, 2008 4/30/08 or 4/30/09 ........ .. Aprit 30, 2008 5/31/08 or S/31/09 .. May 31,2008 6/30/08 or 6/30/09 .. ............... ··June 30, 2008 7131/08 or 7131/09 ............... July 31,2008 8/31/08 or 8/31/09 ................... August 31, 2008 9/30/08 or 9130/09 .. .. .. .. ... ........ September 30, 2008 10/31/08 orl0/31/09 ...... · .. · .... October 31, 2008 11/30/08 or 11130/09 .............·· November 30, 2008

November 29 Stroudsburg, PA 1B360; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. International Gymnastics Camp, 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd Directions: Bruno Klaus 570-629-0244 Course code: PF11292008PA Instructor: Phil Frank 856-786-3977

For more information regarding background checks, visit our website



15 years)

Mole or Female: _ _ _ _ __

Professional or Inslruclor #: _______ Current Safety Exp. Dale: _ _ _ _ _ __ Soc. Sec. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birth Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address:


Cily: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State: _ _ _ _ _ Zip:

Telephone: (H) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(W) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

E-mail Address: Course Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Course City/ Stale: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dole: _ _ _ _ _ __ Form of Paymenl:


0 Other _ __ __ Payment Amounl: _ _ _ __

Nome on Card: Number: _ _ _ __ Exp. Dote: _ _ _


Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification wishing to r~certi~ at live course .............:.: ....:................ no charge Pro-Member With Expired or New Safety CertifICatIOn ............ $ 65.00 Instructor Member ................................................................ $ 65.00 Non-Member ........................................................................ $ 115.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. All registrations must be received at USA Gymnastics two (2) weeks prior to the course date'. late registrations incomplete registrations, or registrations without proper payment wirI not be processed. late registrations are not guaranteed 0 book or admission to the course. On-site and late registrations will be charged a $25 on-site/late fee. All materials, indudinjl the course book, ore provided at the course and are part of the course tee. Certification is valid for four (4) years. Safety Certification is non·refundable and cannot be transferred to another individual. Safety Certification registration, however, may be transferred to another course within six (6) months with prior written notificotion. late fee will apply if notification is received after course deadline. *USA Gymnastics reserves the right 10 alter course deadline

Mail registration form and payment to: VISA USA Gymnasti(s Member Services " o,d S,onw Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-5212




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