ZOMBIES Be prepared. (pg 9)
“If it matters to the USA family, it matters to us.”
OCT. 3, 2011
SGA senate votes for impeachment
Keeping them accountable >>
VOL. 49, NO. 10
Campus Construction
Attorney General Jean-Pierre Arditi was voted guilty 29-4 BY CASSIE FAMBRO Editor in Chief In a showdown described as “reminiscent of television more so than a student government forum”, SGA conducted a trial last week with the possibility of impeaching an officer on the table. Charges brought against Attorney General Jean-Pierre Arditi stemmed from an incident over the summer where Arditi contested a parking ticket for which Chief Justice Coleman Wolf had denied an appeal. Arditi allegedly overrode Wolf’s decision. Arditi claims that he merely disputed the decision and did not take the proper measures to inform Wolf of his dissent. The Lowdown, the official rule book of the University, states that the Attorney see IMPEACHMENT, page 5
Nature Trail: USA treasure
Projects well on their way to becoming ‘distinctively South Alabama’ USA President Gordon Moulton “thrilled” with positive feedback from various projects BY MATT WEAVER Senior Reporter
The Glenn Sebastian nature trail renovation BY JEFF GILL Contributing Writer If asked about the quality of the Glenn Sebastian Nature Trail, a typical USA student may answer with an understood “Where is there a nature trail on campus?” or “Who is Glenn Sebastian?” Dr. Mimi Fearn, chair of Earth Sciences Department, told The Vanguard about the history and plans moving forward on our nature trail. “Glenn Sebastian is a ‘well-liked and apsee TRAIL, page 4
Construction on the Stadium Drive Portal is almost complete.
The University of South Alabama is nearing completion on several construction projects and hitting their stride in several others. Students were moved into the new Stokes Hall dormitory at the start of the semester and provided nothing but positive feedback to the University. “It’s like living in a hotel,” Kelsey King, one resident said. “Everything was really organized and prepped before we moved in. I don’t have any complaints.” That wasn’t the case for some students who reported water leaks in the opening week of classes. The leaks damaged some walls and flooring, and the University ex-
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pects to have them repaired before the start of the spring semester. A second concern is the shower head steam setting off fire alarms on several floors. The University’s Facilities department is investigating several solutions to remedy the problem. Problems have been sporadic and University officials have received mostly positive reviews. “I’ve heard very positive feedback on the appearance of the building and the utility of common area spaces within the building from students, parents and faculty,” Director of Housing Christina Vinet recently told The Vanguard. University President Gordon Moulton
check out our digital edition
see CONSTRUCTION, page 4
This aerial view shows theinnovative stateof-the-art Shelby Hall Engineering and Computer Science Building is progressing
in this issue (pg 6): Opinion (pg 8): Life (pg 11): Sports
PAGE three
“University of South Alabama’s Student Voice”
editorial editor in chief associate editor senior reporter copy editor life editor opinion editor sports editor web editor
Cassie Fambro Genny Roman Matt Weaver Carey Cox Bailey Hammond Imran Mohiuddin Jayson Curry Naquita Hunter
distribution distribution manager Johnny Davis
advertising advertising manager Wesley Jackson graphic designer Brittany Hawkins assistant Mohammed Al-Zarrad
management adviser James Aucoin accounting Kathy Brannan
mission The Vanguard, the student-run newspaper of the University of South Alabama, serves its readership by reporting the news involving the campus community and surrounding areas. The Vanguard strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights.
submission and editorial policies Send letters and guest columns to: The Vanguard University of South Alabama P.O. Drawer U-1057 Mobile, Ala., 36688. or Letters and guest columns must be received by 7 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication. Submissions should be typed and must include the writer’s name, year, school and telephone number. All submissions become the property of The Vanguard. Unsigned letters will not be published. The Vanguard reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for length and clarity. Letters will be limited to 300 words. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writer. The Staff Editorial represents the consensus opinion of the Editorial Board, which is composed of the Editor in Chief, Associate Editor, Copy Editor, Senior Reporter, and Opinion Editor. All members of the Editorial Board have the same weight during weekly Editorial Board meetings. The Vanguard has a commitment to accuracy and clarity and will print any corrections or clarifications. To report a mistake, call the Editor in Chief at 251-460-6442 or e-mail The Vanguard is published Mondays during the academic year, except for exam periods and vacations, and is published twice each summer. The Vanguard is supported in part by an allocation from student activity fees and operates in the Student Media Department of the Division of Student Affairs. Issues are available at most University buildings and select off-campus locations. The first copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each.
Police blotter 9/21 Criminal Tresspass A suspect was caught trespassing near the Delta 1 Building at approximately 5:13 a.m.
weather forecast >>
total accidents: 32 report compiled from 9/21 - 9/30
9/28 Criminal Mischief A suspect was arrested for criminal mischief near the Humanities Building on the North Lot side at approximately 10:38 a.m.
9/27 Theft
9/21 Burglary to Vehicle Possessions, including three textbooks were reported as stolen from the Humanities Building on the North Lot side at approximately 12:25 p.m.
9/22 Property Damage A maroon Chevrolet pickup truck was reported as damaged at The Grove housing community at approximately 10:28 p.m.
3:16 pm USA book store 340 Campus Dr. Stolen Items: British lit tb West civ ii tb Generic prescription Adderall pills Black/Green backpack
78 52
82 56
83 58
84 60
82 62
If you ever see any suspicious activity, do not hesitate to let USAPD know. You may remain anonymous.
82 62
Also, find USAPD on Facebook by searching University of South Alabama Police Department.
84 62
A suspect was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol near The Grove housing community at approximately 2:49 a.m.
1:50pm 6299 Jack Brunson Dr. Trespass 3rd Degree
9/25 Burglary Third Degree (< $500)
9/24 DUI
Property, including a guitar and door facings were reported as stolen from a sociology department classroom at approximately 11:48 a.m.
175 Cleverdon Parkway
9/26 Domestic Violence Third Degree
Special Note:
A domestic violence report was filed from The Grove housing community at approximately 6:02 p.m.
We were also informed that the sociology department was robbed last week with a laptop among other items stolen. If anyone knows anything about this incident, please call USAPD at 460-6312.
9/27 Theft of Property Third Degree Property, including a bicycle, was reported as stolen from a Delta dormitory parking lot near Jaguar Circle at approximately 2:19 p.m.
