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“If It Matters to the USA Family, It Matters to Us.”

September 26, 2011 | Vol. 49 No. 9

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Pedaling Forward: Jag Bikes 2.0 Unveiled Matt Weaver Senior Reporter

Staff Photo

J a g Bi k es have unde rgone repairs, thu s explai n i n g th e “ d i s ap p e ar an c e ” th at s om e h av e r e p o r t e d . New p e d als ar e among the altera tions tha t ar e be i n g m ad e at U C O MM by p ai d s tu d e n t wor k e r s .

The much debated Jag Bike program was reintroduced to the University of South Alabama over the past week with dozens of restored bicycles slowly being reintegrated back onto campus. The bikes have created a fair amount of buzz with several misconceptions and questions surrounding the bikes’ financing and long-term viability. The reintroduction has brought back several old questions and even introduced some new ones. So here’s the latest on the Jag Bikes. The most common misconception is that the bikes were purchased using student funds and that’s simply not the case. The bikes were paid for by private donors with the ambition of improving the University’s sustainability ratings. South Alabama has long relied on personal vehicles and Jag Tran to move around campus, a trend that produces emissions that some believe damage the planet’s

See JAG BIKES pg. 22

SGA: Following the Money ‘Mobile, we have a problem’ Every year, SGA appropriates sudent funds for use by student organizations. The process is intensive and lengthy, and culminates in a series of meetings. Cassie Fambro Editor-in-Chief

The Student Government Association, which meets at 8 p.m. on Monday nights at the biomedical sciences conference room, met to finish up the arduous task of student appropriations this past week. Student representatives from eligible campus organizations filled the student section as some organizations required debate before appropriations could be awarded. Under mass appropriations, which are passed by a


consensus after careful review by the senate’s appropriations committee, SGA awarded a total of $13,585. One group, the African American Student Association did not have a representative present at the time roll call for student groups was done. Eligible and approved for $1,400, their representatives walked in sometime later, and the senate graciously awarded them the right to their funds. One of the first student groups on the table to debate was “Go Green,” the latest in a string of environmentally themed organizations. Their goal was to get a speaker, but a quote had not been given in the appropriate manner. See SGA page 2

The USA Jaguars experienced surprises and tribulation on the field as well as at the airport. See details in sports.

Staff Photo See DELAY page 2

Special Report: Inside Look into Cheating at USA see page 10 Opinion: page 10 |

Life: page 12


Sports: page 17




News In Brief

Thank you to all contributors.

Mobile Pops to Perform The community is invited to spend an evening under the stars with The Mobile Pops at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 3, at the University of South Alabama’s Moulton Tower and Alumni Plaza as they perform for the first time in the new outdoor Colton Bradford venue. The Mobile Pops have been He is one of only four stuserving the Mobile community dents from across America for 34 years and are very well- invited to participate. loved in the Mobile community Other panelists and particiand beyond. pants include Warren and Susie Buffet, Melinda Gates, and Stellar Student Success Secretary Arne Duncan. Bradford will appear with A week ago, frehmen comBrian Williams, NBC Nightly munications student Colton News Anchor and Managing Bradford received a call from Editor in a live Teacher Town a producer from NBC and was Hall. interviewed over the phone. He will also make appearHis high school principal was ances with Tom Brokaw, Ann also called and interviewed. Curry, Natalie Morales, David Bradford was informed that Gregory, Andrea Mitchell, and he has been invited to NBC Stu- Lester Holt, to name a few. dios in New York City to parThe Vanguard will be followticipate in the 2011 NBC News ing Bradford and will update Education Nation Summit. readers after the summit.


‘Mom, there’s a delay’ Matt Weaver Senior Reporter

CANTON, Ohio - South Alabama football averted disaster on Saturday night as a fuel-leak delayed the program’s flight back to Mobile, following their 33-25 loss to Kent State. Just minutes before take-off, with the team and University officials firmly in their seats, pre-flight inspections caught a fuel leak in one of the engines. The occupants were hurried out of the plane and put back on buses where a brain-trust including USA President Gordon Moulton, Athletic Director Joel Erdmann and VP of Student Affairs John Smith scrambled to find an alternative solution. The private charter, Sun Country, offered a second jet but admitted such a plane wouldn’t arrive and be ready to fly until four or five hours after calling it in, stranding a pack of about 150 University representatives after-hours in Canton. Additionally, most of the larger-occupancy restaurants had already closed for the night,

Cont. SGA from page 1

The Japanese Student Association (JSA) asked for funds for items that were expressly prohibited by The Lowdown, the official rule book of the University. Chief Justice Wolf quoted The Lowdown to illustrate the rule that appropriations do not cover “give-a-way” items. Senator Alan Sells and Senator Sean Ramsey of the appropriations committee deducted the unapproved items and JSA was given $123. Treasurer Nick Lawkis put an end to the floor discussion by reminding senators that several thousands of dollars had been approved without anywhere near as much discussion as JSA’s $123. Tau Beta Pi experienced its own controversy, asking for jump drives as part of a co-sponsorship. Co-sponsorships have more lenient rules than appropriations, and it must benefit SGA in some direct way. Over a discrepancy of a couple of hundred dollars, the decision rendered was for the student group to wait until their proposed event and come back to the SGA for final approval. Tau Beta Pi attempted to re-

Staff Photo Cassie Fambro Senat or Par k e r C h a s t a i n a n d S e n a t o r K a c i e Wa t s o n m a k e t h e m s e l v e s a v ai l a b l e to s t udent s in t he c o l l e g e t h a t t h e y r e p r e s e n t t o h e a r c o n c e r n s a n d g e t f e e d b a ck.

open conversation with the SGA twice, even going as far as to leave and return to the meeting. They were denied. Chi Omega’s representative stepped in hot water when she misspoke, prompting the appropriations committee to automatically start deducting previously approved funds for t-shirts to benefit the its annual Make-A-Wish philanthropy event. Thanks to the quick wit of several senators that are in Chi Omega, the representative’s

point was cleared and the amount of $4,764 was allotted to the sorority. In other large sums, the USA cheerleading program was awarded $4,000 to aid in their quest for competition. The cheerleading program is not funded by the University in the same way that athletics is, because it is not considered a sport. Mortar Board, a prestigious honor society for seniors, was awarded almost $2,000 in cosponsorship for their annual “Top

nulling one of the official’s first ideas. Instead, the group split into two separate hotels divided by players/coaches and auxiliary staff, all paid for by Sun Country. A second plane was ready at 7 a.m. while the first was still being repaired when wheels went up at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. “It’s just an inconvenient situation and something that we can’t prevent,” Moulton said. “But we decided it was best that we return to the hotel and get a good night’s rest before coming home.” The team had been awake since approximately 7:30 a.m. for pregame meetings and breakfast and would have returned home early in the morning had they opted to not go back to the hotels. Instead, they landed at the Brookley Aeroplex at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. The team returned home a little on the drowsy side though comforted by thorough airline inspection standards. Prof” banquet that recognizes a student-nominated professor. Mortar Board priced different vendors competitively and went with the least expensive options for their banquet, according to their representative. Tension still permeated the SGA meeting as a result of upcoming conflict in relation to the possible impeachment of Attorney General Jean Pierre Arditi. In response to last week’s “Our View” in The Vanguard, Senator Sells told senators to heed its message and to “put your office above politics.” Another senator reminded his colleagues that “when we’re voting, represent your college; you are not here as your organization.” College days began last week, with senators setting up tables to reach out to students in their colleges and ask them questions. On Wednesday, Senator Parker Chastain and Senator Kacie Watson manned the table at the Allied Health building. Chastain told The Vanguard that they were getting student feedback on a possible four-way stop near Allied Health to curb a potentially dangerous traffic problem, among other issues.

September 26, 2011 | The Vanguard



Have a question for USAPD? Ask us, and we can ask them for you/ E-mail us your questions to editor.in.chief@usavanguard.com and we’ll get answers. Week of Sept. 16-23 Total Crimes Reported: 27

A suspect was found in possession of alcohol and marijuana near The Grove at approximately 2:26 a.m.

9/21 Criminal Trespass (Third Degree)

9/17 Appearing in public intoxicated

A suspect was caught trespassing near the Delta 1 Building at approximately 4:13 a.m.

A suspect was arrested for public intoxication near Cleverdon Pkwy at approximately 4:15 p.m.

9/21 Burglary to Vehicle

9/17 Appearing in public intoxicated

A laptop and textbooks were reported as stolen from a vehicle in the Humanities Parking Lot on the North Drive Side at approximately 12:25 a.m.

A suspect was arrested for public intoxication near The Grove at approximately 3:39 a.m.

9/11 Possession of Alchohol A suspect was found in possession of alchohol near Greek Dr. and Pi Kappa Phi House at approximately 10:06 p.m. 9/19 Theft of Property Third Degree ($500 or less) A cell phone and other assorted items were reported as stolen near USA North Dr. at approximately 2:53 a.m. 9/18 Property Damage Scratches to a vehicle’s roof were reported near the Delta 1 Parking lot at approximately 9:56 p.m. 9/17 Minor in Possession of alcohol and marijuana

9/17 Possession of marijuana A suspect was found in possession of marijuana near The Grove at approximately 1:09 p.m. 9/16 Harassment A case of simple assault was reported near Tonsmeire Dr. at approximately 10:02 a.m. 9/16 Theft of Property A textbook was reported as stolen by deception at the USA Bookstore at approximately 4:05 p.m. 9/16 Theft of Property Third Degree ($500 or less) A cellphone was reported as stolen near the USA Dining Facility at approximately 12:16 a.m.

