Technique Magazine - June 2009

Page 1

EVENTS JUNE 6 12 -14 18-23 19-21 19-21 19-23 23-29 23-28 26-28

Region 3 Championships (AG) Region 8 Congress Chicago Cup and J.O. Championships (R) Chicago Cup (International R) National Elite Qualifier Women's JO National Team Camp JO Championships (TTl International Sport &Cultural Festival (GG,AGI Region 4 Congress

Frisco, TX Jacksonville, FL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Allentown, PA Colorado Springs, CO San Jose, CA Fort Worth, TX Coralville, IA

JULY 2-5 10-12 11 12-16

National Elite Qualifier (W) AcroboticGymnastics Freedom (up & World (up National Qualifier (M) Acrobatic Gymnastics Junior Olympic National Championships

12-15 15-18 19-21 16-23

USA Brevet Judges' Course (W) Nationol Judges' Course #1 (W) National Judges' Course #2 (W) World Games (TT)(AG) 18-19 National Qualifier (R) 24-26 U.S. Classic/ Challenge (W) 31-Aug 2 Region 6 Congress

Houston, TX St. Paul, MN Colorado Springs, CO St. Paul, MN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN Taipei Indianapolis, IN Des Moines, IA Newton, MA

25-27 Final Selection Event (TT) 25-27 National TOPs Testing (W) 30-0ct. 4 Final World Championships Selection Camp (W)

Las Vegas, NV Houston, TX Houston, TX

oaOBER 7-12 9-11 9-13 10 12-18 23-25

World Championships Training in Great Britain Region 2 Congress National Team Training Camp (AG) British Open Selection Event (AG) World Artistic Gymnastics Championships (M, W) Region 7 Congress

Great Britain Sea Hie, WA Houston, Texas Houston, Texas London, ENG Virginia Beach, VA

NOVEMBER 4-8 5-9 7-15 14-22 27-29

Future Stars (M) National Coaches Workshop (M) Trampoline &Tumbling World Championships World Age-Group Competition (TT) British Open Tournament 路 Stoke路on路Trent (AG)

2-6 6-10

National TOPs Team Camp (W) National TOPs BCamp (W)

Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO St.Petersburg, RUS St. Petersburg, RUS Great Britain

DECEMBER Houston, TX Houston, TX

AUGUST 12 12-15 13-15 21 -23 21-23

Annual Business Conference Visa Championships (M,W,R,TT,AG) National Congress and Trade Show Region 1 Congress CORE Workshop

Dallas, TX OoIIas, TX Dallas, TX Santa Clara, CA Burlington, MA

SEPTEMBER 8-12 9-13 12 18-20

1st World Championships Selection Camp (W) Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships National Gymnastics Day Region 5 Congress

Houston, Texas Mie, Japan Everywhere Schaumburg, IL

W=Women R=Rhythmic AG =Acrobatic Gymnastics B= Business NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.



Eight gymnasts and their coaches traveled to Germany and France from May 4-17 to compete in two international competitions. The U.S. won both team titles and Bridget Sloan won both all-around titles.

TR = Trampoline M= Men n =Trampoline;iumbling

GG =Group Gymnastics

TU =Tumbling


Steve Penny EDITOR


Grant Glas






Don't Neglect the Snacks: Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks


Club Corner

10 Tyson Fitness Challenge USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Choir: Peter Vidmar Vice·Chair: Paul Parillo Secretory: Gory Anderson Treasurer: Morris Jim Notional Membership· Women: Tom Kall Notional Membership · Women: Steve Rybacki Notional Membership· Men: Yoichi Tomita Notional Membership · Men: Russ Fystrom Notional Membership· Rhythmic Brooke Bushnell·Toohey Notional Membership· Trampoline & Tumbling: George Drew Notional Membership· Acrobatic Gymnastics: Dr. Joy Binder Advisory Council: Mike Burns Advisory Council: Ron Ferris Advisory Council: Mike Lorenzen Athlete Direelor . Women: Kim Zmeskal Athlete Direelar . Men: John Roethlisberger Athlete Direelor . Rhythmic Jessica Howard Athlele Direelor . Trampoline &Tumbling: Karl Heger Athlete Direelar . Acrobatic Gymanstics: Michael Rodrigues Public Seelor: Fronk Marshall Public Sector: Bitsy Kelley Public Seelor: Jim Morris Public Sector: Mary Lou ReHan

DEPARTMENTS 2 Event Schedule 4 USA Gymnastics Message 14 Member Services 16 Biz Tips 20 National Congress Information 30 USA Gymnastics University 32 Men's Program Update 39 Women's Program Update 42 Athlete Focus 44 Important Notice 46 Classifieds

CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order 10 ensure uninterrupled delivery of TECHNIQUE mogazine, notice of change of address should be made eight weeks in advance. For fastest service, please enclose your present mailing label. Direct all subscription mail to TECHNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Washington SI., Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204 .

TECHNIQUE is published monthly except bimonthly in Sept/ Oct and Nov/Dec by USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Washington SI., Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (phone: 317-2375050) or visit online @ www.usa· Subscription prices: U.S.-S25 per year; Canada/Mexico-S48 per year; all other foreign (Ountries-S60 per year. If available, back issue single copies S4 plus postage/handling. All reasonable care will be taken, but no responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material; enclose return postage. Copyright 2009 by USA Gymnastics and TECHNIQUE. All rights reserved. Printed by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN. Member Services 1-800·345·4719


Unless expressly identified 10 Ihe conlrary, all arlicles, slalemenls and views prinled herein are attribuled solely 10 Ihe aulhor and USA Gymnaslics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibilily Ihereof.



www.usa· JUlIE 2009 • TECHNIQUE



GYM N A 5_TIC 5 M E 5 5 AGE


The past few months have been quite interesting in the gymnastics community. The world in which we live is so subject to change and we must continue to brace and prepare ourselves for the dynamic nature of our environment. I have been truly impressed by how the gymnastics community rallies when needed. In Texas, state legislators were targeting childcare facility licensing with certain legislative bills; however the interpretation of the proposed legislation could have had a dramatic effect on the nature of the gymnastics business in the state. Led by USA Gymnastics Women's State Chair Diane Callison, a full-fledged effort was made to understand the legislation and work with elected officials to propose amendments that would protect our interests in Texas. Diane made multiple trips to Austin and was tireless in her management of this issue, which in the end proved very beneficial. Eventually, Senate Bill 68 was passed in the House with amendments that clarified the specific nature of the legislation, protected sport specific activities, and created an advisory committee to help interpret the proper administration of childcare licensing . Diane will serve on this committee, and it is "on the record" that the legislation is not intended to have adverse consequences on the gymnastics community. As of press time, SB 68 is going to a joint committee to reconcile differences between the House and Senate versions, and we are still tracking this process. We also continue to monitor collegiate gymnastics' status, which given the current state of the economy is becoming ever more prone to change. Unfortunately, the number of men's NCAA programs dropped by one when MIT downsized its varsity sport programs by 10 sports, including gymnastics. We remain in contact with MIT regarding options, and we are working with the coach and others to determine the best next steps. On a positive note, the effort to raise money for Cal State Fullerton's women's program proved fruitful as more than $72 ,000 was raised to support the continuation of that program. This demonstrates that given just a little time and advance notice, we can have a positive impact on helping our NCAA programs. Earlier this year, USA Gymnastics hosted a "summit" with key players in the collegiate gymnastics community to discuss future ways to support and promote collegiate gymnastics. USA Gymnastics efforts for collegiate gymnastics has long included hosting national championships for both men and women and collegiate scholarships for male gymnasts. This year, we increased our coverage of collegiate gymnastics on our Web site and in information sent to the media. The recent situation with both MIT and Cal State Fullerton emphasizes the need for the entire gymnastics family to work together to support this important part of the community. We will continue to focus on this initiative and work to create a business plan that provides even greater support to collegiate gymnastics. Thanks to everyone who has stepped up recently - either to support the legislative effort in Texas or the fundraising campaign for Cal State Fullerton - and again demonstrated what we can achieve together. We look forward to seeing many of you this summer in Dallas (August 12-15) for the USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show and the Visa Championships, as well as continuing to work with you to grow and improve our great sport.

