Lifeguard Services Include Keeping Kids Safe in Swimming Pools Swimming is fun and an amazing exercise to shed the kilos. However, with kids the scene changes. If you're out in the leisure centre or a beach, water becomes the perfect companion for your kids to have a merry time with their friends. While kids splash, jump or dive in the water, families have a hard time in ensuring their safety in the water. Children either on the beach or in the swimming pool require a lot of supervision. Families have to actively watch children whenever they are in the presence of water. If infants or toddlers are being taught swimming, the adult should be in water, within an arm's reach of the toddler. And as for older children, it's recommended that the supervising adult pay constant attention, devoid of distractions and also should know swimming to operate rescue process in case of emergency.
According to a recent study, 'kids can drown in as less as 1 inch of water'. This study was focused on highlighting the possible dangers of children in and around swimming pools. It's assumed that sounds of splashing or cries for help can be heard during drowning, but opposite to the assumption, drowning is mostly silent and quick. As a safety measure, certified pool operators introduce various safety guidelines to make sure that enjoyment doesn't turn into grief. No electrical appliance near the pool or no running on the pool deck are some actions taken by swimming pool operators for kids safety. So, if you're planning a visit to a commercial pool facility, following can be some precautions undertaken for your child's safety and your enjoyment. One of the many aspects of lifeguard jobs is to maintain discipline around the pool. As they are entrusted with the responsibility of swimmer's life, it's their job to practice rules and regulations around the swimming pool. It's is important to teach your child swimming, but this shouldn't be assumed that they can swim on their own. Swimming lessons doesn't guarantee drown proofing for children of any age hence, parents should never overestimate their child's swimming capabilities. Always supervise! Swimming pool lifeguards are also expected to ensure that swimmers, especially children's adhere to the diving rules. It's imperative to acknowledge the fact that children are always at risk in the water. It's not only the duty of the lifeguards to stay away from distractions but also of the supervising member of the family, once kids are in the pool.