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Vanguard The

Volume 45, Number 23

January 28, 2008

Jags stomp Denver 71-33 as they extend streak to 13 see page 11

Serving USA SinCe 1965

Hey, y’all, it’s Mardi Gras Take 5 with Dr. Adams Anna Chapman ASSOCIATE EDITOR amc404@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

After almost 20 years of service at the University of South Alabama, Dr. Dale T. Adams, vice president of student affairs, is retiring at the end of January. Dr. Adams Dr. Dale Adams has held the title of vice president of student affairs since the fall of 1989. Dr. John Smith is the new head of student affairs. The Vanguard: What are your plans for retirement? Dr. Dale Adams: I am going to stay here in Mobile and enjoy my leisure. I’m also going to do a little consulting work. V: What advice do you have for your successor, Dr. John Smith? A: He is a very capable person; he probably doesn’t need my advice at this point.

Sidra Rasool / Contributing Photographer

The Polka Dots paraded Thursday night, throwing beads, moonpies and other Mardi Gras favorites in downtown Mobile. For some USA students, this is their first year celebrating Mardi Gras. SEE PAGE 2 FOR FULL MARDI GRAS STORY.

USA speaker discusses date rape Hannah Skewes SENIOR REPORTER hks502@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

When it comes to sexual intercourse, many people mistakenly believe that any consent is a valid consent. However, rape can still legally occur even when verbal consent is given. Brett Sokolow, a higher education attorney whose specialty is sexual misconduct, came to the University of South Alabama on Jan. 23 to talk about these misconceptions and the difference between drunken sex and date rape. He stated that consent is not necessarily bona fide if the party giving the consent is “incapacitated” by alcohol or other drugs. "Incapacitated" means that the party is unable to make a rational decision. They must be able to discern “who, what, when, where, why and how,” according to Sokolow. Consent does not necessarily have to be voiced if otherwise communicated. According to the University, date or


Hannah Skewes / Senior Reporter

Brett Sokolow, a higher education attorney whose speciality is sexual misconduct, spoke to students about the common misconceptions of date rape.

acquaintance rape is defined as “force sexual intercourse that is perpetrated against the will of the victim by someone the victim knows.” One out of every four college-age female falls victim to date rape or attempt-

Lifestyles pg. 6


see RAPE, page 18

Fine Arts pg. 8

My advice for anyone working in student affairs is that you have to stay close to the students. You have to listen to the students and participate in their activities. V: Of all your accomplishments at USA, which are you most proud of ? A: The addition of the new housing at the University, including the Greek houses. The biggest one is the new Rec Center. I won’t get to see it built, but I think it will be a great addition. V: What did you like and dislike most about your job at South Alabama? A: I liked working with the students and being a participant with them. I disliked the disciplinary jobs I had to do. You don’t want to have to deal with students on that basis, but sometimes you have to. V: If you could change one thing about your career, what would it be? A: I probably would have gotten started in student affairs earlier. I didn’t really get involved with student affairs until pretty far along in my career.

Homecoming activities are underway Leigh Patton MANAGING EDITOR lwp302@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Homecoming “On the Prowl” 2008 has officially kicked off with a lot of events coming up and will culminate with the crowning of homecoming king and queen at the men’s basketball game against Florida Atlantic on Feb. 16. Homecoming is a time to celebrate USA and its Jaguar spirit. It is also a time to welcome back our graduates and invite them to the Distinguished Alumni Dinner at the USA Mitchell Center. Colorful and creative signs started to fill the campus Thursday as homecoming candidates were campaigning. “Each independent group or organization that is registered with the office of campus involvement and Greek organizations can participate in events and activities to earn points to win the “Traveling

Entertainment pg. 10

The Vanguard P.O. Drawer 25100 Mobile, Ala. 36688 Newsroom - 460-6442 Fax 414-8293 Advertising - 460-6898 Letters, press releases, announcements - vanguard@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Sports pg. 12

Trophy,” [the homecoming spirit award] Heather Sprinkle, student activity specialists, said. “Groups can earn points by participating and placing the competitions and sponsoring a homecoming candidate.” Voting for homecoming king and queen will begin on Monday, Jan. 28 at 9 a.m. online. Students will receive an e-mail directing them to the link in which to vote for their king and queen. Students are to vote once, and the voting will end Friday, Feb. 1 at 4:59 p.m. On Wednesday, Feb. 6, the Lady Jags will play against Arkansas Stated in a double-header. The top ten finalists of the homecoming candidates will be announced at half-time. For some students, becoming homecoming queen and king is a memorable time in their college career and feel this is a great way to show their school spirit. “I’m running for homecoming queen because I get to represent the X

Opinion pg. 15

see HOMECOMING, page 18

Classifieds pg. 19

Vanguard online The





January 28, 2008

Students from around nation enjoy Mardi Gras Sidra Rasool CONTRIBUTING WRITER sr510@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Mardi Gras season is now approaching its final week of revelry of the 2008 year, putting an end to a season that was as fast coming as it was going. With every Mardi Gras season, there is always something new to add on to the rich extent of traditions and activities synonymous with the season. Since its formal inception in 1840, Mobile alone has formed more than 100 mystic societies, or civic organizations dedicated to holding parades, masked balls and charity events for the pleasure of its members and society. New organizations are being formed every year, each catering to a certain demographic in our Southern society: African Americans, neighborhood subdivisions and, yes, even the SPCA (dubbed the “Mardi Paws”) parade for pets. So what is the impression of Mardi Gras on students representing other cities and states? Sam Garrison, a freshman in electrical engineering originally from Flourtown, Pa., gives the overall experience two thumbs up. “It is a great opportunity to have good, clean fun. It is a long standing tradition in Mobile, from what I have learned, and I'm glad to see a city as proud of its history as Mobile is,” Garrison said. “I would say that my favorite aspect [of Mardi Gras] would be spending time with my family, my mom especially. I love just being able to go to the parades with my family and have a good time. The stresses of the work day and school day just don't seem to matter when you're hootin' and hollerin' for beads and moonpies.” So although Mardi Gras is not quite as historically rich and internationally well known as other worldwide gatherings, it, nevertheless, has a positive impact on tourism and the impression outsiders receive when they visit the city. “I didn’t know what Mardi Gras was when I came here,” Marion Lanster, a Wisconsin resident and chemical engineering major, said. “When someone told me about it, I thought it was for children. When I actually went to a

Sidra Rasool / Contributing Photographer

Crowds of people hover over the passing floats to grab their goodies consisting of beads, moonpies and the occassional rose as the Mardi Gras society the Polka Dots roll through downtown Mobile.

parade, it was probably the most fun thing I’ve experienced in Mobile.” However, there are some negative aspects about Mardi Gras that many can probably relate with. “My least favorite aspect of Mardi Gras is trying to get out of Mobile afterwards,” Garrison said. “The pedestrians act completely oblivious to the cars moving down the street and step out into traffic like there is nothing that could possibly hurt them. Some of the drivers are out of their minds, too. On my way home from the Order of the Polka Dots parade, a

driver decided he/she was three lanes too far to the left and insisted upon nearly hitting my car and cutting off the cars behind me to get into the far right lane. It was crazy!” Hoping that we all keep safety in mind when we hit the streets in this closing week of Mardi Gras, do not forget to appreciate and enjoy the fact that Mardi Gras provides our city with not only fresh entertainment, great food and welcome company, but it is also a way to stimulate Mobile’s diverse economy and tourism. And getting a day off from school also helps.

Improved, uniform signage part of ‘master plan’ Doug Little STAFF WRITER slayertidus21@aol.com

The Humanities building, Meisler Hall and the Student Center/bookstore are probably the three most searched for buildings on campus by students, prospective students, employees of the University and visitors on our campus. These buildings attract much more traffic to and from themselves than any other buildings. With more traffic, signs and way-finding tools are very important in order for those who are going to or coming from these buildings can find their way. Chris Willis, director of facility management, and his team are working on this issue and are trying to find a balance between maintaining the beauty of the campus, while making the signs as noticeable and helpful as possible. With a 44-year-old campus, there is an array of different architectures, including different styles of signs for different buildings, from the old, run-down sign in front of the Humanities, to newer signs like the one by the archeology building. “We are doing some

Leigh Patton / Managing Editor

Signs around campus are hard to find especially when it comes to Meisler Hall and the Humanities building.With new signage improvements on campus, students, faculty and visitors will hope to see where to go.

work now to try to come up with a standard signpost for our street signs … and as we do that we will standardize our street signs,” Willis said. The plans for new, standardized signs are encompassed in the master plan for USA. “A master plan is where a campus tries to plan all of their future developments,” Willis said. It is essentially a futuristic blueprint whose primary goal is to allow efficient development of a campus. The developments in a master plan could be future dormitories, future utility needs and new classroom buildings, among other things. USA’s master plan also contains a note about a need for long-term for signage and way finding. The construction of portals is another idea in USA’s master plan. “These are more noticeable and distinct entrances to the campus,” Willis said. They could be built on Stadium Boulevard, North Drive and South Drive entrances to the campus. The portals themselves would be built like this; there would be a brick monument outlining both sides of the entrance, letting people know they have indeed reached a main entrance of the University, and there would be a sign somewhere around the portal directing those to where they need to go. “The portal lets them know that this is USA, that they’ve come into the right campus, and they’ve come into a main entrance, not a back-service road,” Willis said. Some modifications to the USA Bookstore are also contained in USA’s master plan. An addition to the USA Bookstore toward Meisler Hall, around 3,000 square feet, would be made and form a corner of the Student Center Amphitheater. Along with the addition to the bookstore, the retaining wall next to the parking lot near the post office would be taken down and terraced so that a slope is open and people who park in that lot can see and have signage to find their way to Meisler Hall. When asked about the significance of Meisler Hall in this situation, Willis replied, “Meisler Hall is one of the most popular destinations, particularly for new people on campus to get to, and yet it is hard to find with our current parking and traffic, so as we modify the bookstore, we are also are trying to open up the view and the parking so that people who park in the bookstore or Student Center area can easily see and make their way to Meisler Hall.”



January 28, 2008

Vanguard The


Pell grant increase short of projection Andy Kwalwaser

University of South Alabama’s Student Voice

DAILY ILLINI University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


A new federal budget will increase next year's Pell grant awards, but not to the extent originally projected by the Education and Labor Committee. The maximum grant value will increase to $4,731, up $421 from the current maximum award. Still, a budget struggle between the Appropriations Committee and the Education and Labor Committee caused the new grant to fall short of the $4,800 originally possible. "At least we feel that the conversation has moved forward," said Dan Mann, director of student financial aid. "It's an increase from what they've got now." The Consolidated Appropriations Act, passed last December, limited the total funds available for distribution through Pell grants, a financial aid awarded to college students based on need. "By having mandatory funding on one side, but discretionary funding on the other, there is no guarantee as to what the funding will be in a given year," said Alexa Marrero, minority spokeswoman for the Education and Labor Committee. "While we had authorized an amount based on an estimate, the Appropriations Committee assigned less money than expected." Congress was unwilling to fully fund the higher grants initially authorized by the Education and Labor Committee. As a result, the total funds available for the grants fall considerably short of the new maximum. "There was stuff that made it look like we would have multiple year increases, but that went right out the window," Mann said. "This is a case where the intentions were good, but the funding was not there to support it." Last year more than $13 million in Pell grants was distributed to 4,726 University students. Not all students are eligible to receive the maximum grant, although the increases will affect all awards next year. Pell grants are considered discretionary federal spending, meaning that the Appropriations Committee can negotiate its value each fiscal year to match the new budget. Elana Schuster, senior in Communications and former Illini Media employee, has received a Pell grant in each of her four years at the University but was never sure what each year's award would be. "All I knew was I needed to fill out my (financial aid information) and pray really hard. I thought I would have to take out a few loans," Schuster said

Mission The Vanguard, a student-run newspaper at the University of South Alabama, serves the student readership by reporting the news involving the campus community and surrounding areas. The Vanguard strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights.

Submission and Editorial Policies Send letters and guest columns to: Opinion Editor, vanguard@jaguar1.usouthal.edu or The Vanguard, University of South Alabama, P.O. Drawer U-25100, Mobile, Ala. 36688. Letters and guest columns must be received by 7 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication. Submissions should be typed and must include the writer’s name, year, school and telephone number. z All submissions become the property of The Vanguard. Unsigned letters will not be published. The Vanguard reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for length and clarity. Letters will be limited to 300 words. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writer. z The Staff Editorial represents the majority of the Editorial Board, which is composed of the Editor in Chief, News Editor, Opinion Editor and Lifestyles Editor. All members of the Editorial Board have the same weight during weekly Editorial Board meetings. z The Vanguard has a commitment to accuracy and clarity and will print any corrections or clarifications. To report a mistake, call the Editor in Chief at (251) 460-6442 or email vanguard@jaguar1.usouthal.edu. z

The Vanguard is a member of Collegiate Presswire and U-Wire, which syndicates to a national audience.


The Vanguard is published Mondays during the academic year, except for exam periods and vacations and is published twice each summer. The Vanguard is supported in part by an allocation from student activity fees and operates in the Student Media Department of the Division of Student Affairs. Issues are available at all University buildings and select off-campus locations. The first copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each.


