What are the Different PAD Treatment Procedures? Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a medical condition in which arteries become narrow, thereby reducing blood flow to the limbs. This condition further causes cramping and pain in the legs, called claudication. Leg pain severely affects a patient’s ability to walk for a long distance, if overlooked. Treatment for Peripheral Arterial Disease includes both surgical and non-surgical procedures. In this article, we have attempted to include all the possible procedures. Let’s start with non-surgical treatment for PAD Patients with peripheral artery disease are first treated through risk factor management that includes: • Smoking cessation • Improved diet • Aspirin regimen • Controlling high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes An exercise program is also given to the patients, which helps them curb legs cramping when walking. The exercise program aims at increasing their capability to walk and eliminating the pain (claudication). Approach a physician specialized in non-surgical pad treatment in Illinois for indepth details about the exercise program for PAD. Surgical treatment procedures for PAD If the exercise therapy does not produce good results, a few revascularization therapies such as balloons, stents or bypass surgery are considered. Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) – a medical condition in which blood flow to the extremities is obstructed severely – generally undergo such surgical treatment procedures. A brief note on different surgical treatment procedure for PAD. Balloon Angioplasty/Stenting In this procedure, a balloon catheter is inserted into a narrowed portion of the affected artery. The balloon catheter is then expanded to compress plaque against the artery wall, thereby reducing the blockage.
SOURCE: http://www.usavascularcenters.com/ Bypass Grafting This surgical procedure aims at redirecting flow in the affected area by creating an alternate channel for blood flow bypassing the damaged vessel. Cryoplasty or Cryo-Balloon Angioplasty This procedure is somewhat similar to the balloon angioplasty in which a balloon catheter is inserted into a blocked artery to ensure blood flow. In this procedure, once the balloon catheter reaches the targeted site, it is filled with liquid nitrous oxide that evaporates into a gas in no time, causing the balloon to inflate and freeze the surrounding tissues. This opens the artery while reducing the chances of new scar tissue. Percutaneous or Laser Atherectomy During this procedure, a catheter containing a sharp rotating blade, grinding bit or laser filament is inserted into the blocked artery to remove atherosclerotic plaque built over time within that. Consult reputed vascular surgeons in Valley Village to understand in detail each of the surgical procedures mentioned above. Hope you have found this piece of information useful. Don’t hesitate to spread the word among the patients of PAD around you.