Cheryl Getz Curriculum Vitae September, 2009 EDUCATION Doctor of Education, Leadership Studies University of San Diego
Masters of Arts, Athletic Administration Central Michigan University
Bachelor of Science, Education University of Cincinnati
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Department Chair, Leadership Studies Associate Professor, Leadership Studies School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego
Sept 2009 – present
Department Chair, Leadership Studies Assistant Professor, Leadership Studies School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego
July 2007 – Sept 2009
Program Director, Leadership Studies Assistant Professor, Leadership Studies School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego
July 2006 – July 2007
Associate Dean, School of Leadership and Education Sciences Assistant Professor, Leadership Studies School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego
July 2002 – July 2006
Co-Director, USD/SDSU Joint Doctoral Program School of Leadership and Education Sciences, University of San Diego
July 2002- July 2005
Director of Graduate and Credential Programs School of Education, University of San Diego
July 2000-July 2002
Assistant Dean School of Education, University of San Diego
1998-July 2000
Coordinator, Student Outreach Programs California State University, San Marcos
Aug.1998-Nov. 1998
Division I Basketball Coach Assistant Basketball Coach, University of San Diego; Head Basketball Coach, Eastern Michigan University;
Assistant Basketball Coach, George Washington University; Assistant Basketball Coach, University of Dayton; Graduate Assistant Basketball Coach, Central Michigan University. PUBLICATIONS Refereed articles and chapters: Published Getz, C. (September 2009,) Teaching Leadership as Exploring Sacred Space. Education Action Research. Vol. 17, No. 3, 447–461. Bertram Gallant, T., & Getz, C. (2009). Facing Organizational Complexity and Change: Rethinking Leadership Development. In, A. Kezar and R. Carducci (Ed), New horizons for leadership development of faculty and administrators in higher education. Stylus. Getz, C. and Sulpizio, L. (2008). Sports. In James T. Sears (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sex, Love and Culture, Vol 6: The 20th and 21st Centuries. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Getz, C., and Gelb, S. (January 2007, Volume VII, no. 1) Toward an Integral Approach to the Teaching of Leadership Studies in Higher Education. Integral leadership Review. Kirkley, E. & Getz, C (Spring 2007, Vol. 4, No. 3). Model for Sexual Orientation Education at a Religiously-Affiliated Institution. Journal of Gays and Lesbians in International Education. Getz, C & Kirkley, E (December 2006, Volume 40, no. 4). Shaking up the Status Quo: Challenging Intolerance of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community at a Private Roman Catholic University. College Student Journal. Ammer, J., Getz, C., Hubbard, L. (2005). Exploring electronic portfolio’s: An IHE NCATE Assessment Journey. Campus Technology. Retrieved January 19, 2007, Getz, C. & Kirkley, E. (2002). Respect and Dignity for All: How One Catholic University Responded to Intolerance. About Campus. Vol. 7, no. 3. Getz, C. (2000). Observing the Spirit of Resilience: The Relationship Between Life Experiences and Academic Success in Higher Education for African American Students. In Gregory, S.T, (ed.) The Academic Achievement of Minority Students. (pp.457-491). University Press of America. Lanham, MD. Invited Expert Inquiry
Getz, C. (2005). Understanding Group Process. Educational Leadership: A Problem Based Approach Third Edition. Invited by editors, William G. Cunningham, Paula A. Cordeiro. Allyn & Bacon Book Reviews Getz, C. (2008, January). Review published in CHOICE: ed. by Douglas M. Priest and Edward P. St. John. (2007). Privatization and public universities. Getz, C. (2006, September). Review published in CHOICE: Katharine C. Lyall and Kathleen R. Sell. (2006). The true genius of America at risk: are we losing our public universities to de facto privatization? Getz, C. (2005, October). Review published in CHOICE: Pollock, Mica. (2004).Colormute: Race talk dilemmas in an American school. Getz, C. (2005, July) Review published in CHOICE: Banks, Cherry A. McGee. (2005). Improving multicultural education: lessons from the intergroup education movement Getz, C. (2004, February). Review published in CHOICE: Blau, Judith (2003). Race in the Schools: perpetuating white dominance? Getz, C. (2004, July). Review published in CHOICE: Banks, James and McGee Banks, Cherry (2004). Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education. Books Dissertation: Getz, C. (1998). Observing the Spirit of Resilience: The Relationship Between Life Experiences and Academic Success in Higher Education for African American Students. University of San Diego. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Conference presentations (refereed) Getz, C. and Haber, P. (March, 2009). Leadership development through authentic learning and real change. Presentation for ACPA (College Student Educators International). Washington DC. Gelb, S., Estrada, A., Getz, C., and Monroe, T. (Nov. 2008). A Conscious and Contemplative Classroom: Teaching Consciousness for Leadership Development. Presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference, Los Angeles.