Courtesy of Joe Lamberson and the Daily Illini

Pell grant maximums were expected to rise to $4,800 for the 2008-2009 academic year, but due to budgetary constraints, the maximums will increase to $4,731, up from $421 from the current maximum awards.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Jason Shepard Managing Editor: Leigh Patton Associate Editor: Anna Chapman Lifestyles Editor: Ashley D. McGee Fine Arts Editor: Ashley Gruner Entertainment Editor: Stephanie A. Hudson Opinion Editor: Matt Flanagan Sports Editors: John Kenny, David Hopper Senior Reporters: Hannah Skewes, Devi Sampat Copy Editor: Jeremy Daughtry

DISTRIBUTION Distribution Manager: Jolyn Picard Distribution: Brandon Phillips

ADVERTISING STAFF Advertising Manager: Glen Aikman Assistant Advertising Manager: Patrick Senn Graphic Designers: Jennifer Manning, Rajesh Chindurala

MANAGEMENT Adviser: Robert Holbert Accounting: Kathy Brannan

Web site: http://www.usavanguard.com Mailing Address The Vanguard University of South Alabama P.O. Drawer U-25100 Mobile, Ala. 36688 Article XIV, Section 8 of The Lowdown: The editors of the student publications shall be free from any type of censorship and shall be responsible for the form, content and staff of the publication. SPLC Statement: The Vanguard recognizes and affirms the editorial independence and press freedom of all student-edited campus media. Student editors have the authority to make all content decisions and consequently bear the responsibility for the decisions that they make.




CAMPUSGRIPES To voice your campus gripes or praises, e-mail us at campusgripes@yahoo.com, or anonymously mail us at The Vanguard, U-25100, Mobile, Ala., 36688

Congratulations to USA Jags The Jags men’s basketball team played a great game in their comeback win over The Raging Cajuns. They showed poise, class and determination but congratulation also needs to go to the fans who raised the roof and help inspired the players to the win. Go Jags!

Jags really on a role It’s great to see the Jags basketball team making the front page of The Vanguard. Our Jags are really on a role, and they enjoy the attention

Building signs hard to see The building signs on campus are hard to see. I was a freshman last year and it was frustrating I couldn’t find the buildings I was having classes in. I think there needs to be some improvements so new students won’t have the same problems I did.

Restrooms need some cleaning The women’s restrooms in the Humanities building always stink when I go in there and toilet paper and paper towels are on the floors. Does anyone go in there to clean up in the afternoons?

JagTran useful during games The JagTran is very useful when I attend the basketball games in the Mitchell Center. My disabled mother goes with me sometimes, and it’s a real big help when traveling from the Mitchell College of Business parking lot to the Mitchell Center. Thanks for the good work.

Dinner improvements needed I don’t understand what the deal is with the dinner in the cafeteria. You pay 7 bucks for all-you-eat dinner, but there ain’t crap worth eating.

What happened to Butterbean? I read in the Press-Register the fight that included Butterbean and Tanya Harding got canceled. What happened? I want an explanation!

January 28, 2008

USA hosts Bridges 2008 dialogue Hannah Skewes SENIOR REPORTER hks502@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

The Quest for Social Justice, Inc. brought Bridges 2008 to the University of South Alabama’s campus on Tuesday, Jan 22. The main topic of the meeting was to discuss Alabama’s State Constitution and the group’s ambition to reform it. The Quest for Social Justice had its roots planted in 1998. The group focuses on race issues, childcare, education reform, unfair lending practices and other issues within the state of Alabama, along with the goal of a Constitutional Convention. “The number one issue for me is Constitution reform in Alabama,” said Leevones Dubose, one of the program’s speakers and a Quest for Social Justice leader. “We’re hoping the students here at USA will pick up the banner and talk about it.” The group has spoken at several Alabama campuses and hopes to spread the message further through these efforts. “I want it to have a ripple effect so that we can change the way Alabama is seen not only by us but by the entire nation,” Dubose said. The current Alabama Constitution was written and ratified in 1901. It is the longest of all the state constitutions and contains nearly 800 amendments. The average state constitution has only 115 amendments. Quest’s claims that the current Alabama Constitution does not represent a fair economy or reflect the current will of the people, creating an urgent need for change. “The constitution is the creature of our will and can be unmade through our will,” said Merceria Ludgood, county commissioner and the guest speaker of Bridges 2008. “I do not believe that the current constitution represents 21st century Alabamians.” Some of the issues with the constitution now in place encompass everything from local democracy to the origins in which it was created. The campaign Web site, http://www.constitutionalreform.org, claims it restricts local democracy by depriving it of locally centralized control. The constitution makes it impossible to act based on local needs without state legislative consent; 555 of Alabama’s constitutional amendments pertain only to one certain county. Another major issue with the century-old legislative piece of paper brought up by the Bridges program was the fact that it also restricts economic development through counties. Current amend-

Hannah Skewes / Senior Reporter

The University of South Alabama hosted a Bridges lecture about Alabama’s State Constitution and the group’s ambition to reform it. Guest speakers such as Merceria Ludgood and Leevones Dubose discuss the issues about our state’s constitution.

ments grant certain local powers the ability to promote economic diversity and development, but the original provisions still exist. This skews the ability of each county to promote its own interest and stifles growth from county to county. The group also claims the constitution still promotes an unfair tax system by making the wealthiest one percent of residents pay only four percent of their wages, while the lowest quarter of the population pays nearly 11 percent overall. Another major problem with the constitution, according to the program, is that it also limits budget flexibility and finds its roots in racism and social injustice. “It [the Alabama Constitution] has been the single most crippling aspect in keeping Alabama from moving forward,” Ludgood said. “We’re not making it a race issue. It’s about a quality of life for all people in Alabama. It’s much bigger than race.”

Study finds voter ID laws reduce participation Dana Teppert BROWN DAILY HERALD Brown University

A new report recently released by a Brown professor and graduate student provides evidence that requiring voters to show identification decreases naturalization rates and suppresses political participation, particularly among minorities and lower income individuals. The report, released Jan. 2 by Professor of Sociology John Logan and Jennifer Darrah GS, adds to the debate on the effects of state requirements for voter identification. Building on previous studies, Logan and Darrah conclude that voter ID requirements affect not only voter turnout and registration, but also immigrants' decisions to become citizens. In 2000, in states that required voters to show proof of identity before casting a ballot, the odds of naturalization for foreignborn residents were five percent lower than in states that did not have a voter ID requirement, affecting Hispanics most strongly. Logan and Darrah found that voter ID requirements disproportionately affect minorities, people without a high school diploma and those with an annual income of less than $15,000. Darrah said the report, which has received national attention, was a response to the current debate about voter identification requirements. It notes that as of 2004, 19 states required voters to provide some kind of identification.

"We knew this had become a hot political issue and that these kinds of policies were about to be under review by the Supreme Court," Darrah said, referring to Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, a case currently before the Supreme Court that challenges the constitutionality of a 2005 Indiana law requiring voters to show a photo ID issued by the federal or

“If a political system is perceived to be difficult to access, people might think their vote might not matter or that their political participation might not be welcome.” - Jennifer Darrah state government before voting. In an e-mail to The Herald, Logan wrote that he sent a copy of the report to one of the plaintiff's attorneys, though he added he doesn't know if the report will affect the case. Proponents of Indiana's voter ID law cite it as a necessary tool to prevent voter fraud, but the report states that, "at a time when many public officials express regret that immigrants seem to lag in their participation in mainstream society, even small suppressive effects on naturalization - the formal step to becoming an American citi-

zen - work in the wrong direction and should be taken into account as people evaluate the benefits and costs of more stringent identification requirements." Darrah said she and Logan wrote the report in the hopes that it might advance the voter ID debate. "It might gain the attention of policy makers, of the public at large, potentially even the attention of those who are making arguments in official bodies," she said. Darrah said the study was originally meant to focus on the effects of voter ID requirements on political participation and to address conflicting reports on the effects of voter ID requirements. "We started to think more about what might be affecting political participation of immigrants and all Americans, regardless of their nativity status," Darrah said. But as Logan and Darrah looked more closely at the existing research and their own study, they began to consider what effects voter ID policies might have on naturalization. "Looking at whether these policies affect becoming a citizen was totally new, but we did build on previous research that looks at becoming a citizen as an action that reflects a desire to join the American polity for a number of reasons," Darrah said. "If a political system is perceived to be difficult to access, people might think their vote might not matter or that their political participation might not be welcome."



January 28, 2008

USA doctor elected to the AAN Devi Sampat SENIOR REPORTER dss608@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Dr. J. Ivan Lopez University of South Alabama’s Dr. J. Ivan Lopez was recently chosen to become a fellow member of the American Academy of Neurology, an international professional association of more than 20,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals in America. His new election to the academy recognizes his contributions to AAN as well as to the neurology community. Dr. Lopez received his medical degree from La Salle University in 1983. He completed residency training in adult and child neurology at the University of South Alabama in 1997. In 2003, Lopez became associate profes-

sor of neurology and director of residency training. His clinical expertise and areas of interest include stroke, headache and epilepsy. He is also the only neurologist in Mobile with certification in headache medication. To be in AAN, participants must be active members who have met strict requirements on the length of membership, participate in professional meetings and achieve success in the field of neurosciences.. According to its Web site, the AAN is a medical specialty society established to advance the art and science of neurology and is strongly committed to providing the best possible care for patients with neurological disorders. Among many things, AAN focuses on ensuring access to neurological care nationwide, advocating high quality patient care, providing excellence in professional education by offering a variety of programs in both the clinical aspects of neurology and the basic neurosciences to physicians and allied health professionals and supporting clinical and basic research in all neurological fields.


Shriners want petition for burn unit April Kelso STAFF WRITER amk502@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

The Shriners of the Abba Temple Shrine in Mobile developed a petition to get a children’s burn unit built at the University of South Alabama’s Medical Center. Dorothy Morris, of Wilmer and an heir of a late family member to a vast timber estate, bequeathed a donation of $10 million to the Shriners Hospital in hope that it would be for the development of a children’s burn unit. Morris died in March 2007 and was never married, according to John Tyson Sr., a member of a local Shrine. “She farmed and also bred dogs. She was a self-sufficient woman.” Morris spoke with Tyson about leaving the money to the Shriners. In Morris’s will, it states that if the Medical Center builds a burn unit, she would want that money to be used for it, according to Tyson. She also left an undisclosed amount of land from the timber estate to the Shriners. However, it is not legally bonding because the national board will have to decide, according to Tyson. In 1974, the Shriners first came to South Alabama with the proposal to get involved with them and set up a hospital. South Alabama was in favor of the proposal to get involved, but the timing between the Shrine and the school was off several times, according to Tyson. The closest Shriner’s burn unit is in Galveston, Texas. “That is a lot of driving back and forth to make trips,” Tyson said. “With one being at the South Alabama Medical Center, the children could be stabilized here, and maybe even get the treatments they need.”There are 22 hospitals throughout North America. The Shriners started out as a social organization, but wanted to do more so they started a charity. The

charity, Shriners Hospitals for Children, began in the 1920s with three hospitals. According to http://www.shrinershq.org, the Shriner’s Hospitals is a system for children up to 18 years of age to help heal injuries and birth defects. Their key endeavor is burn prevention. The cost of traveling, and the treatments and the cost of food is free for children and their parents. The have treated more than 800 children since 2002. Tyson said he did not know when the petition would be approved. He also stated that the Shriners would set aside some land to make a recreation center for the children to go and relax. “Nothing is official,” Keith Ayers, director of USA public relations, said. “But this potential gift from a certain individual for the purpose of adding a new addition to the burn unit is appreciated.”


The University of South Alabama Medical Center could be the home of a Shriners Hospitals burn unit for children. Dorothy Morris bequeathed more than $10 million to the Shriners in hopes of getting a burn unit.





Ashley D. McGee Lifestyles Editor ladypoeticsoul@aol.com

January 28, 2007

Just a thought ... Ashley D. McGee LIFESTYLES EDITOR ladypoeticsoul@aol.com

Highly influential social justice activist Dr. Angela Y. Davis gave a soul-shaking lecture at the Mobile Saenger Theatre on Thursday, Jan. 17, to pay tribute to legendary civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The event, which was partially sponsored by the University of South Alabama African-American Studies Department, almost filled the historical theatre to capacity as hundreds of Mobile residents clamored to hear the author and educator’s empowering words. Davis touched on several issues concerning the lecture’s topic, “Recognizing Racism in the Era of Neo-Liberalism,” and core theme, continuing the dream of Dr. King. “This annual celebration is about continuing his legacy,” Davis said. While discussing the issue of racial equality, Davis made a rather profound observation as she questioned the link between the word “colorblind” and the phrase “racial equality.” Davis challenged the audience to find the balance between being proud of their race and to embrace the beauty of diversity, without drawing boundaries that keep different races barred from one another. “How do we not notice race?” Davis inquired. Davis went on to discuss how recognizing the differences, as well as the similarities, between races are necessary in order to create opportunities that will uplift minorities. It is vital to notice the unfortunate circumstances that different races endure so that those circumstances might be eliminated. “We must notice race in order to invoke change,” she added. Presidential hopeful (and I use the term “hope” loosely) Hillary Clinton’s recent comment that many interpreted as downplaying the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. made its way into the lecture. Davis flawlessly addressed the comment by saying, “We would not be able to progress mentally and spiritually without the moveX

see DAVIS, page 18

ON CAMPUS THIS WEEK Monday SGA Budget Meeting at 8 p.m. in SC Ballroom Friday Women of Excellence present “The Black Out Party” from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. Admission: 2 for $5 before 11 p.m. $3 for everyone after 11 p.m.

