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CURRICULUM VITAE October 2008 LONNIE L. ROWELL, Ph.D. • 9008 Terrace Drive, La Mesa, CA 91941 (619) 260‐4212 (0) & (619) 589‐0089 (H) e‐mail: EDUCATION 1992 Ph.D.

Education (Counseling Psychology), University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

1983 M.S. Counseling, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 1970 B.A. Social Science, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (Emphasis: History and Sociology) Related Education/Training 2004 Participant, Curso sobre La Experiencia Cooperativa de Mondragón, Otalora, Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa, Mondragón, Spain. 2001 Attendee, Advocacy & Public Policy Institute, American School Counselor Association, Alexandria, VI. 1996 Associate Trainer, National Educational Service, Bloomington, IN 1996 Certified Group Facilitator, National Training Project, Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, Duluth, MN 1992 Graduate Certificate, Program for the Study of Women and Men in Society, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 1992 Certified Instructor, Developing Capable People, Developing Capable People Inc., Fair Oaks, CA UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE ‐ 19 years as a counselor educator 2003 ‐ present 1995 ‐ 2002

Associate Professor, Counseling Program, School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA Assistant Professor, Counseling Program, School of Education, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA


1995, Summer

1993 ‐ 1995 1989 ‐ 1995

1989 ‐ 1993 1986 ‐ 1989

Summer Studies Instructor, Department of Educational Foundations, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV Lecturer, Summer International Educational Leadership Programs, Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Post‐Secondary Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA Full‐time Lecturer, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA Part‐time Lecturer, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

1988 ‐ Fall Semester Teaching Assistant, Program for the Study of Women and Men in Society, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 1986 ‐ 1989 Instructor, Freshman Writing Program, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY – 10 years leadership experience in counseling 2007 2006 2006 2005


Co‐Chair, Planning Committee, California School Counseling Research Summit II Chair, AB 1802 Implementation Task Force, California Association of School Counselors (CASC) Director of Operations, Emergency Legislative Task Force, California Association of School Counselors (CASC) Chair, Planning Committee, California School Counseling Research Summit. A collaborative project of the Center for Student Support Systems (CS3) and the California Association of School Counselors (CASC) Director, Revitalizing California Student Support Systems. A public awareness and professional development project of The Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), University of San Diego




Director, Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego


Founding Director, Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego.

2001 ‐ 2002

Director, Strengthening School Community, University of San Diego School of Education & Grossmont Union High School District, San Diego, CA.


2000‐2001 1998‐1999 1998‐1999



Member, Planning Committee, California Leadership Center for Results‐Based Student Support Programs, California State University, Northridge, CA.

President, California School Counselor Association (CSCA). President, California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (CACES). Chairman, statewide Task Force on School Counseling Legislation, jointly sponsored by the California School Counselor Association and the California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors. Co‐Chair, statewide Task Force on School Counseling Legislation, jointly sponsored by the California School Counselor Association and the California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, 1997 ‐ 1998.

ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE / PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ‐ 37 years of experience 2008 2003 – present 2002 – 2003 2002 ‐ 2004 2001 ‐ 2002

Co‐Director, Counseling Program, University of San Diego Director, Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), University of San Diego. Founding Director, Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), University of San Diego. Program Director, Counseling Program, University of San Diego. Director, Strengthening School Community, University of San Diego School of Education & Grossmont Union High School District, San Diego, CA.


1995 – present

Coordinator, School Counseling Specialization, Counseling Program, School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego

1996 ‐ 1999

Co‐Director, Summer Counseling Institute, Counseling Program, School of Education & Office of Continuing Education, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA.

1992 ‐ 1993

Co‐Director, Drug Abuse Prevention Training Enhancement Project, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

1991 ‐ 1993

Director, Multicultural School Counseling for Children with Disabilities Project, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

1990 ‐ 1992

Director, School Counseling Program, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University

1984 ‐ 1985

Director, San Diego Labor Oral History Project, A Youth Grants in the Humanities Project, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C.

1983 ‐ 1985

Coordinator, Juvenile Justice Outreach, Social Advocates for Youth, San Diego, CA

1980 ‐ 1981

Staff Advisor, Organizing Committee, Cultural Awareness Program, San Diego Job Corps Center, San Diego, CA.

1977 ‐ 1978 1972 1970 ‐ 1979


Secretary, Agency Executives Association of United Way of San Diego County, San Diego, CA Co‐Chairperson, Community Congress of San Diego, San Diego, CA

School Director, Exploring Family School, San Diego, CA


Supervisor, Fieldwork in Counseling, Counseling Program, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA Instructor, Counseling Practicum, Counseling Program, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA


1996 ‐ 1997

Group Facilitator, Domestic Violence Groups, Domestic Violence Program, Southbay Community Services, Chula Vista, CA


Group Instructor, Court‐Referred Domestic Violence Education Groups, Options, Inc., Las Vegas, NV

1994 ‐ 1995 1993 ‐ 1995 1990 ‐ 1993

Chair, Clinical Instruction Committee, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, University of Nevada‐Las Vegas

School‐Based Practicum Supervisor, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University

1989 ‐ 1990

1970 ‐ 1976

Advanced Practicum Supervisor, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, University of Nevada‐Las Vegas Field Placement Supervisor, School Counseling Program, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University

1990 ‐ 1992

1986 ‐ 1989 1983 ‐ 1985 1981 ‐ 1985 1974 ‐ 1982


Pre‐Doctoral Psychology Intern, Forensic Psychology Dept., San Diego County Juvenile Probation/San Diego County Juvenile Hall, San Diego, CA

Practicum Supervisor, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University

Coordinator of Group Counseling Services, Social Advocates for Youth, San Diego, CA

Youth and Family Counselor, Social Advocates for Youth, San Diego, CA Co‐Facilitator, Menʹs Consciousness‐Raising and Support Groups, Center For Womenʹs Studies and Services, San Diego, CA Group Advisor, Exploring Family School, San Diego, CA


Outstanding Faculty Award – Counseling Program. Graduate Student Association, School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego


2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000

1998 1998

H.B. McDaniel Individual Award for Outstanding Contributions to the field of Counseling, H.B. McDaniel Foundation, Palo Alto, CA. University Professorship – Recognition‐Based, University of San Diego Innovations in Experiential Education Award, University of San Diego. Advocate of the Year, California Association of School Counselors (CASC). Special Recognition Award for Mentoring/Leadership, Western Association of Counselor Educators & Supervisors (WACES). Student Advocacy Award, ʺConnecting for Success,ʺ annual conference for student services professionals, San Diego County Office of Education. Award given to individuals who ʺsupport, promote, and go above and beyond the call of duty in the name of Student Support Services.ʺ Outstanding Faculty Award, University of San Diego, School of Education, Graduate Education Student Association. Co‐Recipient, Jim Saum Government Relations Award in recognition of efforts to implement legislation for the development of professional counseling. California Association for Counseling and Development (CACD).

SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES Book Chapters Rowell, L. L. (2008). School counselors and research: A missing link in professional identity? In J. Allen (Ed.). School Counseling in the 21st Century. Rowell, L. L. (2002). Preparing students for the globalized society of the Twenty‐First Century: A comparative perspective on the ideological roots of guidance. In C. D. Johnson & S. K. Johnson (Eds.), Building stronger school counseling programs: Bringing futuristic approaches into the present. Greensboro, NC: CAPS Publications. Terry, L., & Rowell, L. L (1997). Gender, social constructionism, and psychotherapy: Deconstructing feminist social constructions. In T. Sexton & B. Griffin (Eds.),




Constructivist thinking in counseling practice, research and training. New York: Teachers College Press. Articles in Refereed Journals Rowell, L. L. (2006). Action research and school counseling: Closing the gap between research and practice. Professional School Counseling, 9, 376‐384. Rowell, L. L. (2005). Collaborative action research and school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 9, 28‐36. Hong, E., Milgram, R. M., & Rowell, L. L. (2004). Homework motivation and preference: A learner‐ centered homework approach. Theory Into Practice, 43(3), 197‐205. Rowell, L. L., & Hong, E. (2002). The role of school counselors in homework intervention. Professional School Counseling, 6.285‐292. Rowell, L. L., McBride, M., & Nelson‐Leaf, J. (1996). The role of the school counselor in confronting peer sexual harassment. The School Counselor, 43, 196‐207. Refereed Journal Manuscripts in Review or in Preparation

Rowell, L. L., MacLure, J. B., Siefert, L., & Belknap, M. (in revision). Results-Based elementary counseling and guidance: A mixed methods action research project. Professional School Counseling Rowell, L. L., & Thomas, S., Valot, B., & Grewal, B. (in revision). The California School Counseling Research Summit: Bridging the gap between research and practice. (To be submitted to Professional School Counseling by May 2006.) Rowell, L. L. (in preparation). Cold climates and broken hearts: School Violence and the Rebuilding of Community in Schools. (To be submitted to a top tier journal in counseling) Monographs Rowell, L., Browning, J. R., Saxton, J. D., & Goad, A. P. (2006). Support Personnel Accountability Report Card (SPARC): A pilot study of accountability for California school counselors. In J. Allen (Ed.) School Counselor Monograph #2: School counseling: A “World C.L.A.S.S.“ profession. Big Bear, CA: California Association of School Counselors, Inc.



