October 2015 enewsletter

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The CONnection News and Views from the University of South Carolina COLLEGE OF NURSING


ONE CAROLINA and CAROLINA STRONG The last several days have been challenging for our state, region, and campus community in the midst of a Type I FEMA disaster. The resilience and spirit of our great state and university continue to shine, as our village has been reaching out, assisting, and mobilizing support for one another. Faculty, staff, students, and alumni from the College of Nursing have been on the forefront providing support to others in need during this crisis. Several lives have been lost in our community, while others have lost homes, cars, and belongings. Our College keeps all those who have suffered during this time in our thoughts and prayers as we recover, restore, and rebuild. Dean Jeannette Andrews

Inside This Issue Alumni & Development...2-3 Students Corner...............4-5 Faculty & Staff Notes.....6-8

Today, the sun is shining brightly in Columbia, renewing our energy and resolve. The recovery of our Midlands community will take some time, and with the transportation and water challenges around the campus, student classes have been cancelled for the remainder of the week. Our faculty are reaching out to students, not only to ensure their safety and wellbeing, but to communicate and to prevent as minimal disruption as possible for the ongoing coursework this semester. We will all work together during this time as we all will act responsibly, remain flexible, and adaptable to the current situation. Our first priority is that everyone is safe and free from harm. We are a great team, ONE CAROLINA and CAROLINA STRONG! Best regards,

NO LIMITS........................9

Jeannette O. Andrews PhD, RN, FAAN Dean & Professor j.andrews@sc.edu

Send Inquiries or Newsletter items to: Jan Johnson jnjohnso@mailbox.sc.edu

www.sc.edu/nursing www.facebook.com/UofSCNursing - LIKE US! #UofSCNursing - FOLLOW US!

VITAL SIGNS....An Update from Alumni and Development

Carolina Guardian Society Members

The College of Nursing welcomed new Partnership Board Members at their September 22nd meeting. Joyce Winkler BJ Roof Ashley Sirianni Carolyn Swinton Cheryl Bullard Stacy Collier

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrison Allen Dr. Jeannette Andrews Mrs. Frances E. Ashe-Goins Dr. Opal F. Brown Ms. Carole H. Cato Ms. Jeanne U. Cavanaugh Ms. Anita B. Easter Dr. H. Nelson Eddy and Mrs. Patricia Eddy Dr. Sue P. Heiney Dr. JoAnne Herman and Dr. Wayne Herman Mrs. Beverley House Harry Joe and Judith King Mr. and Mrs. John O. Little III Dr. Marlene C. Mackey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neil McLean, Jr. Dr. Mary Ann Parsons Mr. Billy F. Scally Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M. Seigler, Sr. Dr. Marilyn B. Sonnenberg and Mr. Charles H. Sonnenberg Ms. Mary Ann Hellams Starling

Chair of the CON Partnership Board, Greta Green BSN (‘87), spoke at the Commitment to Caring Ceremony.

2014 alumni, Ben Thomas, Lindsey Piedt, Megan Eysen, and Christian Hoffstetter celebrated completing their first year as nurses with a trip to California and went on “The Price is Right.”

All gifts and pledges to support Nursing can be sent to: USC College of Nursing 1027 Barnwell Street Columbia, SC 29208 Gift Processing

Checks Made Payable to the USC Educational Foundation or at our website http://giving.sc.edu/ The Simulation Lab received funding last year from the Hearst Foundation that provided automatic medication dispensers for the lab. Our students and faculty put this video together to say, “Thank you!” Watch it HERE.

To learn how you can make a difference at USC College of Nursing contact the Development Office at 803-777-3468.

Students Corner

The Alpha Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society is pleased to announce the induction of 59 new

members from the University of South Carolina. 36 undergraduate and 23 graduate students accepted invitations and were inducted on Sunday September 27, 2015. Welcoming remarks were delivered by Dean Jeannette Andrews followed by the induction address delivered by Associate Dean Kathleen LaSala. The event was presided over by the chapter President, Ellen Synovec, with a reception following the event. Sigma Theta Tau is the second largest nursing organization in the world with over 135,000 members. Membership is by invitation to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students, who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, and to nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing. The Alpha Xi Chapter is one of the oldest chapters and will be celebrating its 50 year anniversary in 2016.

Student Spotlight:

Chelsea Bullock, BSN Student Read it HERE.