See you in the Gym,


Steve Penny




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By Lindsay G. Langford MS, RD oncluding a recent presentation to a group of high school athletes, I found myself astounded by the number of athletes that pay no attention to the importance of nutrition . Many athletes eat lunch around noon, head to practice/ training sessions at 3:30 p.m., and arrive home for dinner around 6:30 or 7 p.m . famished . Some athletes could be burning as much as 2,000 calories between lunch and dinner with no food in between . I found this routine to be typical for many athletes. As a dietitian, my personal take- home message that night became clear. Athletes desperately need education on the vital relationship between food and performance. I feel athletes should look at food as a performance enhancer, which is 100% legal. An athlete will not test "positive" or fail a drug test with the performance enhancer "food ." By using the proper food at the prope r time, allows performance


to be enhanced in an efficient and clean manner. A gymnast will find better workouts and a higher level of performance when their bodies are prope rly fueled. Like a car, a body cannot perform on an empty tank . Therefore, it is imperative that coaches stress the importance of coming to practice nutritionally prepared . You may notice a sluggish , dizzy, or light headed gymnast if proper nutrition is not accounted for. These athletes must learn to plan ahead by tossing a pre- and post-workout snack into their gym bags, before heading to their next practice. Make sure a nutritious pre-practice snack is consumed one hour before an afternoon practice . Since carbohyd rates are the main fuel source for workouts, be sure to aim for the ACSM/ ADA (American College of Sports Medicine/ American Dietetic Association) guidelines (2009)of 1 gram of carbohydrate per kilogram (kg * )' one hour before practice. Here are a few snack ideas to help boost energy levels before practice:

---------------fltTI- - - - - - . -



Now that you've got pre -workout fuel down, don't forget post-workout nutrition is equally important. After a long hard training session, glycogen (muscles main fuel source) levels are running on "E" and muscle break down could also be occurring. To replenish, rebuild, and strengthen these muscle stores, proper carbohydrate and protein consumption should be consumed no later than one hour after the training session ÂŤ 30min being ideal) . This will allow muscle stores to absorb, regenerate, and bounce back stronger for the next day's workout. Depending on the duration and

intensity of the workout, post-workout nutritional needs vary. For a workout lasting longer than 90 minutes of constant activity, ACSM and ADA (2009) recommend 1.5g carbohydrate per kilogram within 30 minutes and an additional 1.5g carb/kg 2 hours later. Set guidelines are not yet established for protein consumption , but the addition of a smallto-moderate amount of p rotein is recommended for proper recovery. Listed below are some tasty snack options to help a gymnast recover for their next workout:

The snack options provided above should help propel energy level and recovery time . This enables the coach to have a well-rounded gymnast that is fueling and recovering properly for each workout . Mix and match a few items or make up some of your own, but be sure pre- and post- workout nutrition becomes a new priority.

* 1kg=2.2Ibs J(: American College of Sports Medicine, American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada (2009) . Joint Position Statement: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise. 42;3:709-739

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LUB CORNER Region 8 Raises Money for Susan G. Koman Organization The Region S LevelS Regional Championships was a pink meet this year. All of the girls in the team session wore a Breast Cancer awareness leota rd. The Region raffled off gift baskets and equipment and raised $1,000.00 for the Su san G Koman organization , which is dedicated to educat ion and research about cause s, treatment, and the search for a cu re o 1<'

Byers Gymnastics Center in Roseville, Calif., Helps Sl1ave the Way to Conquer Kids' Cancer All it took was a little off the top for Byers Gymnastics Center in Roseville, Calif., to raise $900 for childhood cancer research. Byers Roseville gymnasts pledged money if their coach, Travis Ralph , would shave his head at the local St. Baldrick 's Day event, part of a worldwide effort to raise money for childhood cancer research . On March 14, Travis was center-stage at the Galleria at Roseville, surrounded by Byers Roseville gymnasts, parents and hundreds of community supporters, as top-fund raiser Julia Endicott, Level 6 Byers gymnast, did the honors. Since 2000, St. Baldrick's Day head-shaving events have raised more than $51 million for childhood cancer research to help the 160,000 children diagnosed with cancer every year. Travis proved that bald is beautiful -- especially when it helps kids battling cancer. 1<'




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his is an exciting year for the Tyson Fitness Challenge and National Gymnastics Day! Thanks to the hard work of clubs and individuals nationwide, we hit our $1 million goal for the Children's Miracle Network last year, and the amount raised keeps growing. 2009 marks the 10th year of celebrating National Gymnastics Day, which marks the culmination of the Tyson Fitness Challenge. Now that you've signed up for the Tyson Fitness Challenge, registered on our website and shared your club's program with others online, it's time to spread the word in your community! Letting others know about the Tyson Fitness Challenge and the Children's Miracle Network will help to increase excitement and support for your club's activities on National Gymnastics Day. As a registered participant, you have access to a world of promotional resources online. We've provided you with a sample press release, and now's the time to use it. Contact local TV, radio, and newspapers, and let them know why fitness and fundraising go hand in hand. Our talking points are a great tool for you. These will prepare you for interviews and will help you to share your enthusiasm for encouraging healthy eating combined


with physical activity among the youth in your community, as well as promoting the spirit of giving to the Children's Miracle Network. Remember that when you collect donations for the Children's Miracle Network, the alliance of premier hospitals for children, 100% of the funds will support your local Children's Miracle Network hospital. It's very important to get your local schools on board for the Tyson Fitness Challenge. Every school has a physical education program and what better way to spread the word about fitness and fundraising for children in your area! Our website provides you with a sample letter, giving you the tools you need to approach your school about supporting this great program, one that is focused on improving the health of your school's children. Like your school, gymnastics clubs are a fun and safe environment where children can learn healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Finally, talk to those who care the most about the health of your community, physicians. Our letter template will help you to communicate that the Tyson Fitness Challenge is not about teaching gymnastics skills, but is about using gymnastics to help kids become more physically fit, as well as learn about a wellbalanced diet. The program encourages physical fitness through fun activities that emphasize four fundamentals of fitness: cardiovascular exercise, strength training, flexibility and nutrition. Now you're ready to go! Summer is here and the Tyson Fitness Challenge is in full swing. We are off to a great start, and September 12, National Gymnastics Day, will be here before we know it. Your club is taking the Challenge, now it's time to let your community know why fitness and fundraising matter to you. X

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• Professional membership must be held by all coaches and judges age 18 and older. Membership must be current and active. Memberships that are pending are not valid to be on the floor of USA Gymnastics sanctioned events. SAr[TV PDP KAT .....I M~lPO C~RTlrICATION~ PDCPli;Vi;lll CUlTlrlCATION M~U DIR~CTOR.....I ~Klll ~VALUATOR "IHIrICATION~

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Preparing for the 2009-2010 Season. Registration for the 2009-2010 competitive season will begin early in June 2009. All membership and sanction application forms will be available on the USA Gymnastics website at then click on Member Services. All forms and applications will also be emailed to USA Gymnastics Member Clubs and non-member clubs. Please note that USA Gymnastics is no longer mailing out application forms to the clubs. All membership application forms and information will be available on the USA Gymnastics website. Online registration will also be available for all member types. Please see below for a few hints and reminders in order to prepare for the new season. • Destroy all unused forms from previous season. USA Gymnastics is unable to process or register any member application that is submitted on an expired form . • Remember that both athletes and parents MUST sign the Athlete and Introductory Athlete application form, regardless of age, or if the transaction is completed online. • You are to keep the completed and signed form for all of your athlete members on file in your club. Insurance benefits may not be paid out if this form cannot be supplied. You should plan to store the completed forms for a minimum of 7 years. Please consult with your attorney/legal council to determine the proper length of time to save and store these membership forms. • Athletes Level 4 and above must obtain a Regular ($49) Athlete membership. • Athletes that are Levell, 2, 3, Women's prep-optional and Group Gymnastics Levels A & B may obtain an Introductory ($20) Membership. • Please contact Member Services in order to transfer, upgrade or adjust any member records prior to registering online. Member Services may be contacted at 800-345-4719 or via email at



• Reminder that effective August 1,2009, background check screening will become mandatory for all Introductory Coach members. Please visit the USA Gymnastics website at for more information regarding the background check screening. • Register the athletes as soon as possible so that they can receive a full year of benefits. Remember the new USA Gymnastics magazine subscription begins with the September/October issue. Parents become very upset when they learn that even though they turned the form and registration fees in to the club in the summer, the club did not register until later in the fall and their child missed an issue. • Don't forget to register your athletes online and save $5.00 on each registrant. Please visit the USA Gymnastics website and watch for Member Services E-Newsletter, for the most up-to-date membership information. We continue to thank you for your support and wish you and your club a successful 2009-2010 season! 1(

For any questions or concerns please contact: USA Gymnastics Member Services Department Phone Hours: Monday 12:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. eastern standard time Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. eastern standard time 1-800-345-4719 to ll free