Thomas, S., Rowell, L., Burton, B., Grewal, B. (2006). A report on the 2005 California School Counseling Research Summit. In J. Allen (Ed.) School Counselor Monograph #2: School counseling: A “World C.L.A.S.S.“ profession. Big Bear, CA: California Association of School Counselors, Inc. Rowell, L. L., Thomas, S., Allen, J., & Hatch, T. (2005). Background paper. Monograph

prepared in conjunction with the California School Counseling Research Summit. Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego. Rowell, L. L. (2005). The California School Counseling Research Summit. In J. Allen (Ed.) Counselors achieving results in education: School counselor monograph #1. Big Bear, CA: California Association of School Counselors, Inc. Rowell, L. L. (2003). Developing school counselor training that strengthens the link between theory and practice: Action research and the reform of school counseling. CS3 Resource: A publication series of the Center for Student Support Systems. Available from CS3, School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA, 92110. San Diego, CA: University of San Diego. Research Reports Rowell, L. L. (2001). School Community Forums Report: Preliminary Summary. Report presented to the Lessons Commission established by the Grossmont Union High School District. (Strengthening School Community Project Report). San Diego, CA: University of San Diego. Cobbs, L., & Rowell, L. L. (1985). Community Congress survey project: Final report. San Diego, CA: Community Congress of San Diego. Published Book Review Rowell, L. L. (2001). [Review of the book Classroom killers? Hallway hostages?: How schools can prevent and manage school crises]. Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 39(2), 364. Other Publications



Rowell, L. L. (2004). The future of school counseling and guidance. (Expert Opinion). In W. G. Cunningham & P. Cordeiro. Educational administration: A problem‐based approach. (3rd Ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon. (Refereed). Rowell, L. L. (2002). The future of school counseling and guidance. (Expert Opinion). In W. G. Cunningham & P. Cordeiro. Educational administration: A problem‐based approach. (2nd Ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon. (Refereed). Rowell, L. L., & Pare, C. (Eds.). (2000). Standards for comprehensive counseling and guidance programs for San Diego County school districts. (San Diego County Office of Education Report). San Diego, CA: San Diego County Office of Education. Rowell, L. L., & Pare, C. (2000). Introduction. In L. L. Rowell & C. Pare (Eds.), Standards for comprehensive counseling and guidance programs for San Diego County school districts (pp. 4‐10). (San Diego County Office of Education Report). San Diego, CA: San Diego County Office of Education. Rowell, L. L. (2000). Evaluation and accountability for school counseling programs. In L. L. Rowell, L. & C. Pare, (Eds.), Standards for comprehensive counseling and guidance programs for San Diego County school districts (pp. 18‐22). (San Diego County Office of Education Report). San Diego, CA: San Diego County Office of Education. Rowell, L. L. (1998, August). 1998‐1999 Comprehensive professional school counseling bill: Concept paper. (Joint School Counseling Legislation Task Force). Fullerton, CA: California School Counselors Association. Rowell, L. L., Gorback, B., Hayes, D., Johnson, S., Messina, C., & Pare, C. (1998, March). School counseling bill: Concept paper. (Joint School Counseling Legislation Task Force). Fullerton, CA: California School Counselors Association. Rowell, L. L. (1998). Contributor, Leader’s Guide. Reaching Today’s Students: Building the Community Circle of Caring. Bloomington, IN: National Educational Service. Published Proceedings Rowell, L. L. (1998, Oct.). Mental Health and Guidance and Counseling in Schools: Towards a USA‐SINO Comparative Perspective on Preventive Counseling for Children and Youth. Proceedings of the Second Pan‐Asia Pacific Conference on Mental Health (pp. 302‐310). Beijing, Peopleʹs Republic of China: China Association for Mental Health. Rowell, L. L. (1997, June). Counseling Psychology and the Reform of Teacher Training: Guidance for Students in the Twenty‐First Century. Proceedings of China ʹ97: 11th

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International Conference of the USA‐SINO Teacher Education Consortium (pp. 445‐457). Toledo, OH: USA‐SINO Teacher Education Consortium. Rowell, L. L. (1997, May). Relationship Technology and Caring: Towards a Comparative/Cross‐Cultural Perspective. Proceedings of the Sixth International Counseling Conference (pp. 193‐197). Beijing, Peopleʹs Republic of China: Beijing Normal University. Manuals Rowell, L. L., & Thomas, S. (2005). Guidelines for Summit work groups. Manual for use in the California School Counseling Research Summit. Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego. Rowell, L. L. (2005). Activities guide: Collaborative action research in school counseling . (2nd Ed.). Guide for use in COUN 508 (Research Methods in Counseling) and COUN 518 (Organization of Student Support Systems). San Diego, CA: University of San Diego, Counseling Program. Rowell, L. L. (2001). Practicum manual (5th Ed.). San Diego: University of San Diego, Counseling Program. Rowell, L. L. (1997). Facilitatorsʹ manual. San Diego Area School Violence Prevention Summit. San Diego: National University. Dissertation Rowell, L. L. (1992). Evolving approaches to feminist counseling and therapy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Work In Progress Books and monographs in progress Rowell, L. L. Action Research in School Counseling. (First priority: book‐length manuscript) Rowell, L. L., Slow movement in new directions: The status of counseling and guidance programs in San Diego County school districts. (monograph).

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Rowell, L. L. Counseling, Culture, and Change: The Reform of helping in China. (book‐ length manuscript). Rowell, L. L. Harder Lessons: School violence, school achievement and the new global economy. (book‐length manuscript). Research in progress Rowell, L.L. and others. AB 1802 Implementation: New funding for California school counseling. Rowell, L. L., Ceja‐Aguilar, A., Romo, J. Bi‐national action research: First steps across the border Rowell, L. L. Action research in school counseling – on‐going projects in collaborative action research Conference Presentations – Refereed Tyra, B., & Rowell, L. (2007, June). “The World is Flat:” What that means for school counselors. Breakout Session at the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association. Denver, CO. Rowell, L. L. (2007, April). Collaborative action research. Symposium presentation, School Counselor Accountability: Contributing to Closing the Achievement Gap, annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago. Rowell, L. L. (2007, April). Impact of participation in collaborative action research on school counselors’ professional identities: Some preliminary findings. Symposium presentation, Collaborative Action Research and School Counseling: Partnerships for Strengthening Practice, annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago. Hong, E., Peng, Y., & Rowell, L. L. (2006, August). Age, Gender, Achievement‐level Differences in Studentsʹ Perceived Homework Self‐Regulation. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Rowell, L. L., MacLure, J., & Siefert, L. (2006, April). Results-Based elementary counseling and guidance: A mixed methods action research project. Poster Session at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco. Rowell, L. L. (2005, April) Cold climates and broken hearts: School violence and the rebuilding of community in schools. Paper Presentation at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

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Fields, T. S. & Rowell, L. L. (2004, June). Using Data to Plan, Organize, and Evaluate Programs. Presentation to the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association, Reno, NV. Rowell, L. L., Schlessel, R., & Caperton, T. (2004, April). Reform in student support systems: Progress of a school counseling program in transition. Paper Presentation at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L., Schlessel, R., & Caperton, T. (2003, July). Collaborative action research: School counselors and university preparation programs working together to transform school counseling. Presentation at the Fourth School Counseling Summer Academy sponsored by The Education Trust, Las Vegas, NV. Cordeiro, P., Getz, C., Woggon, R., Rowell, L. L., Mantle, J., Alexandrowicz, V., & Ji, M. (2002, November). Turning the wheel: How one principal preparation program is restructuring a school of education. Innovate Session presentation at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA. Rowell, L. L., Dahir, C., Downs, L. (2002, October). Linking national standards for school counseling with action research in a counselor education course. Presentation at the triennial meeting of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Park City, UT. Sexton, T., Griffin, B., Neufeldt, S. A., Nelson, L., Rowell, L. L., Monk, G., Winslade, J., & Forester, J. (1996, Oct.). Constructivist Thinking in Counseling Practice, Research, and Supervision. Extended Session at the National Conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Portland, OR. Cook‐Morales, V., Robinson‐Zanartu, C., Rowell, L. L., Ingraham, C., Brown‐Cheatom, M., & Gutierrez‐Clellan, V. (1993, February). Developing multicultural emphasis in professional education programs: Federal personnel preparation grants. Panel discussion presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Los Angeles, CA. Conference Presentations – Non‐Refereed Rowell, L. L. (2008). Action Research: New perspectives on research and practice. Presentation at the Southern Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors conference, Houston, Texas. Rowell, L. L., & Allain‐Hudson, S. (2007, April). AB 1802 Clearinghouse: Revitalizing California school counseling. Presentation at the annual Northern California Conference of the California Association of School Counselors, San Ramon, CA. Rowell, L. L. & Reeves, E. (2007, March). AB1802 Clearinghouse: Revitalizing California school counseling. Presentation at the annual Southern California Conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Ontario, CA.