Forecast courtesy of student meteorologist Patrick Bigbie.
Humanities Bldg. 5991 USA North Dr.
9/26 Tresspass
Property, including a guitar and door facings, was reported as stolen from a sociology department classroom at approximately 11:48 a.m.
Happy fall! Break out the jackets because temperatures are taking a fall in honor of the season change. Temperatures are going to cool off with highs in the upper 70s throughout the week with lows dipping down even into the 50s. Skies will be partly cloudy with an overall sunny week. Rain is not in the forecast, but as always with Mobile, a scattered shower could always pop up. Have a great week!
9/27 Two-car accident
9/24 Driving Under the Influence
9/25 Burglary Third Degree (< $500)
october 03 - september 09
(If you were wondering, Cleverdon Parkway is The Grove)
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There are no corrections this week. If ever we err, please et us know, by e-mailing editor. and we will rectify the mistake. We strive for perfection.
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Nature Trail restoration From Page One preciated’ professor who has been teaching physical geography at USA for 45 years. He currently teaches part time. The trail was built close to five years ago with the help of a core group of dedicated students but has been largely neglected since those students graduated. The main entrance can be found at a sharp turn on Hospital Drive, which starts on the campus roundabout between the street that leads to Hillsdale (Hillsdale Rd.) and the street that leads to the library (USA Dr. North). Dr. Fearn said that the project is headed by Brian Allred of Campus Recreation, who has organized a coalition of organizations to help revive this neglected area of campus. This coalition plans to turn the trail’s image from “almost secret to a shining work of conservation.” Most students are unaware that there is a nature trail on campus, but it is open for student and non-student use. It is projected to become a multi-use area for recreation, education and competition. Dr. Fearn points out that signage is a big portion of the work being done to reform the nature trail. “Most of the bigger signs are already
up, and give information about a variety of facts on our local ecology. Some signs are smaller and simply read a plant’s name and include a picture. These signs offer more depth to the nature they are immersed in,” Dr. Fearn stated. Other useful signs that are being built are the map signs. At the nature trail’s major intersections, “You Are Here” signs will be put up to avoid new or unfamiliar hikers from getting lost in the maze that presently exists. Certain trails, 1, 1.5, 2 miles or 5 kilometers, have already been marked for those who want to exercise distance running. A kiosk at the main entrance of the trail is to have a larger map of the trails, along with a “Thank You” plaque to those who have participated in planning and executing the trail rejuvenation. On Oct. 8, a volunteer clean-up day has been organized at the trails’ entrance to prepare them for the unveiling in early November. Dr. Fearn believes it is “sure to attract more use” once it is well known and popular among the student body and local community, not to mention the effect renovations planned or already finished will have.
Construction progress From Page One expected minor complications but is thrilled with the overall review of his latest dorm by residents. “We’re thrilled to have gotten such positive feedback,” Moulton said. “We’ve set out every day to improve the student lifestyle, and this sort of feedback is only a confirmation of our effort. There have been problems, as there is with any new building, and we’re working hard to alleviate the concerns.” Stokes Hall is one of several projects included in the University-wide renovation project that also includes the campus portals, the Biosafety Level-3 laboratory and the remodeled Student Center. The recently restored USA Bookstore and Recreation Center are other examples. The Biosafety Level-3 lab is one of the most important projects on campus as it will eventually house exotic agents and bacteria that may cause serious harm or potentially lethal diseases after inhalation. The facility will host various different types of bacteria, parasites and viruses for USA researchers to study and allow the University to seek financial aid that would not be afforded to them otherwise. “The lab is something we’re really excited about,” John Smith, the University’s vice president of student affairs, said. “We’ll be one of just a few locations in the region that will have such a facility, and it will allow us to be aggressive in seeking grants and assistance for future
projects.” Another positive of the projects is that all of the buildings will feature similar architecture and designs, making the campus look more streamlined. A common complaint from students and visitors is that they can too easily tell the difference between buildings constructed in different decades. Both new and renovated buildings, as well as the campus portals, will feel “distinctively South Alabama,” according to Smith. Campus portals should be completed by the start of the spring semester with groundbreaking just beginning on the Biosafety laboratory and Student Center projects.
SGA votes for impeachment of attorney general From Page One General and the Chief Justice do both have authority to judge parking appeals brought forth by students. Charges were filed against Arditi after a secretary reported his alleged misconduct. Charged with two counts of improper conduct, Arditi was notified that he was being impeached on July 20. Arditi waited two months to have a trial due to a series of delays. An evidentiary hearing had been scheduled for Aug. 1, but quorum was not reached and associate justices were not confirmed by the senate. There was confusion over the protocol involved, and Wolf accepted responsibility for that predicament. The trial was scheduled for Wednesday of last week, and then moved without formal announcement to two days earlier because the senate was “unavoidably busy” on Wednesday, according to SGA President Colin Al-Greene. Convened on Monday, the trial featured a jury of Arditi’s peers: the senate. Arditi had two defense attorneys, and former SGA Chief Justice Troy Shephard led the prosecution with SGA Vice President Jessica Byrd overseeing the proceedings. Prosecution presented evidence first, including the original document that contained the appeal and the alleged overrid-
ing of Wolf’s initial decision. The document showed that the verdict given by Wolf had been scratched out by Arditi, and he had placed his initials by it. Arditi maintained that the University employee that reported him had told him that scratching it out was okay and to intial it and let Wolf know so they could discuss the dispute. Arditi acknowledged that he forgot to discuss the dispute with Wolf because they did not see each other regularly during summer, and he felt that a phone call was “too impersonal.” Arditi maintained that the entire issue was over a “misunderstanding” and that he did not “intentionally” misuse his power. Upon questioning, Dean of Students Dr. Michael Mitchell stated that he viewed the summer term as “a learning position” for officers and senate members, having just been elected into office. He stated that he did feel that Arditi overruled Wolf and should have gone about the dispute in a different manner. For his turn on the witness podium, Wolf was pressed by Arditi’s defense team about his error regarding the evidentiary hearing in early August. Wolf admitted to making a “good-faith error.” Prosecutor Shephard objected to ques-
tioning and said the defense was badgering the wtiness. Byrd told the defense to “make your point, and do it quickly.” The defense team pointed out that he broke the rules set forth by The Lowdown, and then asked him if he had been served with an impeachment notice for his transgression. Wolf answered that he had not received any such notice. Parallelling the “good-faith error” that Arditi made, the defense team sought to align the two errors as a product of the “learning position” of the summer term. About a half hour into the trial, the senate could be observed talking and texting, and three senators were doing homework openly. Byrd did not call them to order at all during the meeting. Arditi took his turn on the stand to apologize and admit that he “should have handled things differently.” When Shephard pressed Arditi about the appeallee possibly being a friend, the defense raised an objection. Originally charged with “accountability of bias,” the defense argued that charge had been dropped. Byrd denied that it had been dropped, and the defense reiterated that it had. Admitting ignorance, Byrd said she was
“not privvy” to the meeting that the charge had been dropped and was unaware that it had been dropped. Shephard was then not allowed to proceed with his line of questioning. Closing statements by the prosecution maintained that Arditi had abused his power by overriding the original decision and that he had violated his oath of office. The defense maintained that the error was in good faith and that that no harm was done because the mistake was caught early. After 15 minutes, the senate came back with a guilty verdict of 29-4, in favor of impeachment. Byrd reportedly told senators in the private deliberation that “just because you impeach him doesn’t mean he has to be removed from office.” Another hearing will decide Arditi’s punishment and if indeed he will be removed from office or face other consequences. A decision of punishment should be made within two weeks following the trial.
