2013 USC Baseball Media Guide

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The Vision of USC

Did You Know? · The USC School of Cinema c Arts (above) was proud to both celebrate its 80th anniversary during the 2009-10 academic year, and open the doors on the first two buildings in its new Cinema c Arts complex, which pays homage to the cinema c history of Southern California and USC. The new Cinema c Arts complex was built, thanks to a $175 million dona on by USC alumnus George Lucas. The now-completed complex includes an anima on building, soundstages and a produc on center. · In February 2010, the Princeton Review ranked USC's Interac ve Media division as the No. 1 video-game design program in North America. Game design formally got its start at USC in 2002, when the USC School of Cinema c Arts launched its MFA in interac ve media, although a core game-design workshop had been in place since 1999. In 2004, the school unveiled the Game Innova on Lab, a state-of-the-art research space and think tank for game design and crea on. A B.A. in interac ve entertainment was first offered in 2005. Today, USC offers four degrees in video-game development at the undergraduate and graduate levels. For the game-play design-focused, the USC School of Cinema c Arts offers the Master of Fine Arts in interac ve media and the Bachelor of Arts in interac ve entertainment. For the more engineering-oriented, the USC Viterbi School offers the Bachelor of Science in computer science (games) and the Master of Science in computer science (game development).

The University of Southern California is a private research ins tu on of interna onal dis nc on. It is dis nguished by renowned faculty, highly compe ve admission standards, an apprecia on of the arts and an innova ve community service outreach program that was recognized by Time Princeton Review when USC was named College of the Year in 2000 and Newsweek/Kaplan College Guide's "Hot School of 2001." Founded in 1880, it enrolls about 38,000 students annually on two campuses, the 235-acre University Park Campus in Exposi on Park and the 50-acre Health Sciences Campus, three miles to the northeast of downtown Los Angeles. USC is a unique and dis nguished university with a proud tradi on of achievement and unheralded success in all areas of study: USC is a member of the Associa on of American Universi es, a select group of 62 elite public and private universi es in the United States and Canada that, together, do about two-thirds of all federally funded research and development. USC has 63 faculty members who are members of na onal academies. Membership in these pres gious academies, created by Congress, is by elec on only and is based on a faculty member's dis nguished and con nuous achievements. The University is the home of 17 professional schools, in addi on to the College of Le ers, Arts and Sciences. These schools train specialists in fields ranging from medicine and law to architecture, theatre, educa on and business. USC undergraduates can design degrees from 77 major and 101 minors available in the College of Le ers, Arts & Sciences, the Graduate School and Professional Schools. • More than 233,000 living alumni in the Trojan Family • 40 housing facili es available both on and off campus • More than 300 clubs and student organiza ons • Many of USC's undergraduate/graduate programs rank in the top 10 na onally • 46 fraterni es and sorori es • One of the na on's best academic reputa ons.

The Vision of USC Did You Know? · USC was named No. 23 in the na on for the “best na onal universi es” category by U.S. News & World Report in 2010. At 23rd, USC was ed with Carnegie Mellon University. U.S. News listed USC among only five ins tu ons in the American West in the top 25; it also included Stanford (No. 5), the California Ins tute of Technology (No. 7), the University of California, Berkeley (No. 22) and UCLA (No. 25). From 1991 to date, USC has risen 28 places in the U.S. News rankings. Moreover, the university also was rated as having the third most economically diverse student body among top schools. Two USC schools were singled out in the rankings for quality: The USC Marshall School of Business was ranked No. 10 na onally and was listed as No. 4 in entrepreneurship and No. 5 in real estate. The USC Viterbi School of Engineering was rated 26th overall. · USC’s 2009 entering class is the most academically talented in the university’s 129-year history. Despite a difficult economic environment, demand remained high, with 35,753 applica ons for 2,869 places in the class. Students’ average standardized test scores are in the 94th percen le as compared to all students in the United States, and their average grade point average is 3.7. USC offers admission without regard to ability to pay, and the university meets 100 percent of the demonstrated need of on- me financial aid applicants. USC has the largest university-funded financial aid budget of any university in the country, providing more than $180 million each year of university funds to undergraduates. Almost 60 percent of USC’s undergraduate students receive some sort of university aid. This represents more than 9,000 students – more than the total undergraduate popula on of most highly selec ve private research universi es. · USC is one of only two Los Angeles universi es to own its own hospital a er the university spent $275 million in 2009 to acquire the USC University Hospital and USC Norris Cancer Center. With other hospitals comprising the university's Health Science campus (located east of downtown Los Angeles), the acquisi on ensures USC's posi on among the na on's top-ranked integrated academic medical centers. · USC is the largest private-sector employer in Los Angeles and one of the largest economic engines for the state of California. USC's academic spending alone generates $4.9 billion annually in economic ac vity in the Los Angeles region and beyond. · With the opening of a new interna onal office in Shanghai, USC has increased its number of Asia offices to four: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei and Tokyo. USC is the na on’s leader in interna onal educa on, with over 7,000 interna onal students, more than any other U.S. university. Academically, USC’s es to Shanghai include partnerships with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the College of Civil Engineering at Shanghai-based Tongji University.

In the summer of 2010, the $100 million Ronald Tutor Campus Center opened at the center of the USC campus. The complex includes a new admission office, alumni center and general meeting space for student groups.

USC Undergraduate Profile African American Asian Caucasian Hispanic/La no Na ve American

5.5% 23.5% 44.3% 13.4% 0.9%

Interna onal Students


Female Male

50.2% 49.8%

USC undergraduates come from all 50 states and about 115 countries. Total Enrollment 38,000 Undergraduate Students 17,500 Graduate/Professional Students 20,500 Student/Faculty Ra o


School with the largest undergraduate enrollment is the College of Le ers, Arts and Sciences (37.4%). Average class size for the College of Le ers, Arts and Sciences is 26 students. Financial aid expenditures totalled $343 million. 95% of students participate in extracurricular ac vi es.

The Trojan Family The extended family of USC is a global network made up of thousands of alumni, students, faculty, and staff, as well as parents of students, SCions (children and grandchildren of alumni), the Board of Trustees, the boards of councilors, donors, athletic fans, and neighborhood partners. But the uniqueness of the Trojan Family isn’t due to its vast numbers. Rather, it’s the extraordinary closeness and solidarity that is found in this genuinely supportive community. To its members, the term “Trojan Family” is more than a phrase: it represents a promise, a commitment to support that is lifelong and worldwide.

USC ALMA MATER “All Hail” “All Hail to Alma Mater To thy glory we sing; All Hail to Southern California Loud let thy praises ring; Where Western sky meets Western sea Our college stands in majesty; Sing our love to Alma Mater, Hail, all hail to thee!”



USC’s diverse student body is a strength and source of pride. From its earliest days, USC aspired to diversity by ins tu ng policies that assured no student would be denied admission because of race, color, religion, or gender. The university has a racted more interna onal students over the years than any other American university. Currently, 11 percent of USC’s students represent over 110 countries. Equally important is the academic excellence that today’s USC students bring. USC accepted 80 percent of applicants from the top 10 percent of their high schools. The 2009 entering class’ SAT score average between 1930-2150 and GPA average is 3.7. But USC students are more than academic high-achievers. There have been more Trojans in the Olympics than any American university, and over 60 percent of the university’s students volunteer in community-service programs in neighborhoods around campus and throughout LA. Outstanding, well-rounded students are a hallmark of USC.

USC’s faculty members aren’t just teachers of others’ works, but ac ve contributors to what is taught, thought, and prac ced throughout the world. The university’s faculty includes Nobel Prize laureate George A. Olah and 63 members of the Na onal Academy of Sciences, Na onal Academy of Engineering, and, Institute of Medicine. More than 200 faculty members have received pres gious academic and professional awards from organiza ons as varied as Na onal Ins tutes of Health, the Na onal Science Founda on, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humani es, the John Simon Guggenheim Founda on, and the Academy of Mo on Pictures Arts and Sciences.

Did You Know? · USC distributes $343 million in financial aid; over 60 percent of our students receive assistance. · For the academic year, a total of 11 percent of the student body are first-genera on college students. And consider this: · The student-to-faculty ra o is 10-to-1. · The average class size is 26 students. · Full- me faculty teach the vast majority of our courses. · Students can get all the classes they need in order to graduate in four years. · USC grads get great jobs, a end the best graduate and professional schools in the country (including our own) and are supported by the Trojan Family - a network of nearly a quarter million alumni.

Alumni USC’s first alumni associa on was founded in 1885, just a year a er the university graduated its first class. Those ini al eight men and women paved the way for today’s more than 229,000-member USC Alumni Associa on. Trojan alumni span all 50 states and virtually every region of the world. As leaders in their communi es and professions, they bring recogni on to their alma mater. Dis nguished alumni include former U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher, astronaut Neil Armstrong, architect Frank Gehry, opera singer Marilyn Horne, symphony conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, film director George Lucas, and baseball pitcher Mark Prior. The talents and commitment of its alumni are among USC’s greatest strengths.

All-American Erny Pinckert. Inscribed on the statue’s base is “THE TROJAN” and the university’s seal, with the La n mo o “Palmam qui meruit ferat (Let him who deserves it bear away the palm).” Below the seal are in scribed the quali es of the ideal Trojan: “Faithful, Scholarly, Skillful, Courageous and Ambi ous.”

Traveler Traveler, the noble white horse that appears at all USC home foot ball games with a regal Trojan warrior astride, is one of the most famous college mascots. Traveler first made an ap pear ance at USC foot ball games in 1961. Bob Jani, then USC’s director of special events, and Eddie Tannenbaum, then a junior at USC, had spotted Richard Saukko riding his white horse, Traveler I, in the 1961 Rose Parade. They persuaded Saukko to ride his white horse during USC games, serving as a mascot. Ever since, whenever USC scores, the band plays “Conquest” and Traveler gallops around the Coliseum. The current Trojan mascot is Traveler VII. Even though the breed of horse may have changed over the years — Travelers I through VI ranged from an Arabian/Tennessee Walker to a pure-bred Tennessee Walker to a pure-bred Arabian to an Andalusian — Traveler’s color has always remained pure white. In the fall of 2004, USC alumnus Bill Tilley ('61) and his wife, Nadine, donated $2 million to provide a permanent endowment to support Traveler. Besides the horses, USC once even had a canine mascot. A mu named George Tirebiter I (famous for chasing cars through the USC campus) first appeared at football games in 1940. He survived a publicized dognapping by UCLA in 1947, but succumbed under the res of an automobile in 1950. He was succeeded by George II for three years(1950-52), then George III for one year (1953) and finally George IV for one year (1957).

Tommy Trojan In the center of the USC campus stands one of the most famous collegiate landmarks in the country: Tommy Trojan. Since being unveiled in 1930 for USC’s 50th jubilee, the statue of the bronzed Trojan warrior has served not only as a popular meeting place on campus, but as a symbol of the university’s figh ng spirit. Sculpted by Roger Noble Burnham, Tommy Trojan cost $10,000 to build. A $1 surcharge then on season football ckets helped pay for it. The statue is a composite of many USC football players from the late 20s, most notably 1930 Rose Bowl Player of the Game Russ Saunders and

Cardinal and Gold Before 1895, the official color of USC was gold. The official color of the College of Liberal Arts was cardinal. The college had its own official color because it was the largest academic unit in the University. In 1895, both colors were adopted as USC’s official colors.

“Trojans” USC’s nickname, “Trojans,” originated in 1912. Up to that me, USC’s teams were called the Methodists or Wesleyans, nicknames which were not looked upon with favor by university officials. So, Warren Bovard, director of athle cs and son of university president Dr. George Bovard, asked Los Angeles Times sports editor Owen Bird to select an appropriate nickname. “At this me, the athletes and coaches of the university were under terrific handicaps,” recalled Bird. “They were facing teams that were bigger and be er-equipped, yet they had splendid figh ng spirit. The name ‘Trojans’ fi ed them.”

The Spirit Of Troy The Trojan Marching Band - known as “The Spirit of Troy” - is perhaps the most dynamic and innova ve collegiate band in the na on. Named among the eight best marching bands in the country by USA Today, the band is one of the most visible tools of the University. Established in 1880, the band has played for seven Presidents, appeared in nu merous movies, com mercials and television shows, and has even produced several records of its own music. The band marches upwards of 80 miles a year while traveling across the land supporting almost ev ery USC athle c team. A typical football hal ime show by the band takes more than 4,000 work hours to prepare. Now 300-plus members strong, the Trojan Marching Band has tripled in size since Dr. Arthur C. Bartner became its director in 1969.

Notable Alumni Herb Alpert, Musician Neil Armstrong, Astronaut Art Buchwald, Columnist LeVar Burton, Actor Leo Buscaglia, Author/Educator Jerry Buss, Owner - LA Lakers Julie Chen, TV Broadcaster Warren Christopher, former U.S. Secretary of State Frank Gehry, Architect Frank Gifford, Sportscaster Lionel Hampton, Musician Marilyn Horne, Opera Star Ron Howard, Director/Actor Keyshawn Johnson, NFL Randy Johnson, MLB Michael Landon, Actor Lisa Leslie, WNBA George Lucas, Film Director Paul Mazursky, Director Cheryl Miller, Sportscaster Paul Orphala, Founder - Kinkos Linda Johnson Rice, CEO Ebony, Jet Magazines John Ri er, Actor Barney Rosenzweig, Producer Edward P. Roski - Co-Owner - LA Kings and LA Lakers Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Tom Selleck, Actor Ally Sheedy, Actress Cybill Shepard, Actress John Singleton, Director Lynn Swann, Sportscaster Marlo Thomas, Actress John Wayne, Actor Forest Whitaker, Actor David L. Wolper, Producer Robert Zemeckis, Film Director

The Pac-12 Conference Built on a firm foundation of academic excellence and superior athletic performance, the Conference ushered in a new era on July 1, 2011, officially becoming the Pac-12 Conference with the additions of the University of Colorado and University of Utah. Just 27 days after the Conference officially changed its named, Commissioner Larry Scott announced the creation of the Pac-12 Networks on July 27, 2011, solidifying a landmark television deal and putting the Conference on the forefront. The Networks, including one national network and six regional networks, in conjunction with four of the nation’s largest cable operators, marked the first time a U.S. collegiate conference or any other programmer has launched a collection of networks across a variety of platforms, rather than a sole network. In addition, the “TV everywhere” rights will allow fans to access coverage outside the home on any digital device, including smartphones and tablet computers. On the field, the Pac-12 rises above the rest, upholding its tradition as the “Conference of Champions” ®, claiming an incredible 119 NCAA team titles since 1999-2000, including nine in 2011-12. That is an average of over nine championships per academic year. Even more impressive has been the breadth of the Pac-12’s success, with championships coming in 28 different men’s and women’s sports. The Pac-12 has led or tied the nation in NCAA Championships in 46 of the last 52 years. The only exceptions being in 1980-81, 1988-89, 1990-91 and 1995-96 when the Conference finished second, and only twice finished third (1998-99 and 2004-05). For the seventh-consecutive year, the Pac-12 had the most NCAA titles or tied for the most of any conference in the country, winning at least six every year since 2000-01. No other conference has won double-digit NCAA crowns in a single year, the Pac-12 doing so six times, including a record 14 in 1996-97. Spanning nearly a century of outstanding athletics achievements, the Pac-12 was the first conference to reach 400 championships in 2010-11. With the inclusion of Colorado and Utah, the Conference surpassed another major milestone, with league teams capturing 450 titles, outdistancing the next conference by nearly 200. In all, Conference teams have won 451 NCAA Championships (306 men’s, 145 women’s). The Conference’s reputation is further proven in the annual Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup competition, the prestigious award that honors the best overall collegiate athletics programs in the country. STANFORD continued its remarkable run and won its unprecedented 18th-consecutive Directors’ Cup in 2011-12. For the second-straight year, six of the top 25 Division I programs were Pac-12 member institutions: No. 1 STANFORD, No. 3 UCLA, No. 7 USC, No. 11 CALIFORNIA, No. 19 ARIZONA and No. 24 OREGON. With three teams in the top 10, it was the most of any conference. The new era of the Pac-12 Conference and 2011-12 campaign kicked off with the Conference’s first-ever Pac-12 Football Championship game, pitting OREGON for the North Division and UCLA from the South Division. The Ducks won the inaugural championship game, 49-31, in front of a sold-out stadium (59,376) in Eugene, Ore. The Conference’s nine national titles came in the form of five women’s and four men’s crowns. Six different league schools claimed NCAA titles and, of the five NCAA institutions to have won multiples titles, three were from the Pac-12. CALIFORNIA, STANFORD and USC each won two NCAA Championships. The Golden Bears swept the men’s and women’s swimming and diving crowns for the secondconsecutive year; the Cardinal raised the national championship trophy for the first time ever in women’s soccer and added a second-consecutive crown in women’s water polo; while the Trojans won their fourth-straight men’s tennis and men’s water polo crowns.

Arguably the best women’s volleyball conference in the country, UCLA brought home the national title, the Pac-12‘s first in the sport in six years. OREGON also continued its remarkable streak in women’s indoor track, winning a third-straight crown. And ARIZONA won its first baseball crown in over a quarter century as it claimed the Conference’s ninth of the year. In addition to the nine national championships, the Pac-12 also had runners-up in eight NCAA Championship events: women’s volleyball (USC), cross country (WASHINGTON), men’s water polo (UCLA), skiing (UTAH), women’s tennis (UCLA), women’s track & field (OREGON), men’s volleyball (USC) and women’s water polo (USC). Overall, the Conference had 39 teams finish in the top four at 25 NCAA Championship events. Participation in the postseason was a common occurrence for the Pac-12 in 2011-12. Of the 22 sports sponsored by the Conference, 14 witnessed at least half its teams participating in NCAA or other postseason action. The men sent 53 of a possible 101 teams into the postseason (52.4 percent), while the women sent 67 of a possible 113 teams (59.3 percent). The Conference experienced continued success in football as the league sent two teams to BCS Bowl games for the second-straight year. Overall, seven teams went to bowls games. OREGON claimed its 10th Pac-12 crown in the sport, winning the Conference’s first-ever Football Championship Game, and claimed a spot in the Rose Bowl. Meanwhile, STANFORD (Tostitos Fiesta Bowl), ARIZONA STATE (MAACO Las Vegas Bowl), CALIFORNIA (Holiday Bowl), WASHINGTON (Valero Alamo Bowl), UTAH (Hyundai Sun Bowl) and UCLA (Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl) also earned bowl bids. Oregon and Stanford were ranked in the top-5 of the Associated Press’ poll at season’s end, finishing fourth and fifth, respectively. Conference newcomer COLORADO won the Pac-12 Tournament men’s basketball title. The Buffs, along with CALIFORNIA, represented the league in the NCAA Tournament. Regular-season champion WASHINGTON and STANFORD headed to the NIT where the Cardinal put together an impressive run that resulted in the Pac-12’s sixth-ever NIT title. The Huskies advanced to New York City, but fell in the semifinals. The Conference’s 10-3 record in NIT play were the most wins ever by Pac12 teams in the nation’s oldest tournament. WASHINGTON STATE narrowly missed out on becoming the third Pac-12 team in four years to capture a postseason title in the College Basketball Invitational (CBI), advancing to the championship series before falling, two games to one. On the women’s side, two teams competed in the NCAA Tournament and five others competed in the WNIT. STANFORD made its fifth-consecutive NCAA Women’s Final Four appearance after winning its sixth-straight Pac-12 Tournament crown. CALIFORNIA made a return to the postseason after a two-year absence. With COLORADO and WASHINGTON advancing the furthest in the WNIT, Pac-12 teams went 12-4 in the postseason in games against non-Conference opponents. The Conference has dominated the volleyball field, winning a record 14 NCAA titles in the sport since 1982. UCLA captured its first NCAA title since 1991, while USC advanced to the national semifinals for the second-straight year. Seven Pac-12 teams earned postseason bids, the 12th-consecutive year the Conference has sent at least six teams to the NCAA Tournament. ARIZONA won the Conference’s 27th all-time NCAA baseball championship in 2012, becoming only the second team in NCAA history to go 10-0 in postseason play. Five Pac-12 teams received NCAA Tournament bids, with UCLA joining the Wildcats at the NCAA College World Series. In addition, OREGON and STANFORD reached

the Super Regionals, and OREGON STATE also represented the Conference in the postseason event. Without question, the Conference has dominated the softball field, winning 23 national championships in the sport since 1982, most recently capturing six in a row from 2006-11. Eight Pac-12 teams earned NCAA Tournament bids in 2012, including the No. 1-overall seed CALIFORNIA. The eight postseason teams were the most for the Conference since 2007. Cal, ARIZONA STATE and OREGON punched their tickets to the NCAA Women’s College World Series, the ninth time the Conference had sent three teams to the WCWS. The Pac-12 swept two men’s and women’s sports, capturing national championships in swimming & diving, and water polo. CALIFORNIA took home both swimming & diving crowns for the second-straight year. In water polo, USC was the top men’s team for the fourth year in a row, while the STANFORD women repeated as national champions. Pac-12 members have won 306 NCAA team championships on the men’s side, 89 more than the next closest conference. Men’s NCAA crowns have come at a phenomenal rate for the Pac-12 - 16 basketball titles by six schools (more than any other conference), 53 tennis titles, 45 outdoor track & field crowns, and 27 baseball titles. Pac-12 members have won 25 of 43 NCAA titles in volleyball, 38 of 42 in water polo, 27 in skiing, and 23 in swimming & diving national championships. Individually, the Conference has produced an impressive number of NCAA men’s individual champions, as well, boasting 2,073 individual crowns. On the women’s side, the story is much the same. Since the NCAA began conducting women’s championships 31 years ago, Pac-12 members have claimed at least four national titles in a single season on 22 occasions, including the last 12-consecutive years. Overall, the Pac-12 has captured 145 NCAA women’s titles, easily outdistancing the SEC, which is second, with 88. Pac-12 members have dominated a number of sports, winning 23 softball titles, 19 tennis crowns, 14 volleyball titles, 14 of the last 23 trophies in golf, and 13 in swimming & diving. Pac-12 women student-athletes shine nationally on an individual basis, as well, having captured an unmatched 642 NCAA individual crowns, an average of nearly 21 championships per season. PAC-12 CONFERENCE HISTORY The roots of the Pac-12 Conference date back 97 years to December 2, 1915, when the Pacific Coast Conference (PCC) was founded at a meeting at the Oregon Hotel in Portland, Ore. The original membership consisted of four schools - the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Washington, the University of Oregon, and Oregon State College (now Oregon State University). All still are charter members of the Conference.

The Pacific Coast Conference competed as a 10-member league until 1950, with the exception of 1943-45 when World War II curtailed intercollegiate athletic competition to a minimum. During that time, the league’s first commissioner was named. Edwin N. Atherton was Commissioner in 1940 and was succeeded by Victor O. Schmidt in 1944. In 1950, Montana resigned from the Conference and joined the Mountain States Conference. The PCC continued as a nine-team Conference through 1958. In 1959, the PCC was dissolved and the Athletic Association of Western Universities was formed and Thomas J. Hamilton was appointed Commissioner of the new league. The original AAWU membership included California, Stanford, Southern California, UCLA and Washington. Washington State joined the membership in 1962, while Oregon and Oregon State joined in 1964. Under Hamilton’s watch, the name Pacific-8 Conference was adopted in 1968. In 1971, Wiles Hallock took over as Commissioner of the Pac-8. Ten years later, on July 1, 1978, the University of Arizona and Arizona State University were admitted to the league and the Pacific-10 Conference became a reality. In 1986-87, the league took on a new look, expanding to include 10 women’s sports. Since then, the Conference has been considered the premiere league in women’s athletics, securing the most NCAA titles in women’s sports of any conference nearly every year. Thomas C. Hansen was named the Commissioner of the Pac-10 in 1983, a role he would hold for 26 years until 2009. Hansen was succeeded by current Commissioner Larry Scott, who took on the new role in July 2009. During the 2010-11 academic year, Scott helped deliver monumental changes that transformed the Conference into a modern 12-team league. The Conference expanded to add two more teams, agreed to equal revenue sharing for the first time in Conference history, created two divisions - the North and the South, for football only, established a Football Championship Game for the first time ever, secured a landmark media rights deal that dramatically increased national exposure and revenue for each school and established the Pac-12 Network and Pac-12 Digital Network that guaranteed enhanced exposure across all sports. The University of Colorado accepted its invitation to join the Pac-12 on June 11, 2010, and on June 17, 2010, the University of Utah agreed to join the Conference. The Buffaloes and Utes officially became the 11th and 12th members of the Conference July 1, 2011, the first additions to the league since 1978. During the 33 years between expansions, Conference teams claimed 258 NCAA titles, including 130 women’s and 128 men’s. Currently, the Pac-12 sponsors 11 men’s sports and 11 women’s sports. Additionally, the Conference is a member of the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation (MPSF) in four other men’s sports and three women’s sports.

Pacific Coast Conference play began in 1916 and, one year later, Washington State College (now Washington State University) was accepted into the league, with Stanford University following in 1918.

The Pac-12 Conference offices are located 25 miles east of San Francisco in Walnut Creek, Calif.

In 1922, the PCC expanded to eight teams with the admission of the University of Southern California (USC) and the University of Idaho. In 1924, the University of Montana joined the league roster, and in 1928, the PCC grew to 10 members with the addition of UCLA.

1350 Treat Blvd, Suite 500 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 office.925.932.4411 fax.925.932.4601

National Championships USC has long dominated the world of intercollegiate athle cs. In fact, it could be argued that Troy was the “Collegiate Athle c Program of the 20th Century.” USC men and women have combined for 118 na onal team tles. Trojan men’s teams are tops in the nation in NCAA championships with 82 — more than any other university. Overall, USC’s men have won 95 na onal championships. USC has won the Na onal Collegiate All-Sports Championship-an annual ranking by USA Today (previously The Knoxville Journal) of the country’s top men’s athle c programs — 6 mes (1971-7274-75-77-80) since its incep on in 1971. USC’s women are also a force, with 23 na onal team tles, all since 1976. From 1959-60 to 1984-85, USC put together an amazing streak. In each of those 26 years, at least one Trojan team won a na onal championship (including five crowns in both 1962-63 and 1976-77).

MEN'S TEAM TITLES Έ95Ή Football (11) 1928 Howard Jones 1931 Howard Jones 1932 Howard Jones 1939 Howard Jones 1962 John McKay 1967 John McKay 1972 John McKay 1974 John McKay 1978 John Robinson 2003 Pete Carroll 2004 Pete Carroll Baseball (12) 1948 Sam Berry Rod Dedeaux 1958 Rod Dedeaux 1961 Rod Dedeaux 1963 Rod Dedeaux 1968 Rod Dedeaux 1970 Rod Dedeaux 1971 Rod Dedeaux 1972 Rod Dedeaux 1973 Rod Dedeaux 1974 Rod Dedeaux 1978 Rod Dedeaux 1998 Mike Gillespie GymnasƟcs (1) 1962 Jack Beckner Indoor Track and Field (2) 1967 Vern Wolfe 1972 Vern Wolfe Swimming and Diving (9) 1960 Peter Daland 1963 Peter Daland 1964 Peter Daland 1965 Peter Daland 1966 Peter Daland 1974 Peter Daland 1975 Peter Daland 1976 Peter Daland 1977 Peter Daland

Four-time NCAA 100m champion and two-time Olympian Angela Williams

Two-time NCAA champion and four-time Olympic medalist Kaitlin Sandeno

Tennis (20) 1946 William Moyle 1951 Louis Wheeler 1955 George Toley 1958 George Toley 1962 George Toley 1963 George Toley 1964 George Toley 1966 George Toley 1967 George Toley 1968 George Toley 1969 George Toley 1976 George Toley ( e) 1991 Dick Leach 1993 Dick Leach 1994 Dick Leach 2002 Dick Leach 2009 Peter Smith 2010 Peter Smith 2011 Peter Smith 2012 Peter Smith Track and Field (26) 1926 Dean Cromwell 1930 Dean Cromwell 1931 Dean Cromwell 1935 Dean Cromwell 1936 Dean Cromwell 1937 Dean Cromwell 1938 Dean Cromwell

1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1958 1961 1963 1965 1967 1968 1976

Dean Cromwell Dean Cromwell Dean Cromwell Dean Cromwell Dean Cromwell Jess Hill Jess Hill Jess Mortensen Jess Mortensen Jess Mortensen Jess Mortensen Jess Mortensen Jess Mortensen Jess Mortensen Vern Wolfe Vern Wolfe ( e) Vern Wolfe Vern Wolfe Vern Wolfe

Volleyball (6) 1949 Hans Vogel (USVBA) 1950 Hans Vogel (USVBA) 1977 Ernie Hix 1980 Ernie Hix 1988 Bob Yoder 1990 Jim McLaughlin Water Polo (7) 1999 John Williams Jovan Vavic 2003 Jovan Vavic 2005 Jovan Vavic 2008 Jovan Vavic 2009 Jovan Vavic 2010 Jovan Vavic 2011 Jovan Vavic 2012 Jovan vavic WOM EN'S TEAM TITLES Έ23Ή Basketball (2) 1983 Linda Sharp 1984 Linda Sharp Golf (2) 2003 Andrea Gaston 2008 Andrea Gaston Swimming and Diving (1) 1997 Mark Schubert Tennis (7) 1977 Dave Borelli (AIAW) 1977 Dave Borelli (USTA) 1978 Dave Borelli (USTA) 1979 Dave Borelli (AIAW) 1980 Dave Borelli (AIAW) 1983 Dave Borelli 1985 Dave Borelli Track and Field (1) 2001 Ron Allice Soccer (1) 2007 Ali Khoshroshahin Volleyball (6) 1976 Chuck Erbe (AIAW) 1977 Chuck Erbe (AIAW) 1980 Chuck Erbe (AIAW) 1981 Chuck Erbe 2002 Mick Haley 2003 Mick Haley Water Polo (3) 1999 Jovan Vavic (NCWWP) 2004 Jovan Vavic 2010 Jovan Vavic

The USC Athletic Experience USC has a proud athle c heritage — and with good reason. Arguably, Troy could be regarded as one of the best collegiate athle c programs in the na on: · Trojan teams have won more na onal championships, 95 men’s (including a na onal-best 82 men's NCAA tles) and 23 women’s, than all but two other universi es · The Trojans won at least one na onal team tle in 26 consecu ve years (1959-60 to 1984-85) · USC has won the Na onal College All-Sports Championship — an annual ranking by USA Today (previously the Knoxville Journal) of the country’s top men’s athle c programs — six mes since its incep on in 1971 · USC has won the annual Gauntlet Trophy, a year-long all-sports compe on between Troy and crosstown rival UCLA, eight mes (2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012) · Trojan men athletes have won more individual NCAA tles (304) than those from any other school in the na on (the Women of Troy have brought home another 64 individual NCAA crowns) · Troy has also established a stellar reputa on and a long tradi on of nurturing Olympic athletes. Since 1904, 418 Trojan athletes have competed in the Games, taking home 135 gold medals (with at least one gold in every summer Olympics since 1912), 87 silver and 65 bronze.

1998 NCAA baseball champions

· Four Trojans have won the pres gious Sullivan Award as the top amateur athlete in America: diver Sammy Lee (1953), shot pu er Parry O’Brien (1959), swimmer John Naber (1977) and Janet Evans (1989) · Two Women of Troy athletes have won the Honda-Broderick Cup as the top collegiate woman athlete of the year: Cheryl Miller (1983-84) and Angela Williams (2001-02) · USC has won six Heisman Trophy winners with the most recent winners being Carson Palmer (2002) and Ma Leinart (2004). · Along with the great accomplishments on the playing fields, USC student-athletes have received 50 NCAA Postgraduate Scholarships, in the top 10 among all schools. In addi on, USC has had 29 first team Academic All-Americans and four athletes who were Rhodes Scholars

2003 NCAA men's water polo champions

2003 NCAA women's volleyball champions (above) 2001 NCAA women's track and field champions (below)

Four-time Olympic Gold medalist Lenny Krayzelburg

2003 Heisman Trophy winner Carson Palmer

Los Angeles The University of Southern California is nestled in the city of Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the United States with nearly four million residents. In fact the combined popula on for Los Angeles County and Orange County (located east) is close to 13 million people. Nicknamed "The City of Angels", the Los Angeles metropolitan area is the third-highest economic center in the world behind New York and Tokyo. Los Angeles is one of the most diverse ci es in terms of demographics in the United States and benefits from one of the mildest climates. The average temperature is 66 degrees during the year with an average high of 75 degrees as the city receives on average just 35 days of precipita on. Not only do residents in Los Angeles enjoy year-round sunshine, but they can drive from the beach to the mountains or to the desert within a two-hour drive. With the many ac vi es and a rac ons available in the area, Los Angeles has not only been a des na on for many tourists, but one of the best ci es in the world to call home.

12 12

ROD DEDEAU X - T HE A RC H IT EC T O F U S C B A S EB A L L On January 5, 2006, the USC baseball program suffered the loss of Rod Dedeaux, one of the greatest college coaches ever, who passed away at the age of 91. Not only was Dedeaux the main architect for the success of the USC baseball program, but also one of the great ambassadors for college baseball and amateur baseball in international competition. In his 45-year tenure at USC (1942-86), Dedeaux led the Trojans to 11 national championships and 28 conference titles. He posted an overall record of 1,332-571-11 for a superb .699 winning percentage. At his retirement, he had won more games than any other college baseball coach (he currently ranks seventh among Division I coaches). His teams from 1970-74 won five straight NCAA championships, a record that may never be broken. No other school has won more than two in a row. Two personal honors for Dedeaux, which are quite fitting considering his accomplishments, came in 1999 when he was named “Coach of the Century” by both Baseball America and Collegiate Baseball. As part of the 50th anniversary of the College World Series in 1996, Dedeaux was named the head coach of the All-Time CWS team by a panel of former World Series coaches, media and college baseball officials. In 1999, he was presented with keys to the city of Omaha (home to the College World Series). Dedeaux was named Coach of the Year six times by the American Baseball Coaches Association and was inducted into the organization’s Hall of Fame in 1970. He received the ABCA’s Lefty Gomez Award in 1980 as“an individual that has distinguished himself amongst his peers and has contributed significantly to the game of baseball locally, nationally, and internationally.” In 1989, he was awarded the U.S. Baseball Federation’s W.P. “Dutch” Fehring Award of Merit for outstanding service. Dedeaux helped develop 59 major leaguers, including such top stars as Tom Seaver, Mark McGwire, Randy Johnson, Fred Lynn, Dave Kingman, Roy Smalley, Don Buford, Ron Fairly, Rich Dauer, Steve Busby, Jim Barr and Steve Kemp. Rod spearheaded the development of amateur baseball nationally and internationally. He was instrumental in bringing baseball to the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles as a demonstration sport and coached the silver medal-winning U.S. team. He also coached the U.S. amateur team that played in Tokyo in conjunction with the 1964 Olympics. Dedeaux founded the USA-Japan Collegiate World Series in 1972. He served as Series Chairman from 1972-84 and later as Chairman Emeritus. Dedeaux also was honored in May of 1996 by the Japanese government with the Fourth Order of Merit — Cordon of the Rising Sun award. Hollywood enlisted Dedeaux’s expertise as well, inviting him to serve as a technical director and consultant for two highly successful movies: “Field of Dreams” and “A League of Their Own.”

On Feb. 14, 2004, the Trojans opened the regular season by celebrating Rod Dedeaux's 90th birthday (Rod's actual birthday is Feb. 17, 1914). The legendary play-by-play announcer of the Los Angeles Dodgers Vin Scully (center) and former owner Peter O'Malley (right) were on hand, along with one of Dedeaux's closest friends, former Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda. Over 100 former Trojans, including Tom Seaver and Roy Smalley, attended the festivities. Remarkably, USC's first national championship squad from 1948 was well-represented as 15 members of that team were in attendance.

ROD DEDEAUX - T H E A RC H IT E C T O F U S C B A S EB A LL Dedeaux played baseball at USC and was a three-year letterman as the starting shortstop from 1933-35. He played briefly in the Major Leagues with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1935. During the 1930s, Dedeaux started Dart Transportation, Inc., a company that eventually grew into a million-dollar trucking firm that specializes in world-wide distribution. Even until his passing, Dedeaux served as the company’s president and was a daily fixture with the company. Born on Feb. 17, 1914, in New Orleans, Dedeaux moved to California as a youngster and was a baseball star at Hollywood (Calif.) High. “Tiger”will be sorely missed, but the legacy of Rod Dedeaux and his impact on others will always live on.

The following excerpts are from a 1976 Jim Murray column in the Los Angeles Times: “... But the greatest farm club in the history of the major leagues ... and the most consistent supplier of major league talent the past 10 years is a franchise maintained at no cost to baseball. It finds and signs its own prospects, suits them up, develops them, refines them, weeds them out — and then turns them over to the big leagues fully polished and ready for the World Series. “The University of Southern California baseball team is to the majors what the Mesabi range is to steel or the forest is to Weyerhauser — a seemingly limitless supply of basic ore or timber. “... Rod Dedeaux went to bat only four times in the big leagues. Nevertheless he probably should go to the Hall of Fame as a man who has done as much for the great game in his own way as Babe Ruth.”


14 14

TA BLE O F CO NT ENT S 2013 SCHEDULE Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday

Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 March 1 March 2 March 3 March 6 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 12 March 15 March 16 March 17 March 19 March 20 March 22 March 23 March 24 March 28 March 29 March 30 April 2 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 9 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 16 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 30 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 7 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 24 May 25 May 26

Cal State Fullerton CSU Bakersfield Nebraska Loyola Marymount Cal State Northridge Cal State Northridge Cal State Nothridge Long Beach State Fresno State Fresno State Fresno State Cal State Fullerton Oklahoma Notre Dame UCLA Pepperdine Oregon* Oregon* Oregon* Louisville Louisville Washington* Washington* Washington* California* California* California* UC Irvine Stanford* Stanford* Stanford* Cal State Fullerton Arizona State* Arizona State* Arizona State* Loyola Marymount Utah* Utah* Utah* Oregon State* Oregon State* Oregon State* Pepperdine TCU TCU TCU UC Irvine Washington State* Washington State* Washington State* UCLA* UCLA* UCLA* Arizona* Arizona* Arizona*

* Pac-12 Conference game All times local Dates and times are subject to change

Fullerton, Calif. 6 p.m. Bakersfield, Calif. 2 p.m. Dedeaux Field 1 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Northridge, Calif. 1 p.m. Dedeaux Field 1 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Fresno, Calif. 6:35 p.m. Fresno, Calif. 6:35 p.m. Fresno, Calif. 1 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 2 p.m. Westwood, Calif. 3 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 2 p.m. Dedeaux Field 12 p.m. Louisville, Ky. 6 p.m. Louisville, Ky. 3 p.m. Seattle, Wash. 5 p.m. Seattle, Wash. 2 p.m. Seattle, Wash. 1 p.m. Berkeley, Calif. 2:30 p.m. Berkeley, Calif. 2:30 p.m. Berkeley, Calif. 1 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 2 p.m. Dedeaux Field 1 p.m. Fullerton, Calif. 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 2 p.m. Dedeaux Field 1 p.m. Los Angeles, Calif. 3 p.m. Salt Lake City, Utah 6 p.m. Salt Lake City, Utah 12 p.m. Salt Lake City, Utah 11 a.m. Corvallis, Ore. 5:35 p.m. Corvallis, Ore. 1:05 p.m. Corvallis, Ore. 12:05 p.m. Malibu, Calif. 3 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 12 p.m. Irvine, Calif. 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 6 p.m. Dedeaux Field 7 p.m. Dedeaux Field 1 p.m. Dedeaux Field 7 p.m. Dedeaux Field 2 p.m. Dedeaux Field 1 p.m. Tucson, Ariz. 6 p.m. Tucson, Ariz. 6 p.m. Tucson, Ariz. 12 p.m.




Los Angeles ....................................................... 1-11 Rod Dedeaux: ..................................................12-13

All-Conference Selections............................67-68 USA Baseball........................................................... 69 All-Time Letterwinners..................................70-75



2013 Schedule........................................................ 14 Quick Facts............................................................... 15 Media Information ............................................... 15 2013 Radio/TV Roster.......................................... 16 2013 Roster.............................................................. 17 Pronunciation Guide............................................ 17 2013 Season Outlook.....................................18-19


Head Coach Dan Hubbs...................................... 20 Assistant Coaches............................................21-22 Support Staff .......................................................... 22


2013 Player Biographies...............................23-37


Game-By-Game Results...................................... 38 2012 Final Statistics.............................................. 39 2012 Pac-10 Statistics.......................................... 40 Statistical Breakdown.......................................... 41 Pac-12 Conference Recap................................... 42


College World Series Results.......................76-77 Postseason History..........................................78-80 Year-By-Year History............................................. 81 Series Record vs. Opponents.......................82-83 Year-by-Year vs. Pac-12 Opponents..........84-87 Year-by-Year vs. Nonconference Opponents...................87-89 Winning Streaks .................................................... 89 The Last Time.......................................................... 89 Year-by-Year Results.................................... 90-108 Year-By-Year Team Statistics...................109-110 Year-By-Year Individual Leaders............111-112 Year-By-Year Starting Lineups................113-117 Career Individual Records.......................118-119 Single-Season Individual Records........120-121 Single-Game Records...............................122-123


Trojans in Professional Baseball.....................125 Award Winners in the Pros...............................126 All-Time USC Major Leaguers.................127-137 Trojans in the Major League Draft........138-140

USC’s 12 National Championships............43-55 Trojan Heritage.................................................56-59 All-Americans....................................................60-61 Miscellaneous Honors......................................... 62 National Players of the Year.........................63-65 Postseason Honors............................................... 66


City/Zip................................Los Angeles, CA 90089 Founded................................................................. 1880 Enrollment..........................................................33,500 Nickname.......................................................... Trojans School Colors............................. Cardinal and Gold Home Field............................Dedeaux Field (2,500) Surface/Dimensions......................... Natural grass, 335-375-395-365-335 Affiliation.......................................... NCAA Division I Conference........................................................ Pac-12 President...................................... Dr. C.L. Max Nikias Athletics Director..................................... Pat Haden Athletic Dept. Phone..................... (213) 740-3843 Ticket Office Phone...................... (213) 740-GOSC


First Year of Baseball........................................... 1889 Overall All-Time Record................ 2,941-1,651-44 National Championships....................................... 12 (1948, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1998) Post-season Record....................................... 208-77 CWS Appearances, Last Time.................... 21, 2001 College World Series Record......................... 74-26 Playoff/Regionals Appearances, Last Time............................ 40, 2005 Regional Record.............................................. 100-43


Baseball SID.......................................... Rachel Caton Office Phone..................................... (213) 740-3809 SID Fax................................................ (213) 740-7584 Caton Cell........................................... (213) 447-3800 Email.................................................. rcaton@usc.edu Dedeaux Field Press Box ............. (213) 748-3449 SID Mailing Address.................................... HER-103 University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0601

Direct all inquiries to Rachel Caton Assistant Sports Information Director, USC, Heritage Hall 103, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0601, (213) 740-3809. All credentials issued are for working media only. Names will be left on a master media pass list at the ticket booth at the entrance to Dedeaux Field. One courtesy phone line is reserved for visiting radio. If more lines are needed, contact Pacific Bell (800-400-6990) for phone installation at Dedeaux Field (located on USC campus near the corner of Jefferson and Vermont Streets). The address is 1021 Childs Way. Courtesy phone lines will be available for media at the conclusion of every game. Photos may be taken in areas behind first and third base. Photographers are not allowed on Dedeaux Field at any time during the game. Two rows are reserved at Dedeaux Field for credentialed media only. Post-game interviews with USC coaches and players will be conducted in the Trojan dugout after a 10-minute “cooling-off” period. Please notify Jason Pommier of your interview requests before the end of the game. Baseball America: www.baseballamerica.com Collegiate Baseball: www.baseballnews.com D1 Baseball: www.d1baseball.com NCAA: www.ncaa.org NCAA Championships: www.ncaabaseball.com Pac-12 Conference: www.pac-12.org Perfect Game USA: www.perfectgame.org/college All USC baseball games will be broadcast on www. usctrojans.com this season. All home games will feature a live multi-camera video webcast, courtesy o f the Pac-12 portal. The website also has up-to-date information on the baseball program, including press releases, statistics and biographical information.


Head Coach...............................................Dan Hubbs Record at School............................................ 1st year Career Record..................................................1st year Baseball Office Phone................... (213) 740-5762 Best Time to Reach Staff.......................... Mornings Assistant Coaches ......................................................... Gabe Alvarez, Adam Dedeaux Director of Baseball Operations.Marty Butterick Athletic Trainer.................................. Jon Yonamine Baseball Operations Assistant........ Susan Chase


Overall Home Away Neutral

2012 Overall Record 23-32 17-13 6-18 1-0 2012 Pac-12 Record 8-22 6-9 2-13 – 2012 Pac-10 Finish.............................................. 10th Final Ranking...................................................... None Post-season Play................................................ None Lettermen Returning/Lost............................. 16/17 Non-lettermen Returning........................................ 1 Newcomers................................................................ 18 Starting Position Players Returning/Lost....... 4/5 Pitchers Returning/Lost....................................... 7/9

The 2013 USC baseball media guide has been prepared by the University of Southern California for use by sportscasters and sportswriters. The guide was designed by Maggie Oren, MB Design, and produced by Rachel, Caton15 Assistant Sports Information Director. Photos: Dan Avila, Jeff Golden, David Gonzales, Vincent Laforet, Heston Quan, Edward Siegel, Shelly Castellano, Matt Brown, Victor de Colongon, Christian Peterson, Sam Hawthorn, Darryl Oumi, Aaron Sprecher, Chicago Cubs (Chuck Wasserstrom), Seattle Mariners (Ben Van Houten), St. Louis Cardinals (Jim Herren and Dan Donovan), Los Angeles Angels (Nancy Mazmanian), Milwaukee Brewers, Colorado Rockies, Houston Astros, Oakland Athletics, Texas Rangers, Minnesota Twins, Arizona Diamondbacks, Cincinnati Reds, Omaha Inc., Clay Luraschi (Topps, Inc.), Stephen Green Photography, Rich Pilling (MLB Photos), Dennis Wolverton, Major League Baseball, Baseball Hall of Fame and USA Baseball. Special thanks to Associated Press and Getty Images.


16 16



2 Adam Landecker INF• Sr.• 6-1 • 180 Calabasas, Calif.


10 Andre Ramirez INF• Fr.• 5-10• 160 Bakersfield, Calif.



20 Nigel Nootbaar P • So. • 6-1 • 185 El Segundo, Calif.


21 Jake Hernandez C • Jr. • 6-1 • 195 Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.


27 Bob Wheatley P • Jr. • 6-5 • 220 Villa Park, Calif.


28 Timmy Robinson OF • Fr. • 6-1 • 235 Huntington Beach, Calif.

36 Carl Aguirre UTIL • Fr. • 5-10 • 170 Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.


41 Sean Adler P • Fr. • 6-2 • 180 Northridge, Calif.




3 Dante Flores INF.• So. .• 5’10 • 160 Norwalk, Calif.


Omar Cotto-Lozada OF • Jr. • 5-11 • 190 San Juan, Puerto Rico


4 Bobby Stahel OF • So.• 5-10 • 185 Needles, Calif.


5 Reggie Southall INF• Fr • 6-0 • 170 Gardena, Calif.


6 Kyle Davis INF/P • Fr. • 6-0 • 190 Garden Grove, Calif.


8 J.R. Aguirre OF • Sr • 5-10 • 165 Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.



12 Trent Boras IF • So. • 5-10 • 175 Newport Beach, Calif.


14 Vahn Bozoian OF • Fr. • 6-5 • 210 Chino Hills, Calif.


15 James Roberts IF • Jr. • 6-2 • 200 Cupertino, Calif.


16 Conner Sullivan IF/OF • Fr. • 6-2 • 195 Orange, Calif.



22 Turner Clouse OF/P • Fr. • 6-1 • 195 Fountain Valley, Calif.


23 Brooks Kriske P • Fr. • 6-2 • 180 Palm Desert, Calif.


24 Kyle Twomey P • Fr. • 6-3 • 165 Placentia, Calif.


25 Brent Wheatley P • Fr. • 6-3 • 205 Villa Park, Calif.



29 Matt Munson P • Sr. • 6-2 • 205 Irvine, Calif.


31 Sean Silva P • Jr. • 5-10 • 185 Fresno, Calif.


33 Wyatt Strahan P • So. • 6-3 • 195 Villa Park, Calif.


34 Kevin Swick INF • Jr. • 6-0 • 195 La Canada, Calif.


42 David Edson INF • Fr. • 6-1 • 180 Las Vegas, Nev.


44 James Guillen P • Jr. • 6-1 • 170 Covina, Calif.


49 Marc Huberman P • Fr. • 6-2 • 180 Los Angeles, Calif.


50 Kyle Richter P • So • 6’6 • 220 Mission Viejo, Calif.


Dan Hubbs

Head Coach 1st Season, 2nd overall

Gabe Alvarez

Assistant Coach 3rd Season

Adam Dedeaux

Assistant Coach 1st Season

9 Greg Zebrack OF • R-Sr. • 6-1 • 190 Northridge, Calif.

17 Nick Berhel P • Sr. • 6-1 • 180 Benicia, Calif.

26 Blake Lacey INF • Fr. • 6-0 • 175 Clovis, Calif.

35 Shane Gonzales P/INF • Fr. • 6-2 • 190 Temecula, Calif.

51 Garrett Stubbs C • So. • 5-10 • 160 Del Mar, Calif.


Last Name

First Name


41 36 8 17 12 14 22 11 6 42 3 35 44 21 49 23 2 29 20 50 15 28 31 5 4 33 51 16 34 24 27 25 9

Adler Aguirre Aguirre Berhel Boras Bozoian Clouse Cotto-Lozada Davis Edson Flores Gonzales Guillen Hernandez Huberman Kriske Landecker Munson Nootbaar Richter Roberts Robinson Silva Southall Stahel Strahan Stubbs Sullivan Swick Twomey Wheatley Wheatley Zebrack

Sean Carl J. R. Nick Trent Vahn Turner Omar Kyle David Dante Shane James Jake Marc Brooks Adam Matt Nigel Kyle James Timmy Sean Reggie Bobby Wyatt Garrett Conner Kevin Kyle Bob Brent Greg

Pitcher Freshman Outfield Freshman Outfield Senior Pitcher Senior Infield Sophomore Outfield Freshman Outfield Freshman Outfield Junior Infield/Pitcher Freshman Infield Freshman Infield Sophomore Pitcher Freshman Pitcher Junior Catcher Junior Pitcher Freshman Pitcher Freshman Infield Senior Pitcher Senior Pitcher Sophomore Pitcher Junior Infield Junior Outfield Freshman Pitcher Junior Infield Freshman Outfield RS Freshman Pitcher Sophomore Catcher Sophomore Infield/Outfield Freshman Infield Junior Pitcher Freshman Pitcher Junior Pitcher Freshman Outfield RS Senior





Throws Hometown

6-2 5-10 5-10 6-1 5-10 6-5 6-1 5-11 6-0 6-1 5-10 6-2 6-0 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-1 6-4 6-1 6-4 6-0 6-1 5-10 6-0 5-10 6-3 5-10 6-2 6-0 6-3 6-5 6-3 6-1

180 170 165 180 175 210 195 190 190 160 160 190 170 195 180 180 180 215 185 215 170 235 185 170 185 195 160 195 195 165 220 205 190


L Northridge, Calif. R Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. R Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. R Benicia, Calif. R Newport Beach, Calif. R Chino Hills, Calif. L Fountain Valley, Calif. R San Juan, Puerto Rico R Garden Grove, Calif. R Las Vegas, Nev. R Norwalk, Calif. R Temecula, Calif. R Covina, Calif. R Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. L Los Angeles, Calif. R Palm Desert, Calif. R Calabasas, Calif. R Irvine, Calif. R El Segundo, Calif. L Mission Viejo, Calif. R Cupertino, Calif. R Huntington Beach, Calif. L Fresno, Calif. R Gardena, Calif. R Needles, Calif. R Villa Park, Calif. R Del Mar, Calif. R Orange, Calif. R La Canada, Calif. L Placentia, Calif. L Villa Park, Calif. R Villa Park, Calif. R Northridge, Calif.


Head Coach: Dan Hubbs (1st season/2nd overall) Assistant Coach: Gabe Alvarez (3rd season) Assistant Coach: Randy Flores (1st season) Assistant Coach: Adam Dedeaux (1st season)







Adam Landecker Dante Flores Bobby Stahel Reggie Southall Kyle Davis J. R. Aguirre Greg Zebrack Andre Ramirez Omar Cotto-Lozada Trent Boras Vahn Bozoian James Roberts Conner Sullivan Nick Berhel Nigel Nootbaar Jake Hernandez

Infield Infield Outfield Infield Infield/Pitcher Outfield Outfield Infield Outfield Infield Outfield Infield Infield/Outfield Pitcher Pitcher Catcher

Turner Clouse Kyle Twomey Brent Wheatley Bob Wheatley Matt Munson Sean Silva Wyatt Strahan Kevin Swick Shane Gonzales Carl Aguirre Sean Adler David Edson James Guillen Marc Huberman Kyle Richter Garrett Stubbs

Outfield Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Infield Pitcher Outfield Pitcher Infield Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Catcher

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 20 21

22 24 25 27 29 31 33 34 35 36 41 42 44 49 50 51

PRONUNCIATION GUIDE AGUIRRE, Carl..............................uh-GEAR-ee AGUIRRE, J.R................................uh-GEAR-ee BERHEL, Nick........................................ Bur-Hill BOZOIAN, Vahn.............. Boz-Oyen Vaughn COTTO LOZADA, Omar...................KOH-toe NOOTBAAR, Nigel.......................... NOOT-Bar TWOMEY, Kyle.....................................Two-Me ZEBRACK, Greg............................... ZEE-Brack


18 18

2013 SE ASO N P R EV I EW T he 2013 Troj a n s h ave a d o p ted t h e m a nt ra of “d o n’t ta l k a bo ut it ; just d o it.” Wit h 17 ret u r n ers a n d 18 ta l e nte d n e wco me rs, the Tro j a n s h ave a st ro n g m ix t h at is re a d y to ta k e on t he to ug hest sch ed u les in co llege b a seb a l l th i s s e a s o n a nd loo k s ret u r n t h e U S C b a seb a ll p ro gra m to w i n n i n g ways. The Tro ja ns s t a r t o u t t h e sea so n wit h a n ew h e a d co a c h , a s a ssociate hea d co a c h D a n Hu b b s wa s elevate d to h e a d co a ch on We d n esd ay, Feb ru a r y 13, 2013, fo ll ow i n g th e ter minat io n o f t h ird -yea r h ea d co a c h Fra n k Cr u z , d u e to k nowing ly vi o lat in g NC A A Co u nt a b le At h let i c R e l ate d Ac tivit ies (C AR A) ru les. Th o se C A R A ru les rest r i c t th e n u mbe r of ho urs stud ent- at h letes c a n sp en d in a c t iv i ti e s d i re c te d by o r super vi sed by t h e co a c h in g st a ff. I n a d d i ti o n , th e Unive rsit y has self- im p o sed a red u c t io n in t he n u mbe r o f pra c t ice sess io n h o u rs fo r t h e U S C b a seb a ll te a m th i s s e aso n a nd nex t yea r. U S C h a s a ler ted t h e NC A A a n d Pa c - 1 2 o f the infra c tio n a n d t h e U n iversit y- im p o sed a c ti o n s. H ubbs becom es t h e six t h h ea d b a seb a ll co a c h fo r U S C since 1930, an d sp ent la st sea so n a s t h e a sso c i ate h e a d co a ch at Troy. Pr io r to t h at, t h e 42-yea r- o ld H u bbs wa s th e pitching co a ch at Ca lifo r n ia fo r 12 sea so n s. H e wa s a n Al l Amer ica n pitc h er at U S C a n d sp ent seven seas o n s i n th e minor lea g ue s b efo re get t in g into co a c h in g. H e is joine d o n t h e co a c h in g fro nt by t h ird -ye a r a s s i s ta nt co a ch G a be Alva rez, a n o t h er U S C great, wh o s pe nt th re e sea sons in th e m a j o r lea gu es. First-yea r vo lu nte e r a s s i s ta nt Ada m D ede a u x a lso j o in s t h e st a ff. Ad a m is th e gra n d s o n of the late, great U S C h ea d co a c h R o d D ed eau x , th e n a me sa k e of the U S C b a seb a ll st a d iu m . This yea r, t he Hu b b s- led Tro j a n s lo o k to d u pl i c ate l a s t sea son’s ho t st a r t, in wh ich t h e tea m wo n 12 o f i ts f i r s t 1 5 g a me s, climb in g into t h e n at io n a l ra n k in gs b u t w i l l h ave to do so a g a in st o n e o f t h e m o st d ifficu lt sc h e d u l e s i n th e co unt r y. The Tro ja ns have co ntest s a ga in st 10 tea m s ra n k e d i n the prese a son to p - 25 n at io n a l p o lls a n d a to ta l o f 2 7 o f 55 g a mes a g ain st t h ese ra n ked o p p o n ent s. Th e y w i l l be tested from o p en in g d ay, a s t h ey fa ce a to p 2 5 Ca l State Fulle r to n tea m o n t h e ro a d, b efo re h ea d in g to C S U B a k e r sfie ld a nd rou n d in g o u t t h e first weeken d o f pl ay w i th th e ho me opene r a ga in st Neb ra sk a .

Wh i l e th i s ye a r ’s Tro ja n ro s te r l o o k s i n ex pe r i enced wi th 18 n e wco me r s, s e ve n o f th e po s i ti o n s w i l l be f i lled by retur n e r s. Th e te a m re tu r n s s e n i o r i n f i e l d e r Ad a m L and ec k er (Ca l a ba s a s, Ca l i f. /Ca l a ba s a s H S ) , j u n i o r i n f i e ld er s James R o be r ts (Cu pe r ti n o, Ca l i f. /Arc h bi s h o p M i tt y HS ) and Kev i n Sw i c k ( L a Ca n a d a , Ca l i f. /Loyo l a H S ) , s o ph o m ore c atc her G a r re tt Stu bbs ( D e l M a r, Ca l i f. /To r re y Pi n e s HS ), sophomore i n f i e l d e r /o u tf i e l d e r D a nte Fl o re s ( N o r wa l k , Cali f. /St. John B o s co H S ) , j u n i o r o u tf i e l d e r O ma r Co tto Lozad a (S an Juan, Pu e r to R i co /B o n n e v i l l e S c h o o l ) , s e n i o r o u tf i eld er J. R . Ag ui r re ( Pa l o s Ve rd e s E s tate s, Ca l i f. /Pa l o s Ve rd es) and fi f thye a r s e n i o r o u tf i e l d e r G re g Ze bra c k ( N o r th r i d g e, Cali f. / Ca mpbe l l H a l l ) w h o h a s pl aye d th re e ye a r s of colleg e ball. O n th e mo u n d, i t l o o k s to be th e yo u th movement for the Tro ja n s, a s f i ve o f th e pl aye r s i n co nte nti o n to for m the s ta r ti n g ro tati o n a re u n d e rc l a s s me n , i n c l u d i ng sopho mo re s N i g e l N o o tba a r ( E l S e g u n d o, Ca l i f. /E l S eg und o HS ) a n d Wyatt Stra h a n ( Vi l l a Pa r k , Ca l i f. /Vi l l a Par k HS ); freshmen Kyl e D av i s (G a rd e n G rove, Ca l i f. /G a rd e n G rove HS ) and Kyle Two me y ( Pl a ce nti a , Ca l i f. /E l D o ra d o H S ) . J u ni or B ob Wheatl e y ( Vi l l a Pa r k , Ca l i f. /O ra n g e Lu th e ra n H S) , who has seen a n u mbe r o f i n n i n g s i n re l i e f, i s a l s o i n co ntenti on to j oi n th e ro tati o n a n d a d d s ex pe r i e n ce to a yo u n g staff. “ We’ve g o t a re a l l y yo u th f u l te a m,” H u bbs explai ned. “Espe c i a l l y o n th e mo u n d.” Th e d e e p bu t u n prove n Tro ja n bu l l pe n br i n g s a uni que mi x o f a r ms a n d fe atu re s s i x l e f ti e s gro u p, i nc lud i ng j uni or S e a n Si l va ( Fre s n o, Ca l i f. /C l ov i s We s t H S) , a transfer from Fre s n o Ci t y Co l l e g e. Le a d e r s h i p fo r th e yo u ng Troj an pen w i l l co me f ro m s e n i o r r i g hti e s M att M u n s o n (I r v i ne, Cali f. / N o r thwo o d H S) a n d N i c k B e r h e l ( B e n i c i a , Cali f. /D e L a S alle H S) . J u n i o r J a me s G u i l l e n (Cov i n a , Ca l i f. /D a mi en HS ) also w i l l be a k e y a r m f ro m th e r i g ht s i d e fo r th e Troj ans.

2 01 3 S E A S O N P R EV IEW Trojan s will have proven d ep t h h a n d lin g t h e p itc h in g s ta f f f rom behind t he dish w it h ret u r n ers St u b b s a n d j u n io r Jake He r na ndez (R a ncho Cu ca m o n ga , Ca lif./ Lo s O so s H S) , an d Coa ch H ubbs will lo o k to u se b o t h t h ro u gh o u t t h e s eas on . Whe n o ne is catch in g, t h e Tro j a n s m ay lo o k to th e oth er as t he designated h it ter, sin ce Her n a n d ez, b r in g s a s tron g r ig ht-ha nded bat, wh ile St u b b s h it s fro m t h e le f t s ide. Th e in fie ld is undoubted ly t h e st ren gt h o f t h is yea r ’s Trojan s, a s it boa sts stro n g ret u r n ers in Swic k at t h ird b ase and R ober ts a nd L a n d ecker interc h a n gea b le u p t h e m iddl e. All t hree a re vetera n s wit h go o d h a n d s a n d ex pe r ien ce wor k ing to g e t he r a s a co h esive u n it. Ba ck in g u p th e up p ercla ssme n will be fresh m en R eggie S o u t h a ll (G a rd e n a , Cal if. / S e r ra H S), Bla k e L a cey (C lovis, Ca lif/ C lovis West H S ) an d Conner Sulliva n (O ra n ge, Ca lif./ O ra n ge Lu t h era n H S ) . Th e in fie ld positio n still in o p en co m p et it io n is first b a s e. Sin ce the Tro ja ns a re deep a n d exp er ien ced at t h e o t he r in f iel d spot s, Coa ch Cru z is lo o k in g to p u t a t a lented athl ete in t he positio n. Possib ilit ies in c lu d e: Flo res a n d fre s h m en Su lliva n, Andre R am irez ( Ba kersfield, Ca lif./ Ba kers f i e l d Ch r is tian H S) a nd Davis.

As fo r pu tti n g r u n s o n th e bo a rd, th e Tro j a n s w i l l l o o k to L a n d e c k e r, Sw i c k a n d R o be r ts fo r ex pe r i e n ce, a s th e y have h a d a l o t o f at-bats i n th e i r c a re e r s. Fl o re s, w h o h i t . 3 00 a s a f re s h ma n , l o o k s to be a mi d d l e - o f - th e - o rd e r h i tte r for U S C . Co a c h H u bbs w i l l l o o k to u ti l i ze Co tto’s s pe e d a nd h i s a bi l i t y to h i t f ro m bo th s i d e s o f th e pl ate at th e top of th e o rd e r. Ze bra c k , a t wo -ti me Al l -I v y Le a g u e s e l e c ti on at U Pe n n , co u l d a l s o l e a d o f f, th o u g h h e a l s o br i n g s power to th e l i n e u p a f te r h i tti n g th re e h o me r u n s i n th e f a l l. Fresh ma n B ozo i a n i s a n o th e r s o u rce o f powe r a n d s h o u l d b e a bl e to pro d u ce a ny w h e re i n th e Tro ja n l i n e u p. U S C w i l l l o o k to u ppe rc l a s s me n s u c h a s Sw i c k a n d L a nd e c k e r to prov i d e l e a d e r s h i p to th e te a m a n d th e yo ung er Tro ja n s. “ We’ve h a d s o me g u ys re a l l y s te p u p a s l e a d e r s th ro u ghout a l l th i s,” H u bbs s a i d. “ We’re a co a c h d ow n r i g ht n ow, s o i t ’s g o i n g to be u p to s o me o f th e o l d e r g u ys to h e l p out a bi t mo re i n pra c ti ce. We a re l o o k i n g towa rd s g u ys l ik e L a n d e c k e r a n d R o be r ts, w h o h ave re a l l y ta k e n th e yo ung er g u ys be h i n d th e m u n d e r th e i r w i n g s a n d ta k e n a te a c hi ng ro l l.”

I n th e out field, the Tro j a n s ret u r n a to p b at in t h e lef th an d hitt ing Flo re s. R e d sh ir t sen io r- t ra n sfer Zeb ra c k a n d jun ior Co t to bot h did well in t h e fa ll a n d sh o u ld b e ke y outf iel de rs for the tea m . Fresh m a n Va h n B ozo ia n (C h in o H il l s, Ca lif./Aya la H S), a b ig b at, will lo o k to m a ke h is ma r k as a r ig ht fie lder, a nd s en io r J.R . Agu ir re, wh o a lso h a d a stron g fa ll, loo k s to co m p ete fo r p lay in g t im e. Hera ld e d f resh m a n Timmy R o bin so n ( Hu nt in gto n B ea c h , Ca lif./ O ce a n View H S) is a not he r player wh o sh o u ld see sign ifica nt ti me in th e Tro ja n o ut field. Th e d ep t h in t h e o u t field co nt inues w ith fre shma n Tur n er C lo u se a n d red sh ir t fresh m an B obby St a he l who will lo o k to u se t h eir at h let icism in th e outf iel d.

Pe r th e th e me o f th e ye a r, th e Tro j a n s a re n’t ta l k i n g about th i n g s th i s ye a r— th e i r s o l e a i m i s to g o o u t a n d s h ow i t. Th e y a re a ppro a c h i n g th i s s e a s o n w i th c a u ti o u s exc i te me nt, a s th e y k n ow th e y h ave a to u g h ro a d a h e a d w i th a l o t to prove. “ We’ve g o t s o me pro mi s e,” H u bbs s a i d. “ I f we pl ay we ll, we h ave a c h a n ce to be at a ny bo d y. B u t we h ave to pl ay well a n d we h ave to exe c u te, be c a u s e i t w i l l be to u g h fo r us to gr i n d o u t w i n s w h e n we’re n o t.”


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1 s t S e as o n 2 n d Ye ar O ve rall

Dan Hubbs is in his first season as head coach for the Trojans after spending the 2012 season as associate head coach. He was elevated to head coach on February 13,2013, when he was named the sixth head baseball coach at USC since 1930. Prior to that, Hubbs spent 12 seasons as the pitching coach at California. Hubbs was a 3-year (1991-93) letterman at USC, including as a senior in 1993 when Cruz was in his first year as a USC assistant. He currently is fourth on the Trojans' career saves list (22) and eighth on the career strikeouts per inning chart (9.19). He posted a career record of 19-13 with a 3.58 ERA in 81 appearances (64 in relief ). In his 12-year (2000-11) tenure at Cal, the 42-year-old Hubbs regularly produced team ERAs among the lowest in the Pac-10. Three times, his pitching staff set a school record for season strikeouts, including 475 in 2011 when the Golden Bears--a program that was slated to be discontinued after 2011 due to budget cuts but was saved through fundraising efforts--advanced to the College World Series for the first time since 1992. His 2011 staff was second in the Pac-10 with a 2.90 team ERA, posted 11 shutouts and at one point went 47 innings without allowing an earned run. Besides being a top recruiter, he helped develop some of the greatest pitchers in Cal history, including current major leaguers Brandon Morrow, who became the school's highest draft pick ever (fifth in 2006), and Tyson Ross, Freshman All-Americans Kevin Miller (2008), Justin Jones (2010) and Kyle Porter (2011) and 2011 All-Pac-10 first teamer Erik Johnson. He produced Pac-10 save leaders in 2001 (Matt Brown) and 2004 (Jesse Ingram) and the school's career strikeout leader (Trevor Hutchinson). He had 4 pitchers drafted in 2011 and 3 in 2008, and saw 25 of his pitchers sign professional baseball contracts. Before going to Cal, Hubbs was the pitching coach of the Yakima Bears (a short-season single A minor league Los Angeles Dodgers affiliate in Yakima, Wash.) and assisted Pepperdine during the 1999 season. Hubbs was a 3-year (1991-93) letterman at USC, including as a senior in 1993 when Cruz was in his first year as a USC assistant. He currently is fourth on the Trojans' career saves list (22) and eighth on the career strikeouts per inning chart (9.19). He posted a career record of 19-13 with a 3.58 ERA in 81 appearances (64 in relief ). After seeing action in just 4 games as a 1990 freshman, he had a 7-2 record with a 3.60 ERA as a relief pitcher in 1991 as the Trojans won the Pac-10 title. He went 7-6 in 1992 with a 3.97 ERA as a starter. He returned to the bullpen in 1993, setting the since-broken USC season saves record (a national-best 18) while going 5-5 with a 2.96 ERA and a team-high 90 strikeouts as he earned All-American first team and All-Pac-10 first team honors. The Trojans advanced to the NCAA Regionals in 1990, 1991 and 1993. He had a seven-year (1993-99) minor league career with the Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. He finished second in the Dodgers' organization with 126 strikeouts in 1994. In 1996, he went a combined 16-1 between AAA Albuquerque (7-1) and La Romana (9-0) of the Dominican winter league, and was named to Baseball America's Winter League All-Star Team. He led the Pacific Coast League in appearances in 1997, taking the mound 62 times in a 144-game season. He finished his career with a 27-16 record with nine saves and a 3.75 ERA. In 427 innings, he struck out 436 while walking only 172. Hubbs earned a bachelor's degree in finance from USC in 1993. He was born on Jan. 23, 1971. He and his wife, Alison, a USC graduate, have 2 sons, Patrick (12) and Charlie (9)





Gabe Alvarez enters his third year as assistant coach at his alma mater. Alvarez played at USC as a shortstop from 1993-95 and had a career .338 batting average for the Trojans with 28 home runs and 163 RBI. He earned Baseball America All-America second team honors in his 1993 freshman season after batting .326 with eight home runs and 53 RBI. In 1994, he was a first team All-America pick by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association after batting .326 with seven home runs and 51 RBI. In 1995, he was part of the Trojan squad that made its first trip to the College World Series since 1978 as USC reached the national title game. After batting .361 with 13 home runs and 59 RBI, Alvarez earned ABCA and NCBWA All-America first team, Collegiate Baseball All-America second team and Baseball America All-America third team honors. He was a second-round selection in the 1995 major league baseball draft by the San Diego Padres and played three seasons in the major leagues (1998-2000). He was drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks in the 1997 expansion draft before being traded to the Detroit Tigers. He made his debut in 1998 with the Tigers, batting .231 with five home runs and 29 RBI. He was eventually traded to the San Diego Padres in 2000, where he finished his career by playing 92 total major league games. The El Monte native and graduate from Bishop Amat High is single and has an 11-year-old daughter, Madison.





Former major leaguer and Trojan great Randy Flores joined the USC baseball coaching staff on March, 1, 2013. On the hiring of Flores, head coach Dan Hubbs said, "We are really excited about Randy Flores joining the coaching staff. He brings a wealth of baseball experience. We are also excited about the energy and enthusiasm that he exudes and brings to the ballpark every day. After working recently as a broadcaster for the team, Randy has a familiarity with the players and they are familiar with him. We really just feel that he is a good fit and we are thrilled to be bringing back another great Trojan." Flores joins the Trojans after retiring from a 15-year career in professional baseball in 2012. He played eight seasons as a left-handed pitcher in the major leagues with the Texas Rangers, Colorado Rockies, St. Louis Cardinals and Minnesota Twins. He won a World Series pennant in 2006 as a member of the St. Louis Cardinals. Flores was the pitcher of record in the decisive NLCS game seven that gave the Cardinals the trip to the World Series. He gave up zero earned runs in three appearances during the 2006 postseason. At USC, Flores was a recruited walk-on, who blossomed into the ninth round draft pick of the New York Yankees in 1997. He had a stellar fouryear career at Troy, racking up accolades from 1995 Co-Pac-10 Pitcher of the Year to three-time All-American while rewriting the USC record books. Flores, a four-time letterwinner from 1994-1997, also collected All-Pac-10 honors all four seasons. To date he still holds many of USC's career pitching records, including wins with 42, innings pitched with 484.1 and complete games with 22. He also ranks in the top 10 with 316 career strikeouts and the top three with 67 games started. Flores finished his USC career with a record of 42-10 and a 3.29 ERA. His innings pitched mark of 484.1 is also a Pac-12 record. Flores earned Pac-10 South Co-Pitcher of the Year honors in 1995 after going 13-3 with a 3.24 ERA and 86 strikeouts to lead the Trojans to a College World Series appearance, where he was named to the All-College World Series team. One of his best individual performances came on May 17, 1996 where he allowed only two hits to Washington in a 7-2 victory. After his retirement from professional baseball in 2012, Flores worked as an on-air analyst for ESPN in their coverage of the 2012 NCAA Regionals and Super Regionals. He has also broadcast USC games for usctrojans.com and the Pac-12 portal. Flores graduated from USC with a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. He is currently a master's student in the Rossier School of Education Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs. Randy's brother Ron also played baseball at USC, where he was a member of the 1998 NCAA championship team and had a career in Major League Baseball. Randy and his wife Lindsey have two daughters, Sloane (3) and Rowan (1).

Third year assistant coach Gabe Alvarez


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1 s t Ye ar

6t h Yea r

Adam Dedeaux joins the USC baseball coaching staff as a volunteer assistant in the fall of 2012. Dedeaux is the grandson of the legendary former USC baseball coach Rod Dedeaux, a Trojan baseball letterman from 2006-2010 and played professionally in the Los Angeles Dodgers organization for two seasons. After redshirting his true freshman season in 2006, Dedeaux made 31 career appearances as a right-handed pitcher from 2008-10. He made one start during the 2010 season, with 30 of his appearances coming out of the bullpen. Dedeaux finished his career at Troy with 21 strikeouts through 26.0 innings pitched. Dedeaux played two seasons in the Los Angeles Dodgers minor league system from 2010-11. He competed for the AZL Dodgers in rookie ball in 2010, appearing in 10 games and tallying 17 strikeouts through 10.2 innings pitched. In 2011 he competed for the AZL Dodgers, the Ogden Raptors of the rookie Pioneer League and the Triple-A Albuquerque Isotopes of the Pacific Coast League. He threw 15.1 innings and collected nine strikeouts in 10 games with the Isotopes. Overall he finished his time in the Dodgers organization with 26 appearances and 36 strikeouts in 38.1 total innings. Dedeaux holds a degree in policy, planning and development from USC.

Marty Butterick begins his sixth season as Director of Baseball Operations after spending nine years as a director with Core Capital Management in Beverly Hills. Along with his current duties, he is the co-founder of the Rod Dedeaux Research and Baseball Institute (RDRBI), which specializes in biomechanical research and training. Butterick and his wife, So Young, have two young sons, Corey and Brady.


Kyle Ross is in his fourth year as academic counselor for the USC baseball program. He also handles the mens' and women's swimming teams and the mens' and women's water polo teams. He coordinates the new student-athlete orientations for the department and is an instructor in the physical education department for the freshman success seminar. Prior to his tenure at USC, Ross worked for two years at the University of Nebraska, working with the baseball, wrestling and women's gymnastics teams. He also spent one year at the University of Virginia in the life skills office. He graduated from Western New England College with a bachelor's degree in psychology and a minor in education. He received his master's degree from Springfield College in psychology (athletic counseling/ sport psychology). A native of upstate New York, Ross resides in Redondo Beach and still roots for his New York teams (Yankees, Giants, Rangers and Knicks).


Sports Information Director


Baseball Operations Coordinator

JON YONAMINE Baseball Athletic Trainer



Strength and Conditioning Coach




SEAN ADL ER Pi tc he r 6-2 • 1 8 0 • F re s hman Bat s : L e ft Th ro ws : L e ft No r t hridg e , C alif. Sierra C an y o n H S

High School: Played two years of varsity baseball for head coach Rick Weber at Sierra Canyon HS in Chatsworth, Calif. ... As a senior in 2012, earned First Team All-Delphic League, All-CIF Division 6 Southern Section, All-City honors, All-State and was the Delphic League MVP ... Led Sierra Canyon to a 23-6 record and first league title in 2012 ... Was the only incoming college freshman to compete for the Glendale Angelinos of the California Collegiate Summer League. Personal: Undecided major at USC ... Parents are David and Stacie ... Has one sister, Nicole ... Lists Cal Ripken Jr. as his biggest sports hero ... Enjoys snowboarding and surfing ... Favorite movie is Forrest Gump ... Favorite TV shows are That 70's Show and Dog the Bounty Hunter ... Would like to visit Hawaii and the Bahamas ... Listens to Mac Miller, ASAP Rocky and Jack Johnson ... Buffalo wings and macaroni and cheese are his favorite foods ... Birthdate is March 18, 1994.


3 6

CAR L AGUI R RE Pi tc he r 5-10 • 1 7 0 • F re s hman Bat s : Rig ht Th ro ws : Right Pal o s V e rde s Es t at e s , C alif. Pal o s V e rde s H S



J. R . A G U IR RE O u t f i el d 5 - 1 0 • 1 60 • Seni or Bats: Right T h r ow s : R i gh t Pa l os Ver des Es t a t es, C a l i f . Pa l os Ver des H S

2012 : Appeared in 19 games as a junior, making four starts in the outfield vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/10), vs. Pepperdine (4/3), vs. Long Beach State (4/24) and vs. UC Riverside (5/23) ... Tallied hits vs. Loyola Marymount (4/10), Cal State Bakersfield (3/11), UC Riverside (5/23) ... Drove in runs vs. Akron (3/24), Loyola Marymount (4/10) and UC Riverside (5/23) .. Also scored two runs for the Trojans and stole one base vs. UC Riverside (5/23) ... Finished the season batting .136. 2011: He made 17 starts in 35 games as a sophomore, batting .232 (16-for-69) with seven RBI and two stolen bases … had a season-high three hits in a 3-for-4 day with one RBI on May 21 at No. 2 Oregon State … recorded a season-high two RBI on April 23 at Washington … went 2-for-6 on April 1 at No. 13 California … went 2-for-4 with a double and one RBI in a 6-2 win over No. 24 UCLA, recording his first collegiate hit … made his collegiate debut on March 8 at UC Santa Barbara. High School: He was a three-year letterwinner at Palos Verdes High in Palos Verdes Estates, Calif … named Bay League co-most valuable player in his senior season … two-time All-Bay League selection, including first team honors as a senior … named team most valuable player as a senior. Personal: He is majoring in psychology … parents are John and Anette … has two brothers, Carl and Dino, and one sister, Annika … favorite movie is Pirates Of The Caribbean … favorite television shows are Two And A Half Men and Tosh.O … listens to Eminem … birthdate is Sept. 13, 1990.



2011 35-17 .232 69 11 16 2 0 0 7 2-3 2 17 2012 19-4 .136 22 2 3 0 0 0 3 1-1 0 7 Total 54-21 .209 91 13 19 2 0 0 10 3-4 2 24 High School: Played two years of varsity baseball for head coach Rick Weber at Sierra Canyon HS in Chatsworth, Calif. ... As a senior in 2012, earned First Team All-Delphic League, All-CIF Division 6 Southern Section, All-City honors, All-State and was the Delphic League MVP ... Led Sierra Canyon to a 23-6 record and first league title in 2012 ... Was the only incoming college freshman to compete for the Glendale Angelinos of the California Collegiate Summer League. Personal: Undecided major at USC ... Parents are David and Stacie ... Has one sister, Nicole ... Lists Cal Ripken Jr. as his biggest sports hero ... Enjoys snowboarding and surfing ... Favorite movie is Forrest Gump ... Favorite TV shows are That 70's Show and Dog the Bounty Hunter ... Would like to visit Hawaii and the Bahamas ... Listens to Mac Miller, ASAP Rocky and Jack Johnson ... Buffalo wings and macaroni and cheese are his favorite foods ... Birthdate is March 18, 1994.



2011 24-13 .241 54 8 13 2 0 0 7 1-2 1 14 2012 7-0 .000 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 Total 31-13 .228 57 8 13 2 0 0 7 1-2 1 14


24 24






P it che r 6-1 • 1 8 0 • S e n io r B at s : Rig ht T hro ws : Right B e n icia, C alif. De L a S alle H S

2012: Made seven appearances out of the bullpen ... Threw 7.0 innings, striking out eight and allowing eight runs (five earned) on 11 hits ... Tallied two strikeouts in back-to-back appearances vs. Washington (5/5) and vs. Arizona (5/18) ... Also tallied strikeouts vs. Jacksonville (2/18), at Cal State Bakersfield (4/17), vs. Washington (5/4) and vs. UC Riverside (5/23) ... Had a 6.43 ERA. 2011: He missed the 2011 season due to injury. 2010: He redshirted in his 2010 freshman season. High School: He was a three-year letterwinner at De La Salle High in Concord, Calif … participated in the 2009 USA Baseball Tournament of Stars … earned EBAL all-league honors in his senior season after going 6-2 with a 1.39 ERA … named to the All-Bay Area team in his senior season by ESPN Rise Magazine … named best defensive player as a freshman. Personal: He is majoring in public policy and development … parents are Byron and Debbie … has one sister, Ashley … lists Jackie Robinson as his favorite athlete … favorite movie is The Godfather … favorite television show is Entourage … listens to Wu-Tang Clan, Kanye West and Gang Starr … birthdate is Jan. 31, 1990.



2010 0-0 0 0.00 2-0 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 2012 0-0 0 6.43 7-0 7.0 11 8 5 2 8 Totals 0-0 0 6.43 9-0 8.0 12 8 5 3 8

T R ENT BO RAS I nf i el d 5 - 1 0 • 1 65 • Sop h om or e B a t s : Lef t T h r ow s : R i gh t New p or t B ea c h , C a l i f . JSer r a H S

2012: Appeared in six games during his true freshman season ... Made his collegiate debut on Feb. 24 vs. Akron as a pinch hitter and drew a walk ... Finished the season with two walks ... Had an on-base percentage of .333 ... Saw action at third base vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/11) and at Cal State Bakersfield (4/17). High School: He was a three-year letter winner at J Serra High School in San Juan Capistrano, Calif … an all Trinity League selection, including first team honors as a senior … named Most Improved Player and received the Charley Hustle Award in 2011 … played with Elite Baseball Club from 2005-11 … earned Dean’s List honors all four years … selected by the Milwaukee Brewers in the 30th round of the 2011 MLB Draft. Personal: He is majoring in business … parents are Scott and Jeanette … his brother and sister both attended USC … brother Shane played baseball for the Trojans … lists ASU’s Corey Hahn as the toughest person he has competed against … enjoys classic cars and the beach … born May 26, 1992.



2012 6-0 .000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 2 2



2012 2-0 .000 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0



2012 0-0 0 9.00 4-0 4.0 8 5 4 1 5


1 4

VA H N B O Z O I AN O u t f i el d 6- 5 • 21 0 • Fr es h m a n Bats: Right T h r ow s : R i gh t C h i no H i l l s, C a l i f . Ay a l a H S

High School: Played four years of varsity baseball for head coach Chris Vogt at Ayala HS in Chino Hills, Calif. ... Was a two-time Second Team AllSierra League selection in 2010 and 2012 ... Earned All-League honorable mention in 2009 ... Missed his junior season due to injury ... Played club for five years for SGV Arsenal ... Team won the Mickey Mantle World Series and won the tournament hitting title ... A three-time scholar athlete ... As a junior was an All-League Top 10 scholar athlete. Personal: Majoring in communications at USC ... Parents are Vahn and Sheril ... Has two sisters, Alexandra and Samantha and one brother, Joshua ... Favorite pastime away from baseball is surfing with his father ... Favorite movies are Step Brothers and the Sandlot ... Favorite TV show is Quick Pitch ... Would like to visit Europe and surf in Bali ... Listens to Macklemore, The Dean's List, Luke Bryan, Josh Turner and Jason Aldean ... Birthdate is May 10, 1994.



T UR NER CLO U S E O utfie ld /P it che r 6-1 • 1 95 • F re s hman Bat s : L e ft Th ro ws : L e ft Fo u n t ain V alle y, C alif. Fo u n t ain V alle y H S

High School: Played four years of varsity baseball for head coach Ron LaRuffa at Fountain Valley HS in Fountain Valley, Calif. ... Was the Offensive Player of the Year as a senior in 2012 ... Earned First Team All-Sunset League honors in 2012 ... Earned the Bryce Dickerson Honorable Award as a senior ... Four-year scholar athlete .. Competed for the Southern California Renegades with USC teammates Timmy Robinson and Kyle Davis, team won the 2012 Connie Mack World Series. Personal: A human performance major at USC ... Parents are David and Teresa Clouse ... Has one brother, Tyler ... Favorite movie Anchorman, the Lion King and Just Friends ... Favorite TV shows That 70's Show and The Big Bang Theory ... Would like to travel to Europe and Australia ... Favorite musical groups include Coldplay, Lincoln Park, Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan ... Would like to be a physical therapist ... Birthdate is April 14, 1994.


1 1 O M A R C O T T O - LO Z A D A O u t f i el d 5 - 1 1 • 1 90 • Ju ni or B a t s : B ot h T h r ow s : R i gh t Sa n Ju a n, Pu er t o R i c o B onnev i l l e Sc h ool

2012: Appeared in 34 games, making 10 starts in the outfield as a sophomore ... Finished the season batting .103, with three hits in 29 at bats ... First hit of the season came at North Carolina (3/4) ... Scored six runs for the Trojans ... Had first career double vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/10), game the Trojans won 9-8 ... Drew three walks and stole two bases. 2011: He made 13 starts in 36 games as a freshman, batting .073 (3-for41) with two stolen bases … recorded his first collegiate hit on March 1 with a walk at Long Beach State … made his collegiate debut as a pinch runner on Feb. 19 against Missouri. High School: He played at Bonneville School in Puerto Rico … named team most valuable player in his senior season … served as senior class vice president … timed with a 6.29 in the 60-yard dash … also played on the volleyball and track and field teams … ran the 100m, 200m, 400m and 4 x 400m events … drafted in the 12th round of the 2010 major league baseball draft by the Toronto Blue Jays. Personal: He has not decided on a major … parents are Hector and Ruth … has one sister, Shantel … lists Ken Griffey, Jr., as his biggest sports hero … favorite movies are anything with Will Smith and Adam Sandler … favorite television shows are Deadliest Warriors, The Ultimate Fighter and The Colony … listens to Wisin & Yandell, Jowell & Randy and Don Omar … birthdate is February 28, 1992.



2011 36-13 .073 41 2 3 0 0 0 0 2-3 4 18 2012 34-10 .103 29 6 3 1 0 0 0 2-3 3 11 Total 70-23 .086 29 8 6 1 0 0 0 4-6 7 29



2011 17-3 .000 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0 6 2012 15-3 .000 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 7 Total 32-6 .000 19 2 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0 13

Omar Cotto


2 62 6



K YL E D AV IS I n fie ld /P it che r 6-0 • 1 90 • F re s hman B at s : Rig ht T hro ws : Right G arde n G ro ve , C alif. P acifica H S

High School: Played four years of varsity baseball as a pitcher/infielder for Mike Caira at Pacifica HS in Garden Grove, Calif. ... Three-time All-Empire League first team selection (2010, 2011 & 2012) ... Empire League MVP as a senior, First Team All-CIF, First Team All-State, Division II CIF Player of the Year ... First Team All-CIF as a junior, Empire League Pitcher of the Year in 2011 ... Second Team All-County as a junior and a third team selection as a sophomore ... Pitched 8.0 innings to help the Mariners win the 2012 CIF title ... Competed on the So Cal Renegades in 2012 and the team won the Connie Mack World Series ... Principal's Honor Roll student. Personal: Undecided major at USC ... Parents are Pat Davis and Michelle Bragdon ... Has one sister, Cassaundra and two brothers, James and Luke ... Favorite food is Italian food ... Favorite movies are The Sandlot and The Lion King ... Favorite TV shows are SportsCenter, Baseball Tonight and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air ... Would like to visit Hawaii, Guam, England and Ireland ... Listens to Jason Aldean, Zac Brown Band and Usher ... Would like to play professional baseball or become a nurse after graduation ... Birthdate is September 21, 1993.



DAV I D ED S O N I n fie ld 6-1 • 1 8 0 • F re s hman B at s : L e ft T hro ws : Right L as V e gas , Ne v. F ait h L u t he ran H S



D A NT E F LO RES I nf i el d 5 - 1 0 • 1 60 • Sop h om or e B a t s : Lef t T h r ow s : R i gh t Nor w a l k , C a l i f . St . Joh n B os c o H S

2012: Appeared in 44 games, making 41 starts during his true freshman season at Troy ... Batted .310, with 19 runs driven in, five doubles, two triples and two home runs ... Also scored 22 runs ... Had an on base percentage of .406 and a slugging percentage of .415 ... Appeared in his first 14 games primarily as an infielder/designated hitter, before moving to the outfield for the final 30 games he appeared in ... Had a season and career high four hits in a 4-for-5 game at Washington State (3/30), also scoring a career high three runs and hitting a career-high two doubles as the Trojans defeated the host Cougars 15-10, with eight runs scored in the top of the ninth... Had a season and career high five RBI performance at UC Riverside (5/23), going 2-for-3 with one grand slam, the first of his career ... His first home run of the season came on April 17 at Cal State Bakersfield . High School: He was a four-year varsity letterwinner at St. John Bosco for coach Mario Cordero … ranked No. 37 in California by Perfect Game USA … Rawlings 3rd Team All-American and California All-Region 1st Team selection in 2011 … participated in 2010-11 Area Code games … member of Milwaukee Brewers Elite Scout Team … Rawlings Underclass Honorable Mention 2009-10 … he was invited to the 2009 U-16 USA Trials … played in 2008-09 Southwest Futures All-Star Game … a threetime All-Trinity League 1st Team selection … he played on the 2007 gold medal team at the U-14 Pan Am Games … drafted by the San Diego Padres in the 41st round of the 2011 MLB Draft. Personal: He is majoring in communications … parents are Javier and La Tonya … lists Derek Jeter as his biggest sports hero … lists ASU’s Corey Hahn as the toughest player he has competed against … chose USC for its high academic standing, great baseball tradition and to win a national championship … born April 8, 1993.



2012 44-41 .310 142 22 44 5 2 2 19 2-5 18 33

FLORES' CAREER PAC-12 CONFERENCE STATISTICS High School: Played four years of varsity baseball for head coach Tony Girod at Faith Lutheran HS in Las Vegas, Nev. ... Earned First Team AllSunrise South League and First Team All-Region honors ... Was named Second Team All-State as a freshman ... Team was state runner-up in 2009... As a senior in 2012, led team in virtually every offensive category ... Team was Division 2 Legion Champions in 2008 & 2009 ... Played club for EJ Sports Titans, ABD Nevada, Team Vegas, On Deck and Bring the Heat ... EJ Sports Titans were the Connie Mack NorCal Runners-up in 2011 ... Earned Under Armour So Cal Classic All-Tournament team ... Made the honor roll all four years. Personal: Undeclared major at USC ... Parents are Darren and Theresa ... Has three brothers, Dan, Matt and Micah ... Lists Mickey Mantle as biggest sports hero ... Favorite movie is Wedding Crashers ... Favorite TV shows are Entourage and SportsCenter ... Would like to visit Bora Bora and Europe ... Listens to Eminem and Frank Sinatra ... Birthdate is November 24, 1993.


2012 27-26 .287 87 9 25 3 0 0 7 1-4 12 23






Pi tc he r/I n fie lde r 6-2 • 1 90 • F re s hman Bat s : Rig ht Th ro ws : Right Te me cu la, C alif. Gre at O ak H S

HIGH SCHOOL: Played two years of varsity baseball for head coach Eric Morton at Great Oak HS in Temecula, Calif. ... Named the team's Defensive Player of the Year as a junior and senior ... Named to the Second Team All-Southwestern League as a senior in 2012 ... Played club for the OC Giants and the SC Royals Elite. Personal: Majoring in human performance at USC ... Parents are Manuel and Candice ... Has one brother, Jim and one sister, Chelsea ... Lists biggest sports hero as Josh Hamilton, "Because he was faced with so much diversity and made it back to pro ball after no playing for so long. His story is very inspiring." ... Favorite pastimes include playing golf, soccer and basketball ... Lists favorite movies as Act of Valor, 61 and Warrior ... Favorite TV show is Workaholics ... Would like to visit Greece, Bora Bora and Hawaii ... Listens to Zac Brown Band and Tyga ... Birthdate is May 14, 1994.

JA M E S G U IL L EN Pi t c h er 6- 1 • 1 65 • Ju ni or B a t s: R i g h t T h r ow s: R i gh t C ov i na , C a l i f . D a m i en H S

2012: As a sophomore in 2012, Guillen made 20 appearances out of the bullpen for Troy ... Threw a total of 14.2 innings of work, allowing only four runs on 17 hits and struck out 14 ... Finished with an ERA of 2.45 ... Started off the season with 1.0 inning of relief vs. Jacksonville (2/17) where he struck out the side as the Trojans won 8-2 ... Those three strikeouts were a season-high ... Collected two strikeouts of three other separate occasions, vs. Cal State Fullerton (3/6) in 1.2 innings of work, at Stanford (3/25) in 1.0 inning and vs. UC Riverside (6/23) in 0.2 of an inning ... Only allowed runs in three different appearances, throwing shutouts in his 17 other appearances. 2011: He appeared in three games as a freshman, posting a 3.86 ERA … in 2 1/3 innings, he allowed four hits and one earned run with a walk and two strikeouts … made his collegiate debut on March 25 against No. 24 UCLA, throwing one scoreless inning. High School: He was a three-year letterwinner at Damien High in Upland, Calif., under coach Al Leyva … earned All-Sierra League honors in his senior season and earned All-CIF honorable mention … named best athletic senior at Damien High and was the quarterback two years for the football team … earned All-Sierra League football honors as a senior … member of the honor roll all four years. Personal: He is majoring in kinesiology with plans on working as an athletic trainer … parents are Jim and Ana … his father played five years in the Los Angeles Dodgers' farm system … has two sisters, Annemarie and Natalie … lists Josh Beckett as his biggest sports hero … favorite movie is For The Love Of The Game … favorite television shows are Family Guy and SpongeBob SquarePants … lists to Lil Wayne and Kid Cudi … birthdate is November 18, 1991.



2011 0-0 0 3.86 3-0 2.1 4 1 1 1 2 2012 0-0 0 2.45 20-0 14.2 17 4 4 6 14 Total 0-0 0 2.65 23-0 16.3 21 5 4 7 16



2011 0-0 0 4.50 2-0 2.0 4 1 1 1 2 2012 0-0 0 0.00 7-0 7.1 8 0 0 1 4 Total 0-0 0 0.96 9-0 9.1 12 1 1 2 6

James Guillen


2 82 8






C at che r 6-1 • 2 00 • J u n io r B at s : Rig ht T hro ws : Right Ran cho C u camo n ga, C alif . Los Osos HS

2012: As a sophomore in 2012, Hernandez appeared in 42 games, making 26 starts, mostly as a designated hitter or catcher ... He hit .286 (26for-91) with 15 RBIs and four doubles ... He also scored eight runs ... Had an on-base percentage of .340 and slugging percentage or .330 ... Tallied a season high three RBIs at Washington State (3/31), on a 3-for-4 day ... Also had a two RBI-performance at Washington State (3/30) and vs. Pepperdine (4/3) ... First two-RBI day was at North Carolina (3/4) ... Also drew five walks on the season ... Tallied season high three hits at Washington State (3/31) and vs. Oregon State (4/27) ... Also had a season-high two doubles vs. Oregon State (4/27) ... Only made three errors in the field all season. 2011: In 32 games, he made 12 starts as a freshman … batted .200 (12for-60) with two doubles and six RBI … finished the season with a pinchhit single on May 29 against Washington State … recorded a 2-for-4 day with a double and one RBI on Feb. 25 at No. 22 Rice … went 2-for-4 with a double and two RBI in his collegiate debut on Feb. 20 against North Carolina. High School: He was a four-year letterwinner at Los Osos High in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., under coach Dominique Copas … rated No. 77 in the nation among high school players by Baseball America after earning All-CIF first team and Rawlings High School All-America honors as a senior … also earned All-Inland Valley and All-Baseline League honors … earned All-Baseline League second team honors in his freshmen, sophomore and junior seasons … drafted in the 22nd round of the 2010 major league baseball draft by the Detroit Tigers. Personal: He is majoring in kinesiology … parents are Tom and De Ana … has one brother Damien and two sisters, Jackie and Brittany … lists Derek Jeter as his biggest sports hero … favorite movies are The Hangover, Superbad and The Sandlot … favorite television shows are Family Guy, Two and a Half Men and anything on ESPN, The Food Network or The Discovery Channel … listens to Lil Wayne, Drake, 2 Pac, Snoop Dogg, Sublime and Nirvana … birthdate is June 5, 1992.



2011 32-12 .200 60 4 12 2 0 0 6 0-0 1 10 2012 42-26 .286 91 8 26 4 0 0 15 2-3 5 11 Total 74-38 .252 151 12 38 6 0 0 21 2-3 6 21



2011 13-3 .158 19 1 3 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 3 2012 21-13 .356 45 6 16 2 0 0 6 0-0 3 4 Total 34-16 .297 64 7 19 2 0 0 6 0-0 4 7

M A R C H U B ERM AN Pi t c h er 6- 2 • 1 8 0 • Fr es h m a n B a t s: Lef t T h r ow s: Lef t Los Ang el es, C a l i f . H a m i l t on H S

High School: Played two years of varsity baseball for head coach Dave Uyeshima at Hamilton HS in Los Angeles, Calif. ... Named the 2012 Western League Pitcher of the Year ... Earned First Team All-City utility as a senior ... Earned First Team All-Western League as a junior ... Competed for Yak Baseball West for two years ... Finished in the top 10 percent of his class, member of the student planning council. Personal: Undecided major at USC ... Parents are Mitchell and Charlotte ... Father Mitchell played Division III baseball ... Has one brother, Ross ... Lists his biggest sports hero as Sandy Koufax ... Favorite movie is Step Brothers ... Favorite TV show is Suits ... Favorite food is hashbrowns ... Would like to travel to Europe and South Africa ... Listens to Tupac, A Tribe Called Quest and Jay-Z ... Birthdate is January 10, 1994.



B R O O KS KRI SKE Pi t c h er 6- 2 • 1 8 0 • Fr esh m a n Bats: Right T h r ow s : R i gh t Pa l m D es er t , C a l i f . Pa l m D es er t H S

High School: Played four years of varsity baseball at Palm Desert HS in Palm Desert, Calif. ... Played for head coach Darol Salazar ... As a senior in 2012, was named an Under Armour Pre-Season All-American, First Team All-Desert Valley League, First Team All-CIF and First Team All-State ... As a junior in 2011 was named an All-State multi-purpose player, All-CIF, All-Desert Valley League and DVL MVP ... Helped team to win CIF titles in 2010 and 2012 ... Threw a complete game shutout in the CIF Championship game in 2012 ... High honor roll all four years, Top 20 in class and an academic scholar. Personal: Undeclared major at USC ... Parents are Garret and Janice ... Has one sister, Sydney ... Favorite movie is Wedding Crashers ... Favorite TV show is Family Guy ... Favorite pastime away from baseball is ping pong ... Would like to visit Australia ... Favorite musical artists are Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa, 2 Chainz and Josh Turner ... Birthdate is February 3, 1994.



BL AK E L ACEY Infi e ld 6-0 • 1 7 5 • F re s hman Bat s : Rig ht Th ro ws : Right Cl o vis , C alif. Cl o vis H S

High School: Played four years of varsity baseball at Clovis High School in Clovis, Calif. for head coach James Patrick ... Named a County All-Star in 2012 ... First Team All-Tri-River Athletic Conference as a junior and senior ... Earned Fresno Easter Classic MVP honors ... Played for the Florida Marlins Prospect Team ... Represented the USA in the Maple Leaf Tournament in 2008 and competed for the U.S. in Italy 2009 ... Had a 3.5 GPA in high school. Personal: Undecided major at USC ... Parents are Cindy and Rob ... Grandfather Jack Smith attended USC ... Favorite movie is Gladiator ... Would like to visit Europe and China ... Listens to Usher and Lil Wayne ... Birthdate is December 4, 1993.



High School: He was a four-year varsity letterwinner at Calabasas (Calif.) High for coach Ed Edsall … team captain for the United States team that won the gold medal at the 2009 Maccabiah Games … earned all-state second team honors as a senior … played in the 2009 Southern Section vs. City All-Star Game and the 2009 Ventura County All-Star Game … earned All-Marmonte League honors in his sophomore, junior and senior seasons … earned all-county honors as a sophomore and senior … he was the team captain as a junior and senior … member of the academic honor roll. Personal: He is majoring in human performance … parents are Ron and Marty … has two brothers, Aaron and Andrew … favorite movie is Bull Durham … favorite movie is Entourage … listens to Chicago … birthdate is Feb. 1, 1991.



2010 50-43 .265 132 16 35 8 1 1 15 0-4 2011 51-45 .280 150 19 42 0 3 0 16 2-3 2012 39-39 .329 152 31 50 4 0 0 12 4-6 Totals 140-127 .293 434 66 127 12 4 1 43 6-13

16 30 15 29 16 18 47 77



2010 24-22 .294 68 9 20 4 1 0 10 2011 25-25 .308 78 12 24 0 0 0 6 2012 17-17 .297 64 11 19 3 0 0 5 Totals 66-64 .300 210 32 63 7 1 0 21

0-2 1-2 2-2 3-6

7 15 9 15 5 10 21 40

ADAM L ANDECK ER Infi e ld 6-1 • 1 95 • S e n io r Bat s : Rig ht Th ro ws : Right Cal abas as , C alif. Cal abas as H S

2012: Landecker started in 39 of 55 games for the Trojans as a junior, batting a team-best .329 (for players with more than three appearances) ... Primarily appeared at second base, third base or shortstop ... He drove in 12 runs and scored 31 ... Tallied 50 hits, four of those being doubles ... Stole 4-out-of-6 bases attempted ... Had 17 multi-hit games, including five three-hit contests ... Drove in two RBIs vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/10), vs. Washington State (3/30) and vs. Oregon State (4/29) ... Finished the season with a .418 on-base percentage ... Made his season debut on Feb. 17 vs. Jacksonville, going 3-for-3 and scoring two runs as the Trojans defeated Jacksonville 8-2. 2011: He had 45 starts in 51 games, batting .280 (42-for-150) with three triples and 16 RBI … had a triple and a walk in a 3-for-4 day with one RBI on May 24 against Pepperdine … collected eight hits during the series against No. 6 Arizona State (May 13-15) and became the first Trojan to have a four-hit game this season with four singles on May 14 … went 3-for-5 with an RBI on April 19 at Loyola Marymount … had a seasonhigh three RBI on April 1 at No. 13 California … hit a triple in a 1-for-2 day with two RBI on March 18 against Pacific … made his season debut on Feb. 19 as a pinch hitter against Missouri. 2010: He made 43 starts in 50 games, batting .265 (35-for-132) with eight doubles, one triple, one home run and 15 RBI … earned Pac-10 Conference honorable mention recognition … went 2-for-2 with a season-high three RBI on May 29 against Washington … hit a triple in a 2-for-3 day with two RBI on May 1 against Arizona … hit his first collegiate homer with a two-run shot to left over the “Blue Monster” on March 30 at Loyola Marymount … went 0-for-1 in his collegiate debut Adam Landecker on Feb. 21 at Cal Poly … in the summer, he played for the Anchorage Glacier Pilots of the Alaska Baseball League … batted .194 (30-for-155) with six doubles and eight RBI.


3 03 0






P it che r 6-4 • 2 05 • S e n io r B at s : L e ft T hro ws : Right I r vin e , C alif. No r t hwo o d H S / S addle back C o lle g e

2012: Made 19 appearances as a pitcher during his junior season, 18 out of the bullpen with one start ... Threw 25.0 complete innings, allowing only 15 runs (10 earned) and striking out 16 ... Had a 3.60 ERA with a record of 2-1 ... First win of the season came on Feb. 26 in relief against Akron when he threw one complete inning of shutout baseball with one strikeout as the Trojans won 9-5 ... Earned a second win at UC Irvine (3/28) after throwing 1.1 innings and only allowing one hit and no runs, as USC won 5-4 ... Tallied a season-high two strikeouts in five different games ... Threw 6.2 innings of no-hit baseball over seven different games ... Had a stellar outing vs. Washington (5/4), throwing 3.0 innings of no hit baseball in relief and striking out two. 2011: He was 0-1 with a 5.19 ERA, making 24 appearances during the season … in 26 innings, he allowed 31 hits and 15 earned runs with eight walks and 18 strikeouts … opponents hit .323 against him … allowed one run on three hits in a season-long 2 1/3 innings on May 3 against UC Riverside … threw a no-hit inning on April 1 at No. 13 California … struck out two batters in a scoreless inning of relief on March 25 against No. 24 UCLA … opened the season by not allowing a run in his first eight appearances (Feb. 19-March 13) for a combined 6 2/3 innings … made his collegiate debut on Feb. 19 against Missouri. 2010 (Saddleback College): He made six appearances at Saddleback College, posting an 0-1 record with a 6.63 ERA with two saves … in 19 innings, he allowed 25 hits and 14 earned runs with three walks and 10 strikeouts … opponents hit .325 against him. High School: He was a three-year letterwinner at Northwood High in Irvine, Calif., under coach Rob Stuart … earned All-Seaview League first team honors in his senior season … earned all-city honors as a junior and senior … threw a complete game shutout in his senior season, allowing two hits and striking out five on March 20, 2009, against Woodbridge. Personal: He is majoring in sociology with plans on becoming a high school teacher and baseball coach … parents are Mike and Denise … has one sister, Danielle … his cousin, Eric, was an All-American catcher for USC and played in the major leagues … lists his cousin, Eric, as his biggest sports hero … favorite movie is Uncle Buck … favorite television shows are 24, Entourage and The Office … listens to Sublime, Bob Marley and Eminem … enjoys fishing, golfing and playing racquetball in his spare time … birthdate is March 11, 1991.



