ATHENA I. PERRAKIS, PH.D. Curriculum Vitae E-mail Contact Information University of San Diego Mother Rosalie Hill Hall, Room 275J San Diego, CA 92110-2492 619.260.8896 office line 619.518.6733 cell phone EDUCATION 2003
University of Southern California (USC), Rossier School of Education Doctor of Philosophy, Higher Education Policy and Administration Dissertation Committee: Linda Serra Hagedorn, Melora Sundt, Warren Bennis Date of degree conferral: August 12, 2003.
2000 USC, Rossier School of Education Post-Secondary Credential in Community College Leadership 1998
USC, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Master of Arts, Comparative Literature Emphases: Renaissance English drama; Golden age Spanish drama & poetry; popular culture; literary theory; gender studies.
1996 University of California at Irvine Bachelor of Arts, Comparative Literature, cum laude Emphases: Renaissance English drama; Golden age Spanish drama; history of western literature; Latin poetry; popular culture; critical theory. RESEARCH PROJECT EXPERIENCE & FELLOWSHIPS University Project Researcher Rossier School of Education, Center for Urban Education Fall 2000-Fall 2001 Developed, designed, and administered a survey to 5,000 students in the Los Angeles Community College District; participated in weekly division meetings; drafted and edited articles for faculty publication; consulted on projects related to disbursement of a milliondollar federal grant from the Department of Education.
Graduate Fellow, ASHE Policy Seminar Sacramento, CA-November 15 & 16, 2000 Represented USC at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Public Policy seminar. A total of twenty doctoral candidates from around the country received this honor. We convened in Sacramento to share our ideas on educational policy and develop networks for support and interaction among the various institutions and federal organizations represented. Proposal Reviewer, CSCC & AERA, 2001-present Chosen to review and accept/reject proposals submitted for presentation at two annual conferences: Council for the Study of Community Colleges (CSCC) and American Educational Research Association (AERA). REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Perrakis, A.I., Campbell, D.M. & Antonaros, M.E. (2009). Diversifying the community college CEO pipeline: Change from within and without. Community College Enterprise. Laden, B.V., Hagedorn, L.S., & Perrakis, A.I. (2008). ¿Dónde están los hombres?: Examining success of Latino males at Hispanic-serving community colleges. Invited chapter submission for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding Minority-Serving Institutions, Gasman, M., Baez B., & Turner, C.S., Editors. New York: SUNY Press. Perrakis, A.I. (2008). Factors that promote academic success among African American and white male students. New Directions for Community Colleges. Hagedorn, L.S., Perrakis, A. I., & Maxwell, W (2007). The negative commandments: Ten ways urban community colleges hinder student success. Florida Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. Hagedorn, L.S., Perrakis, A. I., & Maxwell, W. (2006). The positive commandments: Ten ways community colleges help students succeed. Community College Journal (April/May), 58-61. Hagedorn, L.S., Perrakis, A.I., & Chaves, C.A. (2002). Remedial education. Forest, James F., and Kevin Kinser, Eds. Higher Education in the United States: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Perrakis, A.I. (2001). Why am I here? Student reflections on community college education. Sound Instruction: Ready-to-Use Classroom Practice. Chattanooga: Rapid Intellect Press. Hagedorn, L.S. & Perrakis, A.I., Eds. (2001). Sound Instruction: Ready-
to-Use Classroom Practice. Chattanooga: Rapid Intellect Press. NATIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS & SESSION LEADERSHIP Perrakis, A.I. (2008). Minority-serving Community Colleges: Historical contexts, student experiences, administrative perceptions, future directions. Community College Leadership Development Initiatives Summer Leadership Academy, University of San Diego. Perrakis, A.I. (2007). Preparing tomorrow’s leaders today: A qualitative assessment of the leadership development needs of current and aspiring community college administrators. Paper accepted for presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education: Honolulu, Hawaii. Perrakis, A.I. (2007). Presidential matchmaking: An exploration of the relationship between perceived fit with campus culture and professional satisfaction among college and university presidents. Paper accepted for presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education: Honolulu, Hawaii. Perrakis, A.I. (2006). Chair. Session K3: Academic Capitalism and Hierarchies. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Anaheim, California Perrakis, A.I. (2006). Chair. Session L6: Higher Education and Civic Engagement: From Local to Global. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Anaheim, California Perrakis, A.I. (2006). Presidency 101: Teaching today’s graduate students to lead tomorrow’s community colleges and universities. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education: Honolulu, Hawaii. Perrakis, A.I. & Robinson, K. (2006). Leadership philosophies and presidential pathways: A mixed-method study of college and university CEOs in California, Florida, and New York. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education: Honolulu, Hawaii. Perrakis, A.I. (2005). Discussant. Session J9: Impact of college on first-year students. Association for the Study of Higher Education: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Perrakis, A.I. & Antonaros, M.E. (2005). Naming the reality to achieve diversity: A critical race perspective on community college CEO recruitment. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Perrakis, A.I. (2005). A few good men: Factors that encourage retention and persistence of male community college students of color. Paper presented at the Council for the Study of Community Colleges: Boston, Massachusetts.