Lanie Dreyer and Callie Downs (L) and Emily Bollinger and Emily Bethea (R) were among the

Student Nurses Association students who volunteered for Children’s Healthcare Week at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital. Student volunteers help man skill stations and keep groups of school-age children moving through this opportunity to get exposure to the hospital, to help increase their comfort if they ever have to come to the hospital for care.

Heather Schneider and her clinical students show

off their stethoscopes. #NursesShareYourStethoscopes

Drive for excellence brings PhD student around the world by Annie Lambert

The Commitment to Caring ceremony held at the College of Nursing on September 25th, honors the junior class as they prepare to enter health care centers for their first off-campus clini­cal rotation. Featured speakers included Jamie Lawson, April Cone, Courtney Catledge, Cristy DeGregory, Greta Green and Dean Andrews. More than 200 students recited the Code of Ethics for Nurses and the Nightingale Pledge as they lit candles to mark this significant transition in their educational path. A reception and tours of the Clincal Simlation Lab followed for their students and friends/ family. View event photos HERE.

The Capstone experience featuring Dr. Patrick Hickey by Chris Horn

For Chigozie Nkwonta, a career in health care was never in question. Her father, a retired civil servant in Nkwonta’s native Anambra state in southeastern Nigeria, encouraged her to follow in the footsteps of her elder sister who is a nurse. “I remember my father stating when my elder sisters graduated from high school, ‘You must study a health profession ... I want to be sure that you will have a good job regardless of what the society or economy presents,’” Nkwonta recalled. Read more HERE.

The campus community called Capstone Scholars is celebrating its 10th year as one of the university’s most popular programs for high-achieving students looking for something more in the college experience. Read more HERE.

Faculty and Staff Notes

Dr. Kathrene Brendell presented

“Educate Me?: Relationship Among High School Dropout Rate, Mental Health, and Social Competency” at the 9th World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Global Knowledge for Local Change.

Triage Grant Team, Drs. Sal DiNardi and Joan Culley, participated in a Mass Casualty Drill that simulated a blast mass casualty incident. DHEC, Columbia fire and Hazmat team, the bomb squad from the Richland County Sheriff’s office, Richland County EMS, the Medical reserve Corps and all participated in the exercise.

Faculty Presentations Berger, K.C., & Kelchner, V. P. (2015) An In-

novative Intervention for Students At-Risk of High School Dropout Illuminates a Needed Role for PMHNPs Delivering Mental Health Care in the School Setting [Poster]. American Psychiatric Nurses Association 29th Annual Conference, October 28-31, Orlando, Florida. Dr. Laura Hein presented “Electronic Re-

Dr. Sheryl Mitchell was selected by The American

Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) to participate in the AANP Leadership Program. She attended the 2015 Specialty & Leadership Conference in San Diego, CA. Read more HERE.

sources to Find Sex Partners in South Carolina” and co-lead a workshop at the conference with Sarah Fogel and Peggy Chinn entitled “Improving Quality of LGBT Health: Developing Discipline-Specific Strategies with Interprofessional Support.” Dr. DeAnne Hilfinger Messias’ poster,

“The Impact of Navegantes Para Salud on Access to Primary Care among Hispanic Women and Children” won third place for Research at the National Association of Community Health Centers conference held in Orlando, Florida. Co-authors included Carolina Rodriquez (pictured) from Eau Claire Cooperative Health Centers, Dr. Edena Meetze, USC Arnold School of Public Health, and M. Elizabeth Fore, Idaho State University.

Faculty Publications McDonnell, K. K., Hollen, P. J., Heath, J., and Andrews, J. O. (2015). Recruiting family dy-

ads facing thoracic surgery: Challenges and lessons learned from a smoking cessation intervention. European Journal of Oncology Nursing.

Dr. Tisha Felder’s grant,

“Improving Adherence to Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy among Disadvantaged Breast Cancer Survivors,” has been funded through a K01 grant by National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health.

USC Lancaster honored the nursing simulation lab donors on September 29th at a luncheon and demonstration. “We are thrilled with the completion of the nursing simulation lab for the BSN students. The opportunities the lab offers will enhance nursing education so that our communities will benefit. I humbly thank everyone who helped make this vision a reality,” said Dr. Amber Williams. Williams started this journey in 2011 and has worked relentlessly for 4 years to raise funds and construct a state-of-the-art, high fidelity nursing simulation lab with the most realistic setting and equipment.

Dr. Ronit Elk will be the

guest editor for two magazines: JPM, Special Issue, End of Life Care in African American and LGBT Heath, Special Issue, Cancer in the LGBT Community.