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Gymnastics Builds Self-Esteem! here is little doubt in my mind, Kids First exists today because of my personal experience with sports, in particular, gymnastics. As an elementary student, I was socially sheltered, as my mom did not drive or get out much and my dad was busy running his business. We virtually never traveled and a trip to a restaurant was a once a year occurrence . I lacked confidence in myself and was awkward in new situations and, therefore , avoided them as well as other risks. Gymnastics altered my perception of myself and absolutely changed the course of my life. Facing the challenges of training my body to learn gymnastics gave me the courage to face life's social, intellectual and other challenges. In gymnastics, I learned to equate a challenge with fun and excitement rather than trepidation and an xiety. My confidence and love of life grew. It was at my first teaching job instructing tumbling at Mary Ann


Pearman's School of Dance that I realized my passion was helping kids receive the same benefits from gymnastics that I did . To this day I define myself first and foremost as a teacher, even though my energy is now devoted to leadership in the adult world. (I believe there are few differences between teaching and leadership.) Why is skillful gymnastics instruction uniquely beneficial for young children? I have thought about this for decades and have come to this conclusion: Very young human beings experience life in the physical realm . It is a huge event in the life of a child when s/he learns to walk, jump, skip or turn a cartwheel. These events have far more impact on a person's psychological makeup than does learning to conjugate a verb or solving for X. To this day, I remember as a very young child the feeling of frustration and later the feeling of achievement learning to skip on both feet. Perhaps I

Jeff Metzger USA Gymnastics Business Development Partner President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center

invented the chasse! Good , bad , right or wrong, very young children tend to form a perception of their competency as a person based on how well they stack up physically compared to their peers. It is more important to a 3 year old to be able to keep up on the playground than it is to conjugate a verb. For young children , feeling competent physically reinforces a general belief that "I am capable," a foundational component of a healthy self-esteem. Other component s are: "I am lovable," "I belong," "my views count," "I am in control of myself. " A healthy self-esteem is a requisite for inner peace and happiness and is a worthy goal for us all, a thought that brings us full circle back to the title and central focus of this article , "gymnastics builds self-esteem." I am very thankful I found gymnastics at a young age and my life is richer because of it! Make it a great month! 1\

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Chelsea Christopher-Figure Skater

Marlowe usually works from about 7 am to noon,

For Chelsea Christopher, a 14-year-old

and finishes five subjects in five hours. He has

competitive figure skater with her eye on the

no distractions and enjoys his lessons to the

2010 Winter Olympics, waking up at five a.m.,

fullest. And the flexibility in Marlowe's schedule

skating for four hours, attending high school

also allows him to, as his mother explains, "have

online for another five, and then catching up

more time to devote to his interests: playing tennis, drawing, reading, and playing keyboard. Actually, if it weren't for tennis, I'd probably never get him outside."

with friends is all in a day's work. By the time Chelsea was entering fourth grade, this Ohio native's talent had her parents exploring education options that would enable

Zach and Sam Kennedy-Tennis Players

her to pursue her dreams on the ice while

Handling their first tennis rackets as toddlers.

receiving a proper education off it. Five years

Playing competitive junior tennis at age 5. Helping

ago, the Christophers enrolled Chelsea in the

dad teach tennis to inner-city kids. Competing in

Ohio Virtual Academy-an online public school

doubles and singles junior tennis tournaments.

that uses the K1 2 curriculum. Now a high school

Zach and Sam Kennedy, ages 12 and 11

freshman there, Chelsea says: "Learning with K12

respectively, are not your typical pre-teen boys.

and the Ohio Virtual Academy is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. / skate in the morning, go to school in the afternoon, then have the night to myself."

And they don't attend your typical school. Zach and Sam are enrolled in the Georgia Virtual Academy, a public K1 2partner school. Discovering K1 2"was a godsend;' says their dad. "With the K12

curriculum you've got a combination of cuttingedge technology and traditional materials. The books, assessments, and online tools help Sam and Zach stay really interested in what they're learning."

Marlowe Anderson-Tennis Player When Marlow Anderson was 6 years old, he and his mother went to their local park, where Marlowe casually played around on the tennis court with a few other children . He caught the eye of a tennis coach, who saw in Marlowe a raw, natural talent for playing tennis. Within two years, Marlowe would compete in his first USTA regional junior tennis tournament.

gets kids into learning, so learning gets into them. Learn more at Or, call us at 866.968.7512. K1 2

"Finding K12 was a lifesaver," says Marlowe's mom. "/ don't have to teach Marlowe or make

sure that he's being challenged academically. With the K12 curriculum, I know that Marlowe is getting what he needs."



USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS AND TRADE SHOW Held in conjunction with 2009 Visa Championships August 13-15, 2009, Dallas, Texas PRE-CONGRESS EVENTS Al l USA Gymnastics Professional members. Coaches t judges and and preschool teachers t business owners t high school and college t

Instructor and Introductory Coach instructors of all levels. Recreational managers t administrators t club coaches. t

What is offered? Three days of education with more than 170 sessions. Lectures given by recognized top individuals in the field. Sessions are provided on coaching, judging, business, preschool, recreational, sports science, fitness, and cheerleading. The opportunity to learn from leading experts from all six disciplines, Women's, Men's, Rhythmic, Acrobatics, Gymnastics for All and Trampoline and Tumbling. Along with the sessions, the Trade Show exhibit hall will feature 200 booths of products and information from more than 90 Industry Member vendors. Special events, such as the USGSA Mega Raffle take place in the exhibit hall daily. All Congress attendees are also allowed entry to the Acrobatic, Rhythmic, and Trampoline and Tumbling competitions with their Congress credential. Congress Dates: August 13-15,

2009 Where: Sheraton Dallas Hotel (Dallas, Texas) Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. Five sessions offered per day. Hotel: Sheraton Dallas Hotel (Dallas, Texas) HotellTravel Reservations: National Travel Systems 888-603-8747 Email: Website:


TECH N' 0 UE • J UII E 2009

Wednesday-August 12: Safety/Risk Management certification course, Preschool Fundamental Hands on Training (H .O.T.) course, Business Conference. T & T State Chair/Regional Chair. Workshop. National Congress Registration opens at12 :30 p.m. More events to be added.

Friday-August 14: 2009 Hall of Fame Luncheon and Awards Ceremony

Post-Congress Events August 16: Safety/Risk Management certification course, Preschool Fundamentals Part 2: Hands on Training (H.O.T.) course, Women 's State and Regional Chair Workshopt Women's Judge's exams.

Visa Championships: August 12 - 15, 2009 Ments and Women's Artistic events at American Airlines Arena. Rhythmic, Acrobatics and Trampoline & Tumbling at the Dallas Convention Center. Visa Championships Tickets: Special rate available for all-session tickets for Congress attendees. Registration form : Please visit for more information or refer to the registration form available in upcoming issues of Technique magazine.

Special discounted group registration for Member Clubs. Special Early Bird Pricing available through May 15th.



Office Use Only

2009 USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show Individual Registration Form

Postmarked _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Payment._ __ _ _ _ _ __

August 13-15, 2009 Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas Held in conjunction with the 2009 Visa Championships www.usaqvmnasticsnationaJconqress. orq


"Gymnastics Excellence Through Educat/Of)

I Dallas' 2009

Check/Reg # _ __ ---' _ __ Auth,_ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ __

Use th is form for individu al reg ist rat ion only. Onli ne reg ist ra tio n avai labl e. Pl ease provide a va lid personal email address. Your regist ration confi rma ti on w ill be se nt by email only. On-site registrati on opens Au gust 12 . Congress session s and Exhibit Hall open Aug 13-15. If applying for membership t o receive the member di scount price, you must atta ch a se parate mem bership applicat ion.

Congress Costs (Pre-registration period ends July 12) Please select all that apply. Payment in fu ll is required at t ime of registration. Minimum age for 0/1 Congress attendees is 1S. Professional, Jr. Professional, Instructor, Foreign Instructor and Athlete Members (age 15+)

o o o

$235 Regular Congress Registration $410 Regular Congress Registration and Silver all-session t icket package $334 Regular Congress Registration and Bronze all-session ticket package

Individual registration f ee includes: 1. Credential for entrance to Congress sessions, Aug 13-15. Credential available at check-in Aug 13. 2. One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Saturday, Aug 15. Must be 18+ to attend. Additiona l tickets for spouse/guest are $35 each, avai lable at on-site reg istration. 3. Free admission to Acro, Rhythmic and T&T com petitions. 4. Registration & att endance earns 15 individua l USA Gymnastics University credits. 5. Trade show admission.

