EVENTS APRil 3-5 8-11
American Classic/ Challenge (W) FIG Brevet Judge's Course (T&T)
Son Diego, Calif. TBD 9-11 USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (W) New Hoven, CT 16-18 NCAA Championships (M) Minneapolis, Minn. 16-18 NCAA Championships (W) lincoln, NE 27-May3 Germany International Exchange (W) Germany
MAY 4-8 8-10
Notional Qualifier (R)
Indianapolis, IN
24-26 31-Aug2
U.S. Classic/ Challenge (W) Region 6 Congress
TBA Newton, MA
AUGUST 12 12-15 13-15 21-23 21-23
France International Exchange (W)
France Ft. Smith, AR Cincinnati, OH
6-10 8-10 8-10
U.S. Elite Challenge (TIl JO Nationals (M) JO level 9 East Championships (W) JO level 9 West Championships (W)
JO Nationals (W)
Tupelo, MS Bartlesville, OK Auburn, WA
17 19 29-31
JO Notional Invitational Tournament Texas State Championships (AG) JO Compulsory Championships (R)
Auburn, WA Boerne, TX Virginia Beach, VA
18-23 19-21 19-23 23-29 23-28 26-28
10-12 11 11-17 12-16 12-15 15-18 19-21 16-23
Region 3 Championships (AG) Region 8 Congress JO Optional Championships &11 0 Cup (R)
Frisco, TX Jacksonville, FL Chicago, Il Chicago, Il Colorado Springs, CO
Chicago Cup (International R) Women's JO Notional Team Camp
JO Championships (TI) Son Jose, CA International Sport &Cultural Festival (GG,AG) Fort Worth, TX Region 4 Congress
12 18-20
Houston, TX SI. Paul, MN
Notional Qualifier (M) USA Brevet Judges Course (W)
Colorado Springs, CO Indianapolis, IN
Acrobatic Gymnastics Junior Olympic Notional Championships
SI. Paul, MN
USAG Brevet Judges' Course (W)
Indianapolis, IN
Notional Judges' Course #1 (W) Notional Judges' Course #2 (W)
Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN
World Gomes (TIl (AG)
W=Women R=Rhythmic AG = Acrobatic Gymnastics B= Business
1st World Championships Selection Camp (W) Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Notional Gymnastics Day Region 5 Congress Final Selection Event (TI) Notional TOPs Testing (W)
25-27 25-27 30-0cl. 4 Final World Championships Selection Camp (W)
7-12 9-11 9-13
10 12-18 23-25
Dallas, TX Santo Claro, CA Burlington, MA
Houston, Texas Mie, Japan Everywhere Schaumburg, Il los Vegas, NV Houston, TX Houston, TX
to change or cancellation.
World Championships Training in Great Britain Region 2 Congress Notional Team Training Camp (AG) British Open Selection Event (AG) World Artistic Gymnastics Championships (M,W) Region 7 Congress
Great Britain Seattle, WA Houston, Texas Houston, Texas London, ENG Virginia Beach, VA
CoralVille, IA
Notional Elite Qualifier (W) Acrobatic Gymnastics Freedom (up & World (up
NOTE: Dotes and events
Region 1 Congress CORE Workshop
Dallas, TX Dallas, TX
JULY 2-5
Visa Championships (M,W,R,TI,AG) Notional Congress and Trade Show
SEPTEMBER 8-12 9-13
JUNE 6 12-14
Annual Business Conference
Future Stars (M)
Colorado Springs, CO
5-9 7-15
Notional Coaches Workshop (M)
Colorado Springs, CO SI.Petersburg, RUS
14-22 27-29
Trampoline &Tumbling World Championships World Age-Group Competition (TIl British Open Tournament 路 Stoke路on-Trent (AG)
SI. Petersburg, RUS Great Britain
DECEMBER 2-6 6-10
Notional TOPs Team Camp (W) Notional TOPs BCamp (W)
TR =Trampoline M=Men IT =TrampolinelTumbling
GG = Group Gymnastics
Houston, TX Houston, TX
TU = Tumbling
Steve Penny EDITOR
Grant Glas
USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Peler Vidmar Vice·Chair: Paul Parillo Seuelary: Gary Anderson Treasurer: Morris Jim National Membership · Women: Tom Koll Nationol Membership · Women: Sieve Rybacki Nationol Membership · Men: Yoichi Tomila Nalional Membership· Men: Russ Fyslrom Nationol Membership · Rhythmic Brooke Bushnell·Toohey Nalionol Membership· Trompoline & Tumbling: George Drew Nalionol Membership · Auobatic Gymnastics: Dr. Jay Binder Advisory Council: Mike Burns Advisory Council: Ron Ferris Advisory Council: Mike Lorenzen Athlele Direclor . Women: Kim Zmeskol Alhlele Director· Men: John Roethlisberger Athlete Director · Rhythmic Jessica Howard Athlete Director · Trompoline & Tumbling: Karl Heger Athlete Director · Auobatic Gymanstics: Michoel Rodrigues Public Sector: Fronk Marshall Public Sector: Bilsy Kelley Public Sector: Jim Morris Public Sector: Mary Lou ReHon
2009 •
Twisting Basics
14 What We Know For Sure
22 Rotation r Rotation, Rotation 31 Tyson Fitness Challenge 34 The Enemy Within
DEPARTMENTS 2 Event Schedule 4 USA Gymnastics Message
20 Biz Tips 24 National Congress 30 Safety Schedule 38 Regional Congresses
39 Athlete Focus 40 Member Services 44 T&T Update 46 Classifieds
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www.usa· APRil 1009 • TECHNIQUE
Gymnastics loses a pioneer The U.S. gymnastics family has lost one of its pioneers -- Glenn Marlin Sundby of Carlsbad , Calif. , a founder of the U.S. Gymnastics Federation (now known as USA Gymnastics), died March 18 at th e age of 87. He was an original, and his lifelong love and passion for gymnastics helped transform the sport into what it is today. The many tributes to Sundby are a testament to the man and his contributions to the sport he loved , and our thoughts and prayers are with hi s family and friend s at thi s time. Glenn was among those who brought attention to Santa Monica's famed Muscle Beach. From his earliest days as a high school gym nast and acrobat to publi shing gymna sti cs magazines for over 50 years, Glenn touched almost every area of gymnastics, helping start both USA Gymnastics and the U.S . Sports Acrobatics Federation .
name was changed to "International Gymnast, " which continues today in its current form. In 1962, Glenn was present at the organizational meeting where the U.S. Gymnastics Federation (USGF) wa s born and served as the vice president. He also co -founded the u.S. Sports Acrobatics Federation (which became a part of USA Gymnastics in 2002) in the 1970s with George Nissen. Glenn also established the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame in Oceanside, Calif., in 1986, which moved to Oklahoma City, Okla. , in 1996. His many honors and accolades include: member of the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame (1968); "Spirit of the Flame" honoree of USA Gymnastics' Athlete's Council; Master of Sport from the U.S. Gymnastics Federation (1982); World Acrobatic Society Gallery of Honor (2000); and the Charles Pond Service Award (2005).
Glenn created a hand-balancing In addition to his sister Delores, act with George Wayne Long, Glenn also had a twin sister, a former ex-wrestler and body Gladys, and an adopted son , Scott. builder he met at Muscle Beach, GLENN SUNDBY and their act "Rhapsody in 1921 路2009 We appreciate the many members Balance" appeared at carnivals, of the gymnastics community who theaters and small nightclubs . In 1945, his sister Dolores joined t he act, forming have shared what Glenn Sundby meant to them the Wayne-Marlin Trio. Their stunts included a and to our sport. The wonderful tributes to photograph of the trio on top of a 25-story hotel Sundby provide a glimpse into the man who in Miami Beach, Fla. , and in 1949 in Washington touched so many individuals in the gymnastics D.C. , Glenn walked down the 898 steps of the community. To read what others have said about Washington Monument on his hands, gaining him, go to home/ pages/ sundby-tribute.php. Donations in Sundby's national recognition. name may be forwarded to the Santa Monica After the act was retired, Glenn started "The Historical Society, P.O. Box 3059 , Santa Monica, Modern Gymnast" with a complimentary issue CA 90403 . Please join with us in remembering and in December 1956 and the first issue in May recognizing Glenn Sundby. 1957. He was a one-man show, doing everything from writing to photography to producing the Regards, magazine and getting it mailed. His other ventures included creating the Santa Monica Gymfest, a fun competition, in 1963 and launching "Mademoiselle Gymnast," which was eventually combined with "The Modern Gymnast" into "Gymnast" that Steve Penny covered both men's and women 's gymnastics. President/ CEO After the 1976 Olympic Games, the magazine's
"Glenn's enthusiasm for everything gyntrulstics was most important. He was always determined to preserve the sport's history, giving credit to the great ones that developed the sport. Glenn will be missed, but his contributions will be felt for generations." - Peter Vidmar Chairman of USA Gymnastics
As a coach, you know the responsibility placed on you to get the most out of every athlete. That's why you need a partner who takes the job as seriously as you do. As a trusted sports equipment manufacturer, SA Sport continues to manufacture high quality gymnastics and cheerleading equipment that enhances and compliments athletic development at all levels. And, we've been doing it for 37 years. Our commitment to product performance, continuous improvement and innovation lets coaches and athletes focus on reaching their personal best.