Letter to the Editor: Leprechauns and Jag Bikes Editor’s Note: Please see the page 1 article corresponding and adressing these concerns and many others The Vanguard has received from the USA community. In addition, helmets are now on sale at the USA Bookstore. Dear Editor, The Jag Bike green initiative is green indeed—it’s costing a lot of “green!” Already, money has been spent on new parts, hiring new labor and, as of now, a new position will be added to the Department of Campus Recreation just to oversee the bike program. Soon, money will be spent on a truck for hauling broken bikes in for repairs and from various places across the Gulf Coast—yes, the Gulf Coast. I’ll touch on this later. While I’m all for “green ideas” like the LEED certified buildings and the campus-wide recycling program we had at the beginning of the semester (what happened to those containers anyway?)this green idea was flawed from the beginning. Here is what I believe to be the main flaw: minimal Campus Recreation consultation. What happened to asking the experts? From this main flaw we get these flaws: cheap bikes that didn’t last a week, theft and a lawsuit waiting to happen. I took a walk this



Vanguard News

past Labor Day weekend and strewn across campus were various bike parts like pedals, handle-bar grips and even a few bike seats. It’s embarrassing. What the Jag Bikes program needs is a responsible checkout program. With a checkout program, Jag Bike riders could checkout a bike, a lock, AND A HELMET for an hour, a few hours or even a day in exchange for their student number and other contact information. And when finished, they could return it in the condition they found it. This would prevent most of the costs and headaches brought about by the “free-for-all” system that’s in place now. The headaches include HUNDREDS of bikes already in need of repair from vandalism, irresponsible driving, midnight joy riding on campus and theft. If you’re up late enough, you’re sure to see a “Jag Bike gang” cruising around campus or dodging death in the Gamma parking lot. Let’s talk about theft. Already dozens of people have called Campus Recreation to report

various locations where they’ve spotted a Jag Bike off campus. I’ve seen them in neighborhoods off of Old Shell Road; others have reported seeing them in downtown Mobile, at Bel Air Mall, Daphne, Prichard, Hillsdale and, my personal favorite, Creighton. I guess it will soon be reported that the fabled Leprechaun of Creighton has been spotted on a Jag Bike. On the upside, USA could make a lot of money on the rights of the Leprechaun/Jag Bike merchandising. “Who all seen a Leprechaun (on a Jag Bike) say yeah!” All in all, I know those associated with the Jag Bike program have good intentions. I’m not criticizing the program or even the idea, only the implementation. If we lived in a perfect world, the Jag Bike program would be just that-perfect. But we don’t, so it won’t, and we need regulations. Lauren Lyles

Corrections We don’t have any corrections this week; however, we strive for excellence. Should we make an error, please notify us by e-mailing editor.in.chief@usavanguard.com and we will adress the issue promptly.

Vanguard University of South Alabama’s Student Voice Mission

The Vanguard, the student-run newspaper of the University of South Alabama, serves its readership by reporting the news involving the campus community and surrounding areas. The Vanguard strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights. Submission and Editorial Policies Send letters and guest columns to: editor. in.chief@usavangaurd.com or The Vanguard, University of South Alabama, P.O. Drawer U-1057, Mobile, Ala. 36688. Letters and guest columns must be received by 7 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication. Submissions should be typed and must include the writer’s name, year, school and telephone number. All submissions become the property of The Vanguard. Unsigned letters will not be published. The Vanguard reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for length and clarity. Letters will be limited to 300 words. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writer. The Staff Editorial represents the consensus opinion of the Editorial Board, which is composed of the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor, Copy Editor, Senior Reporter, and Opinion Editor. All members of the Editorial Board have the same weight during weekly Editorial Board meetings. The Vanguard has a commitment to accuracy and clarity and will print any corrections or clarifications. To report a mistake, call the Editor-in-Chief at 251-460-6442 or e-mail editor..in.chief@usavangaurd.com The Vanguard is published Mondays during the academic year, except for exam periods and vacations, and is published twice each summer. The Vanguard is supported in part by an allocation from student activity fees and operates in the Student Media Department of the Division of Student Affairs. Issues are available at most University buildings and select off-campus locations. The first copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Cassie Fambro Associate Editor: Genny Roman Senior Reporter: Matt Weaver Copy Editor: Carey Cox Life Editor: Bailey Hammond Opinion Editor: Imran Mohiuddin Sports Editor: Jayson Curry Webmaster Naquita Hunter DISTRIBUTION Distribution Manager: Johnny Davis ADVERTISING STAFF Advertising Manager: Wesley Jackson Advertising Assistant: Mohammad Ammar Al-Zarrad Graphic Designer: Brittany Hawkins MANAGEMENT Adviser: James Aucoin Accounting: Kathy Brannan



Vanguard News

September 26, 2011

US News & World Report: USA Remains Unlisted Genny Roman Associate Editor

peer assessment, retention and six-year graduation rates of students, faculty resources, student selectivity, financial Recently, U.S. News & World Report resources and alumni giving. presented their “Best Colleges 2012” The criteria used to evaluate colleges rankings. and universities in U.S. News has always The University of South Alabama’s been under scrutiny by groups such as ranking under “National Universities” Education Conservancy, a group that diswas left unpublished, while University courages students from using the rankof Alabama in Tuscaloosa and Auburn ings in determining where to apply and University were ranked 75 and 82, represidents from filling out the survey. spectively, in the same category. Other commentators, such as Jon Reid, Spring Hill College and University of Mobile were also ranked in the “Regional author of “Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know Universities (South)” category. U.S. About Getting into College,” advise News & World Report took information students to look at useful information from the spring and summer semesters within the rankings, such as acceptance of 2010 to calculate the rankings. and retention rates, and not the rankings According to U.S. News & World themselves. Report, the methodology of ranking USA’s most recently calculated retencolleges and universities begins with categorizing accredited institutions by their tion rate (the rate of freshman students mission statements (i.e., research institu- who entered in 2009 and returned in fall 2010) is 65 percent. tions or liberal arts colleges). “It’s not something we’re really happy The basic criterion used is the Carnabout,” said Nicole Carr, director of Stuegie Foundation for the Advancement dent Academic Success and Retention. of Teachings’ Carnegie Classification of She said that this is why the University Institutions of Higher Education 2010 is taking steps to increase their retention revisions. rate and enhance the academic life of From there, institutions are placed in USA, such as implementing living learntiers based on the criteria. The first tier ing communities and revamping the SI includes schools that are approximately (Student Instruction) program. in the top 75 percent. “It’s a really exciting time to be here. The last 25 percent are placed alphabetically in the second tier and their rank [The University’s] changed so much, not only with all of the physical changes but is not published, such as USA. with academic changes as well.” The measures for academic quality that U.S. News uses are variables such as

Courtesy ofUS News & World Report We can see i nto the futur e. . . kidding. The US News and Wor ld Repor t i ssues thei r ranki ng for th e upcom ing academ ic year.

Vanguard Weather Forecast- Sept. 26- Oct. 1 We will start off the school week with mostly sunny skies and warm temperatures, highs will be near 88 and overnight lows will be near 67. Beginning on Tuesday, we will add sca ered thunderstorms into the forecast; this will stay with us through the weekend. Highs on Tuesday and Wednesday will be in the upper 80s with partly cloudy skies when it’s not raining, nigh me lows will be in the mid 60s. A cold front will move through the area on Friday bringing an li le in cool air. It will increase the chances of thunderstorms for Friday and Saturday with partly cloudy skies, highs will be in the mid 80s with lows in the mid 60s. We look to clear out by Sunday with mostly clear skies and a small chance of a thunderstorm, highs will be in the mid 80s with lows in the mid 60s For the latest on your forecast, severe weather updates and what’s going on in the tropics, like us on Facebook at facebook.com/StormTeam4Gamma9Wx follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/stormteam4g9wx or add us to your circle on Google Plus. We are under the name “Stormie Weathers” You can also follow me at twitter.com/metwxpatrick

Courtesy of Student Meteorologist Patrick Bigbie


September 26, 2011



A USA Legacy: The True Story Behind Stokes Hall Brandon Ball Contributing Writer

USA students who gave the University the largest gift it has ever received from an alumni couple: The campus of the University of South Alabama is continuous- $2 million to be used toward scholarships in creative writing ly growing. Sounds and sights and for the College of Mediof new construction are everycine. In all, the couple had given where. The only things going up faster nearly $2.5 million to USA. “It was unexpected,” Stokes than college tuition and enrollsaid in an humble ment numbers and added, are new build“Both of them have been tone, “My wife and I ings. Among doing prestigious work on were amazed they them is Stokes would name the Residence Hall, the board for many years.” building after us. USA’s newest -Dr. Steven Furr We love South. It’s facility to open. a great campus, Priced at $17 and we think the million, Stokes Hall has 330 private rooms with semi-private dorm will be a wonderful experience for freshmen.” baths, a classroom, eight study With the addition of Stokes lounges, two multipurpose Hall, USA joins a list of dozens rooms, interior hallways and a of colleges across the nation large laundry room. Among its involved with the living/learnamenities are cable TV, wireless ing community program, which Internet and a refrigerator. places a professor in the dormiBut, none of these new facilitory to live among its students. ties would be built if it wasn’t The professor mentors and helps for people like former chairman students adjust to college life. of USA’s Board of Trustees, Dr. “I think it’s a good idea,” Steven H. Stokes, and his wife Angelia, for whom the residence Stokes said. He believes when students get to know professors hall is named. Stokes and his wife are former personally and allow the profes-

sor to mentor them, it greatly improves students’ academic achievements. Stokes’ and his wife’s experiences in student housing, in Hillsdale, gave them a tremendous appreciation for what is available to young students at the University today. With all the new facilities on campus now, Stokes said he would never want to leave. Dr. Steven Furr, who serves on the Board of Trustees with Stokes, recalls the days when he and his wife lived in Hillsdale near the Stokes. He said he was impressed then, and remains impressed with the commitment the Stokes show for the University. “We were really excited to name the residence hall after Stokes and his wife because they have been so committed and involved with the University,” Furr said, and added, “Both have been doing prestigious work on the board for many years.” Furr is vice chair and represents the 19th District, which includes Choctaw, Clarke and Washington counties,

Justin St. Clair, an assistant professor of English, bested other faculty to earn the chance to be what he called, “the pilot of the pilot program.” In an interview with the Press Register, St. Clair said he sees his role in the dorm as a “liaison between faculty and students.” Besides seeing himself as a coordinator between students and faculty, St. Clair told the newspaper he feels the experience is a great way to “demystify” the typical professor stereotype. This is the typical feeling of many professors enlisted in the community program; their ultimate goal is to have students work with each other and to not be afraid to ask his or her professor for help. South is intending to achieve this goal by having St. Clair spend time in the study lounges and eat in the dining hall with many of the same students that attend his class located in the dorm. St. Clair will also be inviting other professors to speak at small, informal gatherings at the dorm.


