COUN 518: Organization of Student Support Systems School Counseling Specialization Course * Counseling Program School of Leadership & Education Sciences University of San Diego
LONNIE ROWELL, Ph.D. OFFICE: MRH 143 PHONE: (619) 260-4212 OFFICE HOURS: Monday, 11 AM – 2 PM; Tuesday, 3-5 PM VOICEMAIL MESSAGES: (619) 260-4212. Messages with Counseling Program Executive Assistant: (619) 260-7441 E-MAIL:
USD Catalog Description: COUN 518 involves the programs, procedures and policies involved in the provision of student support services in K-12 schools. Candidates learn to develop and implement comprehensive plans for guidance and counseling programs in school settings and to evaluate programs.
Purpose: School counselors face an array of responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. In addition to utilizing their core counseling skills, they establish and monitor programs, organize activities, and gather data, among other duties. In addition, counselors interact with other educators and with parents at their sites. In this, they need to know how to communicate effectively and how to work well as part of a team. Counselors also have a professional responsibility to know the laws, ethical standards, and policies relevant to their practice, to be well informed regarding the latest developments in their profession, and to be knowledgeable about the design, implementation, management and evaluation of best practices in school counseling. Course Goal: The goal of the course is four-fold: First, to provide an opportunity for candidates to become knowledgeable regarding the history of school counseling and the design, development, and evaluation of comprehensive guidance and counseling programs; Second, to provide candidates with knowledge concerning the laws, regulations, and policies effecting the work of professional school counselors; Third to provide candidates with knowledge and experience in leadership and collaboration in school counseling through participation in collaborative action research with practicing school counselors; Fourth, to provide candidates with knowledge regarding schoolfamily-community linkages and how these links intertwine with the provision of school counseling programs and services. The overarching goal of COUN 518 is to prepare candidates to be leaders in the design, delivery, and accountability of school counseling programs based on best-practices in the field and on a commitment to success for all students.
Instructional objectives: At the end of the course, candidates will be able to: 1 Discuss, in a well-informed manner, the history of guidance and counseling in schools 2 Describe the role and functions of school counselors in relationship to strategies, programs, interventions, methods and techniques to promote student success, including the following areas: individual and group counseling; consultation; classroom guidance activities; 4-Year plans for high school graduation; liaison and public relations; program coordination; career development; school curriculum; professional growth and program development; research and innovation; accountability; assessment; program evaluation; leadership and advocacy 3 Describe the program domains of the National Standards for School Counseling Programs and the components of two major models for counseling programs, including the National Model for School Counseling Programs and discuss in a well-informed manner the counseling processes and activities designed to assist pupils in achieving academic, career, and personal/social competencies 4 Discuss the demographic shifts in California and the impact of these shifts on education, social and cultural influences in school environments and how these influences impact the delivery of student support services, and institutional and environmental conditions that place pupils at risk for school failure or early school dropout 5 Describe laws and regulations relevant to the practice of school counseling in California schools and discuss the importance of staying informed of changes in laws and regulations related to California public education, including child abuse and neglect reporting laws, client confidentiality, attendance and truancy laws, and due process requirements 6 Discuss the importance of family-school relationships in fostering positive pupil development, including overcoming barriers to family involvement, respect for family structures and socio-cultural diversity, the benefits of family involvement at different grade levels, and the use of family-centered approaches to collaboration with schools 7 Describe methods and techniques for effectively integrating community-based services and programs with school-based student support systems, including community collaboratives and memorandums of understanding between community organizations and agencies and schools, school-linked or “wraparound� services that support student learning and school success, and the use of student success and other multi-disciplinary teams for providing care and support for pupils 8 Demonstrate leadership capacity by working collaboratively with peers and practitioners on an action research project and completing a project evaluation 9 Demonstrate computer-based technology skills in relationship to data collection, management, analysis, and dissemination
10 Identify and hold memberships in local, state, and national associations for school counseling and will be able to describe the benefits and significance of belonging to professional associations and organizations in counseling 11 Describe funding sources and issues affecting the provision of student support programs and services 12 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ongoing professional development by contributing to the development of, and participating in, a presentation at a professional development event 13 Demonstrate critical thinking skills through engaging in writing on various topics related to the organization of student support systems (Note: See Appendix A for application of CTC and CACREP standards to the instructional objectives of the course.) Course Content Areas: The course includes the following content areas: Introduction and Overview of the Course History of school counseling and the professionalization of counseling Contemporary school reform and school counseling California education The culture of schools and leadership within school cultures Data collection and analysis in school counseling Organization of comprehensive student support programs Program elements in student support systems Organizational change theory and school counseling Accountability in school counseling programs and services Advocacy for school counseling Program evaluation and school counseling Family involvement in schools and overcoming barriers to involvement Required Texts: Texts required for the course include the following four books: American School Counselor Association. (2003). The ASCA National Model: A framework for school counseling programs. Alexandria, VA: Author. American School Counselor Association. (2003). The ASCA National Model workbook. Alexandria, VA: Author. Gysbers, N. C., & Henderson, P. (2000). Developing and managing your school guidance program (3rd Ed.). Alexandria, VA: American School Counselor Association.