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By: Peter Pidcoe 1 and Donald McPherson 2
h is artic le is the f i rst of a series of artic les review ing gymnast ic twisting t echniques on each apparatus. The emphasis in this one is on f loor exercise. Of course, to be comp lete, the phys ics under ly ing basic f lipp ing and tw ist ing is also included. Fl ipping and twisting skill basics are usual ly learned on floor first. These techniques can then be appl ied to any piece of eq uipment. In the continued evolution of gymnast ics, one prob lem we face is the separation of biomechanists and coaches. Most biomechanists are unfamiliar with the small adjustments a gymnast makes d u ring the performance of a skill so it is difficult to apply the laws of physics appropriately. Coaches (and gymnasts) are often not fami liar with these laws and continue to teach and perform intuitively. This article is an effort to close that gap. Skills that include flipping and twisting require more energy to perform than f lipping ski l ls alone. We describe the energy of movement as kinetic and split it into translational and rotational components . The translationa l component comes from the runn ing speed of the ath let e. The rotational component is more a function of technique and body shape as the gymnast becomes airborne. These energies are two of four that are traded during the performance of the sk i ll. The others inc lude potentia l and elastic potential energy and will be ignored for now. If translational energy is converted to rotational energy efficiently, it al lows the gymnast to successfu ll y perform more comp lex tasks. One of the base ski l ls in tumb ling is the f lip (or saito). Flipping is defined as rotation around an axis that is oriented in a left-right direction (Figure 1). The ax is goes through the center-of-mass (COM) of th e gymnast (roughly at t he leve l of the mid lumbar region in a stand ing ind iv idual). The sa ito can be performed in the tuck, pike, or layout pos it ion. As the body pos it ion is lengt hened, more energy is req uired to comp lete t he f li p. The shape of the body affects its rotational inert ia (or moment of inertia - MOl) . Thus there is a natura l training progression from tuck to layout. Additiona l progress ion of t he f lip can be accomp lished by add ing a twisting element . Twisting is defined as rotation around t he long axis of the body (Fig u re 2). This ax is can be visua li zed by d rawi ng a li ne from the top of t he head down throug h t he bottom of t he feet. Twist initiation can occur at different t imes during the f lip and impacts the rotational energy of the sk ill.
EARLY PHASE TWISTING Ear ly phase twist ing is defined as long axis twisting that starts pr ior to the feet leaving the ground. Often, in an effort to generate angu lar momentum around the long axis of the body, an exaggerated turning of the head,
APRil 1009 • TEC HNIQU E
shoulders, and arms may be observed in the direction of the twist prior to leaving the floor. A paper in the 80 's described the majority of twisting at that time to be accomplished by early initiation (George, 1980). Multiple twisting techniques were executed with up to 90 0 of rotation prior to leaving the floor. Current gymnastic techniques favor late phase initiation, improving technical execution and efficiency in energy transfer (Yeadon, 1997; Sands et. al. 2008) .
LATE PHASE TWISTING Late phase twisting is defined as long axis twisting that is initiated in the absence of external forces . In other words, the gymnast is no longer on the floor when the twist is started. This can be accomplished by creating asymmetry between the left and right sides of the body during the flip or by using a pikearch technique. Both result in a transfer of angular momentum from the flipping axis to the twisting axis. This energy transfer doesn't need to be large. The MOl around the twisting axis is much smaller than the flipping axis. This results in large twisting accelerations from small energy transfers.
TRAINING BACKWARD TWISTING In order to teach a twist, the gymnast must first be able to perform a layout or open-tuck saito. Late phase twisting can be taught a number of ways . One way to promote asymmetry is to have the gymnast perform a back saito and anteriorly rai se one arm straight overhead just prior to landing the skill. This promotes offaxis rotation (twist) in the direction opposite the raised arm and will teach the gymnast that they can control the rate of twist through the speed of their arm raise . The other important lesson is that "tw ist take s away from flip ': The flipping energy (and therefore speed) will decrease as they raise their arm . They will have to supply more energy to the skill to be successful and land on their feet . The next step in the progression is to start to initiate the twist sooner. Since a gymnast performing a layout saito drop s both arms just after take-off to facilitate the flip, it is usually a simple step to have them drop just one arm to initiate the twist. It is important that the gymnast understand that the arm is not dropped until they are inverted and that they will twist in the direction of the dropping arm. The final step is what to do with the remaining arm
(the one that is still overhead) . One approach is to have the gymnast land in the one-arm-up and one-down position and then drop the second arm . This one-two method seems to work with most and eventually results in earlier initiation with smooth arm movement, but still within the confines of late phase twisting . Progression to multiple twisting back saltos requires additional off-axis asymmetry by having the gymnast bias their take-off with one arm reaching higher than the other (the higher arm is opposite the direction of twist) . This offaxis take-off promotes a gyro effect (or nutation) and transfers energy efficiently from one axis to another. It also decreases the MOl along the flipping axis and decreases the energy required to complete the skill. An unusual example: I had the challenge of teaching a double twisting back layout saito to a girl who had a lot of trouble progressing past 1V2 twists. Part of it was her body proportion ; longer bodies tend to twist better since they can typically leave the floor with more rotational energy. She was not very tall , but was very strong . She found that she could complete the final V2 of the twist by raising her arms (essentially leaving mass behind during the last phase of the flip). This allowed her to use her hips (arch-to-pike) to complete the final twi st while still having enough energy to concurrently complete the flip. I have no doubt that over time she will successfully perform the skill with what most of us consider normal mechanics. But, in the short term, she is practicing the skill and gaining more and more kinesthetic awareness every day.
TRAINING FORWARD TWISTING The direction of front twisting is often confusing to th e gymnast and so me coaches when it is learned as an extension of the round -off. A round-off that leads with the left hand is actually a right twist . This is determined by the backward direction of right shoulder as the round-off progresses. If the gymnast learns to twist in a forward direction utilizing a "contact " twist (or early phase twisting), they typically try to follow the "perceive d" twist direction of the round-off and go the wrong direction . There are differences of opinion regarding whether the twist direction of the round-off should match the airborne twist, but all agree that the direction of the front twist
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should match that of the back twist. If this direction is opposite to the back twist, the coach is faced with two options; (1) change the direction of the round-off or (2) change the direction of the backward twist. Both are viable options, but neither will be successful with all gymnasts. There are advantages to twisting airborne skills in a direction opposite the rou nd-off. One is that it requires the gymnast square the take-off a nd use the more efficient late phase twist initiation technique described earlier. This can be seen in the Kazamatsu vault and more recently on a roundoff full beam mount performed by Natsumi Sasada of Japan. The second advantage is again squaring the gymnast when tumbling out of backward 112 ,1 1/ 2, or 2 112 twisting skills. This opposite direction technique may only be beneficial to more advanced gymnasts, but is probably worth any additional training time and effort. (McCharles, 1996) To avoid confusion, many coaches promote training the front twist as a late phase twist and use a pike-open approach. The benefits should be obvious . First, the direction of the round -off no longer impacts the performance of the skill and second, efficiency is improved in the transfer of energy from the flipping axis to the twisting axis . Many good full twisting front layouts begin with a slightly closed hip angle to promote late phase twisting. Those that are taught to leave the floor in an open hip position need to use an asymmetric arm technique to initiate the twist. Flip speed is easily compromised and often results in incomplete rotation . When using this technique, the "overhead" take-off arm is in the direction of the twist.
SOME USEFUL DRILLS The following drills may be useful in promoting the transfer of energy from the flipping axis to the twisting axis during late phase twisting . • Forward ro ll pike-up to handstand d rill s w it h initi at ion of a pirouette just prior to comp lete hip extension. • Front head -s pring (pike) V2 turns to a prone push-up position to facilitate and reinforce twist timing and direction. This can be done downhill on a wedge mat. • Front pike sa ito pike -open drills to in iti ate front twisting and effic ient energy transfer. Reca ll t hose w ho teach arched layout take-offs are often faced with ear ly phase
t w istin g t hat has red uce d flippin g power. • Back extension roll - blind change drills with a focus on initiating the reverse pirouette just prior to full shoulder opening. This actually produces a frontal plane asymmetry that promotes energy transfer to long axis twisting.
SUMMARY There are many ways to teach a twisting skill. The concepts described in this article are meant to provide guidelines rooted in physics . Every gymnast is a little different. Body size and composition impact the application of these techniques. Larger bodies have larger inertial moments and therefore require more energy to flip . Once started, however, that energy can be transferred from one axis to another easily. Unless we strive to teach a single body type, then an understanding of the basic principles of movement are required to be successful coaches and teachers. 1 Peter Pidcoe, PT, OPT, PhD - Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Virginia Co mmonwealth University, Richmond, VA - Optional Coach, Gym Quest Gymnastics, Richmond, VA 2 Donald McPherson - Owner and Director, Aerial Gymnastics, Downers Grove, IL
REFERENCES George, G. S. Biomechanics of women's gymnastics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1980. Sands WA, Smith SL, Piacentini T, Stone MH, McNeal JR. The Triple- and Quadruple-Twist: A Case Study. www.
coaches, 2008 Stroup F, Bushnell DL. Rotation, translation , and trajectory in diving . Res Q. 1969 Dec; 40(4) :812-7. McCharles R. Preventing " Barani confussion': www.i-needtoknow. com / gymnastics/ technique/ barani_confusion .html 1996 Ng NK, Biomechanics of late twist initiation . ISBS Conference Proceedings Archive, International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sport. 1985. Yeadon MR . The biomechanics of twisting somersaults. Part I: Rigid body motions. J Sports Sci. 1993 Jun;1 1(3):1 87-98. Yeadon MR. The biomechanics of twisting somersaults. Part II : Contact twist. J Sports Sci. 1993 Jun;ll (3):199-208 . Yeadon MR. The biomechanics of twisting somersaults. Part III : Aerial twist . J Sports Sci. 1993 Jun;1 1(3):209-18. Yeadon MR . The biomechanics of twisting somersaults. Part IV: Partitioning performances using the tilt angle. J Sports Sci. 1993 Jun;1 1 (3) :21 9-25. Yeadon MR. The biomechanics of the human in flight. Am J Sports Med. 1997 Jul-Aug ; 25(4):575-80.
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Chelsea Christopher-Figure Skater
Marlowe usually works from about 7 am to noon,
For Chelsea Christopher, a 14-year-old
and finishes five subjects in five hours. He has
competitive figure skater with her eye on the
no distractions and enjoys his lessons to the
2010 Winter Olympics, waking up at five a.m.,
fullest. And the flexibility in Marlowe's schedule
skating for four hours, attending high school
also allows him to, as his mother explains, "have
online for another five, and then catching up
more time to devote to his interests: playing tennis, drawing, reading, and playing keyboard. Actually, if it weren't for tennis, I'd probably never get him outside."
with friends is all in a day's work. By the time Chelsea was entering fourth grade, this Ohio native's talent had her parents exploring education options that would enable
Zach and Sam Kennedy-Tennis Players
her to pursue her dreams on the ice while
Handling their first tennis rackets as toddlers.
receiving a proper education off it. Five years
Playing competitive junior tennis at age 5. Helping
ago, the Christophers enrolled Chelsea in the
dad teach tennis to inner-city kids. Competing in
Ohio Virtual Academy-an online public school
doubles and singles junior tennis tournaments.
that uses the K1 2curriculum. Now a high school
Zach and Sam Kennedy, ages 12 and 11
freshman there, Chelsea says: "Learning with K12
respectively, are not your typical pre-teen boys.
and the Ohio Virtual Academy is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. / skate in the morning, go to school in the afternoon, then have the night to myself."
