April 22 Issue of The Vanguard

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VOL. 52, NO. 14

“If it matters to the USA family, it matters to us.”

APR. 22, 2013

USA alum helps others in Boston By CASSIE FAMBRO



Spring break 2014 coupled with Mardi Gras By STUART SOX sgsox@att.net

The 2014 Spring Break and Fat Tuesday will combined into a single break from classes for students. Every year the university forms a committee made up of members of faculty, staff, the registrar and the Student Government Association president known as the Calendar Committee. The Calendar Committee meets annually to establish a school year calendar for two years in the future. This year’s calendar was established by the 2010-2011 Calendar Committee. The 2013-2014 calendar was established by the 2011-2012 Committee,

who placed Spring Break on March 3-9 in the calendar. Fat Tuesday, which changes every year in accordance with Easter, will take place on March 4, 2014, nearly a month later than it did this year, February 12. According to Keith Harrison, the Calendar Committee chairman and the associate vice president of the office of academic affairs, the Calendar Committee felt that having Spring Break on March 11-17 as it was in 2013 would be “bad academically” because it would less than a week after Fat Tuesday. “We felt that it would simply be too much time away from studies for students,” Harrison commented.

The Calendar Committee, realizing that this would be a break from tradition, tried to delay their decision to finalize this calendar to wait for student input on the decision, according to Dean of Students Dr. Michael Mitchell. “The Calendar Committee went as far as scheduling a second meeting for the 2013-2014 calendar after their regular meeting… and the SGA representatives that were supposed to give student input failed to attend either meeting,” Dean Mitchell said. The SGA president at the time was Colin Al-Greene. Al-Greene told The Vanguard that it was accidentally missed. “We’ve attended several meetings where

the calendar was discussed,” Al-Greene said. “But we just missed the one where the decision was made.” In order to compensate for this change, the Calendar Committee organizing the 2013-2014 year agreed to make the Thursday before finals week the last day of class instead of Friday. This way, the students have the same amount of days off from classes. “The situation has been fixed and will not be repeated for the 2014-2015 year,” said SGA President Parker Chastain, who served as part of the Calendar Committee for the 2014-2015 school year.

Governor will attend anniversary celebration By CASSIE FAMBRO caf707@jagmail.southalabama.edu

The University of South Alabama will celebrate its 50th Anniversary on May 3 — 50 years to the day since USA was created by legislative act in 1963. The event will include a tribute to President Gordon Moulton who is retiring July 1 after 15 years as president.

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He has been with the University for 46 of its 50 years. The 50th Anniversary celebration will take place at 6:30 p.m. on campus at Moulton Tower and Alumni Plaza. It will include food, music and fireworks; memories of the University’s early years; recognition of faculty and their teaching, research, scholarly activity and creative works; and a video presentation of USA’s first half cen-

Check out our digital edition thevanguardonline.com

tury. Gov. Robert Bentley will be speaking to attendees. The event is free and open to the public. In case of rain, the event will be held in the Mitchell Center arena. USA boasts 75,000 degrees awarded, 15,000 students currently enrolled, 250,000 patients treated annuals, 5,500 employees and $2 billion in economic impact every year.

Life, Page 5

Katie Beth Clark graduated from USA in 2011. A Mobile native, Clark moved to Boston to pursue a real-estate career. On the day of the Boston bombings, Clark was at the marathon supporting a friend and experiencing the event. When the bombing occurred, Clark took to Facebook and said “God help us, we’re being bombed” and “I’m running please pray.” This was before any media knew what was going on. In the aftermath, The Vanguard reached out to Clark to learn about her experience that day. Clark immediately rushed into action to assist others. Below is her story written in her own words. Katie’s Story “I was standing on Exiter street went to a store on Boylston street. I walked out of the store and before I knew it, a bomb went off, People hit the ground, and there was blood everywhere. It was unreal to be honest. I ran towards Fairfield Street (and towards the Prudential Center) which was the next block over. Seconds before I get to the corner, another one goes off. At the time, I thought we were being bombed from above. In my mind, another one was going to hit us any second. I run to the middle of the block between both bombs and help as many injured people as I could. Me, as well as other people who I've never met in my life, were lifting people, literally taking children who lost their parents, forcing everyone in the basement. No one wanted to go into the basement but we had no choice. The freaking fire escape door was jammed and we were all stuck. We would have liked to leave and run towards the Charles River. (The idea behind the Charles River is that in front of us was the Prudential Center, See BOSTON Page 5

In this Issue: Sports, Page 8 Opinion, Page 12


VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013


VOL. 52, NO. 14 /APR. 22, 2013

“University of South Alabama’s Student Voice”

Editorial Editor in Chief Copy Editor Life Editor Opinion Editor Sports Editor Left of Center Senior Reporter Web Editor Staff Reporter

Cassie Fambro Alyssa Newton Jake Howell Noah Logan Patrick Herring JT Crabtree Jayson Curry

PAGE three Weather for April 22-27

Matthew Strickland

Stuart Sox

Distribution Distribution Bobby Faulk Matthew Rhodes

Advertising Advertising Wesley Jackson Mohammad Al-Zarrad

Graphic Designer Rex McKay

Management Advising J. Sellers J. Aucoin Accounting Kathy Brannan


Send letters and guest columns to: The Vanguard University of South Alabama P.O. Drawer U-1057 Mobile, Ala., 36688. Or editor.in.chief@usavanguard.com Letters and guest columns must be received by 7 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Monday publication. Submissions should be typed and must include the writer’s name, year, school and telephone number. All submissions become the property of The Vanguard. The Vanguard reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for length and clarity. Letters will be limited to 300 words. Letters and guest columns are the opinion of the writer. The Staff Editorial represents the consensus opinion of the Editorial Board, which is composed of the Editor in Chief, Copy Editor, Senior Reporter, and Opinion Editor. All members of the Editorial Board have the same weight. The Vanguard has a commitment to accuracy and clarity and will print any corrections or clarifications. To report a mistake, e-mail editor. in.chief@usavanguard.com. The Vanguard is published Mondays during the academic year, except for exam periods and vacations, and is published twice each summer. The Vanguard is supported in part by an allocation from student activity fees and operates in the Student Media Department of the Division of Student Affairs. Issues are available at most University buildings and select off-campus locations. The first copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each. Freelance writers will receive payment at the discretion of the section editor and will be notified.

Twitter: StormTeam4g9wx Facebook: Facebook.com/StormTeam4Gamma9Wx

USA Police Blotter

For the second week in a row, whoever is responsible has not printed out police blotter for us to be able to print. Thus, we have had no blotter since the beginning of April. We’re sure USAPD will rectify this soon and we’ll publish the blotter entries missed. We thank USAPD for its cooperation and service to students.


facebook.com/ thevanguardusa

The Vanguard, the student-run newspaper of the University of South Alabama, serves its readership by reporting the news involving the campus community and surroun ding areas. The Vanguard strives to be impartial in its reporting and believes firmly in its First Amendment rights.

CLASSIFIED Home For Sale: 3B/2B. Hillcrest at Grelot. Built 2010. 1546 sq. ft. Fenced in yard, security system. $163,900. 205-821-5094. Will negotiate.


VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013


VOL. 49, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013

SGA funds Mediascape, suspends rule to purchase ribbons to honor Jordan Greer

McCarron to support USA Children’s and Women’s By JAYSON CURRY

By STUART ART SOX sgsox@att.net et

The Student Gove Government vern ve rnme rn m nt Association Monday, on met on Mon nday daay, April 15 to discuss finalize scuss and final lilize manyy senate projects for the rojects th he spring ngg semester. Each semester, r, alllll SSGA GA senators must te team am uup p in ttheir heir he ir respectivee col colleges olle ol lege le gess to ccomplete ge o pl om p et etee a senate project willll b benefit ojectt tthat hatt wi ha enef en e it ef i tthe he he USA community. mmun nitty. As part off ar arts rt off the the ccollege olle ol lege le g o t ts and sciences senate project, nces sen nat atee pr proj ojec oj ect, tthe ec he Language Resourcee Ce Center will Cent nter nt er w illl soon offer a Mediascape table fer Mediasc scap sc apee ta ap tabl blee bl system. “The Mediascape table sy system syst stem st em has a high gh degree of integration integrati tion ti on capabilities enable es which can enabl le students to participate in large group projects ojects from campus to campus and nd country to country. It is unique because it allows users to instantly converse nearly face-to-face while sharing documents from each user’s laptop,” Senator Joshua Missouri explained. SGA approved $7,400 for the Mediascape project, which will cover roughly half of the program’s total cost. As part of the college of education senate project, SGA will

be p paying ayin ay ing for Dr. Larry in L rr La r y Michaelson Mich Mi c aelson and Dr. Jenny Shanahan and Dr. Sh han a ah han n to to speak at the Conference on T Teaching he Con onfe on fere fe renc re n e o nc each ea ch hin ng and Learning on May 13 and 14 Lear Le a ni ar ning ng on May ng and 14 at the health sciences building. heallth he h sci cien ence en cess bu ce buililildi ding di ng. ng “Dr. “D r.. Michaelson Mic icha hael ha e son el n is basically bassic icaally the guru of team-based learning,” guruu of team m-b -bas ased as ed lea e rn nin ng,” said college of education senator co olllleg e e edu duca cati ca tion ti on senat ator JJessica at essica es Bonner. Bonnerr. Bo “Dr. Sha Shanahan’s the hana ha naha na han’ ha n’ss presence n’ p esen pr nce aatt th he conference is important because conf co nfer nf eren er ence en ce is im impo mpo port rtan rt a t be beca caus caus usee the universi university progress ity iiss tryi ttrying tr r ing tto o prog g re ress s ss toward being a research-intensive ng resseaarc rchh-in hintensiv in ive ve university,” Bonner added. universi ity ty,” ,” B onne on nerr ad ne adde ded ded. Students and faculty Stud St uden ud ents en ts and fac aculty can aattend tten tt e d thee ev event forr fr free but must register th eve en fo ent ee b ut m usst re regi gist gi ster st er April Dr. bee byy A prilil 30. pr 30. D r. Michaelson r. Mic icha hael ha elso el son so n will willl b keynote speaker thee ke th keyn ynot yn otee sp ot spea eake ea ker at tthe ke he eevent. vent ve nt.. nt $2,224 SGA SG A spent sp pen entt $2 ,2224 on this ssenate en nat atee project, which proj pr ojec oj ect, ec t, w hich includes airfare, car hi ar rental rent re ntal nt al ccosts osts and stipends for the speakers. spea sp eakkers. ea As part of the college of an allied health senate project project, wristbands will be purchased and given away in memory of late USA student Jordan Greer. The total cost of the wristbands is $139. In order to approve the project, the senate had to vote to suspend bylaw 700.2 in The Lowdown because gift purchases by SGA are technically not allowed. The Vietnamese Student Association was reimbursed $1,000

as a supplementa supplemental travel grant for travel and lodgin lodging expenses that they spent when they attended the Vietnamese Student Olympics in Stude Atlanta, Ga. on April 6. Ap There was deba debate among senators as to whether the grant should be approved since, aaccording to The Lowdown, supp supplemental travel grants should only be granted g ants gr o for events that for aare academic and professional in nature. nat A representative of the represent Vietnamese Student Association Vietnamese Stud spoke the senate at the spok sp o e before th meeting and made meet me etin et i g in mad the case that members VSA that attended memb me mber mb e s of the V the event were able to professionally th he ev even entt we en w ree abl network other netw ne tworkk wi tw with th o the students as well build as b uild ui ld lleadership eaddersship skills. ea After A Af Afte fteer a rollll call cal vote among the senate, the Vietnamese Student sena se naate te,, th he Vie Association reimbursed $1,000. Asso ociiattio i n was re The SGA enco encourages all South Alabama students to attend their weekly meetings to find out about campus events and issues and have a voice in SGA senate decisions as part of the student forum. The SGA meets on Monday nights at 8 p.m. in the conference room behind the registers at the Fresh Food Company.


The University of South Alabama Children's and Women's hospital and the Mobile BayBears will come together for AJ McCarron night on Saturday May 4th. The event will feature the threetime national championship quarterback, who is a Mobile native, throwing out the first pitch of the game. "We are looking forward to hosting Mr. McCarron and helping USA Women and Children's Hospital. It should be a fun evening going to a great cause," said BayBears General Manager Heath Bennett. McCarron has a life-long connection with the hospital after being a patient there as a child after a life-threatening jet ski accident. Also the story of McCarron and Starla Chapman, a four year old patient of USA Children's and Women's connects the quarterback to the hospital even more. Starla and McCarron have become close friends since AJ and his family

visited the hospital on Christmas Eve two years ago. McCarron gave Starla a present and she gave him a bracelet that read "just trust" in return. McCarron wore the bracelet every day including all of his football games. The AJ McCarron fan page on Facebook posted, "AJ will be throwing out the first pitch and something special is planned for him and Starla. Those purchasing tickets on line using code "AJ" will have 1/2 of their ticket cost go directly to USA C&W. You can use the link below to purchase your tickets with the code already entered." The game begins at 7:05 while gates open to Hank Aaron stadium at 6pm. There will also be a hot dog cookoff and beer tasting before the game. Advance tickets for the game start at just $7 and are available for purchase at the BayBears box office during all BayBears games. For groups of 15 or more, ticket prices start at just $5. Advance tickets can also be purchased online at mobilebaybears.com or over the phone by calling 251-479-2327.

Learn more: www.southalabama.edu/sga USA alum helps others in Boston during deadly bombing Cont. from Page One to the left of us was the John Hancock building and Boston Common, and to the right of us was Fenway Park... all places that terrorists would bomb. If we ran to the Charles River and didn't cross it we would be as safe as we could. If we crossed the Charles River we would have been in Harvard Square, which is also a place no one wanted to be. At the time we were trying to avoid being somewhere a terrorist would attack. The basement was flooded with people, children, wounded, all being different nationalities- but yet

everyone felt connected. We knocked over metal stand with food on it and beat the door until we got it open. The least injured helped the injured and children, then we all ran for the water. I immediately call my brother Mark. I see a cement wall along the river and I wanted it to be in between Boston and me. I had to get knee deep in the water (dont know why everyone thinks I jumped in- but I would have at the time if I had to) and just sat there for two hours. Shortly after having my brother on the phone, the police disconnect all cell

phone service because they think that's how the bombs were being set off. I sat there for what seemed like the longest time ever. Over time, more and more people joined me. We just sat there waiting... but not knowing what we were waiting for. The City of Boston was more quiet than I have ever heard in my life, even quieter than the suburbs in Mobile. When you see people with missing limbs, head injuries, or just frozen in pure shock it's instinct to either help them or carry them with you. It really was an amazing group effort.

There was even a homeless guy helping people. It didn't matter who you were or where you were from, everyone's hearts were in the same place. When there is that much uncertainty and fear, everyone immediately becomes your family. God forbid you say Good Morning to someone when you are walking to work in the city, but when terrorists attack, people will literally take the shirts of their backs to wrap a wounded person. I'm proud of Boston and saw their true colors,” Clark told The Vanguard.