Maxwell, W.E., Hagedorn, L.S., Moon, H.S. & Perrakis A.I. (2002). University of Southern California. The community college shuffle: Student patterns of multiple enrollments. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference: New Orleans, Louisiana. Perrakis, A.I. (2001). Authority without authoritarianism: Persuading an academic audience. Paper presented at the Women in Educational Leadership Conference: University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Hagedorn, L.S., Perrakis, A.I. & Maxwell, W. (2001). Work in progress: Transfer and retention of urban community college students. Paper presented at the Council for the Study of Community Colleges: Chicago, Illinois. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Perrakis, A.I. Who’s leading our institutions? A demographic profile of college and university presidents from three states. Perrakis, A.I. Best of both worlds: How female academic leaders balance work and family. RESEARCH UNDER REVIEW Perrakis, A.I., Galloway, F. & Kilner, K.M. Presidential satisfaction in higher education: An empirical study of two- and four-year institutions. Perrakis, A.I. & Hagedorn, L.S. Serving Latinos: The history and growth of HispanicServing Institutions. EDITORSHIPS Chief Editor, Academic Exchange Extra. January 2000-01. Executive Editor, The Faculty Forum, USC Senate Newsletter. August 2001-May 2002. BOOK REVIEWS Perrakis, A.I. (2003). Review of the book Contradictions in Women’s Education: Traditionalism, Careerism, and Community at a Single-Sex College. Teachers College Record, Teachers College, Columbia University. Hagedorn, L.S. & Perrakis, A.I. (2001). Review of the book Separate by Degree: Women Students’ Experiences in Single-Sex and Coeducational Colleges. -4-
Teachers College Record, Teachers College, Columbia University. GRANTS 2005 Faculty Research Grant University of San Diego “Presidential Diversity in Higher Education: The Leadership Crisis” Awarded one semester of three-unit course release for Spring 2006 TEACHING & CONSULTING EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor (tenure-track) Leadership Studies Program School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego Fall 2004-present Teach graduate courses in the higher education specialization, including Community College Leadership, Higher Education Administration, Leadership Seminar, Research Design and Methodology for leaders, and special topics courses; also serve on doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis committees. Writing Consultant Sharp Memorial Hospital Summer 2005 Hired to teach nursing researchers basic techniques for the improvement of writing skills and to assist them in the publication process. Writing Consultant WestEd Inc. Summer 2004 Hired to consult with junior and senior research analysts on techniques for improving the quality of written reports. Senior Assistant Lecturer Office of the President, University of Southern California Fall 2000-Spring 2004 Co-taught and managed MDA 365, an upper-division course titled "The Art and Adventure of Leadership," led by USC President Steven B. Sample and Distinguished Professor Warren Bennis. Duties included the selection of students, grading and evaluation of student papers and exams, management of class sessions, coordination of guest speakers, curriculum development, and presentation of material. English Professor Early Start Program, El Camino College Summer 1998-Summer 2000
Taught English to pre-collegiate students in a summer intensive program; developed basic skills curriculum for use in remedial courses. Assistant Lecturer The Writing Program, USC Fall 1996-Fall 2003 Taught a total of seventeen, freshman-level composition courses (Writing 120 & Writing 140) and three sections of Writing 501, a graduate seminar titled "Composition Pedagogy." Adjunct English Faculty El Camino College, English department Fall 1998, Fall 1999 Taught English A each semester, “Writing the College Essay.” ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Director, CCLDI Doctoral Fellows Program University of San Diego Fall 2006-Fall 2007 Director, CCLDI (Community College Leadership Development Initiatives) Summer Leadership Academy, USD Summer 2006 Coordinated 10 speakers and recruited 45 attendees for a week-long intensive leadership academy designed to help current and aspiring community college leaders hone and improve their leadership abilities. Duties also included the management of activities, coordination of on-campus venues and vendors, and post-event balancing of budgets and expense reports. Program Coordinator, Higher Education Specialization Master’s degree program in leadership studies, USD May 2005-May 2007 Duties include serving as chair of the higher education advisory board, organizing meetings of specialization faculty, developing curricula, advising students, and recruiting students for specialization areas: Higher education administration, community college leadership, and student affairs. Director, The Writing Center, USC July 2003-June 2004 Managed and directed a staff of 25 consultants who met individually and in groups with students to develop their writing abilities. Duties included the training and hiring of consultants, mentoring of incoming writing program lecturers and consultants, and ongoing curriculum development for both the Writing Center and Writing Program at USC. Also served as the primary liaison for upper division writing (340) between
