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ANNE FARRELL Senior Advancement Officer, Institutional Giving & Special Projects Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego 700 Prospect St. La Jolla, CA 92037 858‐454‐3541 x110 EDUCATION 1983

1970‐1973 1971‐72 1968‐69

Museum Management Institute, University of California, Berkeley, a certificated program for senior and middle managers at U.S. museums, presented in conjunction with J. Paul Getty Trust and the American Federation of the Arts (awarded scholarship) B.A. cum laude, Art History and Studio Art, California State University at San Jose Year abroad in Italy: attended Academy of Fine Arts and University of Florence; studied history of Italian art & architecture, Italian language, studio art (sculpture, drawing, painting) Undergraduate coursework, California State University Long Beach; and University of California Los Angeles

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART SAN DIEGO, 1986 to present Key accomplishments: > In 2009, MCASD completed a Long‐Range Strategic Plan overseeing the work of Lord Cultural Consultants. Also oversaw previous 1998 Long Range Planning. > Grants experise, with over 75% of submitted government and foundation grant applications resulting in funding; MCASD consistently ranked in top tier nationally in terms of federal grants received and locally from the City of San Diego’s competitive grants process. Estimated total amount of grants secured during career is $50 million. MCASD has been the recipient of a $1.75 million grant from the Annenberg Foundation (art acquisition), two Kresge grants‐ $750,000 (2006) and $500,000 (1995), two $500,000 Challenge Grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and three National Endowment for the Arts Challenge Grants ($250,000, $210,000, and $350,000), as well as annual project support from NEA ranging $25,000‐$75,000. > Foundation funding includes major awards from Wallace Foundation ($850,000) The Pew Charitable Trusts ($500,000), The James Irvine Foundation ($750,000 in 2009; $500,000 in 2005; $600,000 and $475,000 between 1997‐2004, plus capital grants of $250,000 and $150,000 and special collaborative project for San Diego cultural community – grants of $75,000 and $50,000), The Henry Luce Foundation (two grants for $100,000 each, one for $225,000), The Getty Foundation (two grants, $220,000 and $225,000), the William Randolph Hearst Foundations (two grants of $50,000 each; one $100,000), and other major grants from the Rockefeller, Warhol, Parker, and other foundations. > In 2007, completed $28 million capital campaign; was responsible for $3.5 million in foundation support including $750,000 Kresge grant. > Manage American Association of Museums reaccreditation (2009‐10) and completed 1997‐99 re‐accreditation. > Managed redesign of graphic identity, working with design firm 2x4, New York (2002); also worked on previous graphic rebranding project with design firm Pentagram, SF (1991‐93). 2009 – Present, SENIOR ADVANCEMENT OFFICER, INSTITUTIONAL GIVING & SPECIAL PROJECTS Work closely with Director Hugh Davies and the senior management team, focusing on institutional giving (foundation, government, corporate) and special projects such as strategic planning and accreditation. The Museum’s operating budget for FY10 is $7 million, of which 70% is contributed or earned and 30% comes from Endowment income. 15% of the annual operating budget is derived from institutional funders. 2002 – 2009, DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Focused on foundation and government relations and grants, graphic design and publications, communications and public relations, institutional initiatives, advocacy, and long‐range strategic planning.

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1986 – 2002, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego As member of MCASD’s senior management team, was responsible for all fund raising and activities – individual, corporate, foundation contributions; grant writing and administration; Trustee relations; capital campaigns; annual giving; membership and data systems; direct mail solicitations; special events; volunteers. Portfolio of special projects ranged from writing/developing architectural programs and master plans for expansion projects to developing a new graphic identity for the institution to various trustee initiatives and capital campaign fundraising. Edited 200‐pg. permanent collection catalogue, Blurring the Boundaries (1996); co‐authored book with Hugh Davies about MCASD history and Robert Venturi building, Learning from La Jolla: Robert Venturi Remakes a Museum in the Precinct of Irving Gill (1996). Edit and write various other MCASD publications. From 1986‐2002, oversaw development and membership data management system and computers, and original launch of Web Site (1998) at 1985‐86 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT, School of Fine Arts, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Reported to John Gordon, Dean of the School of Fine Arts. Was responsible for coordinating and soliciting over $1 million annually in individual, foundation, corporate gifts; government grants; annual and alumni gifts. Key accomplishments: capital grant from Ahmanson Foundation for new Fine Arts and Architecture Library; increased by 30% membership of the Friends of Fine Arts; NEA support for exhibitions and conservation projects at USC/Fisher Gallery and the School of Fine Arts; coordinated new graphic identity for the School. 1979‐85 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT, Santa Barbara Museum of Art Hired in 1979 as Grants Officer, promoted in 1982 to head the development office. Reported to Director (first Paul Mills, then Richard V. West). In six years, oversaw various aspects of development, with special responsibilities and successes in grant writing, membership and direct mail marketing, donor record computerization, annual giving (approximately $1 million annually). Actively involved in successful $8 million architectural expansion, renovation, and endowment campaign that concluded in 1984. 1976‐79 GRANTS OFFICER, UCLA Museum of Cultural History, University of California, Los Angeles (Now the Fowler Museum of Cultural History at UCLA) Reported to Associate Director George Ellis. As sole development staff member for the museum, was responsible for grant writing and administration (90% success with requests), foundation solicitation, and public relations for this museum of world anthropology and ethnology (one of the largest such collections in the U.S., at the time with over 150,000 objects). In 1978‐79, served as Editorial/Publications Assistant; in 1976‐77, was Exhibition Coordinator for campus‐wide installations from collection, and Museum Receptionist. ACADEMIC/TEACHING 2006 – Present

