Rubric for Reflective Interview (RI) Report Assignment - Reflective Interview Report: Students complete an 8-10 page report based on an interview conducted with assigned practitioner partner(s). Team assignment. Members of the team are assigned a common grade based on the assignment rubric distributed in class.
Score: 50 points. The scoring is based on the 12 criteria shown below. Technical Requirements: See page 5 of this rubric for the technical requirements.
RI criteria
Does report contain an introduction that describes the interview event, including who was present, how long the meeting lasted, and where it was held? – 4 points
Report has somewhat of an introduction but leaves questions for the reader regarding the specifics of what took place, who was present, etc.
Report includes all of the relevant introductory elements: what, where, when, who, and how.
Report includes a well written introduction that makes clear all the particulars of the interview event and provides a solid transition to the next section of the report.
1-2 points
3 points
4 points
Overall quality of the introduction – 5 points
Introduction is included but does not present the interview event in a way that makes clear how this event relates to a collaborative action research project
Introduction conveys a in a clear way both the particulars of the interview event and the context in which the interview took place (i.e. the relationship between the interview and the collaborative action research project)
Introduction conveys a in a clear way both the particulars of the interview event and the context in which the interview took place (i.e. the relationship between the interview and the collaborative action research project). The introduction is noteworthy for the quality of the writing.
1-2 points
3-4 points
5 points Does report contain a list of the questions used during the interview? – 2 pts.
The report contains the questions used, but they are presented in a confusing manner that makes it hard for a reader to understand what topics were covered.
The report contains the questions used, and they are presented in a clear and easily understandable manner.
1 point
2 points
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
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Rubric for Reflective Interview (RI) Report RI criteria
Quality of the questions used in the reflective interview – 4 points
Questions are linked to the practice of school counseling at the site
Questions are linked to the practice of school counseling at the site (or district), are the kind of questions that help counselors think more deeply about their practice(s), and help the counselor(s) develop a focus on strengthening practice through action research
Questions are strongly linked to the practice of school counseling at the site (or district), are the kind of questions that help counselors think more deeply about their practice(s) and help the counselor(s) develop a very clear focus on strengthening practice through collaborative action research
1 point
2-3 points 4 points
Does the report contain a summary of the responses to each question? – 4 pts.
Report contains a summary of responses that is somewhat vague and over generalized; an authentic voice for the counselor does not come through
Report contains a wellorganized summary of responses to the questions that provides a clear sense of the counselor(s’) efforts to be reflective about her or his practice
1 point 2-3 points
Report contains a very well-organized summary of responses to the questions that provides an exceptionally clear sense of the counselor(s’) efforts to be reflective about her or his practice 4 points
Overall quality of the summary of responses – 5 points
Although the Report contains a summary of responses to the questions, the summary is fairly vague and does not convey a sense of the counselor’s effort to engage with reflection. The summary comes across as fairly shallow and clichéd 1-2 points
The Report contains a clearly identified and well organized summary of responses to the questions, the summary addresses the counselor(s)’ responses in a concrete and specific way and conveys a good sense of the counselor’s effort to engage with reflection. The summary captures the essence of the counselor(s)’ reflections 3-4 points
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
The Report contains a clearly identified and well organized summary, the summary addresses the counselor(s)’ responses in a concrete way and conveys an exceptionally good sense of the counselor’s effort to engage with reflection. The summary captures the genuine and growthoriented efforts of the counselor(s) to strengthen practice 5 points
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Rubric for Reflective Interview (RI) Report RI criteria
Does the report contain a conclusion, including a discussion of the core issues of practice that emerged in the interview, a discussion of what matters most to the practitioner(s), and a discussion of the RI as step in problem formulation for collaborative action research? – 4 pts.
The Report contains a conclusion but the conclusion touches upon core issues of practice in a superficial manner and does not include a discussion of what matters most to the practitioner(s) or the RI as a step in problem formulation
The Report contains a conclusion that addresses the core issues of practice, includes a discussion of what matters most to the practitioner(s), and includes a discussion of the RI as step in problem formulation for collaborative action research
The Report contains a well-written conclusion that addresses the core issues of practice in a genuine manner and includes a welldeveloped discussion of what matters most to the practitioner(s), and a very clear and appropriately tentative discussion of how the RI fits into the process of problem formulation in collaborative action research
Overall quality of the report’s conclusions – 4 pts.