The Vanguard also asked Clark what USA students can do to support Boston. “USA students can help by being fearless. Don't cancel a trip to a big city, and when you do visit, walk with comfort. Terrorists attack our freedom. That includes our freedom to live our lives with peace of mind. We live in the land of the free, and should be able to embrace everything that the United States has to offer,” Clark said.

VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013


JAKE HOWELL, JAGLIFE EDITOR jsh803@jagmail.southalabama.edu


USA Wesley students going overseas on missions WEEKLY


The Wesley mission team (above) has spent the better part of the last year working tirelessly to raise funds to make the trip to Mexico possible.

By ALYSSA NEWTON akn1104@jagmail.southalabama.edu


cross the street from the Mitchell Center is a building where a group of dedicated people are preparing to leave the United States and make an impact in another part of the world. The USA Wesley Foundation will be sending a missions team made up of nine South students, a South alumni and two adults who have been working all year to raise money for a mission trip to Mexico. The Wesley team will be working

with the local Mayan community in Chemax, a poor town outside of Tulum in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, to finish a community center and leading a daily Bible school for the Mayan children. This community center will allow the men and women of Chemax to have a place to take classes, have town meetings as well as a place for future missionaries to stay. This will be the second time the USA Wesley will have sent a group to Mexico, which makes this trip all the more special to a few of the students.

“It will be my last mission trip with Wesley,” said senior secondary education major Cody Coleman, who will be graduating the day before the trip.“We went to Tulum, Mexico two years ago and started the foundation of a community center and now we get to go back and potentially put the final touches on the roof of this place.” But this trip is important to not only the students, but those being served. “For The Wesley Foundation, this trip is important because it provides our members an opportunity to serve,” junior Roanna Council said. “It allows us to leave what we are used to, what we’re comfortable with, what we know and enter into a community that has so much less. We get to use our hands to help them build, our mouths to share the wonderful word of Christ and our hearts to love on those precious little kids.” For others this will be their first missions experience outside of the country. “It’s kind of scary,” senior JT Crabtree said. “But we’re going to do some great work for some great people. I think the fact that I’m going with a group of friends that I see almost every day is going to make the whole trip much easier.” Throughout the school year the Wesley has been doing everything from yard work to cooking dinner for local churches in order to raise money for the trip. The local church community has made a huge impact on the Wesley and the students of South Alabama. Through the mission trip the stu-

dents hope to return the favor. “I believe that there is a large positive impact on the church community,” senior Sam Wicker explained. “People give to different charities all the time, but when it’s local people or a local organization that is going out, people get a little more excited and supportive.” This small group of students, through all of the early mornings, weed pulling and talking to dozens of people about their purpose and passions, have grown extremely close in the past few months of working together. Sophomore Averie Trout, who came to the Wesley in January, had nothing but good things to say about the relationships she has made with the team thus far. “We have all been working together for a few months to learn how to work together as a team while bonding,” Trout said. “We work so well together not only as a team but as one. I thank God every day for putting these people in my life and showing me the meaning of true friendship.” The team will be leaving on May 12 for Mexico. If you would like to donate, go to usawesley.com and click the “donation” tab in the top right corner. The Wesley Foundation has truly become a “home away from home” here at South Alabama where students are able to grow in Christ and have the opportunity to go out and share it with the world.



tudents who have been curious about Mobile’s Mardi Gras history need look no further than the Mobile Carnival Museum. The museum opened in 2005 at the historic Bernstein-Bush house and is instantly recognizable, with colorful jester statues keeping watch over the front porch. For those new to the Mobile Mardi Gras tradition, Mardi Gras was celebrated in North America for the first time in 1703 at Mobile’s first settlement, Twenty-Seven Mile Bluff. Cowbellion de Rakin, the first masked parading society, was formed in 1830, and there are now over 50 Mardi Gras organizations in Mobile. The Mobile Carnival Museum was established to preserve the history of this tradition for

future generations. “It’s always important for a city to showcase their heritage and things that make their city unique…the museum shows the family side of [Mobile’s] Mardi Gras and why it is an integral part of our community,” says Mobile Carnival Museum Executive Director Judi Gulledge. The building contains 14 gallery rooms, a pictorial hallway, a theater, a social gathering area and a gift shop. Numerous Mobile Mardi Gras relics can be viewed, including royal robes, crowns, scepters, emblem costumes and doubloons. These items are donations from mystic organizations and families of former monarchs. The Bernstein-Bush house is an attraction unto itself due to the building’s status on the national historic registry. The museum is a popular spot for group tours and is also available for rent,

Tuesday, Apr. 23 ►5 p.m. - The Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization hosts video conference with Brett Martin, Co-Founder & CEO of Sonar in the Mitchell College of Business, Room 265.

►6:30 p.m. - USA Grad: Law

School Tips - Admissions & 1st Year Notes in the Humanities Building, Room 208.

Wednesday, Apr. 24 ►11:15 a.m. - “Strength Without Violence” Personal Safety Demo and Blame Buster at the Student Center Mall.

►2 p.m. - WOW “Stressed

Out: Learn How Personality Type Affects Your Personal Relationships” in the USA Library, Room 181.

Thursday, Apr. 25 ►5:30 p.m. - Pre-Physical

Therapy meeting in the Allied Health Building.

►7:30 p.m. - USA Theatre

Mobile Carnival Museum offers a peak in to Mardi Gras past By TIMOTHY BORLAND


presents “Cyrano de Bergerac” at Laidlaw Performing Arts Center.

Friday, Apr. 26 ► 7:30 p.m. - USA Theatre presents “Cyrano de Bergerac” at Laidlaw Performing Arts Center.


The Mobile Carnival Museum is a must-see attraction and piece of history for anyone in Mobile. It’s open from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

having hosted wedding receptions and Mardi Gras socials. In addition, theatrical events are hosted at the museum by the Mobile Mystery Dinners organization. The employees also provide a wealth of information about Mobile’s past. Guests can learn about float construction, costume design and watch archival footage of historic carnivals.

The Mobile Carnival Museum remains an invaluable resource to those curious about Mobile’s history, for both new Mobilians or life long residents. “Last year we had visitors from 22 countries in the museum, so its something that if you are living here in Mobile, you don’t want to pass up the opportunity to come down here and check it out for yourself,” says Gulledge.

Theatre presents Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Pirates of Penzance” in the Laidlaw Recital Hall. $5 for USA Students/Faculty/Staff.

Want your event featured in the Weekly Lowdown? Email the name, date, time, price, place and a brief tagline (under seven words) to jsh803@jagmail.southalabama.edu.


VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR 22, 2013

Bake My Day offers hearty, homemade meals close to campus By MAELYNN LA



tudents, especially procrastinators like me, are so busy nowadays that we don’t even have time to eat… well, maybe not that busy. Still, I was on the lookout one day for a quick lunch in between classes, meetings and late homework assignments. The bakery Bake My Day was on my radar that day because they are close to campus and they have ready-made lunches. Bake My Day is very close to the intersections of McGregor and Old Shell. Don’t let their cute, robin’s egg blue storefront fool you. They are serious about what they do, and I love them for it. That day, I went in for a Chicken Salad Croissant Boxed Lunch ($8.50) which comes with the sandwich, chips, a drink and one of their cookies. Several people on Facebook and Urbanspoon heralded their chicken salad as the best in Mobile. Their homemade chicken salad is comprised of (from what I could tell) chunks of chicken, grapes, pecans, celery, and mayonnaise all on a large croissant. These components stuffed in a buttery, flaky vessel is most assuredly a recipe for success. The first bite of this sandwich was creamy, crunchy from the nuts and celery, and a little buttery from

the croissant. I devoured the rest of it soon after because everything was on point. For me, the overuse of mayonnaise kills a chicken salad. This one had just enough to coat everything, and nothing more. I don’t care for grapes usually, but they were sliced thinly enough such that there were no huge bursts of sweetness. The sandwich had enough heft to keep me satiated until dinner time; Bake My Day does not skimp on the amount of chicken salad. While I’m not sure if it is the best chicken salad in Mobile, it has to be close to the top. I’ll gladly report back when I’ve thoroughly tested every sandwich in the 251. After all that, I still had a bag of chips, a drink and a cookie to go through. One can pick from an assortment of chips, such as pretzels, three kinds of Sun Chips and original Lays. Of course, I had my eye on the fresh baked sweet-and-salty cookie since it is a bakery first and foremost. That day, between a sweet-and-salty cookie and a classic chocolate chip were the available choices. The cookie was a bit longer than my palm. It’s a thin cookie, but not crispy, and laden with chocolate chips (the sweet) and small pretzel sticks (the salty). I’m glad I chose this cookie because it was sweet enough to finish off my meal,



Into the downtown scene in Mobile? We need a Scene writer. Bars, clubs, and night life articles are welcome. MAELYNN LA | CONTRIBUTING WRITER

This chicken salad croissant is a prime example of the delectable choices available at Bake My Day.

but it also had a salty element that made it more interesting flavor-wise. The boxed lunch is a great choice for those who want a homemade and quickly prepared lunch. I feel that it is a great value for both the quality and quantity of food. Bake My Day serves other savory choices, such as pasta salad, baked potato soup and jambalaya. Besides their lunch offerings, I will definitely be craving their

baked goods. I love how they aren’t focused on just cupcakes, like the many other bakeries that have popped up in Mobile recently. They typically have cookies, lemon crumb bars, rice krispie treats, brownies and blondies all made from scratch. Also, they occasionally sell slices of their popular cakes. So sit back, relax on their outdoor benches, and enjoy a great meal before returning back to reality.

JagLife Spotlight: Student Organization Leadership Awards

Have bad service at a local restaurant? Excellent service? Tell us! Write about it and let your peers know. Email jsh803@ jagmail. southalabama.edu Opinion and Sports need writers too, and you can caf707@ jagmail. southalabama. edu to find out how to get involved. Build your resume. Raise your voice.


2012-2013 Student Organization Leadership Award Ceremony/ Inter-Presidential Dinner award winners. Left to right: Jacob Taylor (SGA)- Emerging Leader, Hannah Kinard (IMC) - Outstanding Student Organization Leader, Dr. Cindy Stanfield (AED) - Advisor of the Year, Andrea Justiniano (CSA) - Student Organization of the Year and Khaela Huey/Jaguar Productions “Fun Fest”- Outstanding Program.

Make a difference.


PATRICK HERRING, SPORTS EDITOR sports.editor@usavanguard.com


VOL. 52, NO. 14/ APR. 22 , 2013

Fowler introduced as new women’s basketball head coach


Coach Terry Fowler speaking at his introductory press conference on Wednesday.

By PATRICK HERRING sports.editor@usavanguard.com


he women’s basketball program was left without a head basketball coach for the first time in 13 seasons when Rick Pietri was relieved of his duties at the end of this basketball season. The coaching search committee, which

is made up of Athletic Director Dr. Joel Erdmann and acting president John Smith, among others, didn’t waste any time in finding Pietri’s replacement. Just over a month after Pietri’s departure, Dr. Erdmann called a press conference to introduce the newest head women’s basketball coach at South Alabama, Terry Fowler.

“I am truly humbled and honored to be your coach,” Fowler said in his opening statement. “We’re gonna do some great things here. It’s gonna be built on a foundation of our program: trust, faith, commitment and discipline.” Fowler is the ninth head coach in program history. He brings with him 20 years of experience coaching at

the collegiate level. As a head coach, his overall record is 206-177. He comes to USA from the University of North Alabama, where he led the Lions to the NCAA Division II tournament twice in the last three seasons. His team posted a winning record for the last five seasons. Over the course of his career at UNA, Fowler accumulated a 115-87 record, which included a 57-32 mark in conference play. While serving as the head coach of North Alabama during the past seven seasons, Fowler led the Lions to two 20-win seasons. This past season, North Alabama went 20-11 overall and 12-6 in the Gulf South Conference. For his efforts, he was named the GSC Coach of the Year. He was also named the GSC East Division Coach of the Year in 2011 when his team went 21-7 and advanced to the NCAA Tournament for the first time since the 19931994 season. The University of South Alabama isn’t new to Fowler, as he spent a short stint with the women’s basketball program in the early 2000s. After working as an assistant and head coach for Spring Hill’s women’s basketball program from

1993-2000, he came to USA as an assistant coach. “This is a chance to come back to a place where I’ve been; it’s familiar territory and I’ve worked with Dr. Erdmann before,” Fowler said. “The campus has changed so much over the last few years. I really think it’s a place you can recruit to. I’m extremely excited about the opportunity to come back.” During his two years at USA, he worked on recruiting, scouting, strength and conditioning and handled team travel. While Fowler was on staff, the team went 30-27 and recorded two of the program’s best seasons in over a decade. After leaving USA, Fowler returned to Spring Hill in 2002 to serve as head coach once again. During his next four years at the helm, he found much success as he led the Badgers to the Gulf Coast Athletic Conference tournament semifinals twice. Spring Hill also achieved its first ever NAIA national ranking under Fowler’s direction. As the head coach at USA, Fowler will be looking to revive a program which hasn’t made it to the post season or won its division in the Sun Belt since 2003-2004.

Patterson brings veteran experience to the hometown team By JT CRABTREE



unior Jordan Patterson has quickly become the face of South Alabama baseball during his time as a Jaguar, and it’s easy to see why. Patterson leads the Jags in batting average, runs scored, hits, doubles, walks, hit by pitch, on-base percentage, slugging percentage, games played and games started this season. It’s hard to imagine not seeing the Mobile native on the field for the Jags, but it was almost a reality. “It’s kind of a funny story,” Patterson said. “I played three sports in high school, and during basketball season I committed to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. I was dead set on going there; they were going to let me hit and pitch. Then Calvi got the job here. It was a Monday, and I was supposed to go to my JUCO on Wednesday. Calvi watched me throw a bullpen in the rain and he offered me that day. I told him I wanted to hit and I committed on Tuesday. I ended up going to orientation that week and starting at South that next