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Rowell, L. L., Leslie, J., Monroe, J., Sonneman, L., & Waske, L. (2007, March). Examination & analysis of AB 1802 student conferences: A collaborative action research project. Tyra, B., Rowell, L. L., & Montgomery, G. (2007, March) AB1802 – New Directions in School Counseling. Presentation at the California League of Middle Schools. San Diego, CA. Tyra, B., Rowell, L. L., & Montgomery, G. (2007, January) AB1802 – New Directions in School Counseling. Presentation at the California League of High Schools. Monterey, CA. Rowell, L. L., Burton, B., & Grewal, B. (2006, March) Report from the Summit: California addresses the split between research and practice. Presentation at the annual Southern California conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Pomona, CA. Whitson, L., Rapkin, G., Vannasdall, D., Lapan, R., Rowell, L., & Hatch, T. (2006, March). Superintendent/Leadership panel discussion: School counseling – maximizing school/district success. Panel discussion at the annual Southern California conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Pomona, CA. Rowell, L. L., MacLure, J., & Prchal, K. (2006, March). Action research and elementary counseling: Showing results for group counseling. Presentation at the annual Southern California conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Pomona, CA. Rowell, L., (Moderator), Whitson, L., Christopher, L., Thomas, S., Sands, T., Prchal, K., Grant, J. (2005, March). School Counseling Research: From National Summits to State and Local Action, Panel, 2005 Conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Pomona, CA. Gruman, L. & Rowell, L. L. (2004, October). Roundtable Discussion: School Counseling Research Summit. 2004 Conference of the Western Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (WACES), Sacramento, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2004, June). Collaborative action research. Presentation at the School Counseling Research Summit, a special event at the annual conference of the American School Counselor Association, Reno, NV. Reilly, K., Johnson, S., Soriano, M., Hanson, C., Rowell, L., & Johnson, C. D. (2004, April). From what is to what can be: Is priceless service the answer. Panel discussion at the annual conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Pomona, CA. Brooks‐McNamara, V., Robinson‐Zanartu, C., & Rowell, L. (2004, February). School counselors: Creating positive change in schools. Presentation at the First Education Trust‐West Conference, Lessons Learned: Gap Closing Strategies from California’s High‐Performing Classrooms, Schools, and Districts, San Diego, CA.

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Rowell, L. L., Jacobson, A., Servin, A., & Nguyen, M.L (2003, April). Action research and school counseling: Leadership for change. Presentation at the annual conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Long Beach, CA. Hong, E., & Rowell, L. L. (2002, December). How counselors can help students with homework difficulties: Caring about students’ academic success. Paper presented at the ninth International Counseling Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Rowell, L. L. (2002, September). School crises, school communities, and mental health: Two shootings in ten days in a Southern California high school district. Presentation at the 7th National Conference on Advancing School‐Based Mental Health Programs, Philadelphia, PA. Alexandrowicz, V., & Rowell, L. L. (2002, July). Problem‐Based learning: A powerful approach for teaching and learning. Presentation at the 8th International Conference on Experiential Learning. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Rowell, L. L., & Villegas, C. (2002, April). When the shooting stopped: A case study of guidance and counseling reform in the wake of two shootings in ten days. Presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Inc., Arcadia, CA. Hanson, C., Hatch, T., Johnson, C. D., House, R., & Rowell, L. L. (2002, April). Counselor Educators Institute. Post Conference Institute, at the 2nd Annual Conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Inc., Arcadia, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, November). Violence and schools: Building school community in a pluralistic world. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Spokane, WA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, May). Standards for comprehensive counseling & guidance programs. Presentation at the annual San Diego County student services professionals conference, ʺConnecting for Success,ʺ San Diego County Office of Education. Rowell, L. L. (2000, November). Politics and counseling: Lessons from California’s recent past. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Las Gatos, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2000, November). Creating partnerships for action research in school counselor training. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Las Gatos, CA. Middleton, L., Rowell, L. L., & Pare, C. (2000, May). The new county standards for comprehensive counseling programs. Presentation at the annual San Diego County Pupil Personnel Services conference ʺConnecting For Success,ʺ San Diego County Office of Education.

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Rowell, L. L., Hatch, T., & Whitson, L. (2000, March). School counselors creating change through legislative advocacy: A report and action planning. Presentation at the annual Conference, California Association for Counseling and Development, Sacramento, CA. Rowell, L. L., Hatch, T., & Whitson, L. (1999, November). School counselors creating change through legislative advocacy: A report and action planning. Presentation at the annual Fall Conference, California School Counselor Association, Oakland, CA. Rowell, L. L., & Hetherington, P. (1999, October). School culture and peace: Conflict resolution in California schools. Round table presentation at the Building A Culture of Peace Conference sponsored by the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1999, April). Advocacy, leadership, dreams and reflections: California school counseling legislation. Presentation at the annual World Conference of the American Counseling Association, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1998, October). Mental health and guidance and counseling in schools: Towards a USA‐SINO comparative perspective on preventive counseling for children and youth. Paper presented at the Second Pan‐Asia Pacific Conference on Mental Health, China Association for Mental Health, Beijing, Peopleʹs Republic of China. Rowell, L. L., & Messina, C. (1998, May). Promoting school counseling through legislation. Presentation at the annual San Diego County Pupil Personnel Services conference ʺConnecting for Success,ʺ San Diego County Office of Education. Rowell, L. L., & Messina, C. (1998, February). Promoting the counseling bill. Presentation at the annual conference of the California Association for Counseling and Development, Los Angeles, CA. Rowell, L. L., Messina, C., & Gorback, B. (1998, February). The power of connectedness: Advocacy for ʺCounselors in Every School.ʺ Presentation at the annual conference of the California Association for Counseling and Development, Los Angeles, CA. Rowell, L. L., Regas, N., & Regas, L. (1998, February). Show me the money: school counselors and site budgets. Presentation at the annual conference of the California Association for Counseling and Development, Los Angeles, CA. Messina, C., Rowell, L. L., Carlson, E., & Taylor, P. (1997, Oct.). Californiaʹs school counselor bill. Presentation at the annual Fall Conference, California School Counselor Association, Diamond Bar/Pomona, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1997, July). Counseling psychology and the reform of teacher training: Guidance for students in the twenty‐first century. Paper presented at the USA‐SINO Teacher

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Education Consortium 11th International Conference, Shanghai, Peopleʹs Republic of China. Rowell, L. L. (1997, May). Relationship technology and caring: Towards a comparative/cross‐ cultural perspective. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference, International Counseling Association. Beijing, Peopleʹs Republic of China. Rowell, L. L. (1997, Feb.). Violence and comprehensive counseling and guidance: Prevention at the crossroads. Program session at the annual conference of the California Association for Counseling and Development, San Francisco, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1997, Feb.) Menʹs issues in counseling: On organizing an interest group in CACD, ACES, and ACA. Poster session at the annual conference of the California Association for Counseling and Development, San Francisco, CA. Rowell, L.L. (1996, February). Ideology and Innovation: The case of China. Presentation at the annual conference of the California Association for Counseling and Development, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1995, November). Deconstructing pop culture in counseling: Collaboration and relationship rhetoric. Presentation at the annual conference of the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. McBride, M., Rowell, L.L., & Nelson‐Leaf, J. (1994, February). Peer harassment in the schools: The counselor as a resource. Presentation at the annual conference of the Nevada Counseling Association, Las Vegas, NV. Rowell, L. L., McBride, M., & Nelson‐Leaf, J. (1994, February). ʺNot getting it:ʺ Gender and communication in counseling. Presentation at the annual conference of the Nevada Counseling Association, Las Vegas, NV. Rowell, L. L., & Terry, L. (1993, November). School counselors and AOD prevention: The universityʹs role in enhancing training. Presentation at the annual conference of the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Berkeley, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1993, July). Learning from feminist approaches to counseling and therapy. Presentation at the first Men, Mental Health, and Psychology Institute, San Francisco, CA. Nower, L, Kirk S., & Rowell, L. L. (1993, July). Men and women in the 90s call for social change at home & at work. Seminar presented at the San Diego Regional Conference for Women, San Diego, CA.

