3 minute read
5 Perfect Snacks For Life On-The-Go
By Melissa Russell
To keep up with our fast-paced world, we need snacks that keep our energy levels up during the day. The best way to remain energized all day long is to eat one to two balanced snacks in between meals that do not include refined carbohydrates and sugars. Balanced snacks include protein, fat, and carbohydrates, support your metabolism, and regulate blood sugar so you do not experience the classic mid-morning or afternoon energy slump. Next time you reach for another cup of coffee or simple carbs, try one of these balanced, energy-promoting snacks instead.

APPLE WITH NUT BUTTER An easy and portable snack that does not require refrigeration, an apple and the nut butter of your choice is a great, balanced snack. A complex carbohydrate, the sugar in the apple provides energy for that energy slump while the fiber in the apple slows down sugar absorption so your blood sugar does not spike and crash. Nut butter provides a good balance of plant-based protein and fat. It also provides vitamins and minerals like zinc, vitamin E, and B vitamins. Buy organic apples and nut butter with no added sugar, salt, or oil to ensure the highest quality snack possible.
GREEK YOGURT AND BERRIES Full-fat Greek yogurt mixed with berries provides an optimal combination of protein, fat, and carbs and can easily be brought to work or eaten on the go. High-quality Greek yogurt provides both fat, carbs, and protein while also including gut-nourishing probiotics and calcium for bone health. Some single servings of Greek yogurt pack an impressive 20 grams of protein. Adding your favorite berries on top provides additional carbohydrates, fiber, and antioxidants. Choose organic berries when possible to avoid excess pesticide exposure. For an allergy-reducing boost, drizzle the combination with local honey which has been suggested to help reduce seasonal allergies.

BEEF JERKY AND CARROT STICKS Bring a pack of high-quality beef jerky and a bag of carrot sticks with you on the go for an energy-boosting, satiating snack. Although packed with protein, not all beef jerky is created equally. To choose a high-quality beef jerky, look for minimal added sugar, no nitrates or nitrates added, and reasonable sodium levels. The fewer ingredients the better. Beef is a great source of iron and vitamins B6 and B12, which can reduce fatigue and tiredness – making it a perfect snack to avoid the mid-morning or post-lunch energy drop. Eat your jerky with a side of carrot sticks to get a healthy dose of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K, and calcium. Choose organic jerky and carrots when possible. BOILED EGGS AND TROPICAL FRUIT A simple but nourishing combination, boiled eggs and tropical fruit provide a balanced snack packed with healthy vitamins and minerals. Boiled eggs not only include an excellent combination of protein (6 grams per egg) and fat, but they are also naturally rich in several essential vitamins – vitamin B12, vitamin D, folate, and biotin to name a few. Sprinkle your boiled eggs with unrefined sea salt for a boost of flavor and potassium. Tropical fruits like pineapple, papaya, banana, and mango provide fiber and energy-boosting natural sugar. These fruits are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, and electrolytes. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants increase as fruit ripens, so make sure you choose ripe tropical fruit for your snacks.

TURKEY ROLL-UPS AND POPCORN Although this snack requires a little more prep work, it is still an easy and healthy combination. To make the roll-ups, roll up protein-packed, high-quality deli turkey with bell pepper slices, quality cheese, hummus, or avocado. Choose the toppings that appeal to you or that you have on hand. Pair the roll-ups with a minimal ingredient, air-popped popcorn. Avoid traditional microwave popcorn bags as they can be full of inflammatory oils and synthetic ingredients. A whole grain, popcorn is high in fiber and has a low glycemic index – meaning it should not cause a spike and then slump in blood sugar and energy. The beneficial carbohydrates in popcorn are paired with antioxidants and small amounts of vitamins and minerals like folate and niacin, making it a nutritious and delicious snack.