2011 0-1 0 5.19 24-0 26.0 31 15 15 8 18 2012 2-1 0 3.60 19-1 25.0 31 15 10 9 16 Total 2-2 0 4.41 43-1 51.0 62 30 25 17 34



2011 0-1 0 10.57 7-0 7.2 15 9 9 1 7 2012 0-0 0 0.00 9-0 12.2 9 3 0 8 7 Total 0-1 0 3.98 16-0 20.1 24 12 9 9 14

NIG E L NO O TBA AR Pi t c h er 6- 1 • 1 8 5 • Sop h om or e B a t s : Sw i t c h T h r ow s : R i gh t El Seg u ndo, C a l i f . El Seg u ndo H S

2012: Nootbaar made 14 appearances as a pitcher in his true freshman season, 10 in relief and four as the starter ... He tallied 35.1 total innings pitched ... Finished with 17 strikeouts and a 3.31 ERA, along with a 1-3 record ... Threw a season-high 7.0 innings in a start at Washington State (5/15) ... Allowed one run on seven hits ... Got his first career victory at Washington State (3/30) after throwing 2.0 innings of shutout baseball in relief, as the Trojans won 15-10. Also tallied two strikeouts in the victory ... Had a career and season high strikeout total of three twice, first against Loyola Marymount (4/10) and again at Washington State (5/15) ... Also made two appearances as a pinch runner, scoring one run in each appearance, vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/10) and at Stanford (3/25). High School : He was a four-year varsity letterwinner at El Segundo High for coach Craig Cousins … posted a 1.38 ERA in 60 2/3 innings and held opponents to a .191 batting average with 17 walks and 65 strikeouts … he batted .424 with 27 runs, 10 doubles, five home runs and 27 RBI the same year … earned All-CIF, all-region, and all-area 1st team honors in both junior and senior seasons … named 2011 CIF Scholar Athlete of the Year … a three-time All-Pioneer League selection … as a junior, named 1st Team All-State, MaxPreps 2nd team All-American and Daily Breeze Player of the Year … ranked No. 39 in California by Perfect Game USA … also lettered in football all-four years. Personal: He is a human performance major at USC … parents are Charlie and Kumi … lists USC receiver Robert Woods as the toughest person he has competed against … enjoys playing volleyball and surfing in his free time … came to USC for the great education and baseball tradition … born March 24, 1993.



2012 1-3 0 3.13 14-4 35.1 38 16 13 13 17



2012 1-2 0 3.31 6-2 16.0 19 8 6 5 9






Infi e ld 6-0 • 1 8 0 • F re s hman Bat s : Rig ht Th ro ws : Right Bake rs fie ld, C alif. Bake rs fie ld C hris t ian H S

High School: Played four years of varsity baseball for head coach Tom McCormick at Bakersfield Christian HS in Bakersfield, Calif. ... Was South Sequoia League Co-MVP and All-Area Co-MVP as a senior in 2012 ... Earned First Team All-South Sequoia League honors as a sophomore in 2010 and a junior in 2011 ... All-Area Second Team as a junior ... Led the state in runs in 2012 ... Won CIF Central Section as a junior ... Competed for the Bakersfield Dodgers. Personal: Goes by AJ ... An international relations major at USC ... Parents are Roberto and Kristen ... Father Roberto played professional baseball for 13 years ... Has two brothers, Ramsey and Josiah ... Lists Albert Pujols as his biggest sports hero .. Favorite movie is The Dark Knight Rises ... Favorite TV Show is the George Lopez Show ... Would like to visit Europe ... Birthdate is April 4, 1993

K Y L E R IC H T ER Pi t c h er 6- 4 • 225 • Ju ni or B a t s: Lef t T h r ow s: Lef t M i ssi on Vi ej o, C a l i f . Sa nt a M a r ga r i t a H S

2012: Richter made one appearance in 2012, coming out of the bullpen for 0.1 of an inning at North Carolina, where he struck out one. 2011: He made four starts in 23 appearances as a freshman, posting a 2-3 record with a 4.01 ERA … in 33 2/3 innings, he allowed 27 hits and 15 earned runs with 24 walks and 21 strikeouts … opponents hit .220 against him … picked up his second win on the year with a designated start of two no-hit innings on April 19 at Loyola Marymount … made his first collegiate start on March 29 against UC Irvine with two innings and giving up one run on two hits with two walks and two strikeouts … pitched three no-hit innings on March 22 against UC Santa Barbara with a walk and three strikeouts … earned his first collegiate win on Feb. 22 at UC Riverside with 1 2/3 scoreless innings, allowing two hits and striking out three … made his collegiate debut on Feb. 20 against North Carolina, allowing a run on two hits in 1 1/3 innings. High School: He was a two-year letterwinner at Santa Margarita in Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., under coach David Bacani … drafted in the 44th round of the 2010 major league baseball draft by the Colorado Rockies. Personal: He is majoring in human performance with hopes of playing professionally or becoming an athletic trainer … parents are Tom and Kellie … has one sister, Lauren … lists Jon Lester as his biggest sports hero … favorite movie is Shooter … favorite television shows are The Office, Modern Family and Jersey Shore … listens to Skillet … enjoys playing golf and ping-pong in his spare time … birthdate is April 17, 1991.



2011 2-3 0 4.01 23-4 33.2 27 16 15 24 21 2012 0-0 0 99.00 1-0 0.1 1 4 4 2 1 Total 2-3 0 5.03 24-4 34.0 28 20 19 26 1



2011 0-1 0 9.00 7-0 6.0 8 7 6 5 4


3 23 2



J AME S R O B ER T S I n fie ld 6-2 • 1 90 • J u n io r B at s : Rig ht T hro ws : Right C u p e r t in o , C alif. A rchbis ho p M it t y H S

2012: Roberts started 54 of 55 games during his junior season, mostly as a shortstop (38 games), and started the rest at second and third bases ... Batted .289 (54-of-187) with 24 RBIs and 10 doubles ... His 54 hits and 10 doubles were both good for third-best on the team ... He also had four stolen bases ... He also scored 20 runs ... Had five two-RBI games ... Went 2-for-3 with one RBI and two doubles against Pepperdine (2/28) ... Had a 3-for-3 outing with one double against rival UCLA at the Dodgertown Classic (3/13) ... At UC Irvine on March 28, he went 3-for-4 ... Also had a three-hit game vs. Oregon State (4/28), going 3-for-5 and scored a season-high three runs ... Had final three-hit outing of the season at UC Riverside (5/22), 3-for-5 and also tied his season high of three runs scored ... Drew eight walks on the season ... Was hit-by-pitch 12 times ... Had an on-base percentage of .356 and a slugging percentage of .342. 2011: In his freshman season, he started in every game for the Trojans … batted .274 (49-for-179) with four doubles, one home run, two stolen bases and 15 RBI … his two-run double was the key in a 2-1 win on April 21 at Washington … on April 16 vs. Oregon, he registered his first three-hit and three-RBI game … hit his first collegiate home run on March 25 against UCLA ace Gerrit Cole, going 2-for-4 with two RBI … his first collegiate RBI came on Feb. 22 at UC Riverside as he registered two RBI … was hit three times by a pitch on Feb. 20 against North Carolina … his first collegiate hit came on Feb. 19 in the season opener against Missouri. High School: He was a four-year letterwinner at Archbishop Mitty High in San Jose, Calif., under coach Bill Hutton … he was selected to the 2010 Hawaii Collegiate Baseball League All-Star Game … named 2010 West Catholic Athletic League most valuable player and earned All-San Jose Mercury News section first team honors … was a member of the Archbishop Mitty High squad that won the 2010 mythical national championship by finishing first in the RivalsHigh Top 100 High School rankings … earned all-state second team honors as a junior and was named 2009 San Jose Mercury News Junior of the Year … earned All-West Catholic Athletic League second team honors as a junior … member of the honor roll … drafted in the 42nd round of the 2010 major league baseball draft by the San Francisco Giants. Personal: He has not declared a major … parents are Ted and Evelyn … has one brother, Adam … lists his father as his biggest sports hero … favorite movie is The Hangover … favorite television shows are Family Guy, Entourage and SportsCenter … birthdate is December 11, 1991.



2011 56-56 .274 179 26 49 4 0 1 15 2-4 17 26 2012 55-54 .289 187 20 54 10 0 0 24 4-6 8 25 Total 110-110 .281 366 46 103 14 0 1 39 6-10 25 51



2011 27-27 .365 85 14 31 3 0 1 11 1-2 9 9 2012 30-30 .288 104 9 25 5 0 0 10 1-2 5 17 Total 57-57 .354 189 23 56 8 0 1 21 2-4 14 26

James Roberts



T IM M Y R O BI NSO N O u t f i el d 6- 1 • 23 5 • Fr es h m a n Bats: Right T h r ow s : R i gh t H u nt i ng t on B ea c h , C a l i f . O c ea n Vi ew H S

High School: A three-year varsity baseball letterwinner for head coach Shane Borowski at Ocean View HS in Huntington Beach, Calif. ... Senior year accolades include All-American, All-CIF Division III, All-Orange County, Golden West League MVP ... As a junior earned All-CIF Division III honors and was the Golden West League MVP ... Earned Second Team All-Golden West League honors as a sophomore in 2010 ... Led team to 2010 Division III CIF Championship ... Played three years of varsity football for head coach Harold Eggers ... As a senior in 2012 was the Golden West League football MVP, Second Team All-Orange County and First Team All-CIF Division III ... As a junior earned First Team All-League honors for football ... Played club baseball for the So Cal Renegades, team won the 2012 Connie Mack World Series, where Robinson racked up multiple honors, including MVP, Best Individual Hitter, Big Stick Award, All-Tournament Team selection. Personal: An undecided major at USC ... Parents are Lisa Moore and Tim Robinson ... Has one sister, Jaelyn Robinson and one brother, Alex Burnett ... Burnett is a relief pitcher for the Minnesota Twins and is listed as Robinson's biggest sports hero ... Favorite movie is Anchorman ... Favorite TV show is Blue Mountain State ... Would like to travel to Cancun, Mexico ... Favorite music groups are Tyga, Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean



SEAN SI LVA Pi tc he r 5-10 • 1 8 5 • J u n io r Bat s : L e ft Th ro ws : L e ft Fres n o , C alif. Cl o vis W e s t H S / Fres n o C it y C o lle g e

Fresno City College: Played at Fresno City College for head coach Ron Scott ... Earned All-Central Valley Conference first team honors, finishing with a 6-3 record, 73.0 innings pitched, 60 strikeouts, 3.08 ERA and a .227 batting average against through 19 appearances, nine games ... Threw sixth no-hitter in Fresno City College history, combined no-hitter vs. Chabot College, six innings pitched, 10 strikeouts in the victory. High School: Earned three baseball letters at Clovis West HS in Clovis, Calif ... Played for head coach Kevin Patrick ... As a senior in 2009 he was First Team All-TRHC and the 2009 League MVP ... MVP Pitcher of the 2009 Easter Classic, First Team All-State by MaxPreps as a pitcher, Second Team Cal Hi Sports Multi-Purpose ... Finished the season with an 11-1 record, a 1.69 ERA and 111 strikeouts ... As a junior in 2008, Earned All-TRAC first team honors ... Had a no-hitter in 2008 vs. Garces HS and another in 2009 vs. Rocklin HS ... Played club for the Central California Blaze and led the team with strikeouts ... Also competed for the Chicago White Sox Scout Team in 2009 and Fresno Cardinals in 2011. Personal: A sociology major at USC ... Parents are Randy and Cherie ... Has one brother, Scott ... Favorite movie is For Love of the Game ... Favorite TV show is anything on ESPN or HBO ... Listens to Lil Wayne, The Eagles, Kenny Chesney, AC/DC and Drake.





B O B B Y S TA H EL O u t f i el d 5 - 1 0 • 1 8 5 • R S Fr es h m a n Bats: Right T h r ow s : R i gh t Needl es, C a l i f . Pa l os Ver des H S

2012: Redshirted his true freshman season at Troy. High School: He was a four-year varsity letterwinner at Palos Verdes High for coach Evan Fujinaga … batted .467 with 45 runs, 15 doubles, three triples, six home runs and 24 RBI as a senior … he was an AllAmerican selection in his sophomore, junior and senior seasons … Bay League MVP his senior year … led the nation in stolen bases as a junior with 93 and 88 as a sophomore … he led Palos Verdes to the state championship his sophomore season … Twice named Nevada 2A Player of the Year. Personal : He has not yet decided in a major at USC … parents are Herb and Lori … lists his dad as his biggest sports hero … says watching the Red Sox win the 2004 World Series was his most thrilling sports moment … lists Washington Nationals outfielder Bryce Harper as the toughest person he has competed against … chose USC because he always wanted to be a part of the Trojan family … born September 1, 1992.

REGGI E SO U T HAL L Infi e ld 6-0 • 1 7 0 • F re s hman Bat s : S wit ch Th ro ws : Right Gar de n a, C alif. Jun ip e ro S e rra H S

High School : Played two years of varsity baseball at Serra High School in Gardena, Calif. for head coach Wil Aaron ... Earned First Team All-El Camino League honors as a senior in 2012 and a junior in 2011 ... Was a member of the principal's honor roll all four years. Personal: Kinesiology major at USC ... Parents are Reginald and Latonya ... Has one brother, Raymond and one sister, Lauren ... Lists his biggest sports heroes as Jackie Robinson, Floyd Mayweather and Robinson Cano ... Other relatives that played professional sports include Garrett Anderson and Eddie Davis ... Birthdate is May 28, 1994.

Wyatt Strahan


3 43 4



W YAT T ST R A H A N P it che r 6-3 • 1 95 • S o p ho mo re B at s : Rig ht T hro ws : Right V illa P ark, C alif. V illa P ark H S



G A RR ET T S TUBBS C a t c h er 5 - 1 0 • 1 60 • Sop h om or e B a t s: Lef t T h r ow s: R i gh t D el M a r, C a l i f . T or r ey Pi nes H S

2012: As a freshman in 2012, Strahan made 22 appearances out of the bullpen for the Trojans ... Pitched a total of 26.1 innings, allowing 11 runs (only four earned) on 18 hits ... Struck out 18 and finished with a 3-3 record and a 1.37 ERA ... Also tallied two saves ... Picked up his first career win vs. Jacksonville Univ. (2/19) after throwing 1.1 innings of shutout baseball in relief, striking out two and allowing only one hit as the Trojans won 4-3 ... Collected his first career save at Long Beach State (2/21) after dishing out 2.0 innings of no-hit baseball, striking out one as the Trojans won 4-2 ... Also collected a win vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/9) after throwing 1.1 innings of no-hit ball and striking out one as the Trojans won 6-5 ... Picked up his second save at Stanford (3/26) after coming out of the bullpen to throw 1.1 innings of no-hit ball as USC won 8-4 ... The third win of the season for Strahan came vs. California (4/7) after throwing 0.1 innings as USC won 3-2 ... Tallied a season and career high three strikeouts vs. Utah (3/16) and against Loyola Marymount (4/10) ... Had a total of five multi-strikeout outings in appearances that never were longer than 3.2 innings. High School : He was a three-time varsity letterwinner at Villa Park High for coach Scott Zine … posted a 1.48 ERA in 66 innings and held opponents to a .207 batting average with 16 walks and 55 strikeouts … earned all-county and team MVP honors in his senior year … drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks in the 27th round of the 2011 MLB Draft … a four-time scholar athlete … also played basketball. Personal: He has not yet decided on a major at USC … parents are Timothy and Cheryl … lists Jackie Robinson and Mark Herzlich as his sports heroes because of their courage and determination … enjoys volleyball, football and the beach in his free time … came to USC because of the great academics and baseball tradition … born April 18, 1993.

2012: As a true freshman in 2012, Stubbs appeared in 44 games, making 30 starts, with majority of them coming in the outfield ... Batted .189 (24-for-127) with 12 RBIs, one triple, one home run and 16 runs scored ... Stubbs got out to a fast start, hitting .290 through his first nine games and got hits in six of his first 10 games ... Started out his career on a four-game hit streak, with three of those being multi-hit games ... Collected his first collegiate RBI on Feb. 18 vs. Jacksonville in a 1-for-3 performance ... Hit his first career home run on March 28 vs. UC Irvine ... Hit his career-high of two hits in a game five times during the season, with the first coming in his collegiate debut vs. Jacksonville (2/17) where he went 2-for-5 with two runs scored ... Collected his first career double at Stanford (3/26) ... Scored a season and career high three runs vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/11) ... Stole two bases and only made one error in the field. High School: He was a four-year varsity letterwinner at Torrey Pines High for coach Matt Ches … batted .391 with 27 runs, 13 doubles and 18 RBI as a senior … a two-time All-CIF San Diego selection … earned All-North County and All-Avocado League 1st team honors in junior and senior seasons … named to 2011 California all-region 2nd team … received Prefect Game USA all-region honorable mention honors in 2010. Personal: He has not yet decided on a major at USC...parents are T Pat and Marti...lists David Eckstein as his biggest sports hero because his drive and determination...enjoys traveling to Mexico with his family in his free time...has wanted to be a Trojan since he was a kid...birthday is May 26, 1993.





2012 3-3 2 1.37 22-0 26.1 18 11 4 18 18



2012 1-2 1 3.00 11-0 12.0 12 7 4 7 7


2012 44-30 .189 129 16 24 0 1 1 12 2-4 14 18



2012 22-11 .115 52 5 6 0 1 0 3 1-2 4 9


1 6

C O NNER SU LLI VA N Infi e ld 6-2 • 1 95 • F re s hman Bat s : S wit ch Th ro ws : Right O ran g e , C alif. O ran g e L u t he ran H S

USC Football: Sullivan is a quarterback on the USC football team, competing in 2012. High School: Was a two-year baseball letterman at Orange Lutheran HS for head coach Eric Borba ... Earned First Team All-Trinity League honors his junior and senior years ... Was named to the Orange County All-Star Team ... Orange Lutheran was ranked the No. 1 team in the nation in 2012 ... Helped team win Trinity League title in 2012 ... Also earned three letters in football for Orange Lutheran ... Earned Second Team All-Trinity League honors as the Lancers' starting quarterback ... A decorated student, he earned high honor roll accolades each of his four years and was a CJSF and NHS member ... Elected as sophomore, junior and senior class president ... Presented the "Lancer Award," given to one male and one female each year exhibiting qualities of the quintessential student at OHS ... Played club for Elite Baseball for five seasons and was named to the first team in 2011 and the second team in 2010. Personal: A business administration major at USC ... Parents are Joe and Lauren ... Father played soccer and baseball at the U.S. Air Force Academy ... Has three sisters, Kelly, K.C. and Brianne and one brother, Shane ... Favorite movie is Rudy ... Favorite TV show is Sports Nation ... Listens to The Beatles and Frank Sinatra ... Has always wanted to star in a James Bond film ... Birthdate is June 17, 1992.



K EV I N SWI CK Infi e ld e r 6-0 • 1 8 5 • J u n io r Bat s : Rig ht Th ro ws : Right La C an ada, C alif. Lo yo la H S

2012: Appeared in 54 games for the Trojans, making 52 starts, mostly at third base ... Batted .258 (49-129) with 23 RBIs and 11 doubles ... His 11 doubles were third most on the team and 23 RBIs ranked fourth best ... Had an on-base percentage of .311 and a slugging percentage of .332 ... Hit one home run vs. California (4/5) ... Tallied a season-high three hits on three different occasions, going 3-for-5 vs. Akron (2/25), 3-for-5 vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/10) and 3-for-6 at Washington State (3/30) ... Had a season-high two doubles vs. Akron (2/24) on a 2-for-4 outing with one RBI ... Stole five bases during the season and drew eight walks ... Had a season-high three RBIs vs. Cal State Bakersfield (3/10) and also had two the day before vs. Bakersfield (3/9) ... Also had multi-RBI days vs. Stanford (3/25) and at Washington State (3/30) ... Earned Capital One CoSIDA All-Academic District VIIIhonors ...Was named Pac-12 All-Academic first team. 2011: He made nine starts in 22 games, batting .258 (8-for-31) with two doubles and four RBI … recorded a season-high two RBI on April 15 against Oregon … registered his first collegiate hit and RBI on March 19 against Pacific … made his collegiate debut on February 26 against No. 22 Rice. High School: He played two years at Loyola High School in Los Angeles under coach Brian Felton … earned the Brian J. Ulmer Award for being a successful player and academic acheivement … graduated with highest honors.

Personal: He is majoring in business … parents are Chuck and Linda … has one brother, Daniel … lists David Eckstein as his biggest sports hero … favorite movies are The Departed and The Sandlot … favorite television shows are SportsCenter, The Office and Psych … listens to The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, The Beatles and Lupe Fiasco … plans to earn his master's degree and work for a private equity firm … birthdate is July 26, 1991.



2011 22-9 .258 31 4 8 2 0 0 4 1-3 4 6 2012 54-52 .258 190 20 49 11 0 1 23 5-6 8 33 Total 76-61 .258 221 24 57 13 0 1 27 6-9 12 39



2011 13-7 .208 24 3 5 0 0 0 2 1-3 3 5 2012 30-29 .204 98 9 20 4 0 1 8 4-4 5 17 Total 43-36 .205 122 12 25 4 0 1 10 5-7 8 22



K Y L E T W O M EY PI T C H ER 6- 3 • 1 65 • Fr esh m a n B a t s : Lef t T h r ow s : Lef t Pl a c ent i a , C a l i f . El D or a do H S

High School: Played four years of varsity baseball at El Dorado HS in Placentia, Calif. ... As a senior in 2012 he was named the Century League Pitcher of the Year, All-Orange County All-Star, All-American, All-CIF and MVP of the National Classic ... In 2011 was also the Century League Pitcher of the Year, All-State, and an Under Armour All-American ... Earned AllLeague honors as a sophomore in 2010 ... Named Century League Rookie of the Year in 2009 ... Threw a no-hitter in the opening game of the 2012 Hard 9 National Classic with 14 strikeouts ... Drafted in the third round of the 2012 MLB First Year Player's Draft by the Oakland A's ... Had a 3.86 GPA in high school. Personal: An undecided major at USC ... Parents are Mike and Cindy ... Has one sister, Taylor ... Father Mike worked in the Tigers and Angels organizations as an athletic trainer ... Lists his biggest sports hero as Derek Jeter because, "The way he handles himself off the field is unmatched." ... Favorite movies are The Pursuit of Happyness and Seven Pounds ... Favorite TV shows are The Office and Intentional Talk ... Would like to visit Italy and London ... Listens to Mumford and Sons, Nickelback and Coldplay ... Would like to play professional baseball after graduation and later either become a dentist or lawyer ... Birthdate is December 29, 1993.


3 63 6



BO B WHE AT L EY P it che r 6-5 • 2 2 0 • J u n io r B at s : L e ft T hro ws : L e ft V illa P ark, C alif. O ran g e L u t he ran H S

2012: As a sophomore in 2012, Wheatley made 16 pitching appearances, 14 out of the bullpen and two as the starter ... Threw a total of 26.0 innings, allowing 13 runs (10 earned) on 23 hits ... Struck out a collective 10 on the season ... Had a 1-0 record with a 3.46 ERA ... Earned his only win of the season on Feb. 18 vs. Jacksonville State, throwing 1.0 inning, allowing only two hits and one run as the Trojans won 11-3 ... Made his first start of the season on April 3 vs. Pepperdine, throwing 3.0 innings of shutout baseball, allowing no hits and striking out a season-high three as the Trojans won 5-4 ... Earned his second start of the season on May 6 vs. Washington, throwing 5.0 complete innings of shutout ball, allowing five hits but no runs and striking out one ... Had eight appearances of shutout baseball throughout the season. 2011: He made 18 appearances as a freshman, going 1-1 with a 6.39 ERA … in 12 2/3 innings, he allowed 20 hits and nine earned runs with five walks and five strikeouts … opponents batting .370 against him … made five straight appearances from May 3-28 without allowing a run in 3 1/3 combined innings … earned his first collegiate win on April 1 at No. 13 California with two-thirds of an inning and allowed no runs on three hits … did not allow a run in five straight appearances from March 26-April 26 in 5 1/3 combined innings … threw a season-long 2 1/3 scoreless innings on March 26 against No. 24 UCLA, allowing one hit and one walk … made his collegiate debut on Feb. 22 at UC Riverside with two-thirds of an inning. High School: He was a three-year letterwinner at Orange Lutheran High in Orange, Calif., under coach Eric Barba … named 2010 Trinity League Pitcher of the Year and named to the Orange County All-Star Team while earned All-Trinity League honors … earned Trinity League Pitcher of the Year honors as well as all-league honors as a junior … earned all-county honors as a junior … threw a complete game against Mater Dei with eight strikeouts in his senior year … also played on the football team where he was the quarterback … in his senior year against Tustin for football, he was 22-for-26 passing for 260 yards with two touchdowns and a rushing touchdown … graduated summa cum laude and was on the high honor roll all four years. Personal: He is majoring in business … parents are Bob and Julie … has one brother, Brent, and one sister, Taylor … father, Bob, was a member of the USC men's basketball team in 1984 and 1985 … brother Brent is a freshman on the baseball team ... lists Peyton Manning as his biggest sports hero … favorite movies are 8 Mile, Be Cool, Forrest Gump, Field of Dreams, 300, Fletch and Beverly Hills Cop 2 … favorite television shows are Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Family Guy, Burn Notice and SportsCenter … listens to Eminem, Drake, Lil Wayne and Kanye West … birthdate is February 4, 1992.



2011 1-1 0 6.39 18-0 12.2 20 9 9 5 5 2012 1-0 0 3.46 16-0 26.0 23 13 10 10 10 Totals 2-1 0 4.42 34-0 38.2 43 22 19 15 15



2011 1-0 0 6.43 7-0 7.0 11 5 5 4 2 2012 0-0 0 3.97 5-0 11.1 13 5 5 2 3 Totals 1-0 0 4.91 12-0 18.1 24 10 10 6 5



BR ENT WHE AT L EY Pi tc he r 6-3 • 2 05 • F re s hman Bat s : Rig ht Th ro ws : Right Vil la P ark, C alif. O ran g e L u t he ran H S

High School: Earned three varsity baseball letters at Orange Lutheran HS in Orange, Calif. ... Was a Louisville Slugger First Team All-American in 2012 and was named the Trinity League Pitcher of the Year as a senior in 2012 ... Named an Under Armour and Perfect Game Preseason All-American in 2011 and 2012 ... 2012 Lancer team was ranked No. 1 nationally ... Also earned two varsity football letters as a quarterback for Orange Lutheran ... Competed for Team Anderson for two seasons and Marucci Elite for one season ... Marucci Elite won the 2012 WWBA World Championship ... Member of the National Honors Society. Personal: Majoring in communication at USC ... Parents are Bob and Julie ... Bob played basketball at USC and Julie also is a USC alum ... Has one sister, Taylor and one brother, Bob ... Bob is a junior on the Trojan baseball team ... Favorite movie is Saving Private Ryan ... Favorite TV shows are Tosh.O and SportsNation ... Would like to visit, Omaha, Neb. .. Listens to Josh Turner ... Favorite food is pasta ... Birthdate is August 31, 1993.



G REG Z E B R A CK Pi t c h er 6- 1 • 1 90 • R S Seni or Bats: Right T h r ow s : R i gh t Nor t h r i dg e, C a l i f . C a m p bel l H a l l H S

2012/UPenn: First-team All-Ivy ... Ivy League and Big 5 Player of the Week (4/3) ... Started 39 games in the outfield, batted .343 and led the team in on-base percentage (.448), slugging percentage (.657), RBI (28), runs (34), stolen bases (10), doubles (18) and home runs (7) ... 10-game hitting streak from March 24-April 7 ... Hit safely in 16 of 20 Ivy League games ... Had two hits and a run scored in season debut against Georgia State (3/3) ... Went 2-for-4 with a walk and two runs batted in against Bowling Green (3/6) ... Hit first home run of the season against Western Michigan, going 2-for-3 with two RBI (3/8) ... Doubled, stole two bases and scored twice against Fairfield (3/10) ... Went 3-for-3 and walked twice in Liberty Bell Classic quarterfinal against Villanova, ending up just a single short of a cycle while driving in a career-high seven runs and scoring twice (3/27) ... Doubled in both games of a doubleheader with Brown, collecting two hits and a RBI in each game (4/2) ... Went 3-for-4 while being hit by a pitch in Liberty Bell Classic semifinal at La Salle, doubling twice and scoring two runs (4/3) ... Matched a career high with four hits at Princeton (4/15), driving in a run and scoring twice. 2011/UPenn: First-team All-Ivy ... Ivy League Player of the Week (4/12) ... Big 5 Player of the Week (4/12) ... Started and appeared in 39 of 40 games ... Second on the team with a .336 average and also led Penn in slugging (.596), on-base percentage (.449), runs (35), home runs (7), total bases (87) and hit-by-pitch (11) ... Also had 49 hits, 11 doubles, three triples and 27 RBI ... Reached base safely in his first 19 games ... Had one hit, but scored three times and was hit twice against Maine (3/7) ... Went 4-for-4 and finished a triple short of the cycle with three runs and three RBI in a win over Brown (3/10) ... Went 3-for-4 with three runs, three RBI and finished a triple short of the cycle against Princeton (4/15) ... Matched a career high with four hits and also scored three times and had three RBI, a home run and a double versus Cornell (4/24) ... Finished the season on the five-game hit streak, batting .417 over that span. 2010/UPenn: Sat out the 2010 season after transferring to UPenn. 2009/USC: As a freshman, he made five starts in 21 games...batted .100 (2-for-20)...his first collegiate hit came on Feb. 28 against Western Carolina...made his collegiate debut on Feb. 20 against Long Beach State. High School : He was a four-year varsity letterwinner at Campbell Hall High in North Hollywood under coach Juan Velasquez...earned All-CIF first team honors as a senior, batting .420 with seven home runs, eight doubles, four triples and 26 RBI...also named Olympic League most valuable player and Rivals.com all-state for small schools as a senior... earned all-league second team honors as a junior after batting .360 with six home runs...named CIF Player of the Year and earned all-league first team honors as a sophomore after batting .443 with seven home runs, 51 runs scored and 27 RBI...drafted in the 43rd round by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 2008 amateur draft. Personal: Was an Academic All-Ivy League and Academic All-Big 5 selection in 2012 at Penn, where he graduated with a degree in business ... Working on his Masters of Business Administration at USC...Parents are Jeff and Ivy...has one sister, Sara...lists Tom Brady and Derek Jeter as his biggest sports heroes... Lists Armageddon as his favorite movie ... Lists Homeland and Hard Knocks as his favorite television shows...Listens to Swedish House Mafia ...birthdate is Aug. 28, 1990.



2011 39-39 .336 146 35 49 11 3 7 27 9-11 19 33 2012 39-39 .343 137 34 47 18 2 7 28 10-15 17 23 Totals 78-78 .339 283 69 96 29 5 14 55 19-26 36 56



2009 21-5 .100 20 2 2 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 9



2 01 2 G A M E- B Y - G A M E R ESULTS (23-32 Overall, Pacific-12 Conference, Home, Away)





W-L Score W


USC Pitcher

Opp. Pitcher



Triggs (1-0)

Eagerton (0-1)


Landecker went 3-for-3 and Triggs allowed only 2 runs, 5 hits.





Wheatley, B. (1-0)

Woods (0-1)


Garcia launched first home run of the season





Strahan (1-0)

Tanner (0-1)


Garcia hit second home run of season in back-to-back games


@ Long Beach State



Garcia (1-0)

Sabo (0-1)


Stubbs, Houts, Foat & Hernandez all had multi-hit performances





Triggs (2-0)

Brown (0-2)


Foat knocked first home run of the season





Mount (1-0)

McVeigh (0-2)


Sherrod hit first home run of season





Munson (1-0)

Pusateri (0-2)


Sherrod hit second home run of season in back-to-back games


@ Pepperdine



Garcia (1-1)

Maurer (1-0)


Suffered first loss of season on the road


@ #6 North Carolina



Triggs (2-1)

Emanuel (3-0)


Stranded 13 runners, eight in scoring position in loss


@ #6 North Carolina



Mount (1-1)

Taylor (1-1)


Game up eventual game-winning run in bottom of eighth


@ #6 North Carolina



Tarpley (1-0)

O'Brien (0-2)


Earned win in rubber match of series


#19 Cal State Fullerton



Douthit (1-0)

Kuhl (0-1)


Roundtree delivered two-run single to give USC lead


CSU Bakersfield



Strahan (2-0)

Messmore (0-1)


Took advantage of the Roadrunners' five errors in game


CSU Bakersfield



Viramontes (1-0)

Barragan (0-3)


Landecker delivered RBI walkoff single in the bottom of ninth


CSU Bakersfield



Tarpley (2-0)

Aikenhead (3-1)


Completed sweep with Tarpley's 10 strikeouts in eight innings


$ #9 UCLA



Garcia (1-2)

Watson (4-0)


Despite early 1-0 lead, fell to Bruins at Dodger Stadium


Utah* (DH)



Triggs (2-2)

Wagner (1-0)


Triggs had a shutout until he gave up one run, top of the eighth


Utah* (DH)



Mount (1-2)

Duke (2-0)


Scattered nine hits, but couldn't pull out the win





Tarpley (3-0)

Tripp (0-2)


Tarpley remains undefeated on season, third victory


@ #2 Stanford* (DH)



Triggs (2-3)

Appel (3-1)


Triggs allowed two-run walk off home run


@ #2 Stanford* (DH)



Mount (1-2)

Mooneyham (5-0) 13-8

Loaded bases in the eighth, but couldn't push across a run


@ #2 Stanford*



Tarpley (4-0)

Hochstatter (3-2)


Tarpley improved to 4-0 on the season, allowed only 2 runs


@ UC Irvine



Munson (2-0)

Ferragamo (2-2)


Stubbs knocked first career home run in victory


@ Washington State*



Nootbaar (1-0)

Drobnick (2-1)


Scored eight runs in the ninth inning to erase three-run deficit


@ Washington State*



Garcia (1-3)

Jackson (1-0)


After being down 5-0 in the third, Trojans attempted comeback





Garcia (2-3)

Karch (1-1)


Roundtree delivered the game-winning hit to score Houts





Strahan (2-1)

Muse-Fisher (1-0)


Swick hit first home run of season





Triggs (3-3)

Logan-Scott (0-1)


Scored twice in the ninth inning to earn the comeback win





Strahan (3-1)

Donofrio (3-1)


Bases loaded walk to Stubbs delivered walk-off win


Loyola Marymount


5-8 (12)

Strahan (3-2)

Griffin (3-3)


Fell in the 12th inning to LMU


@ #21 Arizona State*



Triggs (3-4)

Rodgers (6-1)


Roberts extended hitting streak to nine in the loss


@ #21 Arizona State*



Tarpley (4-1)

Williams (7-2)


Tarpley suffered first loss of the season


@ #21 Arizona State*



Mount (1-4)

Gillies (1-3)


ASU's Williams tosses complete game shutout


@ Cal State Bakersfield



Garcia (3-3)

Messmore (3-3)


Flores hit first collegiate home run, Foat went 4-for-5


UC Santa Barbara


4-5 (12)

Munson (2-1)

Mahle (1-2)


Give up three runs in ninth, fall in 12th inning


Long Beach State



Mount (1-4)

Stassi (1-0)


Tarpley retired 12-of-13 batters, four hitless innings


#19 Oregon State*



Garcia (3-4)

Wetzler (5-2)


Fell to No. 19 OSU, lost seven of last eight


#19 Oregon State*



Triggs (4-4)

Fry (4-3)


Triggs, Wheatley & Viramontes combined for only two runs


#19 Oregon State*



Tarpley (5-1)

Child (4-3)


Scored 4 runs in second inning to rebound from two-run deficit


@ #8 Cal State Fullerton



Garcia (3-5)

Gauna (4-3)


Fullerton's Lorenzen went 3-for-5, 2 doubles, a triple & 2 RBIs





Nootbaar (1-1)

West (6-4)


Washington's West pitched a complete-game shutout





Triggs (4-5)

Kane (4-1)


USC pitchers allowed Huskies 19 hits





Strahan (3-3)

Kane (5-1)


Huskies capitalized on USC's four errors to complete sweep


@ #6 Oregon*



Mount (1-5)

Keudell (9-3)


Three-run fifth inning by Ducks was too much for Trojans


@ #6 Oregon*



Triggs (4-6)

Reed (6-3)


Ducks pitchers limited Trojans to just four hits


@ #6 Oregon*



Tarpley (5-2)

Gold (7-3)


Foat went 2-for-3 with a home run in the loss


@ Washington State*



Nootbaar (1-2)

Pistorese (3-3)


Cougars' starter Joe Pistorese tossed five shutout innings in win


#14 Arizona*



Mount (1-7)

Heyer (10-2)


Roberts had reached base safely in 26-straight games


#14 Arizona*



Triggs (5-6)

Wade (7-2)


Roundtree was 1-for-3 with two RBIs


#14 Arizona*



Tarpley (5-3)

Farris (6-3)


Roberts saw 27-game streak of reaching base snapped


@ UC Santa Barbara



Nootbaar (1-3)

Pettibone (7-3)


Nootbaar retired the first nine batters that he faced


@ UC Riverside



Garcia (3-6)

Garcia, M. (2-1)


Flores went 2-for-3 with a grand slam and 5 RBIs in loss


@ #9 UCLA*



Mount (1-8)

Plutko (9-3)


Amaral delivered 2-run single in B2 to give Bruins lead


@ #9 UCLA*



Viramontes (1-1)

Griggs (2-1)


Gave up game-winning run in the bottom of the ninth


@ #9 UCLA*



Viramontes (1-2)

Griggs (3-1)


UCLA's Valaika singled in the game winning runs in the eighth

* Pac-12 Conference game Classic

38 38

(DH) doubleheader ( ) extra innings

All rankings based on Baseball America poll at time of the game

$ Dodger Stadium, Dodgertown




Hitting Statistics HITTER








Bast, Nick Landecker, Adam Foat, Matt Flores, Dante Garcia, Brandon Sherrod, Alex Roberts, James Hernandez, Jake Roundtree, Kevin Houts, Garret Swick, Kevin Spear, Sean Stubbs, Garrett Rodriguez, Andres Aguirre, J.R. Cotto Lozada, Omar Boras, Trent Nootbaar, Nigel Douthit, Brad

.500 .329 .323 .310 .303 .294 .289 .286 .276 .267 .258 .197 .189 .172 .136 .103 .000 .000 .000

3 39 54 44 46 42 55 42 55 47 54 42 44 29 19 34 6 2 1

0 2 39 152 54 201 41 142 36 122 36 136 54 187 26 91 53 199 34 116 52 190 10 61 30 127 19 58 4 22 10 29 0 4 0 0 0 0

0 31 33 22 13 23 20 8 17 20 20 3 16 6 2 6 0 2 0

1 0 50 4 65 13 44 5 37 6 40 7 54 10 26 4 55 4 31 6 49 11 12 0 24 0 10 2 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

.500 0 0 .355 16 8 .433 27 10 .415 18 5 .402 22 5 .471 15 3 .342 8 12 .330 5 3 .312 23 4 .353 11 3 .332 8 7 .197 4 1 .228 14 2 .207 3 3 .136 0 2 .138 3 1 .000 2 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0

0 4 3 2 0 6 4 2 4 5 5 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0

USC Totals Opponents

.274 .269

55 55

55 1839 242 504 73 6 15 220 634 55 1857 256 499 78 22 17 221 672

0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 12 3 27 2 19 2 14 5 22 0 24 0 15 1 31 0 6 1 23 0 8 1 12 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 54 87 59 49 64 64 30 62 41 63 12 29 12 3 4 0 0 0

1 18 32 33 27 21 25 11 21 36 33 19 18 17 7 11 2 0 0

0 2 7 5 1 1 6 1 6 1 8 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 0

.500 0 .418 1 .429 0 .406 0 .427 1 .372 2 .356 1 .340 1 .360 2 .346 0 .311 1 .250 2 .280 0 .246 1 .208 0 .212 0 .333 0 .000 0 .000 0

.345 179 69 332 47 .362 194 54 351 32

0 5 3 6 2 2 7 0 2 7 6 1 3 3 0 3 0 0 0

.358 12 50 .352 18 44


0 1 0 1.000 6 59 7 .954 7 473 9 .983 5 69 3 .969 2 3 0 1.000 7 45 2 .959 6 70 21 .919 3 70 3 .962 10 304 4 .988 8 78 0 1.000 6 49 10 .933 1 25 0 1.000 4 88 1 .989 2 37 2 .982 1 15 0 1.000 3 28 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 3 1 .929 0 1 0 1.000

43 71 1450 66 .969 46 72 1459 71 .967

LOB - Team (449), Opp (462). DPs turned - Team (43), Opp (55). CI - Team (1), Roundtree, K 1, Opp (1). IBB - Team (8), Garcia, B. 3, Roundtree, K 2, Flores, D. 1, Foat, M. 1, Stubbs, G. 1, Opp (20). Picked off - Cotto Lozada 4, Landecker, A 2, Stubbs, G. 2, Roberts, J. 1, Roundtree, K 1, Houts, G. 1, Sherrod, A. 1, Hernandez, J 1, Foat, M. 1.

Pitching Statistics PITCHER W-L Strahan, Wyatt 3-3 Hershiser, Jordan 0-0 Williams, Brett 0-0 Guillen, James 0-0 Viramontes, Martin 1-2 Tarpley, Stephen 5-3 Nootbaar, Nigel 1-3 Wheatley, Bobby 1-0 Triggs, Andrew 5-6 Munson, Matt 2-1 Mount, Ben 1-8 Garcia, Brandon 3-6 Douthit, Brad 1-0 Berhel, Nick 0-0 Carma, Corey 0-0 Richter, Kyle 0-0

ERA 1.37 1.69 2.08 2.45 3.14 3.22 3.31 3.46 3.49 3.60 4.76 4.81 5.40 6.43 9.00 99.00

G-GS 22-0 5-0 5-0 20-0 20-0 14-13 14-4 16-2 16-15 19-1 14-13 18-7 29-0 7-0 2-0 1-0

Totals Opponents

3.69 3.74

55-55 55-55

23-23 32-23

SAVES ShO(Comb.) IP 2 0 26.1 0 0 5.1 0 0 4.1 0 0 14.2 5 0 28.2 0 (1) 78.1 0 (0) 35.1 0 0 26.0 1 0 105.2 0 0 25.0 0 0 68.0 0 0 43.0 0 0 13.1 0 0 7.0 0 0 2.0 0 0 0.1 3 3

1(1) 6(4)

483.1 486.1

H 18 5 4 17 23 71 38 23 112 31 75 44 24 11 2 1

R 11 2 1 4 13 36 16 13 49 15 39 33 10 8 2 4

ER 4 1 1 4 10 28 13 10 41 10 36 23 8 5 2 4

BB 18 7 2 6 14 29 13 10 20 9 25 28 8 2 1 2

SO B/AVG 18 .189 8 .227 4 .250 14 .304 29 .221 67 .241 17 .277 10 .242 85 .275 16 .298 40 .287 24 .270 9 .387 8 .355 1 .250 1 .500

WP 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 2 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 1

HBP 1 0 0 4 3 12 1 0 7 5 8 7 4 1 0 1

BK 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0

499 504

256 242

198 202

194 179

351 332

14 36

54 69

4 7

.269 .274

PB - Team (8), Roundtree, K 6, Stubbs, G. 2, Opp (15). Pickoffs - Team (1), Nootbaar, N. 1, Opp (10). SBA/ATT - Roundtree, K (40-60), Triggs, A. (6-12), Tarpley, S. (8-12), Mount, B. (6-8), Hernandez, J (5-8), Munson, M. (6-7), Nootbaar, N. (3-6), Garcia, B. (4-5), Wheatley, B. (2-4), Viramontes,M (2-4), Strahan, W. (2-4), Guillen, J. (2-4), Stubbs, G. (1-3), Berhel, N. (1-2), Douthit, B. (2-2), Williams, B. (1-1), Richter, K. (1-1).


1 26 20

2 31 27



3 24 25

4 18 30

49,544 952

5 27 26

6 36 33

7 40 41

8 12 33


9 27 16 14,212 473



35,332 1,606



2 01 2 PA C - 1 2 C O NF ER ENC E S TAT I STI C S Hitting Statistics









Hernandez, Jake Garcia, Brandon Landecker, Adam Sherrod, Alex Flores, Dante Foat, Matt Roundtree, Kevin Roberts, James Spear, Sean Houts, Garret Swick, Kevin Rodriguez, Andres Stubbs, Garrett Cotto Lozada, Omar Aguirre, J.R. Boras, Trent Nootbaar, Nigel

.356 .324 .297 .294 .287 .275 .250 .240 .219 .213 .204 .171 .115 .000 .000 .000 .000

21 26 17 22 27 30 30 30 22 27 30 15 22 15 7 2 1

13 45 21 74 17 64 19 68 26 87 30 109 29 104 30 104 5 32 22 75 29 98 15 41 11 52 3 9 0 3 0 2 0 0

6 5 11 10 9 11 6 9 1 11 9 6 5 2 0 0 1

16 24 19 20 25 30 26 25 7 16 20 7 6 0 0 0 0

.400 3 3 .392 11 1 .344 5 3 .485 8 1 .322 12 3 .413 12 4 .308 14 3 .288 5 4 .219 0 1 .293 7 1 .276 5 4 .220 2 3 .154 4 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0

1 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 0 0 0 0

USC Totals Opponents

.249 .297

30 30

30 967 102 241 44 2 7 93 310 30 1011 145 300 48 10 10 129 398

2 5 3 4 3 9 3 5 0 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 6 0 5 0 5 3 11 0 7 2 12 1 15 0 10 0 5 0 3 1 8 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18 29 22 33 28 45 32 30 7 22 27 9 8 0 0 0 0

4 14 10 10 23 21 9 17 7 24 17 14 9 7 0 1 0

1 1 1 0 1 3 4 4 0 1 4 1 2 0 0 0 0

.431 0 .419 0 .375 0 .372 1 .392 0 .368 0 .355 0 .301 0 .235 1 .289 0 .271 0 .255 1 .179 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0

.321 88 31 187 23 .394 100 27 159 16

0 1 2 0 4 3 2 5 0 6 3 1 1 1 0 0 0

.331 3 29 .371 14 32


2 19 2 .909 0 1 0 1.000 2 26 4 .938 2 24 1 .962 4 49 1 .985 4 265 6 .979 7 165 2 .989 2 41 10 .930 1 13 0 1.000 4 60 0 1.000 4 28 7 .920 1 28 1 .988 2 31 1 .971 0 7 0 1.000 0 4 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 1 1 .889

19 35 775 38 .967 28 41 796 26 .978

LOB - Team (221), Opp (265). DPs turned - Team (24), Opp (31). CI - Team (1), Roundtree, K 1, Opp (1). IBB - Team (7), Garcia, B. 3, Roundtree, K 2, Foat, M. 1, Flores, D. 1, Opp (14). Picked off - Roberts, J. 1, Roundtree, K 1, Stubbs, G. 1, Houts, G. 1.

Pitching Statistics PITCHER Munson, Matt Guillen, James Strahan, Wyatt Williams, Brett Nootbaar, Nigel Triggs, Andrew Douthit, Brad Garcia, Brandon Wheatley, Bobby Tarpley, Stephen Hershiser, Jordan Mount, Ben Viramontes, Martin Berhel, Nick

W-L 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-0 1-2 3-5 0-0 0-2 0-0 3-3 0-0 0-6 0-2 0-0

ERA 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.31 3.79 3.86 3.95 3.97 4.01 5.40 5.73 6.08 9.00

G-GS 9-0 7-0 11-0 3-0 6-2 10-10 14-0 8-1 5-1 8-8 2-0 8-8 10-0 4-0

USC Totals Opponents

8-22 22-8

3.90 3.09

30-30 30-30

SAVES ShO(Comb.) IP 0 0 12.2 0 0 7.1 1 0 12.0 0 0 3.0 0 0 16.1 0 0 71.1 0 0 4.2 0 0 13.2 0 0 11.1 0 0 49.1 0 0 1.2 0 0 37.2 1 0 13.1 0 0 4.0 2 11

0 4(2)

258.1 265.1

H 9 8 12 2 19 87 9 19 13 50 2 46 16 8

R 3 0 7 1 8 36 3 11 5 28 1 27 10 5

ER 0 0 4 1 6 30 2 6 5 22 1 24 9 4

BB 8 1 7 2 5 14 4 8 2 20 2 16 10 1

SO B/AVG 7 .196 4 .308 7 .255 1 .200 9 .288 57 .305 2 .429 5 .339 3 .302 28 .270 2 .286 1 .309 13 .308 5 .444

WP 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

HBP 1 3 0 0 0 5 2 2 0 8 0 4 2 0

BK 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

300 241

145 102

112 91

100 88

159 187

8 17

27 31

2 1

.297 .249

PB - Team (3), Roundtree, K 3, Opp (6). Pickoffs - Team (1), Nootbaar, N. 1, Opp (4). SBA/ATT - Roundtree, K (25-38), Triggs, A. (4-9), Tarpley, S. (3-6), Mount, B. (5-5), Munson, M. (4-5), Guillen, J. (1-3), Nootbaar, N. (3-3), Wheatley, B. (2-2), Viramontes,M (1-2), Berhel, N. (1-2), Strahan, W. (2-2), Hernandez, J (2-2), Stubbs, G. (1-1), Garcia, B. (1-1), Williams, B. (1-1).


1 10 15


40 40

2 12 18

3 11 12

4 9 14

32,694 1,089

5 10 8

6 18 19

7 7 24

8 5 23


9 20 12


7,288 485


25,406 1,693




USC’s Record: 23-32 (Pac-12 Conference: 8-22; Non-Conference: 15-10) 1-run games..................................................................................................................................... 8-7 2-run games..................................................................................................................................... 1-7 5+ run games................................................................................................................................... 8-9 USC scores first........................................................................................................................... 15-11 Opponent scores first.................................................................................................................8-18

Starters By Position Catcher

Kevin Roundtree 45, Jake Hernandez 6, Garrett Stubbs 1

First Base

Matt Foat, 51, Jake Hernandez 1

Second Base

Adam Landecker 17, Andres Rodriguez 16, Dante Flores 10, James Roberts 8, Garrett Stubbs 1

Day games................................................................................................................................... 14-16 Night games...................................................................................................................................9-13

Third Base

Kevin Swick 38, Adam Landecker 9, James Roberts 4, Kevin

Extra innings.................................................................................................................................... 0-2


James Roberts 39, Adam Landecker 13

Left Field

Dante Flores 18, Kevin Swick 11, Garrett Stubbs 10, Omar Cotto

USC ahead after 5 innings.........................................................................................................15-3 USC behind after 5 innings.......................................................................................................4-19 Tied after 5 innings........................................................................................................................ 4-7 USC ahead after 6 innings.........................................................................................................16-3 USC behind after 6 innings.......................................................................................................4-19 Tied after 6 innings........................................................................................................................ 3-7

Roundtree 1

Lozada 5, Sean Spear 4, Jake Hernandez 3, J.R. Aguirre 1 Center Field

Garret Houts 19, Garrett Stubbs 18, Dante Flores 9, Omar Cotto Lozada 4, Sean Spear 2

Right Field

Alex Sherrod 30, Garret Houts 12, Sean Spear 4, J.R. Aguirre 3, Jake

Designated Hitter

Brandon Garcia 30, Jake Hernandez 14, Kevin Roundtree 4, Alex S

Hernandez 2, Omar Cotto Lozada 1

USC ahead after 7 innings.........................................................................................................18-2 USC behind after 7 innings.......................................................................................................3-24 Tied after 7 innings........................................................................................................................ 2-3 USC ahead after 8 innings.........................................................................................................19-2 USC behind after 8 innings.......................................................................................................4-27 Tied after 8 innings........................................................................................................................ 0-0

Sherrod 3, Dante Flores 1

Top Hitting Streaks 21-games

James Roberts (.411, 30-for-73); 9 runs, 12 RBI, 6 doubles,


Matt Foat (.472, 17-for-36); 11 runs, 7 RBI, 2 doubles,

(March 28-May 6) (Feb. 17-March 2)

Against top 10 teams..................................................................................................................2-12 Against top 25 teams..................................................................................................................6-15 USC has more hits........................................................................................................................17-9 Opponent has more hits............................................................................................................5-18 Hits are equal................................................................................................................................... 1-2 USC hits 0 home runs............................................................................................................... 15-24 USC hits 1 home run...................................................................................................................... 8-4 USC hits 2+ home runs................................................................................................................. 0-1 USC makes 0 errors........................................................................................................................ 8-7 USC makes 1 error.......................................................................................................................... 9-8 USC makes 2+ errors...................................................................................................................6-14 In February........................................................................................................................................ 7-1 In March............................................................................................................................................. 9-8 In April................................................................................................................................................ 6-8 In May...............................................................................................................................................1-15

Team Batting Bests Most runs, game — 15, at Washington State (March 30) Most hits, game — 21, at Washington State (March 30) Most HR, game — 2, vs. Washington (May 5) Most 3B, game —1, six times Most 2B, game — 7 at Washington State (,March 30) Most SB, game — 3, vs. Utah (March 18), UC Riverside (May 23) Most walks, game — 8, vs. Jacksonville State (Feb. 18), at Washington State (March 31)

Individual Batting Bests Most runs — 3, nine times Most hits — 4, Alex Sherrod vs. Utah (March 18), Dante Flores at Washington State

(March 30) and Matt Foat at CSU Bakersfield (April 17)

Most doubles — 2, five times Most triples — 1, six times Most home runs — 2, Alex Sherrod vs. Washington (May 5) Most RBI — 5, Dante Flores vs. UC Riverside (May 23) Most total bases — 8, Alex Sherrod vs. Washington (May 5) Most walks — 3, three times Most stolen bases — 2, Kevin Roundtree vs. CSU Bakersfield (March 10) Most hit by pitch — 3, Brandon Garcia at UC Santa Barbara (May 22)

Top Offensive Performances

Kevin Swick 4-hit games

Alex Sherrod 1, Dante Flores 1, Matt Foat 1

3-hit games

Adam Landecker 5, James Roberts 4, Kevin Roundtree 3, Kevin Swick 3, Jake Hernandez, 2; Brandon Garcia 1, Garret Houts 1;

5+-RBI games

Dante Flores, 1

4-RBI games

Matt Foat, 1, Alex Sherrod 1

Top Pitching Performance Most strikeouts — 11, Andrew Triggs vs. Utah (March 16)


41 41


2 01 2 PA C - 1 2 C O NF ER ENC E R EC O RD S 2012 All-Pac-12 Honors

2012 Pac-12 Baseball Standings

UCLA Arizona Oregon Stanford Oregon State Arizona State Washington California Washington State USC Utah





20 20 19 18 18 18 13 12 12 8 7

10 10 11 12 12 12 17 18 18 22 23

----1 2 2 2 7 8 8 12 13

48 48 46 41 40 36 30 29 28 23 14

.667 .667 .633 .600 .600 .600 .433 .400 .400 .267 .233


16 17 19 18 20 20 25 25 28 32 42

.750 .738 .708 .695 .667 .643 .545 .537 .500 .418 .250

2012 Pac-12 Statistical Leaders Team Hitting Batting Average Hits Runs Runs Batted In Doubles Triples Home Runs

.329 .370 97 72 76 22 7 13

Walks Slugging Percentage On-base Percentage Stolen Bases

43 .601 .476 18

Team ERA ERA Wins Saves Innings Pitched Appearances Strikeouts Opp. Batting Average Team Fielding

2.99 1.46 13 19 153.0 50 130 .165 .978

Matt Foat

Arizona Johnny Field, Arizona Alex Mejia, Arizona Johnny Field, Arizona Michael Conforto, Oregon State Seth Mejias-Brean, Arizona Joey DeMichele, Arizona State, B Brown, Arizona, Johnny Field, Arizona Michael Conforto, Oregon State; Abe Ruiz, Arizona State Johnny Field, Arizona Michael Conforto, Oregon State Johnny Field, Arizona Joey Rickard, Arizona Oregon David Berg, UCLA Kurt Heyer, Arizona Jimmie Sherfy, Oregon Kurt Heyer, Arizona David Berg, UCLA Mark Appel, Stanford David Berg, UCLA Oregon, Washington, Washington State

Player of the Year: Alex Mejia, Arizona Pitcher of the Year: Alex Keudell, Oregon Newcomer of the Year: Michael Conforto, Oregon State Defensive Player of the Year: Alex Mejia, Arizona Coach of the Year: Andy Lopez, Arizona

All-Pac-12 Team NAME Beau Amaral (2) Mark Appel Taylor Ard (2) David Berg Bobby Brown Michael Conforto Joey DeMichele (2) Johnny Field Jeff Gelalich Scott Griggs Tyler Heineman Kurt Heyer (3) Derek Jones Alex Keudell Deven Marrero (2) Alex Mejia (2) Seth Mejias-Breen Stephen Piscotty (2) Adam Plutko (2) Robert Refsnyder (2) Tony Renda (3) Brady Rodgers Jimmie Sherfy Tyler Smith Trevor Williams

POSITION YEAR SCHOOL OF Jr. UCLA P Jr. Stanford 1B R-Jr. Washington State RHP Fr. UCLA DH Sr. Arizona OF Fr. Oregon State 2B Jr. Arizona State OF So. Arizona OF Jr. UCLA RHP Jr. UCLA C Jr. UCLA RHP Jr. Arizona OF Sr. Washington State RHP Sr. Oregon SS Jr. Arizona State SS Jr. Arizona 3B Jr. Arizona 3B Jr. Stanford RHP So. UCLA OF Jr. Arizona 2B So. California RHP Jr. Arizona State RHP So. Oregon SS Jr. Oregon State RHP So. Arizona State

(2) - Two-time All-Conference selection (3) - Three-time All-Conference selection

Honorable Mention Honorable Mention: Chase Anselment (WASH, Jr., DH); Andrew Aplin (ASU, Jr., OF); Jake Barrett (ASU, Jr., RHP); Alex Blandino (STAN, Fr., 3B); James Brooks (UTAH, Sr., SS); Dan Child (OSU, So., RHP); Ryan Deeter (UCLA, RS So., RHP); Mitch Delfino (CAL, Jr., 1B); Ryan Dunn (OSU, Sr., 3B); Matt Flemer (CAL, Sr., RHP); Matt Foat (USC, Sr., 1B); Josh Fredendall (WASH, Jr., RHP); Jace Fry (OSU, Jr., LHP); Ryon Healy (ORE, So., 1B); Aaron Jones (ORE, So., OF); Jacob Lamb (WASH, Jr., 3B); James McDonald (ASU, So., DH); Parker Morin (UTAH, Jr., C); Aaron Payne (ORE, So., 2B); Brian Ragira (STAN, So., 1B); Jayce Ray (WASH, Jr., OF); Jake Reed (ORE, Fr., RHP); Joey Rickard (ARIZ, Jr., OF); Jake Rodriguez (OSU, So., C); Max Rossiter (ASU, Jr., C); Abe Ruiz (ASU, Sr., 1B); Eric Smith (STAN, Jr., C); Stephen Tarpley (USC, Fr., LHP); Austin Wilson (STAN, So., OF)

2012 Pac-12 Players of the Week February 21 — Abe Ruiz, ASU; February 28 —Jeff Gelalich, UCLA; March 6 — Joey DeMichele, ASU; March 13 — Jeff Gelalich, UCLA; March 19 — Seth Mejias-Breen, ARIZ; March 26 — Beau Amaral, UCLA; April 2 — Derek Jones, WSU; April 9 — Brett Thomas; April 16 — Beau Amaral, UCLA; April 23 — Alex Blandino, STAN; April 30 — Aaron Payne, ORE; May 7 — Aaron Payne, ORE; May 14— Johnny Field, ARIZ; May 21 — Danny Hayes, OSU; May 28 — Johnny Field, ARIZ.

2012 Pac-12 Pitchers of the Week February 21 — Jimmie Sherfy, ORE; February 28 —Mark Appel, STAN; March 6 — Kurt Heyer, ARIZ; March 13 — Adam Plutko, UCLA; March 19 — Grant Watson, UCLA; March 26 — Brady Rogers, ASU; April 2 — Konner Wade, ARIZ; April 9 — Alex Keudell, ORE; April 16 — Alex Keudell, ORE; April 23 — Jace Fry, OSU; April 30 — Trevor Williams, ASU; May 7 — Adam Plutko, UCLA; May 14— Kurt Heyer, ARIZ; May 21 — Mark Appel, STAN; May 28 — Kurt Heyer, ARIZ

42 42



USC’s first national championship came in 1948 with co-head coaches Sam Barry and Rod Dedeaux leading the Trojans. At the second-ever College World Series in Kalamazoo, Mich., USC battled Yale in a best-of-three confrontation for the title. Troy won the first game, 3-1, ending the game with a spectacular triple play in the ninth. The next day Yale sent its ace right-hander, Art Quinn, to the mound for game two. He posted an 8-3 victory over the Trojans to force a decisive game three. In the final game, the hero for the Trojans was second baseman Art Mazmanian, who went 3-for-3 with a sacrifice and scored a run in the first inning, which gave USC a lead it never relinquished on the way to a 9-2 championship victory. Dick Bishop scattered 10 hits to go the distance and get the victory while adding two hits of his own. Third baseman Bill Lillie had two RBI on two hits, and center fielder Gordon Jones added two RBI. For Yale, first baseman and future President George Bush had a double in four at-bats in the final game. The Trojans clinched the CIBA by a fourgame margin, going 13-2 to win their third straight title. USC then advanced to the PCC Playoffs, where it swept Washington State in two games, 7-5 and 6-3. In the finale, USC clinched the title on a three-hitter by lefthander Tom Kipp, who had a no-hitter through seven innings. After a three-game sweep at the NCAA Western Playoffs, which saw two wins over Baylor and one over Oklahoma A&M (now Oklahoma State), USC advanced to its first College World Series.


Roster Dick Bishop, rhp Jim Brideweser, ss Mike Catron, if Henry Cedillos, 1b Dick Fiedler, rhp Chuck Freeman, of Harry Gorman, c James Hardy, if Dave Haserot, 1b George Hefner, if Gail Henley, of Wally Hood, rhp Maynard Horst, rhp Gordon Jones, of Tom Kipp, lhp Bill Lillie, 3b Art Mazmanian, 2b Bruce McKelvey, c Don Pender, lhp Charles Pryor, of Jay Roundy, of Paul Salata, if Bob Williams, lhp Al Wilson, of Henry Workman, of Bob Zuber, c

Record: 26-4, 13-2 M5



11-0 M15

* Stanford





13-0 M18

* UCLA (13)






14-4 M21

* at St. Mary’s






15-7 M22

* at California




at Santa Barbara College


6-5 M28

^ Washington State




at Santa Barbara College

6-7 M31

^ Washington State




at San Diego State

# Baylor




* Santa Clara

4-5 J17

# Oklahoma State




* Santa Clara


7-6 J19

# Baylor




* at Santa Clara


9-2 J25

+ Yale



* at Stanford (10)


12-10 J26

+ Yale


* at UCLA

0-2 J26

+ Yale


* California



* California



San Francisco



* St. Mary’s



* St. Mary’s



* Stanford



10-7 J16 L



3-1 L


15-11 8-2 * CIBA game 12-3 ^ PCC Playoffs at Pullman, Wash. 5-4 # NCAA Western Playoffs at Denver, Colo. 10-1 + College World Series at Wichita, Kan. 3-1

did you know? The 1948 team had a famous batboy (the young boy wearing the white t-shirt in the front of the team picture). The batboy was none other than the late great George "Sparky" Anderson, the Hall of Fame manager who won three World Series with the Cincinnati Reds and Detroit Tigers.

3-8 9-2

1 95 8 NAT IO NA L C H A M P IO NS

The next USC title came 10 years later when Troy went 5-1 at the 1958 CWS, losing only to Holy Cross in the opening game, 3-0. USC fought its way back through the losers’ bracket to claim the crown, making it only the second team in CWS history to accomplish that feat (Texas did it previously in 1950). The Trojans rebounded from the loss to beat Arizona, 4-0; Colorado State, 12-1; and Holy Cross, 6-2. USC then had to defeat Missouri twice to claim the championship. In the first game, with no score entering the ninth inning, the Trojans exploded for seven runs. With the support of Bill Thom’s three-hitter, USC defeated the Tigers, 7-0, forcing one final game. Then, in one of the most exciting championship games in baseball history, USC beat Missouri, 8-7 in 12 innings, after trailing, 4-0. Third baseman Mike Blewett won the game for USC with a single to right field in the bottom of the 12th that sent outfielder Rex Johnston home from third with the winning run. Thom (the tournament MVP) pitched 4 2/3 scoreless relief innings to get credit for the win. USC first baseman Ken Guffey went 2-for-4 with two RBI. By winning their eighth straight CIBA title (and their 12th in the past 13 years), the Trojans earned a berth in the PCC Playoffs, where they swept Oregon State in two games, then advanced to the District 8 finals, where they beat Portland twice to advance to Omaha.

Roster Bob Allen, if Jim Barudoni, lhp Don Biasotti, lf Bob Blakeslee, lhp Mike Blewitt, if Gary Boone, if Ben Breskovich, of Don Buford, of Joe Camperi, rhp Mike Castanon, if John Christiansen, c Jim Conroy, rhp Tony DeCarbo, rhp Ron Fairly, of Bruce Gardner, lhp Pat Gillick, lhp Julius Guccione, if Ken Guffey, if Jim Hanna, of Bill Heath, C Hal Jeffs, rhp Rex Johnston, of Dick Matern, c Frank McDermott, c Don Mullane, if Bob Peccole, if Bob Santich, c Fred Scott, if Jerry Siegert, of Ron Silverman, of Dave Stephenson, of Rocky Tarchione, of Bill Thom, rhp Al Waxman, if John Werhas, if

Record: 28-3, 14-2 M18

Cal Poly SLO


10-0 M23


* Santa Clara


7-3 M24


* Santa Clara



* at California



* at Stanford



* at Stanford



* California


* California


10-5 J15

+ Arizona




at St. Mary’s


13-4 J16

+ Northern Colorado






8-2 J17

+ Holy Cross




* at UCLA


3-0 J18

+ Missouri






21-2 J19

+ Missouri (12)








* Stanford



* Stanford



Whittier (10)



* at California


* at Santa Clara




* at Santa Clara







* at UCLA



21-5 M30

^ Oregon State



4-2 M31

^ Oregon State



10-5 J6

# Portland



13-4 J7

# Portland



5-7 J14

+ Holy Cross



19-13 * CIBA game 9-2 ^ PCC Playoffs at Corvallis, Ore. 5-4 # District 8 Playoffs at USC L

6-7 + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.


1961 NAT I ONAL CHAM P IO NS National Championship - June 15, 1961 USC 1

Oklahoma State 0

Player Stillwell, ss Gillespie, lf Satriano, 3b Ersepke, rf Himes, c McNamee, cf Bach, 2b Ryan, 1b Withers, p

AB 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4


35 1

USC Oklahoma State

R 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

Player Wallace, ss Andrew, 2b McKenzie, cf Bond, c Dobson, lf Politte, rf Karns, rf Ketchum, 3b Mersch, 1b Fowler, p Wixson, p

AB 4 4 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 2 1



29 0


R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4


000 000 010 - 1-8-0 000 000 000 - 0-4-1

E - Ketchum DP - Oklahoma State 1. LOB - USC 8, Oklahoma State 2 2B - Gillespie. 3B - Withers

The 1961 championship game was exciting Roster as well. It was also notable because USC became the first school with three national titles. Dennis Andersen, rhp USC went 5-0 in the CWS, making it only the Dan Ardell, if fifth team in 15 years of the NCAA Tournament Truman Aubrey, of to go undefeated. To start the tournament, the Steve Bach, c Trojans beat Texas, 8-6; Boston College, 10-3; Jim Brown, of and Oklahoma State, 4-2. In the win against Oklahoma State, Larry Hankammer set a CWS John Crawford, c record by striking out 16 batters. Bob Coleman, rhp In a second meeting with Boston College, Art Ersepke, of the Eagles took a 3-0 lead before the Trojans Mike Gillespie, of rallied with two runs in the seventh and one in Larry Hankammer, rhp the eighth to send the game into extra innings. Larry Himes, c In the 10th, back-to-back-to-back singles by third Chuck Johnson, if baseman Tom Satriano, rightfielder Art Ersepke Pete Kenney, lhp and catcher Larry Himes gave USC a 4-3 victory, Lee King, lhp and sent the Trojans to the championship game. Marcel Lachemann, rhp After enduring a rain delay before the final, USC squeaked out a 1-0 victory over Oklahoma Bob Levingston, rhp State to win the national championship. With no Mickey McNamee, of score and one out in the eighth inning, leftfielder Jerry Merz, rhp Mike Gillespie (the future Trojan head coach) Dick Mills, c doubled to the left-center field fence. One out Willie Ryan, if later, Ersepke drove home Gillespie with a single. Tom Satriano, if Trojan pitcher Jim Withers improved his record Hans Schroeder, if to 12-1 with the shutout, in which he gave up Ron Stillwell, if only four hits and struck out 13. Ron Taylor, of Five Trojans earned All-CWS honors: Ersepke, Ken Washington, of Himes, Withers, Hankammer and first baseman Jim Withers, rhp Bill Ryan. Wally Wolf, rhp Prior to the CWS, the Trojans earned a 12-4 mark in the CIBA, which was good for their 11th Ken Yaryan, lhp consecutive first-place finish and their 15th in 16 years. Troy took two out of three games from Fresno State to win the first round of the District 8 Playoffs before sweeping Washington State in two straight to claim the District 8 championship and a trip to the CWS.


USC Withers

IP 9.0

H 4

R ER BB SO 0 0 0 13

Okla. State Fowler Wixson

IP H R ER BB SO 7.2 8 1 1 1 4 1.1 0 0 0 0 1

W - Withers (12-1) L - Fowler (7-1) T - 2:03 A - 5,704

Record: 36-7, 12-4 M10

Cal Poly SLO


8-1 A28

* Stanford




San Diego


9-1 A29

* Stanford






7-3 M2

* at UCLA




Long Beach State


11-1 M5





at Long Beach State


1-0 M6


at Loyola


14-2 M9




3-0 M12

* at Stanford


at Cal State Los Angeles


4-1 M13

* at California


UC Santa Barbara

1-3 M13

* at California




7-2 M26

# Fresno State


Stanford (n)


8-1 M27

# Fresno State


San Diego State (n)


15-2 M27

# Fresno State




Arizona State (n)


10-2 J2

% Washington State




Notre Dame


4-3 J3

% Washington State





0-8 J10

+ Texas




* California (13)

4-3 J11

+ Boston College




* California

1-2 J12

+ Oklahoma State






8-5 J13

+ Boston College (10)




* at Stanford


3-2 J15

+ Oklahoma State




* at Santa Clara


* at Santa Clara





4-1 # District 8 Playoffs at USC


* Santa Clara


9-4 % District 8 Playoffs at Pullman, Wash.


* Santa Clara


8-6 + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.




* at UCLA



Cal Poly Pomona (10)



3-4 15-5 * CIBA game








4-1 L


1 963 NAT IO NA L C H A M P IO NS National Championship - June 16, 1963 Arizona 2


Player Hawgood, cf Maxwell, ss Theobald, 2b Morrison, rf B. Brown, 1b Long, 1b Barnetche, lf Acuna, 3b Patera, c Scott, p Holliker, p Sauli, ph

AB 4 5 4 4 2 1 4 1 3 2 1 1


32 2

Arizona USC

R 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player W. Brown, cf Holman, 1b Washington, lf/rf Thompson, rf Hill, lf Hollowell, c Dedeaux, 2b Walker, ss Sandel, 3b Peterson, p

AB 3 4 4 3 1 4 3 3 3 3



31 5


R 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

H RBI 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0



000 002 000 - 2-7-1 120 020 00x - 5-9-1

E - Patera, Hill DP - Arizona 2, USC 1. LOB - Arizona 9, USC 4 3B - W. Brown HR - Hollowell, Holman

The next NCAA title came in 1963 when USC lost its first CWS game, then had to win all of its remaining games to stay alive. Troy did just that and eventually defeated Arizona, 5-2, to take the title. The Trojans opened the CWS with an 8-3 loss to Texas. But that defeat was followed with five straight victories, avoiding elimination and earning USC’s fourth championship. The Trojans beat Holy Cross, 6-5, scoring all six runs in the seventh inning; Florida State, 4-3, assisted by a defense that threw out three runners at the plate; and Missouri, 12-3, eliminating the No. 1 team in the tournament. USC then needed to beat Arizona twice. In the first contest, the Trojans scored five runs in the first inning en route to a 6-4 win. After a day off because of rain, USC took a 5-0 lead after five innings and held on for the 5-2 victory. Walt Peterson pitched a complete game and struck out nine while catcher Bud Hollowell and first baseman Gary Holman hit 400-foot homers. Hollowell hit four home runs in the final four games to earn tournament MVP honors. The 1963 team was one of the youngest Trojan championship teams, with a starting lineup that included seven sophomores. After losing the CIBA title to Santa Clara in 1962, which snapped USC’s 11-year winning streak, the Trojans earned their revenge by clinching the 1963 title on the field against the Broncos. USC went on to defeat Oregon State for the District 8 championship in three games.

Roster Bart Araujo, rhp Joe Austin, if David Berg, if Jim Brown, of Willie Brown, of Gary Coscarart, if Mike Crowley, lhp Justin Dedeaux, if Steve Deleau, c Larry Fisher, lhp Bob Fuller, rhp Ed Gagle, if Cliff Goodrich, rhp Nat Harty, if Fred Hill, of Pete Hillman, rhp Bud Hollowell, c Gary Holman, if Al Lasas, lhp Marv Lotz, if Walt Peterson, rhp Marty Piscovich, c Andy Pitchess, of Larry Sandel, if Ron Scott, rhp James Ritter, rhp Bob Selleck, rhp Mike Smith, of Don Taylor, of Bob Thompson, if Toby Thurlow, of Ken Walker, if Ken Washington, of Duane White, lhp Bob Withers, if Daryl Wilkins, if

Arizona Scott Holliker

IP 4.1 3.2

H 6 3

R ER BB SO 5 4 2 2 0 0 0 4

USC Peterson

IP 9.0

H 7

R ER BB SO 2 2 6 9

W - Peterson (12-2) L - Scott (8-3) PB - Hollowell T - 2:25 A - 8,652

Record: 35-10, 10-6 11-10

* at California


at Cal Poly Pomona



* at California





San Fernando Valley State



4-3 L


1-3 M4

* at UCLA


Cal State Los Angeles







Fresno State







Fresno State (12)



* California



San Diego



* California



Long Beach State



Cal State Los Angeles



* Stanford


2-1 M17

* Santa Clara


* Stanford


1-0 M18

* Santa Clara

at Long Beach State



# Oregon State

San Jose State (n)



# Oregon State

BYU (n)



# Oregon State

at Cal State Los Angeles


4-1 J10

+ Texas

Cal Poly Pomona (n)


6-0 J11

+ Holy Cross


New Mexico


21-1 J12

+ Florida State



Cal Poly Pomona


10-2 J13

+ Missouri



Cal Poly Pomona


7-5 J14

+ Arizona



1-4 J16

+ Arizona






* at UCLA





at San Fernando Valley State


* at Stanford


* at Stanford * at Santa Clara * at Santa Clara


3-0 L


4-5 6-5


6-8 7-5


3-8 6-5

20-13 2-1 * CIBA game L


3-6 # District 8 Playoffs at Corvallis, Ore. 10-1 + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.




1968 NAT I ONAL CHAM P IO NS National Championship - June 15, 1968 Southern Illinois 3 AB 5 4 3 4 3 0 2 4 4 1 1 0 1


32 3

So. Illinois USC

If the mark of a good team is the ability to win close games, the 1968 USC team was very good. That team went undefeated in Omaha, though it won no CWS game by more than two runs and the team hit .221 for the series. The road to the championship was filled with comebacks. The Trojans scored four in the seventh to break a 1-1 tie and beat BYU, 5-3; they scored three in the fourth and two in the fifth to defeat Oklahoma State, 6-5; and scored four in the seventh and one in the eighth to edge St. John’s, 7-6. Bob Vaughn, pitching for the first time in a month because of injury, tossed a six-hit shutout against North Carolina State in a 2-0 win, advancing the Trojans to the final. The championship game against Southern Illinois required another comeback. USC trailed 2-0 in the third inning but tied the game at 2-2 in the fourth frame thanks to a two-run home run by first baseman Bill Seinsoth (the tournament MVP). Southern Illinois scored a go-ahead run in the eighth inning. Trailing 3-2 in the bottom of the ninth, USC got two runners on base with two men out. Up came pinch-hitter Pat Kuehner, hitless to that point in the CWS. He laced a triple with two strikes on him to score the tying and winning runs in the 4-3 victory. Brent Strom earned his second CWS victory in relief. For the series, Strom pitched 9 1/3 innings, giving up only one run and three hits while striking out 13. After winning the Pac-8 title, USC took two of three games from Cal State Los Angeles to win the District 8 Playoffs and advance to the CWS.


Roster Jim Barr, rhp Reid Braden, of Bill Brown, of Ron Drake, 3b Bob Gire, of Pat Harrison, 2b Bill Homik, c Bill Huff, 2b Jay Jaffe, of Pat Kuehner, of Bill Lee, lhp Rich Leon, of Mike Link, rhp Phil MacDonald, of Rich McCombs, c Cal Meier, if Randy Port, of Chuck Ramshaw, ss John Rockwell, rhp Rich Schaffer, if Bill Seinsoth, 1b Buzz Shafer, of Steve Sogge, c Jim Southworth, rhp Brent Strom, lhp Steve Tanner, if Bob Vaughn, rhp


Player J. Bond, cf M. Rogodzinski, rf D. Kirkland, ss B. O'Sullivan, 3b-1b T. Brumfield, 2b B. Blakley, 1b B. Clark, 3b J. Smith, lf R. Coker, c J. Paetzhold, p B. Sedik, ph B. Ash, p L. Pitlock, p

R 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player C. Ramshaw, ss S. Sogge, c P. Harrison, 2b B. Homik, lf R. Braden, rf B. Seinsoth, 1b R. Drake, 3b B. Brown, cf J. Jaffe, cf R. McCombs, ph B. Lee, p B. Strom, p P. Kuehner, ph

AB 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 0 1



35 4


R 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

H RBI 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2



101 000 010 - 3-7-0 000 200 002 - 4-11-2

E - Harrison, Drake DP - USC 2. LOB - So. Illinois 7, USC 6 2B - Bond, Sogge, Drake 3B - Kuehner HR - Seinsoth, Kirkland SB - Ramshaw, Lee So. Illinois IP J. Paetzhold 6.0 B. Ash 0.1 L. Pitlock 2.1

H 6 1 4

R ER BB 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1

SO 2 1 3

USC B. Lee B. Strom

7.2 1.1

IP H R ER BB SO 7 3 2 4 6 0 0 0 0 2

WP - Strom LP - Pitlock HBP - Blakley (by Lee) PB - Coker T - 2:25 A - 9,412

Record: 42-12-1, 16-2-1 F23 F24 F24 F28 M1 M2 M4 M11 M12 M15 M16 M16 M19 M22 M25 M26 M29 M30 A2 A5

A16 A19 A20 A20 A23 A26 A27 A27 A29

Cal Poly SLO San Diego State San Diego State at Cal State Los Angeles at Chapman Long Beach State at UC Santa Barbara at Cal Poly Pomona San Fernando Valley State Utah BYU BYU Occidental at Long Beach State Pepperdine Cal State Los Angeles Westmont Stanford Chapman Santa Clara at Hawai‘i Air Force (n) Army (n) Illinois (n) UC Santa Barbara * at California * at Stanford * at Stanford San Fernando Valley State * Oregon State * Oregon * Oregon * Washington

W W W W L L L W L W L W W L W W W L W L W W W W L W W t W W W W W

9-4 5-3 2-0 9-2 0-2 0-1 0-3 7-4 0-3 2-1 0-7 3-0 2-1 0-3 4-0 9-3 9-3 4-9 6-2 5-6 16-0 4-0 7-0 10-4 3-12 8-5 3-1 2-2 8-6 7-3 4-1 6-3 9-4

A29 A30 M3 M4 M7 M10 M11 M11 M14 M17 M18 M18 M21 M25 M31 J1 J1 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15

* Washington * Washington State (14) * UCLA * UCLA Cal Poly Pomona * Stanford * California * California Loyola Marymount * at Washington * at Washington State * at Washington State * at Oregon * at UCLA # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles (10) + BYU + Oklahoma State + St. John’s + North Carolina State + Southern Illinois

* Pac-8 game # District 8 Playoffs at Cal State Los Angeles + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.

16-10 4-3 L 4-7 8-3 W 3-0 W 4-3 W 3-1 W 8-1 W W 10-1 10-4 W L 3-9 W 6-1 11-6 W 11-2 W W 4-2 L 4-8 W 5-4 5-3 W 6-5 W 7-6 W W 2-0 W 4-3 W W

1 97 0 NAT IO NA L C H A M P IO NS National Championship - June 19, 1970 Florida State 1 AB 7 6 6 6 5 6 6 4 2 0 0 2 0


50 1

Florida St. USC

Two years later, USC won the first of an unprecedented five straight NCAA baseball titles, though it took many extra innings to accomplish the feat. As in 1958 and 1963, the Trojans lost their opening game, 4-1 to Ohio, and had to win all of the rest of their games for the national title. The loss to the Bobcats snapped the Trojans’ 13-game winning streak. But the Trojans came back with easy victories over Delaware, 7-1, and Dartmouth, 6-1. Things looked bleak in the next game against Texas when the Trojans fell behind, 7-1, after six innings. But USC exploded for six runs in the top of the seventh, and the game stayed tied until the top of the 14th inning, when outfielder Jeff Pedersen singled and scored on shortstop Cal Meier’s triple. Righthander Jim Barr pitched eight innings of scoreless relief in the 8-7 victory. In an interesting situation, the remaining three teams — USC, Texas and Florida State — all had records of 3-1. The Trojans won a coin flip, giving them a bye and putting them into the final. The championship game against Florida State was another extra-inning affair, as it took 15 innings to earn a 2-1 victory. Barr pitched another eight scoreless innings in relief on just one day’s rest to earn the win. Meier led off the bottom of the 15th inning with a walk. Third baseman Dan Stoligrosz walked and rightfielder Dave Kingman singled to load the bases with nobody out. Second baseman Frank Alfano, who already had two hits on the day, singled home the winning run. USC won the regular-season Pac-8 title, the Pac-8 Tournament and the District 8 Playoffs before moving on to the CWS.

Roster Frank Alfano, if Daryl Arenstein, if Mike Ball, if Jim Barr, rhp Russ Bennett, of Steve Busby, rhp Gordon Carter, of Sam Ceci, c Dick Cross, if Larry Diel, if Walt Failor, rhp Orrin Freeman, rhp Jim George, rhp Milt Guggia, if Jack Harrington, rhp Bill Jenkins, of Dave Kingman, of Cal Meier, if John Morrisset, of Jeff Pedersen, of Craig Perkins, c Jeff Port, if Rick Raczka, c Eric Raich, rhp Al Rossi, if Wayne Schrader, lhp Bob Singer, of Mark Sogge, rhp Dan Stoligrosz, if Brent Strom, lhp Mike Swiderski, c John Vella, if Greg Widman, rhp


Player Nichls, 2b Cocks, lf Grubb, cf Cash, 3b Safrght, c G. Gromk, ss Kasmier, 1b Porter, rf Osburn, p Ferguson, p Slade, p Scarce, p C. Gromk, p

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Player Cross, lf Pedersen, ph Barr, p Meier, ss Stoligrosz, 3b Kingman, rf Alfano, 2b Perkins, c Carter, pr Swiderski, c Ball, 1b Arenstein, 1b Bennett, cf Widman, p Port, ph

AB 3 3 3 6 6 7 7 6 0 0 2 3 6 1 1



51 2


R 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9


000 010 000 000 000 - 1-7-1 000 000 100 000 001 - 2-9-1

E - Cash, Widman DP - USC 2. LOB - Florida St. 9, USC 14. 2B - Meier S - Arenstein, Slade Florida St. Osburn Ferguson Slade Scarce C. Gromk

IP 4.0 2.0 0.0 7.0 0.0

H 4 1 1 1 2

R ER BB 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0

SO 4 2 0 9 0

USC Widman Barr

IP 7.0 8.0

H 4 3

R ER BB SO 1 0 3 4 0 0 1 4

W - Barr (14-2) L - Scarce (1-2) HBP - by Scarce (Port) T - 3:50 A - 11,542

Record: 45-13, 11-3 F27 M3 M6 M7 M7 M10 M13 M14 M14 M17 M20 M20 M21 M21 M23 M23 M25 M26 M26 M27 M28 M31 A1 A2 A3 A4 A4 A6 A7 A11 A13 A17 A18

Loyola Marymount UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara at UC Santa Barbara at UC Santa Barbara Long Beach State at Fresno State at Fresno State at Fresno State Pepperdine Utah at Long Beach State BYU BYU (11) Air Force (n) at UC Riverside Tulsa (n) Stanford (n) St. John’s (n) Oregon State (n) Arizona State (n) at San Fernando Valley State at Chapman Westmont San Diego State San Diego State San Diego State Cal State Los Angeles San Fernando Valley State * UCLA at Cal State Los Angeles (14) * at California (12) * at Stanford


8-3 6-8 4-2 4-2 2-4 13-1 6-2 13-6 6-7 3-2 4-2 8-1 4-0 4-8 9-10 12-3 11-9 7-5 11-2 4-0 5-2 2-7 7-9 4-3 3-2 14-2 8-1 7-4 4-1 8-2 5-4 4-2 3-0

A18 A20 A21 A24 A25 A25 A28 M1 M1 M2 M2 M5 M9 M15 M16 M21 M22 M23 M29 M30 J12 J13 J15 J16 J18

* at Stanford at Santa Clara Chapman * Stanford * California * California at Cal Poly Pomona (10) * Washington * Washington * Washington State * Washington State Cal Poly Pomona * at Oregon * at UCLA * UCLA ^ Oregon State ^ UCLA ^ UCLA # Santa Clara # Santa Clara + Ohio + Delaware + Dartmouth + Texas (14) + Florida State (15)


1-2 16-5 3-5 2-7 10-0 5-14 2-3 9-3 6-4 7-3 12-5 11-8 6-0 8-5 4-1 11-3 8-4 7-1 12-1 6-1 1-4 7-1 6-1 8-7 2-1

* Pac-8 game ^ Pac-8 Playoffs at USC # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.


197 1 NAT I ONAL CHAM P IO NS National Championship - June 17, 1971 Southern Illinois 2 AB 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1


30 2

So. Illinois USC

The Trojans captured their second straight NCAA crown and third in the last four years in 1971, the 25th anniversary of the CWS. USC became only the second team in the history of the tournament to win back-to-back championships (Texas was the first in 1949-50). As they had done in previous tournaments, USC had to overcome an early defeat. Following a 5-1 victory over Seton Hall, the Trojans suffered an 8-3 loss against Southern Illinois. But the Trojans rebounded quickly with an 8-6 win over BYU and an 8-4 beating of Tulsa. In a rematch with Tulsa, Troy avoided defeat as righthander Mark Sogge lifted himself out of trouble. With the bases loaded in the eighth inning, his pickoff started a double play, keeping the score tied at 2-2. Sogge also singled home the game-winning run in the ninth for a 3-2 victory. In the championship game, second baseman Frank Alfano and catcher Craig Perkins hit back-to-back homers over the left-field fence in the seventh inning of a 7-2 win over Southern Illinois, avenging the earlier loss to the Salukis. With the bases loaded in the top of the ninth, righthander Steve Busby struck out the final batter to cap his complete-game victory. Outfielder Fred Lynn hit .467 (7-for-15) in the CWS with a home run. USC went undefeated (17-0) in the Pac-8 season, making the Trojans the first-ever team to record an unbeaten conference season. The Trojan pitchers also set a conference record by tossing 38 1/3 consecutive scoreless innings. The Trojans went 3-1 to win the Pac-8 Playoffs, then moved on to the District 8 Playoffs at Santa Clara. The host Broncos won the first game, but USC won the next two.


Roster Frank Alfano, 2b George Ambrow, ss Daryl Arenstein, 1b Mike Ball, 2b


Player M. Eden, 3b J. Dwyer, cf D. Kuiper, 2b D. Thomas, 1b D. Radison, ss L. Calufetti, c B. Blakley, rf J. Liggitt, lf D. Langdon, p B. Sedik, ph

R 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0

Player G. Ambrow, ss D. Cross, lf J. Pedersen, lf J. Port, 3b C. Perkins, c F. Alfano, 2b T. Steele, rf G. Carter, cf D. Arenstein, 1b S. Busby, p

AB 5 3 1 4 3 3 4 3 3 4



33 7 10 7

E - Thomas, Calufetti DP - USC 2. LOB - So. Illinois 5, USC 6 HR - Perkins, Alfano SF - Blakley So. Illinois IP D. Langdon 5.1 M. Broeking 1.2 S. Randall 1.0

H 8 2 0

R ER BB 5 2 3 2 2 0 0 0 1

at Cal Poly Pomona


at UC Santa Barbara


at San Fernando Valley State


UC Santa Barbara

Jim George, rhp


Cal Poly Pomona

Milt Guggia, if


Cal Poly Pomona


Fred Lynn, of


UC Irvine


Jeff Pedersen, of


at UC Irvine


Loyola Marymount


Loyola Marymount


San Fernando Valley State

Eric Raich, rhp


at Chapman (13)

Randy Scarbery, rhp



Mark Sogge, rhp


Tim Steele, 1b


Craig Perkins, c Jeff Port, 3b

Mike Swiderski, c Chris Vella, lhp Greg Widman, rhp

USC S. Busby

IP 9.0

H 8

R ER BB SO 2 2 3 6

Record: 46-11, 17-0 F24

Dick Cross, of

SO 4 1 1

W - Busby (11-2) L - Langdon (12-2) T - 2:44 A - 13,945

Steve Busby, rhp

Tim Coffin, rhp

H RBI 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

010 000 001 - 2-8-2 002 120 20x - 7-10-0

Gordon Carter, of Sam Ceci, c


R 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1


16-5 M1 L

5-6 M3 13-10 M4


* Oregon State


at Long Beach State


Long Beach State

9-6 6-1 L



5-6 M7

* at Washington State




3-5 M7

* at Washington State



9-3 M8

* at Washington



3-2 M8

* at Washington



Cal State Los Angeles



3-0 M14





8-2 M15

* at UCLA




1-0 M20

^ Oregon



6-7 M21

^ Stanford



8-4 M22

^ Washington State



8-1 M22

^ Washington State



2-1 M29

# at Santa Clara




8-3 M30

# Santa Clara




San Diego State


4-2 M30

# Santa Clara




San Diego State

1-3 J12

+ Seton Hall



San Diego State

9-2 J13

+ Southern Illinois



2-5 J14





at Hawai‘i


6-1 J15

+ Tulsa




at Hawai‘i


8-0 J16

+ Tulsa




* at UCLA


7-1 J17

+ Southern Illinois




* California



* Stanford


3-1 * Pac-8 game


* Stanford


8-4 ^ Pac-8 Playoffs at Pullman, Wash.




6-2 # District 8 Playoffs at Santa Clara & USC


* at Stanford


2-1 + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.


* at California




* at California




at Cal State Los Angeles




* Oregon




* Oregon




* Oregon State






9-10 M11


9-3 L


5-10 6-3



5-1 L


1 97 2 NAT IO NA L C H A M P IO NS National Championship - June 16, 1972 USC 1

Arizona State 0

Player M. Guggia, 2b J. Port, 3b F. Lynn, cf S. Ceci, c K. Huizenga, lf R. Smalley, ss T. Steele, rf D. Arenstein, 1b

AB 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2


32 1

USC Arizona State

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

H RBI 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

Player B. Wills, lf K. Reed, 2b G. Atwell, cf A. Bannister, 1b C. Myers, c R. Valley, 3b J. Mantlo, 1b D. White, rf R. Glazebrook, ph

AB 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 1



31 0


R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6


001 000 000 - 1-5-1 000 000 000 - 0-6-1

E - Guggia, Mantlo DP - USC 3, Arizona State 1. LOB - USC 6, Arizona State 8 2B - Steele S - Crawford

USC won the 1972 CWS — becoming the first school to win three straight baseball titles —despite hitting only .198 for the series. But Troy had dominant pitching, which came up big in one close game after another. All five of USC’s victories were by one or two runs. The Trojans fought back from the loser’s bracket for the third year in a row. USC opened with victories over Mississippi, 8-6, and Connecticut, 5-4, in 11 innings, but lost the next game to Arizona State, 3-0. In a 10-inning thriller against Texas, first baseman Daryl Arenstein, after breaking his bat on a 2-2 pitch, borrowed one from his roommate, Jeff Port, and delivered a gamewinning single to score Tim Steele for a 4-3 win. USC then had to beat Arizona State twice for the title. First, Randy Scarbery went the distance in a 3-1 victory. The Trojans scored two runs in the second inning, ending a 33 1/3-inning scoreless streak by ASU pitchers. Then, in the championship, Russ McQueen’s heroics in relief helped preserve a 1-0 shutout of the Sun Devils for the title. He entered the game with the bases loaded and nobody out in the fifth inning, got out of the jam unscathed and gave up only one hit in five innings of work. Steele scored the game’s only run on a wild pitch in the third inning and had two hits, including a double. McQueen, the tournament MVP, pitched 14 innings without giving up a run in the CWS and earned three wins and a save. USC’s strong pitching was a surprise because Troy had lost three pitchers to the pros before the season. Prior to the CWS, the Trojans defeated Washington State twice for the Pac-8 title, then beat UC Santa Barbara twice in the District 8 Playoffs.

Roster Rob Adolph, 2b Daryl Arenstein, 1b

USC IP M. Sogge 4.0 R. McQueen 5.0

H 5 1

R ER BB SO 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 5

4-5 A22

* at UCLA



7-4 A22

* at UCLA



4-5 A25

at Cal State Los Angeles


9-6 A28

California (12)


2-0 A29

* California



12-7 A29

* California



5-10 A30

* California




17-3 M2

Cal State Los Angeles



6-1 M3

at Chapman

8-5 M5

* at Stanford

4-5 M6

* at Stanford

12-4 M6

* at Stanford





UC Santa Barbara


at Cal Poly Pomona


at UC Santa Barbara


at UC Santa Barbara



UC Irvine




Loyola Marymount

Fred Lynn, cf



Russ McQueen, rhp


at Loyola Marymount


Tim Coffin, rhp Terry Dedeaux, 2b Milt Guggia, 2b Ken Huizenga, lf

R ER BB SO 1 1 2 8

Record: 47-13-1, 14-4

Ed Bowman, 3b

Anthony Davis, lf

H 5

W - McQueen (9-3) L - Crawford (13-2) WP - Crawford T - 2:05 A - 6,950

Craig Barnes, of Sam Ceci, c

Arizona State IP J. Crawford 9.0

Vince Moll, c


at Fresno State

Dan Olson, lhp


at Fresno State

Jeff Pedersen, lf


at Fresno State




14-4 t

8-8 3-2

4-0 L


8-14 4-3



Jeff Port, 3b


San Fernando Valley State


9-8 M9

Long Beach State



Ed Putnam, c


at Long Beach State


6-0 M12

* at UCLA




San Diego State


4-2 M13




San Diego State


8-4 M13



San Diego State


6-2 M19

^ Washington State




at San Fernando Valley State


12-2 M20

^ Washington State



Mark Sogge, rhp




10-2 M27

# UC Santa Barbara




at Arizona

2-6 M28

# UC Santa Barbara



James Steele, rf


at Arizona


5-3 J9

+ Mississippi



Mike Swiderski, c


at Arizona


2-1 J11

+ Connecticut (11)


Creighton Tevlin, cf


Washington State (n)


12-10 J12

Greg Widman, rhp


at Hawai‘i


4-0 J14

+ Texas (10)




BYU (n)


6-0 J15

+ Arizona State




New Mexico


4-2 J16

+ Arizona State




* Stanford


* Stanford


* Stanford


Cal Poly Pomona






* at California


* at California




* at California (10)







Jeff Reinke, lhp Wayne Schrader, lhp Randy Scarbery, rhp Roy Smalley, ss




1-2 * Pac-8 Southern Division game



+ Arizona State


9-2 L


5-4 L


3-2 ^ Pac-8 Championship at USC 5-6 # District 8 Playoffs at Santa Barbara, Calif. 1-2 + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. 11-5


197 3 NAT I ONAL CHAM P IO NS National Championship - June 13, 1973 Arizona State 3


Player D. Kendrick, lf B. Berger, 2b G. Atwell, cf D. Harris, rf C. Myers, c C. Westlake, 1b T. Sain, 3b M. Rawlings, ph J. Oscarson, 3b D. White, ph B. Wills, ss

AB 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 1 0 1 3


32 3

Arizona State USC

R 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player R. Smalley, ss R. Dauer, 3b E. Bowman, rf K. Huizenga, lf E. Putman, c F. Lynn, cf R. Adolph, 2b D. Arenstein, 1b

AB 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2



32 4


R 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0

H RBI 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0



000 201 000 - 3-7-2 202 000 00x - 4-9-1

E - Myers, Slocum, Smalley DP - Arizona State 1. LOB - Arizona State 4, USC 6 2B - Smalley, Bowman, Huizenga, Adolph, Westlake 3B - Slocum S - Adolph. SF - Putman

In 1973, USC again defeated Arizona State in the title game, this time behind an offense that featured outfielder Fred Lynn, shortstop Roy Smalley and third baseman Rich Dauer. It was USC‘s fourth consecutive championship. Troy went undefeated en route to the championship (only the second time a CWS winner had been unbeaten since 1961). The first three victories were against Harvard, 4-1; Texas, 4-1; and Arizona State, 3-1. The next game, and the highlight of the CWS, was USC’s incredible 8-7 victory over Minnesota — one of the greatest comebacks in NCAA history in any sport. Going into the bottom of the ninth, the Trojans had been held to just one hit and were being shut out, 7-0, by Gopher pitcher and longtime major leaguer Dave Winfield. But Troy sent 11 men to the plate, coming up with eight singles, a sacrifice fly and a stolen base (as well as three Minnesota errors) to score eight runs and win the game. Pinch-hitter Ken Huizenga led off the ninth with a single and then his sacrifice fly tied the game at seven runs apiece. USC won it on outfielder Creighton Tevlin’s RBI single. That vaulted the Trojans into the championship game, where they beat topranked ASU, 4-3. USC took a 4-0 lead, then held on as lefthander Jeff Reinke, who was on a basketball scholarship at USC, retired the final 11 batters. Huizenga scored a run, had two RBI and made a diving catch to open the ninth inning for the Trojans. Troy swept Washington State in two games for the second straight year to win its fourth consecutive Pac-8 championship, then defeated Loyola and Cal State Los Angeles in four straight games for its fourth consecutive District 8 title.

Roster Rob Adolph, 2b Daryl Arenstein, 1b Craig Barnes, of Mark Barr, rhp Tom Bhagwat, of Ed Bowman, of Marvin Cobb, ss Tim Coffin, rhp Rich Dauer, if Anthony Davis, of Terry Dedeaux, 2b William Edwards, if Cliff Holland, lhp Brian Hueblein, lhp Ken Huizenga, lf Steve Kemp, of Dennis Littlejohn, c Fred Lynn, of Denny Martindale, if Russ McQueen, rhp Ty Meyer, rhp George Milke, rhp Vince Moll, c Dan Olson, rhp Ed Putnam, c Jeff Racanelli, rhp Pete Redfern, rhp Jeff Reinke, lhp Randy Scarbery, rhp Rich Simonin, rhp Roy Smalley, ss Dennis Stahl, of Creighton Tevlin, of

“I have played in a lot of memorable big games during my career. World Series games, league championship games, All-Star Games, all kinds. But I will never forget that game against USC. Never.”

-- Dave Winfield


Arizona State IP J. Umbarger 2.1 D. Slocum 5.2

H 7 2

R ER BB SO 4 3 0 1 0 0 1 7

USC M. Barr J. Reinke

IP 5.1 3.1

H 7 0

R ER BB SO 3 3 2 4 0 0 0 4

W - Barr (10-2) L - Umbarger (5-3) S - Reinke WP - Barr, Reinke T - 2:28 A - 12,050

Record: 51-11, 14-4 F17 F17 F20 F23 F24 F24 M2 M3 M3 M7 M10 M10 M15 M16 M17 M21 M23 M26 M27 M27 M29 M30 M30 M31 M31 A1 A3 A6 A7 A7 A9 A10 A11 A13 A14 A14 A17

San Diego State San Diego State at UC Irvine Cal Poly Pomona UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Barbara at Fresno State at Fresno State (10) at Fresno State Cal State Los Angeles * UCLA * UCLA at Arizona State at Arizona State at Arizona State Loyola Marymount (8) Gonzaga (11) Arizona State (n) Hawai‘i (n) Vanderbilt (n) Washington State (n) Massachusetts (n) at UC Riverside Stanford (n) (10) Arizona State (n) (12) at UNLV at Cal State Northridge * California * California * California Chapman UC Irvine Pepperdine * at Stanford * at Stanford (9) * at Stanford at Hawai‘i


6-1 5-3 3-1 5-2 5-4 10-6 5-0 6-2 2-0 10-2 6-3 10-1 2-4 4-8 5-12 13-12 2-1 3-1 4-0 4-5 9-2 16-4 7-4 8-2 2-0 9-2 3-15 14-0 2-1 8-4 14-4 0-5 14-3 2-1 0-1 3-0 10-6

A24 A25 A27 A28 A28 M1 M4 M5 M5 M8 M10 M11 M12 M12 M18 M19 M26 M27 J1 J2 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13

at Cal State Los Angeles at Chapman * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford at Cal Poly Pomona * at California * at California (9) * at California Long Beach State * at UCLA * UCLA * at UCLA * at UCLA ^ Washington State ^ Washington State # Loyola Marymount # Loyola Marymount # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles + Harvard + Texas + Arizona State + Minnesota + Arizona State

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at Pullman, Wash. # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.


9-4 5-6 12-8 W 1-0 W L 0-3 W 18-13 L 4-5 8-2 W 2-0 W 10-3 W L 5-6 6-2 W 8-4 W 6-4 W W 13-4 W 11-9 W 9-8 W 2-1 W 4-3 W 13-6 4-1 W 4-1 W 3-1 W 8-7 W 4-3 W L

1 974 NAT IO NA L C H A M P IO NS National Championship - June 15, 1974 USC 7

Miami 3

Player C. Tavlin, rf M. Cobb, ss R. Dauer, 3b S. Kemp, dh E. Putnam, c B. Mitchell, lf K. Huizenga, cf M. Carpenter, 1b R. Adolph, 2b

AB 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 4


37 7

USC Miami

The last of USC’s unprecedented five straight NCAA titles came in 1974 and was led by infielder Rich Dauer and designated hitter Steve Kemp, who helped the 1974 Trojans to the champion. No other team, before or since, has won more than two titles in a row. With a win over Texas in the opening game of the tournament, 9-2, and a game two victory over Southern Illinois, 5-3, the Trojans enjoyed a 10-game CWS winning streak before a 7-3 loss to Miami (Fla.). But the Trojans made their way to the title game for the fifth straight year by defeating Texas, 5-3, and Southern Illinois, 7-2. In the final, USC beat Miami (Fla.), 7-3, avenging the earlier loss. Trojan pitchers John Racanelli and George Milke combined to strike out 10 Hurricanes (and allowed zero earned runs) in the clincher while second baseman Rob Adolph, a backup to quarterback Pat Haden on the football team, hit a two-run home run. Milke was named the CWS Most Outstanding Player after earning three victories. To get to the CWS, the Trojans beat Oregon in the Pac-8 Championships and Cal State Los Angeles and Pepperdine in the District 8 Playoffs. Dauer set an NCAA record in the opening game of the CWS with a second-inning single. It was his 102nd hit of the season, breaking Arizona State’s Alan Bannister’s record of 101 set in 1972. Dauer ended the season with a total of 108 hits and two other NCAA records: total bases (181) and RBI (92). Kemp was fifth in the nation in batting average with an awesome .435, still the USC single-season record. On March 30, 1974, in the inaugural game at Dedeaux Field, Jeff McQueen tossed a 7-0 no-hitter over California.

