Technique Magazine - March 2010

Page 1

EVENTS 2010 MARCH 5 5·9 6 25·27 26·27

Nastia Liukin Supergirl Cup (W) JO and National Team Training Camp (AG) Tyson American Cup (M/W) .\ T&TPan American Championships (TT) USA Gym. Collegiate Champs (M)

AUGUST Worcester, MA Huntsville, TX Worcester, MA Daytona Beach, Fl Colorado Springs, CO

APRIL Women's NCAA Regionals Men's NCAA Championships 15-17 USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (W) 15·17 Women's NCAA Championships 22·24 28·May 2 XIV Inti. H. Chmielewski Tournament (AG) 29-Nat2 Pacific Rim Champs. :m'af2 level 9 East/West (W) 10

various sites West Point, NY Denton, TX Gainesville, Fl Swidnica, Poland Melbourne, AUS Oxuleston,'IN/ Des MOOles, IA

MAY 4·9 6·9 7-9 9 22·24

Men's JO Notional Championships Women's JO National Championships Volkov Cup (AG) National Invitational Tournament World Championship Training Camp (AG)

Knoxville, TN Dallas, TX SI. Petersburg, Russia Dallas, TX Huntsville, TX

10·14 11 12·14 14·26


Acrobatic Gymnastics World Team Trials National Elite QualHer (AG) U.S. Elite Challenge (TT) Chicago Cup/Rhythmic JO Nationals Trampoline and Tumbling JO Nationals

1·5 18 19·26 TBD

Acro Gymnastics World Age Group Competition U.S. Men's Qualifier (M) Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships Rhythmic National Qualifier National Elite Qualifer (AG) CoverGiri Classic (W) Acro JO Notional Championships

Huntsville, TX Kissimmee, Fl Virginia Beoch, VA Chicago, Il Virginia Beach, VA

Wrodaw, Poland Colorado Springs, CO Wrodaw, Poland TBD Kissimmee, Fl Chicago, Il Kissimmee, Fl

NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.


Guadalajara, Mexico Everywhere Moscow, Russia Guadalajara, Mexico


World Artistic Championships (M/W)

RoHerdam, NED

4-7 11 ·13 17-19

Future Stars Championships/Coaches Workshop (M) Colorado Springs, CO Trampoline World Championships (TT) Metz, France International Age Group Championships (TT) Metz, France


201 1 4 5

Nastia liukin Cup (W) Tyson American Cup (M/W)


JULY 10·16

World Gymnaestrada (GG)

lausanne, SUI


W= Women R= Rhythmic AG =Acrobatic Gymnastics B=Business


Senior Pan Am Championships (M/W) National Gymnastics Day Rhythmic World Championships Senior Pan Am Championships (R)


JULY 9·11 10 16·18 17 23·25 23·25 25·28

Hartford, a Hartford, a Hartford, a Singapore


JUNE J.6 23-25 24·27 23-27

Visa Championships Annual Business Conference National Congress and Trade Show Youth Olympic Games (M,W,R,TR)


Visa Championships



Rhythmic World Championships

Lille, France

OaOBER 8·16 14·30

World Artistic Championships (M/W) Pan American Games (M/W/R/TR)

TR =Trampoline M=Men IT =TrampolinelTumbling

GG = Group Gymnastics

Tokyo, Japan Guadalajara, Mexico

TU = Tumbling


Steve Penny EDITOR

Luon Peszek

2 0 1 0 . VOLUME 30. #3


U.S. Olympic Training Center (USOTC) Resident Gymnastics Program


Exercises to Improve Balance


Grant Glos

USA GYMNASTICS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Peler Vidmar Vice-Chair: Paul Parilla Secretary: Gary Anderson Treosurer: Morris Jim National Membership -Women: Tom Koll National Membership -Women: Steve Rybacki Notional Membership -Men: Yoichi Tom~a National Membership -Men: Russ Fystrom Notional Membership -Rhythmic Brooke Bushnell-Toohey Notional Membership -Trampoline &Tumbling: George Drew National Membership -Acrooolic Gymnosti!S: Dr. Jay Binder Advisory Coundl: Mike Burns Advisory Coundl: Ron Ferris Advisory Coundl: Mike Lorenzen Athlete Director -Women: Kim Zmeskal Athlete Director · Men: John Roelhl~berger Athlele Director · Rhythmic Jessica Howard Athlete Director -Trampoline & Tumbling: Karl Heger Athlete Director · Acrobatic Gymonstics: Michael Rodrigues Public Sector: Fronk Marshall Public Sector: Bilsy Kelley Public Sector: Jim Morris Public Sector: Mary Lou ReHon

16 The Five-step Plan to Solve Problems


Event Schedule


USA Gymnastics Message

22 Tyson Fitness Challenge 24 Bi:z: Tips 26 Member Services 28 Congress 32 Athlete Focus 34 Club Corner 39 USA Gymnastics University 43 Women's Program Update 46 Classifieds

CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: In order to ensure uninterrupted delivery of TECHNIQUE mogazine, notice of change of address should be made eight weeks in advance. For fastest service, please enclose your present mailing label. Direct all subscription mail to TECHNIQUE Subscriptions, USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Washington SI., Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204 . TECHNIQUE is published monthly except bimonth~ in Sept/ Oct and Nov/Dec by USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Washington SI., Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (phone: 317-2375050) or visit online @ Subscription prices: U.S.-S25 per year; Conada/Mexico-S48 per year; all other foreign countries-S60 per year. If available, back issue single copies S4 plus postage/handling. All reasonable core will be taken, but no responsibility con be assumed for unsolicited material; enclose return postage. Copyright 2010 by USA Gymnastics and TECHNIQUE. All rights reserved. Printed by Sport Graphics, Indianapolis, IN. Member Services 1-800-345-4719 U.I... upressly id•• ,ifi.d 10 lb. ,onlrory, "" orlic/.s, s'o'em••'s ood pri.,ed herein ore ottn"'.,ed solely 10 lb• ..Ibor o.d USA GYllfllClslics upress.s no opinion orul ossumes no responsibilily Iber.. f.