Monday.” Being able to play in his hometown was also a big selling point for Patterson. “It’s awesome,” he said. “The atmosphere, I’m kind of the hometown guy so that makes it much better, my parents can come see me play. Just the coaching staff, the community, the team is just awesome. It’s a real blessing to be here to play.” That sense of being at home has helped carry Patterson to his achievements on the field, but as he found this past summer, that’s not always going to be the case. Patterson played summer league ball in the prestigious Cape Cod League, one of the premiere summer leagues in college baseball. It was there that Patterson discovered some of the growing pains that come with playing in such a competitive league. “It taught me a lot mentally,” Patterson said. “You know, you go up there and I’m not the best player there. It’s the cream of crop, and the cream is going to rise to the top. Your mom’s not there, your coaches aren’t there. You’ve

got no one, it’s you by yourself. I started off pretty slow, and I had to teach myself how to grow up, and mentally I grew up as a player.” Patterson is one of the few players remaining on the Jags to have played under South Alabama legend Steve Kittrell, who coached the Jags to a school record 1,022 wins during his career. Patterson was only a freshman when Kittrell retired, but as he points out he was able to pass some of his knowledge of the game on to the young ballplayer. “Kitrell was an awesome mentor,” Patterson said. “He knew so much of the game; he had been in it so long. It was awesome being able to learn the game from him. He taught you the small things. He taught you how to play the game of baseball. It was awesome. Coach Calvi, words can’t explain how awesome he is. He treats me like a son. He’s real personable. He’s a player’s coach. Not one person on the team would say a negative thing about him. He brings it every day. He never has a bad attitude to any of the players. He’s

just awesome to play for.” With three weeks still remaining in the season, the Jags have already surpassed their win total from last year, turning around one of the worst seasons in South Alabama history into a season that could see the Jags make a deep postseason run. “Last year, we had all those JUCO guys coming in and everything was new,” Patterson said. “The coaching staff was new, the players were new. But we’ve bonded as a team and the chemistry, you can’t explain it. If someone doesn’t do it, someone else will pick it up, and that’s every game. Last year, if we got down, we might lose it. But this year, it’s like ‘Whatever, we’re going to get it.’ If we’re down, we’re going to come back and win it. There’s belief in everybody on the team.” Patterson also expressed confidence that the Jags are just as competitive as some the best teams in the nation. “I think we can play with anybody in the country,” he said. “Playing Florida State and Mississippi State, there wasn’t a difference. We have to play like they

don’t have anything on their chest, like they’re someone else in the Sun Belt. And when we allow ourselves to play and not get caught up in everything, we’re going to be pretty good.” Patterson’s time at South will come to an end after next season, and when asked to look back on his career so far, Jordan remembered a game from his freshman year when he made a big statement. “My freshman year I hit a three-run shot against Alabama at home,” Patterson said. “That was pretty awesome. I enjoy coming out here. It’s an awesome experience to be a part of this program.” That home run would give South an 8-6 advantage in the eighth inning. The Jags would win 10-9. Like most baseball players, Patterson hopes to play in the majors someday after his college career ends. “Well, hopefully get picked up by somebody,” Patterson said. “But if I don’t get the opportunity to do that, I’m majoring in secondary education history, and I plan to be a teacher and a coach.”

VOL. 52, NO. 14/ APR. 22, 2013 9

VOL. 52, NO. 14/ APR. 22 , 2013 16

Softball stomps Warhawks, win streak at 11 games By PATRICK HERRING sports.editor@usavanguard.com


week of rest can be a doubleedged sword for a softball team. On the one hand, the players get plenty of much needed rest heading into the home stretch of the season. On the other hand, they may get rusty with so much time in between games. For South Alabama, the latter wasn’t an issue. The No. 20 Lady Jags (40-7, 19-3 SBC) carried an 8-game winning streak to Monroe, La., to take on the Warhawks. They returned unscathed with the winning streak now at 11 games. South Alabama took ULM (17-27, 3-14 SBC) to the woodshed, winning all three games in run-rule fashion. They won the series by a combined score of 33-1. In the first game, freshman Haley Fagan started the scorefest for USA with a sacrifice bunt to bring in senior Britanny Fowler and put USA up 1-0. The Warhawks answered with a run of their own to knot the game at 1-1 heading into the second inning. Fowler hit an RBI double to center to score senior Meghan Collins with two outs in the top of the inning. The Jags were unable to get anything else going and took a 2-1 lead into the third. South Alabama’s offense stalled for the next two innings, but was brought

back to life by a 2 RBI double from Collins. She then scored on a throwing error to put USA up 5-1 after five innings. In the sixth, Fagan hit an RBI single with the bases loaded and no outs. Sophomore Kaitlyn Griffith followed with a sacrifice fly to score one more for the Jags. Later in the inning, with the bases loaded and only one out, sophomore Alex Breeden knocked one out of the park for a grand slam, which gave the Jaguars an 11-1 lead. Pitcher Hannah Campbell retired ULM in order to give USA the run-rule victory in five innings. She moved to 18-7 on the year. Game two brought much of the same for both teams with USA winning 14-0. Freshman Julie Moss started off the scoring for USA when she hit a 2 RBI homer to left center. Fagan followed with a homer of her own to the opposite side to give USA an early 3-0 lead. The Jaguars scored five in the second to put the game out of reach. Fowler singled to right center to score Bowen. Next up was sophomore Blair Johnson, who doubled to left to score Fowler and sophomore Alyssa Linn. Two batters later, Fagan blasted

another homerun over right center to score two more for USA, putting them up 8-0 after two innings. Fagan went 3-for-4 in the contest with 3 RBI and 2 homeruns. With two on in the third, Britany Campbell homered to center. scoring Linn and Bowen to push the South Alabama lead to 11-0. Sophomore Kaitlyn Griffith wanted in on the homerun party, so she knocked a 3-run homer to right field to put South up 14-0 and end the scoring for the night. Griffith, Fagan and Campbell each recorded 3 RBI on the night. Farish Beard got the win on the mound for USA, improving her record to 18-0 on the season. She struck out five Warhawks and only allowed one hit in three innings of work. The third contest proved to be another horror show for the home crowd. Fagan again got the scoring started in the first with an RBI single. She and Johnson scored on a wild pitch followed by a throwing error. Two batters later, Breeden knocked in Griffith with an RBI single to put the Jags up 4-0 and keep the home fans quieted. The game was relatively calm until the fourth inning when Johnson singled

to score Britney Campbell and give USA a 5-0 lead. Louisiana Monroe failed to get anything going on offense and failed to slow USA down. By the time the sixth inning rolled around, the Jags were ready to end the game. Johnson came to the plate with Linn on first and one out. She doubled to left center to score Linn. Moss steppud up next and jacked the first pitch she saw over the right center wall to add two more runs. That would prove to end the scoring with USA up 8-0. ULM failed to score in the bottom of the sixth resulting in the third consecutive run-rule win for USA. It was the first time in program history that USA won a series with all run-rule victories. Beard got the victory and is now 19-0 on the season. She struck out seven Warhawks and only allowed one hit in 4 innings. Hannah Campbell came out and earned the save with two innings of work. She only allowed one hit. Campbell is the only Jag to register a save this season, this one being her seventh. South Alabama will finish out their home schedule with a midweek contest against rival Troy at Jaguar Field on Wednesday. First pitch is slated for 6 p.m.

Baseball takes home series 2-1 over WKU By JT CRABTREE



he Jags were able to some use good pitching and some timely hitting to take a conference series against Western Kentucky, winning two out of three games at home. In game one, the Jags couldn’t take advantage several bases loaded opportunities and fell to the Hilltoppers 10-8. Jarron Cito (3-2) was credited with the loss after working five innings and giving up seven runs, six hits, three walks and one strikeout. Jeff DeBlieux, Jordan Patterson and Graham Odom led the way for the Jags on offense, each picking up three hits. Patterson had a double and two RBI’s. DeBlieux had a double and an RBI and two runs. Odom and Drew Cofield each had two RBI’s. Odom and Nolan Earley each scored two runs. Brandon Boyle and Anthony Izzio came in relief of Cito. Boyle pitched one inning while giving up two runs, three hits, one walk and one strikeout. Izzio came and pitched the remaining three innings, giving up three hits, one run and struck out four. In game two, the Jags used a four-run sixth inning to defeat the Hilltoppers 6-3 and tie the series at one game apiece. Nick Zaharion went 2-for-4 with two RBI’s. Hayden Jones finished 3-for-4 with