Roster Rob Adolph, 2b Mark Barr, rhp Tom Bhagwat, 1b Mark Carpenter, if Ken Carrasco, if Marvin Cobb, ss Rich Dauer, 3b Anthony Davis, of Larry Fobbs, if Scott Gregory, rhp Rob Hertel, if Brian Heublein, lhp Larry Hill, c Cliff Holland, of Ken Huizenga, of Mike Jae, rhp Steve Kemp, dh Bob Leach, if Dennis Littlejohn, c Denny Martindale, 2b Russ McQueen, rhp Ty Meyer, rhp George Milke, rhp Bob Mitchell, of Charlie Phillips, lhp Ed Putnam, c John Racanelli, rhp Pete Redfern, rhp Jeff Reinke, lhp Rich Simonin, rhp Dennis Stahl, of Creighton Tevlin, lf Bruce Tonascia, c

R 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 1

H RBI 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 2


Player J. Cresta, 3b O. Gonzalez, 1b W. Krenchicki, ss R. Reichle, dh P. LoMedico, dh J. Vega, ph M. Trujillo, cf B. Castillo, 2b R. Scott, c R. D'Innocenzio, rf K. Siepe, lf

AB 3 5 4 3 0 0 4 4 3 2 4


R 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

32 3

H RBI 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 6


030 002 200 - 7-11-2 000 100 200 - 3-6-2

E - Gonzalez, Adolph, Krenchicki, Cobb DP - USC 1. LOB - USC 6, Miami 9 2B - Tevlin, Dauer, Putman, Castillo HR - Adolph SB - Kemp, Gonzalez (2), Tavlin, D'Innocanzio SH - Carpenter. SF - Scott USC Racanelli Milke

IP 4.0 5.0

H 4 2

R ER BB SO 1 0 4 5 2 0 1 5

Miami IP Jakubowski 7.0 Floyd 2.0

H R ER BB SO 10 7 3 2 7 1 0 0 0 0

W - Milke (6-3) L - Jakubowski (16-3) PB - Scott, Putman HBP - by Milke (LoMedico) T - 2:41 A - 11,346

Record: 50-20, 11-7 F10 F18 F18 F20 F23 F24 F24 F26 M1 M5 M10 M12 M13 M14 M15 M15 M19 M20 M22 M23 M25 M26 M30 M30 M31 A5 A6 A6 A7 A9 A9 A12 A13 A13 A14 A15 A16 A19 A20 A20 A23

at Pepperdine San Diego State San Diego State at Cal State Northridge Northern Arizona (n) at UNLV (11) at UNLV La Verne UC Irvine at Cal Poly Pomona at Cal State Los Angeles at UC Irvine at Chapman at Cal Poly SLO Air Force Air Force Santa Clara (10) Santa Clara Arizona State Arizona State (n) at Loyola Marymount Long Beach State * California * California * California * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford at Arizona State at Oklahoma at Oklahoma at Tulsa at Tulsa at Tulsa at Tulsa Gonzaga Cal State Northridge (10) * at UCLA * UCLA * UCLA Pepperdine

W 6-1 W 5-4 W 5-3 W 18-5 W 5-1 W 9-7 W 10-2 W 9-2 L 3-9 W 5-3 W 6-3 W 10-4 W 9-6 W 13-7 W 19-3 W 16-8 W 8-6 L 2-10 L 10-12 W 14-9 W 6-3 W 9-8 W 7-0 W 11-4 W 3-1 L 2-3 W 7-5 L 5-6 W 6-4 L 6-7 L 4-5 W 8-2 L 4-5 L 7-11 W 11-4 W 5-4 W 7-6 W 8-2 W 11-5 W 6-5 L 5-6

A24 A26 A27 A27 A28 A30 M3 M4 M4 M6 M7 M8 M10 M11 M11 M18 M18 M25 M26 M26 J1 J2 J2 J8 J10 J12 J13 J14 J15

Westmont * at California * at California * at California at Santa Clara Cal Poly Pomona * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford Chapman Loyola Marymount at Long Beach State * UCLA * at UCLA * at UCLA ^ Oregon Oregon # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles % Pepperdine % Pepperdine % Pepperdine Texas Southern Illinois Miami Texas Southern Illinois Miami


9-6 4-1 2-4 8-3 9-2 4-6 1-4 0-7 5-6 5-2 4-6 7-5 10-0 5-6 22-2 11-6 14-1 9-2 6-7 11-9 2-4 4-1 12-1 9-2 5-3 3-7 5-3 7-2 7-3

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at USC # District 8 Playoffs at Cal State Los Angeles % District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.


1978 NAT I O NAL CHAM P IO NS National Championship - June 8, 1978 USC 10 AB 5 5 6 5 5 5 3 5 4


43 10 16 10

USC Arizona State

USC’s 11th title came in 1978, as the Trojans went 54-9 overall (the best record in the country and still the school single-season record for wins) after starting out the season with a 7-4 record. The Trojans finished the season with a 10-game win streak and went 27-2 in their last 29 games. At the CWS, the Trojans easily won their first three games by beating Miami (Fla.), 9-3; Michigan, 11-3; and Arizona State, 5-2. It required a late-inning comeback to hold off North Carolina in a 3-2 victory. Down 2-0 heading into the eighth inning, the Trojans scored twice in the top of the eighth and got the game-winner in the top of the ninth as centerfielder John Wells’ sacrifice fly scored second baseman Larry Fobbs. Once again the Trojans beat Arizona State in the CWS final, 10-3, as first baseman Dave Hostetler hit a third-inning homer that proved to be the game-winner. Hostetler and outfielder Tim Tolman each had three hits for USC. The Trojans took a 10-0 lead and Bill Bordley didn’t allow a run for the first seven innings. Rod Boxberger was named tournament MVP. Previously, USC’s two-game sweep of Washington State in the Pac-8 Championships extended USC’s conference tournament winning streak to 13 games. The Trojans then went 3-0 in the NCAA West Regional at Dedeaux Field with two wins over Arizona and a victory over Cal State Fullerton, all by one-run margins. Bordley (12-2) and Boxberger (12-1) were two of four Trojans — including Brian Hayes (11-2) and Ernie Mauritson (11-0) — with at least 11 wins, making NCAA history. Bordley started the 1978 season 6-0, giving him wins in 20 straight decisions. The pitching staff registered a 2.63 ERA for the season.


Roster Ron Arnold, rhp Ray Benzor, rhp Bill Bordley, lhp Rod Boxberger, rhp Keith Brown, of Bill Bumstead, rhp Dan Burns, 1b Jim Connor, ut Dave Engle, 3b Larry Fobbs, 2b Brian Hayes, lhp Tom Hicks, c Dave Hodgins, c Dave Hostetler, 1b Tom Marchica, lhp Ernie Mauritson, rhp Jim McDowell, if Anthony Munoz, rhp Frank Pennachio, 2b Gerald Price, 2b Spiro Psaltis, lhp Mark Rhodes, of Jeff Schattinger, rhp Larry Simpson, rhp Bob Skube, of Chris Smith, of John Stevenson, if Doug Stokke, ss Tim Tolman, of Dave Van Gorder, c John Wells, of Jeff Wick, lhp Stan Williams, rhp Paul Ziegler, of

Arizona State 3

Player J. Wells, cf D. Stokke, ss C. Smith, dh T. Tolman, lf D. Hostetler, 1b D. Engle, 3b K. Brown, rf L. Fobbs, 2b D. Van Gorder, c

R 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 0

H RBI 0 0 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 0 2 0 2 3 2 2

Player E. Irvine, cf S. Michael, rf H. Brooks, ss B. Horner, 3b C. Bando, c J. Allen, 2b M. Anicich, 1b G. Moon, ph-lf G. Stahl, lf-1b D. Hudgens, dh L. Eiler, dh

AB 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 2 2

R 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

H RBI 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 3



032 002 030 - 10-16-0 000 000 030 - 3-9-3

E - Brooks, Allen, Stahl DP - USC 3. LOB - USC 12, Arizona State 10 2B - Brown, Fobbs, Bando, Allen HR - Hostetler SF - Van Gorder USC IP B. Bordley 7.2 J. Schattinger 1.1

H 7 2

R ER BB SO 3 3 6 1 0 0 1 1

Arizona State IP M. Dean 2.1 J. Vasquez 2.2 L. Eiler 3.0 T. Hawk 1.0

H 6 8 2 0

R ER BB SO 5 5 3 0 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0

W - Bordley (12-2) L - Dean (8-4) WP - Eiler T - 2:32 A - 12,172

Record: 54-9, 15-3 F14

at Pepperdine


at Cal State Fullerton (10)


0-3 A15

* Stanford



10-9 A18





Cal State Fullerton


at Long Beach State


9-6 A20

* UCLA (10)




23-8 A21

* at UCLA



St. Mary’s



9-2 A22




St. Mary’s



8-0 A24

Long Beach State




at Arizona State



at Arizona State


9-13 A27

* California



7-13 A28

* California






7-0 A29

* California






10-0 A30

* California



UC Irvine


2-8 M1

Cal Poly Pomona




UC Irvine


Cal State Dominguez Hills


8-0 M2

Loyola Marymount




8-1 M5

* at Stanford



Cal State Los Angeles



14-4 M6

* at Stanford




at Cal State Los Angeles


10-1 M7

* at Stanford




Cal State Los Angeles


3-2 M9


at Houston


13-1 M11

* at UCLA



at Houston


10-4 M12




at Texas A&M


5-2 M13

* at UCLA


at Texas A&M


8-5 M20

^ Washington State




Eastern Michigan (n)


5-2 M21

^ Washington State




at Texas


8-2 M26

# Arizona




at Texas


3-2 M27

# Cal State Fullerton (11)




at Texas

2-3 M28

# Arizona




Cal Lutheran


2-1 J2

+ Miami




Arizona State


11-0 J4

+ Michigan




Arizona State


11-6 J6

+ Arizona State




Arizona State


10-1 J7

+ North Carolina




Cal State Northridge


12-1 J8

+ Arizona State




* at California


* at California


6-2 * Pac-8 Southern Division game


at Santa Clara


7-2 ^ Pac-8 Championship at Pullman, Wash.


* Stanford



* Stanford




UC Santa Barbara

L 13-14

7-0 # District 8 Playoffs at USC L

2-3 + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.


4-6 1-0 7-6



1 998 NAT IO NA L C H A M P IO NS National Championship - June 6, 1998 USC 21

Arizona State 14

Player W. Rachels, 2b G. Hanoian, lf R. Perry, Jr., pr/cf R. Gorr, 1b E. Munson, c M. Ensberg, 3b B. Ticehurst, rf J. Lane, dh/p J. Freitas, cf/lf J. DePippo, pr/lf S. Davidson, ss

AB 7 2 1 5 6 4 5 6 6 0 4


46 21 23 20

USC Arizona State

The 12th and most recent title came in 1998, as the Trojans put together an amazing run at the College World Series. It was the 50th anniversary of USC’s first-ever baseball crown. For the fourth time, USC was able to overcome an opening-round loss (12-10 to two-time defending champion LSU) to claim the title. USC needed four wins in the next five days to reach the final. First, USC beat Florida, 1210, in 11 innings. Rik Currier then shut down Mississppi State, 7-1, as he struck out 12 in eight innings. The Trojans then had to beat LSU twice in two days, and righthanders Seth Etherton and Mike Penney were up to the task, as they pitched USC to 5-4 and 7-3 wins, respectively. USC faced a familiar foe in the title game: Arizona State. For the fourth time, the two teams met in the final, and for the fourth time, the Trojans came away victorious in a 21-14 slugfest. Robb Gorr opened the first with a threerun shot to left and the Trojans opened an 8-0 lead in the second on a three-run homer by second baseman Wes Rachels and Gorr's second homer of the game with a solo shot. The Sun Devils, though, answered with five in the bottom of the inning, including a grand slam by shortstop Michael Collins. USC held off Arizona State throughout the game and led, 11-8, in the seventh before one of the most dramatic moments in CWS history. With the bases loaded and two outs, Head Coach Mike Gillespie called for a triple steal as Morgan Ensberg stole home. Rachels followed with a two-run single to give the Trojans a sixrun lead. Arizona State scored five runs in the seventh, but the Trojans put the game away in the ninth on a grand slam over the center-field wall by designated hitter Jason Lane in the ninth. Lane set CWS records for hits (15) and total bases (31). Wes Rachels, the CWS Most Outstanding Player, went 5-for-7 with a championship-game record seven RBI. Jack Krawczyk pitched the final 1 2/3 innings to earn a save and set NCAA single-season and career records. "I was proud of our guys," said Gillespie. "We couldn't allow ourselves a week ago to think that we would be playing for the national championship. This achievement for me goes beyond my ability to describe it." At the NCAA East Regional, the Trojans also had to come back from an early loss, but they won their final three games in a two-day period.

Roster Carlos Casillas, 1b Oscar Casillas, ut Dominic Correa, if Rik Currier, rhp Seth Davidson, ss Jeff DiPippo, c/of Don DiDomizio, lhp Morgan Ensberg, if Seth Etherton, rhp Tanner Eriksen, rhp Ronald Flores, lhp Jeremy Freitas, of Robb Gorr, 1b Greg Hanoian, of Marco Hernandez, rhp Steve Immel, rhp Craig Jones, rhp Ray Kasper, ut Shaun Kramer, rhp Jack Krawczyk, rhp Peter Krogh, rhp Jason Lane, lhp/of Raul Lepe, rhp Mike McHargue, c Brandon Mugavero, ut Eric Munson, c Bill Peavey, 1b Mike Penney, rhp Rod Perry, Jr., of Josh Persell, ut Wes Rachels, 2b Jason Saenz, lhp Kevin Schultz, if Josh Self, ut Chris Tessman, lhp Brad Ticehurst, of Josh Townsend, c Brian Vieira, rhp Mike Weibling, rhp Taiki Yamaoka, rhp

R 3 1 0 3 1 3 2 2 3 0 3

H RBI 5 7 0 0 1 0 2 5 2 0 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 0 2 0

Player W. Bloomquist, 2b R. Arguelles, cf M. Moreno, rf A. Beinbrink, 3b J. Phelps, 1b D. Delucchi, lf C. Myers, dh G. Halvorson, c M. Collins, ss R. Mills, ss

AB 6 5 6 2 4 5 5 5 3 3

R 0 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1

H RBI 1 0 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 1 3 0 1 4 1 4


41 14 16 14

351 002 325 - 21 23 1 050 300 510 - 14 16 0

E - Davidson DP - Arizona State 2. LOB - USC 7, Arizona State 8 2B - Rachels, Ensberg, Lane, Freitas, Moreno HR - Rachels, Gorr 2, Ticehurst, Lane, Beinbrink, Phelps, Myers, Collins SB - Ensberg, Freitas, Davidson, Moreno SH - Hanoian, Collins 2. SF - Gorr, Beinbrink USC R. Currier J. Lane S. Immel M. Weibling J. Krawczyk

IP 1.1 2.1 3.0 0.2 1.2

H 5 4 4 3 0

R ER BB 5 5 1 3 0 2 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0

SO 3 1 1 1 1

Arizona State IP R. Mills 1.0 A. Kramer 5.0 C. Pennington1.1 P. Lowery 1.0 C. Crumpton 0.2

H 6 6 5 4 2

R ER BB SO 6 6 1 1 5 5 0 1 5 5 3 1 4 4 2 0 1 1 0 0

W - Lane (9-2) L - Mills (8-4) S - Krawczyk (23). PB - Halvorson 2. HBP - by Kramer (Ensberg). T - 3:59 A - 24,456

Record: 49-17, 21-9 J30 F1 F7 F7 F8 F10 F13 F14 F15 F18 F20 F21 F22 F25 F27 F28 M1 M3 M6 M7 M8 M14 M14 M15 M17 M20 M21 M22 M24 M27 M28 M29 A1 A3 A5 A5 A6 A9

Long Beach State Long Beach State Texas Texas Texas at Long Beach State North Carolina (n) North Carolina (n) North Carolina (n) at Cal State Fullerton * Arizona * Arizona * Arizona at Pepperdine (11) * UCLA * at UCLA * UCLA at UC Santa Barbara Oregon State Oregon State Oregon State * Arizona State * Arizona State * Arizona State Loyola Marymount * at Arizona * at Arizona * at Arizona Pepperdine * at California * at California (10) * at California Cal State Fullerton * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford Hawaii Hilo * at Arizona State


16-4 9-5 5-3 5-6 7-15 12-3 10-0 16-9 10-2 3-2 10-3 4-1 2-3 5-2 6-1 10-9 7-12 15-8 9-0 7-4 6-13 7-6 13-5 6-3 6-4 6-4 7-6 10-6 11-1 10-6 7-6 8-1 4-7 0-1 6-7 7-4 12-3 3-18

A10 A11 A14 A17 A18 A19 A21 A24 A25 A26 A28 A29 M9 M10 M11 M15 M15 M21 M22 M23 M23 M24 M30 J1 J2 J4 J5 J6

* at Arizona State * at Arizona State at Loyola Marymount * California * California * California at San Diego State * at UCLA * UCLA * at UCLA San Diego State UC Santa Barbara * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford at Portland State at Portland State # Fordham # Virginia Commonwealth # Clemson # South Alabama # South Alabama + LSU + Florida (11) + Mississippi State + LSU + LSU + Arizona State


5-7 4-24 6-12 10-0 14-13 5-2 9-4 14-6 17-18 17-12 17-10 9-8 2-4 5-2 5-1 10-2 6-7 10-6 4-14 8-5 3-2 4-3 10-12 12-10 7-1 5-4 7-3 21-14

* Pac-10 Southern Division game # East Regional at Clemson, S.C. + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.



The 1907 (left) and 1920 (right) USC baseball teams

The Early Years


USC played its first baseball game on Nov. 23, 1889, losing to a club team called Bonny Brae, 13-10, on a campus field. Records don’t indicate another game until Feb. 20, 1892, when USC had a 14-13 win over Woodbury Business College on its way to an undefeated (5-0-1) season. There were about 20 players on the USC squad that year. The 1893 season began prior to the calendar year with a 13-0 victory over El Monte on Oct. 29, 1892. Ten games were played that season. Records show USC playing only a combined total of three games over the next four years. The program regrouped in 1898, going 8-3, with L.W. Umsted serving as manager and catcher. The program wavered without distinction again until 1902 when Hall of Fame pitcher Rube Waddell, who starred for the Philadelphia Athletics and three other teams, directed the team in earlyseason training. USC played a limited number of games each season thereafter until 1905, when a 12-game schedule was played (there was rarely a season with fewer than 10 games after that). USC played its first international game, losing to Waseda of Japan, 13-6. Official statistics were first kept in 1906, when shortstop and captain Walter Bridewell hit .461. Harvey Holmes is credited with being USC’s first baseball coach, leading his team to a 17-2 mark in 1908. On May 24, 1913, USC baseball was abolished in order to focus all springtime athletic pursuits on the track and field team. From 1914-17, the university’s law school team represented Troy on the baseball field, with the squad open to non-law students the last two years. The 1914 all-law school team played surprisingly well, going 8-2 overall and 4-1 against college teams. Students organized one USC baseball game in 1918, a 3-2 loss to Union Oil on March 24, but other than that baseball was not played in 1918-19 due to World War I. Baseball was brought back as a full-fledged university sport in 1920 with famed football coach Elmer“Gloomy Gus”Henderson leading the squad to a 9-4-1 record (4-1-1 versus college teams).

The 1921 team was co-coached by Henderson and Willis O. Hunter, and was also very successful: 9-3 overall, 6-1 against colleges. Records don’t indicate who coached the 1922 squad, but former major leaguer George Wheeler returned to coach USC in 1923 after previously doing so in 1914. The rest of the 1920s belonged to Hall of Famer Sam “Wahoo” Crawford (who still holds the major league baseball career record with 309 triples), who brought USC to prominence. Crawford was instrumental in creating the first baseball conference for USC to compete in with the creation of the CIBA in 1927.

The Leagues/Conferences USC’s first participation in league play was in the California Intercollegiate Baseball Association (CIBA), originated in 1927. USC was one of five founding members, including California, St. Mary’s, Santa Clara and Stanford. Prior to the advent of the CIBA, USC, Cal and Stanford shared a loose alliance in 1923-24 and 1926. The CIBA ran from 1927-66, plus a brief return in 1976. USC and Cal were the only teams to participate in each of the years that the conference was in existence. In addition to the original members, other participants in the CIBA in its first 40 years were Loyola Marymount, Occidental, Pepperdine, UCLA, University of San Francisco and Whittier. In 1943, the CIBA was divided into two divisions as USC played with five other teams in the Southern Division. In 1967, USC joined the Athletic Association of Western Universities, along with Cal, Oregon, Oregon State, Stanford, UCLA, Washington and Washington State. The AAWU changed its name to the Pacific-8 Conference in 1968. The Pac-8 was divided into Northern and Southern divisions in 1970, with USC, Cal, Stanford and UCLA in the latter. The brief reformation of the CIBA in 1976 included the four Pac-8 Southern Division teams and UC Santa Barbara. In 1977, the Pac-8 Southern Division was restored in its original form. In 1979, Arizona and Arizona State joined the four California Pac-8 schools in the Pac-10 Southern Division, which remained intact until the

1999 season. Then, the three remaining Northern Division schools (Oregon State, Washington and Washington State) joined with the South’s six schools to form one single division. In 2007, Oregon reinstated its program as the Pac-10 Conference will have a full 10-team alignment starting in the 2009 season. The conference expanded in the summer of 2011 with the newly-named Pac-12 Conference adding Utah for baseball (Colorado does not sponsor baseball).

The Head Coaches USC has an unprecedented tradition of coaching excellence in baseball, highlighted by Rod Dedeaux, one of the winningest baseball coaches in NCAA history. Only six other men have had the distinction of being a USC head baseball coach since 1924.

The Pre-Sam Crawford Era (1889-1923) USC’s first full-time head baseball coach was Harvey Holmes in 1908. He led Troy to a 17-2 mark for the season. Holmes also coached the Trojan footballers from 1904-07. The next USC team with an official head coach was the 1911 squad. Curtiss Bernard, a professional player for the Pacific Coast League’s Los Angeles Angels, led the Trojans to a 10-3 mark. Another PCL player, Len Burrell of the Vernon club, took over the following season. George Wheeler, who played for the National League’s Philadelphia Phillies in the 1890s, coached USC in 1914 and again in 1923. Wheeler did an amazing job in 1914 when he led the School of Law team (the only Trojan baseball team at that time) to an 8-2 record. Ralph Glaze, the Trojan head football coach in 1914-15, took command of the baseball program in 1915. Charles“Pat”Millikan was head coach in 1916. In 1917, Phil Koerner, a first baseman for the Los Angeles Angels, was named USC’s head coach, but he was traded to San Francisco by the Angels midway through the season. So, with Koerner out of Southern California, Millikan reassumed control for the remainder of the season. When Trojan baseball got back in gear in

T R O JA N B A S EB A L L H ERITA G E competition, 133-54-2 versus college opponents and 112-52 in conference games.

The Barry-Dedeaux Era (1942, 1946-50) In a unique situation, Barry and Dedeaux were co-head coaches for six very successful seasons. The duo led USC to CIBA championships in five of the six years, including 1948, a significant milestone year for the Trojan program. Not only did USC get its first 40-win season, but it also won its first national championship. The national champion Trojans were 26-4 against college competition, going 2-1 against Yale in the final three games of the College World Series. The final marks for the Barry-Dedeaux tandem were 170-70-3 overall (110-28 against college foes and 67-18 in CIBA games).

Sam Crawford 1920 following the end of World War I, Elmer “Gloomy Gus”Henderson became the head coach. Henderson is probably best remembered for being the winningest football coach in USC history, losing only six games in six seasons (1919-24). He was also successful on the baseball diamond as the 1920 team went 9-4-1. Henderson co-coached the baseball squad with Willis O. Hunter in 1921.

The Sam Crawford Era (1924-29) Crawford led USC for six years as Troy began a steady climb toward prominence. He actively sought to enlarge the schedule and improve it through tougher competition. He was a key force in the development of the California Intercollegiate Baseball Association in 1927. He had three seasons of double-digit wins and led USC to a second-place finish in the CIBA’s initial campaign. Crawford was 59-46-3 in all games, 55-33 against other college teams and 19-19 in CIBA games.

The Sam Barry Era (1930-41) Barry took the baton from Crawford in full stride. His first USC team went 25-5-1 overall, 152-1 in college games and 11-2 in the CIBA to take the league title. He ended up with five CIBA crowns (including two ties). Barry posted five seasons of 20-plus wins. His career marks: 219-89-3 against all

Rod Dedeaux and Sam Barry

The Rod Dedeaux Era (1943-45, 1951-86) When Barry joined the Navy in 1942 for World War II, Dedeaux was left as the sole head coach for the next three years and he made good on the opportunity, finishing second in the CIBA every year. Dedeaux’s best work was ahead of him, though. Barry returned to his rank of co-head coach in 1946, until he passed away in the fall of 1950. The Trojans made their first venture to the College World Series in 1948, utilizing a 16-game winning streak which included being crowned CIBA co-champions. USC defeated Yale in the first game of the CWS, 3-1, before Yale (with former President George W. Bush as the first baseman) snapped Troy's streak with an 8-3 victory. USC rallied to win their first national championship with a decisive 9-2 win against Yale, finishing the season with a 26-4 record. Another CIBA championship and trip to the College World Series helped the 1949 squad, which finished with a 23-6 overall record. In the next 11 years with Dedeaux at the helm, USC began an incredible streak where the Trojans won nine CIBA championships and two CIBA co-championships. The 1951 and 1955 squads reached the College World Series, but it was the 1958 squad that put another national championship trophy in USC's hands. The 1958 Trojans went 28-3 and won the CWS in remarkable fashion after losing their first game, 3-0, against Holy Cross as Bill Thom took the loss in his first start of the series. Thom, however, would play an important role in the Trojans' title hopes. USC would battle and win its next five straight games to win the championship. Thom threw 4 1/3 scoreless innings in relief to earn the victory in the national championship game with an 8-7 win in 12 innings against Missouri. The Trojans forced the title game after defeating Missouri earlier, 7-0. Mike Blewitt hit an RBI single to right field in the bottom of the 12th, scoring Rex Johnston from third with two outs for the victory. In 1961, the Trojans capped their

Rod Dedeaux conference streak with the school's third national championship. USC went 5-0 in the College World Series, becoming only the fifth team in 15 years to go undefeated. In the second meeting of the CWS against Boston College, the Trojans rallied from a 3-0 deficit to force the game into extra innings. Three straight singles by Tom Satriano, Art Ersepke and Larry Himes produced the game-winning run in the 10th, sending the Trojans to the national championship. A rain delay forced Oklahoma State and USC to wait before playing the title game, but it was future head coach Mike Gillespie who helped bring home the title for the Trojans. In the eighth, Gillespie, who started the game in left field, doubled to left-center and scored on a single by Ersepke in the 1-0 victory over the Cowboys. Jim Withers threw the shutout, allowing only four hits and striking out 13 to improve his record to 12-1 on the season. The 1963 national championship found the Trojans rallying from an opening-round loss to win five straight games, having to beat Arizona twice to win it all. Walt Peterson threw a complete game while Bud Hollowell and Gary Holman hit 400-foot homers for the 5-2 victory for the national championship. Hollowell hit four home runs in the final four games to earn CWS MVP honors. The team was also one of the youngest Trojan national championship squads with a starting lineup that featured seven sophomores. USC was 17-3 in the CIBA in 1964 and finished fourth in the College World Series. The next season was a rebuilding year, but the Trojans still went 30-15-1. In the summer of 1965, the Trojans played a "barnstorming" tour that featured stops to Alaska and Hawaii. The Trojans were the first collegiate team to be invited to play in the eight-game Midnight Sun series with the Alaska Goldpanners. The series was climaxed with the Midnight Sun game that started at 10:30 p.m. and was completed without the aid of artificial light. USC returned to Omaha in 1966, finishing third in the CWS. The Trojans again “struggled” In




17 of their conference games, went 54-13 overall and took the CWS championship (losing only to Southern Illinois, whom they rebounded to beat later in the series). USC was perfect in CWS play in 1968, 1972, 1973 and 1978, going 5-0 each year. One of the greatest hitters in USC history, Steve Kemp, batted .435 in the 1975 season and finished with a school career mark of .397. Kemp was drafted No. 1 overall by the Detroit Tigers in the 1976 draft. The 1968 USC Infield: Bill Seinsoth (1B), Pat Harrison (2B), The 1973 national title produced one of the Chuck Ramshaw (SS) and Ron Drake (3B) greatest CWS moments for the Trojans. Down 7-0 in the bottom of the ninth against Minnesota, the Trojans sent 11 men to the plate and scored eight runs against future Hall of Famer Dave Winfield 1967, finishing third in the CIBA and going 38-13-2 to cap a remarkable 8-7 victory. Future major leaguers Fred Lynn, Roy Smalley and Rich Dauer overall. contributed to the championship. Dedeaux’s greatest years were still to The incredible streak of five straight national come, beginning in 1968 with another national titles concluded with the 1974 squad, the same championship. During the 1968 College World Series, the Trojans used "little ball" as the team year the Trojans played their first game at Dedeaux hit a combined .221 and registered wins by either Field. John Racanelli and George Milke combined to strike out 10 Hurricanes in the national title one or two runs. Bill Seinsoth earned MVP honors, game as USC defeated Miami, 7-3. Dauer set an hitting a two-run homer in the championship game against Southern Illinois to tie the game at NCAA record in the tournament with his 102nd hit and finished the season with three NCAA season 2-2 in the fourth. Down 3-2 in the bottom of the records: hits (108), total bases (181) and RBI (92). ninth, pinch-hitter Pat Kuehner hit a two-run triple After starting the 1978 season with a 7-4 with two strikes to give Troy its fifth national title. mark, the Trojans went on a torrid pace en route The following year, USC went 13-8 to finish third in league play before starting a run not likely to their 11th national title and seventh in 11 years. USC used a 47-5 streak to finish the season with to be seen for a long time in college baseball. The Trojans rattled off five straight national the nation's best record at 54-9. The 54 victories are still a school record and the pitching staff set championships from 1970-74. an NCAA record with four pitchers (Bill Bordley, The 1970 College World Series opened with a Rod Boxberger, Brian Hayes and Ernie Mauritson) 4-1 loss to Ohio, giving the Trojans an opportunity recording at least 11 victories on the season. During the run from 1968-78, the Trojans recorded 40 or more wins in a season nine times. Near the end of his career, Dedeaux piloted USC to secondplace Pac-10 Southern Rod Dedeaux (middle) at an alumni game with (left to right): Division finishes in 1983 Steve Kemp, Roy Smalley, Fred Lynn and Dave Kingman and 1984. to once again winning the championship from Dedeaux would also have the honor of the losers' bracket. After two straight wins, USC coaching two future Hall of Famers and easily the staved off elimination in dramatic fashion against two most recognizable Trojans: Mark McGwire and Texas. Down 7-1, the Trojans scored six runs in Randy Johnson. the seventh and defeated the Longhorns, 8-7, McGwire, who broke Roger Maris' single in 14 innings. With three teams tied at 3-1, USC season home run record with 70 home runs in won a coin flip to earn a bye to the championship 1998, set the school and Pac-10 single season game and faced Florida State. Second baseman record with 32 home runs for the Trojans in 1984. Frank Alfano singled home the winning run in the He was also a pitcher and actually put up better bottom of the 15th with the bases loaded for the numbers than Johnson. Johnson played for Troy 2-1 win. Pitcher Jim Barr threw eight scoreless from 1983-85 and went on to win five Cy Young innings of relief, allowing only three hits. Awards. Dedeaux won six NCAA crowns between When Dedeaux stopped coaching after 1968-78, including five in a row from 1970-74. The the 1986 season to become USC’s Director of “worst” year in that span came in 1969 when USC Baseball, he left behind a record that may never went 13-8 in league play to finish third. The best be surpassed. He had winning seasons in 41 of season, arguably, was 1971: the Trojans won all

Mark McGwire his 45 years — in one stretch, USC went 37 years without a losing campaign. His 1,332 wins (with only 571 losses and 11 ties) were more than any other Division I coach in history until Texas’ Cliff Gustafson eclipsed the mark in 1994. Dedeaux was a part of 11 Trojan national championships (he had 10 of his own and co-coached with Barry on the other). He developed many future professionals, including Rich Dauer, Ron Fairly, Dave Kingman, Fred Lynn, Mark McGwire, Tom Seaver, Roy Smalley and Randy Johnson.

The Mike Gillespie Era (1987-2006) After winning 72 percent of his games as head coach of College of the Canyons (a community college in Valencia, Calif.), Gillespie returned to his alma mater, where he had played for Dedeaux from 1960-62. He brought a new style of Trojan baseball, based on sound execution of the fundamentals and an aggressiveness geared towards pressuring opponents. It would not be until 1991 when Gillespie would lead the Trojans to their first conference title in 13 years. That year, the Trojans went 46-17-1, but fell to Hawaii at home in the NCAA Regional. USC reached the 1993 and 1994 NCAA Regional, but it was the 1995 season when the Trojans made their triumphant return to Omaha and the College World Series. After losing the first game, the Trojans made another charge with four straight wins before falling to Cal State Fullerton in the national championship game, 11-5. In 1998, the Trojans beat South Alabama twice at the NCAA Regional to advance to the College World Series. LSU defeated USC, 12-10, in the first game of the CWS, but the Trojans used their Omaha magic with five straight wins for the school's 12th national championship. USC defeated Arizona State, 21-14, in a wild national title game that included Morgan Ensberg stealing home in a pivotal moment. Seth Etherton set a school and Pac-10 record by striking out 182 batters that season and Jack


Rod Dedeaux passes the torch to Mike Gillespie in 1987

Krawczyk posted NCAA marks for saves in a season (23) and career (49). The 2000 and 2001 squads made back-toback appearances in the College World Series and witnessed a special season when Mark Prior swept every national player of the year award, including the Golden Spikes Award, in 2001. Prior went 15-1 with a 1.69 ERA, breaking Etherton's school record with 202 strikeouts on the season. Prior was drafted No. 2 overall by the Chicago Cubs and became an instant sensation in the Windy City when he made his major league debut in 2002. The 2005 squad was one win away from another trip to Omaha after a wild series at Oregon State. The Trojans made their fifth NCAA Super Regional appearance in seven years. The 2006 season represented Gillespie's 20th and final season at USC as he retired from college baseball. Gillespie registered five Pac-10 titles and made trips to the NCAA playoffs in 15 of 20 years with his efforts helping to restore the luster and tradition of USC baseball. 28 former Trojans under Gillespie have gone on to play in the major leagues, including Barry Zito, Prior, Ensberg, Geoff Jenkins, Jacque Jones, Aaron Boone, Bret Boone and Anthony Reyes.

USC baseball players were key members of the team: pitcher Sid Akins and first baseman Mark McGwire. Akins appeared in two games as a relief pitcher, allowing no runs and one hit in 2 1/3 innings. McGwire started at first base, and though he hit just .190 (4-for-21) in the Olympics, he batted .391 with 26 RBI in 30 games in the pre-Olympic tour. USC infielder Bret Barberie was on the USA’s gold-medal winning team in the 1988 Seoul Games, the only gold medal won by the U.S. until the 2000 Olympics. It was once again a demonstration sport, however. Barberie came off the bench to play in four of the USA’s five games and was hitless in two at-bats. The 1992 Barcelona Games, the first time that baseball was an official Olympic sport, marked the only time in the past four Olympics that the U.S. failed to medal — and it was the only time no Trojans appeared on the roster. Jacque Jones continued the USC-USA connection at the 1996 Atlanta Games. Jones, an outfielder, was one of the top players for the U.S.’s bronze-medal winning team. In 37 games (including the pre-Olympic tour), Jones hit .404 with a team-leading 61 hits, and knocked 15 home runs and 49 RBI. He ranked among the team’s top three in nine offensive categories. At Atlanta, Jones was second on the team with a .433 average (13-for-30), and led the USA with five home runs (tied with Warren Morris) and 13 RBI.

Jacque Jones as a member of the 1996 U.S. Olympic Team

Jason Lane hits a grand slam in the 1998 national championship game against Arizona State

USC and the Olympics The association between USC and Olympic baseball in the United States started back in 1964 when legendary Trojan coach Rod Dedeaux took a group of U.S. players to the Far East for a tour, and then to the Tokyo Games for an exhibition game against a Japanese team. The U.S. won, 6-2. When baseball returned to the Olympics 20 years later, it was again Dedeaux that managed the U.S. team, leading the 1984 USA squad to a silver medal as a demonstration sport here at the Los Angeles Games. One of Dedeaux’s assistants was Art Mazmanian, an All-American at USC in 1948 and the head coach at Mt. San Antonio College. Two

Rod Dedeaux served as head coach for the 1984 U.S. Olympic Team. Dedeaux is viewed by many as a pioneer in the international baseball community after taking his USC squads to the Far East during the 1950s and 1960s. He also helped start the USA-Japan Series in 1972.


ALL-AMERI CANS 1947 Archie Wilson (of ) 1948 Wally Hood (p)

ABCA 1st team

Henry Workman (of )

ABCA 1st team

Art Mazmanian (2b)

ABCA 1st team ABCA 1st team

1977 Bill Bordley (p)

ABCA 1st team

TSN 1st team TSN 1st team Dave Hostetler (1b) 1978 Bill Bordley (p)

TSN 1st team ABCA 1st team TSN 2nd team

ABCA 1st team ABCA 2nd team

Dave Hostetler (1b)

ABCA 3rd team

Tim Tolman (of )

ABCA 1st team

Dave Van Gorder (c)

Bud Pritchard (2b) 1957 Bill Olson (cf ) Tom Shollin (if ) 1958 Mike Castanon (2b) Jerry Siegert (of ) 1959 Ken Guffey (1b)

TSN 1st team

ABCA 3rd team ABCA 1st team ABCA 3rd team ABCA 3rd team

TSN 1st team 1981 Dan Davidsmeier (ss) Dave Leeper (of ) 1984 Mark McGwire (1b)

ABCA 1st team ABCA 1st team

1988 Jim Campanis (c)

BA 1st team

Johnny Werhas (3b)

ABCA 1st team

1990 Randy Powers (p)

ABCA 3rd team

1960 Bruce Gardner (p)

ABCA 1st team

BA 2nd team 1991 Brett Jenkins (2b)

ABCA 2nd team

Tom Satriano (3b)

ABCA 2nd team

Jackie Nickell (p)

CB 2nd team

ABCA 2nd team

Mark Smith (of )

BA 1st team

ABCA 1st team

CB 1st team

ABCA 2nd team

ABCA 2nd team

1964 Bud Hollowell (c)

ABCA 2nd team

1992 Bobby Hughes (c)

BA 2nd team

Walt Peterson (p)

ABCA 1st team

1993 Gabe Alvarez (ss)

BA 2nd team

Gary Sutherland (ss)

ABCA 3rd team

Steve Sogge (c)

NCBWA 3rd team Casey Burrill (c)

NCBWA 1st team

TSN 2nd team

BA 2nd team

TSN 2nd team

CB 2nd team

John Stewart (p)

ABCA 2nd team

1967 Pat Harrison (2b)

ABCA 1st team

CB 2nd team

TSN 1st team

NCBWA 2nd team

1968 Pat Harrison (2b)

ABCA 1st team

BA 3rd team

TSN 1st team

1994 Gabe Alvarez (ss)

NCBWA 1st team

Bill Seinsoth (1b)

ABCA 1st team

Aaron Boone (3b)

NCBWA 2nd team

Cal Meier (ss) Brent Strom (p)

ABCA 2nd team

ABCA 2nd team

BA 3rd team

ABCA 1st team ABCA 1st team

1972 Fred Lynn (of )

ABCA 1st team TSN 1st team ABCA 2nd team TSN 1st team

Roy Smalley (ss)

Randy Flores (p)

TSN 1st team

NCBWA 2nd team

1971 Steve Busby (p)

1973 Randy Scarbery (p)

Dan Hubbs (p)

TSN 1st team

TSN 1st team

ABCA 1st team TSN 1st team


BA 3rd team

1963 Walt Peterson (p)

TSN 1st team

Jim Campanis

BA 3rd team

Bill Heath (c)

1970 Dave Kingman (of )

Dan Davidsmeier

TSN 1st team ABCA 1st team

Bill Thom (p)

1966 Oscar Brown (of )

Rod Boxberger

ABCA 1st team

TSN 1st team

TSN 1st team

Bill Bordley

ABCA 1st team

1987 Brian Nichols (p)

Willie Ryan (1b)

Steve Kemp

ABCA 2nd team

ABCA 3rd team

1961 Larry Himes (c)

Roy Smalley

TSN 1st team ABCA 1st team

Rod Boxberger (p)

1955 Gerry Mason (of ) John Garten (c)

Steve Busby

ABCA 1st team

1953 Ed Simpson (1b)

1956 Kent Hadley (1b)

Dave Kingman

1975 Steve Kemp (of )

ABCA 1st team ABCA 2nd team

ABCA 1st team TSN 1st team

ABCA 2nd team

1951 Jay Roundy (of ) Tom Lovrich (p)

Oscar Brown

ABCA 1st team

1950 Jay Roundy (of ) 1952 Hal Charnofsky (ss)

1974 Rich Dauer (3b)

ABCA 1st team

Art Mazmanian (2b) 1949 Jim Brideweser (ss)

Art Mazmanian

ABCA 2nd team

CB 3rd team Geoff Jenkins (of )

NCBWA 2nd team BA 3rd team

J.P. Roberge (p)

NCBWA 3rd team

A L L - A M ERIC A NS 1995 Gabe Alvarez (ss)

ABCA 1st team

2000 Rik Currier (p)

BA 2nd team

NCBWA 1st team

Walter Dawkins (of ) Randy Flores (p) Jason Garner (p)

CB 2nd team

CB 2nd team

TSN 2nd team

BA 3rd team

NCBWA 3rd team

NCBWA 2nd team

Justin Gemoll (3b)

BA 2nd team

CB 3rd team CB 2nd team

CB 3rd team 2001 Rik Currier (p)

TSN 2nd team

ABCA 3rd team Geoff Jenkins (of )

BA 3rd team

BA 1st team

CB 3rd team

CB 1st team

Mark Prior (p)

ABCA 1st team

NCBWA 1st team

BA 1st team

ABCA 2nd team

CB 1st team

Jacque Jones (of )

NCBWA 3rd team

NCBWA 1st team

1996 Seth Etherton (p)

BA 2nd team

TSN 1st team

CB 2nd team NCBWA 2nd team ABCA 3rd team Randy Flores (p) Jeff Inglin (of )

NCBWA 3rd team

CB 2nd team

2003 Anthony Lunetta (ss)

CB 3rd team

2005 Jeff Clement (c)

BA 1st team

ABCA 2nd team

CB 1st team NCBWA 3rd team

BA 3rd team NCBWA 1st team

Chad Moeller (c)

NCBWA 3rd team

1997 Seth Etherton (p) Eric Munson (c) 1998 Morgan Ensberg (3b)

CB 3rd team

Gabe Alvarez

Geoff Jenkins

Eric Munson

Rik Currier

Justin Gemoll

Anthony Lunetta

USA 1st team Ian Kennedy (rhp)

BA 1st team CB 1st team

CB 3rd team NCBWA 3rd team

Dan Hubbs

USA 1st team 2002 Alberto Concepcion (c)

NCBWA 2nd team Jacque Jones (of )

Casey Burrill

NCBWA 1st team 2008 Grant Green (ss)

BA 3rd team

2010 Ricky Oropesa (1b)

BA 2nd team

NCBWA 3rd team Seth Etherton (p)

ABCA 1st team BA 1st team


CB 1st team

ABCA = American Baseball Coaches

NCBWA 1st team

Jack Krawczyk (p)


TSN 1st team

BA = Baseball America

USA 1st team

CB = Collegiate Baseball

ABCA 1st team CB 1st team NCBWA 1st team TSN 1st team

NCBWA = National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association TSN = The Sporting News USA = USA Today Sports Weekly

USA 1st team BA 2nd team Eric Munson (c)

BA 2nd team NCBWA 2nd team

1999 Seth Davidson (ss) Eric Munson (c) Jason Lane (of )

NCBWA 3rd team NCBWA 1st team USA 1st team ABCA 2nd team NCBWA 2nd team CB 3rd team

Barry Zito (p)

ABCA 1st team BA 1st team CB 1st team NCBWA 1st team USA 1st team

Jeff Clement

Ian Kennedy


MISC ELL ANEOU S HONO RS The Sporting News National Freshman of the Year 1997 Eric Munson (c) Baseball America Freshman All-Americans 1988 1st team: Bret Boone (if ); 2nd team: Damon Buford (if ) 1989 1st team: Brett Jenkins (if ); 2nd team: Mike Robertson (of ), Mark Smith (of ) 1993 1st team: Gabe Alvarez (ss)

Eric Munson

1994 1st team: Randy Flores (p), Jacque Jones (of ) 1997 1st team: Eric Munson (c) 1998 2nd team: Rik Currier (p), Seth Davidson (ss) 1999 1st team: Beau Craig (c) 2000 2nd team: Anthony Lunetta (2b) 3rd team: Anthony Reyes (p) 2002 1st team: Joey Metropoulos (dh) 2003 1st team: Jeff Clement (c) 2004 1st team: Ian Kennedy (rhp) Collegiate Baseball National Freshman of the Year 2003 Jeff Clement (c) (co-POY) Collegiate Baseball Freshman All-Americans 1989 1st team: Brett Jenkins (if ) 1993 HM: Gabe Alvarez (if ), Geoff Jenkins (of ) 1994 1st team: Randy Flores (p) 1997 1st team: Eric Munson (c)

Randy Flores

1998 1st team: Rik Currier (p), Seth Davidson (ss) 1999 HM: Beau Craig (c) 2000 1st team: Anthony Lunetta (2b) 2002 HM: Joey Metropoulos (dh)

Bret Boone

2003 1st team: Jeff Clement (c) 2009 Ricky Oropesa (1b) The Sporting News Freshman All-Americans 1998 1st team: Seth Davidson (ss) Rivals.com Freshman All-Americans 2007 2nd team: Grant Green (ss), Brad Boxberger (rhp) Academic All-American Honors 1990 2nd team: John Jackson (of ) 1996 All-District VIII: Ryan Stromsborg (if ) 2002 All-District VIII: Michael Morales (of ) 2012 All-District VIII: Kevin Swick (util) Johnny Bench Award 2005 Jeff Clement


Jeff Clement

NAT I ONAL P L AY E R O F T H E Y EA R M A RK M C G W IRE • First Baseman/Pitcher • Claremont, Calif. (Damien HS) • 1984 National Player of the Year (The Sporting News) • 1984 All-American first team • 1984 Pac-10 Player of the Year (Southern Division) • 1984 All-District 8 first team • 1984 All-Pac-10 first team

McGwire's Career Hitting Statistics YEAR

1982 (Fr.) 1983 (So.) 1984 (Jr.) TOTALS





29 53 67 149

75 191 248 514

14 46 75 135

15 61 96 172

2B 3B HR

2 9 20 31

0 0 2 2


3 11 19 59 32 80 54 150

1 4 2 7


15 35 50 100




20 33 33 86

.347 .426 .498 .449

.200 .319 .387 .334

3 2 6 11

1-1 0-2 0-1 1-4

.346 .664 .879 .717

McGwire's Career Pitching Statistics YEAR

1982 (Fr.) 1983 (So.) TOTALS













20-4 8-7 28-11

0 0 0

47.1 35.2 83.0

48 32 80

22 18 40

16 11 27

29 18 47

31 26 57

5 2 7

4-4 3-1 7-5

2 0 2

3.04 2.78 2.93

McGwire set the Pac-10 single season record with 32 home runs in 1984 (since broken by Troy Glaus). Fans, however, might not know that McGwire also pitched for the Trojans and actually put up better numbers than his teammate and future Cy Young Award winner Randy Johnson.


NATIO NAL P L AYE R O F T H E Y EA R S ET H ET H ER T O N • Pitcher • Laguna Niguel, Calif. (Dana Hills HS) • 1998 National Player of the Year (The Sporting News) • 1998 All-American first team • 1998 Pac-10 Pitcher of the Year (Southern Division) • 1998 All-District 8 first team • 1998 All-Pac-10 first team

Etherton's Career Pitching Statistics YEAR G-GS 1995 (Fr.) 13-7 1996 (So.) 17-17 1997 (Jr.) 16-16 1998 (Sr.) 18-18 TOTALS 64-58

CG 0 5 1 4 10

IP 41.1 112.0 109.1 136.2 399.1

H 44 103 104 113 364

R 34 55 48 53 190

ER BB 26 28 49 34 36 33 49 29 160 124

SO HB WP 28 0 4 104 4 4 106 2 5 182 6 6 420 12 19

W-L SV ERA 2-4 0 5.66 12-3 0 3.94 10-2 0 2.96 13-3 0 3.23 37-12 0 3.61

Seth Etherton completed one of the top pitching careers at USC in 1998, leading the Trojans to their 12th national championship. He set a school and Pac-10 record with 420 career strikeouts until USC's Rik Currier set a new mark with 449 strikeouts in 2001.

Etherton's 1998 Game-by-Game Pitching Statistics












Jan 30 Feb 07 Feb 13 Feb 20 Feb 27 Mar 06 Mar 14 Mar 20 Mar 27 Apr 03 Apr 09 Apr 17 Apr 24 May 09 May 15 May 23 May 30 Jun 04 Totals

Long Beach State Texas vs North Carolina Arizona UCLA Oregon State Arizona State Arizona California Stanford Arizona State California UCLA Stanford Portland State Clemson LSU LSU

* 6.0 5 * 7.0 7 * 9.0 3 * 8.0 4 * 8.2 5 * 9.0 2 * 8.0 9 * 8.0 7 * 6.1 6 * 9.0 4 * 7.0 11 * 8.0 1 * 6.1 10 * 6.1 10 * 7.0 7 * 9.0 7 * 6.0 9 * 8.0 6 18 136.2 113

0 3 0 1 1 0 6 4 6 1 6 0 5 3 2 5 7 3 53

0 3 0 1 1 0 5 4 5 1 5 0 5 3 2 4 7 3 49

1 6 1 10 0 13 4 9 2 10 2 13 4 6 3 14 1 10 0 15 1 6 1 11 3 3 0 8 2 13 1 15 1 10 2 10 29 182

16-4 5-3 10-0 10-3 6-1 9-0 7-6 6-4 10-6 0-1 3-18 10-0 14-6 2-4 10-2 8-5 10-12 5-4

1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 6-0 7-0 8-0 8-1 8-2 9-2 10-2 10-3 11-3 12-3 12-3 13-3

at at at at at at vs vs vs


ERA 0.00 2.08 1.23 1.20 1.16 0.94 1.62 1.98 2.44 2.28 2.62 2.39 2.69 2.78 2.77 2.86 3.22 3.23

NAT I O NAL P L AY E R O F T H E Y EA R M A RK P RIO R • Pitcher • Bonita, Calif. (University HS) • 2001 National Player of the Year (Golden Spikes Award, Dick Howser Trophy, Smith Award, American Baseball Coaches' Association, Baseball America, Collegiate Baseball and The Sporting News) • 2001 All-American first team • 2001 Pac-10 Pitcher of the Year • Graduated from USC in May 2004 with a bachelor's degree in business Prior's Career Pitching Statistics YEAR

*1999 (Fr.) 2000 (So.) 2001 (Jr.) TOTALS












13-13 23-19 20-18 56-50

1 1 6 8

82.1 136.1 138.2 357.1

107 126 100 333

56 70 32 158

42 54 26 122

23 46 18 87

71 150 202 423

0 3 1 4

5 13 4 22

6 4-8 10 10-7 5 15-1 21 29-16






0 1 0 1

4.59 3.56 1.69 3.07

Prior's Career Hitting Statistics YEAR



*1999 (Fr.) 36-31 104 18 27 6 2000 (So.) 15-9 33 4 8 1 TOTALS 51-40 137 22 35 7 *Vanderbilt

1 0 1

4 4 8

28 7 35


0-0 0-0 0-0

16 33 3 13 19 46

1 0 1


0-0 .452 .364 .260 1-0 .636 .306 .242 1-0 .496 .350 .255

As the Trojans' No. 1 starter, Mark Prior turned in one of the most dominating seasons in collegiate history with the added pressure of being a top draft pick (he was drafted No. 2 overall by the Chicago Cubs). He was only the second player in history to sweep every national player of the year award and the first Trojan to win the Golden Spikes Award.

Prior accepts the Smith Award

Prior talks with ESPN's Dave Ryan at the 2001 College World Series

Prior poses with Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan at the Smith Award banquet

Prior accepts the Golden Spikes Award from MLBPA representative Phil Bradley

Priors's 2001 Game-by-Game Pitching Statistics Date Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May Jun Jun

Opponent 31, 03, 09, 16, 23, 03, 09, 17, 23, 28, 03, 06, 12, 20, 27, 12, 18, 26, 01, 09,


2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001

at at at at at at at at



Santa Clara Univ. Louisville Long Beach State UCLA Mississippi State Univ. of Houston-1 Stanford University Univ. of Washington Univ. of Arizona San Diego State San Diego State Arizona State California Stanford University UCLA Washington State Oregon State Univ. Pepperdine Univ. Florida Internat'l Univ. of Georgia












1.0 5.0 7.1 7.0 6.0 8.0 7.1 9.0 9.0 5.0 1.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 7.0

1 3 4 2 4 9 8 2 3 2 0 7 2 5 6 8 7 11 7 9

0 0 2 1 3 3 2 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 6 3 2 1 4

0 0 2 0 2 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 3 2 1 4

1 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 3 0 0 1

2 10 10 12 9 10 13 14 15 6 1 7 14 12 14 12 5 14 9 13

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 3 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

18 138.2 100



18 202









* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *







10-3 19-4 6-2 3-4 7-3 6-3 0-2 5-1 8-0 16-7 2-1 11-2 1-0 2-1 2-0 7-6 7-3 4-3 5-1 11-5

0-0 1-0 2-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1 11-1 12-1 13-1 13-1 13-1 14-1 15-1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.00 0.00 1.35 0.89 1.37 1.83 1.94 1.60 1.36 1.39 1.37 1.34 1.20 1.18 1.07 1.34 1.49 1.54 1.50 1.69






POSTS EASO N HONOR S College World Series Honors USC's College World Series MVPs 1958 1963 1968 1972 1974 1978 1998

Bill Thom Bud Hollowell Bill Seinsoth Russ McQueen George Milke Rod Boxberger Wes Rachels

1953 1954 1955

(began in 1958)

1960 1961 1963 1964 1966 1968 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1978 1995 1998 2000

1949 1950 1951 1952

All-College World Series 1958

All-District/Region Selections

Mike Castanon (2b), Ron Fairly (of ), Fred Scott (ss), Bill Thom (p) Art Ersepke (of ), Bruce Gardner (p), Bill Heath (c), Bob Levingston (of ), Mickey McNamee (of ), William Ryan (1b) Art Ersepke (of ), Larry Hankammer (p), Larry Himes (c), William Ryan (1b), Jim Withers (p) Bud Hollowell (c), Gary Holman (1b), Walt Peterson (p), Kenny Washington (of ) Willie Brown (of ), Gary Sutherland (ss) John Stewart (p) Bill Lee (p), Bill Seinsoth (1b) Frank Alfano (2b), Jim Barr (p), Dan Stoligrosz (3b) Frank Alfano (2b), Fred Lynn (of ), Mark Sogge (p) Daryl Arenstein (1b), Sam Ceci (c), Russ McQueen (p), Tim Steele (of ) Ken Huizenga (of ), Randy Scarbery (p), Roy Smalley (ss) Rob Adolph (2b), Mark Barr (p), Marvin Cobb (ss), Rich Dauer (3b), George Milke (p), Bob Mitchell (of ) Rod Boxberger (p), Dave Hostetler (1b), Doug Stokke (ss), Tim Tolman (if ), John Wells (of ) Randy Flores (p), Geoff Jenkins (of ), Wes Rachels (2b) Robb Gorr (1b), Jack Krawczyk (p), Jason Lane (dh), Eric Munson (c), Wes Rachels (2b), Brad Ticehurst (of ) Beau Craig (c)

USC's College World Series All-Decade Selections (selected in 1996) 1940s - 50s — Stan Charnofsky (2b) 1960s — Bill Seinsoth (1b) 1970s — Fred Lynn (of ), Russ McQueen (p), Roy Smalley (ss) 1990s — Geoff Jenkins (of )

1956 1957 1958 1959

1960 1962 1963 1964 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1984 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1994


All-Time College World Series Team (selected in 1996) Head Coach — Rod Dedeaux

1996 1998 1999 2002

2005 2006


1st team: Jim Brideweser (3b), Don Pender (p), Art Mazmanian (2b), Bruce McKelvey (c) 1st team: Jay Roundy (of ), Bob Zuber (c) 1st team: Al Karan (3b), Tom Lovrich (p) 1st team: Hal Charnofsky (ss), Stan Charnofsky (2b), Gary Killingsworth (3b), Tom Lovrich (p) 1st team: Ed Simpson (1b) 1st team: Bill Faddis (3b), John Garten (c) 1st team: John Garten (c), Vic Lapiner (p), Gerry Mason (of ), Tony Santino (of ), John Stevenson (ss) 1st team: Kent Hadley (1b), Bud Pritchard (2b), Tony Santino (of ) 1st team: Bill Olson (of ), Tom Shollin (of ) 1st team: Mike Castanon (2b), Ron Fairly (of ), Bruce Gardner (p), Bill Thom (p) 1st team: Bruce Gardner (p), Len Gabrielson (of ), Ken Guffey (1b), Fred Scott (ss), Bill Thom (p), Johnny Werhas (3b) 1st team: Bruce Gardner (p), Bill Heath (c), Bob Levingston (of ), Tom Satriano (3b) 1st team: Bud Hollowell (c), Bob Levingston (of ) 1st team: Walt Peterson (p), Ken Washington (of ) 1st team: Bud Hollowell (c), Walt Peterson (p), Gary Sutherland (ss) 1st team: John Stewart (p) 1st team: Shelly Andrens (of ), Tom House (p) 1st team: Reid Braden (of ), Pat Harrison (2b), Steve Sogge (c) 1st team: Cal Meier (ss), Bill Seinsoth (1b), Brent Strom (p) 1st team: Cal Meier (ss), Dan Stoligrosz (if ), Brent Strom (p) 1st team: Steve Busby (p), Craig Perkins (c), Tim Steele (of ) 1st team: Sam Ceci (c), Fred Lynn (of ) 1st team: Fred Lynn (of ), Randy Scarbery (p), Roy Smalley (ss) 1st team: Rich Dauer (3b), Ed Putman (c) 1st team: Marvin Cobb (2b), Steve Kemp (of ), Dennis Littlejohn (c) 1st team: Rob Hertel (3b), John Racanelli (p) 1st team: Bill Bordley (p), Dave Van Gorder (c) 1st team: Bill Bordley (p), Dave Engle (3b), Tim Tolman (of ) 1st team: Mark McGwire (1b) 1st team: Bret Barberie (ss) 1st team: John Jackson (of ) 1st team: Randy Powers (p) 1st team: Mark Smith (of ); Second team: Brett Jenkins (2b) 2nd team: Gabe Alvarez (ss), Dan Hubbs (p) 1st team: Randy Flores (p) 2nd team: Gabe Alvarez (ss), Walter Dawkins (of ), Geoff Jenkins (of ) 1st team: Gabe Alvarez (ss), Jason Garner (p), Geoff Jenkins (of ) 2nd team: Walter Dawkins (of ), Randy Flores (p) 1st team: Seth Etherton (p), Jeff Inglin (of ), Jacque Jones (of ) 1st team: Seth Etherton (p), Jack Krawczyk (p) 2nd team: Morgan Ensberg (3b) 1st team: Jason Lane (of ), Barry Zito (p) 1st team: Brian Barre (of ), Alberto Concepcion (c), Michael Moon (ss) 2nd team: Joey Metropoulos (dh) 1st team: Jeff Clement (c), Ian Kennedy (p) 1st team: Cyle Hankerd (of )

ALL- CO NF ER ENC E H O NO R S /S EL E C T IO NS Conference Honors

1977 1978 1984 1995 2002

1991 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2005

Conference Player of the Year (since 1977)

1977 1978 1991 1995 1996 2002

Bill Bordley Tim Tolman (Southern Division) Mark McGwire (Southern Division) Geoff Jenkins (Southern Division) Alberto Concepcion

Conference Pitcher of the Year (since 1991)

Jackie Nickell (Southern Division) Randy Flores (Southern Division) Seth Etherton (Southern Division) Seth Etherton (Southern Division) Barry Zito Rik Currier (co-POY) Mark Prior Ian Kennedy

2000 2003 2007

Conference Coach of the Year (since 1977)

Rod Dedeaux Rod Dedeaux (Southern Division) Mike Gillespie (Southern Division) Mike Gillespie (Southern Division) Mike Gillespie (Southern Division) Mike Gillespie

Conference Freshman/Newcomer of the Year

Anthony Lunetta Jeff Clement Grant Green (co-FOTY)

Conference Selections 1937 1939



1943 1944 1945 1946

1947 1948


1950 1951 1952

1953 1954

1st: Joe Gonzales (p), Richard Herzog (of ), Hal Sieling (ss) 2nd: Dave Schwartz (1b) 1st: Jack Brewer (p), Roy Engle (c), Jack Hanson (ss), Art Lilly (ut), John Ramsey (of ) 2nd: Frank Holley (3b), Frank Koski (ut) 1st: Merrill Combs (ss), Bruce Konopka (1b), Frank Koski (ut), Charles Sylvester (of ) 2nd: Calvin Barnes (of ), Harold Urner (of ), Ed Vitalich (p) 1st: Calvin Barnes (of ), Bruce Konopka (1b), Ed Vitalich (p) 2nd: Bob DeLauer (c), Jack Palmer (ss), Robert White (3b), William White (of ), Tommy Wilkins (p) 1st: Roger Combs (3b), Ned Haskell (p), Don Palmer (c), Jack Palmer (ss), Al Spaeter (2b), Hal Urner (of ) 1st: Jim Hardy (3b), Art Murphy (of), Don Palmer (c), Hal Saltzman (p) 1st: Dick Baugh (3b), Lewis Comer (p), Blake Headley (of ), Clark Higgins (of ), Art Mazmanian (ss), Tom Phelps (ss) 1st: Bill Crutchfield (ss), Doug Essick (p), Don Palmer (c), Al Spaeter (2b), Bill Spaeter (1b), Bob Webster (p), Hank Workman (of ) 1st: Wally Hood (p), Jim Brideweser (2b), Gordon Jones (of ) 1st: Jim Brideweser (ss), Wally Hood (p), Art Mazmanian (2b), Hank Workman (of ) 2nd: Bruce McKelvey (c) HM: Bob Zuber (c), Bill Lillie (3b) 1st: Jim Brideweser (ss), Art Mazmanian (2b), Bruce McKelvey (c), Don Pender (p), Bob Zuber (c) 2nd: Hank Cedillos (3b), Rudy Regalado (1b), Jack Schlarb (p), Bill Sharman (of ) HM: Al Karan (of ) 1st: Al Lamont (1b), Jay Roundy (of ), Bob Zuber (c) 1st: Hal Charnofsky (of ), Stan Charnofsky (2b), Al Karan (3b), Tom Lovrich (p) 1st: Hal Charnofsky (ss), Stan Charnofsky (2b), Gary Killingsworth (3b), Tom Lovrich (p) 2nd: John Stevenson (of ) HM: Lou Bishara (of ) 1st: Ed Simpson (1b) 2nd: Lou Bishara (of ), Warner Boone (ut), John Garten (c) 1st: Bill Faddis (3b), John Garten (c), Gerry Mason (of ), John Stevenson (ut), Marty Zuanich (p) 2nd: Tony Santino (1b)








1962 1963 1964



1st: Kent Hadley (1b), Vic Lapiner (p), Gerry Mason (of ), Tony Santino (of ) 2nd: John Garten (c), James Oros (2b), Ralph Pausig (p), Gary Robin (of ), John Stevenson (ut) 1st: Bill Faddis (ss), Kent Hadley (1b), Ed Isherwood (p), Bud Pritchard (2b), Tony Santino (of ) 2nd: Bob Gerst (3b), Marty Zuanich (p) 1st: Ken Guffey (1b), Bill Olson (of ), Tom Shollin (of ), Dale Ziegler (p) HM: Mike Castanon (if ), Ed Isherwood (p) 1st: Mike Castanon (if ), Ron Fairly (of ), Ken Guffey (1b), Fred Scott (if ), Bill Thom (p) HM: Bruce Gardner (p), Jerry Siegert (of ), Johnny Werhas (if ) 1st: Len Gabrielson (of ), Bruce Gardner (p), Ken Guffey (1b), Rex Johnston (of), Fred Scott (ss), Bill Thom (p), Johnny Werhas (3b) 1st: Steve Bach (if ), Art Ersepke (of ), Bruce Gardner (p), Bill Heath (c), Bob Levingston (of ), Tom Satriano (if ) HM: Mike Gillespie (if ), Ron Stillwell (if ) 1st: Steve Bach (2nd), Art Ersepke (of ), Larry Himes (c), Willie Ryan (1b), Jim Withers (p) HM: Tom Satriano (3b) 1st: Bud Hollowell (c), Bob Levingston (of ) HM: Willie Ryan (if ), Ken Yaryan (p) 1st: Willie Brown (of ), Walt Peterson (p) HM: Bud Hollowell (c), Marty Piscovich (c), Ken Walker (if ) 1st: Joe Austin (ut), Walt Peterson (p), Gary Sutherland (ss) 2nd: Willie Brown (of ), Bud Hollowell (c), Larry Sandel (3b) HM: Marty Piscovich (c) 1st: Mike Garrett (of ), Daryl Wilkins (ut) 2nd: Marty Piscovich (c), Tom Seaver (p) HM: Joe Austin (if ), Justin Dedeaux (if ), Don Johnson (ut), Ken Walker (if ) 1st: Oscar Brown (of ), Steve Sogge (c), John Stewart (p) 2nd: Justin Dedeaux (2b), Pat Harrison (ss), Fred Shuey (of ) HM: Shelly Andrens (of ), Armando DeCastro (3b), John Herbst (p)





1970 1971

1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977

1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993


1995 1996

1st: Mike Adamson (p), Shelly Andrens (of ) 2nd: Pat Harrison (2b), Steve Sogge (c) HM: Reid Braden (of ), Ron Drake (3b), Tom House (p), Chuck Ramshaw (ss), Bill Seinsoth (1b) 1st: Reid Braden (of ), Pat Harrison (2b), Steve Sogge (c) 2nd: Jim Barr (p), Chuck Ramshaw (ss) HM: Bill Lee (p) 1st: Cal Meier (ss), Brent Strom (p) 2nd: Russ Bennett (of ), Bill Seinsoth (1b) HM: Jim Barr (p) 1st: Cal Meier (ss), Dan Stoligrosz (ut), Brent Strom (p) 2nd: Frank Alfano (2b), Jim Barr (p), Dave Kingman (of ) 1st: Mike Ball (2b), Steve Busby (p), Jeff Port (3b), Tim Steele (of ) 2nd: George Ambrow (ss), Craig Perkins (c), Mark Sogge (p) 1st: Sam Ceci (c), Fred Lynn (of ), Roy Smalley (ss), Tim Steele (of ), Greg Widman (p) 1st: Rich Dauer (3b), Ed Putnam (c), Randy Scarbery (p), Roy Smalley (ss) 1st: Rich Dauer (3b), Russ McQueen (p), Creighton Tevlin (of ) 1st: Marvin Cobb (2b), Steve Kemp (1b), Dennis Littlejohn (c), Pete Redfern (p) 1st: Rob Hertel (3b), Bob Mitchell (of ), John Racanelli (p) 1st: Bill Bordley (p), Dave Engle (3b), Brian Hayes (p), Dave Hostetler (1b), Doug Stokke (ss), Bruce Tonascia (dh), Dave Van Gorder (c) 1st: Bill Bordley (p), Dave Engle (3b), Brian Hayes (p), Chris Smith (dh), Doug Stokke (ss), Tim Tolman (of ) 1st: Bill Peltola (p), Marty Wilkerson (3b) 1st: Dan Davidsmeier (if ), Dave Leeper (of ) 1st: John Wallace (of ) 1st: Mark McGwire (1b), John Wallace (of ) HM: Bob Gunnarsson (p) 1st: Sid Akins (p), Jeff Brown (of ), Mark McGwire (1b) HM: Jack Del Rio (c), Randy Robertson (p), Rick Weible (p) HM: Brad Brink (p), Damon Oppenheimer (c), Jeff Wetherby (of ) 1st: Brad Brink (p), Dan Henley (if ), Scott Sommers (dh) 1st: Brian Nichols (util), Keith Watkins (of ) HM: Rodney Peete (if), Don Buford (if), Al Villasenor (if), Terry Brown (of) 1st: Bret Barbarie (if ), Jim Campanis (c), Rodney Peete (if ) 1st: Bret Boone (if ), John Jackson (of ), Randy Powers (p) 1st: Jeff Cirillo (ut), Randy Powers (p) HM: Jackie Nickell (p), John Jackson (of ), Brett Jenkins (if 1st: Jeff Cirillo (if ), Brett Jenkins (if ), Phil Kendall (p), Jackie Nickell (p), Mike Robertson (1b), Mark Smith (of ) 1st: Bobby Hughes (c) HM: Jackie Nickell (p) 1st: Gabe Alvarez (if), Casey Burrill (c), Dan Hubbs (p), J.P. Roberge (of) HM: Mike Collett (p), Geoff Jenkins (of ) 1st: Gabe Alvarez (if ), Aaron Boone (if ), Walter Dawkins (of ), Randy Flores (p), Geoff Jenkins (of ), J.P. Roberge (1b) HM: Lionel Hastings (if ) 1st: Gabe Alvarez (ss), Walter Dawkins (of ), Randy Flores (p), Jason Garner (p), Geoff Jenkins (of ), Jacque Jones (of ) 1st: Seth Etherton (p), Randy Flores (p), Jeff Inglin (of ), Jacque Jones (of ), Chad Moeller (c), Greg Walbridge (1b) HM: Paul Cruz (dh), Morgan Ensberg (3b), Scott Henderson (p), Jack Krawczyk (p), Marc Mirizzi (ss), Ryan Stromsborg (2b)











2007 2008



2011 2012

1st: Seth Etherton (p), Marc Mirizzi (ss), Eric Munson (c), Wes Rachels (2b) HM: Jason Brown (c), Randy Flores (p), Jack Krawczyk (p), Greg Walbridge (1b) 1st: Seth Davidson (ss), Morgan Ensberg (3b), Seth Etherton (p), Robb Gorr (1b), Jack Krawczyk (p) HM: Jeremy Freitas (of ), Eric Munson (c), Wes Rachels (2b), Brad Ticehurst (of ) 1st: Dominic Correa (2b), Seth Davidson (ss), Greg Hanoian (of ), Jason Lane (of ), Barry Zito (lhp) HM: Beau Craig (ut), Justin Lehr (rhp), Eric Munson (c) 1st: Beau Craig (c), Justin Gemoll (3b) HM: Seth Davidson (ss), Rob Garibaldi (of ), Josh Persell (ut), Mark Prior (rhp), Anthony Reyes (rhp) 1st: Brian Barre (of ), Rik Currier (rhp), Mark Prior (rhp) HM: Alberto Concepcion (c), Anthony Lunetta (2b), Michael Moon (3b), Bill Peavey (1b), Josh Persell (dh) 1st: Brian Barre (cf ), Alberto Concepcion (c), Joey Metropoulos (dh), Bill Peavey (1b), Anthony Reyes (rhp) HM: Cory Campos (lhp), Anthony Lunetta (2b), Michael Moon (ss), Nick Mosich (ut) 1st: Jeff Clement (c), Anthony Lunetta (ss) HM: Brian Bannister (rhp), Travis McAndrews (of ), Joey Metropoulos (1b), Bobby Paschal (lhp), Anthony Reyes (rhp) 1st: Jeff Clement (c), Ian Kennedy (rhp) HM: Jon Brewster (of ), Baron Frost (of ), Billy Hart (3b), Michael Moon (if ), Blake Sharpe (if ) 1st: Jeff Clement (c), Ian Kennedy (rhp) HM: Matt Cusick (1b), Hector Estrella (2b), Cyle Hankerd (of ), Billy Hart (3b), Blake Sharpe (ss), Jack Spradlin (lhp) 1st: Matt Cusick (3b), Cyle Hankerd (of ) HM: Hector Estrella (ss), Baron Frost (of/dh), Ian Kennedy (rhp), Blake Sharpe (2b), Darin Vieira (of ) None 1st: Grant Green (ss) HM: Nick Buss (of ), Ryan Cook (rhp), Kevin Couture (rhp), Roberto Lopez (of ), Tommy Milone (lhp), Derek Perren (1b) Robert Stock (c/rhp), Anthony Vasquez (of/lhp) 1st: Brad Boxberger (rhp), Grant Green (ss) HM: Ricky Oropesa (1b/rhp), Robert Stock (c/rhp), Anthony Vasquez (of/lhp) 1st: Ricky Oropesa (1b) HM: Joe De Pinto (util), Matt Foat (of ), Cade Kreuter (of ), Adam Landecker (if ), Chris Mezger (rhp), Ben Mount (rhp), Mike O'Neill (of ), Kevin Roundtree (c), Andrew Triggs (rhp) 1st: Ricky Oropesa (1b) HM: Joe De Pinto (2b), Kevin Roundtree (c), Alex Sherrod (of ) HM: Matt Foat (1b), Stephen Tarpley (p)

Cal Meier


Brian Barre

U S A B A S EB ALL Due to an act of Congress in 1978, USA Baseball is the National Governing Body for the sport and represents amateur baseball in America as a member of the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and the International Baseball Association (IBAF). Virtually every major national amateur baseball organization in America is united as a USA Baseball National Member. As a result, USA Baseball governs more than 20 million amateur players in ballparks and playgrounds across the country. The USC baseball program has a great relationship with USA Baseball as many Trojans have played for Team USA. A total of 13 Trojans have played on the U.S. National Team with five players playing in back-to-back seasons. In a study conducted by USA Baseball, USC ranks second among collegiate programs. The study combined the number of players, total number of participations and number of years out of the total that each program produced at least one National Team member. The list includes: Mark McGwire (1984), Sid Akins (1984), Brad Brink (1985), Bret Barberie (1988), Geoff Jenkins (1994), Randy Flores (1994), Jacque Jones (1995 and 1996), Eric Munson (1997 and 1998), Seth Davidson (1998), Mark Prior (2000), Anthony Reyes (2000 and 2001), Jeff Clement (2003 and 2004) and Ian Kennedy (2004 and 2005). The USA Baseball National Team consists of the top collegiate baseball players in the country. The team performs on a Red, White and Blue Tour each summer - a schedule of exhibition games all across America versus the world’s top baseball talent. They also take on the Japanese Collegiate All-Stars in an annual five-game series.

Jeff Clement (upper left) and Ian Kennedy (upper right) were members of the 2004 U.S. National Team. Kennedy also played on the 2005 U.S. National Team. Clement (middle left) is shown after he hit the game-winning grand slam in the bottom of the 8th inning in a 5-2 tournament semifinal win against Chinese Taipei. Team USA went on to win the FISU II World University Baseball Championship in Taiwan. Anthony Reyes (middle left) was a two-time member of the U.S. Team. Jacque Jones (bottom left) is at the plate at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, where Team USA won the bronze medal. Mark McGwire (bottom right) had his number (41) with Team USA retired in a special ceremony at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Missouri.


LETTER WI NNER S Current Players in Bold

A Acevedo, John 1925 Adams, Halley 1924 Adams, Harold (Hobbs) 1924,25 Adamson, John M. (Mike) 1967 Adolph, Jeff 2000,01 Adolph, Rob 1972,73,74 Aguilar, Richard 2005 Aguirre, J.R. 2011, 12 Akins, Sid 1982,83,84 Alfano, Frank J. 1969,70,71 Allaire, Robert 1932,33,34 Allen, Eddie 1953,54 Allen, James G. 1980,81 Allen, Robert 1929,30 Allen, Robert L. 1957 Allison 1908 Alvarez, Gabe 1993,94,95 Ambrow, George 1971 Anderson, Dennis A. 1961,62 Anderson, Dyle 1942 Andrens, Sheldon 1965,66,67 Ane, Jr., Charles 1951 Anguiano, Frank 1984 Anguiano, Manny 1985,86,87 Appleby, James 1934 Appleton, Jon 1985 Arbelbeide, Garrett 1930,31,32 Ardell, Daniel M. 1961 Arenstein, Daryl 1970,71,72,73 Arnold, David 1892 Arnold, Ron 1979,80 Atchley, Euel 1944 Aubrey, Truman 1961,62 Auguston, Gus 1933 Aurand, Corey 1989,91 Austin, Joseph T. 1963,64,65



Baber, Norman 1924 Bach, Steven N. 1959,60,61 Badgro, Morris (Red) 1925,26,27 Badham, Willard 1943 Baker, Clyde 1934,35 Baker, Derek 1995 Ball, Michael 1969,70,71 Bane, Danny Taylor 1968 Bankston, Gene 1932,33,34 Bannister, Brett 2002,03,05 Bannister, Brian 2000,01,02,03 Barberie, Bret 1988 Barnes, Calvin 1940,41,42 Barnes, Craig 1972,73 Barnes, Kurt 1926 Barr, James L. 1968,69,70 Barr, Mark S. 1973,74 Barre, Brian 1999,00,01,02 Barsumian, Herbert 1931,32 Barudon, James J. 1957,58,59 Bast, Nick 2011,12 Bast, Ryan 2009,10,11 Bast, Steve 1984,85,86 Batesole, Bobby 1980,81,82,83 Baugh, Richard 1945 Bauman, H.C. 1924 Beamesderfer, Kurt 1983 Beard, Francis 1933 Beck, Danny 2008 Becker 1914 Becker, Bob J. 1942,43

Beckwith, M.W. 1900,01,02,03 Beer, Darrin 1987,88,89 Benedetti, Jeffrey 1974,75 Bennett, Russell L. 1969,70 Benson, George 1912,13,14,15 Bentley, Greely 1892,93 Benzor, Reynaldo 1978 Berardino, John 1937 Berg, David 1962 Berger, Morris 1916 Berhel, Nick 2012 Bescos, Julius 1932,34 Bevington, Russell 1927,28 Bhagwat, Thomas P. 1974 Bianchi, Steve 1942 Biasotti, Donald 1957,58 Bidwell 1918 Bierek, Kurt 1992,93 Bishara, Elias (Lou) 1951,52,53 Bishop, Dick 1946,47,48 Blair, Dave 1979 Blakeslee, Robert W. 1957,58,59 Blanchard, Don 1935 Blankenship, Jeffrey 1980,81,82 Blewett, Michael 1957,58 Bomke, Jack 1939,40,41 Bonovich, Matt 2001,02 Boone, Aaron 1992,93,94 Boone, Bret 1988,89,90 Boone, Warner 1951,52,53 Boras, Shane 2009,11 Boras, Trent 2012 Bordley, William 1977,78 Boswell, Albert 1929,30,31 Bothwell, Lindley 1921,22,23 Bowman, Charles 1941 Bowman, Edwin J. 1973 Bowden, Johnny 2006,07 Boxberger, Brad 2007,08,09 Boxberger, Rodney 1976,77,78 Braden, Reid Dennis 1967,68 Bray, W. 1899 Breskovich, Ben 1959 Brett, Beau 2009,10 Brewer, Jack 1938,39,40 Brewster, Jon 2001,02,03,04 Brideweser, Jim 1947,48,49 Bridwell, Walter 1907,08,13 Brink, Brad 1984,85,86 Broderick, Ryan 2003,05 Broderson 1899 Brooks, Brian 1985,86 Brown 1918 Brown, Fred 1898 Brown, James Everett 1962,63 Brown, Jason 1994,95,96,97 Brown, Jeff 1981,82,84 Brown, Keith 1978,79 Brown, Oscar 1966 Brown, Terry 1985,86,87 Brown, William W. 1966,67,68 Brown, Willie F. 1962,63,64 Buchanan, George 1931,32,33 Buford, Damon 1988,89,90 Buford, Don 1958,59 Buford, Don Jr. 1986,87 Bumstead, William 1978 Burchit, Jimmy 1992,93 Burdick, Robert Lee 1953,54,55 Burkhead, John L. 1950,51 Burrill, Casey 1990,91,92,93

Busby, Steven 1970,71 Buss, Nick 2007,08 Butler, Bret 2002,03,04 Buxbaum, Brandon 2006 Byran 1913,14

C Caballero, Edward 1927,28,29 Cabral, Ryan 2008,09,10,11 Campanis, Jim 1986,87,88 Camperi, Jerry 1952,53 Camperi, Joe 1960 Campos, Cory 2002 Canepa, Louis 1914,15,16 Carey, Edwin 1968 Carma, Corey 2012 Carmack, Jim 1982 Carpenter, Dick 1937,38 Carpenter, Mark 1974,75,76 Carr, Chester 1953,54 Carson, Glen 1994,95 Carter, Gordon 1970,71 Carver, Charles 1893 Casillas, Carlos 1997,98,99 Casillas, Oscar 1999 Casillas, German 1993,94 Cassel, Matt 2004 Castanon, Mike 1957,58 Castillo, Keith 2007,08,09,10 Catron, John C. (Mike) 1947,48 Cecchini, James 1979,80,81,82 Cecchini, James Sr. 1956,57 Ceci, Samuel 1970,71,72 Cedillos, Henry 1947,48,49 Cesca, David 1950,51,52 Chabre, Gus 1923,24,25 Chambers, Earl 1941,42,43 Charnofsky, Harold 1951,52 Charnofsky, Stanley 1950,51,52 Chico, Matt 2002 Chrisholm, Homer 1925 Christiansen, John 1957,58 Cirillo, Jeff 1988,89,90,91 Clark 1899 Clark 1911 Clark, Chad 2000,01,02 Clark, F.W. 1923 Clemens, Craig 1982 Clement, Jeff 2003,04,05 Cleveland, Len 1893 Cleveland, Robert 1949 Cobb, Marvin 1973,74,75 Coffey, George 1926 Coffin, Timothy 1971,72 Coffman, Theodore 1925,26,27 Cohn, Thomas 1912 Collett, Mike 1991 Collins, Charles 1924 Combs, Merrill 1940,41 Combs, Roger 1943 Comer, Luis 1945 Comstock, Boyd 1907 Concepcion, Alberto 2000,01,02 Connor, James A. 1979,80,81 Conroy, James Joseph 1958 Conte, J. 1953 Cook 1898 Cook, Ronald E. 1964,65,66 Cook, Ryan 2006,07,08 Cooney, Frank 1909,11 Cooper, Brian 1995 Cooper, Daniel 2008,09

Mike Adamson

Bret Barberie

Kurt Bierek

Don Buford

Jeff Cirillo


Walter Dawkins

Cornelius, C.H. 1924 Correa, Dominic 1998,99 Coscarart, Gary 1964,65 Cotto Lozada, Omar 2011,12 Couchee, Mike 1979,80 Coulombe, Danny 2009 Counts, Carroll M.K. 1915,17 Couture, Kevin 2007,08,09,10 Cox, Joseph Roger 1965,66 Cox, Kris 2002 Craig, Beau 1999,00 Crandall, Bob 1946 Crawford, John A. 1962 Critchley 1914 Crosby, Lewis 1939 Cross, Richard 1970,71 Crossman, Ralph 1909,11,14 Crowley, Michael D. 1962 Crutchfield, William 1946,47 Cruz, Paul 1995,96 Cullenward, Nelson 1935,36,37 Cummings, John 1989,90 Currier, Rik 1998,99,00,01 Curry, Willard 1917,18 Cusick, Matt 2005,06,07


Jack Del Rio

Morgan Ensberg

Robb Gorr

Danielson, Glenn 1944 Darby 1907 Dauer, Richard F. 1973,74 Davidsmeier, Daniel 1980,81 Davidson, Joseph 1944 Davidson, Seth 1998,99,00,01 Davidson, Thomas 1945 Davis, Anthony 1973,74 Davis, Robert 1912 Dawkins, Walter 1992,93,94,95 Dawson, Bud 1941,42 Decarbo, Anthony 1956,57,58 DeCastro, Armando 1964,65,66 Decker 1913 Dedeaux, Adam 2008,09,10 Dedeaux, Raoul 1933,34,35 Dedeaux, Justin 1963,65,66 Dedeaux, Terrance M. 1973 Degener, Kyle 2005,06 Delanty 1899 DeLauer, Bob 1941,42 DeLeau, Stephen 1962,63,64 Del Rio, Jack 1983,84 DePinto, Joe 2008,09,10,11 DePippo, Jeff 1996,97,98 Detwiler, Ed 1981 Dewey, Todd 1982 Diaz, Ernie 1995,96 Dickinson 1908 Dihel, Lawrence 1927,28,29 Dillon, Jack 1927 Dizard, Fraser 2001,02,03 Doktor, Philip G. 1975 Donabedian, Sam 1975,76,77 Donnelly, Kent 1991,92,93 Douthit, Brad 2009,10,11,12 Drake, Ronald V. 1967,68 Drury, Dave 1981 Duda, Lucas 2005,06,07 Dudley, Richard 1953 Dunn, John 2006,07


Rob Hertel

Echart 1921 Edmonds, John Stanley 1980,81 Edwards, William D. 1973

Ehlers, Eugene A. 1929,30,31 Elliott, Howard 1928 Encinas, Anthony 2005,07,08 Engle, Dave 1977,78 Engle, Roy 1938,39,40 Ensberg, Morgan 1995,96,97,98 Epstein, Ian 1992,93,94 Eriksen, Tanner 2000 Ernest 1907 Ersepke, Arthur 1960,61 Essick, Douglas 1942,45,46 Estrella, Hector 2004,05,06,07 Etherton, Seth 1995,96,97,98 Evans, Joel 1933,34,35 Evans, Lester G. 1938,39,40 Evans, Roy (Swede) 1922,23

F Faddis, William Russel 1954,55,56 Failor, Lewis (Walt) 1969 Fairly, Ronald 1958 Farlow, Kevin 1989 Farrar, Ray 1921,22,23 Ferguson, Wilson 1933 Fertig, Mark 1989,90,91,92 Fiedler, Dick 1948,49 Filarey, Jason 2003 Finigan, Tery J.P. 1954,56,57 Fisher, Lawrence 1963,64,65 Fisher, William 1924 Flanagan, Warren 1946 Flores, Dante 2011 Flores, Randy 1994,95,96,97 Flores, Ronald 1998,99,00 Foat, Matt 2010,11,12 Fobbs, Larry 1975,76,78 Fodor, John 1966,67 Fogel, Josh 2004,05,06 Foltz, Robert 1941 Forbes, Robert T. 1941 Forney, Harold 1933,34 Foss, Floyd 1912,13 Foss, Roy M. 1922,23,24 Franklin, Ben 1933 Frazier 1911 Freeman, Chuck 1949,50 Freeman, Milton 1944 Freeman, Orrin 1970,71 Freeman, Serge 1948,49,50 Freer 1921 Freitas, Jeremy 1997,98 Friedman, Michael 2004,05 Frost, Baron 2003,04,05,06 Fuhrer, Bob 1935 Fujiya, Shuhei 2010 Fuller, Paul 1985,86,87

G Gabrielson, Douglas 1964,65,66 Gabrielson, Leonard 1959 Gabrielson, Randy 1983,84,85 Gagle, Edward 1963,64,65 Galindo, Charles 1926,27,28 Ganser, Cole 2004 Garcia, Brandon 2009,10,11,12 Garcia, Chico 1991 Gardner, Bruce 1958,59,60 Gardocki, Ray 1993 Garibaldi, Rob 2000,01 Garner, Jason 1993,94,95 Garrett, Lewis 1892,93 Garrett, Michael Lockett 1965 Garrett, Samuel 1892

Garten, John W. 1952,53,54,55 Garton 1893 Gates, Austin 1908,09 Gemoll, Darren 2007 Gemoll, Justin 1999,00 George, James 1970,71 Gerpheide, Ben 1924 Gerst, Bob 1954,55,56 Getschine, Alexander 1925,26 Gewecke, Cliff 1953 Gewecke, Steve 1988,89 Gibson, Webster 1926,27,28 Gil, Danny 1989,90 Gillespie, Michael 1960,61,62 Gillick, Pat 1957,58 Gipe, Garrett 2005,06 Glassman, Tom Tony 1960 Glenn, Alex 2010,11 Gomez, Cesar 2000 Gonzales, Joe 1935,36,37 Gonzales, Moy 1993 Gooch, John E. 1930,31,32 Goodrich, Clifford 1962,63,64 Gordon, David 2002, 03 Gordon, Howard (Buddy) 1965,66 Gordon, Spencer 2002, 03 Gorman, Elmer 1927,28,29 Gorman, Harry 1946 Gormsen, R.A. (Roy) 1925,26,27 Gorr, Robb 1996,97,98 Gorski, Joseph 1945 Gower, Harrison 1911 Gower, John 1911,12 Gray, John 1892,93 Greco, Mike 2010,11 Green, Edward 1925 Green, George 1898 Green, Grant 2007,08,09 Gregg 1899 Gregory, Scott 1974,75,76,77 Griffin, Neal 1930,31 Griffith, Homer 1932 Grigsby, Taylor 2008 Grijalva, Jeff 2008,09 Grossman, Phil 1928 Guffey, Kenneth Alvin 1957,58,59 Guggia, Milton 1970,71,72 Guichard, Leo 1925,26,27 Guild, George 1927 Guillen, James 2011,12 Gunnarsson, Robert 1980,81,82,83 Guy, Andy 2005

H Hackney, Paul 1918 Hadley, Kent 1954,55,56 Haley, Christopher 1979,80 Halliday 1898 Hanby, Douglas 1929,30,31 Handley, Clark 1946 Hankammer, Larry 1960,61 Hankerd, Cyle 2004,05,06 Hanlon, Bill 1934,35,36 Hanoian, Greg 1996,97,98,99 Hanson, Jack M. 1938,39,40 Hardy, Donald (Russell) 1944 Hardy, James 1944,45,46 Harrington, Jack Lewis 1969 Harris, Richard 1955 Harrison, James P. 1966,67,68 Hart, Billy 2003, 04, 05 Hart, Matt 2010,11


LETTER WI NNER S Hart, Seth 1893 Harty, Nat S. 1962,63 Haserot, Dave 1947,48,49,50 Haskel, Don 1912,13 Haskell, Edward (Ned) 1943,46,47 Hastings, Lionel 1991,92,93,94 Hatch, William 1911 Hawkins, John 1923,24 Hayes, Brian Alan 1976,77,78 Headley, Blake 1945 Heath, William C. 1958,59,60 Hefner, George 1949,50 Hellman, Wendell 1934 Hemond, Jay 1988 Henderson, Ryan 1991,92 Henderson, Scott 1994,95,96,97 Henley, Dan 1983,84,85,86 Henley, Gail C. 1948 Herbst, John 1965,66,67 Herman, Donald E. 1950,51,52 Hernandez, Jake 2011,12 Hershiser, Jordan 2008,11,12 Hertel, Rick 1976,77 Hertel, Robert 1950,51,52 Hertel, Robert A. 1974,75,76,77 Herzog, Richard 1935,36,37 Heslop, Steven 1981,82 Heublein, Brian W. 1973,74 Hicks, Thomas Arnold 1976,77,78 Hiestand, Burke (Bert) 1927 Higgins, Clark 1945 Hildebrand, Al G. 1931,32,33 Hill, Frederick 1963,64 Hill, Jess T. 1930 Hill, Larry D. 1975 Hillman 1917 Hillman, Peter Martin 1962,63 Himes, Larry 1960,61 Hodgins, Dave 1978,79,80 Hoeck, Kenneth M. 1955,56,57 Hoffman, Hugo 1946 Hofmann, Colin 2009 Hokuf, Gregg 1987,88 Holbrook, Ernest 1933,34,35 Holland, Clifton 1973,74 Holley, Frank K. 1938,39,40 Holloway, Clayton 1914,15,16,17 Hollowell, Bud Ryan 1962,63,64 Holman, Gary 1963 Holt, Toby 1990,92 Holzhousen, Theodore 1929,30 Homik, William L. 1968 Homrig, Paul 1979,80 Hood, Wally Jr. 1947,48 Hookstratten, Ed 1950,52,53 Horst, Maynard 1946,48,49 Hostetler, Dave 1977,78 House, Thomas 1967 Housley, Ken 1985,86 Houts, Garret 2009,10,11,12 Hubbs, Dan 1991,92,93 Hudson, Arthur 1930 Hudson, Roy M. 1931,32,33 Huff, William 1968,69 Hughes, Bobby 1992 Hughes, Eric 1990,91 Huizenga, Kenneth 1972,73,74 Hunter, John K. 1924,25



Immel, Steve Inglin, Jeff

1996,97,98,99 1996

Isherwood, Ed


J Jackson, John 1988,89,90 Jacot, Norman 1935,36,37 Jae, N. Michael 1974,75 Jaffe, Jay 1968,69 Jameson, Jeff 1966,67 Janik, Kevin 1984,85,86,87 Jansen, Emmett 1944 Jenkins, Brett 1989,90,91 Jenkins, Geoff 1993,94,95 Jensen, Sherman 1933 Johnson 1899 Johnson, Abe 1928,29 Johnson, Albert 1950 Johnson, Donald L. 1964,65 Johnson, John 1986 Johnson, Kendrick 1918 Johnson, Randy 1983,84,85 Johnston, Rex David 1958,59 Jones, Craig 1996,97,98 Jones, Gordon Jr. 1947,48 Jones, Gordon Lee III 1979,80,81 Jones, Jacque 1994,95,96 Jones, Morey 1923,24 Jones, Robert 1944 Jorgenson, Elwood 1932,34

K Kalter, Zack 2005 Kammeyer, Tim 1980,81 Karan, Albert 1949,50,51 Keeling, George 1951 Keester, Robert 1956,57 Kemp, Stephen 1973,74,75 Kemp, Thomas P. 1951 Kendall, Phil 1988,89,90,91 Kennedy, Ian 2004,05,06 Kenney, Peter O. 1960,61,62 Kent, Ashton 2009,10 Kessler, Charles 1929 Killingsworth, Gary 1951,52 Kincaid, Howard 1921,23 Kingman, David 1969,70 Kinoshita, Mas 1949 Kipp, Tom 1946 Klein, Nate 2007 Kolts 1918 Konopka, Bruce 1940,41,42 Korner, Terrill 1982,83 Koski, Frank 1939,40,41 Koss, Paul 2004,05,06,07 Kotler, Brendan 2006,08 Kramer, Shaun 1999 Krawczyk, Jack 1995,96,97,98 Kreiger, William Karl 1927,28,29 Kreuter, Cade 2010 Kritzer, Gregory 1966 Kuehner, James Pat 1966,67,68

L Lachemann, Marcel Lamb, Raymond Lambert, Keith Lambert, Michael Kurtiss Lamont, Allan Landecker, Adam Landy, Leonard Lane, Jason Lapiner, Victor Bruce Laraneta, Manual Lasas, Albert Latter, Dave

1960,61,62 1964,65,66 1939,40 1976 1950,51,52 2010,11,12 1953,54 1998,99 1953,54,55 1926 1963,64,65 1987,88,89

Laughed, B. 1893 Lavin, John 1947 Leach, Robert B. 1974, 75,76 Lee, William F. 1966,67,68 Leeper, Dave 1979,80,81 Lefebvre, Henry 1924 Legaspi, Dale 2002,03,04,05 Lehr, Justin 1999 Leif, Vernon 1940 Lepe, Raul 1999,00 Leppe, Louis 1928 Levingston, Robert W. 1960,62 Lillard, Martin 1966 Lillie, William 1947,48 Lillis, Bob 1950,51 Lilly, Art 1937,38,39 Littlejohn, Dennis 1973,74,75 Loera, Javier 1988 Longley, Edward 1892 Lopez, Roberto 2005,06,07,08 Lory, Robert 1976 Lotz, Marvin 1962,63 Lovrich, Jack 1953,54,55 Lovrich, Thomas 1950,51,52 Lueke, Lloyd 1934 Lunetta, Anthony 2000,01,02,03 Lunn, Joe P. 1938 Lynch 1913,14 Lynn, Fred 1971,72,73 Lynn, Paul 1898 Lyons, Warren 1940

Dave Hostetler

John Jackson

M MacDonald, Philip 1968 Macklin, Michael 1962 Maddox 1912,13 Maggio, Carl Paul 1955,56 Mahoney, Clarence 1912 Malani, Shon 1992,93,94 Malconian, Mark 1979,81,82 Maloney, Tom 1926,27 Mancuso, Mike 1991,92,93,94 Manlove, Ferdinand 1926,27,28 Marchica, Thomas 1978,79,80 Marks, Terry 1982 Martin, Austin 1898 Martin, Harry 1892,93 Martin, Morton 1898 Martindale, Denzel 1974 Martlaro, Steve 2005,06 Marxen, E. 1917,18 Mason, Gerald 1954,55 Mastroyannakis, Mike 1990 Matern, Richard 1960 Maurer, George 1918 Mauritson, Ernest 1976,77,78 Mayer, Greg 1987 Mazmanian, Arthur 1945,47,48,49 McAndrews, Travis 2002,03 McCaffery, Chris 2008,11 McCauley, Mark 2002 McCombs, Richard 1968,69 McCreight, Kenneth 1944,46,47 McDonald, Jack 1935 McDowell, James 1978,79,80 McGwire, Mark 1982,83,84 McKelvey, Bruce 1948,49 McKnight 1908 McKnight, Bob 1939 McLane, John 1959 McNamee, Michael 1960,61 McQueen, Russell 1971,72,73,74

Jacque Jones

Marcel Lachemann

Bill Lee


Jackie Nickell

Damon Oppenheimer

Rodney Peete

McQuigg, Theodore 1926 Meier, Floyd Calvin 1968,69,70 Meister, Mickey 1981,82,83 Mejia, Javier 1994,95,96 Mena, Charlie 1953,56 Menzhuber, Chuck 1979,81 Merz, Gerald 1961 Metropoulos, Joey 2002,03,04 Meyer, Alfred 1973,74,75 Mezger, Chris 2008,09,10,11 Migita, Lance 1992 Mikesell, Glenn 1927 Milke, George 1973,74,75 Millay, Gavin 1992 Miller 1913 Miller 1917 Miller, Austin 2004 Miller, Erwin 1898 Miller, Kevin 2000 Miller, William Fred 1956 Millikan, Charles 1912,13,14 Mills, Richard W. 1961 Milone, Tommy 2006,07,08 Minassian, Richard 1932,33,34 Mirizzi, Marc 1996,97 Mitchell, James 1985,86 Mitchell, Robert V. 1974,75,76,77 Mizuguchi, Reid 1989,90,91 Moeller, Chad 1994,95,96 Moffatt, Richard 1945 Mohler, Orville 1930,31,32 Moll, Vincent 1972 Montallegro, Vincent 1976 Montanez, Abel 2000,01 Montgomery, Reggie 1982,83 Montoya, Alfonso 1994,95,96 Montrenes, Pete 1999,00 Moon, Michael 2001,02,03,04 Moore, Morris 1924,25,26 Morales, Michael 2001,02 Morehouse 1898 Morgan, M.E. 1898 Moritz, Thomas 1980,81 Morris, Billy 1990,91,92 Morrisset, John W. 1969,70,71 Morrow, John 1933,34,35 Mosich, Nick 2002 Mount, Ben 2009,10,11,12 Munoz, Anthony 1978 Munson, Eric 1997,98,99 Munson, Matt 2011,12 Murdock, Wayne 1938,39,40 Murphy, Arthur 1944


Wes Rachels

Nealey 1908 Nelson, Barry 1964 Newell, Kenneth 1912 Newman, Wallace 1923,24,25 Nichols, Brian 1985,86,87,88 Nichols, Jack 1945 Nickell, Jackie 1988,90,91,92 Nieto, Tony 1991,92,93,94 Noah, Charles 1944,45,46,47 Nootbaar, Nigel 2012


Randy Scarbery

Oakes, Corby 1987,88 O’Connor 1913 Odom, Logan 2010,11 Ogden, Bob 1982,83 Olhasso, John 1936,37,38 Oliver, Ernest 1893

Olsen, Shawn 2006,07 Olson, Dan 1973,74 Olson, Frederick 1955,56,57 Olson, Jordan 2001,02,03 O'Neill, Mike 2007,08,09,10 Oppenheimer, Damon 1984,85 Oram, Edward 1935 Oropesa, Ricky 2009,10,11 Oros, James 1953,54,55 Orsatti, Vic 1926 Osborn 1899 Ostoich, Yube 1936 Owen, J.J. 2006,07

P Pabst, George 1934,35,36 Pabst, Spencer 2005,06,07 Palmer, David 1943,44,46 Palmer, Jack 1942,43 Paperny, Justin 1994,96 Parker, Jerry Lee 1956,57 Parle, Justin 1993,94,95,96 Parrow, David 2006,07 Paschal, Bobby 2003,04 Patterson, Leland 1915,16 Pausig, Ralph W. 1954,55 Peavey, Bill 2000,01,02 Peck 1907 Peckham 1918 Pederson, Jeff 1970,71,72 Pederson, Stuart 1980,81 Peete, Rodney 1985,87,88 Peltola, William 1979,80,81 Pender, Don 1949 Pennachio, Frank 1978,79 Pennell, Larry 1947 Penney, Mike 1996,97,98 Perales, Daniel 2004,05,06 Peres-Alston, Tony 2000 Perkins, Craig D. 1969,70,71 Perren, Derek 2007,08 Perry, Kalani 1985,86,87,88 Perry, Rod Jr. 1998 Persell, Josh 1998,99,00,01 Pesquaria 1921 Peters, John 1943 Peters, Kenneth 1934,35,36 Peterson, Walter 1963,64 Petke, Tim 1999,00 Petrushkin, Alex 1936,37,38 Phelps, Thomas 1945,46,47 Phillips, Charles David 1975,76 Pinkerton, Billy 2008,09 Piscovich, Martin 1963,64,65 Ponce, George 1981,82 Ponchak, Brian 1994,95,96,97 Port, Jeffrey Sanford 1970,71,72 Port, Randy A. 1967,68,69 Powers, Randy 1987,88,89,90 Pratt, Parnell 1898 Price, Gerald 1978,79 Price, Larry 1983,84 Price, Phil 1986 Prior, Mark 2000,01 Pritchard, Harold (Buddy) 1955,56 Proctor, Murph 1988,89,90,91 Pryor, Chuck 1948,49,50 Psaltis, Spiro 1979,80,81 Pullins, Bert 1926 Purcell, Robert 1928,29,30 Putman, Eddy 1973,74

Q Quinonez, Rudy Quintanilla, Tim

2003 1987,88,89,90

R Rabago, Hector 2007,08,09 Racanelli, John 1974,75,76 Rachels, Wes 1995,96,97,98 Raczka, Richard 1969,70 Rafalovich, Ted 1935,36,37 Rafferty, Tom 1926 Raich, Eric 1971 Ramirez, Sam 2001 Ramsey, John 1937,38,39 Ramshaw, Charles 1967,68 Raney, Neil 1924 Rankin, Dave 1951,53 Raring, Dusty 1990,91 Ratigan, Thomas 1980,81 Redfern, Peter 1974,75 Reed, Wallace 1911 Rees, James W. 1964,65 Regalado, Rudy 1949,50 Reilley, John 1986,87 Reinke, Jeffrey 1973,74,75 Rendal 1893 Reuman, Clifford 1933,34 Reyes, Anthony 2000,01,02,03 Reynolds, Rick 1988 Riach, Tom 1949,50,51 Rice, Rick 1976 Rice, Will 2007,08 Richardson, Charles 1908,09 Richter, Kyle 2011,12 Ricks, Tom 1975,76,77 Riddle, John 1922,23 Ridings, Gene 1932 Ris, Greg 1977 Ristow, Rod Jr. 1953,54 Roark, Pat 1969 Roberge, J.P. 1992,93,94 Roberson, Foster 1950 Roberts, Frank 1934,35,36 Roberts, James 2011,12 Robertson, Mike 1989,90,91 Robertson, Randy 1983,84 Robin, Gary 1953,54,55 Rockwell, John 1967,68,69 Roddy, John 1983,84 Rodriguez, Andres 2012 Roebuck, Ron 1984,85 Rose, Don 1951 Roskopf, Mike 2008 Rothwill, Herbert 1931,32,33 Roudebush 1907 Roundtree, Kevin 2009,10,11,12 Roundy, Jay 1949,50 Rousselot, Craig 1976 Rummonds, Josh 2001,02,03,04 Ryan, William J. 1960,61,62

S Sacks, Davis Saenz, Jason Sahlberg, Ted St. John, Vinnie Salata, Paul Salinas, Sebastian Salmon, Mike Saltzmann, Harold Sanchez, Paul Sand, Stephen Sandel, Larry

1943 1997,98 1926,27,28 2008,09 1948 2006,07,08 1993 1944 1996,97 1969 1962,63,64




Sanji 1921 Santee, Robert 1944 Santich, Robert A. 1958,59 Santino, M. Anthony 1954,55,56 Sarkissian, George 1981 Satriano, Thomas 1960,61 Scarbery, Randy 1971,72,73 Schaffer, Richard 1967,68 Schattinger, Jeff 1976,77,78 Schlack, Ryan 2005,06 Schlarb, Jack 1949,50,52 Schmitz, Paul 1917,21 Schrader, Wayne 1971,72 Schuler, Larry 1980,81 Schultz, Kevin 1998 Schultz, Mark 1982 Schultz, Richard 1927,28,29 Schute, Eugene 1908,09 Schwartz, Dave 1935,36,37 Scott, Fred 1958,59 Scott, J. 1924 Scott, Ronald E. 1963,64 Scott, Walter 1924,25,26 Seaver, George Thomas 1965 Seinsoth, William 1967,68,69 Self, Colby 2000,01 Self, Josh 1999,00,01 Selleck, Robert 1964,65 Selph, Ewald 1909 Semon, James W. 1962 Semon, Sidney 1956,57 Shafer, Bernard 1967,68,69 Sharman, Bill 1949,50 Sharpe, Blake 2004,05,06 Shepard, Stanley 1930,31 Shepherd, Frank 1945 Sherrod, Alex 2009,10,11,12 Shiflett, Chris 1985 Shollin, Thomas 1956,57 Shuey, Frederick 1964,65,66 Sieber, Mike 1985,86 Siegert, John (Gerry) 1955,57,58 Sieling, Harold (Hal) 1936,37,38 Silvera, Alby 1983,84,85 Silverstein 1914,15,16 Simonin, Richard 1973,74,75 Simpson, Edwin 1951,52,53 Simpson, Larry 1978 Singer, Robert M. 1969,70 Skeele, Stuart 1942 Skube, Robert 1977,78,79 Smalley, Roy 1972,73 Smedes, Mike 1989 Smith 1892,93 Smith, Chad 2009,10,11 Smith, Christopher W. 1976,77,78 Smith, Dave 1979,80,81,82 Smith, Mark 1989,90,91 Smith, Michael R. 1964 Smith, Nate 2007 Smith, Phil 1982,83,84 Smith, Steven Edward 1976 Smyth, Steve 1999 Snell, Gary 1982,83,84 Sogge, Mark 1970,71,72 Sogge, Steve 1966,67,68 Sommers, Scott 1984,85,86 Sorgen, Verle 1953,54 Southworth, Jim 1968,69 Spaeter, Alfred 1942,43,46 Spaeter, William 1943,44,46

Spear, Sean 2012 Speiss 1918 Spencer, Howard 1912,13 Sperling, Bill 1952 Spradlin, Jack 2005 Sprecker, Sam 1892,93 Sprott, C.W. 1914,16 Stahl, Dennis 1973,74,75 Stanier, Harold 1929,30,31 Stark, Newton Calvin 1925 Starling, Jawanza 2010 Steele, James 1971,72 Steele, William 1945 Steevens, Mark 1984,85 Stephenson, David L. 1957,59 Stevenson, Craig 1982,83,84 Stevenson, John 1952,53,54,55 Stewart, Ernest 1932,33,34 Stewart, John Henry 1965,66 Stillwell, Ronald Roy 1959,60,61 Stock, Richard 2010 Stock, Robert 2007,08,09 Stokke, Douglas 1976,77,78 Stoligrosz, Daniel 1969,70 Strada, Charles 1939 Strahan, Wyatt 2012 Strom, Brent 1968,69,70 Stromsborg, Ryan 1995,96 Stubbs, Garrett 2012 Stucker, Joseph 1964,65 Sturgis, Charles 1928 Sutherland, Gary 1964 Sutherlen, George 1929,30,31 Swick, Kevin 2011,12 Swiderski, Michael 1972 Sylvester, Charles 1941

T Tabing, Robert 1942 Takvorian, Mike 1976 Talbert, Fred 1932 Tanner, Randy 1985,87,88 Tanner, Steven 1966,67,68 Tanner, William 1936,37,38 Tarchione, Peter 1928,29 Tarpley, Stephen 2012 Tashjian, Karl 1943 Taylor, Dave 1937 Taylor, Donald H. 1962 Tebbetts, Hiram 1899 Tellez, Albert 1922,23,24 Tevlin, Creighton 1972,73,74 Thom, William Jr. 1982,83 Thom, William Sr. 1957,58,59 Thomas 1917,18 Thomas, Fay 1924,25 Thompson, Robert W. 1962,63 Thornhill 1899 Thornton, Archie 1921,22,23 Thurlow, Leavitt 1933,36 Ticehurst, Brad 1997,98,99 Tippin, Greg 1992 Todd, Mark 2000,01,02 Tolman, Timothy 1976,77,78 Tonascia, Bruce 1975,76,77 Torres, Michael 2006,07 Torres, Rafael 2002,04 Torres, Rick 1987,88,89 Townsend, Josh 1998 Tracey 1917 Triggs, Andrew 2009,10,11,12 Tsukashima, Darin 1992,93

Tucker 1893 Tucker, Ben 1992,93,94,95 Tufts 1899 Turigliatto, Steven 1969 Turner, Russell 1922,23 Twitchell, Beecher 1936,37 Tyson, Tim 1983,84,85

U Umsted, L.W. Upton, Charles Urner, Harold Urso, Philip Uyesugi, Ken

1898 1932,33,34 1941,42,43 2008 1939

V Valdez, David Van Gorder, Dave Van Horne, Charles Vasquez, Anthony Vaughn, Robert Vella, Chris Verbryke, Eric Vermillion, Grant Vieira, Brian Vieira, Darin Villasenor, Al Viramontes, Martin Vitalich, Edward Von Aspe, John Vranjes, Sam


1996 1976,77,78 1892,93 2007,08,09 1967,68 1971 2000 1993,94 1997,98,99 2003,04,05,06 1985,86,87 2012 1940,41,42 1928,29 1989,90

Wagner, Leslie 1931 Walbridge, Greg 1995,96,97 Walczuk, Tony 1982,84 Walker, Kendrick 1963,64,65 Wallace, John 1982,83 Walsh, Pete 1984 Ward, Joseph 1929,30,31 Washington, Ken 1961,62,63 Washington, Kraig 1987 Watkins, Keith 1987 Waxman, Alan 1959 Wayne, Jim 1986 Webster, Robert A. 1945,46 Weible, Rick 1984,85,86 Weibling, Mike 1997,98 Welch, Floyd 1927,28,29 Welch, Robert Alvin 1926,27,28 Welin, Boyd 1923,24 Wellington, Frank 1899 Wells, John 1976,77,78,79 Wellsfry, Walt 1980, 81 Wentworth, Clayton 2002,03,04 Werhas, John 1957,58,59 Wetherby, Jeff 1985 Wheatley, Bob 2011,12 White, Duane 1963,64,65 White, Robert 1940,41,42 White, William A. 1940,41,42 Whitlock, Ben 1893 Whittemore 1916 Wick, Jeff 1977,78,79,81 Widman, Greg 1970,71,72 Wiencek, Gary 1975,76 Wilcox, Ralph 1929,30,31 Wilkerson, Marty 1979,80,81 Wilkey, Jim 1983,84,85 Wilkins, Daryl 1963,64,65 Wilkins, Edmund (Tom) 1940,41,42 Williams, Bob 1946 Williams, Brett 2010,11,12 Williams, Jon 2001,02,04,05

Williams, Stanley 1979,80,81 Williamson, George 1928,29,30 Willingham, John 1923 Willingham, Lawson 1930 Wills, William T. 1951 Wilson 1893 Wilson, Al 1946,47 Wilson, Archie 1946 Wilson, Calvin 1928 Wilson, Willie 1893 Wingard, Edward 1924 Winograd, Lee 1945 Winslow, Robert E. 1939,40 Withers, James 1959,60,61 Withers, Robert Harold 1963,64,65 Wolf, Wally B. 1961 Wolochow, Ray 1945,46 Wong, Kaha 1985,86 Wood, Austin 2011 Workman, Henry 1946,47,48 Workman, Thomas 1912 Wrenn, Taylor 2010 Wright, Lloyd 1912,13,14,15

Y Yaryan, Ken 1960,61,62 Yeths, Larry 1954,55 Youel, Curtis 1932 Young 1915,16 Young, Donald J. 1952,53

Z Zebrack, Greg Zeigler, Dale Zelenay, Kevin Ziegler, Paul

Robert Stock

Brent Strom

Dave Van Gorder

2009 1957 2006,07 1978,79,81


Champion (Coach)

1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

California (Clint Evans)* USC (Sam Barry/Rod Dedeaux) Texas (Bibb Falk)* Texas (Bibb Falk) Oklahoma (Jack Baer)* Holy Cross (Jack Barry) Michigan (Ray Fisher) Missouri (Hi Simmons) Wake Forest (Taylor Sanford) Minnesota (Dick Siebert) California (George Wolfman)* USC (Rod Dedeaux) Oklahoma State (Toby Greene) Minnesota (Dick Siebert) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* Michigan (Don Lund) USC (Rod Dedeaux) Minnesota (Dick Siebert) Arizona State (Bobby Winkles) Ohio State (Marty Karow) Arizona State (Bobby Winkles) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* Arizona State (Bobby Winkles) USC (Rod Dedeaux) USC (Rod Dedeaux) USC (Rod Dedeaux) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* USC (Rod Dedeaux) Texas (Cliff Gustafson) Arizona (Jerry Kindall) Arizona State (Jim Brock) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* Cal State Fullerton (Augie Garrido) Arizona (Jerry Kindall) Arizona State (Jim Brock) Miami (Ron Fraser)*



Most Outstanding Player

Yale Yale Wake Forest Washington State Tennessee Missouri Texas Rollins Western Michigan Arizona Penn State Missouri Arizona USC Oklahoma State Santa Clara Arizona Missouri Ohio State Oklahoma State Houston Southern Illinois Tulsa Florida State Southern Illinois Arizona State Arizona State Miami South Carolina Eastern Michigan South Carolina Arizona State Arkansas Hawaii Oklahoma State Wichita State

8-7 9-2 10-3 3-0 3-2 8-4 7-5 4-1 7-6 12-1 1-0 8-7 (12 inn.) 5-3 2-1 (10 inn.) 1-0 5-4 (15 inn.) 5-2 5-1 2-1 8-2 11-2 4-3 10-1 2-1 (15 inn.) 7-2 1-0 4-3 7-3 5-1 7-1 2-1 10-3 2-1 5-3 7-4 9-3

— — Charles Teague, Wake Forest Ray Van Cleef, Wake Forest Sidney Hatfield, Tennessee James O’Neil, Holy Cross J.L. Smith, Texas Tom Yerwcic, Michigan State Tom Borland, Oklahoma State Jerry Thomas, Minnesota Cal Emery, Penn State Bill Thom, USC Jim Dobson, Oklahoma State John Erickson, Minnesota Littleton Fowler, Oklahoma St. Bob Garibaldi, Santa Clara Bud Hollowell, USC Joe Ferris, Maine Sal Bando, Arizona State Steve Arlin, Ohio State Ron Davini, Arizona State Bill Seinsoth, USC John Dolinsek, Arizona State Gene Ammann, Florida State Jerry Tabb, Tulsa Russ McQueen, USC Dave Winfield, Minnesota George Milke, USC Michael Reichenback, Texas Steve Powers, Arizona Bob Horner, Arizona State Rod Boxberger, USC Tony Hudson, Cal State Fullerton Terry Francona, Arizona Stan Holmes, Arizona State Dan Smith, Miami

Morgan Ensberg celebrates after stealing home in the 1998 national championship game. With the bases loaded and two outs in the seventh, head coach Mike Gillespie called for the triple steal and Ensberg's steal gave USC the 12-8 lead. The Trojans would go on to beat Arizona State, 21-14, for the school's 12th national championship.