University of San Diego, Adjunct Professor, School of Education and Leadership Sciences (teach Fall semester 3‐unit course for graduate students in Nonprofit Management, called “Resource Development and Fundraising”) MCASD – Summer Internship Seminar on Fundraising & External Affairs University of Southern California – Museum Studies Program: Seminars in Fundraising UCLA Museum of Cultural History – Museum Studies Program Seminars UCLA Extension – Museum Fundraising Workshops/Grantsmanship

1990 – Present 1985‐87 1977‐78 1977‐82 PANELS & PROFESSIONAL PEER REVIEW 2009 2005 1982 – Present 2002 2001

2000‐01 1998

AAM Accreditation Review Team Member for San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (with Christina Orr‐Cahall, Director, Norton Art Museum, Florida) AAM Accreditation Team Member for Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, co‐reviewer with Patterson Sims, Director of Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey Field Reviewer, Institute of Museum & Library Services, Washington, DC California Arts Council, Visual Arts Panel, Sacramento Site Reviewer, AAM/Institute of Museum and Library Services, Museum Assessment Program (Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara), lead reviewer, MAP III, with co‐reviewer Greg Cameron, Deputy Director, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago Visual Arts Program Peer Panel/Grant Reviews, California Arts Council Museums Peer Review panel, “Planning & Stabilization” grants, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC; also served as member of Museum Overview Committee for NEA

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1998 1997

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Consultant to San Diego Commission for Arts & Culture: peer review panels and site visits Site Reviewer, AAM/Institute of Museum and Library Services, Museum Assessment Program (The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu), solo reviewer, MAP III Site Reviewer, AAM/Institute of Museum and Library Services, Museum Assessment Program (University Art Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson), co‐reviewer with Jacquelyn Baas, Director of Berkeley Art Museum Invited participant in IMLS Reviewer Workshop in Washington, DC Served on grant review peer panel, National Endowment for the Humanities State Programs, Washington, DC


1995 1981

FUND‐RAISING AND MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT Have consulted on management and fundraising matters with organizations including the Santa Monica Museum of Art; Arts, Inc. L.A. (grant writing workshops); UCLA Wight Art Gallery; USC Museum Studies Program/Fisher Gallery; USC School of Fine Arts; The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu; Pacific Asia Museum; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles ; Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE); Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento; Santa Monica Heritage Museum; Music Academy of the West, Santa Barbara; Capra Press; Center for the Educational Applications of Brain Hemisphere Research (California State University Long Beach); Frye Art Museum, Seattle; Tender Loving Canines, Assistance Dogs, San Diego. Serve as Vice‐President, Research, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Inc., family‐run business focused on drawing materials portfolio, teaching tools, and drawing/creativity workshops and seminars worldwide ( PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS, HONORS, AFFILIATIONS 1982 – present 1978 – present 1978 – 2001 1989 – 2003 1997 – 2005 1998 – 2001 1998 1983 – 2002

Member Art Museum Development Association (served as 1992 AMDA Co‐President and co‐ organizer of Annual Meeting in San Diego; former member of AMDA Executive Committee) American Association of Museums International Council on Museums (Committee on Museum Public Relations) ArtTable, Inc. (national organization for professional women in the visual arts) Member, American Fundraising Professionals Member, Advisory Committee, Governor’s Committee on Arts & Technology, overseeing the California Culture Net (statewide online project for the nonprofit arts) One of 50 San Diego women honored at “Women Together” annual luncheon by YWCA and Catholic Charities California Association of Museums Board of Directors, (1990‐1998, Chair Communications Committee, 1998‐99, Chair, Legislative Committee)


Volunteer fundraiser for Tender Loving Canines, Assistance Dogs (a San Diego organization that trains dogs for disabled handlers); helped secure grants from the Parker Foundation, Ackerman Foundation, and individual donors. Volunteer, City of Del Mar; Historical Preservation Committee (member, 2002‐2005); Design Review Board (member, 1989‐94, presided as Chair from 1993 to 1994). These civic committees are responsible for reviewing designs for all residential and commercial development in the city. Board of Directors, Santa Monica Heritage Museum, 1985‐86


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Co‐author with Hugh M. Davies, Learning From La Jolla: Robert Venturi Remakes a Museum in the Precinct of Irving Gill, 50 pp., published by the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, 1996; includes essay by Robert Venturi and interview conducted by Hugh M. Davies and Ronald J. Onorato Project Editor/Publication Coordinator, Blurring the Boundaries: Installation Art, 1969‐1996, published by the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego (1997), 200 pp., by Hugh M. Davies and Ronald J. Onorato. Editorial contributions to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Putnam, 1977), Drawing on the Artist Within (Simon & Schuster, 1986), and Color: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors, 2004, all authored by Dr. Betty Edwards

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