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David Clark McCallum, S.J. West Side Jesuit Community 220 West 98th St. Apt 4D New York, NY 10025 516-242-2969 EDUCATION Ed. D., Adult Learning & Leadership: 2008. Teachers College, Columbia University, (New York, NY) S.T.L., Licentiate Degree in Sacred Theology: 2001. Weston Jesuit School of Theology, (Cambridge, MA) M.Div.: 2001. Weston Jesuit School of Theology, (Cambridge, MA) M.A., Philosophy: 1995. Fordham University, (Bronx, NY) B.A., English Literature: 1990. Le Moyne College (Syracuse, NY) WORK EXPERIENCE Academic 2008

Summer Principals Academy, Teachers College, Columbia University (Intensive Graduate Principal Training Program) Faculty Advanced Seminar in Adult Learning and Development


Organization and Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University Teaching Fellow Group Dynamics Class


Canisius High School, Buffalo, N.Y. Instructor English, Religious Studies


Ministry 2008

Jesuit Collaborative, Maryland, New England, & New York provinces Co-founder of the Emerging Leaders Program NYC


Consultant Leadership, Adult Learning, and Adult Development


Mt. Manresa Retreat House, Staten Island, NY. Supervisor for Spiritual Directors


New York Area Jesuit Retreat Houses Strategic Development Process Consultant


Regional Steering Committee for the Jesuit Collaborative


St. Ignatius Retreat House, Manhasset, NY Retreat Director


St. Anthony’s Parish, Oceanside, N.Y. Associate Pastor

Consulting 2008

ABB Global Power and Automation Technologies Group, Crete Consultant Global Learning and Development


US-Japan Foundation, Leadership Program, Seattle Presenter Leadership and Learning


U.S. Assistance of the Society of Jesus Strategic Planning Member Partnerships Commission


University of San Diego, Leadership for Change Large Group Consultant


University of San Diego, Leadership for Change Small Group Consultant


Facilitation 2007

America Speaks Donna Karan’s Urban Zen Health Initiative, New York, NY


Center for Creative Leadership Climate Change Coalition, Al Gore, New York, NY


America Speaks Clinton Global Initiative, New York, NY PUBLICATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, & LECTURES

Book Chapters McCallum, D. (1990). Two Student Perspectives. In D. Kirby (Ed.) Ambitious dreams: the values program at Le Moyne College. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward. McCallum, D. (2008). Experiential learning in leadership education: a case study including post conventional participants. In Combs, A., Pfaffenberger, A., and Marko, P. (Eds.), The post conventional personality: perspectives on higher development. At press. DVD The Emerging Edges of Group Relations Work: A Conversation with Terri Monroe and Bruce Irvine. Talk sponsored and produced by Organization & Leadership Department, Teachers College, Columbia University and the Leadership Institute, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego, October 5, 2007. Published Conference Proceedings Ciporen, R., Hayes, S., Kucharczk, Z., McCallum, D., Nicolaides, A., & Shannon, M. (2007). The play of action inquiry: learning through living exploring the implications of developmental diversity for transformative learning in an action inquiry group. At Seventh International Transformative Learning Conference: Issues of Difference and Diversity. Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 23-26, 2007.


Conference Presentations (Refereed) Ciporen, R., Hayes, S., Kucharczk, Z., McCallum, D., Nicolaides, A., & Shannon, M. (2007). The play of action inquiry: learning through living exploring the implications of developmental diversity for transformative learning in an action inquiry group. At Seventh International Transformative Learning Conference: Issues of Difference and Diversity. Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 23-26, 2007. McCallum, D., Leadership Across the Globe: Transforming Organizations and Relationships. (Accepted for presentation at A. K. Rice 2008 Symposium, Leadership Across the Globe: Transforming Organizations and Relationships, April, 30, 2008.)

Conference Paper (Awardee) Barker, E., Livne-Trandach, R., McCallum, D., Nicolaides, A., & Torbert, W. (2008). Developmental Action Inquiry. At the First International Academic Conference on Integral Theory, JFK University, Pleasant Hill, California, August 7-10, 2008. Lectures US-Japan Foundation, Leadership Program. “Leadership in the 21st Century: Learning Our Way Thru,� Seattle, Washington, July 27, 2008. Panel Member Integral Spirituality. At the First International Academic Conference on Integral Theory, JFK University, Pleasant Hill, California, August 7-10, 2008. Perspectives on Adult Developmental Theory and Research. At the First International Academic Conference on Integral Theory, JFK University, Pleasant Hill, California, August 7-10, 2008. Professional Affiliations A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI) Society of Organizational Learning Honor Society Alpha Sigma Nu



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