Champion (Coach)

1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983

California (Clint Evans)* USC (Sam Barry/Rod Dedeaux) Texas (Bibb Falk)* Texas (Bibb Falk) Oklahoma (Jack Baer)* Holy Cross (Jack Barry) Michigan (Ray Fisher) Missouri (Hi Simmons) Wake Forest (Taylor Sanford) Minnesota (Dick Siebert) California (George Wolfman)* USC (Rod Dedeaux) Oklahoma State (Toby Greene) Minnesota (Dick Siebert) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* Michigan (Don Lund) USC (Rod Dedeaux) Minnesota (Dick Siebert) Arizona State (Bobby Winkles) Ohio State (Marty Karow) Arizona State (Bobby Winkles) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* Arizona State (Bobby Winkles) USC (Rod Dedeaux) USC (Rod Dedeaux) USC (Rod Dedeaux) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* USC (Rod Dedeaux) Texas (Cliff Gustafson) Arizona (Jerry Kindall) Arizona State (Jim Brock) USC (Rod Dedeaux)* Cal State Fullerton (Augie Garrido) Arizona (Jerry Kindall) Arizona State (Jim Brock) Miami (Ron Fraser)* Texas (Cliff Gustafson)*



Yale Yale Wake Forest Washington State Tennessee Missouri Texas Rollins Western Michigan Arizona Penn State Missouri Arizona USC Oklahoma State Santa Clara Arizona Missouri Ohio State Oklahoma State Houston Southern Illinois Tulsa Florida State Southern Illinois Arizona State Arizona State Miami South Carolina Eastern Michigan South Carolina Arizona State Arkansas Hawaii Oklahoma State Wichita State Alabama

8-7 9-2 10-3 3-0 3-2 8-4 7-5 4-1 7-6 12-1 1-0 8-7 (12 inn.) 5-3 2-1 (10 inn.) 1-0 5-4 (15 inn.) 5-2 5-1 2-1 8-2 11-2 4-3 10-1 2-1 (15 inn.) 7-2 1-0 4-3 7-3 5-1 7-1 2-1 10-3 2-1 5-3 7-4 9-3 4-3

Most Outstanding Player — — Charles Teague, Wake Forest Ray Van Cleef, Wake Forest Sidney Hatfield, Tennessee James O’Neil, Holy Cross J.L. Smith, Texas Tom Yerwcic, Michigan State Tom Borland, Oklahoma State Jerry Thomas, Minnesota Cal Emery, Penn State Bill Thom, USC Jim Dobson, Oklahoma State John Erickson, Minnesota Littleton Fowler, Oklahoma St. Bob Garibaldi, Santa Clara Bud Hollowell, USC Joe Ferris, Maine Sal Bando, Arizona State Steve Arlin, Ohio State Ron Davini, Arizona State Bill Seinsoth, USC John Dolinsek, Arizona State Gene Ammann, Florida State Jerry Tabb, Tulsa Russ McQueen, USC Dave Winfield, Minnesota George Milke, USC Michael Reichenback, Texas Steve Powers, Arizona Bob Horner, Arizona State Rod Boxberger, USC Tony Hudson, Cal State Fullerton Terry Francona, Arizona Stan Holmes, Arizona State Dan Smith, Miami Calvin Schiraldi, Texas

Morgan Ensberg celebrates after stealing home in the 1998 national championship game. With the bases loaded and two outs in the seventh, head coach Mike Gillespie called for the triple steal and Ensberg's steal gave USC the 12-8 lead. The Trojans would go on to beat Arizona State, 21-14, for the school's 12th national championship.




Champion (Coach)

1984 Cal State Fullerton (Augie Garrido) 1985 Miami (Ron Fraser) 1986 Arizona (Jerry Kindall) 1987 Stanford (Mark Marquess) 1988 Stanford (Mark Marquess) 1989 Wichita State (Gene Stephenson) 1990 Georgia (Steve Webber) 1991 LSU (Skip Bertman)* 1992 Pepperdine (Andy Lopez)* 1993 LSU (Skip Bertman) 1994 Oklahoma (Larry Cochell)* 1995 Cal State Fullerton (Augie Garrido)* 1996 LSU (Skip Bertman)* 1997 LSU (Skip Bertman)* 1998 USC (Mike Gillespie) 1999 Miami (Jim Morris)* 2000 LSU (Skip Bertman)* 2001 Miami (Jim Morris)* 2002 Texas (Augie Garrido)* 2003 Rice (Wayne Graham) 2004 Cal State Fullerton (George Horton) 2005 Texas (Augie Garrido)* 2006 Oregon State (Pat Casey) 2007 Oregon State (Pat Casey) 2008 Fresno State (Mike Batesole) 2009 LSU (Paul Mainieri) 2010 South Carolina (Ray Tanner) 2011 South Carolina (Ray Tanner) 2012 Arizona (Andy Lopez) * Indicates undefeated teams in CWS play.



Texas Texas Florida State Oklahoma State Arizona State Texas Oklahoma State Wichita State Cal State Fullerton Wichita State Georgia Tech USC Miami Alabama Arizona State Florida State Stanford Stanford South Carolina Stanford Texas Florida North Carolina North Carolina Georgia Texas UCLA Florida South Carolina

3-1 10-6 10-2 9-5 9-4 5-3 2-1 6-3 3-2 8-0 13-5 11-5 9-8 13-6 21-14 6-5 6-5 12-1 12-6 14-2 3-2 6-2 3-2 9-3 6-7, 19-10, 6-1 7-6, 1-5, 11-4 7-1, 2-1 (11) 2-1, 5-2 5-1, 4-1

NCAA Baseball Championships

12 6 5 4 3 2 1

USC LSU, Texas Arizona State Arizona, Miami, Cal State Fullerton Minnesota California, Michigan, Oklahoma, Stanford, Oregon State, South Carolina Fresno State, Georgia, Holy Cross, Missouri, Ohio State, Oklahoma State, Pepperdine, Rice, Wake Forest and Wichita State


Most Outstanding Player John Fishel, Cal State Fullerton Greg Ellena, Miami Mike Senne, Arizona Paul Carey, Stanford Lee Plemel, Stanford Greg Brummett, Wichita State Mike Rebhan, Georgia Gary Hymel, LSU Phil Nevin, Cal State Fullerton Todd Walker, LSU Chip Glass, Oklahoma Mark Kotsay, Cal State Fullerton Pat Burrell, Miami Brandon Larson, LSU Wes Rachels, USC Marshall McDougall, Florida State Trey Hodges, LSU Charlton Jimerson, Miami Huston Street, Texas John Hudgins, Stanford Jason Windsor, Cal State Fullerton David Maroul, Texas Jonah Nickerson, Oregon State Jorge Reyes, Oregon State Tommy Mendonca, Fresno State Jared Mitchell, LSU Jackie Bradley, Jr., South Carolina Scott Wingo, South Carolina Robert Refsnyder, Arizona

College World Series Leaders CWS Appearances

CWS Wins

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Texas.............................34 Miami............................23 Arizona State..............22 USC.........................21 Florida State...............20 Oklahoma State........19 Stanford.......................16 Arizona.........................16 Cal State Fullerton ..16 10. LSU................................15

Texas............................... 82 USC.......................... 74 Arizona State............... 61 Miami............................. 47 Oklahoma State......... 38 Arizona.......................... 38 7. Stanford........................ 40 8. Cal St. Fullerton ......... 34 LSU.................................. 34 10. Florida State................ 28


POSTS EASON HI ST O R Y USC’s OVERALL RECORD: 208-77 USC’s PLAYOFF APPEARANCES (40) (League, district & regional games) 18 league playoff appearances: 34-8 35 district/regional appearances: 100-43 USC’s CWS APPEARANCES (21) College World Series record: 74-26

1948 — NCAA CHAMPIONS PCC Playoffs (at Pullman, WA): USC 7, Washington State 5 USC 6, Washington State 3 NCAA Western Playoffs (at Denver, CO): USC 8, Baylor 0 USC 7, Oklahoma A&M 1 USC 16, Baylor 3 College World Series (at Kalamazoo, MI): USC 3, Yale 1 Yale 8, USC 3 USC 9, Yale 2 1949 PCC Playoffs (at USC): Washington State 15, USC 2 USC 2, Washington State 1 (10 inn.) USC 9, Washington State 2 NCAA Western Playoffs (at L.A.): USC 12, Northern Colorado 2 Northern Colorado 6, USC 2 USC 8, Northern Colorado 7 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): Wake Forest 2, USC 1 (10 inn.) USC 12, St. John’s 4 Wake Forest 2, USC 1 (12 inn.) 1951 PCC Playoffs (at USC): USC 6, Oregon State 4 Oregon State 12, USC 1 USC 10, Oregon State 7 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 4, Princeton 1 USC 8, Utah 2 Oklahoma 4, USC 1 Tennessee 9, USC 8 1952 PCC Playoffs (at Corvallis, OR): Oregon State 12, USC 10 Oregon State 5, USC 4 1953 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 12, San Diego State 6 USC 11, Seattle 1 San Diego State 3, USC 1 USC 3, San Diego State 1 (USC lost coin toss with Stanford for NCAAs)


1954 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at Eugene, OR): Fresno State 9, USC 3

USC 9, Seattle 0 Fresno State 7, USC 4 1955 PCC Playoffs (at USC): USC 7, Oregon 1 USC 10, Oregon 1 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 11, Fresno State 2 USC 15, Fresno State 2 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): Northern Colorado 2, USC 1 Colgate 6, USC 4 1956 PCC Playoffs (at Pullman, WA): Washington State 6, USC 2 Washington State 5, USC 4 1958 — NCAA CHAMPIONS PCC Playoffs (at Corvallis,OR): USC 7, Oregon State 0 USC 15, Oregon State 0 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 6, Portland 0 USC 11, Portland 1 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): Holy Cross 3, USC 0 USC 4, Arizona 0 USC 12, Northern Colorado 1 USC 6, Holy Cross 2 USC 7, Missouri 0 USC 8, Missouri 7 (12 inn.) 1959 PCC Playoffs (at USC): USC 17, Washington 3 USC 9, Washington 0 (USC won the 1959 league title but could not play in the NCAA Tournament because of the ineligibility of another USC team) 1960 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 10, Pepperdine 3 USC 10, Pepperdine 3 NCAA District 8 Finals (at USC): Washington State 8, USC 7 USC 8, Washington State 3 USC 10, Washington State 5 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 3, St. John’s 1 USC 5, Boston College 2 Minnesota 12, USC 11 (10 inn.) USC 13, Arizona 1 USC 4, Minnesota 2 (11 inn.) Minnesota 2, USC 1 (10 inn.)

1961 — NCAA CHAMPIONS NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 4, Fresno State 1 Fresno State 6, USC 4 USC 10, Fresno State 6 NCAA District 8 Finals (at Pullman, WA): USC 13, Washington State 6 USC 10, Washington State 4 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 8, Texas 6 USC 10, Boston College 3 USC 4, Oklahoma State 2 USC 4, Boston College 3 (10) USC 1, Oklahoma State 0 1963 — NCAA CHAMPIONS NCAA District 8 Finals (at Corvallis, OR): USC 6, Oregon State 5 Oregon State 8, USC 6 USC 7, Oregon State 5 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): Texas 8, USC 3 USC 6, Holy Cross 5 USC 4, Florida State 3 USC 12, Missouri 3 USC 6, Arizona 4 USC 5, Arizona 2 1964 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 12, Cal Poly Pomona 3 USC 5, Cal Poly Pomona 3 NCAA District 8 Finals (at USC): USC 5, Oregon 0 USC 9, Oregon 3 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 3, Mississippi 2 USC 3, Missouri 2 Minnesota 6, USC 5 Maine 2, USC 1 1966 NCAA District 8 Finals (at USC): USC 11, Cal Poly Pomona 7 USC 4, Washington State 3 USC 7, Washington State 4 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 6, North Carolina 2 Ohio State 6, USC 2 USC 8, Arizona 4 USC 5, Ohio State 1 Ohio State 1, USC 0


P O S T S E A S O N H IS T O RY 1968 — NCAA CHAMPIONS NCAA District 8 Finals (at CSLA): USC 4, Cal State L.A. 2 Cal State L.A. 8, USC 4 USC 5, Cal State L.A. 4 (10 inn.) College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 5, Brigham Young 3 USC 6, Oklahoma State 5 USC 7, St. John’s 6 USC 2, North Carolina St. 0 USC 4, Southern Illinois 3 1970 — NCAA CHAMPIONS Pac-8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 11, Oregon State 3 USC 8, UCLA 4 USC 7, UCLA 1 NCAA District 8 Finals (at USC): USC 12, Santa Clara 1 USC 6, Santa Clara 1 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): Ohio University 4, USC 1 USC 7, Delaware 1 USC 6, Dartmouth 1 USC 8, Texas 7 (14 inn.) USC 2, Florida State 1 (15 inn.) 1971 — NCAA CHAMPIONS Pac-8 Playoffs (at Pullman, WA): USC 6, Oregon 2 USC 9, Stanford 3 Washington State 10, USC 5 USC 6, Washington State 3 NCAA District 8 Finals (at USC): Santa Clara 6, USC 5 USC 5, Santa Clara 1 USC 9, Santa Clara 1 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 5, Seton Hall 1 Southern Illinois 8, USC 3 USC 8, Brigham Young 6 USC 8, Tulsa 4 USC 3, Tulsa 2 USC 7, Southern Illinois 2 1972 — NCAA CHAMPIONS Pac-8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 6, Washington State 1 USC 8, Washington State 7 NCAA District 8 Finals (at Santa Barbara, CA): USC 9, UC Santa Barbara 5 USC 13, UC Santa Barbara 6 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 8, Mississippi 6 USC 5, Connecticut 4 (11 inn.) Arizona State 3, USC 0 USC 4, Texas 3 (10 inn.) USC 3, Arizona State 1 USC 1, Arizona State 0


1973 — NCAA CHAMPIONS Pac-8 Playoffs (at Pullman, WA): USC 13, Washington State 4 USC 11, Washington State 9 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 9, Loyola 8 USC 2, Loyola 1 NCAA District 8 Finals (at USC): USC 4, Cal State L.A. 3 USC 13, Cal State L.A. 6 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 4, Harvard 1 USC 4, Texas 1 USC 3, Arizona State 1 USC 8, Minnesota 7 USC 4, Arizona State 3 1974 — NCAA CHAMPIONS Pac-8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 11, Oregon 6 USC 14, Oregon 1 NCAA District 8 Playoffs (at CSLA): USC 9, Cal State L.A. 2 Cal State L.A. 7, USC 6 USC 11, Cal State L.A. 9 NCAA District 8 Finals (at USC): Pepperdine 4, USC 2 USC 4, Pepperdine 1 USC 12, Pepperdine 1 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 9, Texas 2 USC 5, Southern Illinois 3 Miami 7, USC 3 USC 5, Texas 3 USC 7, Southern Illinois 2 USC 7, Miami 3 1975 Pac-8 Playoffs (at Pullman, WA): USC 19, Washington State 6 USC 13, Washington State 1 NCAA West Regional (at USC): Cal State Fullerton 3, USC 1 USC 1, Arizona 0 Pepperdine 5, USC 2 1977 Pac-8 Playoffs (at USC): USC 4, Washington State 2 USC 8, Washington State 1 NCAA West Regional (at Honolulu, HI): USC 6, Hawaii 1 USC 7, Fresno State 3 Cal State L.A. 6, USC 5 Cal State L.A. 7, USC 6

1978 — NCAA CHAMPIONS Pac-8 Playoffs (at Pullman, WA): USC 3, Washington State 2 USC 5, Washington State 4 NCAA West Regional (at USC): USC 3, Arizona 2 USC 3, Cal State Fullerton 2 USC 2, Arizona 1 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 9, Miami 3 USC 11, Michigan 3 USC 5, Arizona State 2 USC 3, North Carolina 2 USC 10, Arizona State 3 1984 NCAA West Regional (at Fresno, CA): Cal State Fullerton 10, USC 6 Fresno State 15, USC 12 (10 inn.) 1988 NCAA West Regional (at Fresno, CA): USC 9, Brigham Young 8 USC 10, Washington State 9 USC 18, Fresno State 17 Fresno State 17, USC 12 Fresno State 14, USC 3 1989 NCAA Midwest Regional (at Austin, TX): Western Michigan 9, USC 8 Texas 11, USC 8 1990 NCAA South I Regional (at Baton Rouge, LA): USC 23, Southern Mississippi 5 USC 26, Houston 11 USC 5, LSU 4 LSU 5, USC 4 LSU 7, USC 6 1991 NCAA West I Regional (at USC): USC 7, Middle Tenn. St. 5 USC 17, Pepperdine 7 Creighton 8, USC 7 (10 inn.) Hawaii 7, USC 3 1993 NCAA Central II Regional (at Austin, TX): USC 7, Kentucky 1 USC 5, Cal State Fullerton 2 Texas 11, USC 3 USC 5, Cal State Fullerton 2 Texas 3, USC 2


POSTS EASON HI ST O R Y 1994 NCAA South Regional (at Baton Rouge, LA): USC 19, NC Greensboro 3 USC 5, Tulane 0 LSU 6, USC 2 USC 25, NC Greensboro 9 LSU 12, USC 10 1995 Pacific-10 Playoff (at USC): USC 9, Washington State 6 USC 4, Washington State 0 NCAA West Regional (at Fresno, CA): USC 10, Middle Tennessee State 4 USC 22, Fresno State 17 USC 6, Long Beach State 5 Long Beach State 4, USC 3 USC 9, Long Beach State 2 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): Miami 15, USC 10 USC 9, Oklahoma 4 USC 16, Florida State 11 USC 7, Miami 5 USC 7, Miami 3 Cal State Fullerton 11, USC 5 1996 Pacific-10 Playoff (at USC): Washington 6, USC 2 USC 7, Washington 3 USC 5, Washington 0 NCAA Central II Regional (at Lubbock, TX): USC 20, Akron 10 USC 15, Arkansas 5 Oklahoma State 9, USC 3 USC 13, Texas Tech 10 (11 inn.) Oklahoma State 10, USC 2 1997 NCAA South II Regional (at Tuscaloosa, AL): Virginia Tech 3, USC 2 USC 5, Troy State 2 USC 6, Virginia Tech 2 USC 13, North Carolina State 4 Alabama 9, USC 8 1998 — NCAA CHAMPIONS NCAA East Regional (at Clemson, SC): USC 10, Fordham 6 Va. Commonwealth 14, USC 4 USC 8, Clemson 5 USC 3, South Alabama 2 USC 4, South Alabama 3 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): LSU 12, USC 10 USC 12, Florida 10 (11 inn.) USC 7, Mississippi State 1 USC 5, LSU 4 USC 7, LSU 3 USC 21, Arizona State 14


1999 NCAA Regional (at USC): USC 10, Va. Commonwealth 0 USC 5, Pepperdine 3 Pepperdine 4, USC 3 USC 12, Pepperdine 7 NCAA Super Regional (at Palo Alto, CA): Stanford 1, USC 0 Stanford 5, USC 3 2000 NCAA Regional (at Fullerton, CA): USC 8, Virginia Tech 3 USC 13, Loyola Marymount 5 USC 8, Cal State Fullerton 3 NCAA Super Regional (at Atlanta, GA): USC 7, Georgia Tech 2 USC 6, Georgia Tech 3 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 6, Florida State 4 LSU 10, USC 4 Florida State 3, USC 2

Wes Rachels was the 1998 College World Series most outstanding player and went 5-for-7 with seven RBI in the title game

2001 NCAA Regional (at USC): USC 12, Oral Roberts 4 USC 4, Pepperdine 3 USC 8, Fresno State 0 NCAA Super Regional (at USC): USC 5, Florida International 1 USC 6, Florida International 0 College World Series (at Omaha, NE): USC 11, Georgia 5 Miami 4, USC 3 Tennessee 10, USC 2 2002 NCAA Regional (at USC): USC 5, BYU 4 (12 inn.) USC 7, Cal State Northridge 5 USC 13, BYU 10 NCAA Super Regional (at Palo Alto, CA): Stanford 4, USC 2 Stanford 5, USC 3

Jack Krawczyk still holds the NCAA record for most saves in a season (23) and held the career record of 49 until it was broken in 2007. He set the season record in the 1998 national championship game

2005 NCAA Regional (at Long Beach, CA): USC 7, Pepperdine 3 USC 6, Long Beach State 4 Pepperdine 9, USC 2 USC 5, Pepperdine 2 NCAA Super Regional (at Corvallis, OR): Oregon State 10, USC 4 USC 9, Oregon State 8 (10 inn.) Oregon State 10, USC 8

Former head coach Mike Gillespie took the Trojans to the College World Series four times (1995, 1998, 2000 and 2001) and led the team to the 1998 national championship 2013 USC BASEBALL GUIDE

Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R H IS T O RY Year 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914*** 1915*** 1916# 1917# 1918## 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955


All Games* W-L-T 0-1

College W-L-T

5-0-1 4-6 0-1

1-0-1 1-1


Harvey Holmes

Curtiss Bernard Len Burrell George Wheeler Ralph Glaze Charles "Pat" Millikan Phil Koerner/Millikan

8-3 3-4 0-1

1-1 1-0 0-1

0-6 3-3 1-4 6-5 12-4-1 7-6 17-2 11-7 4-6 10-3 6-9 2-6 8-2 5-10 6-5-1 5-6 0-1

1-1 1-2 0-1 1-2 2-3 1-1 2-0 1-1 3-0 2-2 0-2 4-1 2-2 1-4 0-2

(no team — World War I) Elmer Henderson 9-4-1 Willis O. Hunter/Henderson 9-3 5-6 George Wheeler 7-11 Sam Crawford 4-7 Sam Crawford 9-4-1 Sam Crawford 11-6-2 Sam Crawford 8-15 Sam Crawford 12-7 Sam Crawford 15-7 Sam Barry 25-5-1 Sam Barry 24-6 Sam Barry 15-3-1 Sam Barry 11-8 Sam Barry 22-10 Sam Barry 16-12 Sam Barry 19-9 Sam Barry 16-8 Sam Barry 24-7 Sam Barry 23-7 Sam Barry 12-8 Sam Barry 12-6-1 Barry/Dedeaux 18-5-1 Rod Dedeaux 27-7-3 Rod Dedeaux 16-13 Rod Dedeaux 13-15-1 Barry/Dedeaux 24-8 Barry/Dedeaux 25-12 Barry/Dedeaux 40-12-1 Barry/Dedeaux 37-14-1 Barry/Dedeaux 26-19 Rod Dedeaux 32-19 Rod Dedeaux 37-12-1 Rod Dedeaux 25-25-1 Rod Dedeaux 20-11-1 Rod Dedeaux 30-10


4-1-1 6-1 4-6 4-7 6-4 7-5 7-14 9-7 12-6 15-2-1 14-4 11-2-1 5-6 14-5 12-5 15-4 11-5 13-4 13-4 11-7 9-6 14-2 14-2 12-4 7-8 15-2 16-6 26-4 23-6 16-8 22-10 18-9 21-9 14-7 23-5

Conference W-L-T

All Games* College Year Coach W-L-T W-L-T 21-5 1956 Rod Dedeaux 26-11 1957 Rod Dedeaux 19-13 18-4 1958 Rod Dedeaux 36-8 29-3 1959 Rod Dedeaux 29-6-1 23-4-1 1960 Rod Dedeaux 40-14 32-11 1961 Rod Dedeaux 43-9-1 36-7 1962 Rod Dedeaux 33-13-2 29-12-1 1963 Rod Dedeaux 37-16-1 35-10 1964 Rod Dedeaux 40-15 34-11 1965 Rod Dedeaux 30-15-1 23-14 1966 Rod Dedeaux 49-11-1 42-9 1967 Rod Dedeaux 38-13-2 32-11-2 1968 Rod Dedeaux 49-14-1 43-12-1 1969 Rod Dedeaux 42-12-1 39-12-1 1970 Rod Dedeaux 51-13-1 45-13 1971 Rod Dedeaux 54-13 46-11 1972 Rod Dedeaux 50-13-1 47-13-1 1973 Rod Dedeaux 51-11 51-11 1974 Rod Dedeaux 50-21 50-20 1975 Rod Dedeaux 43-14-1 42-14-1 33-26-2 1976 Rod Dedeaux 36-28-3 1977 Rod Dedeaux 51-20 46-20 1978 Rod Dedeaux 56-10 54-9 1979 Rod Dedeaux 34-26-1 33-24 1980 Rod Dedeaux 30-25-1 27-24 1981 Rod Dedeaux 38-25 34-24 1982 Rod Dedeaux 25-38 23-36 1983 Rod Dedeaux 33-24-1 32-23-1 1984 Rod Dedeaux 48-25 44-23 1985 Rod Dedeaux 24-45 22-44 1986 Rod Dedeaux 26-30 26-29 1987 Mike Gillespie 32-28 32-28 1988 Mike Gillespie 36-27-1 36-26 1989 Mike Gillespie 42-25-1 41-25 1990 Mike Gillespie 41-23 40-22 Mike Gillespie 46-18-1 46-17-1 1991 Mike Gillespie 29-26 28-26 1992 Mike Gillespie 35-29 35-29 1993 Mike Gillespie 42-20 41-20 6-6 (2nd) 1994 Mike Gillespie 49-22 49-21 5-7 (t3rd) 1995 Mike Gillespie 44-17-1 44-16-1 8-5 (3rd) 1996 Mike Gillespie 45-20 42-20 11-2 (1st) 1997 Mike Gillespie 49-17 49-17 14-4 (2nd) 1998 Mike Gillespie 36-26 36-26 13-5 (1st) 1999 Mike Gillespie 44-20 44-20 3-6 (t3rd) 2000 Mike Gillespie 45-19 45-19 10-5 (2nd) 2001 Mike Gillespie 37-24 37-24 10-5 (t1st) 2002 Mike Gillespie 28-28 28-28 13-2 (1st) 2003 Mike Gillespie 24-32 24-32 10-5 (2nd) 2004 Mike Gillespie 41-22 41-22 11-4 (2nd) 2005 Mike Gillespie 25-33 25-33 11-4 (t1st) 2006 Chad Kreuter 27-29 27-29 8-7 (3rd) 2007 Chad Kreuter 28-28 28-28 9-6 (3rd) 2008 Chad Kreuter 28-28 28-28 12-2 (1st) 2009 Chad Kreuter 28-32 28-32 10-0 (2nd) 2010 Frank Cruz 25-31 25-31 4-4 (2nd) 2011 Frank Cruz 23-32 23-32 3-5 (2nd) 2012 11-1 (1st) 2,941-1,651-44 (.639) 11-4 (1st) All Games 13-2 (1st) College Games 2,481-1,354-17 (.646) 12-2 (1st) 1,076-682-2 (.612) 8-7 (t3rd) Conference Games 11-5 (1st) 11-5 (1st) *Includes exhibition games. 10-6 (t1st) ***USC was represented by School of Law team. 11-5 (1st) 12-3 (1st)

Conference W-L-T 14-2 (1st) 12-4 (t1st) 14-2 (1st) 14-2 (1st) 12-4 (t1st) 12-4 (1st) 11-5 (2nd) 10-6 (1st) 17-3 (1st) 9-11 (4th) 16-4 (1st) 9-6 (t3rd) 16-2-1 (1st) 13-8 (3rd) 11-3 (1st) 17-0 (1st) 14-4 (1st) 14-4 (1st) 11-7 (1st) 12-4 (1st) 15-8-1 (2nd) 16-2 (1st) 15-3 (1st) 15-15 (4th) 13-17 (t5th) 15-15 (3rd) 9-21 (6th) 17-13 (t2nd) 18-12 (t2nd) 5-25 (6th) 12-18 (4th) 12-18 (t5th) 13-17 (4th) 16-14 (3rd) 18-12 (3rd) 23-7 (1st) 13-17 (6th) 15-15 (4th) 19-11 (3rd) 21-9 (1st) 24-6 (1st) 17-13 (3rd) 21-9 (2nd) 17-7 (2nd) 16-8 (4th) 18-6 (1st) 17-7 (1st) 11-13 (T-5th) 10-14 (T-6th) 15-9 (T-3rd) 11-13 (T-5th) 8-16 (9th) 11-13 (T-6th) 13-14 (T-5th) 7-20 (10th) 13-14 (7th) 8-22 (10th)




116-98-1 (.542) First Meeting: 1921


213-176-2 (.547) First Meeting: 1923



95-101 (.485) First Meeting: 1961






22-8 (.733) First Meeting: 1955

227-135-2 (.626) First Meeting: 1923


48-22 (.686) First Meeting: 1951


253-125 (.669) First Meeting: 1928

10-2 (.833) 34-25 (.576) First Meeting: 1951 First Meeting: 1959






First / Last Opponent


L T Pct.

Air Force





1968 / 1974 Florida International





2001 / 2008



0 0 1.000





1963 / 2000



1 0 .000

1997 Fordham


0 0 1.000



0 0 1.000

1996 Fresno State









1968 / 1979 Georgia



Azusa Pacific





1979 / 1987 Georgia Tech








1948 / 2003 Gonzaga




0 0 1.000

Boston College





Brigham Young










Cal Lutheran





Cal Poly Pomona




Cal Poly




Cal State Bakersfield




Cal State Dominguez Hills



1996/2012 Florida State

61-26 (.701) First Meeting: 1948




1952 / 2003



2001 / 2011



2000 / 2004




1972 / 1989





1982 / 1994

1960 / 1961 Hartford


0 0 1.000


1955 / 2002 Harvard


0 0 1.000


2009 / 2009 Hawai'i





1968 / 2010

1977 / 1999 Hawaii Hilo





1994 / 1998


1921 / 1991 Hawaii Pacific







1953 / 2011 Holy Cross





1958 / 1963


2010 / 2012 Houston





1978 / 2002



1976 / 1999 Illinois





1968 / 1969

2008 Grand Canyon

Cal State Fullerton





1969 / 2012 Indiana


0 0 1.000


Cal State Los Angeles





1960 / 1999 Jacksonville


0 0 1.000


Cal State Northridge





1962 / 2009 Kansas


0 0 1.000


Cal Tech





1921 / 1945 Kansas State












0 0 1.000

Central Florida












0 0 1.000

1996 La Verne





1974 / 1984



0 0 1.000

1976 Long Beach State





1960 / 2012








1988 / 2000



1 0 .000





2001 / 2011








1922 / 2012



0 0 1.000





1964 / 1982





0 0 1.000



0 0 1.000





1974 / 2002






1969 / 1970 Michigan





1978 / 1999

Eastern Michigan





1976 / 1978 Middle Tennessee State





1991 / 1995






1996 / 1998 Minnesota





1960 / 1989

0 0 0

1.000 .500 .750

1992 Kearney State 1965 / 1993 Kentucky

1990 / 1998 LSU 1955 Louisville 1972 / 2010 Loyola Marymount 1982 Maine 1980 / 2002 Massachusetts 1970 Miami (Fla.)




S ER IES R EC O R D V S . O P P O NE NTS Opponent


L T Pct.



L T Pct.






1964 / 1997

Southern Mississippi





1987 / 1990

Mississippi State





1998 / 2004

Southwest Louisiana











1958 / 2011

Stony Brook





2005 / 2005






1979 / 2005

Sul Ross State











1962 / 1996



0 0 1.000

New Mexico





1960 / 2010






1951 / 2001

New Mexico State





2010 / 2010






1961 / 1999

New Orleans





1987 / 1988

Texas A&M





1978 / 2005

North Carolina





1966 / 2012

Texas Tech





1996 / 2005

North Carolina Greensboro


0 0 1.000


Troy State






North Carolina State










1987 / 2009

Northern Arizona











1970 / 1976

Northern Colorado





1949 / 1958

UC Irvine





1970 / 2012

Notre Dame





1961 / 2005

UC Riverside





1969 / 2011






1922 / 1968

UC Santa Barbara





1921 / 2012



1 0 .000







1973 / 2003

Ohio State





1966 / 1992






1962 / 1991






1951 / 2004






1973 / 2010

Oklahoma State





1948 / 2010

Virginia Commonwealth





1998 / 1999

Oral Roberts





1980 / 2001

Virginia Tech





1997 / 2000






1955 / 2011

Wake Forest





1949 / 1993

Penn State






Western Carolina





2009 / 2009






1943 / 2012

Western Michigan











1958 / 2007






1963 / 1993

Portland State











1921 / 1962



0 0 1.000


Wichita State





1979 / 2006



0 0 1.000







2008 / 2009






2005 / 2011



0 0 1.000

St. John’s





1949 / 1970




St. Mary’s





1924 / 2011

San Diego





1961 / 2008

San Diego State





1945 / 2008

San Francisco





1931 / 2001

San Francisco State






San Jose State





1953 / 1984

Santa Clara


1968 / 1997





1927 / 2000






1953 / 1954

Seton Hall






South Alabama





1987 / 2004

South Florida








0 0 1.000

Southern California College





1983 / 1985

Southern Illinois





1968 / 1974





1957 1948 / 1984


Former Trojan pitcher Tom Seaver (pictured with former major league baseball commissioner Fay Vincent) was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1992. Seaver received the highest percentage ever (98.8%) after being selected in 425 of 430 total votes.



Y EAR- BY- YEAR V S. PA C - 1 2 O P P O NENT S Note: Some historic records are incomplete and all results have been researched as best as possible.

Arizona (116-98-1) 1921 8-6 W ..................Away 1921 5-10 L................Away 1921 6-5 W ..................Away 1922 --- W .................Home 1922 --- L...............Home 1922 6-5 W .................Home 1923 5-13 L................Away 1923 --- L................Away 1923 --- L................Away 1924 2-5 L................Away 1924 5-7 L................Away 1924 6-7 L................Away 1925 2-4 L................Away 1925 5-7 L................Away 1925 6-7 L................Away 1926 3-6 L................Away 1926 11-7 W ..................Away 1926 8-6 W ..................Away 1927 7-3 W .................Home 1927 8-6 W .................Home 1930 19-2 W ..................Away 1930 13-6 W ..................Away 1930 10-5 W ..................Away 1936 11-21 L................Away 1936 4-7 L................Away 1936 21-8 W ..................Away 1951 7-2 W ..................Away 1951 2-9 L................Away 1952 6-4 W .................Home 1953 5-4 W .................Home 1953 2-3 L...............Home 1958 4-0* W .............. Neutral 1959 6-6 (10) Tie...........Home 1960 13-1* W .............. Neutral 1961 0-8 L...............Home 1963 6-4* W .............. Neutral 1963 5-2* W .............. Neutral 1965 7-6 (12) W .................Home 1965 4-2 W .................Home 1966 8-4* W .............. Neutral 1967 2-3 L................Away 1967 3-0 W ..................Away 1967 4-2 W ..................Away 1972 2-6 L................Away 1972 5-3 W ..................Away 1972 2-1 W ..................Away 1975 1-0* W .................Home 1976 4-3 (11) W .................Home 1976 6-4 W .................Home 1976 0-8 L................Away 1976 5-8 L................Away 1976 4-8 L................Away 1978 3-2* W .................Home 1978 2-1* W .................Home 1979 5-4 (13) W .................Home 1979 9-8 W .................Home 1979 7-5 W ..................Away 1979 2-6 L................Away 1979 15-16 (10) L................Away 1979 5-6 L................Away 1980 1-4 L................Away 1980 9-6 W ..................Away 1980 7-8 (10) L................Away 1980 3-2 W .................Home 1980 7-9 (12) L...............Home 1980 3-9 L...............Home 1981 7-12 L...............Home 1981 15-10 W .................Home 1981 6-10 L...............Home 1981 2-6 L................Away 1981 9-8 (14) W ..................Away 1981 4-16 L................Away 1982 6-8 L................Away 1982 12-3 W ..................Away 1982 7-11 L................Away 1982 5-11 L...............Home 1982 2-1 W .................Home 1982 2-20 L...............Home 1983 1-11 L................Away 1983 4-3 W ..................Away 1983 9-3 W ..................Away 1983 1-2 (12) L...............Home 1983 3-2 W .................Home 1983 4-0 W .................Home 1984 11-7 W .................Home 1984 9-3 W .................Home 1984 14-2 W .................Home 1984 5-6 L................Away 1984 5-9 L................Away


1984 7-8 L................Away 1985 6-8 L................Away 1985 12-10 W ..................Away 1985 1-8 L................Away 1985 2-5 L...............Home 1985 3-7 L...............Home 1985 1-11 L...............Home 1986 5-0 W .................Home 1986 14-12 (8) W .................Home 1986 3-6 L...............Home 1986 3-10 L................Away 1986 4-9 L................Away 1986 17-19 L................Away 1987 6-13 W .................Home 1987 8-10 (10) L...............Home 1987 4-3 (10) W .................Home 1987 1-4 L................Away 1987 4-9 L................Away 1987 5-11 L................Away 1988 11-10 W ..................Away 1988 11-7 W ..................Away 1988 15-14 W ..................Away 1988 3-8 L...............Home 1988 7-1 W .................Home 1988 4-13 L...............Home 1989 6-10 L...............Home 1989 6-7 L...............Home 1989 7-5 W .................Home 1989 4-11 L................Away 1989 6-14 L................Away 1989 4-6 L................Away 1990 4-5 L................Away 1990 5-6 L................Away 1990 5-13 L................Away 1990 9-1 W .................Home 1990 16-3 W .................Home 1990 9-4 W .................Home 1991 11-14 L................Away 1991 11-10 W ..................Away 1991 18-6 W ..................Away 1991 6-4 W .................Home 1991 8-7 W .................Home 1991 8-4 W .................Home 1992 0-1 L...............Home 1992 10-2 W .................Home 1992 1-2 L...............Home 1992 4-2 W ..................Away 1992 5-16 L................Away 1992 8-11 L................Away 1993 15-11 W .................Home 1993 8-1 W .................Home 1993 2-10 L...............Home 1993 8-18 L................Away 1993 4-7 L................Away 1993 12-9 W .................Home 1994 7-1 W .................Home 1994 15-4 W .................Home 1994 10-5 W .................Home 1994 9-3 W ..................Away 1994 7-3 W ..................Away 1994 6-2 W ..................Away 1995 7-3 W .................Home 1995 6-8 L...............Home 1995 11-8 W .................Home 1995 11-3 W ..................Away 1995 15-4 W ..................Away 1995 9-8 W ..................Away 1996 20-5 W .................Home 1996 4-0 W .................Home 1996 8-9 L...............Home 1996 6-2 W ..................Away 1996 15-4 W ..................Away 1996 2-0 W ..................Away 1997 3-2 W .................Home 1997 5-6 L...............Home 1997 6-2 W .................Home 1997 8-6 W ..................Away 1997 10-1 W ..................Away 1997 13-9 W ..................Away 1998 10-3 W .................Home 1998 4-1 W .................Home 1998 2-3 L...............Home 1998 6-4 W ..................Away 1998 7-6 W .................Home 1998 10-6 W .................Home 1999 17-1 W .................Home 1999 4-9 L...............Home 1999 8-5 W .................Home 2000 4-11 L................Away 2000 20-9 W ..................Away 2000 6-2 W ..................Away 2001 8-0 W ..................Away 2001 6-4 W ..................Away 2001 8-7 (10) W ..................Away 2002 14-6 W .................Home 2002 12-10 W .................Home 2002 12-15 L...............Home

2003 12-5 W ..................Away 2003 5-6 L................Away 2003 3-16 L................Away 2004 6-7 L...............Home 2004 9-8 W .................Home 2004 6-7 L...............Home 2005 13-0 W ..................Away 2005 2-7 L................Away 2005 4-18 L................Away 2006 5-10 L...............Home 2006 0-6 L...............Home 2006 14-17 L...............Home 2007 2-5 L................Away 2007 7-5 W ..................Away 2007 4-2 W ..................Away 2008 2-10 L...............Home 2008 5-0 W .................Home 2008 5-0 W .................Home 2009 6-7 L................Away 2009 15-14 W ..................Away 2009 7-3 W ..................Away 2010 6-0 W .................Home 2010 7-5 W .................Home 2010 7-9 L...............Home 2011 3-4 (10) L................Away 2011 4-20 L................Away 2011 5-8 L................Away 2012 1-11 L...............Home 2012 8-4 W .................Home 2012 1-6 L...............Home

Arizona State (95-101) 1961 10-2 W .............. Neutral 1962 8-6 (12) W .............. Neutral 1970 5-2 W .............. Neutral 1972 0-3* L............ Neutral 1972 3-1* W .............. Neutral 1972 1-0* W .............. Neutral 1973 2-4 L................Away 1973 4-8 L................Away 1973 5-12 L................Away 1973 3-1 W .............. Neutral 1973 2-0 (12) W .............. Neutral 1973 3-1* W .............. Neutral 1973 4-3* W .............. Neutral 1974 10-12 L...............Home 1974 14-9 W .............. Neutral 1974 6-4 W ..................Away 1975 4-3 (11) W .................Home 1975 0-3 L...............Home 1975 10-6 W ..................Away 1975 1-2 L................Away 1977 5-7 L................Away 1977 12-7 W ..................Away 1977 4-8 L................Away 1977 3-10 L...............Home 1977 10-8 W .................Home 1977 9-6 W .................Home 1978 9-13 L................Away 1978 7-13 L................Away 1978 11-0 W .................Home 1978 11-6 W .................Home 1978 10-1 W .................Home 1978 5-2* W .............. Neutral 1978 10-3* W .............. Neutral 1979 6-2 W ..................Away 1979 1-5 L................Away 1979 5-7 L................Away 1979 3-5 L...............Home 1979 6-4 W .................Home 1979 13-8 W .................Home 1980 8-11 (13) L...............Home 1980 5-10 L...............Home 1980 6-8 L...............Home 1980 3-1 W ..................Away 1980 4-3 W ..................Away 1980 3-13 L................Away 1981 4-7 L................Away 1981 12-20 L................Away 1981 6-10 L................Away 1981 0-6 L...............Home 1981 3-13 L...............Home 1981 2-13 L...............Home 1982 4-3 W .................Home 1982 3-4 L...............Home 1982 4-10 L...............Home 1982 4-23 L................Away 1982 0-1 L................Away 1982 4-5 L................Away 1983 7-3 W .................Home 1983 6-5 W .................Home 1983 2-3 L...............Home 1983 5-9 L................Away 1983 5-13 L................Away

1983 7-11 L................Away 1984 0-9 L................Away 1984 8-3 W ..................Away 1984 12-15 L................Away 1984 8-7 W .................Home 1984 12-4 W .................Home 1984 6-7 L...............Home 1985 7-9 L...............Home 1985 8-3 W .................Home 1985 9-11 (15) L...............Home 1985 4-12 L................Away 1985 5-7 L................Away 1985 10-14 L................Away 1986 7-2 W ..................Away 1986 5-2 W ..................Away 1986 1-5 L................Away 1986 13-2 W .................Home 1986 9-11 L...............Home 1986 13-6 W .................Home 1987 6-4 W .................Home 1987 6-2 W .................Home 1987 11-8 W .................Home 1987 3-6 L................Away 1987 8-1 W ..................Away 1987 6-11 L................Away 1988 5-3 W .................Home 1988 4-1 W .................Home 1988 7-4 W .................Home 1988 7-8 (11) L................Away 1988 4-8 L................Away 1988 7-9 L................Away 1989 6-3 W ..................Away 1989 5-8 L................Away 1989 4-7 L................Away 1989 8-2 W .................Home 1989 7-6 W .................Home 1989 0-11 L...............Home 1990 6-0 W .................Home 1990 5-3 W .................Home 1990 0-6 L................Away 1990 8-9 L................Away 1990 2-9 L................Away 1990 5-7 L...............Home 1991 14-11 W ..................Away 1991 10-3 W ..................Away 1991 11-5 W ..................Away 1991 8-7 W .................Home 1991 12-5 W .................Home 1991 4-1 W .................Home 1992 8-4 W .................Home 1992 1-8 L...............Home 1992 3-2 W .................Home 1992 9-10 L................Away 1992 11-2 W ..................Away 1992 4-7 L................Away 1993 4-3 W ..................Away 1993 10-6 W ..................Away 1993 5-6 L................Away 1993 3-6 L...............Home 1993 3-14 L...............Home 1993 3-11 L...............Home 1994 2-6 L................Away 1994 11-4 W ..................Away 1994 5-8 L................Away 1994 9-0 W .................Home 1994 5-12 L...............Home 1994 8-7 W .................Home 1995 6-7 (15) L................Away 1995 9-10 L................Away 1995 4-10 L................Away 1995 9-0 W .................Home 1995 8-7 (11) W .................Home 1995 7-6 (11) W .................Home 1996 6-5 W .................Home 1996 12-3 W .................Home 1996 4-3 W .................Home 1996 4-7 L................Away 1996 10-6 W ..................Away 1996 6-13 L................Away 1997 12-3 W .................Home 1997 3-7 L...............Home 1997 9-6 W .................Home 1997 12-7 W ..................Away 1997 15-4 W ..................Away 1997 11-7 W ..................Away 1998 7-6 W .................Home 1998 13-5 W .................Home 1998 6-3 W .................Home 1998 3-18 L................Away 1998 5-7 L................Away 1998 4-24 L................Away 1998 21-14* W .............. Neutral 1999 9-5 W ..................Away 1999 14-7 W ..................Away 1999 10-6 W ..................Away 2000 1-3 L...............Home 2000 12-2 W .................Home

2000 4-3 W .................Home 2001 11-2 W .................Home 2001 5-1 W .................Home 2001 1-11 L...............Home 2002 1-3 L................Away 2002 9-5 W ..................Away 2002 8-17 L................Away 2003 4-11 L...............Home 2003 6-5 W .................Home 2003 5-7 L...............Home 2004 3-10 L................Away 2004 14-5 W ..................Away 2004 10-3 W ..................Away 2005 9-8 W .................Home 2005 1-17 L...............Home 2005 1-2 (10) L...............Home 2006 13-12 W ..................Away 2006 9-10 (10) L................Away 2006 7-8 L................Away 2007 0-10 L...............Home 2007 3-4 L...............Home 2007 14-13 W .................Home 2008 5-16 L................Away 2008 5-13 L................Away 2008 2-5 L................Away 2009 1-2 L...............Home 2009 1-10 L...............Home 2009 8-2 W .................Home 2010 4-5 L................Away 2010 3-5 L................Away 2010 6-14 L................Away 2011 5-1 W .................Home 2011 4-7 L...............Home 2011 6-2 W .................Home 2012 1-5 L................Away 2012 0-4 L................Away 2012 1-8 L................Away

California (227-136-2) 1923 2-3 (11) L................Away 1924 5-1 W .................Home 1924 2-11 L...............Home 1924 5-8 L...............Home 1926 5-8 L................Away 1926 6-8 L...............Home 1926 3-1 W .................Home 1927 8-1 W .................Home 1927 1-4 L...............Home 1927 9-2 W ..................Away 1928 14-13 W .................Home 1929 9-5 W .................Home 1929 5-6 L................Away 1929 3-6 L...............Home 1929 5-7 L...............Home 1929 8-7 W ..................Away 1930 4-2 W .................Home 1930 3-2 W .................Home 1930 5-4 W ..................Away 1931 2-5 (10) L...............Home 1931 6-5 W .................Home 1931 1-6 L................Away 1932 8-0 W .................Home 1932 9-15 L...............Home 1932 4-8 L................Away 1933 4-8 L...............Home 1933 14-16 L...............Home 1933 6-7 L................Away 1934 3-5 L...............Home 1934 4-3 W .................Home 1934 4-5 L...............Home 1934 1-11 L................Away 1934 3-6 L................Away 1935 1-5 L...............Home 1935 3-5 L...............Home 1935 5-7 L................Away 1936 12-7 W .................Home 1936 1-8 L...............Home 1936 6-0 W ..................Away 1937 12-4 W .................Home 1937 3-5 L...............Home 1937 3-1 W ..................Away 1938 2-4 (10) L...............Home 1938 10-5 W .................Home 1938 2-5 L................Away 1939 5-4 W .................Home 1939 4-1 W .................Home 1939 2-14 L................Away 1940 4-1 W .................Home 1940 9-5 W .................Home 1940 3-4 L................Away 1941 14-6 W .................Home 1941 8-7 W .................Home 1941 1-2 L................Away 1942 5-10 L...............Home


YE AR- B Y - Y EA R V S . PA C - 1 2 O P P O NENTS 1942 5-1 W .............. Neutral 1942 4-3 (10) W ..................Away 1943 6-5 W .................Home 1943 11-15 L...............Home 1943 1-2 L...............Home 1944 2-1 W .................Home 1944 4-2 W .................Home 1944 5-13 L................Away 1944 5-1 W ..................Away 1945 8-10 L...............Home 1945 8-9 L...............Home 1945 4-7 L................Away 1945 3-4 L................Away 1946 11-2 W .................Home 1946 11-4 W .................Home 1946 1-4 L................Away 1946 16-2 W ..................Away 1947 8-4 W .................Home 1947 7-14 L...............Home 1947 5-10 L................Away 1947 2-5* L...............Home 1948 15-11 W .................Home 1948 8-2 W .................Home 1948 4-2 W ..................Away 1949 7-4 W .................Home 1949 3-0 W .................Home 1949 4-3 W ..................Away 1950 11-7 W .................Home 1950 3-2 W .................Home 1950 5-6 L................Away 1951 7-5 W ..................Away 1951 5-3 W ..................Away 1951 6-7 L...............Home 1951 5-6 L...............Home 1952 5-7 L................Away 1952 4-10 L...............Home 1952 11-1 W .................Home 1952 11-1 W ..................Away 1953 16-3 W ..................Away 1953 6-7 L................Away 1953 12-3 W .................Home 1953 6-3 W .................Home 1954 0-2 L................Away 1954 12-1 W .................Home 1954 12-1 W .................Home 1954 13-2 W ..................Away 1955 13-7 W .................Home 1955 18-4 W .................Home 1955 5-3 W ..................Away 1955 13-1 W ..................Away 1956 4-7 L...............Home 1956 15-6 W .................Home 1956 9-2 W ..................Away 1956 6-3 W ..................Away 1957 3-1 W ..................Away 1957 0-6 L................Away 1957 2-7 L...............Home 1957 8-9 L...............Home 1958 4-2 W ..................Away 1958 5-7 L...............Home 1958 10-5 W .................Home 1958 6-7 L................Away 1959 9-0 W .................Home 1959 11-7 W .................Home 1959 14-2 W ..................Away 1959 6-7 (13) L................Away 1960 8-6 W .................Home 1960 4-1 W .................Home 1960 9-1 W ..................Away 1960 5-7 L................Away 1961 4-3 (13) W .................Home 1961 1-2 L...............Home 1961 5-4 W ..................Away 1961 6-10 L................Away 1962 1-0 (11) W .................Home 1962 6-2 W .................Home 1962 3-0 (11) W ..................Away 1962 3-4 L................Away 1963 3-2 W ..................Away 1963 4-3 W ..................Away 1963 6-4 W .................Home 1963 11-5 W .................Home 1964 10-7 W .................Home 1964 4-2 W .................Home 1964 8-2 W ..................Away 1964 4-3 W ..................Away 1965 1-2 (11) L................Away 1965 3-4 L................Away 1965 3-9 L...............Home 1965 1-2 L...............Home 1966 6-0 W .................Home 1966 6-0 W .................Home 1966 4-2 W ..................Away 1966 2-7 L................Away 1967 13-4 W ..................Away 1967 6-0 W ..................Away 1968 8-5 W ..................Away

1968 3-1 W .................Home 1968 8-1 W .................Home 1969 5-2 W .................Home 1969 1-0 W .................Home 1969 4-5 L...............Home 1970 4-2 (12) W ..................Away 1970 10-0 W .................Home 1970 5-14 L................Away 1971 10-2 W .................Home 1971 2-1 W ..................Away 1971 10-0 W ..................Away 1972 11-5 W ..................Away 1972 2-1 W ..................Away 1972 7-6 (10) W ..................Away 1972 8-8 Tie...........Home 1972 3-2 W .................Home 1972 10-3 W .................Home 1973 14-0 W .................Home 1973 2-1 W .................Home 1973 8-4 W .................Home 1973 4-5 L................Away 1973 8-2 W ..................Away 1973 2-0 W ..................Away 1974 7-0 W .................Home 1974 11-4 W .................Home 1974 3-1 W .................Home 1974 4-1 W ..................Away 1974 2-4 L................Away 1974 8-3 W ..................Away 1975 8-1 W .................Home 1975 15-6 W .................Home 1975 10-6 W .................Home 1975 5-4 W .................Home 1976 11-6 W .................Home 1976 8-3 W .................Home 1976 4-6 (11) L...............Home 1976 4-3 (12) W ..................Away 1976 2-6 L................Away 1976 1-1 Tie............Away 1977 8-7 (10) W ..................Away 1977 3-1 W ..................Away 1977 4-2 W ..................Away 1977 12-2 W .................Home 1977 6-4 W .................Home 1977 7-1 W .................Home 1978 13-14 L................Away 1978 6-2 W ..................Away 1978 11-2 W .................Home 1978 14-3 W .................Home 1978 11-2 W .................Home 1978 7-2 W .................Home 1979 6-7 L...............Home 1979 6-5 W .................Home 1979 5-8 L...............Home 1979 8-2 W ..................Away 1979 17-5 W ..................Away 1979 9-17 L................Away 1980 3-7 L................Away 1980 10-1 W ..................Away 1980 4-7 L................Away 1980 1-6 L...............Home 1980 6-2 W .................Home 1980 4-0 W .................Home 1981 8-2 W .................Home 1981 5-3 W .................Home 1981 6-8 (10) L...............Home 1981 4-12 L................Away 1981 5-2 W ..................Away 1981 13-11 W ..................Away 1982 10-8 W .................Home 1982 3-8 L...............Home 1982 10-12 L...............Home 1982 2-7 L................Away 1982 5-6 L................Away 1982 6-1 W ..................Away 1983 7-0 W .................Home 1983 5-9 L...............Home 1983 7-1 W .................Home 1983 5-2 W ..................Away 1983 1-2 L................Away 1983 6-2 W ..................Away 1984 7-6 W ..................Away 1984 6-11 L................Away 1984 2-7 L................Away 1984 3-8 L...............Home 1984 4-8 L...............Home 1984 4-3 W .................Home 1985 2-3 L................Away 1985 3-11 L................Away 1985 3-4 L................Away 1985 0-6 L...............Home 1985 11-5 W .................Home 1985 4-10 L...............Home 1986 2-3 (10) L...............Home 1986 4-6 L...............Home 1986 12-10 W .................Home 1986 3-4 L................Away


1986 9-1 W ..................Away 1986 3-5 L................Away 1987 6-3 W ..................Away 1987 4-12 L................Away 1987 7-4 W ..................Away 1987 3-6 L...............Home 1987 6-4 W .................Home 1987 3-2 W .................Home 1988 11-13 L................Away 1988 11-2 W ..................Away 1988 2-7 L................Away 1988 10-7 W .................Home 1988 14-6 W .................Home 1988 3-7 L...............Home 1989 12-4 W .................Home 1989 4-0 W .................Home 1989 12-16 L...............Home 1989 11-2 W ..................Away 1989 7-4 W ..................Away 1989 12-5 W ..................Away 1990 8-2 W .................Home 1990 9-4 W .................Home 1990 13-6 W .................Home 1990 7-6 (11) W ..................Away 1990 7-5 W ..................Away 1990 10-5 W ..................Away 1991 6-5 W .................Home 1991 6-5 W .................Home 1991 11-7 W .................Home 1991 6-9 L................Away 1991 9-3 W ..................Away 1991 10-1 W ..................Away 1992 7-0 W .................Home 1992 4-12 L...............Home 1992 9-5 W .................Home 1992 0-11 L................Away 1992 5-6 L................Away 1992 3-2 W .................Home 1993 5-1 W .................Home 1993 5-4 W .................Home 1993 14-8 W .................Home 1993 13-5 W ..................Away 1993 9-5 W ..................Away 1993 4-6 L................Away 1994 1-6 L...............Home 1994 6-5 W .................Home 1994 6-1 W .................Home 1994 6-7 L................Away 1994 6-1 W ..................Away 1994 3-6 L................Away 1995 6-1 W ..................Away 1995 3-5 L................Away 1995 6-1 W ..................Away 1995 3-5 L...............Home 1995 13-2 W .................Home 1995 7-4 W .................Home 1996 5-7 L...............Home 1996 6-2 W .................Home 1996 8-7 W .................Home 1996 8-0 W ..................Away 1996 3-2 W ..................Away 1996 8-6 W ..................Away 1997 7-5 W .................Home 1997 8-6 W .................Home 1997 5-3 W .................Home 1997 2-3 L................Away 1997 5-2 W ..................Away 1997 5-7 L................Away 1998 10-6 W ..................Away 1998 7-6 (10) W ..................Away 1998 8-1 W ..................Away 1998 10-0 W .................Home 1998 14-13 W .................Home 1998 5-2 W .................Home 1999 4-3 W .................Home 1999 13-6 W .................Home 1999 6-2 W .................Home 2000 6-5 W ..................Away 2000 5-9 L................Away 2000 3-4 L................Away 2001 1-0 W ..................Away 2001 5-3 W ..................Away 2001 4-5 (10) L................Away 2002 11-3 W .................Home 2002 9-1 W .................Home 2002 13-9 W .................Home 2003 3-1 W ..................Away 2003 2-11 L................Away 2003 3-8 L................Away 2004 2-4 L...............Home 2004 11-4 W .................Home 2004 9-12 L...............Home 2005 7-4 W ..................Away 2005 5-4 W ..................Away 2005 0-9 L................Away 2006 2-1 (10) W .................Home 2006 3-2 W .................Home

2006 10-1 W .................Home 2007 3-4 L................Away 2007 1-6 L................Away 2007 3-6 L................Away 2008 17-1 W .................Home 2008 11-5 W .................Home 2008 11-13 L...............Home 2009 4-2 W ..................Away 2009 14-4 W ..................Away 2009 0-6 L................Away 2010 9-16 L...............Home 2010 1-7 L...............Home 2010 3-4 L...............Home 2011 10-6 W ..................Away 2011 2-9 L................Away 2011 6-9 L................Away 2012 4-5 L...............Home 2012 2-1 W .................Home 2012 3-2 W .................Home

Oregon (22-8) 1955 7-1* W .................Home 1955 10-1* W .................Home 1964 5-0* W .................Home 1964 9-3* W .................Home 1967 2-4 L................Away 1967 2-5 L................Away 1968 4-1 W .................Home 1968 6-3 W .................Home 1968 11-6 W ..................Away 1969 5-1 W .................Home 1969 9-4 W ..................Away 1969 11-1 W ..................Away 1971 5-0 W .................Home 1971 2-0 W .................Home 1971 6-2 W .............. Neutral 1974 11-6* W .................Home 1974 14-1* W .................Home 2009 3-2 W .................Home 2009 10-3 W .................Home 2009 9-1 W .................Home 2010 2-12 L................Away 2010 5-4 (10) W ..................Away 2010 4-8 L................Away 2011 2-4 L...............Home 2011 9-2 W .................Home 2011 3-1 W .................Home 2012 3-4 L................Away 2012 2-4 L................Away 2012 3-4 L................Away

Oregon State (48-22) 1951 6-4 W .................Home 1951 1-12 L...............Home 1951 10-7 W .................Home 1952 10-12 L................Away 1952 4-5 L................Away 1958 7-0 W .................Home 1958 15-0 W .................Home 1963 6-5* W ..................Away 1963 6-8* L................Away 1963 7-5* W ..................Away 1967 0-5 L................Away.. 1967 5-1 W ..................Away 1968 2-3 W .................Home 1969 3-1 W .................Home 1969 8-4 W .................Home 1969 8-6 W ..................Away 1970 4-0 W .............. Neutral 1970 11-3 W .................Home 1971 10-4 W .................Home 1971 9-6 W .................Home.. 1976 6-5 (10) W .................Home 1977 4-3 W .................Home 1998 9-0 W .................Home 1998 7-4 W .................Home 1998 6-13 L...............Home 1999 5-2 W ..................Away 1999 12-10 (10) W ..................Away 1999 4-1 W ..................Away 2000 12-1 W .................Home 2000 16-7 W .................Home 2000 16-3 W .................Home 2001 7-3 (10) W ..................Away 2001 0-6 L................Away 2001 1-0 W ..................Away 2002 9-2 W .................Home 2002 3-13 L...............Home 2002 7-0 W .................Home 2003 4-3 W ..................Away 2003 3-2 (10) W ..................Away 2003 12-2 W ..................Away

2004 8-4 W .................Home 2004 3-4 L...............Home 2004 4-8 L...............Home 2005 4-5 L................Away 2005 7-10 L................Away 2005 12-2 W ..................Away 2005 4-10* L................Away 2005 9-8 (10)* W ..................Away 2005 8-10* L................Away 2006 1-4 L...............Home 2006 11-3 W .................Home 2006 4-1 W .................Home 2007 5-9 L................Away 2007 4-1 W ..................Away 2007 8-9 (11) L................Away 2008 5-3 W .................Home 2008 5-2 W .................Home 2008 6-5 W .................Home 2009 4-3 W ..................Away 2009 5-2 W ..................Away 2009 4-5 (10) L................Away 2010 1-4 (10) L...............Home 2010 8-2 W .................Home 2010 3-4 L...............Home 2011 2-7 L................Away 2011 8-3 W ..................Away 2011 4-3 W ..................Away 2012 3-5 L...............Home 2012 3-2 W .................Home 2012 6-2 W .................Home

Stanford (213-176-2)

1923 3-6 L................Away 1923 2-10 L................Away 1924 5-6 L................Away 1924 10-6 W .................Home 1924 8-5 W .................Home 1926 3-1 W ..................Away 1926 2-11 L................Away 1926 5-0 W .................Home 1927 13-5 W .................Home 1927 1-2 (11) L...............Home 1927 3-4 L................Away 1928 2-1 W .................Home 1928 5-8 L...............Home 1928 4-2 (10) W ..................Away 1929 8-7 W .................Home 1929 5-4 W .................Home 1929 1-6 L................Away 1930 8-1 W .................Home 1930 8-0 W .................Home 1930 2-4 L................Away 1931 0-4 L...............Home 1931 10-5 W .................Home 1931 12-6 W ..................Away 1932 11-12 L...............Home 1932 19-1 W .................Home 1932 4-3 W ..................Away 1933 4-1 W .................Home 1933 4-18 L...............Home 1933 10-6 W ..................Away 1934 3-2 (12) W .................Home 1934 7-6 W .................Home 1934 7-6 W .................Home 1934 3-1 W ..................Away 1934 6-7 L................Away 1935 8-1 W .................Home 1935 5-2 W .................Home 1935 8-2 W ..................Away 1936 12-0 W .................Home 1936 4-0 W .................Home 1936 16-13 W ..................Away 1937 8-0 W .................Home 1937 12-9 W .................Home 1937 3-4 L................Away 1938 12-5 W .................Home 1938 9-3 W .................Home 1938 6-5 W ..................Away 1939 6-2 W ..................Away 1939 5-11 L...............Home 1939 6-8 L...............Home 1940 1-3 L...............Home 1940 8-4 W .................Home 1940 7-8 L................Away 1941 8-3 W .................Home 1941 13-8 W ..................Away 1941 8-6 W ..................Away 1942 11-1 W .................Home 1942 26-3 W .................Home 1946 15-7 W .................Home 1946 5-4 (14) W .................Home 1946 9-3 W ..................Away 1946 7-6 W ..................Away 1947 11-6 W .................Home




1947 8-6 W .................Home 1947 5-6 L................Away 1948 12-10 (10) W ..................Away 1948 3-1 W .................Home 1948 13-6 W .................Home 1949 9-7 W ..................Away 1949 4-2 W .................Home 1949 4-1 W .................Home 1950 5-4 W ..................Away 1950 4-5 L...............Home 1950 15-3 W .................Home 1951 9-6 W .................Home 1951 10-9 W .................Home 1951 1-6 L................Away 1951 10-2 W ..................Away 1952 6-4 W ..................Away 1952 0-2 L................Away 1952 7-6 W .................Home 1952 6-5 W .................Home 1953 1-7 L...............Home 1953 2-5 L...............Home 1953 5-6 L................Away 1953 10-11 (10) L................Away 1954 2-5 L................Away 1954 5-3 W ..................Away 1954 6-3 W .................Home 1954 10-1 W .................Home 1955 8-1 W .................Home 1955 7-4 W .................Home 1955 8-6 W ..................Away 1955 2-3 (8) L................Away 1956 3-2 W ..................Away 1956 9-3 W ..................Away 1956 7-10 (10) L...............Home 1956 7-5 W .................Home 1957 6-3 W ..................Away 1957 11-1 W .................Home 1957 0-4 L...............Home 1957 2-0 W ..................Away 1958 10-5 W ..................Away 1958 13-4 W ..................Away 1958 19-13 W .................Home 1958 9-2 W .................Home 1959 3-6 L............ Neutral 1959 7-0 W ..................Away 1959 7-3 W ..................Away 1959 10-3 W .................Home 1959 14-1 W .................Home 1960 4-2 W ..................Away 1960 2-3 L................Away 1960 9-3 W .................Home 1960 19-6 W .................Home 1961 8-1 W .............. Neutral 1961 3-2 W ..................Away 1961 7-2 W .................Home 1961 11-2 W .................Home 1961 5-7 L................Away 1962 4-1 W .................Home 1962 8-2 W .................Home 1962 4-15 L................Away 1962 4-5 L................Away 1963 2-1 W .................Home 1963 1-0 W .................Home 1963 2-1 W ..................Away 1963 3-6 L................Away 1964 3-2 W ..................Away 1964 5-4 (11) W .................Home 1964 11-4 W .................Home 1964 9-2 W ..................Away 1965 10-3 W .................Home 1965 4-5 L...............Home 1965 5-4 W ..................Away 1965 1-2 L................Away 1966 3-1 W .................Home 1966 0-4 L...............Home 1967 1-4 L...............Home 1967 6-2 W .................Home 1967 3-3 (14) Tie............Away 1968 4-9 L...............Home 1968 3-1 W ..................Away 1968 2-2 Tie............Away 1968 4-3 W .................Home 1969 1-0 W .................Home 1969 3-4 L...............Home 1969 2-3 L................Away 1970 7-5 W .............. Neutral 1970 3-0 W ..................Away 1970 1-2 L................Away 1970 2-7 L...............Home 1971 3-1 W .................Home 1971 8-4 W .................Home 1971 2-1 W ..................Away 1971 9-3 W .............. Neutral 1972 0-2 L...............Home 1972 1-2 L...............Home 1972 3-2 W .................Home 1972 4-3 W ..................Away

1972 1-9 L................Away 1972 10-7 W ..................Away 1973 8-2 (10) W .............. Neutral 1973 2-1 W ..................Away 1973 0-1 L................Away 1973 3-0 W ..................Away 1973 12-8 W .................Home 1973 1-0 W .................Home 1973 0-3 L...............Home 1974 2-3 L................Away 1974 7-5 W ..................Away 1974 5-6 L................Away 1974 1-4 L...............Home 1974 0-7 L...............Home 1974 5-6 L...............Home 1975 0-1 L...............Home 1975 3-12 L...............Home 1975 7-5 W .................Home 1975 4-0 W ..................Away 1975 2-7 L................Away 1975 18-9 W ..................Away 1976 10-1 W .................Home 1976 9-1 W .................Home 1976 0-8 (8) L...............Home 1976 6-4 W ..................Away 1976 2-4 L................Away 1976 7-0 W ..................Away 1977 7-5 W .................Home 1977 9-2 W .................Home 1977 4-3 W .................Home 1977 20-4 W ..................Away 1977 9-4 W ..................Away 1977 3-11 L................Away 1978 7-0 W .................Home 1978 2-3 L...............Home 1978 8-3 W .................Home 1978 17-7 W ..................Away 1978 4-3 W ..................Away 1978 12-6 W ..................Away 1979 12-2 W ..................Away 1979 9-2 W ..................Away 1979 6-5 W ..................Away 1979 12-8 W .................Home 1979 14-7 W .................Home 1979 9-13 L...............Home 1980 13-5 W .................Home 1980 5-2 W .................Home 1980 10-9 (10) W .................Home 1980 5-6 L................Away 1980 7-5 W ..................Away 1980 4-5 (11) L................Away 1981 5-4 W ..................Away 1981 11-10 W ..................Away 1981 9-17 L...............Home 1981 4-8 L...............Home 1981 12-5 W .................Home 1981 12-10 W .................Home 1982 7-12 L...............Home 1982 5-11 L...............Home 1982 4-11 L...............Home 1982 3-9 L................Away 1982 5-12 L................Away 1982 5-6 L................Away 1983 4-8 L................Away 1983 4-8 L................Away 1983 5-12 L...............Home 1983 13-2 W .................Home 1983 8-6 W .................Home 1983 5-12 L...............Home 1984 5-3 W .................Home 1984 5-3 W .................Home 1984 6-4 W .................Home 1984 2-7 L................Away 1984 3-4 L................Away 1984 6-4 W ..................Away 1985 6-5 W ..................Away 1985 4-15 L................Away 1985 5-15 L................Away 1985 1-16 L...............Home 1985 9-13 L...............Home 1985 5-14 L...............Home 1986 0-4 L................Away 1986 6-0 W ..................Away 1986 2-3 L................Away 1986 7-6 W .................Home 1986 7-2 W .................Home 1986 10-7 W .................Home 1987 0-4 L...............Home 1987 4-9 L...............Home 1987 3-1 W .................Home 1987 1-3 L................Away 1987 3-4 L................Away 1987 7-10 L................Away 1988 4-13 L...............Home 1988 6-7 L...............Home 1988 3-5 (10) L...............Home 1988 8-10 L................Away

1988 9-10 L................Away 1988 4-12 L................Away 1989 2-9 L................Away 1989 12-5 W ..................Away 1989 5-15 L................Away 1989 4-7 L...............Home 1989 5-15 L...............Home 1989 10-4 W .................Home 1990 5-3 W .................Home 1990 2-5 L...............Home 1990 3-1 W .................Home 1990 1-2 L................Away 1990 3-2 W ..................Away 1990 1-6 L................Away 1991 9-5 W .................Home 1991 11-5 W .................Home 1991 9-5 W .................Home 1991 3-6 L................Away 1991 2-10 L................Away 1991 3-7 L................Away 1992 13-4 W ..................Away 1992 0-8 L................Away 1992 4-11 L................Away 1992 4-7 L...............Home 1992 4-5 L...............Home 1992 5-2 W .................Home 1993 6-7 L...............Home 1993 3-4 L...............Home 1993 11-3 W .................Home 1993 0-8 L................Away 1993 5-15 L................Away 1993 6-4 W ..................Away 1994 3-4 L................Away 1994 9-0 W ..................Away 1994 5-3 W ..................Away 1994 1-2 L...............Home 1994 8-3 W .................Home 1994 3-9 L...............Home 1995 4-5 L...............Home 1995 5-1 W .................Home 1995 1-9 L...............Home 1995 7-5 W ..................Away 1995 6-4 W ..................Away 1995 9-8 W ..................Away 1996 8-0 W ..................Away 1996 9-3 W ..................Away 1996 10-7 W ..................Away 1996 6-3 W .................Home 1996 9-8 W .................Home 1996 5-2 W .................Home 1997 0-4 L................Away 1997 4-5 (12) L................Away 1997 13-22 L................Away 1997 9-15 L...............Home 1997 2-4 L...............Home 1997 3-10 L...............Home 1998 0-1 L...............Home 1998 6-7 L...............Home 1998 7-4 W .................Home 1998 2-4 L................Away 1998 5-2 W ..................Away 1998 5-1 W ..................Away 1999 7-10 L...............Home 1999 2-5 L...............Home 1999 9-7 W .................Home 1999 10-1 W ..................Away 1999 2-13 L................Away 1999 17-15 W ..................Away 1999 0-1* L................Away 1999 3-5* L................Away 2000 3-4 L................Away 2000 11-7 W ..................Away 2000 4-11 L................Away 2000 7-3 W .................Home 2000 1-4 L...............Home 2000 4-18 L...............Home 2001 0-2 L................Away 2001 3-15 L................Away 2001 5-9 L................Away 2001 2-1 W .................Home 2001 7-0 W .................Home 2001 5-9 L...............Home 2002 6-9 L...............Home 2002 10-12 (11) L...............Home 2002 4-5 L...............Home 2002 5-6 (10) L................Away 2002 16-11 W ..................Away 2002 4-15 L................Away 2002 2-4* L................Away 2002 3-5* L................Away 2003 13-4 W ..................Away 2003 6-10 L................Away 2003 4-18 L................Away 2003 10-22 L...............Home 2003 3-8 L...............Home 2003 3-8 L...............Home 2004 2-10 L...............Home

2004 7-8(13) L...............Home 2004 11-8 W .................Home 2004 9-3 W ..................Away 2004 4-5 L................Away 2004 2-8 L................Away 2005 0-6 L................Away 2005 3-4 L................Away 2005 8-2 W ..................Away 2005 5-2 W .................Home 2005 3-14 L...............Home 2005 4-2 W .................Home 2006 6-7 L...............Home 2006 16-7 W .................Home 2006 7-2 W .................Home 2006 7-9 L................Away 2006 3-2 (12) W ..................Away 2006 7-2 W ..................Away 2007 11-8 W ..................Away 2007 2-1 W ..................Away 2007 9-14 L................Away 2007 7-10 (11) L...............Home 2007 13-20 L...............Home 2007 5-10 L...............Home 2008 0-4 L................Away 2008 5-26 L................Away 2008 10-9 W ..................Away 2009 6-8 L...............Home 2009 1-9 L...............Home 2009 5-2 W .................Home 2010 13-8 W ..................Away 2010 4-5 L................Away 2010 1-3 L................Away 2011 1-8 L...............Home 2011 3-1 W .................Home 2011 6-2 W .................Home 2012 2-4 L................Away 2012 2-3 L................Away 2012 8-4 W ..................Away

UCLA (253-125) 1928 2-3 L...............Home 1928 6-5 W ..................Away 1928 6-9 L...............Home 1929 2-6 L...............Home 1929 11-3 W ..................Away 1929 5-4 (10) W .................Home 1930 12-1 W ..................Away 1930 12-2 W .................Home 1930 11-9 W ..................Away 1931 4-2 W .................Home 1931 8-4 W ..................Away 1931 12-5 W .................Home 1932 3-1 (10) W ..................Away 1932 10-9 (10) W .................Home 1932 2-5 L................Away 1934 9-1 W .................Home 1934 3-5 L...............Home 1934 6-2 W .................Home 1935 4-0 W ..................Away 1935 2-0 W .................Home 1935 2-1 W ..................Away 1936 2-0 W .................Home 1936 6-2 W ..................Away 1936 3-2 W .................Home 1937 9-3 W .................Home 1937 12-0 W ..................Away 1937 5-7 L...............Home 1938 6-3 W .................Home 1938 7-5 (10) W ..................Away 1938 7-9 L...............Home 1939 9-2 W ..................Away 1939 11-10 W .................Home 1939 16-1 W ..................Away 1940 3-4 (10) L................Away 1940 13-1 W .................Home 1940 6-1 W ..................Away 1941 8-5 W ..................Away 1941 5-0 W .................Home 1941 3-0 W ..................Away 1942 6-9 L...............Home 1942 2-1 W ..................Away 1942 20-1 W .................Home 1943 10-2 W ..................Away 1943 9-0 W .................Home 1943 9-3 W ..................Away 1943 10-3 W .................Home 1944 4-9 L...............Home 1944 8-3 W .................Home 1944 1-3 L................Away 1944 3-7 L................Away 1945 2-5 L...............Home 1945 11-3 W .................Home 1945 11-3 W ..................Away 1945 16-6 W ..................Away

1946 2-1 (12) W .................Home 1946 6-4 W ..................Away 1946 4-0 W ..................Away 1946 12-5 W .................Home 1947 9-2 W ..................Away 1947 6-3 W .................Home 1947 5-4 W ..................Away 1948 13-0 W .................Home 1948 0-2 L................Away 1948 4-3 (13) W .................Home 1949 21-4 W ..................Away 1949 10-8 W .................Home 1950 5-4 W .................Home 1950 6-7 (12) L................Away 1950 13-1 W .................Home 1951 2-1 (10) W .................Home 1951 2-4 L................Away 1951 8-2 W ..................Away 1951 2-3 L...............Home 1952 4-0 W ..................Away 1952 7-1 W ..................Away 1952 3-4 L...............Home 1952 7-1 W .................Home 1953 9-3 W .................Home 1953 12-11 W ..................Away 1953 11-3 W .................Home 1953 5-4 (12) W ..................Away 1954 12-5 W .................Home 1954 2-5 L................Away 1954 8-10 L................Away 1954 7-4 W .................Home 1955 6-10 L...............Home 1955 14-8 W .................Home 1955 7-1 W ..................Away 1955 4-18 L................Away 1956 5-3 W ..................Away 1956 2-1 W ..................Away 1956 15-8 W .................Home 1956 4-3 W .................Home 1957 3-1 W .................Home 1957 8-3 W ..................Away 1957 5-1 W ..................Away 1957 12-8 W .................Home 1958 3-0 W ..................Away 1958 21-2 W .................Home 1958 23-1 W .................Home 1958 15-1 W ..................Away 1959 5-1 W .................Home 1959 10-6 W ..................Away 1959 9-0 W .................Home 1959 9-3 W ..................Away 1960 5-4 W .............. Neutral 1960 5-2 W ..................Away 1960 0-4 L................Away 1960 9-3 W .................Home 1960 13-2 W .................Home 1961 7-2 W .................Home 1961 3-1 W ..................Away 1961 11-8 W .................Home 1961 6-4 W ..................Away 1962 11-1 W ..................Away 1962 6-2 W .............. Neutral 1962 11-5 W .................Home 1962 5-3 (11) W ..................Away 1962 6-5 W .................Home 1963 3-13 L...............Home 1963 1-3 L...............Home 1963 2-11 L................Away 1963 1-0 W ..................Away 1964 2-3 L................Away 1964 8-4 W ..................Away 1964 2-7 L...............Home 1964 8-7 W .................Home 1965 3-7 L................Away 1965 11-3 W ..................Away 1965 6-1 W .................Home 1965 7-9 (11) L...............Home 1966 13-10 W ..................Away 1966 3-2 W .................Home 1966 13-11 W .................Home 1966 4-1 W ..................Away 1967 8-1 W .................Home 1967 8-12 L................Away 1967 10-2 W ..................Away 1968 4-7 L...............Home 1968 8-3 W .................Home 1968 11-2 W ..................Away 1969 11-3 W .............. Neutral 1969 5-6 L................Away 1969 4-9 L................Away 1969 5-14 L................Away 1970 8-2 W .................Home 1970 8-5 W ..................Away 1970 4-1 W .................Home 1970 8-4* W .................Home 1970 7-1* W .................Home 1971 7-1 W ..................Away


YEA R-BY - YEAR V S. PAC- 1 2 /NO NC O NF ER ENC E O P P O NE NTS 1971 1-0 W .................Home 1971 6-3 W ..................Away 1972 2-1 W .................Home 1972 5-2 W ..................Away 1972 10-0 W ..................Away 1972 8-6 W ..................Away 1972 9-2 W .................Home 1972 6-7 L...............Home 1973 6-3 W .................Home 1973 10-1 W .................Home 1973 5-6 L................Away 1973 6-2 W .................Home 1973 8-4 W ..................Away 1973 6-4 W ..................Away 1974 8-2 W ..................Away 1974 11-5 W .................Home 1974 6-5 W .................Home 1974 10-0 W .................Home 1974 5-6 L................Away 1974 22-2 W ..................Away 1975 7-2 W ..................Away 1975 6-4 W .................Home 1975 6-4 W .................Home 1975 3-6 L...............Home 1975 10-4 W ..................Away 1975 5-0 W ..................Away 1976 0-9 L...............Home 1976 4-1 W ..................Away 1976 13-6 W .................Home 1976 6-3 W ..................Away 1976 7-3 W .................Home 1976 6-7 L................Away 1977 8-4 W .................Home 1977 5-3 W ..................Away 1977 8-7 W ..................Away 1977 4-7 L................Away 1977 2-1 W .................Home 1977 4-3 W .................Home 1978 6-5 (10) W .................Home 1978 5-4 W ..................Away 1978 7-3 W .................Home 1978 1-0 W ..................Away 1978 7-6 W .................Home 1978 8-9 L................Away 1979 5-6 (10) L...............Home 1979 4-7 L................Away 1979 4-10 L...............Home 1979 5-12 L................Away 1979 9-4 W .................Home 1979 13-14 L................Away 1980 6-4 W .................Home 1980 1-8 L...............Home 1980 8-4 W ..................Away 1980 4-8 L................Away 1980 3-5 L................Away 1980 2-3 L...............Home 1981 9-1 W ..................Away 1981 5-3 W .................Home 1981 6-3 W ..................Away 1981 6-12 L...............Home 1981 10-2 W ..................Away 1981 6-4 W .................Home 1982 4-1 W .................Home 1982 1-8 L................Away 1982 12-6 W .................Home 1982 6-7 L................Away 1982 13-9 W .................Home 1982 17-8 W ..................Away 1983 6-3 W ..................Away 1983 11-4 W .................Home 1983 14-5 W ..................Away 1983 5-7 L...............Home 1983 8-3 W ..................Away 1983 5-4 W .................Home 1984 4-0 W .................Home 1984 2-0 W ..................Away 1984 8-7 (11) W .................Home 1984 5-2 W ..................Away 1984 9-7 W .................Home 1984 5-0 W ..................Away 1985 4-5 (10) L................Away 1985 5-2 W .................Home 1985 8-9 L................Away 1985 3-7 L...............Home 1985 3-5 L................Away 1985 5-10 L...............Home 1986 10-13 L...............Home 1986 7-8 L................Away 1986 10-12 L...............Home 1986 2-5 L................Away 1986 4-6 L...............Home 1986 7-12 L................Away 1987 6-11 L................Away 1987 7-9 L...............Home 1987 4-5 L................Away 1987 7-6 W .................Home 1987 6-11 L................Away

1987 7-4 W .................Home 1988 3-4 L...............Home 1988 8-2 W ..................Away 1988 12-3 W .................Home 1988 1-6 L................Away 1988 7-4 W .................Home 1988 5-6 L................Away 1989 6-0 W .................Home 1989 10-7 W ..................Away 1989 12-16 L...............Home 1989 10-5 W ..................Away 1989 10-2 W .................Home 1989 12-5 W ..................Away 1990 7-5 W ..................Away 1990 5-4 W .................Home 1990 7-9 (11) L................Away 1990 7-2 W .................Home 1990 6-8 L................Away 1990 7-5 W .................Home 1991 5-4 W .................Home 1991 6-5 W ..................Away 1991 11-8 W .................Home 1991 4-0 W ..................Away 1991 5-7 L...............Home 1991 4-13 L................Away 1992 1-11 L................Away 1992 13-8 W .................Home 1992 2-15 L................Away 1992 6-5 W .................Home 1992 1-3 L................Away 1992 4-2 W .................Home 1993 14-4 W .................Home 1993 6-9 L................Away 1993 11-5 W .................Home 1993 7-6 W ..................Away 1993 4-6 (13) L...............Home 1993 7-8 (10) L................Away 1994 0-6 L................Away 1994 1-0 W .................Home 1994 7-2 W ..................Away 1994 6-2 W .................Home 1994 3-4 L................Away 1994 10-8 W .................Home 1995 5-2 W ..................Away 1995 9-3 W .................Home 1995 4-9 L...............Home 1995 7-3 W ..................Away 1995 13-8 W .................Home 1995 8-7 W ..................Away 1996 7-12 L................Away 1996 13-3 W .................Home 1996 5-10 L................Away 1996 5-4 W .................Home 1996 13-3 W ..................Away 1996 8-1 W .................Home 1997 6-12 L...............Home 1997 5-8 L................Away 1997 8-7 W .................Home 1997 10-6 W ..................Away 1997 11-2 W .................Home 1997 4-14 L................Away 1998 6-1 W .................Home 1998 10-9 W ..................Away 1998 7-12 L...............Home 1998 14-6 W ..................Away 1998 17-18 L...............Home 1998 17-12 W ..................Away 1999 6-3 W ..................Away 1999 5-6 L................Away 1999 7-8 (10) L................Away 1999 4-1 W .................Home 1999 2-3 L...............Home 1999 5-8 L...............Home 2000 10-7 W .................Home 2000 4-3 W .................Home 2000 5-1 W ..................Away 2000 5-15 L................Away 2000 5-8 L................Away 2000 6-2 W .................Home 2001 3-4 L................Away 2001 6-0 W ..................Away 2001 5-4 W ..................Away 2001 2-0 W .................Home 2001 7-6 W .................Home 2001 7-1 W .................Home 2002 1-0 W ..................Away 2002 26-4 W ..................Away 2002 6-3 W ..................Away 2002 5-4 W ..................Away 2002 16-10 W ..................Away 2002 13-3 W ..................Away 2003 4-7 L................Away 2003 9-6 W ..................Away 2003 5-17 L................Away 2003 7-6 W .................Home 2003 7-4 W .................Home 2003 8-5 W .................Home


2004 11-4 W .................Home 2004 5-0 W .................Home 2004 7-13 L...............Home 2004 6-4 W ..................Away 2004 6-12 L................Away 2004 12-13 L................Away 2005 11-1 W .................Home 2005 9-0 W .................Home 2005 6-0 W .................Home 2006 8-6 W ..................Away 2006 3-8 L................Away 2006 1-12 L................Away 2007 2-5 L...............Home 2007 6-7 L...............Home 2007 9-12 L...............Home 2008 3-4 L...............Home 2008 6-1 W ..................Away 2008 7-4 W ..................Away 2008 2-4 L................Away 2009 4-14 L...............Home 2009 5-1 W .................Home 2009 2-17 L...............Home 2010 1-6 L............ Neutral 2010 7-13 L................Away 2010 2-15 L................Away 2010 1-2 L................Away 2011 2-0 W .............. Neutral 2011 4-8 L...............Home 2011 0-4 L...............Home 2011 6-2 W .................Home 2012 1-3 L................Away 2012 5-6 L................Away 2012 6-7 L................Away

Utah (10-2) 1951 8-2* W .............. Neutral 1962 6-0 W .................Home 1967 6-5 W .............. Neutral 1968 2-1 W .................Home 1970 4-2 W .................Home 1971 8-3 W .................Home 2010 8-1 W .................Home 2010 6-5 W .................Home 2010 11-6 W .................Home 2012 1-3 L...............Home 2012 0-1 L...............Home 2012 10-5 W .................Home

Washington (34-25) 1959 17-3 W .................Home 1959 9-0 W .................Home 1967 9-3 W .................Home 1967 2-1 W .................Home 1968 9-4 W .................Home 1968 17-10 W .................Home 1968 10-1 W ..................Away 1969 11-3 W .................Home 1969 13-2 W ..................Away 1969 11-7 W ..................Away 1970 9-3 W .................Home 1970 6-4 W .................Home 1971 6-0 W ..................Away 1971 2-0 W ..................Away 1996 2-6 L...............Home 1996 7-3 W .................Home 1996 5-0 W .................Home 1999 13-6 W .................Home 1999 7-8 L...............Home 1999 17-6 W .................Home 2000 6-1 W ..................Away 2000 13-3 W ..................Away 2000 4-3 W ..................Away 2001 5-1 W ..................Away 2001 6-7 (10) L................Away 2001 3-7 L................Away 2002 4-1 W .................Home 2002 3-9 L...............Home 2002 8-6 W .................Home 2003 2-26 L................Away 2003 1-5 L................Away 2003 8-10 L................Away 2004 6-8 (10) L...............Home 2004 4-13 L...............Home 2004 10-8 W .................Home 2005 2-1 W ..................Away 2005 5-1 W ..................Away 2005 3-7 L................Away 2006 2-7 L...............Home 2006 15-8 W .................Home 2006 2-7 L...............Home 2007 8-5 W ..................Away

2007 5-2 W ..................Away 2007 0-6 L................Away 2008 4-5 L...............Home 2008 2-10 L...............Home 2008 4-11 L...............Home 2009 8-9 L................Away 2009 0-3 L................Away 2009 2-3 (10) L................Away 2010 7-9 L...............Home 2010 10-5 W .................Home 2010 11-5 W .................Home 2011 2-1 W ..................Away 2011 12-9 W ..................Away 2011 2-8 L................Away 2012 0-7 L...............Home 2012 3-6 L...............Home 2012 0-5 L...............Home

Washington State (61-26) 1948 7-5 W ..................Away 1948 6-3 W ..................Away 1949 2-15 L...............Home 1949 2-1 (10) W .................Home 1949 9-2 W .................Home 1956 2-6 L................Away 1956 4-5 L................Away 1960 7-8* L...............Home 1960 8-3* W .................Home 1960 10-5* W .................Home 1961 13-6* W ..................Away 1961 10-4* W ..................Away 1966 4-3* W .................Home 1966 7-4* W .................Home 1967 3-2 W .................Home 1967 0-1 (11) L...............Home 1968 4-3 (14) W .................Home 1968 3-9 L................Away 1968 6-1 W ..................Away 1969 9-0 W .................Home 1969 1-3 L...............Home 1969 3-5 L................Away 1970 7-3 W .................Home 1970 12-5 W .................Home 1971 4-0 W ..................Away 1971 7-6 W ..................Away 1971 5-10 L................Away 1971 6-3 W ..................Away 1972 12-10 W .............. Neutral 1972 6-1 W ..................Away 1972 8-7 W ..................Away 1973 9-2 W .............. Neutral 1973 13-4 W ..................Away 1973 11-9 W ..................Away 1975 5-1 W .................Home 1975 19-6 W ..................Away 1975 13-1 W ..................Away 1977 4-2 W .................Home 1977 8-1 W .................Home 1978 3-2 W .................Home 1978 5-4 W .................Home 1988 10-9* W .............. Neutral 1995 8-0 W .................Home 1995 9-6 W .................Home 1995 4-0 W .................Home 1999 6-5 W ..................Away 1999 12-14 L................Away 1999 10-4 W ..................Away 2000 7-6 W .................Home 2000 12-7 W .................Home 2000 10-1 W .................Home 2001 7-6 W .................Home 2001 7-0 W .................Home 2001 5-1 W .................Home 2002 13-7 W ..................Away 2002 15-3 W ..................Away 2002 15-9 W ..................Away 2003 12-13 L...............Home 2003 6-1 W .................Home 2003 9-1 W .................Home 2004 4-2 W ..................Away 2004 10-7 W ..................Away 2004 1-5 L................Away 2005 9-1 W .................Home 2005 15-3 W .................Home 2005 7-2 W .................Home 2006 9-2 W ..................Away 2006 7-13 L................Away 2006 3-6 L................Away 2007 4-5 L...............Home 2007 9-5 W .................Home 2007 10-8 W .................Home 2008 5-8 L................Away 2008 2-4 L................Away 2008 8-8 W ..................Away

2009 5-1 W .................Home 2009 3-13 L...............Home 2009 4-6 L...............Home 2010 7-20 L................Away 2010 4-18 L................Away 2010 2-8 L................Away 2011 6-2 W .................Home 2011 2-10 L...............Home 2011 1-13 L...............Home 2012 15-10 W ..................Away 2012 7-9 L................Away 2012 1-3 L................Away

Cal State Fullerton (38-45-1) 1969 3-2 (10) W .................Home 1975 1-0 W .................Home 1975 4-4 Tie............Away 1975 1-3* L...............Home 1977 2-3 L................Away 1978 10-9 (10) W ..................Away 1978 9-6 W .................Home 1978 3-2 (11)* W .................Home 1979 6-13 L...............Home 1980 2-4 L...............Home 1980 5-4 W ..................Away 1981 3-7 L...............Home 1981 12-11 W ..................Away 1982 3-6 (11) L...............Home 1983 5-7 L...............Home 1983 0-7 L............ Neutral 1984 3-4 L...............Home 1984 1-2 L................Away 1984 6-10* L............ Neutral 1985 7-2 W .................Home 1985 1-15 L................Away 1985 10-3 W .............. Neutral 1986 0-6 L...............Home 1986 4-16 L................Away 1987 0-8 L................Away 1987 1-4 L...............Home 1988 7-3 W .................Home 1988 4-8 L................Away 1989 2-0 W .................Home 1989 9-8 (11) W ..................Away 1990 6-5 W ..................Away 1990 5-4 W .................Home 1991 7-4 W .................Home 1991 4-5 L................Away 1992 10-6 W ..................Away 1992 4-3 W .................Home 1993 3-9 L...............Home 1993 7-8 L................Away 1993 5-2* W .............. Neutral 1993 5-2* W .............. Neutral 1994 4-3 W .................Home 1994 3-11 L................Away 1994 4-1 W .................Home 1995 9-10 L................Away 1995 7-4 W .................Home 1995 5-11* L............ Neutral 1996 4-17 L................Away 1996 4-5 L...............Home 1997 2-0 W .................Home 1997 8-5 W ..................Away 1998 3-2 W ..................Away 1998 4-7 L...............Home 1999 5-6 L...............Home 1999 5-7 L................Away 2000 7-6 W ..................Away 2000 4-5 L...............Home 2000 8-3 W ..................Away 2000 8-3* W ..................Away 2001 6-5 (13) W .................Home 2001 11-12 L................Away 2002 1-8 L................Away 2002 6-2 W ..................Away 2002 1-2 (11) L...............Home 2003 3-2 W .................Home 2003 3-11 L...............Home 2003 2-8 L............ Neutral 2004 4-10 L................Away 2004 6-4 W .................Home 2005 4-2 W .................Home 2005 11-2 (DH) W ..................Away 2005 3-5 (DH) L................Away 2006 6-7 L................Away 2006 3-6 (11) L...............Home 2007 1-7 L................Away 2007 1-3 L...............Home 2008 5-4 (11) W .................Home 2008 14-4 W ..................Away 2009 2-9 L...............Home 2009 9-3 W ..................Away 2011 1-10 L...............Away


Y EAR- BY- YEAR V S. NO NC O NF ER ENC E O P P O NENT S 2011 2011 2012 2012

3-7 L...............Away 1-2 L..............Home 7-4 W .................Home 2-4 L................Away

Cal State Bakersfield (5-0) 2010 4-3 W ................Home 2012 6-5 W .................Home 2012 9-8 W .................Home 2012 6-0 W .................Home 2012 11-2 W ..................Away

Cal State Northridge (50-22) 1962 23-6 W .................Home 1963 11-10 W .................Home 1963 20-13 W ..................Away 1964 12-4 W ..................Away 1964 5-9 L...............Home 1965 6-4 W ..................Away 1965 2-6 L...............Home 1965 9-1 W .................Home 1966 15-14 (DH) W .................Home 1966 10-5 (DH) W .................Home 1966 6-2 W ..................Away 1967 4-2 (DH) W .................Home 1967 2-0 (DH) W .................Home 1967 2-4 L................Away 1968 0-3 L...............Home 1968 8-6 W .................Home 1969 5-1 W ..................Away 1969 15-1 W .................Home 1970 2-7 L................Away 1970 4-1 W .................Home 1971 13-10 W ..................Away 1971 1-0 W .................Home 1972 9-8 W .................Home 1972 12-2 W ..................Away 1973 3-15 L................Away 1974 18-5 W ..................Away 1974 7-6 (10) W .................Home 1975 4-2 W .................Home 1976 4-6 L...............Home 1976 4-7 L................Away 1977 10-6 W ..................Away 1977 9-2 W .................Home 1978 12-1 W .................Home 1979 5-4 W .................Home 1980 3-2 W .................Home 1981 13-2 W .................Home 1982 6-5 W .................Home 1984 7-6 W ..................Away 1984 2-1 W .................Home 1985 1-6 L...............Home 1986 4-1 W .................Home 1987 8-2 W .................Home 1988 8-5 W ..................Away 1988 7-15 L...............Home 1989 2-4 L...............Home 1990 3-4 L...............Home 1991 3-6 L................Away 1991 6-3 W .................Home 1991 7-2 W .................Home 1992 2-9 L................Away 1992 1-6 L...............Home 1993 3-5 L................Away 1993 10-9 W .................Home 1994 7-1 W .................Home 1995 2-4 L...............Home 1995 10-12 L................Away 1996 6-1 W .................Home 1997 8-7 W .................Home 1997 17-18 (10) L................Away 1997 8-7 (10) W ..................Away 1997 8-2 W .................Home 1999 17-9 W .................Home 1999 7-6 W .................Home 1999 11-6 W ..................Away 2002 7-5* W .................Home 2005 9-2 W .................Home 2008 4-5 L...............Home 2008 8-2 W .................Home 2009 8-7 W .................Home 2009 4-7 L................Away 2009 4-5 (11) L................Away

Fresno State (40-25) 1952 2-1 W ..................Away 1952 6-9 L................Away 1954 3-9 L............ Neutral


1954 4-7 L............ Neutral 1955 11-2 W .................Home 1955 15-2 W .................Home 1956 9-6 W .................Home 1956 9-1 W .................Home 1957 6-5 W ..................Away 1959 6-2 W .............. Neutral 1960 5-2 W ..................Away 1960 3-1 W ..................Away 1960 5-3 W .................Home 1960 3-6 L...............Home 1960 3-13 L............ Neutral 1961 4-1 W .................Home 1961 4-6 L...............Home 1961 10-6 W .................Home 1963 4-2 W .................Home 1963 4-3 (12) W .................Home 1964 14-7 W ..................Away 1964 3-7 L................Away 1965 9-3 W .................Home 1969 6-3 W .................Home 1969 2-3 (12) L...............Home 1969 4-3 W .................Home 1970 6-2 W ..................Away 1970 13-6 W ..................Away 1970 6-7 L................Away 1972 8-5 W ..................Away 1972 4-5 L................Away 1972 12-4 W ..................Away 1973 5-0 W ..................Away 1973 6-2 (10) W ..................Away 1973 2-0 W ..................Away 1975 6-10 L................Away 1975 6-2 W .................Home 1975 9-2 W .................Home 1976 4-10 L...............Home 1976 8-7 W .................Home 1977 7-3 W .............. Neutral 1981 7-6 W ..................Away 1981 4-9 L................Away 1983 6-7 L................Away 1983 2-6 L................Away 1984 12-15 L................Away 1986 0-10 L................Away 1988 18-17 W ..................Away 1988 12-17 L................Away 1988 3-14 L................Away 1989 3-4 L...............Home 1989 10-5 W .................Home 1989 11-5 W .................Home 1990 16-4 W ..................Away 1990 5-6 L................Away 1990 4-3 W ..................Away 1992 2-5 L................Away 1992 6-2 (12) W ..................Away 1993 5-4 W .................Home 1993 6-7 L...............Home 1993 4-3 W .................Home 1995 22-17 W ..................Away 2001 8-0 W .................Home 2003 9-11 L...............Home 2003 5-6 L................Away