UPCOMING EVENTS October 16th Alumni Center Grand Opening October 17th Homecoming Game October 22rd - 23nd Fall Break


Laura Hein was elected to a second term on the Board of Directors of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality and was elected as Vice President of External Affairs for the organization.

November 5th Lung Cancer Screening The Hall at Senate’s End 5-7 pm November 13th Viana McCown Lectureship November 14th Cockaboose November 14th SCNF Nurses Walk Riverfront Park

Grants Submitted Dr. Jeannette Andrews and Dr. Martha

Tingen, Tailored Smoking Cessation App for High-risk Individuals Receiving Lung Cancer Screening, Federal/Subaward on an NIH R01. Dr. DeAnne Messias, Providing a Second

Chance for At-Risk Youth: Ongoing Support for Women’s Well-Being Initiative in Lexington County, Edward B. Timmons, Jr. Charitable Trust. Dr. Swann Adams, A Home-Based Physi-

cal Activity Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Reduce Inflammation among Colon Cancer Survivors, Federal/R01 from NIH/NCI.

The class of 2015 – 2016 Amy V. Cockcroft fellows met in September for their 3nd session. The session speakers were Dr. Phyllis Kritek and Jenny Maxwell. Dr. Kritek described various conflict resolution tools with the fellows and explored how each of our own views on conflict effect how we interact with others during challenges that are faced every day. Ms. Maxwell led a very interactive session as each of the fellows described their projects, received feedback from both Ms. Maxwell and their cohort of fellows on how to structure and present their project. Each fellow presented a 90-second marketing synopsis of their projects. The sneak preview of the projects indicated the best is yet to come! The purpose of the project is to implement an interdisciplinary project that reflects the recommendations of the IOM Report on the Future of Nursing. The interaction among the fellows, their respect of one another and the enthusiasm for the program is always a highlight of each session.

Grants funded Dr. Tisha Felder, Improving Adherence to

Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy among Disadvantaged Breast Cancer Survivors, Federal/ K01 from NIH/NCI. Dr. Daniela B. Friedman, Dr. Swann Adams and Dr. Sue Heiney, SIP-14-011: South Carolina Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network Collaborating Center (Year 2), Federal from the CDC.

Are you or someone you know looking for new employment? View our open positions HERE.

We are seeking nominations and applications for the 2016 –2017 Cohort of Amy V. Cockcroft Leadership Program! The deadline for applications is January 15, 2017. The selection of fellows is done by a selection committee and is a competitive process. The requirements are a masters degree or higher, a nurse leader with potential for advancement and who has the support of the organization. The 2016 - 2017 class begins March 23 – 25, 2016. Please see the Amy V. Cockcroft website for more information or email NURSAVC@mailbox.sc.edu for questions about the application process.

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF NURSING No Limits to our Teaching • First and largest BSN and nursing graduate programs in the state of SC • NCLEX and Nurse Practitioner Board Pass Rates exceeding both state and national averages • New PhD student fellowships and stipends • National and Internationally recognized faculty • Online graduate programs ranked #3 in the country by US News and World Report No Limits to our Innovation • State-of-the-art Client Simulation Lab providing revolutionizing and quality education to students • Cutting edge research in health care delivery, cancer survivorship, health promotion, and vulnerable populations • 4th DNP program in the country, now provided online • Center for Nursing Leadership is leading state-wide action coalitions responsive to the national Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action No Limits to our Caring • The College of Nursing’s Children and Family Healthcare Center is the only nurse managed medical home in South Carolina • Our dedicated expert clinical faculty provide comprehensive healthcare to all ages of an underserved population • Over 90 scholarships provided each year to our students, with the generosity from our alumni and donors • Well established partnerships with health systems and stakeholders across the state No Limits to our Scholarship • National leaders in nursing research with 86% tenure track faculty have externally funded research, 5 new NIH awards in past two years • Diverse portfolio of research funding from NCI, NINR, NHLBI, NLM, CDC, HRSA, Duke Foundation, & others • Two Research Centers: Healthcare Process and Redesign Center and Cancer Survivorship Center

CONTACT US College of Nursing University of South Carolina 1601 Greene Street Columbia, SC 29208 Office of the Dean: 803-777-3861 Office of Academic Affairs: 803-777-7412 Information Resource Center: 803-777-1213

Office of Research: 803-777-7413 Center for Nursing Leadership 803-777-3039 Employment Opportunities www.sc.edu/nursing www.facebook.com/UofSCNursing #UofSCNursing

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