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Marlowe Anderson-Tennis Player When Marlow Anderson was 6 years old, he and his mother went to their local park, where Marlowe casually played around on the tennis court with a few other children. He caught the eye of a tennis coach, who saw in Marlowe a raw, natural talent for playing tennis. Within two years, Marlowe would compete in his first USTA regional junior tennis tournament.
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By Patti Komara, Tumblebear Connection in Dyer, IN
n the back page of Oprah magazine "0'; she has a monthly column entitled, "What I Know For Sure." I got to thinking ... wouldn't it be great to ask the top gym owners in the industry what five things they know for sure about owning a successful gymnastics school. Read, absorb, enjoy, get inspired, and go out and do it yourself. Make 2009 your best year yet!
What I Know For Sure by Lynn Ledford Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 1.Truly know and understand your customers and what they want - so that you can continually develop and deliver the best programs and products at the best time and in the best manner. There is some truth to the adage that if it's not broken don't fix it. My lime green polyester pantsuit is not broken nor is my 1992 V8 Suburban, which has primer on the rear panel and gets 9 miles to the gallon. Most of my customers might see it a little differently. The Tupperware Bowl Registration system might not be broken, but that plastic bowl is not going to tell you that your competitor in zip code B is drawing away an average of 12 customers a month nor will it be able to tell you that teacher Lucy has successfully converted 92 0/0 of her leads over the last 6 months and that teacher John does well with initial conversions but has the weakest retention rate in the gym when it comes to students enrolled for more than two sessions . If you are offering the same programs, same curriculum, same b illing system, same schedules, same themes, same staff wear, same music, same a-n -y-t-h-i-n-g. you were offering 5,3 or even 2 years ago, you are probably not truly in touch with the ever growing needs and ever changing expectations of your customers . .. >,,-,
2. Do not simply try to mimic or follow the success of others. You must know what worked and why it worked
and how it worked. Definitely study and observe, but then take the best of the best and make it your own . 3. You must be able to anticipate all the multiple factors (economic, social, parental, trendy, ancillary, local, etc.) that affect your business and you have to be able to develop and maintain a calculated, careful vision for your company that leads the industry, and the community of child/family based businesses . Don 't just talk about staying ahead of the game. Read, study, think, go see, ask, figure it out, anticipate, then resolve, act and evolve. 4. Keep it simple. At Cal Elite, we often employ relatively complex systems to assess and drive our business. But the end results should be revered for their simplicity. 5. Be willing and able to lead. In good times and bad, a common denominator to sound leadership is the ability to foster respect by doing what needs to be done in an honest, timely and forthright manner. When an employee is succeeding, be honest and generous about that success . When an employee is not succeeding, be honest and forthright about the resolution. One of the greatest strengths you can provide as leaders is the ability to make the tough calls and act on them without wasting time, resources or the good efforts of others. 6. Keep taking the next step. One of the best things we did (and continue to do) was to layout a 1 year, 3 year, 5 year and 10 year Business Plan . We listed goals which at the time seemed aggressive, even lofty. Step by step those goals ste adfastly becam e realistic, and are now our reality. Keep taking the ne xt step . When others fail to plan , Plan . When others do not follow t hrough with the small, seemingly insignificant tasks, follow through . When others back away from the riskier or more challenging step ... step into it. Success is not built on any staggering single decision or huge risky
. J
transaction . Success comes from methodically outlining your goals and the many steps it takes to achieve those goals and then, most importantly, developing the discipline and desire to keep taking the next step. What I Know For Sure by David Klein Tigard, OR 1. Love of Children - I assume that we all like children, but what I am talking about here is having a genuine interest in the care and well being of every child that walks in your door. You can't teach this to your staff like you can class management, spotting or progressions . When you hire staff either they love children or they don't. I believe that Metro would be successful at anything that involved children because we hire staff that has a "Love of Children ." Gymnastics just happens to be the vehicle we use to get into the hearts of children and really make a difference in their lives. This culture of the "Love of Children" has to seep out of everyone from the front office manager to the cleaning crew. Remember that children are very good at reading body language and they can tell if you are faking your interest in them or if you truly care . So, if you think that children are obnoxious and should be seen and not heard, then you are headed for failure .
2. Location - I know we have all heard this one before, but it is so true. "Can someone run a successful gymnastics school without having a great location?" Certainly the answer is "yes," but undoubtedly it makes things easier with a great location. It is no accident that Metro Gymnastics Center was established at its current location over 18 years ago. Location is not only important in regards to the physical location of your building, but also where your building is located demographically. Having great demographics can take the edge off during today's economic uncertainty. Educated, professional families that have discretionary income understand the importance of investing in their childs' development. Having a facility that is tucked back in the corner of some industrial park and is hard to find is at a disadvantage from one that has lots of driveby exposure . 3. Professional approach - This goes for all aspects of your business . If you indeed have a great location and have professional customers, they will expect a professional approach to the way you run your business. This not only goes for how you interact with your customers but also the professional appearance of your facility. A fresh coat of paint every year, new carpet when needed, investing in updated equipment will all show your level of commitment to your business and it will certainly be noticed by your customers . How would you feel if you walked into a doctor's office and the carpet had stains everywhere, the paint was yellowing and the furniture had tears in it? Would you think that business was successful or would you wonder
if they were going to be around in the near future? It is hard at times, but you must commit to investing a percentage of your revenue back into your business for improvements. Having a professional approach to the way you train and interact with your staff is equally as important. Remember that even your beginning level teachers will need to be able to interact with customers with a certain level of professionalism. Having a professional set of business systems instead of"flying by the seat of your pants" is also crucial for having a successful business. 4. Honesty and Integrity - I can say with confidence that Metro has never charged a customer for a service that was not rendered . This is not to say that there have never been disagreements with customers, but the outcome of these disagreements were never with the intent of trying to take advantage of a customer. Being an honest business owner with a high level of integrity can create a solid foundation for which to build your business. By doing this you can also expect the same in return from your staff and yes, your customers. I once learned that people only treat you the way that you let them treat you. You will find that having honesty and integrity will also let your staff and customers know that you can be relied upon .
5. Diversity - The more diverse you are in what you offer your customers, the more difficult it becomes for a competitor to move in on your turf. Solidifying your business into the community will not only help to ward off competitors, but will also provide your customers with a sense of security. Diversity also provides the business owner with the confidence and fle xibility to add new programs that are trends and get rid of programs that turn out to be fads .
A Funny Retort Randy Sikora Boca Raton, FL I love the newsletter and insightful input from the best in our industry. Thanks a bunch . I do feel that a few things were missed. Here are some unsolicited additions : 1. Be a plumbing expert - Kids (and mommies) put everything and anything in the toilet, thus clogging it up. If you don't know how to rectify this situation , then you will be up to your ankles in problems. 2. Copy Machine Repair - Your copier will only jam / break when you need to use it in a hurry. You must know how to disassemble/ reassemble a copier in less than 60 seconds without burning yourself or getting black toner everywhere. 3. Listen to me and shut up - This is for the guys. Sometimes the best thing you can do is listen to someone and just shut up. Don't try to "fix " everything (e xcept of course items 1 or 2 above) .
4. Talk about it less and just do it - Often it is best to just rip off the Band-Aid and move forward. The more time invested analyzing a problem reduces your potential for return. There is usually a quick, simple solution and your only regret will be not doing what you know needs to be done sooner. 5. Go bowling with your staff - Most staff issues will be resolved during bowling. It is critical that the boss pays the tab and provides fun prizes. What I Know For Sure Jeff Lulla Burbank, CA 1. Location - The best staff in the perfect facility loaded with great equipment and a terrific curriculum will struggle or fail if located in a small community with no kids. I suggest you check the demographics research easily available from most local school districts (many are required to update their census data annually) to determine if your desired location has enough families with sufficient income, education, and young children to make your business viable. 2. Well Trained and Enthusiastic Staff - High energy, enthusiastic and entertaining staff are a must. Experienced and knowledgeable instructors are fine, but if they are boring and lack patience, they will lose st udents. I have found that patient, fun and exciting in st ructors (even if they have less experience or gymnastics knowledge than former gymnasts) will have an easier time keeping students enrolled. Hi re people with enthusiastic personalities and train them well. 3. Success-Focused Philosophy - Creating success for kids keeps them enrolled. Competition can limit success to the most talented few. Defining success as 'personal best' instead of better than others and removing contests that compare one student to another will help keep more students enrolled and feeling successful (even your team kids) . 4. Progressive Teaching System - Setting and achieving goals helps keep motivation high and everyone happy. When you provide your clients with lists of skills they will learn, and then show them that they have learned, you fulfill expectations. 5. Quality Everywhere - Customer service, cleanliness, printing, uniforms, fresh paint and equipment - it all creates an impression and image of quality. People will always prefer greater quality for the same or often even higher price. Of specific concern - make sure the person answering the phone is well trained . Remember, the first impression a caller who has never visited your gym gets is over the phone and you have got to come across as professional, skilled and caring .
