3 minute read
Journey Down Memory Lane - Part IV

Fall 2016

Fall 2004

Summer 2013

September 1994

Summer 2010
Journey Down Memory Lane—Part IV A Look to the Future and Next Quarter-Century!
Paul K. Fox, TODAY Steering Committee Member, School District Representative
A salute in celebration of the silver jubilee of UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY , “the award-winning, official publication of the School District and Township of Upper St. Clair.” Over the past 25 years, these are among the things we’ve done:
• 25 years of capturing the moments and events in Upper St. Clair
• 25 years of the community’s commitment and good will
• 25 years of residents’ contributions, guidance, and volunteerism
• 25 years of staff leadership, dedication, vision, and creativity
• 25 years of financial support from our wonderful advertisers
Thank you, USC, for the wonderful ride!
As it comes to the end of a yearlong celebration of serving our community for a quarter century, a final bravo and kudos, as well as birthday wishes, to UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY. As a tribute to this, our 100th issue of TODAY, the publishers, steering committee, editors, staff, and volunteers would like to express their heartfelt appreciation for 25 years of the community’s active encouragement and support. In anticipation of additional alliances and collaborations, we invite you to submit an article, illustration or photo, or advertise in a future release of our community’s not-for-profit publication.
We are “Panther Proud” about the magazine’s past accomplishments, ongoing innovations, and promising future endeavors. Please enjoy and look forward to what’s happening now and in the future of TODAY:
• The continued use of issuu.com online to promote all issues of the magazine’s print publication, back to the winter 2001 edition.
• Expansion and promotion of the digital 15241.TODAY that shares news in between the quarterly print publications and provides local fundraising information and other community news of interest.
• Continuation of an eco-friendly publication, TODAY remains “green” and uses recycled paper, while encouraging all types of residential recycling through its many articles on the subject matter.
• TODAY’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts are offered to those who like and prefer the digital world of news.
• Broadcast 15241.TODAY talk is a great way to enjoy video segments of notable USC personalities on Cable 7, channel 42, the Township’s website through Vimeo, the School District’s athletic website, as well as excerpts of those interviews on Facebook and other social media outlets.
We promise to remain faithful to the magazine’s original mission that has not changed in 25 years: UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY is a community magazine that is dedicated to promoting the Township and School District of Upper St. Clair by recognizing the gifts and contributions of the people who live and work here… and uphold the goals of this keepsake treasure by committing to the following principles: 1. Distribute a comprehensive joint Township and School District publication to the residents of Upper St. Clair
2. Portray the Upper St. Clair community
3. Publicize current news and the procedures and policies of the Township and School District of Upper St. Clair
4. Showcase the achievements and diversity of our residents
5. Document the art, culture, and history of Upper St. Clair
6. Develop regular volunteer contributors to the magazine
7. Offer public service to the community
8. Advance new partnerships and collaborations

Stay Connected with UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY as we move toward our “20-20 vision” for the New Year. Thank you for your continued support!
• Phone: 412-833-1600, ext. 2284
• Fax: 412-851-2592
• Website: www.twpusc.org/magazine/usc-today-home
• Email: usctoday@uscsd.k12.pa.us
• Digital quarterly print publication: issuu.com. Once on the site, search UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY magazine
• Online magazine: www.15241.today
• Broadcast (USC Township Cable 7, channel 42, Vimeo, USC SD athletic website): 15241 TODAY talk
• Facebook: @usctoday
• Twitter: @uscmag
• Instagram: @15241.today
Happy 25 th anniversary, UPPER ST. CLAIR TODAY!