Students learning through the past: tribal lessons The Poarch Band of Creek Indians is the only federally recognized tribe in the state of Alabama. BY DANIELLE THOMAS Contributing Writer The past and another culture are continuing to be preserved and explored by two University of South Alabama students. The students are interning with Dr. Deidra Dees, an alumnus of the University of South Alabama and current tribal archivist for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Office of Archives and Records Management. At the invitation of the Anthropology Club, Dr. Dees will present “The Archives Bear Witness: Muscogee CokvKerretv,” which is an examination of the history of the Poarch Band on campus at the University Library Auditorium at 3 p.m., Thursday Oct. 6. Anthropology majors Danielle Thomas and Angelina Pierce are working with Dr. Dees to review and preserve archival documents to ensure the preservation of tribal history. Thomas said that she felt honored to have the experience. “Working one on one with the Poarch Creek and interacting within their culture first hand is invaluable. The work being done in the archives is not only the process of presrving documents, it is preserving a culture. It’s a job not to be taken lightly, and we are very fortunate to be able
to have this experience.” When documents come into the Office of Archives and Records Management, they are reviewed and then put through a process of preservation, which includes cleaning the documents by removing debris and the deacidification of the documents. Some documents are digitized for electronic preservation. Oral histories are also recorded in the Office of Archives and Records Management. The oral histories are vital to the preservation of the tribe’s history. A large amount of the oral histories are given by the tribe’s elders who can provide tribal history that may not have been written down or widely known. This is the first time interns from South Alabama have worked with the Office of Archives and Records Management. The Poarch Band of Creek Indians is the only federally recognized Indian Tribe in the state of Alabama, and their reservation is located eight miles northwest of Atmore. The Tribe fuels economic growth by providing jobs, especially with its gaming industry that includes the Wind Creek Casino and Hotel that opened in 2009. In addition to helping to improve Alabama’s economy, the Poarch Band of Creek Indians also contribute to cultural, educational and social programs that benefit tribal members and other local residents.
Students Danielle Thomas and Angelina Pierce research together and gain valuable insight into the past through the opportunity to work with archival data and analysis.
Assumptions are ignorant CASSIE FAMBRO Editor-in-Chief
The goal of a news headline is to represent the context of the article it corresponds to without opinion. If there is an opinion, it’s usually a quote, and it’s encased in the proper punctuation to reflect that. The recent Press-Register headline proclaiming that “cheating is prevalent at South Alabama” left us with a bad taste in our mouths. Is cheating an issue at USA? Yes. Is it an issue everywhere else, too? Yes. The Center for Academic Integrity at Clemson University found that 75% of students surveyed cheat at least once in their undergraduate career. What struck me more so than the headline itself -one that only serves as a detriment for everything this university has worked for-were the comments on the article. Basically saying that cheating was to be expected at USA, commenters seemed to think students that go to USA are inferior to students at other universities. This absolutely disgusts me. Only 28% of all Americans have a college degree, according to Business Week. Therefore, any student that graduates from USA is actually academically superior to 72% of the rest of the entire country. USA is prospering academically, with an average ACT composite score of 22.1, actually beating the national score of 21.1. Recruiting from more than 200 schools nationwide according to USA Public Relations, USA has obviously showed that its jaguar has bite academically. In regards to cheating, USA is absolutely not tolerant of the practice. USA mandates that every syllabus have the academic dishonesty law printed, and teachers are required to report even a rumor of cheating. For example, is widely used tool to check electronically for plagiarism. In reality, cheating only gets student so far. A cheater might make it as a student, but in the real world, those that cannot think for themselves will fall by the wayside, while those that can reason independently pave their own roads to success. The cheaters ultimately cheat themselves, and it’s no one’s fault but their own.