APRIL 2009
What I Know For Sure Patti Komara Dyer, IN 1. Surround yourself with good people who share your passion. Every staff member needs to understand his/ her importance of the bottom line and how what they do daily contributes to that all - important numbe r. Trust your employees, pay them well , and always expect and demand their best! 2. Clean your bright, colorful facility daily and make sure it smells good. Your business also has to be in a prime location . 3. Run classes with exciting, progressive, and up-to-date curriculum by teachers who care their students learn. 4. Continue to learn something new every day by educating yourself with information from those who have been successful. Read business books, listen to bu siness CDs, go to seminars, buy others' curriculum and build your business on what you know to be true in your heart, gut, and what is right for your demographics. 5. Keep an attention to detail and a laser beam on what your unique selling proposition is. This is what really makes a business different than others. 6.1 have to agree completely with the others -location. I celebrate my 40th anniversary in this business this year. I've been in 12 d ifferent locations during that time . I have always been behind a lumber yard, behind a grocery store, behind a restaurant - you get the picture . You should sacr ifice space and not go into an industrial park if you can get on a main street. Yo u can save a lot of money on advertising if your building is in view of the public. That amount of savings could easily over the years payoff in bigger enrollment and higher profits and offset the bigger rent or mortgage payment. What I do know for su re in a recession or not, is that parents will do anything for a child if that child wants it badly enough . In 1982 the county we live in had 14% unemployment. I didn't have kids of my own at the time and when a Mom came in who was late paying tuition and said to me, "Oh, please don't drop Michelle from class. I will pay you as soo n as I get my unemployment check." It just struck me and I've remembered that incident to this day. I remember thinking how important those gymnastics lessons must be to her daughter. Wow! Our industry may not be recession -proof, but we are recession-resistant! I hope you print out this list from our indu stry leaders. Study and learn from the best. Review it often . Certain advice may not apply today but can make the world of difference in a few month s. That's why going to USA Gymnastics Regional and National Congress time and again makes sense. We need to keep learning and growing. Good luck! 1\
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Open Book Management: Team Pricing, Part 1 o partially fulfill my promise to write more on Open Book Management, in the ne xt two articles I would li ke to share Kids Fir st Sports Center's Open Boo k approa ch to pri ci ng team tuition. Part 1 will make the argument in favor of; Part 2 will supply the method. I am keenly aware that many gym club owners are fearful of sharing information as openly as we do. I want you to know, what I am about to tell you ha s offered only positive re sults for our company. If there is any downside, it is that conceiving and se tting up the docum ent template took a lot of hours ' . But, oh , the ben efit s: (a) we do not lose money on team; (b) in 15 years I have not had to explain or defend the high cost of team participation to anyone . This is yet another example of the validity of the axiom that grounds our open book philosophy, "reasonable peQple , given the same information, will come to the same conclusion."
Pricing team undoubtedly has unique dynamics , far different than pricing classes . Allow me to weave the logic that dri ves the method. The following is a vertical argument, so please take time to ass imilate each point before moving on. I treat the following as facts of life
and you should too: 1. The expenses of operating a tea m are greater than what parents rea lize, therefore, sticker shock is ine vi table and prices are likely perceived as unrea so nable. 2. Any succ es sf ul pricing strategy requires that the public view prices as rea so nable (your product provides va lue for the dollars requested). 3. Point #1 and #2 are in di rect conf lict with each other and will re main so unle ss new thinking intervenes. 4. New thinking require s new in for mation. 5. You are the only party in a position to supply the new information . 6. The new information you need to supply is: (a) objectively make the costs of operating team known to your parents while at the same time (b) unobjectively raise the perceived value of team participation by marketing the wonderful benefits of team participation. 7. Fail to share this new information and you will continue to have whatever conflicts you have always had . 8. Get smart and share the information! A second argument coming to the same conclusion: 1. When a gym club truly break s even on its team', the profit from a
Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center
reasonably stro ng class base should offer a healthy overall co mpan y profit. (Not always true for top hea vy, team oriented programs but generally tr ue for most models i nclu di ng Kids First.) 2. When presented objectively, mo st parent s will easily agree to the following state me nt : "Moms , Dad s, we do not st rive to make money on your child but we ca nnot stay in bu siness when we lo se mon ey ." 3. No w simply, objectively, offer up the data and (fig urati vely) allow them to calculate what t ea m tuition need s to be for you to stay in bu sine ss . The parent s may no t like the numbe r they see but they will understand it . Now, mix in skillful ma rketing and you ha ve a good chance of them accepting it! , Caution: it is easy to miscalculate your true break-even . I have heard countles s gym club owners claim to break-even on team yet after further que stioning I find they are breaking even on coaches' wages but failing to fully capture overhead, a potentially huge mista ke. To make my point, at Kids First, coaches' wages and overhead per athlete per hour are near equal; you can see how far under budget we would be if we failed to fully capture overhead . Part 2 will give you detail on the method . Until then, make it great month! Jeff Metzger X
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ymnasts train and perform in multiple planes of movement . Flexion, extension, side bending and rotation are all forms of the complex movement patterns that you will see take place during gymnastics training sessions and competitions . Since gymnastics is also a sport characterized by explosive movements requiring high amounts of strength and excessive amounts of flexibility, it is vital that gymnasts train their core, the area around which the majority of these movements take place, in order to prevent injury. What we consider the athlete's "core" is basically the musculoskeletal segment of the body comprising the trunk and mid-thigh. This includes all of the muscles on the front, sides, and back of the body in this region . Again, this area of the body is the epicenter or the origin upon which many gymnastics movements occur. Therefore, this is one of the main areas of the body that has been susceptible to injury. Coaches and instructors have attempted to offset injuries to the abdominal region, and particularly the low back and hips by adding core and abdominal exercises to their training sessions . Exercises that strengthen the fle xors of the trunk and hips (rectus abdominis and iliopsoas, respectively) are often utilized in training sessions through variations of sit-ups, crunches, planks, and knee raises. However, there has been a noted lack of strength and stability in the rotational core muscles of many gymnasts, suggesting that exercises that strengthen the internal and external obliques are often forgotten or ineffective. Part One of the Rotation, Rotat ion , Rotation article series will address why rotational stability is especially important to the gymnast, and which exercises your gymnasts can perform in order to enhance this strength attribute .
Rotat ional Stability Stability involves the ability of various musculoskeletal tissues to provide resistance to detrimental and excessive ranges of motion that may occur at a joint or segment of the body. Before an athlete can get stronger in any general area of the body, it is best to be able to control that body segment first. Trying to gain strength without first establishing a quality base of stability is similar to building a brick house on a plot of quick sand or balancing a bowling ball on a broken finger. Optimal core stability strength in every athlete is vital, as the limbs (arms and legs) tend to respond better to what they are attached to--a strong and stable core . As an example, can your athlete maintain core stability (maintain
muscular control of a neutral torso) while performing an "Arabian, " (an exercise involving powerful hip extension with rotation)? A weakness in rotational stability and strength, due to a lack of planned training specifically for the internal and external obliques, is one of the culprits linked to the source of low back pain, in addition to less than optimal performance. Here are a few exercises to challenge the development of your athlete's rotary stability. These exercises are good for males and females . 1. Rolling. Have your athlete lay on her back, stretch her left arm out to the side, and place her right hand on the side of her head. Next, have her bring her right elbow and left knee together (keep the left leg straight) . Now have her roll to the left, all the way down towards her right arm, and roll right back up to the starting position . She must try to perform this rolling up and down movement without letting her elbow and knee come apart. Stability is challenged in this exercise due to the athlete trying to maintain a flexed position while changing the orientation of her body.
Exercise Description: Athlete holds opposite elbow and knee together while rolling down towards outstretched arm, and back to facing up. The goal is to not let the elbow and knee separate until the exercise set is completed. 1-3 sets of 10-15 rolls. 2. Lateral Plank and Lateral Plank with rotation. The athlete should lay on her side in a straight line with her elbow positioned directly under her shoulder and feet aligned straight ahead. Next, the athlete should lift her body off the ground-focusing on guiding the hips directly up_ If the athlete is wearing shoes, instruct her to use the outside edge of the shoe as a platform; if she is not wearing shoes she should focus on using the side edge of her foot as a platform. The athlete's ankle should not be touching the ground. Have the athlete hold this "bridged" position for time.
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Another variation involves adding rotation to the lateral
turning the ball. The goal for the working athlete is to not
plank by having the athlete reach under her body and back
let the ball get taken away.
up with her free hand. Instruct the athlete to keep her eyes on the moving hand, and execute the rotation without dropping her hips .
Exercise Description: Athlete has to keep the ball locked in-between his elbows and thighs, and not let it get pulled away. Perform 1-3 sets of 20·30 second holds. Exercise Description: Athlete position himself on his side with elbow lined up underneath his shoulder. Lift hips up towards the ceiling. Perform 1-3 sets of 20-40 seconds
5. Half kneeling arm-lock. The athlete will get in a kneeling stance with one leg down and the other flexed at approximately gO-degrees. With an upright, tall posture,
3. Rocking Chairs. Have the athlete sit on the floor with
have the athlete hold both arms completely extended
knees bent. Place hands on the side of the head and place
out in front of the chest . Have a coach or another athlete
elbows on the knees . The goal is to keep the elbows and
gently push inward on either hand, attempting to make
knees connected as the gymnast is rocked back and forth
the athlete's arms or body move. The goal of the athlete
from the ankles by a coach or another athlete. A more
performing this exercise is to remain completely still while
difficult variation would include having the athlete keep
his is being pushed inward from each direction. A more
one elbow and the opposite knee together while being
challenging variation would be to alternate pressing in
rocked back and forth . Yet a more difficult version would be
different directions mUltiple times .
to have the athlete perform either variation of the rocking chair exercise while sitting on top of a Bosu ball.
Exercise Description: Athlete has to contract abdominal wall in order to not get pushed over or let arms bend. Pressure should be applied from both sides of his body. Perform 1-3 sets of 10·30 second holds on each bent leg Conclusion : The artistic movements of the gymnast necessitates a strong core . Not only are the core muscles used to initiate these movements but they must transfer force from the ground and up through the body; they must slow down excessive ranges of motion that will compromise the integrity of ligaments and joints; and they must serve as a stable platform upon which the limbs of the body can Exercise Description: Athlete has to keep elbows and knees touching while being rocked back and forth. Perform 1-3 sets of 10-20 rocks. Alternate rocking chair with Bosu ball »
support and successfully execute all of the dynamic acts of a gymnast. A lack of core stability places the athlete in jeopardy of not being able to successfully disperse the compressive and shearing forces of the powerful and complex movements the gymnasts' body is exposed to on a
4. Vice grips. The athlete will lay on his back with his knees
routine basis-thus it could be an injury waiting to happen.
bent at about a gO-degree angle, and hands on the sides
Special attention to strengthening the gymnast from the
of his head. Place a physioball in-between his elbows and
core out should be an area of focus for all coaches and
on top of his thighs. The athlete will then flex to squeeze
and hold the ball between his elbows and thighs. Have a coach or another athlete attempt to get the ball away from the athlete performing the exercise by pulling, twisting, and
Exercises contributed from author, Darrell Barnes, MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS, and Aaron Feldman, BS 1\
USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS AND TRADE SHOW Held in conjunction with 2009 Visa Championships August 13-15, 2009, Dallas, Texas PRE-CONGRESS EVENTS
Who should attend? A ll USA Gymnastics Profess iona l, Instructor, and Introductory Coach members. Coaches, judges and instructors of all levels. Recreational and preschool teachers, business managers, administrators, club owners, hig h school and college coaches.
