School of Leadership & Educational Sciences University of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110-2492
Phone (619) 260-2274 E-mail:
Mary Woods Scherr Current Position:
Professional Credentials Professional Experience: Teaching/ Administration
Professor Master’s and Doctoral programs in Leadership Studies Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Claremont Graduate School and San Diego State University Master of Arts, English, San Diego State University Bachelor of Arts, English, San Diego State University State of California: General Secretary – Life Diploma 1988 – Present: University of San Diego Graduate Courses taught within last five years: EDLD 272: Leadership Development for Women EDLD 257: Leadership and Spirituality EDLD 605: Adult Development EDLD 608: Qualitative Research Methods 1987 – 1988: The Claremont Graduate University (formerly Claremont Graduate School: Associate Director of Credential Programs: Teacher Education Internship and Educational Administration Acting Director: Fall 1987
Additional Educational Experience City, County and State Leadership
1999 External Consultant, California State University, San Bernardino 1992-1996 Consultant, U.S. Navy – Employee Development Program 1984-1985 Consultant, San Diego Unified School District President, San Diego County Assoc. of School Boards, 1980 – 1981 Board of Directors, four years President and Member, Trustee Carlsbad Unified School District, 1971 – 1981 California State Board Association: Delegate Assembly, four years
Community Service
Board of Directors, Oceanside Museum of Art, 1999-present Patron, Brother Benno’s and Casa de Guadalupe Former Years: Art Facilities Commission, City of Carlsbad
Family Counseling Service of Carlsbad and Oceanside Board of Directors, five years Park and Recreation Commission, City of Carlsbad Chair, two years; Member five years Housing Committee, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Educational Foundation, Board of Directors Academic Service: University-wide
Major Committee Memberships: Academic Senate Enhanced Faculty/Student Interaction Internationalizing the Curriculum Long-Range Planning – Initial Process Plan Search Committees: Provost Director, KIPJ Dean, SOLES
Recent Publications
Recent Conference Proceedings/Presentations Referred paper
Scherr, M.W. The meaning of career patterns in the adult development of women in graduate school. (Doctoral dissertation, Claremont Graduate School and San Diego State University, 1983). Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 12. Scherr, M.W. (2007).”Before and Beyond the Borders: The Enduring Influence of Sacred Place and Spiritual Practices.” ICET Yearbook 2007 Scherr, M.W. (2005), Striving toward spiritual leadership: One woman’s journey, in Women as School Executives, Leadership: A bridge to ourselves, Harris, S., Alford, B., Ballendger, J. (Eds) The Texas Council of Women School Executives. Scherr, M.W., Embracing spirituality: The inner journey of educational leaders, In (Ed.) Fenwick, L., School Leadership: Expanding Horizons of the Mind and Spirit, National Council of Professors of Educational Administration 1999 Yearbook, (16pp.) Lancaster, PA: Technomic Press. ( R ) Cooper, J. E. Benham, M.; Collay, M.; Martinez-Aleman, A.; and Scherr, M.W. (Spring 1999). A famine of stories: Finding a home in the academy, Initiatives, 59(1), 1-18. ( R ) Scherr, M. W. (1997). The story of two urban superintendents: An outsider and an insider. In C. Chapman (ed.), Becoming a superintendent: The challenge of School district leadership. Old Tappan, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Scherr, M.W. (2007).”Before and Beyond the Borders: The Enduring Influence of Sacred Place and Spiritual Practices,” International Council on Education for Teachers, July 16, 2007
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University of San Diego. Scherr, M.W.(2007). Spiritual Practices for Every Day, Social Issues Conference, October 5, 2007. University of San Diego. Organizer and panelist. Scherr, M. W. (2004). “Leadership and Spirituality: A Reader’s Theatre,” Research on Women and Education, SIG of AERA, October 29, 2004. Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio. (R) Scherr, M. W. (2004). “Using Reflective Writing to Develop Leaders,” University Council for Educational Leaders, November 12, 2004. (R) Scherr, M. W. (2004). “Framework for integrating Preparation Courses,” University Council for Educational Leaders, November 13, 2004. (R) Scherr, M. W. (2003). “Professor, examine thyself,” University Council for Educational Administration, Annual Meeting, November 6-9, Portland, Oregon. ( R ) Scherr, M. W. (2000). “Relational leadership for a better future,” AERA Annual Meeting, April 24-28, New Orleans. (R) Professional Organizations
Federal, Regional, and University Grants
Honors and Awards
Personal Information
American Educational Research Association Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Internationalization of the Curriculum, 2003 Faculty Research Grants, 1988 – 2000 Healthy Start, 1996 Community Outreach Partnership Center: Funded by U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Author and investigator for small grant submitted as part of COPC Grant: “Empowering Students as Researchers.” 1996 Project Equity, an institute to insure equal opportunity in education Member of State Advisory Board, 1976 – 1978
University Professor, Recognition Based, 1999 – 2000; University of San Diego Outstanding Graduate Award, Ph.D. in Education, San Diego State University Outstanding Teacher Award, San Diego Unified School District Mortar Board, San Diego State University
Social Security 570-36-4278 Husband: Stuart N. Scherr, M.D., deceased Children: Two married daughters Travel: England, Canada, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, Mexico, Italy, and Ireland
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