The Joy of Achievement Ever since joining USA Gymnastics 11 years ago, I have had the pleasure of watching athletes train. It is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a part of USA Gymnastics - to watch these young men and women work tirelessly at a sport they love. I intentionally italicize these last few words because I believe this is the essence of what makes Olympic sport so very special. People will often ask about the nature of the athlete and the "difficulty" of the sport. Certainly the sport has evolved over time, and yes, it has become more technically challenging. But the simple fact is that these athletes achieve and succeed because they want to. The tag line, Begin Here ... Go Anywhere, is an honest assessment of the type of foundation that gymnastics provides for young people. As coaches, trainers, gym club owners and administrators, we have one very important job - to help these athletes achieve their ultimate dreams and keep them safe while doing so. At the basic level, it will be the pure joy of successfully completing their first cartwheel. For some it will mean helping them get to college on a scholarship. For others it might mean helping them prepare to become an aerial skier. And for a very few, it will mean supporting their dreams to one day represent their country on the international field of play. Nothing can replace the wonderful feeling of an athlete who achieves his/her dream. Having followed the recent Olympic Winter Games, I have been struck by the ultimate sense of reward that the athletes express when they have performed their very best. No matter what the sport, and no matter where they finished, it was great to see the athletes' excitement and enthusiasm after a job well done. Even those who medaled seemed more satisfied at their own personal accomplishment, with the medal truly being the icing on the cake. Every sport is demanding. Every sport challenges the athlete for perfection. This is essentially what drives and motivates the athlete. The goal of achievement lies in the sense of having accomplished something that previously may have been thought of as unattainable. Perfection can be defined as "execution without flaw" no matter the level of performance. As the athlete progresses, so do his or her expectations of himself/herself. There are countless stories of athletes who perform their best, some who make the podium and some who don't. Yes, winning medals is important but equally important is the sense of achievement when the athlete performs to his or her utmost potential, regardless of whether it is the recreational, J.O. or Elite level. This should be our ultimate goal. This is our responsibility as professionals in our sport - to help our athletes achieve their very best!

See you in the gym,

Steve Penny President & CEO




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he U.S. Olympic Training Center (USOTC) Res id ent Gymnastics Program, which began in January 1990, offers a wide spectrum of benehts and services, from housing to sports med icine support to qual ity coaching to the latest in t raining technology. Dedicated to helping each gymnast reach his international competitive goals, the program has produced si x U.S. Olympians, including three Olympic medalists, and 12 World Team members, representing hve World medals. In add ition, the resident program has produced 27 Senior and 10 Junior National Team members. f-l oused at t he USOTC in Colorado Springs, Colo., the gymnastics resident program has an extensive support system that

provides everythi ng the el ite athlete needs to achieve success. Thi s includes hou sing, nutriti onally designed meals, sports medicine, sports scie nce and educational opportunities. The USOTC Resident Gymnastics Program addresses all aspects of the el ite tra ining environment. Sport Center I houses the gymnastics facility that fea tures state-of-the -art equ ipment for both nat ional and international preparation, incl uding inground training pits and an advanced video learning too l, "The ~ye On Performance." The coaching staff of Vitaly Marinitch and Alex Shchennikov develop individual tra ining plans designed to achieve each gymnast's goa ls. Resident athletes have access to long-term education and career opportunities that include high school, undergraduate and post-graduate studies, as well as career counseling.

u.s. Olympic Training Center Resident Program Benefits Training facilities: top-notch training gym, along with state-of-the-art technology too ls; experienced coaching staff Athlete housing: furnished dorm-room apa rtments Dining ~all: all-day access to healthy menus Recovery Center: access to co ld plunge, massage and juice bar Technical support: Sports Sc ience, nutrition, sports psych ology, strength and conditioning support Recreation areas: Intern et. vi deo games, satellite television, recreational pool Athlete activities: movie nights, game tournaments, social events and cultural opportunities Location: central ly located near downtown Colorad o Springs



About the U.S. Olympic Complex


he U.S. Olympic Complex in Colorado Springs is the headquarters for the U.S. Olympic Committee administ ration and U.S. Olympic Training Center programs. It most cl osely resembles an international sports institute, because it is a base for education, resea rch and training opportunities, as well as a residence for top athletes in severa l sports . . The center has 11 indoor gym nasiums; an indoor swimming pool and outdoor recreational pool; comprehensive services in performance recovery and sports medicine; athlete dorms; dining center; athlete center; and visitor's center. The USOTC is able to provide housing, dining, training faci lities and other services fo r up to 557 coaches and athletes at one time. Nine na tional governing bod ies have their national headq uarters on complex. Athletes at the USOTC share one goal: to be the best in the world. The USOTC promotes a culture of exce llence that nu rtures athletes' talents and an elite trai ning environment that allows them to thrive. Gymnasts who have participated in t,he Gymnastics Resident Training Program include 2008 Olympic team bronze-medalist Joey f-jagerty; 2004 Olympic team silver-medalists Brett McClure and Jason Gatson; 2007 U.S. all-around champion and 2008 Olympic alternate David Durante; 2000 Olympian Steve McCain; and 1996 Olympic Team member John Macready I:ducational Benefits The USOTC is located 15 minutes south of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and 10 minutes from Pikes Peak Community College. Resident athletes are eligible

to recei ve the Stupak Scholarship, which covers up to $20,000 in a calendar year for tuition at any accredited school. !=or information about the education programs, contact Stacy Miller at 719-866-2041 or via emai l at stacy. mi Career Services The U.S. Ol ympic Comm ittee Career Services Center is the primary point of contact for athletes seeking career advice and assistance. Services to resident athletes include: resume building, career counseling, interview coaching, netwo rking coaching, job placement, career seminars and more. Sports Science Sports science provides training program design (for coaches), physiological ana lysis (identifies performance strengths/weakness), tra ining and recovery application (insures effective training), and performance analysis. A critical. yet often underutilized, component of an athlete's preparation is the efficient use of technology to facilitate performance measu rement, proper feedback, and scouting. Performa nce technology delivers sport-specific technology to improve athlete, team, and coaching performance. USA Gymnastics USA Gymnastics, the U.S. nationa l governing body for gymnastics, is a full partner with the USOC in providing an outstanding training opportunity through the resident athlete program. The USOTC also serves as the primary training site for the men's gymnastics. All senior and junior national team camps, as well as the men's development team and education programs, are conducted on the USOTC complex.



Joseph I-Iagerty - 2008 O lympic Team Bronze Medalist "The USOTC is one of the best places in the world to train. The gym has top of the line equipment. The food is outstanding. The dorms are very comfortable. The medical facilities and staff are amazing, and of course, the coach ing here is priceless. There is no other place in the country I would rather train. I guarantee that without all of these things I would not be an Olympic bronze medalist."