What is offered? Three days of education with more than 170 sessions. Lectures given by recognized top individuals in the field. Sessions are provided on coaching, judging, business, preschool, recreational, sports science, fitness, and cheerleading. The opportunity to learn from leading experts from all six disciplines, Women's, Men's, Rhythmic, Acrobatics, Gymnastics for All and Trampoline and Tumbling. Along with the sessions, the Trade Show exhibit hall will feature 200 booths of products and information from more than 90 Industry Member vendors. Special events, such as the USGSA Mega Raffle take place in the exhibit hall daily. All Congress attendees are also allowed entry to the Acrobatic, Rhythmic, and Trampoline and Tumbling competitions with their Congress credential. Congress Dates: August 13-15,2009 Where: Sheraton Dallas Hotel (Dallas, Texas) Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. Five sessions offered per day. Hotel: Sheraton Dallas Hotel (Dallas, Texas) HotellTravel Reservations: National Travel Systems 888-603-8747 Email: sportsinfo@nationaltravel system Website:
Wednesday-August 12: Safety/ Risk Management certification course, Preschool Fundamental Hands on Training (H .O.T.) course, Business Conference. T & T State Chair/ Regional Chair. Workshop. National Congress Registration opens at 12:30 p.m. More events to be added.
Friday-August 14: 2009 Hall of Fame Luncheon and Awards Ceremony
Post-Congress Events August 16: Safety/ Risk Management certification course, Preschool Fundamentals Part 2: Hands on Training (H.O.T.) course, Women 's State and Regional Chair Workshop, Women'sJudge's exams.
Visa Championships: August 12 - 1 S, 2009 Men's and Women's Artistic events at American Airlines Arena. RhythmiC, Acrobatics and Trampoline & Tumbling at the Dallas Convention Center. Visa Championships Tickets : Special rate available for all-session tickets for Congress attendees. Reg istration form : Please visit for more information or refer to the registration form available in upcoming issues of Technique magazine.
Special discounted group registration for Member Clubs. Special Early Bird Pricing available through May 15th.
,Ex, "I!UK
Office Use Only
2009 USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show Individual Registration Form
Thwugh EdtK dtfon
I Dallas· 2009
Postmarked _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Payment _ _ _ _ _ __ __
August 13-15,2009 Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas Held in conjunction with the 2009 Visa Championships www.usaqvmnasticsnationa/conqress.orq
Check/Reg # _ _ _~ _ _ __ Auth _ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ __
Early bird registration ends May 15. Use this form for individual registration only. Online registration available. Please provide a valid personal email address. You r registration confirmation will be sent by email only. On-site registration opens August 12. Congress sessions and Exhibit Hall open Aug 13-15. If applying for membership to receive the member discount price, you must attach a separate membership application.
Congress Costs (Early Bird postmarked by May 15 - All others by July 12) Please select all that apply. Payment in full is required at time of registration. Minimum age for all Congress attendees is 15. Professional. Jr. Professional. Instructor. Foreign Instructor and Athlete Members (age 15+)
o o o o o o
$199 Early Bird Congress Registration
Individual registration fee includes: 1. Credential for entrance to Congress sessions. Aug 13-15. Credential available at check-in Aug 13. 2. One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday, Aug 15. Must be 18+ to attend. Additional tickets for spouse/guest are $35 each, available at on-site registration . 3. Free admission to Acro, Rhythmic and T& T competitions. 4. Registration & attendance earns individual USA Gymnastics University credits. 5 . Trade show admission.
$374 Early Bird Congress Registration and P2 all-session ticket package $298 Early Bird Congress Registration and P3 all-session ticket package $235 Regula r Congress Registration $410 Regular Congress Registration and P2 all-session ticket package $334 Regular Congress Registration and P3 all-session ticket package
Ticket detai ls:
New for 2009 - Introductory Coach Special Pricing
o o o o o o
P2: lower level sides.
$229 Early Bird Congress Registration
P3 : lower & mid level sides & lower level end.
$404 Early Bird Congress Registration and P2 all-session ticket package
VIP ticket package avai lable at .
$328 Early Bird Congress Registration and P3 all-session ticket package
Special ticke t rate for all sessions is for purchase for Congress attendees . Tickets will be mailed to address on registration form approximately 4 weeks prior to event. All-session tickets are NONREFUNDABLE. Please contact USA Gymnastics at 317-237-5050 for
$265 Regular Congress Registration $440 Regular Congress Registration and P2 all-session ticket package $364 Regular Congress Registration and P3 all-session ticket package
additional ticket info. Visa is the only card accepted at the 2009 Visa Championships.
Non-Member (Early Bird discount does not apply)
If applying for membership, please attach a completed membership application.
$335 Congress Registration (On-site registration price $400)
For Your Hotel and Travel Needs, Contact National Travel Systems sportsinfo@nationa ltravelsyste m .com
Additional 2009 Visa Championships All-Session TIcket Packages (please indicate total II of packages) All-session tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE. Special ticket pricing for Congress Attendees.
Or call 1.888.603.8747 or 806. 794.3135
Visa Championships all-session ticket package P2 _ _ _ x $175 Visa Championships all-session ticket package P3 _ _ _
x $99
Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ USA G. Membership # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mailing Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ __ Zip _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Club Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Club # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Check all that apply: 0 Club Owner 0 Coach/Teacher 0 Judge 0 Administrator 0 Other
o Visa
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0 Other___ Card # ______________________ Exp. Date __;:::=======-_"S_A~Gym _M_'U_"_~_k'_m_".:.you_'_':.."':..y~_...~>"<>u _'v_;~_'_U<_ "
Signature _________________________________________________________________
Payment totals- Make
Print Cardholder Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Registration (package) total: $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Email Address for credit card receipt _______________________
payable to USA Gymnastics
Additional ticket package total: $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Total payment authorized/enclosed:
Return completed form and payment to: USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Washington St. Ste . 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204 or by fax : 317.692 .5212 Attention: Member Services Nationa I Congress Policies in brief: •
Videotaping of Congress sessions is perm itted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the session presenters announce that his/her/thei r session may not be videotaped.
The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessions into other languages. Congress attendees with special needs mu st notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to July 12. The Sheraton Hotel & Dallas Convention Center are handicap accessible facilities. We suggest you include your need in writing when subm itting thi s form .
$ $ _ - -- - -- -
Substitution Policy: To transfer re gistration to another person, the new Congress attendee must also have a USA Gymnastics Congress-eligible membership. After July 12, $30 fee per substitution. Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be in writing. Before July 12, refund is regi stratio n less $30 service fee per person ca nce lling. After July 13, refund is 50% of regi stration f ee per person cancelling. NO REFUNDS AFTER AUG. 30. Submit all substitution and cancellation requests IN WRITING to USA Gymnastics, attention : Cathy Allen
2009 USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show Addit ional Educational Opportunities Registration Form
August 12 and 16,2009 Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas Held in conjunction with the 2009 Visa Championships
'Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"
Office Use Only Postmarked _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Paym ent_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Check/Reg # _ _ _---' _ __
Auth _ _ _ _ Date _ _ __
Mailed and faxed registrations for pre- and post-congress courses must be received by July 12 unless otherwise noted below. After July 12 you must register on-site and an on-site fee of $25 will be added to your registration total. Due to limit ed space and materials, ad mission is not guara nteed un less you are pre-registered. Due to t ime const ra in ts, seve ral courses may ove rl ap. Please be awa re of t his when scheduling. Use th is form for individual reg istration on ly. On line reg istration available. Please provide a valid pe rsonal email add ress. You r registration co nfirmation wi ll be sent by email only. On-site regist rat ion opens Aug ust 12. Congress sessio ns and Exhi bit Hall ope n Aug 13-15. If applying fo r membershi p, you must attach a se parate membership appli catio n form.
Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __
USA Gym nastics M embership # _ _ __ __ _
Emai l Address _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mail ing Add ress_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tel ephone_ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ __ _ _ Zip_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ Club Na me _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ Club# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Check all th at apply: 0 Club Owner 0 Coach/Teacher 0 Judge 0 Ad min istrator 0 Other
Pre-Congress Events (minimum age for attendance is 15) - All events held at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel unless noted otherwise Memb ers can register online to save $5
Business Owners Conference
Safety/Risk Management Certification Course : Wednesday, August 12, 1:30-7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 12, 8:00-5:00 p.m. Includes continental breakfast, lunch &
o Pro member wi th current (non-expired) Sa fety Certification ...... ............. $5 o Pro, Junior Pro, Instructor, Athl et e or Intra Coach member...... .. ............. $70 o Non-member...................... .. ............... ............................................................ $120
Early Bird registra tion ends 5/1 5/ 09
Preschool Fundamentals : Hands on Training (HOT) Course: Wednesday, August 12, 2:00-6:00 p.m.
o Early Bird Member Club $125
o Pro, Jun ior Pro, Instru ct or, Athl ete ...... .................................... ..................... $70 o Intra Coach, Non-member............ ......... ...... ... ......... ... ...... ............................. $120
o Member Club $150 o Non Member Club $250
wine social. No on-site registration. Member Club # _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Post-Congress Events (minimum age for attendance is 15) - All events held at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel unless noted otherwise Members can register online to save $5
Women's Judges Certification Tests
Safety/Risk Management Certification Course : Sunday, August 16, 8:45 -2 :00 p.m .
Sunday, August 16, Time TSD
o Pro member with current (non-expired) Saf ety Certification ................... $5 o Pro, Junior Pro, Instru ctor, Ath let e or Intro Coach member ..................... $70 o Non-me mber......... ............... ... ... ......... ..................................................... ....... $120 Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (HOT) Course: Sunday, August 16, 8:45 -1:00 p.m.
o Pro, Jun ior Pro, Instructor, Athlete ...... .. .. .. .. ...................... ....... .. .................. $70 o Intra Coach, Non-member...... ............ ............. .. ........................ .................... $120
Please visit www.usa-gymnastics .org/women/ to view the testing schedule and to register online
o Vi sa
0 Other___ Card #_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Signature ____________________________________________
VISA Proud Spon sor
1\ USA
Print Ca rdholder Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Payment tota l-
Email Address for cred it card receipt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Return completed form and payment to: USA Gymnastics . 132 E. Washington St. Ste . 700, Indianapolis,
M ake checks payable to USA Gymnastic s Tota l payment authorized/enclosed:
IN 46204 or by fax: 317.692.5212 Attention : Member Services $$_ - - - -- - - - - National Congress Policies in brief: •
Videota ping of Congress sess ions is permitted FOR PERSON AL USE ONLY unless t he session presenters announce that his/her/ th eir sessio n may not be videotaped.