Instructors say cheaters cheat themselves -out of a good, honest higher education By Patrick Senn USA professors begin with the assumption of innocence when dealing with cheating but after thorough investigation, if the evidence confirms cheating to both student and instructor, cheaters are punished through formal hearings. “It breaks my heart every time,” Dr. Michele Kimball said, professor of communication at the University of South Alabama when this article was researched. She was talking about discovering when one of her students has cheated on an assignment. Her sentiments are echoed by every other teacher on USA’s campus we talked to. Academic dishonesty turns out to be a pretty complicated issue and many activities fit under that umbrella term, Dr. Christopher Raczowski, assistant chair of the English Department, said. Raczowski said that he could not speak for his entire department but only for himself in regards to how academic dishonesty should be handled. But he said that, to him, there is a clear difference between misappropriation from a source and whole-cloth plagiarism. Often students come out of high schools not prepared for college. They just don’t have the right tools to understand how to cite sources correctly, but that does not mean they are intentionally deceiving their professors. Messing up a citation is often an honest mistake made by students in lower level courses and Raczowski argues that they should not face the same kind of penalties that would be brought down on a student who purchases an entire paper on the internet, or copies large amounts of text from a source into their paper and attempts to claim the work as their own. “I’ve encountered enough problems with it [cheating] to presume it’s pretty widespread. I am pretty sure I don’t catch them all,” Dr. John Turner, assistant professor of history, said. “[Some students cheat] to save time because they don’t want to put in the effort. Some don’t have the academic skills they need. I think those are the main two reasons.” The Center for Academic Integrity found in a nationwide study that 86 percent of faculty the organization surveyed had witnessed “serious written cheating.” The full numbers have not been gathered at our university, but every professor interviewed said that they dealt with the problem at least once each academic year. Professors agree that the students who cheat in order to save time on an assignment or simply to avoid putting in the effort are only cheating themselves out of an education. The students who do this are often caught and subjected to formal penalties that end up going on their academic record and causing serious problems in their academic lives. “If you’re just going to cheat and avoid learning, why even come to college?” Raczowski asked. Higher education has always had a problem with plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty, but with the advent of the internet the problem has grown. Some professors pointed out that society as a whole has become more jaded in ethical matters during the last couple of

Illustration. Research shows males are more likely to cheat in college than females. two exams and professors need to give decades. They see this perceived increase more opportunities for students to demin immorality clearly in the larger numonstrate their learning, Menon said. While bers of academic dishonesty cases being students are taking exams, Menon always reported. USA professors have differing viewpoints makes sure that any student wearing a hat or visor turns it backwards or takes it off as to why students cheat, and what should and students are not allowed to leave once be done when cheaters are found out. the test has begun. It’s also important that “I think it’s mostly an act of desperation,” professors stay attentive to their students Dr. Molly Nouwen, assistant professor of and walk around the room during exams history, said. “I don’t think it’s a question of morality. I think they [modern students] to keep them honest, Menon said. “It [also] depends on size of classes. just have access to so much technology.” More [cheating] is seen in larger classes Having such a large amount of informathan smaller classes,” Menon said. tion at our fingertips does seem to make “I try to cheating incredexplain ibly easy. It is so simple to just copy USA professors apply lots of methods short and long-term and paste informato prevent academic dishonesty and to consetion into a paper, quences and sometimes catch violators. of cheatstudents may ing, and forget to cite the talk about ethics throughout the class,” information. Genevieve Dardeau, senior instructor of “I take it on a case-by-case basis. If they communication, said. admit it quickly and it’s at the beginning According to Dr. Tom Thomas, a profesof their college career I might be more sor of mechanical engineering at USA, lenient,” Turner said. about three years ago cheating was very “We choose how it should be handled and, for me, it’s a case-by-case basis,” Kim- widespread in the College of Engineering. One of the major problems at the time ball said. How the first offense is handled was the varied cultural viewpoints condepends on the gravity of the situation. cerning academic dishonest, Thomas said. Three lines of un-cited source material are To copy another person’s work is considdifferent than half a page; the beginning of ered a great compliment -- not cheating the course is different from the end of the -- in some other countries. When students course, Kimball said. from these other countries come to USA it “Responsibility is on faculty members to is hard for them to overcome the cultural create an environment where cheating is norms from their home country and adjust not needed,” Dr. Mohan Menon, chair of to the view of the American academic enmarketing, said. “When [a] situation is not vironment where copying another person’s ideal humans try to take shortcuts. Most work is considered a great offense. students are good people but circumstancThe College of Engineering overcame es lead them to want to take shortcuts and, this difficulty, but not without inconvein that, [they] are no different than any niencing the professors. Thomas said other profession.” that he no longer assigns take-home tests USA professors apply lots of methods to to his students, which used to be a very prevent academic dishonesty and to catch common practice since many mathemativiolators. Students need more than just

cal problems in the courses he teaches are very involved and can take up to an hour to work. This has led to decreasing the amount of problems that he puts on exams, said Thomas. Cheating can often be spotted easily by professors, but most are quick to point out that innocence should be presumed when dealing with potential cases of academic dishonesty. It’s usually pretty clear when a student is cheating, Raczowski said. Dealing with material not discussed in class, often qualitatively different writing, material shoehorned in in ways that don’t make sense are some of the signs, Raczowski said. The internet does offer present-day students more ways to cheat, but also gives professors many more ways to discover academic dishonesty. Turnitin.com is a website that allows professors to submit a paper they suspect may be plagiarized to be checked against a database of other papers that have been entered into the website. USA pays for a subscription to Turnitin. com, but some professors cite different reasons for not wishing to use it. It’s a copyright issue because it adds everything to a database to be distributed in a semipublic way, Kimball said. “[Turnitin.com] uses students’ own work against the student,” Dardeau said. Some professors interviewed for this article said they don’t see a need for Turnitin. com, but just use Google. Dardeau said she enters key suspect phrases in quotes into the popular search engine and 90 percent of the time the original will turn up on Google Scholar. “It devalues the grades given in class, and it devalues the diploma. Truth is they [students that cheat] let themselves down,” Dardeau said.


Technology helps Continued from Page 6 Kathryn Toelken, a communication assistant professor, said that although she’s heard other professors talk about students using technology to cheat, she has not seen it in any of her classes. Toelken’s classes are smaller, writing-intensive courses, and plagiarism is more of a concern. She believes that when it comes to students cheating, it all relates back to the instructor and the classroom setting. “My teaching took a big turn when I really learned to listen to my students’ stories,” she said. Monitoring students in the classroom may be easy for professors, but online classes are a different story. A study recently published by professors at Friends University shows that the prevalence of cheating in online classes is less than the general perception. There are multiple factors as to why this might be true. The discussion-type nature of online classes and the type of people who normally take online classes could both contribute. Online students are typically older and more degree-focused. “Non-traditional students are more driven and less likely to cheat,” said Jack Dempsey, director of the innovation in learning center at USA. Toelken, who also teaches online classes, has never found any of her online students cheating. She has them submit written assignments and participate in discussions every week. Dempsey has never verified a case of a student getting another person to take a class or a test for them, which is a common concern about online learning. According to Dempsey, USA offers 350 unique courses online and 11 fully online programs. Last fall USA saw a 300 percent increase from 2004 in the number of students taking online classes. He expects these numbers to continue to grow, and the University is taking the necessary steps to preserve its online learning academic integrity. To ensure students are who they say they

are for online tests, USA uses identification verification and questions similar to those that online banking services use. They use random questions only the student would know. Dempsey said the University tested a webcam procedure, but it was far too expensive. In addition to discussions and unique writing assignments, professors can also cut down online cheating by holding realtime chat sessions. Dempsey said that some of the technological cheating methods students use are easier to get away with in a stadium-style setting than in an online class. Connors does not see students pulling out smartphones during class, but those students who are going to cheat, no matter what, will attempt to copy off other students’ papers. “In a class this size, it’s usually full. They want to fill it to capacity, and no student has any real privacy,” Connors said of her intro geology class. Connors sometimes sees students trying to get the same color-coded test as their neighbor, and will give them a different test when she catches them. John Thomas, a second-year Visual Arts student, says that his conscience is the biggest thing that keeps him from cheating. “I know that if I didn’t study for a test, I would feel way too bad about going in and copying off of someone who spent the time to study,” he said. There’s also a rumor of fraternities and sororities keeping test banks full of past tests, notes and study guides ready for members to use. “I know for a fact that fraternities at South keep test banks. They won’t admit to it, but they do,” says Maria R., a former student. Students also use more brazen ways of cheating. An art student at USA, who wishes to remain anonymous, says that in one class, he saw a student take a piece that she did not create and turn it in as her own.