Our view >> a staff editorial
Senior reporter’s take on SGA trial He never had a chance. That’s in reference to the recently impeached SGA Attorney General Jean-Pierre Arditi who was found guilty for abuse of power Monday at the Biomedical Sciences library. The trial and ultimate impeachment is the valley of a threeyear low for the SGA that began with the almost-impeachment of former president Glenn Gardner and culminated with Monday’s trial. The SGA hasn’t been a force for campus growth for several years now, marred by infighting and cliques that have done more to hinder progress than forward it. The current senate is by their own admission largely inexperienced, something typically excused this early in the semester but not when the integrity of the SGA is hanging in the balance. Instead, the senate is mostly apathetic, collecting a miniscule stipend and hanging their hats on their newly-expanded resumes. Attending the trial, I noticed nearly a third of the senate not even paying attention, the same one-third that could have made the difference between guilty and innocence. Instead, they opted to do their homework, doodle or in three senators’ cases, reading a book when they should have been on the clock listening to the arguments being presented by both the defense, prosecution, and their representatives. But how can you expect them to care when by her own admission, Vice President Jessica Byrd had not kept up with the pretrial hearing and wasn’t up to date on the charges? Byrd allowed the prosecution to grill Arditi on a charge that had been dropped a week prior, eventually apologizing for not presenting a more accurate agenda. But the damage had already been done. Byrd’s lack of admonishing her senate, failing to keep up with a trial she was proceeding over is all indicative of one thing – the decision was made to vote Arditi guilty long before anyone
Editorial Board
Cassie Fambro > Editor in Chief
stepped in that library. The prosecution argued from the beginning that Arditi never had the authority to review traffic appeals. The Lowdown states otherwise, saying that the attorney general and chief justice have equal authority on the matter, something Arditi claims was never explained to him. This falls at the hands of dean of student affairs, Dr. Michael Mitchell. Mitchell conceded that the summer semester is a period where mistakes are often made and are treated as learning experiences. Officers undergo orientation during the summer and are taught (by Mitchell) what an officer may or may not do. Arditi claims that he was never informed about his rights in regards to reviewing traffic appeals and that the SGA conspired against his obligation to do so. The case was never about being tried on guilt of an offense but rather guilty of one man’s interpretation of the law. When pressed by the defense, Mitchell called Arditi’s citation of Chapter 402.2 interpretational. That rule clearly states that all appeals will be first ruled upon by the chief justice OR attorney general. Furthermore the Lowdown states in Chapter 402 that the duty of the chief justice also includes working in conjunction with the attorney general and president on ticket appeals. The next stage is Arditi receiving his punishment from the SGA disciplinary committee. The punishment could range anywhere from missing a paycheck to being removed from office. If the summer is truly a period for mistakes and growth, Arditi will be fairly reprimanded and taught the proper protocol that comes along with being attorney general.
Imran Mohiuddin > Opinion Editor Matt Weaver > Senior Reporter
Bailey Hammond > Life Editor Jayson Curry > Sports Editor
Jag voice >> opinion poll
What’s your favorite campus organization? “I love the Greek life on campus! Being a new member of Chi Omega has made the transition to college so easy. Greek organizations are a great outlet to meet new people.” Bethany Stone Biomedical Sciences Freshman
“My favorite organization on campus would have to be the Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Professional Honor Society. They offer a long list of volunteer services available for those interested in professional schools after undergrad.”
Andrew Sahawneh Biology Graduate Studies
“Everyone needs to listen to JagRadio. You can’t hear indie and alternative music on WABB.” Maelynn La Chemistry Junior
“I enjoy being a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity because it gives me a lifelong brotherhood with good men. I’m damn proud to be a Pi Kapp.”
“Without a doubt my favorite campus organization would have to be AED. The organization gives me so many opportunities to give back to the community, which is something that is very important to me.”
Chase Lunsford Biomedical Sciences Sophomore
Aysha Razavi Chemsitry Freshman
This week’s Facebook poll: How do you feel about the Alabama Immigration law? To find us > search “The Vanguard USA”
POINT COUNTERPOINT Editor’s introduction:There is a growing number of patients who believe that field of medicine has been perverted, moving from a service industry driven by people, to one driven by profit. Some feel that medical students should be required to take a course in bedside manner, learning how to interact with their patients, but others feel like this is a waste. The P/CP explains.
Point >>
A little bit goes a long way
Just last week, I shadowed a resident working hospital admissions and witnessed great bedside manners. She would pose a question for the patient, but he would be slow to respond and sometimes give an answer unrelated to the question. She was persistent with the questions though, never getting angry or changing tone. Afterward, I asked her how she puts up with patients such as this one, Lam Pham and she told me that she attended a few bedside manners seminars and emulated the
more experienced doctors that she has worked with. She’s one of the many I’ve seen who are composed when talking to patients, but I have seen insensitive doctors that are rude. In recent years, there has been a push for medical schools to establish a “beside manners” education in the curriculum. A couple in Illinois are donating $42 million to the University of Chicago, which will create an institution specifically devoted to teaching medical students good bedside manners.
This teaching of bedside manners may be used in the debate of nature vs. nurture. Proponents of nature argue that empathy cannot be taught. On the other hand, there are a large number of people that don’t agree, such as that couple in Illinois who have invested millions into “nurturing” future physicians. One advantage to teaching empathetic manners more than empathy is that when you’re tired (of a patient), it’s easier to behave empathetically than to feel empathy. While medical schools do talk about bedside manners and the importance of the doctor-patient rela-
tionship, it seems to be underrated in comparison to diagnosing the patient. Some doctors may come off as callous and insensitive, but there may be more than just the lack of compassion for the patient. Certain insurance and government payers tell a doctor how much time she may spend with a patient. So this is why the brief time they spend together should be as warm and friendly as possible. Some doctors are just good by nature; they need no instruction on how to relate with their patients. However, for those who are not, a few lessons can go a long way.
Counterpoint >> You can’t teach kindness My first mistake was showing up 15 minutes early for my 4 p.m. dermatology appointment. After sitting in the waiting room for a good 45 minutes past my appointment time, sick of flipping through the gardening magazines and old tabloids on the table, I was called back to the room. I ended up waiting another five minutes or so, but my doctor finally walked in, and I briefly forgot about my frustration. It was my first appointment, and the dermatologist literally talked to me for three minutes, wrote a quick prescription and was out the door. Sure, I didn’t have a life-threatening illness or chronic condition requiring
detailed discussion about treatment options, but it still would have been nice for this doctor to be more personable. Technically, he did his job; I got a prescription, and he fulfilled his appointment quota for the day. However, I was left angry and no longer held him with any high regard. People often hear about the importance of “bedside manner” in medicine, and good bedside manner definitely makes a difference. Patients may not always notice that a doctor was extra friendly, but they will always remember times when they were treated with coldness or apathy. Some may say that medical schools
should place a focus in teaching bedside enough on its own with long hours manner, but I believe that good doctors spent at the hospital or buried in text exemplify bedside manner books. In order to put this naturally. That’s not to say in perspective, some medical that bedside manner cannot school admissions directors be improved and fine-tuned; have said that the rigor of the more patients encounmedical school is equivalent tered by a doctor, the more to taking upwards of thirty experiences he or she has to credit hours a semester in better relate to them. college per semester. But interacting with Doctors who choose the patients daily is a class on profession for the right reaSurabhi Vinod bedside manner on its own. sons, because they care about There is no point in contribthe people, do not need a uting excessive funding and time for a course in order to do so. No amount of course of this nature. money or number of courses can teach Medical school is demanding someone to care.
