EDLD 160: Leadership in Organizations University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Fall 2009 Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:00-5:20 pm Hill Hall 131
Instructor Paige Haber, M.A. Department of Leadership Studies 619.260.4600 Ext. 4379 phaber@sandiego.edu Office Hours I am around campus most weeks Mon- Fri and can meet by appointment (schedule through email or in class), Hill Hall (SOLES) 273. Course Description This course focuses on the concept of leadership as it relates to organizational contexts. Theoretical perspectives are combined with experiential components and real-world examples to help students understand leadership in different organizational contexts. Topics such as leadership theories, organizational leadership frames, organizational change, and social responsibility will be explored as well as a focus on students' personal leadership development. Required Readings 1. Introduction to Leadership Concepts and Practice by: Peter Northouse (ISBN# 978-1-4129-1655-4) 2. Additional Readings- available online through E-Reserves (http://copleylib.sandiego.edu/eres/ password: leadership) and CE6 (http://pope.sandiego.edu) Course Learning Objectives Through this course students will: ♦ gain a greater understanding of the concept and history of leadership ♦ learn about a variety of theories and models pertaining to leadership, organizational development, and organizational change ♦ gain greater understanding about organizations through examining and critiquing real-life organizations ♦ enhance critical thinking skills through critiquing and examining theories, models, and arguments ♦ gain experience and skills in teamwork through group work ♦ develop observation and interviewing skills ♦ learn how to synthesize information and apply theories and models to real-life situations and scenarios
Course Expectations 1. Attendance: Due to this course being discussion-based, attendance is required and expected for this course. Your attendance will contribute to both your learning and the learning of the other students in the class. Students are allotted no more than 1 unexcused absence and 2 excused absences without penalty to the overall course grade (not just attendance/ participation grade). Students are responsible for the materials and assignments on days missed; this work should be turned in by the start of class period the day the assignment is due. Please speak to the instructor with excruciating circumstances. Similar to attending class, arrival to class on time is expected. Arriving to class tardy (or leaving early) for three class periods will count as an unexcused absence.
2. Readings: Various readings from required texts and supplemental readings are assigned for this course. It is expected that you read the assigned chapters, articles, or books by the start of class period. For each reading students will turn in a 3x5 notecard with the following information on it: 1. Your Name 2. Name of Reading and Author 3. 3 main points about the reading 4. A “significant sentence” that stuck out to you or intrigues you Completion of these cards will be included in the participation grade. The cards will be collected, may be used during the class period, and will be returned to students, as they will be helpful in remember readings for papers and for preparing for the final exam. 3. Assignments: There are a variety of assignments due throughout the semester. You are expected to turn in the assignments electronically (through CE6- WebCT/ Blackboard) before the class period that it is due. You will be notified ahead of time if the assignment is due in another form (ie. In class in hard copy). All assignments will be graded on quality and depth of work, adherence to assignment, and grammar/ spelling. Please proof read each assignment prior to turning it in. For consistency reasons please abide by the following for your assignments: • Double-spaced • 1 inch margins on all sides • 12-point Times New Roman font Students are encouraged to use the Writing Center as a resource. It’s recommended that you schedule appointments in advance. Webpage: http://www.sandiego.edu/writingcenter/ 4. CE6 (WebCT/ Blackboard): We will be using CE6 (WebCT/ Blackboard) in a variety of ways in this course. This will be the primary way in which you will turn in assignments and receive feedback and grades on your assignments. There are a number of other applications that we may use as a class or you may choose to use to aid in your learning (such as discussion boards, chat, etc.). **Note: It will be much easier to get ahold of me through regular email as opposed to emailing/ messages on CE6 since I check my regular email much more frequently. You can login to CE6 through http://pope.sandiego.edu 5. Group Work: There will be a variety of group activities, assignments, and projects throughout the semester. Each member of the group is responsible for the products of the group. When turning in assignments it is important that each member of the group is aware of what is included in the assignment and will be held responsible for it. Additionally, it is expected that each group member is an active participant in the group by attending group meetings, contributing quality work to assignments, etc. At the end of major group projects group members will have the opportunity to anonymously grade team members for their contributions to the group projects; this could affect the group members’ individual final grade on the assignment. 6. Ethical Behavior: Students are responsible for doing their own work, and academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or misrepresentation of information in oral or written form. Such violations will be dealt with severely by the instructor and the Dean. • •
Plagiarism: Plagiarism consists of using another author’s words without proper identification and documentation. The fabrication of sources, or the act, deliberately or unconsciously, or passing another author’s work off as your own are also considered to be plagiarism. Falsification: Falsification consists of deliberately changing results, statistics, or any other kind of factual information to make it suit your needs. It also consists of deliberately changing a sources’ intent by misquoting or taking out of context. This includes falsifying signatures or letterhead for use to verify volunteer work at an agency and unauthorized use of an agency’s letterhead. Multiple submission: If you wish to turn in the same work or use the same research, in whole or in part, for more than one course, you must obtain permission to do so from all professors involved. Failure to obtain this permission constitutes academic dishonesty.