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Rowell, L. L. (1992, February). Feminist contributions to re‐visioning counseling for the 21st century. Paper presented at the annual meeting of California Association for Counseling and Development, San Francisco, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1991, November). Gender awareness in counseling curriculum: A vision of equity. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L., & Carnevalle, M. (1991, November). Supervision and multicultural awareness: Practical issues and answers. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, San Diego, CA. Grants Major Grants Funded 1991 ‐ 1994 $227,688. Director, ʺMulticultural School Counseling for Children with Disabilities,ʺ U. S. Department of Education/Rehabilitation Services Administration (#H019F10046). 1992 ‐ 1993 $74,187. Co‐Director, ʺDrug Abuse Prevention Training Enhancement Project,ʺ U. S. Department of Education/Drug Free Schools and Communities Counselor Training Program (#S241A20080). Grants Awarded 2007 $4,000 “Bi‐National Action Research Project.” Academic Strategic Priorities Fund. Office of the Provost, University of San Diego. 2005 $5,000. “California School Counseling Research Summit.” Academic Strategic Priorities Fund. Office of the Provost, University of San Diego. 2005 $2,500. “7th Annual Forum and the California School Counseling Research Summit.” San Diego Kiwanis Club. 2005 $80,000. “Redesigning middle school counseling for a charter initiative.” Three grants with Keiller Leadership Academy. San Diego, CA. 2003 $40,000. “Developing a Comprehensive Student Support System: Phase I.” Consulting Contract. Monarch School Project, Inc. San Diego, CA. 2001 $9,000. ʺStrengthening School Community,ʺ Instructional Consultant Grant, Grossmont Union High School District, El Cajon, CA.

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$2,500. ʺThe Annual Forum on the State of Counseling and Guidance in San Diego County School Districts,ʺ Education Committee, San Diego Kiwanis Club.


$1,500. ʺThe Annual Forum on the State of Counseling and Guidance in San Diego County School Districts,ʺ Mission Federal Credit Union.

1993 ‐ 1995 1992

ʺRural School Counseling in Southern Nevada,ʺ University Research Grants and Fellowships, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas. ʺComprehensive Research, Training and Development Project in Self‐Esteem Issues in Schools,ʺ Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Fund/Office of Academic Resources, San Diego State University (SDSU) (#1‐11316).

1984 ‐ 1985

ʺWorking in San Diego: An oral history project,ʺ National Endowment for the Humanities ‐ Youth Grants Program, Washington, D. C.

Proposals Developed 2008 “Augmenting Student Success through Counseling and Guidance: The Impact of California Legislation for a Supplemental School Counseling Program.” Proposal resubmitted to the U.S. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. $994,678. 2008

California Career and Technical Education Professional Development for School Counselors: Promoting Opportunities for Student Success. Proposal submitted to the New Hope Foundation. $356,298.


“Augmenting Student Success through Counseling and Guidance: The Impact of California Legislation for a Supplemental School Counseling Program.”Proposal submitted to the U.S. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. $1,057,855.




“A Comprehensive Examination of School Counselors’ Contributions to Reducing the Achievement Gap in California Schools,” Concept Paper submitted to the Irvine Foundation. $1.2 million. “California School Counselor Training and Professional Development Program.” Letter of inquiry submitted to the California Wellness Foundation. $400,000.00 “School Counselor Training and Professional Development:

Rowell, 19

A necessary component of restoring California school counseling.” Proposal submitted to the College Board in response to need for increased professional development opportunities for school counselors. $10,104. 2006





“Keiller Leadership Academy Marine Sciences Education Partnership.” Proposal developed in partnership with Keiller Support Center at Keiller Charter Leadership Academy and submitted to the San Diego Women’s Foundation. The proposal was for an innovative project linking science & technology and leadership development for at-risk students. $42,000.00 “Creating a Comprehensive Community Development Center: A Partnership for Empowerment.” Proposal developed as a partnership between the University of San Diego School of Education and Metro, the Methodist urban social service program. The proposal is for creation of a comprehensive community‐based center linking education, job creation and job training, community wellness and community empowerment. Proposal seeks $ 6 million in seed funding for a five‐year period. “Comprehensive Character Education Program.” Proposal submitted to Institute of Education Sciences, Washington, D.C. in response to call for programs for Social and Character Development Research Grants. The 2 million dollar proposal was for a four‐year research project examining strengthening the link between academic achievement and character development. $2,127,963. ʺStrengthening School Community in the Aftermath of Critical Incidents.ʺ Proposal initiated in response to tragic school shootings in a San Diego County high school district. The projectʹs purpose was threefold: 1) to gather data from school sites regarding what could and should be done to bolster the districtʹs policies and practices for safe schools and violence prevention and conflict resolution; 2) to strengthen the capacity of the districtʹs school sites to create and sustain healthy and safe school climates; and, 3) to develop a model for parent, student and staff involvement in building and rebuilding school community. Grant proposals ranging from $5,000 to $80,000 were submitted to twelve national, state, regional and local foundations. “Elementary School Counseling Demonstration Project.” Proposal for the development, demonstration and dissemination of a prevention‐oriented comprehensive school counseling model. The three‐year project calls for the establishment of three elementary school counseling demonstration centers, one in each of three San Diego County school districts. A $241,000. Grant proposal was submitted to a local foundation.

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ʺUniversity of San Diego Client Services Center.ʺ Proposal for a multi‐ purpose center to provide a variety of services to the larger community including: individual, group, and family counseling; career counseling; legal services; educational testing and assessments and educational tutoring for elementary, middle, and high school students. Proposal developed jointly with Professor Terry Player, USD Law School. Worked with Professor Player, School of Education Dean, and Office of Sponsored Programs to identify potential funding sources.

Addresses, Workshops, Seminars, Training, and Consulting Addresses Rowell, L. L. (2008). Invited expert on comprehensive guidance and counseling programs. Brown Bag Lunch Discussions in the Capitol. ConnectED, the California Center for College and Career, Sacramento, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2008, April). School counseling & vocational guidance in the U.S.A.: A brief history. Invited Plenary Presentation. Professionalization of Vocational Counselors, Third Binacional Conference for Vocational Educators, Universidad Iberoamericana, Tijuana, MX. Rowell, L. L. (2006, October). An accountability agenda for California school counseling. Featured speaker at the AB 1802 Implementation Conference, Sacramento, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2004, November). Collaborative Action Research and School Counseling. Featured address at the Arizona School Counseling Research Summit. Northern Arizona University, Tucson, AZ. Rowell, L. L. (2004, May). Revitalizing California Student Support Systems. Address at the 2004 California State PTA Convention, Long Beach, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2004, January 12). Strengthening School Community. Presentation. Making Every School Safe for Every Child: Preventing School Violence Summit, Sacramento, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, November 26). Local and State Progress in Strengthening School Counseling. Featured speaker. Workshop for North County Guidance Counselors and Guidance Staffs sponsored by Fallbrook High School. Fallbrook, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, October 1). Creating Healthy School Communities. Featured speaker. El Cajon Valley Lions Club lunch meeting. El Cajon Community Center, El Cajon, CA.

