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Kevin Gray 419-636-5500 路 419-553-9563 kevingray.toledonoris.mlxchange.com kgray@wilsonauctionltd.net 825 N. Main St. Bryan, OH 43506

Come on and wake up earth: The sun is back at last! Spring is finally here and the song of the birds can be heard on the breeze while the sunbeams wake the world from it's slumber. Throw open the greenhouse doors and gather your tools, It's planting season! This month in Welcome Home magazine discover the meaning of the ever elusive term "Organic". Been dying to try greenhouse gardening, but don't have a clue where to start? Have you been thinking wistfully about that gorgeous garden that your Grandmother used to have, only to remember that you don't have the time to spend keeping one like it tended? Fret no more! Dig into our pages and enjoy the eco friendly content! Everyone can do their part for the planet, WELCOME HOME is published only online, so no trees were harmed in the making of this Ezine! Please enjoy this issue of the magazine! Have an ecologically fantastic April, and as always, Welcome Home!

If you have comments or suggestions please email us at welcomehome@activeezine.com , we love to hear from you! Also if there is a subject that you would like to see covered, let us know! We look forward to hearing from you!

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Kevin Gray 419-636-5500 419-553-9563 Visit My Site Email Me 825 N. Main St. Bryan, OH 43506

Welcome Home! Table of Contents 4

Recipe And Design A tasty recipe and a stylish home design how to.

5 Organic Gardening - What is it? How does your garden grow? Organically of course!


Welcome Home is for entertainment purposes only. This magazine is not intended to solicit other brokersʼ listings. If you are currently working with another broker, please disregard this information.

Recycling - Saving In More Ways Than One

Discover the many ways we can help save our Earth.

All pictures courtesy of sxc.hu unless otherwise noted. Thanks to Wikipedia for Random Fact information and aid.

8 - 11 Setting Up A Greenhouse Everything you need to know to get you started.

12 - 13 Simple Ways To Develop A Low Maintenance No time to garden, not a problem any longer!


Editor in Chief - Phly Jambor


Growing Fruit Trees Organically Learn to express your love in more than 100 languages!.


Eco-Friendly Fashion Trends Going green is the new black.

16 - 17 Products To Love! Hot trends, technological wonders of tomorrow and so much more!

18 City Spotlight Princeton, New Jersey. Check out this historical garden of learning.

19 Businesses That Make A Difference Terracycle, a trash obsessed company that’s out to change the world.

The information provided in this publication of Welcome Home or on any website maintained by U.S. Cybertek, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, agents, representatives, licensors, licensees or employees (collectively Publisher) is intended as a general guide illustrating common methods of common practices, and the publisher makes no warranty or guarantee whatsoever of the safety, effectiveness, or other characteristic of any methods or products described herein. Neither does the Publisher assume any liability for information published in any website or other publication to which reference may be made herein. Readers are cautioned to review and comply with all written instructions, safety bulletins, and other materials provided in connection with any of the products mentioned herein and all products used in connection with any of the methods described. Neither Published nor any of its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, agents, representatives, licensors, licensees or employees shall in any case be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or injury or any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special punitive or similar damages arising out of your use of or failure to use any of the methods and/ or products described in this publication or any other publication or websites to which reference may be made herein. Publisher disclaims all warranties, and any warranty or guarantee of safety, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose lies solely with the manufacture(s) of any product described or recommended or used used in connection with any methods described or recommended.

Recipe and Design Garden Art Painted Pot

Candied Walnut, Pear, and Leafy Green Salad

It's easy to transform everyday terra-cotta pots into striking garden art.

What You Need: Yield: 8 servings (serving size: about 1 cup)

Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1/3 cup sugar 2/3 cup chopped walnuts, toasted Cooking spray 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, divided 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon capers, chopped 4 cups torn green leaf lettuce 4 cups chopped romaine lettuce 4 cups chopped radicchio 1 ripe red Anjou pear, thinly sliced 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Preparation 1. Place sugar in a small, heavy saucepan over medium-high heat; cook until sugar dissolves, stirring gently as needed to dissolve sugar evenly (about 1 minute). Continue cooking 1 minute or until golden (do not stir). Remove from heat; carefully stir in nuts to coat evenly. Spread nuts on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray; separate nuts quickly. Sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Set aside until cool; break into small pieces. 2. Combine vinegar and mustard, stirring with a whisk. Gradually add oil, stirring constantly with a whisk. Stir in capers. 3. Combine lettuces and radicchio; top with pear and candied walnuts. Drizzle dressing evenly over salad; sprinkle with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Cooking Light, NOVEMBER 2009