an RBI and one run scored. Jeff DeBlieux came off the bench and finished 2-for-3 with an RBI and two runs scored. Nolan Earley was also 2-for-3 with an RBI, a run and a walk. “We had five different guys with RBI tonight, and we almost needed every single one of them,” head coach Mark Calvi said. “That is called grinding out a game right there. It didn’t look good early on. Their guy, Andrew Edwards, was cruising along. He had a good fastball, and (Matt) Bell matched it but it was just a different type of dominance. But our guys grinded out their at-bats. Bell did an outstanding job matching up, and we were lucky enough to hang on there.” Starting pitcher Matt Bell pitched 5.1 innings while allowing only two hits and one run while walking three and striking out five. James Traylor picked up the win pitching 2/3 of hitless baseball. Dylan Stamey worked two innings and gave up six hits and two runs while striking out two. Kyle Bartsch pitched a perfect ninth to pick up his ninth save of the season. With the save, Bartsch becomes the alltime leader in saves at South Alabama with 19. “Tonight was great for Kyle,” Calvi said. “He is a fantastic kid and a great teammate. He gets after it and he wants to win; he works hard. He got himself

in great shape over the summer, and he’s just been fantastic for us. We’ve leaned on him and (Dylan) Stamey at the end of games, but tonight Bartsch did another good job out of the bullpen. I couldn’t be happier for him; he’s just a great kid.” In game three, the Jags had to battle the whole game to maintain the lead, eventually winning 7-5 to take the series. Jordan Patterson finished 3-for-5 with a double, an RBI and a run scored. Drew Cofield finished 2-for-3 with a double, an RBI and run scored. Graham Odom finished 1-for-2 with an RBI, two runs scored and a walk. Bud Collura went 2-for-3 with a run scored. Jacob Noble started the game, work-

ing 5.2 innings and giving up seven hits, two runs, two walks and six strikeouts. Hunter Soleymani pitched 2/3 innings, giving up one runs, two walks and a strikeout. Tripp Cecil did not record an out, but allowed two runs after giving up a home run on the first pitch he threw. James Traylor picked up the win for the second straight night, pitching 2/3 innings giving up one hit and one walk. Kyle Bartsch picked up the two innings save, giving up two hits, two walks and two strikeouts. Bartsch now has 10 saves on the season. The Jags will host Jacksonville State on April 23-24 before going on the road to play UL-Monroe on April 26-28.

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Drew Dearman @DrewDearman: Offensive Lineman Found myself questioning my life choices as I laid face down in the turf after low sleds in the rain at 6am. Touché Jaguar strength staff Kolton Peavey @OmgItsPeavzilla: Quarterback Just saw a squirrel licking someone’s exhaust pipe...What the heck.. Rush Hendricks @_RusHen_ 15: Tight End I can def see how this chemistry is vital information and will apply to my everyday life... If I wanted to be a chemistry professor. Jereme Jones @j11jones: Wide Receiver All hell gone break loose at USA when #NCAA14 come out..ima be the first one to get it..lowkey I really want to see who got the impact star Derek Westbrook @thedwestbrook25: Steeplechaser Walmart shopping carts: “Alright Derek is walking in... Stan the Reject, it’s your time to shine! Make sure he’s the loudest one in here!” Darius McKeller @ BigDdaBasedLord: Offensive Lineman Its been so long since I been to a barbershop i forgot that when a barber ask “u want me to cut it low?” really means “you wanna bald head?” Kyle Bartsch @Kyle_Bartsch: Pitcher For any future student-athletes out there-dont take 18 hrs during season & dont think that ur profs will care that ur in season #thestruggle


Pitcher Kyle Bartsch became the school’s new all-time saves leader with his nineteenth on Saturday. He added another in the series finale to bring his season total to 10 and his career total to 20.



JT CRABTREE, LOC EDITOR jtc804@jagmail.southalabama.edu


VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APRIL 22, 2013

Atlanta Braves have a new look By JT CRABTREE



o Chipper Jones. No Michael Bourn. No Martin Prado. McCann is hurt. This is not your typical Atlanta Braves roster you’re used to seeing. The 2013 Atlanta Braves underwent several changes during the offseason. Longtime third baseman Chipper Jones retired and center field Michael Bourn left in free agency. But the Braves offset those losses by adding free agent center fielder BJ Upton and acquiring his brother outfielder Justin Upton and third baseman Chris Johnson in a trade with Arizona that sent starting left fielder Martin Prado and pitcher Randall Delgado to the Diamondbacks. The Braves have started the season on fire. Through April 18, the Braves were a sizzling 13-2, good for the best record in baseball. Justin Upton became the first Braves batter to hit eight home runs in the team’s first 13 games. Pitcher Paul Maholm started the season with 20 scoreless innings pitched. Chris Johnson and Freddie Freeman are batting over .400. Infielder Ramiro Pena has found his niche as a utility player after spending his entire career in the American League. It’s a completely different team dynamic. After being known as a team with not much power or speed, the Braves have completely changed that this year, hitting a combined 29 home runs with nine stolen bases. The Braves’ 29 homers lead the majors. But possibly the most interesting

stats of them all are the ones that have not happened yet. Justin Upton is on pace to hit 92 home runs this year. Granted, that probably won’t happen, but there’s a chance he could break Andruw Jones’ record of 51 in a season. The team as a whole is on pace to hit 289 home runs, which would crush the current team record of 235. The pitching staff has been phenomenal as well. The Braves have the best team ERA in the majors at 1.77, with three of their five starting pitchers with sub-two ERA’s. Or what about rookie catcher Even Gattis, who had a baseball scholarship to Texas A&M, but never attended do to an addiction problem and checked into rehab. He then tried to revive his career at Seminole State College, but after injuring his knee and missing the season, he quit the team. Gattis moved to Boulder, Colorado, where he worked at a pizza parlor and as ski lift operator. He then moved back to Texas, where he worked as a janitor. He then moved to New Mexico and then to California, where he found his itch play baseball again. So far, Gattis has stepped in and done a good job filling in for the injured catcher Brian McCann. The Upton Bros. became the first set of brothers to hit a game-tying and walkoff home run in the same inning. The Braves made it to the postseason last year, and with the early season performance they shown, they are on pace to secure another division title, like many of the typical Braves teams of the past.

Outfielder Justin Upton is quickly becoming a fan favorite


Senior Kristen Golightly saved her best for last, scoring a career-best -3 on her last day as a Jaguar


Women’s golf finishes third

Jaguars led by senior Golightly’s career-best day at SBC Tourney By JT CRABTREE



outh Alabama women’s golf concluded their 2013 season with a third-place finish at the Sun Belt Conference Championship in Muscle Shoals, Ala. The Jags ended eight shots behind champion Florida International, and only two shots behind Middle Tennessee for second place. “What I saw were just quality shots all around, making some putts, getting up and down, just everything that needs to be done to shoot low scores,” head coach TJ Jackson said. “It was just fun to watch. We played really well that first round tee-togreen. We felt we just didn’t score well. But we started making a few putts in the second round, and it gave us a little boost and momentum. They carried it into today’s round, and just kept doing the same thing. It was just a great team effort.” The Jags were led by senior Kristen Golightly, who played a careerlow three under par. Golightly fin-

ished her final round as a Jaguar with four birdies. “My mindset going out today was to just go out and beat the golf course and enjoy it,” Golightly said. “It’s the last time you’re wearing a Jaguar uniform, and there’s a tremendous amount of pride I take of wearing the Jaguar on my shirt. It’s just a great way to cap it off. I’m more proud that we finished at 288 today than I am of my individual score and finish. That was just an added bonus to the tournament.” Golightly placed third individually in the tournament, her best finish in a SBC Championship and her third top-three finish of the spring.