Report contains a conclusion that is fairly vague and does not convey a clear sense of what resulted from the interview. The conclusion comes across as fairly shallow and clichéd and does not convey the spirit of rigorous empirical inquiry in action research. 1 point
1 point
2-3 points
4 points
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
Report contains a conclusion that is fairly well written and conveys a clear sense of what resulted from the interview. The conclusion conveys a spirit of rigorous empirical inquiry in action research
Report contains a conclusion that is very well written and conveys an exceptionally clear sense of what resulted from the interview. The conclusion conveys a very clear sense of the spirit of rigorous empirical inquiry in action research
2-3 points
4 points
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Rubric for Reflective Interview (RI) Report
RI criteria
Does report follow technical requirements of the assignment? – 5 pts.
Report follows the requirements but has numerous (5+) errors in the use of sections and subsection and/or APA style.
Report follows the requirements and has few (3-4) errors in the use of sections and subsection and/or APA style
Report follows the requirements and has very few (1-2) errors in the use of sections and subsection and/or APA style
1-2 points
3-4 points
5 points
Report contains numerous (5+) errors in writing mechanics and/or lacks an appropriate narrative voice (i.e. telling the story of the interview as an action research event).
Report contains few (34) errors in writing mechanics and has a largely appropriate narrative voice (i.e. telling the story of the interview as an action research event).
Report contains very few (1-2) errors in writing mechanics and has a strong narrative voice (i.e. telling the story of the interview as an action research event).
Overall quality of the writing (i.e grammar, voice, etc.)? – 5 pts.
1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points Evidence that interview followed guidelines for the reflective interview – 4 pts.
Evidence that reflective interview helped the practitioner (s) ‘step back’ to reflect on their practice and helped clarify ideas for an action research project- 4 pts..
Report includes very little, if any, evidence that the guidelines for conducting a reflective interview were followed by the action research team
Report includes some evidence that the guidelines for conducting a reflective interview were followed by the action research team
Report includes significant evidence that the guidelines for conducting a reflective interview were followed by the action research team
1 point
2-3 points
4 points
Report contains very little, if any, evidence that the interview helped the practitioner(s) focus on practice and/or helped clarify ideas in relationship to an action research project.
Report contains some evidence that the interview helped the practitioner(s) focus on practice and/or helped clarify ideas in relationship to an action research project.
Report contains extensive evidence that the interview helped the practitioner(s) focus on practice and/or helped clarify ideas in relationship to an action research project.
1 point
2-3 points
4 points
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
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Rubric for Reflective Interview (RI) Report Technical requirements for the Reflective Interview Report. 1. The Report should have a manuscript cover page based on APA style. 2. The Report should follow APA guidelines. 3. The Report should be 8-10 pages based on the following outline: a. Introduction – provides the overview and background for the reflective interview – 1 – 1.5 pages b. Method – presents the method used (reflective interview) including the interview questions and the specific structure of the interview (e.g. “The interviewer asked four questions as a part of the interview. The questions were: 1) vcbabvavvadscccc; 2) vvfaafv; 3) vavbfgagdfg, and, 4) bvaggvh;gbpg. Three team members took notes during the interview. The interview notes were later coded by the team using a coding and categorizing method presented by the action research instructor (Rowell, 2008)”). – 1 – 1.5 pages c. Findings – presents the summary of the responses to the questions asked. – 5-7 pages d. Conclusions – presents the conclusion(s) reached by the team after coding the interview data, analyzing the data, and thinking about how the data analysis relates to the action research project being initiated or considered. – 1-2 pages 4. One Report is turned in for each team. 5. The authors listed on the manuscript cover page include all members of the action research team, listed either alphabetically or by strength of contribution to the written product (that is, the first author would the person who put the most effort into writing up the report, the second author would be the person who put in the second most effort, etc.). The choice of which system to authorship to use is up to the team. 6. At a minimum, one appendix should be included on a separate sheet. Appendix A should be the agenda for the reflective interview event.
© 2008 Lonnie Rowell
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