The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics wi ll make no special provisions f or t ra nslation of sessions into other la nguages.
Congress attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in wri ting in this rega rd prior to Ju ly 12. The Sheraton Hotel & Dallas Convention Cen ter are handica p accessible facilit ies. We suggest you include your need in writing whe n submitting t his form .
Your kids will never turn up their noses at Tyson Chicken Nuggets. You'll love • them too. They're quick and easy to make, plus they have zero trans fats, no artificial ingredients, no fillers . And they're guaranteed fussy eater-pleasers.
I"he peace treaty lJetllJeen mothers and fUssy eaters has officially been signetl~
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USA Gymnastics is hosting the Chicago Cup on June 18-23, 2009, in Chicago. The Chicago Cup will be an annual international rhythmic invitational. USA Gymnastics has invited 40 countries to compete in this first-ever competition featuring both junior and senior elites. Top rhythmic gymnasts from around the world are expected to compete, as well as the top three USA Seniors and Juniors from the Rhythmic Challenge.
for Levels 7-9. It is a great way to show the gymnastics community that Chicago is the perfect city to host the 2016 Games. The Chicago Cup will be held at the Broadway Armory Park in Chicago. The JO Levels 7-8 competition will be held at Trinity University. For a full schedule of events, times, and tickets, go to www. / rhythmic.
In addition to the elite portion of the competition, there will also be a Level 10 division with gymnasts from around the country, as well as the U.S. Junior Olympic Championships
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LIVE COURSE SCHEDULES Live course schedules are updated weekly on our website
wwwousa-gymnasticsoorgo please see the website for the most current schedule.
Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (HOT) April 11 Universal Gymnasts 2881 Scioto-Darby Executive Circle Hilliard, OH 43026 Course code: BM022820090H 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. April2S Wheaton,IL (specific location to be determined) Course code: EP042520091L 3:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. June 13 Tulsa World of Gymnastics 7020 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Course code: BM061320090K 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. June 14 Region 8 Congress Omni Jacksonville Hotel 245 Water St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 Course code: XX06142009FL 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. June 2S Region 4Congress Marriott Coralville Hotel & Conference Center 300 E. 9th St. Coralville, IA 52241
Course code: XX062520091A 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. July 30 Region 6 Congress Boston Marriott Newton 2345 Commonwealth Ave. Newton, MA 02466 Course code: XX07302009MA 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. August 12 Sheraton Dallas Hotel* 400 N. Olive St. Dallas, TX 75201 Course code: XX08122009TX TIme to be determined August 16 Sheraton Dallas Hotel* 400 N. Olive St. Dallas, TX 75201 Course code: XX08162009TX TIme to be determined September 17 Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel &Convention Center 1551 Thoreau Dr. North Schaumburg, IL 60173 Course code: BM091720091L 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
' Course dates and times are subjed to change and/or cancel/ation. 'Held in conjundion with USA Gymnastics 2009 Notional Congress and Trade Show
April 19 California KIDS Sports Center B32 Malone Rd. San Jose, CA 95125 Course code: MT04192009CA 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. May 3 Mel Korum YMCA 302 43rd Ave SE Puyallup, WA 9B370 Course code: TB05032009WA 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. June 14 Tulsa World of Gymnastics 7020 E. 3Bth SI. Tulsa, OK 74145 Course code: BG061420090K 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. June 14 Region BCongress Omni Jacksonville Hotel 245 Water SI. Jacksonville, FL 32202 Course code: XX06142009FL June 28 Region 4Congress Marriott Coralville Hotel &Conference Center 300 E. 9th Coralville, IA 52241 Course code: XX062B20091A 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
To register for a course, visit the USA Gymnastics website at Register online or download the registration forms. 路路Save $5 by registering online'路路 Pre-registration is IMPORTANT to ensure your spot in the course. The registration deadline for mailed/faxed forms is two weeks prior to the course. Online registration must be completed at least one week prior. Late and onsite registration may be available and will incur an additional $25 fee . If you are interested in hosting a course at your gym, contact for more information .
APRil 2009
GYM~~~TICS The Tyson Fitness Challenge is a fitness initiative that encourages physical fitness through fun activity with an emphasis on strength training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility and good nutrition.
by the USA Gymnastics Preschool Fundamentals course and program. It also features exercises for beginner, intermediate and advanced students, as well as preschool children. WHEN? The Tyson Fitness Challenge is held anytime between
The program can now be run using the traditional eight session format or using the new integrated format to work the Tyson Fitness Challenge into your already existing classes. In addition to becoming more physically fit. participants also have the opportunity to raise funds to help kids in need through Children's Miracle Network as part of National Gymnastics Day.
Feb. 21 and National Gymnastics Day, Sept. 12, 2009. Clubs host the program when it is most convenient for them . The culmination of the program is voluntary participation in National Gymnastics Day's fundraising efforts for Children's Miracle Network. WHERE? The Tyson Fitness Challenge is held at participating gymnastics clubs across the United States.
WHO? The Tyson Fitness Challenge is geared toward children
WHY? Not only is the program free online for those who
6-16 years old. The 2009 edition includes a developmentally appropriate program available online for children ages 4-5. This program reflects activities and timelines recommended
register, The Tyson Fitness Challenge is a great way to get kids moving and help be part of the solution to a growing problem.
American Athletic's largest stocking equipment dealer Over 20,000 sq. feet of NEW & Meet Demo equipment available. Shipping in-stock equipment same day as payment on Men's & Women's apparatus & mats. Competitive pricing and 50% freight allowance on all orders.
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THE 2009 TYSON FITNESS CHALLENGE: YOU'RE INVITED! • Today's children are considered the most inactive generation in history. • Approximately one in five kids is overweight, a percentage that has more than doubled in the last 30 years. Childhood obesity is considered the most common nutritionaL disorder of U.S. children. (American Obesity Association) • Obese chiLdren and adolescents are more likely to become obese as adults. One study found that approximately 80 percent of chiLdren who were overweight at 10-15 years old were obese adults at age 25 . • Gymnastics clubs are a fun and safe environment and many already have fitness-related activities and classes. • The basics of gym nastics provide a solid foundation for becoming physically fit and preparing to participate in other activities and sports. HOW? Sign up today at and have access to your free TFC materials online immediately!
TFC 2009 Prizes Club Prizes: First Place - AAI Trapezoid set ($1,200 value) - $250 in Tyson coupons - 1 year USA Gymnastics Club Membership ($160 value) - Club photo featured on a USA Gymnastics promotional poster in 2010 Second Place - AAI EZ Roll mats, 6'x42' ($805 value) - $150 in Tyson coupons - 1 year USA Gymnastics Club Membership ($160 value) Third Place - AAI panel mat ($500 va lue) - $100 in Tyson coupons - 1 year USA Gymnastics Club Membership ($160 value) Individual Prizes: Top three individual winners will receive: - Roundtrip airfare for 2 to the 2010 Tyson American Cup
- 2 tickets to the 2010 Tyson American Cup - 2 pre-event VIP hospitality passes - 1 night stay in the USA Gymnastics host hotel In addition, the first place winner wi ll be featured on a USA Gymnastics promotional poster in 2010 "'k
Online Courses: (Group Discounts available)
* IProFirstAid" Certification Course * IProCPR" Recertification Courses
* "Safety Basics" for Gymnastics Instructors * Women's Level 1, 2, 3 Recreational Course * Women's Level 4,5, 6 Skills & Drills Course
* Boys Level 1 Course (Lev 2 coming soon) * Spanish Women's Level 1 Course * FREE Download "Articles"for professionals by professionals! * ProBloodBorne Course -OSHA Compliant Add tbJs book to your personal gymnastics HbraI}' today!
Also Available at the Gymcert Store: Training Manuals, Safety Manuals and Gym &Cheer Safety Posters
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»> They are your partners that you've know for 20 years; your life-long friends (even a Godchild) who become employees; your accountant; and/or your program director or office manager. They are trusted but end up not being trustworthy. They are the enemy within and they are robbing us blind. After recent conversations with two gyms about their theft problems, USA Gymnastics decided to ask other gym owners, "Have you ever been a victim of fraud or embezzlement?" Twelve gyms responded and that's likely just the tip of the iceberg. Here's what we discovered after hearing their stories and some suggested steps to take. Common Denominators (at the time of the thefts) Gym Size = 700-1,500 students (exception - one gym had about 300)
Gross Income = $500K - $3M - only one had $250K - $500K How many involved = The larger thefts involved at least 2 people working together Red Flag/s = Those involved had financial problems on a personal and/or professional level, i.e. they never seemed to have any money and/ or they owned other businesses in financial trouble. In one instance, they seemed to live above their income, i.e. lots of private lessons for their kids in the gym, expensive vacations, etc. Gym Expansion = Several of the instances occurred after a gym expanded to a larger size or a second location.
Offer your customers the sports drink Nastia drinks with her worko ut. High in protein and fanta stic for recovering from hard workouts.
PureSport Starter Kit PSSTARKIT $19.99 Retail Club Price $11 .25
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Variables How they did it Cash received: some pocketed, some turned in so it wouldn't be too obvious
'*' '*' Cash received but seemed to "disappear" '*' Payroll funds, including tax withholding funds, diverted to
'*' '*' '*' '*' '*' '*'
personal accounts and/or multiple payroll checks issued for the Guilty Party (GP) Credit card refunds issued to the GP's personal account, but reported as refunds to clients ("Oh! I accidentally charged their card twice, so I refunded them.") Bills paid for the company owned by the GP's husband to vendors that they both used, so it wasn't obvious Personal bills paid with gym checks/credit card Checks taken and deposited into personal accounts instead of the gym account, but logged into gym's Accounts Receivable showing the client account paid Payroll records changed to increase salary by 50% and/ or changed from hourly to salary Checks taken in for the gym, but deposited in the booster account (very similar names) to which the GP had full access and check writing privileges.
Gym in a Bag can be used for: * Core Strength * Card io * Stability * Abs * Stretching * Isometrics ~ * Upper Body & Legs * Low Impact Exe rcises * Boot Camp Training , Nastia Champions II * PI and more • NL-M62 $43.95 Retail •
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'*' Took a sheet of three checks from deeper in the checkbook,
'*' Unnecessarily tempting honest people with weak internal
so the numbers would be more advanced. Wrote them as payroll checks to the GP.
controls. You owe it to them as well as to yourself to have very tight controls, particularly over cash.