USOTC facilities Th e USOTC facilit ies include: gymnastics tra ining fac ility; several gyms, including a strength and conditi oning gym; th e dining hall with all-day access for ath letes; Sport s Medicine Cl in ic, including athletic trainers and Recovery Center; and t he Athlete Services Center. Men's Gymnastics Training Facility The gymnastics tra ining gym features top-notch gymnastics equ ipment and a state-of-the-art video analysis system, "The t:ye on Performance." The system allows coaches and athletes to view train ing footage to analyze ski ll performance and execution. Video is captured from 16 fixed cameras and is instantly avai lable for review on one of the seven 65-inch and one 42- inch plasma screen monitors or may be saved for analys is at a later time. Th e $300,000 system provides the most advanced technological coaching tool in the USA. Athlete Services Center Thi s center support s t he personal needs of re sident ath letes outside of their competition and training comm itments: education, recreation and community activities; computer workstati ons; commun ica ti on resou rces; job opportunities; a place to rela x and p lay games. The dining hall offers food for every type of athlete and the adjacent resident halls provi de each resident athlete with his/her own bedroom and a private bathroom. Sports Medicine Clinic All resident athletes enjoy the benefit of onsite sports medicine support. The sports medicine cl ini c is full y equipped for identifying and treating injuries, as we ll as supporting the recovery process to allow the athlete a fu ll return to training and competition as quickly as

Jason Gatson 2004 Olympic Silver Team Medalist

"I lived and trained in Colorado Springs at the US. Olympic Training Center for 11 years. The US. Olympic Training Center has everything you could possibly want to achieve a successful career. My coaches throughout my gymnastics career, Vitaly Marinitch and Pon Brant, are mentors to me and I fi路nd myself resembling them in my life after gymnastics. I have tremendous respect and admiration for them, and if not for them and the Olympic Training Center, my Olympic dream would have never come true."

possible. Recovery Center The Recovery Center is a state-of-the-art fa cility with the latest technology, massage, and nutrition ava ilable for athletes. The Recovery Center helps cut down on fatigue wh ich can lead to lowe r performance and even inju ry. Athletes have access to cold and hot tubs, massage therapy, a selection of nutrition bars and replenishment Ruid s, and specialized compression pants, arm sleeves and other equipment to facilitate the ath lete's recovery.

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Stephen McCain 2000 & 2004 Olympian; 2001 World Team Silver Medalist 'The u.s. Olympic Training Center allowed me to focus 100% on attaining my goals in gymnastics. The wealth of resources at the USOTC are simply unparalleled. If you are serious about reaching your potential, the Olympic Training Center is the place for you."

Strength Training ~acility The strength and training gym is a state-of-the-art facility with top-of-the-line equipment. Athletes, working with their coaches, can design strength and conditioning programs to complement their existing training regimens.

Dining !-Iall The dining hall provides all -day access for the athletes staying on the complex. Resident athletes enjoy delicious meals designed to meet the nutritional needs of elite athletes. The menus feature a variety of items that promote a healthy immune system and enhance fueling for optimal performance and recovery

Resident Athlete !-lousing On-complex housing for resident program athletes features full room and board in furnished dorm-room apartments. Cable TV, wireless internet access and free laundry are available. An athlete lounge provides study, computer and printing services. 1<

Interested in Becoming a Resident Athlete? Resident athletes must meet specific criteria as set by the USOC and USA Gymnastics. !=or more information on how to become a resident program athlete, contact:

Dennis Mcintyre Men's Program Director at USA Gymnastics:




Brett McClure 2 004 Olympic Team Silver

Medalist "Moving to the USOTC was the best decision I could have made for my career in gymnastics I This was a very difficult decision to make, but I felt that the coaching staff, facility, sports medicine, sports science, sports psychology, nutritionists, and the all-around support from the local community could not be matched by any other program available. When I moved to the USOTC, I was only 16 years of age and lacked the focus and experience to reach my potential. Without the help from my coaches at the USOTC, Vitaly Marinitch and Qon Brant, I would have never been able to achieve my dreams and goals of reaching the pinnacle of our sport, the Olympic Games."

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St. Vincent Sports Perfor mance

TO IMPROVE BALANCE By Darrell Barnes, LAT, ATe cscs

alance is a fundamental skill needed in gymnastics. It is defined as the ability to control the body's center of gravity over its base of support. There are many physiological contributions to balance including: visuat vestibular, and proprioceptive input. Sensory information is processed by the brain and sent back to the muscles. Neuromuscular control is the ability of the muscles to use that information and control the body in all planes of movement.


Balance training begins with teaching the athlete to form a stable base with the foot. I use a tripod as an example where the ball of the foot, 5th metatarsal and the heel are my points of contact on the floor (see figure 1). To train the foot to be a stable tripod we begin with an arch raise exercise (Fig. 2). Start with the foot in a relaxed, flat foot position and have the athlete slightly raise the arch by pressing down with the big toe (not toe gripping). The athlete should feel all three points of the tripod pressing into the ground. This will put the arch in a more neutral position and increase neural information to the brain and improve muscular control.

Once they have a stable tripod, the next step is to teach correct knee, hip, and trunk alignment. Most gymnasts lock the knee out when balancing. Locking the knee is easier, but is not as functional as maintaining a slight bend at the knee and at the hip. The knee should be in line with the second toe and trunk should be neutral, not flat or too rounded. This position increases neuromuscular control and is much more functional (fig 3). The athlete should practice holding this position until they lose balance or become fatigued and unstable. After correct static balance is mastered, then balance training becomes much more fun. Balance progressions can involve many variations but should include dynamic balance in all planes and then

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progress to unstable surfaces such as a Dynadisc or Bosu baiL I like to begin with a simple balance squat and reach, squat and lateral leg reach, and then a diagonal leg reach. This allows the athlete to train in all 3 planes of motion (fig 4,5,6)

Adding external resistance such as elastic cords, dumbbells and body blades to balance exercises significantly increases the level of difficulty and allows you to make it a total body exercise (Fig 7). Utilizing stability pads or Bosu balls to provide an unstable surface increases neuromuscular control and is more functional to the gymnasts that must have the ability to stick landings on an unstable exercise mat.

In conclusion, balance training is an essential part of gymnastics skill development. By focusing on a good tripod stance and proper body alignment, balance training becomes a total body exercise. It increases body awareness, increases neuromuscular control, and even helps to decrease injuries. X







1. APPROACH - Close enough to intervene if necessary - You've signaled your awareness and availability At this point we hope the children will be able to resolve the situation to their mutual satisfaction. If there is no further conflict, if the children are able to resolve the issue themselves, no further action is necessary. If the children are not able to reach a mutually acceptable solution, it may be necessary to help them understand their feelings. Give them the tools to articulate what they are going through ...

2. DEFINE THE PROBLEM - Describe the scene - Reflect what the children have said - NO JUDGMENTS, NO VALUES, NO SOLUTIONS "It


hoop." "1 see you are yelling at each other and are angry." If the children are still not able to reach a mutually acceptable solution, it may be necessary to ask more questions in order to help them get to the root of the problem and to understand their emotions ...

3. GATHER DATA - Not directed toward pinpointing blame or fault - Drawing out details, defining problems - Help children communicate vs. slugging it out "How did this happen 7" "What do you want to tell her?"



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"How could you use it without fighting?" If the children are still involved in conflict, it may be necessary to provide a little direction without solving the problem for them ...

4. GENERATE ALTERNATIVES - Give children the job of thinking and figuring out what they are going to do to solve their problem - Be there to facilitate "Howare we going to solve this problem?"

- Agree on a solution - For example, they might say: "We could take turns. "That's OK, she was there first, - I will use a red hoop. "We could both use it together." "We could both do something else." "No one could use it." II


- Some of the things that the children come up with would never occur to us but will work well for them - For example, they might say: "We could count to three and then switch using it." If there is still no resolution, if the children have not been able to solve their own problem, it may require that the teacher become more actively involved ...