7. Treating Each Other with Dignity and Respect: Throughout the semester we will be working very closely together and may be discussing sensitive subjects. It is expected that each member of the class treats the other members with dignity and respect. Individuals' opinions should be respected and valued, even if they are not in line with your own opinions. 8. Challenging Yourself and Taking Risks: You have the ability to control how much you will take out of this course. The more you give to the class and open yourself up, the more you will gain in return and grow as an individual and a leader. The topic of this course (leadership) is something that you will be able to take with you into many aspects of your life and society as a whole. Please try to give this course your all, ask good questions, be willing to share and learn from others, and try to apply some of what you are learning to your life outside of the classroom. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement Any personal learning accommodations that may be needed by a student, covered under the ADA, must be made known to the instructor as soon as possible. This is the student’s responsibility. If you are a student with a diagnosed disability or suspect that you may have one, please contact USD’s Disability Services in Serra Hall room 300 or call 619-260-4655 or visit the website at www.sandiego.edu/disability BEFORE midterm. Grading Scale (based on total %) The following scale will be used to determine final letter grades: 93-100% A 73 – 76% C 90 - 92% A70 –72 % C87 – 89% B+ 67 – 69% D+ 83 – 86% B 63 – 66% D 80 – 82% B60 – 62% D77 – 79% C+ less than 60% F
Graded Components Assignment sheets will be handed out in class and posted on WebCT for the major assignments in class (all of the details of these assignments are not included in this syllabus) 1. Attendance & Participation- This includes in-class exercises, preparedness for class, participation in class activities and discussions, overall demonstrated engagement, and showing respect for your peers, the instructor, and the classroom environment. This participation grade also includes completion of the reading notecards (See above in course expectations section). (25% of total grade) 2. Papers- Two short (2-3 page) reflective assignments will be assigned during the semester. These will be based on your experiences, the readings, in class discussions and/or real life situations. These responses are graded on content as well as organization and grammar. (10% of total grade) 3. Midterm Examination- This in-class midterm is a short response and essay-style examination of the content covered in the first half of the class. (10% of total grade) 4. Student Organization Consulting Memo (Individual or Pair)- In this assignment you will observe a USD student organization and interview two members of the organization (4 if it is paired). You will apply concepts from the course to what you observed to provide an assessment of the leadership practices in the organization and will propose an action plan for increased leadership effectiveness in the group (20% of total grade)
5. Final Assignment: Organizational Change Interview & Paper- (Individual or Pair) For this assignment you will choose an organization that interests you as a future employer and interview someone (2 if paired) in the organization that has some experience with a change process that has happened in the organization. Your interview will focus on how the organization handled the change- it will include a connection to course readings on change. (25% of total grade) Course Plan Date Th, Sept 3 Tu, Sept 8 Th, Sept 10 Tu, Sept 15 Th, Sept 17 Tu, Sept 22 Th, Sept 24 Tu, Sept 29
Th, Oct 1 Tu, Oct 6 Th, Oct 8 Tu, Oct 13 Th, Oct 15 Tu, Oct 20 Th, Oct 22 Tu, Oct 27 Th, Oct 29 Tu, Nov 3 Th, Nov 5 Tu, Nov 10 Th, Nov 12 Tu, Nov 17 Th, Nov 19 Tu, Nov 24
Topic Introduction to Course Introduction to Leadership Leadership vs. Management Trait Leadership Leadership Styles Leadership Styles
Reading / Assignment Due Northouse Chapt 1, Kotter (WebCT) Northouse Chapter 2 Northouse Chapter 3 Northouse Chapter 4
Progressive Leadership Perspectives Leadership Skills Examining Organizations (interviewing, observations, etc.) Overview two major projects Midterm Review/ Preparation Midterm Exam Leadership Visions / Missions Leadership Visions / Missions Setting the Tone What are organizations? Organizational Challenges Organizational Frames Organizational Frames Organizational Change Change & Transition Organizational Culture
Paper #1 Due Northouse Chapter 5
Midterm Exam Northouse Chapter 6 Northouse Chapter 7 Paper #2 Due Bolman & Deal Chapter 1 (WebCT) Kotter Reading (WebCT) Bridges Reading (WebCT)
Campus Organizational Culture Activity Campus Organizational Culture Project Work Day USD Organizational Culture Presentation (Whole Class) Sharing student organization Student Organization Consulting Memo Due consulting findings Student Organization Project Discussion (Virtual) NO CLASS- Thanksgiving Ethics & Leadership Northouse Chapter 10 Ethics & Leadership Social Responsibility Csikszentmihalyi Reading Wrap Up Final Paper Due on WebCT
Th, Nov 26 Tu, Dec 1 Th, Dec 3 Tu, Dec 8 Th, Dec 10 Tu, Dec 22, 2pm Note: Course Plan including readings and assignments may change throughout the semester.