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EDLD 549


EDLD 549: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY FOR LEADERS School of Leadership and Education Sciences University of San Diego Spring 2010

Professor: Meeting Time: Meeting Location: Office: Office hours: Telephone Numbers: E-mail:

Athena Perrakis, Ph.D. Mondays 5:30-8:20 p.m. MRH 135 MRH 275J By appointment Office (619) 260-8896 Cell (619) 518-6733

Course Description EDLD 549 is an introduction to research design and methodology for students in leadership studies, which enables students to design a research project proposal while developing the intellectual tools needed to critique research within a designated area of specialization. Emphasis here is on both the production and consumption of research. The first half of each class session will involve a PowerPoint review of assigned reading and discussion of related topics; the second half of each class session will be dedicated to work in research teams. The professor will spend time working with research teams during each class meeting. Students in leadership studies who are enrolled in the higher education specialization must complete an action research project to fulfill their graduation requirement; all other students in leadership studies retain the option of completing a portfolio or thesis. This seminar will be invaluable for those who must (or decide to) complete the action research or thesis requirement. Textbooks Required David Coghlan & Teresa Brannick (2010) Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization

Recommended Diana Hacker (latest edition) A writer’s reference 1 Pub: Bedford

I am not assigning individual sections from this book; consult as needed or, if your writing skills are weak, you should bite the bullet and read it cover to cover.


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Sage Publications Jose L. Galvan (1999) Writing Literature Reviews, 3rd edition Pyrczak Publishing James H. McMillan (2008) Educational Research: Fundamentals for the Consumer, 5th edition Addison, Wesley, Longman APA Manual, 6th edition (2009) 2 Course Requirements Research project proposal, 12-15 pp. Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Oral presentation of research project Attendance & participation

40 points 15 points 15 points 10 points 20 points 100 points possible

ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONS AND METHODS OF EVALUATION Research project proposal (40 points) & Presentation (10 points): 50 total points This project will be a written proposal of research you intend to conduct in the future – qualitative or quantitative – and will include a brief review of the literature on the subject you explore. Your topic must be approved by the professor in an outline due at the third class meeting; topics should be leadership-related, ideally in the context of your chosen specialization, but they need not be education-focused. You will work in research teams this semester to assist each other, and time will be allotted during most class meetings for you to brainstorm and connect with team members in order to get feedback as you build your design. You will present your at the semester’s end (for 10 minutes); your peers will evaluate your performance anonymously and provide written feedback (unavailable to the professor) to you so that you can work to improve your presentation skills. Important information about the research proposal: All final research proposals must follow APA format with a maximum length of 15 pages. Papers of less than 10 pages in length will not be accepted. Papers that do not outline a study design or include a literature review will be assigned a failing grade. Any paper that does not adhere precisely to APA format will receive a final grade penalty of one full letter grade. We will review the details of APA format in class this 2

Bring the manual to class when noted on the schedule of sessions.

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semester. If you miss the class session when we cover APA, you are responsible for learning the format on your own. Research projects will be graded on the following criteria, in this order: Type of research problem identified and quality of study design proposed (including whether or not the kind and scope of research is appropriate for the chosen problem); appropriateness and quality of literature reviewed; organization of ideas and concepts; quality of writing; correct and consistent use of APA citation. Quizzes 1 & 2: 15 points each, 30 total points The quizzes will cover readings and course content as specified by the professor. Quizzes will be given at the beginning of the class meetings on days when they are scheduled. Participation & Attendance: 20 points Participation and attendance will be graded on the following criteria, in this order: Timely arrival to class; preparation for class, including the completion of all assigned readings; engagement with peers as required; demonstrated respect for peers and professor as expressed through comments, disposition, eagerness to learn, and tolerance for different opinions. Missing more than one session of this class will result in a lowered grade in this category, and will also likely result in a lowered grade for other portions of the course as well given that everything we cover in class is critical for your success on the quizzes as well as the research proposal. If possible, please leave me a message on my cell phone if you will be late to class for any reason; if you anticipate chronic tardiness due to mitigating circumstances you should advise me as soon as possible. And on a final note, I love my cell phone. But I don’t love yours when it goes off during class time. Please turn your phone OFF when you come to class, unless there are circumstances that require you to be available during class time. If you need to leave your phone ON during class time please advise me. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Know the difference between methods and purposes of qualitative and quantitative research, and identify differences in qualitative and quantitative research designs as well as when to use one type of methodology or the other;