USA students show ‘love for the 4’ VSA raises funds for children allegedly killed on Dauphin Island Devi Sampat STAFF REPORTER ds608@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

The University of South Alabama Vietnamese Student Association put its grief to good use by holding a candlelight vigil and beginning fundraising efforts for the funeral of four children allegedly killed on the Dauphin Island Bridge in Mobile, Ala. The children’s father, Lam Luong, of Irvington, Ala., allegedly tossed his four young children off the bridge after a dispute with his wife. The on-campus organization began preparations for a candlelight vigil and fundraiser soon after VSA members visited with the children’s family on Jan. 13. Members then began placing donation boxes at various places in Mississippi and Courtesy of the Vietnamese Student Association visited local businesses asking for donaUniversity of South Alabama chapter of the Vietnamese Student Association poses for a group picture tions and assistance. VSA members then during an organization retreat. VSA recently raised more than $2,000 for the family of four children contacted local media such as FOX10, who were allegedly killed when their father allegedly threw them off the Dauphin Island Bridge earNBC15, WKRG5 and 97 FM WABB to spread word of their efforts to raise money. lier this month. “We wanted to help the family the best much pain they felt for the family,” “We are even collecting money now, so we [could] and to let them know that the Nguyen said. “It was an amazing experithe exact amount is not finalized yet, but community also cared for their well being,” ence to see that, even in this day and age, we have collected over $2,000 so far,” VSA President James Nguyen said. “The there are a lot of great people with great Minh Pham, vice president of VSA, said. vigil holds great significance to the family character who care for others; I know they “We are still collecting money by the and the community because it offered an all could've been Student Center Breezeway for the next opportunity for the doing other couple of weeks, if people would like to community to share things, but they help out.” “It was an amazing experience to in the grief.” chose to use their The VSA has set up tables in the Many students time to help othUniversity of South Alabama’s Student see that, even in this day and age, and local residents ers.” Center so students, faculty and other camtook time to sympathere are a lot of people with great “I don't have pus organizations can easily stop by and thize at the candlean exact figure, donate whatever amounts they feel approlight remembrance character who care for others.” but on the night priate. vigil. Multiple groups of the vigil, we Donations have been coming in from - James Nguyen had a member, gathered to grieve across the nation in hopes of supporting with one another Trang Banh, the children’s family in this unimaginably and, most importantbring us about $700 that was donated to hard time. A recent YouTube post grieves ly, never forget the young children who are our box in Mississippi, and we had about for the children through a song called at the heart of this tragedy. $850 that was donated.” Nguyen also “Winter Wind.” Students at LeFlore “There were hundreds of people out noted the children’s family also had their Preparatory School of Advanced there, and it showed on all their faces how X see TRAGEDY, page 18 own donation box at the vigil to help out.”

MLK March keeps ‘dream’ alive “I felt it was important for me to go to the march so I could bond with other memLadyPoeticSoul@aol.com bers of the community who have not forOn Jan. 21 hundreds of Mobile residents gotten about [Dr. King’s] vision,” Africanand college students gathered at Bishop American Student Association President State Community College Main Campus to Dwaynetta Thomas said. “There is often so take part of Mobile’s annual MLK Day much division amongst ‘our’ people, and I March. The march began love to see unity for a posiat the corner of Martin tive cause.” Luther King Jr. Avenue and Thomas also added that “The whole Broad Street and continued she did not make it mandaexperience was to head west on the avenue, tory for AASA members to completely uplifting.” be present at the march. She then south on Lafayette Street and west on Spring - Kem Preston wanted to know that the Hill Avenue until finally members who participated ending at Lyons Park for a did so because it was truly in their hearts. rally. “The whole experience was completely Several students from the University of uplifting,” AASA Secretary Kem Preston South Alabama participated in the march stated. “This was my first time going to the in order to show their support of Dr. King’s march, but after seeing how inspirational dream of equality between all races and to the event is first hand, I will definitely make pay tribute to his legacy. it a point to go from now on.”


Courtesy of Menjanahary Evans

Members of the African-American Student Association proudly march through the streets of Mobile on Jan. 21 to pay tribute to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King is thought to be the “Father of the Civil Rights Movement.”




January 28, 2008

Local eatery gets ‘mellow’ review Jamie Ramseur STAFF WRITER jlr601@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Whether on the way to school or just passing by, students can’t help but notice the humongous multicolored mushrooms that mysteriously loom over the restaurant uniquely dubbed the Mellow Mushroom. Located at 5660 Old Shell Rd., Mellow Mushroom is a very conveniet eatery for USA students looking to grab a quick bite to eat without straying to far from the main campus. The Atmosphere When walking into the restaurant, diners can not help but notice that, although dimly lit, the entire restaurant is bursting with color. Seating is the patron’s choice. There are tables, lined with multicolored chairs or slightly elevated, uncushioned booths to choose from. Multicolored lamps hang over all of the tables. Overall the restauraunt appears clean. However, there is some noticeable lack of pride taken in the cleanliness department. The thick, visible dust on the lamps may make one wonder if the food they are about to consume is safe from flying dust particles. There is a bar area that stretches throughout the restaurant. Additionally, there is the option to sit outside on colorful chairs and benches, right under the big mushroom. The Service Upon walking in, smiling servers greet customers, handing out menus. Although there is not a formal uniform, employees wear Mellow Mushroom T-shirts. Most of them appear to be young, maybe college-

age, students and it does not appear that who ever does the hiring has diversity in mind. Unlike many other restaurants, there does not seem to be much range in the ethnicities or overall appearance of the employees. The Food One of the restaurant’s most popular menu items is its pizza. Made with spring water dough for its own unique flavor, Mellow Mushroom’s specialty pizza, which comes in 10, 14 or 16 inches, can come with an unlimited amount of toppings. The Mega-Veggie, a vegetarian style pizza; the Kosmic Karma, which is topped with healthy treats like sun-dried tomatoes and spinach; and the Magical Mystery Tour, which is topped with too many toppings to name, are only a few of the wacky, yet interesting combinations available. Mellow Mushroom also sells pizza by the slice, when available. For those picky eaters, they offer the option to design your own pizza, with over 30 toppings to choose from. Also made with spring water dough, Mellow Mushroom has huge calzones, which they provide their own explanation for on their menu such as, “a pizza turnover (a Southern definition).” With 15 different monumental hoagies to choose from, there is sure to be a sandwich that will please everyone. Avocado, jerk chicken and tofu are just a few of the hoagies offered. All sandwiches come loaded with savory toppings and are sure to please the taste buds. Coming in two sizes, seven different types of salads are offered for the more healthy eaters. Although a little more pricey than fast

claims some people turn to food as a way to not face feelings. Writing, however, can Illinois State University help or force people to face their feelings. Want to keep the "Freshman 15" a Instead of people turning to a big, juicy myth? Well, look no further than the near- hamburger, a large fry and a diet coke for est … pencil? comfort, writing can suffice, taking the Author Julia Cameron claims writing place of the food in essence. can actually lead to healthi"I think it could be a er lifestyles, working in very benefit," Kelly Greenwell, similar ways as diets. “I don’t think of this a senior exercise science Cameron wrote the 1992 major, said. "Anything that as a time-limited diet, puts your focus off eating best seller "The Artist's Way," but it is her recently so much as I think of it would probably be a benereleased book titled "The fit…I would recommend as a lifestyle.” Writing Diet: Write Yourself anything they enjoy doing Right-Size" that is really keeps them away from - Julia Cameron that getting people thinking. turning to food." Basically, Cameron's idea Jennifer Zielinski, a senis that writing can have similar benefits to ior exercise science major, suggests several a dieter that exercising has. Writing does other tips to avoid turning to food for not burn a lot of calories or release endor- comfort. phins - at least it has not been proven to "Sometimes maybe talking to someone do so. face-to-face could be helpful," she said. "If What writing does is block food, accord- you have a certain activity set up, it could ing to Cameron in a recent article. She be helpful, such as reading or walking.

Mellow Mushroom is located at 5660 Old Shell Rd., across the street from the University of South Alabama Laidlaw Performing Arts Center.

food restaurants, Mellow Mushroom is a perfect place to grab a bite to eat. Just look for the giant mushroom, and it will lead you to good eatin’ without straying far from campus. Mellow Mushroom is open Monday thru Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday thru Saturday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sundays from 12 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Making more time, just personal time for yourself, would help too." Greenwell suggests any type of exercise or daily activity, and stressed the importance of getting enough rest. One key element of Cameron's writingas-a-diet program is "morning pages," which she described in the recent article as a person sitting down each day and writing whatever comes to mind. Writing can aid in the dieting process in other ways besides as an outlet of emotion. People can also use writing to keep track of their daily intake of food and calories, an idea suggested, but not invented by Cameron. Dieticians and nutritionists suggest dieters keep a food log. "A lot of nutritionists do recommend logging food," Greenwell said. "People don't actually realize how much they take in each day. It is a good idea to keep a food log to determine how many calories. It's especially a good idea for people trying X

see WRITING, page 18

People Finance Hobbies Travel Lifestyles: The ideas are limitless.

Food Events Trends Technology If you’re interested in writing, e-mail the editor at Fitness 460-6442. Health ladypoeticsoul@aol.com or call Places



STAFF WRITER http://bentcircuit.net/page/2




Patrick Senn

Composing said to help face emotions, healthier than consuming foods THE DAILY VIDETTE



The history of Iceland

Author claims writing can aid in process of healthy dieting Tony Adracki


e r u t



The land of Iceland is a place of rich history and culture. The nation is technically identified as being apart of Europe; however, it actually lies between Europe and North America. It is the least populous of what are known as Nordic or Scandinavian nations with similar Norse historical backgrounds, with a population of around 313,000. Modern historical evidence suggest that the first people to go to the modern nation of Iceland were Irish monks and hermits in the eighth century. These religious people left the island for the most part with the mass immigration of Norsemen between the late-ninth and mid-10th centuries. The first known permanent Norse settler was Ingólfur Arnarson, who built his homestead in Reykjavík in 874. Following this, there was a large influx of Norsemen who also brought with them their Irish slaves. The Althing, the original legislative and judiciary parliament of Iceland was established around 930. The Free State of Iceland, under the government of the Althing, lasted until roughly 1260 when it collapsed due to the inability to deal with the rising power of local chieftains. This resulted in the signing of what is today called the Old Covenant, which brought Iceland under the control of the monarch of Norway, which united with Denmark later. Iceland remained under the control of Denmark until after WWII. Following WWII, the Icelandic people overwhelmingly elected to establish themselves as a republic separate from Denmark and have been independent since 1944. Iceland experienced a time of great economic growth after this which continues to boom today. While there is no separation of church and state in Iceland, with all citizens automatically being members of the National Church of Iceland (which identifies itself with the Lutheran church), it was this nation that gave birth to the modern reconstruction of ancient Norse paganism known as Asatru, which is recognized as an official religion within Iceland, even though this faith accounts for less than 2.7 percent of the population. Iceland is recognized by the United Nations as being the most developed society in the world. Iceland is highly computer literate with 82.7 percent of the population owning personal computers. Icelandic society is also very dependent upon personal X

see ICELAND, page 18




Fine Arts

Ashley Gruner Fine Arts Editor amarie588@gmail.com

January 28, 2008

The Arts Ashley Gruner FINE ARTS EDITOR amarie588@gmail.com

The Mobile Arts Council galleries have several upcoming exhibits that are sure to provide a touch of inspiration. “Seats for Social Justice,” a national project designed by the Hands on Network, will feature school bus seats as works of art. The seats offer a sense of recognition by commemorating Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other leaders that were active in the Civil Rights Movement. “Seats for Social Justice” is sponsored by Volunteer Mobile. Another exhibit titled “The Fruit of Labor” is a collaboration of paintings by Frederick E. McDuffie. McDuffie focuses on subjects that will allow viewers to draw their own conclusions. He focuses his work on the everyday lives of his main subjects, migrant workers in the United States. “To give the viewer a glimpse of the reality of the everyday life of the subject, I have chosen to depict them in the act of their labors,” McDuffie said. This exhibit intends to provoke thought and the exploration of social issues that society still faces today. McDuffie received his degree in painting from USA in 2007. The third upcoming exhibit at the Mobile Arts Council is Ainsley McNeely's “Artist in the Outdoors.” McNeely is best known for the posters she designed for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Her works focus on wildlife paintings, portraits and sporting art. McNeely spends most of her time outdoors studying and photographing her subjects. She received her bachelor's degree from Florida State University and her master's degree from USA. The exhibits will be opening Feb. 6. A reception will be held on Friday, Feb. 8, from 6-9 p.m. during the LoDa ArtWalk. Everyone is encouraged to attend. The Mobile Arts Council is located at 318 Dauphin St. in downtown Mobile. The galleries are open Monday through Friday from 9-5. For more information, call (251) 432-9796 or visit their Web site at http://www.mobilearts.org.

upcoming events First Friday Art Walk Feb. 1, 6-8 p.m. Downtown Fairhope Mobile Chamber Music: Trio Virtuosi Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m. Laidlaw Performing Arts Center USA Chorale Winter Concert Feb. 12, 7:30 p.m. Laidlaw Performing Arts Center

Rodin: experiencing the artist’s work Amanda B. Johnson STAFF WRITER amanda_b_johnson@yahoo.com

The renowned work of Parisian artist Auguste Rodin has made its way to the Mobile Museum of Art. With over 250 guests, Thursday night's opening reintroduced viewers to the the bold, impressionistic style of an artist once "regarded as the greatest sculptor since Michelangelo." Ultimately, Rodin sought to "communicate the vitality of the human spirit" through "nontraditional and provocative subject matter." He accomplished this with his emphasis on the contour of the human body, his exploration of the capacity of bronze, his dedication to nature and his experimental use of the figure. Some of Rodin's most impressive works, however, were public sculptures such as "The Gates of Hell" and "The Burghers of Calais." Rodin, an advocate of rough, expressive sculpture created perhaps his most pretentious work with the commission of “The Gates of Hell.” Inspired by Dante's “Divine Comedy” and Baudelaire's “Les Fleurs du Mal,” “The Gates” featured a mass of afflicted souls, each enduring the anguish of mankind. "The Gates,” which originally served as an entrance for a failed museum in Paris, later provided many of its figures for independent exhibit, such as “The Thinker,” “The Kiss” and “The Three Shades.” "The Thinker" has been rumored, even by Rodin himself, to be the image of Dante. Rodin wrote that "'The Thinker' has a story ... before the door, seated on the rock, Dante is thinking of the plan of the poem behind him ... he is no longer a dreamer, he is a creator." Perhaps Rodin's "Thinker" is actually a representation of man's feat with internal struggle, or rather a depiction of Rodin himself. Rodin's "The Kiss" is reminiscent of the artist's more intimate works. This sensual piece is a portrayal of forbidden love and its eternal damnation. Two lovers embrace, unaware of their ill-fated death, and are thus imprisoned among others who have committed sins of the flesh. "The Three Shades,” com-


