Are You In Need Of Lifeguard Certification Training? There are quite a few ways to become a certified lifeguard. One way is to enroll in a private Pool Management company and get trained for it. Another way is to apply for a lifeguard position at a lifesaving agency and receive lifeguard training directly from that organization. Becoming a certified lifeguard will allow you act as an independent contractor and sell your lifeguard services to private parties.
These private lifeguard jobs can either be a steady employment or a one time job depending on the need of employer. This is very different than being employed by a regular lifeguard agency. In effect, you become your own boss and are responsible for setting up your own lifeguard jobs. Being
advantages and disadvantages. Unless you have already received lifesaver training from a previous organization you will have to enroll in a lifeguard certification course. Numerous organizations offer this kind of courses. It is crucial for a lifeguard to be first aid certified, learn CPR and know life-saving techniques, however, this is often included in most lifesaver certification classes. It is highly advisable that the lifesaver course you enroll in offers CPR and first aid certification. Lifeguards are also expected to own their personal equipment. Alternatively, in a regularly employed lifeguard position, the lifeguard agency will supply majority of the lifesaving
purchase and maintain all of the equipment. The amount of equipment a lifeguard must possess depends on their
environment. In case, if you are expected to be hired out for private pool jobs, the typical equipment will include a lifeguard buoy, uniform, first aid equipment, whistle, and personal gears. If you expect to be employed as a private beach lifeguard, you will need more equipment. The typical equipment will include buoy, uniform, first aid equipment, fins, wet-suit and binoculars. A major benefit of lifeguard jobs is becoming an independent lifeguard where you will be paid far more than the typically employed lifeguard. The typical pay often ranges from 20 dollars to 100 dollars per hour. This is a huge increase from typical 10 dollars to 20 dollars a lifeguard organization will pay you. However, unless you can secure a regular private employer, hours are often far less regular than lifeguard agencies.