She also earned All-Tournament honors with a total score of 216. “It’s a fitting finish for her as a senior,” Jackson said. “It was a round that meant a lot and it moved her up to third place in the tournament. I have to give her a lot of credit for the fight that she put in; it was just a solid round. She got up and down for birdie out of the sand on 17, and a nice up-and-down on 18 for par. She just played really solid all day.” As a team, South Alabama shot a 890 total for the three day tournament. FIU finished with a total score of 872, and Middle Tennessee finished at 888.

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VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APRIL 22, 2013


SGA was off-base in their perception of students page or group should be made so that those who cannot be there to address something that they feel should be heard. I also feel that SGA meetings, if not already should be streamed online so students can be able to tune in. I cannot speak for everyone but I will say the reason I am not all into SGA is because I honestly do not see any money that will benefit me. I see money going on bringing students in, but what about us who are already here. Yes we do have the recreation center and dining hall but those are only two things. What about having special resident halls be built for upperclassman and people with families. Maybe more of us will choose to stay on campus more than 1-2 years. What if you implement more changes that will help the whole student body instead of one department? I was not too happy about money being spent on patio furniture for a new building. Honestly that should have been put out there from the jump. I was thinking that one service that is offered

is off campus transportation, such as to the mall and Wal-Mart. Public transportation does not run this way on weekends or run long enough in the evenings. I have mentioned this to JagTran drivers who both said they would drive it. In a way this can help with parking if students know that they will have one way to get around many will choose to hold off on cars freshmen year. Though this plan is not foolproof it is a start. Another service I that may be able to be offered is some form of incentive for returning student, whether it is a free book from the bookstore or a slight tuition break; something to show that USA is happy we stayed. I end this with saying I am not discrediting the positive or the University. I love USA. I just feel some things should be said. Z. Edwards


NOAH LOGAN OPINION EDITOR opinion.editor@usavanguard.com


VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APRIL 22 , 2013

The Vanguard Viewpoint We’re judging you. People spend so much time trying to defy stereotypes that they end up perpetuating them. In psychology classes, we learn that stereotyping is a cognitive shortcut. It’s easier to classify something based on categories than deciphering new information and processing it anew. It’s easy, even for our brains. People forget that we can control our actions and that they speak louder than words. Who you associate with and what you do speaks volumes about who you are. The categories that people will lump you into are a fact of life; however, you do have control over which ones you place yourself in. If your friends are out every night and the evidence is all over Instagram, your potential employer won’t look at your resume and see that you have a 3.5. He will look at you tonguing a lime on a margarita glass and judge you because that is what humans do. If you’re vulgar in conversation, people will assume that you are uneducated. If you type like you’re hitting a keyboard with your toes, people will assume you’re ignorant. If you wear clothes that make you look like

you don’t care, then people will assume you don’t. Regardless of if you believe people should judge or not, we do. An employer is going to look at an applicant in a sweatshirt as less-qualified than a person in slacks regardless of what Mark Zuckerburg did in The Social Network. Ultimately, what you portray is your responsibility. You will get judged and it will affect your life in ways that you can’t even imagine. That guy in a suit next to you at Foosackley’s might be the social media coordinator for the place you’re applying. He saw your profile earlier and he knows it’s you. He just made a mental note that you disrespected the cashier, cursed loudly with your friends and acted immaturely. You won’t get that job, and that’s your fault. You need to act, dress and speak for the life you want to lead. If you don’t look and act the part, no one will buy into it. USA, pull up your pants, (girls, actually wear pants instead of leggings) stop cursing in public and act like you’re getting a degree. You know your own worth. Make sure you show it.

Time after time, America prevails at setting politics aside when it matters Life is full of small reg r e t s . During my time in Texas, RYAN WALLACE m a n y ryanwallace2010@gmail. com we e ke n d s I driving from College Station to Dallas or Fort Worth to visit friends, go to the Cotton Bowl and, on one particularly memorable occasion, meet Pete Weber, my bowling idol. As much as I always enjoyed visiting DFW, I absolutely hated the drive. Three hours from one small town to the next, with one annoyingly-placed stop light and a lawman hiding behind a road sign to catch you going 60 in a 55. One of those small towns was West, a hamlet of about 3,000 people perched on the north side of Waco. Founded by Czech immigrants, West was a spot on the map to a harried and hurried traveler, and I never pulled over to try the traditional Czech kolaches for which the town is well-known. Now that life has taken me from east Texas to South Alabama, I wish I had pulled over just once to spend a few minutes in that little Texas town. By now, we all are familiar with


It’s been a tragic week, but there’s always light to be seen. What is something good that happened to you this week? Joshua Goff: Found out I’m moving to St. Louis! Nick Grondin: I got an 80 on a Calculus test that I thought I failed. Alyssa Kaitlyn: Newton My mom and dad celebrated 20 years of being happily married. They remind me that with love, dedication and faith you can live life fully and happily! I’m blessed with a wonderful family and amazing friends that show me everyday the true beauty of love!

Chelsey Ruth: I got married! Lisianna Emmett: Today starts my spring break at work. (I teach at VHS.) And I passed my final teacher evaluation! And thanks for posting this status. After reading the headlines today it was nice to stop and think about something positive. Lauren Wheeler: Finished my amazing sculpture on time! Travis Miller Daft Punk’s Get Lucky.

Dennis Mersereau: I found a quarter under my desk, but I dropped it and can’t find it and now I’ve lost all hope for humanity. Stephen Purnell: My friends that I have not seen in ages came for a visit. Khaela C Huey: Came up with some really exciting plans for the summer/my birthday... Don’t know if they’ll go through or not, but the thought of it makes me happy

the horrible tragedy that ripped through West last week, only a couple of days after the bombing of the Boston Marathon that left three runners dead and scores more maimed. It was a week that we all spent in some thought about our country, our families and our communities. For me, it was a reminder of the lesson I should have remembered from another tragedy that happened when I was in the eighth grade. Although the twin tragedies in West and Boston were not (thank God) on the scale of the September 11 attacks, the response from the country at large was the same. Americans across the nation banded together to donate blood, supplies, money and support for their countrymen. Millions of prayers were said for the affected. And in my little corner of America, I remembered what I learned in the aftermath of 9/11. Much is made of the diversity of the American people, and rightfully so. History both long past and recent is rife with incidents where different groups within the same country disagree violently, and tear the country apart over their differences. Last week, Muslims didn’t ask if their blood was going to Jewish victims. Republicans didn’t request that their money be withheld from democrats. It seems that, in times of

disaster, we as a nation reflexively forget what we fight over the rest of the time and bond together instead. Most of us remember the video of Christina Aguilera forgetting the words to the national anthem at the Super Bowl, but we should never forget the video of 18,000 Boston Bruins fans singing it at the top of their lungs before the first game after the marathon attack. A common theme of the politics of our time is the concept of “two Americas.” Some even suggest that we are headed for a splitting of the states, that our differences are too irreconcilably divided for us to remain the United States of America much longer. It always seems to take a calamity to remind us that there simply is no such thing as two Americas. We will argue, of course. Our presidential elections will continue to be contested on narrow margins. But when the situation demands it, Americans have a long history of pulling together. This characteristic is what makes Americans American, whether one’s heritage is Irish, or Czech or any of the hundreds of different ethnicities and nationalities that call our country home. And if this week has shown us anything, it is that being American is something we should all be proud of.



