EDLD 530
Intersession, 2010 Creative Leadership- Assessment, Challenge, and Support January 23-24, 2010 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
1 Unit
Instructor Contact Information and Office Hours
Cresencio Torres CCL Phone: 858-638-8039 torresc@leaders.ccl.org
George Reed USD Phone: 619-940-4102 george.reed@sandiego.edu Office Hours: Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Jennifer Habig CCL Phone: 858-638-8067 HabigJ@ccl.org
Course Description
This weekend course provides an introduction to methods of self-awareness, coaching, and leader development in cooperation with the Center for Creative Leadership. This course will provide students with an opportunity to learn about several instruments used in leader assessment and they will gain insights into methodologies for increasing the capacity of leadership in organizations. Effective leadership practice requires that individuals develop an awareness of their preferences, strengths, and weaknesses in order to apply their talents to the needs of their followers and the goals of the organization. Those who can maximize their strengths, compensate for their weaknesses, and adapt to the situation are key assets in today’s rapidly changing environment. This course meets over one weekend and involves some online content. Participants will complete a number of psychometric instruments and will receive feedback on the results. The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) is a non-profit agency and an internationally recognized resource for understanding and expanding the leadership capabilities of individuals and organizations from across the public, private, nonprofit, government and education sectors. The center is dedicated to helping to build, extend and revitalize the practice of leadership. This course is particularly applicable to those who are interested in leadership consulting, human resources, and developing leadership capacity in organizations. Most of class time is spent in dialogue, discussion, group work and experiential learning activities. Each participant will be provided with an e-mail link to facilitate completion of several assessment instruments including the multi-rater 360 By Design ® and Change
Style Indicator. These instruments must be completed no later than November 19. Class participation and completion of the assigned instruments are extremely important to individual and class learning and thus students will be graded on their preparation and participation. Because this course meets over a single weekend there are some reading assignments that must be completed before the first session. In addition to the reading assignments, students will receive feedback from the assessment tools they complete. There is a written assignment consisting of a relatively short paper (10-15 pages double spaced) but should be well-conceived and well-written. Papers are due on February 7th and should be submitted electronically via the class portal on WebCT CE6: http://pope.sandiego.edu. The course will meet at the San Diego offices of the Center for Creative Leadership located on the tenth floor in the Avantine Building which is connected to the Hyatt Regency La Jolla, 8910 University Center Lane, San Diego.
Course Objectives/Candidate Outcomes
The primary goal of this course is to provide students with ways of thinking about leader development. A secondary goal is to acquaint students with means to increase their own levels of self-awareness. Objectives and outcomes include: • • • •
Understand the link between intent, behavior and impact. Understand how awareness of self and others impacts behavior and informs one’s ability to lead in organizations. Learn strategies for continuous development through extensive feedback, group discussion, small group activities and personal coaching. Develop an action plan that ties program experiences to professional goals and objectives in a personal and professional context.
Course Requirements/Activities Session 1
Leading Yourself
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Overview of Course Objectives Values Explorer Exercise 360 By Design® Coaching Before the first session read:
Kotter, John T. (2001). “What Leaders Really Do” in Best of HBR Breakthrough Leadership (December 2001), pp. 3-11. (Available on WebCT) Goldsmith Marshall (2007). What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. New York: Hyperion. Browse the following web sites (links are provided in WebCT) http://www.ccl.org - Center for Creative Leadership http://www.marshallgoldsmithlibrary.com/html/marshall/executivecoach.html Marshall Goldsmith Library
Session 2
Leading the Organization
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Experiential Learning Exercise Change Style Indicator Dimensions of Culture- Leading Across Differences Action Planning
Assessment Plan/Grading Criteria Students are assessed on the basis of preparation, participation, the quality of their contributions to seminar learning and written assignment. Participation and contribution are assessed by attendance record and instructor judgment. The course paper is assessed on the basis of ideas, support, organization and technical aspects (See Appendix A). The content should be appropriate to course objectives and in conformity to the assignment. The paper should have a clear sense of organization with a sense of beginning, middle, and end. It should be free of distracting grammatical and technical errors and should conform to APA style. Course Paper Options There are at least two options for the course paper. Option 1: Reflection and Action. This option consists of a reflection paper that should relate the insights gained in the course to your professional goals and objectives. Consider where you intend to be in terms of your professional life in two to five years, refer to readings, discussion, and materials provided during the course, and explain the action steps you plan to take develop your leadership capacity. Option 2: Compare and Contrast. This option is for those who are participating (or who already have participated) in the group relations conference. Compare and contrast the 3
methods of development provided in this course (assessment, challenge, and support) with those of the group relations approach. Discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of each approach and explain how will you apply the insights you have gained from both experiences to develop your leadership capacity. NOTE: STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO FULFILL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS COURSE WILL RECEIVE AN “INCOMPLETE.” THE REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET BY THE END OF THE TENTH WEEK OF THE NEXT REGULAR SEMESTER; OTHERWISE, THE “I” GRADE WILL BE COUNTED AS AN “F.” Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in the class are encouraged to contact Disability Services in Serra 300 (tel. 260-4655) as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Avoiding Plagiarism Hugo Bedau wrote in Thinking and Writing About Philosophy (p. 141) that "Writers plagiarize when they use another's words or ideas without suitable acknowledgement. Plagiarism amounts to theft--theft of language and thought. Plagiarism also involves deception…. [Plagiarism] wrongs the person from whom the words or thoughts were taken and to whom no credit was given; and it wrongs the reader by fraudulently misrepresenting the words or thoughts as though they are the writer's own." Finally, although it sounds like a cliché, when you plagiarize you cheat yourself: first, by not developing the discipline and diligence to research, write, and edit well; second, because taking credit for other people's ideas will induce outrage and resentment against you; and third, because a habit of plagiarism can end your career and destroy your reputation. If you are unfamiliar with the University of San Diego’s policy, please read it. The code of academic integrity is not just rhetoric; forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or facilitating academic dishonesty, may result in suspension or expulsion from the university. To avoid plagiarism, you must cite your sources everywhere in your paper where you use the ideas of others, and not only when you quote them directly, but also where you paraphrase their points in your own words. In general, you should only use direct quotes when you find the author’s wording to be especially effective. Your paraphrasing or summaries of author’s points should be thorough. It is not fair to an author to change only a couple of words in a paragraph and then imply (by not using direct quotes) that the paragraph is entirely your own prose. It might help to imagine the author reading over your shoulder. You are certainly encouraged to work and learn collaboratively, both within and outside the seminar. The work you submit, however, should reflect your own thoughts and ideas, expressed in your own words unless you cite whose words you are using. You must cite references you use in completing your work using the format of the APA 5th Edition
Style Manual. If you are unsure of what this means, please check with your instructors before completing an assignment.