Long Beach State (77-45) 1960 15-8 W ..................Away 1961 11-1 W .................Home 1961 1-0 W ..................Away 1962 10-4 W .................Home 1962 3-2 (8) W ..................Away 1962 3-7 L................Away 1963 7-2 W .................Home 1963 8-1 W ..................Away 1964 5-3 W .................Home 1964 8-9 L................Away 1965 5-2 W ..................Away 1965 10-2 W .................Home 1966 1-3 L...............Home 1966 2-0 W ..................Away 1967 3-0 W .................Home 1967 3-4 L................Away 1968 0-1 L...............Home 1968 0-3 L................Away 1969 5-2 W .................Home 1969 0-2 L...............Home 1969 8-6 W .................Home 1970 13-1 W .................Home 1970 8-1 W ..................Away 1971 6-1 W ..................Away 1971 1-5 L...............Home 1972 6-0 W ..................Away 1972 6-1 W .................Home 1973 10-3 W .................Home 1974 9-8 W .................Home 1974 7-5 W ..................Away

1977 11-0 W .................Home 1977 10-5 W ..................Away 1977 8-5 W ..................Away 1978 23-8 W ..................Away 1978 12-1 W .................Home 1980 8-2 W .................Home 1981 8-4 W .................Home 1981 4-2 W ..................Away 1982 0-12 L...............Home 1982 0-4 L................Away 1983 4-11 L...............Home 1983 7-6 (11) W .................Home 1983 8-4 W ..................Away 1984 20-2 W .................Home 1984 7-5 W ..................Away 1985 5-0 W .................Home 1985 4-5 (10) L................Away 1986 8-3 W .................Home 1986 21-6 W ..................Away 1987 1-2 L................Away 1987 7-6 (10) W .................Home 1988 11-3 W .................Home 1988 10-3 W ..................Away 1989 0-4 L...............Home 1989 9-3 W ..................Away 1990 6-4 W .................Home 1990 6-11 L................Away 1990 3-10 L...............Home 1991 6-2 W .................Home 1991 7-4 W ..................Away 1992 5-3 W .................Home 1993 5-9 L................Away 1993 7-4 W .................Home 1994 3-6 L...............Home 1994 7-9 L................Away 1994 5-3 W .................Home 1995 2-3 L...............Home 1995 9-7 W ..................Away 1995 10-3 W .................Home 1995 6-5* W .............. Neutral 1995 3-4* L............ Neutral 1995 9-2* W .............. Neutral 1996 9-5 W .................Home 1996 10-6 W .................Home 1996 12-2 W ..................Away 1997 6-1 W ..................Away 1997 4-3 W .................Home 1997 3-7 L................Away 1998 16-4 W .................Home 1998 9-5 W .................Home 1998 12-3 W ..................Away 1999 7-9 L................Away 1999 16-12 W .................Home 1999 8-9 L................Away 2000 3-2 (11) W .................Home 2000 3-13 L................Away 2000 9-2 W .................Home 2001 6-2 W ..................Away 2001 10-1 W .................Home 2001 5-9 L................Away 2001 10-2 W .................Home 2002 0-2 L................Away 2002 4-7 L................Away 2002 8-5 W ..................Away 2003 0-6 L...............Home 2003 1-7 L................Away 2003 12-7 W .................Home 2004 1-3 L................Away 2004 6-4 W .................Home 2004 2-6 L................Away 2005 4-3 W ..................Away 2005 7-5 W .................Home 2005 5-4 (11) W .................Home 2005 6-4* W ..................Away 2006 2-4 L................Away 2006 6-9 L...............Home 2006 6-8 L................Away 2007 2-1 W .................Home 2007 3-5 L................Away 2007 1-5 L................Away 2008 1-2 L................Away 2008 6-9 L...............Home 2008 9-16 L................Away 2009 5-3 W .................Home 2009 4-0 W ..................Away 2009 4-5 L...............Home 2010 10-5 W ..................Away 2010 1-9 L...............Home 2011 4-5 L................Away 2011 1-7 L...............Home 2012 4-2 W ..................Away 2012 0-1 L...............Home

Louisville (5-0)

2001 19-4 W .................Home 2001 11-4 W .................Home 2004 7-0 W .................Home 2011 4-3 W .................Home 2011 9-4 W .................Home

Loyola Marymount (127-24-1) 1922 11-1 W .................Home 1924 9-1 W .................Home 1925 13-2 W .................Home 1925 11-4 W .................Home 1926 6-4 W .................Home 1927 4-3 W .................Home 1927 4-3 W .................Home 1928 5-4 W .................Home 1929 8-4 W .................Home 1930 N/A W .................Home 1932 11-1 W .................Home 1933 9-2 W .................Home 1933 4-2 W ..................Away 1934 4-1 W .................Home 1934 7-6 (12) W .................Home 1935 6-5 W .................Home 1935 3-2 W .................Home 1936 25-4 W .................Home 1937 8-1 W .................Home 1938 5-4 W .................Home 1938 8-5 W .................Home 1939 8-6 W .................Home 1939 9-6 W .................Home 1940 9-4 W .................Home 1940 9-6 W .................Home 1942 5-4 W .................Home 1942 11-3 W .................Home 1943 6-3 W .................Home 1943 4-1 W .................Home 1943 2-1 W .................Home 1946 12-2 W ..................Away 1946 5-6 L...............Home 1946 9-3 W .................Home 1947 7-1 W .................Home 1947 10-2 W ..................Away 1948 14-4 W .................Home 1948 15-7 W .................Home 1949 10-1 W .................Home 1949 11-6 W ..................Away 1950 15-0 W ..................Away 1950 6-3 W .................Home 1951 11-9 W .................Home 1951 10-5 W .................Home 1952 6-5 (10) W .................Home 1952 9-2 W .................Home 1953 20-3 W .................Home 1953 11-10 W .................Home 1954 8-2 W .................Home 1955 17-4 W .................Home 1955 14-2 W .................Home 1956 9-5 W .................Home 1958 8-2 W .................Home 1961 14-2 W ..................Away 1961 8-5 W .................Home 1962 3-3 Tie...........Home 1964 5-1 W .................Home 1965 7-1 W .................Home 1965 12-2 W .................Home 1965 5-0 W .................Home 1966 4-2 W .................Home 1967 5-0 W .................Home 1968 10-1 W .................Home 1969 9-0 W ..................Away 1969 21-0 W ..................Away 1970 8-3 W .................Home 1971 3-0 W .................Home 1971 8-2 W .................Home 1972 5-10 L...............Home 1972 6-1 W ..................Away 1973 13-12 (8) W .................Home 1973 9-8* W .................Home 1973 2-1* W .................Home 1974 6-3 W ..................Away 1974 4-6 L...............Home 1975 12-7 W .................Home 1975 12-5 W .................Home 1975 12-9 W .................Home 1976 4-2 W .................Home 1976 1-7 L...............Home 1976 5-3 W .................Home 1977 8-2 W .................Home 1977 10-7 W .................Home 1978 15-2 W .................Home 1979 11-8 W ..................Away 1979 11-8 W .................Home 1980 10-4 W .................Home 1981 18-6 W ..................Away

1981 1-0 (8) W .................Home 1981 10-3 W .................Home 1982 10-2 W ..................Away 1982 9-10 L...............Home 1983 7-15 L...............Home 1984 4-11 L................Away 1984 10-9 W .................Home 1985 11-3 W ..................Away 1985 7-6 (14) W .................Home 1986 8-10 L...............Home 1986 8-7 W ..................Away 1987 2-3 L...............Home 1987 15-2 W ..................Away 1988 2-3 L...............Home 1988 10-6 W ..................Away 1989 7-5 W ..................Away 1989 4-3 W .................Home 1990 6-8 L...............Home 1991 8-7 W ..................Away 1991 6-5 (14) W .................Home 1992 9-4 W .................Home 1992 4-2 W ..................Away 1993 7-3 W .................Home 1993 6-2 W .................Home 1993 8-5 W .................Home 1994 13-7 W ..................Away 1994 11-7 W .................Home 1995 13-4 W .................Home 1995 9-1 W ..................Away 1996 11-5 W .................Home 1996 13-3 W ..................Away 1997 7-2 W .................Home 1997 0-8 L................Away 1998 6-4 W .................Home 1998 6-12 L................Away 1999 5-8 L................Away 1999 4-9 L...............Home 2000 9-8 W ..................Away 2000 7-3 W .................Home 2000 13-5* W .............. Neutral 2001 1-9 L...............Home 2001 3-7 L................Away 2002 7-31 L................Away 2002 8-4 W .................Home 2003 8-5 W ..................Away 2003 5-3 W .................Home 2004 10-1 W .................Home 2004 7-11 L................Away 2005 12-4 W ..................Away 2005 3-5 L...............Home 2006 14-4 W ..................Away 2006 5-6 L...............Home 2007 5-2 W ..................Away 2007 7-1 W .................Home 2008 10-11 L................Away 2008 2-8 L...............Home 2009 13-5 W ..................Away 2009 11-2 W .................Home 2010 6-5 W .................Home 2010 9-7 W ..................Away 2011 10-3 W .................Home 2011 7-4 W ..................Away 2012 5-8 L...............Home

Nebraska (1-2) 1979 3-6 L...............Home 1984 6-9 L...............Home 2005 5-4 W .............. Netural

Notre Dame (3-3) 1961 4-3 W .................Home 1997 14-4 W .............. Neutral 2002 8-15 L............ Neutral 2004 1-3 L...............Home 2005 6-13 L................Away 2005 9-3 W ..................Away

Pepperdine (89-40-1) 1943 19-4 W .................Home 1943 20-1 W .................Home 1944 14-1 W .................Home 1944 9-0 W ..................Away 1945 16-9 W ..................Away 1945 4-5 L...............Home 1946 5-3 W .................Home 1946 11-8 W .................Home 1948 11-0 W .................Home 1951 12-7 W .................Home 1952 11-0 W .................Home


Y E AR- BY - YEAR V S . NO NC O NF ER ENC E O P P O NENTS 1953 9-6 W .................Home 1954 3-0 W .................Home 1955 19-0 W .................Home 1956 4-9 L...............Home 1957 8-7 W .................Home 1958 16-2 W .................Home 1959 8-3 W .................Home 1960 3-4 L...............Home 1960 10-3* W .................Home 1960 10-3* W .................Home 1961 4-1 W .................Home 1962 8-6 W .................Home 1962 9-5 W .................Home 1963 7-2 W .................Home 1964 3-2 W .................Home 1964 3-2 W .................Home 1965 9-0 W .................Home 1965 0-3 L...............Home 1966 13-0 W .................Home 1966 6-0 W .................Home 1966 11-0 W .................Home 1967 7-1 W .................Home 1968 4-0 W .................Home 1969 4-1 W .................Home 1970 3-2 W .................Home 1971 2-1 W .................Home 1972 17-3 W .................Home 1973 14-3 W .................Home 1974 6-1 W ..................Away 1974 5-6 L...............Home 1974 2-4* L...............Home 1974 4-1* W .................Home 1974 12-4* W .................Home 1975 3-4 (11) L................Away 1975 5-4 W .................Home 1975 2-5* L...............Home 1976 3-5 L................Away 1976 4-1 W .................Home 1977 2-3 (12) L................Away 1977 4-3 W .................Home 1977 5-3 W .................Home 1978 0-3 L................Away 1978 7-0 W .................Home 1978 10-2 W .................Home 1979 4-9 L................Away 1980 8-4 W .................Home 1980 5-2 W ..................Away 1981 7-6 W .................Home 1982 0-3 L...............Home 1982 2-1 W ..................Away 1983 1-6 L................Away 1983 12-8 W ..................Away 1984 1-5 L................Away 1984 7-9 L...............Home 1985 5-4 W ..................Away 1985 2-7 (11) L...............Home 1986 0-2 L...............Home 1987 2-1 W ..................Away 1987 2-1 W .................Home 1988 6-2 W ..................Away 1988 6-0 W .................Home 1989 4-10 L................Away 1989 6-3 W .................Home 1990 6-5 (10) W ..................Away 1990 14-8 W .................Home 1991 5-5 Tie............Away 1991 11-4 W .................Home 1991 17-7* W .................Home 1992 3-5 L................Away 1992 9-10 L...............Home 1993 9-7 W .................Home 1993 8-12 L................Away 1993 12-4 W .................Home 1994 8-4 W ..................Away 1994 10-2 W .................Home 1995 2-1 W .................Home 1995 5-4 W ..................Away 1995 12-1 W .................Home 1996 2-9 L................Away 1996 5-12 L...............Home 1997 7-1 W .................Home 1997 2-4 L................Away 1998 5-2 (11) W ..................Away 1998 11-1 W .................Home 1999 4-6 L................Away 1999 8-3 W .................Home 1999 5-3* W .................Home 1999 3-4* L...............Home 1999 12-7* W .................Home 2000 7-3 W ..................Away 2000 8-1 W .................Home 2001 3-5 L................Away 2001 9-3 W .................Home 2001 4-3* W .................Home 2002 5-3 W ..................Away 2002 18-6 W ..................Away

2002 1-7 L...............Home 2003 1-4 L...............Home 2003 9-6 W ..................Away 2004 8-4 W .................Home 2004 4-7 L................Away 2005 4-3 W .................Home 2005 7-3* W .............. Neutral 2005 2-9* L............ Neutral 2005 5-2* W .............. Neutral 2006 1-2 L...............Home 2006 1-2 L................Away 2007 3-8 L................Away 2007 3-5 L...............Home 2008 5-10 L................Away 2008 5-1 W .................Home 2009 1-10 L...............Home 2009 5-8 L................Away 2010 5-0 W ..................Away 2010 3-2 W .................Home 2011 7-6(14) W ..................Away 2011 7-3 W .................Home 2012 2-7 L................Away 2012 5-4 W .................Home

TCU (1-0) 2002 8-3 W .............. Neutral

UC Irvine (30-25) 1970 6-8 L...............Home 1971 3-2 W .................Home 1971 9-10 L................Away 1972 2-0 W .................Home 1973 3-1 W ..................Away 1973 0-5 L...............Home 1974 3-9 L...............Home 1974 10-4 W ..................Away 1975 3-2 W .................Home 1976 9-4 W .................Home 1977 3-2 W .................Home 1977 6-7 L................Away 1978 2-8 L...............Home 1978 8-0 W .................Home 1979 4-6 L................Away 1979 19-3 W .................Home 1980 13-4 W ..................Away 1981 10-5 W .................Home 1984 3-0 W .................Home 1984 7-2 W ..................Away 1985 5-4 W .................Home 1986 8-2 W ..................Away 1986 7-9 L...............Home 1987 1-2 L................Away 1987 5-3 W .................Home 1988 9-3 W .................Home 1988 4-9 L................Away 1989 6-2 W .................Home 1989 4-8 L................Away 1990 2-3 L...............Home 1990 5-2 W ..................Away 1991 7-2 W .................Home 1991 8-2 W ..................Away 1992 14-8 W .................Home 2002 3-5 L................Away 2002 13-5 W .................Home 2003 6-4 W .................Home 2003 2-1 W ..................Away 2004 2-0 W ..................Away 2004 2-13 L...............Home 2005 2-8 L...............Home 2005 5-0 W ..................Away 2006 9-10 (13) L...............Home 2006 0-5 L................Away 2007 3-6 L...............Home 2007 3-4 L................Away 2008 3-7 L................Away 2008 3-11 L...............Home 2009 5-6 (12) L...............Home 2009 5-6 L................Away 2010 8-6 W ..................Away 2010 8-1 W .................Home 2011 0-4 L ..............Home 2011 2-9 L ...............Away 2012 5-4 W ..................Away 2012 4-5 L...............Home 2012 3-6 L................Away


Winning Streaks OVERALL (includes college games only)

23 games 22 games 19 games 16 games 15 games 13 games 12 games 11 games 10 games

1942-43 1973-74 1955 1948, 1949, 1971, 2000 1963, 1972-73, 1978, 1988 1962, 1966, 1970, 1995 1964, 1978 1956, 1959-60, 1966, 1968-69, 1969, 1998 1953, 1961, 1970, 1978, 1994

(The top winning streak within one season is 19 games in 1955)

24 games 19 games 14 games 13 games 12 games 11 games 10 games


1970-71 1942-43 1991 1958-59, 1978 1949, 1955 1931-32, 1972, 1977, 1996 1965-66, 1995

(The top conference winning streak within one season is 17 games in 1971, when USC went 17-0)

The Last Time... ... a USC pitcher threw a complete-game shutout: Anthony Vasquez vs. Cal Poly, 5/5/09 ... a USC pitcher had 12 or more strikeouts: Anthony Vasquez (13) vs. Cal Poly, 5/5/09 ... a USC pitcher threw 10+ innings: Ian Kennedy (10.0) vs. California, 4/7/06 ... a USC player hit a game-winning, game-ending home run: Ricky Oropesa vs. Oregon, 4/9/09 ... USC players hit back-to-back-to-back home runs: Jason Lane, Eric Munson and Dominic Correa vs. Washington, 5/16/99 ... USC players hit back-to-back home runs: Derek Perren and Mike Roskopf at Arizona State, 3/29/08 ... a USC player homered in four straight games: Cyle Hankerd, 4/25-4/29/06 ... a USC player had back-to-back multi-home run games: Jeff Clement vs. South Alabama, 2/14-2/15/03 ... a USC player had home runs in the same inning: Jeff Clement at Arizona (3rd inning), 3/21/03 ... a USC player hit a grand slam: Anthony Vasquez vs. Stanford (9th inning), 5/15/09 ... a USC player hit for the cycle: Michael Moon vs. Washington State, 5/17/03 ... a USC player had seven or more RBI: Joey Metropoulos at UCLA (7), 5/26/02 ... a USC player stole home (not double steal): Joe De Pinto at California, 5/23/09 ... USC scored in every inning: vs. North Carolina, 2/14/98 ... USC batters had zero strikeouts in a game: vs. Long Beach State, 3/15/08



1912 team *All game-by-game records before the 1921 season are unavailable.

1921 A5 A20 A28 A30 M5 M6 M7 M13 M18 M31

Whittier (10) UC Southern Branch Cal Tech Pomona at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona Cal Tech UC Southern Branch Pomona

1922 M21 M25 M29 A6 M4


M13 M17 M23

M29 M30 A3 A12 A17 A23 A26 A27 A28 M1 M2 M7 M8 M14 M15 M17

at Stanford at Stanford at California (11) at Cal Tech Whittier Occidental at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona UC Santa Barbara Pomona Whittier Pomona Occidental UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Barbara


M24 M28 M29 A4 A8 A8 A24 A25 A26 M1 M2

M30 A13 A14 A20 A21 A23 A24 A25 A30 M1







5-8 11-1 5-7 5-4 5-3 1-4 4-3 6-9





3-6 2-10 2-3 9-4 6-2 8-1 5-13 3-5 4-5 8-2 3-6 9-4 8-0 7-9

(5-7) W W W W




5-6 10-6 8-5 5-1 2-11 5-8 9-1 2-5 5-7 6-7 3-1 0-15


13-2 11-4 12-1 7-6 2-4 2-4 6-12 5-8 3-6 3-9



Loyola Loyola Whittier Occidental (10) Occidental (11) at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona St. Mary’s St. Mary’s

M5 M6 M8 M12 M16 M19 M20 M23 M26 A22 A23 A24



at Stanford at Stanford at California Whittier Occidental California California Loyola Stanford at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona



at Stanford Stanford Stanford California California California Loyola at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona St. Mary’s St. Mary’s



6-4 9-7 11-9 8-13 8-6 5-10 6-5 8-0 4-2 10-2


UC Santa Barbara Loyola Cal Tech at Whittier UC Santa Barbara Arizona Arizona Arizona Occidental Pomona





Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. St. Mary’s 10-2 2. USC 6-6 3. Santa Clara 5-7 3. Stanford 5-7 5. California 4-8


L 1-3 W 6-5 L 6-7 W 4-3 W 8-1 L 1-4 W 4-3 W 13-5 L 1-2 W 10-3 L 3-4 W 9-2 W 8-2 W 4-2 W 7-3 W 8-6 W 5-4 L 1-4 L 4-7

PCT .833 .500 .417 .417 .333

GB — 4 5 5 6

(11-7, 5-7)

A23 M9 M14 M17 M19 M22 M23 M30 M31

* St. Mary’s Whittier Loyola * California * California Occidental Occidental * Stanford * Stanford Whittier A4 * at St. Mary’s A5 * at Stanford (10) A7 * at California A17 Whittier A20 * St. Mary‘s A21 * St. Mary’s A28 * UCLA M1 * UCLA M2 * UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings 1. St. Mary’s 2. California 3. USC 3. Stanford 5. UCLA


(12-7, 6-6)

M8 Occidental M11 * Santa Clara M12 * Santa Clara (10) M16 Loyola M18 * California M19 * California M23 Loyola M25 * Stanford M26 * Stanford (11) A2 Whittier A4 * at Stanford A5 * at California A8 * at St. Mary’s A9 * at Santa Clara A15 Arizona A16 Arizona A19 Whittier A22 * St. Mary’s A23 * St. Mary’s * CIBA game


3-1 2-11 5-8 8-3 0-6 6-8 3-1 6-4 5-0 3-6 11-7 8-6


W-L 9-3 8-4 5-7 5-7 3-9

L 4-7 W 18-0 W 5-4 W 14-13 W 9-5 W 10-6 W 9-1 W 2-1 L 5-8 W 9-5 L 0-2 W 4-2 L 5-6 W 14-9 L 3-5 L 3-4 L 2-3 W 6-5 L 6-9

PCT GB .750 — .667 1 .417 4 .417 4 .250 6

(12-5, 8-5)

F26 at Occidental M1 Occidental M8 * Santa Clara M15 * California M18 * California M26 * Stanford M27 * Stanford A2 at Occidental A6 * at St. Mary’s A8 * at California A9 * at Stanford A12 Loyola A19 * St. Mary’s A20 * St. Mary’s A27 * UCLA M1 * at UCLA M4 * UCLA (10) * CIBA game

Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. California 11-3 2. Santa Clara 9-3 3. USC 8-5 4. St. Mary’s 5-9 5. Stanford 4-10 6. UCLA 4-11






PCT .786 .750 .615 .357 .286 .267

11-8 12-8 3-1 3-6 5-7 8-7 5-4 8-2 1-3 8-7 1-6 8-4 9-5 7-3 2-6 11-3 5-4

GB — 1 2.5 6 7 7.5


CIBA CHAMPIONS * Santa Clara Santa Clara * California * California * Stanford * Stanford at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona Loyola * at St. Mary’s * at California * at Stanford A25 * St. Mary’s A26 * St. Mary’s M5 * at UCLA M7 * UCLA M10 * at UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 11-2 2. California 12-3 3. Stanford 7-8 3. St. Mary’s 7-8 5. Santa Clara 4-9 6. UCLA 2-13


PCT .846 .800 .467 .467 .308 .133

L t


13-14 8-8 4-2 3-2 8-1 8-0 19-2 13-6 10-5 3-0 5-4 2-4 4-3 2-1 12-1 12-2 11-9

GB — — 5 5 7 10

(14-4, 14-4)

Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. Stanford 15-3 2. USC 14-4 3. California 13-5 4. Santa Clara 9-9 5. St. Mary’s 5-13 6. USF 4-14 7. UCLA 3-15

(15-2-1, 11-2)

M10 M11 M19 M19 M25 M26 A3 A4 A5


F27 * San Francisco F28 * San Francisco M9 * Santa Clara M10 * Santa Clara M13 * California (10) M14 * California M24 * Stanford M25 * Stanford M30 * at Santa Clara M31 * at St. Mary’s A1 * at San Francisco A2 * at California A3 * at Stanford A24 * St. Mary’s A25 * St. Mary’s M2 * UCLA M6 * at UCLA M9 * UCLA * CIBA game



PCT .833 .778 .722 .500 .278 .222 .167

13-4 10-6 5-0 15-7 2-5 6-5 0-4 10-5 6-3 2-5 6-2 1-6 12-6 10-4 12-7 4-2 8-4 12-5

GB — 1 2 6 10 11 12

(14-5, 13-5)

CIBA CHAMPIONS F26 * San Francisco F27 * San Francisco M3 Loyola M7 * Santa Clara M9 * Santa Clara M11 * California M12 * California M22 * Stanford M23 * Stanford M28 * at Santa Clara M29 * at St. Mary’s M30 * at San Francisco M31 * at California A1 * at Stanford A8 * St. Mary’s A9 * St. Mary’s A20 * at UCLA (10) A23 * UCLA (10) A29 * at UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 13-5 2. California 12-6 3. Santa Clara 10-8 4. Stanford 9-9 St. Mary‘s 9-9 6. UCLA 7-11 7. USF 3-15


PCT .722 .667 .556 .500 .500 .389 .167



15-8 15-10 11-1 2-1 9-8 8-0 9-15 11-12 19-1 13-10 4-9 17-2 4-8 4-3 11-4 13-11 3-1 10-9 2-5

GB — 1 3 4 4 6 10

1908 team

1914 team


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 1933

(5-6, 3-6)

F15 Loyola F20 at Loyola M10 * California M11 * California M28 * Stanford M29 * Stanford A3 * St. Mary’s A4 * St. Mary’s A11 * at St. Mary’s A13 * at California A14 * at Stanford * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. California 8-1 2. Stanford 4-5 3. USC 3-6 St. Mary’s 3-6

1934 F28 M3 M6 M10 M17 M19 M20 M24 M26 M27 A2 A4 A5 A5 A6 A7 A15 A16 A17 A22 A25 A29



PCT .889 .444 .333 .333

9-2 4-2 4-8 14-16 4-1 4-18 1-9 5-3 6-10 6-7 10-6

GB — 4 5 5

(16-6, 10-5)

Whittier Whittier Loyola Loyola (12) * California * California * California * Stanford (12) * Stanford * Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford * at St. Mary’s * at St. Mary’s * at California * at California * St. Mary’s * St. Mary’s * St. Mary’s UCLA UCLA UCLA





17-0 10-1 4-1 7-6 3-5 4-3 4-5 3-2 7-6 7-6 3-1 6-7 7-5 10-3 1-11 3-6 10-1 11-2 7-2 9-1 3-5 6-2

* CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. California 14-1 2. USC 10-5 3. Stanford 5-10 4. St. Mary’s 1-14

PCT .933 .667 .333 .067

GB — 4 9 13


(12-5, 10-5)

Neil Raney at-bat during a game against Stanford in 1924, played at the Coliseum. Raney led the Trojans in batting that season.

CIBA CO-CHAMPIONS F25 Loyola M1 Loyola M11 * Santa Clara M12 * Santa Clara M15 * California M16 * California M26 * Stanford M27 * Stanford M29 * at Santa Clara M30 * at California A1 * at St. Mary’s A2 * at Stanford A12 * St. Mary’s A13 * St. Mary’s A20 * at UCLA A24 * UCLA A27 * at UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 10-5 California 10-5 3. UCLA 8-7 St. Mary’s 8-7 5. Santa Clara 7-8 6. Stanford 2-13




6-5 3-2 7-0 9-8 1-5 3-5 8-1 5-2 2-5 5-7 4-8 8-2 8-4 4-2 4-0 2-0 2-1


PCT .667 .667 .533 .533 .467 .133

GB — — 2 2 3 8


(15-4, 13-2)

CIBA CHAMPIONS F27 Loyola M6 * Santa Clara M7 * Santa Clara M16 * California M17 * California M27 * Stanford M28 * Stanford A6 * at St. Mary’s A7 * at California A8 * Santa Clara (n) A8 * at Stanford A13 * St. Mary’s A14 * St. Mary’s A27 * UCLA A30 * at UCLA M4 * UCLA M7 at Arizona M8 at Arizona M9 at Arizona * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 13-2 2. St. Mary’s 12-3 3. UCLA 8-7 4. California 6-9 5. Santa Clara 4-11 6. Stanford 2-13


PCT .867 .800 .533 .400 .267 .133




25-4 8-2 13-8 12-7 1-8 12-0 4-0 16-4 6-0 8-4 16-13 10-1 5-11 2-0 6-2 3-2 11-21 4-7 21-8

GB — 1 5 7 9 11

A Trojan player by the last name of Meadows plays catch in 1914

F19 Loyola M6 * Santa Clara M7 * Santa Clara M18 * California M18 * California M26 * Stanford M26 * Stanford A3 * at Santa Clara (10) A5 * at Stanford A6 * at St. Mary’s A7 * at California A13 * St. Mary’s A14 * St. Mary’s A27 * UCLA A30 * at UCLA M4 * UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. California 11-4 2. USC 10-5 3. Stanford 8-7 4. St. Mary’s 7-8 UCLA 7-8 6. Santa Clara 2-13






PCT .733 .667 .533 .467 .467 .133

8-1 7-0 4-6 12-4 3-5 8-0 12-9 8-7 3-4 3-4 3-1 16-6 5-0 9-3 12-0 5-7

GB — 1 3 4 4 9

(13-4, 11-4)

M7 Loyola M11 * California (10) M16 * Califonia M19 * Stanford M21 * Stanford M25 * Santa Clara (10) M26 * Santa Clara (12) M31 Loyola A9 * at Santa Clara A11 * at St. Mary’s A12 * at California A13 * at Stanford A21 * St. Mary’s A23 * St. Mary’s A27 * UCLA M2 * at UCLA (10) M4 * UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. California 12-3 2. USC 11-4 3. St. Mary’s 10-5 4. UCLA 6-9 5. Stanford 5-10 6. Santa Clara 1-14



(11-5, 10-5)


PCT .800 .733 .667 .400 .333 .067




5-4 2-4 10-5 12-5 9-3 3-2 6-5 8-5 11-4 4-6 2-5 6-5 6-5 9-6 6-3 7-5 7-9

GB — 1 2 6 7 11

(13-4, 11-4)

CIBA CO-CHAMPIONS F23 Loyola F27 Loyola M3 * Santa Clara (10) M4 * Santa Clara M10 * California M11 * California M18 * at UCLA M25 * UCLA A3 * at California A4 * at St. Mary’s A6 * at Santa Clara A7 * at Stanford A14 * St. Mary‘s A15 * St. Mary’s (10) A24 * Stanford A26 * Stanford A29 * at UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 11-4 St. Mary’s 11-4 3. California 9-6 4. Stanford 8-7 5. UCLA 4-11 6. Santa Clara 2-13





PCT .733 .733 .600 .533 .267 .133

8-6 9-6 9-8 19-8 5-4 4-1 9-2 11-10 2-14 4-3 19-15 6-2 1-7 4-3 5-11 6-8 16-1

GB — — 2 3 7 9

(11-7, 8-7)

F19 Loyola M2 Santa Barbara College M5 Loyola M8 * California M9 * California M15 * Santa Clara M16 * Santa Clara M25 * Stanford M26 * Stanford A12 * St. Mary’s A13 * St. Mary’s A19 * at St. Mary’s A20 * at Santa Clara A22 * at Stanford A23 * at California A27 * UCLA (10) M1 * at UCLA M6 * UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. St. Mary’s 11-4 2. California 9-6 3. USC 8-7 4. Santa Clara 7-8 5. UCLA 6-9 6. Stanford 4-11



PCT .733 .600 .533 .467 .400 .267


9-4 16-4 5-4 4-1 9-5 3-14 8-2 1-3 8-4 3-4 7-4 0-13 7-3 7-8 3-4 3-4 13-1 6-1

GB — 2 3 4 5 7



1944 (12-4, 4-4)

(9-6, 9-6)

M10 * Santa Clara M11 * Santa Clara M16 * California M17 * California M22 * at UCLA M29 * Stanford A5 * UCLA A8 * at Santa Clara A12 * St. Mary’s (n) A12 * at California A14 * at Stanford A14 * at Stanford A18 * St. Mary’s A19 * St. Mary’s A26 * at UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. California 11-4 St. Mary’s 11-4 3. USC 9-6 4. Santa Clara 6-9 5. Stanford 5-10 6. UCLA 3-12





3-6 8-3 14-6 8-7 8-5 8-3 5-0 4-10 1-7 1-2 13-8 8-6 5-10 0-4 3-0


PCT .733 .733 .600 .400 .333 .200

GB — — 2 5 6 8

(14-2, 12-2)

CIBA CO-CHAMPIONS F28 Loyola M2 Loyola M6 * St. Mary’s M7 * St. Mary’s M13 * California M17 * California (n) M21 * UCLA M24 * Stanford M25 * Stanford A1 * at St. Mary’s A2 * at California (10) A15 * Santa Clara A15 * Santa Clara A16 * Santa Clara A23 * at UCLA A25 * UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 12-2 2. California 11-4 3. Santa Clara 10-5 4. UCLA 5-10 5. St. Mary’s 4-11 6. Stanford 2-12

1943 F20 M6 M13 M20 M24 M27 M31 A7 A10 A14 A17 A21 M1 M7 M8 M10


5-4 11-3 2-0 4-3 5-10 5-1 6-9 11-1 26-3 6-4 4-3 3-2 6-1 12-5 2-1 20-1


PCT .857 .733 .667 .333 .267 .143

GB — 1.5 2.5 7.5 8.5 10

(14-2, 10-0)

Loyola * Loyola at UCLA * Whittier * Occidental UCLA * Pepperdine * Whittier * Loyola * Pepperdine * at UCLA * at Occidental * UCLA ^ California ^ California ^ California



6-3 4-1 10-2 25-5 6-4 9-0 19-4 6-0 2-1 20-1 9-3 6-5 10-3 6-5 11-15 1-2

* SCIBL game ^ CIBA championship series at Berkeley, Calif. Final SCIBL Standings W-L 1. USC 10-0 2. UCLA 6-4 3. Occidental 5-5 Whittier 5-5 5. Loyola 4-6 6. Pepperdine 0-10


PCT 1.000 .600 .500 .500 .400 .000

GB — 4 5 5 6 10

M25 at Redlands (10) A1 * UCLA A1 * UCLA A15 Pepperdine A25 at Occidental A29 at Caltech M6 Occidental M13 Redlands M20 * California M20 * California M23 at Pepperdine M27 * at UCLA M27 * at UCLA J3 * at California J3 * at California J6 Caltech * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. UCLA 5-3 2. USC 4-4 3. California 3-5

1947 (16-6, 11-4) W W W W W W W W W W


7-6 4-9 8-3 14-1 9-0 9-4 10-5 11-2 2-1 4-2 9-0 1-3 3-7 5-13 5-1 9-0



PCT .625 .500 .375

GB — 1 2

1945 (8-7, 3-5) M31 M31 A7 A14 A18 A20 A28 M3 M3 M12 M18 M19 M19 J2 J2

* UCLA * UCLA at Caltech Occidental San Diego State at Pepperdine Caltech * California * California at Occidental Pepperdine * at California * at California * at UCLA * at UCLA




2-5 11-3 9-10 16-2 12-4 16-9 11-2 8-10 8-9 16-4 4-5 4-7 3-4 11-3 16-6



* CIBA game Note: USC played in two conferences during the 1945 season since players were involved in World War II

Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. California 7-1 2. USC 3-5 3. UCLA 2-6

PCT .875 .375 .250

GB — 4 5

Final SCIBA Standings W-L 1. Cal Tech 8-1 2. USC 6-3 3. UCLA 4-5 4. Pepperdine 3-6 5. Occidental 2-7

PCT .889 .667 .444 .333 .222

GB — 2 4 5 6


(15-2, 11-1)

CIBA CHAMPIONS M29 * Stanford A1 * Stanford (14) A16 at Loyola A22 Loyola A26 * UCLA (12) A27 * at UCLA A30 Pepperdine M3 * California M4 * California M7 Pepperdine M10 * at Stanford M11 * at Stanford M22 Loyola M24 * at California M25 * at California M31 * at UCLA J1 * UCLA * CIBA game Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 11-1 2. California 8-4 3. UCLA 4-8 4. Stanford 1-11


PCT .917 .667 .333 .083

15-7 5-4 12-2 5-6 2-1 6-4 5-3 11-2 11-4 11-8 9-3 7-6 9-3 1-4 16-2 4-0 12-5



GB — 3 7 10


CIBA CO-CHAMPIONS M15 Loyola W M22 San Francisco W M24 * Stanford W M25 * Stanford W A5 * at UCLA W A7 at Santa Barbara College L A12 at Loyola W A18 * Santa Clara W A19 * Santa Clara W A22 Santa Barbara College W A25 * at Santa Clara W A26 * at Stanford L M2 * California W M3 * California L M9 * St. Mary’s W M10 * St. Mary’s L M16 Loyola W M19 at San Diego State W M23 * at St. Mary’s W M24 * at California L M30 * UCLA W M31 * at UCLA W J5 ^ California L * CIBA game ^ CIBA playoff game at Los Angeles Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 11-4 California 11-4 3. Stanford 7-8 UCLA 7-8 5. St. Mary’s 5-10 6. Santa Clara 4-11


PCT .733 .733 .466 .466 .333 .267

7-1 11-2 11-6 8-6 9-2 8-10 10-4 7-5 7-3 12-6 11-5 5-6 8-4 7-14 10-4 2-5 10-2 3-1 5-4 5-10 6-3 5-4 2-5

GB — — 4 4 6 7

(23-6, 12-2)

COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CHAMPIONS M25 San Diego State W M26 San Diego State W A1 * Santa Clara L A2 * Santa Clara L A8 * at UCLA W A9 * UCLA W A12 Loyola W A17 at Santa Barbara College W A19 at Loyola W A22 * at Santa Clara W A23 * at Stanford W A29 * California W A30 * California W M6 * St. Mary’s W M7 * St. Mary’s W M10 San Francisco W M13 * Stanford W M14 * Stanford W M20 * at St. Mary’s W M21 * at California W M27 ^ Washington State L M28 ^ Washington State (10) W M28 ^ Washington State W J15 # Northern Colorado W J16 # Northern Colorado L J16 # Northern Colorado W J22 + Wake Forest (10) L J23 + St. John’s W J24 + Wake Forest (12) L * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at USC # NCAA Western Playoffs at Los Angeles + College World Series at Wichita, Kan. Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 12-2 2. Santa Clara 9-6 3. UCLA 8-6 4. Stanford 7-8 5. California 5-10 6. St. Mary’s 3-12

(26-4, 13-2)


PCT .857 .600 .571 .467 .333 .200

10-6 3-1 4-5 3-4 21-4 10-8 10-1 12-2 11-6 4-1 9-7 7-4 3-0 4-1 18-9 13-1 4-2 4-1 14-5 4-3 2-15 2-1 9-2 12-2 2-6 8-7 1-2 12-4 1-2

GB — 3.5 4 5.5 7.5 9.5

M5 Pepperdine W 11-0 M20 * UCLA W 13-0 M23 Loyola W 14-4 M27 Loyola W 15-7 A9 at Santa Barbara College W 6-5 A10 at Santa Barbara College L 6-7 A13 at San Diego State W 10-7 A16 * Santa Clara L 4-5 A17 * Santa Clara W 7-6 A23 * at Santa Clara W 9-2 A24 * at Stanford (10) W 12-10 A27 * at UCLA L 0-2 A30 * California W 15-11 M1 * California W 8-2 M4 San Francisco W 12-3 M7 * St. Mary’s W 5-4 M8 * St. Mary’s W 10-1 M14 * Stanford W 3-1 M15 * Stanford W 13-6 M18 * UCLA (13) W 4-3 M21 * at St. Mary’s W 13-7 M22 * at California W 4-2 M28 ^ Washington State W 7-5 M31 ^ Washington State W 6-3 J16 # Baylor W 8-0 J17 # Oklahoma State W 7-1 J19 # Baylor W 16-3 J25 + Yale W 3-1 J26 + Yale L 3-8 J26 + Yale W 9-2 * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at Pullman, Wash. # NCAA Western Playoffs at Denver, Colo. + College World Series at Wichita, Kan. Final CIBA Standings W-L 1. USC 13-2 2. Santa Clara 9-6 3. California 8-7 4. Stanford 5-9 5. UCLA 5-10 6. St. Mary’s 4-10

PCT .867 .600 .533 .357 .333 .286

GB — 4 5 7.5 8 8.5

The Los Angeles Times (right) printed the box score from the Trojans' Game 1 win in the 1948 College World Series over Yale.


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 1950 (16-8, 8-7) M18 M23 M27 M31 A1 A4 A7 A13 A14

San Diego State Santa Barbara College Whittier * Santa Clara * Santa Clara at Loyola * UCLA at Whittier at Santa Barbara Coll. (10) at Santa Barbara College A21 * at Santa Clara A22 * at Stanford A25 Loyola A28 * California A29 * California M2 * at UCLA (12) M5 * St. Mary’s M6 * St. Mary’s M9 San Francisco M12 * Stanford M13 * Stanford M16 * UCLA M19 * at St. Mary’s (10) M20 * at California * CIBA game


Top Hitters Rudy Regalado Jay Roundy Al Lamont Bob Lillis Serge Freeman

HR 4 5 4 5 2

Top Pitchers Tom Lovrich Jack Schlarb Ed Hookstratten Chuck Pryor Dave Cesca

AVG .375 .361 .343 .326 .325 W-L 10-2 7-8 1-1 2-2 6-6





15-4 10-2 7-1 7-11 5-11 15-0 5-4 22-4 8-7 11-1 2-4 5-4 6-3 11-7 3-2 6-7 6-2 6-2 2-4 4-5 15-3 13-1 2-4 5-6 RBI 35 20 27 35 27

ERA 2.69 3.68 3.95 3.98 4.10

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. Stanford 10-5 .667 — 2. California 8-6 .571 1.5 3. USC 8-7 .533 2 Santa Clara 8-7 .533 2 5. St. Mary’s 5-9 .357 4.5 6. UCLA 5-10 .333 5


1952 (18-9, 11-5)

(22-10, 11-5)

COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CHAMPIONS M9 Santa Barbara College W M20 Loyola W M24 at San Diego State L M30 * Stanford W M31 * Stanford W A10 Pepperdine W A13 * Santa Clara W A14 * Santa Clara W L A20 * at Stanford A21 * at California W A21 * at California W A24 Loyola W A27 * California L A28 * California W M1 San Diego State W M5 * at Santa Clara W L M5 * at Santa Clara M7 * at Stanford W M8 San Francisco W M11 at Arizona W M12 at Arizona L M18 * UCLA (10) W M19 * at UCLA L M19 * at UCLA W M22 * UCLA L J1 ^ Oregon State W J2 ^ Oregon State L J2 ^ Oregon State W J13 + Princeton W J14 + Utah W J15 + Oklahoma L J16 + Tennessee L * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Hal Charnofsky Stan Charnofsky Bill Wills Al Karan Bob Lillis Top Pitchers Tom Lovrich Dave Rankin Tom Kemp Dave Cesca Charles Ane

AVG .368 .362 .313 .312 .307 W-L 12-5 3-1 2-3 8-7 6-1

HR 2 1 1 3 7


CIBA CHAMPIONS 22-7 11-9 10-12 9-6 10-9 12-7 6-1 10-0 1-6 7-5 5-3 10-5 6-7 7-6 3-2 5-2 3-4 10-2 12-7 7-2 2-9 2-1 2-4 8-3 2-3 6-4 1-12 10-7 4-1 8-2 1-4 8-9

RBI 28 34 22 43 49

ERA 3.26 3.98 4.42 4.58 4.73

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 11-5 .688 — 2. UCLA 10-6 .625 1 3. Stanford 8-8 .500 2 4. California 6-10 .375 5 5. Santa Clara 5-11 .313 6

M11 Loyola (10) M14 Loyola M22 at San Diego State M28 Santa Barbara College A1 * at UCLA A4 * Santa Clara A5 * Santa Clara A11 * at California A12 * at Stanford A12 * at Stanford A14 Arizona A18 * at UCLA A19 * UCLA A19 * UCLA A21 Whittier A26 * California A28 * California A29 Pepperdine M2 at Fresno State M3 at Fresno State M9 * at California M10 * at Santa Clara M10 * at Santa Clara M16 * Stanford M17 * Stanford M30 ^ Oregon State M31 ^ Oregon State * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at Corvallis, Ore. Top Hitters Hal Charnofsky Warner Boone Stan Charnofsky Lou Bishara Don Herman Top Pitchers Tom Lovrich Ed Hookstratten Dave Cesca Bill Sperling Jack Schlarb

AVG .380 .358 .350 .330 .322 W-L 11-2 5-1 6-4 6-2 8-3


(21-9, 10-6)




HR 2 6 1 3 0

6-5 9-2 1-3 9-8 4-0 10-1 10-1 5-7 6-4 0-2 6-4 7-1 3-4 7-1 15-2 4-10 11-1 11-0 2-1 6-9 11-1 8-6 1-8 7-6 6-5 10-12 4-5

RBI 50 26 29 12 20

ERA 2.43 3.04 3.19 3.76 4.00

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 11-5 .688 — 2. Stanford 9-7 .563 2 3. UCLA 8-8 .500 3 4. Santa Clara 7-9 .438 4 5. California 5-11 .313 6

M14 M17 M19

at San Diego State San Jose State Loyola Santa Barbara College M27 * Stanford M28 * Stanford M30 at Cal Poly SLO A3 * at Stanford A4 * at California A4 * at California A6 Arizona A8 at Whittier A9 Arizona A10 * UCLA A11 * at UCLA A21 Loyola A24 * at Stanford (10) A25 * at Santa Clara A25 * at Santa Clara M1 * California M2 * California M5 * UCLA M7 Pepperdine M15 * Santa Clara M16 * Santa Clara M19 * at UCLA (12) M29 # San Diego State M29 # Seattle M30 # San Diego State M30 # San Diego State * CIBA game # District 8 Playoffs at USC


Top Hitters Ed Simpson John Stevenson Lou Bishara John Garten Warner Boone

HR 5 3 2 3 5

Top Pitchers Ed Hookstratten Don Young Jack Lovrich Dave Rankin Charlie Mena

AVG .404 .327 .314 .309 .283 W-L 10-2 5-5 1-1 6-2 2-6





8-4 2-5 20-3 7-3 1-7 2-5 4-3 5-6 16-3 6-7 5-4 8-4 2-3 9-3 12-11 11-10 10-11 9-14 12-4 12-3 6-3 11-3 9-6 6-5 9-6 5-4 12-6 11-1 1-3 3-1

RBI 49 37 33 27 32

ERA 2.82 3.55 3.67 3.94 4.94

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 10-6 .625 — Stanford 10-6 .625 — 3. California 8-8 .500 2 4. Santa Clara 6-10 .375 4 4. UCLA 6-10 .375 4

Members of the 1935 baseball team at practice (left to right): John Morrow, Rod Dedeaux, Ben Franklin, Kenneth Peters and Ernest Holbrook





(14-7, 11-5)

CIBA CHAMPIONS M26 * Santa Clara W M27 * Santa Clara W A2 * at California L L A3 * at Stanford A3 * at Stanford W A9 * UCLA W A10 * at UCLA L A10 * at UCLA L A16 * California W A17 * California W A20 Pepperdine W A30 * Stanford W M1 * Stanford W M7 * at California W M8 * at Santa Clara L M8 * at Santa Clara W M11 Loyola W M18 * UCLA W L M28 # Fresno State M29 # Seattle W L M29 # Fresno State * CIBA game # District 8 Playoffs at Eugene, Ore.

6-1 6-4 0-2 2-5 5-3 12-5 2-5 8-10 12-1 12-1 3-0 6-3 10-1 13-2 0-3 6-0 8-2 7-4 3-9 9-0 4-7

Top Hitters Tony Santino Gerry Mason John Stevenson Gary Robin Verle Sorgen

RBI 15 45 25 21 14

Top Pitchers Ralph Pausig Marty Zuanich Vic Lapiner Jack Lovrich Ed Allen

AVG .338 .326 .304 .284 .272 W-L 7-2 7-3 8-4 3-0 2-3

HR 2 11 2 2 3 ERA 2.25 2.42 2.80 3.08 4.68

1956 (21-5, 14-2)

(23-5, 12-3)


COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CHAMPIONS M19 * UCLA L M21 Loyola W M25 * Stanford W M26 * Stanford W A1 BYU W A4 at San Diego State W A8 * California W A9 * California W A12 Pacific W A15 * at Santa Clara W A16 * at California W A16 * at California W A26 Santa Barbara College W A29 * Santa Clara W M4 Pepperdine W M6 * UCLA W M7 * at UCLA W M10 Loyola W M13 * at Santa Clara W M14 * at Stanford W M14 * at Stanford (8) L M17 * at UCLA L M27 ^ Oregon W M28 ^ Oregon W J3 # Fresno State W J4 # Fresno State W J10 + Northern Colorado L J12 + Colgate L * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at USC # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.

*Top Hitters Gerry Mason Tony Santino Gary Robin John Stevenson Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB John Garten 1. USC 11-5 .688 — *Top Pitchers 2. Stanford 9-7 .563 2 Marty Zuanich 3. California 7-9 .438 4 Vic Lapiner Santa Clara 7-9 .438 4 Ralph Pausig 5. UCLA 6-10 .375 5

AVG .452 .393 .393 .369 .333 W-L 2-1 7-0 7-1

HR 8 2 1 2 3


6-10 17-4 8-1 7-4 23-5 7-2 13-7 18-4 29-5 24-2 5-3 13-1 12-6 11-0 19-0 14-8 7-1 14-2 13-7 8-6 2-3 4-18 7-1 10-1 11-2 15-2 1-2 4-6

RBI 26 12 15 9 15

ERA 1.71 2.99 3.13

* Statistics not complete Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 12-3 .800 — 2. UCLA 9-6 .600 3 3. Stanford 9-7 .563 3.5 4. California 7-8 .467 5 5. Santa Clara 1-14 .067 11


M16 Santa Barbara College M17 Santa Barbara College M23 * California M24 * California M28 San Jose State A6 * at Santa Clara A6 * at Santa Clara A7 * at California A18 * at UCLA A20 Fresno State A21 Fresno State A27 * at California A28 * at Stanford A28 * at Stanford M2 Pepperdine M4 * at UCLA M5 * UCLA M7 * UCLA M8 Loyola M11 * Stanford (10) M12 * Stanford M15 San Diego State M18 * Santa Clara M19 * Santa Clara J1 ^ Washington State J2 ^ Washington State * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at Pullman, Wash.


Top Hitters Kent Hadley Tony Santino Bud Pritchard Bill Faddis Bob Gerst

HR 17 1 8 1 3

Top Pitchers Marty Zuanich Ed Isherwood Jerry Parker Charlie Mena

AVG .387 .373 .336 .301 .274 W-L 6-3 7-1 5-0 3-3


(18-4, 12-4)





11-9 11-5 4-7 15-6 17-5 16-6 10-7 9-2 5-3 9-6 9-1 6-3 3-2 9-3 4-9 2-1 15-8 4-3 9-5 7-10 7-5 13-10 7-2 9-5 2-6 4-5

RBI 46 13 39 14 21

M8 Sul Ross State M15 Santa Barbara College M22 * Santa Clara M23 * Santa Clara M25 Wyoming M29 * at Stanford M30 * at California M30 * at California A5 * UCLA A6 * at UCLA A12 * Stanford A13 * Stanford A16 at Fresno State A29 San Jose State A30 Pepperdine M3 * at UCLA M4 * UCLA M10 * at Stanford M11 * at Santa Clara M11 * at Santa Clara M17 * California M18 * California * CIBA game


Top Hitters Mike Castanon Bill Olson Tom Shollin Mike Hoeck Terry Finigan

HR 2 4 5 5 0

Top Pitchers Pat Gillick Ed Isherwood Dale Zeigler Bill Thom

ERA 2.89 3.81 4.73 7.27

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 14-2 .875 — 2. California 9-7 .563 5 2. Stanford 9-7 .563 5 4. UCLA 5-11 .313 9 5. Santa Clara 3-13 .231 11

AVG .373 .353 .333 .225 .224 W-L 0-1 4-4 9-2 4-3





7-1 9-8 10-0 5-0 14-3 6-3 3-1 0-6 3-1 8-3 11-1 0-4 6-5 19-3 8-7 5-1 12-8 2-0 6-3 6-1 2-7 8-9 RBI 20 24 23 31 10

ERA 1.80 2.22 3.24 7.46

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. California 12-4 .750 — USC 12-4 .750 — 3. Stanford 7-9 .438 5 4. UCLA 5-9 .357 6 5. Santa Clara 2-12 .167 9

1949 team



Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS Fred Scott from the 1958 team turns a double play from teammate Mike Castanon


1959 (23-4-1, 14-2)

(28-3, 14-2)

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CO-CHAMPIONS M18 Cal Poly SLO W M28 * Santa Clara W M29 * Santa Clara W A11 * at California W A12 * at Stanford W A12 * at Stanford W A19 * California L A19 * California W A25 at St. Mary’s W A29 Loyola W M2 * at UCLA W M3 * UCLA W M6 Pepperdine W M9 * Stanford W M10 * Stanford W M13 Whittier (10) W M16 * at California L M17 * at Santa Clara W M17 * at Santa Clara W M23 * UCLA W M24 * at UCLA W M30 ^ Oregon State W M31 ^ Oregon State W J6 # Portland W J7 # Portland W J14 + Holy Cross L J15 + Arizona W J16 + Northern Colorado W J17 + Holy Cross W J18 + Missouri W J19 + Missouri (12) W * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at Corvallis, Ore. # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Bill Heath Rex Johnston Jerry Siegert Mike Castanon Ron Fairly Top Pitchers Bill Thom Bruce Gardner Bob Blakeslee Jim Barudoni

AVG .396 .374 .370 .368 .348 W-L 9-1 13-1 5-1 5-2

HR 2 3 4 6 9

10-0 7-3 21-5 4-2 10-5 13-4 5-7 10-5 13-4 8-2 3-0 21-2 16-2 19-13 9-2 5-4 6-7 12-11 5-4 23-1 15-1 7-0 15-0 6-0 11-1 0-3 4-0 12-1 6-2 7-0 8-7

RBI 16 26 31 44 67

ERA 2.40 2.62 2.90 3.10

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 14-2 .875 — 2. California 9-7 .563 5 3. Stanford 7-9 .438 7 4. Santa Clara 5-11 .313 9 UCLA 5-11 .313 9


CIBA CHAMPIONS M18 Cal Poly SLO M20 UC Santa Barbara M21 UC Santa Barbara M23 Fresno State (n) M24 San Diego State (n) M24 Stanford (n) M30 Arizona (10) A3 * California A4 * California A10 * UCLA A11 * at UCLA A24 * at California A25 * at Stanford A25 * at Stanford A27 Pepperdine M1 * UCLA M2 * at UCLA M5 Occidental M8 * at California (13) M9 * at Santa Clara M9 * at Santa Clara M13 Whittier M15 * Stanford M16 * Stanford M22 * Santa Clara M23 * Santa Clara M29 ^ Washington M30 ^ Washington * CIBA game ^ PCC Playoffs at USC


Top Hitters Johnny Werhas Len Gabrielson Fred Scott John McLane Rex Johnston

HR 4 10 0 7 7

Top Pitchers Bill Thom Bob Blakeslee Bruce Gardner Jim Barudoni Jim Withers

AVG .419 .404 .368 .356 .347 W-L 10-1 2-1 9-2 6-1 1-1


L L t


12-0 5-0 9-5 6-2 7-9 3-6 6-6 9-0 11-7 5-1 10-6 14-2 7-0 7-3 8-3 9-0 9-3 35-2 6-7 2-3 17-2 17-0 10-3 14-1 9-7 5-2 17-3 9-0

RBI 27 35 21 33 37

ERA 1.44 2.70 2.83 3.05 3.09

1960 (32-11, 12-4)


COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CO-CHAMPIONS M2 Occidental W M11 at Fresno State W M12 at Fresno State W L M18 Cal Poly SLO M18 at Long Beach State W M22 UC Santa Barbara W M24 BYU W M25 Fresno State W L M26 Fresno State A1 * Santa Clara W A2 * Santa Clara W A11 San Diego State (n) W A13 New Mexico (n) W A14 UCLA (n) W A14 Fresno State (n) L A19 Cal State Los Angeles W A22 * at Santa Clara L A23 * at Stanford W L A23 * at Stanford A29 * California W A30 * California W M2 Pepperdine L M3 * at UCLA W L M6 * at UCLA M7 * UCLA W M10 * UCLA W M13 * at Santa Clara W M14 * at California W M14 * at California L M17 Cal Poly Pomona W M20 * Stanford W M21 * Stanford W M28 # Pepperdine W M30 # Pepperdine W J3 # Washington State L J4 # Washington State W J4 # Washington State W J14 + St. John’s W J16 + Boston College W J17 + Minnesota (10) L J18 + Arizona W J19 + Minnesota (11) W J20 + Minnesota (10) L * CIBA game # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Willie Ryan Bill Heath Art Ersepke Tom Satriano Bob Levingston Top Pitchers Jim Withers Bruce Gardner Larry Hankammer Marcel Lachemann Ken Yaryan

AVG .350 .330 .326 .318 .314 W-L 11-6 18-2 4-0 3-3 6-3

HR 1 8 6 6 7

8-4 5-2 3-1 7-9 15-8 8-0 13-4 5-3 3-6 5-2 20-2 3-2 15-1 5-4 3-13 8-4 4-5 4-2 2-3 8-6 4-1 3-4 5-2 0-4 9-3 13-2 7-6 9-1 5-7 10-6 9-3 19-6 10-3 10-3 7-8 8-3 10-5 3-1 5-2 11-12 13-1 4-3 1-2

RBI 21 47 41 39 50

ERA 2.38 2.71 3.77 4.08 5.15

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 12-4 .750 — 1. California 12-4 .750 — 3. Santa Clara 6-10 .375 6 3. Stanford 6-10 .375 6 5. UCLA 4-12 .250 8

(36-7, 12-4)

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CHAMPIONS M10 Cal Poly SLO W M11 San Diego W M14 Occidental W M17 Long Beach State W M18 at Long Beach State W M21 at Loyola W M23 BYU W M23 at Cal State Los Angeles W M24 UC Santa Barbara L M25 * UCLA W M27 Stanford (n) W M29 San Diego State (n) W M30 Arizona State (n) W A3 Notre Dame W A4 Arizona L A7 * California (13) W A8 * California L A11 Loyola W A14 * at Stanford W A15 * at Santa Clara L A15 * at Santa Clara W A18 Pepperdine W A21 * Santa Clara W A22 * Santa Clara W A28 * Stanford W A29 * Stanford W M2 * at UCLA W M5 * UCLA W M6 * at UCLA W M9 Cal Poly Pomona (10) W M12 * at Stanford L M13 * at California W M13 * at California L M26 # Fresno State W M27 # Fresno State L M27 # Fresno State W J2 % Washington State W J3 % Washington State W J10 + Texas W J11 + Boston College W J12 + Oklahoma State W J13 + Boston College (10) W J15 + Oklahoma State W * CIBA game # District 8 Playoffs at USC % District 8 Playoffs at Pullman, Wash. + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.

8-1 9-1 7-3 11-1 1-0 14-2 3-0 4-1 1-3 7-2 8-1 15-2 10-2 4-3 0-8 4-3 1-2 8-5 3-2 3-4 15-5 4-1 9-4 8-6 7-2 11-2 3-1 11-8 6-4 3-2 5-7 5-4 6-10 4-1 4-6 10-6 13-6 10-4 8-6 10-3 4-2 4-3 1-0

Top Hitters Willie Ryan Larry Himes Kenny Washington Tom Satriano Mickey McNamee

RBI 27 24 17 30 28

Top Pitchers Jim Withers Gerald Merz Pete Kenney Ken Yaryan Larry Hankammer

AVG .373 .333 .327 .319 .257 W-L 12-1 4-0 6-2 7-2 8-2

HR 1 3 3 6 8 ERA 1.88 2.04 2.45 2.63 3.74

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 12-4 .750 — 2. California 11-5 .688 1 3. UCLA 7-9 .438 5 4. Santa Clara 5-11 .313 7 4. Stanford 5-11 .313 7

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 14-2 .875 — 2. California 9-7 .563 5 Stanford 9-7 .563 5 4. Santa Clara 6-10 .375 8 5. UCLA 2-14 .125 12




(29-10-1, 11-5)

M5 Loyola M9 Cal Poly SLO M10 San Diego M13 San Fernando Valley State M16 UC Santa Barbara M17 * at UCLA M19 Utah M20 Cal State Los Angeles M22 BYU M23 * California (11) M24 * California M27 Long Beach State M30 * Stanford M31 * Stanford A3 at Cal State Los Angeles A7 at Long Beach State (8) A7 at Long Beach State A9 Occidental A13 * Santa Clara A14 * Santa Clara (12) A16 UCLA (n) A17 Arizona State (n) (12) A17 San Jose State (n) A18 at Cal State Los Angeles A19 Cal Poly Pomona (n) A21 * UCLA A27 * at Santa Clara A28 * at Stanford A28 * at Stanford A30 at Nevada M2 Cal Poly Pomona M4 * at UCLA (11) M5 * UCLA M7 Whittier M9 Cal Western M12 Pepperdine M12 Pepperdine M18 * at Santa Clara M19 * at California (11) M19 * at California * CIBA game Top Hitters Bob Levingston Willie Ryan Kenny Washington Marvin Lotz Mike Gillespie Top Pitchers Marcel Lachemann Mike Crowley Ken Yaryan Cliff Goodrich Dennis Andersen

AVG .382 .358 .331 .286 .274 W-L 4-0 5-0 9-5 6-2 4-0







HR 3 0 3 7 5

3-3 8-1 9-3 23-6 9-2 11-1 6-0 9-2 10-4 1-0 6-2 10-4 4-1 8-2 1-7 3-2 3-7 10-0 9-5 7-6 6-2 8-6 11-7 5-8 3-5 11-5 0-10 4-15 4-5 8-3 1-2 5-3 6-5 7-5 17-6 8-6 9-5 3-6 3-0 3-4 RBI 38 21 16 21 24

ERA 2.54 3.24 3.29 3.58 3.79

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. Santa Clara 12-4 .750 — 2. USC 11-5 .688 1 3. California 7-9 .438 5 4. Stanford 6-10 .375 6 5. UCLA 4-12 .250 8


(35-10, 10-6)

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CHAMPIONS M9 M11 M15 M16 M19 M22 M23 M25 M26 M29 M30 A2 A8 A9 A10 A10 A16 A19 A20 A22 A23 A27 A27

San Fernando Valley State W at Cal Poly Pomona L * UCLA L L * UCLA Cal State Los Angeles W Fresno State W Fresno State (12) W San Diego W Long Beach State W * Stanford W * Stanford W at Long Beach State W San Jose State (n) W BYU (n) W at Cal State Los Angeles W Cal Poly Pomona (n) W New Mexico W Cal Poly Pomona W Cal Poly Pomona W Occidental L at San Fernando Valley State W * at Stanford W * at Stanford L * at Santa Clara W * at Santa Clara L * at California W * at California W M3 * at UCLA L M4 * at UCLA W M6 Pepperdine W M7 Westmont W M10 * California W M11 * California W M13 Cal State Los Angeles W M17 * Santa Clara W M18 * Santa Clara L # Oregon State W # Oregon State L # Oregon State W J10 + Texas L J11 + Holy Cross W J12 + Florida State W J13 + Missouri W J14 + Arizona W J16 + Arizona W * CIBA game # District 8 Playoffs at Corvallis, Ore. + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Willie Brown Kenny Washington Gary Holman Fred Hill Bud Hollowell Top Pitchers Pete Hillman Walt Peterson Al Lasas Duane White Larry Fisher

AVG .352 .351 .317 .316 .245 W-L 3-1 13-4 10-5 6-3 5-2

HR 0 8 2 6 9

11-10 1-4 3-13 1-3 5-4 4-2 4-3 9-0 7-2 2-1 1-0 8-1 2-0 17-1 4-1 6-0 21-1 10-2 7-5 1-4 20-13 2-1 3-6 10-1 1-6 3-2 4-3 2-11 1-0 7-2 12-5 6-4 11-5 6-2 3-0 4-5 6-5 6-8 7-5 3-8 6-5 4-3 12-3 6-4 5-2

RBI 12 35 23 31 28

ERA 1.09 2.27 3.14 3.54 4.26

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 10-6 .625 — 2. Santa Clara 9-7 .563 1 2. UCLA 9-7 .563 1 4. Stanford 8-8 .500 2 5. California 4-12 .250 6



(34-11, 17-3)


at San Fernando Valley State W Cal Western L Long Beach State W San Diego W San Fernando Valley State L Loyola W * at UC Santa Barbara W * UC Santa Barbara W San Diego State W M17 Cal State Los Angeles L M20 at Fresno State W M21 at Fresno State L M30 Pepperdine W M31 BYU W A3 * at UCLA L A4 * at UCLA W A6 Cal State Los Angeles W A7 Cal Poly Pomona L A11 * at Santa Clara L A11 * at Santa Clara W A13 * at Stanford W A14 at Long Beach State L A17 * Santa Clara W A18 * California W A18 * California W A20 Cal Poly Pomona W A24 * Santa Clara W A25 * Stanford (11) W A25 * Stanford W A28 * UC Santa Barbara W M1 * UCLA L M2 * UCLA W M5 * at UC Santa Barbara W M8 * at Stanford W M9 * at California W M9 * at California W M15 Pepperdine W M22 # Cal Poly Pomona W M23 # Cal Poly Pomona W M29 # Oregon W M30 # Oregon W J9 + Mississippi W J12 + Missouri W J13 + Minnesota L J15 + Maine L * CIBA game # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.

12-4 0-6 5-3 15-4 5-9 5-1 7-0 8-2 5-0 2-8 14-7 3-7 3-2 8-6 2-3 8-4 4-3 7-12 2-7 3-0 3-2 8-9 7-3 10-7 4-2 14-1 8-3 5-4 11-4 10-1 2-7 8-7 13-5 9-2 8-2 4-3 3-2 12-3 5-3 5-0 9-3 3-2 3-2 5-6 1-2

Top Hitters Gary Sutherland Marty Piscovich Bud Hollowell Larry Sandel Willie Brown

RBI 34 16 26 21 11

Top Pitchers Walt Peterson Duane White Ron Cook Larry Fisher Al Lasas

AVG .363 .333 .324 .287 .273 W-L 17-3 4-4 2-1 8-4 4-2

HR 7 0 5 4 2 ERA 1.54 3.33 4.21 4.83 5.46

(23-14, 9-11)

M2 at San Fernando Valley State M5 Fresno State M5 at Long Beach State M6 Cal Poly SLO M12 * UC Santa Barbara M16 Chapman M18 Cal State Los Angeles M19 San Fernando Valley State M20 Arizona (12) M20 Arizona M22 Long Beach State M26 * Santa Clara (10) M27 * Stanford M27 * Stanford M29 at Cal Poly Pomona M30 Pepperdine A15 San Fernando Valley State A17 Loyola A17 Loyola A20 * at UC Santa Barbara (12) A20 * at UC Santa Barbara A23 * at Stanford A24 * at Santa Clara A24 * at Santa Clara A27 * at UCLA A30 * at UCLA M1 * UCLA M1 * UCLA (11) M3 Loyola M4 Pepperdine M7 * at Stanford M8 * at California (11) M8 * at California M11 * UC Santa Barbara M15 * California M15 * California M18 * Santa Clara * CIBA game


Top Hitters Daryl Wilkins Mike Garrett Marty Piscovich Joe Austin Justin Dedeaux

HR 6 6 3 4 5

Top Pitchers Joe Stucker John Stewart Larry Fisher Tom Seaver John Herbst

AVG .381 .309 .308 .284 .271 W-L 2-1 3-3 7-2 10-2 4-3






6-4 9-3 5-2 7-0 2-3 7-1 5-4 2-6 7-6 4-2 10-2 4-3 10-3 4-5 3-8 9-0 9-1 7-1 12-2 2-3 12-2 5-4 6-7 5-4 3-7 11-3 6-1 7-9 5-0 0-3 1-2 1-2 3-4 11-4 3-9 1-2 6-5 RBI 41 20 21 18 22

ERA 2.01 2.25 2.42 2.47 3.05

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. Stanford 11-9 .550 — 1. California 11-9 .550 — 3. UCLA 10-10 .500 1 4. USC 9-11 .450 2 5. Santa Clara 7-13 .350 4 6. UCSB 5-15 .250 6

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 17-3 .850 — 2. Santa Clara 16-4 .800 1 3. UCLA 13-7 .650 4 4. UCSB 5-15 .250 12 4. California 5-15 .250 12 6. Stanford 4-16 .200 13


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 1966


(42-9, 16-4)

COLLEGE WORLD SERIES CIBA CO-CHAMPIONS F11 Cal Poly SLO W F19 San Fernando Valley State W F19 San Fernando Valley State W F25 San Diego State W F28 Long Beach State L M1 at San Fernando Valley State W M4 * at UC Santa Barbara W M5 * UC Santa Barbara W M7 at Long Beach State W M11 * Santa Clara W M12 * California W M12 * California W M15 Cal State Los Angeles W M18 * at California W M19 * at Santa Clara (10) W M19 * at Santa Clara W M22 Pepperdine W M26 * Stanford W M26 * Stanford L M27 * Santa Clara W M29 at Cal State Los Angeles W A1 BYU W A2 Pepperdine W A2 Pepperdine W A4 Cal Western (n) W A5 San Diego State (n) L A5 Pacific (n) W A6 San Jose State (n) W A6 San Diego State (n) W A12 Cal Poly Pomona L L A15 * at California A16 * at Stanford L A16 * at Stanford (8) W A19 Westmont W A22 Loyola W A26 * at UC Santa Barbara L A29 Chapman W M3 * UC Santa Barbara W M6 * at UCLA W M7 * UCLA W M10 at Cal Poly Pomona W M13 * UCLA W M14 * at UCLA W M23 # Cal Poly Pomona (10) W M24 # Washington State W M25 # Washington State W J13 + North Carolina W J14 + Ohio State L J15 + Arizona W J16 + Ohio State W J17 + Ohio State L * CIBA game # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Oscar Brown Steve Sogge Pat Harrison Buddy Gordon Fred Shuey Top Pitchers Ron Cook John Stewart Ray Lamb Bill Lee John Herbst

AVG .340 .307 .291 .288 .272 W-L 8-1 16-1 9-5 4-0 11-4

HR 9 3 12 5 4

9-1 15-14 10-5 14-10 1-3 6-2 7-3 10-0 2-0 4-3 6-0 6-0 5-3 4-2 9-6 3-2 13-0 3-1 0-4 7-3 4-0 14-3 6-0 11-0 5-1 1-3 12-0 12-7 10-5 3-4 2-7 3-5 3-2 3-0 4-2 1-2 2-1 6-0 13-10 3-2 7-1 13-11 4-1 11-7 4-3 7-4 6-2 2-6 8-4 5-1 0-1

RBI 36 33 60 23 33

ERA 1.52 1.64 2.17 2.25 3.26

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 16-4 .800 — 2. Stanford 12-8 .600 4 California 12-8 .600 4 4. Santa Clara 11-9 .550 5 5. UCLA 10-10 .500 6 6. UCSB 6-14 .300 10


F16 F24 M3 M4 M4 M10 M17 M18 M18 M20 M20 M21 M22 M23 M23 M28 M30 M31 A7 A8 A8 A14 A14 A15 A15 A22 A22 A28 A29 A29 M2 M4 M6 M8 M9 M12 M12 M13 M13 M16 M19 M20


(30-11-2, 9-6)

Long Beach State Cal Poly SLO at Long Beach State San Fernando Valley State San Fernando Valley State Loyola San Diego State (11) BYU (11) BYU San Diego State (n) San Francisco State (n) San Diego State (n) Utah (n) Santa Clara (n) Santa Clara (n) UC Santa Barbara (10) Yale Chapman at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona * Washington State * Washington State (11) * Washington * Washington * Stanford * Stanford at Stanford (14) * at California * at California at San Fernando Valley State Cal Poly Pomona Santa Clara (13) * UCLA Cal Poly Pomona Chapman * at Oregon * at Oregon * at Oregon State * at Oregon State Pepperdine * at UCLA * at UCLA




t L


L L t L


3-0 13-1 3-4 4-2 2-0 5-0 3-3 2-1 1-0 1-5 8-1 10-0 6-5 5-2 8-2 1-2 7-2 3-0 2-3 3-0 4-2 3-2 0-1 9-3 2-1 1-4 6-2 3-3 13-4 6-0 4-6 6-0 5-4 8-1 3-1 3-1 2-4 2-5 0-5 5-1 7-1 8-12 10-2

* AAWU game Top Hitters Bill Seinsoth Steve Sogge Chuck Ramshaw Shelly Andrens Pat Harrison Top Pitchers Tom House Bill Lee Mike Adamson John Herbst Bob Vaughn

AVG .327 .303 .290 .285 .264 W-L 5-3 13-4 8-3 11-1 1-2

HR 2 4 0 5 8

RBI 31 33 14 22 42

ERA 1.43 1.63 2.53 2.53 3.86

Final AAWU Standings W-L PCT GB 1. Stanford 10-1 .909 — 2. UCLA 10-6 .625 2.5 3. USC 9-6 .600 3 Oregon State 9-6 .600 3 5. Oregon 7-5 .583 3.5 6. Wash. State 7-6 .539 4 7. California 3-13 .188 9.5 8. Washington 1-13 .071 10.5


(42-12-1, 16-2-1)


A16 A19 A20 A20 A23 A26 A27 A27 A29 A29 A30 M3 M4 M7 M10 M11 M11 M14 M17 M18 M18 M21 M25 M31 J1 J1 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15

Cal Poly SLO W San Diego State W San Diego State W at Cal State Los Angeles W at Chapman L Long Beach State L at UC Santa Barbara L at Cal Poly Pomona W San Fernando Valley State L Utah W BYU L BYU W Occidental W at Long Beach State L Pepperdine W Cal State Los Angeles W Westmont W Stanford L Chapman W L Santa Clara at Hawai‘i W Air Force (n) W Army (n) W Illinois (n) W UC Santa Barbara L * at California W * at Stanford W * at Stanford t San Fernando Valley State W * Oregon State W * Oregon W * Oregon W * Washington W * Washington W * Washington State (14) W * UCLA L * UCLA W Cal Poly Pomona W * Stanford W * California W * California W Loyola Marymount W * at Washington W * at Washington State L * at Washington State W * at Oregon W * at UCLA W # Cal State Los Angeles W # Cal State Los Angeles L # Cal State Los Angeles (10) W + BYU W + Oklahoma State W + St. John’s W + North Carolina State W + Southern Illinois W

9-4 5-3 2-0 9-2 0-2 0-1 0-3 7-4 0-3 2-1 0-7 3-0 2-1 0-3 4-0 9-3 9-3 4-9 6-2 5-6 16-0 4-0 7-0 10-4 3-12 8-5 3-1 2-2 8-6 7-3 4-1 6-3 9-4 16-10 4-3 4-7 8-3 3-0 4-3 3-1 8-1 10-1 10-4 3-9 6-1 11-6 11-2 4-2 4-8 5-4 5-3 6-5 7-6 2-0 4-3

* Pac-8 game # District 8 Playoffs at Cal State Los Angeles + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Reid Braden Bill Seinsoth Jay Jaffe Pat Harrison Chuck Ramshaw Top Pitchers Bob Vaughn Bill Lee Jim Barr John Rockwell Brent Strom

AVG .316 .312 .281 .279 .274 W-L 10-4 12-3 10-2 4-0 12-4

HR 5 6 3 12 2 ERA 1.23 1.99 2.31 2.41 3.09

RBI 33 23 11 47 21

F26 M1 M1 M3 M11 M14 M15 M15 M18 M22 M22 M25 M26 M28 M29 M29 M31 A1 A2 A3 A3 A4 A5 A8 A11 A12 A12 A14 A18 A19 A19 A21 A21 A22 A25 A26 A26 A29 M1 M3 M6 M9 M10 M10 M12 M12 M13 M16 M17

(39-12-1, 13-8)

at San Fernando Valley State at Loyola Marymount at Loyola Marymount Cal State Los Angeles Long Beach State Long Beach State UC Santa Barbara Fresno State Fresno State (12) Fresno State at Chapman San Diego State San Diego State San Fernando Valley State at Cal Poly Pomona Pepperdine BYU BYU at UC Riverside BYU (n) Mississippi (n) Delaware (n) Illinois (n) Indiana (n) UCLA (n) UC Santa Barbara Long Beach State * California * Stanford * Stanford Cal Poly Pomona * Washington * Washington State * Washington State * Oregon State * Oregon State * Oregon * at Stanford * California * California Cal State Fullerton (10) Santa Clara * at UCLA Chapman * at Oregon State * at Oregon * at Oregon * at Washington * at Washington * at Washington State * at UCLA * UCLA


L t L





5-1 9-0 21-0 2-1 5-2 0-2 1-1 6-3 2-3 4-3 5-1 2-1 5-3 15-1 5-1 4-1 4-1 2-4 2-0 8-1 7-6 9-2 17-12 7-0 11-3 9-3 8-6 5-2 1-0 3-4 1-3 11-3 9-0 1-3 3-1 8-4 5-1 2-3 1-0 4-5 3-2 7-6 5-6 4-1 8-6 9-4 11-1 13-2 11-7 3-5 4-9 5-14

* Pac-8 game Top Hitters Cal Meier Bill Seinsoth Russ Bennett Craig Perkins Mike Ball Top Pitchers Dave Kingman Brent Strom Jim Southworth Jim Barr Walt Failor

AVG .385 .368 .312 .284 .268 W-L 11-4 10-1 4-1 10-4 4-0

HR 4 14 3 6 2

RBI 28 52 26 16 27

ERA 1.38 1.47 2.51 2.79 2.94

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. UCLA 17-4 .810 — 2. Stanford 16-5 .762 1 3. USC 13-8 .619 4 4. California 12-9 .571 4.5 5. Oregon State 9-12 .429 8 6. Oregon 8-13 .381 9 6. Wash. State 8-13 .381 9 8. Washington 1-20 .048 16

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 16-2-1 .868 — 2. Stanford 13-4-1 .750 2.5 3. Wash. State 11-7 .611 5 4. UCLA 11-9 .579 6 5. Oregon 8-10 .444 8 6. California 7-12 .368 9.5 7. Oregon State 6-12 .333 10 8. Washington 2-18 .100 15




(45-13, 11-3)

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES PAC-8 CHAMPIONS F27 M3 M6 M7 M7 M10 M13 M14 M14 M17 M20 M20 M21 M21 M23 M23 M25 M26 M26 M27 M28 M31 A1 A2 A3 A4 A4 A6 A7 A11 A13 A17 A18 A18 A20 A21 A24 A25 A25 A28 M1 M1 M2 M2 M5 M9 M15 M16 M21 M22 M23 M29 M30 J12 J13 J15 J16 J18

Loyola Marymount UC Irvine UC Santa Barbara at UC Santa Barbara at UC Santa Barbara Long Beach State at Fresno State at Fresno State at Fresno State Pepperdine Utah at Long Beach State BYU BYU (11) Air Force (n) at UC Riverside Tulsa (n) Stanford (n) St. John’s (n) Oregon State (n) Arizona State (n) at San Fernando Valley State at Chapman Westmont San Diego State San Diego State San Diego State Cal State Los Angeles San Fernando Valley State * UCLA at Cal State Los Angeles (14) * at California (12) * at Stanford * at Stanford at Santa Clara Chapman * Stanford * California * California at Cal Poly Pomona (10) * Washington * Washington * Washington State * Washington State Cal Poly Pomona * at Oregon * at UCLA * UCLA ^ Oregon State ^ UCLA ^ UCLA # Santa Clara # Santa Clara + Ohio + Delaware + Dartmouth + Texas (14) + Florida State (15)








8-3 6-8 4-2 4-2 2-4 13-1 6-2 13-6 6-7 3-2 4-2 8-1 4-0 4-8 9-10 12-3 11-9 7-5 11-2 4-0 5-2 2-7 7-9 4-3 3-2 14-2 8-1 7-4 4-1 8-2 5-4 4-2 3-0 1-2 16-5 3-5 2-7 10-0 5-14 2-3 9-3 6-4 7-3 12-5 11-8 6-0 8-5 4-1 11-3 8-4 7-1 12-1 6-1 1-4 7-1 6-1 8-7 2-1

* Pac-8 game ^ Pac-8 Playoffs at USC # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Dave Kingman Dan Stoligrosz Jeff Port Cal Meier Jeff Pedersen Top Pitchers Greg Widman Jim Barr Brent Strom Jim George Eric Raich

AVG .355 .324 .324 .310 .308 W-L 6-3 14-2 13-1 5-1 6-2

HR 9 14 0 6 4 ERA 1.16 1.92 2.26 2.67 3.12

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 11-3 .786 — 2. Washington St. 9-6 .600 2.5 3. UCLA 8-7 .533 3.5 4. California 9-8 .529 3.5 5. Stanford 8-9 .471 4.5 6. Oregon State 5-6 .455 4.5 7. Oregon 5-9 .357 6 8. Washington 4-11 .267 7.5


RBI 25 55 12 28 23

1972 (47-13-1, 14-4)

(46-11, 17-0)

at Cal Poly Pomona at UC Santa Barbara at San Fernando Valley State UC Santa Barbara Cal Poly Pomona Cal Poly Pomona UC Irvine at UC Irvine Loyola Marymount Loyola Marymount San Fernando Valley State at Chapman (13) BYU BYU Pepperdine Utah San Diego State San Diego State San Diego State Westmont at Hawai‘i at Hawai‘i * at UCLA * California * Stanford * Stanford Chapman * at Stanford * at California * at California at Cal State Los Angeles * Oregon * Oregon * Oregon State * Oregon State at Long Beach State Long Beach State * at Washington State * at Washington State * at Washington * at Washington Cal State Los Angeles * UCLA * at UCLA ^ Oregon ^ Stanford ^ Washington State ^ Washington State # at Santa Clara # Santa Clara # Santa Clara + Seton Hall + Southern Illinois + BYU + Tulsa + Tulsa + Southern Illinois








16-5 5-6 13-10 5-6 3-5 9-3 3-2 9-10 3-0 8-2 1-0 6-7 8-4 8-1 2-1 8-3 4-2 1-3 9-2 2-5 6-1 8-0 7-1 10-1 3-1 8-4 6-2 2-1 2-1 10-0 7-4 5-0 2-0 10-4 9-6 6-1 1-5 4-0 7-6 6-0 2-0 4-2 1-0 6-3 6-2 9-3 5-10 6-3 5-6 5-1 9-1 5-1 3-8 8-6 8-4 3-2 7-2

* Pac-8 game ^ Pac-8 Playoffs at Pullman, Wash. # District 8 Playoffs at Santa Clara & USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Fred Lynn Daryl Arenstein Tim Steele George Ambrow Craig Perkins Top Pitchers Mark Sogge Eric Raich Steve Busby Greg Widman Randy Scarbery

AVG .345 .337 .328 .314 .302 W-L 14-1 7-3 11-2 9-2 9-3

HR 7 6 4 3 9

RBI 30 37 41 27 40

ERA 1.86 2.21 2.24 2.65 3.89

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 17-0 1.000 — 2. Stanford 11-6 .648 6 UCLA 11-6 .648 6 4. Wash. State 7-8 .467 9 5. Oregon 7-9 .439 9.5 6. Oregon State 6-10 .375 10.5 7. California 5-12 .294 12 8. Washington 1-14 .067 15

F18 F22 F26 F26 F29 M1 M3 M7 M8 M10 M11 M11 M14 M15 M17 M18 M18 M22 M23 M24 M25 M25 M30 M31 A1 A4 A7 A8 A8 A10 A11 A14 A15 A15 A21 A22 A22 A25 A28 A29 A29 A30 M2 M3 M5 M6 M6 M9 M12 M13 M13 M19 M20 M27 M28 J9 J11 J12 J14 J15 J16

UC Santa Barbara at Cal Poly Pomona at UC Santa Barbara at UC Santa Barbara UC Irvine Chapman Loyola Marymount Pepperdine at Loyola Marymount at Fresno State at Fresno State at Fresno State San Fernando Valley State at Long Beach State San Diego State San Diego State San Diego State at San Fernando Valley State Gonzaga at Arizona at Arizona at Arizona Washington State (n) at Hawai‘i BYU (n) New Mexico * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford Cal Poly Pomona Westmont * at California * at California * at California (10) * UCLA * at UCLA * at UCLA at Cal State Los Angeles California (12) * California * California * California Cal State Los Angeles at Chapman * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford Long Beach State * at UCLA * UCLA * UCLA ^ Washington State ^ Washington State # UC Santa Barbara # UC Santa Barbara + Mississippi + Connecticut (11) + Arizona State + Texas (10) + Arizona State + Arizona State











4-5 7-4 4-5 9-6 2-0 12-7 5-10 17-3 6-1 8-5 4-5 12-4 9-8 6-0 4-2 8-4 6-2 12-2 10-2 2-6 5-3 2-1 12-10 4-0 6-0 4-2 0-2 1-2 3-2 5-6 1-2 11-5 2-1 7-6 2-1 5-2 10-0 14-4 8-8 3-2 8-0 10-3 4-0 8-14 4-3 1-9 10-7 6-1 8-6 9-2 6-7 6-1 8-7 9-5 13-6 8-6 5-4 0-3 4-3 3-1 1-0

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at USC # District 8 Playoffs at Santa Barbara, Calif. + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Tim Steele Sam Ceci Fred Lynn Jeff Pedersen Rob Adolph Top Pitchers Russ McQueen Mark Sogge Randy Scarbery Tim Coffin Greg Widman

AVG .366 .350 .326 .293 .288 W-L 9-3 5-2 12-3 6-0 14-2

HR 5 2 14 1 2 ERA 1.64 1.85 2.66 2.84 2.86

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 14-4 .778 — 2. California 9-9 .500 5 Stanford 9-9 .500 5 4. UCLA 4-14 .286 10

(51-11, 14-4)



NATIONAL CHAMPIONS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES PAC-8 CHAMPIONS F24 F26 M2 M5 M6 M6 M9 M12 M13 M13 M16 M17 M20 M20 M23 M24 M26 M27 M27 M31 A2 A7 A13 A16 A17 A17 A20 A23 A24 A24 A27 A30 A30 M1 M1 M3 M4 M7 M7 M8 M8 M11 M14 M15 M20 M21 M22 M22 M29 M30 M30 J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 J17


RBI 45 33 46 22 20

F17 F17 F20 F23 F24 F24 M2 M3 M3 M7 M10 M10 M15 M16 M17 M21 M23 M26 M27 M27 M29 M30 M30 M31 M31 A1 A3 A6 A7 A7 A9 A10 A11 A13 A14 A14 A17 A24 A25 A27 A28 A28 M1 M4 M5 M5 M8 M10 M11 M12 M12 M18 M19 M26 M27 J1 J2 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13

San Diego State San Diego State at UC Irvine Cal Poly Pomona UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Barbara at Fresno State at Fresno State (10) at Fresno State Cal State Los Angeles * UCLA * UCLA at Arizona State at Arizona State at Arizona State Loyola Marymount (8) Gonzaga (11) Arizona State (n) Hawai‘i (n) Vanderbilt (n) Washington State (n) Massachusetts (n) at UC Riverside Stanford (n) (10) Arizona State (n) (12) at UNLV at Cal State Northridge * California * California * California Chapman UC Irvine Pepperdine * at Stanford * at Stanford (9) * at Stanford at Hawai‘i at Cal State Los Angeles at Chapman * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford at Cal Poly Pomona * at California * at California (9) * at California Long Beach State * at UCLA * UCLA * at UCLA * at UCLA ^ Washington State ^ Washington State # Loyola Marymount # Loyola Marymount # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles + Harvard + Texas + Arizona State + Minnesota + Arizona State









6-1 5-3 3-1 5-2 5-4 10-6 5-0 6-2 2-0 10-2 6-3 10-1 2-4 4-8 5-12 13-12 2-1 3-1 4-0 4-5 9-2 16-4 7-4 8-2 2-0 9-2 3-15 14-0 2-1 8-4 14-4 0-5 14-3 2-1 0-1 3-0 10-6 9-4 5-6 12-8 1-0 0-3 18-13 4-5 8-2 2-0 10-3 5-6 6-2 8-4 6-4 13-4 11-9 9-8 2-1 4-3 13-6 4-1 4-1 3-1 8-7 4-3

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at Pullman, Wash. # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Rich Dauer Roy Smalley Ed Putman Creighton Tevlin Ed Bowman Top Pitchers Randy Scarbery Russ McQueen Mark Barr George Milke C.J. Holland

AVG .361 .338 .323 .319 .316 W-L 15-2 5-3 10-2 2-2 7-2

HR 11 5 8 0 3

RBI 43 29 32 16 40

ERA 1.83 2.03 2.38 3.53 4.53

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 14-4 .778 — 2. Stanford 9-9 .500 5 3. UCLA 7-11 .389 7 4. California 6-12 .333 8


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 1974


(50-20, 11-7)

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES PAC-8 CHAMPIONS F10 F18 F18 F20 F23 F24 F24 F26 M1 M5 M10 M12 M13 M14 M15 M15 M19 M20 M22 M23 M25 M26 M30 M30 M31 A5 A6 A6 A7 A9 A9 A12 A13 A13 A14 A15 A16 A19 A20 A20 A23 A24 A26 A27 A27 A28 A30 M3 M4 M4 M6 M7 M8 M10 M11 M11 M18 M18 M25 M26 M26 J1 J2 J2 J8 J10 J12 J13 J14 J15

at Pepperdine San Diego State San Diego State at Cal State Northridge Northern Arizona (n) at UNLV (11) at UNLV La Verne UC Irvine at Cal Poly Pomona at Cal State Los Angeles at UC Irvine at Chapman at Cal Poly SLO Air Force Air Force Santa Clara (10) Santa Clara Arizona State Arizona State (n) at Loyola Marymount Long Beach State * California * California * California * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford at Arizona State at Oklahoma at Oklahoma at Tulsa at Tulsa at Tulsa at Tulsa Gonzaga Cal State Northridge (10) * at UCLA * UCLA * UCLA Pepperdine Westmont * at California * at California * at California at Santa Clara Cal Poly Pomona * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford Chapman Loyola Marymount at Long Beach State * UCLA * at UCLA * at UCLA ^ Oregon Oregon # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles % Pepperdine % Pepperdine % Pepperdine + Texas + Southern Illinois + Miami + Texas + Southern Illinois + Miami

W 6-1 W 5-4 W 5-3 W 18-5 W 5-1 W 9-7 W 10-2 W 9-2 L 3-9 W 5-3 W 6-3 W 10-4 W 9-6 W 13-7 W 19-3 W 16-8 W 8-6 L 2-10 L 10-12 W 14-9 W 6-3 W 9-8 W 7-0 W 11-4 W 3-1 L 2-3 W 7-5 L 5-6 W 6-4 L 6-7 L 4-5 W 8-2 L 4-5 L 7-11 W 11-4 W 5-4 W 7-6 W 8-2 W 11-5 W 6-5 L 5-6 W 9-6 W 4-1 L 2-4 W 8-3 W 9-2 L 4-6 L 1-4 L 0-7 L 5-6 W 5-2 L 4-6 W 7-5 W 10-0 L 5-6 W 22-2 W 11-6 W 14-1 W 9-2 L 6-7 W 11-9 L 2-4 W 4-1 W 12-1 W 9-2 W 5-3 L 3-7 W 5-3 W 7-2 W 7-3

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at USC # District 8 Playoffs at Cal State Los Angeles % District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Rich Dauer Steve Kemp Marvin Cobb Creighton Tevlin Ken Huizenga Top Pitchers Al Meyer John Racanelli Mark Barr Russ McQueen George Milke

AVG .387 .351 .329 .318 .291 W-L 5-4 7-4 11-1 7-4 6-3

HR 15 5 4 1 11

RBI 92 42 31 28 63

ERA 2.06 2.45 2.85 3.40 3.63

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 11-7 .611 — 2. Stanford 10-8 .556 1 3. California 8-10 .444 3 4. UCLA 7-11 .389 4



(42-14-1, 12-4)

PAC-8 CHAMPIONS F21 F22 F22 F23 F25 F28 M1 M1 M2 M4 M15 M15 M16 M16 M17 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M31 A1 A6 A9 A12 A12 A13 A15 A18 A19 A19 A22 A24 A26 A26 A27 A29 A30 M2 M3 M3 M4 M6 M9 M10 M10 M11 M17 M18 M23 M24 M24

Cal State Fullerton Loyola Marymount Loyola Marymount at Pepperdine (11) at Cal Poly Pomona (11) at Fresno State at Cal Poly SLO at Cal Poly SLO at UC Santa Barbara at Cal Poly Pomona Fresno State Fresno State San Diego State San Diego State Westmont at Chapman Arizona State (11) Arizona State BYU (n) at UNLV at Arizona State BYU (n) Cal State Los Angeles (n) Cal State Los Angeles (n) at Arizona State Gonzaga Washington State at San Francisco UC Irvine * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford Pepperdine * at UCLA * UCLA * UCLA Cal State Northridge San Diego * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford Chapman UC Santa Barbara * California * California * California * California at Loyola Marymount * UCLA * at UCLA * at UCLA at Cal State Fullerton (10) ^ Washington State ^ Washington State # Cal State Fullerton # Arizona # Pepperdine








L t L L

1-0 12-7 12-5 3-4 2-1 6-10 0-1 2-3 11-9 4-2 6-2 9-2 3-0 6-5 2-0 7-2 4-3 0-3 9-7 5-7 10-6 12-0 6-5 4-3 1-2 8-3 5-1 23-0 3-2 0-1 3-12 7-5 5-4 7-2 6-4 6-4 4-2 5-2 4-0 2-7 18-9 5-6 4-2 8-1 15-6 10-6 5-4 12-9 3-6 10-4 5-0 4-4 19-6 13-1 1-3 1-0 2-5

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at Pullman, Wash. # District 8 Playoffs at USC Top Hitters Steve Kemp Marvin Cobb Tom Ricks Rob Hertel Dennis Littlejohn Top Pitchers Pete Redfern George Milke Al Meyer Jeff Benedetti John Racanelli

AVG .435 .333 .287 .284 .275 W-L 9-3 9-3 4-1 4-1 6-5

HR 13 2 4 3 10

RBI 67 22 24 22 43

ERA 1.24 1.95 2.28 2.88 3.07

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 12-4 .750 — 2. Stanford 9-9 .500 4 3. UCLA 7-11 .389 6 4. California 6-10 .375 6

Top Hitters Rob Hertel Chris Smith Bob Mitchell Tim Tolman Dave Van Gorder Top Pitchers Ernie Mauritson John Racanelli Charlie Phillips Rod Boxberger Brian Hayes


(33-26-2, 15-8-1)

F16 San Diego State F16 San Diego State F22 at Pepperdine F25 Cal State Dominguez Hills F27 at Cal Poly Pomona F28 Loyola Marymount F28 Loyola Marymount M4 * UCLA M5 * at UCLA M6 * UCLA M8 Westmont M9 Cal State Northridge M10 Gonzaga M12 * California M13 * California M13 * California (11) M15 Loyola Marymount M17 Arizona (11) M18 Arizona M19 Fresno State M20 BYU M20 Fresno State M21 Tulsa M23 Cal Poly Pomona M25 at Arizona M26 at Arizona M27 at Arizona M29 Eastern Michigan (10) M30 Oregon State (10) M30 UC Irvine A2 * Stanford A3 * Stanford A3 * Stanford (8) A5 at Cal State Northridge A6 * UC Santa Barbara A9 * at California (12) A10 * at California A10 * at California A12 at Texas A13 at Texas A13 at Texas A14 at Tulsa A16 at Oklahoma A20 at Cal State Los Angeles A22 * UC Santa Barbara A24 * at UC Santa Barbara A24 * at UC Santa Barbara A25 * at UC Santa Barbara (10) A27 Cal State Los Angeles A28 at San Diego State A30 * at Stanford M1 * at Stanford M2 * at Stanford M3 Claremont Mudd M4 Pepperdine M7 La Verne M8 at Chapman M11 * UC Santa Barbara M13 * at UCLA M14 * UCLA M15 * at UCLA * CIBA game AVG .312 .308 .307 .298 .265 W-L 6-2 9-3 11-5 2-7 2-3









L L L t L L L L L L L t L


HR 1 3 5 2 4

3-0 5-7 3-5 5-3 3-5 4-2 1-7 0-9 4-1 13-6 2-1 4-6 5-4 11-6 8-3 4-6 5-3 4-3 6-4 4-10 4-8 8-7 7-1 2-5 0-8 5-8 4-8 4-6 6-5 9-4 10-1 9-1 0-8 4-7 3-1 4-3 2-6 1-1 3-4 2-4 4-0 1-4 2-3 3-5 8-3 11-3 5-9 3-4 6-4 5-5 6-4 2-4 7-0 8-4 4-1 8-7 4-2 2-0 6-3 7-3 6-7 RBI 28 24 20 16 22

ERA 1.95 2.38 3.29 3.69 3.91

Final CIBA Standings W-L PCT GB 1. UCLA 16-8 .667 — 2. USC 15-8-1 .652 0.5 3. Stanford 14-10 .583 2 4. California 9-14-1 .391 6.5 5. UCSB 5-19 .208 11

(46-20, 16-2)

PAC-8 CHAMPIONS F12 F12 F18 F20 F21 F25 F26 F26 F27 M3 M4 M5 M8 M11 M12 M12 M13 M15 M17 M18 M19 M21 M22 M24 M25 M26 M28 M29 M31 A1 A3 A3 A4 A5 A6 A6 A7 A8 A12 A15 A16 A16 A18 A19 A22 A23 A24 A26 A29 A30 A31 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M7 M13 M14 M14 M20 M21 M26 M27 M28 M29

Loyola Marymount Loyola Marymount at Cal State Los Angeles at Pepperdine (12) San Diego State Cal Poly Pomona UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Barbara at Cal State Northridge at Arizona State at Arizona State at Arizona State Cal State Northridge * at California (10) * at California * at California at Santa Clara Cal State Dominguez Hills Arizona State Arizona State Arizona State Oregon State Westmont * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford Cal Lutheran at Cal State Fullerton UC Irvine at UC Santa Barbara Florida State (n) at Hawai‘i UNLV (n) Kearney State (n) Kearney State (n) Florida State (n) at Hawai‘i (14) UNLV (n) Cal State Los Angeles * UCLA * at UCLA * at UCLA at San Diego State Pepperdine * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford Hawai‘i * California * California * California Pepperdine at UC Irvine UNLV Long Beach State at Long Beach State at Long Beach State * at UCLA * UCLA * UCLA ^ Washington State ^ Washington State # Hawai‘i # Fresno State # Cal State Los Angeles # Cal State Los Angeles














8-2 10-7 7-0 2-3 5-8 6-4 1-12 2-4 10-6 5-7 12-7 4-8 9-2 8-7 3-1 4-2 6-1 8-5 3-10 10-8 9-6 4-3 7-8 7-5 9-2 4-3 4-11 2-3 3-2 7-1 14-5 2-3 8-1 9-2 7-5 2-3 7-8 4-11 15-2 8-4 5-3 8-7 3-7 4-3 20-4 9-4 3-11 10-1 12-2 6-4 7-1 5-3 6-7 14-6 11-0 10-5 8-5 4-7 2-1 4-3 4-2 8-1 6-1 7-3 5-6 6-7

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at USC # District 8 Playoffs at Honolulu, Hi. Top Hitters Dave Van Gorder Dave Engle Rob Hertel Dave Hostetler Chris Smith Top Pitchers Brian Hayes Jeff Schattinger Bill Bordley Ernie Mauritson Rod Boxberger

AVG .339 .337 .329 .328 .305 W-L 11-3 5-1 14-0 4-5 5-7

HR 2 6 4 13 9

RBI 39 36 27 48 39

ERA 1.77 2.28 2.42 4.09 4.65

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 16-2 .889 — 2. UCLA 10-8 .556 6 3. Stanford 5-13 .278 11 California 5-13 .278 11



1979 (33-24, 15-15)

(54-9, 15-3)

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES PAC-8 CHAMPIONS F14 F18 F20 F24 F25 F25 M4 M4 M7 M10 M11 M11 M14 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M24 M24 M25 M25 M28 M31 A1 A2 A5 A8 A8 A9 A13 A14 A15 A18 A20 A21 A22 A24 A27 A28 A29 A30 M1 M2 M5 M6 M7 M9 M11 M12 M13 M20 M21 M26 M27 M28 J2 J4 J6 J7 J8

at Pepperdine at Cal State Fullerton (10) Cal State Fullerton at Long Beach State St. Mary’s St. Mary’s at Arizona State at Arizona State Pepperdine Chapman UC Irvine UC Irvine Cal State Dominguez Hills Cal State Los Angeles at Cal State Los Angeles Cal State Los Angeles at Houston at Houston at Texas A&M at Texas A&M Eastern Michigan (n) at Texas at Texas at Texas Cal Lutheran Arizona State Arizona State Arizona State Cal State Northridge * at California * at California at Santa Clara * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford Pepperdine * UCLA (10) * at UCLA * UCLA Long Beach State * California * California * California * California Cal Poly Pomona Loyola Marymount * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford UC Santa Barbara * at UCLA * UCLA * at UCLA ^ Washington State ^ Washington State # Arizona # Cal State Fullerton (11) # Arizona + Miami + Michigan + Arizona State + North Carolina + Arizona State








0-3 10-9 9-6 23-8 9-2 8-0 9-13 7-13 7-0 10-0 2-8 8-0 8-1 14-4 10-1 3-2 13-1 10-4 5-2 8-5 5-2 8-2 3-2 2-3 2-1 11-0 11-6 10-1 12-1 13-14 6-2 7-2 7-0 2-3 8-3 10-2 6-5 5-4 7-3 12-1 11-2 14-3 11-2 7-2 11-5 15-2 17-7 4-3 12-6 4-6 1-0 7-6 8-9 3-2 5-4 3-2 3-2 2-1 9-3 11-3 5-2 3-2 10-3

* Pac-8 Southern Division game ^ Pac-8 Championship at Pullman, Wash. # District 8 Playoffs at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Tim Tolman Dave Engle Keith Brown Chris Smith Dave Hostetler Top Pitchers Jeff Wick Rod Boxberger Ernie Mauritson Bill Bordley Brian Hayes

1 00

AVG .404 .352 .348 .333 .313 W-L 2-0 12-1 11-0 12-2 11-1

HR 4 14 6 7 17

RBI 32 55 36 39 45

ERA 1.51 2.00 2.25 2.73 2.71

F5 F9 F13 F13 F16 F18 F19 F22 F23 F24 F24 F26 F27 M2 M3 M3 M4 M9 M10 M11 M12 M16 M17 M22 M24 M26 M30 M31 A1 A2 A5 A6 A7 A9 A12 A12 A13 A14 A17 A20 A21 A21 A22 A24 A26 A27 A28 M1 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M10 M11 M12

Cal State Fullerton at Chapman San Diego State San Diego State at UC Irvine at Pepperdine at Loyola Marymount Cal Poly Pomona Loyola Marymount Cal Poly Pomona Cal Poly Pomona Azusa Pacific UC Irvine * California * California * California at UC Santa Barbara * at Stanford * at Stanford * at Stanford Gonzaga * Arizona (13) * Arizona Nebraska Cal Lutheran Army * at Arizona State * at Arizona State * at Arizona State Cal State Los Angeles * UCLA (10) * at UCLA * UCLA at Wichita State * at Arizona * at Arizona * at Arizona (10) * at Arizona Cal State Northridge * at California * at California * at California at Santa Clara Cal State Dominguez Hills * Stanford * Stanford * Stanford UC Santa Barbara * Arizona State * Arizona State * Arizona State at Hawai‘i at Hawai‘i (11) at Hawai‘i * at UCLA * UCLA * at UCLA

1980 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W










6-13 13-0 2-4 4-1 4-6 4-9 11-8 4-2 11-8 4-5 6-2 6-2 19-3 6-7 6-5 5-8 5-6 12-2 9-2 6-5 13-7 5-4 9-8 3-6 13-0 17-0 6-2 1-5 5-7 6-4 5-6 4-7 4-10 13-1 7-5 2-6 15-16 5-6 5-4 8-2 17-5 9-17 3-5 15-4 12-8 14-7 9-13 5-1 3-5 6-4 13-8 2-11 9-8 13-11 5-12 9-4 13-14

* Pac-10 Southern Division game Top Hitters Dave Leeper Jim Cecchini Dave Smith Keith Brown Dave Hodgins Top Pitchers Mike Couchee Dave Leeper Spiro Psaltis Jeff Wick Ron Arnold

AVG .339 .333 .331 .325 .323 W-L 5-7 3-5 6-3 6-0 4-2

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. UCLA 21-9 2. Arizona 17-13 3. California 16-14 4. USC 15-15 5. Stanford 13-17 6. Arizona State 8-22

HR 2 5 2 10 9

RBI 18 23 8 53 44

ERA 3.30 3.49 4.02 4.20 4.45 PCT GB Overall .700 — 43-18 .567 4 43-25 .533 5 31-25 .500 6 33-24 .433 8 35-23 .267 13 32-31