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Rowell, L. L. (2001, February 21). Problem‐Based Learning in Professional Training: Creating Partnerships for Action Research in School Counseling. Presentation at the Active Learning Strategies Workshop sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, January 31). Invited speaker. Informational Hearing on Low Achieving Hispanic Youth. Senate Education Committee. California State Senate. Sacramento, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2000, November). Presidential Remarks. Invited address for the Annual Meeting of the Riverside‐San Bernardino Counties Guidance Consortium, San Bernardino, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1999, June). Family Mental Health & Modernization. Invited address for Parent Education Program sponsored by Department of Child & Adolescent Health, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan, China. Rowell, L. L. (1999, June). Relating to Students in a Modern, World Class Educational System: Some Thoughts on the Reform of Teacher Training in China. Invited address for Teacher and Administrator In‐service Program sponsored by the Psychology Department, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Rowell, L. L. (1999, June). College Counseling in American Universities: An Overview. Address to English majors, Szechwan Normal University, Chengdu, China. Rowell, L. L. (1998, October). Issues in the Comparative Studies of Psychology and Counseling in China and the U.S. Presentation to English majors, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan Island, China. Rowell, L. L. (1998, October). Career Counseling for College Students in the U.S. Sponsored Presentation, Hainan University Student Association, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan Island, China. Rowell, L. L., & Messina, C. (1998, March). The New School Counseling Legislation, SB 2122. Presentation at the 9th Annual School Counselors Staff Development Day, Los Angeles Unified School District Student Health and Human Services, Los Angeles, CA. Rowell, L. L., & Messina, C. (1998, February). School Counselors and Advocacy. Featured speakers at California School Counselor Association Luncheon, Annual Convention of the California Association for Counseling and Development, Los Angeles, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1997, June). Two Innovations for Promoting the Social Development of Students. Presentation to the faculty and students of the English Department, Yanan University, Yanan, Peopleʹs Republic of China.

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Rowell, L. L. (1995, February). Qualitative research in education. Presentation to the Instructional and Curricular Studies Doctoral Colloquium, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV. Rowell, L. L. (1993). Strengthening Children, Strengthening Schools. Introductory Address. Substance Abuse Prevention Training Institute, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1992). Changing social and emotional climates within school systems.Iintroductory address. Changing the Social and Emotional Climate within School Systems: A Self‐ Esteem Conference. San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1986). On Learning Peace. Featured speaker. Family Life Education for Peace Conference, Vista, CA. Workshops, Seminars & Forums Rowell, L. L., Calbreath, J., & Ortiguerra, L. (2007, Dec.). Action research: Formulating clear projects in university‐school collaborative action research. Session, 2nd California School Counseling Research Summit, San Diego, CA. Metcalf, L., Whitson, L., & Rowell, L. (2007, Dec.). Practical solution‐focused counseling techniques while implementing the new Middle and High School Supplemental Counseling Program. Invited pre‐conference session, Workforce! Ready! Set! Go! – the annual conference of the California Association of School Counselors, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2007, Dec.). Collaborative action research and school counseling: Partnerships for strengthening practice. Workshop session, Workforce! Ready! Set! Go! – the annual Southern California conference of the California Association of School Counselors, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2007, August). Action research in school counseling. Invited Breakout Session, annual Fall Counselor Kick off Conference, Imperial Valley Counselor Roundtable, Calexico, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2007, August). Developing evidence‐based practice in school counseling. Invited Breakout Session, annual Fall Counselor Kick Off Conference, Imperial Valley Counselor Roundtable, Calexico, CA. Montgomery, G., Rapkin, K., & Rowell, L. (2007, June). AB 1802: Potential and challenges for school counseling. Session, annual conference of the Western Association for College Admission Counseling, San Diego. Rowell, L. L., & Allain, S. H. (2007, April). AB 1802 Clearinghouse: Revitalizing California school counseling. Session, annual Northern California Conference, California Association of School Counselors, San Ramon, CA.

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Rowell, L. L., & Waske, L. (2007, April). Examination & analysis of AB 1802 student conferences: A collaborative action research project. Session, annual Northern California Conference, California Association of School Counselors, San Ramon, CA. Tyra, B., & Rowell, L. (2007, April). AB 1802, National Standards, and action research: Bob and Lonnie’s totally excellent adventure. Workshop session at the Counseling for Student Success Conference, Santa Cruz, CA. Tyra, B., Rowell, L., Montgomery, G., & Gibbs, P. (2007, March). AB 1802: How to fund your school counseling program. Workshop session at the Annual Conference of the California League of Middle Schools, San Diego, CA. Tyra, B., Rowell, L., Montgomery, G., & Gibbs, P. (2007, January). AB 1802: How to fund your school counseling program. Workshop session at the Annual Conference of the California League of High Schools, Monterey, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2006, December). Real world politics; Real world research: Action research and

AB 1802. Breakout session presented at the 8th Annual Forum on the State of Counseling and Guidance in Schools. Annual event sponsored by the Center for Student Support Systems. School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L., Ceja‐Aguilar, A., Garcia, M., Moreno, Y., Briceño, V. & Lucio, E. (2006, October). Action Research in Education. A Pre‐Conference workshop conducted as a part of the 6th Border Pedagogy Conference, La Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), Tijuana, Mexico. Rowell, L. L. & Ceja‐Aguilar, A. (2006, August). Action research project development workshop. Sponsored by the Center for Student Support Systems, University of San Diego. Rowell, L. L. (2005, December). Collaborative action research and school counseling. Breakout session presented at the California School Counseling Research Summit. The summit was sponsored by the California Association of School Counselors and the Center for Student Support Systems. Held at Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2005, December). Collaborative action research. Breakout session presented at the 7th Annual Forum on the State of Counseling & Guidance in San Diego County Schools. Annual event sponsored by the Center for Student Support Systems. School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Fortune, M., Ladd, P., Rowell, L. L. (2005, June). New directions in university‐school partnerships. Presentation at the California K‐12 Partnerships & Student Success Conference. The conference was organized by the California Department of Education and was held at Cal State – Long Beach.

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Rowell, L., L., and action research participants from 2004‐2005 San Diego County action research projects (2005, May). Collaborative Action Research: Counselor Programs and School Counselors Working Together to Strengthen Practice. Annual conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Pomona, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2004, May). Advocacy for Student Support Systems. Thriving & Surviving: An Interactive Forum. Annual conference of the California Association of School Counselors, Pomona, CA. Rowell, L. L. & Hetherington, P. (2003, August). Utilizing student support systems to strengthen academic success for all students. Breakout session as a part of the conference “The Role of the Assistant Principal in Leading High Achieving Schools,” University of San Diego. Rowell, L. L. (2003, April). Values, advocacy, and scholarship: Research trajectories and doctoral careers. Sandwich Seminars, School of Education, University of San Diego. Rowell, L. L. & Clarke, C. (2001, December). Counselor leadership academy for results‐based counseling and guidance programs. Training academy co‐sponsored by University of San Diego Counseling Program and San Diego County Office of Education. San Diego, CA. Wall, J., & Rowell, L. L. (2001, November 13). Exemplary school counseling programs. Presentation to the second Aspiring Leaders Cohort, Educational Leadership Development Academy, University of San Diego. Rowell, L. L. (2001, November 12). Human subjects issues in qualitative research. Guest speaker in EDLD 653: Emerging Issues in Literacy Research. USD/SDSU Joint Doctoral Program in Literacy, University of San Diego, San Diego, Ca. Rowell, L. L. (2001, September 18). Responding to youth violence: A Values Institute Public Forum. Panelist. Manchester Center, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, September 12). What should we do now? Ethical challenges in responding to terrorist violence: A Values Institute Public Forum. Panelist. Manchester Center, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, August 3). School violence: Prevention and response at all educational levels. Presentation at the School Leadership College (University of Lincoln, England and USD), International and Independent School Educators Program, University of San Diego, San Diego. Wall, J., & Rowell, L. L. (2001, May 25). Counseling and guidance in San Diego City Schools. Presentation to the first Aspiring Leaders Cohort, Educational Leadership Development Academy, University of San Diego.

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Rowell, L. L. (2001, February 21). Problem‐based learning in professional training: Creating partnerships for action research in school counseling. Presentation at the Active Learning Strategies Workshop sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (January, 2001). Leadership Academy follow‐up. A seminar for Leadership Academy participants co‐sponsored by University of San Diego Counseling Program and San Diego County Office of Education. San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2000, October). Leadership Academy follow‐up. A seminar for Leadership Academy participants co‐sponsored by University of San Diego Counseling Program and San Diego County Office of Education. San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. & Luckeroth‐Lockhart, T. (2000, August). Counselor Leadership Academy for results‐based counseling and guidance programs. Training academy co‐sponsored by University of San Diego Counseling Program and San Diego County Office of Education. San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L., & Lu, L. (1999, June). Responding to the behavior of difficult students. Workshop presented as part of support group for primary school teachers in Beijing primary schools. Sponsored by Psychology Department, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Rowell, L. L. (1999, June). School counseling developments in the U.S. Seminar with graduate students in counseling. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Rowell, L. L. (1999, June). School counseling developments in the U.S. Seminar with graduate students in psychology and comparative education. Shaanxi Normal University, Xiʹan, China. Rowell, L. L. (1998, November). Legislative advocacy training. Session conducted as part of annual California School Counselor Association Fall Conference. Sherman Oaks, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1998, October). School guidance and counseling in the U.S.A.: A USA‐SINO comparative perspective. Seminar with graduate students in counseling psychology at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Rowell, L. L. (1998, October). Issues in the comparative studies of psychology and counseling in China and the U.S. Seminar with graduate students in comparative education and psychology at Shaanxi Normal University, Xiʹan, China.