writing courses and instructors in business and engineering and faculty in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Project Coordinator, NEH Summer Institute 2002 Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, USC Managed budget and coordinated travel for invited speakers and participants to attend a six-week institute on Japanese modernism hosted by the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and funded by the NEH. Executive Assistant to the Academic Senate President August 2001-May 2002 Attended all Academic Senate meetings and supported the president in his administrative capacities. Director, Humanities Initiative, Interdisciplinary Programs Office of the Dean, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, USC May 2000-June 2001 Coordinated faculty research groups, administered funds from The Ahmanson Foundation grant, and organized accommodations for guest speakers and presenters. Also designed promotional materials, processed university purchase orders/requisitions, managed the million-dollar budget, and promoted events among College graduate students and faculty. Instructional Coordinator & Course Coordinator The Writing Program, USC Fall 1998-Spring 2003 Mentored new and continuing writing staff, participated in summer orientation for incoming instructors, and served as liaison between university faculty and program administration at biweekly advisory council meetings. SERVICE TO INSTITUTION, COMMUNITY & STATE Member, Leadership Studies Ph.D. Committee & Inquiry Sub-Committee University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Fall 2007-present Portfolio Reviewer – MA program in Leadership Studies University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Fall 2007-present Duties include the review of graduation portfolios for master’s degree candidates. Member, Selection Committee for Foster Dissertation Award University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences
Spring 2008 Member, Master’s Admissions Committee University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Department of Leadership Studies Fall 2004-present Participant, Campaign for College Opportunity Listening Tour & Press Contact Fall 2004-present Member, Leadership Studies Core Curriculum Committee University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Spring 2007-Fall 2007 Chair, Faculty Status Committee University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Fall 2006-Spring 2007 Member, Executive Senate University of San Diego Fall 2006-Spring 2007 Representative from the School of Leadership and Education Sciences to the Executive Senate, which is a senior executive subgroup of the University Senate. Member, Search Committee for Leadership Studies Professor University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Spring 2006 University Senate Representative, Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees University of San Diego Fall 2005-Spring 2006 University Senator University of San Diego Representative from the School of Leadership and Education Sciences Fall 2005-Fall 2007 Member, Masters Thesis Committee School of Leadership and Education Sciences Fall 2005-Spring 2006
Member, Search Committee for the Director of Development School of Leadership and Education Sciences University of San Diego Summer 2005-Fall 2005 Independent institutional representative (USD) to the University of California Educational Leadership Colloquium. Sacramento, California June 23, 2005 Member, Leadership Minor advisory committee University of San Diego Spring 2005-Fall 2007 Member, Faculty Status Committee University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Fall 2005-Spring 2006 Member, School of Leadership and Education Sciences International Education Committee (SOLES Global!) University of San Diego Fall 2004-Fall 2005 Member, Search Committee for Leadership Studies Executive Assistant University of San Diego Fall 2004 Ex-officio Member, USC Faculty Fellows Committee August 2001-May 2004 One of three graduate students invited to join the faculty fellows committee in an advisory capacity. Member, Steering Committee (PR Coordinator) USC Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Race 2000-01 academic year
HONORS, AWARDS & RECOGNITION Faculty Member of the Year Leadership Studies Department, School of Leadership and Education Sciences, USD, 2008 Awarded by the Graduate Student Association to the professor from each department with the highest number of votes among graduate and doctoral students each year.