Instructor Biographies Cresencio Torres, Senior Enterprise Associate, Center for Creative Leadership torresc@leaders.ccl.org • Ph.D. University of Oklahoma • M.A. University of Maine • B.A. University of Maine Cresencio Torres is a Senior Enterprise Associate with the Center for Creative Leadership in San Diego. He is published on topics that include leadership, ethics, values, communication effectiveness, teambuilding, trainer-development, systems change strategies, and diversity. He is co-author of the ASTD Trainer’s Source Book: Teambuilding, Self-Directed Work Teams, and Teamworking. In addition he is the author of The Tao of Teams, and co-editor of NTL’s 2006 Keys to Group Effectiveness Guidebook Series. Leadership articles include: The Seven Deadly Sins of Leadership and At a Leader’s Peril: Lies, Lies, and Half-Truths published in CCL’s Leadership in Action, a Jossey-Bass publication. He is a member of the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences and served on the organization’s Board of Directors. George Reed, Associate Professor, george.reed@sandiego.edu • Ph.D. Saint Louis University, Public Policy Analysis and Administration • M.F.S. The George Washington University, Forensic Science • B.S. University of Central Missouri, Criminal Justice Administration. Before joining the faculty in 2007 he served for 27 years as an Army officer including six years as the Director of Command and Leadership Studies at the United States Army War College. He teaches courses in leadership and organizational theory. Recent publications include “Toxic leadership” in Military Review”, “Leadership and systems thinking” in Organizational Leadership, Joyce Munro (Ed.), “Abu Ghraib, administrative evil, and moral inversion: The value of putting cruelty first” with Guy Adams and Daniel Balfour in Public Administration Review. He serves on the editorial board of the journal Parameters and is a reviewer for The American Review of Public Administration. Jennifer Habig, Senior Associate of the Center for Creative Leadership, HabigJ@ccl.org • Finishing Ph.D., Alliant International University, Consulting Psychology • M.S. Purdue University, Industrial/Organizational Psychology • B.A. Hanover College, Psychology Jennifer Habig is a faculty member and executive coach at the Center for Creative Leadership, where she delivers the Leadership Development Program (LDP®), the Foundations of Leadership program, the Coaching for Development program, and the Young Women’s Leadership Program. Additionally, she works with CCL® clients in the design and delivery of custom leadership development programs. Jennifer’s specific area of interest is executive coaching and works with clients on programs that incorporate large scale executive coaching initiatives. Prior to joining the Center, Jennifer consulted with organizations in the areas of diversity, inclusion, leadership and management 6
practices, organizational culture, decision-making, reward systems, communication, strategic planning, and HR systems. She also worked as a product developer for a leadership assessment and development firm specializing in the area of emotional intelligence and as a training and development specialist focusing in the areas of team development, performance management, and selection.
Appendix A: Rubric for Evaluating Reflection Papers
Contains unsupported assertions and insufficient references or citations.
Meets Standards B Appropriately insightful. Ideas in paper are linked to course concepts. Displays acceptable level of reflection. Assertions are well reasoned and adequately supported. Appropriate references are cited.
Lacks organization. No clear sense of beginning, middle, or end.
Adequately composed with a sense of beginning, middle and end.
Tightly composed and effectively uses transitions. Has a clear sense of beginning, middle, and end.
Contains distracting errors of mechanics and style. Word choice and sentence structure is awkward.
Generally free of mechanical and stylistic errors. Vocabulary is appropriate for intended audience. Competently written.
Paper is error free. Skillfully crafts sentences and uses expressive language.
Needs Improvement C or below Contains insufficient information. Lacks insight. Fails to relate to course concepts.
Exceeds Standards A Displays exceptional habits of reflection. Demonstrates an ability to synthesize and integrate course concepts. Contains a compelling argument, skillfully and logically presented.