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UNIVERISTY OF SAN DIEGO SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SPRING 2010 EDLD 162 (3 credits) Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Monday: 4:00 – 6:50 p.m. Location: Mother Rosalie Hill- Room 133 Office Hours: Monday 2 – 3:30 p.m. (or by appointment) UC 129 Instructor: Christina Thompson, ( 260-4709 Course Description: The Outdoor Recreation/Education industry is one of the fastest growing in America. Not only are more participants using outdoor areas, equipment and land but, more people than ever are relying on Outdoor Trained Educators, Instructors, Guides, Therapists, Facilitators, Professors and Companies to lead their experiences. More companies than ever are incorporating outdoor based skills or activities into leadership and staff development as a tool to increase productivity and moral. The expectations and demands on the outdoor professional are higher than ever. Not only are Outdoor Leadership expected to know how teach/introduce the particular area and activity (i.e. rock climbing, kayaking, challenge course, therapy) but they are expected to have knowledge about group management, risk management, policy and procedure about the activity and area, land management awareness, environmental ethics… the list goes on and on. The wilderness pushes people to a new level of awareness and the leader is the facilitator of transferability for the participant. This course will examine how the awareness and application of leadership, judgment and decision making principles affect the quality of the wilderness experience and, ultimately, the safety of the group. The course will include ACTIVE class participation, classroom instruction, experiential instruction and participation, self-evaluation and reflective learning. The course will also engage in cooperative learning through a shared trip experience. NOTE: This course is NOT a guide training program, while it is recommended for all USD Adventures Guides, it is only a portion of the training. If you would like more information about the guiding program, please contact the Experiential Learning and Adventure Center, UC 136 or see the instructor for more information.

Instructor Bio: Tina Thompson has been in the field of Outdoor Recreation and Education since 1992. She has an M.Ed in both Educational Psychology and Exercise Physiology. She has served at three universities, working both in Education and Student Affairs. She is currently the Director of Experiential Learning and Adventure Center for USD. Over the past 19+ years she has served as a guide in the areas of rock climbing, whitewater canoeing, rafting & kayaking, sea kayaking, backpacking, hiking, horseback riding, ice climbing, snowshoeing & cross-country skiing. She has been a trained Challenge Course Facilitator for over 16 years and has developed and supervised three courses in three different states (Nebraska, Texas and California). She has served as the President of the Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education and as a Board of Director member for the Association (1998 – 2002 and 2006-2008), additionally she co-hosted the AORE conference in San Diego in 2008. Office Hours: Monday 2- 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. My office is located in the Experiential Learning and Adventure Center (formerly Outdoor Programs) UC 129. Please feel free to email me at or call me at the number listed. Ken Naranja was born and raised in Union City, CA located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ken graduated from California State University, East Bay with a degree in Business Marketing. After graduation he volunteered with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps for two years. In the two years with AmeriCorps, Ken has been able to lead teams all over the East Coast doing service projects like, building

houses, making trails, tutoring kids, running after school programs, working in homeless shelters, and improving impoverished homes. After AmeriCorps, Ken became a corporate trainer where he played games and built teams with companies like Google, Yahoo!, Target, and McAfee. Ken was not satisfied with being a corporate trainer, and switched careers to become an Outward Bound Instructor. Ken was an Outward Bound Instructor in Florida where he worked in programs that focused on at-risk and adjudicated youth. For more than a decade, Ken has also been working with an accelerated and personal growth program for the youth called Quantum Learning Network. He has been able to travel all over the world implementing and facilitating programs in Turkey, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and South Korea. Ken is a lifelong learner and loves to experience life. Ken has gone skydiving, is certified in using chain saws, has trained in Muay Thai, has rock climbed, studied American Sign Language, has gone river rafting, traveled around the world, practices yoga, has gone mountaineering, likes playing board games, enjoys dancing, has flown a plane, enjoys karaoke, and is into anything that could be fun. Currently Ken is pursuing his Masters degree in Higher Education Leadership at the University of San Diego and his goal is to become a professor and teach leadership classes.