The work of Parisian artist Rodin is now a featured exhibit at the Mobile Museum of Art. The sculptures will be on display through March 23.

posed of one identical figure appearing to be that of Adam, is an example of Rodin's exploration of assemblage, or repeating the same figure in one work to create a new composition. These three figures are speculated to signify the inscription taken from the Gates of Hell in Dante's “Inferno,” which says, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.” Another of Rodin's featured works is "The Burghers of Calais,” a monument commissioned by the French city of Calais to honor the heroes of the Hundred Years' War and to serve as a symbol of patriotism. The six portrayed in Rodin's sculpture were know as burghers, or leading citizens of the city. In 1347, these six offered themselves as hostages to King X

see RODIN, page 21

Independent film shows power of music Susan Pruitt STAFF WRITER msp501@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

The 2007-2008 Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers continues with the showing of “Apparition of the Eternal Church” by Paul Festa. This film will be showing on Friday, Feb. 8, at the Ben May Main Library. The Southern Circuit is sponsored by the Mobile Arts Council and Mobile Public Library. It is the nation's only regional tour of independent filmmakers that was began by the South Caroline Arts Commission in 1975. Festa studied violin at the Julliard School and graduated from Yale College with honors. He is now an aspiring writer and filmmaker whose essays have been featured in “Nerve” and “Salon.” Festa will now be premiering his first movie, “Apparition of the Eternal Church,” which was awarded “Best North American Independent Feature Film” at the 2006 Indianapolis International Film Festival. This film records the reactions of 31 artists as they listen to Olivier Messiaen's monumental organ work “Apparition of the Eternal Church.” This 10-minute piece of music was written with the intention of sending listeners to the height of spiritual bliss. However, Festa's film reveals that listeners respond to this piece of music in very different ways. Some artists respond with intense religious emotion,

Courtesy of the Mobile Arts Council

“Apparition of the Eternal Church” records the reactions of artists as they listen to music.

while others envision death, sexuality and persecution. Some artists even find the music an “excruciatingly painful” experience. These artists then proceed to transfer their experiences of Messiaen's music into words. These verbal reactions precede in the form of a seemingly conversational battle that results in a collective interpretation of the work. According to the film's Web site, this exchange of thought develops an “aesthetic landscape defined by paradox.” This landscape counters resolution and eternity, eroticism and asceticism, spiritual ecstasy and physical torture. The combination of music and verbal inter-

pretation creates a “marriage of heaven and hell.” Ed Hamilton of The Hotel Chelsea Blog praised this movie for its ability to “demonstrate, like no other I have seen (and in a truly original way), the primal power that music can exert on the human psyche … for anyone interested in music, it's a film not to be missed.” In an interview with the Metro Santa Cruz, Zesta said that the ultimate motivation behind this film was to answer the question “about how people listen to music and about how music works. How successfully could time-bound music express the eternal? How could a series of mathematical equations evoke God or a staircase or a church?” Festa also admits that he finds “the passion for violence generated by religious feeling remains a mystery.” This mystery continues to allow him to “find it so compelling to watch the expressions on the faces of these people who hear the fire and brimstone and are so sent by it.” In this same interview, Zesta reveals his reasoning for withholding the revelation of Messiaen's entire piece as an effort to “preserve that skepticism, while allowing the pathos and sublimity of the music to reach the heart.” Festa ultimately reveals that “the heart of the movie is those transformations, those conversions” of people who initially responded with negativity that broke down and gave genuine emotional responses.




January 28, 2008

Famous pair gives inspiring performance Daniela Werner STAFF WRITER danigirl6013@gmail.com

Distinguished composer Kenji Bunch and his wife, notable pianist Monica Ohuchi, performed a concert at the University of South Alabama's Laidlaw Performing Arts Center on Thursday, Jan. 24. All the works performed were written by Bunch, who is currently the Mobile Symphony's composer-in-residence. The evening's performance began with Bunch informing his audience that all his pieces had a story behind them; a story that inspired him to write those specific works the way he did. The first piece performed by Bunch was for solo viola and titled “Crawl Space.” “When I was a kid, I would crawl underneath our house with my dad to help him with the maintenance of pipes and other things. While I was down there, I would get a little claustrophobic,” said Bunch, when explaining the meaning of the title. According to Bunch, the feelings of claustrophobia that he felt underneath his house were best expressed through the distressing voice of the viola in “Crawling Space.” The concert progressed with various pieces, including an explosively dynamic piano solo performed by Ohuchi, titled “Peripheral Riffs.” “Suite,” which Bunch referred to as “written with the intention to stretch the technical limits of both the piano and the viola,” had five movements. Bunch and Ohuchi performed this work on separate instruments, but as if they

The last movement, “La Ultima Noche en la Casa del Flamenco,” was written because “there was a little Spanish restaurant in New York that Monica and I ate at once and we had a wonderful experience. When we went back a month later, it was closed. So, I wrote this piece in memory of it,” Bunch stated with a grin. At the end of the performance, Bunch and Ohuchi received a standing ovation from an exceedingly pleased audience. Bunch composes music that instantly catches one's ear and effortlessly holds your attention. Originally from Oregon, he earned his bachelor and master of music degrees in viola and composition from Julliard School. He has won awards such as the Lillian Fuchs Prize for viola and the esteemed William Schuman Prize for outstanding leadership in music. Today, he maintains the status of one of New York's finest composers and performers, traveling and teaching in numerous places across the country. http://www.kenjibunch.com (left) http://www.monicaohuchi.com (right) Ohuchi, who has performed across the United States, Kenji Bunch and his wife, Monica Ohuchi, are known as two of the Japan, Canada and Europe, made her debut at the age of ten in the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra when she perfinest performers in the country. formed Ludwig van Beethoven's First Piano Concerto. were one musician. A winner of countless awards during her career, Ohuchi The evening concluded with “Cookbook, a work in four uses her talents to advocate charitable causes and has movements which Bunch said was “written to show the organized benefits for many organizations. She holds correlation between cooking and composing music. Both degrees in piano performance from Julliard School. include so many ingredients you have to start with; in the For more information, visit http://www.kenjibunch.com end, you usually have a great product you may not have and http://www.monicaohuchi.com. planned on creating.”

Capturing Mardi Gras at the MAC

Former student to produce film

Kathryn Garikes

Susan Pruitt




The Mobile Arts Council is currently featuring a Mardi Gras exhibit titled “Mobile Street Show.” The photographs were done by artist M.A. Battilana and hang on the halls of the famous Skinny Gallery. This show is a representational narrative of the city's local downtown Mardi Gras scene. The exhibit captures a wide range of images that vary between the innocence and awe to the dirty and the unglamorous that is rarely seen or even thought of. The narrative begins with an image of a mid-morning parade and a small child full of excitement and wonder staring up at a passing float. As moon pies and beads soar through the air, the child stares upward in amazement. The next several images are of sunlit afternoon parades. The people are no longer children, and in many of the photographs, their beer and buzzed faces can easily be detected. The crowds consist of teenagers and adults having fun catching beads, dancing, playing music, eating and riding floats. Girls are squeezing their eyes shut and ducking as the float throwers become more aggressive; boys, in cliché defiance, lift their shirts to receive their fair share of the prizes. Other pictures portray night parades, and the people represented in these photographs are no longer concerned with looking or acting a certain way. These Mardi Gras-goers are interested in dancing, drinking and receiving more beads. The final set of images portray the police force, the disgusting and littered streets of downtown Mobile, and the remaining people who have no intention of leaving the party until Ash Wednesday has officially begun. These photographs were shot with two simple fixed focal lenses, a Canon 2mm wide angle with a Canon 85mm show telephoto. These fast lenses mounted on a high-end Canon digital camera allowed the night shots, in particu-



The works of photographer M. A. Battilana are now being displayed at the Mobile Arts Council.

lar, to be taken without a flash. Only ambient light was used. This enabled Battilana to capture the rich Mobile Street Mardi Gras colors and the depth of the background that would have otherwise been lost with the use of strobes, flashes or analog technology. Charlie Smoke, the director of the Mobile Arts Council, said “Battilana is committed to the traditional process and wants his work exactly right and will not accept it any other way.” This is perhaps the reason the shots are so clear and represent the exact idea in which the artist intended, enabling the narrative to flow easily. Even though these images seem common, they are unique and worth capturing in their own way. This narrative tells a story that would otherwise be lost. “The show captures an image of Mardi Gras most people don't see, and the images become less glamorous as the day goes on. That is what makes this show so interesting,” said Smoke. “Mobile Street Show” will be on display through Feb. 1. The Mobile Arts Council is open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free to the general public.

Former USA student and basketball player Shane Dean is working on the production of his third independent, small-budget SAG feature film titled “The Saints of Mt. Christopher.” Dean has received theatre training in New York and plans to co-star in this film. According to Dean, this film is a “basketball dramatic feature,” comparable to movies like “Friday Night Lights.” The film originally takes place in Louisiana and Kentucky but came to Mobile as a result of Dean's connections with the Alabama Film Commission. Dean felt that it would be a great idea to bring this project to Mobile because of Alabama's ability to represent many Southern states. The film opens during a huge conference championship game, where the team's sophomore sensation Delroy Links falls dead. The college's basketball coaching legend Phil Nevers is accused of withholding information regarding Links condition in an effort to secure the conference championship. Delroy's death proves effective in ending Nevers' coaching career. Dean has cleared it with the University to make South Alabama the actual school at which Nevers held his coaching position. To enhance the effect of this scene, this portion of the movie will be filmed during the University of South Alabama basketball game on Feb.28 against New Orleans. The film will then shift to Mt. Christopher University, where the university is looking to reinstate their athletic program. Hoping to find an

“influential personality to not only secure a winning team, but to also validate the existence of that program,” Mt. Christopher begins to consider Nevers as a possible head basketball coach. In the midst of a reviving athletic program, racial restraints begin to challenge the friendship between basketball players Dreese Williams and Matthew Satler. As Mt. Christopher approached the start of the season, the lives of Nevers, Williams and Satler collide in their journey towards a winning season. Dean says that this film is ultimately “about overcoming struggle and racism.” Alan Gardner, professional actor and director, has agreed to assist Shane as drama department liaison and casting director. Gardner says that Dean seems to be a “very enthusiastic and passionate young man.” Gardner says Dean will be speaking with the students in the department of dramatic arts and holding auditions for this film. According to Gardner, Dean is also looking for the following crew positions: production manager, 1st assistant director, 2nd assistant director, 3rd assistant director, script supervisor, grip/electric, still photography, behind the scene director, production assistants, makeup and hair assistants, assistants to talent, transportation, set decoration and wardrobe. This film is a wonderful opportunity for USA students to get involved, whether in acting, behind the scenes or as extras during the filming of the game on Feb.28. For more information on the film, contact the dramatic arts department at (251) 460-6305.





Gaming should be a hobby, not a lifestyle Jonathan Cashon STAFF WRITER jonathan.cashon@yahoo.com

Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Games, or MMORPGs, have taken the world by storm. Personally, I’m not sure why, but people have given their lives to this genre nonetheless. Since the history of the MMORPG goes back to the 1980s, I will not bother to enhance your knowledge of it. I will, however, state that the first MMORPG to make it big in the United States was “EverQuest.” Influenced by earlier role-playing games such as “Dungeons and Dragons,” and by earlier dungeon-crawlers such as “Gauntlet,” the gameplay of “EverQuest” revolved around raiding dungeons for loot and completing quests. One of the main draws for this genre was the ability to talk to and play with other people online. Since then, there have been many MMORPGs released in the states. Even the 11th installment of the legendary “Final Fantasy” series was an MMORPG. The biggest one, however, is, without a doubt, “World of Warcraft.” The “World of Warcraft” game, and its subsequent expansions, has even caused deaths due to its popularity. In 2005, a Korean child died from being neglected by her WoW-addicted parents. “World of Warcraft” has many competitors, including “Final Fantasy XI,” “The Lord of the Rings Online,” and “EverQuest II,” but its strongest competitor may be “Guild Wars.” The threat comes from the fact that “Guild Wars” not only offers a different way of playing, but also has no subscriptions fees. Thirty days after you buy “World of Warcraft” for the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $20, you still have to pay around $15 per month to actually play the game. “Guild Wars,” however, does not require players to pay any type of subscription. This difference mainly stems from the fact that “Guild Wars” utilizes a method of mapmaking called instance dungeon. Basically, instead of having servers handle the upkeep of the game world, as in “World of Warcraft,” the instance dungeon creates a copy of the game world specifically for each group that enters the area. “World of Warcraft,” although I’m not sure what it is, must be doing something better because it is, by far, more popular in spite of the fact that it costs to play. It’s even partially responsible for netting “South Park” an Emmy for its “Make love, not Warcraft” episode. “Guild Wars” could pose a problem because it has started the idea of free MMORPGs and inspired others such as “Maple Story.” Which group should gamers join: free or subscription-based? My advice is to get a real life and not play either. Gaming should be a hobby, not a lifestyle.