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House paint Flowers, seed pods, and leaves of different sizes Terra-cotta pot Rubber gloves

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Instructions: 1.Select leaves that have a distinct shape and that are sturdy enough to stand up to the "concrete paint" you will be coating them with. 2. Mix water, cement, and concrete bonding adhesive. Don rubber gloves. Measure 1 part water, 2 parts Portland cement, 1 part concrete bonding adhesive. Pour water into a large mixing container. Shake in cement and stir. Add the bonding adhesive. Mix the ingredients to the consistency of heavy whipping cream. 3.Paint and press. Using this mixture, paint the ribbed side of your leaf with a 1-inch brush. A light layer works best. It's OK if some areas are spotty. They'll end up looking textured. Press the painted side of the leaf to the pot. The pot should not be wet or damp, or the concrete paint may not adhere. 4. Sponge. Press the leaf against the pot with a damp sponge, wiping away any excess paint that seeps out from behind the leaf. Leave the leaf on for one to two minutes so the concrete paint adheres to the pot. Carefully peel the leaf from the pot to reveal the "sculpture." You can

Portland cement Concrete bonding adhesive 1-inch paint brush Sponge

reuse the same leaf to make more prints, use different leaves, or mix and match patterns. 5. Make a sculptural print if desired. The seedpod of a poppy also can be used to make a sculptural print on your pot. Paint the flat head with your concrete mixture. Press the pod to the pot and leave it there for a minute or two. Pull up to reveal its coin-like motif. Leaves can be silhouetted by brushing the concrete paint on the leaf, or just its edges, and overlapping onto the space outside the leaf. Try silhouetting all the way around the rim. If you mess up, you can touch it up or just wipe it clean with your sponge and try again. 6. Allow pot to dry, then paint with colored wash. Let your pot prints dry for five minutes. In the meantime, create a colorful wash by mixing 4 ounces of water with 4 ounces of flat exterior latex house paint and 2 tablespoons of the bonding agent. Paint the pot with the colored wash, wait a minute or so, then wipe the pot in a circular motion with a soft rag. As the pot dries, the concrete-painted areas will appear burnished, as if they are under several layers of patina.

Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens.com

Organic Gardening - What is It? Organic gardening can be described as gardening without the use of man-made chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Some say it provides the gardener a harmony with nature. It is not a new concept, but has become an increasingly popular type of gardening in recent years given the fact that everyone is going "green". Organic can mean different things to different people. Organic gardening is a little more than just not using chemicals or non organic fertilizers on your garden. An organic gardener should consider his/her garden as part of the bigger picture in nature and life itself. Organic gardening is a simple way to ensure that you are growing the highest-quality produce in a sustainable way that is healthy for the plants and the planet. It is one of the oldest methods of cultivation, and the food it will produce is not only healthier for you it's less expensive to. You may find that it might become the most rewarding hobby, or lifestyle, you have ever undertaken. Organic gardening is a simple healthful way to convert living organisms into carbon compounds in a way that considers the whole of nature and its integral place in that scheme. Organic gardening uses natural compost and manure to fertilize and grow plants and flowers. Since you will be using natural compost no harmful chemicals or pesticides are used on your plants. Some gardeners are willing to invest in some extras required by organic gardening because it ensures that no harmful pesticides or fungicides will be used. By growing a garden without

chemical fertilizers, you will naturally build the soil to support healthy plant life. Chemical fertilizers and additives will, over time, damage the soil's ability to provide what plants need to resist disease, insect attacks, and stress. Organic gardening is all about balance between the soil and its nutrients, the water, the air, and of course your plants. It is easy, relaxing and fun. Being a green gardener means you don't use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides on your plants. It is all about working with the land to build healthy soil and plants. Think of organic gardening as a system that combines all aspects of gardening: soil, water, plants, animals; even insects! So if you're considering organic gardening, it is an excellent way to grow your trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables and plants. Your garden will benefit greatly from organic materials. It is an environmentally friendly, people friendly style of gardening. And its methods can be utilized by virtually anyone to create and maintain sustainable gardens, in the city or country. If you are thinking of starting an outdoor garden project you should consider giving the organic method a try. You will enjoy the accomplishment of growing you own healthy foods and enjoy the health benefits it can provide. It may take a while to figure out the best ways of doing things. I suggest picking up a few books on the subject and doing a bit of research on the types of tools you will need and the plants that work best. With a little practice you will be an expert gardener in no time at all. Written by Dale Martin. Article courtesy of articlesbase.com.


