November 2015 enewsletter

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The CONnection News and Views from the University of South Carolina COLLEGE OF NURSING


Celebrating 15 Years of USC’s Clinical Doctorate

Dean Jeannette Andrews

Inside This Issue Alumni & Development...2-3 Students Corner...............4-5 Faculty & Staff Notes.....6-8 NO LIMITS........................9

Send Inquiries or Newsletter items to: Jan Johnson

In the 1990s, Dean Mary Ann Parsons, along with innovative USC faculty, had a collective vision to develop a second doctoral program in nursing. The existing doctoral program, PhD in Nursing Science, provided training, socialization, and education for nurses who wanted a career in research and the generation of new knowledge to inform our evidence base for practice. However, there lacked a terminal degree for nurses who wanted to expand their education with a clinical focus, enhancing the translation and implementation of evidence into practice, system-level practice changes, and leadership. Hence, in 2000, Dean Parsons and USC faculty launched the fourth clinical doctorate program in the country – a Nursing Doctorate (ND). The first USC ND graduate was Dr. Linda Morphis, a women’s health nurse practitioner and USC faculty member. In March, 2005, based on the national movement toward the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), the USC program degree changed from the ND to DNP. Now with over 200 DNP USC graduates, our alumni are scattered around the country making an impact in healthcare delivery. They join the 3000+ DNPs across the US, with significant growth expected to continue over the next 5-10 years. Currently in the US there are 18,000+ nurses enrolled in 241+ DNP programs. (AACN, 2014). Here at USC, we have 80 DNP students enrolled in four tracks: Family Nurse Practitioner, Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, and Nurse Executive Leadership. We will celebrate USC’s 15 year history of the Clinical Doctorate at our Viana McCown lectureship on Friday, November 13, 2015. Dr. Marian Broome, Dean of Nursing at Duke University and editor of Nursing Outlook, will be our keynote speaker. She will be followed by a panel exploring the past, present, and future of the DNP role. Our guest panelists are: Dr. Stephanie Burgess (USC faculty), Amy Freeman (United Healthcare), Dr. Jennifer Bell (Michelin), Louis Gossett (SC Manufacture’s Alliance), Susan Witkowski (SC Free Medical Clinic Association), and Dr. Joan Culley (USC faculty). Following the panel presentation, we will have breakout sessions with a variety of options for nursing students, nurses, and alumni. We look forward to seeing all of you on November 13. This will be a great time to socialize, network, and “catch up” with your peers. Click here for information on registering for the Viana McCown Lectureship. Jeannette O. Andrews PhD, RN, FAAN Dean & Professor - LIKE US! #UofSCNursing - FOLLOW US!

VITAL SIGNS....An Update from Alumni and Development

Dr. Marilyn Sonnenberg,

Faculty Emertita, has been named the 2015 My Carolina Alumni Association Honorary Life Membership Award recipient.

Attention UofSCNursing alumni

All gifts and pledges to support Nursing can be sent to: USC College of Nursing 1027 Barnwell Street Columbia, SC 29208 Gift Processing Checks Made Payable to the USC Educational Foundation or at our website

Help us plan our alumni engagement program by filling out this survey and letting us know how you’d like to engage with the college. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes and, as a bonus, we’ll send you a token of our appreciation if you complete the survey in its entirety. Take the survey HERE.

To learn how you can make a difference at USC College of Nursing contact the Development Office at 803-777-3468.

Students Corner

USC Salkehatchie Rural Nursing Initiative held its

Student Spotlight:

Emily Bollinger, BSN Student Read it HERE.

3rd Annual Stethoscope Ceremony to recognize and congratulate the 16 students who successfully progressed to the Upper Division of the nursing program. During the Stethoscope Ceremony, faculty members honored junior nursing students by draping a stethoscope around each student’s neck and donning them with special memorabilia pins cut in the shape of a stethoscope and engraved with the anticipated date of graduation.

Megan Scharner, a freshman from

The new Simulation Lab at USC Lancaster featured on CN2. Watch it HERE.

Cincinnati, Ohio, joined the College of Nursing family this fall as its first McNair Scholar. Read more HERE.

Sheri Webster successfully

Jason Richard successfully defend-

defended her PhD dissertation based on her research study, “Unexpected and Interrupted Transitions among Newly Licensed Registered Nurses: Perspectives of Nurse Managers and Preceptors.”

ed his DNP project, “Nurses Utilizing the V.O.I.C.E.S. HIV Prevention Intervention in the Black Church Community.”

