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A few close-reading alumni—including John Baca, PharmD ’79, and Andrew C. Gregory, PharmD ’78—wrote to Results regarding the Pharmacies Timeline (page 16) in the spring 2022 issue to note that the USC School of Pharmacy’s relocation from the University Park Campus (UPC) to the Health Sciences Campus took place several years earlier than 1977, the year noted in the magazine. While some School of Pharmacy operations remained at UPC, classes began at the John Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Center in September 1974, and the building was officially dedicated on November 3 that year. Were you on campus in the 1970s? Share your story at pharmcom@usc.edu.

Alumni and friends are helping new generations of students blossom and flourish by making scholarship gifts to the school. All scholarship donations of $500 or more include the opportunity to name a leaf on the new David and Sheila Makhani Family Legacy Tree. Lilia Xu, PharmD ’12, recently made such a gift.
As a past beneficiary of student scholarships I understand the impact that this financial support can have on a student’s ability to focus on academics. I believe in passing on to future generations the generosity that others have afforded me.”
—Lilia Xu, PharmD ’12, Vice President, Business Development, 986 Degrees Corp.
To add your own leaf to the tree, contact Chief Development Officer Cheryl Stanovich at stanovic@usc.edu.
USC School of Pharmacy Health Sciences Campus University of Southern California 1985 Zonal Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90089-9121 Nonprofit Organization US Postage Paid University of Southern California
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Plans for the new USC Pharmacy location in South Los Angeles, shown here in a rendering, continue to take shape. The new pharmacy, the school’s sixth, is scheduled to open in 2023.