What exactly peripheral artery disease is?

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USA Vascular Centers

What exactly peripheral artery disease is?

Peripheral artery disease, known as (PAD), is a narrowing of the peripheral arteries of the legs, stomach, arms, and head (common in the arteries of the legs). PAD is somewhat similar to coronary artery disease (CAD). PAD is caused by atherosclerosis that narrows and blocks arteries in different parts of the body.

Astute facts about PAD Most common symptoms of PAD include pain, tiredness and cramping in lower extremities in the leg or hip muscles while walking or climbing stairs. The pain is subsides with rest, but annoys you when you walk again. 

Many people mistake the symptoms of PAD for something else, thus it goes untreated often. 

People with peripheral arterial disease are at a risk of heart attack or stroke. 

PAD could lead to gangrene and amputation if left untreated 

Added risks for PAD People with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes are at high risk for PAD. And smokers are usually considered to have a high risk for PAD.

Prevention A few lifestyle changes can prevent risk of PAD significantly. Here are the changes you need to make in your daily life to keep PAD at a bay. Be physically active as much as you can.

If you feel any sort of pain in the lower extremities, be screened for PAD test called ankle-brachial index or ABI to determine (consult a physician specialized in providing PAD treatment). 

Follow heart-healthy eating habits.

Quit smoking (if you smoke) and have a word with your physician about programs that can help you quit smoking in a healthy manner. 

Keep your weight in check.

Know your family history of health problems related to PAD. If someone in your family ever had such ailment, do tell your physician. 

Different PAD treatment procedures Medications Medicines like Cilostazol (Pletal), are used to treat symptoms of peripheral arterial disease and to manage health conditions that contribute to the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Surgery Surgery is only carried out in cases of severe peripheral arterial disease (PAD) like disabling intermittent claudication, open sores (ulcers that don’t heal), or sore skin, bone and tissue problems (gangrene). Depending upon the severity of PAD, surgeries like Aortobifemoral bypass, Femoropopliteal (fem-pop) bypass or Femoral-tibial bypass is carried out.

Other treatment Angioplasty Angioplasty is carried out during conditions that involve severe pain and limping during exercise, pain when at rest, or open sores. This procedure increases blood flow in narrowed artery. So if you experience severe leg pain, numbness, or pale, blueblack skin, and foot or toe pain when you have rest, be sure to consult a PAD treatment specialist.

For more Infomation about peripheral artery disease and treatment. Please visit at usavascularcenters.com or call at 844-723-7240 USA Vascular Centers have dedicated specialists who assist our patients in determining their coverage.

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