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Inside USDF
They Keep the Dressage Wheels Turning
What do all those USDF committees actually do? Meet the ones in the USDF Technical Council.
By Sue McKeown, USDF Technical Council At-Large Director
Happy summer, everyone! I’m writing this column in my role as the at-large director for the USDF Technical Council. I can see your eyes glazing over already, but before you turn the page, I hope you’ll allow me to tell you a bit about the six committees that make up this council—and, more important, why and how the work they do impacts you.
The Competition Management Committee, chaired by Kevin Bradbury, helps to support and train the management staff of both schooling and recognized shows. This past year, the committee assisted in reviewing the US Equestrian (USEF) rules that needed to be modified as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and they also created guidelines on how to run para-equestrian dressage classes at the shows. Each USDF region is represented on the committee, and the members act as mentors to any managers who want some guidance in organizing and running shows.
The Freestyle Committee, chaired by Janet “Dolly” Hannon, supports USDF-level freestyles, including helping to train judges to judge freestyles, helping to write the freestyle tests, and working with competition management to determine music format and other requirements at shows. In 2020 the committee helped to create a remote freestyle-education program that USDF group-member organizations (GMOs) could host.
The Instructor/Trainer Committee, co-chaired by Lilo Fore and Sarah Geikie, facilitates USDF programs to create excellence in the instruction and training of dressage riders and horses. The USDF FEI-Level Trainers Conferences and the USDF Instructor/Trainer Program fall under the auspices of this committee. Members have had to be very flexible over the past year, as well, using Zoom to conduct roundtable discussions throughout the year. They were able to hold an FEI instructor workshop and to promote three candidates at that level. There are USDF-certified instructor/ trainers at all levels throughout the country. Find one in your area by visiting the USDF website (usdf.org) and navigating to Education, then to List of Certified Instructors.
The L Program Committee, chaired by Lois Yukins along with vice-chair Trenna Atkins and co-chair Joan Darnell, focuses on the cornerstone of USDF’s education programs. The USDF L Education Program provides training not only for prospective dressage judges, but also for all dressage enthusiasts. Completing the entire L program and graduating with distinction is the first step toward becoming a USEF-licensed dressage judge. The L Program Committee is also responsible for the selection and training of the faculty members who design and teach the program curricula.
The Judges Committee, chaired by Gary Rockwell, takes over the education and training of dressage judges after they become licensed. This committee and the L Program Committee work together very closely. This past year, the Judges Committee has had to pivot its training sessions from live events to remote continuingeducation programs, which have been very successful. And to highlight the progression of education, the Judges and L Program Committees jointly created a remote “Taste of the L Education Program,” which was a hit during this pandemic year.
The Technical Delegates Committee, chaired by Jean Kraus, is tasked with providing education for both prospective and licensed TDs. The committee members have had their hands full reviewing USEF’s COVID-related rule modifications and, when competitions resumed, ensuring that the modifications allowed shows to run in a safe environment. Jean’s committee created several remote training modules and plans to develop more, to help with the continuing education of all TDs.
The work of the volunteers on all of these committees is critical to the success of sport and our passion for horses and dressage. The committee chairs are happy to hear from any USDF member regarding their activities, from suggestions to feedback on things that maybe didn’t work so well. Feel free to e-mail me at suemckeown@charter.net and I will pass your comments on.