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EDLD 161: Emerging Leaders- Section 1 University of San Diego School of Leadership & Education Sciences and Student Affairs Spring 2010 M/W: 9:05-10:00am Location: SLP, Room 412 Instructors: Jessie Eustice

Johnny Godfrey 619-260-4777 Office: Manchester Village

Office Hours By appointment only (schedule through email or in class). Course Description Emerging Leaders provides an introduction to leadership concepts relevant for being a student leader at the University of San Diego. It is designed to provide exposure to different involvement opportunities at USD, allow for opportunities to engage in leadership, and provide a basic understanding of leadership concepts and models. Required Readings Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: A Guide for College Students; By: Shankman & Allen, 2008. The Student Leadership Challenge; By: Kouzes & Posner, 2008. The Student Leadership Practices Inventory; By: Kouzes & Posner, 2008. Additional readings will be assigned- available online through CE6 ( Course Learning Objectives Through this course students will: • Learn about leadership concepts and theories and be able to apply these concepts and theories to their lives. • Engage in critical thinking about leadership through assignments, activities, and discussions. • Explore what it means to create a diverse and inclusive community. • Learn how to be an effective member of a group through engaging in small group learning communities. • Learn about involvement opportunities and resources at USD. • Develop significant relationships with peers and facilitators. Course Expectations 1. Attendance: Due to this course being discussion-based, attendance is required and expected for this course. Your attendance will contribute to both your learning and the learning of the other students in the class. Students are allotted no more than 3 (unexcused or excused) absences without penalty to the overall course grade (not just attendance/ participation grade). Students with more than 3 absences will lose 3% of their overall grade for each absence exceeding 3. Please speak to the instructor with extenuating circumstances. Students are responsible for the materials and assignments on days missed; this work should be turned in by the start of class period the day the assignment is due. Similar to attending class, arrival to class on time is expected. Arriving to class tardy (or leaving early) for three class periods will result in an unexcused absence. EDLD 161, Spring 2010

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2. Readings: Various readings will be assigned for this course. It is expected that you read the assigned chapters, articles, or websites prior to the start of class period. We will be discussing these readings in class and some assignments may include aspects of the readings. 3. Assignments: There will be a variety of assignments due throughout the semester. You are expected to turn in a paper copy of each assignment at the beginning of the class period that it is due directly to your Instructor. All assignments will be graded on quality and depth of work, adherence to assignment, and grammar/ spelling. Please proof read each assignment prior to turning it in. A grading rubric will be available to you before your paper is due. For consistency reasons please abide by the following for your assignments: • Double-spaced • 1 inch margins on all sides • 12-point Times New Roman font • All papers are to use MLA format, including citations Students are encouraged to use the Writing Center as a resource. It is encouraged that you schedule appointments in advance. Check out their webpage at: 4. CE6 (WebCT/ Blackboard): CE6 (WebCT/ Blackboard) will be used in this course for posting additional readings and posting campus involvement opportunities. There are a number of other applications that we may use as a class or you may choose to use to aid in your learning and group work (such as discussion boards, chat, etc.). 5. Group Work: There will be a variety of group activities, assignments, and projects throughout the semester. Each member of the group is responsible for the products of the group. Students will be grouped together for a service experience and interview with a staff person affiliated with the experience. Additionally, it is expected that each group member is an active participant in the group by attending group meetings, contributing quality work to assignments, etc. 6. Ethical Behavior: Students are responsible for doing their own work, and academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or misrepresentation of information in oral or written form. Such violations will be dealt with severely by the instructor and the dean. Plagiarism: Plagiarism consists of using another author’s words without proper identification and documentation. The fabrication of sources, or the act, deliberately or unconsciously, or passing another author’s work off as your own are also considered to be plagiarism. Falsification: Falsification consists of deliberately changing results, statistics, or any other kind of factual information to make it suit your needs. It also consists of deliberately changing a sources’ intent by misquoting or taking out of context. This includes falsifying signatures or letterhead for use to verify volunteer work at an agency and unauthorized use of an agency’s letterhead. Multiple submission: If you wish to turn in the same work or use the same research, in whole or in part, for more than one course, you must obtain permission to do so from all professors involved. Failure to obtain this permission constitutes academic dishonesty.