Getz, C., McIntyre-Miller, W., and Vanhorn, T. (Nov. 2008) Passport to Leadership: Transformation Leadership Project and Global Study. Presentation at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference, Los Angeles. Getz, C., Monroe, T., Catanzaro, M., Dierolf, H., Lample, J., Markey, S., and Sulpizio, L. (May, 2008) Innovative or anti-tradition? Creating learning opportunities in a university leadership program: perspectives from undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Presentation for the Bi-Annual National AKRI Symposium, Chicago, IL. Getz, C. (March, 2007). Using action research to enhance ones pedagogical approach to teaching leadership: learning and teaching in real time. Paper presentation. AERA, NY. Getz, C., Izmirian, D., and Sulpizio, L. (November, 2007). Innovative and integral: A new approach for graduate leadership programs in student affairs. Paper presented at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference, Vancouver. Bertram Gallant, T., & Getz, C. (November, 2007). Facing Organizational Complexity and Change: Rethinking Leadership Development. Symposium presentation at the ASHE 2007 Conference. Louisville: KY. (Paper presented by Bertram-Gallant) Getz, C., Monroe, T., Chavez-Booth, M., Dierolf, H. and Yu, L. (November 4, 2006). Teaching Leadership: the possibilities for authentic learning, and real change. Paper presented at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference, Chicago. Gelb, S., Getz, C. Monroe, T. and Dierolf, H. (November 5, 2006). The Challenges of integrating a research Team in Group Relations Conferences. Paper presented at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference, Chicago. Estrada, Gelb, Getz, Monroe, and Romo (April 8, 2006) Chicano/Latino Voices in the Borderland. Paper presentation at the AKRI Forum, Chicago, IL. Pinto, A., Davis, T., Getz, C., Gold, V., Gonzalez, C., Green, Z., Loewen, B., Sanchez, O. & Schwartz, J. (April 7, 2006). Access to and Utilization of Group Relations Experiential Learning Opportunities on the West Coast. Paper presentation at the AKRI Forum, Chicago, IL. Getz, C., Engelhart, J., Witherspoon, T., Carroll, J., Miller, L., & Mitchell, A. (January 29, 2006). NCATE Reviews Digital. Presentation at the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), San Diego Getz, C., Ammer, J., & Hubbard, L. (January 30, 2006). The NCATE Process: The Challenges and Possibilities of Demonstrating Measurable Outcomes. Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), San Diego.
Carroll, J., Getz, C., & Spooner, M. (January 30, 2006). Documenting Candidate, Program, and Unit Quality: You Got to Show You Know, You Know. Presentation at the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), San Diego. Getz, C., Gelb, S., Monroe, T., Vanhorn, T., & Loggins, J (November 4, 2005). An Integral Approach to the Teaching of Leadership Studies at the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences. Paper presented at the International Leadership Association (ILA) conference, Amsterdam. Ammer, J., Getz, C., Hubbard, L. (July 27, 2005). Comprehensive ePortfolio NCATE Assessment System: Rethinking Learning and Teaching. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Syllabus Conference, Los Angeles, CA. Getz, C. & Kirkley, E. (April, 2003). Identity Development Models: One Size Fits All? Exploring Issues of Sexual Orientation, Race and Gender at a Private Southern California Catholic University. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Chicago, IL Kirkley, E & Getz, C. (April, 2003). Queering the Ethical School: A Model for Sexual Orientation Education at a Religiously Affiliated Institution. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Chicago, IL Alexandrowicz, A., Cordeiro, P., Getz, C., Ji, M., Mantle J., Rowell, L., & Woggon, R. (November, 2002,). Turning the Wheel: How one Principal Preparation Program is Restructuring a School of Education. Paper presented at the UCEA Conference, Pittsburg, PA Cordeiro, P., Donmoyer, D., Getz, C., & Williams, M. (February, 2002,). International Education and Colleges of Education: Educational Tourism or Enhancing Diversity? Paper presentation at the AACTE Conference, New York. Getz, C., and Peterson, B. (November, 2001,). A Study of a Developmental Model of Cultural Competence at a Roman Catholic University. Roundtable Presentation at the ASHE conference, Richmond, VA. Cordeiro, P., Getz, C., Donmoyer, D., Scherr, M., & Monroe, T. (November, 2000). Moving Administration Preparation “Out of the Box�: A Data-Based Discussion of Three Experimental Initiatives. Conversation session presented at the UCEA conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Getz, C. (April, 1999). Observing the Spirit of Resilience: The Relationship Between Life Experiences and Academic Success in Higher Education for African American Students. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Conference presentations (non-refereed) Getz, C., & Kirkley, E., (October, 2001,). Over the Rainbow: Advocating for Equality. Panel Presentation for the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender Conference (OSGL), San Diego, CA. Baza, R., Gelb, S., Getz, C., Herrera, D., & Monroe, T. (September, 1999,). The Mondragon Cooperative Experience. Roundtable presentation at the “Building a Culture of Peace,” Joan Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice Conference, University of San Diego. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS College Student Educators International (ACPA) Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) American Educational Research Association (AERA) Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society In Education) A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI) Grex: the west coast regional affiliate of the A. K. Rice Institute International Leadership Association (ILA) TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of San Diego Spring 2009 Winter 2009 Fall 2008 Summer 2008 Spring 2008 Winter 2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2007 Fall 2006 Summer 2006 Spring 2006 Fall 2005 Summer 05 Spring 2005 Spring 2004
EDLD 571 EDLD 594 EDLD 357 EDLD 581 EDLD 594 EDLD 580 EDLD 699 EDLD 579 EDLD 590 EDLD 590 EDLD 581 EDLD 571 EDLD 590 EDLD 357 EDLD 540 EDLD 590 EDLD 565 EDLD 540 EDLD 590 EDLD 357 EDLD 599 EDLD 565 EDLD 357
History and Philosophy of Higher Education (3, Graduate) Student Affairs GA Seminar (1.5, Graduate) Leadership and the Practice of Presence (3, Undergraduate) Creative Leadership (1, graduate) Student Affairs GA Seminar (1.5, Graduate) Consulting to Groups (3, Graduate) Independent Study (3, Graduate) (3 students) Education in South Africa (3, Graduate) Internship Experience (3, Graduate) Internship Experience (3, Graduate) Creative Leadership (1, graduate) History and Philosophy of Higher Education (3, Graduate) Internship Experience (3, Graduate) Leadership and the Practice of Presence (3, Undergraduate) Internship Experience (3, Graduate) Internship Experience (3, Graduate) Race, Gender, and Culture in Higher Education (3, Graduate) Internship Experience (3, Graduate) Internship Experience (3, Graduate) Leadership and the Practice of Presence (3, Undergraduate) Independent Study (3, Graduate) (2 students) Race, Gender, and Culture in Higher Education (3, Graduate) Leadership and the Practice of Presence (3, Undergraduate)
Fall 2003 Spring 2003 Fall 2002 Spring 2002 Fall 2001 Fall 2000 Spring 2000
EDLD 256 EDLD 256 EDLD 179 EDLD 256 EDUC 230 EDUC 230 EDLD 060 EDLD 610
Diversity for Educational Administrators (3, Graduate) Diversity for Educational Administrators (1, Graduate) Leadership and the Practice of Presence (3, Undergraduate) Diversity for Educational Administrators (1, Graduate) Foundations of Multicultural Education (3, Graduate) Foundations of Multicultural Education (3, Graduate) Leadership in Organizations (3, Undergraduate) Co-taught: On-line Dissertation Seminar (5, Graduate)
2000-present SOLES Leadership Institute Group Relations Staff Member. Participating as a staff member in group relations experiential Leadership Conferences offered each summer and intersession to graduate students by the Leadership Institute faculty. University of Phoenix, San Diego Spring 1998 SOC 315 Cultural Diversity (3, Graduate) SERVICE Service to the University of San Diego 2008-2009
Torero Athletic Council (member) Graduate Assembly Presidents Advisory Board for Diversity and Inclusion (PABID) Student Affairs and SOLES Collaboration (SASC) Higher Education Specialization faculty – planning and program development Social Issues Conference Committee Chair
Torero Athletic Council (member) Chair: Doctoral Governance Committee SOLES Curriculum Committee Graduate Assembly Presidents Advisory Board for Diversity and Inclusion (PABID) Student Affairs and SOLES Collaboration (SASC) MA core committee: working group for Leadership Studies
Chair: Search committee for AVP/Dean of Students in student affairs Torero Athletic Council (member) Center for Learning and Teaching Enrollment Management Chair: SOLES strategic planning committee Chair: Doctoral Governance Committee Search committee for Director of Outreach and Recruitment SOLES Global Graduate Assembly Senate: second alternate Higher Education Specialization faculty – planning and program development
Chair: SOLES Curriculum Committee
Chair: Doctoral Governance Committee Space Committee (USD) Academic Integrity Committee Graduate Council Higher Education Specialization faculty – planning and program development Search Committees: Associate Dean; Leadership Studies faculty; Executive Director for CCLDI 2004-2005
Chair: SOLES Curriculum Committee Chair: NCATE Steering Committee Chair: Doctoral Governance Committee Social Issues Committee Space Committee (USD) Academic Integrity Committee Graduate Council Enrollment Management Chaired two search committees: Assistant Dean & Director of Assessment Diversity and inclusion committee Diversity and inclusion: co-facilitator for university discussions
Chair: NCATE Steering Committee Chair: Doctoral Governance Committee Social Issues Committee: Subcommittee chair for speaker series Graduate Council Financial Aid subcommittee of Graduate Counsel – member Search Committee: Community College position in Leadership Studies
Chair: Social Issues Committee Office for Community Service Learning Advisory Committee Chair: NCATE Steering Committee Chair: Doctoral Governance Committee Community College Course – collaborated with CC presidents and administrators to create a course on Community College Leadership, for masters and doctoral students in the SOE.
