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Curriculum Vitae Melinda M Martin University of San Diego School Of Leadership and Education Sciences 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110 619 260-4181 • -

Educational Background: B.A. Education, San Diego State University M.A. Education, United States International University General Elementary Credential (Life) State of California Reading Specialist Credential (Life) State of California Administrative and Supervisory Credential (K-12) State of California

• Professional Experience: 2001-2008 Director, Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA), USD I am responsible for the application process, the recruiting, interviewing and selection of students for the ELDA Program. I develop University course schedules, coordinate with and recruit instructors, counsel students, and develop coursework and syllabi for the ELDA Programs: LEAP, Aspiring Leaders and New Leaders I serve as liaison between University of San Diego and participating school districts. I teach a course module EDUC 583/4, Special Topics, to prepare emerging leaders for Culminating Portfolio and Platform statement. I teach the Practicum EDLD 598P Tier I Aspiring Leaders students in their second year of the program. I select and recruit University supervisors and I train them to work with the candidates. I recruit “mentor principals” to work with the Tier I Aspiring leaders students in an apprenticeship for 40 days over two years. I plan organize, and coordinate the Tier I Aspiring Leaders Oral Defense of the Portfolio. I serve on the advisory committee to plan the ELDA Spotlight

Speakers series and the ELDA supervise the coordinator of co-plan courses with her. I sessions. I recruit mentors Program, and I train them to students.

Summer Institutes. I the LEAP program and teach selected LEAP for the New Leaders work with the

While serving as ELDA Director, I served as Interim Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction in San Diego Unified school district, Nov 2006-February 2007, until a permanent candidate was selected.


Consultant to Manager of Title I Programs—San Diego Unified School District. Team Leader, Urban Teacher Intern Program, SDSU 2000-01 school year Consultant to Dr. Eloiza Cisneros, Assistant Superintendent—San Diego Unified School District. Supervisor, Student Teachers, USD Lecturer and Student teacher supervisor, SDSU


Principal—Adams Elementary School. Unified

San Diego


Principal—Angier Elementary School San Diego Unified


Administrator on Special Assignment. San Diego Unified. (Responsible for training and implementation of district-wide language arts adoption)


Principal—Edison Elementary School, San Diego Unified


Vice Principal—Mason Elementary School, San Diego Unified


Resource Teacher Social Studies Dept. San Diego Unified


Resource Teacher Title I Programs, San Diego Unified


Basic Skills Resource Teacher, Sunset View Elementary, San Diego Unified


Miller Unruh Reading specialist Central Elementary, San Diego Unified


Teacher, Grades 3, 4, 2, Chollas, Toler and Birney Elementary, San Diego Unified

Conference Presentations Presented at a two-day Colloquium for San Diego Unified and staff, parents, community members and university partners to identify key foundational instructional practices to drive the district’s future curriculum, instruction, and professional development. May 2008 Presented at New Teacher Center conference on the role of mentors in induction of new administrators. February, 2007

Enhancing teacher Quality Among Beginning Teachers: A Matter of Building a Community of Learners Through University and School District Collaboration, Presented At the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Conference, January 2006 Professional and Legal Liability for Substitute Teachers, presented at Substitute Training Conference, San Diego County Office of Education, 2005

Barber,M., Casey,K., Cordeiro, P., Fink,E, and Martin,M. (2002). A strategic model for school leadership preparation. Paper presented at the Nov. 2002 annual meeting of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, San Antonio, TX • • -

Grants Currently working with the Stuart Foundation on a grant for the ELDA programs. Wrote application and received SB 1274 Technology grant, 1992-95 $1 million

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Professional Affiliations: International Reading Association Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development California Association of Professors of Educational Administration

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Teaching Experience USD, Instructor, EDUC 524 Advanced Literacy, Elementary Teachers 2005-08 school years USD, Instructor, EDUC 525 Advanced Literacy, Secondary Teachers 2005-08 school years USD, Instructor, EDUC 507, 508, 509 Action Research 2005-08 school years USD, Instructor, EDLD 583/4 Special Topics 2002-2008 USD Instructor EDLD 59/87P Practicum 2001-2008, Instructor, TE 930, Reading Language Arts Methods SDSU 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05 and 2005-06 school year SDSU ARP 630 Curriculum and Instruction Graduate course SDSU ARP 652 Clinical Supervision graduate course

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Service to: USD; School of Education Served as liaison with San Diego Unified Science Dept. to develop Science Teachers Academy partnership with USD 2007-08 Wrote application to State of California for Professional Administrative Credential Program, approved, June 2003, re-approved August 2006 Wrote application to State of California for Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program. Served on IMPP (Induction Master’s Partnership Program) Steering Committee

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Created and Implemented Culminating Portfolio Guidelines and scoring rubric, wrote Problem Based Learning Activity for students completing Preliminary Administrative Credential Program, USD Created and Implemented Culminating Videotape Activity for students completing Professional Administrative Credential Program, USD Served on Committee to create a partnership between USD and San Diego Unified to plan and implement a Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) Master’s Program for first year teachers. Created on-demand writing prompt for students entering the ELDA program Created leadership scoring rubric for students in ELDA Program adapted from California Professional Standards for School Leaders Coordinated the development of Handbooks for students and supervisors in the Preliminary Administrative Credential Program (Emerging leaders) and the Professional Administrative Credential Program (Beginning leaders). Served on committee to develop ‘Q teams” grant Proposal in conjunction with USD College of Arts and Sciences, School of Education and San Diego Unified School District Teach in the ELDA Program and the IMPP Program School-based work: Coordinator of Mentor Principal Program, San Diego Unified and Sweetwater School Districts Served on Task Force to develop “Blended” MS Credential Program SDSU Coordinated New Teacher Orientation, San Diego Unified Wrote Handbook for Supervising teachers for use with student teachers, San Diego Unified Served as a Mentor to principals of focus schools in san Diego Unified

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Consulting Activities Consultant to San Diego Unified School District Consultant to San Diego County Office of Education, Teacher Recruitment Center



California Department of Education, California Distinguished School Principal’s Award, 1995 San Diego City Schools Distinguished Leader Award, 1996

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