If You Are Getting Any Of These 4 Signals, That Means It’s Time For a Pool Repair If you are an owner of an aquatic facility then you may have encountered many situations where you had to call a pool cleaning company or a commercial pool construction company. We all know that detecting a problem at early stages is very helpful in solving it and saves both effort and money. This article is all about giving you an idea on decoding those signals which your pool gives you when it needs a repair or equipment change:
1. Cracks and wrinkles in the pool linear: This is not only a common problem in every pool but it also gives you an idea of a bigger problem. Always make sure that there should not be any imperfections in the liner. Cracks and wrinkles can affect the whole pool structure, it normally starts with water loss. Even if you see small cracks call the repair team.
2. Decreasing water level: If you notice that you have to refill your swimming pool more than usual, you could be facing a leak in the walls or inside the plumbing. Either way, you could wind up spending more on water and chemicals. If the leak continues to grow, the problem could get even worse. In this situation you can call your pool construction company they will send you a repair team or a consultant. 3. Banging or grinding noise coming from the heater: This mostly happens when the heater is too old and cannot handle the load. Normally pool heaters make sound but if it is very high then there is a problem with it. If you call an expert who may save it from breaking down entirely. Even if water remains cold after starting the heater is also a sign of faulty heater. 4. An overactive or under performing filter: Filters are continuously working machines, and it needs to be cleaned time to time but If you suddenly have to clean your filter more often than usual or your pool has recently started accumulating a lot of debris and the water is turning murky, the filter could be broken. A good filtration system is essential for enjoying your pool, and this is one warning sign which should be taken seriously. Apart from these four common signs, there are many other signals your pool gives to you, that may save you from big spendings. Many pool management companies also give yearly subscription on pool repairing, it helps a lot if your facility has old equipment.