Rowell, 26

Rowell, L. L., Messina, C. & Hetherington, P. (1998, September). Group counseling in schools: A skills enhancement workshop. Professional Development Seminar Series, California Association for Counseling and Development. Rowell, L. L., & Messina, C. (1997, November). School counseling legislation: A call to action. Professional Development Day with Oakland Unified School District counselors, Oakland, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1997, June). Counseling college students in American universities: The organization and administration of college student services. Workshop for faculty and staff of Shaanxi National University, Xiʹan, Peopleʹs Republic of China. Rowell, L. L. (1997, June). Introduction to curriculum and credit in American institutions of higher learning. Workshop for faculty and staff of Shaanxi National University, Xiʹan, Peopleʹs Republic of China. Lee, R., Carlson, N., Johnson, S., Martinez, G., Messina, C. & Rowell, L. L. (1996, February). Reclaiming group processes for school counselors: A CACES cooperative project. Skills Workshop at the annual conference of the California Association of Counseling and Development, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L., & Messina, C. (1995, October). Utilizing counseling groups at your worksite: blueprint for effective organization, marketing, and service delivery. All day workshop presented at the conference ʺCounseling . . . 2000: Will You Be Ready?ʺ University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L., & Terry, L. (1993, May). Substance abuse prevention and intervention for the 1990ʹs: New directions, new challenges. Workshop conducted at the annual conference ʺConnecting for Success,ʺ San Diego County Office of Education. Rowell, L. L. (1993). Two workshops on gender issues in peer helping for secondary schools in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada. Rowell, L. L., & Terry, L. (1992, February). Developmental vulnerabilities in self‐confidence and self‐esteem of children and youth in a gendered world. Workshop conducted at the Conference ʺDifferent Voices: Shared Destiny.ʺ American Humanistic Psychology Association, Del Mar, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1991). Workshop facilitator, The Education Community at the annual conference of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1978). Processes for menʹs groups. Workshop co‐facilitator. Fifth National Conference on Men and Masculinity, Los Angeles, CA.

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Training & Consulting Rowell, L. L. (2005‐2006). Comprehensive Middle School Counseling & Guidance. Consulting contracts with Keiller Leadership Academy for the creation of Keiller Support Center, an innovative, prevention‐oriented approach to counseling and guidance for middle‐school students, parents, and staff. San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L., (2003, February ‐ August). Creating a comprehensive student support system. Consulting contract. Monarch School Project, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2003, February). National counseling standards. Training session included in the Educational Leadership Development Academy, School of Education, University of San Diego. Rowell, L. L., Clarke, C. (2002, February). Making standards work for you: An overview of comprehensive guidance and counseling models. Training presented as a part of the Next Step Training Series, San Diego County Office of Education, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2002, January ‐ December). Strengthening School Community: Follow‐up. Instructional Consultant, Grossmont Union High School District, El Cajon, CA. Rowell, L. L. (2001, November 29). Leaping into action: Counseling in Poway schools. Day‐long training, Student Support Services, Poway Unified School District. Rowell, L. L. (2001, August 29). The lessons commission and the future of counseling and guidance in the Grossmont District. Presentation to district counselors as part of Job Alike staff development day, Grossmont Union High School District, El Cajon, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1998, March). Conducting effective visits with legislators. Training session included in California Association of Counseling and Development Day At The Capitol ʹ98. Sacramento, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1998, February). Why individuals batter and characteristics of abusive partners. Volunteer Training Day. Sanctuary: Joining Hands Against Violence, San Diego, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1998, February). Redesigning school counselor training. Invited Focus Group Participant. Education Leadership and Development Program, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. Rowell, L. L. (1997, August). Two presentations. Stepping out onto the battlefield: Overcoming our inner and outer dragons and School counselors and advocacy. Summer Institute sessions. San Diego Summer Counseling Institute, Ramona, CA.

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Rowell, L. L. (1993). Design of self‐esteem programs for primary schools. Consultant to Delta School District, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Rowell, L. L. (1973). Future planning for the human services grant preparation. Consultant. Urban Affairs Department, University of California, San Diego. Other Scholarly Activities 2006 Project Director, AB 1802 Clearinghouse Project, Center for Student Support Systems, School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego. 2006 Facilitator, Founding Member, Bi‐National Action Research Standing Committee, Border Pedagogy Conference, La Universidad Iberoamericano (Tijuana, Mexico), Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (Tijuana Campus), and University of San Diego. 2006 Founding member, Research Review Committee, National School Counseling Research Center, American School Counseling Association (ASCA), Alexandria, Virginia. 2005 Convened and Chaired the Planning Committee for the first California School Counseling Research Summit. The summit was co‐sponsored by the California Association of School Counselors (CASC), the Center for Student Support Systems (CS3), and the School of Leadership & Education Sciences, University of San Diego. 2004 Presenter and participant, 2nd National Summit on School Counseling Research, Annual Conference of the American School Counselor Association, Reno, Nevada. 2004 Organized and implemented Revitalizing California Student Support Systems, a project to examine the state of school counseling in California and to generate discussion among leading student support system advocates regarding how to revitalize systems. 2003 Participant, Invitational National Summit on School Counseling Research, St. Louis, Missouri. Invited as participant to 25 person invitational summit convened by the American School Counseling Association in conjunction with its’ annual convention. One of six participants asked to formally present current work. Presented on collaborative action research in school counseling and the Annual Forum held at USD. 2003 Participant, School Safety Focus Group, John’s Hopkins University, Division of Public Safety Leadership. One of a series of national focus groups conducted by Johns Hopkins University Division of Public Safety Leadership as a part of U.S. Department of Justice grant.

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Created the Center for Student Support Systems (CS3) as a service‐and‐research center within the School of Education. Organized and trained graduate student volunteers and fellowship recipients into a Center Operations Group to operate the center on a day‐to‐day basis. Discussions underway to link CS3 to two major national efforts focused on school counseling, the National Office of School Counseling Accountability and the National Center for Transforming School Counseling. CS3 sponsors the Annual Forum on the State of Counseling & Guidance in San Diego County School Districts and the Spring Symposium on Action Research. Designed and implemented Strengthening School Community, a collaborative service/research project of the University of San Diego School of Education, Grossmont Union High School District, and the San Diego County Office of Education. The project was initiated in response to two school shootings within the Grossmont district in March, 2001.

2000‐ Wrote introduction for, and edited, Research Summaries packets for Annual present Forum on the State of Guidance and Counseling in San Diego County School Districts, sponsored by USD School of Education and the San Diego County Office of Education. 1999 Six‐Week trip to Peopleʹs Republic of China to present papers at four universities, visit primary and middle/secondary schools and universities in five cities, present an address to 300 teachers in Beijing, conduct a parent education workshop in conjunction with the Psychology Department of a major medical school in Wuhan, and discuss research possibilities with Chinese educators. 1998 Nineteen day trip to present paper at major mental health conference sponsored by the China Association for Mental Health, lead seminars with students at universities in three cities(Beijing, Xi’an and Haiko), present a major address to faculty and students at Hainan University, and meet with education officials of universities and middle schools to explore research and other collaborative projects. 1997 Steering Committee Participant in design and facilitation of a two‐day San Diego Area Violence Prevention Summit held at National University and sponsored by the California Commission on Teacher Credentials, School Violence Advisory Panel. Designed group processes for working groups meeting during the summit including detailed descriptions of materials needed, the process for the group to follow, and the specific agenda for each group meeting to follow. 1997 Six‐Week trip to Peopleʹs Republic of China to present papers at two conferences, visit primary and middle/secondary schools and universities in three cities, present an address to faculty and students at a major university in central China, conduct two workshops with university faculty and administrators at a major

Rowell, 30


teacherʹs university in Shaanxi Province, and discuss research possibilities with Chinese educators. Trip to Peopleʹs Republic of China as member of a delegation from the USA‐SINO Teacher Education Consortium. The purpose of the trip was to discuss the reform of teacher training in China and to explore collaborative relations between U.S. and Chinese higher education institutions.