Student Academic Conduct Policy As a community of students and scholars, the University strives to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. All members of the community are expected to exhibit honesty and competence in academic work.

Level 1 Cases Limited to a Specific Class and/or Instructor § Student is informed verbally or in writing. § If penalty is imposed, accusation and penalty must be in writing. § Student has 10 class days to provide a written response. § If student denies the accusation, a hearing before the instructor’s department chair can be requested. The chair can affirm the accusation or dismiss the charge. § If the chair supports the charge, the student can appeal to the dean’s office. The dean’s office will convene the college’s academic conduct committee. The committee will hold a hearing and decide to either uphold the charge or dismiss it.

Level II -- Repeat offenders § The written accusation goes directly to the dean of the college, who will convene the college’s academic conduct committee. If the student is found guilty, the penalty can include suspension or permanent expulsion. Charge may be appealed to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Level III -- Multiple repeat offenses § The written accusation goes directly to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will convene the university academic conduct committee. If the student is found guilty, possible penalties include suspension or expulsion.

Research throws light on why college students cheat Continued from Page 6

to cheat than others. Such students include athletes and those involved in participating in test- and homeworkfraternities, sororities, and other school related cheating. associations. These students not only “We also found that males are more have a full college curriculum to deal likely to cheat than females, because with, but they also have activities dealing women have higher ethical standards with their associations. Many athletes and view unethical behavior differently,” have practice on a daily basis, and Spake said. games and tournaments that may keep “I have copied them from class or homework for a history studying. Because Students view punishment class,” admitted a they are busy doing male communication these activities, of cheating on a scale, but major who asked to some choose to professors view cheating in remain anonymous cheat and take because of what he was black and white. what they think is acknowledging. “The the easy way out. professor called me out Students view on it and gave me credit for the week due punishment of cheating on a scale, but to me misunderstanding the assignment. professor’s view cheating in black and He told me if it happened again he would white, said Spake. For example, one of report me to the academic board. Also, I the surveys found that 20 percent of the have been cheated off of in Dr. McKiven’s students surveyed believed that no action HY 135 course. Many of our USA football should be taken if they are caught copying players cheated off of me in that class. homework, and 45 percent of students The sad thing is I got accused of cheating believed that a zero should be given as I was the only non-athlete,” he said. if they are caught purchasing a paper Research shows that students in online. extracurricular activities are more likely “There is a very fine line between

working together on something and cheating,” said Jonathan Coxwell, a communication major. “We have all sat with classmates in the library and some people just find the answers to some material before others do, so we use it.” “I have copied homework in French grammar classes and biology. I have also used translation websites in all my French classes and used SparkNotes for French literature classes,” admitted a female psychology major. “I cheated during my junior and senior years of college because I didn’t have enough time to do it on my own.” She said she thinks students choose to cheat in classes where it is easy to cheat and when they think they are unlikely to get caught. She said cheating is popular in general education classes and that she sees students copying work in the humanities building and in biology and math labs. Also, students may feel it is necessary to cheat in the classes that “may have unrealistic expectations without providing a bridge for getting to that conclusion,” she said. The professors in science and math classes have a reputation for not

Deborah Spake really caring how you get the answers as long as you do get them, she said. But personalities in general have an impact, too, she thinks.



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OUR VIEW EDITORIAL BOARD >>editor.in.chief@usavanguard.com

STAFF EDITORIAL Cassie Fambro | Editor-in-Chief Genny Roman | Associate Editor Imran Mohiuddin | Opinion Editor

Matt Weaver | Senior Reporter Bailey Hammond | Life Editor Jayson Curry | Sports Editor

Loss a Lesson, Not a Sentence We all knew there would be days like this. Days when we know we fell short of expectations and something slipped through our fingers. The USA Jaguars are experiencing something unfamiliar to them; loss. After 19 wins, 2 losses feels foreign and discomforting. The psychology of winning games by leaps and bounds to fighting until the last minute is not lost on us. It’s hard to adjust to. USA Football support is stronger than ever, even with the loss. One student even took their “Still Undefeated” shirt and edited it with Sharpie to say “defeated, but still better than you. SIYM.” Ah, SIYM. A simple phrase that makes fans say hell yeah. That’s what it’s all about. Rallying behind a team that we watched this university give birth to. It was this generation of seniors that first poured their student dollars into supporting this team, and we all own a little piece of this. When NC State asked “what the hell is a South Alabama,” we answered. We showed ourselves

as a formidable opponent, still going through growing pains. They know who we are now, and next time we meet, we bet the outcome will be different. Kent State gave us a run for our money the first half of the game, but then the Jags made an astounding comeback in their cornfields. One spectator tweeted that the team looked “spiritless” and had to eat his words when we almost came back to win the game. Our Sports Editor said the entire stadium was silent for a moment. What the clear message needs to be now is that these two losses are nothing but a stepping stone to bigger and better things. As in life, losing makes you stronger and makes victory that much more worth it. The support for the Jags is at an all-time high, and the fervent tweeting and status updates reflect that. We’re behind you as you grow, Jags. SIYM.

Med Students: Reality Check in Purpose By Eva Osilla Contributing Writer

It’s a normal day. You’re at home with your parents, enjoying a weekend away from the stress of classes, clubs and work. Suddenly, the telephone rings, but you think nothing of it— until you walk past the kitchen to get a drink of water and all you see is your mother with a terrified expression, voice and hands shaking. You forget the water. She hangs up the phone and struggles to say the most dreaded words a parent fears to utter—that her only son was found in a pool of his own blood. Suddenly, time stops. You forget about school, about boys, about doing those five loads of laundry. Nothing in the world matters except the sibling you loved for 20 years, maybe breathing his last breath. You see nothing except your parents’ faces, drained of blood and hope. You’d want the best for your brother, right? You’d want the best doctors in the freaking world taking

care of him, who’d do everything so upset about the chemistry majors they could with the highest level giving me crap about being a BMD of compassion and integrity. If you major, but I see their point. Most were in this position, would you pre-meds are pretentious jackasses want the that only have money doctor in prestige in mind, What if you knew that or charge of who don’t care about the doctor who holds your only the things they must do brother to to get by; little do they the life of your brother be somerealize that those things was someone who beone who are the foundations of cheated who they will become. came one through lying in organic Those little things are and hypocrisy? class, who pieces to the puzzle of cheated those people, showing their way into medical school? who they really are. Would you want him to have been If you are pre-med like 90 percent someone who has no problem lying of the people I know at South, I truly about how many hours they “volhope you are doing it for the right unteered,” simply to write “national reasons. If you aren’t, please remember” for a health pre-profesconsider. It’s sad, meeting so many sional club on their resume? doctors who now regret their career, What if you knew that the docwho wish they could take it all back, tor who holds the life of your who admit they did it for all the brother was someone who became wrong reasons. It’s so sad seeing one through lying and hypocrisy? that cold look in their eyes as they Would you really want that? watch someone else’s pain with apaLet’s just be honest. Lying and thy. Heartless, cold and downright cheating are synonymous to most cocky, they don’t even care who pre-meds. It’s just true. I used to get lives or dies.



Jag Voice What do you think of the new Facebook layout? It’s not a big deal, or a huge problem. I still don’t understand why people keep complaining about a free service. Justin Jong Biomedical Sciences Sophmore

I’m actually a fan of the new Facebook layout. With more features added to the site, it’s even easier to stay in touch with my friends. Aj Obiako Chemistry Sophmore

The new changes don’t really bother me that much. It’s still annoying that they change it up every couple months though. Meredeth Monkell Nursing Freshman

I really don’t like the new Twitter-esque aspect that Facebook is implementing. If I wanted a Twitter account, I would make one. Lam Pham Chemistry Sophmore

It’s usually annoying when Facebook implements new stuff, but the changes make the website better usually. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it once I learn to use it properly. Surabhi Vinod Biomedical Sciences Sophmore



September 26, 2011

Point Counterpoint


Should the United States government standardize education?

Editor’s Introduction: Recently the College Board reported that SAT reading scores for the class of 2011 dropped to ah almost four decade low. With this decrease in student performance, many believe that it’s time for the United States to adress its education, standardizing what all students learn in the classroom. Still, others think that education is best left in the hands of each state. The P/CP explains.