Continued on p.30


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decide what you're going to do to make your Tyson Fitness Challenge stand out from the other programs! We want to hear how you plan to spend your National Gymnastics Day. Don't worry if you don't have any ideas for your Tyson Fitness Challenge. The Tyson Fitness Challenge web site ( offers a "TFC In Action" section where past participants have shared their experiences to help you develop your own program. Once you've decided what you're going to do, tell everyone! Log in to the Administrator's section of the web site and click on "Tell us about your program" to post your plans online. Once you have submitted your plans, people will be able to see what your gym is doing for the Tyson Fitness Challenge. If you haven't signed up yet, it's not too late! Visit the Tyson Fitness Challenge web site to register and receive your Administrator's materials. Please note that Member Clubs will not automatically receive their program kit in the

mail this year. Your club must register online to receive the program kit. Check out the instructions on the next page to see how easy it is to sign up!

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CLUB sign-up


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lifestyles. The pn::o;nm is r.oI abou4


gymnaslica skils; it;s aDWl



~do member clubs rtc.l~ by reglftering onll"., This year's TYJ.Of' F"ttnesl ~ 'aur$S upd;l!9Clca:diogarnas . s!raldw>g t~aodslfe<1!O(n



·Address; (Oj OenolesraQOlrOOfoe/ds


. A.Qm;m;tratOt's Handboc:C .

·aub Name: Oub Number:

Member Clubs : Sign up Nowl

..u l'el$l>$ . as ..... asimpc<tantnutn»-lirlc.omation.fncloJOe<! in theo.>pe!a!oo20tO T~FilneSs ChallengeP'll9'8fTlkilill9;

Member Clubs: Sign up Nowl e) Denotes required fields ,

· City:

P<tlmOlion8lT~F"'~ jlQ&l!>r


. 000D d ll.>'1urOOgItTIe5anl ... en;is8Sr"'stnlng!hN>dflu.o.llty Aherl.gningut> club 10 INm mora about II\a Tysor> Fitness 0IaI! yoo '-.iI recei"8 k9n in!OO'T1"<9tIorII.::r the 'Admi!'liSlfalor's Logon' ;wa d this WrIb I i!. \0 iiCGeSS ...nllfll fn;m!he AdmltUttalD"s HandbooI< USA Gymr.astic.s Member 0ub5 """

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-i -" . ~ · ·-i !f .,.o..have~ptODi«r.S ' ' 'th&<'lorm,ple85eCOl'ltaCI ! .;


· State:


* For questions please call Loree Galimore,

m~!?!.'R'"?,!jcI_ om

Director of Club Services, at 317-829-5654.

I AJabam.a


'Zip Code: ' Contact Person: ' Email:

' Phone: Fax:

Webs;'., If you hav e any problems with lhis form . please contact Mike Bowman


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Pivotal Mistakes You Do NOT Want to Make! Part 1 Over the years, thro ugh my Boot Camp experience as we ll as through personal observation, I have identified a few gym club mistakes that I consider pivotal. By pivotal I mean, mistakes that will "make you" or "break you ." In other words, each of the following mistakes can literally defin e your business. Failure to have your phone answered by a friendly, caring person 9 a.m .9 p .m. Lately, I have had occasion to research loca l clubs. Please read and ponder what I observe in Cincinnati - the small, struggling clubs don't have their phone answered during the daytime and sometimes not in the evening when classes are in sessio n; the medium clubs do a marginally better job, and you can almost always talk to a human being in the evening and on occasion during the daytime hours; the big clubs have their phone answered ALL day, EVERY day. One might concoct a chicken or egg argument that the reason the big clubs can do this is because they are big ... and one would be wrong. Small club, medium club or big club, it makes no sense for a business to spend good money advertising yet fail to have a provision to serve perspective clients at THEIR convenience. Not convinced? I can quantify that the cost of a ringing phone, left unanswered, is $8 .20. And if the ringing phone is a perspective client the value of a phone call skyrockets to $500-1,000! Believing in Theory X rather than Theory Y. Get a copy of Douglas

McGregor's The Human Side of Enterprise. Distilled into one se ntence, Theory X Managers believe that people are basically lazy and seek to avoid responsibility and must be coerced into acting responsibly. Theory Y Managers believe that people are basically self-directed, self-motivated and will exercise good judgment and initiative to accomplish tasks to which they are committed. OK, so which Manager is right? Both are . Think about it. Valuing talented children more than non-talented children . Notice I didn't say "paying more attention to teams over classes ." It goes deeper than that - some clubs just don't care about non-athletes and despite their lip-service about every child being a winner, thei r true feelings will show through. Not only does this make for a lousy business model, it is simply wrong. Failure to have adequate, appropriate, bright, neat, clean, inviting viewing area for parents. Remain stuck in the 80's and ignore this reality and you will cut your potential business down in ways that cannot be measured . At Kids First, 18% of our total square footage is public space, and we have devoted great resources to making it inviting. Confusing relegation for delegation . Relegation means handing off tasks; delegation means giving responsibility as wel l as the authority and accountabi lity that goes with responsibility. The difference is huge and one that many

Jeff Metzger President, GymClub Owners Boot Camp President, Kids First Sports Center

business people never grasp. This one mistake wi ll stop business growth in its tra cks as well as lead to burn-out. A business simply must get th is right! (Come to BOOT CAMP in May!) Focusing on policies rather than procedures. Policies demand the client "do it this way because we say so." Procedures inform the client that "we have chosen this process because it makes sense ." Black and white, policy-oriented employees turn clients off and away from your business. Firm yet flexible is the paradoxical mantra the great businesses seek . Difficult? Yes. Worthwhile? Yes, ESSENTIAL! Simply not being FUN to do business with. I'll bet you have had your own personal experience with a business that is not easy to do business with; additionally, I'll bet you have voiced your lousy experience to friends and family. Think about it. Do you have your phone answered so the client can conduct business at their convenience or yours? Do you have multiple payment options (credit cards); do you have friendly employees that know how to talk and laugh with your clients so they feel like FAM ILY? Do you offer flexibility to clients when situations allow? Here is the cold reality - the public will choose a business that is easy and fun to do business with over one that is not. X Make it a great month! Jeff Metzger

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MEMBER SERVICES Expansion of Member Benefits The Fundamentals of Gymnastics Instruction course, which debuted in February, has been added as a membership benefit for USA Gymnastics. This introductory online course is free for professional, junior professional, introductory coach, and junior introductory coach members. The cost of the course is very reasonable, with a $15 fee for instructor and athlete (15 years and older) members and $25 fee for non-members. Please note, all individuals must register for the course, regardless of their membership type. The Fundamentals of Gymnastics Instruction course fulfills the Levell Certification requirement for Program and Recreational colleges within USA Gymnastics University. Begin or continue your education and earn credits and certification through USA Gymnastics University. www2. Background checks Beginning February 1,2010, the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) will begin notifying USA Gymnastics about applicants who have a pending background check payment that is more than 30 days past due. Members, who have this status, will now receive a reminder letter directly from the USA Gymnastics Member Services Department to settle

their outstanding balance. Members with this status should go to NCSI's website at and select the "Applicant login to check your status" link. Please make additional payments promptly. If there are questions regarding the charges, please contact NCSI by calling 866-833-7100. Are you up-to-date? Attention all USA Gymnastics Members! • Have You Moved? • Have You Changed Your Email Address? • Are You Using Your Club's Email Address?