F9 Loyola Marymount F11 at Cal Poly Pomona F22 Pepperdine F23 at Pepperdine F26 Cal State Fullerton F29 * UCLA M1 * UCLA M4 UC Santa Barbara M6 * at Arizona M7 * at Arizona M8 * at Arizona (10) M11 Cal State Dominguez Hills M13 * Stanford M14 * Stanford M15 * Stanford (10) M19 at Cal State Fullerton M20 Oral Roberts M22 * at California M23 * at California M24 * at California M27 * Arizona State (13) M28 * Arizona State M29 * Arizona State M31 at Texas M31 at Texas A1 at Texas A1 at Texas A2 at Texas A&M A3 at Creighton A4 at Creighton A8 Azusa Pacific A9 Long Beach State A11 * at Stanford A12 * at Stanford A13 * at Stanford (11) A17 * California A18 * California A19 * California A21 at UC Irvine A22 Cal Lutheran A24 * Arizona A25 * Arizona (12) A26 * Arizona A29 Cal State Northridge M2 * at Arizona State M3 * at Arizona State M4 * at Arizona State M7 * at UCLA M8 * at UCLA M9 * at UCLA M10 * UCLA * Pac-10 Southern Division game Top Hitters Marty Wilkerson Stan Edmonds Dan Davidsmeier Dave Smith Bob Batesole Top Pitchers Bill Peltola Lee Jones Stan Williams Mike Couchee Spiro Psaltis


(27-24, 13-17)

AVG .376 .353 .307 .306 .292 W-L 5-2 3-1 4-3 3-6 3-1








HR 3 7 7 7 4 ERA 2.41 3.00 3.14 3.65 4.19

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT 1. Arizona 17-13 .567 California 17-13 .567 3. Arizona State 15-15 .500 UCLA 15-15 .500 5. Stanford 13-17 .433 USC 13-17 .433

10-4 5-6 8-4 5-2 2-4 6-4 1-8 20-0 1-4 9-6 7-8 4-3 13-5 5-2 10-9 5-4 3-1 3-7 10-1 4-7 8-11 5-10 6-8 3-4 1-2 3-11 6-11 0-2 6-3 16-5 11-6 8-2 5-6 7-5 4-5 1-6 6-2 4-0 13-4 8-7 3-2 7-9 3-9 3-2 3-1 4-3 4-13 8-4 4-8 3-5 2-3 RBI 33 23 29 22 23 SV 2 2 1 2 2

GB Overall — 45-21-1 — 44-23 2 38-25 2 31-22-3 4 29-24 4 27-24

(34-24, 15-15)

F6 at Miami F7 at Miami F8 at Miami F11 Long Beach State F12 at Cal Poly Pomona F13 Cal State Dominguez Hills F16 at Long Beach State F17 Cal State Fullerton F20 at Loyola Marymount F21 Loyola Marymount (8) F21 Loyola Marymount F23 Cal Poly Pomona F24 San Diego State F27 Pepperdine M3 La Verne M6 * California M7 * California M8 * California (10) M10 Cal State Los Angeles M12 * at Stanford M14 * at Stanford M16 Cal State Los Angeles M17 Oral Roberts M20 * at Arizona State M21 * at Arizona State M22 * at Arizona State M24 at Chapman M27 * Arizona M28 * Arizona M29 * Arizona M30 Azusa Pacific M31 UC Santa Barbara A3 * at UCLA A4 * UCLA A5 * at UCLA A7 Chapman A9 * Stanford A10 * Stanford A10 * Stanford A11 * Stanford A13 at Fresno State A14 at Fresno State A16 * Arizona State A17 * Arizona State A18 * Arizona State A20 Cal Lutheran A21 at Cal State Fullerton A24 * at California A25 * at California A26 * at California A29 UC Irvine M2 * at Arizona M2 * at Arizona (14) M3 * at Arizona M5 Cal State Northridge M7 * UCLA M8 * at UCLA M9 * UCLA * Pac-10 Southern Division game Top Hitters Dan Davidsmeier Dave Leeper Stan Edmonds Marty Wilkerson Stu Pederson Top Pitchers Steve Heslop Tim Kammeyer Mickey Meister Bill Peltola Stan Williams

AVG .371 .355 .353 .333 .333 W-L 4-2 7-4 9-5 5-1 5-4











6-7 3-6 9-10 8-4 5-3 2-8 4-2 3-7 18-6 1-0 10-3 14-13 5-9 7-6 7-3 8-2 5-3 6-8 5-7 5-4 11-10 9-5 4-3 4-7 12-20 6-10 14-3 7-12 15-10 6-10 7-1 5-15 9-1 5-3 6-3 5-4 9-17 4-8 12-5 12-10 7-6 4-9 0-6 3-13 2-13 10-5 12-11 4-12 5-2 13-11 10-5 2-6 9-8 4-16 13-2 6-12 10-2 6-4

HR 16 10 7 6 8 ERA 3.47 4.76 5.03 5.37 6.35

RBI 58 48 34 45 35 SV 1 3 1 3 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Arizona State 26-4 .867 — 55-13 2. Stanford 16-14 .533 10 43-22-1 3. USC 15-15 .500 11 34-24 4. Arizona 14-16 .467 12 30-22 5. California 12-18 .333 14 31-31-1 6. UCLA 7-23 .233 19 21-35

Final Pac-8 Standings W-L PCT GB 1. USC 15-3 .833 — 2. UCLA 9-9 .500 6 3. California 6-12 .333 9 Stanford 6-12 .333 9


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 1982 (23-36, 9-21) F5 Chapman F6 at UC Riverside F8 at Hawai‘i F9 at Hawai‘i F9 at Hawai‘i F15 at UC Santa Barbara F16 Cal Poly Pomona F17 San Diego State F18 at San Diego State F19 Long Beach State F20 at Long Beach State F23 Cal State Fullerton (11) F24 at Loyola Marymount F26 * UCLA F27 * at UCLA F28 * UCLA M3 Cal State Northridge M5 * Stanford M6 * Stanford M7 * Stanford M9 UC Santa Barbara M10 at Chapman M13 * at California M15 * at California M15 * at California M19 Pepperdine M20 BYU M21 at Pepperdine M24 Maine M24 Cal Lutheran M27 * Arizona State M27 * Arizona State M28 * Arizona State M30 Cornell A2 * at Arizona A3 * at Arizona A4 * at Arizona A6 at Grand Canyon A8 * at Arizona State A9 * at Arizona State A10 * at Arizona State A13 La Verne A14 Loyola Marymount A16 * Arizona A17 * Arizona A18 * Arizona A19 Cal State Los Angeles A21 USIU A23 * California A24 * California A25 * California A26 Cal State Los Angeles (10) A28 Azusa Pacific A30 * at Stanford M1 * at Stanford M2 * at Stanford M13 * at UCLA M14 * UCLA M15 * at UCLA * Pac-10 Southern Division game Top Hitters Dave Smith Gary Snell John Wallace Craig Stevenson Bob Batesole Top Pitchers Phil Smith Mark McGwire George Ponce Sid Akins Bob Gunnarsson

AVG .345 .324 .324 .306 .298 W-L 1-1 4-4 1-3 6-7 5-4

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Arizona State 23-5 2. Stanford 20-10 3. Arizona 15-14 4. UCLA 11-19 5. California 9-18 6. USC 9-21

1983 W











HR 5 0 7 2 3 ERA 2.70 3.04 3.10 3.51 5.02

PCT .867 .667 .517 .367 .333 .300

7-16 7-2 7-10 3-4 5-8 4-10 13-4 1-2 9-3 0-12 0-4 3-6 10-2 4-1 1-8 12-6 6-5 7-12 5-11 4-11 8-6 10-1 10-8 3-8 10-12 0-3 7-6 2-1 12-3 7-3 4-3 3-4 4-10 9-3 6-8 12-3 7-11 5-6 4-23 0-1 4-5 5-2 9-10 5-11 2-1 2-20 6-1 7-8 2-7 5-6 6-1 3-6 7-18 3-9 5-12 5-6 6-7 13-9 17-8 RBI 31 20 49 20 37 SV 2 2 0 1 1

GB Overall — 58-15 4 49-18-1 8.5 32-22 13 38-27 13.5 29-32 15 23-36


(32-23-1, 17-13)

F4 Azusa Pacific W F6 Loyola Marymount L F9 at Pepperdine L F10 at UC Santa Barbara W F14 Santa Clara L F15 Cal State Fullerton L F16 Cal State Los Angeles W F18 Westmont W F19 Chapman W F20 at Pepperdine W F22 Cal Lutheran W F25 Cal Poly Pomona L F25 Tokai University (ex.) W M6 * Arizona State W M6 * Arizona State W M7 * Arizona State L M8 Gonzaga W M11 * California W L M12 * California M13 * California W M14 Nittaidai (ex.) W M15 Long Beach State L M19 * at Stanford L L M19 * at Stanford M26 * at Arizona L M26 * at Arizona W M27 * at Arizona W M29 Long Beach State (n) (11) W M30 Cal State Fullerton (n) L M31 BYU (n) W A1 at Fresno State L A2 UNLV (n) W A2 at Fresno State L A8 * at UCLA W A9 * UCLA W A10 * at UCLA W A11 at Cal Poly Pomona L A15 * at Arizona State L A16 * at Arizona State L A17 * at Arizona State L A19 La Verne (10) t A22 * Arizona (12) L A23 * Arizona W A24 * Arizona W A25 Southern California College W A27 at Long Beach State W M1 * at California W M1 * at California L M2 * at California W M6 * Stanford L M7 * Stanford W M7 * Stanford W M8 * Stanford L M13 * UCLA L M14 * at UCLA W M15 * UCLA W * Pac-10 Southern Division game

12-9 7-15 1-6 10-4 4-6 5-7 7-3 5-1 4-3 12-8 3-2 9-11 11-3 7-3 6-5 2-3 16-6 7-0 5-9 7-1 6-0 4-11 4-8 4-8 1-11 4-3 9-3 7-6 0-7 11-8 6-7 18-8 2-6 6-3 11-4 14-5 1-3 5-9 5-13 7-11 8-8 1-2 3-2 4-0 7-4 8-4 5-2 1-2 6-2 5-12 13-2 8-6 5-12 5-7 8-3 5-4

Top Hitters Alby Silvera John Wallace Mark McGwire Jack Del Rio Craig Stevenson

RBI 23 34 59 29 27

Top Pitchers Mark McGwire Phil Smith Bob Gunnarsson Sid Akins Randy Johnson

AVG .353 .333 .319 .319 .301 W-L 3-1 7-3 6-4 7-10 5-0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Stanford 20-10 2. Arizona State 17-13 USC 17-13 32-23-1 4. Arizona 14-15 5. UCLA 12-18 6. California 9-20

HR 4 4 19 4 4 ERA 2.78 3.54 3.70 5.04 5.17

SV 0 1 0 0 3

PCT GB Overall .667 — 41-17-1 .567 3 44-24 .567 3 .483 .400 .310

5.5 25-31 8 28-24-1 10.5 23-37

Top Hitters Mark McGwire Jeff Brown Jack Del Rio Alby Silvera Scott Sommers Top Pitchers Rick Weible Randy Johnson Sid Akins Brad Brink Randy Robertson

AVG .387 .343 .342 .332 .297 W-L 7-1 5-3 8-6 5-4 11-4

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Arizona State 23-7 2. USC 18-12 Stanford 18-12 4. California 12-18 5. Arizona 11-19 6. UCLA 8-22

Reggie Montgomery

Jeff Brown


Jack Del Rio

Mark McGwire


(44-23, 18-12)

F3 UC Riverside W F7 Azusa Pacific W F8 Cal State Dominguez Hills W F10 Chapman W F11 at Pepperdine L F13 Cal Poly Pomona W F14 at Cal State Northridge W F17 at Hawai‘i W F18 at Hawai‘i W F18 at Hawai‘i L F19 at Hawai‘i W F22 Santa Clara W F24 Cal State Northridge W F25 UC Irvine W F26 at UC Santa Barbara W F28 Cal State Fullerton L M2 Cal Lutheran W M3 San Jose State W M3 San Jose State (11) W M4 at Loyola Marymount L M6 at Cal State Fullerton L M7 Nebraska L M9 * UCLA W M10 * at UCLA W M11 * UCLA (11) W M13 at UC Irvine W M14 Yale W M16 * at Arizona State L M17 * at Arizona State W M18 * at Arizona State L M20 at Cal Poly Pomona W M21 Long Beach State W M23 * Arizona W M24 * Arizona W M25 * Arizona W M27 Pepperdine L M30 * Stanford W M31 * Stanford W A1 * Stanford W A3 La Verne W A4 at Long Beach State W A6 * at California W A7 * at California L A8 * at California L A10 Loyola Marymount W A11 UC Santa Barbara W A13 * Arizona State W A14 * Arizona State W A15 * Arizona State L A19 * at Arizona L A20 * at Arizona L A21 * at Arizona L A24 Cal State Los Angeles L A25 Southern California College L A27 * at Stanford L A28 * at Stanford L A29 * at Stanford W M4 * California L M5 * California L M6 * California W M7 Hawai‘i W M8 USIU W M11 * at UCLA W M12 * UCLA W M13 * at UCLA W M25 # Cal State Fullerton L M26 # Fresno State (10) L * Pac-10 Southern Division game # West I Regional at Fresno, Calif. HR 32 13 7 10 4 ERA 2.77 3.35 3.42 4.31 4.32 PCT .767 .600 .600 .400 .367 .267

8-4 12-1 4-2 3-2 1-5 5-4 7-6 5-3 13-5 8-11 7-4 6-4 2-1 3-0 7-6 3-4 5-4 6-2 8-7 4-11 1-2 6-9 4-0 2-0 8-7 7-2 12-4 0-9 8-3 12-15 7-0 20-2 11-7 9-3 14-2 7-9 5-3 5-3 6-4 12-4 7-5 7-6 6-11 2-7 10-9 7-2 8-7 12-4 6-7 5-6 5-9 7-8 11-12 4-10 2-7 3-4 6-4 3-8 4-8 4-3 13-2 10-8 5-2 9-7 5-0 6-10 12-15

RBI 80 40 36 38 36 SV 7 2 1 3 2

GB Overall — 55-20 5 44-23 5 38-26-1 11 37-30-1 12 22-36 15 28-32

(22-44, 5-25)

F1 Azusa Pacific W F5 Cal State Northridge L F6 at Loyola Marymount W F9 at Pepperdine W F12 Cal State Fullerton W F13 Cal Poly Pomona W F15 Santa Clara W L F16 Santa Clara F17 at UC Santa Barbara L F19 at Cal State Fullerton L F20 UC Irvine W F22 * at UCLA (10) L F23 * UCLA W L F24 * at UCLA F26 Cal State Dominguez Hills L F27 at Cal Poly Pomona L M1 at Hawaii L L M2 at Hawaii M2 at Hawaii W M3 at Hawaii W M5 Long Beach State W M6 San Diego State W M8 * at Arizona L M9 * at Arizona W M10 * at Arizona L M12 New Mexico L M12 Gonzaga L M15 * at Stanford W M16 * at Stanford L M17 * at Stanford L M19 Oral Roberts L M20 at San Diego State L M22 * Arizona State L M23 * Arizona State W M24 * Arizona State (15) L M26 UC Santa Barbara W M27 at Long Beach State (10) L L M29 * at California M30 * at California L M31 * at California L A2 Cal State Los Angeles W A5 Miami (n) L A5 Cal State Fullerton (n) W A6 at Oklahoma L A7 Miami (n) L A9 Loyola Marymount (14) W A12 * at Arizona State L A13 * at Arizona State L A14 * at Arizona State L A17 Cal Poly SLO W A19 * Arizona L A20 * Arizona L A21 * Arizona L A23 Pepperdine (11) L A24 Southern California College L A26 * Stanford L A27 * Stanford L A28 * Stanford L A30 USIU L M1 at Cal State Los Angeles (5) W M4 * California L M5 * California W M6 * California L M10 * UCLA L M11 * at UCLA L M12 * UCLA L * Pac-10 Southern Division game Top Hitters Jeff Wetherby Al Villasenor Alby Silvera Dan Henley Pops Mitchell Top Pitchers Chris Shiflett Ron Roebuck Randy Johnson Rick Weible Brad Brink

AVG .364 .335 .309 .290 .276 W-L 0-1 1-4 6-9 4-2 4-10

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Stanford 23-7 2. Arizona 17-13 California 17-13 4. Arizona State 15-15 5. UCLA 13-17 6. USC 5-25

HR 7 2 4 5 4 ERA 3.31 4.50 5.32 5.47 6.38

PCT .767 .567 .567 .500 .433 .167

3-2 1-6 11-3 5-4 7-2 5-3 12-11 0-5 2-3 1-15 5-4 4-5 5-2 8-9 8-10 5-10 8-9 3-8 12-10 5-3 5-0 4-2 6-8 12-10 1-8 1-7 1-7 6-5 4-15 5-15 1-15 4-10 7-9 8-3 9-11 10-3 4-5 2-3 3-11 3-4 4-3 1-11 10-3 4-5 6-8 7-6 4-12 5-7 10-14 9-2 2-5 3-7 1-11 2-7 7-8 1-16 9-13 5-14 5-7 7-6 0-6 11-5 4-10 3-7 3-5 5-10 RBI 38 20 24 39 14 SV 1 1 0 0 1

GB Overall — 47-15 6 47-22 6 42-24 8 31-35 10 34-30-1 18 22-44

1 01


Top Hitters Scott Sommers Dan Henley Terry Brown Kevin Janik Don Buford Top Pitchers Brad Brink Steve Bast John Reilley Rick Weible Brian Brooks


(26-29, 12-18)

F2 at UC Santa Barbara F4 UC Riverside F5 Chapman F7 at UC Irvine F8 UC Irvine F11 Cal State Northridge F18 at Cal State Los Angeles F21 at UNLV F22 at UNLV F22 at UNLV (8) F24 at Cal Poly Pomona F25 Cal Poly Pomona F28 * California (10) M1 * California M2 * California M4 Long Beach State M5 CS Dominguez Hills (10) M7 * at Arizona State M8 * at Arizona State M9 * at Arizona State M14 * Arizona M15 * Arizona (8) M18 * Arizona M18 Oral Roberts M22 * at Stanford M23 * at Stanford M24 * at Stanford M25 at Fresno State M27 * at California M28 * at California M29 * at California A1 Loyola Marymount A2 Cal State Fullerton A4 * Arizona State A5 * Arizona State A8 Pepperdine A11 * UCLA A12 * at UCLA A13 * UCLA A16 at Long Beach State A18 * at Arizona A19 * at Arizona A20 * at Arizona A21 * Arizona State A23 UC Santa Barbara A25 * Stanford A26 * Stanford A27 * Stanford A29 at Loyola Marymount A30 at Cal State Fullerton M9 * at UCLA M10 * UCLA M11 * at UCLA M17 at Hawaii M18 at Hawaii * Pac-10 Southern Division game AVG .409 .316 .307 .291 .287 W-L 8-6 7-5 2-8 2-2 3-4










HR 4 8 8 2 2 ERA 3.43 3.94 5.40 6.79 6.98

5-6 3-2 8-2 8-2 7-9 4-1 2-1 5-8 9-4 16-15 5-7 4-3 2-3 4-6 12-10 8-3 9-6 7-2 5-2 1-5 5-0 14-12 3-6 7-6 0-4 6-0 2-3 0-10 3-4 9-1 3-5 8-10 0-6 13-2 9-11 0-2 10-13 7-8 10-12 21-6 3-10 4-9 17-19 13-6 7-2 7-6 7-2 10-7 8-7 4-16 2-5 4-6 7-12 11-12 3-5 RBI 42 43 40 22 21 SV 1 5 2 1 1

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. UCLA 21-9 .700 — 39-23 2. Arizona 18-12 .600 3 49-19 2. Stanford 18-12 .600 3 38-23 4. USC 12-18 .400 9 26-29 5. Arizona State 11-19 .367 10 34-28 6. California 10-20 .333 11 32-25

1 02

Top Hitters Keith Watkins Al Villasenor Rodney Peete Kraig Washington Terry Brown Top Pitchers Brian Nichols Tim Quintanilla Randy Powers Darrin Beer John Reilley

1988 (36-26, 13-17)

(32-28, 12-18)

J30 UC Riverside J31 at Cal Poly Pomona F1 at UC Santa Barbara F4 Chapman F6 at Hawaii F7 at Hawaii F8 at Hawaii F10 UC Santa Barbara F11 Cal State Northridge F14 at Pepperdine F17 Cal State Dominguez Hills F20 at UC Irvine F22 UC Irvine F23 Westmont F25 Cal Poly Pomona F27 * Arizona State F28 * Arizona State M1 * Arizona State M3 at Long Beach State M6 * at California M7 * at California M8 * at California M10 Pacific (10) M11 Gonzaga M13 * Arizona M14 * Arizona (10) M15 * Arizona (10) M17 Pepperdine M18 Long Beach State (10) M20 Cal State Los Angeles M22 * at UCLA M23 * UCLA M24 * at UCLA M27 at New Orleans M31 Tulane (n) M31 Southern Mississippi (n) A1 at South Alabama A3 * Stanford A4 * Stanford A5 * Stanford A8 Azusa Pacific A10 * at Arizona State A11 * at Arizona State A12 * at Arizona State A14 Loyola Marymount A16 * California A17 * California A18 * California A20 at Loyola Marymount A21 at Cal State Fullerton A24 * at Arizona A25 * at Arizona A26 * at Arizona A28 Cal State Fullerton M9 * UCLA M10 * at UCLA M11 * UCLA M15 * at Stanford M16 * at Stanford M17 * at Stanford * Pac-10 Southern Division game AVG .350 .349 .304 .303 .272 W-L 4-0 4-1 6-6 6-7 6-6

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Stanford 21-9 2. UCLA 16-14 2. Arizona State 16-14 4. Arizona 13-17 5. California 12-18 USC 12-18













HR 4 1 2 0 6 ERA 1.70 2.97 3.66 4.05 5.63

12-3 3-8 9-5 11-10 8-4 5-4 1-3 2-3 8-2 2-1 4-1 1-2 5-3 6-5 3-1 6-4 6-2 11-8 1-2 6-3 4-12 7-4 10-9 5-8 6-13 8-10 4-3 2-1 7-6 9-8 6-11 7-9 4-5 8-9 7-0 1-0 10-7 0-4 4-9 3-1 21-6 3-6 8-1 6-11 2-3 3-6 6-4 3-2 15-2 0-8 1-4 4-9 5-11 1-4 7-6 6-11 7-4 1-3 3-4 7-10 RBI 37 26 24 17 33 SV 17 0 0 0 0

PCT GB Overall .700 — 53-17 .533 5 40-25-1 .533 5 40-27 .433 8 34-26 .400 9 36-25 .400 9 32-28


J29 at Cal Poly SLO J30 at Cal Poly SLO J31 at UC Santa Barbara F3 Cal State Fullerton F5 at Pepperdine F6 Pepperdine F8 Cal State Los Angeles F10 UC Irvine F11 Grand Canyon F13 at Cal State Northridge F16 Cal State Dominguez Hills F19 UC Riverside F20 at UC Riverside F23 Long Beach State F24 Chapman F26 * Stanford F27 * Stanford M1 Cal State Northridge M4 * Arizona State M5 * Arizona State M6 * Arizona State M8 at UC Irvine M9 Gonzaga M12 * at Arizona M13 * at Arizona M14 * at Arizona M16 Westmont M18 * at California M19 * at California M20 * at California M22 Loyola Marymount M25 at Tulane M26 LSU (n) M27 New Orleans (n) M31 * UCLA A1 * at UCLA A2 * UCLA A6 at Long Beach State A8 * at Arizona State (11) A9 * at Arizona State A10 * at Arizona State A12 at Loyola Marymount A15 * Arizona A16 * Arizona A17 * Arizona A18 * Stanford (10) A19 UC Santa Barbara A22 * California A24 * California A25 * California M6 * at UCLA M7 * UCLA M8 * at UCLA M11 at Cal State Fullerton M13 * at Stanford M14 * at Stanford M15 * at Stanford M27 # BYU M28 # Washington State M29 # Fresno State M30 # Fresno State M30 # Fresno State * Pac-10 Southern Division game # West I Regional at Fresno, Calif.


Top Hitters Jim Campanis Bret Barberie John Jackson Rodney Peete Bret Boone

HR 23 11 1 12 8

Top Pitchers Steve Gewecke Darrin Beer Randy Powers Phil Kendall Brian Nichols

AVG .392 .384 .366 .338 .326 W-L 5-0 8-8 11-5 2-3 2-1





ERA 4.36 4.73 5.00 5.11 5.63







4-0 10-5 13-3 7-3 6-2 6-0 3-0 9-3 11-9 8-5 6-0 7-6 20-12 11-3 7-6 4-13 6-7 7-15 5-3 4-1 7-4 4-9 7-0 11-10 11-7 15-14 4-7 11-13 11-2 2-7 1-4 8-12 7-11 9-2 3-4 8-2 12-3 10-3 7-8 4-8 7-9 10-6 3-8 7-1 4-13 3-5 17-5 10-7 14-6 3-7 1-6 7-4 5-6 4-8 8-10 9-10 4-12 9-8 10-9 18-17 12-17 3-14

RBI 92 48 23 46 53 SV 0 1 0 1 9

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Arizona State 21-9 .700 — 60-13 2. Stanford 18-12 .600 3 46-23 3. California 16-14 .533 5 40-25 4. USC 13-17 .433 8 36-26 5. UCLA 12-18 .400 9 31-28 6. Arizona 10-20 .333 11 33-26

(41-25, 16-14)

J27 Cal State Los Angeles W J28 Cal Poly Pomona W J31 UC Irvine W F5 at UC Santa Barbara W F7 Cal State Fullerton W L F10 Fresno State F11 Fresno State W F11 Fresno State W F14 at Loyola Marymount W F17 at Hawaii Pacific W L F17 at Hawaii F18 at Hawaii Pacific W F18 at Hawaii W F19 at Hawaii W F22 UC Santa Barbara W F24 * Arizona L F25 * Arizona L F26 * Arizona W L F28 at UC Irvine M1 Chapman W M3 Houston (n) W M4 Ohio State (n) W M4 at Southwest Louisiana W M5 Ohio State (n) W M8 San Diego State L M10 * UCLA W M11 * at UCLA W M12 * UCLA L M14 San Diego W M17 * at Arizona State W M18 * at Arizona State L M19 * at Arizona State L M21 Minnesota (10) L M22 Gonzaga W M23 * California W M24 * California W M28 Long Beach State L M29 Cal State Northridge L L M31 * at Stanford A1 * at Stanford W A2 * at Stanford L A3 * California L A4 Loyola Marymount W A7 * at California W A8 * at California W A9 * at California W A11 UC Riverside L A14 * Stanford L A15 * Stanford L A16 * Stanford W A18 at Cal State Fullerton (11) W A21 * at Arizona L A22 * at Arizona L A23 * at Arizona L A25 USIU W A26 at Long Beach State W A28 * Arizona State W A29 * Arizona State W A30 * Arizona State L M12 * at UCLA W M13 * UCLA W M14 * at UCLA W M18 at Pepperdine L M19 Pepperdine W M26 # Western Michigan L M27 # Texas L * Pac-10 Southern Division game # Midwest Regional at Austin, Texas Top Hitters John Jackson Brett Jenkins Mark Smith Mike Robertson Jeff Cirillo Top Pitchers Dave Latter Phil Kendall Randy Powers John Cummings Jeff Cirillo

AVG .356 .345 .338 .329 .314 W-L 4-0 9-4 10-5 4-1 7-6

6-1 7-2 6-2 7-5 2-0 3-4 10-5 11-5 7-5 8-1 6-7 6-5 8-5 12-10 11-2 6-10 6-7 7-5 4-8 16-0 8-2 8-3 5-1 11-4 0-1 6-0 10-7 12-16 12-2 6-3 5-8 4-7 9-13 1-0 12-4 4-0 0-4 2-4 2-9 12-5 5-15 12-16 4-3 11-2 7-4 12-5 3-6 4-7 5-15 10-4 9-8 4-11 6-14 4-6 11-7 9-3 8-2 7-6 0-11 10-5 10-2 12-5 4-10 6-3 8-9 8-11

HR 4 5 1 9 2 ERA 2.91 2.91 3.75 4.24 4.85

RBI 41 54 32 37 30 SV 2 3 1 0 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Arizona 23-7 .767 — 45-18-1 2. Arizona State 19-11 .633 4 42-19 3. USC 16-14 .533 7 41-25 4. Stanford 12-18 .400 11 30-28 5. California 10-20 .333 13 35-24 UCLA 10-20 .333 13 27-32


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 1990

J30 Cal State Northridge L F2 at Pepperdine (10) W F3 Pepperdine W F6 South Alabama W F8 at Fresno State W L F9 at Fresno State F10 at Fresno State W F13 Cal State Los Angeles W F14 Cal Poly Pomona (10) W F18 * Arizona State W F19 * Arizona State W F20 UC Santa Barbara (15) W F23 * Stanford W F24 * Stanford L F25 * Stanford W L F28 UC Irvine M2 * at Arizona L L M3 * at Arizona M4 * at Arizona L M9 * at UCLA W M10 * UCLA W M11 * at UCLA (11) L M13 Cal State Dominguez Hills W M16 * California W M17 * California W M18 * California W M20 San Diego State W M23 Long Beach State W M24 at Long Beach State L M25 Long Beach State L M27 at UC Irvine W M30 * Arizona W M31 * Arizona W A1 * Arizona W A3 Loyola Marymount L A4 at UC Santa Barbara W A6 USIU W A8 USIU W A10 at Cal State Fullerton W A12 * at Arizona State L A13 * at Arizona State L A14 * at Arizona State L A17 at San Diego State L A20 * at California (11) W A21 * at California W A22 * at California W A23 * Arizona State L A24 Cal State Fullerton W A27 * UCLA W L A28 * at UCLA A29 * UCLA W M11 * at Stanford L M12 * at Stanford W M13 * at Stanford L M18 Clemson (n) W M19 North Carolina State (n) L M20 at North Carolina W M24 # Southern Mississippi W M25 # Houston W M26 # LSU W M27 # LSU L M28 # LSU L * Pac-10 Southern Division game # South I Regional at Baton Rouge, La. Top Hitters Mark Smith Murph Proctor Jeff Cirillo John Jackson Bret Boone Top Pitchers Randy Powers Jackie Nickell Jeff Cirillo Phil Kendall John Cummings


(40-22, 18-12)

AVG .333 .325 .316 .315 .313 W-L 11-3 7-4 6-2 5-4 4-4

HR 11 3 6 0 12 ERA 2.29 3.49 3.55 4.41 4.63

3-4 6-5 14-8 7-2 16-4 5-6 4-3 2-1 9-8 6-0 5-3 6-5 5-3 2-5 3-1 2-3 4-5 5-6 5-13 7-5 5-4 7-9 12-9 8-2 9-4 13-6 10-3 6-4 6-11 3-10 5-2 9-1 16-3 9-4 6-8 10-2 9-1 12-4 6-5 0-6 8-9 2-9 6-9 7-6 7-5 10-5 5-7 5-4 7-2 6-8 7-5 1-2 3-2 1-6 1-0 4-7 4-2 23-5 26-11 5-4 4-5 6-7

RBI 54 35 48 29 50 SV 2 2 3 2 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Stanford 24-6 .800 — 59-12 2. Arizona State 20-10 .667 4 52-16 3. USC 18-12 .600 6 40-22 4. UCLA 14-16 .467 10 41-26 5. Arizona 11-19 .367 13 26-34 6. California 3-27 .100 21 18-43


1992 (28-26, 13-17)

(46-17-1, 23-7)

PAC-10 CHAMPIONS J26 Cal Poly Pomona J29 Cal State Los Angeles J30 Chapman F1 USIU F2 USIU F3 Cal Lutheran F3 Cal Lutheran F5 Cal State Fullerton F7 at Cal State Northridge F8 Cal State Northridge F9 Cal State Northridge F12 at Pepperdine F13 Cal State Dominguez Hills F15 at Hawaii F16 at Hawaii F17 at Hawaii F20 UC Irvine F22 * at Arizona F23 * at Arizona F24 * at Arizona F26 at UC Irvine M2 * California M3 * California M4 * California M5 at Cal State Fullerton M8 * Stanford M9 * Stanford M10 * Stanford M12 at Loyola Marymount M14 at UC Santa Barbara M16 UC Santa Barbara M16 UC Santa Barbara M23 * UCLA M24 * at UCLA M25 * UCLA M29 * at Arizona State M30 * at Arizona State M30 * at Arizona State A2 Long Beach State A5 * at Stanford A6 * at Stanford A7 * at Stanford A9 Pepperdine A12 * Arizona A13 * Arizona A14 * Arizona A16 at Long Beach State A19 * Arizona State A20 * Arizona State A21 * Arizona State A23 Loyola Marymount (14) A26 * at California A27 * at California A28 * at California A30 Hawai‘i M10 * at UCLA M11 * UCLA M12 * at UCLA M17 North Carolina State (n) M18 Wake Forest (n) M24 # Middle Tennessee State M25 # Pepperdine M26 # Creighton (10) M26 # Hawai‘i * Pac-10 Southern Division game # West I Regional at USC Top Hitters Jeff Cirillo Brett Jenkins Mark Smith Casey Burrill Mike Robertson Top Pitchers Jeff Cirillo Phil Kendall Dan Hubbs Jackie Nickell Mike Collett

AVG .380 .375 .336 .333 .321 W-L 1-0 8-2 7-2 9-4 5-4

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. USC 23-7 2. Stanford 18-12 3. California 14-16 4. UCLA 13-17 5. Arizona State 12-18 6. Arizona 10-20












HR 7 9 16 4 16 ERA 1.37 3.05 3.60 3.92 4.00

PCT .767 .600 .467 .433 .400 .333

6-2 8-1 0-1 6-2 6-3 4-3 0-1 7-4 3-6 6-3 7-2 5-5 6-2 3-6 8-4 2-4 7-2 11-14 11-10 18-6 8-2 6-5 6-5 11-7 4-5 9-5 11-5 9-5 8-7 10-4 1-12 6-3 5-4 6-5 11-8 14-11 10-3 11-5 6-2 3-6 2-10 3-7 11-4 6-4 8-7 8-4 7-4 8-7 12-5 4-1 6-5 6-9 9-3 10-1 10-4 4-0 5-7 4-13 8-12 16-5 7-5 17-7 7-8 3-7

RBI 48 58 80 55 62 SV 6 2 3 0 1

GB Overall — 46-17-1 5 39-23-1 9 37-27 10 29-30 11 35-27 13 27-32

F1 at Pepperdine F2 Pepperdine F4 UC Santa Barbara F7 Ohio State (n) F8 at Central Florida F8 South Florida (n) F9 Ohio State (n) F13 at Fresno State F14 at Fresno State (12) F18 at Cal State Northridge F21 Portland F22 Portland F23 Portland F25 Cal State Northridge F28 * Arizona F29 * Arizona M1 * Arizona M3 Loyola Marymount M7 * at Stanford M7 * at Stanford M8 * at Stanford M10 at Cal State Fullerton M13 * Arizona State M14 * Arizona State M15 * Arizona State M17 at San Diego State M21 * California M21 * California M23 * California M24 at Loyola Marymount M28 at Chapman (10) M29 Chapman M31 Long Beach State A3 * at UCLA A4 * UCLA A5 * at UCLA A7 Cal State Fullerton A10 * at Arizona A11 * at Arizona A12 * at Arizona A16 * Stanford A17 * Stanford A18 * Stanford A21 UC Irvine A24 * at California A25 * at California A26 * at California M9 * at Arizona State M10 * at Arizona State M11 * at Arizona State M13 at UC Santa Barbara M15 * UCLA (10) M16 * at UCLA M17 * UCLA * Pac-10 Southern Division game Top Hitters Bobby Hughes Shon Malani J.P. Roberge Lionel Hastings Aaron Boone Top Pitchers Jackie Nickell Dan Hubbs Ryan Henderson Kent Donnelly Jimmy Burchit

AVG .351 .314 .302 .299 .272 W-L 6-6 7-6 3-3 5-6 4-2

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Arizona 18-12 2. Stanford 17-13 3. UCLA 14-16 Arizona State 14-16 California 14-16 6. USC 13-17



1993 L L L L L L



HR 13 0 6 5 0 ERA 3.48 3.97 4.26 4.62 6.12

3-5 9-10 8-3 3-5 5-1 12-2 6-8 2-5 6-2 2-9 3-0 9-1 11-1 1-6 0-1 10-2 1-2 9-4 13-4 0-8 4-11 10-6 8-4 1-8 3-2 4-14 7-0 4-12 9-5 4-2 4-2 0-2 5-3 1-11 13-8 2-15 4-3 4-2 5-16 8-11 4-7 4-5 5-2 14-8 0-11 5-6 3-2 9-10 11-2 4-7 20-11 6-5 1-3 4-2 RBI 45 17 31 22 25 SV 4 1 2 1 0

PCT GB Overall .600 — 34-23-1 .567 1 39-23 .467 4 37-26 .467 4 32-24 .467 4 35-28 .433 5 28-26

(35-29, 15-15)

F2 Loyola Marymount W F5 at Hawaii L L F6 at Hawaii F7 at Hawaii L F10 San Diego State L F12 Pepperdine W F13 at Pepperdine L F14 Pepperdine W F16 at Cal State Northridge L F20 * Arizona W F20 * Arizona W F21 * Arizona L F25 Fresno State W F26 Fresno State L F27 Fresno State W M2 at Long Beach State L M5 * Stanford L L M6 * Stanford M7 * Stanford W M9 Loyola Marymount W M10 Westmont W M12 * at Arizona State W M13 * at Arizona State W M14 * at Arizona State L M16 Loyola Marymount W M19 * California W M20 * California W M21 * California W M23 Cal State Fullerton L L M27 * at Arizona M27 * at Arizona L M28 * at Arizona W M31 UC Santa Barbara W A2 * UCLA W L A3 * at UCLA A4 * UCLA W A6 Cal State Northridge W L A8 * at Stanford A9 * at Stanford L A10 * at Stanford W A13 Long Beach State W A16 * Arizona State L L A17 * Arizona State A18 * Arizona State L A20 at Cal State Fullerton L A23 * at California W A24 * at California W L A25 * at California M7 Chapman W M8 at Chapman W M9 Chapman L M11 at San Diego State L M14 * at UCLA W M15 * UCLA (13) L L M16 * at UCLA (10) M18 at UC Santa Barbara W M21 Wake Forest (n) W M22 North Carolina State (n) W M23 at North Carolina W M28 # Kentucky W M29 # Cal State Fullerton W M30 # Texas L M30 # Cal State Fullerton W L M31 # Texas * Pac-10 Southern Division game # Central II Regional at Austin, Texas Top Hitters Casey Burrill Gabe Alvarez Geoff Jenkins J.P. Roberge Shon Malani Top Pitchers Dan Hubbs Tony Nieto Mike Collett Justin Parle Ben Tucker

AVG .408 .326 .323 .320 .296 W-L 5-5 8-5 9-4 3-0 2-7

HR 13 8 7 11 2 ERA 2.96 3.52 4.18 4.57 5.37

7-3 4-9 0-3 4-11 0-5 9-7 8-12 12-4 3-5 15-11 8-1 2-10 5-4 6-7 4-3 5-9 6-7 3-4 11-3 6-2 13-2 4-3 10-6 5-6 8-5 5-1 5-4 14-8 3-9 8-18 4-7 12-9 5-2 14-4 6-9 11-5 10-9 0-8 5-15 6-4 7-4 3-6 3-14 3-11 7-8 13-5 9-5 4-6 12-4 9-2 7-12 5-9 7-6 4-6 7-8 11-2 13-1 14-1 10-1 7-1 5-2 3-11 5-2 2-3

RBI 52 53 50 40 20 SV 18 0 0 0 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Arizona State 19-11 .633 — 46-20 2. UCLA 17-13 .567 2 37-23 3. Arizona 16-14 .533 3 35-26 4. USC 15-15 .500 4 35-29 5. California 13-17 .433 6 27-30 6. Stanford 10-20 .333 9 27-28

1 03

Y EAR- BY- YEAR RE SULT S 1994 (41-20, 19-11)


F5 at Pepperdine W F6 Pepperdine W F11 Long Beach State L F12 at Long Beach State L F13 Long Beach State W F18 * at Arizona State L F19 * at Arizona State W F20 * at Arizona State L F22 Cal State Northridge W F25 * Arizona W F26 * Arizona W F27 * Arizona W M1 at Loyola Marymount W L M4 * California M5 * California W M6 * California W M8 San Diego State W M11 Kansas State (n) W M12 Penn State (n) W M12 at Texas A&M W M13 at Texas A&M W M14 Penn State (n) W M14 Kansas State (n) W M17 Hartford W M19 * at Stanford L M20 * at Stanford W M21 * at Stanford W M23 Loyola Marymount W L M25 Hawai‘i Hilo M26 * at UCLA L M27 * UCLA W M28 * at UCLA W M31 * at Arizona W A1 * at Arizona W A2 * at Arizona W A8 * Stanford L A9 * Stanford W L A10 * Stanford A13 at UC Santa Barbara (10) L A15 * Arizona State W A16 * Arizona State L A17 * Arizona State W A19 UC Santa Barbara L A22 * UCLA W A23 * at UCLA L A24 * UCLA W M8 * at California L M9 * at California W M9 * at California L M11 at San Diego State L M13 Cal State Fullerton W M14 at Cal State Fullerton L M15 Cal State Fullerton W M20 Grand Canyon W M21 Grand Canyon W M22 Grand Canyon (11) W M26 # UNC Greensboro W M27 # Tulane W M28 # LSU L M28 # UNC Greensboro W M29 # LSU L * Pac-10 Southern Division game # South Regional at Baton Rouge, La. Top Hitters Geoff Jenkins Aaron Boone Jacque Jones J.P. Roberge Walter Dawkins Top Pitchers Randy Flores Javier Mejia Grant Vermillion Tony Nieto Scott Henderson

AVG .373 .340 .335 .332 .280 W-L 11-1 4-0 7-0 5-9 4-1

HR 15 6 6 11 17 ERA 1.66 3.50 3.45 3.69 4.18

8-4 10-2 3-6 7-9 5-3 2-6 11-4 5-8 7-1 7-1 15-4 10-5 13-7 1-6 6-5 6-1 4-3 20-7 5-3 5-1 16-1 6-2 3-0 2-1 3-4 9-0 5-3 11-7 1-3 0-6 1-0 7-2 9-3 7-3 6-2 1-2 8-3 3-9 4-5 9-0 5-12 8-7 5-6 6-2 3-4 10-8 6-7 6-1 3-6 3-4 4-3 3-11 4-1 11-4 9-7 4-3 19-3 5-0 2-6 25-9 10-12

RBI 47 30 45 48 45 SV 0 0 7 1 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Stanford 21-9 .700 — 36-24 2. Arizona State 20-10 .667 1 45-18 3. USC 19-11 .633 2 41-20 4. California 12-18 .400 9 25-35 5. UCLA 11-19 .367 10 22-36 6. Arizona 7-23 .233 14 15-40

1 04

1996 (44-16-1, 24-6)

(49-21, 21-9)


J31 Cal State Northridge L F2 Washington State W F3 Pepperdine W F4 at Pepperdine W F5 Pepperdine W F7 Loyola Marymount W F9 UC Riverside W F11 Long Beach State L F12 at Long Beach State W F15 at Loyola Marymount W F17 San Diego (10) W F18 San Diego L F19 at San Diego W F21 at Cal State Fullerton L F24 at Hawaii W F25 at Hawaii (12) L F26 at Hawaii L F27 at Hawaii Hilo W F27 at Hawaii Hilo W M4 * at UCLA W M6 * UCLA W M6 * UCLA L M7 at San Diego State L M12 * Stanford L M12 * Stanford W M13 * Stanford L M14 UC Santa Barbara W M17 * at Arizona State (15) L M18 * at Arizona State L M19 * at Arizona State L M24 * Arizona W M25 * Arizona L M26 * Arizona W M28 Cal State Fullerton W M31 * at California W A1 * at California L A2 * at California W A4 Cal State Northridge W A7 * Arizona State W A8 * Arizona State (11) W A9 * Arizona State (11) W A11 at Long Beach State W A13 * at Stanford W A14 * at Stanford W A16 * at Stanford W A18 at UC Santa Barbara W A21 * at UCLA W A22 * UCLA W A23 * at UCLA W A26 at Cal State Northridge L A28 * California L A29 * California W A30 * California W M1 Cal State Dominguez Hills L M13 * at Arizona W M14 * at Arizona W M15 * at Arizona W M18 ^ Washington State W M19 ^ Washington State W M25 # Middle Tennessee State W M26 # Fresno State W M27 # Long Beach State W M28 # Long Beach State L M28 # Long Beach State W J2 + Miami L J4 + Oklahoma W J6 + Florida State W J7 + Miami W J9 + Miami W J10 + Cal State Fullerton L * Pac-10 Southern Division game ^ Pac-10 Championship at USC # West I Regional at Fresno, Calif. + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Geoff Jenkins Gabe Alvarez Jacque Jones Walter Dawkins Chad Moeller Top Pitchers Jason Garner Randy Flores Jack Krawczyk Ben Tucker Brian Cooper

AVG .399 .361 .353 .329 .329 W-L 6-1 13-3 4-2 7-2 8-3

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. USC 21-9 2. Stanford 20-10 3. California 18-12 4. Arizona State 13-17 5. UCLA 12-18 6. Arizona 6-24

HR 23 13 7 9 5 ERA 3.12 3.24 4.11 4.19 4.78


PAC-10 CHAMPIONS 2-4 8-0 2-1 5-4 12-1 13-4 7-6 2-3 9-7 9-1 6-5 3-5 10-2 9-10 6-2 2-3 1-4 10-3 5-3 5-2 9-3 4-9 5-12 4-5 5-1 1-9 3-2 6-7 9-10 4-10 7-3 6-8 11-8 7-4 6-1 3-5 6-1 7-5 9-0 8-7 7-6 10-3 7-5 6-4 9-8 9-7 7-3 13-8 8-7 10-12 3-5 13-2 7-4 6-7 11-3 15-4 9-8 9-6 4-0 10-4 22-17 6-5 3-4 9-2 10-15 9-4 16-11 7-5 7-3 5-11

RBI 78 59 53 57 29 SV 15 1 3 0 0

PCT GB Overall .700 — 49-21 .667 1 40-25 .600 3 32-25 .433 8 34-21 .400 9 29-28 .207 15 20-35-1

J30 Loyola Marymount W F2 Long Beach State W F4 Long Beach State W F6 at San Diego State t F9 Nevada W F10 Nevada L F11 Nevada L F13 at Long Beach State W F17 at Florida W F17 Oklahoma State (n) W F18 The Citadel (n) W F23 Oklahoma (n) W F24 Florida State (n) W F25 at Cal State Fullerton L M1 * Arizona W M2 * Arizona W L M3 * Arizona M5 Cal State Northridge W M8 * at Stanford W M9 * at Stanford W M10 * at Stanford W M15 * Arizona State W M16 * Arizona State W M17 * Arizona State W M19 at Pepperdine L M21 Cal Lutheran W L M23 * at UCLA M24 * UCLA W M25 * at UCLA L M27 at Loyola Marymount W M29 * California L M30 * California W M31 * California W A2 San Diego State W A4 * at Arizona W A5 * at Arizona W A6 * at Arizona W A9 at UC Santa Barbara L A12 * Stanford W A13 * Stanford W A14 * Stanford W A17 Cal State Fullerton L A19 * at California W A20 * at California W A21 * at California W A24 UC Santa Barbara W A26 * at Arizona State L A27 * at Arizona State W A28 * at Arizona State L A30 Pepperdine L M11 * UCLA W M12 * at UCLA W M13 * UCLA W M16 ^ Washington L M17 ^ Washington W M18 ^ Washington W M23 # Akron W M24 # Arkansas W M25 # Oklahoma State L M26 # Texas Tech (11) W M26 # Oklahoma State L * Pac-10 Southern Division game ^ Pac-10 Championship at USC # Central II Regional at Lubbock, Texas Top Hitters Jeff Inglin Greg Walbridge Paul Cruz Jacque Jones Morgan Ensberg Top Pitchers Scott Henderson Randy Flores Seth Etherton Steve Immel Jack Krawczyk

AVG .392 .385 .376 .375 .354 W-L 8-1 9-1 12-3 4-1 4-1

HR 14 8 4 10 10 ERA 3.19 3.50 3.94 4.53 4.55

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT 1. USC 24-6 .800 2. Stanford 19-11 .633 3. UCLA 16-14 .533 4. Arizona State 14-16 .467 5. California 10-20 .333 6. Arizona 7-23 .233

11-5 9-5 10-6 3-3 7-3 3-8 7-16 12-2 3-1 6-5 12-4 8-4 10-8 4-17 20-5 4-0 8-9 6-1 8-0 9-3 10-7 6-5 12-3 4-3 2-9 20-0 7-12 13-3 5-10 13-3 5-7 6-2 8-7 6-5 6-2 15-4 2-0 7-8 6-3 9-8 5-2 4-5 8-0 3-2 8-6 13-1 4-7 10-6 6-13 5-12 5-4 13-3 8-1 2-6 7-3 5-0 20-10 15-5 3-9 13-10 2-10

RBI 72 45 34 56 35 SV 0 0 0 0 12

GB Overall — 44-16-1 5 41-19 8 36-28 10 35-21 14 27-29 17 24-32

(42-20, 17-13)

J24 Cal State Los Angeles W J24 Cal State Los Angeles W J28 Loyola Marymount W J31 * Arizona State W F1 * Arizona State L F2 * Arizona State W F7 at Long Beach State W F8 Long Beach State W F9 at Long Beach State L F11 UC Santa Barbara W F14 at Hawaii L F15 at Hawaii W F16 at Hawaii W F17 at Hawaii Hilo W F17 at Hawaii Hilo W F19 Cal State Northridge W F21 Mississippi (n) W F22 Notre Dame (n) W F23 at Long Beach State W F25 Pepperdine W L F28 * at Stanford M1 * at Stanford (12) L M2 * at Stanford L M7 * California W M8 * California W M9 * California W M11 at Pepperdine L M14 * Arizona W L M15 * Arizona M16 * Arizona W M18 Cal State Fullerton W M22 * UCLA L L M23 * at UCLA M24 * UCLA W M25 San Diego State W M27 * at Arizona State W M28 * at Arizona State W M29 * at Arizona State W A1 at San Diego State W A4 * Stanford L A5 * Stanford L A6 * Stanford L A8 at Cal State Fullerton W L A11 * at California A12 * at California W A13 * at California L A15 at Loyola Marymount L A18 * at Arizona W A19 * at Arizona W A20 * at Arizona W A22 at Cal State Northridge (10) L A25 * at UCLA W A26 * UCLA W A27 * at UCLA L A29 at UC Santa Barbara W M10 at Cal State Northridge (10) W M11 Cal State Northridge W M22 # Virginia Tech L M23 # Troy State W M24 # Virginia Tech W M24 # North Carolina State W M25 # Alabama (10) L * Pac-10 Southern Division game # South I Regional at Tuscaloosa, Ala. Top Hitters Greg Hanoian Jason Brown Wes Rachels Robb Gorr Eric Munson Top Pitchers Seth Etherton Jack Krawczyk Steve Immel Randy Flores Scott Henderson

AVG .429 .368 .364 .347 .336 W-L 10-2 2-3 7-4 9-5 8-4

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Stanford 21-9 2. UCLA 19-11 3. USC 17-13 4. Arizona State 16-14 5. Arizona 13-17 6. California 4-26

17-4 8-1 7-2 12-3 3-7 9-6 6-1 4-3 3-7 11-8 3-9 4-3 12-4 7-1 13-3 8-7 18-2 14-4 7-1 7-1 0-4 4-5 13-22 7-5 8-6 5-3 2-4 3-2 5-6 6-2 2-0 6-12 5-8 8-7 13-6 12-7 15-4 11-7 20-3 9-15 2-4 3-10 8-5 2-3 5-2 5-7 0-8 8-6 10-1 13-9 17-18 10-6 11-2 4-14 23-5 8-7 8-2 2-3 5-2 6-2 13-4 8-9

HR 1 10 2 6 13 ERA 2.96 3.20 4.33 4.46 5.82

RBI 30 45 41 52 50 SV 0 11 1 0 0

PCT GB Overall .700 — 45-20 .633 2 45-21-1 .567 4 42-20 .533 5 39-22 .433 8 32-26 .133 17 21-38


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 1998 (49-17, 21-9)

1999 (36-26, 17-7)


J30 Long Beach State W F1 Long Beach State W F7 Texas W F7 Texas L F8 Texas L F10 at Long Beach State W F13 North Carolina (n) W F14 North Carolina (n) W F15 North Carolina (n) W F18 at Cal State Fullerton W F20 * Arizona W F21 * Arizona W L F22 * Arizona F25 at Pepperdine (11) W F27 * UCLA W F28 * at UCLA W L M1 * UCLA M3 at UC Santa Barbara W M6 Oregon State W M7 Oregon State W L M8 Oregon State M14 * Arizona State W M14 * Arizona State W M15 * Arizona State W M17 Loyola Marymount W M20 * at Arizona W M21 * at Arizona W M22 * at Arizona W M24 Pepperdine W M27 * at California W M28 * at California (10) W M29 * at California W A1 Cal State Fullerton L L A3 * Stanford L A5 * Stanford A5 * Stanford W A6 Hawaii Hilo W A9 * at Arizona State L A10 * at Arizona State L A11 * at Arizona State L A14 at Loyola Marymount L A17 * California W A18 * California W A19 * California W A21 at San Diego State W A24 * at UCLA W L A25 * UCLA A26 * at UCLA W A28 San Diego State W A29 UC Santa Barbara W L M9 * at Stanford M10 * at Stanford W M11 * at Stanford W M15 at Portland State W M15 at Portland State L M21 # Fordham W M22 # Virginia Commonwealth L M23 # Clemson W M23 # South Alabama W M24 # South Alabama W L M30 + LSU J1 + Florida (11) W J2 + Mississippi State W J4 + LSU W J5 + LSU W J6 + Arizona State W * Pac-10 Southern Division game # East Regional at Clemson, S.C. + College World Series at Omaha, Neb. Top Hitters Eric Munson Greg Hanoian Robb Gorr Morgan Ensberg Jeremy Freitas Top Pitchers Jack Krawczyk Seth Etherton Mike Penney Rik Currier Jason Lane

AVG .392 .358 .345 .344 .340 W-L 3-2 13-3 8-4 6-1 9-2

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Stanford 22-8 2. USC 21-9 3. Arizona St. 18-11 4. Arizona 12-18 5. UCLA 11-19 6. California 5-24

HR 16 2 16 21 14 ERA 2.01 3.23 5.25 5.30 5.34

16-4 9-5 5-3 5-6 7-15 12-3 10-0 16-9 10-2 3-2 10-3 4-1 2-3 5-2 6-1 10-9 7-12 15-8 9-0 7-4 6-13 7-6 13-5 6-3 6-4 6-4 7-6 10-6 11-1 10-6 7-6 8-1 4-7 0-1 6-7 7-4 12-3 3-18 5-7 4-24 6-12 10-0 14-13 5-2 9-4 14-6 17-18 17-12 17-10 9-8 2-4 5-2 5-1 10-2 6-7 10-6 4-14 8-5 3-2 4-3 10-12 12-10 7-1 5-4 7-3 21-14

RBI 56 20 79 69 58 SV 23 0 0 0 0

PCT GB Overall .733 — 42-14-1 .700 1 49-17 .621 3.5 41-23 .400 10 33-23 .367 11 24-33 .172 16.5 22-32



F2 Cal State Dominguez Hills W 11-1 L 3-5 F5 at Texas L 8-9 F6 at Texas L 7-8 F7 at Texas F10 at Loyola Marymount L 5-8 L 8-9 F12 Texas Tech 5-3 F13 Texas Tech W 5-4 F14 Texas Tech W F17 Cal State Fullerton L 5-6 F19 at Long Beach State L 7-9 F20 Long Beach State W 16-12 F21 at Long Beach State L 8-9 F24 at Cal State Fullerton L 5-7 7-10 F26 Stanford L 2-5 F27 Stanford L 9-7 F28 Stanford W 11-7 M3 Michigan W 6-3 M5 at UCLA W L 5-6 M6 at UCLA L 7-8 M7 at UCLA (10) M9 Cal State Los Angeles W 4-0 M12 * at Oregon State W 5-2 M14 * at Oregon State (10) W 12-10 M14 * at Oregon State W 4-1 4-0 M16 Cal Lutheran W 17-1 M19 * Arizona W L 4-9 M20 * Arizona 8-5 M21 * Arizona W L 4-6 M24 at Pepperdine M27 * at Washington State W 6-5 M27 * at Washington State L 12-14 M28 * at Washington State W 10-4 M30 San Diego State W 13-0 A2 Cal State Northridge W 17-9 A2 Cal State Northridge W 7-6 A3 at Cal State Northridge W 11-6 A7 Loyola Marymount L 4-9 4-3 A9 * California W 13-6 A10 * California W 6-2 A12 * California W A13 UC Santa Barbara W 11-1 10-1 A16 * at Stanford W L 2-13 A17 * at Stanford 17-15 A18 * at Stanford W A20 at UC Santa Barbara L 8-9 A23 * at Arizona State W 9-5 A24 * at Arizona State W 14-7 A25 * at Arizona State L 10-16 8-3 A27 Pepperdine W 4-1 A30 * UCLA W L 2-3 M1 * UCLA L 5-8 M2 * UCLA M4 at San Diego State W 5-4 13-6 M14 * Washington W L 7-8 M15 * Washington 17-6 M16 * Washington W M28 # Virginia Commonwealth W 10-0 5-3 M29 # Pepperdine W L 3-4 M30 # Pepperdine 12-7 M30 # Pepperdine W L 0-1 J4 % Stanford L 3-5 J5 % Stanford * Pac-10 game # NCAA Regional at USC % NCAA Super Regional at Palo Alto, Calif. Top Hitters Jason Lane Eric Munson Seth Davidson Dominic Correa Beau Craig Top Pitchers Barry Zito Justin Lehr Steve Smyth Rik Currier

AVG .356 .346 .345 .330 .319 W-L 12-3 7-3 6-8 5-7

HR 20 15 1 12 4 ERA 3.28 4.29 5.27 6.38

RBI 68 41 35 51 50 SV 0 3 3 1

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Stanford 19-5 .792 — 50-15 2. USC 17-7 .708 2 36-26 3. Arizona 13-11 .542 6 33-23 UCLA 13-11 .542 6 31-31 5. Arizona St. 12-12 .500 7 39-21 Washington 12-12 .500 7 33-23 7. California 11-13 .458 8 27-31 8. Oregon St. 7-17 .292 12 19-35 9. Washington St. 4-20 .167 15 24-31


(44-20, 16-8)


COLLEGE WORLD SERIES J29 at Pepperdine W J30 Pepperdine W F4 Long Beach State (11) W F5 at Long Beach State L F6 Long Beach State W F8 at Loyola Marymount (10) W F11 at Texas Tech L F12 at Texas Tech W L F13 at Texas Tech F15 at Cal State Fullerton W F22 San Diego W F25 UCLA W F26 UCLA W M3 Georgia Tech (n) W M4 Mississippi State (5)(n) W M7 UC Santa Barbara W M10 Houston L M11 Houston L M12 Houston L M14 at San Diego (DH) L M14 at San Diego (DH) W M17 at Stanford L M18 at Stanford W L M19 at Stanford M21 Loyola Marymount W M24 * Washington State W M25 * Washington State W M26 * Washington State W M28 at San Diego State W L M31 * at Arizona A1 * at Arizona W A2 * at Arizona W A5 Cal State Fullerton L A7 * at UCLA W A8 * at UCLA L A9 * at UCLA L A11 San Diego State W A14 * at California W A15 * at California L A16 * at California L A18 UCLA W A20 * Stanford W L A21 * Stanford A22 * Stanford L A25 at UC Santa Barbara W A28 * Arizona State L A29 * Arizona State W A30 * Arizona State W M2 Santa Clara W M10 at Cal State Fullerton W M12 * Oregon State W M13 * Oregon State W M14 * Oregon State W M19 * at Washington W M20 * at Washington W M21 * at Washington W M26 # Virginia Tech W M27 # Loyola Marymount W M28 # Cal State Fullerton W J2 % Georgia Tech W J3 % Georgia Tech W J10 + Florida State W L J12 + LSU J14 + Florida State L * Pac-10 game # NCAA Regional at Fullerton, Calif. % NCAA Super Regional at Atlanta, Geo. + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.

7-3 8-1 3-2 3-13 9-2 9-8 3-4 9-4 7-20 7-6 7-3 10-7 4-3 9-2 7-1 6-5 2-3 7-14 4-8 4-10 5-3 3-4 11-7 4-11 7-3 7-6 12-7 10-1 11-4 4-11 20-9 6-2 4-5 5-1 5-15 5-8 6-4 6-5 5-9 3-4 6-2 7-3 1-4 4-18 9-3 1-3 12-2 4-3 6-2 8-3 12-1 16-7 16-3 6-1 13-3 4-3 8-3 13-5 8-3 7-2 6-3 6-4 4-10 2-3

Top Hitters Justin Gemoll Josh Persell Anthony Lunetta Rob Garibaldi Seth Davidson

RBI 67 40 50 44 34

Top Pitchers Rik Currier Ronald Flores Mark Prior Anthony Reyes

AVG .374 .351 .343 .329 .305 W-L 15-3 6-2 10-7 6-6

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L 1. Stanford 17-7 Arizona State 17-7 UCLA 17-7 4. USC 16-8 5. California 11-13 6. Oregon St. 9-15 7. Arizona 8-16 8. Washington 7-17 9. Washington State 6-18

HR 18 9 12 8 4 ERA 3.31 3.36 3.56 4.02

PCT .708 .708 .708 .667 .458 .375 .333 .292 .250

SV 0 5 2 1

GB Overall — 50-16 — 44-15 — 38-26 1 44-20 6 25-28 8 28-27 9 26-30 10 26-30 11 20-36

(45-19, 18-6)

J31 F3 F4 F6 F9 F10 F11 F16 F17 F18 F20 F21 F23 M3 M3 M4 M6 M9 M10 M11 M13 M14 M17 M19 M19 M21 M23 M24 M25 M27 M28 A3 A6 A7 A8 A10 A12 A13 A14 A17 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A27 A28 A29 A30 M12 M13 M14 M15 M18 M19 M20 M25 M26 M27 J1 J2 J9 J11 J12

Santa Clara Louisville Louisville Cal State Fullerton (13) at Long Beach State Long Beach State at Long Beach State at UCLA at UCLA at UCLA (11) Loyola Marymount at Pepperdine Mississippi State at Houston (DH) at Houston (DH) at Houston UC Riverside at Stanford at Stanford at Stanford (10) at UC Santa Barbara San Diego *at Washington *at Washington (DH)(10) *at Washington (DH) Pepperdine *at Arizona *at Arizona *at Arizona (10) at Cal State Fullerton San Diego State at San Diego State *Arizona State *Arizona State *Arizona State UC Santa Barbara *at California *at California *at California (10) at UC Riverside *Stanford *Stanford *Stanford San Francisco at Loyola Marymount *UCLA *UCLA *UCLA at San Diego *Washington State *Washington State *Washington State Long Beach State *at Oregon State (10) *at Oregon State *at Oregon State #Oral Roberts #Pepperdine #Fresno State %Florida International %Florida International +Georgia +Miami +Tennessee




* Pac-10 game # NCAA First-Round Regional at USC % NCAA Super Regional at USC + College World Series at Omaha, Neb.

Top Hitters Brian Barre Seth Davidson Alberto Concepcion Michael Moon Bill Peavey Top Pitchers Mark Prior Rik Currier Brian Bannister Anthony Reyes

AVG .345 .323 .321 .313 .307 W-L 15-1 12-3 4-4 5-4










HR 13 2 7 6 7 ERA 1.69 2.59 2.80 3.72

10-3 19-4 11-4 6-5 6-2 10-1 5-9 3-4 6-0 5-4 1-9 3-5 7-3 6-3 7-3 4-3 4-6 0-2 3-15 5-9 12-5 4-3 5-1 6-7 3-7 9-3 8-0 6-4 8-7 11-12 16-7 2-1 11-2 5-1 1-11 6-4 1-0 5-3 4-5 14-2 2-1 7-0 5-9 8-10 7-13 2-0 7-6 7-1 5-4 7-6 7-0 5-1 10-2 7-3 0-6 1-0 12-4 4-3 8-0 5-1 6-0 11-5 3-4 2-10

RBI 48 26 41 35 48 SV 0 0 5 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. USC 18-6 .750 — 45-19 2. Stanford 17-7 .708 1 51-17 3. Arizona St. 14-10 .583 4 37-20-1 California 14-10 .583 4 34-25 5. Arizona 12-12 .500 6 33-23 6. Oregon St. 11-13 .458 7 31-24 7. UCLA 9-15 .375 9 30-27 8. Washington 7-17 .292 11 29-23 9. Washington St. 6-18 .250 12 15-39

1 05


(37-24, 17-7)

PAC-10 CHAMPIONS F8 at Long Beach State L 0-2 F9 at Long Beach State L 4-7 F10 at Long Beach State W 8-5 F12 at UC Riverside W 11-7 L 9-18 F15 Baylor (DS) F16 Baylor (DS) L 1-8 L 1-3 F17 Baylor (DS) F22 at UCLA W 1-0 F23 at UCLA W 26-4 6-3 F24 at UCLA W M1 Miami (n) W 11-10 L 4-9 M2 Houston (n) M3 at Cal State Fullerton L 1-8 M5 at UC Irvine L 3-5 8-3 M8 TCU (n) W M9 Notre Dame (n) L 8-15 M10 Creighton (n) W 7-3 M13 at San Diego W 15-5 M16 at Pepperdine W 5-3 18-6 M17 at Pepperdine W M18 at San Diego State W 8-6 M19 at Loyola Marymount L 7-31 M23 Stanford (DH) L 6-9 M23 Stanford (DH)(11) L 10-12 M24 Stanford L 4-5 M28 *California W 11-3 M29 *California W 9-1 M30 *California W 13-9 A2 UC Irvine W 13-5 A5 *Oregon State W 9-2 A6 *Oregon State L 3-13 A7 *Oregon State W 7-0 A9 at Cal State Fullerton W 6-2 A12 *at Stanford (10) L 5-6 16-11 A13 *at Stanford W A14 *at Stanford L 4-15 A16 Loyola Marymount W 8-4 A19 *at Washington State W 13-7 A20 *at Washington State W 15-3 A21 *at Washington State W 15-9 A23 San Diego State W 10-8 A24 UC Santa Barbara W 11-7 14-6 A26 *Arizona W A27 *Arizona W 12-10 A28 *Arizona L 12-15 A30 Pepperdine L 1-7 M10 *Washington W 4-1 M11 *Washington L 3-9 M12 *Washington W 8-6 M15 Cal State Fullerton (11) L 1-2 M17 *at Arizona State L 1-3 M18 *at Arizona State W 9-5 M19 *at Arizona State L 8-17 M24 *at UCLA (12) W 5-4 M25 *at UCLA W 16-10 M26 *at UCLA W 13-3 M31 #BYU (12) W 5-4 J1 #Cal State Northridge W 7-5 J3 #BYU W 13-10 J7 %Stanford L 2-4 J8 %Stanford L 3-5 * Pac-10 game DS - Dodger Stadium # NCAA First-Round Regional at USC % NCAA Super Regional at Palo Alto, Calif. Top Hitters Alberto Concepcion Bill Peavey Joey Metropoulos Michael Moon Brian Barre

AVG .363 .361 .352 .336 .331

HR 11 15 13 8 12

Top Pitchers Anthony Reyes Brett Bannister Cory Campos Matt Chico

W-L 4-2 8-3 6-3 6-4

ERA 3.44 3.56 3.84 5.45

RBI 48 71 65 60 43 SV 0 0 6 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. USC 17-7 .708 — 37-24 2. Stanford 16-8 .667 1.0 47-18 3. Arizona State 15-9 .625 2.0 37-21 Washington 15-9 .625 2.0 33-27-1 5. California 11-13 .458 6.0 29-27 6. Oregon State 10-14 .417 7.0 31-23 7. UCLA 9-15 .375 8.0 26-35 Arizona 9-15 .375 8.0 31-24 9. Washington St. 6-18 .250 11.0 21-33

1 06

2003 (28-28, 11-13)


F4 at UC Santa Barbara W 5-2 F7 Long Beach State L 0-6 F8 at Long Beach State L 1-7 F9 Long Beach State W 12-7 F14 South Alabama W 10-2 F15 South Alabama W 10-1 F16 South Alabama W 9-5 F18 Pepperdine L 1-4 F22 at Baylor (DH)(12) L 1-2 L 8-9 F22 at Baylor (DH) F23 at Baylor L 1-3 F25 UC Irvine W 6-4 F28 at Stanford W 13-4 L 6-10 M1 at Stanford M2 at Stanford L 4-18 M4 UNLV W 7-2 M7 at UCLA L 4-7 M8 at UCLA W 9-6 L 5-17 M9 at UCLA M11 at Pepperdine W 9-6 M14 Cal State Fullerton W 3-2 M16 Cal State Fullerton L 3-11 M18 at San Diego W 12-4 12-2 M21 *at Arizona W M22 *at Arizona L 5-6 M23 *at Arizona L 3-16 M25 Fresno State L 9-11 M28 *Arizona State L 4-11 6-5 M29 *Arizona State W M30 *Arizona State L 5-7 A1 UC Riverside W 9-4 A8 San Diego L 3-4 7-6 A11 *UCLA W A12 *UCLA W 7-4 A13 *UCLA W 8-5 A15 at Loyola Marymount W 8-5 A17 *at California W 3-1 L 2-11 A18 *at California A19 *at California L 3-8 A22 UC Santa Barbara (10) W 13-12 A26 *at Oregon State (DH) W 4-3 A26 *at Oregon State (DH)(10) W 3-2 A27 *at Oregon State W 12-2 A29 at UC Irvine W 2-1 M3 *Stanford L 10-22 M4 *Stanford (DH) L 3-8 L 3-8 M4 *Stanford (DH) M5 Cal State Fullerton (EF) L 2-8 M13 Loyola Marymount W 5-3 M16 *Washington State L 12-13 M17 *Washington State W 6-1 M18 *Washington State W 9-1 M20 at Fresno State L 5-6 M23 *at Washington L 2-26 M24 *at Washington L 1-5 M25 *at Washington L 8-10 * Pac-10 game EF - Edison International Field - Anaheim, Calif.

F13 at Long Beach State F14 Long Beach State F15 at Long Beach State F17 at UC Riverside F20 Louisville F21 Notre Dame (7) F24 UC Riverside F27 Georgia Tech (n) F28 Oklahoma (n) F29 at Cal State Fullerton M2 at UC Irvine M5 Stanford M6 Stanford (13) M7 Stanford M12 at Mississippi State M13 at Mississippi State M14 at Mississippi State M16 at Tulane (12) M17 at Tulane M19 at South Alabama M20 at South Alabama M21 at South Alabama M23 Loyola Marymount M26 UCLA M27 UCLA M28 UCLA M31 Cal State Fullerton A2 *at Arizona State A3 *at Arizona State A4 *at Arizona State A8 *California A9 *California A10 *California A13 Pepperdine A16 *at Washington State A17 *at Washington State A18 *at Washington State A20 at Loyola Marymount A23 *Oregon State A24 *Oregon State A25 *Oregon State A27 UC Irvine A30 *at UCLA M1 *at UCLA M2 *at UCLA M3 at San Diego State M14 *Washington M15 *Washington M16 *Washington M18 at Pepperdine M21 *at Stanford M22 *at Stanford M23 *at Stanford M28 *Arizona M29 *Arizona M30 *Arizona * Pac-10 game

Top Hitters Anthony Lunetta Joey Metropoulos Jon Brewster Travis McAndrews Jeff Clement

AVG .349 .321 .310 .304 .298

HR 7 11 4 5 21

Top Pitchers Anthony Reyes Bret Butler Brian Bannister Josh Rummonds

W-L 2-4 1-5 6-5 5-3

ERA 4.38 4.44 4.53 4.66

RBI 31 41 27 32 53 SV 0 8 0 2

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Stanford 18-6 .750 — 51-18 2. Arizona State 16-8 .667 2.0 54-14 3. Washington 15-9 .625 3.0 42-18 4. Arizona 13-11 .542 5.0 35-23 5. USC 11-13 .458 7.0 28-28 UCLA 11-13 .458 7.0 28-31 7. California 10-14 .417 8.0 28-27 8. Oregon State 7-17 .292 11.0 25-28 Washington St. 7-17 .292 11.0 19-37

2005 (41-22, 15-9)

(24-32, 10-14) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W








Top Hitters Billy Hart Cyle Hankerd Blake Sharpe Baron Frost Jeff Clement

AVG .367 .333 .316 .303 .293

HR 2 1 2 4 10

Top Pitchers Ian Kennedy Michael Friedman Clayton Wentworth Josh Rummonds

W-L 7-2 2-2 6-2 2-4

ERA 2.91 4.17 4.80 5.97

1-3 6-4 2-6 9-10 7-0 1-3 3-7 9-2 6-9 4-10 2-0 2-10 7-8 11-8 5-4 3-0 1-4 11-10 9-12 6-7 12-7 2-12 10-1 11-4 5-0 7-13 6-4 3-10 14-5 10-3 2-4 11-4 9-12 8-4 4-2 10-7 1-5 7-11 8-4 3-4 4-8 2-13 6-4 6-12 12-13 5-10 6-8 4-13 10-8 4-7 9-3 4-5 2-8 6-7 9-8 6-7 RBI 29 29 28 32 43 SV 1 3 0 4

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Stanford 18-6 .750 — 46-14 2. Washington 15-9 .625 1.0 39-20-1 3. UCLA 14-10 .583 2.0 35-29 4. Arizona State 13-11 .542 3.0 41-18 5. Arizona 12-12 .500 4.0 36-27-1 6. Oregon State 10-14 .417 6.0 31-22 USC 10-14 .417 6.0 24-32 8. Washington St. 9-15 .375 7.0 29-26 9. California 9-15 .375 7.0 25-31

F8 San Diego State W 6-0 F12 at #17 Long Beach State W 4-3 F13 #17 Long Beach State W 7-5 7-5 F15 San Diego W F25 at #13 Stanford L 0-6 L 3-4 F26 at #13 Stanford F27 at #13 Stanford W 8-2 M1 UC Riverside W 21-8 M4 #15 Texas A&M (n) L 1-3 M5 #12 Rice (n) L 1-12 M6 #21 Nebraska (n) W 5-4 M8 at UC Riverside L 3-8 M11 Texas Tech W 6-1 M12 #19 Wichita State W 6-4 M13 UC Irvine L 2-8 6-1 M15 at San Diego W M18 Nevada (n)(10) W 6-5 M19 Stony Brook (n) W 10-0 5-0 M20 at UC Irvine W M24 *Arizona State W 9-8 L 1-17 M25 *Arizona State M26 *Arizona State (10) L 1-2 M29 at Loyola Marymount W 12-4 2-1 A1 *at Washington W A2 *at Washington W 5-1 A4 *at Washington L 3-7 A5 Pepperdine W 4-3 A8 *UCLA W 11-1 9-0 A9 *UCLA W A10 *UCLA W 6-0 A12 #2 Cal State Fullerton W 4-2 A13 at UC Santa Barbara L 8-9 A19 UC Santa Barbara W 8-2 A20 at #2 Cal State Fullerton (HG) W 11-2 A20 at #2 Cal State Fullerton L 3-5 A22 *at California W 7-4 A23 *at California W 5-4 A24 *at California L 0-9 A26 Loyola Marymount L 3-5 A29 *at #9 Arizona W 13-0 A30 *at #9 Arizona L 2-7 M1 *at #9 Arizona L 4-18 M7 Cal State Northridge W 9-2 M10 at San Diego State W 10-6 M13 *Washington State W 9-1 M14 *Washington State W 15-3 M15 *Washington State W 7-2 M17 at Notre Dame L 6-13 M18 at Notre Dame W 9-3 M20 *at #3 Oregon State L 4-5 M21 *at #3 Oregon State L 7-10 M22 *at #3 Oregon State W 12-2 M25 #11 Long Beach State (11) W 5-4 M27 *#25 Stanford W 5-2 M28 *#25 Stanford L 3-14 M29 *#25 Stanford W 4-2 J3 #Pepperdine W 7-3 J4 # #12 Long Beach State W 6-4 J5 #Pepperdine L 2-9 J6 #Pepperdine W 5-2 J11 %at #2 Oregon State L 4-10 J12 %at #2 Oregon State (10) W 9-8 J13 % #2 at Oregon State L 8-10 * Pac-10 game HG - Halted game from Feb. 20 # NCAA First-Round Regional at Long Beach, Calif. % NCAA Super Regional at Corvallis, Ore. Top Hitters Jeff Clement Billy Hart Matt Cusick Cyle Hankerd Blake Sharpe

AVG .348 .332 .311 .298 .297

HR 15 3 4 1 5

Top Pitchers Ian Kennedy Jack Spradlin Anthony Encinas Paul Koss

W-L 12-3 6-3 7-4 4-1

ERA 2.54 4.47 4.68 2.81

RBI 54 35 35 39 36 SV 0 0 0 14

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Oregon State 19-5 .792 — 46-12 2. Arizona 17-7 .708 2.0 39-21 3. USC 15-9 .625 4.0 41-22 Arizona State 15-9 .625 4.0 42-25 5. California 13-11 .542 6.0 34-23 6. Washington 12-12 .500 7.0 33-22 Stanford 12-12 .500 7.0 34-25 8. UCLA 4-20 .167 15.0 15-41 9. Washington St. 1-23 .042 18.0 21-37


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R RE S U LTS 2006


(25-33, 11-13)

F3 at #20 Long Beach State F4 #20 Long Beach State F5 at #20 Long Beach State F7 at UC Riverside F10 Florida International F11 Florida International F12 Florida International F14 at UC Santa Barbara (8) F17 Kansas F18 Vanderbilt F19 #15 San Diego F21 San Diego State F24 at Hawai'i F25 at Hawai'i F26 at Hawai'i M2 Georgia M3 Georgia M4 Georgia M7 UC Irvine (13) M10 #16 Stanford M11 #16 Stanford M12 #16 Stanford M17 * #13 Oregon State M18 * #13 Oregon State M19 * #13 Oregon State M21 at Loyola Marymount M29 #19 Pepperdine A1 * at Stanford (DH) A1 * at Stanford (DH) (12) A2 * at Stanford A5 UC Santa Barbara A7 * California (10) A8 * California A9 * California A11 UC Riverside A13 * at #13 Arizona State A14 * at #13 Arizona State (10) A15 * at #13 Arizona State A18 at UC Irvine A21 * Washington A22 * Washington A23 * Washington A25 Loyola Marymount A28 * at Washington State A29 * at Washington State A30 * at Washington State M10 at #3 Cal State Fullerton M12 * at UCLA M13 * at UCLA M14 * at UCLA M16 at #20 Pepperdine M19 at #25 Wichita State M20 at #25 Wichita State M21 at #25 Wichita State M23 #2 Cal State Fullerton M26 * Arizona M27 * Arizona M28 * Arizona * Pac-10 game









Top Hitters Cyle Hankerd Matt Cusick Daniel Perales Blake Sharpe Baron Frost

AVG .383 .369 .337 .323 .310

HR 10 4 4 0 6

Top Pitchers Ian Kennedy John Dunn Shawn Olsen Tommy Milone Ryan Cook

W-L 5-7 3-2 4-6 7-4 4-4

ERA 3.90 4.00 4.85 4.94 5.97

2-4 6-9 6-8 13-10 12-0 5-4 13-4 16-11 10-1 2-6 8-3 1-6 3-4 3-7 4-3 2-3 9-5 12-11 9-10 6-7 16-7 7-2 1-4 11-3 4-1 14-4 1-2 7-9 3-2 6-1 2-9 2-1 3-2 10-1 17-9 13-12 9-10 7-8 0-5 2-7 15-8 2-7 5-6 9-2 7-13 3-6 6-7 8-6 3-8 1-12 1-2 3-11 7-11 8-10 3-6 5-10 0-6 14-17 RBI 55 35 37 32 47 SV 0 0 0 0 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Oregon State 16-7 .696 — 50-16 2. Arizona State 14-10 .583 2.5 37-21 3. UCLA 13-10 .565 3.0 33-25 4. Arizona 12-12 .500 4.5 27-28 5. Stanford 11-13 .458 5.5 33-27 USC 11-13 .458 5.5 25-33 Washington 11-13 .458 5.5 36-25 8. Washington St. 10-14 .417 6.5 36-23 9. California 9-15 .375 7.5 26-28



(27-29, 8-16)

J30 Cal Poly F2 Long Beach State F3 at Long Beach State F4 Long Beach State F6 at Loyola Marymount F9 #17 San Diego F10 #17 San Diego F11 at #17 San Diego (10) F13 at #23 Pepperdine F16 San Diego State F17 at San Diego State F18 at San Diego State F20 UC Irvine F23 #21 Tulane F24 #21 Tulane F25 #21 Tulane F27 Loyola Marymount M2 at Georgia M3 at Georgia M4 at Georgia (10) M6 UC Riverside M9 at Stanford M10 at Stanford M11 at Stanford M14 Portland M20 #12 Pepperdine M23 #17 Arizona State * M24 #17 Arizona State * M25 #17 Arizona State * M27 at UC Riverside A5 at #9 Oregon State * A6 at #9 Oregon State * A7 at #9 Oregon State * (11) A10 at #18 Cal State Fullerton A13 UCLA * A14 UCLA * A15 UCLA * A17 at #18 UC Irvine A20 at Washington * A21 at Washington * A22 at Washington * A24 #15 Cal State Fullerton A27 Washington State * A28 Washington State * A29 Washington State * M12 at #15 Arizona * M13 at #15 Arizona * M14 at #14 Arizona * M16 UC Santa Barbara M19 at California * M20 at California * M21 at California * M23 at UC Santa Barbara M25 Stanford * M26 Stanford * M27 Stanford * * Pac-10 game









6-4 2-1 3-5 1-5 5-2 6-2 6-12 4-3 3-8 7-3 5-4 11-12 3-6 8-5 4-3 3-5 7-1 4-3 4-2 7-6 1-4 11-8 2-1 9-14 2-1 3-5 0-10 3-4 14-13 8-3 5-9 4-1 8-9 1-7 2-5 6-7 9-12 3-4 8-5 5-2 0-6 1-3 4-5 9-5 10-8 2-5 7-5 4-2 7-5 3-4 1-6 3-6 8-1 7-10 13-20 5-10


(28-28, 11-13)

F22 at Florida International F23 at Florida International F24 at Florida International F26 at #22 San Diego State F27 at UC Irvine F29 Bethune-Cookman M1 vs. Southern M2 #3 UCLA M4 at Pepperdine M5 Pepperdine M7 at Winthrop M8 at Winthrop M9 at Winthrop M11 #13 UC Irvine M14 at #9 Long Beach State M15 #9 Long Beach State M16 at #9 Long Beach State M21 #2 Arizona (DH) * M21 #2 Arizona (DH) * M22 #2 Arizona * M24 at Loyola Marymount M25 Loyola Marymount M28 at #1 Arizona State * M29 at #1 Arizona State * M30 at #1 Arizona State * A1 UC Riverside A2 at #17 San Diego A4 at #23 UCLA * A5 at #23 UCLA * A6 at #23 UCLA * A8 #16 Cal State Fullerton (11) A11 #5 California A12 #5 California A13 #5 California A15 at #15 Cal State Fullerton A18 at UC Santa Barbara A19 UC Santa Barbara A20 at UC Santa Barbara A22 San Diego State A25 at #5 Stanford * A26 at #5 Stanford * A27 at #5 Stanford * A29 at Cal Poly M2 Washington * M3 Washington * M4 Washington * M6 Cal Poly M10 Cal State Northridge M11 Cal State Northridge M14 at UC Riverside M16 Oregon State * M17 Oregon State * M18 Oregon State * M23 at Washington State * M24 at Washington State * M25 at Washington State * * Pac-10 game











16-9 9-3 12-7 1-2 3-7 2-0 13-9 3-4 5-10 5-1 7-3 9-2 7-1 3-11 1-2 6-9 9-16 2-10 5-0 5-0 10-11 2-8 5-16 5-13 2-5 7-5 3-2 6-1 7-4 2-4 5-4 17-1 11-5 11-13 14-4 4-6 2-23 0-6 3-6 0-4 5-26 10-9 4-3 4-5 2-10 4-11 9-3 4-5 8-2 13-10 5-3 5-2 6-5 5-8 2-4 8-7

(28-28, 13-14)

F20 Long Beach State W F21 at Long Beach State W F22 Long Beach State L F25 #17 Pepperdine L F27 Western Carolina L F28 Western Carolina W M1 Western Carolina L M6 at Tulane W L M7 at Tulane M8 at Tulane L M10 #10 UC Irvine (12) L M13 Winthrop L M14 Winthrop W M15 Winthrop W M16 Winthrop W M21 UCLA * L M22 UCLA * W M23 UCLA * L M25 Brown (DH) W M25 Brown (DH) W M27 #3 Arizona State * L M28 #3 Arizona State * L M29 #3 Arizona State * W M31 at #23 Cal Poly L A3 at Arizona * L A4 at Arizona * W A5 at Arizona * W A7 Cal State Northridge W A9 Oregon * W A10 Oregon * W A11 Oregon * W A14 #6 Cal State Fullerton L A15 at Pepperdine L A17 at #14 Oregon State * W A18 at #14 Oregon State * W A19 at #14 Oregon State * (10) L A21 at Loyola Marymount W A24 Washington State * W A25 Washington State * L A26 Washington State * L L A28 at #1 UC Irvine A29 at #6 Cal State Fullerton W M1 at Washington * L M2 at Washington * L M3 at Washington * (10) L M5 #12 Cal Poly W M9 at Cal State Northridge L M10 at Cal State Northridge (11) L M13 Loyola Marymount W M15 Stanford * L M16 Stanford * L M17 Stanford * W M19 UC Riverside W M22 at California * W M23 at California * W M24 at California * L * Pac-10 game

5-3 4-0 4-5 1-10 2-3 6-4 3-9 4-2 3-7 4-6 5-6 2-5 12-7 12-3 10-2 4-14 5-1 2-17 7-4 5-1 1-2 1-10 8-2 5-7 6-7 15-14 7-3 8-7 3-2 10-3 9-1 2-9 5-8 4-3 5-2 4-5 13-5 5-1 3-13 4-6 5-6 9-3 8-9 0-3 2-3 5-0 4-7 4-5 11-2 6-8 1-9 5-2 5-4 4-2 14-4 0-6

Top Hitters Matt Cusick Johnny Bowden Grant Green Roberto Lopez Hector Estrella

AVG .324 .322 .316 .313 .306

HR 1 2 2 0 2

RBI 39 8 24 10 30

Top Hitters Grant Green Derek Perren Roberto Lopez Anthony Vasquez Robert Stock

AVG .390 .362 .340 .315 .299

HR 9 5 2 4 4

RBI 46 51 31 33 22

Top Hitters Grant Green Mike O'Neill Ricky Oropesa Anthony Vasquez Alex Sherrod

AVG .374 .319 .314 .307 .296

HR 4 3 13 6 0

RBI 32 17 48 42 11

Top Pitchers Brad Boxberger Paul Koss Ryan Cook Anthony Vasquez Tommy Milone

W-L 3-5 3-3 7-4 4-6 3-6

ERA 3.20 2.79 5.06 5.16 6.17

SV 0 16 0 0 0

Top Pitchers Tommy Milone Kevin Couture Ryan Cook Anthony Vasquez Brad Boxberger

W-L 6-6 6-2 7-5 3-1 2-4

ERA 3.51 4.27 5.11 3.65 6.12

SV 0 0 1 1 3

Top Pitchers Robert Stock Brad Boxberger Andrew Triggs Anthony Vasquez Daniel Cooper

W-L 5-4 6-3 5-3 4-6 1-2

ERA 2.90 3.16 3.96 4.33 2.08

SV 4 0 0 1 3

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT 1. Arizona State 19-5 .792 2. Arizona 15-9 .625 3. UCLA 14-10 .583 4. California 12-12 .500 5. Washington 11-13 .458 6. Oregon State 10-14 .417 Washington St. 10-14 .417 8. Stanford 9-15 .375 9. USC 8-16 .333

GB Overall — 49-15 4 42-17 5 33-28 7 29-26 8 29-27 9 49-18 9 28-26 10 28-28 11 27-29

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT 1. Arizona State 16-8 .667 2. Stanford 14-10 .583 3. UCLA 13-11 .542 4. Arizona 12-12 .500 California 12-12 .500 6. Washington 11-13 .458 Oregon State 11-13 .458 USC 11-13 .458 9. Washington St. 8-16 .333

GB Overall — 49-13 2.0 41-24 3.0 33-27 4.0 42-19 4.0 33-21 5.0 33-22 5.0 28-24 5.0 28-28 8.0 30-26

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Arizona State 21-6 .667 — 51-15 2. Washington St. 19-8 .704 2.0 32-25 3. Oregon State 15-12 .556 6.0 37-19 UCLA 15-12 .556 6.0 27-29 5. Arizona 13-14 .481 8.0 30-25 Stanford 13-14 .481 8.0 30-25 USC 13-14 .481 8.0 28-28 Washington 13-14 .481 8.0 25-30 9. California 9-18 .333 12.0 24-29 10. Oregon 4-23 .148 17.0 14-42

1 07



(28-32, 7-20)

F19 at Cal Poly F20 at Cal Poly F21 at Cal Poly F23 Loyola Marymount F26 Oklahoma State (11) F27 Vanderbilt F28 #23 UCLA $ M2 at Long Beach State M5 New Mexico M7 New Mexico (DH) M7 New Mexico (DH) M9 at Pepperdine M12 at Hawai'i M13 at Hawai'i M14 at Hawai'i M15 at Hawai'i M19 at Pacific M20 at Pacific M21 at Pacific M23 Pepperdine M26 at #19 Stanford * M27 at #19 Stanford * M28 at #19 Stanford * M30 at Loyola Marymount A1 #21 Oregon State * (10) A2 #21 Oregon State * A3 #21 Oregon State * A7 Cal State Bakersfield A9 California * A10 California * A11 California * A16 at #3 Arizona State * A17 at #3 Arizona State * A18 at #3 Arizona State * A20 UC Santa Barbara A23 at #18 Oregon * A24 at #18 Oregon * (10) A25 at #18 Oregon * A27 at UC Santa Barbara A30 #19 Arizona * M1 #19 Arizona * M2 #19 Arizona * M4 at UC Irvine M7 Utah M8 Utah M9 Utah M12 Long Beach State M14 at #11 UCLA * M15 at #11 UCLA * M16 at #11 UCLA * M18 New Mexico State (11) M19 New Mexico State M21 at #24 Washington State * M22 at #24 Washington State * M23 at #24 Washington State * M25 #23 UC Irvine M28 Washington * M29 Washington * M30 Washington * * Pac-10 game $ at Dodger Stadium










9-4 6-10 9-4 6-5 4-6 1-10 1-6 10-5 2-3 6-2 7-16 5-0 2-8 3-1 12-2 9-0 2-8 5-6 15-9 3-2 13-8 4-5 1-3 9-7 1-4 8-2 3-4 4-3 9-16 1-7 3-4 4-5 3-5 6-14 9-8 2-12 5-4 4-8 4-5 6-0 7-5 7-9 8-6 8-1 6-5 11-6 1-9 7-13 2-15 1-2 9-8 5-3 7-20 4-18 2-8 8-1 7-9 10-5 11-5

Top Hitters Ricky Oropesa Mike O'Neill Alex Sherrod Keith Castillo Kevin Roundtree

AVG .353 .344 .315 .305 .288

HR 20 3 6 4 1

RBI 67 25 28 15 23

Top Pitchers Andrew Triggs Brandon Garcia Ben Mount Chad Smith Kevin Couture

W-L 2-7 2-3 5-6 5-6 2-4

ERA 3.95 4.17 4.32 4.47 5.99

SV 0 1 0 2 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. Arizona State 20-7 .741 — 52-10 2. UCLA 18-9 .667 2.0 51-17 3. Washington St. 15-12 .556 5.0 37-22 4. Stanford 14-13 .519 6.0 31-25 5. Oregon 13-14 .481 7.0 40-24 California 13-14 .481 7.0 29-25 7. Arizona 12-15 .444 8.0 34-24 Oregon State 12-15 .444 8.0 32-24 9. Washington 11-16 .407 9.0 28-28 10. USC 7-20 .259 13.0 28-32

1 08


(25-31, 13-14)

F19 Missouri (DH) F19 Cal Poly (DH)(5) F20 North Carolina F22 at UC Riverside F25 at #25 Rice F26 at #25 Rice F27 at #25 Rice M1 at Long Beach State M4 at #7 Cal State Fullerton M5 at #7 Cal State Fullerton M6 #7 Cal State Fullerton M8 at UC Santa Barbara M11 St. Mary's M12 Georgia M13 vs. UCLA $ M15 Louisville M16 Louisville M18 Pacific M19 Pacific (DH) M19 Pacific (DH) M22 UC Santa Barbara M25 #24 UCLA * M26 #24 UCLA * M27 #24 UCLA * M29 UC Irvine A1 at #13 California * A2 at #13 California * A3 at #13 California * A5 Loyola Marymount A8 #11 Stanford * A9 #11 Stanford * A10 #11 Stanford * A12 at Pepperdine (14) A15 Oregon * A16 Oregon * A17 Oregon * A19 at Loyola Marymount A21 at Washington * A22 at Washington * A23 at Washington * A26 Long Beach State A29 at Arizona * (10) A30 at Arizona * M1 at Arizona * M3 UC Riverside M13 #6 Arizona State * M14 #6 Arizona State * M15 #6 Arizona State * M17 at UC Irvine M20 at #2 Oregon State * M21 at #2 Oregon State * M22 at #2 Oregon State * M24 Pepperdine M27 Washington State * M28 Washington State * M29 Washington State * * Pac-10 game $ at Dodger Stadium










9-3 5-2 7-11 6-3 7-10 5-6 2-3 4-5 1-10 3-7 1-2 2-3 6-2 3-5 2-0 4-3 9-4 8-2 9-10 2-7 2-5 4-8 0-4 6-2 0-4 10-6 2-9 6-9 10-3 1-8 3-1 6-2 7-6 2-4 9-2 3-1 7-4 2-1 12-9 2-8 1-7 3-4 4-20 5-8 6-10 5-1 4-7 6-2 2-9 2-7 8-3 4-3 7-3 6-2 2-10 1-13

f17 F18 F19 F21 F24 F25 F26 F28 M2 M3 M4 M6 M9 M10 M11 M13 M16 M17 M18 M25 M25 M26 M28 M30 M31 A3 A5 A6 A7 A10 A13 A14 A15 A17 A18 A24 A27 A28 A29 M1 M4 M5 M6 M12 M13 M14 M15 M18 M19 M20 M22 M23 M25 M26 M27

(23-32, 8-22)

Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville at Long Beach State Akron Akron Akron at Pepperdine at #6 North Carolina at #6 North Carolina at #6 North Carolina #19 Cal State Fullerton Cal State Bakersfield Cal State Bakersfield Cal State Bakersfield #9 UCLA$ Utah* (DH) Utah* (DH) Utah* at Stanford* (DH) at Stanford* (DH) at Stanford* at UC Irvine at Washington State* at Washington State* Pepperdine California* California* California* Loyola Marymount #21 Arizona State* #21 Arizona State* #21 Arizona State* at Cal State Bakersfield UC Santa Barbara Long Beach State #19 Oregon State* #19 Oregon State* #19 Oregon State* at #8 Cal State Fullerton Washington* Washington* Washington* at #9 Oregon* at #9 Oregon* at #9 Oregon* at Washington State* #14 Arizona* #14 Arizona* #14 Arizona* at UC Santa Barbara UC Riverside at #9 UCLA* at #9 UCLA* at #9 UCLA*










8-2 11-3 4-3 4-2 12-1 10-2 9-5 2-7 1-11 0-1 5-2 7-4 6-5 9-8 6-0 2-7 1-3 0-1 10-5 2-4 2-3 8-4 5-4 15-10 7-9 5-4 4-5 2-1 3-2 5-8 1-5 0-4 1-8 11-2 4-5 0-1 3-5 3-2 6-2 2-4 0-7 3-6 0-5 3-4 2-4 3-4 1-3 1-11 8-4 1-6 3-6 9-14 1-3 5-6 6-7

* Pac-12 game $ at Dodger Stadium

Top Hitters Ricky Oropesa Alex Sherrod Brandon Garcia Kevin Roundtree Joe De Pinto

AVG .322 .318 .309 .308 .300

HR 7 6 2 1 0

RBI 44 35 22 11 24

Top Hitters Adam Landecker Matt Foat Dante Flores Brandon Garcia Alex Sherrod

AVG .329 .323 .310 .303 .294

HR 0 3 2 2 5

RBI 12 27 19 14 22

Top Pitchers Chad Smith Andrew Triggs Logan Odom Ben Mount Austin Wood

W-L 1-2 5-4 5-6 1-2 5-7

ERA 2.66 3.67 3.96 5.15 5.61

SV 4 0 0 4 0

Top Pitchers Andrew Triggs Wyatt Strahan Martin Viramontes Stephen Tarpley Brandon Garcia

W-L 5-6 3-3 1-2 5-3 3-6

ERA 3.49 1.37 3.14 3.22 4.81

SV 1 2 5 0 0

Final Pac-10 Standings W-L PCT GB Overall 1. UCLA 18-9 .667 — 35-24 2. Arizona State 17-10 .630 1.0 43-18 Oregon State 17-10 .630 1.0 41-19 4. Arizona 15-12 .556 3.0 39-21 5. Stanford 14-12 .538 3.5 35-22 6. California 13-13 .500 4.5 38-23 7. USC 13-14 .481 5.0 25-31 8. Oregon 11-16 .407 7.0 33-26-1 9. Washington St. 10-17 .370 8.0 26-28 10. Washington 6-21 .222 12.0 17-37

Final Pac-12 Standings W-L PCT 1. UCLA 20-10 .667 2. Arizona 19-11 .633 Oregon 19-11 .633 4. Stanford 18-12 .600 Oregon State 18-12 .600 Arizona State 18-12 .600 7. Washington 13-17 .433 8. California 12-18 .400 Washington State 12-18 .400 10. USC 8-22 .267 11. Utah 7-23 .233

GB Overall -- 48-16 1 48-17 1 46-19 2 41-18 2 40-20 2 36-20 7 30-25 8 29-25 8 28-28 12 23-32 13 14-42


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R T EA M S TAT IS T ICS Team Batting, 1957-Present YEAR BA G AB R


1957 .265 32 1032 201 273 171 43 14 22 16 175 170 1958 .319 42 1484 391 474 346 76 20 37 14 267 186 1959 .325 36 1300 350 422 293 78 17 46 27 233 146 1960 .278 60 2036 441 577 360 81 28 42 14 351 249 1961 .277 53 1733 332 480 263 69 16 45 23 249 215 1962 .279 48 1576 323 440 259 79 21 35 26 292 390 1963 .259 54 1774 317 459 262 64 21 48 36 254 398 1964 .267 56 1891 355 505 290 90 20 41 64 262 330 1965 .274 46 1494 276 409 243 59 13 46 45 242 323 1966 .253 61 1978 369 500 322 94 17 47 46 296 344 1967 .256 53 1745 288 446 234 78 19 32 38 276 334 1968 .260 65 2106 376 548 307 98 14 51 51 282 471 1969 .269 55 1800 334 485 291 68 18 47 44 288 371 1970 .275 65 2173 406 598 351 108 25 60 53 323 449 1971 .289 66 2175 414 625 372 117 25 45 45 287 335 1972 .283 64 2137 404 605 349 107 22 43 41 322 312 1973 .287 62 2052 400 588 362 97 19 62 36 309 394 1974 .299 70 2408 520 719 472 136 25 67 61 409 361 1975 .273 57 1904 360 519 314 81 20 49 35 320 355 1976 .256 61 2024 289 519 260 75 9 39 53 282 247

Batting Average


1. .335.................................................. 1996 2. .332.................................................. 1997 3. .327.................................................. 1998 4. .325.................................................. 1959 5. .319.................................................. 1958 6. .317.................................................. 2002 7. .316.................................................. 1988 8. .315.................................................. 1995 9. .313.................................................. 2006 10. .312.................................................. 1978 .312.................................................. 1979 .312.................................................. 1981

1. 29..................................................... 1960 2. 25..................................................... 1970 25..................................................... 1971 25..................................................... 1974 5. 23..................................................... 1977 23..................................................... 1991 7. 22..................................................... 1972 8. 21..................................................... 1962 21..................................................... 1963 21..................................................... 1978


1. 114................................................... 1998 2. 94..................................................... 2000 3. 87..................................................... 1999 4. 85..................................................... 1984 5. 81..................................................... 1978 6. 80..................................................... 1995 7. 77..................................................... 1977 77..................................................... 1988 9. 74..................................................... 1994 10. 73..................................................... 2003

1. 543................................................... 1998 2. 520................................................... 1974 3. 513................................................... 1995 4. 498................................................... 1997 5. 496................................................... 1978 6. 487................................................... 2002 7. 481................................................... 1996 8. 480................................................... 1999 9. 474................................................... 1988 10. 467................................................... 1989

1977 .285 66 2288 444 652 406 122 23 77 44 285 370 1978 .312 63 2120 496 662 434 109 21 81 51 369 287 1979 .312 57 1991 446 621 379 105 13 59 54 357 289 1980 .287 51 1776 295 510 272 77 14 49 23 263 263 1981 .312 59 2089 418 652 390 120 10 68 38 305 245 1982 .268 59 2012 343 540 307 79 14 38 21 350 305 1983 .285 56 1945 357 554 323 95 10 64 33 277 285 1984 .296 67 2292 452 682 397 121 13 85 41 326 304 1985 .275 66 2271 334 624 300 118 14 37 49 261 394 1986 .288 55 1903 361 549 326 108 14 39 52 230 342 1987 .287 60 1940 331 556 297 84 16 32 92 248 330 1988 .316 62 2142 474 676 433 110 18 77 87 285 331

Hits 1. 781................................................... 1995 2. 746................................................... 1998 3. 738................................................... 1997 4. 719................................................... 1974 719................................................... 1996 6. 701................................................... 1993 7. 684................................................... 2002 8. 682................................................... 1984 9. 680................................................... 1989 10. 676................................................... 1988

1989 .302 66 2253 467 680 404 120 19 42 107 303 305 1990 .298 62 2107 425 627 367 111 19 54 115 291 353 1991 .307 64 2171 460 666 422 125 23 69 66 297 287 1992 .274 54 1809 303 496 267 94 15 38 66 207 366 1993 .311 64 2252 436 701 395 156 16 69 71 203 344 1994 .308 61 2069 413 638 368 117 13 74 111 255 277 1995 .315 70 2480 513 781 455 121 19 80 94 327 400 1996 .335 61 2148 481 719 440 129 15 61 87 247 302 1997 .332 62 2226 498 738 439 157 5 67 93 301 386 1998 .327 66 2278 543 746 506 141 12 114 111 324 420 1999 .311 62 2122 480 661 426 127 16 87 66 284 471 2000 .306 64 2165 443 662 409 138 14 94 71 264 411

RBI 1. 506................................................... 1998 2. 472................................................... 1995 3. 455................................................... 1995 4. 447................................................... 2002 5. 440................................................... 1996 6. 439................................................... 1997 7. 434................................................... 1978 8. 433................................................... 1988 9. 426................................................... 1999 10. 422................................................... 1991

2001 .300 64 2143 396 642 350 105 19 52 78 233 298 2002 .317 61 2155 487 684 447 128 14 71 67 275 364 2003 .281 56 1930 333 543 296 104 11 73 31 219 339 2004 .290 56 1908 343 554 306 110 9 43 44 246 381 2005 .290 63 2100 384 608 344 107 14 43 40 284 364 2006 .313 58 2004 377 627 347 100 12 32 43 244 308 2007 .286 56 1899 287 544 262 101 19 25 61 217 350 2008 .293 56 1920 333 563 307 102 13 50 66 203 343 2009 .274 56 1862 301 510 267 87 18 41 58 215 412 2010 .291 60 2040 341 594 310 116 11 59 34 227 443 2011 .274 56 1835 255 503 232 72 10 21 33 179 372 2012 .274 55 1839 242 504 220 73 6 15 43 179 332


Doubles 1. 157................................................... 1997 2. 156................................................... 1993 3. 141................................................... 1998 4. 138................................................... 2000 5. 136................................................... 1974 6. 129................................................... 1996 7. 128................................................... 2002 8. 127................................................... 1999 9. 125................................................... 1991 10. 122................................................... 1977

Home Runs

Stolen Bases 1. 115................................................... 1990 2. 111................................................... 1994 111................................................... 1998 4. 107................................................... 1989 5. 94..................................................... 1995 6. 93..................................................... 1997 7. 92..................................................... 1987 8. 87..................................................... 1988 87..................................................... 1996 10. 78..................................................... 2001 Walks 1. 409................................................... 1974 2. 369................................................... 1978 3. 357................................................... 1979 4. 351................................................... 1960 5. 350................................................... 1982 6. 327................................................... 1995 7. 326................................................... 1984 8. 324................................................... 1998 9. 323................................................... 1970 10. 322................................................... 1972 Strikeouts 1. 471................................................... 1968 471................................................... 1999 3. 449................................................... 1970 4. 443................................................... 2010 5. 420................................................... 1998 6. 412................................................... 2009 7. 400................................................... 1995 8. 398................................................... 1963 9. 394................................................... 1985 394................................................... 1973

1 09

Y EAR- BY- YEAR T EAM S TAT IS T IC S Team Pitching, 1957-Present YEAR ERA

1. 2.26.................................................. 1967 2. 2.30.................................................. 1970 G W-L SV CG IP H R ER BB SO 3. 2.32.................................................. 1968 4. 2.37.................................................. 1969 32 19-13 — — 274.0 274 197 136 178 230 5. 2.42.................................................. 1966 42 35-7 — — 371.2 314 163 121 184 275 6. 2.46.................................................. 1961 7. 2.58.................................................. 1975 36 29-6 — — 319.2 250 119 94 158 220 8. 2.61.................................................. 1965 60 44-16 — — 531.2 432 258 209 299 407 9. 2.63.................................................. 1978 53 43-9 — — 472.0 348 186 129 210 420 10. 2.65.................................................. 1959 48 33-13 — — 422.2 367 214 169 229 380














3.54 54 37-16 — — 470.0 393 234 185 269 409


3.17 56 41-15 — — 487.2 396 224 172 253 396


2.61 46 30-15 — — 400.0 316 164 116 151 375


2.42 61 49-11 — — 528.0 429 201 142 148 415


2.26 53 38-13 — — 474.0 375 156 119 116 433


2.32 65 50-14 — — 547.1 413 203 141 191 511


2.37 55 42-12 — — 478.2 370 165 126 141 419


2.30 64 51-13 — — 574.1 497 218 147 234 437


2.72 66 53-13 — 20 542.2 459 214 164 252 485


2.94 64 50-13 — 14 561.0 501 239 183 240 347


2.86 62 51-11 — 17 538.1 460 228 171 204 365


3.32 70 50-20 — 17 607.2 620 313 224 263 410

Fewest Runs Allowed 1. 119................................................... 1959 2. 156................................................... 1967 3. 163................................................... 1958 4. 164................................................... 1965 5. 165................................................... 1969 6. 186................................................... 1961 7. 201................................................... 1966 8. 203................................................... 1968 9. 208................................................... 1975 10. 214................................................... 1962 214................................................... 1971 Runs Per Nine Innings 1. 2.96.................................................. 1967 2. 3.10.................................................. 1969 3. 3.11.................................................. 1966 4. 3.34.................................................. 1968 5. 3.35.................................................. 1959 6. 3.42.................................................. 1970 7. 3.45.................................................. 1978 8. 3.55.................................................. 1961 3.55.................................................. 1971 10. 3.69.................................................. 1965


2.58 57 42-14 — 17 505.0 429 208 145 214 289


3.32 61 33-26 — 14 536.0 503 262 198 279 359


3.31 66 46-20 — 20 589.1 524 297 217 267 400


2.63 63 54-9 — 11 561.2 484 215 164 271 402


4.40 57 33-24 — 11 493.0 538 341 241 246 308


3.99 51 27-24 — 6 449.0 436 259 199 201 308


5.48 59 34-24 13 5 527.0 600 413 321 300 314


5.15 59 23-36 8 3 517.0 588 407 296 363 266


4.39 56 32-23 6 11 498.0 526 311 243 225 307


4.29 67 44-23 18 9 592.0 606 355 282 342 414

Earned Runs


5.88 66 22-44 12 7 582.0 683 483 380 401 435


5.30 55 26-29 10 9 477.0 492 342 281 286 371


4.05 60 32-28 18 3 522.2 535 318 235 256 328


5.55 62 36-26 13 5 546.2 653 414 337 249 336


4.41 66 41-25 18 6 588.0 615 372 288 291 417


3.74 62 40-22 14 9 557.2 574 308 232 198 342


4.17 64 46-17 17 5 568.0 591 329 263 233 445


4.43 54 28-26 10 8 475.1 512 297 234 232 397

1. 94..................................................... 1959 2. 116................................................... 1965 3. 119................................................... 1967 4. 121................................................... 1958 5. 126................................................... 1969 6. 129................................................... 1961 7. 136................................................... 1957 8. 141................................................... 1968 9. 142................................................... 1966 10. 145................................................... 1975


4.77 64 35-29 18 2 566.0 618 384 300 303 370


3.60 61 41-20 14 8 530.1 517 258 212 212 329


4.19 70 49-21 22 8 631.1 667 363 294 231 440


4.40 61 44-16 14 10 539.2 568 321 264 189 402


4.45 62 42-20 12 5 549.2 601 334 272 176 433


5.03 66 49-17 24 7 589.0 630 399 329 243 579


4.89 62 36-26 10 5 544.1 579 360 296 256 568


4.41 64 44-20 14 3 565.0 574 332 277 263 570


3.46 64 45-19 13 10 576.2 540 268 222 209 605


5.66 61 37-24 11 0 550.1 657 418 346 277 457


5.75 56 28-28 12 2 493.1 603 376 315 187 410


5.51 56 24-32 12 4 493.2 600 367 302 235 463


4.09 63 41-22 16 3 554.2 574 305 252 201 491


5.23 58 25-33 6 1 516.0 614 363 300 212 343


4.90 56 27-29 19 1 497.2 568 317 271 175 368


5.64 56 28-28 9 3 490.0 558 360 307 187 407


4.06 56 28-28 10 5 499.1 492 292 225 231 438


5.23 56 28-32 7 1 528.1 639 384 307 230 414


4.83 56 25-31 9 5 491.2 533 303 264 215 355


3.69 55 23-32 8 3 483.6 499 256 198 194 351


Fewest Walks Allowed

Earned Run Average

Fewest Hits Allowed 1. 250................................................... 1959 2. 274................................................... 1957 3. 314................................................... 1958 4. 316................................................... 1965 5. 348................................................... 1961 6. 367................................................... 1962 7. 370................................................... 1969 8. 375................................................... 1967 9. 413................................................... 1968 10. 429................................................... 1966 429................................................... 1975 Hits Per Nine Innings 1. 6.63.................................................. 1966 2. 6.64.................................................. 1961 3. 6.79.................................................. 1968 4. 6.96.................................................. 1969 5. 7.04.................................................. 1959 6. 7.11.................................................. 1965 7. 7.12.................................................. 1967 8. 7.31.................................................. 1960 7.31.................................................. 1964 10. 7.53.................................................. 1963

1. 116................................................... 1967 2. 141................................................... 1969 3. 148................................................... 1966 4. 151................................................... 1965 5. 158................................................... 1959 6. 175................................................... 2007 7. 176................................................... 1997 8. 178................................................... 1957 9. 184................................................... 1958 10. 187................................................... 2003 187................................................... 2008 Walks Per Nine Innings 1. 2.20.................................................. 1967 2. 2.29.................................................. 1966 3 2.65.................................................. 1969 4. 2.88.................................................. 1997 5. 3.14.................................................. 1968 6. 3.15.................................................. 1996 7. 3.16.................................................. 2007 8. 3.20.................................................. 1990 9. 3.26.................................................. 2001 3.26.................................................. 2005 Strikeouts 1. 605................................................... 2001 2. 579................................................... 1998 3. 570................................................... 2000 4. 568................................................... 1999 5. 511................................................... 1968 6. 491................................................... 2005 7. 485................................................... 1971 8. 463................................................... 2004 9. 457................................................... 2002 10. 445................................................... 1991 Strikeouts Per Nine Innings 1. 9.44.................................................. 2001 2. 9.39.................................................. 1999 3. 9.08.................................................. 2000 4. 8.85.................................................. 1998 5. 8.44.................................................. 1965 8.44.................................................. 2004 7. 8.40.................................................. 1968 8. 8.22.................................................. 1967 9. 8.09.................................................. 1962 10. 8.04.................................................. 1971 Saves 1. 24..................................................... 1998 2. 22..................................................... 1995 3. 19..................................................... 2007 4. 18..................................................... 1984 18..................................................... 1987 18..................................................... 1989 18..................................................... 1993 8. 17..................................................... 1991 9. 16..................................................... 2005 10. 14..................................................... 1990 14..................................................... 1994 14..................................................... 1996 14..................................................... 2000


YE AR- BY- YEA R IND IV ID U A L B AT T ING L EA D ERS Year Average 1949 Bill Sharman, .365 1950 Rudy Regalado, .375 1951 Hal Charnofsky, .368 1952 Hal Charnofsky, .380 1953 Ed Simpson, .404 1954 Tony Santino, .338 *1955 Gerry Mason, .452 1956 Kent Hadley, .387 1957 Mike Castanon, .373 1958 Bill Heath, .396 1959 John Werhas, .419 1960 Willie Ryan, .350 1961 Willie Ryan, .373 1962 Bob Levingston, .382 1963 Willie Brown, .352 1964 Gary Sutherland, .363 1965 Daryl Wilkins, .381 1966 Oscar Brown, .340 1967 Bill Seinsoth, .327 1968 Cal Meier, .372 1969 Cal Meier, .385 1970 Dave Kingman, .355 1971 Fred Lynn, .345 1972 Tim Steele, .366 1973 Rich Dauer, .361 1974 Rich Dauer, .387 1975 Steve Kemp, .435 1976 Rob Hertel, .312 1977 Dave Van Gorder,.339 1978 Tim Tolman, .404 1979 Dave Leeper, .339 1980 Marty Wilkerson, .376 1981 Dan Davidsmeier, .371 1982 Dave Smith, .345 1983 Alby Silvera, .353 1984 Mark McGwire, .387 1985 Wetherby/Oppenheimer, .364 1986 Scott Sommers, .409 1987 Keith Watkins, .350 1988 Jim Campanis, .392 1989 John Jackson, .356 1990 Mark Smith, .333 1991 Jeff Cirillo, .380 1992 Bobby Hughes, .351 1993 Casey Burrill, .408 1994 Geoff Jenkins, .373 1995 Geoff Jenkins, .399 1996 Jeff Inglin, .392 1997 Jason Brown, .368 1998 Eric Munson, .392 1999 Jason Lane, .356 2000 Justin Gemoll, .374 2001 Brian Barre, .345 2002 Alberto Concepcion, .363 2003 Anthony Lunetta, .349 2004 Billy Hart, .367 2005 Jeff Clement, .348 2006 Cyle Hankerd, .383 2007 Matt Cusick, .324 2008 Grant Green, .390 2009 Grant Green, .374 2010 Ricky Oropesa, .353 2011 Ricky Oropesa, .322 2012 Matt Foat, .323 *statistics were incomplete for 1955.