Standardization is Necessary

States Know Their Own Needs

There is no doubt that national government has Education as a whole the United States is losing the secondary education no say in the affairs of the sucks in the United States, relevancy in education; system of the United States states. and this recent informawe’re outperformed in evis on the decline. According The Department of tion about plummeting ery measure by other counto the College Board, SAT Education allocates funds SAT scores shouldn’t tries, ranking 14th, 25th and scores are at a recent low. to the states, so obviously really come as a shock to 17th in reading, math, and As bad as the system is there is an incentive for anyone. science respectively. right now, it states to do their best. The problem with our In South would be a In essence, the national education system isn’t Korea, the lot worse ungovernment does have that American students country that der the hands oversight. are more stupid than their OECD rates of the national All of these points reflect foreign counterparts; rather as number Imran Shivam government. why the national governwe lack consistency when it one in both Mohiuddin reading and Amin First of all, ment should not be in comes to teaching. according control of the educational For example, growing up math, the to the U.S. Census system, but the question still rein Mississippi, each year I took the government implemains of why there is a drop in the MCT, a standardized test used to ments standardimage courtesy of sciencedaily.com Bureau, the U.S. has over 75 million people quality of education students are measure student performance. The ized curriculums 18 or younger. receiving. numbers always told me that I did and yearly tests that tell students Is it really logical to believe that This can be linked to a variety of well, and I grew up thinking that I exactly where they stand. a one size fits all education system factors. was well ahead of the curve. Education is said to be the greatcan serve the vast array individuals Teaching is not a sought-out proWhat I eventually learned was est investment a country can make, who live in the U.S.? fession, and, sometimes, qualified that Mississippi consistently scores and right now the United States is For example, many students in individuals who may have a strong as one of the worst performing failing. areas densely populated by Hisinterest in teaching forgo it for a states when it comes to education Several reports show that each panics, such as Houston, are taught better quality life in another field. and is ranked 46 out of 51 in the year more high school graduates Spanish from grade school. Also, often there is not an efAmerican Legislative Exchange enter college unprepared, and withIt doesn’t make sense to stop ficient method of removing inept Council’s Report Card of American out intervention this trend looks teaching these students Spanish teachers. Education. like it will only continue. Individbecause of some mandated national Perhaps there should be schools So while the numbers told me ual states have had their chance to government education system or to catered to individual professions that I was on track with my learndictate what goes on the classroom, make students living in Mountain starting from an earlier age. ing, they essentially meant nothing. and the vast majority have proven Brook, Ala., learn Spanish when These are the issues that need I really had no idea how I stacked that they can’t handle the job. they may not need or use it. to be addressed if the educational up against kids across the country Standardization needs to come Secondly, the 10th Amendment system is going to be fixed. and the rest of the world. quickly, or the United States will essentially says that states are Simply giving the reigns to the Furthermore, worldwide educajust continue to slip globally as delegated all powers not explicitly national government will not solve tion statistics by the Organization other countries rise to the challenggiven to the national government. anything. for Economic Co-operation and es that we fail to address. This doesn’t mean that the Development (OECD) show that

Imran Mohiuddin Opinion Editor

Pushing Boundaries

It’s time to get real about sex A clergyman walked into my 8th grade classroom, his arms loaded with a lavender candle, butane lighter and pamphlets about abstinence. He sat down in front of us and gave a cheesy spiel that would have made a nun shed a tear, using both the candle and the lighter as analogies for love. He explained that the candle’s flames represented true love; the warm, steady, lasting love that ex-

ists between a husband and wife and is recognized by God. He then made us watch as the butane flame danced, radiating heat with the fragile fluidity of a ballerina. This was lust. Hot but ephemeral, it existed as nothing more than a ploy by Satan to corrupt us. Thinking he’d served his divine purpose, the clergyman left, and the room returned to normal. Most of his pamphlets soon made their way to the trash can, and his words, like the scent of lavender dissipated, too unsubstantial to remain relevant in our class. I remember the first girl that was pregnant within a few months. She and her boyfriend had engaged in unprotected sex, and at the ages of 14 the two learned that their adolescence was to be cut very short, the burdens of parenthood

now resting on their shoulders. But why did this have to happen? Why weren’t she, her boyfriend and thousands of other teenagers better equipped to handle the repercussions of sexual activity? The answer to this question is of course ignorance—a systemic ignorance that stems from the legislature in Montgomery and disseminates into the minds of thousands of Alabama teens each year. The legislators still believe they can tackle the problem of underage sex by appealing to some sense of religious morality. In the end this does more harm than good, because it does not stop teens from having sex and only teaches them that sexuality is something that they should not discuss and feel ashamed about. Statistics reiterate this point more than anything else. According

to Advocates for Youth, a sexual health advocacy group, Alabama exceeds the national average in the number of teenage pregnancies, and consistently ranks among the top in the spread of sexually transmitted infections. What’s even more frightening is that 42 percent of Alabama high school students reported not using a condom the last time they had sex. It should be obvious to everyone by now that there needs to be a change in the way we handle sexual education here in Alabama. Even though many claim that we’re the buckle of the Bible Belt and brag about the average number of churches per square mile, abstinence education has failed miserably in this state and it’s really time to try something new.

12 h


Vanguard Life


September 26, 2011

Bailey Hammond, Life Editor life.editor@usavanguard.com

Weekly ‘I Hate Hamlet’ Fun Night Out Lowdown

college 101: Quick Tips

Bailey Hammond LIFE EDITOR

Monday, September 26 Girls’ Day Out 6:00 p.m. The LeBlanc Room (located in the Student Center at Spring Hill College) Hosted by Iota Nu City-Wide Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. “Empowering young women today to be leaders of tomorrow” Ques ons: saw701@jaguar1.usouthal. edu

Tuesday, September 27 Choosing Your Path: Deciding Which Major is Best for You Seminar 1:00 pm in Career Services, 2100 Meisler Hall “Are you confused about what you want to do with your life?”

Graduate Expo Success: Learn How to Work a Graduate and Professional School Fair Seminar 2:30 p.m. in Career Services, 2100 Meisler Hall) “Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare for the Graduate and Professional School Expo.”

Flash Forward October 4-6 10/4 Independent Music CollecƟve 6:30 p.m. IMC Presents cri cally acclaimed musician Richard Buckner. Satori- Free with Student ID, $5 without 10/6 USA Physician Assistant Studies will host an Open House 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in Room 3103 Please RSVP to Karen LaSarge at klasarge@ usouthal.edu or call (251) 445-9345

Friday, October 7 Graduate and Professional School Expo 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Mitchell Center Waterman Globe Lobby “For a list of par cipa ng schools, please visit alabamaconnec on.org” More info contact Career Services at 251460-6188. Want your event featured? Email the name, date, time, price, place and a brief tagline (under seven words) to life.editor@usavanguard.com. Include “Weekly Lowdown” in the subject line. Emails must be received at least seven days before the event.

John Barrymore, legend of stage and screen, once asked, “Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?” It is a question that pretty much sums up the life of a college student, and, of course, many stage actors can relate as well. Fortunately, those two worlds can collide, and what is born from the brief span of two hours is a connection and a sense of cathartic relief. “I Hate Hamlet,” the play currently in production at USA, confronts both money and fame. T. Fulton Burns, director, gave some back-story as to why the play was chosen and quite wisely stated in the playbill, “failure is inevitable,” but it is what we choose to do after our failures that determines where we go in life. The comedy allows its audience the comfort of facing their own fears of inadequacy through the struggles of Andrew Rally as he fights both himself and a ghost of Hamlets past, none other than the lascivious John Barrymore. Try though he might to resist, Andy Rally soon falls under Barrymore’s tutelage, and he learns some valuable lessons both of acting and love. To add to Rally’s already low selfesteem, he finds himself unable to get his girlfriend to sleep with him. Although this may seem like a rather crude goal, it only adds to the hilarity as he is constantly foiled in his advances, and the ghost of Barrymore looks mockingly on in disapproval. “I Hate Hamlet” is a satire of simple aim: the punch lines are obvious, the characters well-defined and the points easily made. However, despite those things, the actors give a great performance, which is surprising since it is the first time for a few of the actors to perform at the University of South Alabama. The lead, Carlton Warnberg, gives a slap-stick performance as Andrew Rally, and he is quite charming despite the rather onerous repetitions of denial and inadequacy that Rally maintains. In contrast to the depressed and very Hamlet-like Rally, Andrew Willis as John Barrymore gives a marvelous performance as the nonchalant, sarcastic, womanizing mentor figure. “I Hate Hamlet” is Willis’s fourth show at USA, and it is obvious he is

Staff Photo The scene is ready in anticipation of the action to unfold onstage. It’s amazing to think that only a few weeks ago that stage was empty of eveyrthing.

Staff Photo During the intermission between Act I and II, the prop people turned the post-moving day apartment into a medieval splendor, replete with suits of armor, a tapestry and even the iconic skull from “Hamlet.” perfectly comfortable on the stage. Debuting at Laidlaw this season is Chelsea Exum who stars as Deidra McDavey, Andrew Rally’s naïve girlfriend. She acts her heart out in a role that is fairly limiting in emotional range and dedicates herself fully to the whimsical nature of Deidra. Another USA Theatre veteran, senior Devin Patrick, fills the role of Felicia Dantine, the real estate agent who makes Rally live in Barrymore’s apartment. Her performance is electric, and when she takes the stage, she works it to her fullest advantage.

Newcomer Gray West, playing the greedy Hollywood friend of Rally, Gary Peter Lefkowitz, also shines on the stage and seems to become more than just an actor on a stage; he is Gary Lefkowitz, and the world is his oyster. Last, but certainly not least, is Jean Galloway. Galloway plays Lillian Troy, past lover of Barrymore and current agent for Rally, and she sparkles in her role. Galloway is currently an adjunct faculty in the Department of Dramatic Arts here at USA and in the past has also directed. Her participation in the production brings much grace to the See Hamlet page 15


Have a question, story idea or a story to tell? Any student can write for The Vanguard, and any student, employee or community member can write a letter to the editor. Editor.in.chief@ usavanguard.com



September 26, 201




September 26, 2011

Fall Fashion Brings the Fierce Bailey Hammond LIFE EDITOR

Fashion quite literally took center stage Sept. 22, and a worthy cause benefited as a result. The University of South Alabama Communication Association’s Second Annual Fall Fashion Show, which for brevity’s sake we’ll call The Show, drew a large crowd to witness the fashions of fall 2011, with 50 percent of the proceeds from ticket sales to go to Penelope House. The mission of Penelope House is to provide safety, protection and support to the victims of domestic violence and their children through the provision of

shelter, advocacy and individual and community education, according to penelopehouse.org. Penelope House is historically a popular charity for USA student organizations to rally behind. The color of the night was purple, and ushers, show directors and assistants alike sported purple outfits or purple ribbons in support of Penelope House. The fashionable night at USA Mitchell Center featured men’s and women’s looks from Belk, Men’s Warehouse, Francesca’s and Polish, all boutiques and stores in Mobile. There were also door prizes provided by the various spon-

Staff Photo

The crowd and the hosts are ready for the fashion show to commence as the runway sits empty before them prior to the show.