Membership news, updates and information are sent via email, and very few items are sent to the physical home address. Failure to update USA Gymnastics may result in missing out on many new and upcoming membership updates and changes. Therefore, it is extremely important that ALL members keep the USA Gymnastics Member Services Department informed of their current contact information, especially their EMAIL address. Please note that background check information is also sent via email by the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI). Failure to provide current email contact information to NCSI may also result in delayed processing of your background check.


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Don.t miss out on these important updates to your membership! Below is a list of the types of information that members receive via email. • Background check notifications, updates and changes • Membership renewal notices • Membership welcome information, instructions, benefits and links • Pending memberships/ sanction notification • Monthly Member Services E-Newsletter • Membership updates and changes • USA Gymnastics University cou rse offerings • Educational updates • Club Services updates • Meet Director information • Athlete information • Membership cards If you have not received these important informational items recently, it may be because USA Gymnastics and/or NCSI do not have your current personal email address. If you use a shared email address, such as a general club email address viewed by others, it is possible that your emails are lost in the shuffle. It is the responsibility of each member to keep their contact information up-to-date and current within membership requirements and rules. A good rule of thumb is to add the USA Gymnastics and NCSI email addresses to your "safe sender" lists within your email software.

There are three easy ways to update your personal contact information . 1. USA Gymnastics web site • Click the "Member Services" red bar at the top right of our home page. • Once on the Member Services homepage, click on "Membership" on the left hand side of the page. • Select your member type, and then select "Update Your Personal Information." • Upon submission, the information will update immediately. 2. Email Member Services • Member Services may be reached at • Please include your name, member number, and the information you wish to update. • Information will be updated within 24 business hours. 3. Call Member Services • Member Services may be contacted at 800-345-4719. • The Member Services line is open Mondays 12:30-5:30 p.m. ET, and Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 :30 p.m. ET. • Information will be updated immediately during the call. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation . USA Gymnastics appreciates your continued efforts to keep your contact information current in our database! 1<

SAVE TI-IE DATE! 46th ANNUAL USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL CONGRESS and TRADE SHOW Held in conjunction with 2010 Visa Championships August 11 -14,2010 Hartford, Conn.

Who should attend? All USA Gymnastics Professional, Instructor, and Introductory Coach Members. Coaches, judges and instructors of all levels. Recreational and preschool teachers, business managers, administrators, club owners, high school and college coaches. What is offered? Three days of education with more than 170 sessions. Lectures given by recognized top individuals in the field. Sessions are provided on coaching, judging, business, preschool, recreational, sports science, fitness, and cheerleading. The opportunity to learn from leading experts from all six disciplines, Women's, Men's, Rhythmic, Acrobatic, Group Gymnastics and Trampoline and Tumbling. Along with the sessions, the Trade Show Exhibit Hall will feature 200 booths of products and information from more than 90 different Industry Member vendors. Special events, such as the USGSA Mega Raffle will take place in the exhibit hall daily. Congress attendees will also have the opportunity to take advantage of the GO Hartford program. The GO Hartford program is being developed so that your time in the city will be well spent. As a benefit of your Congress Registration you will be able to enjoy discounts on entertainment, food and drink during National Congress and the Visa Cham-


MARCH 2010

pionships. A listing of the participating businesses will be available prior to the event. Your Congress credential or Visa Championships ticket is all you need to enjoy this program!

Pre-Congress: August 11 • Business Conference • Certification Courses Congress: August 12- 14, 2010 Where: Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford Conn. Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. Five sessions offered per day. Registration: Please visit for more information Special discounted group registration for Member Clubs. Special Early Bird Pricing available through May 15. HotellTravel Reservations: National Travel Systems: 888-603-8747 Email: Website: Visa Championships: August 11- 14, 2010 Men's and Women's Artistic events at the XL Center -Rhythmic, Acrobatic Gymnastics and Trampoline & Tumbling venue information will be available at a later date. 1\

August 12-14, 2010 • Connecticut Convention Center -I-Iartford, CT ~til~ USA Gymnastics



} ~ational Congress


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I--Ield in conjunction with the 2070 Visa Championships


Early Bird Congress Costs

Poyment in full is required at time of registra tion. Minimum age for all Congress attendees is 15.

(must be postmarked by May 15

Professional, Jr. Professional, Instructor, I=oreign Instructor and Athlete Members (age 15+) D $199 Ea rly Bird Congress Registration D $505 Early Bird Congress Registration and Gold All-Session ticket package D $381 Early Bird Congress Registration and Silver All-Session ticket package D $305 Early Bird Congress Registration and Bronze All-Session ticket package

to receive early bi rd discount)

Individual registration fee includes: 1. Credential for entrance to Congress sessions, Aug

12-14. Credential available at check-in Aug 11.

Introductory Coach Pricing D $229 Early Bird Congress D $535 Early Bird Congress D $411 Ea rl y Bird Congress D $335 Ea rl y Bi rd Congress

2. One ticket to the Congress Dance Party on Sat., Aug

14. Must be 18. to attend. Additional tickets for spouse/ guest are $35 each, available at on-site registration. Registration & attendance earns 15 individual USA Gymnastics University credits. 4. Trade show admission.

Regist ration Registration and Gold All-Session ticket package Registration and Silver All-Session ticket package Registration and Bronze All-Session t icket package

Additional 2010 Visa Championships All-Session Ticket Packages Please indicate total # of packages. All-Session tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE Special ticket pricing for Congress Attendees.


Visa Championships Gold All-Session ticket package

x $306

Visa Champio nships Silver All-Session ticket package

x $182

Visa C hampionships Bronze A ll -Session ticket package

Non-Members & Other Member Types D $300 Ea rl y Bi rd Congress Registratio n (Ends D $335 Congress Registration (Ends Ju ly 15)


Ticket details -

all ticket p.ackages include $7 facility fee

• GOLD: $306 -lower level sides (first 5 rows) • SILVER: $182 -lower level sides (low rows) • BRONZE: $106 - side seating (mid to high rows)

x $106

Special ticket rate for All Sessions is for purchase for Congress attendees. Prices reflect a discount of up to 40% off public prices. Tickets will be mailed to address on registration form approximately 4 weeks prior to event. All-session tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE Emait with any questions.