Saving In More Ways Than One

This great big planet seems to be getting smaller and smaller. As more people call it home, the need to conserve, preserve and recycle is becoming more and more evident. While it's not possible for one person to solve all the world's problems when it comes to preservation and conservation, a single human can make a huge difference in a single community or an area. Recycling is one of the best ways a person can make a difference in their community. The effort is relatively simple, generally supported by curbside pick up and can even be financially beneficial. Plus, it benefits the planet. If you doubt the necessity to recycle, take a look at your weekly trash. Now consider what items could be pulled out and saved from a trip to a landfill. Cuts the number of bags down by a lot, doesn't it?

If you'd like to get started recycling, but don't know how, here are some ideas: * Check with your local government authority to see if there are curbside recycling programs in place. If your government doesn't have them, perhaps your trash handlers do. In many communities there are special, designated days for recycling of certain items. There's not even a need to take the recyclables to a special collection site it comes to you instead. * If there is a recycling program in place, find out its rules and regulations. Depending on location, some items may be accepted and others may not. There may even be special bags or bins necessary to make sure the pick up program can easily identify what's meant to be recycled and what's meant for the landfill.

* If you don't have a recycling program, check with a recycling company. These do exist and they handle everything from cardboard to aluminum and copper and more. In general, the following items are accepted by recycling programs. Keep in mind though some of these items can net you cash if you turn them into a company rather than put them through a curbside service. In some cases, a lot of money. * Glass. Many types of glass can be recycled. This will oftentimes have to be rinsed out. Check with your local program for information on types accepted and prep steps necessary. * Aluminum. This is one that can net you money. Check for local regulations on its recycling, but keep in mind if you go through a lot of cans, you

could be throwing money away if you don't recycle, not to mention wasting landfill space. * Copper wires. Electricians often come into contact with this. When stripped of its covering, this can net some serious cash at a recycling place. * Newspapers. These are great for recycling. There's no need to throw them away. Newspapers can be worth money for those who recycling them, too. In fact, many youth organizations do newspaper drives to make themselves some extra cash. Rather than selling a product, they collect your junk for their fundraising. Making a difference for our planet truly begins one person at a time. Recycling is an easy way to get active and have an impact.

Written by Ben Franklin. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com



you are a gardener who doesn't want your level of success to be determined by the weather, setting up

greenhouses may be your solution. Not only will your crops not be subject to damage from the weather, you can actually control the climate in a greenhouse. Having the ability to manage the environment in your garden can make it possible for you to cultivate plants that don't normally grow in your climate. By controlling the conditions, you can even produce out of season. This is really an avid gardener's fantasy. Greenhouses unlock the barriers to gardening by making it viable to grow anything, anytime, no matter where you live. There are several things that you need to know when planning on setting up greenhouses. Taking care to plan will increase your potential while saving you money. It requires a little research, lots of thought and that loathed process of budgeting, but all in all, it is lots of fun, especially when the planning is done and you can make your ambition of being a phenomenal gardener a reality.