>>> Opinion Editorial: Keep religion to yourself IMRAN MOHIUDDIN Opinions Editor Well, it seems that Alabama is in the news once again, making headlines for a decision that tramples upon the First Amendment of the Constitution. This story comes from Bay Minette, a town right across the bay from Mobile, in which a radical program is being implemented to deal with first time, nonviolent, criminal offenders. The twist? Instead of requiring these offenders to participate in community service, take classes or meet with a counselor, a judge in Bay Minette is offering youthful offenders an ultimatum: go to jail and pay a heavy fine or go to church every Sunday for a year. Now I know this is Alabama, and it’s almost impossible for some people to
completely separate church and state, and I can accept that. That’s why the customary prayer before a public high school football game or graduation ceremony, though technically unconstitutional, doesn’t bother me. Most of us non-Christian Alabamians have learned to handle the religion in small enough doses. With that being said, the program in Bay Minette still goes too far, blending the lines between church and state to a level that is unacceptable, even for Alabama. For one, the program operates under the assumption that churchgoers do no evil, which may make sense to some. Jesus certainly emphasized righteousness. However, his actions don’t exactly translate into practice, as crime statistics
show that a disproportionate number of criminals in the United States cite Christianity as their faith. So even though a church might teach lessons in morality, it doesn’t mean that Christians always utilize those tenets in their day to day lives. More importantly, the program fails to offer any viable alternatives. There’s little doubt in my mind that anyone would choose attending a weekly church service to facing the horrors associated with prison, regardless of whether they believe in Christianity or not. So while this program might work with those who walk with Christ, it’s hardly fair to require Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists or Atheists to attend a religious service that they don’t believe in. Part of the beauty of the United States
is that no religion takes priority over another, and it’s important to remember why the original colonists migrated here. They knew the pains of having a religious doctrine shoved down their throats, and freedom of religion was one of the primary reasons why the United States was formed in the first place. Although I know that the program in Bay Minette is founded on good intentions, it’s important that it’s never implemented. If we allow the government to get involved in religion, we begin to erode the level playing field that all faiths currently share and ultimately limit our own freedoms as we topple one of the founding pillars this nation was built upon.
DEMS brings new sound How does the idea of soulful British electronica sound to you? Welcome to the world of DEMS, a young trio straight out of London, whose tightly comLance Wilkinson posed electronic Music Writer arrangements and starry-eyed sensibility throw them right into the British music scene among some of the world’s best young acts. Combining elements of Rave, Pop and Indie, DEMS presents a suite of mentally perplexing and emotionally stirring tracks that are sure to find their way into the American club scene. What sets DEMS apart isn’t any single element of the band’s compositions, but the way the band is able to combine elements and standards of pre-existing genres and turn it into something that is completely unprecedented. Coldplay-esque vocals and themes collide with spacey ambience reminiscent of acts such as Pretty Lights to create something of unique taste that could hardly be considered anything but fresh. “House,” the title track of the band’s upcoming EP, shines with flat-out haunting vocals soaring over daringly progressive drum samples. Despite any misleading connotations behind the title, DEMS presents an intimate gem with the track “Down on You” which does nothing more or less than send chills down the spine. Still in the evolutionary process as a band, the trio consisting of David Gardener, Duncan Mann and Dan Moss put on reportedly ambitious live shows and have gained notoriety as one of London’s finest new bands. Receiving praise from BBC Radio 1’s see DEMS, page 10
Zombies epitomize the worst within all of us, and authors like Max Brooks give life to our own imaginations.
‘World War Z’ sparks reflection on humanity Hide your wife, hide your kids, it’s zombie time. BAILEY HAMMOND JagLife Editor Life is fragile. As a fictional creature, the zombie is a rather recent invention To quote Robert Frost, “Some say the world will end in fire/ and came about through such films as “Dawn of the Dead” and some say in ice,” but I think it’s just as likely to end in zombies. “Night of the Living Dead,” both directed by George A. Romero, Imagine a world beset with the undead, millions of human who is considered by many to be the father of the zombie film. lives altered and transformed into grotesque caricatures of what Technically, the first instance of the zombie as a menace to they once were. society is Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein,” but by the standards of That is the image Max Brooks today’s zombie characteristics, Frankenstein’s paints in “World War Z: An Oral Hismonster was more of a golem (a creature as“The monsters that rose tory of the Zombie War.” sembled from body parts, clay and dark magic, from the dead, they are This book is different from most, if i.e. electricity) than a true zombie. only for the fact that it does not follow But, that said, “Frankenstein” opened the nothing compared to a clear plot-line; it’s strictly interviews world’s eyes to the possibility of creatures that the ones we carry in our of survivors of the zombie war, and were once human rampaging across the world. what they describe is chillingly real. I think that’s what makes the idea of zombies hearts.” Zombies arise from a virus—the so frightening. – Max Brooks cause of which no one is sure—and it The thought of your loved ones or your quickly spreads from China to the farneighbors suddenly transforming into primithest reaches of the world. tive-minded, cannibal-creatures is disturbing, despite our lack The most frightening aspect, at least for me, is that no one— of evidence to support such a transition as possible. not the government, not the citizens, not even the scientists— Those thoughts are fueled by our imaginations, and all of the can stop the contagion from spreading. movies that have explored the existence of zombies strike us at It’s inescapable, and those people who fight back are quickly the very heart of our fears. We are both scared and fascinated by overwhelmed by the sheer force of the zombie numbers. the idea of zombies. Luckily, Brooks writes an ending that while not exactly hapSome societies, particularly those that practice Voodoo or py, satisfies this reader. see WWZ, page 10
Banned Books Week in retrospect One writer takes a look at the history of banning books and what it means for readers. JAKE HOWELL Section Writer Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “A book is the most effective weapon against intolerance and ignorance.” The truth of these words is almost impossible to ignore, yet there are those who would hide away those books that explore themes deemed unpopular by society. Banned Books Week, held during the last week of September, has a mind to keep that from happening. The goals of this annual event are to celebrate “the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment” (www. Teachers, libraries and bookstores across the United States proudly denounce attempts to censor or ban the very words that enlighten so many people to worlds they could never experience in person. Beginning in 1990, the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) initiated a program to record the most commonly challenged books each year. The OIF “receives reports from libraries, schools, and the media on attempts to ban books in communities across the country.” The ironic part about these lists of challenged books is that bestsellers often make appearances.
weekly lowdown wed > october 5 Airbrush Tattoos & T’s
10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Humanities Courtyard. JP Midweek Nooner.
thu > october 6 Cloud Computing and Security Presentation by Dr. Srinivasan
2 p.m. Faculty Court East Rm 17. Flash Forward
fri > october 14 Magician/Illusionist Adam Trent PHOTO COURTESY SACREDWASTE.COM
Unfortunately, the list of banned books has not stopped growing, and each consecutive year sees more works of literature being condemned by “the Man” to literary exile.