USD Experts Directory Listed as an expert in gender imbalance issues in education, USC Ambassador Office of the President and Department of Public Relations, USC, Fall 2002-present Chosen by President Steven B. Sample to represent the USC community and alumni as an ambassador for the university. Recipient, Town and Gown Graduate Scholarship Town and Gown Scholarship Committee, July 2001 A limited number of scholarships are given each year to continuing graduate students with high GPAs and GRE exam scores. Recipient, Senior Graduate Service and Leadership Award Office of Student Affairs, USC, May 2001 Given annually to graduate students in their final year of study toward the Ph.D. degree who have demonstrated outstanding service and leadership to the USC community. Nominations are made by faculty and administrators in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Recipient, General Education Teaching Award College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, USC, December 2000 Given annually to select graduate students from across the campus, this award recognizes three TAs and ALs who have received consistently high student evaluation scores and have also served their departments in administrative or supportive capacities during an extended tenure at USC. A stipend of $1000.00 accompanied the certificate. Recipient, Assistant Lecturer Award for Outstanding Teaching The Writing Program, USC, May 1999 Awarded for outstanding leadership, service and performance as an instructor in the program. Maintained consistent scores of “5.0” on student evaluations for two years. Phi Beta Kappa, Mu Chapter of California U.C. Irvine, Initiated May 1995 as one of only two juniors to receive this senior-level distinction. INVITED LECTURES, PRESENTATIONS & INTERVIEWS Co-facilitated the New Faculty Forum with Dr. Lee Williams. University of San Diego. “Scholarly writing guidelines and manuscript review.” April 6, 2006. Co-facilitated the New Faculty Forum with Dr. Lori Low. University of San Diego. “On practicing moderation.” February 9, 2006.