New for 2009 - Introductory Coach Special Pricing Ticket details:

o o o

$265 Regular Congress Registration $440 Regular Congress Registrat ion and Silver all-session ticket package $364 Regular Congress Registr ation and Bronze all-session t icket package

• • •

Gold/VIP tickets available for $350 at Silver: lower level sides (low rows) Bronze: lower & mid level sides and lower level end

If applying for membership, please attach a completed membership application.

Specia l ticket rate for all sessions is for purchase for Congress attendees. Tickets will be mailed to address on registration form approximate ly 4 weeks prior to event. All-session tickets are NONREFUNDABLE. Please contact USA Gymnastics at 317-237-5050 for


additional ticket info.

Non-Member $335 Congress Registration (On-site registration price $400)

Additional 2009 Visa Championships All-Session Ticket Packages (please indicate total # of packages)


For You r Hotel and Travel Needs, Co ntac t National Travel Systems

All-session t icket s are NON-REFUNDABLE. Special ticket pricing for Congress Attende es.

Visa Championships Silver all-session ticket package _ _ _ x $175

Or call 1.888.603.8747 or 806.794 .3135

Visa Championships Bronze all-session ticket package _ _ _ x $99

Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ USA Gym nast ics M em bers hip # _ _ _ _ _ __ Ema il Add ress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dat e of Birth _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mailing Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ______ Telephon e_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Stat e_ _ _ __ _ _ Zi p_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Club Name _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Cl ub # _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Check all that apply: 0 Club Owner 0 Coach/Teacher 0 Judge 0 Ad ministrator 0 Other

o Vi sa


Proud Sponsor



0 Other___ Card #____________________ _ _ Exp. Date __; M:"":'~ ="o:"""=yo:"':o"":':~:.'h:you:.:..:'''':'''_"':'':d,

Signatu re _ ____________ ____________________ Print Ca rdholder Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Ema il Addre ss for credit ca rd receipt_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Payment totals - Make checks payable to USA Gymnastics Registration (package) tota l: $_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Additional ticket package total: $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Total payment authorized/enclosed:

Return completed form and payment to: USA Gymnast ics, 132 E. Wash ingt on St. Ste. 700, Ind ia napolis, IN 46204 or by fa x: 317.692.5 212 Att ention: Mem ber Services National Congress Policies in brief: •

Videotaping of Congress sess ions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the session presenters announce that his/her/their session may not be videotaped.

The official language of Co ngress is English. USA Gym nastics wil l make no special provisions for trans lation of sessio ns into other languages.

Congress attendees wit h special needs must notify USA Gym nast ics in writing in this rega rd prior to July 12. The She raton Hote l & Da llas Convention Center are handicap accessible f acilities. We suggest you include your need in writing when submitting this form .


Subst itution Policy: To transfer regi strat ion to another person, the new Congress attendee must also have a USA Gymnastics Congress-eligible membersh ip. After Ju ly 12, $30 fee per substitution. Cancellation Policy : All cancellations must be in writing. Before Ju ly 12, ref und of registration fee less $30 service fee per person cancel li ng. Aft er July 13, re fund is 50% of regist ration fee per person ca nce ll ing. NO REFUNDS AFTER AUG . 30. Subm it all subst itution and cance llati on re quests IN WR ITING to USA Gymnastics, attention: Cathy Allen






2009 USA Gymnastics National Congress and Trade Show Additional Educational Opportunities Registration Form

& TRAm~s~ow

August 12 and 16, 2009 Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas Held in conjunction with the 2009 Visa Championships

'Gymnastics Excellence Through Education"

Office Use Only Postma rked _ _ _ _ _ __ Payment _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Check/Reg # _ _ _-' _ _ __ Auth,_ _ __ Date _ _ __

Dallas· 2009

Mailed and faxed registrations for pre- and post-congress courses must be received by July 12 unless otherwise noted below. After July 12 you must register on-site and an on-site fee of $25 will be added to your registration total. Due to limited space and materials, adm ission is not guaranteed unless you are prereg istered . Due to time constraints, severa l courses may overlap. Please be aware of this when sc hed uling. Use th is form for individua l registration only. Online registration available. Please provide a valid personal email address. Your registrati on confirmation will be sent by email only. On-site reg istration opens August 12. Congress sessions and Exhibit Hall open Aug 13-15. If applying for membership, you must attach a se pa rate membership application form.

Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ USA Gymnastics Membership # _ _ _ _ _ __ Email Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mailing Add ress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Club Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Club# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Check all that apply: 0 Club Owner 0 Coach/Teacher 0 Judge 0 Administrator 0 Other

Pre-Congress Events (minimum age for attendance is 15) - All events held at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel unless noted otherwise Members can register online to save $5

Business Owners Conference

Safety/Risk Management Certification Course: Wednesday, August 12, 1:30-7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, August 12, 8:00-5:00 p.m. Includes continental breakfast, lunch & wine social. No on-site registration.

o Pro member with current (non-expired) Safety Certification ................... $5 o o

Pro, Junior Pro, Instructor, Athlete or Intro Coach member .................. ... $70

Member Club # _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Non-member .................. .......................................... .... .. ................................. $120

Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (HOT) Course: Wednesday, August 12, 2:00-6:00 p.m.

o Member Club $150

o Pro, Junior Pro, Instructor, Athlete ................... .. .......................................... $70 o

o Non Member Club $250

Intro Coach, Non-me mber ................................... ............. ... .......................... $120

Post-Congress Events (minimum age for attendance is 15) - All events held at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel unless noted otherwise Members can register online to save $5

Women's Judges Certification Tests

Safety/Risk Management Certification Course: Sunday, August 16, 8:45 -2:00 p.m .

Sunday, August 16, Time TSO

o Pro member with current (non-exp ired) Safety Certification ................... $5 o Pro, Junior Pro, Instructor, Athlete or Intro Coach member ..................... $70 o Non-member... ..................... ... ...... ..................... ... ...... ............... ............... .. .... $120

Please visit

Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (HOT) Course: Sunday, August 16, 8:45 -1:00 p.m .

o Pro, Junior Pro, Instructor, Athlete ............................................................... $70 o Int ro Coach, Non-member .................. .................. ..................... .................... $120

to view the testing schedule and to register online


o Visa

0 Othe r___ Card #_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp . Date _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Signature ____________________________________________


Proud Sponsor



Print Cardholder Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Payment total-

Email Address for credit card receipt__________________________ Return completed form and payment to: USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Wa shington

st. Ste . 700, Indianapolis,

Make checks payable to USA Gymnastics Total payment authorized/enclosed:

IN 46204 or by fax: 317.692.5212 Attention: Member Services $$,- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- ---National Congre ss Policies in brief: •

Videotaping of Congress sessions is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY un less th e sessio n presenters announce that his/her/their session may not be videotaped.

The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no specia l provisions for translation of sessions into other languages .

Congress attendees with specia l needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to July 12. The Sheraton Hotel & Dallas Convention Center are handicap accessible facilities. We suggest you include your need in writing when submitting this form .



Experience the Business Behind the Magic. Disney Institute gives you the unforgettable opportunity to experience "the business behind the magic" and explore proven business strategies from one of the world's most admired companies. What's your return on investment? A chance to adapt and implement more than 80 years of proven, time-tested business principles into your organization - the same principles that established The Walt Disney Company as an innovative global business leader. Experience how Disney Institute programs have transformed more than half the Fortune 100 companies and is designed to energize your workplace, kick start revenue growth and retain employees.

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Experience the Business Behind the Magic.

ŠD i ~ney


USA Gymnastics 2009 National Business Conference

Postma rked, _ _ _ _ _ __

Held in conjunction with th e 2009 USA Gymnastics National Congress & Trade Show

Payment _ _ _ _ _ _ __

August 12,20098:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Check/Reg # _ _ _~ _ _ __

Sheraton Dallas Hotel Dallas, TX

Auth _ _ _ _ Date _ _ __

What comes to mind when you think Disney? Maybe you think of Mickey Mouse or Cinderella . Or perhaps a memory of a visit to a Disney Theme Park, a Disney movie or cartoon you!ve seen! or a Disney product you!ve purchased . Those are true personal experiences but as a company Disney is best known for exceptional leadership! top notch management! quality products and customer service! and brand loyalty. These are also areas '- $I which build a foundation of success for all businesses, including gymnastics clubs.


Don!t miss your chance to learn from a global corporate leader. "Experience the Business _ -- '© Disney Behind the Magic" to success and industry benchmarks in these key business areas leadership excellence! people management! quality service! brand loyalty and inspi ri ng creativity. This session will include sem inars on Disney's Approach to Leadership Excellence and Disney's Approach to Quality Service. Additional guest speakers include USA Gymnastics President Steve Penny! USA Gymnastics Chairman of the Board Peter Vidmar! USA Gymnastics Vice President of Member Se rvices Kathy Feldmann and other guests. Individual Registration Fee per person:

o o

Registration ends July 12.