Professional Memberships American Association for Counselor Education and Supervision American Educational Research Association American Counseling Association American School Counselor Association American Association of Counselor Educators & Supervisors California Association of School Counselors Phi Delta Kappa San Diego County Association of School Counselors Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision TEACHING ACTIVITIES Courses Taught Graduate Courses Advanced Practicum in School Counseling (UNLV) Child Counseling (SDSU) Counseling and Guidance in Public Education (UNLV) Counseling Interventions for Children and Youth (UNLV) Counselor Communication Skills (SDSU) Cultural Competence in Delivering Counseling, Career, and Human Service Programs Abroad (USD, team‐taught in Study Abroad course) Evaluation: Theory and Practice (USD) Fieldwork (USD) Fieldwork in School Settings (USD) Gender Issues in Counseling and Therapy (UNLV, SDSU) Group Counseling (SDSU) Group Dynamics (USD) Internship in Counseling ‐ School Counseling (UNLV, SDSU) Interviewing & Counseling (USD School of Law, team taught) Introduction to Counseling Techniques (USD) Organization of Pupil Personnel Services (USD) Organization of Student Support Systems (USD)

Rowell, 31

Orientation to School Counseling (UNLV, SDSU) Personality Theory (SDSU) Planning Counseling Interventions and Community Services (USD) Practicum in Counseling Skills (USD, UNLV, SDSU) Qualitative Research (USD, UNLV) Relationship Counselling (University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia) Research Methods (USD) School‐Based Counseling Practicum (USD, SDSU) Undergraduate Courses Introduction to Counseling & the Helping Professions (SDSU) Contemporary Issues in Chinese Society (Honors Program course, USD, team taught) Courses Developed Contemporary Issues in Chinese Society (Developed with Professor Yi Sun [History] as team‐taught course for USD Honors Program. Spring Semester, 1999), USD. Cultural Competence in Delivering Counseling, Career, and Human Service Programs Abroad (Developed jointly with Dr. Sue Zgliczynski as a team‐taught Study Abroad Course offered in conjunction with the 7th International Counseling Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec., 1998 ‐ Jan., 1999), USD. Counselor Communication Skills, SDSU. Gender Issues in Counseling and Therapy, SDSU. Prepracticum in Counseling Skills, USD School‐Based Counseling Practicum, SDSU & USD. Advising Chair 2 Doctoral students (USD) 4 Masters thesis (SDSU) 40 (approx.) Masters Professional Paper (SDSU) Committee member 3 Doctoral students (USD) Advisor 300 (approx.) masters students (USD, SDSU, and UNLV)

Rowell, 32

SERVICE University Service ‐ USD Member, Academic Strategic Priorities Fund Committee, 2005‐2006 Member, Hahn Student Center Expansion/Renovation Committee, 2005‐ present Member, Advisory Committee, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, 2005 ‐ 2007 Participant, Strategic Directions Workshop, 2005 (February) Alternate, Faculty Senate, 2003‐2004 Member, ARRT Appeals, 2003‐ 2004 Member, Advisory Board, Graduate Program in Peace & Justice Studies, College of Arts & Sciences, 2003‐ present Member, Graduate Council, 2002‐ 2005 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Graduate Council, 2002‐2003 Member, Board of Trustees Facilities Committee, 2001‐2002 Member, University Parking and Transportation Committee, 1998‐2000; 2002‐2004 Member, Academic Integrity Committee – Appeals, 1999‐2000 Member, Faculty Senate Ad hoc Committee on Harassment, 1999‐2000 Member, Tuition and Budget Committee, 1997‐1998 Member, Faculty Senate Ad hoc Committee on Conflict of Interest in Sponsored Research, 1997 Member, University Parking Committee, 1995‐1996 School of Leadership & Education Sciences (SOLES) Service ‐ USD Chair, Search Committee, Counseling Program

Rowell, 33

Co‐Director, Counseling Program, 2008 – Member, Dean’s Advisory Cabinet, 2008 – Chari, ARRT Committee, 2008 – 2009 Chair, ARRT Committee, 2007 – 2008 Chair, Search Committee, Counseling Progrm, 2007 – 2008 Member, Ad‐hoc Committee on Teaching & Research in the Leadership Studies Doctoral Program, 2007 ‐ Member, Advisory Committee, Center for Character Development, 2007 ‐ Member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2006 ‐ 2007 Member, Remarkable Educators Committee, 2006 ‐ present Member, SOLES ARRT Committee, 2004‐present Member, Dean’s Cabinet, 2002‐ 2004 Chair, Search Committee, Counseling Program, 2003‐2004 Member, Search Committee, Counseling Program, 2002‐2003 Member, Search Committee, Counseling Program, 2001‐2002 Chair, SOE Global Committee, 2001‐2004 Member, Building Programming Committee, 2001‐2005 Member, SOE ARRT Committee, 2000‐2001 Chair, Search Committee, Counseling Program, 1999‐2000 Member, SOE Curriculum Committee, 1999‐2001 Member, Mondragón Project Committee, International Center for Leadership Development, 1999‐2000 Member, International Center for Leadership Development Committee, 1999‐2000 Member, EN‐ARRT Committee, 1997‐1998

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Member, USD/SDSU Joint Doctoral Program Planning Committee, 1997‐1998 Member, School of Education Faculty Status Committee, 1997‐1998 Member, School of Education Curriculum Committee, 1995‐1996 Accreditation Experience Program Liaison, CACREP Site Visit, Counseling Program, October 2008 C.T.C., Biennial Report Committee, SOLES, 2008 – NCATE, Member, NCATE I Planning Committee, School of Education, University of San Diego, 2002‐2003 C.T.C. Writing team, PPS Credential/Counseling Program, University of San Diego, 2002 ‐ 2003 C.T.C. Lead Writer, PPS Credential/School Counseling Program, San Diego State University, 1990. School of Education Service ‐ SDSU & UNLV Member, Council on Field Experiences, College of Education, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas, 1994 Member, International Student Teaching Committee, College of Education, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas, 1994 Member, Clark County School District ‐ UNLV Research Consortium, Las Vegas, NV, 1993‐ 1995 Chair, Clinical Instruction Committee, Dept. of Counseling and Educational Psychology, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas, 1994 Member, Advisory Committee to Center for In‐Service Training and Educational Research, School of Education, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas, 1993‐1994 Admissions Committee, Dept. of Counseling and Educational Psychology, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas, 1993‐1994

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Mentor, College of Education Multicultural Mentoring Program, University of Nevada ‐ Las Vegas, 1993‐1994 Curriculum Committee, College of Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 1990 ‐ 1992 Chair, School Counseling Program Committee, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 1990 ‐ 1993 Faculty Advisor, School Counseling Student Association, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 1990 ‐ 1993 Research Committee, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 1990 ‐ 1993 Service – Editing, Peer Reviewing, Newsletters Editing 2006 – 2008 Editor, Center News, Newsletter of the Center for Student Support Systems, (CS3) 2000‐2001 Editor, Info. Newsletter of the California School Counselors Association. 2000 Co‐Editor, Standards for comprehensive counseling and guidance programs for San Diego County school districts. San Diego, CA: San Diego County Office of Education. Reviewing: Book manuscripts 2004 Review of school counseling text for Lahaska Press 2004 Review of school counselors as educational leaders text for Houghton Mifflin Reviewing: Journal manuscripts 2004‐ Ad hoc reviewer. American Educational Research Journal: Section on


Social and Institutional Analysis

Reviewing: Conference proposals 2005 Reviewer. American Education Research Association Annual Conference proposals. 2004 Reviewer. American Education Research Association Annual Conference proposals.

Newsletter Writing

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Rowell, L. (2006, Fall) CS3 Assigned space in new SOLES building. Center for Student Support Systems’ Center News, 1, 4.

Rowell, L. & Cummins, J. (2006, Fall). Center sponsors action research projects in effort to increase counseling effectiveness in local schools. Center for Student Support Systems’ Center News, 1, 3. Rowell, L. (2006, Fall) Note from the editor. Center for Student Support Systems’ Center News, 1, 2. Rowell, L. L. (2001, Winter). WACES School Counseling Interest Network. Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision WACES Wire, 9. Rowell, L. L. (2000, Spring). Opinion: What’s next with disaffiliation. California School Counselor Association Info, 4‐5. Rowell, L. L. (2000, Spring). Disaffiliation update. California School Counselor Association Info, 4. Rowell, L. L. (2000, Spring). CSCA President Loretta Whitson hosts reception for state official. California School Counselor Association Info, 3. Rowell, L. L. (1999, Winter). CSCA Executive Board initiates disaffiliation from CACD. California School Counselor Association Info, 3. Rowell, L. L. (1999, Winter). State auditor reports on conflict resolution programs. California School Counselor Association Info, 8. Hatch, T. & Rowell, L. L. (1999, June‐July). Press Conference at the Capitol. California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 30(5), 12. Rowell, L. L. (1998, Oct.‐Nov.). ACA/CACD Conference Planning Committee Gets Underway. California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 30(2), 1. Rowell, L. L. (1998, Oct.‐Nov.). CACD Professional Development Seminar Series Gets Underway. California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 30(2), 1 & 3. Rowell, L. L. (1998, Fall). School counseling legislation task force works through the summer to prepare for 1998‐1999. California School Counselor Association Info, 7 & 9.

