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Curriculum Vita George E. Reed Associate Professor Department of Leadership Studies School of Leadership and Education Sciences University of San Diego 5998 Alcalá Park San Diego, CA 92110

619-260-7444 Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Room 275B

Education: Doctor of Philosophy, Public Policy Analysis and Administration, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri, 2003. Master of Forensic Science, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 1988. Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice Administration, summa cum laude, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO, 1980. Faculty Positions: Associate Professor, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, 2006-present. Professor and Director of Command and Leadership Studies, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 2001-2007. Refereed Publications: Paparone, C. & Reed, G. (2008). “The Reflective Military Practitioner: How Military Professionals Think in Action.” Military Review. March-April 2008, pp. 66-75. Mastroianni, G. & Reed, G. (2006). “Apples, Barrels, and Abu Ghraib.” Sociological Focus. 30 (4) November 2006, pp. 239-250. Adams, G., Balfour D., & Reed, G. (2006). “Abu Ghraib, Administrative Evil and Moral Inversion: The Value of ‘Putting Cruelty First.’” Public Administration Review. Volume 66, Number 5, September-October 2006. Reed, G. (2004). “Toxic Leadership.” Military Review. July-Aug. Reprinted in the HispanoAmerican Edition as “Liderazgo Nocivo” March-April 2005. Reprinted in the Brazilian Edition as “Lideranca Nociva” March-April 2005. Reprinted in the Arabic Edition, October 2006. Reed, G., et al. (2004). “Mapping the Route of Leadership Education: Caution Ahead.” Parameters XXXIV, [3], pp. 46-60.

Martin, G., Reed, G., Collins, R., & Dial, C. (2002). “The Road to Mentoring: Paved with Good Intentions.” Parameters XXXII, [3], pp. 115-127. Reed, G., McGuire, P. & Boehm, A. (1990). “Analysis of Gunshot Residue Test Results in 112 Suicides.” Journal of Forensic Science 35, [1], pp. 62-68. Book Chapters and Other Publications: Reed, G. (2008). Instructors Manual and Test Bank to Accompany American Public Administration: Public Service for the 21st Century. New York: Pearson Longman. Marine Corps University. (2008). "Case Study 12: Abu Ghraib." in Leadership, Ethics and Law of War Discussion Guide for Marines. Quantico, Virginia: Marine Corps University, pp. 255-265. Cropf, R. A. (2008). "Chapter 11, The Policy Process" in American Public Administration: Public Service for the 21st Century. New York: Pearson Longman, pp. 257-276. Vandergriff, D. & Reed, G. (2007). “Old Dogs and New Tricks: Setting the Tone for Adaptability.” Army, 58 [7] (August 2007), pp. 11-20. Reed, G. (2007). Book Review. The Future of War: Organizations as Weapons. By Mark D. Mandeles. Parameters XXXVII, [1], pp. 135-137. Reed, G. & Sorenson, G. (2007). “The Changing Leadership Landscape” in Transforming Public Leadership for the 21st Century.” Ricardo Morse, Morgan Kinghorn and Terry Buss, Eds. National Academy of Public Administration. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 125137. Reed, G. (2006). “Leadership and Systems Thinking.” Defense AT&L. May-June, Reprinted in Roundtable Viewpoints: Organizational Leadership, Joyce Munroe (Ed.), March 2007, pp. 10-13. Reed, et al. (2005). Chapter 27, “Leadership Development: Beyond Traits and Competencies.” The Future of the Army Profession (2nd edition). Lloyd J. Matthews, Ed. Don M. Snider Gayle L. Watkins, Project Directors. Boston: McGraw-Hill, pp. 585-600. Reed, G. (2004). Chapter 17, “Extremism in the Military: The Burmeister Case and Policy Response.” Terrorism: Research, Readings and Realities. Lynne L. Snowden & Bradley C. Whitsel, Eds. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, pp. 341-352. Reed, G. (1999). Current Trends in Organized Hate Groups and Their Impact on the United States Army. Strategy Research Project. Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College. AD Number ADA364500. Dissertation: Determining the Scope and Nature of Racial and Ethnic Extremism in the United States Army (2003). Saint Louis, MO: Saint Louis University. 2