'*' Checks written for legitimate bills, but never mailed Steps to Take •••
'*' Keep check-signing authority to yourself if possible. If not,
How Much ,*,Less than $1,000 to almost $500,000 or the gym client database How Long Lasted
have different people in charge of check signing and check
'*' Ranging from several months to 2 years
writing. If you allow someone else to write checks, make sure the bank statement comes to your home address.
Holes to Plug Avoid •••
'*' Password protect your database and/or whatever you use to
'*' Naming your Booster Club a similar name to your Gym Club
'*' Run background checks on anyone who will handle money.
track accounts receivable and payables.
"Have you ever been a victim. of fraud or etllbezzletllent?" '*' Giving too much power to one person '*' Giving money access to employees who are obviously
'*' Trust your instincts!
If your gym seems as busy as (or busier than) normal but you are being told money is short for bills
having personal financial crises (calls from creditors at work)
'*' Keeping someone on the staff just because they"came" '*'
or payroll, don't just wonder why, start checking why.
'*' If you get a letter from the IRS and when asking stuff about
with it, i.e. buying a gym business and assuming the office manager or accountant that "come with it" is trustworthy Giving company credit cards to employees - have them get it from you and return it with receipts
'*' Getting sentimental about keeping someone on staff
it, you get told "It's been taken care of," don't just believe it.
Call the IRS personally. Build in checks and balances by requiring bills to be shown for every check written; review payroll for extra checks; use a logging system for checks and cash received and then have a separate person compare them to the daily deposits AND the database of receivables.
when you start to question what he/ she is doing. This is the hardest. "She had kids in the gym." "Their kids work in the gym." "She has kids." As gym owners we know it
'*' Question refunds through credit cards. Don't hesitate to
always comes down to the kids. But it can be used against us, too. Know when to just let go.
'*' If you notice that you have very little/few cash deposits,
check with the client if need be.
HELP ALL STUDENTS EXPERIENCE SUCCESS Tools for teaching a "Personal Best" Philosophy
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To stay enrolled kids need to have fun , be successful and learn in a safe and progressive manner. Since 1991 we have provided hundreds of clubs t and thousands of teachers the tools they need to help every child feel successful. • INSTRUCTOR VIDEOS - show how each skill is taught and create a STANDARD in your gym • CURRICULUM CARDS - track students progress and help structure classes by ability level • CURRICULUM POSTERS - for the kids to TAKE HOME to track their progress • STARS & CERTIFICATES - reward ACHIEVABLE GOALS building self-esteem and confidence
Our new licensees include: Jim Lark - Brentwood , CA Increased Heights Gymnastics - Little Rock, AR Bay City Gymnastics, Inc. - Julie Counts Jeff Lulla is Founder and President of the Fun & Fit Gymnastics Centers and was named USAG "Business Leader of the Year" in 2006. Sinoe 1990. Jeff has as a National Safety Instructor. USAG University Instructor and co-authored the Kinder Accreditation for Teachers course. the heart of the new USAG online Preschool Course. Jeff speaks internationally and consults on the Fun and Fit PERSONAL BEST philosophy, business and teaching conoepts to club owners and coaches.
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question it! LOTS of people pay in cash, even hundreds of doliars.The statementthat "people have been only paying with checks or credit cards" just isn't true. Be tenacious about your working culture. Don't let someone else start dictating a different way of working that goes against your grain or your instincts. It's YOUR gym. They work forYOU. Just because someone is the son or daughter of a gym
'*' Cross train your employees so you don't have to stress or worry if you find it necessary to let someone go.
'*' Compare checks written (i.e., the bank statement) to your '*'
accounting system records. Question questionable payees and payments. Be unpredictable in checking your gym's finances, i.e. decide "out of the blue" that you want to compare logs or pastpaid bills to checks written, etc. When they think you aren't
gytll owners we have a LOT on our plates"
owner, doesn't mean they are trustworthy. Just because you have known someone for 10 or 20 years doesn't mean they will make great partners or will be trustworthy. Just because someone worked for the previous owners doesn't mean they are trustworthy. Ask questions; check references; run background checks, and if you want to enter into a partnership, insist on a credit check, which must include their other businesses.
'*' '*'
paying attention is when they start to figure out how to deceive you. If they don't know when or why you may ask for a certain report or when you may share front desk duty, they may decide it would be too hard to deceive you. You should always be on the lookout for a hole in your system of checks and balances. Try to figure out what "you" would have to do to steal money and PLUG THE HOLE. Seriously consider hiring an outside accountant or auditor to
check your books and/or do your taxes. It's liable to cost a lot less than what you could be losing and not know about. Many small accounting firms could do this well. Stay involved with your gym. You may only want to coach team and leave the paperwork to others, but that leaves you open to deception.
associated with team competitions! No wonder our brains are so fractured that our guards are down when it comes to money. We want to trust just like we have one less thing to worry about. Plus, it's human nature to trust the people we rely on just like we want parents to trust us with their children. Unfortunately, it looks like we can't. USA Gymnastics produced a great booklet titled "Best Practices for the Gymnastics Business." There is SO much good
"GYDl owners want to trust just so we have one less thing to worry about." Conclusion As gym owners we have a LOT on our plates - constantly dealing with hiring and losing good staff; trying to retain good people; being good leaders/roll models; being good coaches ourselves; hiring properly (both legally and to find/attract the best instructors); and avoiding the unpleasantness of eliminating bad coaches or staff. And that doesn't even touch on how to attract and keep kids in the gym and the details
information about going into the business with your eyes open, how to staff, how to arrange equipment, hire and keep staff, and even Risk Management. This article supplements the booklet and could be a future chapter entitled "How Not to be Robbed Blind." X
Post Script: We owe a debt to the gyms who shared their stories. They've taken the arrows in the back for us. Thanks "guys!"
: ':~Yt~f
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Business Education - Sessions covering marketing, managing your business, staff retention and more.
The purpose of regional congress is to provide education to the teachers, coaches, judges and gymnastics business owners of the region . Education and training enable everyone to effectively and professionally serve in the development of the young gymnasts across the country. The regional Congresses also serve the gymnastics community by providing an opportunity for networking, socializing and building professional relationships. Each Congress is tailored to the specific needs of the Region and under the direction of the Regions Chairman. Your attendance supports your region! We look forward to seeing you there!
REGIONAL CONGRESS EDUCATION: Over 75 Sessions covering the following areas and varied by region
Judges Education - Sessions covering compulsory, optional and elite judging criteria, technique and more. Other Education - Sessions covering acrobatic gymnastics, T & T, Men's Artistic, rhythmic, sports science, psychology and more.
HOUSING: A block of rooms has been reserved at all Host Hotels; you can book your room by calling: National Travel Systems Sports Travel Team 6502 Slide Road / Suite 404 Lubbock, TX 79424 Toll Free: 1-888-603-8747; Main Line: 806-794-3135 Email:
website: wwwontssportstravelocom Coaches Education - Sessions covering popular topics for the developmental through elite gymnastics coach. Recreational Education - A recreational track covering programs for tots through teens; be the best instructor in your gym!
Online Registration will be available for members and printable forms will be available for all others starting January 16th. Please visit us at http://www. . php?prog=h for prices, schedules, discounts, speakers, session titles and add on course information. X
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The most proven Gym Mgt System with over 300,000 online registrations °After much study as to what database to go with, I had to pick Jackrabbit! It has more features and reports than the others AND the best service. With dance recitals, swim registration, educational preschool, a large gymnastics school and all the other programs we offer. we had to go to an online registration system. Our customers were asking for it and it was just time. Thanks Jackrabbit! O
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he 12-19 year-old mixed pair of Eirian Smith and Jake Kanavel of San Jose, Calif., and Aerial Tumbling and AcroGymnastics finished second in the Junior Division at the 2009 Maia International Acro Cup in Maia, Portugal, this March. The gymnasts are coached by Linda Meier. Eirian, nicknamed Ani is 10 (competitive 11) years old and Jake is 16 (competitive 17). The pair competes in the 12-19 year-old division.The age categories were expanded to increase participation and provide experience opportunities for up and coming athletes. Jake and Ani continue to be the brightest hope for a junior mixed pair World Age Group medal in 2010.
The Maia Cup featured more than 200 acrobatic gymnasts from Belgium, Great Britain, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Switzerland and the USA.The event included three days of competition. Qualification competition included one balance and one dynamic exercise for each group. The finals competition allowed age group participants to choose between a balance or dynamic exercise, while junior and senior athletes performed a combined routine. All scores start from zero in finals. In 2008, Smith and Kanavel earned the bronze medal in the 11-16 year-old mixed pair category, as well as winning the U.S. Level 9 mixed pair title. They are members of the Junior Olympic Team and this was their first international competition in the 12-19 mixed pair category. 1(
APRil 2009 â&#x20AC;˘ TECHNIQUE
SERVICES all Introductory Coach members.
www . . . . ·gymn .. t ;" . o,g
Mandatory background check requirement for Introductory Coaches In keeping with the standards set by the United States Olympic Committee, as well as many youth sports . organizations, schools and recreational programs in America today, USA Gymnastics has implemented a background screening process to help ensure a safe and secure environment for our members and additional gymnastics participants. Mandatory background check screening began December 1,2007 for all USA Gymnastics Professional members. USA Gymnastics has now extended this requirement to include
Beginning August 1,2009, all new/lapsed/expired Introductory Coach members will be required to complete a background check. Therefore, if your Introductory Coach membership is new or already expired as of August 1, 2009, the membership will be placed in a pending status until the background check is completed. Pending members will not be allowed access to the floor of any USA Gymnastics sanctioned events. USA Gymnastics has a working partnership with the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) through which it engages in a comprehensive background check screening program. Please visit the USA Gymnastics website at and click on the gray Member Services for more information as well as to register for the mandatory background check requirement.
PLEASE NOTE: USA Gymnastics and/or NCSI is unable to provide any waivers/passes/releases to any Professional or Introductory Coach member who is in a pending status due to a missing background check requirement. So please don't delay, take your background check today!
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When do I have to have my background check completed?
Additional background Check information is also available at the following link:
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Save the Date! Wednesday, June 24, is USA Gymnastics Day at the International Sport and Cultural Festival Ft. Worth Convention Center Ft. Worth, Texas
Multiple activities are scheduled throughout the day. The Pan American Gala Showcase runs from 7:30-9:00 p.m., featuring performances from gymnastics clubs from North, Central and South America. Special discounted tickets are available for USA Gymnastics clubs.