Perhaps the most widely recognized example of a popular book series that made the list is J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series. Potter topped the list of the Top Ten Challenged Books in 2001 and 2002 and ranks number 48 on the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books: 1990-1999. It is also the best-selling book series of all time. Bestsellers making the list for 2010 are
Stephanie Meyer’s “Twilight,” Suzanne Collins’s “The Hunger Games,” and Ellen Hopkins’ “Crank.” According to the American Library Association, the vast majority of challenges are issued by parents. Books are challenged for reasons ranging from offensive language to religious or political viewpoints. Sometimes these challenges make sense: “The Hunger Games” was chalsee BANNED, page 10
6 p.m. (following parade) Mitchell Center Homecoming Show. FREE.
wed > october 19 ZOMBIES, RUN! w/ Matt Mogk
7 p.m. Allied Health Auditorium. Multimedia presentation about zombies. FREE. Want your event featured? E-mail the name, date, time, price, place and a brief tagline (under 7 words) to Include “Weekly Lowdown” in the subject line. E-mails must be received at least 7 days before the event.
WWZ, from page 8 other forms of witchcraft, believe that zombies are real and can be created with “spells.” However, in those legends, zombies are controlled by a shaman or witch, and in most cases do not eat human flesh. Those kinds of zombies are not as inherently scary as the virus zombies, because most of modern society realizes that magic is not real. However, viruses are altogether very real, and science has yet to either confirm or deny the potential existence of a virus that could create zombies. “Now what really made me nervous was this whole swine flu and bird flu stuff. Especially since the bird flu was in China, and that’s about that last thing we need: one billion zombies,” said Sean Moore, junior political science major and self-proclaimed zombie killer. He echoed “War World Z” in that respect. Moore recommends “Shaun of the Dead” as well as the Romero films, and disdains modern day “sprinting” zombies, like those in “Resident Evil” franchise. Thankfully, Moore also believes that living in the South has its benefits, since we are always well-prepared for calamitous events (hurricanes) and we tend to lean towards the American ideal of owning guns—lots of guns. It just so happens that Matt Mogk, author of “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies,” is going to be on campus Oct. 19, giving a presentation about, you guessed it, zombies. The event is sponsored by Jaguar Productions (so it’s free!) and will be
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Allied Health Auditorium on campus. Mogk is one of the leading authorities on zombies, and his talk will be centered on surviving in a zombie-filled world. As a bonus, there will be door prizes and a book signing post-presentation. Regardless of whether you believe in zombies or just think they’re cool, the fact remains that “World War Z” completely shook my perception of humanity. On the surface, the book may seem to be about zombies, but really, it’s about the human condition and what makes us human. All sorts of themes are explored, boundaries are pushed and stereotypes shattered as a result. The zombies in “World War Z” are a catalyst for change and bring the citizens of the world within its pages together in a way impossible in our current situation. As Max Brooks so aptly put it, “The monsters that rose from the dead, they are nothing compared to the ones we carry in our hearts.” Maybe that’s what makes the idea of zombies so scary: we see something of ourselves in the soulless creatures eating the life out of the world.
DEMS, from page 8 Rob Da Bank, DEMS’ early demo Lioness was made Da Bank’s record of the week and gained the band the support of XFM and NME Radio. “House” will be available for digital download and on limited amounts of vinyl Nov. 14 through
Banned, from page 9 lenged for violence. Sometimes they don’t: “The Hunger Games” was also challenged for being sexually explicit. Anyone who has read Collins’ incredibly popular trilogy will agree that violence runs rampant in her world. Sexual explicitness, however, remains to be seen, at least to this writer. Sadly, many of those who challenge books do so without ever reading the books in question. Challenging or banning books goes beyond disagreeing with content. It’s an attempt to regulate the pool of information available to the people. Before the Internet, television and even newspapers, stories were how information was passed from one generation to the next. Books still carry this great power within their bindings today. When reading a book, a person lives
the lives of the characters and experiences everything the characters experience. Authors are able to comment on the darkest depths of humanity, those very places within ourselves that we prefer not to think about, in a way that forces us to confront those demons. Running from those aspects of life, like those who wish to ban books suggest, means they’re not being dealt with or fixed. They’re still there, growing in the shadows. Obviously, not all books are appropriate for everyone. Handing a third grader a copy of “Crank” is probably not a great idea. Banned Books Week doesn’t want that. The purpose of this week is to celebrate the freedom we have to access that information should we want it, and the freedom to read whatever we choose.
Don’t be a snob, adopt a shelter dog ASHLEY DOHERTY Contributing Writer Try to picture this: a couple searches for a pet and decides to add a full-blood beagle puppy to their family. The parents and their children name her Bea, register her with one of the most notorious kennel clubs and ensure that her vaccinations are up to date each year. Five years later, Bea’s owners decide to have her euthanized. Was Bea a vicious dog that harmed a person or another animal? No. COURTESY OF ASHLEY DOHERTY Was Bea diagnosed with a terminal This puppy, like so many others illness or suffering from some sort of currently housed at MCAS, needs unending pain? No. a good home. Bea was simply in the care of owners who chose to move into an apartment any of those at a shelter.” that required a pet deposit. When, in actuality, MCAS has housed Instead of searching for another purebreds ranging in size from a great apartment, saving a few dollars out of dane down to a yorkie poo. each paycheck or making arrangements Currently, you can find these breeds at for Bea to stay with a friend or famMobile County Animal ily member, Bea’s Shelter: labrador reowners chose to “Of course, they have trievers, dachshunds, end her life. plenty of my favorite redbone coonhound, Thankfully, the American bulldogs, story doesn’t end breed—Heinz 57—as pitbull, collie, shih tzu, there. A woman well.” lhasa apso, German learned of the shepherd and rottweisituation and of– Ashley Doherty ler. fered to find Bea Of course, they a home, but sadly, have plenty of my fathese situations vorite breed—Heinz 57—as well. happen all too often. One great way to find pets in your area People choose to bring a pet into by a specific breed would be to look on their home without understanding the or; many responsibility that comes along with of the local shelters and rescues post pictheir decision. tures and behavioral/health information People will sometimes spend several on these sites. hundred dollars to purchase a dog, only If you have any questions or stories to decide they are too busy for the pets. that you would like to share related to However, their mistake can actually be adopting or fostering a shelter dog or cat, to your benefit. please send them to amd408@jaguar1. I’ve heard people say “I would adopt from a shelter, but I really want a specific breed. And I know there won’t be Hey.