Stephanie A. Hudson Entertainment Editor stephanieahudson@gmail.com

January 28, 2008

Technology revolution reaches TV Angela Langster STAFF WRITER asl662002@yahoo.com

Television viewing is set to change a year from now. This change will affect the way people watch television. On Feb. 17, 2009 all full-powered operating television stations as enacted by the FCC’s Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Act of 2005 are required to switch over from transmitting their broadcasts using an analog signal to only digital. So far, according to http://www.DTVAnswers.com, part of the National Association of Broadcasters, 91 percent of television stations offer digital programming. Now, TV stations are offering analog and digital programming. Since the deadline is nearly a year from now, it is not too late to get prepared and informed about this change in technology. Some of the benefits of the switch are that viewers will watch television with a higher quality picture and sound than analog currently offers. Also, there will be the option of multicasting, which is when a single TV station can offer multiple channels of programming using one digital signal. An example of a network or TV station using multicasting is the Trinity Broadcasting Network. By using multicasting, TBN is able to use one signal to broadcast their four networks TBN, JC-TV, The Church Channel and TBN Enlace. Another benefit of the switch is that once parts of the broadcast spectrum are free from analog signal, there will be more space available for emergency needs, along with public and safety services to transmit calls. However, for those consumers who only

Angela Langster / Staff Writer

The switch over from analog to digital is almost here. February 2009 is the deadline set by the FCC requiring all broadcast companies to go completely digital.

watch television using antennas or “rabbit ears” and do not subscribe to a cable or satellite TV service will be most affected by the switch. Those individuals have a couple of options to choose from before the switch occurs. Consumers can purchase a DTV converter box and antenna, which converts the digital signal to analog for a TV set that does not have a digital tuner. The other option is for the consumer to purchase a TV set that has a digital tuner already installed and subscribe to a service that provides digital programming. For those consumers who opt for purchasing a digital converter box, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration is administer-

ing a coupon program. Between Jan. 1 and March 31, 2009, consumers who log on to http://www.dtv2009.com will be able to either apply online or download an application for up to two coupons, which have a value of $40. These coupons are then used toward the purchase of the converter boxes and expire 90 days after they are issued. For more information on the switch visit DTV Answers at http://www.dtvanswers.com and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration at http://www.dtv.gov. More information about the coupon program can be found at http://www.dtv2009.com

Down conquers post-Katrina adversity NOLA-based band sold out show to Soul Kitchen last Friday night Eric Smith STAFF WRITER morty18962004@yahoo.com

Hurricane Katrina was a nightmare for so many along the Gulf Coast. We received a fair share of damage here in Mobile, but to truly understand the impact Katrina had on the Gulf Coast, New Orleans is probably the best example. While downtown areas like the French Quarter once bustled with life in the city, the outskirts of the city illustrate the harrowing reality Katrina left behind. The area left behind resembles a wartorn place much like Beirut, rather than the American suburbia paradise we have been spoon-fed on television. Hundreds upon hundreds of homes have been gutted, and entire city wards are now glorified ghost towns that do nothing more than remind us of a catastrophe that still haunts so many lives. Phillip Hansen Anselmo, previous singer for popular heavy metal band Pantera, and current vocalist for Down, is one of these people that is experiencing the growing pains that come with putting Katrina behind one’s back. His own home has been made nearly unlivable due to extreme water damage, and he certainly does not live the rock-and-roll lifestyle one might expect. The other members of Down had similar issues they faced when it came to losing near everything they owned to storm damage. Katrina effects along with the horrific shooting of his previous band mate, the legendary Dimebag Darrell,born Darrell Lance Abbot, left Anselmo in a very dark place where ultimately selfloathing and resentment won the day.




see DOWN, page 21


Down’s Friday night show at the Soul Kitchen included songs from their last CD, “Over the Under,” a summer 2007 release.




January 28, 2008

‘Cloverfield’ superbly touts uncanny realism Michael M.Winters CONTRIBUTING WRITER michael.m.winters@gmail.com

Beginning with the puzzling teaser seen before screenings of “Transformers” last July until its opening in theatres on Jan. 18, “Cloverfield” became one of the most hyped films of all time. The intense anticipation generated by the film's marketing campaign has naturally caused filmgoers to expect a film nothing short of amazing. Of course, “Cloverfield” is not on par with movies such as “The Shawshank Redemption,” but audiences expecting a very entertaining and suspenseful monster film with a surprising amount of depth will not be at all disappointed. The party depicted in the trailer is a surprise going-away celebration for Rob, played by relative newcomer Michael Stahl-David, who's accepted a job in Japan. The party is thrown by his brother Jason, played by Mike Vogel, and Jason's girlfriend, Lily, played by Jessica Lucas. Before Rob arrives, his best friend Hud, played by the hilarious T.J. Miller, is assigned the job of videoing Rob's last night in the United States. Hud's attempts to woo Rob's friend Marlena, played by Lizzy Caplan, seem to end in failure. The reappearance of Rob's ex-girlfriend Beth, played by Odette Yustman, into his life creates a conflict that permeates through much of the film. This scene, which makes up the first 10 or so minutes, serves to introduce the protagonists and to give us a reason to care about their wellbeing when the monster inevitably rears its ugly head. While many will find this boring or even unnecessary, the character development herein is what ultimately allows the film to succeed on an emotional level. “Cloverfield” is essentially a home video told from

Paramount Pictures

“Cloverfield” was made on a relatively small budget of $30 million dollars. The movie’s unique viral marketing drew millions of fans.

the perspective of Hud's video camera. One of its main strengths lies in the realism this approach gives it. The monster is an absolute. Its presence in the film is irrelevant, really, except for the fact that there would be no film if not for its presence. Even by the film's end, nothing is revealed about the monster, because a person in the middle of such a crisis, the audience, would not know the "big picture" as the crisis was happening. At one point, Hud, at a loss for words, can do nothing else but describe the monster as being a "terrible thing." Creating a believable sense of realism is one of the best

In Memory Heath Ledger Michael M.Winters CONTRIBUTING WRITER michael.m.winters@gmail.com

Actor Heath Ledger was found dead in his Manhattan apartment on Jan. 22. He was 28 years old. At the time of his untimely death, he had completed 18 films. Ledger gained notice with his more serious opportunities during the new millennium. In 2001, Ledger starred in "Monster's Ball" opposite Billy Bob Thornton and Halle Berry. The critically-acclaimed film was one of the first of its kind for his repertoire. Critics and audiences alike began to view Ledger as something other than just another mediocre actor who starred in such lightweight fare like "10 Things I Hate About You" and "A Knight's Tale." Surely, his greatest accomplishment came in 2005 with the highly controversial http://www.nndb.com "Brokeback Mountain." He played Ennis Del Mar, a performance for which he was nominated for a Best Actor Academy Award at the age of only 25. Although he did not win, his name was now on the lips and in the minds of the entertainment community. Ledger starred in a few more films over the next few years, but perhaps his most anticipated performance to date is as the Joker in "The Dark Knight," the sequel to 2005's "Batman Begins." From first the glimpse of the character in recent trailers for the film, Ledger is unrecognizable from his true self. Those involved with the film say that he has created a truly incredible and memorable performance as this character. At the time of his death, he was in the middle of filming "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" directed by Terry Gilliam. There is no information about what the filmmakers are planning to do in response to his passing. Rumors and mere assumptions currently plague the media about Ledger's death. It is apparent, though, that many people, including Mel Gibson and Daniel Day-Lewis, appreciated and admired his contributions to film, paying their respects to an actor they called a remarkable talent gone too soon. And it is such a shame that someone with so much obvious potential is gone. Ledger will be remembered as one of this decade’s finest actors.

things about “Cloverfield.” It also lacks a soundtrack until the end credits. Audiences will be surprised to find a rather intimate film that focuses on no more than a handful of characters at a time. And since there are not any detractions from their story, we are given the opportunity to become close to them, as well as become one with them in their struggle to survive over the course of the film. This is not a conventional film by any means. Many filmmaking rules are broken, which almost always leads to disastrous results, but the director Matt Reeves and writer Drew Goddard seem to be deft in their respective crafts. Goddard's writing is what can best be described as "invisible writing," in which the screenplay depicts situations in such a natural way that the film could be accepted as merely a home video. Rob, Hud and the other protagonists are characters you can relate to. Perhaps you can even see some of yourself in them, saying some of the things they say to make the best of a bad situation. This, combined with Reeves' inventive direction, creates an intense, sad and satisfying film. However, “Cloverfield” is not for everyone. In the showing I attended on opening night, I overheard countless complaints once the film ended. From its shaky, sometimes disorienting cinematography, lack of a soundtrack or lack of closure, filmgoers may find something to complain about. This is not a sugar-coated disaster film that most people are used to being spoon fed. The filmmakers' intent is to make something as real as it would be as if it were actually taking place before your eyes. If you have any grasp of what a good film is, you will enjoy “Cloverfield.”

Whitaker weaves acoustic soul in ‘Wondering Why’ Ashley D. McGee LIFESTYLES EDITOR ladypoeticsoul@aol.com

If a calming mixture of eclectic rhythms and pleasingly raspy vocals is what satisfies your eardrums, then local artist Kody Whitaker’s breakout album, “Wondering Why,” is just the thing to do the trick. The first track, “Just One Song,” has the rustic feel of a Ziggy Marley melody while maintaining the gentle abrasiveness of Jewel. Track two, which is slightly more upbeat than the previous track, is appropriately titled “Could It Say,” as it questions several happenings that go on throughout our lives. “Could It Say” almost seems to stab at all of the unclear situations he is faced with, making him desperate to “find something to grab a hold to.” “Morning Comes,” which features Cory Chinn-Lang, and “What A Mess” have an island feel and promote a message of hope and encouragement. “Morning Comes” undeniably has one of the best musical accompaniments and motivates change. It is followed by soothing melody called “Breath Easy.” “Leave Me Alone” is basically Whitaker’s admittance of being led



astray only to realize that he may have already been where he thought he still needed to go. Whitaker says is that sometimes the irony of running away is ending up right back at home. Track number seven, “Start Again,” enforces the common message of leaving each day like tomorrow is not promised. “It’s never too late to start again” is repeated throughout the song, accompanied by a simple acoustic guitar rhythm, reminiscent of Colbie Caillat. Unfortunately, the albums tenth and final track “Had A Dream” has the same feel as most of CD, stripping the listener of a great deal of variety. Though the song is positive, it may not be the best single to wrap up the album, as it leaves the consumer wanting a little more. Whitaker’s relaxed tone can sometimes make his words hard to understand and the general meaning of certain track difficult to grasp, but not often. Though each track has a common feel when it comes to their rhythm and vocal range, each one possesses a little something different to make the album a great addition to any CD collection. For booking or general information, contact Cory Chinn-Lang at (228) 229-0287, visit http://www.myspace.com/kobywhitak or e-mail cec507@jaguar1.usouthal.edu.





John Kenny & David Hopper Sports Editors vanguard@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

January 28, 2008

Lady Jags sweep home games T.R. Risner STAFF REPORTER wxman08@yahoo.com

USA 48, DU 40 The South Alabama Lady Jags used 11 second chance points to defeat the Denver Pioneers 48-40 on Sunday afternoon. Monique Jones led the lady Jags with 13 points, while Patriece Brunner pulled down 17 rebounds in the home win. It took the Pioneers over seven minutes to get on the board in the first half, while South Alabama could only find 6 points in that time span. After scoring their first six points of the night, the Lady Jags went cold for seven minutes and could not find the hoop. South Alabama went into the locker rooms leading 17-14 at halftime. Denver was held to 31.8 percent from the field in the first half, while USA could only muster up 24.1 percent. The Lady Jags got a little better at shooting in the second half as they started out with a 10-2 run highlighted by a couple of three pointers by Jessica Starling and Karina Sproal. With 11:15 left in the game, the Lady Jags led the game 29-20. The Pioneers of Denver could only get one point closer before the end of the game. USA shot 33.3 percent, while Denver shot 30.8 percent from the field in the second half. Denver had 21 turnovers compared to the Jags’ 12.

Making History

Patriece Brunner pulled down rebounds against the Pioneers, and the made all the difference. “Patriece was an animal on the glass for us tonight, particularly on the offensive glass. When we weren’t hitting shots, she was giving us additional opportunities,” said head coach Rick Pietri. The Lady Jags will take their 14-6 record (5-4 in SBC) to Denton, Texas, on Jan. 31 to face North Texas, before heading to Monroe, La., to face LouisiannaMonroe on Feb. 2. USA 76, ULL 65 The South Alabama Lady Jaguars defeated the Ragin' Cajuns from ULL 7665 on Jan. 23. The Jags were led by Monique Jones, who scored a career high of 26 points. Jessica Starling with 11 points, and Amanda Leonard scored 10 of her own in the Lady Jags' first home win in the last four attempts. ULL kept the game close for the first ten minutes, but USA began to pull away after a couple of three pointers from Starling and Jones. The Lady Jags went on a 24-7 run that was highlighted by a steal by Leonard who threw the ball cross court to Jones for a layup. South Alabama went into the locker rooms leading 48-31, mostly because of their 56.3 percent X

see WOMEN’S page #

Ashley Salley / Sports Photographer

Senior guard Daon Merritt puts up a lay-up in USA’s blowout win over Denver on Sunday afternoon.

David Hopper, Matt Weaver VANGUARD STAFF vanguard@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

USA 71, DU 33 The Jaguars clobbered Denver 71-33 on Sunday evening in the Mitchell Center in front of a crowd of nearly 7,000. The 38 point win was the biggest win for the Jaguars since 1989. Demetric Bennett was the high scorer with 24 points, only seven points behind the Denver total. Bennett found his shot early, by hitting a couple of 3-pointers early in the first half. The Jags’ defense kept the Pioneers at 14 points in the first half, while Bennett’s first half total was 20. The Jags went into the locker rooms leading 41-14 at halftime. The second half was a lot like the first as Denver had a hard time making a shot in the second half, while Daon Merritt found open Jags everywhere on the court. The Jags held Denver to 19 second half points while USA scored 30 in the second half. Denver was held to 28.9 percent shooting in the game and finished with the lowest points scored against the Jags since 1978.