Required Textbooks/Resources: Priest,S. & Gass, A.M., (2005). Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming. Human Kinetics. Leadership and Self-Deception. The Arbinger Institute. Note: Any Additional articles will be found online. Recommended Journals Journal of Experiential Education; Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Webpage: Additional Resources:

Assessment Criteria: Class Attendance: Due to the nature of this course, it is expected you attend all classes and activities. The course outing is mandatory, if you are unable to attend these please plan to take the course the next time it is offered. If one is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to get notes, assignments and handouts from a colleague or contact the instructor. Missing more than one class automatically results in deduction of 3 out of points from the total Attendance/Participation section of your grade PER DAY OUT. Missing more than one class will automatically drop the grade to a minus. Missing more than two sessions will automatically result in the drop of a full grade. Leaving early/not returning after break will result in a reduction of 1.5 (out of 3) points. Do not ask to leave early for personal reasons, you have committed to this class plan accordingly. If you are sick and unable to attend class, you must contact the instructor prior to class and provide a copy of your visit to the Health Center or Doctors office, extenuating circumstances may result in ability to make points up. Class Participation: All students will be evaluated on their participation in class and class related trips/outings on how active, informed, prepared and engaged the students are in discussion and activities. Students are expected to dress appropriately for activities, as discussed prior to class or outing.

Class Etiquette/Academic Integrity: Turn off cell phones, pages, etc. prior to entering class. No text messages, phone calls or surfing the web will be allowing unless it is part of the trip planning session and approved by the instructor. No side conversations are allowed when anyone is lecturing. Guest/Student lectures are to be treated with respect. Assignments: Written Assignments are the be typed on 8 1/2 “ by 11� paper. All papers and journals should be double-spaced, using 12 pt. Times font. Length expectations will be further discussed for specified items. Criteria for written work will include thoroughness, quality, and being completed on time. Written work will be due at the beginning of each class, any late work will automatically results in a loss of one letter grade for each 24 hour period it is late. Journals/Papers are to be emailed to the instructor prior of the class they are due, if you have problems with email please bring a copy of the paper to class. Instructor reserves the right to use to guard against plagiarism. Course Grade: Competition of all course requirements will determine final grade. Note: Change in class schedule or assignments may occur with proper notice. Grading will be distributed as follows: Attendance/Participation 30% Class Journals/Critiques 30% Group Presentations 15% Field Experiences 25% A= B+= C+= D+= F=

4.0 3.3 2.3 1.3 0.0

A-= B= C= D=

3.7 3.0 2.0 1.0

B-= C-= D-=

2.7 1.7 0.7

Course Costs: Outdoor Recreation/Programming is an expensive field. Transportation, cooking equipment, first aid supplies, personal gear, general camping equipment, permits, fees and licenses add up quickly. The collaborative nature of USD allows for a great deal of support to occur from the Department of Student Affairs and the Outdoor Programs office. With this said, the course cost is $120. This fee covers the costs of transportation, camping, food and group equipment for the course trip. Personal clothing, sleeping bags, rain gear, etc. are up to the individual. Note: Proof of insurance is required for this course, along with completion of the Health Statement and Release and Liability form. Course Outline: Spring 2010 Assignment to be completed prior to class


Topic / Theme

Jan. 25th

Welcome. Course Overview. Introduction to Effective Outdoor Leadership. Leadership Inventory.

Feb. 1

Foundations of Adventure Programming

Read: Preface & Chapters 1-3

Feb. 8

Outdoor Leadership Theory

Read: Chapters 4, 5 & 7

Feb. 15

NO CLASS- in lieu course outings

Class Journal Due

Feb. 22

Resource and Program Management Planning time for presentations

Read: Chapters 13 &14

Mar. 1

Leave No Trace presentations

LNT presentations/critique

Mar. 8

Spring Break- NO CLASS (March 8 – 12)

Mar. 15

Teaching and Facilitation

Mar. 22

Judgment & Decision Making Safety & Risk Management

Read: Chapter 6 & 16 Journal 2 due

Mar 29

Expedition Planning; Class Trip planning

Read: Chapter 17 Recommended additional reading: Chapter 15

April 5

NO CLASS- Easter Break

Read: 8, 9, 10 & 12

Trip Preparation April 12

Trip planning groups must bring needs assessment to class for trip planning

April 1618th

Class Trip & Service Project

Meet at 5 p.m. Friday – Sunday 4 p.m.

April 19

Process/Finalize Trip outing;

April 26

NO CLASS- in lieu course outings

Journal 3 due April 22 by 12 noon Read Leadership & SelfDeception

May 10

Book Review: Leadership and Self-Deception

Book Discussion & Journal 4 due May 13 by 12 noon

Final Exam 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Final Meeting time: 5 p.m. Attendance is required, per USD policy.

May 17

Campus Resources: There is a writing center at USD that can assist you with this, to make an appointment or to inquire about “drop-in” hours call x4581 or go to for more information and links to helpful websites. The Writing Center is located in Camino Hall, room 125. Tutoring is free and by appointment, with drop-ins accommodated if appointment slots are open. Tutoring sessions usually last 45 minutes to one hour. For appointment, stop in or call 619-260-4581. Our hours are: Monday-Wednesday: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; Thursday : 9 a.m.- noon _ 2 - 7 p.m.; Friday: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

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