Individual from a Member Club $150 Individual from a Non-Member Club $250

Use th is form for individual regi strati on only. Plea se provide a valid personal ema il address. Your registration confirmation w ill be sent by email only. Enrollment is limited. No onsite registrat ion avai labl e. Registration includes full day semi na r & m aterial s, continenta l breakfa st, lunch & w ine social.

Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ USA Gymnast ics Membership # _ _ _ _ _ _ M ember Club #_ _ _ __ Email Addre ss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mailing Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tel ephon e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Club Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Club # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Check all th at apply :

D Club Own er D Co ach/ Tea cher D Judge D Admin istrator D Other


Proud Sponsor



D Vi sa D Oth er___ Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date_--;:======_u:sA:Gym = ""::.:,;n::.:'"'::.:k::.: o",.. = yo":,o::.:"'::.:'~::.:'<h:''''':'::.: v;"'::.:.::.: "'~ d Signa ture_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Payment total- Make checks payable to USA Gymnastics

Print Cardhold er Na m e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Tota l payment aut hori zed/encl osed:

Email Address for credit card receipt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

$$_-- --


Return completed form and payment to: USA Gym nastics. 132 E. Washington St. Ste. 700. Indianapolis, IN 46204 or by fa x: 317.692 .5212 Attention : M ember Services National Congress Policies in brief: •

• •

Videotaping of Congress sessio ns is permitted FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY unless the session presenters anno unce that his/her/their session may not be videotaped, The official language of Congress is English. USA Gymnastics will make no special provisions for translation of sessio ns into other languages. Congress attendees with special needs must notify USA Gymnastics in writing in this regard prior to Ju ly 12. The Sheraton Hotel & Dallas Co nvention Center are ha ndicap accessible facilities. We suggest you include your need in writing when submitting this form .

Substitution Policy: To transfer registration to another person, the new Congress attendee must also have a USA Gymnastics Congress-eligible membership. After July 12, $30 fee per substitution. Cancellat ion Policy: All cancella t ions must be in writing . Be fore July 12, refund of registration fee less $30 service fee per person cancelling. After July 13, refund is 50% of registration fee per person cancelling. NO REFUNDS AFTER AUG . 30. Sub mit all substitution and cancellatio n requests IN WRI TING to USA Gymnast ics , attention: Cathy Allen

"Experience the Business Behind the Magic" with Disney Institute Disney's Approach to Leadership Excellence Today's successful leaders work with their teams to provide vision and to set goals, as well as to encourage involvement and accountability. Walt Disney himself was a firm believer in this style of leadership so the DisneylandÂŽ Resort was opened with his innovative methods and unique vision in mind. This program will teach you to: effectively communicate your vision and examine personal methods for inspiring others; experience successful Disney processes and the organizational structure that supports them; examine the strategies Disney leaders employ to keep their teams constantly improving and reaching new goals; and develop leadership action steps that will assist you in analyzing your organizational vision and individual leadership behaviors.

Disney's Approach to Quality Service The long-standing reputation DisneyTheme Parks and Resorts has for incredible service and friendly employees is not magic, it is sound ideology consistently applied in business. Through this Disney Institute program, we will show you the importance of attention to detail and how we train our Cast Members (employees) to treat our Guests (customers) as VIPS. We will also help you to: anticipate the needs, wants and emotions of your customers in order to exceed their service expectations; bring consistency to your organization by establishing quality standards; design a delivery system that focuses on the employees, environment and processes that enhance quality service; and create a service plan that integrates quality standards and delivery standards that focus on exceeding family expectations.



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USA Gymnastics National Congress Visa Championships

No prize under $2,000 ~~--



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August 13 .- 15

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USA Gymnastics Congress ~~II~ Dallas, Texas ,rr August 13 - 15, 2009 )%1 rj~


Everything's bigger in Texas Over $47,000 in prizes! generously donated by USGSA members and USA Gymnastics

from ELITE SPORTSWEAR, L.P. $2,160 in gift certificates from A-1 Awards, $2,000 gift certificate from Alpha Factor,

$6,600 in Motor Skills Pack & Mat Upgrade from American Athletic, $3,200 in Workstation and Facility Pakage from Deary's Gymnastics Supply, $3,400 in four Vau lt Runways from Dollamur, $1,500 in gift certificates from

Dream~ight, $6; 000 in giftcertificates frg.mJ'E lite SpolJsWear,


$2,500 in gift certificates from Garland Activewear, $2,200 in Air Mat & Preschool Package from Gibson, $3,000 Vault Tabl e~from Gym Nova, $1,000 in gift certificates from Hodges Badge Company, Inc., $500 in Sleeveless Leotards from JKLM Designs, $3,000 in gift

certificates from Mancino Manufacturing, $500 in Silk Screened Tees from Marshals Sportswear, $500 gift card from Money Mov~rs of America, $2,100 in Gym Essentials Pack from Norbert's Athletic Products, $1,000 saving bond fr6m Resilite, $3,000 in gift cer-

tificates from Satara leos, $600 in Rocket Board (Mini Tramp/Vault Trainer) from Trampolines Unlimited, and $3,055 in Vaulting Package from Tumbl Trak.

Tumbl Trak

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Gymnastics MAGAZINE


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2009 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Luncheon HALL OF FAME CEREMONY AND LUNCHEON When: Friday, August 14,2009 11 :00am-1 :OOpm (cash bar opens at 1O,45am) Where: Sheraton DaLLas Hotel, DaLLas, Texas Cost: Individual $45; Table $400 (table)

1999 Gold Medal U.S. World Championship Men's Double Mini Trampoline Team Mark Griffith, Karl Heger, Byron Smith and Ryan Weston


REGISTRATION/TICKET FORM: Individual Tickets: $45 per person-

Carly Patterson Athlete (Women) Mary Sanders Athlete (Rhythmic) John Macready Athlete (Men) Stephen McCain Athlete (Men) James S Yongue Athlete (Trampoline and Tumbling) Shenea Booth and Arthur Davis Athletes (Acrobatic) Fred Turoff Coach (Men)


Patricia Wilson Henderson

Individuals will be open seating. Reserved Table: $400 (10 people) Full tables will be reserved. Tickets will be mailed out to the address provided on the order form . Orders must be received NO LATER than June 15th to ensure proper delivery time.

PLEASE PRINT: Please submit email address. Confirmation will be sent via email Name _____________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State _______ _ _ Zip Code _ _ _ _ __ * Email Address _______________________________________ (Required for confi rmation)

Phone: Dayti me_____________________ Credit card: Type _____ Numbe r___________________ Exp. Name (print) on card: _______________

# of tickets _

Signature ___________________________

@ $45 each. • # tables _ _ @ $400 (table of 10) • # tables_

Donation to HO F * ___________________ Total amount due: Table(s) reserved in the name of ___________________________________________ * All donations of $50 or above will be listed in the Hall of Fame Program, Cong ress Information Guide and Technique magazine. Must be received by June 1st in order to be in publicatio ns. Fax form with credit card information to 317-692-5212 or mail form and check (made out of USA Gymnastics) to: USA Gymnastics HaLL of Fame Ceremony - Erica Koven 132 E Washington St, Ste 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Using Air Cushioned Technology "Most of our injuries occur when kids get into Level 6 as they learned back tucks and front tucks. A mistake that's been made is getting them on the hard floor too quickly. So, we've moved them to the softer Air Floor which has really helped." -Andy Memme/, M&M Gymnastics Want to see the Air Floor in action? Go to and watch a video clip from the Tumbl Trak Media Gallery.

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Do It Ag ai r

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LIVE COURSE SCHEDULES Live course schedules are updated weekly on our website

wwwousa-gymnasticsoorgo Please see the website for the most current schedule.

Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (HOT) June 13 July 30 Tulsa World of Gymnastics Region 6Congress 7020 E. 38th St. Boston Marriott Newton Tulsa, OK 74145 2345 Commonwealth Ave. Course code: BM061320090K Newton, MA 02466 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Course code: XX07302009MA June 14 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Region 8 Congress Omni Jacksonville Hotel August 12 245 Water St. Sheraton Dallas Hotel* Jacksonville, FL 32202 400 N. Olive St. Course code: XX06142009FL Dallas, TX 75201 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Course code: XX08122009TX June 14 TIme to be determined Somerset Hills YMCA August 16 140 Mount Airy Rd. Sheraton Dallas Hotel* Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 400 N. Olive St. Course code: LM06142009NJ Dallas, TX 75201 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Course code: XX08162009TX June 25 TIme to be determined Region 4Congress Marriott Coralville Hotel & Conference September 17 Center Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel &Convennon Center 300 E. 9th St. 1551 Thoreau Dr. North Coralville, IA 52241 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Course code: XX062520091A Course code: BM091720091L 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. July 12 Nanonal Gymnastics Training Center 300 Big Pond Rd. Huguenot, NY 12746 Course code: TROll 22009NY ' Course dates and times are subied to change and/or cancellation. 'Held in coniundion with USA Gymnastics 2009 National Congress and Trade Show 1:00 - 6:00 p.m.