May 15)

$400 On-site Registration

Visit www, for registration and complete details regarding National Congress schedules, activities and policies.

Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ USA Gymnastics Membership No. _ __


Email Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of Birth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Make checks payable to USA Gymnastics

Mailing Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Registration (package) totaL $ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

State _ _ _ __

C lub Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Zip _ _ _ __ _ __

Additional ticket package total: $_ _ _ __

Club# _ _ _ _ _ __ Ticket Shipping and f-landling i=ee:





Other_ _ _ _ _ _ Card

#_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Exp. Date _ _ __

TOTAL PAYMENT $ _ _ _ _ _ __ authorized/enclosed

Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Print Cardholder Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email Address for credit card receipt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __


Proud Sponsor

Return completed form and payment to: USA Gymnastics, 132 E. Washington SI. Ste. 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204 or by fax: 317.692.5212 Attention: Member Services

i=or Your f-lotel and Travel Needs, Contact NATIONAL TRAVEL SYSTEMS Or call 1.888.603.8747 or 806.794.3135 www.ntsspo rtstra



USA Gymnastics welcomes you to pay with your Visa@card

SUBSTITUTION POLICY: To transfer registration to another person, the new Congress attendee must also have a USA Gymnastics Congress-eligible membership. After July 15, $30 fee per substitution.

Office Use Only

CANCELLATION POLICY: All cancellations must be in writing. Before July 15, refund of registration fee less $30 service fee per person cancelling. After July 16, refund is 50% of registration fee per person cancelling. NO REi=UNDS AnER AUG. 30. Submit all substitution and cancellation requests IN WRITING to USA Gymnastics.

Payment_ _ _ _ __

Postmarked,_ _ _ __

Check/Reg #.---1 __ Auth


5. FOLLOW THROUGH PHYSICALLY - Model appropriate behavior - Narrate the model behavior. - BOTTOM LINE GOAL is to resolve the social conflict - Last resort is to solve the problem if they can't "It looks like this is too hard for you two to figure out. This is what we'll do ... "

Remember to always start with as little intervention as the children need. The goal is to maximize the SELF-resolution. Don't "give a 5" (Follow Through Physically) when a 1 (Approach) or a 2 (Define Problem) will do. So what do we accomplish when we learn good conflict resolutions skills? Some of the assets that have been identified are: creativity, empathy, appropriate assertiveness, cooperation, emotion management, negotiation skills, and appreciation of diversity. I wonder if the Middle East situation would be less volatile if PreSchool instructors had used these techniques when the current leaders were small. Gym owners/directors can use these conflict resolution skills just as effectively with problems that occur between staff members! Empower your employees to solve their own problems. 1\ Resources: Association for Conflict Resolution. (2009) . Retrieved from resources/ index. php Gartrell, Dan. (2006) . National Association for the Education of Young Children . Retrieved from 200603/ GuidanceBTJ. pdf. Sutter, Carmel. (2000). Today's Parent. Retrieved from preschool/ article. jsp?content=480. Wong, Michael. (2009). The Parenting Group. Retrieved from article/ MomlWork--FamilylTalk-lt-Out-NegotiatingFamily-Conflicts




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hris Brooks, 23, won the allaround title at the 2010 Wint er Cup Challenge in Las Vegas, Nev., Feb . 6 . He said, "Winning the all-around title at the Winter Cup Challenge felt awesome! After hurting my ankle in the summer before the 2009 Visa Championships and not re-making the national team, it felt great to earn my spot again . I trained very hard for this competition so competing well felt good, and winning was an added bonus."


Brooks, who is from Houston, has completed his eligibility at the University of Oklahoma but is still training in Norman and finishing up his degree . He's coached by Mark Williams and Rustam Sharipov. The former Sooner captain and four-year letter winner, Brooks also won the horizontal bar title at the Winter Cup and was most pleased with his performance on that event . He said, "It was only my second time trying that high bar routine in a competition and I feel like I performed it well both days . "

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I Training with so many top guys from O k lahoma, who are also on the national team, is an added bonus to Brooks . He said, "It is awesome training with so many guys on the national team , We all push each other to get better and help each other out when we struggle in the gym . The guys all have a lot of knowledge of gymnastics so they are not only good teammates, but also give good coaching advice as well."



" "-

I I \


When asked about hobbies outside of gymnas tics, Brooks likes sports cars , "It's in the blood. My dad used to race motorcycles, so that's where it started . We rode for a few years until my brother turned 16 and got his first car, Our passion went from dirt bikes to sports cars and we never looked back." 1\


\ I








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\ As far as what's next, he's planning to compete in the Tyson American Cup, hopes to get some other international assignments and gain other competitive ex perience , "My goal is to push for a spot on the World Championships Team in 2010," said Brooks ,






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Pittsburgh's GotSole Jewart's Gymnastics of Wildwood, Pa., would like to help the survivors of the earthquake in Haiti. Jewart's Gymnastics joined Pittsburgh's GotSole, a group of Pittsburgh residents who have watched the horror and devastation suffered by the people of Haiti after the catastrophic earthquake. The gym is working with to launch the biggest shoe drive in Pittsburgh history. Students of Jewart's Gymnastics were asked to drop off slightly worn shoes to be sent to the victims of the disaster. Congrats to Jewart's Gymnastics for its community involvement! 1\

Flip For A Cure at Mary's Meet By Jim Co miskey Midland Gymnasti cs Trainin g Center

On December 6, 2009, the Midland Gymnastics Training Center in Midland, Mich., held a cancer fundraiser in memory of their former coach, Mary Steinke. Mary lost her battle with lung cancer in September 2009. "Flip for a Cure at Mary's Meet" was developed in Mary's memory with the goal of donating money to the Pardee Cancer Treatment Fund . This fund assists families in paying for their medical costs endured from cancer treatment. The Midland Gymnastics Training Center coaching staff and their high school-aged gymnasts planned, organized and implemented the meet. The high school committee held many fundraisers, such as a bake sale, prize raffles, used leotard sale, pop can drive and candy sales. "Flip For A Cure at Mary's Meet" raised more than $5,000 to the Pardee Cancer Treatment Fund . We hope we made Coach Mary proud! 1\

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Kids Gym, Inc. USA Gymnastics Director of Club Services Loree Galimore recently visited several USA Gymnastics Member Clubs in the Midwest and found some unique and creati ve ideas at a club in Portage, Mich ., called Kids Gym, Inc., owned by Cathy Rietscha . 1 ) The Banana sp lit cl ub Kids in the gym get a certificate for a Banana Split at Ritter's Frozen Custard if they get one side of their splits all the way down - so they have a possibility of earning three banana splits . It's a huge incentive to get your name on the board and win a free banana split!

