How to Maintain Chlorine Level and CYA (Stabilizer) Perfectly Many pool management companies struggle with maintaining the chlorine levels in their pools. During the hot summer months the chlorine added in the swimming pool can almost disappears in just two hours. Adding CYA in your pool water is one of the effective ways to prevent chlorine from sun burning.
What is CYA and how it helps to Maintain Chlorine Level CYA is considered as invaluable and essential to keeping chlorinated pools clean and sanitary. Many commercial pool owners use it frequently. CYA is usually called as Cyanuric acid or socyanurates. This means it will hold onto free chlorine in water reduce chlorine strength and protect chlorine from sun.
Balancing chlorine and CYA It is important to balance the chlorine and CYA levels in your pool. If you add high amount of Cyanuric acid in your pool water then the free chlorine molecules will dissolve by UV rays slowly and you have to add more chlorine in your pool. The recommended free chlorine level is between 2 to 4 parts per million and CYA level it should not exceed 50 ppm. Professionals who are associated with pool management group maintain the ratio of free chlorine is 7.5 percent of CYA. CYA ppm x 0.075 = free chlorine level Essentially non toxic Cyanuric acid is also used in pets’ food. This chemical is used in the food with melamine. According to world health organization, Cyanuric acid is not toxic to human and animals. This chemical should not use in indoors pools as there is no significance of UV rays. Moving Forward Proper training and education can control the misused of Cyanuaric acid. You can also use poolside to test CYA accurately. What happened when your Cyanuaric acid level is too high? It is simple you can remove CYA by using reverse osmosis process.