Ashley Salley / Sports Photographer

USA senior guard Jeanette Tucker makes a call on the floor in the Lady Jags’ 48-40 win over Denver.

USA 66, ULL 60 Coach Ronnie Arrow and his South Alabama men's basketball team made a little history and showed some guile last Thursday night at the Mitchell Center during a 66-60 win over the LouisianaLafayette Ragin' Cajuns. USA rallied from a 13-point deficit to defeat the Cajuns and protected its undefeated Sun Belt record in front of 5,836 fans.

South Alabama (16-3, 8-0) came into Thursday night's contest with an 11-game winning streak. And despite recently breaking into the national polls, South Alabama played much like a team uninspired. The Jaguars would rise to the occasion though, and when the pressure was on most, came away with their most impressive win yet. “I think it shows this team's character,” said Arrow. “We have played one heck of a schedule, and we've tried to instill a hard work ethic. We didn't play well in the first half, but the bottom line was that the guys didn't quit” “Our two seniors Demetric (Bennett) and Daon (Merritt) really carry this team,” said Arrow. “When you have this kind of senior leadership, it is a big positive.” Bennett and Merritt scored 16 points each, but junior DeAndre Coleman provided the punch with his best game of the season, posting his fifth double-double of the season with a career-high 15 points and 12 rebounds. The Jaguars bolted to an early 12-5 lead before the Cajuns used a 9-2 run to take their first lead of the night. With an 18-17 advantage moments later, the Cajuns went on a 16-4 run that included seven straight points to open its largest margin at 13 with two minutes left in the period. The Jaguars trailed 34-27 at the half. “We didn't play well and LouisianaLafayette had something to do with that,” said Arrow on his team's first half performance. “But we also didn't execute.” X

see BASKETBALL, page #




January 28, 2008

Thriller: 2008 Senior Bowl

North 16 South 17 David Hopper SPORTS EDITOR dsh401@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

A sellout crowd at Ladd-Peebles Stadium on Saturday witnessed the most exciting finish in Senior Bowl history. With less than three minutes remaining, South quarterback Erik Ainge led a 14-play, 86-yard drive capped by a 2-yard touchdown end around to Andre Caldwell that tied the game 16-16.

Caldwell took a hit crossing the goal line on the right side as the final seconds ticked away. Brandon Coutu booted the extra point with no time left to give the South team a dramatic 17-16 victory. It was the first victory by the South team since 2004. Tennessee’s Ainge had confidence in his talented teammates during the game-winning drive. “I was just trying to

Michigan quarterback Chad Henne prepares to deliver a pass, Henne completed two touchdown passes.

Ashley Salley / Sports Photographer

Florida running back Andre Caldwell runs in the tying touchdown as time expired.

get the ball to the athletes in space. I (wanted to) get the ball off so they can do something with it, and they did.” Ainge added that he knew the final reverse play to Florida’s Caldwell would work. “It's fun to end your college career like that,” said Ainge. “I'll remember handing the ball to a Gator to win for the rest of my life.” The North team got on the board first three minutes into the first quarter. Right after South quarterback Colt Brennan was picked off by line backer Dan Connor of Penn State in South territory, North quarterback Chad Henne hooked up with Lavelle Hawkins of Cal. for a 36-yard touchdown. The interception was the first of five turnovers between the teams in first half. With South quarterback Andre Woodson under pressure, Woodson bobbled the ball into the air and was it grabbed by defensive lineman Trevor Laws. The North squad would give the ball right back. With the ball on the 9-yard line, John David Booty’s pass was intercepted in the end zone by defensive back Quentin Demps and returned 27 yards. Woodson then engineered a 7-play scoring drive over 58 yards. Brad Cottam from Tennessee scored the touchdown on a 6-yard screen pass with 8:51 left in the second quarter. On the following possession, North quarterback Joe Flacco of Delaware was intercepted by Tennessee State’s Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie at the South 8-yard line. On third down, Woodson was sacked for a safety by Sedrick Ellis of USC to give the North a 9-7 advantage heading into the half. Neither team scored in the third quarter.

Perhaps the highlight of the quarter was when North team punter Mike Dragosavic of North Dakota State kicked a Senior Bowl record 69-yard punt that was downed at the four. Henne led a 47-yard drive in the final few minutes of the third, capped by a 13yard run by Chauncey Washington. The USC senior led the North squad in rushing with 38 yards. Henne threw his second touchdown pass of the night two plays into the fourth quarter, connecting with Missouri tight end Martin Rucker for a 4-yard score. After the South went three and out, the North gave the ball right back when Red Bryant recovered a fumble by John David Booty. Woodson then helped liven up the crowd when he completed a 12-yard pass to fan favorite D.J. Hall of Alabama. On the next play Matt Forte, the game’s MVP, ran for 17 yards. Tulane’s Forte finished with 59 yards rushing and 38 yards receiving. The South team settled for a field goal after Woodson was stopped short of the first down mark. Coutu kicked a 20-yarder to cut the North’s lead to 16-10. Ainge was named the South’s offensive player of the game. Ainge completed 13-of21 passes for 159 yards – all in the second half. Ali Highsmith of LSU notched four tackles and earned the South’s defensive player of the game award. Henne got the offensive player of the game award for the North. The Michigan senior threw a pair of touchdowns and completed 5-of-9 passes. Ellis was named the North’s defensive player of the game.




Coaching search looking to narrow

STAFF REPORTS Staff Reports vanguard@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Track and Field in Gainsville The University of South Alabama men and women’s track team traveled to Gainesville, Fla., to battle against rival schools in the Tom Jones Memorial Classic. Lady Jaguar senior Clarisse Moh posted a NCAA provisional qualifying time in the 800-meter run. Moh was able to post a provisional qualifying time of 2:06.87 against NCAA ranked opponents from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Nicole Knox, a Lady Jag senior, hit the track again following an injury to take eighth place in the high jump event posting a jump of 5-feet, 5-inches. In the women’s 400-meter relay, the Lady Jaguars finished sixth clocking in at 3:47.90 just behind in state rival Auburn (3:45.81). The men’s side competed against Florida State, Florida, Georgia and Auburn, making it one of their most difficult competitions of the season. South Alabama’s men were paced by junior Tim Williams, who tied for sixth in the college men’s high jump at 6-feet, 6.75inches. Antipah Sugut ran the mile with a time of 4.22.72, taking eighth, and he also ran his personal best in the men’s 800 meters at 1.57.80. Newcomer Onesumus Too

took tenth in the men’s 800 meter run at 1.57.31. The Jaguars will be in action as they travel to Baton Rouge to compete in the Bayou Bengal Invitational on Feb. 1.

USA Sailing Team Places First The University of South Alabama sailing team competed in the UT Spring Regatta on Jan. 26. Hosted by the University of Texas Longhorns, races took place on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas. USA placed first among 16 other college sailing teams. Among the 16 were Texas, Tulane, West Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma State, Oklahoma, Texas A&M and Rice; 12 races were completed and USA finished first with 18 points, second was UT with 38 points, and third was Texas A&M with 50 points. Seniors Paul Kleinschrodt and Ashley Hall along with junior Adrian Roe and freshman Alex Boudreaux brought the South Alabama Jaguars to victory this past weekend. Volunteer Coach Karl Kleinschrodt will be assisting the USA Sailing Team for the spring season. USA will travel to New Orleans next weekend for the Nelson Roltsch Regatta hosted by Tulane on Feb. 2-3.

January 28, 2008

Athletic director Joe Gottfried said that he and the search committee should be able to hire a head coach for the South Alabama football program by the week of Feb. 11. Gottfried said that the list of candidates will likely be narrowed down to 3-5 sometime early this week. John Mitchell has been added to the list of potential coaches. Mitchell, an assistant for the Pittsburgh Steelers, interviewed in Mobile last Tuesday. Mitchell was in town scouting the Senior Bowl players. Contrary to reports last week, Gottfried stated that Dennis Franchione is not a candidate. Mitchell is currently in his 35th season of coaching. A Mobile native, Mitchell has 17 years of experience as an NFL coach. During his college years, he was AllAmerican defensive end for the Alabama Crimson Tide. Mitchell was the first African-American to play football for Alabama. Gottfried said the salary that will be offered will be contingent on the person, varying according to the candidate's expe-

rience. According to http://coacheshotseat.com, the average salary of a head coach in the Sun Belt conference is $264,500. Mario Cristobal, coach of Florida International, is the highest paid at $381,000. Steve Roberts of Arkansas State earns a salary of $171,000, making him the lowest paid head coach in the conference. Over the last several weeks, Alabama defensive coordinator Kevin Steele, Auburn running back coach Eddie Gran, Clemson wide receivers coach Dabo Swinney, Clemson defensive coordinator Vic Koenning, South Florida assistant head coach Dan McCarney and Birmingham-Southern head coach Joey Jones were reportedly met with about the coaching position. Tulane coach Chris Scelfo and former Southern Miss coach Jeff Bower reportedly interviewed with Gottfried in Mobile. South Alabama's first recruiting class will sign in February 2009, and the first team will play five or six games in 2009. The plan is to compete in Division 1-AA in 2010, 2011 and 2012 and join the Division 1-A Sun Belt Conference in 2013.

Women’s SBC Standings

Men’s SBC Standings

David Hopper SPORTS EDITOR dsh401@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Compiled by: Sports Reporter Tiffany Griffin

East Division

East Division

Western Kentucky



South Alabama



Middle Tennessee



Western Kentucky



South Alabama



Middle Tennessee



Florida Int’l



Florida Int’l






Florida Atlantic



Florida Atlantic










West Division

West Division UALR Arkansas State Louisiana-Monroe










North Texas



New Orleans

New Orleans



Arkansas State




North Texas
















Matt Flanagan Opinion Editor pufferfishx@gmail.com

January 28, 2008


Informed participation is needed from students this election cycle


ITH THE ALABAMA primaries quickly approaching, it is time for students in this state to make a choice to be informed participants in this year’s election cycle. We have so much riding on it. Now matter what side you fall on, our country is facing some difficult decisions that will affect us all greatly. The economy is currently in a bit of a downturn and threatening recession. Taxes remain burdensome to many families and businesses. The nation’s budget deficit continues to grow at an alarming rate. Cost of energy, health care and education continue to skyrocket, while median incomes remain stagnant. The war in Iraq rages on. The threat of global terrorism continues to loom over the United States and much of the rest of the world. Our relations with much of the world have become strained. Tensions with old foes seem to be arising anew. Illegal immigration remains a problem. The list goes on. It is time for students, along with everyone else, throughout this country to think hard about the issues. It is time to get involved. It is time to take a stand. And it is time to be excited about it. And it is hard not to get excited about this election cycle. The campaigning started earlier then ever, and the field still remains wide open on both sides. On the Democratic side, it is going to be a battle to the end between the first ever viable women candidate for president and the first ever viable African-American candidate for president. To make this historical election potentially more interesting, if the race remains neck and neck until the end, we may see John Edwards acting as a president-maker. On the Republican side, it is anybody’s game. McCain and Romney look to be the front-runners, but momentum can change in a heartbeat. Huckabee or Giuliani cannot be counted out yet. Though it must be admitted that there is no one candidate that can satisfactory address all the problems facing us, The Vanguard editorial staff feels (somewhat) comfortable in endorsing Barack Obama on the Democratic side and Mike Huckabee on the Republican side. On the Democratic side, it does not come down to experience versus hope or gender versus race. What it comes down to is divisiveness versus unity. Obama has the ability to reach out to others. This ability will go a long way in getting things accomplished. A great communicator will always find a way to bring people together

and forge compromises and new relationships. This fact will not only help the nation at home on Capitol Hill, but will also help us diplomatically as the United States struggles to repair its relationships with our allies around the world. Additionally, Obama has pledged to keep the hope of the American dream alive for all Americans by making post-secondary education more affordable. He also pledged to push for a cut in interest rates on student loans. Obama is the only Democratic candidate that endorses a plan that will make quality health care affordable to all Americans without mandating that all Americans buy into the plan. Clinton and Edwards “universal” health-care plans takes the choice out of the citizens’ hands. Of course, the expense of such health care plans is a cause of concern. The making of health care affordable could prove to be an even greater burden on the economy. Perhaps the greatest concern with any of the Democratic candidates is that great-sounding ideals will turn into run-away spending. On the Republican side, Huckabee possesses some of the same appeal that Obama does. His willingness to reach out to others is far greater than that of any of the other Republicans. Like Obama, he seems to be a sincere candidate who is willing to listen the people. He is the only Republican candidate that has been willing to talk straight about the economy. He is the only Republican that has expressed a genuine desire to reach out to and represent the best interest of peoples across all income brackets. In fact, during the Florida Republican debate, the other Republicans, including the “other moderate” one, snickered and moaned at Huckabee’s mention of paying attention to people at the bottom of the economic ladder. His policy stances on immigration are firm but compassionate. His foreign policy is realism without the extreme hawkishness that plagues some of the other Republican candidates. However, reservation must be expressed about his opposition to stem cell research and other so-called “right to life” issues and his animosity against those of different sexual persuasions. Regardless of who plan to vote for, get informed. Then go out and vote. Alabama’s primary will be held on Feb. 5. Voters in Mobile County and Baldwin County will have the option to vote on Jan. 30.