Johnson, S., Johnson, C. & Downs, L. (2006) Building a results-based student support program. Boston: Lahaska Press.
Methods of Instruction: The course includes the following methods of instruction: Lecture Discussion Experiential learning Problem-based learning Coaching Small group co-operative learning Meeting the Course Objectives: Course Assignments; The course includes the following assignments: Participate actively in class Participate actively in conducting a collaborative action research project in conjunction with local schools Demonstrate critical thinking through written reflections related to the organization of student support programs and linking research and practice in school counseling Demonstrate knowledge of various topics in the organization of student support systems, including the history of guidance and counseling in schools, The ASCA National Model for School Counseling Programs, The National Standards for School Counseling Programs, and the organization of comprehensive guidance and counseling programs, during a team-based MidTerm Review Appointment (MTRA) Complete a Collaborative Action Research Project Report and present results utilizing computer presentation software at a professional development event Complete a series of Competency Demonstration Assignments related to PPS Standards for the School Counseling Specialization
Evaluating Candidate Performance: Criteria and Procedures: The evaluation criteria for the assignments listed above are distributed separately. Grades for the course will be determined by point totals for all assignments completed. 50% of the assignment scores come from individual effort and 50% come from team efforts. The breakdown for these percentages is:
Individual Effort (250 points possible): MTRA – individual portion – 40 points Competency Demonstration Assignments – 110 points Class participation – 40 points Contribution to Team accomplishments – 60 points Team Effort (250 points possible): Symposium proposal – due - 15 proposal MTRA – Team portion – 40 points Final Report – 100 points Presentation – Symposium – 25 points Team Evaluation Completed – 10 points Research Portfolio – 60 points
Grading scale (based on 500 possible points): A+ 500-490, A 489-460, A- 459- 450, B+ 449-440, B 439-410, B- 409-400, C 399-350, F 349 or less
Other relevant course materials will be posted on WebCt. These materials will include: -
A bibliography of readings related to the course content A document Crosswalking CACREP & CTC standards with instructional objectives for the course Criteria and procedures for evaluating candidate performance on each assignment Matrix for Competency Demonstration Assignments
COUN 518 - Course Schedule * Spring 2009 The due dates for assignments are subject to change. Some items, such as the MITRA, require careful advance planning as meetings take place outside of regular class time. January 26 – Session One: Course Introduction & Overview • Syllabus, Course Overview & Assignments • Checking in on project status • Misc. readings – handouts • Readings Assigned – course textbooks (For content in the Feb. 2 class session): ASCA – Model
ASCA – Wkbk
Gysbers & Henderson Chap. 1
Johnson & Johnson
February 2 – Session Two: History of school counseling and the professionalization of counseling (National School Counseling Week!!) Historical Benchmarks in School Counseling The Progressive Heritage of School Counseling The Contemporary School Reform Movement & School Counseling Review on-line document: CA State Model: Individual team meetings Readings Assigned (For content in the Feb. 9 class session): ASCA Model pp. 76-93 & pp. 102107
ASCA – Wkbk.