June 13

Intemanonal Gymnastics Camp 9020 Bartonsville Woods Rd. Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Course code: BL06132009PA 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. June 14 Tulsa World of Gymnasncs 7020 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Course code: BG061420090K 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. June 14 Region 8 Congress Omni Jacksonville Hotel 245 Water St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 Course code: XX06142009FL June 20

Flip Fest Gymnasncs Camp 272 Lake Frances Rd. Crossville, TN 38571 Course code: SM06202009TN 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. June 28

Region 4Congress Marriott Coralville Hotel &Conference Center 300 E. 9th Coralville, IA 52241 Course code: XX062820091A 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

To register for a course, visit the USA Gymnastics website at . Register online or download the registration forms. "Save $5 by registering online!** Pre-registration is IMPORTANT to ensure your spot in the course. The registration deadline for mailed/faxed forms is two weeks prior to the course . Online registration must be completed at least one week prior. Late and onsite registration may be available and will incur an additional $25 fee. If you are interested in hosting a course at your gym, contact for more information .





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Men's Program Committee Conference Ca ll January 6, 2009 Chairman Yoichi Tomita called the meeting to order p.m. Eastern Time. r. Roll Call Members Present: Yoichi Tomita. MPC Chairman & USAG Board of Dir. MRep. Bill Foster. MPC Secretary & Junior Coaches' Representative Steve Butcher. FIG Technical Committee Member Barry Weiner. Senior Coaches' Representative Russ Fystrom. Senior Coaches' Representative Jay Thornton . Athletes' Representative John Roethlisberger. Athletes' Representative Stacy Maloney. Junior Coaches' Representative

"-.. "-..


at 12:10



Present, Not Voting: Dan Bachman. National Gymnastics Judges Association Dennis McIntyre. Men's Program Director

\ J

That's why I switched ...



II . World Championships Selection Procedures: Motion: To approve the 2009 Individual World Championships Selection Procedures document as presented Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Russ Fystrom PASSED: Unanimously


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III. Senior National Team Selection at Winter Cup Challenge: Discussion regarding the proposal for National Team Selection at the Winter Cup which includes a provision for 2008 Olympic Team members to petition to the Team until the Visa Championships, the automatic seLection of 7 athletes using the National Team Points Program at the Winter Cup Challenge pLus the discretionary selection of two athletes - one by the MPC and one by the National Team Coordinator for a total of 15 team members. Motion: To approve the 2009 National Team Selection of 15 members at the Winter Cup as proposed which would include: • Six members of 2008 Olympic Team may petition the MPC for a team position. • Seven members selected using the National Team Points Program at the Winter Cup Challenge. • One member selected by the Men's Program Committee. • One member selected by the National Team Coordinator. Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Jay Thornton IV. Senior National Team Points Program for the Winter Cup Challenge: Motion: To include all-around points at the same level as individual events for top 10 athletes in each event using points program poLicies from Winter Cup 2008. Motion: Russ Fystrom Second: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously Russ Fystrom and Barry Weiner left the call due to a potential conflict of interest on the last topic to be discussed.

V. Winter Cup Challenge Petitions

Discussion concerning the merits of several athletes who submitted special circumstance petitions to have their video tape submission reviewed for possible qualification into the Winter Cup Challenge. These petitioned athletes did not otherwise meet the basic qualification guidelines. Motion: To allow all petitioned athlete's video tape submissions be reviewed as part of the video submission qualification process for the Winter Cup Challenge. Motion: Voichi Tomita Second: Stacy Maloney

Men's Program Committee Conference Call January 23, 2009

Chairman Voichi Tomita called the meeting to order at 11:03 a.m. CST.

Motion: To accept Cole Storer's petition into the Winter Cup Challenge. Motion: Voichi Tomita Second: Jay Thornton

I. RoLL CaLL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita. MPC Chairman & USAG Board of Directors Men's Representative Bill Foster. MPC Secretary & Junior Coaches' Representative Steve Butcher. FIG Tec hni cal Committee Member ABSENT Barry Weiner, Senior Coaches' Representative left the ca ll at 11 :15 a.m. Russ Fystrom, Senior Coaches' Representati ve left the ca ll at 11:15 a.m . Jay Thornto n, Athletes' Representative joined the call at 11 :10 a,m. John Roethlisberger, Athletes' Representati ve joined the call at 11 :13 a,m, Stacy Maloney, Junior Coaches' Representative joined the ca ll at 11:18 a,m.

Motion: To accept Nyika White's petition into the Winter Cup Challenge. Motion: Jay Thornton Second: Voichi Tomita

Present, Not Voti ng: Dan Bachman, National Gymnastics Judges Associatio n Ron Brant, Senior Program Coordinator Dennis McIntyre, Men's Program Director

V. Adjournment

II. Dominican Republic Invitation to Winter Cup:

Motion: To Adjourn at 12:50 p.m. EST Motion: Voichi Tomita Second: Stacy Maloney PASSED: Unanimously

Motion: USA Gymnastics will extend an invitation to the Federation of the Dominican Republic to enter one of their gymnasts in the 2009 Winter Cup Challenge Motion: Voichi Tomita Second: Russ Fystrom PASSED:Unanimously

Respectfully submitted by Dennis McIntyre Approved by: Dennis McIntyre, Men's Program Director Approved by: Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics President


III. World Championships Selection Procedu res: Motion: To accept the proposed World Championships Team Selection Procedures Motion: Russ Fystrom Second: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously Russ Fystrom and Barry Weiner left the call due to a potential conflict of interest on the last topic to be discussed. IV. Winter Cup Challenge Petition Process Petition for Aaron Fortunato to compete in Winter Cup died for lack of action . V. General Discussion A brief general discussion ensued concerning topics that will be addressed at the 2009 Winter Cup Challenge.

Men's Program Committee Conference Call February 6, 2009 Chairman Yoichi Tomita called the meeting to order at 10:12 a.m. PST. I. Roll Call Members Present: Yoichi Tomita. MPC Chairman & USAG Board of Directors Men's Representative Bill Foster. MPC Secretary & Junior Coaches' Representative Steve Butcher. FIG Technical Committee Member Barry Weiner. Senior Coaches' Representative Russ Fystrom. Se nior Coaches' Representative Jay Thornton . Athletes' Representative John Roethlisberger. Athletes' Representative Dan Gill. Athletes' Representative present by phone Stacy Maloney. Junior Coaches' Representative ABSENT

Present, Not Voti ng: VI. Adjournment Motion: To Adjourn at 11:30 a.m. CST Motion: Bill Foster Second: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously

Respectfully subm itted by Bill Foster, Junior Coaches Representative Approved by: Dennis McIntyre, Men's Program Director Approved by: Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics President


Da n Bachman. National Gymnastics Judges Association Ron Brant. Senior Program Coordinator Dennis McIntyre. Men's Program Director

II. Ron Galimore briefly addressed the MPC and Yoichi Tomita made so me general remarks concerning our road to success in 2008 and the path to th e future. III. Denni s McIntyre made an office report that covered severa l items. 1. Senio r Team athlete and coach funding document. 2. Clarification that a gymnast attending a USAG assigned

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, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~' ---


event will not be penalized for missing a camp at that time. 3. There is no current Men's Program National Team sponsor 4. USOTC Resident Program: There are several prospects/ applicants; some are already going through their trial! probationary period. 5. The search for a Junior Olympic Coordinator continues 6. The NCAA-USAG Summit was very successful in identifying issues in the Men's and Women's Programs and beginning to work towards so lution s. 7. Adidas has renewed their sponsorship . IV. National Team Coordinator Ron Brant presented his report. Ron is now Coordinator for both the Junior and Senior National Teams; our program is now more unified than at any time. V. Russ Fystrom presented a report on the new Board of Directors for USA Gymnastics and its impact. 1. Peter Vidmar is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. 2. The Tyson sponsored programs continue and are showi ng success. 3. The kinks have been worked out on the Background Checks. No excuses and no exceptions. VI. Steve Butcher presented a report on the FIG Men's Technical Committee. 1. Version 5 of the FIG Code of Points will be completed and released as the final version. 2. Steve is the Secretary of the FIG/M TC.

