Effective Ways to Keep Away Bees from Your Pool
Sprig days have arrived and now it’s time to take a dip in a pool. However, a sharp sting from a bee can ruin your fun. It is a common problem especially in summer as in these hot months, many pools are infested with bees. So, it is important for commercial pool owners to remove their nests in order to prevent stings. Splashing water, fruity drinks, sweet poolside treats and even landscaping attract bees and making your pool their spring and summer hangout. Pool management services firms suggest to take following preventive steps. Bees are environment friendly so it is better to resolve this problem without killing them. Look for Alternative Water Source: Bees come near pool to drink water. So, by setting up alternative water source for them, you can keep them away from pool. Use Dryer Sheets: Swimming pool management companies recommend to use dryer sheets. They smell good and help freshen up clothing. However, bees hate them. So, arrange or put them in decorative baskets. Bees avoid getting too close to such items. It is important to change them periodically as over time they will lose their effectiveness. Setup Fake Nests:
Bees are territorial. You can take benefit of this by setting up fake hives near pool area. They will move on to another location as they don’t enjoy sharing territory with other bees which are not from their hive. Call to an exterminator: If these things don’t work, then it’s time to call an exterminator. They know the different tactics which help to remove nest without harming bees.