Chair: Social Issues Committee Office for Community Service Learning Advisory Committee
2000-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-2002
Rainbow Educators Executive Committee Chair: Social Issues Conference Committee Rainbow Visibility Grant project Social Issues Committee
Doctoral Committee work 2007-2008 Dissertation chair: 4 students; Associate Advisor 2 students 2006-2007 Associate advisor - 2 students; chair - 1 student 2005-2006 Associate Advisor - 2 students completed 2005-2004 Associate Advisor - 1 student completed 2004-2005 Associate Advisor - 2 students completed
2003-2004 2002-2003
Associate Advisor - 2 students completed Associate Advisor - 4 students completed
Student Program Advising Present (2009): Leadership MA students – approximately 5 students Leadership Doctoral Students – 9 students Other University Service • May 2009: CS3 Action Research Symposium. Discussant • April, 2009: Facilitated Peace Studies full day faculty and administration retreat • August, 2008: Facilitated day long retreat for Keiller faculty • October 11, 2007: Keynote speaker for the regional meeting of Academic Athletic Advisors. • November 16, 2007: Facilitator for the Peace Studies full day retreat with faculty from US and abroad. • December 14, 2006: Class presentation for “Emerging Leaders” course for undergraduate students. Instructor: Elaine Elliott • October 19, 2006: Class presentation for “Leadership in Organizations” for undergraduate students. Instructor: Dr. Athena Perrakis • November 18, 2004. Cultural Identity in Working with Students. Luncheon Colloquium in collaboration with Reuben Mitchell for the Faculty and Curriculum Development Programs (FCDP). • August, 2004 & November, 2003. Identity Development Models for Student Affairs Practitioners. Workshop presented in collaboration with Reuben Mitchell, to Graduate Assistants in Student Affairs. • January, 2003: Faculty Workshop Social Justice and Service Learning. The Role of the Social Issues Committee. • September, 1999. Trainer and presenter at the 1999 Student Affairs Leadership Program. Leadership and Teambuilding. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Board Membership USD Nonprofit Program Advisory Board (2005-08) Served a three-year term as board member for GREX, the west coast regional affiliate of the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. (Term was recently extended another year) Journal Reviews Choice Reviewer Urban Education
2003 – 2008 2002
Conference proposal reviews • April 2007: Reviewed proposals for ICET conference in San Diego • Fall 2004 AERA Annual Meeting: Reviewer for Division J: Postsecondary Education and Division G: Social Context of Education • Fall 2003 AERA Annual Meeting: Reviewer for Division J: Postsecondary Education
Book proposal reviews • Reviewed manuscript for book proposal: “Effective Facilitation of Groups” Corwin Press (2002). • Reviewed Manuscript for book proposal: “The Constructivist Leader (A Sequel).” Teachers College Press (2001). • Reviewed manuscript for book proposal: “Discontinuities Between Parents and School: A Case Study of Parental Involvement in Dual Language Planning.” Teachers College Press (2000). • Reviewed manuscript for book proposal: “The Human Relations Dimension in Educational Leadership.” Allyn & Bacon (1999). Accreditation reviews • CCTC / NCATE Accreditation Visit – Team member for University of Pacific (March, 2004). • CCTC Accreditation Visit – Team member & regional site leader for National University visit (May, 2002). • CCTC Accreditation Visit – Team member for University of California, Davis (May, 2001). Service to the community • Lincoln High School 9th grade Social Justice Advisory Board (Spring 2007-present) • Community College Leadership Initiative (CCLDI) summer Academy (July 2005), small group facilitator • Keynote address. The Johns Hopkins University Talent Search Awards Ceremony. University of San Diego Shiley Theater. May 2003 & May 2004 • GYA (Gay Youth Alliance) Advisor. Bienestar Community Center, San Diego. March 2003 – May 2004. • Leadership Development Program, Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) – attended program as part of the