Your phone is bugging

Have you ever been having a conversation with a be amended to give immunity to communication friend and a word like “bomb” or “kill” comes out providers helping the government gather potentialof your mouth? Put in the correct context, these ly life-saving information. The Democrats in words are not a big deal, but they could perk up the Congress, led by Senate Majority Leader Harry ears of the government. Your friend then informs Reid, are split on the decision and are pleading for you that you have just made yourself a governmen- more time to come to an agreement. President Bush tal target. Of course, they are probably only joking, had declared that he will veto a request from but how long before this becomes a serious consid- Congress for a 30-day extension. This is an imporeration? tant decision that seems as though it would benefit The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, from not being expedited. passed in 1978, outlines the procedure necessary to The timorous person in us probably doesn't have obtain legal permission for electronic surveillance too many objections. The government is not interand physical searches of suspected terrorists ested in conversations we have with our best friend engaged on behalf of foreign powers. Court orders about how terrible our blind date was. They want are required for wiretaps when one or more of the to stay ahead of people who might want to do us parties are located in the United States. The White harm. But what is the cost? Do we want our teleHouse has capitalized on peophone companies and Internet ple's sense of fear after 9-11 providers to be able to monitor us and has repeatedly amended however they want with no fear of Jennifer Horton repercussions? FISA to give more and more power to the National Security The Fourth Amendment of the Agency, such as the passing of Contributing Writer U.S. Constitution clearly states the Patriot Act in 2001. Each that “the right of the people to be amendment strips the public of secure in their persons, houses, a little more of their freedom. papers and effects, against unreaLast summer, a temporary stopgap was passed sonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, known as the Protect America Act. It eliminated the and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable need for a court order to engage in wiretapping. As cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particthis legislation came about very hastily, the Protect ularly describing the place to be searched and the America Act was passed only as a temporary sur- persons or things to be seized.” This definitely veillance law and set to expire in February. includes wiretapping. Congress is currently trying to decide whether it Think of the security you feel you have when should extend the act in its current form or if cer- talking to someone in your private home. Think of tain amendments should be made. Vice President things you say that you know are only going to be Dick Cheney has been very clear on what he feels heard by that one person. For example, what if that the decision should be. He is arguing not just for the feeling of complete privacy was taken away, like extension of the PAA, but for the broadening of it parents with their ear to the door, listening to their to keep communication companies off the legal child on the phone, to make sure he is not doing hook. anything he should not. This is the perfect example Communication providers, such as telephone of something that does not sound so bad when you and Internet companies, open themselves up to think about the good it is trying to accomplish. massive lawsuits when aiding in government eaves- However, it is a slippery slope that we should not dropping. Cheney is adamant that the law should allow ourselves to start sliding down.

Smoking ban sign of anti-freedom

Daphne, Ala., has officially joined the “Let’s ment banning cigarettes. Treat Smokers Like They are a Disease” Club. Last In fact, there was even a time in U.S. history Tuesday, city officials argued about the new city known as the Prohibition era in which the governordinance that will ban smoking from all private ment enforced a federal ban on the sale of alcoholic businesses, restaurants and smoking within 20 feet of products (although Alabama wasn’t one of the states all premises. that jumped on the bandwagon for THAT one!). Some of the citizens of Daphne are not pleased You remember what happened 13 years after that about it. Local business owner Mark Nager says that one, right? The federal government repealed it, due he finds “the habit of government to infringe upon to the fact that organized crime developed in people's civil liberties more response. offensive than secondhand Every time we let another smoke.” ridiculous law come to pass, let Amber-Marie Supporters of the ban say another bill infringe our rights or that it will aid in the overall let another president overstep his Isenburg health of the community. boundaries, the line is pushed just Staff Writer I am a nonsmoker, but when a little bit more, and another the government starts to step out stepping stone is placed right of its boundaries and tell me under the feet of Congress and and my community where we encrypted on this steppingstone can and cannot take part in the inhalation of nico- are the words: “Please, walk all over me some more, tine, I get upset. The government has no right what- and take away more of my rights and civil liberties.” soever to tell its citizens what they can or cannot do To me, this is no longer a situation about smokto their own bodies. ing, it is about my right as an American citizen. Yes, secondhand smoke kills. So does pollution, so We, the people, were supposed to control the do cars, planes, bears, dogs, etc. I can think of a mil- country; we, the people, were supposed to have a lion things that secondhand and firsthand kill peo- voice; we, the people, were supposed to have rights, ple. But do you see the government doing anything and we, the people, are supposed to be living in to ban the above? No. Because that would simply be “freedom.” When our rights begin to disappear, so ridiculous. Though, a couple decades ago, people does our power, so do our voices and so does our would have said the same thing about the govern- freedom.




January 28, 2008

POINT COUNTERPOINT Do you vote based on foreign or domestic policy? Foreign policy may dictate our future Hannah Skewes SENIOR REPORTER hks502@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

The Alabama primary is around the corner, and some people are still uninformed about some major issues. Some candidates' campaigns center around some general promises on domestic issues and foreign policy. While domestic issues are incredibly important, sometimes people forget that foreign affairs can extremely influence the inner workings of a country as well. Our commerce patterns and political alliances are woven internationally. The way the United States interacts with other countries can sometimes even define the way the country operates domestically on certain issues; one historic example being the Cold War, Russia and the space program. With that said, I am considering voting in the Democratic primaries because Barack Obama has some pretty specific ideas about how to handle foreign affairs. He is interested in long-term interests instead of just accomplishing short-term goals. He says that he is willing to negotiate with countries like China, saying “they are not enemies, but they are competitors of ours.” He also claimed that while the United States is the major super power today, that leaders have to be interested in how decisions today will affect international ties decades and even centuries from now. This view is rational and beneficial as well as healthy for the country's long term survival. On the issue of illegal immigration and a large source of such perpetrators coming from our neighbors south of the border in Mexico, Obama has upheld a stance on providing a pathway to citizenship. However, he has in the past sided

Domestic policy is important to our nation

with Republicans on the idea of a fence Matt Flanagan along the border. He called it “part of a OPINION EDITOR pufferfishx@gmail.com larger strategy.” As good as the intentions of some illeA successful domestic policy is an gal immigrants may be in regards to feedimportant facet in any successful presidening their families and survival in general, tial candidate’s platform, in my opinion. the fact of the matter is a large amount of It’s not that I care less about our connecMexican citizens are crossing the border tion to the rest of the world (like any sucillegally. Aside from economic advantages cessful foreign policy would achieve), nor or strengths some leaders claim they have is it that I think that a foreign policy is influential control over, unnecessary to achieving a pathway to citizenship a stronger balance with would provide a better the outside world -- once alternative for both paragain, far from it. ties. Domestic policy is, by Obama's support for definition, the relationupholding laws while ship of the government also having a fair outwith its own citizens. It look on providing better defines the boundaries means for legal status is between the things the refreshing in a candigovernment can and date along with the fact cannot control, can and that he does not claim cannot provide, etc. This the border control is obviously an important efforts are a part of the sector of any leader’s “fight on terror.” role with the people. Obama has also been If we can’t allow our stated as in favor of own citizens the imporhttp://www.president08.net/ tant goals of life, liberty strengthening NATO while attempting to Domestic and foreign policies define a and the pursuit of happi“restore America's lead- government’s relationship with the rest of ness that were stated in ership abroad.” He also the world. the United States claims to be against Constitution, we have “strategic ambiguity.” failed as a country. The current administration has been The current issues surrounding domesbombarded with accusations of hiding tic affairs in this upcoming presidential intelligence and deceiving the American election are health care, social security, population. Obama's response to this is to energy, and gun control, to name a few be open both within the country with (while some of these issues may seem communication from leader to people as more important than others to the casual well as efforts overseas with foreign leadvoter, in the past we have seen some flareers. ups regarding same-sex marriage and X see OBAMA, page 21 abortion, which have seen very little leg-

islative progress. Most politicians seem to shy away from these issues in a legislative sense; ever since the Democrats took control of the House and Senate back in ‘06, the government has definitely had more of a hands-off approach to them in lieu of budget/war-related items). For the Democratic ticket, I would like to recommend Hillary Clinton for her stance on national health care. She has been an aggressive proponent of “universal health care,” the idea that the government must provide for its citizens adequate health care options via tax dollars. In essence, it forces the government into a state where none of the people go without adequate, affordable health care coverage, regardless of whether it’s with Medicare or some other private provider. For the Republican ticket, I must recommend John McCain (though a sell-out, I still think he is, to some extent). And this is mainly because of his stance on energy conservation and the -- supposed -- crisis of climate change. He does NOT fall in with the other Republicans on this topic, believing that it is caused by, among other things, factories and cars which emit harmful greenhouse gases via carbon dioxide and other substances. To me, it’s simply mind-boggling to think that we’re so uninformed on this issue that we don’t even know if it’s a threat. As such, it would be best if our leader ASSUMED it were a threat and acted accordingly0 so that we as a species are not caught dead by miscommunication. But those are my recommendations for the issues at hand. Even still, by this point in the race, they’re only promises to America for “a better future;” promises that may or may not be kept as time goes on.

Question of the week: Are you going to any Mardi Gras parades?

“Yeah. Possibly not this year.”

“No. I think they’re somewhat pointless, really.”

James Bryars Sophomore Business Adam Payne Sophomore Criminal Justice

“Yeah, I’ve been to some already. They’re something different to experience.”

“No, I’ve been too busy with baseball and school.”

Adam McGee Senior Music Performance Chris LaGrow Sophomore Business




January 28, 2008

U.S. Presidential and British Parliamentary Systems: A Brief Comparison Dr. Mir Zohair Husain SPECIAL TO THE VANGUARD zhusain@jaguar1.usouthal.edu

Presidential System (U.S.)

Parliamentary System (U.K.)

Central Feature

Division of power between the national and regional governments, thus less centralization of power

Concentration of power at the center and devolution of power to regions, provinces, and localities at the national government’s discretion, thus more centralization of power

Key Leadership Roles

The President acts as both the head of state (ceremonial leader) and the head of government (chief executive).

Dual executive (division of roles): • Monarch is the head of state. • Prime Minister is the head of government.

Electoral Process for Head of President elected by the people, not by Congress Government National Elections

Term Limits

Prime Minister selected by Parliament; members of Parliament elected by districts

National elections held every four years

National elections must be held within a five year time period, but can be held more often increase the majority party’s membership

President can serve up to two four-year terms

No term limits; Prime Minister runs for re-election every five years

Chief Executive’s Removal

In case of high crimes and misdemeanors, the impeachment process A vote of no confidence in the Parliament is the proper means of is the proper means of removing the President; President’s tenure not removing the Prime Minister. dependent on Congressional support.

Government Functions

Separate branches of government charged with the executive, legisla- Executive and legislative responsibilities are fused together; the cabitive, and judicial functions. net usually manages executive power and maintains its position as it enjoys Parliament’s support.

Composition of Cabinet

Composition does not include legislators (15 cabinet members)

Composed of members of the Parliament (18-22 cabinet members)

Cabinet’s Role

Specialist roles that are emphasized less in the operation of the government

Generalists; the cabinet runs the government


Both systems have two houses

Both systems have two houses

Other Examples

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, India, Ireland, Honduras, Panama, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, and Uruguay Israel, Italy, Japan, Nepal, Spain, Sweden, and Thailand




January 28, 2008

Homecoming X

from page 1

school and all the ways that I already do, good student and very involved, but with the title of Homecoming Queen 2008 added on to it,” Sade Tramble, a homecoming queen candidate, said. “It's a challenge, something to strive for,” Peter Savill, a homecoming king candidate, said. “It’ll be a good memory to look back on once I graduate.” The window painting competition will be held Friday, Feb. 8. Windows will be assigned that morning and the actual painting will take place in the Student Center Amphitheater from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The window painting competitions are where student organizations come together and paint the first floor outside windows of the Student Center, and the competetion is judged on appearance, spirit, appropriateness to the theme and originality. They have to stick with the “On the Prowl” theme and come up with an idea that represents that theme. All paints must be applied directly to the window and only waterbased tempera paints are to be used. All brushes, paint and supplies are to be provided by your organization. The dimensions of the windows are 8’8” x 5’4” on the upper section and 2’6” of the lower section. Ladders may be used, but they must be freestanding ladders only, and they cannot lean against the windows. At 3 p.m. the competition will end, and the equipment must be cleaned up before judging begins. If the area in which an organization has used is not clean, then they will be disqualified. First place will earn 100 points, second place will earn 75 points, third place will earn 50 points and any group or organization participating will automatically earn 25 points. On Saturday, Feb. 9, Circle K sponsors USA Service Day. They are currently organizing a campus wide service project; however, details of this event is not available yet, but organizations will be notified as soon as they are. This opportunity will be an excellent way to get an organization involved in community service and earn up to 200 points. An organization can sign up on the event sign-up form. The minimum is 10 members for three hours. The Homecoming Blood Drive will take place Wednesday, Feb. 13 and Thursday, Feb. 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Center Lobby on the first floor. A table operated by student workers will be available for all teams to sign up. The organization that has the highest number of donors participating in both days will earn 150 points. Second place will earn 100 points, third place will earn 75 points and each group participating will automatically earn 50 points. The sheet sign competition will begin Sunday, Feb. 10. This is a competition that is

Rape X

from page 1

ed date rape and around 90 percent of these date rapes occur while alcohol is involved. Sokolow introduced the audience to the story of two students named Todd and Amy, whose real names were not given, from a case 10 years ago. He let the audience decide at the end of the talk if the intercourse between the two constituted a sexual assault. “I didn’t come here to tell you the difference. I want you all to be the jury for this case,” said Sokolow. As told by Sokolow, Amy had gone to a party with a few friends on a Thursday night and consumed five 12-ounce beers within an hour span. Todd showed up around midnight and met Amy for the first time. He consumed three of the same type of beers before cutting himself off and feeding Amy Jell-O shots. Each Jell-O shot had one ounce of Everclear, 180-proof liquor, and had been made by Todd and some of his friends the day before and stashed behind the bar. Amy consumed five of these shots before Todd walked her home. She vomited twice and lost consciousness once during the course of the night. They engaged in sexual intercourse that was initiated by Amy. Afterwards, Todd left his name and number. Amy did not

