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SEMINAR: AGENCY LEADERSHIP EDLD 355s/356s Instructor: Teresa VanHorn, M.A.E. School of Leadership and Education Sciences email: Phone: 260-4760 Fax: 619-849-8175 Office: Room 275g MRH (Hill Hall) Address: University of San Diego SOLES 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110 Course Goals Students taking this course gain an appreciation for the role of leaders in human service organizations. Topics include volunteerism, agency administration, financial management, and ethics and values. In addition to class meetings, students will have the opportunity to attend field trips and participate in service projects and listen to speakers in the nonprofit field. Evaluation Seminar attendance/participation Seminar readings/class assignments 20 hours service in an AH affiliated agency (out of class activity)

40% 30% 30%

Grades will be weighted as listed above. Late assignments will be docked one letter grade per day the assignment is overdue. If you are a student with a diagnosed disability or suspect that you may have one, please contact USD’s Disability Services in Serra Hall room 300 or call 619-260-4655 or visit the website at before midterm. Requirements Attendance 40% Attendance at 10 class meetings is required. Class meets in MRH Hall room 211. Attendance at Adventures in Service on Mar. 25th is also required. Participation 30% This course is in conjunction with the American Humanics Student Association, your attendance and participation is critical to the success of the group. If you do not attend, you will be unable to participate. Participation as an officer and /or on a committee is required. Failure to participate will result in a failing grade. Working at the Soup Kitchen/Special Delivery/Meals on Wheels between Jan. 27th and May 19, 2010 is also required. Attendance and participation in Adventures in Service is required. Community Service 30%- To be completed prior to 2pm May 19. 2010 Choose one or more of the nonprofit agencies affiliated with the American Humanics Program. Spend twenty hours volunteering with the agency(ies) and write a one page review in newsletter format of your experience. Please include dates and times worked with your supervisor's signature on agency letterhead, no copies will be excepted. NO PARTIAL CREDIT IS GIVEN FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GIVEN. COMMUNITY SERVICE MUST BE COMPLETED BETWEEN Jan. 27 and May 19, 2010. IN-CLASS COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS AND SOUP KITCHEN WORK DOES NOT COUNT TOWARD THIS ASSIGNMENT.

Course Requirements EDLD 355s/356s

Attendance 40% of total grade There are 10 regular class meetings scheduled for this semester. See class schedule for exact dates. Attendance at Adventures in Service is required. Class Assignments/Readings 30% of total grade 1. Participation in any activity scheduled during regular class time. 2.

Plan, coordinate, and carry out fundraising project(s).

3. Attendance at Adventures in Service is required. 4. Give one 15-minute presentation to a Freshman Preceptorial, Business 300/301, EDLD 160, EDLD 162, EDLD 350, EDLD 351, Emerging Leaders or local Optimist, Rotary, Knights of Columbus, or Lion's Club etc.. Each presentation will count as one hour of community service with appropriate documentation. 5. Submission of one short article/story for the Leadership Studies Newsletter/American Humanics Section. 6.

Participation in the in-class community service project.


Schedule one Soup Kitchen visit or Special Delivery. Sign-up in University Ministry in UC 238 or call 260-4735 for available dates and time. St. Vincent’s number is 233-8500 x1201. Bring verification from University Ministry or St. Vincent’s letterhead or your “Thank you” card. The direct number is 233-8500 x1200.


Actively hold an office and/or actively participate on a committee.


Complete reading required prior to coming to class.

Optional text: The Nonprofit Career Guide by Shelly Cryer. Available at the bookstore or on reserve at the library.

Community Service 30% of total grade 20 hours of community service must be completed with an American Humanics nonprofit partner(s) by May 20th. No partial credit is given for this assignment. No extensions will be given. Service must be completed between Jan. 27th and May 19, 2010. Write a one-page review (this may also serve as your news article if written appropriately.) You are required to include documentation of dates and times worked with your supervisor's signature on the Agency’s letterhead, copies will not be accepted.

EDLD 355s/356s Agency Seminar Spring 2010

Jan. 27

Introductions, syllabus, semester planning meeting. On-line registration for new students.

Feb. 10

President’s agenda.

Feb. 24 ***Mar. 3 Mar. 17 ***Mar. 25 Adventures in Service: Careers with Conscience Panel 12:15pm-2:15pm UC Forum Apr. 7 Apr. 21 ***May 4th Honor’s Convocation Shiley Theater. Graduating Seniors only. May 5 ***May 20th Final Class meeting. 2-4pm ***Denotes a class session out of regular sequence.

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