Hey, you.
Yeah, you.
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lilwaldon_81 Corey Waldon: S/O to all my teammates that brought sum extra draws AlexShields13 Alex Shields: Who needs cable TV when you have n64. #Marioparty
J11Jones Jereme L. Jones by Eazy_E13: We drivin across the whole state of ohio to go to the hotel -__-
JBlaire17 Jacey Chandler: Subway hasn’t made my sandwich with love the last three times I’ve eaten there... UnoDosTrey123 Trey Anderson: You can trade a manager for players?? #reasonspeopledontwatchbaseball Bj_Scott_1 Bj Scott: Every game is opportunity to measure yourself against you’re own potential. J11Jones Jereme L. Jones: I swear if we dont have a record crowd after this 3 game road trip for homecoming i will be highly upset at our jaguar fans... JBlaire17 Jacey Chandler: SOUTH IN YOUR MOUTH AND PAWS IN YA DRAWS! JAGS HUNGRY FOR BLUE HOSES NOM NOM NOM lilwaldon_81 Corey Waldon: U can find your jags somewhere n Ohio on 3 buses ridin through tha city CJBennett15 cj Bennett: campus feels like a giant infomercial with all these homecoming posters on every corner....
Olivia_Mohler12 Olivia Mohler: Headed to Arkansas to show them how the jags handle business!! #ladyjagvolleyball J11Jones Jereme L. Jones: All i care about is my city man i cant say it enough #251 ...
missmorgan492 Morgan Motes: @SouthAlabamaSoc “We have to go for what we think we’re fully capable of, not limit ourselves to what we have been in the past” #wintheday CJBennett15 cj bennett: Lowkey when katy perry comes on the radio I don’t change the station.... just being honest
GetWrightwitit Wendell Wright”: I hate that I don’t know some of the songs they play out here..I be in the club/party off beat not knowing the words
Broadcast journalists take the helm on Jag TV, enlightening its fan base about everything USA Sports.
USA Sports Show Students spreading the word on Jaguar sports JAYSON CURRY Sports Editor For most, if not all sports fans, it has become a nightly event. You get home from a long day of work, class or just from somewhere that you can’t be fully plugged in. Your head is filled with questions, and you’re dying to know what has happened in the world of sports today. This is where your local or national sports show comes in. The local news and radio, sports websites, social media and of course, the mother of them all, SportsCenter is the fix you’re looking for. At South Alabama students have taken the initiative to fill this void for students on and off campus. Michael Brannon, Braden Cheek and Ryan Roach were doing an assignment in a broadcast news class at USA when they created a sports show. Over the summer, Cheek and Brannon talked about doing this show full-time, and the USA Sports Show was created. “We were kind of going for a SportsCenter feel or a highlight show but highlighting South Alabama athletics,” Brannon said. “This year, we are doing something different. We have something called Jag Nation, and that was Braden’s idea, and it was kind of modeled after SportsNation, but
instead of bars and graphs we have actual people yell at us. It makes it more fun.” The show is filmed live every Monday at 9 p.m., and if you want to be a part of the live audience all you have to do is show up by 8:30 p.m. Also, if you can’t catch the show on Mondays when it’s live, you can watch throughout the week on Jag TV and listen on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Jag Radio. “We like to have as many people [as possible] come,” Cheek said. “You don’t have to be a broadcaster or anything, and you can come and if you don’t like what I can do, you can yell at me.” Also, the Sports Show anchors have delved into social media as most sports shows and sports personalities have now done to expand their following. “We are big into the social media,” Brannon said. “We utilize Facebook, Twitter, Ustream, YouTube because if we can captivate an audience online, we can do it on TV and radio.” “Our goal is to promote South Alabama athletics as best we can,” Brannon said. “We just want to be able to show students and coaches around that the students and coaches care about sports here at South as
well as sports around the nation.” Cheek and Brannon have made a few changes since the beginning of their show. Their former co-host Ryan Roach graduated last year and has since been replaced with freshman Colton Bradford. Also the Sports Show guys have started doing playby-play at the Jag football games. “Matt McCoy from 107.3 The Groove, who is also an adjunct professor, came to us after class and said the vice president of the University wants to hear play-by-play on Jag Radio in the fall and that sounded really cool,” Brannon said. “We had never done that before, but we had entertained the thought, and at the beginning part of August we got together with Matt, and he got some stuff set up for us. “The first game, it was a little rough around the edges but the next game against Lamar, it went flawless. We had over 400 hits. We went from 40 the first week to 400 the next. We like to make it with as much student involvement as we can on anything we do here. It’s all for the students.”
On the road again:USA football Jags head to San Antonio to face the Roadrunners JAKE WASDIN Sports Reporter After losing two games to FBS teams NC State and Kent State, the Jaguars are looking to rebound as they head to San Antonio to square off against the University of Texas-San Antonio Roadrunners. For UTSA, this is their inaugural season in football, and they will soon join the WAC in 2012. The Roadrunners, like the Jaguars, are also 2-2 on the season. The Roadrunners are coached under Larry Coker, the former head coach of the University of Miami. Coker has an impressive resume under his belt with one national championship and two national championship appearances with Miami. Coker and his Roadrunners run a multiple spread offense, while on the opposite side of the ball they run a 4-2-5 defense. On offense, the Roadrunners’ multiple spread is lead by quarterback Eric Soza. Soza has thrown for 790 yards and six touchdowns and also has run for two touchdowns. Along with being the top passer on the team, Soza also is the top rusher with 221 yards on the season. UTSA running back David Glasco II has scored four touchdowns for the Roadrun-
South Alabama Jaguars helmet vs Texas-San Antonio helmet ners. The starting wide receivers Brandon Freeman and Kam Jones lead the way for UTSA. Freeman has 13 catches, 191 yards and two touchdowns, and Jones has 10 catches, 158 yards and one touchdown. On defense, UTSA is lead by Steven Kurfehs, Brandon Reeves and Darrien Starling. Kurfehs leads the Roadrunners in total tackles with 35 and has recorded one interception. Reeves is second with 24 total tackles, and Starling leads UTSA in solo tackles with 16 and third in total tackles with 22 and also has an interception on the year. If the Jaguars can win the turnover
battle, along with the ground game, USA should be able to control the game due to UTSA’s defensive style of play. But, on defense, the Jaguars must be able to stop Soza who possesses the ability to run or throw on any given play. The game lies in the hands of the Jaguars as they have had a week to rest and fix any holes that need fixing. The Jaguars hope to play well early and avoid the issue that has plagued them in the last two games. The Jags have the talent and coaching to win this game, they just have to execute and really play Jaguar football.