Staff Photo

USA football players come up onstage to show their support for Penelope House and the models, and ended up taking questions from the crowd. sors. Attendees were given the “red carpet” treatment upon arrival with an actual red carpet and paparazzi to take their pictures as they are ushered to their seats. VIP tickets were available for $20, and those lucky few got front rows seats by the catwalk. Hosting The Show was none other than local celebrity Chasity Byrd of FOX10 News, who also happens to be a University of South Alabama graduate. Byrd graduated with a communication degree from USA, and stated she was thrilled to return to her alma mater in order to help with such a great cause. Keeping the audience entertained was the Jag Radio team, headed by Matt Logan, faculty advisor for Jag Radio.

At one point the sound of the “Cupid Shuffle” called football players, attendees and the Jag Radio team to the stage to dance. The night wasn’t all fun and dance games though. There was a scene reminiscent of “Zoolander” when two models had a “walk-off,” and the crowd had to vote for which model was the “fiercest.” With such entertainment to keep the crowd attentive, the night concluded after giving Mobile a taste of the high life and the models a whiff of fame, much like the perfume samples given to each attendee upon entrance to the event. There were beautiful sights and beautiful scents, coupled with the beautiful thought behind the entire event.

Renewable Energy Pros and Cons Jeffrey Gill

ENVIRONMENTAL WRITER Renewable energy becoming a major source of civilization’s energy input is the only way our way of life will continue sustainably into the future. There is no high-magnitude, constant-power, cost-effective cure-all energy source just yet, but engineers worldwide are trying. And why wouldn’t they? There are wonderful ideas for energy capture all over the world, but the key to unlock the potential of these sources lies in profit. So, the only draw a sustainable energy source has is that of a “goodfaith” or “clean” technology. Many usually cite solar, water and wind-powered arrays as clean energy sources, but they could also hide some potentially harmful side effects. Hydroelectric dams are usually

into the same river downstream. thought of as producers of clean enThis system only works where there ergy, but they lead to a host of other is a large height difference between problems. Among these include, obviously, the two relatively close points on a river. Wind farms also have their ecologidisruption of river flow. This, along cal footprints, but migrating birds are with the high-turbulence output of the victims. water at the bottom of the dam, ruins Wind farms the ecology of the produce noise river. pollution and Migrating fish are eyesores, species are not altwo NIMBY lowed to complete (“not-in-mytheir journeys and backyard”) are subsequently issues that seem thinned in populato draw unrest tion. and protest This is being from all democorrected in some graphics based places by using Courtesy of scienceagogo.com on aesthetic dams that work in series that only Vertical axis wind turbines, or VAWTs, opinion. divert some of the are just one of an array of creative twists The most river’s flow, which on clean energy. promising is then discharged technology to

me personally is the vertical axis wind turbine—VAWT. A California Institute of Technology study contends that VAWTs can gather up to 10x more energy per unit area, making wind a more powerdense contender. Grist.org claims that some regions of the United States have shown wind power to be more economically viable than coal and other non-renewable resources. Offshore wind turbine plants, another developing innovation, would greatly reduce noise pollution as well as the protests against wind power. The hurdles of the renewable energy takeover will be leapt by those in the world of engineering that are willing to think creatively. There is some sense of hope in the future that whatever problems human create, can be solved just as well by humans.

15 A Look at ‘The Help’ Via Two Types of Media The


Kalyn McClellan

CONTRIBUTING WRITER Kathryn Stockett wrote a novel that brings a mixture of emotions to her readers. From laugh-out-laud moments to chapters of excruciating heartache, “The Help” offers a glimpse into a time in history that most people would like to forget. Set in 1960s Jackson, Miss., Stockett’s novel sheds light on the way of life among the southern African-American maids that served prominent white families. Skeeter Phelan, a main character, is a young white woman determined to write a book from the maids’ points of view and asks for help from Aibileen, a well-known maid in the community. The first question Aibileen is asked is, “What does it feel like to raise a white child when your own child is at home being looked after by someone else?” During the 1960s in the South, many white children were raised by the help, hence the title of the novel, and were rarely even held

the novel. The main conflict in the book is can these two women talk other maids into contributing to the book and will they be able to pull it off while nosy Hilly and her Women’s League ladies are snooping around? Also, will they ever be able to convince the sassy, smart-mouthed Minny, the maid no one wants, that the book could not be complete without her shocking story Staff f Illustra on of revenge? Whenever a book is made into a movie, the two are inThe film that variably going to be compared. “The Help” is no excep- recently graced theaters and was tion. based on the novel by their own mothers. Some of was a slight disapthe children even call the help pointment. their “real mommas.” While the characters in the This question stirs anger, hapfilm are true to the characters piness and sorrow in Aibileen, within the novel, many scenes and sets the tone for the rest of that would have made the movie

Hamlet from page 12

otherwise green cast. In addition to the wonderful performances on-stage, it is worth noting that the stage set itself is marvelously rendered. Lyle Miller, professor, designed the scene and lighting for the performance. Due to the set up of the stage, the audience is almost put directly into the room with the characters, creating an aesthetically close relationship to the action of the play. In the beginning of the play, the scene is rather bare with only moving boxes as decoration, and it further adds to the feeling that Rally does not belong in the world of stage acting. However, between acts, the scene gets a makeover in the form of suits of armor, tapestry and drapes, books, a skull and other props that lend the performance an air of period-acting legitimacy. By the end of the production, the audience has been guided through a labyrinth of emotions, struggles and Rally’s coming-of-age. Add in the humor, and you’ve

got a hit on your hands. Due to the adult content--mentions of sex, innuendo and other character portrayals of sexual activity--the play deserves a PG-13 rating. However, teenagers and adults will find that the humor consistently overpowers the sexual implications, for the most part. “I Hate Hamlet” will continue its production on Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1. All performances begin at 7:30 p.m., and tickets can be purchased by calling the Box Office at 251460-6306 or directly at Laidlaw Performing Arts Center 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tickets are $10 for USA students, $12 for USA faculty, staff and senior citizens and $14 for general audience members.

much better were left out. The movie also glosses over some of the heartbreaking moments, giving no time for emotions to set in or for the viewers to build sympathy for the characters the way the novel does. The humor in the movie, however, was done very well, and at times the laugh-out-loud parts were even funnier than those in the book. If someone had to make a choice between reading the novel and seeing the movie, this reviewer would definitely recommend the novel. While the movie is good, the huge range of emotions one feels while reading the novel, as well as the benefit of gaining respect for the incredible strength and perseverance of the black community of that time, cannot be reproduced onscreen. Five stars are awarded to the novel. Three stars go to the film. Whichever one you choose, you are bound to enjoy the struggle and the camaraderie among the women central to the story’s plot. It’s a beautiful tale of heartache and redemption.

September 26, 2011



Downtown Nightlife Threatened by City Ordinance Anna Stanley


The Mobile City Council is scheduled to vote next week on a proposed law prohibiting local night clubs from serving alcohol after certain hours and requiring them to abide by new age restrictions. In response to the recent shootings on Dauphin Street, Councilman William Carroll sponsored the ordinance as a strategy to decrease the likelihood of danger to the community. “Ultimately, we could all benefit from a better managed downtown (area), which would be free of the existing crime and safety concerns,” said David Rasp, owner of Heroes Sports Bar and Grille. Rasp said he does not expect his business to be negatively affected by the ordinance. Last Tuesday, the council met to discuss the details of the proposal, which would prohibit night clubs from serving alcohol after 2 a.m. on Sunday and 3 a.m. on other days. It would also

restrict any person under the age of 21 from entering those establishments. Although the law is intended to promote safety, Brian Wattier of The Underhill Family Orchestra said little support was shown for it at the meeting. “Out of the eight people that spoke, only one was in agreement to the curfew happening, and I definitely think that council members’ views on the matter were affected,” Wattier said. Several bar owners, employees and local musicians who attended the meeting to show their opposition said they rely heavily on profits made during later hours. Wil Reid, local musician and bartender at Hayley’s downCourtesy of Anna Stanley town, said he is worried about Students chat with officers in downtown Mobile. The natural order of night life will how the law might affect him financially. potentially be disrupted by a new ordinance imposing stricter regulations. “It’s going to be a big hit to at 10:30 a.m. in the Government and write and meet with the City my pocket because we will lose Plaza Auditorium. Open to the Council members to give them out on all the late-night busipublic, the meeting will serve as a view of the public opinion on ness,” he said. a final opportunity for people to this,” Wattier said. “Now is the The city council plans to vote on the proposal during a meeting voice their opinions on the issue. time for action.” “People need to actively call scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 4,

Coastal Clean-Up Makes a Difference Jake Howell

SECTION WRITER On Sept. 17, at our very own Langan Park, over 300 students from USA and 60 people from the community sacrificed a lazy Saturday morning to be part of Alabama’s 24th Annual Coastal Cleanup. The students arrived at the park at 7:45 a.m. and were broken into groups of four or fewer. Each group received a tally sheet on which the different types of trash collected would be recorded. Those participating were given gloves, trash bags and one litter stick per group. The groups dispersed and collected any and all trash they found around the park and at the water’s edge. Randy Hunter of Campus Recreation brought 10 canoes to enable submerged or otherwise unreachable trash to be collected. By mid-morning, six truck-bed loads of trash had been taken to the dumpster. Dr. Cindy Stanfield, the site coordinator for Langan Park’s cleanup and faculty advisor for the Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Honor


Photo Courtesy of coastalcleanup.org The manatees are not the only mammals or other sea creatures who benefit from a clean coast; vistors and locals alike enjoy the clean beaches and waterways.