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7. Treating Each Other with Dignity and Respect: Throughout the semester we will be working very closely together and may be discussing sensitive subjects. It is expected that each member of the class treat the other members with dignity and respect. Individuals' opinions should be respected and valued, even if they are not in line with your own opinions. 8. Challenging Yourself and Taking Risks: You have the ability to control how much you will take out of this course. The more you give to the class and open yourself up, the more you will gain in return and grow as an individual and a leader. The topic of this course (leadership) is something that you will be able to take with you into many aspects of your life and society as a whole. Please try to give this course your all, ask good questions, be willing to share and learn from others, and try to apply some of what you are learning to your life outside of the classroom. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement Any personal learning accommodations that may be needed by a student, covered under the ADA, must be made known to the instructor as soon as possible. This is the student’s responsibility. If you are a student with a diagnosed disability or suspect that you may have one, please contact USD’s Disability Services in Serra Hall room 300 or call 619-260-4655 or visit the website at BEFORE the midterm. Grading Scale (based on total %) The following scale will be used to determine final letter grades: 93-100% 90 - 92% 87 – 89% 83 – 86% 80 – 82% 77 – 79%


73 – 76% 70 –72 % 67 – 69% 63 – 66% 60 – 62% less than 60%


NOTE: Students who fail to fulfill the requirements of this course will receive an “Incomplete”. The requirements must be met by the end of the tenth week of the next regular semester; otherwise, the “I” grade will be counted as an “F”. Graded Components Students who submit late work will lose 5% of the possible points per day it is late. 1. Attendance & Participation - Actively attending class, participating, and demonstrating respect for peers and instructors can help your grade in this area. Missing class, disengaging, and being disruptive can hurt your grade in this area. (30% of total grade) 2. Reflection Papers - There will be two reflection papers that are each 2-3 pages double-spaced and should integrate personal experiences and thoughts, class discussions or activities, and the readings. A specific topic and guiding questions will be provided for each reflection paper. These responses are graded on content as well as grammar. Papers receiving a 60% grade or below may re-write their paper for a maximum grade of 80%. (20% of total grade) 3. Campus Involvement - Campus Involvement is a great way to learn more about student leadership at USD. Opportunities will be announced throughout the semester. You will also start the Student Development Transcript at and detail your EDLD 161, Spring 2010

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Campus Involvement experience. (5% of total grade) 4. Midterm - There will be one short-answer exam during the semester on the concepts of The Student Leadership Challenge and Emotionally Intelligent Leadership. Students who miss the midterm without making arrangements before the class date will received a zero score and be unable to make it up. (15% of total grade) 5. Final Paper - The final paper of this course will be 5-7 double-spaced pages and will focus on your leadership personal development in relation to the service experience. This will include your learning from the course, an interview with the agency, reflection on your service project, and how you saw leadership in action through the process via the interactions within your small group. Note: you will turn this final paper in during our class meeting final exams week. (30% of total grade) Extra Credit: Throughout the semester, different opportunities of programs will be announced. Students will attend the event and connect the experience to a concept from the SLC or EIL and reflect upon how it relates to you in 2-3 pages. Papers are due 1 week after the event. (5% increase possible)

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Course Plan (Note: May change throughout the semester) Date Jan 25 Jan 27

Feb 3 Feb 8 Feb 10

Topic Introduction What is leadership to you personally? REACH Presentation – Meet in UC 128 Personal Values Reflecting on Experiences Personal Style

Feb 15 Feb 17

Consciousness of Self Modeling The Way

Feb 22 Feb 24 March 1

Consciousness of Others Consciousness of Others Consciousness of Others

March 3 March 8-10 March 15 March 17 March 22

Inspiring a Shared Vision Spring Break Conflict & Decision Making Developing Relationships Conflict & Decision Making & Challenge The Process Conflict & Decision Making & Challenge The Process Consciousness of Context Consciousness of Context Leadership Systems

Feb 1

March 24 March 29 March 31 April 5 April 7 April 12 April 14 April 19 April 21 April 26 April 28 May 3

Easter Break Diversity & Inclusion Diversity & Inclusion Enabling Others To Act Ethics & Integrity Ethics & Integrity Encouraging The Heart Encouraging The Heart Concepts Together

May 5 May 10

Personal Application Personal Application Final Exam

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Assignment Due Read SLC pp. 1-26

Read EIL pp. 25-36 Complete SLPI- bring results to class & Read EIL pp. 63-72 Read EIL pp. 49-57 Read SLC pp. 27-47; EIL pp. 113-116 Reflection Paper Due Read EIL pp. 73-84 Read SLC pp. 49-71 Read EIL pp. 85-92 Read SLC pp. 49-71; EIL pp. 117-120 Read EIL pp. 97-106 Read EIL pp. 93-96, 107-112 Midterm Read SLC pp. 73-94 Read article on WebCT Read EIL pp. 11-23 Read and complete SLC pp. 158-160 Reflection Paper (Personal Editorial) Due, see SLC p. 160 for prompt Read article on WebCT Read article on WebCT Read SLC pp. 95-118; EIL pp. 89-92 Read article on WebCT Read article on WebCT Read SLC pp. 119-139 Read article on WebCT Read SLC pp. 141-161; Student Development Transcript Due Final Paper Due

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