development of collaboration between CCL and the Leadership Institute. February 2003. Consulting Activities (paid) • CCLDI Leadership Academy (San Diego, and Hawaii), summer 2009 • Director of Training and Small Group Consultant for the group relations conference: Effective Activism: Authority, Leadership, and Organizational Life; held at JFK University in San Francisco, CA (October, 2008) • Facilitator for the San Diego Community College Distance Education Steering Committee retreat (August 15, 2007) • Presentation for CCLDI summer academy (summer 2006, 2007, 2008) • Group Relations conference Director: Port Elizabeth, South Africa (June, 2006). • Small group consultant: NYU Group Relations Conference: Embracing a World of Difference: A Working Group Relations Conference on Exploring and Transforming Authority Relationships (April, 2006). • Small group consultant (April, 2004). GREX / AKRI nonresidential Group Relations conference • Consultant for “Mock CCTC visit” for the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California (USC). September, 2002.
Consultant and Leadership Trainer: Friendship Manor, Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, National City, California. 1998.
Other related experience: Certifications Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Instrument Qualification, 2007 Center for Creative Leadership Assessment Certification, 2007 The Leadership Circle Profile Certification, 2007 Seminars, Workshops and other activities attended • Leadership Circle: Using Adult Development to strengthen consulting with TLC (Columbus, OH. May, 2009) • Grubb Institute workshop: Vision and Value into Action: Evidence Based Leadership. (London, September 2008) • USD Social Issues Conference: (October 2007) • Sr. Sally Furay Lecture and Social Issues Committee Dinner Celebration (March, 2006) • Fourth annual USD student leadership recognition breakfast (February, 2006). • Empowering Students through Theater. USD Luncheon Colloquium (May, 2005) • Learning Communities Teleconference at USD with John Tagg (May, 2005) • Mindfulness in the Classroom and Beyond. USD Luncheon Colloquium (March, 2005) • Adult Spanish Class (Fall 2003). Program designed to increase fluency in Spanish language skills. • Tavistock National Conference (July, 2002). 8-day Group Relations Conference sponsored by the Washington-Baltimore Center, A.K. Rice Institute. Chicago, IL. • CTC/NCATE Workshop (March 2001). Washington, D.C. • CTC/BIR (Board of Institutional Reviewers) Training (January, 2001). Sacramento, CA • Problem Based Learning Workshop (Fall 2000). Sponsored by the Center for Learning and Teaching, USD. • Authority, Leadership, and Organizational Life: A Working Conference in the Tavistock Tradition. (Summer, 2000). A 5-day Group Relations Conference sponsored by the Washington-Baltimore Center, A.K. Rice Institute. Bryn Mar College, PA. • NCATE Institutional Orientation. (August, 2000). Washington. D.C. • Web CT (Spring, 1999). Training program to develop on-line instruction and web based course delivery, USD. • Conversational Spanish (Summer, 1998). Intense program designed to increase fluency in conversational Spanish. Professional conferences attended: ACPA (College Student Educators International) Washington D.C., March 2009 ILA (International Leadership Association), November 2005, Amsterdam; November 2006, Chicago; November 2007, Vancouver; Los Angeles 2008 (AACTE) American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, February 2001, Dallas, TX; February 2002, New York (ACA) American Counseling Association, March 2001, San Antonio, TX (AERA) American Educational Research Association, April 1999, Montreal, Canada; April 2003, Chicago; April 2004, San Diego
(ASHE) Association for the Study of Higher Education, November 2001, Richmond, VA (CAPEA) California Association of Postsecondary Educational Leadership, November 2000, San Diego (CCET) California Commission on the Education of Teachers, March 2000, San Diego (CCTE) California Counsel on Teacher Education, October 2001, 2002, 2003; San Diego, CA (UCEA) Universities and Colleges of Educational Administration, November 2000, New Mexico; November 2002, Pittsburgh, PA