Society, told The Vanguard that 10 campus organizations participated. Future Pharm D. Association, Mortar Board, Circle K Inter-

national, the African American Student Association, the Biology Student Association, the Honors Program, AED Pre-Health Honor Society, Student National Pharma-

Editor’s Note: Go See A Dolphin’s Tale in theaters if you’re animal inclined. cy Association, the Geology Club and Dr. Juan Mata’s CAS 100 class all donated time and effort. The Greeks also turned out in full force with representatives from nine different organizations. “We did a wonderful thing out there Saturday and made an impact on our environment. But until people learn to place trash in proper receptacles instead of throwing it out their car windows, the earth is in danger,” Stanfield said. Stanfield echoed what the International Coastal Cleanup organizers have known for 25 years. According to the Ocean Conservancy’s website, nearly 9 million volunteers from 152 countries and locations have cleaned 145 million pounds of trash from the shores of lakes, streams, rivers and the ocean on just one day each year. One woman helping out in the park told Dr. Stanfield, “Wow, look at all these South Alabama students. What a wonderful thing for them to be doing.” We are, at least, raising awareness about the impact pollution has on our own backyards and our beaches.





Jayson Curr Sports Edito Sports.editor@usavanguardcom

August 22, 2011

Nothing Flashy, Jags Lose Second Straight First Half Miscues, Second Half Comeback Falls Short For The Jags Jayson Curry Sports Editor

“In the first half we were a little KENT, Ohio - The University of tentative. South Alabama’s Football Team The defense has started a new streak. But it’s not played pretexactly the streak the Jags are used ty good. We to. After losing its first game against put them in an FBS opponent, the Jags traveled some bad to Kent, Ohio, to face the Kent State positions. Golden Flashes. I think I The Jags sounded and looked like was pressa team that had learned from their ing a little mistakes in last week’s loss and were bit,” USA ready to come out and get their vicquarterback tory over an FBS opponent. But from C.J. Bennett the opening kickoff, the Jags looked said. “In the to be flat and uninspired. second half With just over two minutes left we opened before half time, the Flashes were up up the 19-0.The Jags looked to use a quick quarterback drive and score before half to leave Ma run game. them down by 12. The flashes kicked I thought it USA receiver Bryant lavender Goes Into The Air To Catch A Pass Saturday. the ball off out of bounds and gave kept them scored the first touchdown for the USA their best field position of the honest. I thought that made a differJags followed by a 25-yard field goal game. But two plays later C.J. Benence in the past game. “ by Jordan Means and finally a fourth Bennett ended the game going and goal conversion from C.J. Ben14-36 passing with three internett to Jereme Jones. ception, one touchdown and 281 The Jag defense was led by mulyards. He also added 42 yards tiple players who had career games. rushing of five carries, finishing USA linebacker Jake Johnson finas USA’s leading rusher. USA’s offense struggled to gain any momentum and any yards in the first half gaining only 44 yards on 25 offensive plays. Kent State on the other hand racked up 198 yards on 42 plays and started almost every offensive possession around the 50 yard line. But to USA’s credit, they never gave up. With better field position and better execution in the second half, the Jags seemed comeback-minded. “The first half was a comedy ished the game with 17 total tackles of errors. We go down 26-0, and and a forced fumble. Safety Ken you go to half and talk to the Barefield totaled 10 tackles and Ma Weaver guys, and they come out ready to recovered the fumble forced by Kavin Helms Catches The Two Point Conversion play,” head coach Joey Jones said. Johnson. “I didn’t think they were ready to Entering the fourth quarter at Dix nett threw an interception that was play, and I take the blame for that.” Stadium, the Jags had all the momenreturned back to the USA 26. The Led by a stifling defense and a hot tum and were battling the Golden very next play Kent State scored on a offense, the Jags scored quickly to Flashes as well as the clock. run to the left, and the blowout had bring the score to 33-17 before the The defense completely shut begun. fourth quarter began. Demetre Baker

down the flashes offense in the second half and really allowed the offense to attempt the comeback. “On defense we just try to go out and do what we do,” USA cornerback Damond Smith said. “Get three and outs and create turnovers. We just came up short today.“ The offense cut the lead even more on Demetre Baker’s second touchdown of the game to bring the score to 33-23. The Jags needed to go for two and convert to bring the game within one score. C.J. Bennett connected with a pass over Kevin Helms’ shoulder to get the two points. Weaver The Jags’ defense stepped up again and forced Kent State to punt the ball with just over three minutes left in the game. The offense took the field on their own 29 and after two incomplete passes the Jags threw another interception, making that three in the game. With no timeouts, the Jaguar defense forced the flashes to punt the ball back to the Jags with only 36 seconds left. C.J. Bennett and Jereme Jones connected again to get the ball to near their own 40, and Bennett spiked the ball to give the Jags their last chance with only four seconds remaining. After scrambling around in the back field Bennett heaved the ball down field, and it was caught by Corey Besteda, and for a second it looked like Besteda had a chance to run the ball around the defense and into the end zone but he was eventually stopped. “I’m proud of our team. I feel like we waited a little late to turn it on,” Smith said. “I’m proud of the way we fought. We have no reason to hang our head. We can play with anybody, but we just had a slow start, and it really hurt us.”

“We can play with anybody but we just had a slow start and it really hurt us.”- Damond Smith




Young Runners Gaining Experience Jayson Curry Sports Editor

than I expected. We have a group of guys that want to make each other better It’s a new season for South every workout, and that is Alabama’s cross country why we’re going to keep program. And with the new getting more competitive year comes new faces, on both and successful at every men’s and women’s team, race this year.” and a new face at the cross The women’s team country coaching position. finished in first, also Coach Mike Barbee came to led by Tori Wilson for USA last year at the end of the the second week. After cross country season and has leading the team in both been planning and training meets, Lawson was named his team for the new season. Sun Belt runner of the “Coach Barbee is working week. hard to get us back to being “Honestly, I didn’t really a top Sun Belt program. We know what to expect are still awfully young, but I coming into the season, feel like we are heading in the we have a really young right direction,” USA head team. But after these first track and field coach Paul couple meets I was really Brueske said. “We have some impressed at everyone’s solid student-athletes that overall performance, and are going to train hard to get I’m excited to see how us back to the top of the Sun much everyone is going to Belt.” improve,” freshman Mary The men’s squad enters with Finn said. “There is a lot only two upper classmen of talent on our team, and with senior Daniel Cooper I think we’re going to do and junior Alex Shields. These really well at conference. two runners are followed by a After that point in the group of freshmen who were USAJAGUARS.COM season I’m not sure recruited by Barbee. “The what to expect, but I look USA Cross Country Runner Tori Lawsopn whole point of coming to a forward to the challenge four-year school is to train an and to seeing just how on this year’s team, and only two athlete four to five years and much everyone will undoubtedly of the men have ever run an 8k see all the progress that’s possible have improved by then” race before. The men were led by with more time put in,” Barbee The teams will compete again in freshman Justin Housley for the said. “I’m very excited at the seven Louisville on Oct. 1. This meet will second meet. freshmen we have now and we are be a measuring stick for how good “I honestly had no idea what to looking to bring in two or three next both the men’s and women’s team expect coming into August. I was year. The progress these guys will truly are after racing against only the only returning athlete on the make this fall alone is great.” one conference opponent. team, but based on what coach The women’s team appears to be “I think there is still a lot to much more balanced as it comes be seen. We have only faced one to experience with two seniors, conference opponent, and that’s four juniors, two sophomores Troy State, and that’s a team and three freshmen runners. The we habitually finish in front women expect to be led by junior of,” Barbee said. “Now when Tori Lawson and freshman Crystal we go to Louisville on Oct. 1, Wachob. we are going to see some more After two meets, the South conference teams, and we are Alabama men’s and women’s anxious to see how we measure cross country teams couldn’t be against them. more pleased. During the Troy “I gave them training over the invitational, the women’s team summer, but they weren’t very finished tied for first with Auburn familiar with what to do. The after finishing with four of the top great thing is now we have been six runners in the race. The men’s together for a calendar month, team finished second, only six and they’re definitely making points behind Auburn’s men. great strides in that month. We have Barbee had told me about the After Troy, the Jags came home five weeks until conference, and so runners coming in, I was confident to host the Azalea City Classic. The we want to continue that process we would reload the team quickly,” men finished with a perfect score for another month and get ready to junior Alex Shields said. “We’re a of 15 on the 8k course. The biggest compete at conference.” very young team, but everyone is thing to remember about the men’s handling the new workload better team is there are seven freshmen

“There is a lot of talent on our team, and I think we’re going to do really well at conference. -Mary Finn

USA Soccer Jake Wasdin Sports Reporter After dropping their first game of the season to Louisiana Tech 4-0, the South Alabama women’s soccer team has started to find their stride. After a seven game winning streak, which include victories against Nicholls State, Alcorn, Alabama State and Jacksonville State, the Lady Jags tied Morehead State at home to remain undefeated at the Cage. The streak brings the midseason record to 8-1-1. “I think the wins have helped us gain some confidence. We have scored early and held the lead for 90 minutes, and we’ve also had to come back from being down a goal,” senior defender Landi Wilson said. “This will help us in conference because really anything can happen, and we need to be prepared and have confidence in all different scenarios.” The University is off to its best start in school history. Along with their lengthy win streak, South Alabama has managed to outscore their opponents 25-5. Brandi Smith is one of the key reasons this team is playing so well. She has scored four game winning goals, which leads the nation, and has tallied 16 points on the season so far, but right behind her are two other ladies, Landi Wilson and Clarissa Hernandez, who are in sync with their own game. The duo have both contributed 10 and seven points respectively. “So far I think we’ve performed well,” Wilson said. “We’ve done what we needed to get the job done, we just need to work on lighting that spark before games so we come out with more intensity and readiness.” “We have really good chemistry as a team now, and it shows on the field,” sophomore Jacey Chandler said. “Every team member has the same goal-to succeed and play well for each other.” Also, the Jaguars won the Port City Classic tournament where they played Austin Peay and Presbyterian. Riding their streak the Lady Jaguars have found themselves ranked nationally 12th in win-lost-tied percentage and 28th in scoring offense. “We’re pretty confident going into conference,” Chandler said. “But we’re all excited to raise the intensity and surprise the other Sun Belt teams.” The Lady Jags entered conference play this Friday at home in the Cage against Louisiana-Lafayette, a game in which the Jags won 3-0, followed by another game at home Sunday against Louisiana-Monroe. “Because we are 8-1-1, I think we have even more drive to keep winning,” Wilson said. “We know what we’ve started, and we want to finish it and accomplish the goals we set for ourselves as a team, where it really matters: conference.”