Study Abroad Undergraduate & Graduate Nursing Students

Financial Aid Due November 15th Nicaragua

Dates: February 20 -28, 2016 Contact:

USC-Costa Rica in Global Health

Eboni Harris, PhD student and clini-

cal assistant professor, and DNP Student, April Pelgram, at the Jonas Scholars Leadership Conference in Washingtton, DC. The Jonas Nurse Leaders Scholar program supports the education of future nurse leaders. “This experience has influenced me to continue to be actively involved in the Coalition for Access to Healthcare to advocate for legislative change and educate the public about the role and value of APRN’s,” Pegram said.

Dates: Maymester 2016 Contact:

Germany: Munich, Nuremburg

Dates: May 7-21, 2016 Contact:


Dates: Maymester 2016 Contact:

Australia: Sydney, Great Barrier Reef, Melbourne Dates: Aug 1-14, 2016 Contact:

Faculty and Staff Notes

Welcome to the CON

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has awarded a new grant to fund the South Carolina Nurses’ Action Coalition. The project, led by Dr. Kathy LaSala, principal investigator, and Susan Outen, project manager, aims to increase the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree in South Carolina and prepare nurses to lead change to advance health.

Courtney Fleck Graduate Programs Coordinator Faculty Publications

Inoue, I., Higashi, T., Iwamoto, M., Heiney, Sue P., Tamaki, T., Osawa, K., Inoue, M., Shiraishi, K., Kojima, R., & Matoba, M. (in press). A national profile of the impact of parental cancer and their children in Japan. Cancer Epidemiology, in press. Qiu R, Eberth JM, Gallant N, Copeland A, McDonnell KK. (in press). Planning and implementation of low-dose CT lung cancer screening programs in the U.S. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Dara Brown Dr. Pinto’s Research Intervention Coordinator

Bakitas, M., Elk, R., Astin, M., Ceronsky, L., Clifford, K., Dionne-Odom, J. N., Emanuel, L., Fink, R., Kvale, E., Levkoff, S., Ritchie, C., Smith, T. (2015 in press). A Systematic Review of Rural Palliative Care Research: A New Frontier. Cancer Control Journal. Faculty Presentations Karen McDonnell, DeAnne Messias, and Lisa Webb, Presented “Fam-

ilies Facing Lung Cancer: Tensions and Compromises,” at the Council for the Advancement of Nursing meeting in Washington D. C.

Helen Halasz participated in a panel presentation “Graduate Student Ad-

vising: Strategies for Degree Progression,” at NACADA, The Global Community for Academic Advising, Las Vegas, NV.

Kimberly Rawlinson Dr. Pinto’s Research Project Manager

Tingen MS, Andrews JO, Heath J, Williams L, Schroeder C, Dainer P, Khelif S, Waller J. (2015). Tailored parental cessation delivered concurrently with tobacco prevention in children enrolled in urban and rural southern elementary schools. American Association for Cancer Research, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. Berger, K.C. & Kelchner, V.P. (2015). An innovative intervention for stu-

dents at-risk of high school dropout illuminates a needed role for PMHNPs delivering mental health care in the school setting [Poster Presentation]. American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) 29th Annual Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL.

Dr. Bernadine Pinto’s

paper, “Peer mentorship to promote physical activity among cancer survivors: effects on quality of life,” was recently selected to feature in Wiley’s News Round-Up. The RoundUp is a biweekly mailing sent to over 1,800 subscribing journalists that promotes a selection of the most newsworthy research published across Wiley’s journals.

Dr. Tisha Felder re-

cently received funding for a prestigious K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award from the National Cancer Institute. Her project will identify and test multi-level intervention strategies to improve adherence to hormonal therapy among disadvantaged breast cancer survivors who experience excess rates of breast cancer mortality. Read more HERE.

Dr. Ronit Elk been ap-

pointed a permanent member of the NIA-S standing committee.

Dr. Tena McKinney on a


Bev Baliko, Erin McKinney, Allyson Bagley, and Garner Leigh Caswell

provided nursing services at pop-up health clinics in the wake of Columbia’s flooding. Read more HERE.



has been elected the President Elect/Treasurer for the South Carolina American Nurses Informatics Association Chapter.

robot screen at the SC Telehealth Summit at the Columbia Convention Center. The USC CON Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner curriculum includes education on telehealth and telehealth simulations. The faculty is working to develop three rooms in the Simulation Lab that are dedicated to psych simulation including telehealth.

Grants Submitted Jiajia Zhang and Swann Adams, “New Method to Quantify Distance Impact on Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Survival,” R21 to NIH/NCI. Jeannette Andrews, “The Jonas Nurse

Scholars Program: 2016-2018 Cohort,” Loan Program to Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare. Zaina Qureshi and Ronit Elk, “Establishing Screening Preferences for Cancer Affecting the Prostate (ESCAPE),” K07 to NIH/ NCI. Zaina Qureshi and Ronit Elk, “Eliciting Screening Preferences for Cancer Affecting the Prostate (ESCAPE),” Mentored Research Scholar Grant to ACS. Robin Estrada, “A Patient-Centered Asth-

ma Management Communication Intervention for Rural Latino Children,” K23 to NIH/NHLBI. Sue Heiney, “ STORY + Smart Phone Ap-

Thank you to Kimberly Bradshaw and Erin McKinney for representing the CON and working with the annual giving office on the Family Fund Drive.

