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Box Sets
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(H) 978-0-7945-5084-4 $44.99 6 years +, 6 5/8 x 7 3/4, 10 books - 32pp each
Includes: Bears, Dangerous Animals, Elephants, Farm Animals, Monkeys, Pandas, Penguins, Sharks, Tigers, and Wolves
A. Milbourne
(H) 978-0-7945-4940-4 $44.99 6 years +, 6 5/8 x 7 3/4, 10 books - 32pp each
Includes: Ancient Greeks, Castles, Celts, Digging Up the Past, Egyptians, Iron Age, Maya, Romans, Stone Age, and Vikings
Various Various

(H) 978-0-7945-5300-5 $44.99 6 years +, 6 5/8 x 7 3/4, 10 books - 32pp each
Includes: Astronomy, Earthquakes, Living in Space, Planet Earth, The Solar System, Storms and Hurricanes, Sun, Moon and Stars, Volcanoes, Weather, and Your Body
Find our “learning to read” box sets on pages 67-68! BOX SETS

(BD) 978-0-7945-3930-6 $49.99 3 years +, 6 3/4 x 7 3/4, 6 books - 14pp each

Includes: Animal Homes, Dinosaurs, Farm, Garden, Nighttime, and Zoo (P) 978-0-7945-4934-3 $69.99 4 years +, 8 1/2 x 8 1/2, 20 books - 16-24pp each
Includes: Ape’s Great Escape, Bee Makes Tea, Bug in a Rug, Chimp with a Limp, Cow Takes a Bow, Croc Gets a Shock, Crow in the Snow, Flamingo Plays Bingo, Giraffe in the Bath, Goat in a Boat, Hyena Ballerina, Kangaroo at the Zoo, Lizard in a Blizzard, Llamas in Pajamas, Mole in a Hole, Raccoon on the Moon, Seal at the Wheel, Snail Brings the Mail, Spider in a Glider, and Underpants for Ants. 13