For more information, visit events/2009/ p
August 12-15
Men's & Women's Artistic Gymnastics Schedule VVednesda y,August12
lOO p.m. - Jr. Men's Co mpeti t ion 7:00 p.m. - Sr. Men's Compet iti on - Day 1 Thursday, August 13
lOO p.m. - Jr. Wom en's Competition - Da y 1 7:00 p.m. - Sr. W omen's Competition - Day 1 Friday, August 14
7:00 p.m. - Sr. Men 's Competition - Day 2 Saturday, August 15
lOO p.m. - Jr. Women 's Competition - Day 2 6:30 p.m . - Sr. Women 's Competition - Day 2 times/dates subject to change
T & T Elite Program Committee Conference Call - December 22, 2008 Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. CST 1. Roll Call Members Present: Shaun Kempton, Elite Program Committee Chair Beverly Lloyd , JumpStart Committee Chair George Drew. Scholarship Camp & Financial Support Committee Chair Jared Olsen, Athlete Representative Others present: Ann Sims, Sr. Program Director II. Motion to name the 2009 Junior and Senior National Team. Savannah Vinsant 2009 SENIOR NATIONAL TEAM Shaylee Dunavin SR. TRAMPOLINE TEAM Brittany Caddell WOMEN MEN Alaina Hebert Jeffrey Gluckstei n Alaina Williams Adam Bragg Brittany Dircks Hunter Brewster Amanda Bailey Tanner Page Na ni Vercruyssen K. J. Heger MEN Logan Dooley JR. TUMBLING TEAM Michael Devine WOMEN Chris Estrada Kiara Nowlin Steven Gluckstein Shaylee Dunavin Anna Tortorich SR. TUMBLING TEAM Karly Judkins WOMEN Elizabeth Flint Susannah Johnson Kayla Whaley Kaitlin Tortorich MEN Lean ne Seitzinger Maurice Dunker Amy McDonald Aaron Cook MEN Kalon Ludvigson SR. DOUBLE MINI TEAM Brandon Sloan WOMEN Lisa Van Orden SR. DOUBLE MINI TEAM Kiara Nowlin WOMEN Shaylee Dunavin Aubree Balkan Tristan Van Natta Sa ra h Prose n MEN Sarah Gandy Aaron Cook MEN K. J. Heger Austin White Adam Bragg Kalon Ludvigson Tanner Page Tony Doles Derek Stangel 2009 JUNIOR NATIONAL TEAM
JR. TRAMPOLINE TEAM WOMEN Dakota Earnest Jane Truster Motion: 2nd: APPROVED:
George Drew Beverly Lloyd Unanimously
III. Motion to name the 2009 National Coaching Staff. 2009 NATIONAL COACHING STAFF
Tatiana Kovaleva, Shaun Kempton, Sergio Galvez, Jon Beck George Drew, Doug Boger, Joy Umenhofer, Robert Null Megan Gearhart, Jaroslav Novak
Motion: 2nd: APPROVED:
Beverly Lloyd Jared Olsen Unanimously
IV. Motion to name one member of the National Coaching Staff as a coordinator for every camp and international competition. The Program Director will name the coordinator at least 4 weeks prior to the event. Motion: George Drew 2nd: Beverly Lloyd APPROVED: Unanimously Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 a.m., December 22, 2008. Motion: George Drew Beverly Lloyd 2nd: APPROVED: Unanimously
T & T Elite Program Committee E-mail vote - February 4, 2009 1. Roll Call
E-mail sent to the following: Shaun Kempton, Elite Program Committee Chair Beverly Lloyd, JumpStart Committee Chair George Drew, Scholarship Camp & Financial Support Committee Chair Jared Olsen, Athlete Representative II. Motion - Athlete Funding The committee discussed athlete funding and agreed that the USA Gymnastics funding programs were to off set the cost of training for our top athletes. If an athlete is not training, then the funding is not ne cessary and wi ll not be paid and/ or might be redirected to another athlete. Should an athlete eligible for funding stop training and lose their funding, the funding will be reconsidered once the athlete resumes training and that progress reports from the coach confirm commitment. Motion: Beverly Lloyd 2nd: George Drew APPROVED: Unanimously bye-mail
BOARD OF DIRECTORS UPDATE USA Gymnastics is please to welcome Dr. Jay Binder back to the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors. Nominations were recently conducted for the Acrobatics Gymnastics National Membership Director position on the Board. Dr. Binder received the sole nomination and was therefore elected by acclamation. He previously served on the Board from 2002-07, and served on a variety of committees including the Nominating Committee, Safety Advisory Group, and the Acrobatic Gymnastics Program Committee. Dr, Binder has served as the National Team physician for Acrobatic Gymnastics since 1989 and also currently serves on the FIG Medical Commission. Dr. Binder replaces Tonya Case, who has been a member of the USA Gymnastics Board and Executive Committee since 2002, and is stepping down from the Board due to her commitment as President of the Acrobatic Gymnastics FIG Technical Committee. USA Gymnastics thanks Tonya for her many years of dedications and hard work for the promotion and growth of Acrobatic Gymnastics in both the USA and around the world. We look forward to her continued representation of the Acro program internationally. 1\
AVAILABLE NOW! The Acrobatic Gymnastics Pmgram is excited to offer coaching videos! The acro coaching videos include Levels 4-6 in the discipline of acrobatic gymnastics including women's pair, men's pair, mixed pair, and women's group. Videos serve as a supplement to the Acrobatic Gymnastics Specifications. Videos are to be used for training purposes at the developmental level s and to aid new and pre-existing gymnastic coaches with skills performed in the discipline of acrobatic gymnastics. Instructions and demonstrations given for each event are examples of how to build pair/group ski lls. Athletes and coaches, who are serious about developing acrobatic skills, will benefit greatly from the acro coaching videos.
To take advantage of this unique coaches' education opportunity go to:
ACRO PRE-TEAM HANDBOOK WHAT: The Acrobatic Gymnastics Pre-team program is a 12-14 week session program (program can be modified for camps or shorter sessions) designed to introduce children to acrobatic gymnastics through a structured program. The program is designed to fit into any pre-existing club program and can easily be modified or tailored to fit the programming needs of each club. .
clubs and athletes that may want to embark on the competitive levels (Level 4 & up). There are three different levels-beginner, intermediate and advanced, to accommodate the first time acrobat or more experienced students. Kids can participate in multiple sessions by learning more advanced skills as shown in the Pic-ToGram Section or by changing partners, doing pair or trio, or changing from a top position to a base position.
The program offers three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
WHO: The Acrobatic Gymnastics Pre-team program is aimed at children 5 - 14 years old. It is a perfect alternative for artistic gymnasts, recreational tumblers, dance students or athletes from other sports who would like to try something new and exciting. It is also a wonderful introduction for
HOW: New acrobatic coaches can learn how to coach Pre-team Acrobatics by following the General Session Overview, detailed lesson plans and using the easy to understand Pic-To-Grams. Everything you need to get started is included in this Acro Pre-team Handbook.
Download lour Pre-Team Handbook todal:
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POSITION AVAILABLE POSITION AVAILABLE (hicago Area. Premier Gymnastics Academy, one of Illinois largest and most successful gymnastics programs is looking for qualified candidates to work in a variety of positions at any of our four locations. Positions ore available for Girl's Team (aaches, Boy's Team (oaches, Tumbling/ (heer (oaches, Pre·school and Ree. Specialists and Gym Mongers. All of our gyms have great equipment and all the necessary training amenities. We pay Top SSS ond oller great benefits. For more information call (630) 969·0900 or email Camp Wicosuta seeks experienced ,gymnastics coach to implement our gymnastics program. Applicants must have experience supervising young adults, coaching all levels, maintaining gym facility, training stall and collaborating with peers. If you ore looking for a unique experience while keeping up with your coaching skills, then (omp Wicosuta is your perfect summer job. Our competitive Solory includes room, boord and travel stipend. Eorn more money by teoching private lessons. (on tact kristin@ or coli I·BOO·B46·9426 for more information. Apply online @ http://www. INSTRUCTOR/COACHES. Paragon Gymnostics of Norwood (Bergen (ounty), NJ is looking for instructors and coaches, PIT - FIT. Requirements: Positive attitude, responsible, relioble, love of children. Position available for competitive team coach level 6 and up with flexible hours. Also preschool through intermediate instruction. (om pony sponsored certificotions (Safety, (PR, First AID) Full benefits/ paid vacotion & sick doys, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurote with experience. NEW focility, state· of·the·art, approx. 11 ,000 sq. N. Locoted in the NY/ NJ Metropolitan orea, easily accessible from all mojor highways. (ontoct Dot: emoil: dot@, 201 ·767·6921 or fax resume to 201 ·767·6693 or at 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 07648. Assistant girls competitive /TOPS coach. Large, multi·locotion program seeking individual to assist with girls competitive teams levels 4 - 10. Pragrom was established in 1973 and currently has aver 1300 students Great coreer opportunity with excellent salary and benefits including vacotion, health and retirement with potential to move into management or supervisory position. Locoted near the University of Iowa, area oilers multiple cultural, sports and educotional opportunities. Ability to help with boys competitive teams a plus. Position could be port time for anyone seeking to continue his or her education. Direct inquires and resume's to Jill Schlott at j.schlott@
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Email your ad and credit card information to: Ipeszek@usa·gymnastics.arg Or moil to: USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Washington 51., Ste. 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 or fax to 317·237·5069. *Hyou fax, pf.... include y.... creci1 card number, expo-olion dci1. and .ignat.... Please designale il your ad should oppeor in re<hnique magazine ar USA Gymnasffcs magazine. AOS SUBMmEO WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL HOT BE PUBUSHEO. USA Gymnastics reserveslhe righl 10 vary formal. T"hnique is ,,,eived by me than 17.000 U5A Gymoosoo prolessional membe" plus thousands of >ieI,," Wl~ be exposed 10 YOU' ad online. Advertise YOU' employment Ojlporlunity, ",OOtlcl, service, or (ompe~tion here lor g,ool "sui". Questions? C,II Loon Paszek 01317·819·5646.
FOR INFORMATION puhish a classified ad in Technique, go to hHp:/ /
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Or call Luan Peszek at 317-829-5646.
USA Gymnastics 132 E. Washington St., Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204