Gysbers & Henderson Ch. 2 & 3, App. N;
J&J Chap. 1
February 9 – Session Three: Standards and models: From isolated services to comprehensive programs o Development of the National Standards and National Model o State models o The new California Standards o Using standards and models in districts: Advocacy and leadership in school counseling o Readings Assigned (For content in the next class session): ASCA Model Preface, Intro.,& Ch. 1 & 2
ASCA – Wkbk. Sec. 1 & 2 & pp. 2-4
Gysbers & Henderson
J&J Ch. 2
February 16 – Session Four: Comprehensive guidance & counseling programs, pupil personnel services, and Transforming School Counseling • Evolving Frameworks • The Transforming School Counseling initiative • Model programs and the limits of models • Assignment Due: Two Competency Assignments • Readings Assigned (For content in the next class session): ASCA Model p. 165
ASCA – Wkbk Sec. 1 & 2 & pp. 2-4
Gysbers & Henderson Ch 4
J&J Ch 3 & 4
February 23 – Session Five: Diffusion and critique: Putting the National Model to the test
What purposes does the National Model serve? The RAMP Award Evidence-based practice and action research in school counseling and the National Model Readings: Course handouts Readings Assigned (For content in the next class session): ASCA Model Ch 3 & 4;
ASCA – Wkbk. Sec. 3 & 4
Gysbers & Henderson Ch 5 & 6
J&J Ch 5
March 2 – Session Six: The state of guidance & counseling programs in San Diego County: Applying theory to practice Historical benchmarks in local school counseling The Annual Forum and Action Research The San Diego County Standards Readings Assigned (For content in the next class session – March 16): ASCA Model Ch 5 & 6
ASCA – Wkbk. Sec. 5 & 6
Gysbers & Henderson Ch 7
J&J Ch. 6
March 9 – 13 – Spring Break March 16 – Session Seven: Professionalism, Ethics, & Legal Mandates Legal mandates for school counseling Results, outcomes, and professional identity in counseling: Evidence-based practice and professionalism Readings Assigned: Course handouts
March 23 – Session Eight: The Culture of schools
MITRA appointments - finalized Systems and systems analysis Organizations and organizational change theory Family involvement in schools Overcoming barriers to family involvement Writing assignment due – second of the two critical thinking papers is due on this date Readings assigned for March 26 class ASCA Model Ch 7
ASCA – Wkbk. 135-139
Gysbers & J&J Henderson App E, H, &K
March 30 - Session Nine: Advocacy & school counseling Advocating for pupils’ learning & success Understanding barriers to learning and how to overcome them ASCA Model
ASCA – Wkbk.
Gysbers & Henderson App P
J&J Ch. 7 & 8
April 6 – Session Ten: Leadership & program management School administrators & school counseling Teacher perceptions of school counseling The challenges of change Gaining support for program change MITRA appointments Readings Assigned (For content in the next class session): ASCA Model Ch. 6
ASCA – Wkbk. Sec. 6
April 13 – Easter Break – no class April 13 – 17 – AERA
Gysbers & Henderson Ch 8 & 9 App D
J&J Ch. 9,10, &11
April 20 –Session Eleven: Accountability NCLB & school counseling Data-driven decision-making Process, perception, and results data School counselor performance standards: Product management versus process management Using results forms Readings Assigned (For content in the next class session): ASCA Model
ASCA – Wkbk.
Gysbers & Henderson App B, C, L, M, & O
J&J App E
April 27 – Session Twelve: Data collection and analysis in school counseling
Analysis of quantitative data Analysis of qualitative data Reporting on data Readings Assigned (For content in the next class session): ASCA Model p. 131
ASCA – Wkbk.
Gysbers & Henderson Ch. 10
J&J Appendix E
May 4 – Session Thirteen: Program Evaluation
Program audits Personnel, program, and results evaluations Creating cultures of inquiry in student support systems Action research: iterations of evaluation Collaboration and communities of practice Course Evaluation
May 11 – Session Fourteen: Teamwork in school counseling Collaboration and leadership Last Class Meeting May 12 – last day of classes for the spring semester May 15 – May 21 – Final Exams May 15 – May 16 - Annual Symposium on Action Research in Schools Full attendance and participation in the Symposium is a requirement of the course. Plan well in advance to insure your full attendance and participation for both days. Missing any portion of the Symposium will result in a lowered grade for the course.
Wednesday, May 20 - All remaining assignments due – Final Report; Research Portfolio