Cassie Fambro > Editor in Chief Noah Logan > Opinion Editor Jake Howell > Life Editor Patrick Herring > Sports Editor JT Crabtree > LOC Editor



VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013

Common Core Botching Boston Marathon equals core problem With the most recent pass of SB 403 in a senate committee in the state of Micah Messer Alabama, mjm1202@jagmail. many quessouthalabama.edu tions swirl over what common core is and if it is good or bad. SB 403 is a proposed motion that would remove common core from the state of Alabama and effectively make a state level standard, instead of the national standard planned by the white house and congress. Though common core was originally and still remains a voluntary program, the state of Alabama will not receive certain federal grants towards education. This might hurt the education system but is it worth it? What is common core? Originally, common core was an idea for a national education standard to

right? Wrong! The way common core teaches it as, “Since you know 20x10 is 200, add 200 three times. Since you know 2x10 is 20, times 20 by 2, since you know that 20x10 is 200 and have added it together three times, equaling 600, you then add 40 since 20x2 = 40 since 2x10 = 20 and you added 20 twice together. The answer is, 640” One math problem turns into five There are worse problems out there! What happens if it does pass the State Senate and House? SB 403 would effectively neutralize common core in the state of Alabama. What happens if it does not pass the State Senate and House? Common core would remain as the standard for the state of Alabama. In my opinion, this is not a simple “standard setter.” This bill is an attempt to once again take over another aspect of state run government. The federal government is once again overreaching its bounds and breaks its oath to the U.S. Constitution.


which all educational institutions would have to meet. However, as it progressed through the legal system, it changed and morphed into what it is now. It currently allows the federal government to mandate certain textbooks for classes, give or remove funds from schools, and the ability to control the education of every person in the United States. Many would say this is a good thing. Put all the students on one textbook, lock down wasteful spending, and make sure students are being taught what they need to learn. The problem is, the textbooks used are terrible, the spending cuts are horrid and the increases are even worse and the federal government now has control of all public, private, and home-school institutions nationwide. Just an example of what is being taught under common core in the math section, here is a problem. “What is 20x32?” Simple question

Common core is not the solution to the educational fallout that is being seen around the country. The solution to this problem is though dedication, impressing on children as they grow up the importance of education and parents getting involved with their kid’s education once again. Until this happens, I do not expect for children of all ages to be once again at the top of the world in intelligence and educational understanding. After all, the greatest way to pass your agenda is by teaching everyone you are never wrong through education. “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” Karl Marx, inventor of communism.

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The tragedy that occurred in Boston on April 15, 2013 was a sickening and gut wrenching. Aldyn Miller An endless aem1101@jagmail.southnumber of alabama.edu media outlets provided live updates and almost nonstop coverage of the events as they unfolded, and millions worldwide watched the events of the drama develop in real time. However, the cycle of 24/7 news coverage included ensured that some inaccurate reporting occurred along the way. Was the coverage of the Boston Bombing botched by the media? The eagerness of the major news networks to be the first one with the “scoop” led to a considerable amount of confusion regarding persons of interest in the case. Due to rampant and unchecked speculation by the media, a number of people, later cleared of involvement in the bombings, were placed in the national spotlight as potential suspects. Here are just a few: On Monday, New York Post headlines loudly trumpeted that an unnamed male, of Saudi Arabian origins, had been identified as a suspect in the bombings. The young man was later proven to be a witness, rather than a suspect, to the bombings, but the Post

never issued an apology. A photo of another “suspect”, who turned out to be 17 year old track star Salah Eddin Barhoum, was also plastered across the front page of the Post, as well as the website of Yahoo! News and several other online media outlets. He was simply watching the marathon and has since stated that he fears for his safety after the intense media scrutiny. Another possible suspect in the bombings was Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi, a student at Brown University, has been missing since March 16th, and it was not long before his picture and personal information were plastered across the blogosphere. A Facebook page that had been set up by his family to help locate the missing young man had to be deleted after it was filled with false and ugly accusations. On April 17, Yahoo! News, Fox News Channel, The Boston Globe, and The Associated Press, amongst a number of other news networks, were publicly scolded by the FBI for falsely reporting that an arrest had been made in the Boston Bombings. Following the incident, the FBI released this following statement: “Contrary to widespread reporting, no arrest has been made in connection with the Boston Marathon attack. Over the past day and a half, there have been a number of press reports based on information from unofficial sources that has been inaccurate. Since these stories often have unintended consequences,

we ask the media, particularly at this early stage of the investigation, to exercise caution and attempt to verify information through appropriate official channels before reporting.” Many news networks have defended erroneous reporting in the past by stating that it calms the general public to be kept abreast of breaking developments as they occur, but many would argue that such nonstop coverage actually produces the opposite effect. For example, the media tends to have a predisposition to place the blame for such tragic acts squarely on the shoulders of Muslims, Arabs and other “individuals with dark skin”. Such blame can lead to false and inaccurate reporting and suspicions and no means to identify who the real suspect is. Has modern media entered an “Age of Retraction”? It was just in 2004 that Dan Rather’s career was effectively ended over the Killian documents scandal, involving then President George W. Bush. However, other such incidences of false reporting, from CNN’s error ridden report over the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obama Care to NPR’s dramatic announcement of the premature death of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, have failed to accurately inform the public. The competition to be the first has so engulfed the notion of actually being right that it would appear a hit to credibility is considered worth the risk.

Keep calm and keep on running By NOAH LOGAN


The London Marathon is perfect for all runners. Serious runners will relish in the competition with 37,000 other participants, the fifth largest in the world according to AIMS RUNNING and casual runners will enjoy the tourist like route in which the marathon takes the runners. Big Ben, The Mall and Parliament Square are all on high display during the 26 mile trek. This year, many runners are headed into the race with visions of explosions in the forefront of the mind. The London Marathon takes place a week after the Boston Marathon explosions (bear in mind that this issue prints the day after the Marathon) and the British government, as well as citizens and spectators of the event, is standing strong against possible terrorist attacks all while bringing meaning back to a WWII British propaganda poster we all know today; Keep Calm and Carry On. The British government used the

famous poster in an attempt to boost morale in the face of impeding air raids on London and other major cities. Today it’s more or less used for anything anybody desires. Got a big test to study for? Keep calm my friend. Girlfriend dumped you? Carry on my wayward son. Until the London Marathon coverage, I had never seen the phrase used in the horrifying context it was intended for. When your life is in danger, which it obviously is, keep your head held high and don’t give them the satisfaction of letting them beat you mentally as well. Just like the countless veterans, emergency responders and citizens who boldly demonstrated poise under extreme pressure with heroic responses to the Boston Marathon explosions, those involved with the London Marathon bring back a sense of nationalism and unity which goes forgotten all too often.



VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013

EXTRAS Student Health Sudoku

For Student Health appointments, please call 4607151 For Counseling and Testing, please call 460-7051

Mental Health Tip: Practice Gratitude Courtesy of Dr. Robert Hanks

In recent years, there has been significantly increased interest in psychological research related to happiness. Personal happiness is affected by a combination of factors including genetically inherited potential for happiness, circumstances (e.g., wealth, marital status, geographic location), and the deliberate use of various strategies. One of the empirically supported strategies psychologists have suggested for promoting happiness is practicing gratitude. This approach to improving happiness can be implemented in a variety of ways. It might involve keeping a gratitude journal and writing about things for which one is grateful several times a week or more. Alternatively, one might sit down

at the end of each day and write about three things that went well that day and what caused them to go well. Another approach is to take time out to express gratitude to the special people who have been particularly helpful or important in one’s life. These individuals might be relatives, friends, former teachers, coaches, and/or mentors. These expressions of gratitude might be communicated face to face, through letters, or e-mails. Practicing gratitude helps to heighten one’s awareness of the positive elements in one’s life and can improve life satisfaction as a result. For information about other happiness promoting strategies, contact the USA Counseling and Testing Services office at 460-7051.

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VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013


VOL. 52, NO. 14 / APR. 22, 2013

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