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Susan M. Zgliczynski, Ph.D. University of San Diego (619) 260-4287 Educational Background: Ph.D. Counseling Psychology with specialization in Assessment, Statistics, Lifespan and Career Development, Texas A&M University, 1978. M.S. Counseling and Student Personnel Services, Purdue University, 1971. B.S. M. Chemistry, Purdue University, 1970. Certifications: National Certified Counselor (NCC) 1995 – present Registered Professional Counselor (RPC), California 1995 - present Distance Certified Counselor (DCC) 2005 - present Professional Experience: Director, Counseling Programs - School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES), University of San Diego 6/2005 to present and 9/85 - 8/99 Administered the Counseling Program M. A. program in Counseling with specializations in School Counseling, College Counseling, Career Counseling and Adult Learning. Faculty Member - School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES) -

9/80 to present

Master's level courses taught include professional orientation to counseling and ethics, lifespan development, planning career interventions, multicultural counseling, appraisal and assessment, supervision of counseling internship and research design. Doctoral courses taught to leadership and nursing students include statistics, research design, and adult development. Designed online graduate courses in research design, statistics, assessment and development. Other duties include serving on dissertation committees, advising students, and consulting. Director of the "Creating Cultural Competence" Project


Director of a three year funded grant of the James Irvine Foundation that produced a model for developing cultural competence in all members of a campus community. It includes leading a team to develop a comprehensive document defining aspects of cultural competency, overseeing funding of faculty and staff small and comprehensive projects supporting cultural competence development and participating in a set of leadership development activities. International Program Instructor University of San Diego


I have developed and taught graduate courses for U.S. graduate counseling and leadership students studying abroad in Hong Kong, Australia/New Zealand, Thailand and Costa Rica. I have also taught doctoral leadership and research courses in articulated programs with Canadian and Micronesian students. Fulbright Visiting Scholar and Researcher Taiwan ROC

National Kaohsiung Teachers College, 8/86-7/87

Director, MHMR Center and Counseling Psychologist Brazos County MHMR Services, 8/79-8/80 Visiting Professor, Educational Psychology Department, Texas A&M University, 8/77-8/7


Publications: Zgliczynski, S.M. (Ed.) (2007). Promoting Global Advocacy for Counseling: Enhancing Client Development and Opportunities. Proceedings of the 12th International Counseling Conference, Shanghai, China, June 8-9, 2007. Zgliczynski, S.M. (Ed.) (2005). Counselors Across Borders. Proceedings of the 11th International Counseling Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, December 29-31. Zgliczynski, S. M. (Ed.) (2005). Career development in Spanish-speaking countries. (Special Issue).Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 20, 4. Zgliczynski, S. M., Campos, L & Zambrano, G. (2005) Additional perspectives on career development activities in Mexico. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 20, 4. Zgliczynski, S. M. & Shaffer, S.L. (2005). Mondrag贸n: Additional Perspectives on Opportunities for Workers in Spain. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 20, 4. Zgliczynski, S. M. (2005). Steps in the development of global cultural competence. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 20, 4. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1982). Multimodal therapy with groups of aged. Small Group Behavior. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1981). The teacher's role responsibility to the abused child: A topic for inclusion in the preservice curriculum. Journal of Teacher Education. Williams, D.S., Reilley, R.R. & Zgliczynski, S. M. (1980). Changing students and changing Residence halls: Research and implications. In D.A. DeCoster and P. Mable (Eds.) Personal growth and community development in college residence halls, Washington, D.C. American College Personnel Association. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1978). Multimodal therapy with groups of aged. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University. Conference Presentations: Zgliczynski, S. M., Campos, L. & USD Graduate Counseling Students (2007, June). Preparing graduate students for roles in a global society: Effects of participation in a study abroad experience. Presented at the 12th International Counseling Conference, Shanghai, China. Zgliczynski, S.M. (2006, January). Developing global cultural competence in school of education students: Optimizing the study abroad course experience. Presented at the American Association of College of Teacher Education Conference, San Diego. Cordeiro, P.A., Quezada, R., Romo, J., Sisserson, K., Zgliczynski, S.M. (2004, July). Preparing students for roles in a global society: Educational tourism or enhancing diversity? Presented at the International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly, Hong Kong. Zgliczynski, S.M. (2004), June) Preparing students for roles in a global society. Presented at 10th nternational Counseling Conference, Anchorage,Alaska, June 11-14. Zgliczynski, S.M. (2002, December). Developing global cultural competence in students, employees and yourself! Presented at the 9th International Counseling Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 30-31. Zgliczynski, S.M. (2001, October). Training students and ourselves in organizational cultural competence. Presented at the Western Association of Counselor Educator and Supervisors Zgliczynski, S. M., Porter, D. (2000, February). Counselor licensure in California. Presented at the California Association for Counseling and Development Conference, Los Angeles. Zgliczynski, S.M. (2001, October). Training Students and Ourselves in Organizational Cultural Competence. Presented at the Western Association of Counselor Educator and Supervisors Conference in Spokane, WA. Zgliczynski, S. M., Nalven J., Corona, L. & Bleisch, P. (1999, June) A model for creating cultural competence. Presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education. Memphis. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1998, December). Career counseling in a global context. Presented at the 7th International Counseling Conference, Sydney, December 30-31. Zgliczynski, S. M., Porter, D., & Reilly, K. (1998, November). Training career development professionals: examining current standards, exploring new methods. Presented at the International Career Development Conference, November, Los Angeles.