There are five things to be considered in the planning process: Different types of greenhouses Greenhouse accessories Needs assessment Location Budget After building the knowledge, determining your needs, selecting a location, and setting your budget, you will be ready to devise a plan and put it into action! Types of greenhouses Building your knowledge concerning the different types of greenhouses will make the process so much easier. There are various different types including different sizes, shapes and building materials. Whether you are planning for a huge garden, a small garden, or an herb box, there are greenhouses available for you. Hobby gardening to commercial gardening can be accommodated. Greenhouses are available in several sizes. They range from a window box to a full-size building. You can select an attached greenhouse (attached to your house or another building), or a free-standing greenhouse. There are even portable greenhouses, or hobby greenhouses, that can easily fit on your porch. A lean-to shape is common with attached greenhouses, although an even-span can be attached too. A windowmounted greenhouse is a small, attached greenhouse. Free-standing greenhouses can take any shape and size. What is more to important to some than shape or size is the building materials used in the construction of a greenhouse. The materials used will determine the cost, the durability and the level of maintenance that will be required to keep the greenhouse in good shape. Some materials will require a permanent foundation; while some that are intended to be portable, won't require a permanent foundation. The frame of a free-standing greenhouse can be made of wood or pipe with choices of different grades of wood, plastic, aluminum, or galvanized steel pipe. The type of framing material may be dependent on your choice of coverings. For coverings you may choose tempered glass, fiberglass or plastic film. In selecting the materials, you should consider the pros and cons of each as well as the cost, maintenance requirement and durability. If you are building the greenhouse yourself, you should check with your local building inspector to find out about recommendations for materials in your area and whether or not a building permit is required.

Greenhouse accessories It is best to become familiar with greenhouse accessories before you select your greenhouses or develop your budget. In order for your greenhouse to work, there are some accessories that you will definitely need. Other accessories are for convenience. One of the most important accessories to consider is watering devices, because plumbing may be required. Plumbing can really cut into your budget. So, it is a good idea to check out the options for watering your plants inside your greenhouse. Of course, you can carry water and hand-water your plants if you have the time, but there are watering devices that will automatically water as instructed. The next most significant knowledge to build is about climate and light control equipment. This includes equipment that will help you to control the environment in your greenhouse. Temperature control equipment such as heating systems and solar panels will allow you to control the heat, while evaporative coolers, humidification devices and shade cloths can help to cool and humidify the area. Ventilation and air circulation equipment may be necessary too. Artificial lighting can be used to compensate for sunlight if the greenhouse doesn't get enough sunlight. Control equipment really adds potential to your greenhouse. It can actually create an environment that best suits your garden, regardless of your climate or the weather. Control equipment can be automated, where it takes care of itself, or it can be manually implemented as needed. Of course you will need planters, pots or containers, unless you plant right in the ground. Plant stands and shelves will allow you to plant more in less space. You will also have to have the basic gardening supplies including hand tools. These are a few of the necessary greenhouse accessories. In your research, you will become familiar with lots of accessories that make gardening in a greenhouse a whole lot simpler and more enjoyable. Assessing your needs It is very important that you assess your needs. Otherwise, you will likely end up getting something that doesn't meet your needs. When that happens, you will end up spending loads of money to revamp your plan after you find out that greenhouses you have selected aren't sufficient. After you have done all of the research on types of greenhouses and greenhouse accessories, you will know what is available. You will probably know what you want, but you need to make sure that it will meet your needs.

Now is the time to decide if you want a large greenhouse, or maybe more than one small greenhouse. It all depends on what you are planting and the best environment for the plants. For example, if you are planting plants that grow best in dry environment along with plants that require humidity, it will be best to have two greenhouses so that you have the ability to control environment appropriately. Decide what you are going to plant and do the research to determine the best growing conditions for the plants. This will help to establish what you need in terms of greenhouses and accessories for controlling the environment. Selecting a location Location of the greenhouse will dictate what gardening accessories are needed in regard to lighting control. Some plants don't require a lot of light, while some require sunlight for the whole day. Positioning your greenhouse will determine whether or not you need artificial lighting. Choose a location where the greenhouse gets sunlight all day if you can. If you can't, be sure to plan for artificial lighting to compensate for shady hours in the day. Budgeting Budgeting is usually the first thing you do when planning a project. You probably had some idea of how much money you could spend on your greenhouse project, but after doing all the research, you are likely to find that you need more money to get exactly what you want. Now is the time to separate your wants from your needs. This may include formulating two budgets, one for now and one for later. For now, take your current budget and plan to purchase the things that you need to get your greenhouse going. Your budget may decide