Writing X

from page 7

to lose weight." "You can look at a day and say, 'Oh, I was doing great until 4 o'clock, at which point I decided I could have peanut butter,'" Cameron said. "The journal keeps you very much in reality." "It is suggested to write down what you eat," Zielinski said. While Cameron attributes some dieting production to writing, she was quick to suggest using her writing tools in addition to other diets or other suggested measures of healthy living according to the article. "I don't think of this as a time-limited diet, so much as I think of it as a lifestyle shift," Cameron said. "The tools made me much more conscious about my relationship to food, and much healthier."

designed to promote the spirit of both the men’s and women’s basketball teams. All organizations signed up to participate will be judged on appearance, neatness, originality and the appropriateness to the homecoming theme. First place winners will earn 100 points, second place will earn 75 points, third place will earn 50 points, participation points are worth 25 points and handing the sheet sign in the Mitchell Center will get 50 points. There are other ways to earn points toward your organization or Greek. Just by attending the student organization orientation meeting, you and your group will receive25 points. If an organization or Greek sponsors a homecoming candidate and that candidate wins homecoming king or queen, that group will earn 75 points. If they are placed as a member of the court, then that group will earn 50 points each, and just for participation in the homecoming candidacies, each group will earn 25 points. Feb. 16 ends the events of homecoming and is going to a memorable day for the winners of the homecoming king and queen crowns. During halftime at the men’s basketball game, the court will be introduced, and the king and queen will be crowned.

remember the event and called the next day. The result was a classaction law suit. Amy sued Todd, the University and the alcohol distributors but never cashed any checks. Later, the audience participated in a short question-and-answer session with Sokolow. He gave more information about the case, such as the fact that Todd had once been a bartender, they were both underage and that the amount of alcohol Amy had consumed was equal to about 20 12-ounce beers. Sokolow also stated that the vomiting-lowering-you-blood-alcohol-content factoid was a myth and that it in fact spikes alcohol levels momentarily. Also, only five people had been served the special Jell-O shots, and they were all female. In the end, the audience came to a split decision. Sokolow informed the attendees the jury voted unanimously that Todd was guilty. “The human side of this is so compelling. Todd was charged with sexual assault in the second degree and sentenced to two years in prison. He had a 1600 on his SATs and was a brilliant mathematician. He is now registered as a Tier 3 sex offender, a predator,” Sokolow informed a silent crowd. “This incident ruined both of their lives. Is any sex worth that much? That’s the point of this case. I don’t think any of you want to be a Todd or an Amy.”

Iceland X

Leigh Patton / Managing Editor

Homecoming has officially begun with the nominations of homecoming king and queen. The candidates have been hanging signs and posters around campus promoting their candidacy.

from page 7

transportation with Icelanders on average owning at least one car per citizen over the age of 17. Foremost to the Icelandic culture is the importance of independence, both for their nation and personal independence, and respect for their Nordic and Viking heritage, which still plays a great role in the nation with many people owning copies of the Nordic eddas and sagas dating from the time the island was settled by the Norse. Iceland is a fascinating land with a unique culture and unique people that continues to be ranked as one of the top nations to live in the world today.

Tragedy X

from page 6

Communication and Fine Arts are doing what they can the help, as members of the high school’s band came up with the idea to collect money by passing a hat around school. Those wishing to donate further in Alabama can visit any Compass Bank and make a donation into the account under the name “LOVE FOR THE 4.” Funeral arrangements for the four children will be held on Saturday, Jan. 26 at Odd Fellows Cemetery beginning at 9 a.m. A "Thank You" dinner at 7 p.m., in the Bayou la Batre Community Center for the community and volunteers will also take place on the same day.

Davis X

from page 6

ments set in motion during Dr. King’s era that shaped the time.” Davis also spoke on the type of national unity in the United States that does not know how to effectively boast the progression of one group of people without causing the downfall of another and of the false image of patriotism which is created when individuals are given descriptions of army soldiers. She acknowledges that not all soldiers join the military out of love for their country. As Davis stated, so many join the military to avoid urban violence, to pay for their education or for a career based in the perception of having very limited other choices due to their upbringings. She feels that what many of them do not notice is that what they end up doing is “joining a more nationalized gang.” During the question and answer portion of the program, Davis commented on her feelings towards the casual use of the “N-word” between today’s young people. After stating her shock that the word has actually lasted in our language this long she said, “Perhaps it’s a sign of the persistence of racism.” Though Davis definitely commanded attention while on stage, there was nothing harsh about her seemingly natural elegance. She undeniably embodies one of the many forms of woman who is comfortable in her deep-caramel skin, and stands firm in her belief that a difference can be made by one person determined to go against what is socially acceptable to motivate a positive change.


January 28, 2008



20 Basketball X

from page 12

ULL scored the first four points of the second half, but the Jaguars came out to the second half with a rally on their mind. Seven straight points rallied the tense crowd and closed an eight-point Cajun lead to one. The Jaguars then took their first lead of the second half when Merritt hit a scoop-shot to make the score 50-48 with less than eight minutes on the clock. Afterwards the Jaguars started an 8-2 run that gave them a seven-point advantage of 60-53 with four minutes to play. Louisiana-Lafayette would close to within four in the final two minutes but were unable to get any closer. “We fought back when we had to tonight,” Arrow said. “We didn't play our

Women’s X

from page 16

shooting from the floor versus ULL's 41.9 percent. South Alabama came out of the locker rooms ready to play in the second half. The Lady Jags started the second half with a 15-7 run that ended with just over ten minutes left in the game. Leading 6338, USA began playing sloppy, but ULL could not overcome the double digit lead. South Alabama did not score in the final five minutes, but the Ragin' Cajuns could only get within 11 points before ending


Vanguard best, but we got the job done.” The Jaguars victory, their 12th straight, stands behind only Kansas (18), Memphis (17), Drake (16) and Indiana (13) for longest in the nation. USA held a 34-18 advantage on the boards during the contest and committed only four second half turnovers. They finished the game shooting 58 percent (11 of 19), while holding the Ragin' Cajuns to 45.1 percent. They were also 21-of-34 from the foul line. South Alabama improves to 17-3 (9-0 in SBC) with their 13th straight win of the season. The Jaguars will take their 4th highest winning streak in the country to Denton, TX on Jan. 31 as they seek a record breaking 14th straight win. Then the Jags will head to Monroe, LA on Feb. 2 to play ULM in a game that is to be televised on ESPN2. the game at 76-65. The Lady Jags had nine more rebounds than ULL, while USA outshot the Ragin' Cajuns 70 percent to 38.5 percent from the free throw line. Jones was the star of the night with 26 points, four of which were from the three point line, and six rebounds. “Monique [Jones] shot the ball exceptionally well tonight for us and those are the kinds of the performances that we hope for out of her,” head coach Rick Pietri said. “The nice thing about her is that she has really raised the level of her game on the defensive end, which has made her an all-around better player.”

January 28, 2008




January 28, 2008

Down X

from page 10

Shortly after the events of the cataclysmic hurricane, Anselmo and the rest of his mates in Down decided it was time to stop wallowing in negativity and actively seek the light at the end of the tunnel. Down, a band whose influences ranges from Black Sabbath to Lynyrd Skynyrd, played to a crowd last Friday that more than likely pushed the fire hazard limit of the Soul Kitchen. The venue was simply packed. Mix this with drunken revelry that goes along with Mardi Gras, and you have a power keg waiting to go off. A few interesting specimens of the human race tried to start fights early on before the band even got on stage. After a lengthy hour-long film the band plays before every show that showcases some of the band’s influences, as well as hilarious tour footage, Down finally arrived on stage like the hometown Gulf Coast heroes they have become. Starting the set with “Pillars of Eternity” from 1995’s “NOLA” album and ending with a crushing rendition of

“Bury Me In Smoke,” Down was certainly at the top of their game. The group even went so far as to perform certain numbers that have never been played before live, such as “The Seed” complete with drummer Jimmy Bower’s comical bellow of “The power of the riff compels me!” off of 2001’s “A Bustle in your Hedgerow.” The atmosphere in the room, early on, was intense. This did not let up until well into the middle of the 2 hour set. Many, yours truly included, were shocked to see violent moshing to relatively groovy, Sabbath-esque sludge metal tunes, but I suppose since Mobile gets little to nothing in terms of quality metal bands playing here, it has made up for months of aggression since the last superheavy act came blowing through our lovely city. In all, what really matters was the fact that five laid-back Southern dudes, who have had so much woe and hardship in the past few years, were up on stage smiling, laughing and having a good time, playing music that means so much to them and their adoring fans. Brotherhood and friendship will always conquer adversity, and brotherhood of metal (we can trademark that one later) is as close as they get.

Rodin X

from page 8

Edward III in exchange for the freedom of Calais. The king, in agreement, ordered the burghers to wear nooses around their necks, dress in plain garments and journey to the king's camp bearing the keys to the city. Rodin's "Burghers of Calais" defied the academic tradition of heroic sculpture by portraying the six men at the precise moment each realized his fate. Rodin's depiction of human suffering via the public monument, rather than triumphant glory, changed the standards and expectations for future sculptors and artists alike. In addition to political and poetic influence, Rodin has also completed numerous works paying homage to the human form.

Obama X

from page 16

The young Illinois senator has fresh ideas about foreign policy that some may consider idealistic as well as putting a major emphasis on relations overseas with competitors, allies, enemies, and suffering states. Some efforts are bound to fail while others may have surprising effectiveness. The point is that a major effort is needed to improve the United States' relations overseas in both directions. Domestic issues are important, but that doesn't mean issues knocking on the country's door from outside borders should be ignored.

"Cathedral” displays two hands that appear to gracefully dance along side one another. It serves not only as an example of Rodin's interest in form, but also as a portrayal of his endeavor to depict parts of the figure as complete works of art. The Museum has been graced with the presence of Rodin thanks to the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, the largest and most comprehensive private collection of Rodin in the world. Sixty-eight of Rodin's bronze sculptures, ranging from monumental political works to smaller and more intimate pieces, have offered their beauty to the citizens of Mobile. "Rodin: A Magnificent Obsession" will be on exhibit at the Mobile Museum of Art through March 23. The event is sure to be a life changing experience for artists, children and all who hold interest in the magnificence of Rodin.





January 28, 2008


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Undercover Shoppers Earn up to 4150 per day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail and dinning establishments Exp. Not Req. Call 1-800-722-4791

Global warming teach-in at USA On Tuesday, Jan. 29, come be a part of history with thousands of students on every campus, millions of students nationwide will participate in workshops and panels, brainstorming global warming solutions. USA professors and expert speakers will discuss aspects of the climate crisis -- from communications to anthropology to farming. This will also include a workshop on permaculture titled "A Sustainable Pathway Through Global Warming." You can visit their Web site at http://www.permaculturedesign.org. There will be a rountable meeting with local leaders, such as candidate Benjamen Lodmell, College Republicans President Nathan Ankersen, Mobile Sierra Club's David Underhill and others. Environmental groups such as Smart Coast, Mobile Baykeeper and Amnesty International showcase their issues at the tabling fair downstairs -This event will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Student Center. The talk will begin at 9 a.m. and the roundtable meeting will begin at 3 p.m.

Dr. Wynn named chair of ACCCC Dr. Raymond Wynn was recently selected to chair the Alabama Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition. Wynn serves as the Elsie Colle Chair of Community Outreach, Information and Education and associate director for the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute. ACCCC’s mission is to develop and sustain an integrated and coordinated approach to reducing cancer incidence, morbidity and mortality. The group also seeks to improve the quality of life and care for cancer patients, their families and their caregivers. Wynn currently holds several academic and administrative positions at USA including associate director for community outreach, associate professor of interdisciplinary clinical oncology and radiology and chief of radiation oncology. He also directs the public education and health disparities research at the MCI. Prior to joining the MCI, Wynn was director of the Regional Cancer Center at Singing River Hospital in Ocean Springs, Miss. There, he served as principal investigator for the Cancer Disparities Research Partnership, a grant program funded by the National Cancer Institute. At Singing River, Wynn also established a patient navigation program designed to assist cancer patients through their treatment process.

USA doctor speaks at forensic meet Dr. Gil Brogdon, University distinguished professor emeritus of radiology, was recently the featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Danish Society of Forensic Medicine in Odense, Denmark. Brogdon's lecture was entitled “The History, Present Status and Future of Imaging in Forensic Medicine.” Brogdon's interest and experience in forensic radiology spans almost four decades. He has received the Hunt Award and the Distinguished Fellow Award and Medal from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Forensic Sciences and is a member of the board of trustees of the Forensic Sciences Foundation. Dr. Brogdon is the author or co-author of more than 330 scientific publications.

USA worker named ‘Hospital Hero’ Claudette Adams, a medical social worker at the University of South Alabama Medical Center, was recognized by the Alabama Hospital Association as a regional “Hospital Hero” for her contributions to health care excellence. Adams, who works in the Medical Center's surgery trauma unit, assists patients in getting the medical equipment, health care services and other things they need to recover, often using her own personal resources and community contacts to arrange for a smooth discharge from the hospital. Co-workers cite numerous occasions when Adams has filled the gap for patients. For one homeless patient, she arranged housing, food, transportation and cancer treatments. For a patient with psychological needs, she coordinated between several health care providers and the local mental health facility to obtain needed services and aid the patient's recovery. “Claudette is very active in a number of community programs,” Sharon Ezelle, director of care management and social services at USA Medical Center, said. “She has helped raise needed funds for a number of these organizations.” Adams was among ten area hospital employees recognized at the Jan. 10 reception hosted by the Southwest Alabama Regional Hospital Council of the Alabama Hospital Association. It was one of seven regional awards presentations held as part of the association's fifth annual statewide “Hospital Heroes” contest, which honors the dedication of hospital employees and highlights health careers. The contest culminates in February when one overall winner from each region will be recognized.


January 28, 2008



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