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University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES) Fall 2009 EDLD 352:Leadership in Youth & Human Service Organizations Teresa VanHorn 3 units TU/TH 9:15-10:35am MRH 127 Email:

M. R. Hill Hall Room #275g Ph: 619-260-4760 Fax: 619-849-8175

“Do not do what I do; rather, take whatever I have to offer and do with it what I could never imagine doing and then come back and tell me about it.” -Mark C. Taylor, Columbia University This project-based course is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of the leadership and administration of youth and human service organizations. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of concepts including alliances, board development, burnout, employment law, ethics, fundraising, Internet strategies, lobbying, marketing, mergers, programming, personnel practices, public speaking, public relations, risk management, strategic planning, time management, volunteerism, and youth development. Course Goals: • • • •

Provide an opportunity to learn about principles and best practices in nonprofit management. Develop an understanding of the skills and passion needed to succeed in leading nonprofit causes. Develop a deeper understanding of the operations of local nonprofit organizations. Have fun and engage with nonprofit leaders who are living their passion for service to the community.

Course Objectives: After successful completion of this course students should: • Sharpen their professionalism in presentation of self as manifested in both formal and information presentations to the class, teacher, non-profit partner and/or community • Recognize the infrastructure of a nonprofit organization and the multiple constituencies involved in its operations • Be able to write proposals and complete actual projects acting in the role as a consultant to local nonprofit agencies. • Develop an increased understanding of the role of nonprofits in the US and internationally • Synthesize using the basic concepts, models, and theories of nonprofit management. • Comprehend the essential role of sound business practices in the operation of nonprofit corporations

• • • •

Identify the variety of career opportunities available in the nonprofit sector Be aware of major human resource and risk management issues facing nonprofit leaders Understanding the role of a board leadership in a nonprofit agency Have created a personal portfolio to be used in the job search

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement Any personal learning accommodations that may be needed by a student, covered under the ADA, must be made known to the instructor. This is the student’s responsibility. If you are a student with a diagnosed disability or suspect that you may have one, please contact USD’s Disability Services in Serra Hall room 300 or call 619-260-4655 or visit the website at within the first two weeks of the semester. Academic Integrity Students are responsible for doing their own work, and academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or misrepresentation of information in oral or written form. The instructor in conjunction with the dean’s office will deal with violations. Plagiarism: Plagiarism consists of using another author’s words without proper identification and documentation. The fabrication of sources, or the act, deliberately or unconsciously, or passing another author’s work off as your own are also considered to be plagiarism. This includes material taken off of the Internet that is not properly noted. Falsification: Falsification consists of deliberately changing results, statistics, or any other kind of factual information to make it suit your needs. It also consists of deliberately changing a sources’ intent by misquoting or taking out of context. Multiple submission: If you wish to turn in the same work or use the same research, in whole or in part, for more than one course, you must obtain permission to do so in writing from all professors involved. Failure to obtain this permission constitutes academic dishonesty. Community service hours worked for this course may NOT be used for credit in another course. Unauthorized collaboration: working on an individual assignment with two or more students without permission to do so.

Evaluation: Please see the EDLD 352: Student Guide and EDLD 352 Project Guide for full explanation in detail of how grades are earned Please note: Fees earned are equal to points and have no actual monetary value. Grade Assignment Fees Earned


Fees Earned


$25,000 up


$15,000 to $16,999


$23,000 to $24,999


$13,000 to $14,999


$21,000 to $22,999


$11,000 to 12,999


$19,000 to $20,999


Below $11,000


$17,000 to $18,999


Assignments are due at the beginning of class and docked for being late. Assignments turned in after the first 15 minutes of class are considered overdue. REQUIREMENTS E-mail: Each registered student must have an email address that is used at least once a week. This will allow means to electronically send and receive messages to students. Class Attendance/participation Sign-in sheets are provided every class period. It is your responsibility to sign-in for every class session in order to get credit for attendance. Your attendance and participation are critical not only to your own learning experience, but to the experience of others in the class. Unexcused absences will adversely affect your grade. Students in USD Athletics or any other USD sponsored programs must present a letter from the department when absent for events before class is missed. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain course material missed when absent. The use of cell phones and/or texting, portable electronic devices, and computers will not be allowed in class. If you are observed using any of these devices you will be assigned an absence for the day. Chapter Tests There will be 3 tests this semester. Tests one and two will be offered on WebCT. Test #1 is due by midnight on September 23rd. Test #2 will be due midnight Monday Oct. 26th. Test 3 will be given in MRH 127 on Thursday Dec. 17th from 8am-10m. Tests will cover required reading, lectures, and video material presented in class. Test questions will include multiple choice, matching and/or short answer.

