The CONnection News and Views from the University of South Carolina COLLEGE OF NURSING
JULY 2016
First Annual Alumni College of Nursing Weekend Make plans now to join us October 6-8, 2017 for our first annual alumni weekend which is themed, Locally Grown, Globally Known. We are now approaching 10,000 alumni from the College of Nursing and we have a lot to celebrate.
Dean Jeannette Andrews
Inside This Issue Students Corner...............2-3 Alumni & Development...4-5 Faculty & Staff Notes......6-9 NO LIMITS.........................10
Send Inquiries or Newsletter items to: Jan Johnson
On Thursday, October 6 at the Capital City Club, we are partnering with the Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International to celebrate the chapter’s momentous 50th anniversary. The celebration will reunite Alpha Xi’s prestigious leaders who have contributed to the success of our historic chapter over the past 50 years. As many of you know, Alpha Xi was the 36th chapter in the country to be established in 1966 under the leadership of our first Dean, Amy Viglione Cockcroft. Dean Mary Ann Parsons (5th Dean of the College from 1988 – 2005) was a charter student member along with other 1966 classmates, who are still highly engaged with the College. On Friday morning, we will host our annual Viana McCown lectureship at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. Dr. Beth Tigges, President Elect, Sigma Theta Tau International will be our keynote speaker with a focus on global health. We have several exciting panels lined up to share perspectives on global health from both providers’ and patients’ viewpoints. Over lunch, we will present our annual alumni awards and will provide an update on our current and future strategic initiatives in the College. You will want to hear about our new simulation and telehealth training initiatives, academic-practice partnerships, global health projects, cancer survivorship research, honors college initiative, advanced practice nursing highlights, new graduate programs, and much, much more. After lunch, there will be options for campus and college tours, or other interesting places to visit in the Columbia area. On Friday evening, you and a guest will want to join us for an oyster roast on the College’s patio, along with student leaders and other special guests. This will be a fun and relaxing evening to catch up with college classmates and friends of the College. And finally, on Saturday, alumni can make plans for tailgating and an “electrifying” game at the Williams Brice Stadium for the South Carolina vs. Georgia football game. Please see our flyer in the newsletter, or contact Annie Lambert, for more information about our Alumni Weekend. Reach out to members of your cohort now and make arrangements to reunite, reminisce, and recharge. We look forward to your support and ongoing engagement with the College. From one proud Gamecock nurse to all of you, let’s come together to celebrate our past as well as our exciting future ahead.
Jeannette O. Andrews PhD, RN, FAAN Dean & Professor University of South Carolina College of Nursing - LIKE US! @UofSCNursing and #uofscnursing - FOLLOW US!
Students Corner
Doctoral students named Jonas Scholars
PhD nursing student, Sara Donevant and DNP nursing students, Jacqueline Baer and Commander Kimberly Taylor have been selected for the 2016–18 Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar Program of the Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare. As three of 1,000 Jonas Scholars across the country they will each receive representing grant funds from the Jonas Foundation and matching funds from the College of Nursing over the twoyear period to support their doctoral studies. Read more HERE.
student, Pearman Hayne’s abstract, “Health Literacy Strategies within Chemotherapy Education: A Review of the Literature” was accepted for presentation at the 21st International Council on Women’s Health Issues to be held in Baltimore November 6-9. PhD
Student Spotlight:
Student Orientation Leader Maddie Sansbury is ready for the new Gamecocks!
Haley Claudio, BSN Student Read it HERE.
Summer Externships
Dr. Ashley Sirriani passed her ANCC Family Nurse Practitioner Boards.
Carlin LeNeave is at Pal-
metto Health Richland in women and neonatal services.
Kristina Johnson is at
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in NJ.
Rising senior, Kyra Neumann, spent ten days on a medical mission trip to Ecuador with the Methodist Student Network. They traveled to three different cities offering an optometry clinic, basic dental care/dental hygiene education for the children, a Vacation Bible School, and spent time building relationships with and hearing the stories/hardships of the local people.