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Interviewed for an article in the UCSD Guardian newspaper (, “Students feel effects of budget reductions.” May 31, 2005. “Higher Education Trends and Issues in the 21st Century.” Southwestern Community College. Address delivered to Higher Education Administrators from Guangzhou University in China. January 20, 2005. Co-facilitated the New Faculty Forum with Dr. Lori Low. University of San Diego. “On practicing moderation.” December 4, 2004. “Teaching in the Community College.” University of San Diego. EDUC 579, College Teaching, Professor Viviana Alexandrowicz. September, 2004. Led a week-long, intensive writing workshop for all incoming MFT graduate students. University of San Diego. August, 2004. "How to Get Published as a Graduate Student." University of Southern California. Open lecture, sponsored by Professor Melora Sundt. October 11, 2000. “University Students and Academic Integrity: The Pressure to Succeed.” University of Southern California. Sociology 150, Professor Amy Binder. November 1999 & March 2000. “Environmental Pollution and Viral Outbreaks: Sociological Perspectives on a Global Problem.” University of Southern California. Sociology 150, Professor Vern Bengtson. April 10 & 12, 2000; November 20 & 22, 2000; April 11, 2001; November 18, 2002; April 21, 2003. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Educational Research Association (AERA), member, division J Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), member Council for the Study of Community Colleges (CSCC), member International Leadership Association, member Modern Language Association, member Phi Beta Kappa Alumni of Southern California, contributing member AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION
Higher education policy and administration Institutional and program assessment in higher education Presentation skills and public speaking Leadership consulting and coaching Writing and editing Interpersonal communication Grant writing, research, development, and management
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Personnel administration and assessment Curriculum development ESL (instruction of students for whom English is a second language) Writing across the curriculum (WAC)
COURSES TAUGHT EL CAMINO COLLEGE • English A (undergraduate, non-transfer, “Writing the College Essay): 2 sections • Introduction to College-Level English (8th grade summer school-to-college program): 1 section UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA • Writing 140 (undergraduate, “Writing and Critical Reasoning”): 16 sections • Writing 120 (undergraduate, “Introduction to Composition”): 1 section • Writing 095 (undergraduate, “Supplementary Writing Instruction”): 10 sections • Writing 501 (graduate, “Composition Pedagogy”): 3 sections • Multi-disciplinary activities (MDA) 365 (upper-division undergraduate, “The Art and Adventure of Leadership” – minor capstone course): 4 sections UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO • EDLD 350 (undergraduate, “Leadership in Groups”) 1 section • EDLD 351 (undergraduate, “Leadership Seminar” – minor capstone course): 2 sections • EDLD 549 (graduate, “Research Design and Methodology for Leaders”): 4 sections • EDLD 565 (graduate, “Dynamics of Race, Gender, and Culture in Higher Education”): 1 section • EDLD 567 (graduate/doctoral, “Writing for Publication”): 6 sections • EDLD 571 (graduate, “Histories, Theories, and Philosophies of Higher Education”): 1 section • EDLD 575 (graduate, “The Community College: Student Retention Issues”): 1 section • EDLD 576 (graduate, “Community College Leadership”): 2 sections • EDLD 578 (graduate, “Higher Education Administration: The Presidency”): 2 sections • EDLD 590 (graduate, “Leadership Internship”): 1 section • Independent Study: 20 sections Total number of college- and universitylevel courses taught as of Fall 2008: 78 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION COMMITTEE PARTICIPATION
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GRADUATES Eliazer Ayala Austin (Chair) Defended dissertation Spring 2007 Paige Creager (Member) Defended dissertation Spring 2007 Brian Dixon (Member) Defended dissertation Fall 2008 Kira Espiritu (Chair) Defended dissertation Spring 2009 Marci Hanks (Member) Defended dissertation Spring 2007 Mary Jesko (Member) Defended dissertation Spring 2007 Mary Jane Leonard (Member) Defended dissertation Fall 2008 John Mosby (Chair) Defended dissertation Spring 2009 Toni Pfister (Member) Defended dissertation Spring 2007 Jensen Shirley (Member) Defended dissertation Fall 2008 CURRENT STUDENTS Jinny Foote (Member) Proposal in progress Kacy Hayes (Chair) Defended proposal Summer 2009 Sara Henry (Chair) Defended proposal Summer 2009 Debra Jo Johnson (Chair) Defended proposal Spring 2009 Cindy Lewis (Member) Proposal in progress Karen Robinson (Chair) Proposal in progress Richard Stakelum (Member) Defended proposal Fall 2007 REFERENCES Warren Bennis, Ph.D. University Professor, Distinguished Professor of Business Marshall School of Business University of Southern California (213) 740-0767 Constance M. Carroll, Ph.D. Chancellor San Diego Community College District (619) 388-6957 Linda Serra Hagedorn, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Associate Chair Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis Rossier School of Education University of Southern California (213) 740-6772 Steven B. Sample, Ph.D.
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President University of Southern California (213) 740-2111 No e-mail address available
Additional references are available upon request
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