Zgliczynski, S. M. & Nalven, J. (1998, April). Effective strategies for managing change in a multicultural environment. Presented at the Fifth Annual Diversity Conference, Multicultural Alliance, San Diego. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1997, April). Creating cultural competence. Panel Presentation at the Western Summit of the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, San Diego. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1997, January). Data collection, analysis and presentation skills: Keys to accountability and advocacy for career counseling professionals. Workshop presented at the National Career Development Association, Daytona Beach, Florida. Zgliczynski, S. M., Hedley, P. & Ricci, K. (1996, November). Career information and services on the Internet: Unending possibilities or increasing frustrations? Workshop presented at the California Career Conference, Irvine, CA. Zgliczynski S. M. (1996, November). Utilizing continuous quality improvement for affecting counseling program change. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision National Conference, Portland, OR. Zgliczynski, S. M. & Agan, D. (1996, June). ACTION NETWORK: A team approach to Professional development and intervention planning in multicultural settings. Presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education, San Antonio, Texas.. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1996, May). Using total quality tools and methods for needs assessment, teambuilding and program development in diverse organizations. Presented at theThird Annual Diversity Conference :MANAGING DIVERSITY:BRIDGING THE GAP, San Diego, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1995, November). Professional, program and personal renewal using teams and networks. Presented at the Western Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1995, November). Total quality tools and methods for career counselors. Presented at The California Career Conference, Sacramento, Ca. Zgliczynski, S. M. Reilley K., & Blachar, J. (1995, March). Designing new counselor training models tomeet diverse student and client needs. Presented at the American Counseling Association., Denver, CO. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1994, July). A different approach to human services: Organizational worldview and the effectiveness of health and counseling services for diverse client populations. Presented at the 4th International Counseling Conference, Vancouver, Canada. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1994, May). Worldview, cultural identity, learning style: A conceptual Foundation for planning curriculum changes and intervention programs, Managing Diversity: Moving From Words to Action - Higher Education Conference, San Diego, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1994, April). Total quality tools and concepts for counselors, Workshop presented at the American Counseling Association, San Antonio, Texas. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1994, February). How counselors use total quality tools for creative problem solving.Presented at the California Association for Counseling and Development. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1993, July). TQM basic quality tools. M. Fifth Annual Restructuring Schools Institute, San Diego State University. Burgess, D, & Zgliczynski, S. M. (1993, March). Introduction to total quality concepts for Counseling professionals. Presented at the American Counseling Association, Atlanta, GA. Zgliczynski, S.M., Lackey, R, Blachar, J, and Reilley, K. (1993, February). Training quality career Counselors. Presented at the California Association for Counseling and Development Conference, Los Angeles, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. & Hwang, P. (1992, September). Training counselors to work with international students. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, San Antonio, TX. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1992, June).Meeting the development and learning needs of today's college student. Presented at the ACT Summer Institute for Counselors, San Diego, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1991, November). Internationalization of counselor training. Presented at the WesternAssoc. for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, San Diego, CA. November 1991. Zgliczynski, S. M. & Holmgren, S. M. (1991, April). Providing quality supervision in counselor Education programs. Presented at the American Association for Counseling and Development, Reno, NV.