Chandler Sharpe is at
Greenville Health System.
VITAL SIGNS....An Update from Alumni and Development
Caroline Seigler, BSN (‘67) MN (‘76) Mary Snelling, BSN (‘76) and CON Director of Development, Monica Cromer, cheer on the Gamecocks at the Super Regional Baseball Game at Founder’s Park.
celebrates 45 years as a Palmetto Health team member.
Check out the College of Nursing’s Facebook Page Be sure to “LIKE” Us Follow us on Twitter @UofSCNursing
We are better when we are together. Thoughts from Palmetto Health’s CNO Carolyn Swinton, MN (‘91). Read it HERE.
Follow us on Instagram #uofscnursing And join our LinkedIn Group
Alumni Awards
Each fall, the College of Nursing recognizes excellence in our nursing graduates by awarding Outstanding Nurse Alumnus awards at our alumni celebration. If you wish to nominate an alumnus for one of these awards, use the nomination forms below. Nominations are due by August 31, 2016.
All gifts and pledges to support Nursing can be sent to: USC College of Nursing 1027 Barnwell Street Columbia, SC 29208 Gift Processing Checks Made Payable to the USC Educational Foundation or at our website
View the forms HERE.
To learn how you can make a difference at USC College of Nursing contact the Development Office at 803-777-3468.
Faculty and Staff Notes
Dr. Joan Culley will be
inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in October, 2016.
Dr. Carolyn Harmon
has been selected as the Director of the MSN Nursing Administration Program.
Dr. Joynelle Rivers
has been selected as the Director of the RN-BSN Program.
Soft skills, holistic approach key to well-trained nurses By Dan Cook featuring Dr. Tena McKinney
Training nurses is no easy task. Yes, students need to absorb medical information and learn procedures — but that’s just the beginning. Add in the complexity of a real medical environment — with patients, family members, doctors and more — and things can get stressful quickly for a nurse trying to coordinate care. That’s perhaps even more true when a patient has serious mental health issues. Read more HERE.
Joan Creed was the head volunteer of the
kitchen this year (her 25th!) at Camp Kemo.
Grant Submissions Bell, Nathaniel, “Outpatient healthcare access and
TBI disparities: an innovative GIS approach,” R21 from NIH.
Bell, Nathaniel, “Medicaid behavioral health prac-
titioner expansion in South Carolina: access and health outcomes following traumatic brain injury,” R03 from AHRQ.
Hughes, Ronda, “READI (Readiness Evaluation
Center for Nursing Leadership announces new director, Ronda G. Hughes, PhD, MHS, RN, CLNC, FAAN. Read more HERE.
and Discharge Interventions): Implementation as a Standard Nursing Practice for Hospital Discharge,” Subaward from ANCC/Marquette University. McKinney, Tena, “Telemental Health Connect (TeleCon): Expanding Collaboration and Comprehensive Service Penetration,” Private/Foundation from The Duke Endowment. Pinto, Bernardine, “Understanding Sedentary Behavior in Breast Cancer Survivors to Inform Self- management Interventions,” R21 from NIH. Pinto, Bernardine, “Stakeholder Interviews to Inspire Moving Forward,” Administrative Supplement from NIH/NCI. Grants Funded Reitmeier, Melissa (Social Work) Baliko, Beverly; Boyd, Mary, “The Health Occupations Providing Excellence in SBIRT (HOPES),” SBIRT from SAMHSA.
Dr. Laura Hein featured in response to Orlando
Read it HERE.
Andrews, Jeannette; McKinney, Tena, “Leveraging Mental Health Access in South Carolina with Psychiatric Health Nurse Practitioners and Telemental Health,” from the Fullerton Foundation. Dievendorf, Amy; McDonnell, Karen, “Lung Cancer Screening in the post-NLST era: Primary care nurse perceptions and screening practices,” Pilot from the College of Nursing Office of Research. Messias, DeAnne, “ENLACE: A Promotora-Led Physical Activity Intervention Trial for Latinas in Texas (Year 5),” R01 Subaward from NIH/University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio.