VII. Winter Cup Challenge and National Team Selection Petitions were received from all 6 members of the Olympic Team requesting to be placed on the National Team at the 2009 Winter Cup Challenge. The MPC handled each petition individually. 1) Motion: Accept the petition of Alexander Artemov Motion: Jay Thornton Second: Barry Weiner PASSED: Unanimously 2) Motion: Accept the petition of Raj Bhavsar Motion: Jay Thornton Second: Steve Butcher PASSED: Unanimously 3) Motion: Accept the petition of Joseph Hagerty Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously 4) Motion: Accept the petition of Jonathan Horton Motion: Jay Thornton Second: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: Unanimously 5) Motion: Accept the petition of Justin Spring Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Barry Weiner PASSED: Unanimously

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6) Motion: Accept the petition of Kevin Tan Motion: Russ Fystrom Second: Bill Foster PASSED: Unanimously There was extensive discussion of the MPC decision to allow the Men's National Team Coordinator to select the 15th member of the National Team . It was agree d that no change is appropriate until we have had some time to see the results of thi s process. There was extensive discussion of a possible Spring Tour and its effects upon athlete preparation for USAG events. It was noted that the MPC may, at any time, review a National Team Member's compliance with the National Team Agreement and take appropriate action within the con straints of that agreement. VIII. The meeting was suspended at 11:45 a.m. , PST, for a break. IX . The meeting reconvened at 12:05 p.m. PST

major team event in Japan in 2009. Motion: Support the World University Games as a selffunded event, with a selection procedure to be developed later. Motion: Russ Fystrom Second: Jay Thornton PASSED: Unanimously XI. 2009 National Qualifier Motion: The National Qualifier will be on July 11, 2009 and held at the USOTC Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Barry Weiner PASSED: Unanimously There will be approximately 42 gymnasts in the Senior Competition at the 2009 VISA Championships. Slight deviations from 42 would be due to petitions and the qualification of some specialists. Discussion of using a 20 point system for the selection of the National Team

X. Discussion of the Spring/ Summer Competition Schedule Team meets are available and will be emphasized this year. There are three World Cup Events available. Jonathan Horton and David Sender will attend the Tyson American Cup. There was extensive discussion about the World University Games, past problems with our participation, and the conflict with a

Discussion about adjusting the rules to encourage the development of new, higher level skills. XII. Adjournment Motion: To Adjourn at 1:30 p.m. PST Motion: Steve Butcher

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Second: Barry Weiner PASSED: Unanimously Respectfully submitted by Bill Foster, Junior Coaches Representative Approved by: Dennis McIntyre, Men's Program Director Appraved by: Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics President

Jope Meeting - Conference Call Tuesday, March 3, 2009 The meeting was called to order at 11:05 p.m. EST by Chair, Gilbert Elsass. I. Roll Call Members Present: Reg 1 Roger Baldwin Reg 2 - David Klein Reg 3 Gilbert Elsass. Chairman JOPC Reg 4 Dan Coon Reg 5 - Bob Witmer Reg 6 DeWayne Davenport, secretary Reg 7 Rich Pulsfort Reg 8 Kevin White Reg 9 - Raleigh Wilson NGJA Rep. Dean Schott Jr. Rep. MPC Bill Foster Jr. Rep. MPC - Stacy Maloney Jr. Coaching Staff Rep - Kelly Crumley Men's Program Director - Dennis McIntyre. voice. no vote Members not present: Athlete Rep - Jay Thornton

II. Setting the qualifying process to the Junior Olympic National Championships Motion: To adopt the 2008 qualifying process to J.O. National Championships. Bob Witmer Second: Kevin White Vote: Passes Unanimously III. Roberto Pumpido Award Motion: To award the coach of the top level 10 (16-18) gymnast at J.O. Nationals the Roberto Pumpido Award. Kevin White Second: Bill foster Vote: Passes Unanimously III. Adjournment Motion to adjourn. Bob Witmer Second: DeWayne Davenport Vote: Passes Unanimously Meeting adjourned 11:55 p.m. EST Submitted by Dewayne Davenport, JOpe Secretary Approved by: Dennis McIntyre, Men 's Program Director Approved by: Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics President

Men's Program Committee Conference Call

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March 16, 2009 Chairman Yoichi Tomita called the meeting to order at 11:08 a.m. COT. I. Roll Call Members Present: Yoichi Tomita , MPC Chairman & USAG Board of Directors Men's Representative Bill Foster, MPC Secretary & Junior Coaches' Representative Steve Butcher, FIG Technical Committee Member Barry Weiner, Senior Coaches' Representative Russ Fystrom , Senior Coaches' Representative Left the call at 12:20 pm Jay Thornton, Athletes' Representative John Roethlisberger. Athletes' Representative Stacy Maloney, Junior Coaches' Representative

Present, Not Voti ng: Dan Bachman, National Gymnastics Judges Association Ron Brant, Senior Program Coordinator Dennis McIntyre, Men's Program Director

II. Men's Elite Qualifier and 2009 Visa Championships Committee reviewed the Technical documents for the 2009 Elite Qualifier on July 11 , 2009, and for the 2009 Visa Championships, August 12-15, 2009. Motion: Approve the QuaLifying and Operating Procedures for the 2009 Elite QuaLifier Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Bill Foster PASSED: UnanimousLy III. Review of the Point System for 2009 Visa Championships and National Team Selection Committee reviewed the point system for qualification to the 2009 Visa Championships and selection to the National Team Motion: Approve seLection of 20 point system for quaLification and NationaL Team seLection point system Motion: Barry Wiener Second: Steve Butcher PASSED: UnanimousLy I~ Coache~

Funding Dennis McIntyre reviewed a Coaches' funding rules problem in relation to team camp support. Motion: If a named coach of a NationaL Team member designates another coach from his programs coaching staff to attend a training camp with his NationaL Team Member, the attending coach will receive the camp support funds for that camp. Motion: Russ Fystrom Second: Stacy MaLoney PASSED: UnanimousLy V. Charlie Tamayo's request to compete at the 2009 Elite Qualifier Motion: Approve Participation Motion: Barry Wiener Second: Steve Butcher PASSED: UnanimousLy



VI. Bonus Document Ron Brant presented a proposal to award a bonus that will facilitate development for the future. There was extensive discussion on all aspects of the document. The document will be revised, circulated among the Senior Coaches, and then submitted to the MPC for approval.


Team will be finalized at the next Se ni or Traini ng Ca mp .

VII. Adjournment Motion: To Adjourn at 1:03 p.m. COT Motion: Yoichi Tomita Second: Bill Foster PASSED: UnanimousLy

Motion : Approve the athlete selections proposed by Ron Brant as: Moscow World Cup - May 29-30 Athletes: Guillermo Alvarez, Raj Bhavsar, Chris Brooks, David Sender Coaches: Mike Burn s, Rusta m Sharipov

Respectfully submitted by Bill Foster, Junior Coaches Representative Approved by: Dennis McIntyre, Men 's Program Director Approved by: Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics President

Champions Trophy (Frankfort, GER) - May 30-31 Athlete: Joey Hagarty Coach: Vitaly Marinitch

Men's Program Committee Conference Call

Motion: John RothLisberger Second: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: UnanimousLy The deLegation for the Japan Cup, JuLy 14 - 21, will be decided on following the May Senior NationaL Team Camp.

ApriL 27, 2009 Chairman Yoichi Tomita called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m. COT. I. Roll Ca ll Members Present: Yoichi Tomita, MPC Chairman & USAG Board of Directors Men's Representative Bill Foster. MPC Secretary & Junior Coaches' Representative Steve Butcher. FIG Technical Co mmittee Me mber Barry Weiner. Senior Coaches' Representative Russ Fystrom, Senior Coaches' Representative Jay Thornton, Athletes' Representative John Roeth li sberger. Athletes' Representative Stacy Maloney, Junior Coaches' Representative ABSENT

VI. Adjournment Motion: To Adjourn at 12:22 p.m. COT Motion: BiLL Foster Second: Yoichi Tomita PASSED: UnanimousLy Respectfully submitted by Bill Foster, Junior Coaches Representative Approved by: Dennis McIntyre, Men 's Program Director Approved by: Steve Penny, USA Gymnastics President

Present, Not Voting: Dan Bachma n, National Gymnastics Judges Association Ron Brant, Senior Prog ram Coordinator Denni s McIntyre, Men's Program Director


II. World University Games Dennis McIntyre di scussed procedures, se lection of team membe rs, etc. about the 2009 World University Games. The procedural requirements will be fin alized on the next call. III. International Assignments Note: Barry Weiner and Russ Fystrom left the call, since they coach athletes who are under consideration. Ron Brant presented proposed assignments for the Moscow World Cup, Germany's Champions Trophy teams. The Japan Meet

April 17, 2009 I. Roll Call Members Present: IEC Chairman NEPC Chairman Coaches Rep

National Team Coord Vice President Program Elite Program Manager

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The follo wing recommendations were made to the ADC through various meetings co nducted at the Nationa l Team Training Center du ring th e March National Team Training Camp

9-11 Year Olds - 5 attempts are given using t he sa me criteria sta ted above exce pt they must cast a minimum of 45 degrees to receive one point and to withi n 15 degrees of a handstand to receive the maximum of two points per attempt.