Home Runs Rudy Regalado, 11 Al Karan, 6 Bob Lillis, 7 Al Lamont, 7 Boone/Simpson, 5 Gerry Mason, 11 Gerry Mason, 8 Kent Hadley, 17 Hoeck/Shollin, 5 Ron Fairly, 9 Len Gabrielson, 10 Bill Heath, 8 Mickey McNamee, 8 Marvin Lotz, 7 Bud Hollowell, 9 Gary Sutherland, 7 Garrett/Wilkins, 6 Pat Harrison, 12 Pat Harrison, 8 Pat Harrison, 12 Bill Seinsoth, 14 Dan Stoligrosz, 14 Craig Perkins, 9 Fred Lynn, 14 Rich Dauer, 11 Rich Dauer, 15 Steve Kemp, 13 Larry Fobbs, 7 Dave Hostetler, 13 Dave Hostetler, 17 Bob Skube, 13 4 with 7 Dan Davidsmeier, 16 Reggie Montgomery, 8 Mark McGwire, 19 Mark McGwire, 32 Jeff Wetherby, 7 Brown/Henley, 8 Brown/Campanis, 6 Jim Campanis, 23 B.Boone/Robertson, 9 Bret Boone, 12 Robertson/Smith, 16 Bobby Hughes, 13 Casey Burrill, 13 Walter Dawkins, 17 Geoff Jenkins, 23 Jeff Inglin, 14 Eric Munson, 13 Morgan Ensberg, 21 Jason Lane, 20 Craig/Gemoll, 18 Brian Barre, 13 Bill Peavey, 15 Jeff Clement, 21 Jeff Clement, 10 Jeff Clement, 15 Cyle Hankerd, 10 Lucas Duda, 7 Grant Green, 9 Ricky Oropesa, 13 Ricky Oropesa, 20 Ricky Oropesa, 7 Alex Sherrod, 5


RBI Rudy Regalado, 55 Regalado/Lillis, 35 Bob Lillis, 49 Hal Charnofsky, 50 Ed Simpson, 49 Gerry Mason, 45 Gerry Mason, 26 Kent Hadley, 46 Ken Hoeck, 31 Ron Fairly, 67 Rex Johnston, 37 Bob Levingston, 50 Steve Bach, 33 Bob Levingston, 38 Kenny Washington, 35 Daryl Wilkins, 36 Daryl Wilkins, 41 Pat Harrison, 60 Pat Harrison, 42 Pat Harrison, 47 Bill Seinsoth, 52 Dan Stoligrosz, 55 Gordon Carter, 44 Fred Lynn, 46 Rich Dauer, 43 Rich Dauer, 92 Steve Kemp, 67 Larry Fobbs, 35 Dave Hostetler, 48 Dave Engle, 55 Keith Brown, 53 Marty Wilkerson, 33 Dan Davidsmeier, 58 John Wallace, 49 Mark McGwire, 59 Mark McGwire, 80 Dan Henley, 39 Dan Henley, 43 Keith Watkins, 37 Jim Campanis, 92 Bret Boone, 57 Mark Smith, 54 Mark Smith, 80 Bobby Hughes, 45 Gabe Alvarez, 53 Gabe Alvarez, 51 Geoff Jenkins, 78 Jeff Inglin, 72 Robb Gorr, 52 Robb Gorr, 79 Jason Lane, 68 Justin Gemoll, 67 Barre/Peavey, 48 Bill Peavey, 71 Jeff Clement, 53 Jeff Clement, 43 Jeff Clement, 54 Cyle Hankerd, 55 Matt Cusick, 39 Derek Perren, 51 Ricky Oropesa, 48 Ricky Oropesa, 67 Ricky Oropesa, 44 Kevin Roundtree, 31

Hits Rudy Regalado, 64 Bob Lillis, 61 Stan Charnofsky, 76 Hal Charnofsky, 78 Ed Simpson, 69 Mason/Stevenson, 50 Gerry Mason, 28 Kent Hadley, 43 Mike Castanon, 44 Mike Castanon, 60 Fred Scott, 56 Tom Satriano, 69 Willie Ryan, 63 Bob Levingston, 60 Kenny Washington, 52 Gary Sutherland, 62 Daryl Wilkins, 59 Pat Harrison, 58 Shelly Andrens, 59 Chuck Ramshaw, 61 Meier/Seinsoth, 64 Dan Stoligrosz, 69 Tim Steele, 65 Tim Steele, 75 Rich Dauer, 73 Rich Dauer, 108 Steve Kemp, 90 Rob Hertel, 65 Doug Stokke, 79 Dave Engle, 74 Keith Brown, 66 Marty Wilkerson, 68 Dan Davidsmeier, 85 John Wallace, 66 Mark McGwire, 61 Mark McGwire, 96 Dan Henley, 75 Scott Sommers, 90 Keith Watkins, 72 Bret Barberie, 91 John Jackson, 90 Mark Smith, 80 Jeff Cirillo, 100 Bobby Hughes, 65 Casey Burrill, 97 3 with 84 Jacque Jones, 106 Jacque Jones, 93 Marc Mirizzi, 90 Robb Gorr, 96 Seth Davidson, 82 Justin Gemoll, 91 Seth Davidson, 82 Alberto Concepcion, 85 Anthony Lunetta, 75 Blake Sharpe, 74 Jeff Clement, 80 Cyle Hankerd, 88 Grant Green, 72 Grant Green, 80 Grant Green, 79 Ricky Oropesa, 83 Ricky Oropesa, 67 Matt Foat, 65

Runs Rudy Regalado, 50 Bob Lillis, 48 Bob Lillis, 52 Stan Charnofsky, 51 John Stevenson, 57 Gerry Mason, 40 Mason/Santino, 27 Kent Hadley, 37 Castanon/Olson, 31 Jerry Siegert, 49 Fred Scott, 48 Tom Satriano, 62 Ron Stillwell, 39 Mike Gillespie, 40 Willie Brown, 39 Gary Sutherland, 35 Mike Garrett, 32 Fred Shuey, 45 Shelly Andrens, 43 Chuck Ramshaw, 51 3 with 36 Dan Stoligrosz, 50 George Ambrow, 43 Tim Steele, 57 Rich Dauer, 49 Rich Dauer, 75 Steve Kemp, 53 Bobby Mitchell, 30 Dave Hostetler, 53 Dave Hostetler, 54 Gerald Price, 52 Dave Smith, 41 Dan Davidsmeier, 52 John Wallace, 40 Mark McGwire, 46 Mark McGwire, 75 Dan Henley, 40 Dan Henley, 52 Keith Watkins, 40 Bret Barberie, 67 B.Boone/Jackson, 62 B.Boone/Smith, 53 Mark Smith, 72 Bobby Hughes, 36 J.P. Roberge, 55 Geoff Jenkins, 64 Geoff Jenkins, 75 Greg Walbridge, 62 Robb Gorr, 64 Morgan Ensberg, 74 Jason Lane, 58 Anthony Lunetta, 62 Brian Barre, 53 Brian Barre, 75 Jeff Clement, 53 Joey Metropoulos, 55 Clement/Sharpe, 52 Matt Cusick, 63 Grant Green, 42 Nick Buss, 51 Grant Green, 46 Ricky Oropesa, 53 Kevin Roundtree, 38 Matt Foat, 33

Stolen Bases Freeman/Roundy, 5 Jay Roundy, 14 Bob Lillis, 14 Hal Charnofsky, 12 Boone/Oros, 7 Verle Sorgen, 14 — Bill Faddis, 9 Ken Hoeck, 4 Don Buford, 3 Don Buford, 8 Ron Stillwell, 4 Ryan/Stillwell, 4 Willie Brown, 6 Larry Sandel, 9 Willie Brown, 15 Mike Garrett, 11 Oscar Brown, 12 Shelly Andrens, 8 Meier/Ramshaw, 9 Cal Meier, 20 Cal Meier, 15 George Ambrow, 12 Jeff Pedersen, 10 Cobb/Tevlin, 9 Marvin Cobb, 14 Marvin Cobb, 17 John Wells, 11 John Wells, 11 John Wells, 19 Chuck Menzhuber, 16 Edmonds/Wilkerson, 5 Chuck Menzhuber, 13 Gary Snell, 8 John Wallace, 8 Jeff Brown, 12 Dan Henley, 11 Don Buford, 17 Don Buford, 24 John Jackson, 17 John Jackson, 21 Damon Buford, 23 Mark Smith, 18 Billy Morris, 22 J.P. Roberge, 14 Aaron Boone, 26 3 with 14 Ryan Stromsborg, 12 Wes Rachels, 15 Morgan Ensberg, 20 Brad Ticehurst, 16 Seth Davidson, 26 Brian Barre, 20 Brian Barre, 14 Metropoulos/Brewster, 6 Sharpe/Moon, 7 Blake Sharpe, 11 Daniel Perales, 7 Matt Cusick, 10 Nick Buss, 16 Grant Green, 16 Ricky Oropesa, 7 Joe De Pinto, 9 Alex Sherrod, 6


Y EAR- BY- YEAR I NDI V ID U A L P IT C H ING L EA D ERS Year 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 *1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Wins Jack Schlarb, 12 Tom Lovrich, 10 Tom Lovrich, 12 Tom Lovrich, 11 Ed Hookstratten, 10 Vic Lapiner, 8 Lapiner/Pausig, 7 Ed Isherwood, 7 Dale Zeigler, 9 Bruce Gardner, 13 Bill Thom, 10 Bruce Gardner, 18 Jim Withers, 12 Ken Yaryan, 9 Walt Peterson, 13 Walt Peterson, 17 Tom Seaver, 10 John Stewart, 16 Bill Lee, 13 Lee/Strom, 12 Dave Kingman, 11 Jim Barr, 14 Mark Sogge, 14 Greg Widman, 14 Randy Scarbery, 15 Mark Barr, 11 Milke/Redfern, 9 Charlie Phillips, 11 Bill Bordley, 14 Bordley/Boxberger, 12 Psaltis/Wick, 6 Bill Peltola, 5 Mickey Meister, 9 Sid Akins, 6 Akins/Smith, 7 Randy Robertson, 11 Randy Johnson, 6 Brad Brink, 8 3 with 6 Randy Powers 11 Randy Powers, 10 Randy Powers, 11 Jackie Nickell, 9 Dan Hubbs, 7 Mike Collett, 9 Randy Flores, 11 Randy Flores, 13 Seth Etherton, 12 Seth Etherton, 10 Seth Etherton, 13 Barry Zito, 12 Rik Currier, 15 Mark Prior, 15 Brett Bannister, 8 Brian Bannister, 6 Ian Kennedy, 7 Ian Kennedy, 12 Tommy Milone, 7 Ryan Cook, 7 Ryan Cook, 7 R. Stock/A. Triggs, 5 Mount/Smith/Fujiya, 5 Triggs/Odom/Wood, 5 Tarpley,/Triggs, 5

ERA Jack Schlarb, 3.31 Tom Lovrich, 2.69 Tom Lovrich, 3.26 Tom Lovrich, 2.43 Vic Lapiner, 2.37 Ralph Pausig, 2.25 Marty Zuanich, 1.71 Marty Zuanich, 2.89 Pat Gillick, 1.80 Bill Thom, 2.40 Bill Thom, 1.44 Pete Kenney, 2.17 Jim Withers, 1.88 M. Lachemann, 2.54 Pete Hillman, 1.09 Walt Peterson, 1.54 Tom Seaver, 2.47 Ron Cook, 1.52 Tom House, 1.43 Bob Vaughn, 1.23 Dave Kingman, 1.38 Greg Widman, 1.16 Mark Sogge, 1.86 Russ McQueen, 1.64 Randy Scarbery, 1.83 Al Meyer, 2.06 Pete Redfern, 1.24 Ernie Mauritson, 1.95 Brian Hayes, 1.77 Jeff Wick, 1.51 Mike Couchee, 3.30 Bill Peltola, 2.41 Steve Heslop, 3.47 Phil Smith, 2.70 Mark McGwire, 2.78 Rick Weible, 2.77 Chris Shiflett, 3.31 Brad Brink, 3.43 Brian Nichols, 1.70 Steve Gewecke, 4.36 Dave Latter, 2.91 Randy Powers, 2.29 Phil Kendall, 3.05 Jackie Nickell, 3.48 Dan Hubbs, 2.96 Randy Flores, 1.66 Jason Garner, 3.12 Scott Henderson, 3.19 Seth Etherton, 2.96 Seth Etherton, 3.23 Barry Zito, 3.28 Rik Currier, 3.31 Mark Prior, 1.69 Anthony Reyes, 3.44 Anthony Reyes, 4.38 Ian Kennedy, 2.91 Ian Kennedy, 2.54 Ian Kennedy, 3.90 Brad Boxberger, 3.20 Tommy Milone, 3.51 Robert Stock, 2.90 Andrew Triggs, 3.95 Andrew Triggs, 3.67 Wyatt Strahan, 1.37

Strikeouts Jack Schlarb, 101 Jack Schlarb, 78 Tom Lovrich, 69 Jack Schlarb, 70 Ed Hookstratten, 82 Vic Lapiner, 44 Ralph Pausig, 46 Marty Zuanich, 37 Dale Zeigler, 105 Bill Thom, 76 Bruce Gardner, 77 Bruce Gardner, 135 Jim Withers, 92 Ken Yaryan, 132 Walt Peterson, 72 Walt Peterson, 116 John Herbst, 101 John Stewart, 132 Mike Adamson, 143 Brent Strom, 147 Brent Strom, 117 Jim Barr/Strom, 99 Steve Busby, 106 Greg Widman, 100 Randy Scarbery, 103 Pete Redfern, 70 Pete Redfern, 120 John Racanelli, 78 Bill Bordley, 108 Bill Bordley, 110 Spiro Psaltis, 78 Tim Kammeyer, 69 Tim Kammeyer, 65 Sid Akins, 49 Sid Akins, 64 Sid Akins, 82 Randy Johnson, 99 Brad Brink, 110 Darrin Beer, 79 Darrin Beer, 83 Randy Powers, 81 Randy Powers, 90 Jackie Nickell, 79 Jackie Nickell, 106 Dan Hubbs, 90 Randy Flores, 63 Brian Cooper, 92 Seth Etherton, 104 Seth Etherton, 106 Seth Etherton, 182 Barry Zito, 154 Mark Prior, 150 Mark Prior, 202 Brett Bannister, 76 Bobby Paschal, 67 Ian Kennedy, 120 Ian Kennedy, 158 Ian Kennedy, 102 Brad Boxberger, 72 Tommy Milone, 98 Brad Boxberger, 99 Ben Mount, 65 Andrew Triggs, 72 Andrew Triggs, 85

Innings Jack Schlarb, 138.1 Cesca/Schlarb, 110.0 Tom Lovrich, 146.1 Tom Lovrich, 107.0 Ed Hookstratten, 108.0 Vic Lapiner, 107.0 Vic Lapiner, 69.0 Marty Zuanich, 96.1 Dale Zeigler, 86.0 Bill Thom, 92.2 Bruce Gardner, 95.1 Bruce Gardner, 182.2 Jim Withers, 124.2 Ken Yaryan, 123.0 Walt Peterson, 166.0 Walt Peterson, 152.0 Tom Seaver, 105.2 John Stewart, 148.1 Bill Lee, 115.2 Brent Strom, 130.2 Jim Barr, 112.2 Jim Barr, 141.0 Steve Busby, 130.0 Greg Widman, 140.1 Randy Scarbery, 132.2 Mark Barr, 104.1 Pete Redfern, 108.2 Charlie Phillips, 109.1 Brian Hayes, 122.1 Bill Bordley, 125.1 Mike Couchee, 92.2 Mike Couchee, 93.2 Mickey Meister, 91.1 Sid Akins, 105.0 Sid Akins, 114.1 Randy Robertson, 114.2 Randy Johnson, 118.1 Brad Brink, 123.1 Randy Powers, 113.0 Darrin Beer, 131.1 Phil Kendall, 112.1 Randy Powers, 137.2 Jackie Nickell, 103.1 Jackie Nickell, 119.0 Tony Nieto, 99.2 Tony Nieto, 105.0 Randy Flores, 150.0 Randy Flores, 118.1 Randy Flores, 113.0 Seth Etherton, 136.2 Justin Lehr, 113.1 Mark Prior, 136.1 Mark Prior, 138.2 Brett Bannister, 86.0 Brian Bannister, 93.1 Ian Kennedy, 92.2 Ian Kennedy, 117.0 Ian Kennedy, 101.2 Ryan Cook, 90.2 Tommy Milone, 97.1 Brad Boxberger, 94.0 Ben Mount, 91.2 Andrew Triggs, 90.2 Andrew Triggs, 105.2

Appearances Jack Schlarb, 25 Dave Cesca, 21 Tom Lovrich, 25 — — — Lapiner/Pausig, 8 Jerry Parker, 14 Dale Zeigler, 17 Bruce Gardner, 18 Bruce Gardner, 16 Bruce Gardner, 27 Ken Yaryan, 23 Ken Yaryan, 23 Walt Peterson, 25 Walt Peterson, 27 John Herbst, 23 John Stewart, 28 Bill Lee, 23 Brent Strom, 30 — — 3 with 23 Russ McQueen, 32 Mark Barr, 22 Mark Barr, 23 John Racanelli, 19 Charlie Phillips, 23 Jeff Schattinger, 23 Jeff Schattinger, 29 Stan Williams, 23 Kammeyer/Jones, 21 Kammeyer/Peltola, 24 Akins/Meister, 22 Phil Smith, 21 Randy Johnson, 26 Rick Weible, 31 Steve Bast, 34 Greg Mayer, 31 Latter/Nichols, 27 Darrin Beer, 38 Jackie Nickell, 29 Phil Kendall, 28 Ryan Henderson, 26 Dan Hubbs, 33 Grant Vermillion, 26 Jason Garner, 31 Jack Krawczyk, 25 Jack Krawczyk, 33 Krawczyk/Lane, 34 Steve Smyth, 29 Ronald Flores, 37 Brian Bannister, 34 Cory Campos, 30 Bret Butler, 33 Michael Friedman, 29 Paul Koss, 34 John Dunn, 40 Paul Koss, 29 Ryan Cabral, 20 Daniel Cooper, 22 Ryan Cabral, 28 Matt Munson, 24 Brad Douthit, 29

Saves — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4 with 2 3 with 3 McGwire/Smith, 2 Randy Johnson, 3 Rick Weible, 7 Steve Bast, 6 Steve Bast, 5 Brian Nichols, 17 Brian Nichols, 9 Darrin Beer, 7 Cirillo/Proctor, 3 Jeff Cirillo, 6 Jackie Nickell, 4 Dan Hubbs, 18 Grant Vermillion, 7 Jason Garner, 15 Jack Krawczyk, 12 Jack Krawczyk, 11 Jack Krawczyk, 23 Lehr/Smyth, 3 Ronald Flores, 5 Fraser Dizard, 7 Cory Campos, 6 Bret Butler, 8 Josh Rummonds, 4 Paul Koss, 14 Paul Koss, 6 Paul Koss, 16 Stock/Boxberger, 3 Robert Stock, 4 C. Smith/S. Fujiya, 2 Smith/Mount, 4 Martin Viramontes, 5

*statistics were incomplete for 1955.



Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R S TA RT ING L INEU P S 1929 C................................................. Joe Ward 1B....................................... Bud Gorman 2B............................. Caballero/Kreiger 3B................................... Pete Tarchione SS.................................... John Von Aspe LF............................................Hal Stanier CF....................................... Doug Hanby RF............................................. Al Boswell P........................................... Dick Schultz P..............................................Larry Dihel P........................................Chuck Kessler P....................................... Eugene Ehlers 1930 C................................................. Joe Ward 1B............................. Garrett Arbelbide 2B......................................Stan Shepard 3B.......................................Ralph Wilcox SS...........................................Orv Mohler LF..................................................Jess Hill CF....................................... Doug Hanby RF............................................. Al Boswell P................................ George Sutherlen P..............................George Williamson P............................ Lawson Willingham P........................................... John Gooch 1931 C................................................. Joe Ward 1B............................. Garrett Arbelbide 2B......................................Stan Shepard 3B.....................................Al Hildebrand SS...........................................Orv Mohler LF............................................Hal Stanier CF....................................... Doug Hanby RF............................................. Al Boswell P................................George Buchanan P................................ George Sutherlen P.............................................. Neil Griffin P........................................... John Gooch 1932 C..................................... Gene Bankston 1B.........................................Curtis Youel 2B...........................................Bob Allaire 3B.....................................Al Hildebrand SS...........................................Orv Mohler LF.............................. Garrett Arbelbide CF......................................Ernie Stewart RF...................................... Herb Rothwill P................................George Buchanan P............................................Fred Talbert P.......................................Charles Upton P.......................................Homer Griffith 1933 C.............................. Minisian/Bankston 1B.........................................Curtis Youel 2B..................................... Robert Allaire 3B........................ Hildebrand/Morrow SS.......................................Rod Dedeaux LF.................................Sherman Jensen CF......................................Ernie Stewart RF...................................... Herb Rothwill P................................George Buchanan P.............................................. Hal Forney P.......................................Charles Upton P.................................. Wilson Ferguson 1934 C........................................Frank Roberts 1B...................................Ernie Holbrook 2B.......................................Kenny Peters 3B..................................... Robert Allaire


SS.......................................Rod Dedeaux LF.......................................John Morrow CF......................................Ernie Stewart RF..........................................Julie Bescos P..................................... James Appleby P............................................ Clyde Baker P.......................................Charles Upton P.............................................. Hal Forney 1935 C........................................Frank Roberts 1B...................................Ernie Holbrook 2B.......................................Kenny Peters 3B......................................John Morrow SS.......................................Rod Dedeaux LF............................................Bill Hanlon CF..................................Richard Herzog RF.................................................(several) P......................................... Joe Gonzales P.........................................George Pabst P..................................... Jack McDonald P...............................................Joel Evans 1936 C........................................Frank Roberts 1B...................................Dave Schwartz 2B.......................................Kenny Peters 3B...........................................Bill Hanlon SS............................................ Hal Sieling LF.................................. Alex Petrushkin CF..................................Richard Herzog RF.............................................Bill Tanner P......................................... Joe Gonzales P.................................... Alex Petrushkin P.........................................George Pabst P................................ Beecher Twitchell 1937 C........................................Norman Jacot 1B...................................Dave Schwartz 2B................................................. Art Lilly 3B............................................Bill Tanner SS............................................ Hal Sieling LF.................................. Alex Petrushkin CF.................................. John Berardino RF...................................Richard Herzog P......................................... Joe Gonzales P.................................... Alex Petrushkin P..............................Nelson Cullenward P......................................Dick Carpenter 1938 C................................................Roy Engle 1B................................ Wayne Murdock 2B................................................. Art Lilly 3B............................................Bill Tanner SS............................................ Hal Sieling LF........................... Hanson/Petrushkin CF...................................... John Ramsey RF.................................Hanson/Olhasso P.................................... Alex Petrushkin P............................................Jack Brewer P......................................Dick Carpenter P......................................... Lewis Crosby 1939 C................................................Roy Engle 1B................................ Wayne Murdock 2B................................................. Art Lilly 3B........................................Frank Holley SS.........................................Jack Hanson LF...........................................Frank Koski CF...................................... John Ramsey RF................................... Evans/Lambert P............................................Jack Brewer

P..........................................Bob Winslow P.......................................Charles Strada P......................................... Lewis Crosby 1940 C................................................Roy Engle 1B................................ Wayne Murdock 2B..........................................Frank Koski 3B........................................Jack Hanson SS......................................Merrill Combs LF................................... Bruce Konopka CF......................................Calvin Barnes RF.............................................. Les Evans P............................................Jack Brewer P..........................................Bob Winslow P............................................Jack Bomke 1941 C.......................................Jerry Bowman 1B.................................. Bruce Konopka 2B..........................................Frank Koski 3B....................................... Bud Dawson SS......................................Merrill Combs LF.......................................Calvin Barnes CF..............................................Hal Urner RF.................................. Chuck Sylvester P...............................................Ed Vitalich P..................................... Tommy Wilkins P.................................................Bob Foltz P.......................................Earl Chambers 1942 C.......................................... Bob deLauer 1B.................................. Bruce Konopka 2B............................................ Al Spaeter 3B...................................... Robert White SS.......................................... Jack Palmer LF..........................................Bill Badham CF......................................Calvin Barnes RF......................................William White P...............................................Ed Vitalich P..................................... Tommy Wilkins P.......................................Earl Chambers 1943 C............................................ Don Palmer 1B.......................................... Bill Spaeter 2B............................................ Al Spaeter 3B......................................Roger Combs SS.......................................... Jack Palmer LF.........................................Karl Tashjian CF..............................................Hal Urner RF....................................Ken McCreight P............................................Ned Haskell P............................................. Dave Sacks P.......................................Earl Chambers 1944 C............................... McCreight/Palmer 1B...........................................Don Hardy 2B....................................... Bobby Jones 3B.............................................Jim Hardy SS...........................................Bob Santee LF...........................................Art Murphy CF............................... Glenn Danielson RF...................................Emmett Jansen P......................................... Hal Saltzman P..........................................Charlie Noah P.........................................Clark Higgins 1945 C.................................... Richard Moffatt

1B................................... Ray Wolochow 2B......................................... Tom Phelps 3B..........................................Dick Baugh SS...................................Art Mazmanian LF.......................................Clark Higgins CF............................................. Bill Steele RF..................................... Blake Headley P.......................................... Bob Webster P..........................................Lewis Comer P...............................................Joe Gorski P.........................................Clark Higgins 1946 C............................................ Don Palmer 1B.......................................... Bill Spaeter 2B............................................ Al Spaeter 3B.............................................Jim Hardy SS.................................... Bill Crutchfield LF....................................Hugo Hoffman CF......................................... Tom Phelps RF...................................Hank Workman P............................................Doug Essick P.......................................... Bob Webster P............................................Ned Haskell P............................................ Dick Bishop 1947 C......................................Ken McCreight 1B...................................... Larry Pennell 2B.................................. Jim Brideweser 3B................................... Bill Crutchfield SS................................................. Bill Lillie LF...................................... Archie Wilson CF.....................................Gordon Jones RF...................................Hank Workman P.............................................Wally Hood P............................................Doug Essick P............................................ Dick Bishop P............................................Ned Haskell 1948 C...............................................Bob Zuber 1B..................................... Hank Cedillos 2B..................................Art Mazmanian 3B................................................ Bill Lillie SS................................... Jim Brideweser LF...................................Hank Workman CF.....................................Gordon Jones RF...........................................Gail Henley P.............................................Wally Hood P............................................ Dick Bishop P......................................Maynard Horst P.................................................Tom Kipp 1949 C...................................McKelvey/Zuber 1B.................................. Rudy Regalado 2B..................................Art Mazmanian 3B..................................... Hank Cedillos SS................................... Jim Brideweser LF.........................................Bill Sharman CF................................................Al Karan RF.................................McKelvey/Zuber P...........................................Jack Schlarb P............................................Don Pender P............................................ Dick Fiedler P......................................Maynard Horst 1950 C...............................................Bob Zuber 1B............................. Lamont/Sharman 2B................................Stan Charnofsky 3B................................................Al Karan SS................................................Bob Lillis


Y EAR- BY- YEAR START ING L INEU P S LF...........................................Jay Roundy CF.................................. Serge Freeman RF................................... Rudy Regalado P........................................... Tom Lovrich P...........................................Jack Schlarb P.............................................Dave Cesca P........................................... Chuck Pryor 1951 C.......................................... Bishara/Wills 1B........................... Gary Killingsworth 2B................................Stan Charnofsky 3B................................................Al Karan SS................................................Bob Lillis LF................................... Hal Charnofsky CF............................................Tom Riach RF............................................ Bob Hertel P........................................... Tom Lovrich P.............................................Dave Cesca P............................................Charles Ane P..............................................Tom Kemp 1952 C......................................Bishara/Garten 1B............................................Al Lamont 2B................................Stan Charnofsky 3B........................... Gary Killingsworth SS................................... Hal Charnofsky LF..................................John Stevenson CF........................................... Bob Hertel RF.....................................Warner Boone P........................................... Tom Lovrich P...........................................Jack Schlarb P............................................. Mike Cesca P............................................Bill Sperling 1953 C...............................John Garten (.309) 1B.............................Ed Simpson (.404) 2B...................................Jim Oros (.247) 3B................................ Joe Conte (.209) SS......................John Stevenson (.327) LF............................... Gary Robin (.244) CF........................Warner Boone (.283) RF.............................. Lou Bishara (.314) P............Ed Hookstratten (10-2, 2.82) P......................Dave Rankin (6-2, 3.94) P.........................Don Young (5-5, 3.55) P.................... Charlie Mena (2-6, 4.94) 1954 C...........................................John Garten 1B.......................................Tony Santino 2B............................................... Jim Oros 3B.............................................Bill Faddis SS..................................John Stevenson LF........................................... Gary Robin CF....................................... Verle Sorgen RF........................................Gerry Mason P..............................................Vic Lapiner P...................................... Marty Zuanich P..........................................Ralph Pausig P................................................... Ed Allen 1955 C...........................................John Garten 1B........................................ Kent Hadley 2B............................................... Jim Oros 3B.............................................Bill Faddis SS..................................John Stevenson LF........................................... Gary Robin CF.......................................Tony Santino RF........................................Gerry Mason P..............................................Vic Lapiner P..........................................Ralph Pausig


P...................................... Marty Zuanich 1956 C..................................... Finigan/Shollin 1B........................................ Kent Hadley 2B..................................... Bud Pritchard 3B.............................................Bob Gerst SS..............................................Bill Faddis LF.......................................... Mike Hoeck CF.......................................Tony Santino RF......................................... Carl Maggio P...................................... Marty Zuanich P............................................ Jerry Parker P........................................ Ed Isherwood P......................................... Charlie Mena 1957 C............................. Terry Finigan (.224) 1B.............................. Ken Guffey (.171) 2B............................Don Biasotti (.203) 3B.......... Blewett/Werhas (.200/.217) SS........................Mike Castanon (.373) LF..............................Mike Hoeck (.225) CF..................................Bill Olson (.353) RF..............................Tom Shollin (.333) P.......................Dale Zeigler (9-2, 3.24) P................... Ed Isherwood (4-4, 2.22) P............................ Bill Thom (4-3, 7.46) P........................... Pat Gillick (0-1, 1.80) 1958 C.................................... Bill Heath (.396) 1B.............................. Ken Guffey (.303) 2B.......................Mike Castanon (.368) 3B............................Don Biasotti (.237) SS................................. Fred Scott (.295) LF.......................Johnny Werhas (.312) CF.................................Ron Fairly (.348) RF............................ Jerry Siegert (.370) P................Bruce Gardner (13-1, .262) P............................ Bill Thom (9-1, 2.40) P................... Bob Blakeslee (5-1, 2.90) P.....................Jim Barudoni (5-2, 3.10) 1959 C.................................... Bill Heath (.243) 1B.............................. Ken Guffey (.341) 2B............................Ron Stillwell (.269) 3B......................Johnny Werhas (.419) SS................................. Fred Scott (.368) LF.............................. Don Buford (.330) CF..........................Rex Johnston (.347) RF......Gabrielson/McLane (.404/.356) P.................. Bruce Gardner (9-2, 2.83) P..........................Bill Thom (10-1, 1.44) P.....................Jim Barudoni (6-1, 3.05) P................... Bob Blakeslee (2-1, 2.70) 1960 C.................................... Bill Heath (.330) 1B.............................. Willie Ryan (.350) 2B...............................Steve Bach (.237) 3B..........................Tom Satriano (.318) SS.............................Ron Stillwell (.278) LF.... Gillespie/Levingston (.290/.314) CF.................Mickey McNamee (.282) RF.............................. Art Ersepke (.326) P................Bruce Gardner (18-2, 2.71) P..................... Jim Withers (11-6, 2.38) P.........Marcel Lachemann (3-3, 4.08) P.........................Ken Yaryan (6-3, 5.15) 1961 C................................Larry Himes (.333)

1B.............................. Willie Ryan (.373) 2B...............................Steve Bach (.307) 3B..........................Tom Satriano (.319) SS.............................Ron Stillwell (.196) LF......................... Mike Gillespie (.248) CF.................Mickey McNamee (.257) RF.............................. Art Ersepke (.311) P..................... Jim Withers (12-1, 1.88) P......................Pete Kenney (6-2, 2.45) P...........Larry Hankammer (8-2, 3.74) P.........................Ken Yaryan (7-2, 2.63) 1962 C........................... Bud Hollowell (.256) 1B.............................. Willie Ryan (.358) 2B........................ Mike Gillespie (.274) 3B............................Larry Sandel (.243) SS............Harty/W. Brown (.266/.225) LF...........................Mike Macklin (.261) CF..................... Bob Levingston (.382) RF................. Kenny Washington (.331) P.........................Ken Yaryan (9-5, 3.29) P......................Pete Kenney (4-4, 3.86) P................... Cliff Goodrich (6-2, 3.58) P.........Marcel Lachemann (4-0, 2.54) 1963 C...... Hollowell/Piscovich (.245/.286) 1B..........................Gary Holman (.317) 2B......................Justin Dedeaux (.222) 3B............................Larry Sandel (.224) SS............................... Ken Walker (.259) LF.....................................Fred Hill (.316) CF........................... Willie Brown (.352) RF................. Kenny Washington (.351) P.................Walt Peterson (13-4, 2.27) P.............................Al Lasas (10-5, 3.14) P.....................Duane White (6-3, 3.54) P........................Larry Fisher (5-2, 4.26) 1964 C...... Hollowell/Piscovich (.324/.333) 1B................................Joe Austin (.253) 2B...........................Daryl Wilkins (.258) 3B............................Larry Sandel (.287) SS.....................Gary Sutherland (.363) LF............................... Fred Shuey (.243) CF........................... Willie Brown (.273) RF.....................................Fred Hill (.176) P.................Walt Peterson (17-3, 1.54) P........................Larry Fisher (8-4, 4.83) P............................... Al Lasas (4-2, 5.46) P............................Ron Cook (2-1, 4.21) 1965 C........................Marty Piscovich (.308) 1B................................Joe Austin (.284) 2B......................Justin Dedeaux (.271) 3B...........................Daryl Wilkins (.381) SS.............Walker/Withers (.263/.284) LF............................... Fred Shuey (.248) CF..........................Don Johnson (.219) RF............................ Mike Garrett (.309) P..................... Tom Seaver (10-2, 2.47) P........................Larry Fisher (7-2, 2.42) P.......................John Herbst (4-3, 3.05) P.....................John Stewart (3-3, 2.25) 1966 C.............................. Steve Sogge (.307) 1B.......................Buddy Gordon (.288) 2B......................Justin Dedeaux (.208) 3B............... Armando DeCastro (.245) SS.............................Pat Harrison (.291) LF............................... Fred Shuey (.272)

CF...................... Shelly Andrens (.243) RF......O. Brown/Gabrielson (.340/.178) P............................Ron Cook (8-1, 1.52) P.................. John Stewart (16-1, 1.64) P........................... Ray Lamb (9-5, 2.17) P.................... John Herbst (11-4, 3.26) 1967 C.............................. Steve Sogge (.303) 1B............................Bill Seinsoth (.327) 2B............................Pat Harrison (.264) 3B................................Ron Drake (.257) SS.................... Chuck Ramshaw (.290) LF........................... Rich Schaffer (.252) CF...................... Shelly Andrens (.285) RF............................. Reid Braden (.222) P........................ Tom House (5-3, 1.43) P.............................. Bill Lee (13-4, 1.63) P.................Mike Adamson (8-3, 2.53) P.................... John Herbst (11-1, 2.53) 1968 C.............................. Steve Sogge (.226) 1B............................Bill Seinsoth (.312) 2B............................Pat Harrison (.279) 3B................................Ron Drake (.234) SS.................... Chuck Ramshaw (.274) LF.............................Pat Kuehner (.235) CF....................................Jay Jaffe (.281) RF............................. Reid Braden (.316) P....................Bob Vaughn (10-4, 1.23) P.............................. Bill Lee (12-3, 1.99) P............................ Jim Barr (10-2, 2.31) P.................... Brent Strom (12-4, 3.09) 1969 C........................Steve Turgliatto (.186) 1B............................Bill Seinsoth (.368) 2B.................................. Mike Ball (.268) 3B........Alfano/Stoligrosz (.239/.216) SS...................................Cal Meier (.385) LF.....................................Jay Jaffe (.222) CF.......................... Russ Bennett (.312) RF.................................................(several) P............................ Jim Barr (10-4, 2.79) P.................... Brent Strom (10-1, 1.47) P............... Dave Kingman (11-4, 1.38) P...............Jim Southworth (4-1, 2.51) 1970 C............................. Craig Perkins (.244) 1B.................................. Mike Ball (.250) 2B........................... Frank Alfano (.302) 3B....................... Dan Stoligrosz (.324) SS...................................Cal Meier (.310) LF............ Cross/Pedersen (.279/.308) CF.......................... Russ Bennett (.307) RF........................Dave Kingman (.355) SP.......................... Jim Barr (14-2, 1.92) SP.................. Brent Strom (13-1, 2.26) SP................. Greg Widman (6-3, 1.16) 1971 C............................. Craig Perkins (.302) 1B..................... Daryl Arenstein (.337) 2B.................... Alfano/Ball (.264/.275) 3B....................................Jeff Port (.258) SS.................... George Ambrow (.314) LF...........................Jeff Pedersen (.301) CF...................Carter/Lynn (.285/.345) RF.................................Tim Steele (.328) SP.................. Mark Sogge (14-1, 1.86) SP.................. Steve Busby (11-2, 2.24) SP..........................Eric Raich (7-3, 2.21) SP................. Greg Widman (9-2, 2.65)


Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R S TA RT ING L INEU P S 1972 C..................................... Sam Ceci (.350) 1B..................... Daryl Arenstein (.278) 2B........... Adolph/Guggia (.288/.261) 3B....................................Jeff Port (.228) SS............................. Roy Smalley (.265) LF..... Huizenga/Pedersen (.344/.293) CF.................................Fred Lynn (.326) RF.................................Tim Steele (.366) SP........... Randy Scarbery (12-3, 2.66) SP...............Greg Widman (14-2, 2.86) SP.....................Mark Sogge (5-2, 1.85) RP.............. Russ McQueen (9-3, 1.64) 1973 C..................................Ed Putman (.323) 1B..................... Daryl Arenstein (.265) 2B.............................Rob Adolph (.215) 3B...............................Rich Dauer (.361) SS............................. Roy Smalley (.338) LF...........Huizenga/Tevlin (.261/.319) CF.................................Fred Lynn (.300) RF............................. Ed Bowman (.316) SP........... Randy Scarbery (15-2, 1.83) SP....................... Mark Barr (10-2, 2.38) SP............... Russ McQueen (5-3, 2.03) SP......................C.J. Holland (7-2, 4.53) 1974 C..................................Ed Putman (.275) 1B....Bhagwat/Carpenter (.268/.286) 2B.............................Rob Adolph (.227) 3B...............................Rich Dauer (.387) SS........................... Marvin Cobb (.329) LF.....................Creighton Tevlin (.318) CF.........................Ken Huizenga (.291) RF........................ Anthony Davis (.273) DH............................Steve Kemp (.351) SP....................... Mark Barr (11-1, 2.85) SP................ John Racanelli (7-4, 2.45) SP............... Russ McQueen (7-4, 3.40) SP................... Pete Redfern (7-3, 4.15)

1975 C.....................Dennis Littlejohn (.275) 1B..................... Mark Carpenter (.232) 2B.......................... Marvin Cobb (.333) 3B...............................Rob Hertel (.284) SS...............................Phil Doktor (.260) LF.............. Stahl/Tonascia (.212/.205) CF.................................Tom Ricks (.287) RF..............................Steve Kemp (.435) DH........................Gary Wiencek (.232) SP................... Pete Redfern (9-3, 1.24) SP.................. George Milke (9-3, 1.95) SP................ John Racanelli (6-5, 3.07) 1976 C......................Dave Van Gorder (.265) 1B..................... Mark Carpenter (.253) 2B.............................Larry Fobbs (.231) 3B...............................Rob Hertel (.312) SS............................Doug Stokke (.228) LF.................................................(several) CF.............. Mitchell/Ricks (.307/.238) RF.............................. Tim Tolman (.298) DH............................ Chris Smith (.308) SP............... Rod Boxberger (2-7, 3.69) SP................ John Racanelli (9-3, 2.38) SP.............Charlie Phillips (11-5, 3.29) 1977 C......................Dave Van Gorder (.339) 1B.......................Dave Hostetler (.328) 2B...............................Rob Hertel (.329) 3B..............................Dave Engle (.337) SS............................Doug Stokke (.298) LF.............................. Chris Smith (.305) CF............Mitchell/Skube (.193/.278) RF.............................. Tim Tolman (.293) DH..............................Rick Hertel (.236) SP....................Bill Bordley (14-0, 2.42) SP............... Rod Boxberger (5-7, 4.65) SP................... Brian Hayes (11-3, 1.77) RP.............Jeff Schattinger (5-1, 2.28) 1978 C......................Dave Van Gorder (.265) 1B.......................Dave Hostetler (.313)

2B.............................Larry Fobbs (.321) 3B..............................Dave Engle (.352) SS............................Doug Stokke (.283) LF.............................. Tim Tolman (.404) CF...............................Bob Skube (.289) RF.................. Brown/Wells (.348/.291) DH............................ Chris Smith (.333) SP....................Bill Bordley (12-2, 2.73) SP.............Rod Boxberger (12-1, 2.00) SP...........Ernie Mauritson (11-0, 2.25) RP.............Jeff Schattinger (4-3, 2.73) 1979 C........................... Dave Hodgins (.323) 1B............................. Dave Smith (.331) 2B............................ Gerald Price (.320) 3B....................Marty Wilkerson (.242) SS..................Chuck Menzhuber (.308) LF................................ John Wells (.320) CF...............................Bob Skube (.315) RF.............................Keith Brown (.325) DH.........Cecchini/Leeper (.333/.339) SP................ Mike Couchee (5-7, 3.30) SP.....................Spiro Psaltis (6-3, 4.02) SP...................... Ron Arnold (4-2, 4.45) 1980 C........................... Dave Hodgins (.237) 1B............................. Dave Smith (.306) 2B.......................... Bob Batesole (.292) 3B....................Marty Wilkerson (.376) SS...................Dan Davidsmeier (.307) LF........................ Stan Edmonds (.353) CF........................... Dave Leeper (.245) RF.............................Paul Homrig (.221) DH.......................... Jim Cecchini (.256) SP................ Mike Couchee (3-6, 3.65) SP...............Tim Kammeyer (5-3, 4.44) SP........................ Bill Peltola (5-2, 2.41) 1981 C.............................. Jim Cecchini (.311) 1B............................. Dave Smith (.274) 2B.... Batesole/Menzhuber (.281/.251) 3B....................Marty Wilkerson (.333) SS...................Dan Davidsmeier (.371)

LF........................ Stan Edmonds (.353) CF..........................Stu Pederson (.333) RF............................ Dave Leeper (.355) DH................... Mark Malconian (.317) SP...............Mickey Meister (9-5, 5.03) SP...................Steve Heslop (4-2, 3.47) SP...............Tim Kammeyer (7-4, 4.76) 1982 C.............................. Jim Cecchini (.243) 1B............................... Jeff Brown (.273) 2B.......................... Bob Batesole (.298) 3B....................Craig Stevenson (.306) SS.......................... Tony Walczuk (.205) LF................................. Gary Snell (.324) CF.......................... John Wallace (.320) RF............. Reggie Montgomery (.257) DH...............................................(several) SP...........................Sid Akins (6-7, 3.51) SP............Bob Gunnarsson (5-4, 5.02) SP...............Mickey Meister (5-6, 7.12) 1983 C................................Jack Del Rio (.319) 1B....................... Mark McGwire (.319) 2B.......................... Bob Batesole (.248) 3B....................Craig Stevenson (.301) SS.............................. Dan Henley (.263) LF................................. Gary Snell (.222) CF.......................... John Wallace (.333) RF.............................. Alby Silvera (.353) DH........... Reggie Montgomery (.300) SP........................ Sid Akins (7-10, 5.04) SP............Bob Gunnarsson (6-4, 3.70) SP...............Mickey Meister (3-5, 5.50) RP........................Phil Smith (7-3, 3.54) 1984 C................................Jack Del Rio (.342) 1B....................... Mark McGwire (.387) 2B....................Craig Stevenson (.284) 3B......................Scott Sommers (.297) SS................................ Jim Wilkey (.259) LF................................ Jeff Brown (.343) CF................................ Gary Snell (.203) RF.............................. Alby Silvera (.332)

1966 team



Y EAR- BY- YEAR START ING L INEU P S DH...................... Mark Steevens (.284) SP........Randy Robertson (11-4, 4.32) SP........................ Brad Brink (5-4, 4.31) SP...........................Sid Akins (8-6, 3.42) RP..................... Rick Weible (7-1, 2.77) 1985 C.............Damon Oppenheimer (.364) 1B......................Scott Sommers (.268) 2B............. Housley/Peete (.216/.225) 3B............................. Dan Henley (.290) SS.............................Al Villasenor (.335) LF.............................. Alby Silvera (.309) CF.................Randy Gabrielson (.184) RF..........................Jeff Wetherby (.364) DH...............................................(several) SP.............. Randy Johnson (6-9, 5.32) SP......................Brad Brink (4-10, 6.38) SP......................Steve Bast (3-11, 7.17) 1986 C............................. Brian Nichols (.267) 1B......................Scott Sommers (.409) 2B.....Housley/Anguiano (.267/.252) 3B............................Al Villasenor (.233) SS.............................. Dan Henley (.316) LF.............................. Don Buford (.287) CF..............................Kevin Janik (.291) RF............................. Terry Brown (.307) DH.............. Brooks/Wong (.407/.262) SP........................ Brad Brink (8-6, 3.43) SP.....................John Reilley (2-8, 5.40) SP....................Brian Brooks (3-4, 6.98) 1987 C............................. Brian Nichols (.232) 1B.........................Jim Campanis (.258) 2B............................. Don Buford (.274) 3B............................Al Villasenor (.349) SS..........................Rodney Peete (.304) LF.......................... Keith Watkins (.350) CF...... Janik/Washington (.266/.303) RF............................. Terry Brown (.272) DH.......................... Corby Oakes (.270) SP.................Randy Powers (6-6, 3.66) SP...................... Darrin Beer (6-7, 4.05)

1984 team

SP.....................John Reilley (6-6, 5.63) RP..................Brian Nichols (4-0, 1.70) 1988 C............................Jim Campanis (.392) 1B....................... Murph Proctor (.297) 2B.............................. Bret Boone (.326) 3B.........................Rodney Peete (.338) SS........................... Bret Barberie (.384) LF........................Damon Buford (.322) CF..........................John Jackson (.366) RF............................Gregg Hokuf (.263) DH.......................... Corby Oakes (.260) SP...................... Darrin Beer (8-8, 4.73) SP.............. Randy Powers (11-5, 5.00) SP..................... Phil Kendall (2-3, 5.11) RP..................Brian Nichols (2-1, 5.63) 1989 C........................Gil/Vranjes (.216/.211) 1B....................... Murph Proctor (.309) 2B..............Buford/Farlow (.248/.267) 3B...........................Brett Jenkins (.345) SS............................... Bret Boone (.273) LF......................Mike Robertson (.329) CF..........................John Jackson (.356) RF.............................. Mark Smith (.338) DH............. Aurand/Cirillo (.295/.314) SP.............. Randy Powers (10-5, 3.75) SP..................... Phil Kendall (9-4, 3.45) SP......................... Jeff Cirillo (7-6, 4.85) RP..................... Darrin Beer (3-3, 5.48) 1990 C....................................Danny Gil (.255) 1B....................... Murph Proctor (.325) 2B.......................Damon Buford (.280) 3B...........................Brett Jenkins (.294) SS............................... Bret Boone (.313) LF......................Mike Robertson (.296) CF..........................John Jackson (.315) RF.............................. Mark Smith (.333) DH................................Jeff Cirillo (.316) SP.............. Randy Powers (11-3, 2.29) SP............ John Cummings (4-4, 4.63) SP..................... Phil Kendall (5-4, 4.41)

1991 C.......................... Mike Mancuso (.213) 1B.....................Mike Robertson (.321) 2B...........................Brett Jenkins (.375) 3B.................................Jeff Cirillo (.380) SS............................... Billy Morris (.274) LF........................ Murph Proctor (.284) CF.........................Corey Aurand (.318) RF.............................. Mark Smith (.336) DH...........................Casey Burrill (.333) SP.................. Jackie Nickell (9-4, 3.92) SP.....................Mike Collett (5-4, 4.00) SP................ Kent Donnelly (7-1, 4.88) RP........................ Jeff Cirillo (1-0, 1.37)

1994 C.......................... Mike Mancuso (.220) 1B.............................J.P. Roberge (.332) 2B......................Lionel Hastings (.316) 3B.......................... Aaron Boone (.340) SS...........................Gabe Alvarez (.326) LF.......................... Geoff Jenkins (.373) CF..................... Walter Dawkins (.280) RF...........................Jacque Jones (.335) DH.......................... Shon Malani (.251) SP.................Randy Flores (11-1, 1.66) SP....................... Tony Nieto (5-9, 3.69) SP........... Scott Henderson (4-1, 4.18) RP........... Grant Vermillion (7-0, 3.45)

1992 C..........................Bobby Hughes (.351) 1B............................Casey Burrill (.260) 2B.............................J.P. Roberge (.302) 3B.......................... Aaron Boone (.272) SS.......................Lionel Hastings (.299) LF................. Darin Tsukashima (.302) CF.............................. Billy Morris (.269) RF............................ Shon Malani (.314) DH............................. Kurt Bierek (.255) SP.................. Jackie Nickell (6-6, 3.48) SP...................... Dan Hubbs (7-6, 3.97) SP................ Kent Donnelly (5-6, 4.62)

1995 C.............................Chad Moeller (.329) 1B..................... Greg Walbridge (.302) 2B............................Wes Rachels (.276) 3B............................ Derek Baker (.280) SS...........................Gabe Alvarez (.361) LF...........................Jacque Jones (.353) CF..................... Walter Dawkins (.329) RF.......................... Geoff Jenkins (.399) DH.................................Paul Cruz (.287) SP.................Randy Flores (13-3, .324) SP...................Brian Cooper (8-3, 4.78) SP....................... Ben Tucker (7-2, 4.19) RP..................Jason Garner (6-1, 3.12)

1993 C............................... Casey Burrill (.408) 1B.............................. Kurt Bierek (.272) 2B......................Lionel Hastings (.294) 3B.......................... Aaron Boone (.286) SS...........................Gabe Alvarez (.326) LF..............................J.P. Roberge (.320) CF..................... Walter Dawkins (.291) RF.......................... Geoff Jenkins (.323) DH.......................... Shon Malani (.296) SP.....................Mike Collett (9-4, 4.18) SP....................... Tony Nieto (8-5, 3.52) SP....................... Ben Tucker (2-7, 5.37) RP..................... Dan Hubbs (5-5, 2.96)

1996 C.............................Chad Moeller (.301) 1B..................... Greg Walbridge (.385) 2B..................Ryan Stromsborg (.354) 3B................... Morgan Ensberg (.354) SS............................. Marc Mirizzi (.304) LF................... Alfonso Montoya (.316) CF..........................Jacque Jones (.375) RF..................................Jeff Inglin (.392) DH.................................Paul Cruz (.376) SP................... Randy Flores (9-1, 3.50) SP...............Seth Etherton (12-3, 3.94) SP........... Scott Henderson (8-1, 3.19) RP............... Jack Krawczyk (4-1, 4.55) 1997 C...............................Eric Munson (.336) 1B..................... Greg Walbridge (.315) 2B............................Wes Rachels (.364) 3B................... Morgan Ensberg (.306) SS............................. Marc Mirizzi (.325) LF..........................Greg Hanoian (.429) CF................................Robb Gorr (.347) RF.........................Brad Ticehurst (.328) DH.......................Brian Ponchak (.282) SP................... Randy Flores (9-5, 4.46) SP...............Seth Etherton (10-2, 2.96) SP........... Scott Henderson (8-4, 5.82) RP............... Jack Krawczyk (2-3, 3.20) 1998 C...............................Eric Munson (.392) 1B................................Robb Gorr (.345) 2B............................Wes Rachels (.327) 3B................... Morgan Ensberg (.344) SS........................ Seth Davidson (.333) LF.........................Jeremy Freitas (.340) CF.........................Greg Hanoian (.358) RF.........................Brad Ticehurst (.302) DH............................. Jason Lane (.332) SP...............Seth Etherton (13-3, 3.23) SP........................ Rik Currier (6-1, 5.30) SP................... Mike Penney (8-4, 5.25) RP............... Jack Krawczyk (3-2, 2.01)



Y E A R- B Y - Y EA R S TA RT ING L INEU P S 1999 C...............................Eric Munson (.346) 1B......................... Justin Gemoll (.300) 2B..................... Dominic Correa (.330) 3B...............................Beau Craig (.319) SS........................ Seth Davidson (.345) LF............................... Jason Lane (.356) CF........................Brad Ticehurst (.267) RF..........................Greg Hanoian (.306) DH....................... Carlos Casillas (.310) SP.......................Barry Zito (12-3, 3.28) SP....................... Justin Lehr (7-3, 4.29) SP........................ Rik Currier (5-7, 6.38) RP...................Steve Smyth (6-8, 5.27)

2004 C...............................Jeff Clement (.293) 1B................ Joey Metropoulos (.286) 2B........................Michael Moon (.268) 3B.................................. Billy Hart (.367) SS........................... Blake Sharpe (.316) LF...............................Baron Frost (.303) CF........................ Daniel Perales (.286) RF............................. Cyle Hankerd (.333) DH..........................Jon Brewster (.276) SP....................Ian Kennedy (7-2, 2.91) SP............Josh Rummonds (2-4, 5.97) SP........................Bret Butler (4-3, 5.61) RP........Michael Friedman (2-2, 4.17)

2007 C..............................Robert Stock (.253) 1B..................................J.J. Owen (.264) 2B............................. Matt Cusick (.324) 3B....................... Hector Estrella (.306) SS.............................Grant Green (.316) LF.............................. Lucas Duda (.280) CF................................. Nick Buss (.290) RF..........................Roberto Lopez (.313) DH.......................Michael Torres (.253) SP..............Brad Boxberger (3-5, 3.20) SP........................Ryan Cook (7-4, 5.06) SP...............Tommy Milone (3-7, 6.17) RP......................... Paul Koss (3-3, 2.79)

2010 C...................... Kevin Roundtree (.288) 1B........................Ricky Oropesa (.353) 2B...................Adam Landecker (.265) 3B................................. Matt Hart (.267) SS............................ Joe De Pinto (.286) LF.................................. Matt Foat (.275) CF............................ Mike O'Neill (.344) RF.............................. Alex Sherrod (.315) DH......................... Cade Kreuter (.283) SP................Andrew Triggs (2-7, 3.95) SP.......................Ben Mount (5-6, 4.32) SP................ Kevin Couture (2-4, 5.99) RP.....................Chad Smith (5-6, 4.47)

2000 C..................................Beau Craig (.287) 1B............ Alberto Concepcion (.299) 2B.................. Anthony Lunetta (.343) 3B......................... Justin Gemoll (.374) SS........................ Seth Davidson (.305) LF.......................Abel Montanez (.327) CF...............................Brian Barre (.274) RF.......................... Rob Garibaldi (.329) DH............................ Josh Persell (.351) SP.....................Rik Currier (15-3, 3.31) SP......................Mark Prior (10-7, 3.56) SP...............Anthony Reyes (6-6, 4.02) RP.................Ronald Flores (6-2, 3.36)

2005 C...............................Jeff Clement (.348) 1B............................. Matt Cusick (.311) 2B....................... Hector Estrella (.271) 3B.................................. Billy Hart (.332) SS........................... Blake Sharpe (.297) LF...........................Cyle Hankerd (.298) CF..........Perales/R. Lopez (.266/.264) RF................................. Darin Vieira (.241) DH.............................Baron Frost (.274) SP................. Ian Kennedy (12-3, 2.54) SP...................Jack Spradlin (6-3, 4.47) SP............... Brett Bannister (4-3, 5.33) RP......................... Paul Koss (4-1, 2.81)

2008 C..............................Robert Stock (.299) 1B.......................... Derek Perren (.362) 2B...................... Hector Rabago (.263) 3B....Pinkerton/De Pinto (.188/.203) SS.............................Grant Green (.390) LF.................. Anthony Vasquez (.315) CF................................. Nick Buss (.296) RF..........................Roberto Lopez (.340) DH........................ Mike Roskopf (.263) SP...............Tommy Milone (6-6, 3.51) SP..............Brad Boxberger (2-4, 6.12) SP........................Ryan Cook (7-5, 5.11) SP................ Kevin Couture (6-2, 4.27)

2011 C...................... Kevin Roundtree (.308) 1B........................Ricky Oropesa (.322) 2B........................... Joe De Pinto (.300) 3B...................Adam Landecker (.280) SS........................ James Roberts (.274) LF.................................. Matt Foat (.262) CF...........................Garret Houts (.290) RF.............................. Alex Sherrod (.318) DH.....................Brandon Garcia (.309) SP................Andrew Triggs (5-4, 3.67) SP...................Logan Odom (5-6, 3.96) SP................... Austin Wood (5-7, 5.61) RP.....................Chad Smith (1-2, 2.66)

2001 C............... Alberto Concepcion (.321) 1B............................... Bill Peavey (.307) 2B.................. Anthony Lunetta (.305) 3B........................Michael Moon (.313) SS........................ Seth Davidson (.323) LF....................................Josh Self (.245) CF...............................Brian Barre (.345) RF.......................Abel Montanez (.238) DH............................ Josh Persell (.294) SP......................Mark Prior (15-1, 1.69) SP......................Rik Currier (12-3, 2.59) SP...............Anthony Reyes (5-4, 3.72) RP..............Brian Bannister (4-4, 2.80)

2006 C....................... Johnny Bowden (.274) 1B............................. Lucas Duda (.298) 2B.......................... Blake Sharpe (.323) 3B............................. Matt Cusick (.369) SS........................ Hector Estrella (.289) LF...........................Cyle Hankerd (.383) CF........................ Daniel Perales (.337) RF................................. Darin Vieira (.310) DH.............................Baron Frost (.310) SP....................Ian Kennedy (5-7, 3.90) SP...............Tommy Milone (7-4, 4.94) SP........................Ryan Cook (4-4, 5.97) RP......................John Dunn (3-2, 4.00)

2009 C..........................Hector Rabago (.257) 1B........................Ricky Oropesa (.314) 2B........................... Joe De Pinto (.277) 3B....................... Billy Pinkerton (.229) SS.............................Grant Green (.374) LF............................. Mike O'Neill (.319) CF................. Anthony Vasquez (.307) RF.............................. Alex Sherrod (.296) DH..........................Robert Stock (.226) SP..............Brad Boxberger (6-3, 6.13) SP................Andrew Triggs (5-3, 3.96) SP................... Robert Stock (5-4, 2.90) SP..........Anthony Vasquez (4-6, 4.33)

2012 C...................... Kevin Roundtree (.276) 1B................................. Matt Foat (.323) 2B...................Adam Landecker (.329) 3B.............................Kevin Swick (.258) SS........................ James Roberts (.289) LF............................ Dante Flores (.310) CF...........................Garret Houts (.267) RF.............................. Alex Sherrod (.294) DH.....................Brandon Garcia (.303) SP................Andrew Triggs (5-6, 3.49) SP.............Stephen Tarpley (5-3, 3.22) SP..............Brandon Garcia (3-6, 4.81)

2002 C............... Alberto Concepcion (.363) 1B............................... Bill Peavey (.361) 2B.................. Anthony Lunetta (.271) 3B...........................Jon Brewster (.277) SS.........................Michael Moon (.336) LF.....................Michael Morales (.309) CF...............................Brian Barre (.331) RF... McAndrews/D. Gordon (.324/.326) DH............... Joey Metropoulos (.352) SP...............Anthony Reyes (4-2, 3.44) SP............... Brett Bannister (8-3, 3.56) SP....................... Matt Chico (6-4, 5.45) RP................. Cory Campos (6-3, 3.84)

2000 team

2003 C...............................Jeff Clement (.298) 1B................ Joey Metropoulos (.321) 2B........................Michael Moon (.263) 3B............................. Darin Vieira (.188) SS................... Anthony Lunetta (.349) LF.....................Spencer Gordon (.257) CF................ Travis McAndrews (.304) RF............................David Gordon (.279) DH..........................Jon Brewster (.310) SP...............Anthony Reyes (4-2, 4.38) SP...............Brian Bannister (6-5, 4.53) SP................Bobby Paschal (3-7, 5.43) RP.......................Bret Butler (1-5, 4.44)




Steve Kemp

.397 batting average

1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 10.

8. 9. 10.

1. 2. Batting Average 3. Steve Kemp, 1973-75.................................................397 4. Hal Charnofsky, 1951-52...........................................376 5. Rich Dauer, 1973-74...................................................376 6. Geoff Jenkins, 1993-95..............................................369 7. Tony Santino, 1954-56...............................................362 8. Willie Ryan, 1960-62...................................................360 Grant Green, 2007-09................................................359 10. Jacque Jones, 1994-96..............................................355 Eric Munson, 1997-99................................................354 Bob Levingston, 1960-62.........................................347 Tim Steele, 1971-72....................................................347 1.

Total Hits

Seth Davidson, 1998-2001.......................................312 Anthony Lunetta, 2000-03.......................................290 Murph Proctor, 1988-91............................................282 Michael Moon, 2001-04............................................270 Jacque Jones, 1994-96..............................................268 Gabe Alvarez, 1993-95..............................................258 Geoff Jenkins, 1993-95..............................................251 Mark Smith. 1989-91..................................................240 Walter Dawkins, 1992-95..........................................238 Wes Rachels, 1995-98................................................237

Runs Batted In

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. 2.

Geoff Jenkins, 1993-95..............................................175 Mark Smith, 1989-91..................................................166 4. Gabe Alvarez, 1993-95..............................................163 Bret Boone, 1988-90...................................................160 6. Michael Moon, 2001-04............................................155 7. Jacque Jones, 1994-96..............................................154 Mark McGwire, 1982-84............................................150 Jeff Clement, 2003-05................................................150 Pat Harrison, 1966-68................................................149 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98........................................149

Home Runs

Mark McGwire, 1982-84..............................................54 Jeff Clement, 2003-05..................................................46 Geoff Jenkins, 1993-95................................................45 Eric Munson, 1997-99..................................................43 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98..........................................40 Ricky Oropesa, 2009-11..............................................40 Jason Lane, 1998-99.....................................................34 Mike Robertson, 1989-91...........................................33 Joey Metropoulos, 2002-04.......................................33 Pat Harrison, 1966-68..................................................32 Brad Ticehurst, 1996-99..............................................32

Mark McGwire

54 home runs 118

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Runs Scored

Murph Proctor

Seth Davidson, 1998-2001.......................................201 Anthony Lunetta, 2000-03.......................................197 Murph Proctor, 1988-91............................................187 Geoff Jenkins, 1993-95..............................................180 Michael Moon, 2001-04............................................177 Walter Dawkins, 1992-95..........................................175 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98........................................175 Brian Barre, 1999-2002..............................................174 Mark Smith, 1989-91..................................................169 Bret Boone, 1988-90...................................................166

Stolen Bases

Seth Davidson, 1998-2001.........................................66 Mark Smith, 1989-91....................................................57 John Jackson, 1987-90................................................54 Damon Buford, 1988-90.............................................53 John Wells, 1976-79......................................................50 Brian Barre, 1999-2002................................................47 Cal Meier, 1968-70........................................................44 J.P. Roberge, 1992-94...................................................43 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98..........................................43 Don Buford Jr., 1986-87..............................................41 Wes Rachels, 1995-98..................................................41


Anthony Lunetta, 2000-03.........................................73 Gabe Alvarez, 1993-95................................................58 Brett Jenkins, 1989-91.................................................57 Murph Proctor, 1988-91..............................................55 Bret Boone, 1988-90.....................................................51 Aaron Boone, 1992-94.................................................50 Greg Walbridge, 1995-97...........................................49 Jacque Jones, 1994-96................................................48 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98..........................................48 Joey Metropoulos, 2002-04.......................................48 Grant Green, 2007-09..................................................48


Grant Green, 2007-09..................................................20 Mark Smith, 1989-91....................................................13 Seth Davidson, 1998-2001.........................................13 Fred Lynn, 1971-73.......................................................12 Bret Boone, 1988-90.....................................................12 Steve Kemp, 1973-75...................................................11 Stan Charnofsky, 1950-52.............................................9 Ken Guffey, 1957-59........................................................9 Bob Levingston, 1960-62..............................................9 Corey Aurand, 1989-91..................................................9 Walter Dawkins, 1992-95...............................................9 Jacque Jones, 1994-96...................................................9


Murph Proctor, 1988-91............................................141 Bret Boone, 1988-90...................................................136 Anthony Lunetta, 2000-03.......................................133 Wes Rachels, 1995-98................................................127 Brian Barre, 1999-2002..............................................126 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98........................................124 Marvin Cobb, 1973-75...............................................118 Steve Sogge, 1966-68................................................115 Dave Smith, 1979-82..................................................115 Jeff Clement, 2003-05................................................114

247 games At-Bats

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Seth Davidson, 1998-2001.......................................958 Murph Proctor, 1988-91............................................928 Anthony Lunetta, 2000-03.......................................916 Michael Moon, 2001-04............................................913 Walter Dawkins, 1992-95..........................................809 Gabe Alvarez, 1993-95..............................................763 Jacque Jones, 1994-96..............................................754 Joe De Pinto, 2008-11................................................751 Wes Rachels, 1995-98................................................734 Bob Batesole, 1980-83...............................................728

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Geoff Jenkins, 1993-95..............................................444 Anthony Lunetta, 2000-03.......................................442 Seth Davidson, 1998-2001.......................................420 Gabe Alvarez, 1993-95..............................................410 Michael Moon, 2001-04............................................409 Murph Proctor, 1988-91............................................405 Jacque Jones, 1994-96..............................................403 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98........................................391 Mark Smith, 1989-91..................................................389 Walter Dawkins, 1992-95..........................................388

1. 2. 3. 4.

Mark McGwire, 1982-84............................................718 Jason Lane, 1998-99...................................................686 Steve Kemp, 1973-75.................................................665 Geoff Jenkins, 1993-95..............................................652 Ricky Oropesa, 2009-10............................................652 Eric Munson, 1997-99................................................650 Rich Dauer, 1973-74...................................................617 Jim Campanis, 1986-88.............................................610 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98........................................596 Jeff Clement, 2003-05................................................596 Ricky Oropesa, 2009-11............................................596

6. 7. 8. 9.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Total Bases

Slugging Percentage


Josh Persell, 1998-2001...............................................43 Joey Metropoulos, 2002-04.......................................38 Alberto Concepcion, 2000-02..................................37 Brett Jenkins, 1989-91.................................................36 Blake Sharpe, 2004-06.................................................32 Morgan Ensberg, 1995-98..........................................31

Hitting Streak

Jacque Jones.....................................................28 games, 1995 Hitting statistics are as of 1949. Batting average and slugging percentage based on a minimum of 300 at-bats and two seasons played.

Games Played

Murph Proctor, 1988-91............................................247 Seth Davidson, 1998-2001.......................................245 Anthony Lunetta, 2000-03.......................................243 Michael Moon, 2001-04............................................235 Walter Dawkins, 1992-95 .........................................228 Daryl Arenstein, 1970-73..........................................219 Joe De Pinto, 2008-11................................................213 Brian Barre, 1999-2002..............................................209 Lionel Hastings, 1991-94..........................................206 Wes Rachels, 1995-98................................................206

Seth Davidson

312 hits

66 stolen bases 2013 USC BASEBALL GUIDE

CAR EER IND IV ID U A L P IT C H ING R EC O R DS Wins 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Randy Flores, 1994-97.................................................42 Bruce Gardner, 1958-60..............................................40 Randy Powers, 1987-90...............................................38 Rik Currier, 1998-2001.................................................38 Seth Etherton, 1995-98...............................................37 Randy Scarbery, 1971-73............................................36 Brent Strom, 1968-70...................................................35 Jim Barr, 1968-70...........................................................34 Walt Peterson, 1963-64...............................................30 Bill Lee, 1966-68.............................................................29 Greg Widman, 1970-72...............................................29

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Randy Flores, 1994-97....................................... 484.1** Randy Powers, 1987-90......................................... 472.2 Seth Etherton, 1995-98......................................... 399.1 Rik Currier, 1998-2001........................................... 393.1 Jim Barr, 1968-70..................................................... 370.2 Bruce Gardner, 1958-60........................................ 367.1 Mark Prior, 2000-01................................................ 357.1 Brent Strom, 1968-70............................................. 356.2 Phil Kendall, 1988-91............................................. 350.1 Randy Scarbery, 1971-73...................................... 338.1

Innings Pitched


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Rik Currier, 1998-2001...............................................449 Seth Etherton, 1995-98.............................................420 Ian Kennedy, 2004-06................................................380 Brent Strom, 1968-70.................................................363 Mark Prior, 2000-01....................................................352 Randy Flores, 1994-97...............................................316 Randy Powers, 1987-90.............................................312 Walt Peterson, 1963-64.............................................288 Jim Barr, 1968-70.........................................................286 Bruce Gardner, 1958-60............................................281

1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

John Stewart, 1965-66.............................................1.81 Walt Peterson, 1963-64............................................1.92 Bill Lee, 1966-68..........................................................1.92 Al Meyer, 1973-75......................................................1.93 Mark Sogge, 1970-72................................................2.02 Bob Vaughn, 1967-68...............................................2.05 Steve Busby, 1970-71................................................2.24 Jim Barr, 1968-70........................................................2.31 Brent Strom, 1968-70................................................2.32 Russ McQueen, 1971-74..........................................2.35

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10.

Jack Krawczyk, 1995-98..........................................49** Paul Koss, 2004-07........................................................36 Brian Nichols, 1985-88................................................26 Dan Hubbs, 1991-93....................................................22 Jason Garner, 1993-95.................................................16 Steve Bast, 1984-86......................................................11 Rick Weible, 1984-86....................................................10 Jeff Cirillo, 1988-91..........................................................9 Robert Stock, 2007-09....................................................9 Darrin Beer, 1987-89.......................................................8 Phil Kendall, 1988-91......................................................8 Bret Butler, 2002-03.........................................................8

Earned Run Average


Jack Krawczyk

49saves 114appearances WWW.USCTROJANS.COM

Games Started

Rik Currier

449strikeouts Strikeouts Per Nine Innings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mark Prior, 2000-01................................................ 11.52 Ian Kennedy, 2004-06............................................ 10.99 Rik Currier, 1998-2001........................................... 10.27 Robert Stock, 2007-09..............................................9.82 Peter Kenney, 1960-62.............................................9.53 Spiro Psaltis, 1979-81................................................9.52 Seth Etherton, 1995-98............................................9.47 Dan Hubbs, 1990-93.................................................9.19 Brent Strom, 1968-70................................................9.16 Pete Redfern, 1973-75..............................................9.09

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Bob Vaughn, 1967-68...............................................6.22 Ed Isherwood, 1956-57............................................6.45 Walt Peterson, 1963-64............................................6.59 Brent Strom, 1968-70................................................6.64 Marcel Lachemann, 1960-62..................................6.73 Bill Lee, 1966-68..........................................................6.75 Steve Busby, 1970-71................................................6.76 John Stewart, 1965-66.............................................6.90 Al Lasas, 1963-65........................................................6.93 Duane White, 1963-65..............................................6.93

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Russ McQueen, 1971-74..........................................1.32 Jack Krawczyk, 1995-98...........................................1.46 Jim Barr, 1968-70........................................................1.53 John Herbst, 1965-67...............................................1.54 Mike Couchee, 1979-80...........................................1.88 Tommy Milone, 2006-08..........................................1.98 Ron Cook, 1964-66....................................................2.00 Mark Prior, 2000-2001..............................................2.09 Randy Powers, 1987-90............................................2.34 Justin Parle, 1993-96.................................................2.34 Randy Flores, 1994-97..............................................2.34

1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 10.

Randy Flores, 1994-97.................................................22 Randy Scarbery, 1971-73............................................14 Pete Redfern, 1973-75.................................................12 Randy Powers, 1987-90...............................................12 John Racanelli, 1973-76..............................................11 Mark Sogge, 1970-72...................................................10 Bill Bordley, 1977-78....................................................10 Brad Brink, 1984-86......................................................10 Seth Etherton, 1995-98...............................................10 Steve Busby, 1970-71......................................................9 Russ McQueen, 1971-74................................................9 Rod Boxberger, 1976-78................................................9 Brian Hayes, 1976-78......................................................9 Jackie Nickell, 1988-92...................................................9

Hits Per Nine Innings

Walks Per Nine Innings

Complete Games

Appearances 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10.

Jack Krawczyk, 1995-98............................................114 Paul Koss, 2004-07......................................................101 Phil Kendall, 1988-91.................................................100 Justin Parle, 1993-96....................................................94 Rik Currier, 1998-2001.................................................89 Randy Powers, 1987-90...............................................86 Jackie Nickell, 1988-92................................................85 Darrin Beer, 1987-89....................................................82 Steve Immel, 1996-99..................................................82 Dan Hubbs, 1990-93....................................................81

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Randy Powers, 1987-90...............................................68 Randy Flores, 1994-97.................................................67 Rik Currier, 1998-2001.................................................63 Seth Etherton, 1995-98...............................................58 Anthony Reyes, 2000-03.............................................53 Brad Brink, 1984-86......................................................49 Ian Kennedy, 2004-06..................................................47 Phil Kendall, 1988-91...................................................46 Sid Akins, 1982-84........................................................45 Tommy Milone, 2006-08.............................................45

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 10.

Jack Krawczyk, 1995-98............................................114 Paul Koss, 2004-07......................................................101 Justin Parle, 1993-96....................................................93 Dan Hubbs, 1990-93....................................................64 Rick Weible, 1984-86....................................................62 Steve Immel, 1996-99..................................................62 Jeff Schattinger, 1976-78............................................61 Dave Latter, 1987-89....................................................60 Javier Mejia, 1994-96...................................................60 Lee Jones, 1979-81.......................................................56 Tim Quintanilla, 1987-90............................................56

1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Bill Bordley, 1977-78..................................................929 Bruce Gardner, 1958-60............................................889 Steve Busby, 1970-71.................................................875 Mark Barr, 1973-74......................................................875 Brent Strom, 1968-70.................................................854 John Stewart, 1965-66..............................................826 Bill Thom, 1957-59......................................................821 Randy Scarbery, 1971-73..........................................818 Walt Peterson, 1963-64.............................................811 Jim Barr, 1968-70.........................................................810

Relief Appearances

Winning Percentage

** = Pac-10 record. - Pitching statistics are as of 1956. - Appearances and complete games are as of 1971. - Games started and relief appearances are as of 1972. - ERA and hits/walks/strikeouts per nine innings are based on at least 100 innings pitched and two seasons. - Winning percentage is based on a minimum of 15 decisions.

Randy Flores

42wins 484.1innings 22complete games



7. 8. 9. 10.

Mark Smith, 1991..........................................................72 Jeff Cirillo, 1991..............................................................70 Bret Barberie, 1988.......................................................67 Brett Jenkins, 1991.......................................................66


Aaron Boone, 1994.......................................................26 Seth Davidson, 2000....................................................26 Don Buford, Jr., 1987....................................................24 Damon Buford, 1990....................................................23 Mark Smith, 1990..........................................................22 Billy Morris, 1992...........................................................22 John Jackson, 1989.......................................................21 Cal Meier, 1970...............................................................20 Morgan Ensberg, 1998................................................20 Brian Barre, 2001...........................................................20

3. 4. 5. 7. 8.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

8. 9. 10. 11.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.


1. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2. 4. 6. 7. 9.


1 20

5. 6.

Batting Average

Steve Kemp, 1975.......................................................435 John Werhas, 1959......................................................419 Scott Sommers, 1986.................................................409 Casey Burrill, 1993.......................................................408 Tim Tolman, 1978........................................................404 Len Gabrielson, 1959.................................................404 Ed Simpson, 1953.......................................................404 Geoff Jenkins, 1995....................................................399 Bill Heath, 1958............................................................396 Tony Santino, 1955.....................................................393 Eric Munson, 1998......................................................392 Jeff Inglin, 1996............................................................392 Jim Campanis, 1988...................................................392


Rich Dauer, 1974..........................................................108 Jacque Jones, 1995.....................................................106 Geoff Jenkins, 1995....................................................103 Jeff Cirillo, 1991............................................................100 Gabe Alvarez, 1995.......................................................97 Casey Burrill, 1993.........................................................97 Robb Gorr, 1998.............................................................96 Walter Dawkins, 1995..................................................96 Mark McGwire, 1984....................................................96 Jacque Jones, 1996.......................................................93

Runs Batted In

Jim Campanis, 1988.....................................................92 Rich Dauer, 1974............................................................92 Mark Smith, 1991..........................................................80 Mark McGwire, 1984....................................................80 Robb Gorr, 1998.............................................................79 Geoff Jenkins, 1995......................................................78 Jeff Inglin, 1996..............................................................72 Bill Peavey, 2002............................................................71 Morgan Ensberg, 1998................................................69 Jason Lane, 1999...........................................................68

1. 2. 3. 5.


1. 2.

5. 7.

1. 3. 4.

7. 9. 10.


Home Runs

Mark McGwire, 1984....................................................32 Jim Campanis, 1988.....................................................23 Geoff Jenkins, 1995......................................................23 Morgan Ensberg, 1998................................................21 Jeff Clement, 2003........................................................21 Jason Lane, 1999...........................................................20 Ricky Oropesa, 2010.....................................................20 Mark McGwire, 1983....................................................19 Brad Ticehurst, 1998.....................................................18 Justin Gemoll, 2000......................................................18 Beau Craig, 2000............................................................18

Runs Scored

Rich Dauer, 1974............................................................75 Mark McGwire, 1984....................................................75 Geoff Jenkins, 1995......................................................75 Brian Barre, 2002...........................................................75 Morgan Ensberg, 1998................................................74 Gabe Alvarez, 1995.......................................................73

7. 8.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Stolen Bases


Brett Jenkins, 1991.......................................................29 Gabe Alvarez, 1993.......................................................26 Rich Dauer, 1974............................................................24 Greg Walbridge, 1997..................................................24 Morgan Ensberg, 1998................................................22 Anthony Lunetta, 2000...............................................22 Anthony Lunetta, 2003...............................................22 Ricky Oropesa, 2010.....................................................22 Bret Boone, 1988...........................................................21 Jeff Cirillo, 1991..............................................................21 Marc Mirizzi, 1997.........................................................21 Alberto Concepcion, 2002.........................................21


Mark McGwire, 1984..................................................216 Geoff Jenkins, 1995....................................................193 Rich Dauer, 1974..........................................................181 Jim Campanis, 1988...................................................178 Justin Gemoll, 2000....................................................172 Morgan Ensberg, 1998..............................................169 Ricky Oropesa, 2010...................................................167 Robb Gorr, 1998...........................................................163 Jason Lane, 1999.........................................................163 Steve Kemp, 1975.......................................................162

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Kent Hadley, 1956.......................................................901 Mark McGwire, 1984..................................................871 Leonard Gabrielson, 1959........................................809 Jim Campanis, 1988...................................................802 Jason Lane, 1999.........................................................784 Steve Kemp, 1975.......................................................783 Eric Munson, 1998......................................................760 Geoff Jenkins, 1995....................................................748 Bill Seinsoth, 1969.......................................................736 Ricky Oropesa, 2010...................................................711

1. 2. 3. 4.

Josh Persell, 2001..........................................................24 Joey Metropoulos, 2004.............................................20 Alberto Concepcion, 2002.........................................17 Brett Jenkins, 1991.......................................................16 Blake Sharpe, 2005.......................................................16


Cade Kreuter, 2010.......................................................64 Brad Ticehurst, 1998.....................................................64 Morgan Ensberg, 1997................................................59 Beau Craig, 1999............................................................55 Blake Sharpe, 2005.......................................................53 Alberto Concepcion, 2002.........................................53 Terry Brown, 1986.........................................................53 Nat Harty, 1962..............................................................53


Grant Green, 2007.........................................................10 Ed Simpson, 1953............................................................8 Gerald Mason, 1954........................................................8 Steve Kemp, 1975............................................................8 Fred Lynn, 1972................................................................7 Mark Smith, 1991.............................................................7 Bob Lillis, 1951..................................................................6 Hal Charnofsky, 1952......................................................6 Bob Levingston, 1962.....................................................6 Rob Hertel, 1977...............................................................6


Marvin Cobb, 1974.......................................................60 Murph Proctor, 1981....................................................60 Cal Meier, 1970...............................................................59 Tom Satriano, 1960.......................................................55 Eddy Putman, 1974......................................................55 Stuart Pederson, 1981.................................................55 Dave Hodgins, 1979.....................................................54 Bret Boone, 1990...........................................................54 Geoff Jenkins, 1995......................................................51 Mark McGwire, 1984....................................................50 Bret Boone, 1989...........................................................50

Games Played

Rich Dauer, 1974........................................................... 70 Creighton Tevlin, 1974............................................... 70 Gabe Alvarez, 1995.......................................................70 Walter Dawkins, 1995..................................................70 Geoff Jenkins, 1995......................................................70 Jacque Jones, 1995.......................................................70 Ken Huizenga, 1974.....................................................68 Mark McGwire, 1984....................................................67 Chad Moeller, 1995.......................................................67 Greg Walbridge, 1995..................................................67

Total Bases

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Slugging Percentage



Sacrifice Hits

Seth Davidson, 1998....................................................19 Johnny Bowden, 2006.................................................16 Greg Hanoian, 1998.....................................................14 Jeff Port, 1972.................................................................11 Lionel Hastings, 1992..................................................11 Jon Brewster, 2001........................................................11 Michael Moon, 2001....................................................11 James Roberts, 2011....................................................11

Sacrifice Flies - Hitting statistics are as of 1949. - Batting average and slugging percentage based on a minimum of two at-bats per the number of games the team played.


Jacque Jones, 1995.....................................................300 Walter Dawkins, 1995................................................292 Rich Dauer, 1974..........................................................279 Robb Gorr, 1998...........................................................278 Marc Mirizzi, 1997.......................................................277 Gabe Alvarez, 1995.....................................................269 Doug Stokke, 1977.....................................................265 Jeff Cirillo, 1991............................................................263 Dan Henley, 1985........................................................259 J.P. Roberge, 1993.......................................................259




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Bruce Gardner, 1960.....................................................18 Walt Peterson, 1964.....................................................17 John Stewart, 1966.......................................................16 Randy Scarbery, 1973..................................................15 Rik Currier, 2000.............................................................15 Mark Prior, 2001.............................................................15 Jim Barr, 1970.................................................................14 Mark Sogge, 1971.........................................................14 Greg Widman, 1972......................................................14 Bill Bordley, 1977...........................................................14

Innings Pitched

Bruce Gardner, 1960........................................... 182.2** Walt Peterson, 1963............................................... 166.0 Walt Peterson, 1964............................................... 152.0 Randy Flores, 1995.................................................. 150.0 John Stewart, 1966................................................. 148.1 Don Pender, 1949.................................................... 148.0 Tom Lovrich, 1951................................................... 146.1 Jim Barr, 1970........................................................... 141.0 Greg Widman, 1972................................................ 140.1 Randy Scarbery, 1972............................................ 138.2 Mark Prior, 2001....................................................... 138.2

Jack Krawczyk, 1998...............................................23*** Dan Hubbs, 1993...........................................................18 Brian Nichols, 1987.......................................................17 Paul Koss, 2007..............................................................16 Jason Garner, 1995.......................................................15 Paul Koss, 2005..............................................................14 Jack Krawczyk, 1996.....................................................12 Jack Krawczyk, 1997.....................................................11 Brian Nichols, 1988..........................................................9

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mark Prior, 2001....................................................... 13.11 Rik Currier, 1998....................................................... 12.62 Barry Zito, 1999........................................................ 12.55 Mike Adamson, 1967............................................. 12.50 Ian Kennedy, 2005.................................................. 12.15 Seth Etherton, 1998............................................... 11.99 John Herbst, 1965................................................... 11.00 Dale Zeigler, 1957................................................... 10.99 Dan Hubbs, 1993..................................................... 10.66 Rik Currier, 2000....................................................... 10.15

Mark Prior, 2001.......................................................202** Seth Etherton, 1998...................................................182 Walt Peterson, 1963...................................................172 Ian Kennedy, 2005......................................................158 Mark Prior, 2000...........................................................150 Brent Strom, 1968.......................................................147 Barry Zito, 1999............................................................146 Mike Adamson, 1967.................................................143 Rik Currier, 2000...........................................................141 Bruce Gardner, 1960...................................................135

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Greg Widman, 1970...................................................1.16 Bob Vaughn, 1968......................................................1.23 Pete Redfern, 1975....................................................1.24 Dave Kingman, 1969.................................................1.38 Tom House, 1967........................................................1.43 Bill Thom, 1959............................................................1.44 Brent Strom, 1969......................................................1.47 Ron Cook, 1966...........................................................1.52 Walt Peterson, 1964..................................................1.54 Bill Lee, 1967................................................................1.63

Earned Run Average

Ed Isherwood, 1956...................................................4.89 Dave Kingman, 1969.................................................4.98 Bob Vaughn, 1968......................................................5.10 Bill Peltola, 1980.........................................................5.88 Randy Scarbery, 1973...............................................5.90 Cliff Goodrich, 1962..................................................6.06 Al Meyer, 1975.............................................................6.18 Brent Strom, 1969......................................................6.20 Bill Thom, 1959............................................................6.22 Walt Peterson, 1964..................................................6.28

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Russ McQueen, 1972................................................0.92 Randy Powers, 1990..................................................0.98 Mark Prior, 2001..........................................................1.17 John Herbst, 1967......................................................1.22 Jim Barr, 1970..............................................................1.40 Russ McQueen, 1973................................................1.44 Brent Strom, 1969......................................................1.47 John Herbst, 1966......................................................1.53 Jim Barr, 1968..............................................................1.54 Russ McQueen, 1974................................................1.55

4. 5.


1. 2. 3.



Greg Widman

1. 2.

Hits Per Nine Innings

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2.

Bruce Gardner

Strikeouts Per Nine Innings



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Walks Per Nine Innings

Complete Games

Tom Lovrich, 1951.........................................................10 Steve Busby, 1971............................................................9 Randy Scarbery, 1973.....................................................9 Randy Powers, 1990........................................................8 Mark Sogge, 1971............................................................7 Pete Redfern, 1975..........................................................7 Rod Boxberger, 1977.......................................................7 Randy Flores, 1995...........................................................7 George Milke, 1975.........................................................6 John Racanelli, 1976.......................................................6 Brian Hayes, 1977.............................................................6 Brad Brink, 1986................................................................6 Randy Flores, 1994...........................................................6 Mark Prior, 2001................................................................6

1. 2. 3.


9. 10.

Relief Appearances

John Dunn, 2006...........................................................40 Darrin Beer, 1989...........................................................35 Jack Krawczyk, 1998.....................................................34 Brian Bannister, 2001...................................................34 Paul Koss, 2005..............................................................34 Dan Hubbs, 1993...........................................................33 Jack Krawczyk, 1997.....................................................33 Bret Butler, 2003............................................................33 Jason Garner, 1995.......................................................31 Steve Bast, 1986.............................................................30 Paul Koss, 2006..............................................................30

Winning Percentage


Bill Bordley, 1977........................................ 1.000 (14-0) Ernie Mauritson, 1978.............................. 1.000 (11-0)


Steve Bast, 1985.............................................................11


Randy Johnson, 1985................................................104


Darrin Beer, 1988.........................................................153


Brad Brink, 1985.............................................................93


John Dunn, 2006...........................................................40 Darrin Beer, 1989...........................................................38 Steve Bast, 1986.............................................................34 Jack Krawczyk, 1998.....................................................34 Jason Lane, 1998...........................................................34 Brian Bannister, 2001...................................................34 Paul Koss, 2005..............................................................34 Dan Hubbs, 1993...........................................................33 Jack Krawczyk, 1997.....................................................33 Bret Butler, 2003............................................................33

Games Started

Darrin Beer, 1988...........................................................21 Brian Cooper, 1995.......................................................20 Ben Tucker, 1995............................................................20 Randy Scarbery, 1972..................................................19 Randy Scarbery, 1973..................................................19 Randy Johnson, 1985..................................................19 Randy Flores, 1995........................................................19 Mark Prior, 2000.............................................................19 Bill Bordley, 1978...........................................................18 Sid Akins, 1983...............................................................18 Brad Brink, 1986.............................................................18 Darrin Beer, 1987...........................................................18 Randy Powers, 1988.....................................................18 John Cummings, 1990................................................18 Randy Powers, 1990.....................................................18 Seth Etherton, 1998.....................................................18 Rik Currier, 2000.............................................................18 Mark Prior, 2001.............................................................18

Most Losses Most Walks

Most Hits Allowed

Most Runs Allowed

*** = NCAA record. ** = Pac-10 record. - Pitching statistics are as of 1956. - Appearances and complete games are as of 1971. - Games started and relief appearances are as of 1972. - ERA and hits/walks/strikeouts per nine innings are based on at least one inning pitched per the number of games the team played.



1. 2. 3.

1. 3.

1. 2. 3.


1. 2.

1. 2.

1. 2.

Runs 35............vs. Occidental, 5/5/1959 29............vs. Pacific, 4/12/1955 26............vs. Stanford, 3/25/1942 26............vs. Houston, 5/25/1990 26............at UCLA, 2/23/2002 Runs in an Inning 13............vs. Pacific, 4/12/1955 13............vs. UNC Greensboro, 5/28/1994 11............several (last: vs. Stanford, 4/22/1977) Hits 36............vs. UC Santa Barbara, 4/29/1997 30............vs. Occidental, 5/5/1959 28............vs. UC Santa Barbara, 5/13/1992


1. 2.


Home Runs 7..............vs. San Diego State, 4/28/1998 6..............vs. Loyola, 5/10/1955 6..............vs. Arizona State, 3/29/1991 6..............vs. UC Santa Barbara, 4/29/1997 Stolen Bases 12............vs. Arizona, 5/15/1995 8..............vs. Azusa Pacific, 4/8/1987 8..............vs. UC Santa Barbara, 2/22/1989

Strikeouts 17............vs. Hawaii, 2/25/1995 16............several (last: vs. CS Northridge, 2/25/1992)



Triples 4..............vs. Oregon State, 5/31/1952 3..............several (last: vs. Arizona, 4/5/1996)

1. 2.




Walks 20............vs. Houston, 3/20/1978 17............vs. CS Los Angeles, 1/24/1997 15............several (last: vs. San Diego, 2/17/1995)



Doubles 9..............several (last: at South Alabama, 3/20/2004)

1. 2. 3.


Individual Records

Double Plays 5..............vs. Stanford, 3/20/1994 5..............vs. Arizona State, 2/2/1997 4..............several (last: vs. San Diego St., 4/21/1998) Errors 10............vs. UCLA, 4/11/1953 10............vs. UCLA, 3/25/1996 9..............vs. Cal Lutheran, 3/28/1977

Runs 6 Bret Barberie vs. UC Riverside, 2/20/1988 5.......several (last: J.P. Roberge vs. UNC Greensboro, 5/26/1994) Doubles 4.......Al Waxman vs. Occidental, 5/5/1959 3.......several (last: Robert Stock at UC Riverside, 5/14/2008) Triples

2.......several (last: Lucas Duda vs. Oregon State, 4/6/2007) Home Runs 3.......several (last: Ricky Oropesa vs. Washington, 5/28/2010)

Runs Batted In 8.......Ron Fairly vs. UCLA, 5/23/1958 8.......Rich Dauer vs. Pepperdine, 6/2/1974 8 Steve Kemp vs. San Francisco, 4/6/1975 8.......Jeff Inglin vs. Arizona State, 3/16/1996




1. 2.



1. 2. 3.

1 22

Hits 6 Morgan Ensberg vs. UC Santa Barbara, 4/29/1997 5.......several last: Ricky Oropesa at Hawai'i, 3/14/2010)

USC Team Season Records

Hitting Games: 70 (1974, 95) Wins: 54 (1978) Losses: 44 (1985) At-Bats: 2,480 (1995) Runs: 543 (1998) Hits: 781 (1995) Total Bases: 1,253 (1998) Doubles: 157 (1997) Triples: 28 (1960) Home Runs: 114 (1998) RBI: 506 (1998) Most Walks: 409 (1974) Most Strikeouts: 471 (1968 and 1999) Highest Average: .335 (1996) Most Stolen Bases: 115 (1990) Most Sacrifice Hits: 79 (1998) Most Sacrifice Flies: 40 (1994) Pitching Most Games Completed: Most Strikeouts: Fewest Walks: Most Innings: Lowest ERA: Most Saves:

20 (1971, 77) 605 (2001)** 116 (1967) 631.3 (1995) 2.26 (1967) 24 (1998)**

Note: 605 strikeouts ties Pac-10 mark, held by Stanford (1999)

Single-game records are complete from 1983 to the present. Records are incomplete prior to 1983. Prior to 1983, surviving box scores and newspaper accounts provide for additional records.

Total Bases 15 Mickey McNamee vs. Santa Clara, 4/15/1961 15 Bret Barberie vs. UC Riverside, 2/20/1988 14 Jeff Wetherby vs. Loyola Marymount, 2/6/1985 14 Ricky Oropesa vs. Washington, 5/28/2010 Stolen Bases 4.......J.P. Roberge vs. Chapman, 5/7/1993 3.......several (last: Michael Morales vs. Loyola Marymount, 4/16/2002) Walks 5.......Johnny Werhas vs. Stanford, 5/9/1958 5 John Jackson vs. UC Santa Barbara, 2/20/1990 4.......several (last: Ricky Oropesa at Pacific, 3/21/2010)

J.P. Roberge

Hit-by-Pitches 4.......Manny Anguiano vs. Hawaii, 2/6/1987 3 Brett Jenkins vs. Arizona State, 3/30/1991 2.......several (last: Keith Castillo vs. Washington, 5/28/2010)


S I NGL E GAME P I T C H ING A ND O P P O NENT R EC O R DS Individual Pitching Records Innings Pitched 1. 2. 3.

14.0..........Jim Barr vs. Washington State, 4/30/1968 11.2..........Sid Akins vs. Arizona, 4/22/1983 11.0..........Ken Yaryan vs. California, 3/23/1962 11.0..........Tom House vs. Washington State, 4/14/1967 11.0..........Bill Bordley vs. Cal State Fullerton, 5/27/1978

Strikeouts 1. 2. 3.