whether you will buy prefabricated greenhouses, have your greenhouses built, or built them yourself. It may decide what accessories you can get now, and what conveniences you will have to put off until later. Later, you can always add-on or buy additional accessories to enhance your gardening experience. Be sure to put your greenhouse plans in writing including drawings of what your long-term plan includes. This will help you or your contractor to remember what you are shooting for throughout the project. With good written plans, you won't accidentally place things where they will have to moved or torn down to expand your greenhouse. Of course, things can be moved, but moving them can be expensive and can jeopardize the strength and durability of the materials. Planning before you start to build greenhouses is vital. It can save you lots of money and make budgeting so much easier. It can actually set long-term plans to create the perfect gardening atmosphere, one that you will be proud of and enjoy working in. Every gardener has a dream. Make the vision a goal, and you'll definitely realize it. Making the gardener's dream come true is promising with a little research, a lot of planning, patience, and hard work. It may not be something that you can have tomorrow, but you can start small and build-up over time until you have the garden that you never imagined possible. If you have done a good job of planning, the future won't include wasting your money by tearing down your insufficient greenhouse. Your greenhouse will be an investment in your longterm gardening plans.

Written by David Beart.

Simple Ways To Develop A Low Maintenance Garden A beautiful and well kept garden can add a lot to increase the appeal of your home which in turn could add to your home’s value. However, the thought of all the work that goes into maintaining a beautiful garden puts people off. There are many ways on how to develop a low maintenance garden. This article summarizes twelve simple ways that you can follow to decrease the time spent in maintaining your garden. 1. Design a yard that reduces the tasks that you find mundane. Tasks like mowing and edging your lawn. If this is a task that you don’t like to do or you complain about and put off constantly then consider paying someone to mow your lawn for you. This will save you time and consequently help support a local business. You can also use a low growing ground-cover in hard to mow areas. 2. Copy designs from yards that seem to work in your neighborhood. Also, commercially landscaped properties are a great source of ideas, too. Do not be afraid to copy their ideas. Professionals know what plants work well together and grow well in your climate zone and which plantings will make a low maintenance garden. 3. When installing pathways, use materials that are low maintenance. Stone pavers surrounded by pebbles or mulch will minimize weeding between the pavers. Even mulch simply layered over a landscaping cloth makes an attractive weed-free pathway which will blend in naturally with your garden. 4. Know the different gardening niches in your yard. This information is very helpful when choosing the right plants for the different niches. This way you are able to avoid the task of having to replace them since incorrectly placed plants do not thrive. 5. The more natural your garden is, the easier it is to maintain. Avoid plants that require manipulation like staking or pruning. Nature is the best gardener so rely on your zone’s native species which are always low maintenance.

6. Group together plants that have similar maintenance tasks, which can be done at the same time, in the same space, saving you valuable time. For example, have an annual flower bed with plantings that can be planted at the same time in the season and weeded, deadheaded and cleared at the same time. 7. Grow plants that you love. Gardening among your favorite beautiful blooms and scents is a real treat. This makes gardening easier and pleasant. 8. Grow perennials that do not need to be replanted every year like annuals do. If you have to plant annuals, use them to fill in the gaps while waiting for perennials to bloom. 9. Leave no room for weeds in your garden. This can be done by using landscape cloth and/or mulch. If you do see weeds, weed often and remove the weeds when they are still small. Make sure all empty spaces either have a plant or are mulched. 10. Randomly placed containers in your garden then add a splash of color. Container gardening allows you to move and place color to strategic areas in your garden without having to plant new plants in the beds. 11. Using raised bed to grow your vegetables enhances the look of your garden. Raised beds drain easier which is a plus in heavy clay soils. Raised beds also confine foot traffic to the outside of the box which keeps the soil loose allowing the roots to grow deeper for healthier looking plants. 12. Choosing a good time to work in your garden makes the gardening tasks seem easier. Work in the early morning or the late evening when temperatures are cooler. If you follow all of these or even just some of the above steps then you will find that you will start having more time to enjoy the rewards of your well maintained low maintenance garden. Let your landscape design do the work for you.

Written by Jo Alelsto. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com, Photograph by Dani Simmonds