Class Assignments/ Projects

Class assignments will be made and due throughout the semester. Students will also select individual projects from the EDLD 352 Project Guide or create a proposal for a project not listed. 5 Things Students will participate in a short activity once a week in class called “Five things I need to do” Resume/Cover Letter Project – due Oct. 1st Board Meeting – due Nov. 19th Final Examination Dec. 17, 2009 8am-10am The final examination will cover the required reading, lectures, and video material presented in class. Questions will include multiple choice, matching and short answer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class Schedule Please note: Due dates will not change. Topics, speakers, & video dates are subject to change. _______________________________________________________________________ Date Topic Required Readings____ Sept. 3 Introductions/Syllabus/Ice Breakers Consultant Learning Presentation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sept. 8 Time Management/Burnout Worth Introduction Sept. 10

For profit & nonprofit Leadership vs. Management Worth Chapter 1 & 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sept. 15 Presentation Rubrics Worth Chapter 3 Bad Writing PowerPoint Sept. 17

Executive Leadership/Board Development Smith Chapter 14 and Accountability ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sept. 22 Field Trip: 9:30am-10: 15am Worth Chapter 4 & 5 Linda Vista Boys and Girls Club 2230 East Jewett San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 277-6670 ***Test 1 due by midnight Wednesday Sept. 23rd*** Sept. 24 Strategic Planning Worth Chapter 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sept. 29 Paid Staff and Volunteers Worth Chapter 7 Oct. 1

Oct. 6

Human Resources Jossey-Bass Chapter 22 Interviewing, Discipline, Termination, Employment Laws ***Last day to submit resume projects*** No class- Proposal development

Oct. 8 ADA and Inclusion/Personnel Practices Video: Ability Awareness Call number: VC 2681

Jossey-Bass Chapter 23

***Last day to submit proposals over $5000*** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct. 13 Risk Management Jossey-Bass Chapter 21 Oct. 15 Diversity Video: Blue-eyed BF575.P9 or Supervising Diversity VC2681 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oct. 20 Violence in the Workplace Video: Recognizing and Diffusing Aggressive Behavior in the Workplace Call number: VC 4413 Oct. 22

Marketing/PR Marketing exercise: Kick and Go

Worth Chapter 9

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Test 2 due by midnight on Monday Oct. 26th*** Oct. 27 Fundraising/Philanthropy Worth Chapter 10 Oct. 29 Fundraising/Nonprofit Enterprise Worth Chapter 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov. 3 Ethics Video: Enron: The smartest guys in the room. Call number: HD9502.U54 E5764 2005 Nov. 5 Ethics and Character Development Smith Chapter 11 Video: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire VC4938 ***Last day to submit proposals under $2500*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov. 10 Internet Strategies Worth Chapter 12 Heather Carpenter Nov. 13

Fiscal Procedures Jossey-Bass Chapter 20 Heather Carpenter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov. 17 Youth Development Video: Raising Cain- Call number: HQ775 .R35 2006 Nov. 19

Youth Development ***Last day to turn in Board Assignments *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nov. 24 Bullying/Mentoring McCann Chapter 14 Video: Mean Girls/Mind Games-Call number: BF723.A35M43 Nov. 26 No class - Thanksgiving Holiday --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dec. 1 Collaborations and Mergers Worth Chapter 13 Dec. 3

Advocacy and Lobbying ***Last day to turn in portfolios***

Worth Chapter 14

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dec. 8 International Nonprofits (INGO’s) Worth Chapter 15 Video: Excerpts from Dec. 10

Last class Instructor’s presentation of “The semester in Review” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thursday Dec. 17th Final Exam 8 am to 10 am in MRH room 127 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Required Text: Nonprofit Management, Principles and Practice by Michael J. Worth **The text is on Reserve in Copley Library or for purchase at USD's Bookstore or on-line at various textbook websites. Required Guide: 80/20 Guide to Business Writing by Scott Kunkel, PH D. This guide is on Reserve in Copley Library or for purchase at USD's Bookstore or on-line at various textbook websites. Required Readings: All readings are posted on E-Reserves Chapters from The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership & Management, 2nd Edition, Robert Herman and Associates. Two copies of this book are also on Reserve in the Library. Chapters from The Complete Guide to Nonprofit management, 2nd Edition. Smith, Bucklin, and Associates, Inc. Journal articles are required reading for each chapter. All articles are on e-reserves. Suggested Supplies 1-3 ring 2” binder

Ink pens/pencils Portfolio

Spiral notebook

COMPUTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN CLASS EXCEPT ON DESIGNATED DAYS Course Reading Packet - available on e-reserves Directions for E-reserves: password: vanhorn From USD Homepage 1. Click on "Libraries" 2. Choose Copley Library 3. Under the section titled Library Services, Click on "E-Reserves" 4. Click on "Electronic Reserves & Reserve Pages" 5. Using the pull down menu, choose VanHorn and click on "go" 6. Click on the course you are looking for 7. Enter the password “vanhorn” and click on accept 8. Then, click on any of the titles of the documents and it will open the document as a pdf file. This means that you need acrobat reader to view this document

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