Dr. Laura Hein was the

recipient of a 2015 Folio: Eddie Award for her recent article, “Caring for Transgender Patients,” published on Nursing made Incredibly Easy!. The Folio: Awards are one of the most prestigious award competitions in the publishing industry.

plication for Treatment Adherence to Endocrine Therapy in African American Women with Breast Cancer,” R21 to NIH/NINR. Bernardine Pinto, “Understanding Sed-

entary Behavior among Breast Cancer Survivors ,” R21 to NIH/NCI. Grants funded Kathleen LaSala, “South Carolina One

Voice One Plan Action Coalition Future of Nursing State Implementation Program 2015 - 17,” Program Grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. James Hebert and Tisha Felder, “GMaP Subcontract with University of Kentucky,” Subaward from NIH.

South Carolina deans and associate deans traveled to Capitol Hill to meet with senators about nursing and healthcare policies.

Research Spotlight: Karen Kane McDonnell, PhD, RN, OCN, Assistant Professor Building on a strong administrative and clinical background in cancer care, Dr. Karen Kane McDonnell acknowledges that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, with more deaths attributable to lung cancer than to colorectal, breast and prostate cancer combined. She believes it is imperative to advance the science of lung cancer screening and survivorship so that more survivors and their families live with a greater quality of life. Dr. McDonnell has focused her research program on lung cancer initiatives. The long-term goal of her research program is to improve outcomes for persons diagnosed with lung cancer and their family members. Her current study, A Dissemination Project to Advance Lung Cancer Screening in SC, was funded by the South Carolina Cancer Alliance as a collaborative effort with colleagues at USC Arnold School of Public Health, School of Medicine and the Medical University of South Carolina’s College of Nursing. As a Co-PI of this grant, Dr. McDonnell designed and conducted a pilot study to test a clinically-based decision aid entitled “Is Lung Cancer Screening for You?” Working with pairs of high-risk patients and primary care physicians, the research team explored shared decision-making processes as well as tested the feasibility of a newly-developed low literacy decision aid. The research team envisions that the results of this study will be used in the future to disseminate a lung cancer screening decision aid and toolkit for health care providers throughout the state of South Carolina.




(pictured with Dr. Debra Hatmaker, ANA Executive Director) represented UofSCNursing at the South Carolina Nurses Association convention. She was elected to another term as Commission Chair of Advocacy and Professional Development at SCNA.

UPCOMING EVENTS November 5th Lung Cancer Screening The Hall at Senate’s End 5-7 pm November 13th Viana McCown Lectureship REGISTER HERE November 14th Cockaboose November 14th SCNF Nurses Walk Riverfront Park REGISTER HERE December 14th Convocation Main Street United Methodist Church

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF NURSING No Limits to our Teaching • First and largest BSN and nursing graduate programs in the state of SC • NCLEX and Nurse Practitioner Board Pass Rates exceeding both state and national averages • New PhD student fellowships and stipends • National and Internationally recognized faculty • Online graduate programs ranked #3 in the country by US News and World Report No Limits to our Innovation • State-of-the-art Client Simulation Lab providing revolutionizing and quality education to students • Cutting edge research in health care delivery, cancer survivorship, health promotion, and vulnerable populations • 4th DNP program in the country, now provided online • Center for Nursing Leadership is leading state-wide action coalitions responsive to the national Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action No Limits to our Caring • The College of Nursing’s Children and Family Healthcare Center is the only nurse managed medical home in South Carolina • Our dedicated expert clinical faculty provide comprehensive healthcare to all ages of an underserved population • Over 90 scholarships provided each year to our students, with the generosity from our alumni and donors • Well established partnerships with health systems and stakeholders across the state No Limits to our Scholarship • National leaders in nursing research with 86% tenure track faculty have externally funded research, 5 new NIH awards in past two years • Diverse portfolio of research funding from NCI, NINR, NHLBI, NLM, CDC, HRSA, Duke Foundation, & others • Two Research Centers: Healthcare Process and Redesign Center and Cancer Survivorship Center

CONTACT US College of Nursing University of South Carolina 1601 Greene Street Columbia, SC 29208 Office of the Dean: 803-777-3861 Office of Academic Affairs: 803-777-7412 Information Resource Center: 803-777-1213

Office of Research: 803-777-7413 Center for Nursing Leadership 803-777-3039 Employment Opportunities #UofSCNursing

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