Zgliczynski, S. M. & Hanson, C. School counseling and marriage family counseling: Confrontation or collaboration. Western Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Seattle, WA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1989, November). Transformation leadership in counselor education programs. Presented at the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Asilomar, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1988, October) Updating the appraisal and assessment curriculum. Presented at the Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, St. Louis, MO. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1986, October). Counseling skills for teachers. Presented at the International Association of Independent Schools, Taiwan. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1986, June) Clinical uses of the computer. The Growth Edge - ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Personnel Services Summer Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1985, March).Counseling applications of microcomputers. Professional Development Institute presented at the American Association for Counseling and Development, New York City. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1985, February). Microcomputer use by counseling professionals. Professional Development Institute presented at the California Association for Counseling and Development, San Diego, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1984, October). Counseling applications of microcomputers. Professional Development Institute presented at the European Branch of the American Association for Counseling and Development, Bad Kissingen, Germany. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1984, March). Counseling applications of computers. Professional Development Institute presented at the American Association for Counseling and Development. Zgliczynski, S. M. ( 1983, June) Integrating computers into the school of education curriculum. National Educational Computing Conference, Dayton, Ohio. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1983, October). Effective use of computers in the school curriculum. Presented at the Phi Delta Kappa Leadership Conference, Alberta, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1983, April). Curriculum development for computer literacy. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1983, March). Microcomputer use for school counselors. Presented at the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Washington, D.C. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1982). The school's role in aiding abused children. Presented at the California Association for Colleges of Teacher Education, San Diego, CA. Zgliczynski, S. M. (1982, June). Your future with computers. Presented at the National Educational Computing Conference, Kansas City, KS. Zgliczynski, S. M. & Rodolfa, R. (1981, April). The school counselor's role in identifying and aiding abused children. American Personnel and Guidance Assoc, Atlanta, GA. Grants: 1995-1998 James Irvine Foundation Grant to University of San Diego, “Creating Cultural Competence”, Principal Investigator Professional Affiliations: • American Counseling Association • American Educational Research Association • Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors • National Career Development Association • American College Counselors Association • Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development • California Career Development Association • California Association for Counseling and Development • Association for Psychological Type


Professional Recognition • Judy Gruter Career Development Practitioner of the Year, California Career Development Association, 2000 • Clarion Modell Achievement Award. California Association of Counseling and Development 1994 • Professional Leadership Award, Western Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, 1992 • Fulbright Visiting Scholar and Researcher, National Kaohsiung Teachers College, 86-87 Teaching Experience University of San Diego M.A. in Counseling Program Professional Orientation and Ethics in Counseling Lifespan Development Research Design Counseling Theories and Technique Counseling Appraisal and Assessment Multicultural Counseling Designing Career Development Interventions Internship Seminar in College and Career Counseling Advanced Counseling: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies Adult Development Quantitative Design and Statistical Analysis Qualitative Research Design Dissertation Research Total Quality Methods in Education and Business Seminar: Addressing Multicultural Issues through Action Planning The Adult Learner M.Ed. in Learning and Teaching Educational Psychology Research Design and Methodology Research in Education Seminar Tests and Measurements for Educators Microcomputer Use in Educational Settings Walden University - Ph.D. in Psychology Statistics Tests and Measurements Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Educational Psychology Dissertation and Thesis Seminar Texas A&M University Introductory Psychology Improvement of Learning Career Planning Educational Psychology

Child Development Adolescent Development Psychological Testing Practicum in Counseling

Allan Hancock Community College Introductory Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology

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