Growing Fruit Trees


If you are worried about finding fruit that hasn't been sprayed with chemicals or treated, that is, organic fruit - then there is no better way to find this than through growing your own. While your organic fruit may not be as beautiful and glossy as the fruit you buy in the store, you know with every bite what you are getting. Growing fruit trees doesn't have to be complicated and it certainly doesn't require a lot of room. You can grow fruit in a tiny backyard or even in a small garden. Depending on the size of your yard and area where you may even want to plant a dwarf, semi dwarf tree. The beauty of fruit trees is that they also are ornamental. Nothing beats the beautiful blossoms of spring that appear on fruit trees. If that isn't enough, apple trees are great for climbing and providing shade. For your organic fruit tree to produce fruit, it must be pollinated. Some trees are self-pollinating while others need to be planted in pairs. Some trees require three trees in order to be pollinated. Ask your local nursery if self-pollinating trees are available, otherwise, let the bees do all of the work! If you are planting just apples, try putting in a crabapple tree, something many plant purely for pollination sake. When it comes to where you should plant your tree, if you have a large piece of property to grow your fruit tree on, take into consideration the landscape. Nearby slopes may cause frost pockets, which will adversely affect your fruit. Wind may also stunt the growth of your fruit trees and the altitude of your garden may be better suited for certain fruits or strains. You can ask your local nursery about what types of fruit grow the best in your climate. Next you need to prepare your soil. Going fully organic, prepare your soil only with organic compost. Many people take a soil

test prior to planting their trees. Your local County Extension Center can instruct you in collecting the soil sample, help you interpret the results, and provide valuable information about the soil in your county. Results from the soil test will determine the soil amendments necessary to correct nutrient deficiencies and adjust soil pH. The amendments should be worked into the soil to a depth of 12 to 18 inches where the tree will root, not just the planting hole. For example, apple trees will tolerate a wide range of soils as long as water and nutrients are not limiting and soil pH is adequate. Avoid heavy, poorly drained soils and low spots, since many trees cannot survive if water remains standing in the root zone. Second, buying a healthy tree is important. When shopping for your tree, examine it for disease or wilting. Pick the strongest and the best. If you are planting a bare root, it may take years before your tree bares fruit, but the trees are much more affordable to purchase. Keeping your organic fruit trees healthy throughout their life span is also important. Some plant a variety of local native grasses and plants around their trees to avoid most harmful pests. Planting lavender bushes and other flowers near your fruit trees will encourage bees, which are necessary for pollinating your trees. The more insects there are in your garden, the healthier your fruit. There are always more beneficial insects than harmful ones. For example, one ladybug can eat 25 aphids every day! There is also beneficial bacteria and fungi that bad insects and diseases don't like to be around, and this helps the tree or shrub naturally grow to its full capability and health. Growing organic fruit just requires a little bit of knowledge and effort, but in the end, you can have the fruit you pay high prices for at the store, for little to nothing. Written by Andrew Johnson.

Eco-Friendly Fashion Trends

Being green is in from housing to now fashion, eco-friendly living is making a huge impression. Recently, companies have been making a huge effort to create ecofriendly products and an equally huge effort to market the fact that they are doing so. Thus, it is now becoming easier and easier to care about your environment, here are some fashion trends that are sure to have a low impact on your mother earth. You would have to have lived in a cave over the past decade not to know that solar and the environment are some of the most pressing issues in our world today. Well a company called Costume National’s has come out with a product that is a purse with solar panels built in. Completely self sustained the solar panels on this purse allows its user to connect their gadgets to the USB outlets attached to them making it easy to avoid electrical outlets. Many shoe designers are also making what are known as vegan shoes or non leather to be more specific. These shoes are created from all manmade materials such as wood grain and rubber. While they may sound too earthy for you, they actually do look like leather and not cardboard. Many companies are also taking their product lines a step further and have introduced reusable shopping bags. These bags are often made out

of canvas and are roomy enough to actually grocery shop with. Many stores have also created hot designs for the front that are making them fashion accessories as well. Another eco-friendly fashion trend that is becoming increasingly popular is bamboo cotton. While these items can be a bit on the pricey side they are softer than anything you have ever felt. Bamboo fabric is a natural textile made from the pulp of bamboo grass and is more sustainable than most other textile fabrics. It is also light, strong, is mostly antibacterial and has excellent wicking properties. One last trend to look out for is hemp fabric. Hemp is earth’s most beneficial agricultural crop and has being used to provide humans with all of their basic needs from food to clothing to shelter and medicine. Hemp clothing though has some awesome characteristics; they are warm as well as soft and reasonably priced as compared to bamboo fabric. Some say that hemp garments are style, comfort and environmental awareness all in one garment. So whether you are looking for a purse, a hat, a t-shirt or a wedding gown there is an eco-friendly designer who has already met your needs. And make sure you are keeping your eye out because this trend is just getting started!