For the first time since the 2001 season and just the second time in the program’s history, the University of South Alabama volleyball team improved to 2-0 on the young Sun Belt Conference season Saturday when the Jaguars picked up a 3-1 (18-25, 26-24, 25-19, 25-13) victory over Louisiana-Monroe at Jag Gym. “It’s important to get off to a good start in conference play, and I’m extremely proud of the way our team played this weekend,” South Alabama head coach Nicole Keshock said. “We have a good group of girls and they have the right type of mentality.” South Alabama opened the 2001 season with a pair of 3-1 wins at New Orleans and at Arkansas State.

USA SOFTBALL OPENS FALL SEASON The University of South Alabama softball team began their fall schedule with a controlled scrimmage against Southeastern Louisiana Saturday afternoon at Jaguar Field. “We had things broken down a lot,” said USA head coach Becky Clark. “Right now, we weren’t doing much to execute. We were, more or less, letting the kids get their swings in and get their timing down. Next time we play we’ll start putting in more of our offense. For what we’ve been working on, and for what we’ve been asking them to do, it was good. “Eventually, we will want to speed up the game more. Right now, it’s at a slower pace because we haven’t set up our offense yet. Once we get more of our offense put in hopefully we’ll be able to speed up the game.” WOMEN’S TENNIS DOUBLES DOMINATES AT SOUTHERN SHOOTOUT The University of South Alabama’s women’s tennis team continued their doubles winning streak with an additional three wins in the Southern Shootout hosted by Georgia State. The Jaguars competed against teams from Georgia State in doubles and players from Jacksonville in singles. Overall in doubles action, South Alabama only dropped six games combined in all three matches to remain undefeated on the weekend. “Today was a good day if you look at the wins and losses,” said USA head coach Jaco Keyser. “The girls were really scrappy and I loved the way we competed to stay in the matches and mentally grinded out wins.” “We still have too many basic errors,” said Keyser. “Our fundamentals are breaking down, but that’s why we play these matches, to work out the kinks.” -Wire reports


Football’s Smith Not InƟmidated by FBS Matt Weaver Senior Reporter KENT, Ohio -Damond Smith isn’t afraid. That’s the message the proactive junior defensive back sent to the world following South Alabama’s 33-25 loss to Kent State on Saturday afternoon at Dix Stadium. South Alabama’s offensive ineptitude did no favors to Smith and his defense but that never stopped them from containing an FBS opponent to 35 points or less for the second straight week, including just seven points in the second half. The Jaguar offense, led by second-year quarterback C.J. Bennett struggled in the game’s first half and continued to put Kent State’s offense in excellent field position. The Golden Flashes averaged an offensive drive at their own 46-yard line, Ma Weaver essentially midfield in the first Damond Smith (front) leads his Jaguar defense against Kent State on Saturday a ernoon half, including an average of at Dix Stadium. The Jaguars lost 33-25. the South Alabama 46 in the crowds of a FBS stadium. Many game. In comparison, Laddfirst quarter. of them were star-shocked, Peebles lowest attendance South Alabama entered shooting video and taking figure for a South Alabama halftime down 26-0 with the pictures. That’s all but one game is 14,119 against Missouri defense battered and weary. S&T last October. Rather than blame his offensive Jaguar defensive back…Smith. “Stop taking pictures,” Smith “I’ve played FBS football comrades, Smith maintained was overheard as saying. “We before and I do have [some his composure and that of his ain’t here for a vacation. We’re obligation] to tone down my fellow back-fielders until the here to work. So stop taking teammates,” Smith said. “Look offense could get sorted out pictures.” at [Saturday’s] game; we didn’t during halftime. make plays in the first half And sort-out the offense and once it became like any did, exploding for 330 total other game in the second offensive yards and 25 points half, we proved we can in the second half. That’s in compete with anyone. comparison to just 44 yards “We just can’t wait until and no points in the first. The the second half to get after increase in offensive production them. They eat, sleep and resulted in worse field position breathe just like we do. We for the Golden Flashes and have to go in there with increased production, resulting that mindset and we can in a second-half shutout for the dominate anyone.” South Alabama defense. South Alabama is now The Jags comeback would past their first season of FBS ultimately come just short. competition and finished it “I’m just proud of my 0-2 but that’s not indicative teammates,” Smith said. “We Smith just isn’t that of South Alabama’s talent showed the world the past impressed. level or conditioning. They two weeks that if we play two Smith, a Western Michigan battled with two very tough complete halves of football, transfer, once competed in football programs and in both we can hang with these FBS the traveling circus formerly cases matched up with them schools.” successfully. The second round As if there ever was a concern known as NCAA Division I-A. He knows what it’s like of FBS opponents might be for the candid Smith. and would argue that it’s no in for an even tougher South Flash back to just before different and in some cases, Alabama challenge because last Saturday’s Football Bowl less prestigious than playing at quite frankly, the Jags just Subdivision debut against home and inside Ladd-Peebles aren’t scared. North Carolina State. Much Stadium. Kent, an FBS member Damond Smith won’t let them of the roster had never played drew 15,352 to Saturday night’s be. before the bright lights and big

“I’ve played FBS football before. They eat, sleep and breathe just like we do.” -USA CB Damond Smith










Jag Bikes from page 1

atmosphere. Rather than postpone the inevitable change, eco-minded students and faculty, including the USA Sustainability Council decided to change the culture, transforming South Alabama into a more bike-friendly campus starting with the introduction of Jag Bikes. “When we were gifted the funds, we had decided that the Jag Bikes were the most worthy project to spend it on,” Moulton said. “Our students and faculty desire a more sustainable campus and the bikes go a long way in accomplishing that goal.” Moulton previously told The Vanguard that in the future, a parking garage may be built on the exterior of campus. It would be much more conducive to the university’s motorist environment to have students bike to the interior of campus. Each bike cost approximately $65 and was purchased from the Huffy Bicycle brand. A total of 500 bikes were purchased. A maintenance program was planned from the start and was budgeted by the University. Approximately 100 bikes were kept in storage. The restoration project is taking place in the old South Alabama bookstore at the University Commons and is being spearheaded by Ryan Boyd, a geology department senior, and is by all given accounts, doing an excellent job. The bikes are being restored and they are not coming back for additional repairs. The new bikes are more durable, responsive, and just as trendy. Boyd says that students involved on the program have done everything from permanently affixing the handlebar grips to relubing the chains and installing new petals. “We’ve basically made them tanks,” Boyd said. Boyd and his team work for the administration. Much of the blame on bike damages was placed at the hands of students who misused the bikes and purposely pushed them to the limits of their design.

The bikes have always been simplistic in nature and must be treated with respect. They are not fragile but reports of students using them as stunt bikes led to some of the damages and the redesigned bikes are just as susceptible to the same fate. “We would like to see better cooperation and more responsible behavior from our bike riders,” Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. John Smith said. “I really think we can get these bikes to last several years if we can get everyone on the same page.” Some students expressed a desire to see the program get axed in favor of other projects but Moulton insists that it’s much too early to give up on the bikes. “We set out to change the culture and it’s working,” Moulton said. “Ideally, we’d like to get out of the bike business and see students riding their own bikes.” Director of Facilities Chris Willis spoke to The Vanguard in regards to the frequent complaint of bikes being ridden on USA roads. “Bikes have a right to the road,” Willis stated, citing Alabama law. Weeks after the initial rollout, an increased number of private bikes have been spotted on campus. Dr. Jim Connors, a University professor of geology and advisor to the Geology Club believes that the project has made riding bikes “cool again.” “I’m as excited as ever,” Connors said. “Every time I see a student riding across campus on a Jag Bike, or on one of the many private bikes that have suddenly showed up at USA, I get reenergized about the bikes. “We’re really changing the culture here.” Helmets are now available at the USA bookstore, and students are encouraged to notify USAPD if the bikes are being misused or are spotted off campus. It is not against the rules for a student to house a bike within a dorm room, but it is recommended that if a student choses to do so that they only keep one and bear in mind that they were intended as community property.

Questions or comments about something happening on campus? Ask us on our Facebook page, “The Vanguard: USA’s Student Newspaper.”

Vanguard Staff Staff editor.in.chief@usavanguard.com

Jag Life-




September 26, 2011


by Ben Lewis

Weekly Quotable Quote

Sudoku Challenge

Books won’t stay banned. They won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. ~Alfred Whitney Griswold

Sudoku courtesy of USA Student Health- Phone: 460-7151

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