Joan Creed and Carolyn Harmon participated in the Inaugural New Faculty Academy Class. Read more HERE.
The College of Nursing wishes Dr. Kathy LaSala good luck - you will be missed!
will be serving as a reviewer for the AHRQ report ³Assesment Tools for Palliative Care² (AHRQ Evidencebased Practice Center Program.)
Check out the College of Nursing’s Facebook Page Be sure to “LIKE” Us Follow us on Twitter @UofSCNursing Follow us on Instagram #uofscnursing
passed the Certified Nurse Educator Exam.
Research Spotlight
Abbas S. Tavakoli, DrPH, MPH, ME Clinical Associate Professor
Faculty Presentations & Publications Kate Chappell presented, “Examining meth-
odologies to explore adult caregiver vigilance for child sexual abuse,” at the 2016 Association for Community Health Nursing Educators/Association of Public Health Nurses Joint Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Dr. Robin Estrada and Dr. Amber Williams presented, “Partnering for public health: An interagency collaboration to decrease carbon monoxide morbidity and mortality,” at the 2016 Association for Community Health Nursing Educators/Association of Public Health Nurses Joint Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Dr. Tavakoli, a Clinical Associate Professor in the College of Nursing, has spent much of his career assisting principal investigators in collecting, managing, analyzing, and presenting high quality data for their research studies. Read more HERE.
Dr. DeAnne Messias presented “Navegantes para Salud: Enhancing Access to Care through Culturally and Linguistically Tailored Navigational Support,” at the ACHNE/APHN Conference in Indianapolis, IN. Dr. Ronit Elk presented, “Culturally Tailored
Palliative Care in the Rural South: Research to Practice,” to the palliative care team at Emory for CEU training.
Dr. Tisha Felder presented the Webinar “Road
to the Career Development Award: What you Need to Know.”
Dr. Karen McDonnell and PhD Student, Lisa Webb, presented, “Not a Death Sentence: Per-
spectives of African-American Women Living with Lung Cancer,” at the 8th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference.
Dr. Abbas Tavakoli’s manuscript, “PSYCON-
Betty Parker discusses Leadership Assessment Tools
at the Amy V. Cockcroft Program June session.
NECT: Constructing Layered Engagement for Optimal Learning in Clinical Education,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Nursing Education.
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF NURSING No Limits to our Teaching • First and largest BSN and nursing graduate programs in the state of SC • NCLEX and Nurse Practitioner Board Pass Rates exceeding both state and national averages • New PhD student fellowships and stipends • National and Internationally recognized faculty • Online graduate programs ranked #1 in the country by US News and World Report No Limits to our Innovation • State-of-the-art Client Simulation Lab providing revolutionizing and quality education to students • Cutting edge research in health care delivery, cancer survivorship, health promotion, and vulnerable populations • 4th DNP program in the country, now provided online • Center for Nursing Leadership is leading state-wide action coalitions responsive to the national Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action No Limits to our Caring • The College of Nursing’s Children and Family Healthcare Center is the only nurse managed medical home in South Carolina • Our dedicated expert clinical faculty provide comprehensive healthcare to all ages of an underserved population • Over 90 scholarships provided each year to our students, with the generosity from our alumni and donors • Well established partnerships with health systems and stakeholders across the state No Limits to our Scholarship • National leaders in nursing research with 86% tenure track faculty have externally funded research, 5 new NIH awards in past two years • Diverse portfolio of research funding from NCI, NINR, NHLBI, NLM, CDC, HRSA, Duke Foundation, & others • Cancer Survivorship Research Center focuses on: Vulnerable Populations, Health Promotion/Risk Reduction, and Cancer Survivorship
CONTACT US College of Nursing University of South Carolina 1601 Greene Street Columbia, SC 29208 Office of the Dean: 803-777-3861 Office of Academic Affairs: 803-777-7412 Information Resource Center: 803-777-1213
Office of Research: 803-777-7413 Center for Nursing Leadership 803-777-3039 Employment Opportunities @UofSCNursing