Written by Brad Smith. Photograph by Zsuzsanna Kilian

Products To Love In March Helping the environment was has never been easier or so completely cool as it is now thanks to the totally funky Frito Speakers by Terracycle. These innovative speakers are made from up-cycled Frito- Lay bags and require no additional power source to run, just hook them into your Ipod, laptop, or music making gizmo of your choice and blast your tunes to your hearts content. Just try not to wake the neighbors, ok? Please click here for more information.






Reviewed by Rural Jungle Testing

Love the idea of growing your own fresh vegetables but lack the space to make to make your gardening dreams come true? Dreams do come true with the AeroGarden Veggie Pro for Full-Sized Vegetables! This nifty gadget sits easily out of the way and makes growing, well anything, a breeze! No dirt, no weeds or mess to deal with! Just follow the super easy instructions, add nutrients and water when required and grow yourself all the vegetables your heart desires. Grow your own completely organic veggies without any fuss! Many different types of vegetables, herbs and even flowers are available to grow for your gardening delight. Great for beginners or pros! Please click here for more information.

When looking for something to snack on while hiking, and after chasing after my 4 year old, I happened upon these delicious , delightfully healthy alternatives to my regular chunk of cardboard pretending to be an energy bar. So very tasty and yet actually good for you too! The Crunchy Peanut Butter flavor was my hands-down favorite. Made with all natural and 70% certified organic ingredients. The only problem I had with these bars was being able to keep them to myself! It turns out that 4 year-olds love them too. Fortunately for me, Clif also makes Kidz Bars. Happy munching! Please click here for more information.

Products To Love In March Spring is finally here and with it comes the urge to garden! Looking for a little something to please that lady in your life that loves to garden? Look no further! The Apollo Precision Tools 18-Piece Garden Tool Set is sure to please any female that will be spending time in and about the garden this spring. This super cute set comes with every tool needed to make her garden a smashing success. From trowels to knee pads this kit has it all! Oh, and did we mention that it comes in pink? Who says girly girls don始t garden! Please click here for more information.

Make your life a little brighter and the planet a little better. As pretty as they are practical these Recycled Glass Night Lites are sure to bring a smile. Made of glass bottles that would have ended up in a landfill these hand made, kiln fired lights are a wonderfully artistic approach to making the planet a better and brighter place for all of us! Palm Tree, Oak Tree and Pineapple designs are available. Please click here for more information.

We all try to do things that are good for the environment, and for those of us that have a garden we try extra hard! Compost is an awesome way to organically fertilize, but the smell is something vile! Get that smell out of your kitchen but keep making that nutrient rich compost with the RSVP International Endurance Compost Pail. This neat pail comes in either bamboo or stainless steel and has a charcoal filter to keep the odor in the bucket where it belongs. Available in 1/2 or full gallon sizes to meet your composting requirements. Please click here for more information.

City Spotlight

Princeton, NJ Princeton, NJ, home of the prestigious and wealthy Princeton University, offers much more than the typical "College Town". It has a picturesque vibrant downtown, with upscale shops, restaurants, businesses, theatre, and places of historical interest. The town not only gets it's tempo from college students, but because of its location midway between Philadelphia and New York it draws visitors from those cities who come to Princeton for its charm, educational, historical interest, and entertainment activities. Princeton is deep rooted with historical heritage. In 1777, George Washington led the American patriots against General Cornwallis's British forces in the Battle of Princeton. Later in 1783, the Continental Congress met in the university's Nassau Hall, convening here when news came that the peace treaty between Britain and America had been signed. This same structure later served as a temporary capital for the new nation while DC was being established. Princeton is especially attractive in the summer and the autumn months, when its tree-lined streets, many of them over 100 years old, manicured lawns, flowers, walks, and hedges, and mansions are all in harmony with nature. Palmer Square, located in the heart of downtown Princeton, is a charming collection of shops, restaurants, offices, and residences surrounding the Town Green and the historic Nassau Inn. Built in 1937, Palmer Square was designed with colonial-style buildings of brick, stone, wood, and stucco that complement the architecture of the University. America's best minds have been visiting and meeting in Princeton for over 200 years, from the first sessions of the Continental Congress, to Albert Einstein, to today's high-tech conventions. The flourishing Princeton Region continues to be the choice of people who want to experience American history in a picturesque and charming and high tech region. The Princeton area offers variety of good restaurants and more than 5100 guest rooms; accommodations are available with appeal to families, historians, and business' travelers --- from luxury hotels to country inns. Princeton University - A coeducational private university, chartered in 1746, it is the fourth-oldest institution of higher education in the U.S. and is one of the eight Ivy League universities. The campus has a