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2. Identify a researchable problem based on the kind and scope of project under consideration; 3. Appreciate the role and function of action research and evaluate circumstances under which AR is an appropriate research method to use. 4. Form appropriate research questions for a qualitative or quantitative research project; 5. Locate and gather appropriate data from a research library as well as other public sources of information and data; 6. Identify elements and structure of a research article; 7. Understand the difference between non-experimental and experimental research and methodologies that apply to each; 8. Apply appropriate evaluation criteria for quantitative and qualitative research; 9. Critically analyze and interpret published research in a leadership discipline and in their area of specialization; 10. Complete a well written and documented literature review according to APA style guidelines. 11. Author a well crafted research proposal that could be developed into a full, empirical research study. COURSE SCHEDULE Session & Date 1 – 1/25

2 – 2/1

3 – 2/8

4 – 2/15

Discussion Topics & Assigned Reading Syllabus and course overview Research and inquiry Academic integrity Assignment of research teams Introduction to research Research problems, variables, and hypotheses Participants, subjects and sampling • ER, Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 5 • DAR, Chapter 1 Finding and analyzing literature • WLR, Chapters 1, 2, 3 and Model Literature Review A, C & E Introduction to action research Lecture by Dr. Lonnie Rowell -Introduction to Action Research • ER, Chapter 12 pages 329-342 & analyze exhibit 12-2 • DAR, Chapters 2, 3 & 4

Deadlines and Due Dates

Topic outline due, bring hard copies to class for your group

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5 – 2/22

APA format overview Topic summary discussion Bring your APA manual to class

6 – 3/1

Measurement, descriptive statistics, validity and reliability Tests, questionnaires and interviews • ER, Chapters 6 & 7 • WLR, Chapters 4, 5 & 8 NO CLASS – SPRING BREAK Quiz 1 Doing action research • DAR, Chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8 Qualitative research designs • ER, Chapter 11 & analyze exhibit 11.1 Quantitative research designs • ER, Chapters 8, 9 & 10 & analyze exhibit 9.1 NO CLASS – EASTER BREAK NO CLASS – INDIVIDUAL CONFERENCES TO REVIEW DRAFT 1 Mixed methods Implementation and interpretations • ER, Chapter 12 pages 309-329 and analyze exhibit 12-1, Chapter 13 • DAR, Chapter 9 & 10 Quiz 2 Presentation skills overview Proposal presentations part I

7 – 3/8 8 – 3/15

9 – 3/22 10 – 3/29 11 – 4/5 12 – 4/12 13 – 4/19

14 – 4/26 15 – 5/3 Final Meeting – 5/10

Proposal presentations part II PROPOSALS DUE IN CLASS

Research paper topic summary, 3-5 pages, including 10 sources, due – bring copies for group & professor

Quiz 1 in class

Draft 1 due in class

Quiz 2 in class

All proposals due, Bring ONE hard copy to class and email a copy to professor before class

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Incompletes Students who fail to fulfill the requirements of this course will receive an “incomplete.” The requirements must be met by the end of the tenth week of the next regular semester; otherwise, the “I” grade will magically transform into an “F.” Disability Services Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in the class are encouraged to contact Disability Services in Serra 300 (619-260-4655) as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Academic Integrity All work you submit for this class must be your original work. If you have any questions about what constitutes academic dishonesty, please ask me.

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