3) Handstands A round the Worl d Hand stands Around the World encourages gymnasts to do a handstand while on vacation and bring in a photo to post on the board. They ha ve gymnasts in handstands from around the globe. 1\

2) The R.I. P. club If you are a gymnast at this club and get a rip on your hands while working bars, you get to have your photo taken and displayed on the RIP board. A fun idea to take away the pain .




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Gymnastics photos available for purchase on the Web The general public may now purchase photos through a web site recently laun ched by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) . The web site features photographs from the FIG 's major events in 2009 : World Ch ampion ships in Art istic and Rhythmic Gymn ast ics, and Trampoline and Tumbling ; the 1 st Gym for Life Challenge; and the 8th World Games . Th e portal is now open to the general public f o r on line purchase of the archived photos at Pri ce s vary depending on the quality of pi ctures selected and their intended use .


IOC awards 2014 Youth Olympic Games to Nanjing On February 10, the International Olympic Committee elected Nanjing, China , as the host city of the 2nd Summer Yo uth OlympiC Games in 2014 during the 122nd IOC Session in Vancouver, Canada . Nanjing received 47 votes to edge out runner-up Po znan, Poland, which received 42 votes . Last month Guadalajara , Me x ico, withdrew from the race. So me 3,600 athletes rang ing in age f rom 15 - 18 are expected to compete at the 2nd Summ e r Yo uth OlympiC Games in Nanjing In 2014 , which will feature competition in 26 sports. The first Youth Olympic Gam es will be held in August in Singapore . The first Winter edition will be he ld in Innsbruck, Au stria, in 2012 . X

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LIVE COURSE SCHEDULES Live course schedules are updated weekly on our website please see the website for the most current schedule: Safety fRisk Management Certification Salety/Risk Management Certilication is required lar all Prolessionat Junior Prolessionat Introductory Coach, and Junior Introductory Coach Members.

March 6 WO.G.A. 5936 Nancy Jane Lone Frisco, lX 75635 Course code: JE03062010lX 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

March 13 Springfield College: Well ness Center 263 Alden St. Springfield, MA 01109 Course Code: PM0313201 OMA 12:00 p.m.路5:00 p.m.

March 14 HeolthQuest of Hunterdon 310 RT 31 North Flemington, NJ 08822 Course code: PF0214 20 1ONJ 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

August 11 (in conjunction with Notional Congress) Hartford Marriott Downtown 200 Columbus Blvd Hartford, 0 06103 Course code: XX081120 100 TIme TBD

Preschool Fundamentals: Hands on Training (HOT)

March 7 Santo Cruz Gymnastics Center 2750 BSoquel Santo Cruz, CA 95062 Course code: MT0307201 DCA 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

August 11 (in conjunction with Notional Congress) Hartford Marriott Downtown 200 Columbus Blvd Hartford, 0 061 03 Course code: XX081120 loa TIme TBD

' Course dotes and times are subject to change and/or cancellotion.

SAFETV/RISK MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION COURSE USA Gymnastics University is proud to announce the launch of the revised course and handbook.



To register for a course, visit the USA Gymnastics website at Register online or download the registration form. **Save


by registering online! **

~:~- '~ ~_ .~1 ;







Liukin meets with the FIG Athletes' Commission 2008 Olympic all-around champion Nastia Liukin, who was voted the athlete representative for Women's Artistic gymnastics to the FIG, visited Lausanne, Switzerland, on January 28 for the first meeting of the FIG Athletes' Commission at the FIG Head Office. The Commission, which is made up of one representative from each of the FIG's competitive disciplines (Liukin, Jani Tanskanen of Finland for Men's Artistic, Vera Sessina of Russia for Rhythmic, Dmitri Poliaroush of Belarus for Trampoline, Anna Macanita of Portugal for Aerobic, and Sabrina Hegele of Germany for Acrobatic), elected Tanskanen the new President for the 2012 Olympic Cycle. The Finnishborn Tanskanen will hold a seat on the Executive Board and one on the FIG Council as a representative of the Federation's athlete body. '/(

Kerri Strug Engaged 1996 Olympic team gold-medalist Kerri Strug recently announced her engagement to Robert Fischer and they are planning an April wedding . Both currently reside in Washington, D.C., where Strug is a program manager at the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and Fischer is an attorney currently working for a Member of Congress . Strug, who graduated from Stanford University, is best known for landing her courageous vault in the team finals at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta that was part of the team's goldmedal effort. Fischer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley and the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.'/(

Kip Wheel is a fantastic new product for learning kips and front hip circles.

Tapeze Bar is a new and exclusive training aid designed to teach tap swings and your athlete's first flyaway on uneven bars or horizontal bar. This fantastic and easy-to-use product was designed by a coach in need of a way to help athletes understand the tap swing that is so important to today's big swings on uneven bars and horizontal bar. The trapeze-type motion of the bar forces your body into the tap position on the back swing, the extended position at the bottom of the swing and the pike position at the top of the swing. Try it and see how it improves your swingers' tap swings!

This product allows the beginner athlete to perform all of these stunts and more without the aid of a coach .

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Johnson joins Milk Mustache 'Dream Team'

2008 Olympic balance beam gold-medalist Shawn Johnson join NBA All-Star and Utah Jazz point guard Deron Williams and St. Louis Cardinal slugger and three-time MVP Albert Pujols as the latest celebrities to don the famous Milk Mustache to inspire teens to "Drink Milk for a Change ." The new "dream team" of athletes is calling on teens to get active, drink milk for a positive change in themselves and make a difference for others . They ha ve teamed up with the " got milk?"@ Campaign and NBA Cares , the NBA's social responsibility initiative. Each will champion a worthy project that's close to their hearts and that will help make a positive change in local communities . Teens can help select which project will be completed by voting online at BodyByMilk .com . One lucky teen and three friend s will even win the chance to work alongside professional athletes on the winning project . 't. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - -" - -• ..- - - - - - - - -",_ --_ • o<\i ~_


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A Valentine Surprise at the East Coach Classic There was added excitement at the East Coast Classic competition in Landover, Md ., on Sunday, Feb. 14 - Valentine's Day. Brian Sateriale, who coaches the Level 6-9 gymnasts at Fairland Sports and Aquatics Center, proposed to coach and judge Beth Stracka during the competition. "They brought me into the meet under th e premise that I w as a judge," said Beth, who


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INTERNATIONAL ELITE COMMITTEE JAN 27, 2010 coaches with Brian at Fairland. "Everyone knew about his plan but me . They announced the judges for the meet, we walked out, and Brian grabbed the microphone and asked for everyone's attention, then came over and proposed to me." Beth said, "YES!" She added, "I knew it was coming but I didn't know when. I was very excited . It was beautiful. " The gymnastics coaching couple have not yet set a date, but will be married someti~e in

2010 . Congratulations to Brian and Beth. ~ ~=~=~


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Chairman Coach Representatives Alternate National Team Coordinator Women's Program Director

Steve Rybacki Marvin Sharp Andy Memmel Mihai Brestyan Martha Karolyi Gary Warren

I. 2010 TOP Skills changes The committee met to review and approves the final changes to the 2010 TOP Skills testing Motion Sharp Second Memmel PASSED

II. Qualification to Championships from Training Camp Verifications The committee discussed the possibility of Non National Team Members being permitted to qualify to Championships from full set verification at the Developmental and National Team Training Camps. Currently, because of their training and competition requirements, this is only allowed for current National Team Members. After discussion on this subject, the committee felt that Non National Team Members would still need to qualify to Championships through their normal methods of National Elite Qualifiers and/or Classics. There was no motion put to the committee. III. TOP 8 year olds at National Testing The committee continued discussion on the possibility of testing 8 year olds at the National TOP Testing. Steve asked the IEC members (along with the ADC Committee) to develop Skill Testing ideas to be reviewed at the February IEC meeting.