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Rowell, L. L., & Renfro, L. (1998, Aug.‐Sept.). ACA/CACD plans exciting and innovative world conference. California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 30(1), 1. Rowell, L. L. (1998, Aug.‐Sept.). School counseling legislation task force works through the summer to prepare for new legislative effort. California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 30(1), 2 & 4. Rowell, L. L., & Hatch, T. (1998, May‐June). Senate Education Committee Supports School Counseling Bill (SB 2122). California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 29(4), 1 & 3. Rowell, L. L. (1997, Nov.‐Dec.). We have an author: Update on the legislation. California School Counselor Association Info, 1 & 8. Rowell, L. L., & Lawyer, C. (1997, Oct.‐Nov.) CACES‐CSCA school counseling legislation update. California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 29(2), 6. Rowell, L. L., & Wainright, T. (1997, Aug.‐Sept). Violence prevention and the school counselor: An update and preview. California Association of Counseling and Development COMPASS, 29(1), 2‐4. Rowell, L. L. ( 1997, Winter). Menʹs Issues. American Association of Counselor Education and Supervision ACES Spectrum, 6. Rowell, L. L. (1997, Winter). New ACES interest group on menʹs issues. Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision WACES Wire, 2. Professional Service: Office, Board, Council, Committee, and Others Officer Chair, AB 1802 Implementation Task Force, California Association of School Counselors (CASC), 2006 ‐ present Co‐Convener, School Counseling Interest Network, Western Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, 2001. President, California School Counselor Association, 2000‐2001. President, California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (CACES), 1998‐ 1999.

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California Conference Coordinator, 1999, California Association of Counseling & Development/American Counseling Association World Conference, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, 1998‐1999. Chairman, statewide Task Force on School Counseling Legislation, jointly sponsored by the California School Counselor Association and the California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, 1998 – 1999. Co‐Chair, statewide Task Force on School Counseling Legislation, jointly sponsored by the California School Counselor Association and the California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, 1997 ‐ 1998. Secretary/Treasurer, California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (CACES), 1996‐1998. Board, Council, or Committee Member Member, International Committee, American Counseling Association, 2007 ‐ Founding Member, Bi‐National Action Research Committee, Border Pedagogy Conference, San Diego, CA & Tijuana, B.C., Mexico, 2007 Founding Member, Research Review Committee, National School Counseling Research Center, American School Counseling Association (ASCA), Alexandria, Virginia, 2006‐ Member, Advisory Committee, Counseling and Guidance Department, San Diego City Schools, 2004 – 2006. Member, Development Committee, National Office for School Counselor Accountability, Alexandria, VI, 2003 – 2004. Member, Guidance Task Force, Grossmont Union High School District, El Cajon, CA, 2001‐ 2002. Member, Comprehensive Guidance & Counseling Standards Advisory Committee, San Diego County Office of Education, 2001‐2002. Member, Counselors Special Training Committee, San Diego County Office of Education, 2001‐2002. Member, Student Support Program Advisory Council, Fallbrook Union High School, Fallbrook, CA, 2001‐2002. Member, Advisory Team for the Chairman, Senate Education Committee, California State Senate, Sacramento, CA, 2000‐2001.

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Member, San Diego County Counseling & Guidance Standards Committee, San Diego County Office of Education, 2000. Member, Planning Committee for the Leadership Center for Results‐Based Student Support Services, 2000‐2002. Member, Planning Committee, Connecting for Success, Annual Pupil Personnel Services Convention sponsored by San Diego County Office of Education, 1996‐1998. Member, Executive Council, California Association of Counseling and Development (CACD), 1996‐2000. Member, California Commission on Teacher Credentials, School Violence Advisory Panel on Report Recommendation Follow‐up, Sacramento, Ca., 1995‐1997. Board Member, Exploring Family School, San Diego, CA, 1980‐1988. Board Member, Girls Club of San Diego, San Diego, CA, 1978‐1980. Other Professional Service Member, Academic Program Review for the Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Arizona, 2008 (February). Director of Operations, Emergency Legislative Task Force, California Association of School Counselors (CASC), 2006. Participant, Summits Initiative: New Directions for Student Support, Center for Mental Health in Schools, University of California, Los Angeles, February, 2004. Assessor, Portfolio Review and Authentic Assessment Exam, Counseling and Educational Leadership Program, California State University, Los Angeles, June, 2002. Appearance on radio program, ʺTed Leitner Show,ʺ KFMB, San Diego, CA, to speak on counseling issues in relation to school shootings in local high school district, March, 2001. Appearance on radio program, ʺThese Days in San Diego,ʺ KPBS, San Diego, CA to speak on school shootings and violence prevention, March, 2001. Creator, Annual Forum on the State of School Counseling in San Diego County School Districts. The forum is an annual event in which school counselors and counselor supervisors, school administrators, counselor educators, graduate students in counseling, and other interested individuals meet to hear research reports on school counseling in San

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Diego County and to discuss issues concerning the strengthening of school counseling practice in local school districts. The Forums have been attended each year since 2001 by more than 200 individuals representing 22 school districts in the county and four university counselor training programs. The Annual Forum was founded in 1999. Expert Testimony, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA, fall, 2001. Organizer, PenFriends Project, Murdock Elementary School (La Mesa Spring Valley School District), La Mesa, California, and Middle School #72, Xiʹan, Shaanxi Province, China, 1998‐ 1999. Participant, Invitational Professional Forum on the Review of Standards and Requirements for Pupil Personnel Services Credentials, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Sacramento, CA, July, 1998. Co‐author and advocacy, Concept paper for school counseling legislation. Co‐authored concept paper that served as foundation for SB 2122 (1998 legislative session, California state legislature), the Comprehensive Professional School Counseling bill. Spoke in support of the bill at numerous local, regional, and state meetings and conferences, including Annual Riverside/San Bernardino Counseling Consortium Conference, Los Angeles Unified School District Annual School Counselor Staff Development Day, Annual conference of the California Association of Counseling and Development, Annual California School Counselors Association Fall Conference, and Oakland Unified School District Staff Development Day, 1997‐1998. Host, Reception for New and Inactive Members, San Diego area, California Association for Counseling and Development, San Diego, CA, December, 1997. Organizer and Co‐Chair, School Counseling Legislation Task Force. The Task Force was a joint effort of the California Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors and The California School Counselor Association. Leadership involvement included recruiting participants, establishing task force structure, raising funds, lead writer for drafting of major school counseling legislation for California, coordinating statewide lobbying and advocacy effort on behalf of the bill, 1997. Co‐organizer and Co‐Director, USD Summer Institute for Counselors. Offered through USDʹs Office of Continuing Education, the Institute was for counselors throughout the Southwest. As part of the 1996 Institute, facilitated or co‐facilitated three sessions: Group Counseling in Schools; Violence Prevention in Schools; and, Awareness and Action for Counselors: Addressing the Politics of Helping Professions, 1996. Co‐facilitator of Reflective Discussion Group on How Preparation Fits Practice at the 1996 National Conference for the American Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Portland, OR, 1996.

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Organizer & Convener, Menʹs Issues Interest Network at the 1996 National Conference for the American Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Portland, OR, 1996. Guest speaker, Cross‐gender communication, Community College of Southern Nevadaʹs Pre‐Apprenticeship Program, Las Vegas, NV, 1993. Appearance on public television program, ʺChanging The Rules,ʺ KLVX, Las Vegas, NV, to speak on gender issues in the workplace, 1993. Community Service Participant, La Posada Without Borders, Border Field State Park, San Ysidro, December, 2000. Coach, Little League Baseball, La Mesa National Little League, La Mesa, CA, 1997‐2000. Secretary, Agency Executives Association of United Way of San Diego County, San Diego, CA, 1977. Advisory Board Member, Open Roads/New Jobs Program, San Diego, CA, 1977. Board Member, San Diego Youth Services, 1974 ‐ 1976. Member, State Advisory Committee to the Joint Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education, California State Legislature, Sacramento, CA, 1973. Member, Demonstration and Development Fund Committee, United Way of San Diego County, San Diego, CA, 1972 ‐ 1973. Co‐Chairperson, Community Congress of San Diego, San Diego, CA, 1972.

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