Athletes say the darndest things RYAN FRANKLIN Sports Columnist In movies, music and other forms of entertainment, clichés are everywhere. That rule applies to sports as well. Whether it is broadcasters, writers, analysts or just the regular sports fan, some phrases used to describe sporting events are getting old because of the overuse. Fans get so used to hearing them that they really do not pay them any attention and then end up using them themselves. It is a vicious cycle. Here is a list of the top 10 most overused phrases in sports: “We played our best”- After a tough loss, coaches and players use this same excuse to justify their loss. If they really played their best then a victory should have been the result of the game. This is also accepting that your team is not good enough to win. Your best game is just good enough to lose. Congratulations. “Defense wins championships”If defense wins championships shouldn’t the New York Jets, Baltimore Ravens and Pittsburgh Steelers have double digit Super bowl titles since they supposedly have the best defense every year. And who played in the NCAA football championship games last year? The two best offensive teams in
the country. “We just went out there and gave it 100/anything over 100 percent”- This phrase is funny because of the majority of the time when athletes and coaches use this, the game is sloppily played and they barely won the game. So you played your hearts out but only won by one point. With a performance like that, I would hate to see teams at less than 100 percent. “He came to play”- Really? He is an athlete, and he came to play? I didn’t know that is how it works. You say that like it’s his job or something. Oh yeah, it is. “We just have to take it one game at a time.”¬What does that even mean? This phrase was started by coaches to keep their teams focused on one game at a time because we all know athletes can’t think about more than one thing. Their brains might explode or something. “A win’s a win”- This gets used by teams that think they are better than they are in reality, so when they beat another team barely that they should have blown out, you will hear this. “They just wanted it more”- Any time a team loses a close game this is what you will hear. Coaches, players and even broadcasters will say this over and over
again. If you play anything, especially on a professional level, you better want the win just as much as anybody else. If you say this phrase you deserve to lose. “They were the better team”- I always felt that this was a subliminal shot to the athletes or coaches own team. After a tough loss, it is always hard for them to find the words to explain the reason they lost. If you say the other team was better than yours, teammates might take offense to your criticism and possibly drag team morale down. “Nobody gave us a chance”- When the underdog wins it’s the same old song and dance. The David versus Goliath cliché is in full effect, and the headlines are similar everywhere. “I don’t know what happened out there”- Really? This has to be the worst excuse ever, because everybody else that saw the game knows what happened, so how come the players/coaches don’t understand that they just played the worst game known to man.
Sports Briefs JAG WOMEN’S GOLF CAPTURES SECOND-PLACE FINISH AT ULM The University of South Alabama women’s golf team captured a second-place finish in the ULM Fred Marx Invitational at Bayou DeSiard Country Club Tuesday. USA (308-291-303) earned its highest finish this season with a final-round 303, finishing with a three-round total of 902. Ashleigh Ryals (75-71-76) and Ana Garcia (76-71-75) both tied for third place to lead South Alabama, and finished just one shot back of individual medalist Whitney McAteer of Northeastern State. “Aside from the first round where we had a few bumps to get over, we played real solid. They gave it their all today and we played solid, but we just didn’t get enough putts to fall to make a difference in the outcome. But overall, it was real solid play and I’m real proud of how they gutted it out and played to the last hole.” USA MEN’S BASKETBALL ANNOUNCES 2011-12 GAME TIMES The University of South Alabama men’s basketball program has announced its game times for the 2011-12 season. With the exception of two Sunday games, all home games will start at 7:05 p.m. The Dec. 11 clash against Alcorn State will tip at 3:05 p.m., and the Jan. 29 battle with Troy will begin at 4:05 p.m. South Alabama will travel to Florida State on Nov. 20 for a 2 p.m. CST tip-off, followed by a game at LSU on Nov. 23 that will start at 7 p.m. The Jags’ first road game of December against Texas A&M-Corpus Christi begins at 7 p.m. On Dec. 22 at 4 p.m. CST, USA will play its final non-conference game of the year against San Diego at the Las Vegas Holiday Hoops Classic at the South Point Casino. JAG BASEBALL RELEASES 2012 SCHEDULE Six NCAA Regional participants from last season, five games against Southeastern Conference schools and 27 games at Stanky Field highlight the 2012 University of South Alabama baseball schedule, as announced Tuesday by head coach Mark Calvi. The Jaguars open the season with a seven-game home stand, beginning with a three-game season-opening series against College of Charleston (Feb. 17-19). USA will then host Jackson State (Feb. 21) in its first midweek contest of the season before hosting Samford (Feb. 24-26) in a threegame set at Stanky Field. South Alabama will then hit the road for a five-game road swing with a midweek contest at Alabama (Feb. 28), followed by a three-game series at Stephen F. Austin (March 2-4) in Nacogdoches, Texas, and a midweek matchup at Southern Miss (March 6). -Wire reports
Weekly Quotable Quote
Sudoku Challenge
Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold - but so does a hard-boiled egg. ~Author Unknown
Courtesy of USA Student Health Have a medical question? E-mail it to The Vanguard and we’ll Ask Dr. Cannon for a new medical segment.
e h t f o e r u t c i P We e k
Fashion show fallout: When Jag Radio wasn’t allowed to flaunt what their mama gave them, they did it anyway. They were born that way.
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VOL. 49, NO. 10 / OCT. 3. 2011