21..............Dale Zeigler vs. Fresno State, 4/16/1957 17..............John Herbst vs. UC Santa Barbara, 3/12/1965 16..............Barry Zito vs. Oregon State, 3/12/1999 16..............Barry Zito vs. Arizona, 3/19/1999 16..............Barry Zito vs. UCLA, 4/30/1999

No-Hitters • Joe Gonzales (9) vs. Stanford, 3/26/1937 (USC won 8-0) • Jerry Merz (9) vs. BYU, 3/23/1961 (USC won 3-0) • Ron Cook (8) vs Pacific, 4/5/1966 (USC won 12-0) • Russ McQueen (9) vs. California, 3/30/1974 (USC won 7-0) • Brad Brink (7) and Brian Brooks (2) vs. Cal State Los Angeles, 2/18/1986 (USC won 2-1) • Rik Currier (5) vs. Mississippi State, 3/4/2000 (USC won 7-1)

One-Hitters • Hal Forney (9) vs. Whittier, 3/3/1934 (USC won 10-1) • Joe Gonzales vs. UCLA, 4/20/1935 (USC won 4-0) • Dave Cesca (9) vs. Santa Clara, 4/14/1951 (USC won 10-0) • Ralph Pausig (7) and Eddie Allen (2) vs. Pepperdine, 4/20/1954 (USC won 3-0) • Al Lasas (9) vs. Santa Clara, 4/24/1963 (USC won 11-1) • Ray Lamb (9) vs. Long Beach State, 3/7/1966 (USC won 2-0) • Jim Barr (7) vs. Stanford, 4/20/1968 (USC won 3-1) • Brent Strom (6) and Walt Failor (1) vs. Washington State, 4/19/1969 (USC won 9-0) • Tim Kammeyer (7), Lee Jones (1) and Bob Gunnarsson (1) vs. California, 4/19/1980 (USC won 4-0) • Mike Penney (7), Jason Saenz (2), Paul Sanchez (1) and Mike Weibling (1) vs. Cal Lutheran, 3/21/1996 (USC won 20-0)

Two-Hitters (since 1976) • Rod Boxberger (6) and Ernie Mauritson (1) vs. Texas, 4/13/1976 (USC won 4-0) • Brian Hayes (7) and Jeff Schattinger (2) vs. Hawai‘i, 4/26/1977 (USC won 10-1) • Brian Hayes (5) and Jeff Wick (4) vs. Long Beach State, 5/6/1977 (USC won 11-0) • Ernie Mauritson (2), Rod Boxberger (2), Bill Bordley (1), Jeff Schattinger (2) and Brian Hayes (2) vs. Cal Lutheran, 3/28/1978 (USC won 2-1) • Ron Arnold (4), Dave Leeper (2) and Spiro Psaltis (3) vs. Cal Lutheran, 3/24/1979 (USC won 13-0) • Steve Heslop (6) and George Ponce (1) vs. Hawai‘i, 2/9/1982 (USC lost 4-3) • Phil Smith (9) vs. Arizona, 4/24/1983 (USC won 4-0) • John Cummings (5.1), Jeff Cirillo (0.1), Reid Mizuguchi (1.1) and Darrin Beer (2) vs. UC Irvine, 1/31/1989 (USC won 6-2) • Mike Smedes (8) and Darrin Beer (1) vs. San Diego State, 3/8/1989 (USC lost 1-0) • Jackie Nickell (9) vs. Portland, 2/21/1992 (USC won 3-0) • Grant Vermillion (2.1), Jimmy Burchit (0.2) and Justin Parle (6) vs. California, 3/19/1993 (USC won 5-1) • Randy Flores (9) vs. Washington, 5/17/1996 (USC won 7-3) • Seth Etherton (9) vs. Oregon State, 3/6/1998 (USC won 9-0) • Seth Etherton (8) and Mike Weibling (1) vs. California, 4/17/9198 (USC won 10-0) • Rik Currier (7.2), Tim Petke (1), Ronald Flores (0) and Steve Immel (0.1) vs. Cal Lutheran, 3/16/1999 (USC won 4-0) • Barry Zito (9) vs. UCLA, 4/30/1999 (USC won 4-1) • Barry Zito (8) vs. Stanford, 6/4/1999 (USC lost 1-0) • Mark Prior (2), Rik Currier (3), Anthony Reyes (2), Ron Flores (1) and Chad Clark (1) vs. University of San Diego, 2/22/2000 (USC won 7-3) • Mark Prior (9) at Washington, 3/17/2001 (USC won 5-1) • Mark Prior (9) at California, 4/12/2001 (USC won 1-0) • Brett Bannister (2.2), Anthony Encinas (5.1) and Paul Koss (1), 5/22/2005 (USC won 12-2) • Ian Kennedy (8.2) and Ryan Schlack (0.1), 2/17/2006 (USC won 10-1) • Anthony Vasquez vs. Cal Poly, 5/5/2009 (USC won 5-0)


Opponent Team Batting Records Runs 31 --- Loyola Marymount, 3/19/2002

Runs in an Inning 13 --- Stanford, 5/26/2007 (4th inning)

Hits 29 --- Loyola Marymount, 3/19/2002

Doubles 8 --- twice (last: Tulane, 3/17/2004)

Triples 4 --- Arizona, 2/22/1991

Home Runs 8 --- LSU, 5/30/1998

Stolen Bases 7 --- several (last: UC Santa Barbara, 5/18/2008)

Walks 16 --- Arizona, 4/13/1979

Strikeouts 18 --- Arizona, 3/19/1999 17 --- several (last: Washington, 4/1/2005)

Double Plays 5 --- several (last: UC Santa Barbara, 4/19/1988)

Errors 10 --- several (last: Stanford, 4/27/1975)

Opponent Individual Records Hits 6 --- Joe Dillon, Texas Tech, 3/26/1996

Runs 5 --- several (last: Shawn Stevenson, Wash. State, 3/27/1999)

Doubles 3 --- several (last: Chip Gosewisch, Arizona State, 4/25/1999)

Triples 2 --- several (last: Neal Honma, Hawaii, 2/14/1997)

Home Runs 3 --- several (last: Tyler Davidson, Washington, 5/11/2002)

Runs Batted In 8 --- Lenn Gilmore, Cal State Northridge, 3/1/1988

Total Bases 14 --- Todd Brown, Arizona State, 4/14/1985

Stolen Bases 5 --- Pete Stanicek, Stanford, 4/27/1984

Walks 5 --- Alvin Davis, Arizona State, 4/8/1982

Innings Pitched 13.0 --- Bob Bandettini, California, 5/8/1959 Tim Layana, Loyola Marymount, 4/9/1985

Strikeouts 17 --- Steve Dunning, Stanford, 4/18/1970



1 24


T R OJA NS IN P RO F ES S IO NA L B A S EB A LL Players with Service During 2012 Major League Season Player Brad Boxberger Jeff Clement Ryan Cook Lucas Duda Ian Kennedy Tom Milone Barry Zito


Team San Diego Padres Pittsburgh Pirates Oakland Athletics New York Mets Arizona Diamondbacks Oakland Athletics San Francisco Giants

Stats 0-0, 2.60 ERA, 27.2 IP, 33 SO .136, 3-for-22, 0 HR, 1 RBI 6-2, 2.09 ERA, 81.0 IP, 87 SO .239, 96-for-401, 15 HR, 57 RBI 15-12, 4.02 ERA, 208.1 IP, 187 SO 13-10, 3.74 ERA, 190.0 IP, 137 SO 15-8, 4.15 ERA, 184.1 IP, 114 SO

Minor League Players Player


2012 Team (highest level attained)

Nick Buss


Los Angeles Dodgers (AA)

Keith Castillo


Tampa Bay Rays (A)

Kevin Couture


San Francisco Giants (A)

Joe DePinto


Chicago White Sox (A)

Matt Foat


Washington Nationals (Rookie League)

Brandon Garcia


Grant Green


Cyle Hankerd


Texas Rangers (A) Oakland Athletics (AAA) Chicago White Sox (A)

Jordan Hershiser


Los Angeles Dodgers (A)

Roberto Lopez


Los Angeles Angels (AA)

Logan Odom


Los Angeles Angels (A)

Mike O'Neill


St. Louis Cardinals (AA)

Ricky Oropesa


San Francisco Giants (A)

Hector Rabago


New York Yankees (A)

Chad Smith


Detroit Tigers (A)

Robert Stock


St. Louis Cardinals (A)

Andrew Triggs


Kansas City Royals (A)

Anthony Vasquez


Seattle Mariners (AAA)

Martin Viramontes


Milwaukee Brewers (Rookie League)

Austin Wood


Los Angeles Angels (A)

Barry Zito at the 2003 All-Star Game In 2003, USC had five former players in the All-Star Game

Geoff Jenkins


Bret Boone

Aaron Boone

Barry Zito

Mark Prior

1 12255

12 61 26

TROJANS I N P RO F ESS IO NA L B A S EB A L L Trojan Major League Award Winners Most Valuable Player

Fred Lynn — American League, 1975 — .331, 21 HR, 105 RBI

Cy Young

Tom Seaver — National League, 1969 — 25-7, 2.21 ERA Tom Seaver — National League, 1973 — 19-10, 2.08 ERA Tom Seaver — National League, 1975 — 22-9, 2.38 ERA Randy Johnson — American League, 1995 — 18-2, 2.48 ERA Randy Johnson — National League, 1999 — 17-9, 2.48 ERA Randy Johnson — National League, 2000 — 19-7, 2.64 ERA Randy Johnson — National League, 2001 — 21-6, 2.49 ERA *Barry Zito — American League, 2002 — 23-5, 2.75 ERA *Randy Johnson — National League, 2002 — 24-5, 2.32 ERA *first time in MLB history that former players from the same collegiate program swept both awards

Year 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977

Rookie of the Year

Tom Seaver — National League, 1967 — 16-13, 2.76 ERA Fred Lynn — American League, 1975 — .331, 21 HR, 105 RBI Mark McGwire — American League, 1987 — .289, 49 HR, 118 RBI

1978 1979

All-Star Game Most Valuable Player

Fred Lynn — American League, 1983 (hit the first grand slam in All-Star play)


League Championship Series Most Valuable Player

Fred Lynn — American League, 1982 — .611, 1 HR, 5 RBI

World Series Most Valuable Player

Randy Johnson — Arizona, 2001 — 3-0, 1.04 ERA, 17.1 IP, 3 BB, 19 K (Johnson was a co-MVP with Curt Schilling)

Trojans in the World Series

Year 1948 1952 1954 1959 1963 1965 1966 1969 1970 1971 1973 1975 1979 1983 1987 1988 1989 1990 1999 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2012

(World Series champions in ALL CAPS)

Player John Berardino Jim Brideweser Rudy Regalado Ron Fairly Ron Fairly Ron Fairly Ron Fairly Don Buford Tom Seaver Don Buford Don Buford Tom Seaver Bill Lee Fred Lynn Rich Dauer Rich Dauer Roy Smalley Mark McGwire Mark McGwire Mark McGwire Bret Boone Randy Johnson Aaron Boone Morgan Ensberg Jason Lane Randy Flores Anthony Reyes Geoff Jenkins Barry Zito

Team CLEVELAND (AL) NEW YORK (AL) Cleveland (AL) LOS ANGELES (NL) LOS ANGELES (NL) LOS ANGELES (NL) Los Angeles (NL) Baltimore (AL) NEW YORK (NL) BALTIMORE (AL) Baltimore (AL) New York (NL) Boston (AL) Boston (AL) Baltimore (AL) BALTIMORE (AL) MINNESOTA (AL) Oakland (AL) OAKLAND (AL) Oakland (AL) Atlanta (NL) ARIZONA (NL) New York (AL) Houston (NL) Houston (NL) ST. LOUIS (NL) ST. LOUIS (NL) PHILADELPHIA (NL) SAN FRANCISCO (NL)

1981 1982 1983 1984 1987 1988 1989 1990

1991 1992 Position 1993 IF 1994 SS 1995 3B CF/RF 1996 RF 1997 RF 1B/RF LF 1998 RHP LF 1999 LF RHP 2000 LHP CF 2B 2001 2B/3B PH 2002 1B 1B 2003 1B 2B LHP 3B 3B 2004 OF 2005 LHP 2006 RHP 2012 OF P

Trojans in the All-Star Game

Player Site Tom Seaver Anaheim Tom Seaver Houston Tom Seaver Washington, DC Tom Seaver Cincinnati Don Buford Detroit Tom Seaver Detroit Tom Seaver Atlanta Ron Fairly Kansas City Tom Seaver Kansas City Steve Busby Pittsburgh Steve Busby Milwaukee Fred Lynn Milwaukee Tom Seaver Milwaukee Dave Kingman Philadelphia Fred Lynn Philadelphia Tom Seaver Philadelphia Ron Fairly New York Fred Lynn New York Tom Seaver New York Fred Lynn San Diego Tom Seaver San Diego Steve Kemp Seattle Dave Kingman Seattle Fred Lynn Seattle Roy Smalley Seattle Dave Kingman Los Angeles Fred Lynn Los Angeles Fred Lynn Cleveland Tom Seaver Cleveland Fred Lynn Montreal Fred Lynn Chicago Dave Engle San Francisco Mark McGwire Oakland Mark McGwire Cincinnati Mark McGwire Anaheim Randy Johnson Chicago Mark McGwire Chicago Mark McGwire Toronto Mark McGwire San Diego Randy Johnson Baltimore Randy Johnson Pittsburgh Randy Johnson Arlington, TX Mark McGwire Arlington, TX Mark McGwire Philadelphia Jeff Cirillo Cleveland Randy Johnson Cleveland Mark McGwire Cleveland Bret Boone Denver Mark McGwire Denver Randy Johnson Boston Mark McGwire Boston Jeff Cirillo Atlanta Randy Johnson Atlanta Mark McGwire* Atlanta Bret Boone Seattle Randy Johnson Seattle Randy Johnson Milwaukee Barry Zito Milwaukee Aaron Boone Chicago Bret Boone Chicago Geoff Jenkins Chicago Mark Prior Chicago Barry Zito Chicago Randy Johnson Houston Morgan Ensberg Detroit Barry Zito Pittsburgh Ryan Cook Kansas City * - injured; did not play

Team NL (New York) NL (New York) NL (New York) NL (New York) AL (Baltimore) NL (New York) NL (New York) AL (Montreal) NL (New York) AL (Kansas City) AL (Kansas City) AL (Boston) NL (New York) NL (San Francisco) AL (Boston) NL (New York) AL (Toronto) AL (Boston) NL (Cincinnati) AL (Boston) NL (Cincinnati) AL (Detroit) NL (Chicago) AL (Boston) AL (Minnesota) NL (Chicago) AL (Boston) AL (California) NL (Cincinnati) AL (California) AL (California) AL (Minnesota) AL (Oakland) AL (Oakland) AL (Oakland) AL (Seattle) AL (Oakland) AL (Oakland) AL (Oakland) AL (Seattle) AL (Seattle) AL (Seattle) AL (Oakland) AL (Oakland) AL (Milwaukee) AL (Seattle) AL (Oakland) NL (Cincinnati) NL (St. Louis) NL (Arizona) NL (St. Louis) NL (Colorado) NL (Arizona) NL (St. Louis) AL (Seattle) NL (Arizona) NL (Arizona) AL (Oakland) NL (Cincinnati) AL (Seattle) NL (Milwaukee) NL (Chicago) AL (Oakland) NL (Arizona) NL (Houston) AL (Oakland) AL (Oakland)

In 2006, a total of seven former Trojans were playing with the Astros and Brewers

Jason Lane

Eric Munson

Morgan Ensberg

Jeff Cirillo

Justin Lehr

Geoff Jenkins

Chad Moeller


A L L - T IM E M A JO R L EA G U E RS A total of 101 Trojans have played in the Major Leagues. Here is the full list, along with their USC and major league statistics, when available:

Mike Adamson

Jim Barr

USC 1967

USC 1968 1969 1970 Career

RHP · Lynwood, Calif. · Lynwood HS

RHP · San Diego, Calif. · Point Loma HS

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 21 103.0 75 33 143 8-3 — 2.53

MAJORS 1967 Baltimore 1968 Baltimore 1969 Baltimore Career

Mike Adamson

G 3 2 6 11

IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 9.2 9 12 8 0-1 — 8.38 7.2 9 4 4 0-2 — 9.39 8.0 10 6 2 0-1 — 4.50 25.1 28 22 14 0-4 — 7.46

Gabe Alvarez

IF · El Monte, Calif. · Bishop Amat HS USC 1993 1994 1995 Career

MAJORS 1998 Detroit 1999 Detroit 2000 Detroit 2000 San Diego Career

Gabe Alvarez

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 58 199 16 46 11 0 5 29 .231 22 53 5 11 3 0 2 4 .208 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 11 13 1 2 1 0 0 0 .154 92 266 22 59 15 0 7 33 .222

Dan Ardell

IF · Los Angeles, Calif. · University HS USC 1961

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 35 79 22 25 5 17 .316

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1961 Los Angeles (A) 7 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 .250

Red Badgro Orillia, Wash. · Kent HS

Red Badgro

USC: 1925-27 MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1929 St. Louis Browns 54 148 27 42 12 0 1 18 .284 1930 St. Louis Browns 89 234 30 56 18 3 1 27 .239 Career 143 382 57 98 30 3 2 45 .257

Brian Bannister

RHP · Paradise Valley, Ariz. · Chaparral HS USC 2000 2001 2003 Career

Brian Bannister

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 10 10.1 11 5 6 0-0 0 4.35 34 54.2 40 21 56 4-4 5 2.80 18 93.1 105 24 56 6-5 0 4.53 62 158.1 156 50 114 10-9 5 3.92

MAJORS 2006 New York (N) 2007 Kansas City 2008 Kansas City 2009 Kansas City 2010 Kansas City Career

G 8 27 32 26 24 117

IP 38.0 165.0 182.2 154.0 127.2 667.1

H BB SO W-L SV ERA 34 22 19 2-1 0 4.26 156 44 77 12-9 0 3.87 215 58 113 9-16 0 5.76 161 50 98 7-12 0 4.73 158 50 77 7-12 0 6.34 724 224 384 37-50 0 5.08

Bret Barberie IF · Cerritos, Calif. · Gahr HS USC 1988

Bret Barberie

Jim Barr

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 64 258 46 84 8 53 .326 61 236 37 77 7 51 .326 70 269 73 97 13 59 .361 195 763 156 258 28 163 .338

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 61 237 67 91 11 48 .384

MAJORS 1991 Montreal 1992 Montreal 1993 Florida 1994 Florida 1995 Baltimore 1996 Chicago (N) Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 21 117.0 89 20 110 10-2 — 2.31 — 112.2 90 21 77 10-4 — 2.79 — 141.0 120 22 99 14-2 — 1.92 — 370.2 299 63 286 34-8 — 2.31

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 1971 San Francisco 17 35.1 33 5 16 1-1 0 3.57 1972 San Francisco 44 179.0 166 41 86 8-10 2 2.87 1973 San Francisco 41 231.1 240 49 88 11-17 2 3.81 1974 San Francisco 44 239.2 223 47 84 13-9 2 2.74 1975 San Francisco 35 244.0 244 58 77 13-14 0 3.06 1976 San Francisco 37 252.1 260 60 75 15-12 0 2.89 1977 San Francisco 38 234.1 286 56 97 12-16 0 4.76 1978 San Francisco 32 163.0 180 35 44 8-11 1 3.53 1979 California 36 197.0 217 55 69 10-12 0 4.20 1980 California 24 68.0 90 23 22 1-4 1 5.56 1982 San Francisco 53 128.2 125 20 36 4-2 2 3.29 1983 San Francisco 53 92.2 106 20 47 5-3 2 3.98 Career 454 2065.1 2170 469 741 101-112 12 3.56

John Berardino IF · Los Angeles, Calif. Aaron Boone

USC: 1937 MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1939 St. Louis Browns 126 468 42 120 24 5 5 58 .256 1940 St. Louis Browns 142 523 71 135 31 4 16 85 .258 1941 St. Louis Browns 128 469 48 127 30 4 5 89 .271 1942 St. Louis Browns 29 74 11 21 6 0 1 10 .284 1946 St. Louis Browns 144 582 70 154 29 5 5 68 .265 1947 St. Louis Browns 90 306 29 80 22 1 1 20 .261 1948 Cleveland 66 147 19 28 5 1 2 10 .190 1949 Cleveland 50 116 11 23 6 1 0 13 .198 1950 Cleveland 4 5 1 2 0 0 0 3 .400 1950 Pittsburgh 40 131 12 27 3 1 1 12 .206 1951 St. Louis Browns 39 119 13 27 7 1 0 13 .227 1952 Cleveland 35 32 5 3 0 0 0 2 .094 1952 Pittsburgh 19 56 2 8 4 0 0 4 .143 Career 912 3028 334 755 167 23 36 387 .249

Aaron Boone

IF · Villa Park, Calif. · Villa Park HS USC 1992 1993 1994 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 53 191 21 52 0 25 .272 60 220 42 63 5 39 .286 61 247 49 84 6 30 .340 174 658 112 199 11 94 .302

MAJORS 1997 Cincinnati 1998 Cincinnati 1999 Cincinnati 2000 Cincinnati 2001 Cincinnati 2002 Cincinnati 2003 Cincinnati 2003 New York (A) 2005 Cleveland 2006 Cleveland 2007 Florida 2008 Washington 2009 Houston Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 16 49 5 12 1 0 0 5 .245 58 181 24 51 13 2 2 28 .282 139 472 56 132 26 5 14 72 .280 84 291 44 83 18 0 12 43 .285 103 381 54 112 26 2 14 62 .294 162 606 83 146 38 2 26 87 .241 106 403 61 110 19 3 18 65 .273 54 189 31 48 13 0 6 31 .254 143 511 61 124 19 1 16 60 .243 104 354 50 89 19 1 7 46 .251 69 189 27 54 11 0 5 28 .286 104 232 23 56 13 1 6 28 .241 10 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1152 3871 519 1017 216 17 126 555 .263

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 57 136 16 48 12 2 2 18 .353 111 285 26 66 11 0 1 24 .232 99 375 45 104 16 2 5 33 .277 107 372 40 112 20 2 5 31 .301 90 237 32 57 14 0 2 25 .241 15 29 4 1 0 0 1 2 .034 479 1434 163 388 73 6 16 133 .271

did you know? Soap opera fans may recognize John Berardino, who played for the 1948 world champion Cleveland Indians. As John Beradino, he played the role of Dr. Steve Hardy for 33 years on ABC's General Hospital


Brian Bannister

1 21 27 7

12 81 28


Jim Brideweser

IF · Villa Park, Calif. · Villa Park HS USC 1988 1989 1990 Career

Bret Boone

MAJORS 1992 Seattle 1993 Seattle 1994 Cincinnati 1995 Cincinnati 1996 Cincinnati 1997 Cincinnati 1998 Cincinnati 1999 Atlanta 2000 San Diego 2001 Seattle 2002 Seattle 2003 Seattle 2004 Seattle 2005 Seattle 2005 Minnesota Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 33 129 15 25 4 0 4 15 .194 76 271 31 68 12 2 12 38 .251 108 381 59 122 25 2 12 68 .320 138 513 63 137 34 2 15 68 .267 142 520 56 121 21 3 12 69 .233 139 443 40 99 25 1 7 46 .223 157 583 76 155 38 1 24 95 .266 152 608 102 153 38 1 20 63 .252 127 463 61 116 18 2 19 74 .251 158 623 118 206 37 3 37 141 .331 155 608 88 169 34 3 24 107 .267 159 622 111 183 35 5 35 117 .294 148 593 74 149 30 0 24 83 .251 74 273 30 63 15 3 7 34 .231 14 53 3 9 0 0 0 3 .170 1780 6683 927 1775 366 28 252 1021 .266

Bill Bordley Bill Bordley

LHP · Rolling Hills Estates, Calif. · Bishop Montgomery HS USC 1977 1978 Career

IF · Villa Park, Calif. · Villa Park HS

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 62 236 51 77 8 53 .326 66 238 62 65 9 57 .273 61 214 53 67 12 50 .313 190 688 166 209 29 160 .304

Brad Brink

USC 1984 1985 1986 Career

Oscar Brown

USC 1966

MAJORS 2011 Arizona 2012 Oakland Career

G 12 71 83

IP 7.2 73.1 81.0

Damon Buford

Jim Brideweser

MAJORS 1944 NY Giants 1945 NY Giants 1946 NY Giants 13.50 Career

USC: 1938-40 G IP H 14 55.0 66 28 159.2 162 1 2.0 3

BB SO W-L SV ERA 16 21 1-4 — 5.56 58 49 8-6 — 3.83 2 3 0-0 —

43 216.2 231 76 73 9-10 — 4.36

IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 41.1 53 13 16 0-4 — 4.14 6.0 3 3 8 0-0 — 3.00 8.1 4 4 3 0-0 — 1.08 55.2 60 20 27 0-4 — 3.56

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 7 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 .250 28 47 6 18 2 1 1 7 .383 27 43 4 9 4 0 0 5 .209 76 164 19 37 5 1 3 16 .226 22 58 3 12 3 0 0 0 .207 160 316 34 77 14 2 4 28 .244

Damon Buford

OF · Sherman Oaks, Calif. · Birmingham HS

H BB SO W-L SV ERA 11 8 7 0-1 0 7.04 42 27 80 6-2 14 2.09 53 35 87 6-3 14 2.56

USC 1988 1989 1990 Career

Jack Brewer P · Los Angeles, Calif.

G 8 2 4 14

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 47 150 43 51 9 36 .340

MAJORS 1969 Atlanta 1970 Atlanta 1971 Atlanta 1972 Atlanta 1973 Atlanta Career

RHP · Clovis, Calif. · Clovis HS

Brad Boxberger

MAJORS 1992 Philadelphia 1993 Philadelphia 1994 San Francisco Career

OF · Long Beach, Calif. · Poly HS

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 8 30.2 34 21 11 2-3 0 4.70

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 15 69.1 93 34 31 4-4 — 5.97 15 90.2 114 27 52 7-4 — 5.06 16 91.2 102 31 67 7-5 1 5.11 46 251.2 309 92 150 18-13 1 5.33

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 25 102.1 99 81 62 5-4 3 4.31 21 108.2 145 60 69 4-10 1 6.38 21 123.1 102 54 110 8-6 1 3.43 67 334.1 346 195 241 17-20 5 4.66

Oscar Brown

Brad Boxberger USC 2006 2007 1971 Career

Brad Brink

RHP · Modesto, Calif. · Downey HS

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 20 111.2 86 63 108 14-0 — 2.42 20 125.1 108 82 110 12-2 — 2.73 40 237.0 194 145 218 26-2 — 2.58

MAJORS 1980 San Francisco

USC: 1947-49 MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1951 New York (A) 2 8 1 3 0 0 0 0 .375 1952 New York (A) 42 38 12 10 0 0 0 2 .263 1953 New York (A) 7 3 3 3 0 1 0 3 1.000 1954 Baltimore 73 204 18 54 7 2 0 12 .265 1955 Chicago (A) 34 58 6 12 3 2 0 4 .207 1956 Chicago (A) 10 11 0 2 1 0 0 1 .182 1956 Detroit 70 156 23 34 4 0 0 10 .218 1957 Baltimore 91 142 16 38 7 1 1 18 .268 Career 329 620 79 156 22 6 1 50 .252

Don Buford, Sr.

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 58 227 57 73 5 29 .322 49 161 28 40 4 23 .248 60 193 38 54 3 18 .280 167 581 123 167 12 70 .287

MAJORS 1993 Baltimore 1994 Baltimore 1995 Baltimore 1995 New York (N) 1996 Texas 1997 Texas 1998 Boston 1999 Boston 2000 Chicago (N) 2001 Chicago (N) Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 53 79 18 18 5 0 2 9 .228 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 .500 24 32 6 2 0 0 0 2 .063 44 136 24 32 5 0 4 12 .235 90 145 30 41 9 0 6 20 .283 122 366 49 82 18 0 8 39 .224 86 216 37 61 14 4 10 42 .282 91 297 39 72 15 2 6 38 .242 150 495 64 124 18 3 15 48 .251 35 85 11 15 2 0 3 8 .176 699 1853 280 448 86 9 54 218 .242

Don Buford, Sr. OF · Los Angeles, Calif. · Dorsey HS USC 1957 1958 1959 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 8 6 1 2 0 0 .333 15 21 5 6 0 4 .286 33 103 37 34 5 22 .330 56 130 43 42 5 26 .323

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1963 Chicago (A) 12 42 9 12 1 2 0 5 .286 1964 Chicago (A) 135 442 62 116 14 6 4 30 .262 1965 Chicago (A) 155 586 93 166 22 5 10 47 .283 1966 Chicago (A) 163 607 85 148 26 7 8 52 .244 1967 Chicago (A) 156 535 61 129 10 9 4 32 .241 1968 Baltimore 130 426 65 120 13 4 15 46 .282 1969 Baltimore 144 554 99 161 31 3 11 64 .291 1970 Baltimore 144 504 99 137 15 2 17 66 .272 1971 Baltimore 122 449 99 130 19 4 19 54 .290 1972 Baltimore 125 408 46 84 6 2 5 22 .206 Career 1286 4553 718 1203 157 44 93 418 .264

Aaron Boone celebrates after hitting a walkoff homer in game seven of the 2003 American League Championship Series. Boone had more reason to celebrate in 2009 when he had open-heart surgery, but later made an amazing comeback to play for the Houston Astros.


A L L - T IM E M A JO R L EA G U E RS Steve Busby

Brian Cooper

RHP · Fullerton, Calif. · Fullerton HS USC 1970 1971 Career

Steve Busby

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA — 35.0 25 35 22 3-0 — 2.06 23 130.0 99 50 106 11-2 — 2.28 — 165.0 124 85 128 14-2 — 2.24

MAJORS 1972 Kansas City 1973 Kansas City 1974 Kansas City 1975 Kansas City 1976 Kansas City 1978 Kansas City 1979 Kansas City 1980 Kansas City Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 5 40.0 28 8 31 3-1 — 1.58 37 238.1 246 105 174 16-15 — 4.23 38 292.1 284 92 198 22-14 — 3.39 34 260.1 233 81 160 18-12 — 3.08 13 71.2 58 49 29 3-3 — 4.40 7 21.1 24 15 10 1-0 — 7.59 22 94.1 71 64 45 6-6 — 3.63 11 42.1 59 19 12 1-3 — 6.17 167 1060.2 1003 433 659 70-54 — 3.72

RHP · Glendora, Calif. · Glendora HS USC 1995

Mike Couchee

USC 1979 1980 Career

Matt Chico

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 15 69.1 81 47 69 6-4 0 5.45 G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 31 167.0 183 74 94 7-9 — 4.63 11 48.0 63 17 31 0-6 — 6.19 42 215.0 246 91 125 7-15 — 4.98

John Cummings

Jeff Cirillo

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 51 156 32 49 2 30 .314 61 228 44 72 6 48 .316 64 263 70 100 7 48 .380 176 647 146 221 15 126 .342 G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 39 126 17 30 9 0 3 12 .238 125 328 57 91 19 4 9 39 .277 158 566 101 184 46 5 15 83 .325 154 580 74 167 46 2 10 82 .288 156 604 97 194 31 1 14 68 .321 157 607 98 198 35 1 15 88 .326 157 598 111 195 53 2 11 115 .326 138 528 72 165 26 4 17 83 .313 146 485 51 121 20 0 6 54 .249 87 258 24 53 11 0 2 23 .205 33 75 12 16 3 0 1 7 .213 77 185 29 52 15 0 4 23 .281 112 263 33 84 16 0 3 23 .319 50 153 18 40 9 2 2 21 .261 28 40 6 8 4 0 0 6 .200 1617 5396 800 1598 343 21 112 727 .296

Jeff Clement

C · Marshalltown, Iowa · Marshalltown HS Jeff Clement

USC 2003 2004 2005 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 56 205 53 62 21 53 .298 52 198 36 58 10 43 .293 63 230 52 80 15 54 .348 171 636 141 200 46 150 .314

MAJORS 2007 Seattle 2008 Seattle 2010 Pittsburgh Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 9 16 4 6 1 0 2 3 .375 66 203 17 46 10 1 5 23 .227 54 144 11 29 3 0 7 12 .201 75 219 21 52 11 1 7 26 .237

SV ERA — 4.88 — 5.90 — 2.63 — 14.04 — 8.78 — 3.06 — 5.80

LHP · Laguna Niguel, Calif. · Canyon HS

G IP H BB SO 18 46.2 42 46 42 23 89.1 101 38 69 41 136.0 143 84 111

MAJORS 1993 Seattle 1994 Seattle 1995 Los Angeles 1996 Los Angeles 1995 Seattle 1996 Detroit 1997 Detroit Career

Rich Dauer

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 8 14.0 12 6 5 0-1 0 5.14

John Cummings USC 1989 1990 Career

RHP/IF · Van Nuys, Calif. · Providence HS

MAJORS 1994 Milwaukee 1995 Milwaukee 1996 Milwaukee 1997 Milwaukee 1998 Milwaukee 1999 Milwaukee 2000 Colorado 2001 Colorado 2002 Seattle 2003 Seattle 2004 San Diego 2005 Milwaukee 2006 Milwaukee 2007 Minnesota 2007 Arizona Career

IP H BB SO W-L 27.2 23 18 15 1-1 87.0 105 35 36 4-8 13.2 10 4 7 0-1 8.1 14 4 3 0-1 13.1 15 5 7 0-2 17.2 15 8 7 0-1 167.2 182 74 75 5-14

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 17 92.2 113 19 54 5-7 0 3.30 18 93.2 117 20 56 3-6 2 3.65 35 186.1 230 39 110 8-13 2 3.48

MAJORS 1983 San Diego

Jeff Cirillo USC 1989 1990 1991 Career

G 5 15 7 2 5 8 42

RHP · Los Gatos, Calif. · Los Gatos HS

LHP · Fallbrook, Calif. · Fallbrook HS

MAJORS 2007 Washington 2008 Washington Career

MAJORS 1999 Anaheim 2000 Anaheim 2001 Anaheim 2002 Toronto 2004 San Francisco 2005 San Francisco Career

Mike Couchee

Matt Chico USC 2002

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 20 101.2 112 43 92 8-3 0 4.78

G 10 17 35 4 4 21 19 110

W-L SV ERA 4-1 0 4.24 4-4 0 4.63 8-5 0 4.50

IP H BB SO W-L 46.1 59 16 19 0-6 64.0 66 37 33 2-4 39.0 38 10 21 3-1 5.1 12 2 5 0-1 5.1 8 7 4 0-0 31.2 36 20 24 3-3 24.2 32 14 8 2-0 216.1 251 106 114 10-15

SV ERA — 6.02 — 5.63 — 3.00 — 6.75 — 11.81 — 5.12 — 5.47 — 5.33

Rich Dauer IF · Colton, Calif. · Colton HS USC 1973 1974 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 56 202 49 73 11 43 .361 70 279 75 108 15 92 .387 126 481 124 181 26 135 .376

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1976 Baltimore 11 39 0 4 0 0 0 3 .103 1977 Baltimore 96 304 38 74 15 1 5 25 .243 1978 Baltimore 133 459 57 121 23 0 6 46 .264 1979 Baltimore 142 479 63 123 20 0 9 61 .257 1980 Baltimore 152 557 71 158 32 0 2 63 .284 1981 Baltimore 96 369 41 97 27 0 4 38 .263 1982 Baltimore 158 558 75 156 24 2 8 57 .280 1983 Baltimore 140 459 49 108 19 0 5 41 .235 1984 Baltimore 127 397 29 101 26 0 2 24 .254 1985 Baltimore 85 208 25 42 7 0 2 14 .202 Career 1140 3829 448 984 193 3 43 372 .257

Jeff Cirillo

Merrill Combs Brian Cooper

IF · Los Angeles, Calif. · Fremont HS

USC: 1940-41 MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1947 Boston 17 68 8 15 1 0 1 6 .221 1949 Boston 14 24 5 5 1 0 0 1 .208 1950 Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1950 Washington 37 102 19 25 1 0 0 6 .245 1951 Cleveland 19 28 2 5 2 0 0 2 .179 1952 Cleveland 52 139 11 23 1 1 1 10 .165 Career 140 361 45 73 6 1 2 25 .202

Ryan Cook

RHP · Clovis, Calif. · Clovis HS Ryan Cook

USC 2006 2007 1971 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 15 69.1 93 34 31 4-4 — 5.97 15 90.2 114 27 52 7-4 — 5.06 16 91.2 102 31 67 7-5 1 5.11 46 251.2 309 92 150 18-13 1 5.33

MAJORS 2011 Arizona 2012 Oakland Career


G 12 71 83

IP 7.2 73.1 81.0

H BB SO W-L SV ERA 11 8 7 0-1 0 7.04 42 27 80 6-2 14 2.09 53 35 87 6-3 14 2.56

1 12299

1301 30


Seth Etherton

SS · Los Angeles, Calif. · Hollywood HS MAJORS 1935 Brooklyn

RHP · Laguna Niguel, Calif. · Dana Hills HS

USC: 1933-35 G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 .250

USC 1995 1996 1997 1998 Career

Lucas Duda

IF/OF · Riverside, Calif. · Arlington HS

Rod Dedeaux

USC 2005 2006 2007 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 34 77 7 16 1 11 .208 56 191 37 57 3 36 .298 53 186 26 52 7 34 .280 143 454 70 125 11 81 .275

Seth Etherton

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 2010 New York (M) 29 84 11 17 6 0 4 13 .202 2011 New York (M) 100 301 38 88 21 3 10 50 .292 2012 New York (M) 121 401 43 96 15 0 15 57 .239 Career 250 786 92 201 42 3 29 120 .256

Lucas Duda

USC 1958

Ron Fairly

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1981 Minnesota 82 248 29 64 14 4 5 32 .258 1982 Minnesota 58 186 20 42 7 2 4 16 .226 1983 Minnesota 120 374 46 114 22 4 8 43 .305 1984 Minnesota 109 391 56 104 20 1 4 38 .266 1985 Minnesota 70 172 28 44 8 2 7 25 .256 1986 Detroit 35 86 6 22 7 0 0 4 .256 1987 Montreal 59 84 7 19 4 0 1 14 .226 1988 Montreal 34 37 4 8 3 0 0 1 .216 1989 Milwaukee 27 65 5 14 3 0 2 8 .215 Career 594 1643 201 431 88 13 31 181 .262

Dave Engle

3B · Hermosa Beach, Calif. · Redondo Union HS USC 1995 1996 1997 1998 Career

Morgan Ensberg

Randy Flores

Morgan Ensberg

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 14 16 4 4 1 1 .250 53 161 37 57 10 35 .354 62 235 60 72 8 44 .306 66 244 74 84 21 69 .344 195 656 175 217 40 149 .331

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 2000 Houston 4 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 .286 2002 Houston 49 132 14 32 7 2 3 19 .242 2003 Houston 127 385 69 112 15 1 25 60 .291 2004 Houston 131 411 51 113 20 3 10 66 .275 2005 Houston 150 526 86 149 30 3 36 101 .283 2006 Houston 127 387 67 91 17 1 23 58 .235 2007 Houston 85 224 36 52 10 0 8 31 .232 2007 San Diego 30 58 11 13 3 0 4 8 .224 2008 New York (A) 28 74 6 15 0 0 1 4 .203 Career 731 2204 340 579 102 10 110 347 .263

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 11 60.1 68 22 32 5-1 0 5.52 7 30.0 39 15 17 2-4 0 6.90 3 17.2 16 5 10 1-1 0 6.62 2 7.2 10 6 4 1-1 0 9.39 23 115.2 133 48 63 9-7 0 6.30

1B · Long Beach, Calif. · Jordan HS

IF · San Diego, Calif. · Crawford HS

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 9 18 1 1 0 2 .056 51 181 31 61 6 36 .337 60 210 50 74 14 55 .352 120 409 82 136 20 93 .333

MAJORS 2000 Anaheim 2003 Cincinnati 2005 Oakland 2006 Kansas City Career

Ron Fairly

Dave Engle USC 1976 1977 1978 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 13 41.1 44 34 28 2-4 0 5.66 17 112.0 103 34 104 12-3 0 3.94 16 109.1 104 33 106 10-2 0 2.96 18 136.2 113 29 182 13-3 0 3.23 64 399.1 364 124 420 37-12 0 3.61

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 39 149 37 52 9 67 .348

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1958 Los Angeles 15 53 6 15 1 0 2 8 .283 1959 Los Angeles 118 244 27 58 12 1 4 23 .238 1960 Los Angeles 14 37 6 4 0 3 1 3 .108 1961 Los Angeles 111 245 42 79 15 2 10 48 .322 1962 Los Angeles 147 460 80 128 15 7 14 71 .278 1963 Los Angeles 152 490 62 133 21 0 12 77 .271 1964 Los Angeles 150 454 62 116 19 5 10 74 .256 1965 Los Angeles 158 555 73 152 28 1 9 70 .274 1966 Los Angeles 117 351 53 101 20 0 14 61 .288 1967 Los Angeles 153 486 45 107 19 0 10 55 .220 1968 Los Angeles 141 441 32 103 15 1 4 43 .234 1969 Los Angeles 30 64 3 14 3 2 0 8 .219 1969 Montreal 70 253 35 73 13 4 12 39 .289 1970 Montreal 119 385 54 111 19 0 15 61 .288 1971 Montreal 146 447 58 115 23 0 13 71 .257 1972 Montreal 140 446 51 124 15 1 17 68 .278 1973 Montreal 142 413 70 123 13 1 17 49 .298 1974 Montreal 101 282 35 69 9 1 12 43 .245 1975 St. Louis 107 229 32 69 13 2 7 37 .301 1976 St. Louis 73 110 13 29 4 0 0 21 .264 1976 Oakland 15 46 9 11 1 0 3 10 .239 1977 Toronto 132 458 60 128 24 2 19 64 .279 1978 California 91 235 23 51 5 0 10 40 .217 Career 2442 7184 931 1913 307 33 215 1044 .266

Randy Flores

LHP · Pico Rivera, Calif. · El Rancho HS USC 1994 1995 1996 1997 Career

Ron Flores

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 18 103.0 86 26 63 11-1 0 1.66 20 150.0 142 34 86 13-3 1 3.24 18 113.1 115 32 74 9-1 0 3.50 17 113.0 128 34 93 9-5 0 4.48 73 479.1 471 126 316 42-10 1 3.29

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 2002 Texas 20 12.0 11 8 7 0-0 1 4.50 2002 Colorado 8 17.0 29 8 7 0-2 0 9.53 2004 St. Louis 9 14.0 13 3 7 1-0 0 1.93 2005 St. Louis 50 41.2 37 13 43 3-1 1 3.46 2006 St. Louis 65 41.2 49 22 40 1-1 0 5.62 2007 St. Louis 70 55.0 71 15 47 3-0 1 4.25 2008 St. Louis 43 25.2 34 20 17 1-0 1 5.26 2009 Colorado 27 12.0 14 2 14 0-1 0 5.25 2010 Colorado 47 27.2 22 13 18 2-0 1 2.96 2010 Minnesota 11 3.2 10 2 2 0-0 0 4.91 Career 350 250.0 290 106 202 11-5 4 4.61

Ron Flores

LHP · Pico Rivera, Calif. · El Rancho HS USC 1998 1999 2000 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 11 15.0 15 3 13 0-0 0 3.60 11 7.0 8 7 7 0-0 0 5.14 37 85.2 80 17 70 6-2 5 3.36 59 107.2 103 27 90 6-2 5 3.51

MAJORS 2005 Oakland 2006 Oakland 2007 Oakland Career

Randy Flores

G 11 25 17 53

IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 8.2 8 0 6 0-0 0 1.04 29.2 28 10 20 1-2 1 3.34 17.2 16 12 15 0-2 0 3.57 56.0 52 22 41 1-4 1 3.05


A L L - T IM E M A JO R L EA G U E RS Len Gabrielson

Jess Hill

OF · Oakland, Calif. · Technical HS USC 1959

Kent Hadley

OF · Covina, Calif. · Covina HS

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 29 89 28 36 10 35 .404

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1960 Milwaukee 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1963 Milwaukee 46 120 14 26 5 0 3 15 .217 1964 Chicago (N) 89 272 22 67 11 2 5 23 .246 1964 Milwaukee 24 38 0 7 2 0 0 1 .184 1965 Chicago (N) 28 48 4 12 0 0 3 5 .250 1965 San Francisco 88 269 36 81 6 5 4 26 .301 1966 San Francisco 94 240 27 52 7 0 4 16 .217 1967 California 11 12 2 1 0 0 0 2 .083 1967 Los Angeles 90 238 20 62 10 3 7 29 .261 1968 Los Angeles 108 304 38 82 16 1 10 35 .270 1969 Los Angeles 83 178 13 48 5 1 1 18 .270 1970 Los Angeles 43 42 1 8 2 0 0 6 .190 Career 708 1764 178 446 64 12 37 176 .253

MAJORS 1935 New York 1936 Washington 1937 Philadelphia 1937 Washington Career

Jess Hill

MAJORS 1937 Boston

RHP · Los Angeles, Calif.

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 8 31.0 37 11 11 1-2 0 4.35

Dave Hostetler

USC 1977 1978 Career

Tom House

C · Stockton, Calif. · Downey HS

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 31 96 17 38 2 16 .396 32 111 22 27 1 23 .243 59 200 45 66 8 47 .330 122 407 84 131 11 86 .322

MAJORS 1965 Chicago (A) 1966 Houston 1967 Houston 1967 Detroit 1969 Chicago (N) Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 55 123 12 37 6 0 0 8 .301 9 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 .091 20 32 0 4 0 0 0 4 .125 27 32 1 5 0 1 0 1 .156 112 199 13 47 6 1 0 13 .236

MAJORS 1954 Pittsburgh

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 64 232 53 76 13 48 .328 62 214 54 67 17 45 .313 126 446 107 143 30 93 .321

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1981 Montreal 5 6 1 3 0 0 1 1 .500 1982 Texas 113 418 53 97 12 3 22 67 .232 1983 Texas 94 304 31 67 9 2 11 46 .220 1984 Texas 37 82 7 18 2 1 3 10 .220 1988 Pittsburgh 6 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 .250 Career 255 818 92 187 23 6 37 124 .229

Tom House

LHP · La Puente, Calif. · Nogales HS USC 1967

Bobby Hughes

Gail Henley OF · Inglewood, Calif.

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 2 2.1 0 1 2 0-0 0 0.00

1B · Arcadia, Calif. · Arcadia HS

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1958 Kansas City 3 11 1 2 0 0 0 0 .182 1959 Kansas City 113 288 40 73 11 1 10 39 .253 1960 New York (A) 55 64 8 13 2 0 4 11 .203 Career 171 363 49 88 13 1 14 50 .242

USC 1958 1959 1960 Career

MAJORS 1949 New York

USC: 1947-48

Dave Hostetler

G AB R H HR RBI AVG — 84 12 16 2 16 .190 17 65 16 18 3 25 .277 31 111 37 43 17 46 .387 — 260 65 77 22 87 .296

Bill Heath

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 41 142 24 45 2 23 .317

Wally Hood

IF · Pocatello, Idaho · Pocatello HS USC 1954 1955 1956 Career

IF · Brea, Calif. · Brea HS

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1968 Washington 75 85 10 25 5 1 0 7 .294 1969 Washington 41 31 1 5 1 0 0 2 .161 Career 116 116 11 30 6 1 0 9 .259

USC: 1935-37

Kent Hadley

Gary Holman USC 1963

Joe Gonzales RHP · San Francisco, Calif.

USC: 1930

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 107 392 69 115 20 3 4 33 .293 85 233 50 71 19 5 0 34 .305 70 242 32 71 12 3 1 37 .293 33 92 24 20 2 1 1 4 .217 295 959 175 277 53 12 6 108 .289

USC: 1948 G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 14 30 7 9 1 0 1 2 .300

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 22 94.2 70 26 82 5-3 — 1.43

MAJORS 1971 Atlanta 1972 Atlanta 1973 Atlanta 1974 Atlanta 1975 Atlanta 1976 Boston 1977 Boston 1977 Seattle 1978 Seattle Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 11 20.2 20 3 11 1-0 0 3.05 8 9.1 7 6 7 0-0 2 2.89 52 67.1 58 31 42 4-2 4 4.68 56 102.2 74 27 64 6-2 11 1.93 58 79.1 79 36 36 7-7 11 3.18 36 43.2 39 19 27 1-3 4 4.33 8 7.2 15 6 6 1-0 0 12.91 26 89.1 94 19 39 4-5 1 3.93 34 116.0 130 35 29 5-4 0 4.66 289 536.0 516 182 261 29-23 33 3.79

Bobby Hughes

C · North Hollywood, Calif. · Notre Dame HS USC 1992

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 54 185 36 65 13 45 .351

MAJORS 1998 Milwaukee 1999 Milwaukee Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 85 218 28 50 7 2 9 29 .229 48 101 10 26 2 0 3 8 .257 133 319 38 76 9 2 12 37 .238

Johnny James

RHP · Bonners Ferry, Idaho (birthplace) · Hollywood HS USC 1952

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA — 1.0 1 1 1 0-0 — 0.00

MAJORS 1958 New York 1960 New York 1961 New York 1961 Los Angeles (A) Career

G 1 28 1 36 66

IP 3.0 43.1 1.1 71.1 119.0

H 2 38 1 66 107

BB SO W-L SV ERA 4 1 0-0 0 0.00 26 29 5-1 2 4.36 0 2 0-0 0 0.00 54 41 0-2 0 5.30 84 73 5-3 2 4.76

Geoff Jenkins became the 14th player in USC history to play for a World Series champion as a member of the 2008 Philadelphia Phillies WWW.USCTROJANS.COM WWW.USCTROJANS.COM

1 31 31 1

1321 32


Steve Kemp

OF · Rancho Cordova, Calif. · Rancho Cordova HS USC 1993 1994 1995 Career

Geoff Jenkins

OF · Arcadia, Calif. · Arcadia HS

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 61 198 41 64 7 50 .323 61 225 64 84 15 47 .373 70 258 75 103 23 78 .399 192 681 180 251 45 175 .369

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1998 Milwaukee 84 262 33 60 12 1 9 28 .229 1999 Milwaukee 135 447 70 140 43 3 21 82 .313 2000 Milwaukee 135 512 100 155 36 4 34 94 .303 2001 Milwaukee 105 397 60 105 21 1 20 63 .264 2002 Milwaukee 67 243 35 59 17 1 10 29 .243 2003 Milwaukee 124 487 81 144 30 2 28 95 .296 2004 Milwaukee 157 617 88 163 36 6 27 93 .264 2005 Milwaukee 148 538 87 157 42 1 25 86 .292 2006 Milwaukee 147 484 62 131 26 1 17 70 .271 2007 Milwaukee 132 420 45 107 24 2 21 64 .255 2008 Philadelphia 115 293 27 72 16 0 9 29 .246 Career 1349 4700 688 1293 303 22 221 733 .275

USC 1973 1974 1975 Career

Steve Kemp

Randy Johnson

Randy Johnson

Jacque Jones

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 15 47.0 46 32 34 5-0 3 5.17 26 78.0 72 52 73 5-3 2 3.35 26 118.1 107 104 99 6-9 0 5.32 67 243.1 225 188 206 16-12 5 4.66

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 1988 Montreal 4 26.0 23 7 25 3-0 0 2.42 1989 Montreal 7 29.2 29 26 26 0-4 0 6.67 1989 Seattle 22 131.0 119 70 104 7-9 0 4.40 1990 Seattle 33 219.2 174 120 194 14-11 0 3.65 1991 Seattle 33 201.1 151 152 228 13-10 0 3.98 1992 Seattle 31 210.1 151 144 241 12-14 0 3.77 1993 Seattle 35 255.1 185 99 308 19-8 1 3.24 1994 Seattle 23 172.0 132 72 204 13-6 0 3.19 1995 Seattle 30 214.1 159 65 294 18-2 0 2.48 1996 Seattle 14 61.1 48 25 85 5-0 1 3.67 1997 Seattle 30 213.0 147 77 291 20-4 0 2.28 1998 Seattle 23 160.0 146 60 213 9-10 0 4.33 1998 Houston 11 84.1 57 26 116 10-1 0 1.28 1999 Arizona 35 271.2 207 70 364 17-9 0 2.48 2000 Arizona 35 248.2 202 76 347 19-7 0 2.64 2001 Arizona 35 249.2 181 71 372 21-6 0 2.49 2002 Arizona 35 260.0 197 71 334 24-5 0 2.32 2003 Arizona 18 114.0 125 27 125 6-8 0 4.26 2004 Arizona 35 245.2 177 44 290 16-14 0 2.60 2005 New York (A) 34 225.2 207 47 211 17-8 0 3.79 2006 New York (A) 33 205.0 194 60 172 17-11 0 5.00 2007 Arizona 10 56.2 52 13 72 4-3 0 3.81 2008 Arizona 30 184.0 184 44 173 11-10 0 3.91 2009 San Francisco 22 96.0 97 31 86 8-6 0 4.88 Career 618 4135.1 3346 1497 4875 303-166 2 3.29

Rex Johnston OF · Bellflower, Calif. · Compton HS USC 1958 1959 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 31 91 27 34 3 26 .374 33 124 36 43 7 37 .347 64 215 63 77 10 63 .358

MAJORS 1964 Pittsburgh

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 14 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000

Jacque Jones

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1977 Detroit 151 552 75 142 29 4 18 88 .257 1978 Detroit 159 582 75 161 18 4 15 79 .277 1979 Detroit 134 490 88 156 26 3 26 105 .318 1980 Detroit 135 508 88 149 23 3 21 101 .293 1981 Detroit 105 372 52 103 18 4 9 49 .277 1982 Chicago (A) 160 580 91 166 23 1 19 98 .286 1983 New York (A) 109 373 53 90 17 3 12 49 .241 1984 New York (A) 94 313 37 91 12 1 7 41 .291 1985 Pittsburgh 92 236 19 59 13 2 2 21 .250 1986 Pittsburgh 13 16 1 3 0 0 1 1 .188 1988 Texas 16 36 2 8 0 0 0 2 .222 Career 1168 4058 581 1128 179 25 130 634 .278

Ian Kennedy

LHP · Livermore, Calif. · Livermore HS USC 1983 1984 1985 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 3 5 2 3 0 1 .600 61 191 52 67 5 42 .351 57 207 53 90 13 67 .435 121 403 107 160 18 110 .397

RHP · Huntington Beach, Calif. · La Quinta HS Ian Kennedy

USC 2004 2005 2006 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 16 92.2 86 31 120 7-2 1 2.91 18 117.0 85 38 158 12-3 0 2.54 16 101.2 100 36 102 5-7 0 3.90 50 311.1 271 105 380 24-12 1 3.09

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 2007 New York (A) 3 19.0 13 9 15 1-0 — 1.89 2008 New York (A) 10 39.2 50 26 27 0-4 — 8.17 2009 New York (A) 1 1.0 0 2 1 0-0 — 0.00 2010 Arizona 32 194.0 163 70 168 9-10 — 3.80 2011 Arizona 33 220.0 186 55 198 21-4 — 2.88 2012 Arizona 33 208.1 216 55 187 15-12 — 4.02 Career 112 684.0 628 217 596 46-30 — 3.76

Dave Kingman

RHP/1B · Prospect, Ill. · Prospect HS/Harper JC Dave Kingman

USC 1969 1970 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 22 32 7 8 4 16 .250 32 121 24 43 9 25 .355 54 153 31 51 13 41 .333

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1971 San Francisco 41 115 17 32 10 2 6 24 .278 1972 San Francisco 135 472 65 106 17 4 29 83 .225 1973 San Francisco 112 305 54 62 10 1 24 55 .203 1974 San Francisco 121 350 41 78 18 2 18 55 .223 1975 New York (N) 134 502 65 116 22 1 36 88 .231 1976 New York (N) 123 474 70 113 14 1 37 86 .238 1977 California 10 36 4 7 2 0 2 4 .194 1977 New York (A) 8 24 5 6 2 0 4 7 .250 1977 New York (N) 58 211 22 44 7 0 9 28 .209 1977 San Diego 56 168 16 40 9 0 11 39 .238 1978 Chicago (N) 119 395 65 105 17 4 28 79 .266 1979 Chicago (N) 145 532 97 153 19 5 48 115 .288 1980 Chicago (N) 81 255 31 71 8 0 18 57 .278 1981 New York (N) 100 353 40 78 11 3 22 59 .221 1982 New York (N) 149 535 80 109 9 1 37 99 .204 1983 New York (N) 100 248 25 49 7 0 13 29 .198 1984 Oakland 147 549 68 147 23 1 35 118 .268 1985 Oakland 158 592 66 141 16 0 30 91 .238 1986 Oakland 144 561 70 118 19 0 35 94 .210 Career 1941 6677 901 1575 240 25 442 1210 .236

OF · San Diego, Calif. · San Diego HS USC 1994 1995 1996 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 60 206 42 69 6 45 .335 70 300 59 106 7 53 .353 61 248 58 93 10 56 .375 191 754 159 268 23 154 .355

MAJORS 1999 Minnesota 2000 Minnesota 2001 Minnesota 2002 Minnesota 2003 Minnesota 2004 Minnesota 2005 Minnesota 2006 Chicago (N) 2007 Chicago (N) 2008 Detroit 2008 Florida Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 95 322 54 93 24 2 9 44 .289 154 523 66 149 26 5 19 76 .285 149 475 57 131 25 0 14 49 .276 149 577 96 173 37 2 27 85 .300 136 517 76 157 33 1 16 69 .304 151 555 69 141 22 1 24 80 .254 142 523 74 130 22 4 23 73 .249 149 533 73 152 31 1 27 81 .285 135 453 52 129 33 2 5 66 .285 24 79 10 13 2 1 1 5 .165 18 37 5 4 0 0 0 2 .108 1302 4594 632 1272 255 19 165 630 .277

Randy Johnson

Ian Kennedy


A L L - T IM E M A JO R L EA G U E RS Bruce Konopka 1B · Denver, Colo.

Justin Lehr

RHP/C · West Covina, Calif. · West Covina HS USC 1999

USC: 1940-42

MAJORS 1942 Philadelphia 1943 Philadelphia 1946 Philadelphia Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 5 10 2 3 0 0 0 1 .300 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 38 93 7 22 4 1 0 9 .237 45 105 9 25 4 1 0 10 .238

MAJORS 2004 Oakland 2005 Milwaukee 2006 Milwaukee Career

Marcel Lachemann Marcel Lachemann

RHP · Los Angeles, Calif. · Dorsey HS USC 1960 1961 1962 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 19 68.1 50 67 60 3-3 — 4.08 4 8.2 6 9 5 2-0 — 1.04 13 46.0 36 36 44 4-0 — 2.54 36 123.0 92 112 109 9-3 — 3.29

MAJORS 1969 Oakland 1970 Oakland 1971 Oakland Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 28 43.1 43 19 16 4-1 2 3.95 41 58.1 58 18 39 3-3 3 2.78 1 0.1 2 1 0 0-0 0 54.00 70 102.0 103 38 55 7-4 5 3.44

RHP · Glendale, Calif. · Hoover HS USC 1964 1965 1966 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 16 43.2 34 17 41 1-0 — 2.06 10 20.1 17 8 16 3-1 — 4.89 26 115.2 99 37 108 9-5 — 2.17 52 179.2 150 62 165 13-6 — 2.45

MAJORS 1969 Los Angeles 1970 Los Angeles 1971 Cleveland 1972 Cleveland 1973 Cleveland Career

Justin Lehr

USC 1998 1999 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 61 232 55 77 14 50 .332 54 216 58 77 20 68 .356 115 448 113 154 34 118 .344

MAJORS 2002 Houston 2003 Houston 2004 Houston 2005 Houston 2006 Houston Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 44 69 12 20 3 1 4 10 .290 18 27 5 8 2 0 4 10 .296 107 136 21 37 10 2 4 19 .272 145 517 65 138 34 4 26 78 .267 112 288 44 58 10 0 15 45 .201 426 1037 147 261 59 7 53 162 .252

Bill Lee Bill Lee

LHP· San Rafael, Calif. · Terra Linda HS USC 1966 1967 1968 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 17 48.0 43 16 33 4-0 — 2.25 23 115.2 78 22 84 13-4 — 1.63 28 121.2 93 69 94 12-3 — 1.99 68 285.1 214 107 211 29-7 — 1.92

MAJORS 1969 Boston 1970 Boston 1971 Boston 1972 Boston 1973 Boston 1974 Boston 1975 Boston 1976 Boston 1977 Boston 1978 Boston 1979 Montreal 1980 Montreal 1981 Montreal 1982 Montreal Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 20 52.0 56 28 45 1-3 0 4.50 11 37.0 48 14 19 2-2 1 4.62 47 102.0 102 46 74 9-2 2 2.74 47 84.1 75 32 43 7-4 5 3.20 38 284.2 275 76 120 17-11 1 2.75 38 282.1 320 67 95 17-15 0 3.51 41 260.0 274 69 78 17-9 0 3.95 24 96.0 124 28 29 5-7 3 5.63 27 128.0 155 29 31 9-5 1 4.43 28 177.0 198 59 44 10-10 0 3.04 33 222.0 230 46 59 16-10 0 3.04 24 118.0 156 22 34 4-6 0 4.96 31 88.2 90 14 34 5-6 6 2.94 7 12.1 19 1 8 0-0 0 4.38 416 1944.1 2122 531 713 119-90 19 3.62

Dave Leeper

LHP · Orange, Calif. · Villa Park HS USC 1979 1980 1981 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 37 109 18 37 2 18 .339 49 204 28 50 5 24 .245 57 214 40 76 10 48 .355 143 527 86 163 17 90 .309

MAJORS 1984 Kansas City 1985 Kansas City Career


IF · Altadena, Calif. · Pasadena HS/Pasadena CC USC 1950 1951 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 44 187 48 61 5 35 .326 50 189 52 58 3 43 .312 94 376 100 119 8 78 .316

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1958 Los Angeles 20 69 10 27 3 1 1 5 .391 1959 Los Angeles 30 48 7 11 2 0 0 2 .229 1960 Los Angeles 48 60 6 16 4 0 0 6 .267 1961 Los Angeles 19 9 0 1 0 0 0 1 .111 1961 St. Louis 86 230 24 50 4 0 0 21 .217 1962 Houston 129 457 38 114 12 4 1 30 .249 1963 Houston 147 469 31 93 13 1 1 19 .198 1964 Houston 109 332 31 89 11 2 0 17 .268 1965 Houston 124 408 34 90 12 1 0 20 .221 1966 Houston 68 164 14 38 6 0 0 11 .232 1967 Houston 37 82 3 20 1 0 0 5 .244 Career 817 2328 198 549 68 9 3 137 .236

C · Torrance, Calif. · North Torrance HS USC 1973 1974 1975 Career

Jason Lane Jason Lane

IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 32.2 35 14 16 1-1 0 5.23 34.2 32 18 23 1-1 0 3.89 15.2 24 7 12 2-1 0 8.62 83.0 91 39 51 4-3 0 5.31

Dennis Littlejohn

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 10 15.0 12 7 11 0-1 1 1.80 35 57.0 59 27 32 6-1 0 3.79 43 158.1 147 69 91 6-12 1 3.35 34 107.2 101 29 64 5-6 0 3.09 32 86.0 98 42 60 3-3 2 4.60 154 424.0 417 174 258 20-23 4 3.54

LHP/UT · Sebastapol, Calif. · El Molina HS/Santa Rosa JC

G 27 23 16 66

Bob Lillis Dave Leeper

Ray Lamb Ray Lamb

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 22 113.1 114 42 109 7-3 3 4.29

Dennis Littlejohn

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 14 21 5 9 2 8 .429 41 105 16 27 1 14 .257 53 182 29 50 10 43 .275 108 308 50 86 13 65 .279

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1978 San Francisco 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1979 San Francisco 63 193 15 38 6 1 1 13 .197 1980 San Francisco 13 29 2 7 1 0 0 2 .241 Career 78 222 17 45 7 1 1 15 .203

Fred Lynn

OF · Alhambra, Calif. · El Monte HS USC 1971 1972 1973 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 42 113 25 39 7 30 .345 56 187 54 61 14 46 .326 60 197 41 59 7 35 .300 158 497 120 159 28 111 .320

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1974 Boston 15 43 5 18 2 2 2 10 .419 1975 Boston 145 528 103 175 47 7 21 105 .331 1976 Boston 132 507 76 159 32 8 10 65 .314 1977 Boston 129 497 81 129 29 5 18 76 .260 1978 Boston 150 541 75 161 33 3 22 82 .298 1979 Boston 147 531 116 177 42 1 39 122 .333 1980 Boston 110 415 67 125 32 3 12 61 .301 1981 California 76 256 28 56 8 1 5 31 .219 1982 California 138 472 89 141 38 1 21 86 .299 1983 California 117 437 56 119 20 3 22 74 .272 1984 California 142 517 84 140 28 4 23 79 .271 1985 Baltimore 124 448 59 118 12 1 23 68 .263 1986 Baltimore 112 397 67 114 13 1 23 67 .287 1987 Baltimore 111 396 49 100 24 0 23 60 .253 1988 Baltimore 87 301 37 76 13 1 18 37 .252 1988 Detroit 27 90 9 20 1 0 7 19 .222 1989 Detroit 117 353 44 85 11 1 11 46 .241 1990 San Diego 90 196 18 47 3 1 6 23 .240 Career 1969 6925 1063 1960 388 43 306 1111 .283

Anthony Reyes

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 15 34 1 3 0 0 0 4 .088 19 40 2 3 0 0 0 4 .075


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Eric Munson

USC 1982 1983 1984 Career

USC 1997 1998 1999 Career

1B/RHP · Claremont, Calif. · Damien HS

Fred Lynn

Mark McGwire

MAJORS 1986 Oakland 1987 Oakland 1988 Oakland 1989 Oakland 1990 Oakland 1991 Oakland 1992 Oakland 1993 Oakland 1994 Oakland 1995 Oakland 1996 Oakland 1997 Oakland 1997 St. Louis 1998 St. Louis 1999 St. Louis 2000 St. Louis 2001 St. Louis Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 18 53 10 10 1 0 3 9 .189 151 557 97 161 28 4 49 118 .289 155 550 87 143 22 1 32 99 .260 143 490 74 113 17 0 33 95 .231 156 523 87 123 16 0 39 108 .235 154 483 62 97 22 0 22 75 .201 139 467 87 125 22 0 42 104 .268 27 84 16 28 6 0 9 24 .333 47 135 26 34 3 0 9 25 .252 104 317 75 87 13 0 39 90 .274 130 423 104 132 21 0 52 114 .312 105 366 48 104 24 0 34 81 .284 51 174 38 44 3 0 24 42 .253 155 509 130 152 21 0 70 147 .299 153 521 118 145 21 1 65 147 .278 89 236 60 72 8 0 32 73 .305 97 299 48 56 4 0 29 64 .187 1874 6187 1167 1626 252 6 583 1414 .263

Tommy Milone

OF · Northridge, Calif. · Chatsworth HS USC 2006 2007 2008 Career

C · San Diego, Calif. · Mt. Carmel HS

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 29 75 14 15 3 11 .200 53 191 46 61 19 59 .319 67 248 75 96 32 80 .387 149 514 135 172 54 150 .335

G IP H BB SO 19 98.1 126 21 55 15 77.1 101 19 59 14 97.1 94 20 98 48 273.0 321 60 212

MAJORS 2011 Washington 2012 Oakland Career

Eric Munson

USC 1980 1981 Career

Mark Prior W-L SV ERA 7-4 0 4.94 3-7 0 6.17 6-6 0 3.51 16 0 4.78

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1980 Los Angeles 9 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 .333 1981 Los Angeles 10 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 .125 1982 Minnesota 124 454 48 113 11 6 2 28 .249 1983 Minnesota 59 152 26 35 4 2 1 15 .230 Career 202 617 75 150 15 8 3 43 .243

Chad Moeller Tommy Milone

Chad Moeller

C · Upland, Calif. · Upland HS USC 1994 1995 1996 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 28 55 5 14 0 5 .255 67 210 31 69 5 29 .329 57 206 38 62 3 35 .301 152 471 74 145 8 69 .308

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 2000 Minnesota 48 128 13 27 3 1 1 9 .211 2001 Arizona 25 56 8 13 0 1 1 2 .232 2002 Arizona 37 105 10 30 11 1 2 16 .286 2003 Arizona 78 239 29 64 17 1 7 29 .268 2004 Milwaukee 101 317 25 66 13 1 5 27 .208 2005 Milwaukee 66 199 23 41 9 1 7 23 .206 2006 Milwaukee 29 98 9 18 3 0 2 5 .184 2007 Cincinnati 30 48 6 8 1 0 1 2 .167 2007 Los Angeles (N) 7 8 2 1 0 0 0 0 .125 2008 New York (A) 41 91 13 21 6 0 1 9 .231 2009 Baltimore 30 89 6 23 8 1 2 10 .258 Career 492 1378 144 312 71 7 29 132 .226

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 34 75 15 27 0 11 .360 56 180 44 60 8 35 .333 90 255 59 87 8 46 .341

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1985 Los Angeles 8 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000

Mark Prior

RHP · Bonita, Calif. · University HS USC 2000 2001 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 5 26.0 28 4 15 1-0 0 3.81 31 190.0 207 36 137 13-10 0 3.74 36 216.0 235 36 137 14-10 0 3.75

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 23 44 7 10 1 8 .227 43 141 27 30 1 17 .213 44 140 30 43 5 20 .307 26 88 14 17 1 9 .193 136 413 78 100 8 54 .242

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 17 66 4 10 3 1 1 6 .152 18 59 3 11 0 0 2 5 .186 99 313 28 75 9 0 18 50 .240 109 321 36 68 14 2 19 49 .212 11 18 2 3 1 0 0 2 .167 53 141 10 28 6 0 5 19 .199 50 132 14 31 4 0 4 15 .235 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 361 1056 97 226 37 3 49 147 .214

OF · Palo Alto, Calif. · Palo Alto HS

OF · Northridge, Calif. · Chatsworth HS USC 1974 1975 1976 1977 Career

MAJORS 2000 Detroit 2001 Detroit 2002 Detroit 2003 Detroit 2004 Detroit 2005 Tampa Bay 2006 Houston 2007 Houston 2009 Oakland Career

Stu Pederson

Bobby Mitchell Bobby Mitchell

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 62 232 57 78 13 50 .336 47 171 45 67 16 56 .392 41 153 45 53 15 41 .346 150 556 147 198 44 147 .356

Eric Raich

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 23 136.1 126 46 150 10-7 1 3.56 20 138.2 100 18 202 15-1 0 1.69 43 275.0 226 64 352 25-8 1 2.62

MAJORS 2002 Chicago (N) 2003 Chicago (N) 2004 Chicago (N) 2005 Chicago (N) 2006 Chicago (N) Career

G 19 30 21 27 9 106

IP 116.2 211.1 118.2 166.2 43.2 657.0

H BB SO W-L SV ERA 98 38 147 6-6 0 3.32 183 50 245 18-6 0 2.43 112 48 139 6-4 0 4.02 143 59 188 11-7 0 3.67 46 28 38 1-6 0 7.21 582 223 757 42-29 0 3.51

Buddy Pritchard IF · Bell, Calif. · Bell HS USC 1955 1956 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 10 33 9 10 1 4 .303 30 119 30 40 8 39 .336 40 152 39 50 9 43 .329

MAJORS 1957 Pittsburgh

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 23 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 .091

Ed Putman

C · Covina, Calif. · Northview HS USC 1972 1973 1974 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 24 54 13 15 2 13 .278 53 164 31 53 8 32 .323 62 204 41 56 9 53 .275 139 422 85 124 19 98 .294

MAJORS 1976 Chicago (N) 1978 Chicago (N) 1979 Detroit Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 5 7 0 3 0 0 0 0 .429 17 25 2 5 0 0 0 3 .310 21 39 4 9 3 0 2 4 .302 43 71 6 17 3 0 2 7 .316

Eric Raich

RHP · Cudahy, Calif. · Dominguez HS USC 1970 1971 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA — 63.1 65 17 68 6-2 — 3.12 20 85.1 70 35 76 7-3 — 2.21 — 148.2 135 52 144 13-5 — 2.48

MAJORS 1975 Cleveland 1976 Cleveland Career

G 18 1 19

IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 92.2 118 31 34 7-8 — 5.54 2.2 7 0 1 0-0 — 16.87 95.1 125 31 35 7-8 — 5.85


A L L - T IM E M A JO R L EA G U E RS Pete Redfern

Tom Satriano

USC 1973 1974 1975 Career

USC 1960 1961 Career

RHP · Sylmar, Calif. · Sylmar HS

Pete Redfern

OF · Los Angeles, Calif. · Loyola HS

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 1 1.0 0 2 2 0-0 — 0.00 18 80.1 91 25 70 7-3 — 4.15 18 108.2 81 27 120 9-3 — 1.24 37 190.0 172 54 192 16-6 — 2.46

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 1976 Minnesota 23 118.0 105 63 74 8-8 0 3.51 1977 Minnesota 30 137.1 164 66 73 6-9 0 5.18 1978 Minnesota 3 9.2 10 6 4 0-2 0 6.52 1979 Minnesota 40 108.1 106 35 85 7-3 1 3.49 1980 Minnesota 23 104.2 117 33 73 7-7 2 4.56 1981 Minnesota 24 141.2 140 52 77 9-8 0 4.07 1982 Minnesota 27 94.1 122 51 40 5-11 0 6.58 Career 170 714.0 764 306 426 42-48 3 4.54

Tom Satriano

Rudy Regalado OF · Los Angeles, Calif. USC 1949 1950 Career

Anthony Reyes

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 52 199 50 64 11 55 .322 44 152 36 57 4 35 .375 96 351 86 121 15 90 .345

MAJORS 1954 Cleveland 1955 Cleveland 1956 Cleveland Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 65 180 21 45 5 0 2 24 .250 10 26 2 7 2 0 0 5 .269 16 47 4 11 1 0 0 2 .234 91 253 27 63 8 0 2 31 .249

Anthony Reyes RHP · Whittier, Calif. · California HS USC 2000 2001 2002 2003 Career

Mike Robertson

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 18 96.1 98 45 86 6-6 — 4.02 19 109.0 111 25 97 5-4 — 3.72 12 65.1 69 17 49 4-2 — 3.44 10 49.1 53 11 41 2-4 — 4.38 59 320.0 331 98 273 17-16 — 3.85

MAJORS 2005 St. Louis 2006 St. Louis 2007 St. Louis 2008 St. Louis 2008 Cleveland 2009 Cleveland Career

G 4 17 22 10 6 8 67

IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 13.1 6 4 12 1-1 — 2.70 85.1 84 34 72 5-8 — 5.06 107.1 108 43 74 2-14 — 6.04 14.2 16 3 10 2-1 — 4.91 34.1 31 7 12 15 — 1.83 38.1 40 23 22 1-1 — 6.57 293.1 285 119 205 13-26 — 5.12

Mike Robertson 1B · Placentia, Calif. · Servite HS USC 1989 1990 1991 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 61 170 39 56 9 37 .329 62 226 43 67 8 35 .296 64 237 38 76 16 62 .321 187 633 120 199 33 134 .314

MAJORS 1996 Chicago (A) 1997 Philadelphia 1998 Arizona Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 6 7 0 1 1 0 0 0 .143 22 38 3 8 2 1 0 4 .211 11 13 0 2 0 0 0 0 .154 39 58 3 11 3 1 0 4 .190

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 60 217 62 69 6 39 .318 48 163 34 52 6 30 .319 108 380 96 121 12 69 .318

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1961 Los Angeles (A) 35 96 15 19 5 1 1 8 .198 1962 Los Angeles (A) 10 19 4 8 2 0 2 6 .421 1963 Los Angeles (A) 23 50 1 9 1 0 0 2 .180 1964 Los Angeles (A) 108 255 18 51 9 0 1 17 .200 1965 California 47 79 8 13 2 0 1 4 .165 1966 California 103 226 16 54 5 3 0 24 .239 1967 California 90 201 13 45 7 0 4 21 .224 1968 California 111 297 20 75 9 0 8 35 .253 1969 Boston 47 127 9 24 2 0 0 11 .189 1969 California 41 108 5 28 2 0 1 16 .259 1970 Boston 59 165 21 39 9 1 3 13 .236 Career 674 1623 130 365 53 5 21 157 .225

Randy Scarbery RHP · Fresno, Calif. · Roosevelt HS USC 1971 1972 1973 Career

Randy Scarbery

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 23 67.0 77 47 77 9-3 — 3.89 27 138.2 137 45 81 12-3 — 2.66 19 132.2 87 62 103 15-2 — 1.83 69 338.1 301 154 261 36-8 — 2.58

MAJORS 1979 Chicago (A) 1980 Chicago (A) Career

G IP H 45 101.1 102 15 28.2 24 60 130.0 126

BB SO W-L SV ERA 34 45 2-8 — 4.62 7 18 1-2 — 4.08 41 63 3-10 — 4.50

Jeff Schattinger

RHP · Fresno, Calif. · San Joaquin Memorial HS USC 1976 1977 1978 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 9 19.0 26 12 10 1-1 — 4.74 23 59.1 47 18 28 5-1 — 2.28 29 56.0 48 31 35 4-3 — 2.73 61 134.1 121 61 73 10-5 — 2.81

MAJORS 1981 Kansas City

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 1 3.0 2 1 1 0-0 — 0.00

Tom Seaver

RHP · Fresno, Calif. · Fresno CC USC 1965 1966 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 20 105.2 84 38 100 10-2 — 2.47 2 8.0 10 1 1 1-0 — 3.38 22 113.2 94 39 101 11-2 — 2.53

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 1967 New York (N) 35 251.0 224 78 170 16-13 0 2.76 1968 New York (N) 36 277.2 224 48 205 16-12 1 2.20 1969 New York (N) 36 273.1 202 82 208 25-7 0 2.21 1970 New York (N) 37 290.2 230 83 283 18-12 0 2.82 1971 New York (N) 36 286.1 210 61 289 20-10 0 2.76 1972 New York (N) 35 262.0 215 77 249 21-12 0 2.92 1973 New York (N) 36 290.0 219 64 251 19-10 0 2.08 1974 New York (N) 32 236.0 199 75 201 11-11 0 3.20 1975 New York (N) 36 280.1 217 88 243 22-9 0 2.38 1976 New York (N) 35 271.0 211 77 235 14-11 0 2.59 1977 New York (N) 13 96.0 79 28 72 7-3 0 3.00 1977 Cincinnati 20 165.1 120 38 124 14-3 0 2.34 1978 Cincinnati 36 259.2 218 89 236 16-14 0 2.88 1979 Cincinnati 32 215.0 187 61 131 16-6 0 3.14 1980 Cincinnati 26 168.0 140 59 101 10-8 0 3.64 1981 Cincinnati 23 166.1 120 66 87 14-2 0 2.54 1982 Cincinnati 21 111.1 136 44 62 5-13 0 5.50 1983 New York (N) 34 231.0 201 86 135 9-14 0 3.55 1984 Chicago (A) 34 236.2 216 61 131 15-11 0 3.95 1985 Chicago (A) 35 238.2 223 69 134 16-11 0 3.17 1986 Chicago (A) 16 104.1 114 29 72 5-7 0 3.80 1986 Boston 12 72.0 66 27 31 2-6 0 4.38 Career 656 4782.2 3971 1390 3640 311-205 1 2.86

Bob Skube

OF · Simi Valley, Calif. · Simi Valley HS USC 1976 1977 1978 1979 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 27 68 11 18 1 8 .265 51 115 34 32 4 17 .278 45 132 34 38 9 32 .289 49 168 44 53 13 42 .315 172 483 123 141 27 99 .292

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1982 Milwaukee 4 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 .667 1983 Milwaukee 12 25 2 5 1 1 0 9 .200 Career 16 28 2 7 1 1 0 9 .250


Fred Lynn


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Ron Stillwell

USC 1972 1973 Career

USC 1959 1960 1961 Career

IF · Burbank, Calif. · Burroughs HS

SS · Westchester, Calif. · Westchester HS

Roy Smalley

Chris Smith

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 60 189 38 50 5 39 .265 47 151 33 51 5 29 .338 107 340 71 101 10 68 .297

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1975 Texas 78 250 22 57 8 0 3 33 .228 1976 Texas 41 129 15 29 2 0 1 8 .225 1976 Minnesota 103 384 46 104 16 3 2 36 .271 1977 Minnesota 150 584 93 135 21 5 6 56 .231 1978 Minnesota 158 586 80 160 31 3 19 77 .273 1979 Minnesota 162 621 94 168 28 3 24 95 .271 1980 Minnesota 133 486 64 135 24 1 12 63 .278 1981 Minnesota 56 167 24 44 7 1 7 22 .263 1982 Minnesota 4 13 2 2 1 0 0 0 .154 1982 New York (A) 142 486 55 125 14 2 20 67 .257 1983 New York (A) 130 451 70 124 24 1 18 62 .275 1984 New York (A) 67 209 17 50 8 1 7 26 .239 1984 Chicago (A) 47 135 15 23 4 0 4 13 .170 1985 Minnesota 129 388 57 100 20 0 12 45 .258 1986 Minnesota 143 459 59 113 20 4 20 57 .246 1987 Minnesota 110 309 32 85 16 1 8 34 .275 Career 1653 5657 745 1454 244 25 163 694 .257

USC 1976 1977 1978 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 47 120 15 37 3 24 .308 52 164 33 50 9 39 .305 53 192 43 64 7 39 .333 152 476 91 151 19 102 .317

MAJORS 1981 Montreal 1982 Montreal 1983 San Francisco Career

Mark Smith

MAJORS 1961 Washington 1962 Washington Career

Steve Smyth

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 63 234 44 79 1 32 .338 61 240 53 80 11 54 .333 64 241 72 81 16 80 .336 188 715 169 240 28 166 .336

MAJORS 1994 Baltimore 1995 Baltimore 1996 Baltimore 1997 Pittsburgh 1998 Pittsburgh 2000 Florida 2001 Montreal Career

Tim Tolman

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 3 7 0 1 0 0 0 2 .143 37 104 11 24 5 0 3 15 .231 27 78 9 19 2 0 4 10 .244 71 193 29 55 13 1 9 35 .285 59 128 18 25 6 0 2 13 .195 104 192 22 47 8 1 5 27 .245 80 194 28 47 13 1 6 18 .242 381 896 117 218 47 3 29 120 .243

Steve Smyth

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 45 171 35 62 7 34 .363

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1966 Philadelphia 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1967 Philadelphia 103 231 23 57 12 1 1 19 .247 1968 Philadelphia 67 138 16 38 7 0 0 15 .275 1969 Montreal 141 544 63 130 26 1 3 35 .239 1970 Montreal 116 359 37 74 10 0 3 26 .206 1971 Montreal 111 304 25 78 7 2 4 26 .257 1972 Houston 5 8 0 1 0 0 0 1 .125 1973 Houston 16 54 8 14 5 0 0 3 .259 1974 Detroit 149 619 60 157 20 1 5 49 .254 1975 Detroit 129 503 51 130 12 3 6 39 .259 1976 Detroit 42 117 10 24 5 2 0 6 .205 1976 Milwaukee 59 115 9 25 2 0 1 9 .217 1977 San Diego 80 103 5 25 3 0 1 11 .243 1978 St. Louis 10 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 .167 Career 1031 3104 308 754 109 10 24 239 .243

RHP · Holyrood, Kansas

Dave Van Gorder

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 29 83.2 91 42 81 6-8 3 5.27

MAJORS 2002 Chicago (N)

IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 30.1 34 15 20 0-3 — 6.82 123.0 134 47 91 2-10 — 4.61 120.1 103 33 56 8-8 — 2.54 210.2 188 73 103 12-16 — 3.29 16.2 23 12 8 0-2 — 12.42 501.0 482 180 278 22-39 — 3.95

Fay Thomas

LHP · Temecula, Calif. · Temecula Valley HS/Cypress JC USC 1999

G 11 27 18 36 8 100

Gary Sutherland USC 1964

Mark Smith USC 1989 1990 1991 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 30 130.2 103 29 147 12-4 — 3.09 — 110.1 76 18 117 10-1 — 1.47 — 115.2 84 49 99 13-1 — 2.26 — 356.2 263 96 363 35-6 — 2.32

OF · Glendale, Calif.

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 22 67 13 22 6 1 1 11 .328 31 76 13 22 6 1 1 11 .289

OF · Arcadia, Calif. · Arcadia HS

LHP · San Diego, Calif. · San Diego CC

MAJORS 1972 New York (N) 1973 Cleveland 1975 San Diego 1976 San Diego 1977 San Diego Career

Brent Strom

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 8 16 3 2 1 0 0 1 .125 6 22 5 6 0 0 0 2 .273 14 38 8 8 1 0 0 3 .211

Brent Strom USC 1968 1969 1970 Career

Chris Smith

OF · Capistrano Beach, Calif. · Bishop Montgomery HS

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 32 119 26 32 2 12 .269 57 230 46 64 0 18 .278 50 184 39 36 4 20 .196 139 533 111 132 6 50 .248

USC: 1924-25

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L 1927 New York (N) 9 16.1 19 4 11 0-0 1931 Cleveland 16 48.2 63 32 25 2-4 1932 Brooklyn 7 17.0 22 8 9 0-1 1935 St. Louis 49 147.0 165 89 67 7-15 Career 81 229.0 269 133 112 9-20

SV ERA 0 3.31 0 5.18 0 7.41 1 4.78 1 4.95

Tim Tolman

OF · Los Angeles, Calif. · Loyola HS

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 8 26.0 34 10 16 1-3 0 9.35

USC 1975 1976 1977 1978 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 2 7 1 2 0 1 .286 42 151 21 45 2 16 .298 58 205 39 60 5 44 .293 51 161 38 63 4 32 .404 153 524 99 170 11 93 .324

MAJORS 1981 Houston 1982 Houston 1983 Houston 1984 Houston 1985 Houston 1986 Detroit 1987 Detroit Career

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 4 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 .125 15 26 4 5 2 0 1 3 .192 43 57 4 11 4 0 2 10 .196 14 17 2 3 1 0 0 0 .176 31 43 4 6 1 0 2 8 .140 16 34 4 6 1 0 0 2 .176 9 12 3 1 1 0 0 1 .083 132 196 21 33 10 0 5 24 .168

Dave Van Gorder C · Chandler, Ariz. · Santa Ana HS USC 1976 1977 1978 Career

Tom Seaver

Roy Smalley

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 45 132 21 35 4 22 .265 55 192 36 65 2 39 .339 56 185 23 49 4 23 .265 156 509 80 149 10 84 .293

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1982 Cincinnati 51 137 4 25 3 1 0 7 .182 1984 Cincinnati 38 101 10 23 2 0 0 6 .228 1985 Cincinnati 73 151 12 36 7 0 2 24 .238 1986 Cincinnati 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1987 Baltimore 12 21 4 5 0 0 1 1 .238 Career 183 420 30 89 12 1 3 38 .212


A L L - T IM E M A JO R L EA G U E RS Anthony Vasquez

LHP · San Antonio, Texas · Reagan HS/Texas A&M USC 2007 2008 2009 Career

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 17 75.0 92 24 43 4-6 0 5.16 12 37.0 38 6 24 3-1 0 3.65 16 70.2 75 21 53 4-6 1 4.33 45 182.2 205 51 120 11-13 1 4.38


Anthony Reyes set a World Series record by a rookie in 2006 after he retired 17 straight batters in Game 1 against the Detroit Tigers. He gave up just two runs in eight innings in a key 7-2 win as the St. Louis Cardinals went on to win the series in five games.

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 7 29.1 46 10 13 1-6 0 8.90

John Werhas Anthony Vasquez

SS · San Pedro, Calif. · San Pedro HS USC 1957 1958 1959 Career

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 21 60 10 13 0 6 .217 33 112 29 35 2 24 .312 27 94 37 39 4 27 .419 81 266 76 87 6 57 .327

MAJORS 1964 Los Angeles 1965 Los Angeles 1967 Los Angeles 1967 California Career

Johnny Werhas

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 29 83 6 16 2 1 0 8 .193 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 7 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 .143 49 75 8 12 1 1 2 6 .160 89 168 15 29 3 2 2 14 .173

Jeff Wetherby

OF · Granada Hills, Calif. · Kennedy HS USC 1985

G AB R H HR RBI AVG 50 162 31 59 7 38 .364

MAJORS 1989 Atlanta

G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 52 48 5 10 2 1 1 7 .208

Archie Wilson

OF · Los Angeles, Calif. · Franklin HS USC: 1946-47

Jeff Wetherby

MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1951 New York (A) 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1952 New York (A) 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 .500 1952 Boston 18 38 1 10 3 0 0 2 .263 1952 Washington 26 96 8 20 2 3 0 14 .208 Career 51 140 9 31 5 3 0 17 .221

Wally Wolf RHP · South Gate, Calif. USC 1961

Wally Wolf

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 13 42.2 28 25 39 2-2 — 2.32

MAJORS 1969 California 1970 California Career

G IP 2 2.1 4 5.1 6 7.2

H 3 3 6

BB SO W-L SV ERA 3 2 0-0 — 11.57 4 5 0-0 — 5.06 7 7 0-0 — 7.04

Hank Workman OF · Los Angeles, Calif. · Loyola HS

USC: 1946-48 MAJORS G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI AVG 1950 New York (A) 2 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 .200

Barry Zito

LHP · El Cajon, Calif. · University HS/L.A. Pierce College Barry Zito

USC 1999

G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 17 112.2 93 58 154 12-3 0 3.28

MAJORS G IP H BB SO W-L SV ERA 2000 Oakland 14 92.2 64 45 78 7-4 — 2.72 2001 Oakland 35 214.1 184 80 205 17-8 — 3.49 2002 Oakland 35 229.1 182 78 182 23-5 — 2.75 2003 Oakland 35 231.2 186 88 146 14-12 — 3.30 2004 Oakland 34 213.0 216 81 163 11-11 — 4.48 2005 Oakland 35 228.1 185 89 171 14-13 — 3.86 2006 Oakland 34 221.0 211 99 151 16-10 — 3.83 2007 San Francisco 34 196.2 182 83 131 11-13 — 4.53 2008 San Francisco 32 180.0 186 102 120 10-17 — 5.15 2009 San Francisco 33 192.0 179 81 154 10-13 — 4.03 2010 San Francisco 34 199.1 184 84 150 9-14 — 4.15 2011 San Francisco 13 53.2 51 24 32 3-4 — 5.87 2012 San Francisco 32 184.1 186 70 114 15-8 — 4.15 Career 400 2436.1 2196 1004 1797 160-132 — 3.93


Barry Zito

137 137

1381 38

TROJANS I N T HE MA J O R L EA G U E D R A F T USC baseball has long been known as a stepping stone into professional baseball. In fact, Trojan players have been drafted 300 times by major league teams. Here’s a list of every Trojan selected since the draft began in 1965: Round Player, Position.......................... Team 1965 — 7 June regular phase — 7 2 Don Johnson, c.................................. Braves 10 Daryl Wilkins, 2b-ss.......................... Braves 10 *Tom Seaver, rhp...........................Dodgers 11 Joe Austin, 1b................................Dodgers 16 *John Herbst, lhp................................Twins 25 James Rees, of.................................Yankees 41 *Mike Garrett, of...............................Pirates 1966 — 11 January regular phase — 2 1 (17th) *Howard Gordon, 1b-of.......... White Sox 7 *Fred Shuey, of....................................Twins January second phase — 3 1 (14th) *John Herbst, lhp..........................Dodgers 1 (20th) *(void)Tom Seaver, rhp................... Braves 4 *Mike Garrett, of...........................Dodgers June regular phase — 3 11 *Pat Harrison, ss................................ Braves 13 John Stewart, rhp............................. Braves 40 Ray Lamb, rhp................................Dodgers June secondary phase — 3 1 Oscar Brown, of................................. Braves 4 Fred Shuey, of................................Senators 5 *John Herbst, lhp..........................Dodgers 1967 — 9 June secondary phase — 1 8 *John Herbst, lhp................................Twins June regular phase — 2 25 Sheldon Andrens, of............................Reds 70 *John Fodor, c........................................Reds June secondary phase — 6 1 (1st) Mike Adamson, rhp........................Orioles 3 Tom House, lhp................................. Braves 3 *Pat Harrison, 2b........................ White Sox 6 *Brent Strom, lhp............................. Angels 9 *Bill Seinsoth, 1b..............................Orioles 14 *Reid Braden, 1b-of............................ Mets

Round Player, Position.......................... Team 1968 — 11 January secondary phase — 3 1 (12th) *Pat Harrison, 2b.............................. Phillies 2 *Dennis Parks, of.................................. Cubs 7 *Reid Braden, 1b.................................. Mets June regular phase — 4 18 Ronald Drake, c.................................Padres 22 Bill Lee, lhp....................................... Red Sox 25 Pat Kuehner, 1b.............................Senators 66 William Homik, c...........................Dodgers June secondary phase — 4 1 *Pat Harrison, 2b.............................. Phillies 3 *Jim Barr, rhp..................................... Phillies 5 Reid Braden, 1b-3b......................... Phillies 5 *Bill Seinsoth, 1b...........................Dodgers 1969 — 8 January regular phase — 1 9 *Charles Ramshaw, ss...................... Expos January secondary phase — 3 1 (9th) Pat Harrison, if...............................Dodgers 4 *Bill Seinsoth, 1b...........................Senators 5 *Jim Barr, rhp...................................Yankees June secondary phase — 4 1 (8th) Bill Seinsoth, 1b.............................Dodgers 2 *Cal Meier, ss..................................... Phillies 3 *Jim Barr, rhp..................................... Phillies 4 Steven Turigliatto, c........................Orioles 1970 — 7 January secondary phase — 2 2 *Cal Meier, ss...................................... Royals 6 *Jim Barr, rhp........................................Twins June regular phase — 1 14 Daniel Stoligrosz, 3b.......................Indians June secondary phase — 4 1 (1st) Dave Kingman, rhp-of.................... Giants 1 (3rd) Brent Strom, lhp................................... Mets 2 Cal Meier, ss........................................ Royals 3 Jim Barr, rhp........................................ Giants 1971 — 6 June regular phase — 3 13 James George, rhp.......................Athletics 14 Craig Perkins, c.................................. Royals 40 *Sam Ceci, c....................................Dodgers June secondary phase — 3 2 Gordon Carter, of.............................. Giants 2 Steve Busby, rhp............................... Royals 6 Mike Ball, 3b.........................................Twins 1972 — 1 January regular phase — 1 1 Eric Raich, rhp...................................Indians

Round Player, Position.......................... Team 1974 — 10 January regular phase — 2 1 (1st) Roy Smalley, ss................................Rangers 18 *George Ambrow, ss-rhp.............. Angels January secondary phase — 2 2 Ed Bowman, inf-of.......................Cardinals 3 *Cliff Holland, lhp........................Cardinals June regular phase — 6 1 (24th) Rich Dauer, ss-2b.............................Orioles 14 Russ McQueen, rhp......................... Angels 14 Mark Barr, rhp................................. Red Sox 15 *Anthony Davis, of..........................Orioles 19 *Brian Heublein, lhp....................Dodgers 24 Creighton Tevlin, of.........................Orioles 1975 — 11 January secondary phase — 4 1 (3rd) Ed Putman, c......................................... Cubs 1 (14th) Ken Huizenga, of............................ Red Sox 3 *Brian Heublein, p........................Athletics 4 *Anthony Davis, of.............................Twins June regular phase — 5 3 George Milke, rhp................................ Mets 6 Jeff Reinke, lhp................................... Tigers 7 *Marvin Cobb, 2b............................ Angels 13 *John Racanelli, rhp.......................... Tigers 21 Alfred Meyer, rhp.........................Cardinals June secondary phase — 2 1 (17th) Phil Doktor, ss..................................... Tigers 3 *(void) Denny Martindale, util..... Royals 1976 — 8 January regular phase — 1 1 (1st) Steve Kemp, of.................................... Tigers January secondary phase — 3 1 (1st) Pete Redfern, rhp................................Twins 1 (2nd) Dennis Littlejohn, c.......................... Giants 8 *John Racanelli, rhp.................. White Sox June regular phase — 3 9 Charles Phillips, lhp......................Dodgers 12 Gary Wiencek, c.................................. Tigers 34 *Bruce Tonascia, of-c...................... Angels June secondary phase — 1 1 (10th) John Racanelli, rhp.......................... Angels 1977 — 7 June regular phase — 6 5 Rick Hertel, if................................. Blue Jays 6 *Brian Hayes, lhp.............................. Angels 7 Scott Gregory, rhp....................... Blue Jays 7 Bobby Mitchell, of........................Dodgers 10 *Larry Fobbs, if.................................. Giants 28 *Rob Hertel, 2b..................................Padres June secondary phase — 1 2 *Dave Hostetler, 1b.......................... Giants

1973 — 4 June regular phase — 2 1 (23rd) Randy Scarbery, rhp....................Athletics 2 Fred Lynn, of.................................... Red Sox June secondary phase — 2 1 (19th) *Cliff Holland, lhp............................. Royals 8 *Ed Bowman, 3b-c..........................Orioles


T R OJ A NS IN T H E M A JO R L EA G U E D R AF T Round Player, Position.......................... Team 1978 — 13 January secondary phase — 1 1 (15th) *Rob Hertel, 2b-3b...................... Blue Jays June regular phase — 11 1 (11th) Rod Boxberger, rhp...........................Astros 2 Dave Van Gorder, c...............................Reds 3 Dave Engle, 3b.................................. Angels 4 Dave Hostetler, 1b............................. Expos 5 Doug Stokke, ss..................................Astros 11 Chris Smith, of-if............................Rangers 12 Tim Tolman, of....................................Astros 12 *Jeff Schattinger, rhp..................... Angels 16 Brian Hayes, lhp.............................Dodgers 18 *Bob Skube, of..............................Cardinals 19 *John Wells, of...................................... Mets June secondary phase — 1 2 *Rob Hertel, if.....................................Padres 1979 — 9 January regular phase — 1 17 Rick Odekirk, lhp............................ Brewers January secondary phase — 3 1 (3rd) Bill Bordley, lhp......................................Reds 1 (10th) Paul Homrig, 1b............................Athletics 1 (21st) Jeff Schattinger, rhp........................ Royals June regular phase — 5 13 Bob Skube, of.................................. Brewers 15 *Don Carfino, ss............................... Angels 20 Keith Brown, of-1b.................... White Sox 24 John Wells, of...................................... Tigers 29 Frank Pennachio, if.......................... Angels 1980 — 7 June regular phase — 7 8 *Tim Kammeyer, rhp...................Mariners 11 *Dan Davidsmeier, ss................... Brewers 15 *Stan Edmonds, of...............................Reds 19 Mike Couchee, rhp...........................Padres 19 *Bill Peltola, rhp.............................. Brewers 22 David Wilson, 3b............................... Giants 33 *Stan Williams, rhp...........................Padres 1981 — 10 June regular phase — 10 1 (23rd) Dave Leeper, of.................................. Royals 3 Dan Davidsmeier, ss..................... Brewers 5 Marty Wilkerson, 3b......................... Royals 9 Stu Pederson, of............................Dodgers 12 Tim Kammeyer, rhp........................ Angels 16 Stan Edmonds, of.........................Mariners 22 Lee Jones, rhp................................... Angels 28 Chuck Menzhuber, 2b................Cardinals 32 *Jim Cecchini, c............................Cardinals 38 Stan Williams, rhp..........................Yankees 1982 — 4 January regular phase — 1 9 Jim Allen, 1b-3b................................... Cubs June regular phase — 3 9 Tom Moritz, of............................. White Sox 11 Jim Cecchini, c.................................... Expos 24 Dave Smith, 1b..............................Mariners

Round Player, Position.......................... Team 1983 — 4 June regular phase — 4 7 John Wallace, of............................Mariners 9 Bob Gunnarsson, lhp...................Mariners 11 Mickey Meister, rhp......................Mariners 25 Reggie Montgomery, of................ Angels

Round Player, Position.......................... Team 1991 — 5 1 (9th) Mark Smith, of..................................Orioles 3 Mike Robertson, of.................... White Sox 9 Brett Jenkins, if................................... Expos 11 Jeff Cirillo, if..................................... Brewers 25 Murph Proctor, if-of.....................Dodgers

1984 — 6 June regular phase — 6 1 (10th) Mark McGwire, 1b........................Athletics 3 Sid Akins, rhp..................................Rangers 7 Randy Robertson, rhp.....................Padres 9 Jeff L. Brown, of.............................Dodgers 10 John Roddy, rhp................................. Tigers 11 Craig Stevenson, 3b..........................Astros

1992 — 3 2 Bobby Hughes, c............................ Brewers 9 Ryan Henderson, rhp..................Dodgers 18 Jackie Nickell, rhp.........................Mariners

1985 — 5 June regular phase — 5 2 Randy Johnson, lhp.......................... Expos 6 *Dan Henley, 3b................................... Mets 18 Damon Oppenheimer, c............. Brewers 20 Ron Roebuck, lhp..............................Astros 21 Jeff Wetherby, of............................... Braves 1986 — 5 June regular phase — 5 1 (7th) Brad Brink, rhp.................................. Phillies 5 Steve Bast, lhp................................ Red Sox 7 Dan Henley, inf..............................Dodgers 11 *Terry Brown, of......................... White Sox 16 Brian Brooks, lhp...............................Padres 1987 — 4 June regular phase — 4 9 *Brian Nichols, c....................................Reds 17 Paul Fuller, c................................. White Sox 17 Terry Brown, of.................................Orioles 17 Keith Watkins, of...........................Athletics 1988 — 5 3 Jim Campanis, c............................Mariners 7 Bret Barberie, ss.................................. Expos 14 *Rodney Peete, 3b........................Athletics 21 Brian Nichols, c......................................Reds 24 *Randy Tanner, of.............................Padres 1989 — 5 13 *Rodney Peete, 3b........................Athletics 33 David Latter, rhp...........................Athletics 46 *John Jackson, of............................. Angels 53 *Randy Powers, rhp.................... Blue Jays 56 *Sam Vranjes, c....................................Twins

1993 — 6 4 Mike Collett, rhp...........................Mariners 6 Kurt Bierek, if-of.............................Yankees 16 Dan Hubbs, rhp.............................Dodgers 26 Kent Donnelly, rhp........................Yankees 27 Casey Burrill, c.................................... Braves 77 Donn Cunnigan, of...........................Padres 1994 — 5 3 Aaron Boone, if......................................Reds 18 J.P. Roberge, if................................Dodgers 23 Lionel Hastings, if........................... Marlins 29 Tony Nieto, rhp......................................Reds 39 *Ben Tucker, rhp.............................Yankees 1995 — 6 1 (9th) Geoff Jenkins, of............................ Brewers 2 Gabe Alvarez, ss................................Padres 4 Brian Cooper, rhp............................ Angels 8 Ben Tucker, rhp.................................. Giants 15 Walter Dawkins, of.......................... Phillies 32 *Javier Mejia, rhp................................Twins 1996 — 6 2 Jacque Jones, of..................................Twins 4 Ryan Stromsborg, if.................... Blue Jays 7 Chad Moeller, c....................................Twins 16 Jeff Inglin, of................................ White Sox 21 *Randy Flores, lhp.......................Cardinals 26 Javier Mejia, rhp............................... Phillies 1997 — 4 9 Randy Flores, lhp...........................Yankees 9 *Seth Etherton, rhp.....................Cardinals 15 Marc Mirizzi, ss................................Yankees 26 Scott Henderson, rhp.................... Marlins

1990 — 8 5 Bret Boone, 2b...............................Mariners 6 John Jackson, of................................ Giants 7 Randy Powers, rhp.......................... Angels 8 John Cummings, lhp...................Mariners 8 Danny Gil, c........................................ Angels 10 Damon Buford, 2b-of.....................Orioles 28 *Rodney Peete, if............................... Tigers 35 *Reid Mizuguchi, rhp................... Brewers



1401 40

TROJANS I N T HE MA J O R L EA G U E D R A F T Round Player, Position.......................... Team 1998 — 11 1 (18th) Seth Etherton, rhp........................... Angels 3 Jason Saenz, lhp................................... Mets 8 Mike Penney, rhp........................... Brewers 8 *Brad Ticehurst, of.........................Rangers 9 Morgan Ensberg, 3b.........................Astros 14 Robb Gorr, 1b.................................Dodgers 16 Craig Jones, rhp................................ Royals 25 Jeremy Freitas, of.............................. Royals 25 Jack Krawczyk, rhp........................ Brewers 27 Jeff DePippo, c..................................Indians 33 Wes Rachels, 2b................................ Phillies

Round Player, Position.......................... Team 2003 — 6 7 Brian Bannister, rhp............................ Mets 9 Anthony Lunetta, 2b......................Indians 10 Fraser Dizard, lhp....................... White Sox 15 Anthony Reyes, rhp....................Cardinals 23 Travis McAndrews, of.....Diamondbacks 33 Jordan Olson, lhp......................Devil Rays

Round Player, Position.......................... Team 2009 — 6 1 (13th) Grant Green, ss..............................Athletics 1 (supp.) Brad Boxberger, rhp.............................Reds 2 Robert Stock, c/rhp.....................Cardinals 18 Hector Rabago, c...........................Yankees 18 Anthony Vasquez, lhp.................Mariners 21 Daniel Cooper, rhp.......................Mariners

2004 — 3 9 Joey Metropoulos, 1b ............... Blue Jays 18 Michael Moon, if...............................Padres 36 *Matt Cassel, rhp...........................Athletics

2010 — 4 24 *Andrew Triggs, rhp........................Indians 31 Mike O'Neill, of.............................Cardinals 32 Kevin Couture, rhp........................... Giants 35 Beau Brett, 1b................................Dodgers

1999 — 8 1 (3rd) Eric Munson, c..................................... Tigers 1 (9th) Barry Zito, lhp................................Athletics 4 Steve Smyth, lhp.................................. Cubs 6 Jason Lane, of.....................................Astros 8 Justin Lehr, rhp..............................Athletics 10 Brad Ticehurst, of...........................Yankees 18 Dominic Correa, if..........................Yankees 33 Greg Hanoian, of.................................. Cubs

2005 — 5 1 (3rd) Jeff Clement, c...............................Mariners 5 Billy Hart, 3b........................................Astros 8 Jack Spradlin, lhp........................ Nationals 19 Brett Bannister, rhp......................Mariners 20 Zack Kalter, of/lhp....................... Blue Jays

2000— 5 6 Beau Craig, c...................................Athletics 9 Tanner Eriksen, rhp.........Diamondbacks 14 Justin Gemoll, 3b.............................. Royals 29 Ronald Flores, lhp.........................Athletics 46 *Seth Davidson, ss............................ Royals 2001 — 3 1 (2nd) Mark Prior, rhp...................................... Cubs 6 Rik Currier, rhp................................Yankees 10 Seth Davidson, ss.........................Cardinals 2002 — 7 11 Bill Peavey, 1b...................................Indians 13 *Anthony Reyes, rhp........................ Tigers 13 Brian Barre, of...................................Rockies 17 *Chad Clark, rhp...........................Cardinals 21 Alberto Concepcion, c................. Red Sox 27 *Matt Bonovich, c.............................. Expos 45 *Brian Bannister, rhp.................... Red Sox

2006 — 5 1 (21st) Ian Kennedy, rhp............................Yankees 3 Cyle Hankerd, of...............Diamondbacks 16 Blake Sharpe, if.................Diamondbacks 22 Daniel Perales, of.............Diamondbacks 50 Baron Frost, dh............................. Blue Jays 2007 — 6 7 Lucas Duda, of...................................... Mets 10 Matt Cusick, 2b...................................Astros 11 Paul Koss, rhp.................................Dodgers 28 Shawn Olsen, rhp.............................Padres 40 Hector Estrella, if.............................. Angels 41 Johnny Bowden, c..........................Rockies

2011 — 7 3 Ricky Oropesa, 1b............................. Giants 6 Austin Wood, rhp............................. Angels 8 Logan Odom, rhp............................ Angels 17 Chad Smith, rhp................................. Tigers 21 Joe De Pinto, 2b......................... White Sox 21 Andrew Triggs*, rhp......................... Giants 39 Shane Boras, if...............................Athletics 2012 — 3 19 Andrew Triggs, rhp........................... Royals 28 Martin Viramontes, rhp............... Brewers 34 Jordan Hershiser, rhp..................Dodgers *Drafted player who did not sign. Number in parentheses following first-round pick indicates the overall draft selection.

2008 — 4 8 Nick Buss, of....................................Dodgers 10 Tommy Milone, lhp.................... Nationals 25 Roberto Lopez, of............................ Angels 27 Ryan Cook, rhp.................Diamondbacks

Jeff Clement holds a press conference at Safeco Field in Seattle after being selected as the third overall pick by the Seattle Mariners in the 2005 major league draft


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