unique charm with many stone, turrets and Gothic arches. They are wide variety of broad lawns with studying students, leaves and flora. Feel free to walk the grounds, or you can sign up to take a guided tour. Drumthwacket - The official residence of the Governor of New Jersey and was built in 1835. Drumthwacket and the surrounding land was sold to the state in 1966 and was made into the governor's mansion in 1982, being close to Trenton, the state capital. Lake Carnegie - A man-made lake formed from a dam on the Millstone River in the far northeastern corner of Princeton. The Delaware and Raritan Canal and its associated tow path are situated along the eastern shore of the lake. The lake, which is privately owned, is used by the university's rowing team. It is, however, available for public use for activities such as ice skating, fishing, and picnicking. McCarter Theatre Center - Recognized as one of this country's leading regional theaters, it is the only organization in this country that is both a professional producing theater and a major presenter of the performing arts. Princeton Battlefield State Park - On January 3, 1777, the American troops under General George Washington surprised and defeated a force of British Regulars. Coming at the end of "The Ten Crucial Days" which saw the well-known night crossing of the Delaware River and two battles in Trenton, the Battle of Princeton gave Washington his first victory against the British Regulars on the field. The battle extended over a mile away to the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University). The house contains period furniture and Revolutionary War exhibits. Herrontown Woods Arboretum - Located on 142 acres, it is open to the public every day at no cost. It contains a pine forest, over 30 species of trees, shrubs, and flowers, and walking trails. The Bainbridge House - Home of the Historical Society of Princeton. It is a small but informative display of local history where one can find everything from pottery created by the Lenape Indians, to the area's pre-European dwellers. The society sponsors a two-hour walking tour. Written by Frank Dalotto, courtesy of Articlesbase.com

Businesses That Make A Difference

Worm Poop. Those two words are something that normally no one would associate with brilliant earth changing ideas, let alone a multi-million dollar industry. From their zanily named fertilizer to their ultra-hip messenger bags, Terracycle is one super-powered company, saving the earth one piece of trash at a time.

One hundred and twenty nine amazing products are currently available, including the awesomely named Worm Poop that started it all. But the best part? When you join one the Terracycle始s collecting Brigades, for every trash item sent in two cents will be donated to a charity or school of your choice. So now you can help save the planet,

house plants. The next was to incorporate non biodegradable waste items into new products and keep them out of landfills. The man behind this trash inspired idea is Tom Szaky. In 2001 while a freshman at Princeton University, Szaky got the idea of producing eco-friendly fertilizer from friends who were raising worms on table scraps to help out their

Now nine years later, after giving up both completing his college degree and a million dollars, Terracycle is a force for the better in the fight to help our planet.

and the people who live on it. Check out the full story behind Terracycle and the people who make it possible at www.terracycle.net

Random Facts

This month's random fact covers that which covers our bodies: Laundry!

Laundry was first done in watercourses, letting the water carry away the materials which could cause stains and smells. Laundry is still done this way in some less industrialized areas and rural regions. Agitation helps remove the dirt, so the laundry is often rubbed, twisted, or slapped against flat rocks. Wooden bats or clubs could be used to help with beating the dirt out. These were often called washing beetles or bats and could be used by the waterside on a rock (a beetling-stone), on a block (battling-block), or on a board. They were once common across Europe and were also used by settlers in North America. Similar techniques have also been identified in Japan.

When no watercourses were available, laundry was done in water-tight vats or vessels. Sometimes large metal cauldrons were filled with fresh water and heated over a fire; boiling water was even more effective than cold in removing dirt. Wooden or stone scrubbing surfaces set up near a water supply or portable washboards, including factory-made corrugated metal ones, gradually replaced rocks as a surface for loosening soil.

Once clean, the clothes were wrung out - twisted to remove most of the water. Then they were hung up on poles or clotheslines to air dry, or sometimes just spread out on clean grass.

So the next time you start to complain about laundry day and the fact that you have to carry your clothes to the washed and dump them in, just remember it's worlds away from where it used to be! :)

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