Edited Works: U.S. Army War College (2003, 2006). “Chapter 20: Management of Legal Affairs.” How the Army Runs: A Senior Leader Reference Handbook. Works in Progress: “Developing a Culture of Leader Development," in The General's Art: Strategic Leadership Lessons from the Army War College. Mark Grandstaff (Ed.). Vienna, VA: Management Concepts. In Press. A quantitative study of military officers' experiences with leadership style using the petty tyranny in organizations scale. Currently in the data analysis phase. Academic Awards and Recognition: U.S. Army War College Staff and Faculty Published Writing Competition, Madigan Award, 2005. American Society for Public Administration Marshall Dimock Award for the best lead article in Public Administration Review, 2007. Refereed Presentations: Panel Chair: Military Obedience and Conscientious Objection, International Society for Military Ethics, 2008 Symposium, University of San Diego, January 25, 2008. "The Changing Leadership Landscape," International Leadership Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 2, 2007. “Extremism in the Military,” United States Air Force Academy, 14th National Character & Leadership Symposium, February 22-24, 2007. “Abu Ghraib, Administrative Evil, Moral Inversion, and the Value of ‘Putting Cruelty First.’” Presented with Guy Adams and Dan Balfour, American Society for Public Administration National Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2005. “The Impact of Racial and Ethnic Extremism Upon Cohesion, Retention, Job Satisfaction, and Pride in the Army.” Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Biennial Conference, Chicago, IL, 2003. “Lies or Consequences: A Case Study,” Ethics Across the Curriculum Workshop, Saint Louis University, April 26, 2000. Non-refereed Presentations: "Leadership Style and Organizational Effectiveness," Bank of America Atlantic Region, Philadelphia, April 29, 2008. 3

"Senior Level Leadership," Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Superintendents' Retreat, Rehoboth, Delaware, April 26, 2008. "Leadership and Ethics," Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers, San Diego, January 18, 2008. "Mentoring: A Cautionary Tale," Center for Educational Excellence, University of San Diego, December 13, 2007. "From the Battlefield to the Boardroom: Applying Military Experience to Business Leadership," Panel Presentation, California State University- San Marcos, November 21, 2007. "The Drive for Cultural Awareness," Panel Presentation for International Education Week, University of San Diego, November 12, 2007. "Toxic Leadership," Dental Care Alliance, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 11, 2007. "Military Ethics Panel," James Stockdale Symposium, University of San Diego, September 25, 2007. "Leading at a Higher Level," Bank of America, Charlotte, North Carolina, August 29 and November 15, 2007. “What’s Style Got to Do With It?” Community College Leadership Development Initiative, University of San Diego, July 30, 2007. “Leadership at Gettysburg,” Ohio State Highway Patrol, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, May 22-23, 2007. "Rationality and Evil in Public Administration: The case of Abu Ghraib,” The Institute of Politics and Public Service at Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, California, April 12, 2007. “Leadership,” Ohio State Highway Patrol, Columbus, Ohio, January 9-10, 2007. “Leadership Development,” Bank of America, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 31, 2006. “Metacompetencies of Strategic Leadership,” Strategic Leader Staff Ride, Universal Health Services, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, October 19, 2006. “Leadership Style and Organizational Effectiveness,” U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command, St. Charles, Illinois, October 17, 2006. “Leadership,” Dickinson College Leadership in Conflict Initiative, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, August 3, 2006. “Developing a Culture of Leadership Development,” Best Practices Institute, Chicago, Illinois, June 15, 2006.