IV. Samantha Shapiro funding The committee approved funding for Samantha Shapiro at $500.00 per month for the first quarter of 2010. Motion: Brestyan Second: Sharp PASSED

CLARIFICATION Apparently there has been some confusion regarding several issues that the JO and Technical Committees would like to clarify. 1. VAULT RUNWAY: According to the JO Code of Points, page 25, I.E. Use of tape or excessive chalk is not permitted on the vault table or runway. A chalk line to mark the take-off spot is permitted. The use of a Velcro strip to mark the take-off line is now being questioned since it is not mentioned specifically in the JO Code of Points or the Rules and Policies. THE COMMITTEES HAVE VOTED TO ALLOW THE USE OF A VELCRO STRIP ON THE VAULT RUNWAY. The Velcro strip MUST be removed after the gymnast has completed her two vaults. 2. VAULTING WITHOUT A SIGNAL FROM CHIEF JUDGE:

Clarifications on procedures: A. If, on her first or second vault the gymnast runs and vaults (or touches the springboard) without a signal from CJ, the vault (or vault attempt) will not be considered as a vault (or a vault attempt) and will not be scored. B. On the next vault the Chief Judge deducts 0.50 from the average. C. The 0.50 penalty for performing before the signal may or may not affect the gymnast's final vault score. 3. BARS: LEVEL 7 AND 8: The following three C elements

may be performed by Level 7 or 8 athletes, but will received B value part credit: • Cast to handstand with liz turn; • Clear hip circle to handstand; and • Clear hip circle to handstand with 112 turn. The JO Code of Points is very clear on this issue, as is the Optional Requirement Chart posted on the USAG web site. However, the Level 7/ 8 Score sheet (fa r right column) indicates that specific C elements are allowed-then with an asterisk indicated cast HS with 112 turn, clear hip circle and clear hip circle with liz turn. The reference "to HS" is not included with the clear hips (although since it mentions "e" value, it is implied) . Therefore, the Level 7/ 8 Score sheet HAS BEEN REVISED to include the "HS" with the descriptions of the clear hip "C's" to avoid further confusion and is now posted on the USAG website, under Women: Ru~s: Optiona~. 4. BEAM: ELEMENT #2.108 (A) - Clarification on

awarding "A" value part credit: . Stretched jump in place (like compulsory) = no VP Stretched jump moving forward = "A" Arch jump in place or moving forward = "K The 2nd and 3rd variations shown in the Code- Stretched jump with 180 turn and stretch jump change/ beat of legs are not required to move forward to receive "A" credit. 0



5. FLOOR EXERCISE: Falls on dismount element (last salto performed as the last isolated salto or within the last salto connection): Use the same principle as for Bars and Beam : a. If the salto was initiated, but was not completed to land on the feet first, deduct 0.50 for not meeting the "The salto performed as the last isolated salto or within the last salto connection" Special Requirement, plus 0.5 for the Fall. b. If the salto was NOT initiated and a fall occurs, deduct 0.5 for missing the above Special Requirement as well as 0.30 for no dismount. 6. FLOOR EXERCISE DANCE PASSAGE SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: The clarification regarding what constitutes

a break in the dance passage that was printed in the November 2009 JO Committee meeting (and quoted below) failed to mention that Pivot Turns would also break the passage since they are stationary (this was printed in the JO Code of Points and is still in effect). Revised Clarification regarding the breaking of a dance passage: A dance passage on floor is considered broken ONLY when there is a pause, stop, pivot turn, 1/ 1 turn or more on one foot, or an aero element between the dance elements. Scooching or bouncing out of control between elements would be considered execution errors and deducted, but credit for the dance passage may still be given. In order to receive Connection Value bonus, the element must be directly connected 7. 2010 IRS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT for judges has been announced as $0.50 per mile. Judges will be reimbursed at that rate for all meets after January 1, 2010. 8. CARPOOL CLARIFICATION , as stated in the current

Rules and Policies book: All drivers must deduct 30 miles round trip UNLESS you are the DESIGNATED carpool driver, in which case you are reimbursed for all miles driven. Example A: Judge #1 and Judge # 2 each drive (separately) 40 miles RT to meet a third judge who will drive 200 miles round-trip as the designated carpool driver. Judge #1 and #2 both are reimbursed for 10 miles ($5 each) while the Judge #3 (the carpool driver) is reimbursed $100. Example B: Judge # 1 drives 5 miles to meet Judge #2. Judge #2 drives herself and judge #1 for 40 miles RT to meet Judge #3, the designated carpool driver who will drive 200 miles RT. Judge #1 receives NO mileage reimbursement since she must deduct 30 miles RT. Judge #2, since she is driving a "carpool" is reimbursed $20 for the 40 miles RT. Judge #3, as the designated carpool driver, is also reimbursed $100 for the 200 miles RT. ~

CLASSIFIEDS for sale' position available' seeking emp loy ment · education' cons i gnment

POSITION AVAILABLE COMPULSORY AND OR OPTIONAL COACH FOR WOMEN., North Star Gymnostics of McKinney, TX is looking for cooches thot believe in positive motivotionol cooching founded on ottention to proper technique. We ore looking for quolity, dependobility ond the personolity to leod othletes through good sportsmonship volues to winning results. The gym is fully equipped 14,000 sq. ft. ond hos 0 well estoblished business ond competitive record more thon 25 yeors old. It is located in 0 convenient ond fost growing location. Other teo ching or office duties moy be odded. Contoct Mory ot mory@ or 972-5622777. DIRECTOR OF COMPETITION DEVELOPMENT. Windsor Gymnostics Center is seeking 0 Teom level cooch to coordinote ond monoge 011 teom level octivities. Responsibilities will olso include work with pre-teom on identified teom level prospects. Position offers independence ond on opportunity to progress with students through the optionol levels. WGC is on estoblished 17 yeor old progrom. Pre-school ond recreotionol progroms ore operoted by the gym owner. This is 0 unique opportunity to live ond work in beoutiful Northern Colifornio. Compensotion ond benefits bosed on experience ond educotion. Send resume to:

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