1. TOPs Physical Abilities changes (effective for the 2009 season) and

Elite Compulsory changes (effective immediately) Recommendation the following changes to the TOPs Physical Abilities and Elite Compulsory for the 2009 season. 1) Eliminate the sheep jump in the Elite Compulsory Floor routine. Reason: the criteria in the new code to get credit for this mo ve is extremely diffic ult and it is felt that constant training of th is ski ll for many body types will not be producti ve. ADDENDUM (4/26/2009): A Split Jump will replace the Sheep Jump. So the pass will now be either a Split Jump or a Cat Leap 1/1. 2) For the bridge test in the TOPS program, two tape marks wi ll be placed on the floor that are just 12" apart (measured from the inside of both tapes) and the athlete being tested MUST place t heir hands inside and no t touc hing these tape marks when performing the back bridge test. Re ason: a beam is only 4" wide and many of the athletes are using an extremely wide are placement in performing and getting good scores on this test by having wide arms. Fingers must remain pointed forward and arms completely straight, as previously specified.

Motion Second PASSED

Valeri Liukin Steve Rybacki

Women's Complilsory MlJsi.c "" .l¢vel

lf~r911gh .~

Are you tired of the same old compulsory music? In addition to the current music, you now have a choice of new music. NEW MUSIC will be available for purchase by June 1,. 2009. Same routine, but you have a choice of sticking with the old music or getting new! You can watch the actual routines with the new music and voice over prompts on our web site beginning June 1,2009. Be ready for next season. Pre-Order now and music will be shipped as soon as available. PRICING

3) Th e TOP cast handstand tests sho uld be changed to: 7-8 Year Olds -- 5 attempts are given and if they reach a body angle of between 90 and 45 degrees they receive one point and if they go above 45 degrees they receive two points. The body must be in a straight or hollow shape, if there is any pike or arch in the body the score is a zero regardless of the angle of th e cast.

The cost of the new Floor Music CD is $15.00. Bundled Price for both new and old Music is $25.00 You can order now by calling 800-345-4719 (select option 1) or order onli ne at ndex.asp ?cmd;=showcatego ry&param_O=l1.

American Athletic's largest stocking equipment dealer Over 20,000 sq. feet of NEW & Meet Demo equipment available. Shipping in-stock equipment same day as payment on Men's & Women's apparatus & mats. Competitive pricing and 50% freight allowance on all orders.

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M USA Gymnastics Swnmer Events o


1. The Chicago Cup is an international rhythmic invitational, featuring junior and senior elites. Top rhythmic gymnasts from around the world and the USA are expected to compete. There will also be a Levell a division with gymnasts from around the country, as well as the Junior Olympic Championships for Levels 7-9.



2. USA Gymnastics, the Pan American Gymnastics Union and the American Sokol Organization are hosting this event that showcases participants from around the world. The event will include something for everyone with TeamGym, Gym Fest, City Performances, Festival Rhythmic, Aesthetic Group, and more.

;0 I




The Freedom Cup is a World Cup international acrobatic gymnastics invitational, featuring age group, junior and senior competition. Top acrobatic gymnasts from around the world are expected to compete. The Junior Olympic Championships for Levels 5-10 will be held in conjunction with the Freedom Cup.



Jul y 24-26, 2009 • Del Molnn, low.


4. The U.s. Classic and Challenge is a women's gymnastics qualifier to the Visa Championships. The event will include both junior and senior elite competition, as well as the Hopes division.


o D

~ ridge' Sloan is

from Pittsboro,

Ind., and trains at Sharp's Gymnastics with her long-time coach Marvin Sharp. Sloan will turn 17 on June 23 and already has a long list of accomplishments to her credit. In 2009 she won two international competitions

in Germany and France and also helped her team win the titles at both events. She also finished second all-around at the Tyson American Cup. She's a 2008 OlympicTeam Silver Medalist and was the alternate to the 2007 World Championships gold medal team. In addition to these

major feats, Sloan won a silver on floor exercise and a bronze in the allaround at the 2007 Good Luck Beijing International Tournament, as well as two bronze medals on the uneven bars and floor exercise at the 2007 Toyota Cup. Her goals for 2009 are to make the World

Championships team and compete in London this October. She attends Tri West High School and just finished her sophomore year. Sloan will graduate from high school is 2011. Sloan is the daughter of Jeff and Mary Sloan. She has three older siblings: Kyle, Kassie and Nathan. 1(

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2008, Shawn Johnson, David Sender •

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IMPORTANT NOTICE The following former professional members are permanently ineligible for membership within USA Gymnastics: The following Membership Statement has been adopted by the Board of Directors of USA Gymnastics: Membership in USA Gymnastics is a privilege granted by USA Gymnastics. That privilege can be withdrawn by USA Gymnastics at any time where a member's conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the best interest of the sport of gymnastics and of the athletes we are servicing.

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POSITION AVAILABLE WANTED: MEN'S TEAM HEAD COACH. Foothills Gymnastics Training (enter is a newly expanded 35,000 square foot, state of the art facility. We are looking for a highly motivated coach to join our Team Stoff and take over our growing Men's Program. Salary will be based on experience. Foothills Gymnastics is located in the foothills of Western North (orolina. Please contact Shown Bryont at Foothills Gymnastics. Phone #: B2B·32B·3794. e·mail: website: When opportunity knocks (you belter answer the door!). Take advantage 01 the chance to work with one of the top programs in the United States. We are currently in the position to bring on a full·time women's team coach. The perfect candidate will have professional credentials, a passion for teom gymnastics, the drive to teach technique properly, and a sincere appreciation for the benefits of strong compulsory basics. Former optional·level/college competitor applications also welcome! TIme is of the essence. Strong benefits package/ competitive salary. Please email your resume (including salary requirements) to: PeggyD@everybody· Sales Rep. Mancino Mfg. has on immediate opening for a Gymnastics Sales Rep. The perfect candidate will work in our Philadelphia Sales Office, but will be responsible for Gymnastics product and equipment sales throughout the US. Responsibilities Include: Presence ot seleet Gymnastics Events and Trade Shows, New Product Design / Development, (ustomer Order Assistance and Education on Mancino Products, Gymnastics Website enhancements with Digital Media Team, Gymnastics (atalog Design / Development, Establish and maintain market presence in (heerleading. Mancino is looking for a trustworthy, polished, individual to help grow our gymnastics market shore and promote the established Mancino brand. Must be passionate about gymnastics and willing to work independently when needed. Basic business skills (Microsoft Office Suite .. etel as well as a "hands on" enthusiastic altitude are mandatory. Resume to: Rebecca@ INSTRUCTOR/COACHES. Paragon Gymnastics of Norwood (Bergen (ounty), NJ is looking for instructors and coaches, P/T - F/T. Requirements: Positive allitude, responsible, reliable, love of children. Position available for competitive team coach level 6 and up with flexible hours. Also preschool through intermediate instruction. (om pony sponsored certifications (Safety, (PR, First AID) Full benefits/ paid vaeotion & sick days, company matched retirement plan. Will train. Salary commensurate with experience. NEW facility, state· of·the·art, approx. 11,000 sq. fl. located in the NY/NJ Metropolitan area, easily accessible from all major highways. (ontact Dot: email: dot@ paragon gym. com, 201 ·767·6921 or fox resume to 201·767·6693 or at 49 Walnut Street, Suite 4, Norwood, NJ 0764B. Assistant girls competitive /TOPS coach. large, multi· location program seeking individual to assist with girls competitive teams levels 4 - 10. Program was established in 1973 and currently has over 1300 students Great eoreer opportunity with excellent salary and benefits including vocation, health and retirement with potential to move into management or supervisory position. located near the University of Iowa,



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FOR INFORMATION on how to publish a oossified ad in Technique, go 10 hllp://www,usa-gymnostics,org/publicotions/ Or call Luan Peszek at 317-829-5646.

USA Gymnastics 132 E. Washington St., Suite 700 Indianapolis, IN 46204


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