“Leadership and Transformation at Gettysburg,” Quarterly Meeting of Defense Transformation Chairs, Gettysburg, PA. “Leadership and Style,” The Maxwell School, Syracuse University, National Security Management Course, Syracuse, New York, April 12, 2006. “Leadership at Gettysburg,” Dickinson College Leadership in Conflict Initiative, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 25, 2005. “Abu Ghraib as a Teaching Case Study,” Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy Conference, “Teaching Leadership and Ethics Post-9/11: Civilian and Military Perspectives on Preparing the Nation’s Leaders,” Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 26, 2005. “Leadership, Command Climate and Organizational Effectiveness,” Washington District Special Agents in Charge Conference, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 24 May 2005. “Front Line Leadership,” U.S. Border Patrol, Laredo Sector, Laredo, Texas, May 5, 2005. “Meta Cognitive Thinking Skills for Senior Leaders,” Strategic Leader Staff Ride, U.S. Army War College, April 19, 2005. “Leadership in Volunteer Organizations,” Rotary International, York, Pennsylvania, March 12, 2005. “Organizational Ethics,” Defense Science Board Task Force on Management Oversight in Acquisition Organizations, Arlington, Virginia, January 17, 2005. “Perspectives on Diversity,” Carlisle Area School District Leadership Academy, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, July 1, 2003. “Developing Strategic Leaders and Organizational Transformation,” Central Intelligence University, U.S. Army War College, June 10, 2003. “Commander’s Intent and the After Action Review,” Strategic Leader Staff Ride, U.S. Army War College, May 22, 2003, May 26, 2004. “Strategic Leader Development: Training for Certainty, Educating for Uncertainty,” Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, November 19, 2002. “Leadership Development for Public Service” and “Public Policy Studies After September 11th,” Public Policy Retreat, Saint Louis University, September 14, 2002. “New Partnerships after September 11th,” Extremist and Terrorist Threats Conference, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA, May 31, 2002. “Models of the Policy Process,” Pennsylvania Education Policy Fellowship Program, February 15, 2002.


“Extremism and the Military,” U.S. Army Military Police School Gang and Extremism Training Conference, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, May 2000. Studies and Evaluations: Brigade Combat Team Gap Analysis. A Report to the Commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Carlisle Barracks, PA (2006-2007). Training and Doctrine Command Areas of Interest Mission Analysis, Fort Monroe, VA (2005). Training and Doctrine Command Transition Team, Fort Monroe, VA (2005). Collins, et al. (2005) “Educating Strategic Leaders in an Age of Uncertainty: The Future of Military War Colleges.” A Contribution of the U.S. Army War College to a Smith Richardson Foundation Report, Carlisle Barracks, PA. Ulmer, W. F., et al. (2004) “Leadership Lessons at Division Command Level.” A Report Prepared Under the Direction of the U.S. Army War College. (Technical Advisor) Carlisle Barracks, PA. Reed, G. and Bullis C. (2004) “Common Goals: Facilitating County Collaboration.” A Report to the Commissioners of Cumberland County,” Carlisle, PA. Bullis C., and Reed G. (2003) “Assessing Leaders to Establish and Maintain Positive Command Climate.” A Report to the Secretary of the Army, Carlisle Barracks, PA. Pietroburgo, J., Ravden, D., Reed, G., & Wajda-Johnston, V. (1999) “National Council of Jewish Women Program Evaluation.” A Report to the Saint Louis Section, Saint Louis, MO. Courses Taught at the University of San Diego Spring 2006 EDLD 559

Leadership and Organizational Change

Academic year 2007-2008 EDLD 601 Organizational Theory and Change Fall 2006-2007 EDLD 602 Leadership Inquiry and Research I Fall 2007 EDLD 581 Creative Leadership Winter 2008 EDLD 603 Leadership and Ethics Spring 2008 EDLD 559 Leadership and Organizational Change Spring 2008 Other Courses Taught: U.S. Army War College Strategic Leadership Fundamentals of Strategic Thinking Joint Processes and Landpower Development Readings in Strategic Leadership National Security and Public Policy 6

Perspectives in Leadership Dilemmas in Leadership Establishing a Command Climate for the 21st Century Service to the University of San Diego: Academic Year 2007-08 Chairman, Department of Leadership Studies Master of Arts in Leadership Studies Core Working Group Chairman, School of Leadership and Education Sciences Curriculum Committee. Advisory Board Member, School of Business Administration Women in Leadership Conference Member, University of San Diego Graduate/Law Task Force Member, University of San Diego Honorary Degrees Committee Member, University of San Diego Center for Educational Excellence Committee Member, University of San Diego Ad Hoc ROTC Review Committee Member, School of Leadership and Education Sciences Hughes Alumni Awards Committee Member, School of Leadership and Education Sciences Ad Hoc Grade Appeal Committee Member, School of Peace Studies, Interim Curriculum Committee Other Committees and Administrative Positions: Conference Director, International Society for Military Ethics, 2008 Symposium Course Director, U.S. Army War College, Strategic Leadership, 2003 to 2004 Course Director, U.S. Army War College, Fundamentals of Strategic Thinking, 2004 to 2006 U.S. Army War College Curriculum Committee, 2003 to 2006 U.S. Army War College Faculty Committee, 2002 to 2006 Commandant’s Representative to Rotary International, 2003 to 2006 Board of Trustees, U.S. Army War College Alumni Association, 2003-2004 U.S. Army War College Faculty Committee, 2004-2005 Omar Bradley Chair of Strategic Leadership Committee, 2001 to 2007 Advisor to the U.S. Army War College Foundation Board of Trustees, 2004 to 2007 Security Crisis Exercise Review Working Group, 2006 Executive Committee, American Society for Public Administration Complexity and Systems Studies Network (CSSN), 2006 to present Site Visit Team member for the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Commission for Peer Review and Accreditation, 2008 Paid Consultation and Facilitation: Bank of America, 2006 to present Oliver Wyman – Delta Executive Learning Center, 2007 to present Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers, 2008 Pro bono Consultation and Facilitation: Anti-Defamation League, Joseph and Dorothy Goldberg Counterterrorism Conference, January 7

28-31, 2008 Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc., 2004, 2006 Cumberland County Municipal Advisory Board, 2004 Cumberland County Emergency Services Action Panel, 2005, 2006 Central Pennsylvania County Commissioners Roundtable, 2005 Ohio State Highway Patrol, 2007 Permanent Editorial Board of the Aviators’ Model Code of Conduct, 2007-2008 Anti-Defamation League, 2007 to present Editorial Positions: Editorial Board, Parameters, U.S. Army War College Quarterly, 2005 to present Reviewer, The American Review of Public Administration, 2005 to present Adjunct Faculty: Dickinson College, Leadership in Conflict Initiative, Carlisle, PA 2005-2006 Fellowships and Post-Graduate development: Situational Leadership Seminar, Center for Leadership Studies, Escondido, California (July 2007) Embracing a World of Difference. A working Group Relations Conference on Exploring and Transforming Authority Relations, New York University, New York (April 2006) National Security Management Fellowship, Maxwell School, Syracuse University (2004) Evil and International Affairs, Moral Rhetoric, Reality, and Responsibility. A Faculty Workshop at McGill University, Montreal, Canada (June, 2003), sponsored by The Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs Pennsylvania Education Policy Fellowship, Harrisburg, PA (2002) Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Forensic Sciences Fellowship, Washington, D.C. (1988) Certificates and Licenses Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Instrument Qualification, 2007 Center for Creative Leadership Assessment Certification, 2007 The Leadership Circle Profile Certification, 2007 Professional Associations: American Society for Public Administration, International Leadership Association, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Military Police Regimental Association, CID Agents Association, Military Officers Association of America, Association of the United States Army, Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, International Symposium on Military Ethics, Military Order of the World Wars, Academy of Management


Community Service: Vice President of Corporate Membership, San Diego Chapter of the Association of the United States Army United Veterans Council of San Diego County Charter Member, Rotary International, Carlisle-Sunrise, Carlisle, PA Boy Scouts of America, Troop 173, Carlisle, PA Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International Counterterrorism Conference Planning and Management Committee, Anti-Defamation League San Diego Regional Office


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