September 2007
University of San Diego
Vol 2 No. 1
WELCOME! Thanks for taking the time to check out the September 2007 issue of Connections, the University of San Diego’s Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Honor Society newsletter! With an awesome faculty, dedicated staff, great students, and the opening our of BRAND NEW SOLES building this Fall, this is certainly an exciting time to be a counseling student at USD, and we are happy to have all of you join us for this ride. In this edition we have included various information that we hope will be found useful and interesting to all involved in the counseling program. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding this newsletter or Chi Sigma in general, please do not hesitate to contact our student advisor Dr. Susan Zgliczynski or any Chi Sigma board member who’s contact information can be found later in this newsletter. Again, thanks for stopping by, and Happy Reading (^_^)/
What Is Chi Sigma? How Can I Join? Chi Sigma Iota is an International C o u ns e l in g A ca d em i c a nd Professional Honor Society. It has 250+ chapters throughout the US and abroad with the purpose of promoting counseling and recognizing exemplary attainment inn counselor education and the practice of counseling. Check out its website at The honorary is open to counseling professionals and professionals-in-training (graduate students). The requirement for student membership is completion of nine semester units of graduate work with a 3.5 or better GPA. First year membership fee is $35. For more information, please contact any board member or Dr. Susan Zgliczynski at
Calling All Counselors! The Sigma Delta Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota would like to assist new students in transitioning into the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences Counseling programs. Incoming graduate students are paired with a second-year student in their counseling specialization in order to gain insight and practical advice from a more seasoned cohort. The mentor-mentee relationship can be as formal or informal as the pair wishes, and discussion topics can focus on just about anything that comes up. All mentors have completed at least two semesters or a semester and a summer session. Mentorship arrangements generally last one semester although participants may continue relationships far beyond the mentorship period. If you are a first-year student and would like to request a mentor, or if you are a second-year student and would like to serve as a mentor, Chi Sigma Newsletter pg. 1
please contact Karey Santilena ( or Erica Garman (, coordinators of the mentorship program.
Student Resources The 2007 School year welcomes the addition of two new student service centers for all USD students. Read more about these services below:
Wellness Services ( The university wellness units support student academic success and personal development by providing a range of wellness services: • USD Disability Services; Serra Hall, Room 300. 619-260-4655 ( • Alcohol and Other Drug Services (AODS); University Center Room 220-221. 619-260-4618 o Individual and Group Consultations o Campus Connections Peer Education Group o College Cab Safe Ride Program o Workshops, Trainings and Research o Research Initiatives • USD Counseling Center (USDCC). Serra Hall, Room 300. 619-260-4655 ( o Free of charge! o Assessment and consultation sessions o Personal or academic concerns o Walk-in services available o Individual and group sessions available o Psycho-Educational Services and Workshops • Student Health Center. Camino Hall, Room 161. 619-260-4595 ( o Outpatient Care for acute illnesses, minor injuries and medical problems o Preventative services o Immunizations, Travel, and Work Physical Exams o Well-Women exams o Health Promotion Counseling o Health Insurance
International Center ( Serra Hall, Room 315. 619260-4598. M-F 8:30am-5:00pm Are you an international student looking for help and answers to some of your legal and personal questions? Would you like the opportunity to work with international students and assist them in their transition to USD and America? Or maybe you want more information on study abroad opportunities while here at USD. If either of these applies to you, or if you have more questions about what this center is all about, then come by and check out the new International Center at USD. • International Student/Scholar Services • Study Abroad Center
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Upcoming Events Looking for opportunities to advance your knowledge and identity as a graduate student and professional counselor? Want a chance to network and “rub elbows” with some of the biggest names in the field of counseling and psychology? How about a great chance to travel, meet professionals and fellow graduate students from across the country all while furthering your commitment as a professional counselor? Sounds good? Then check out these upcoming counseling events that will be happening this coming academic year… More information on these and other events can be found on the American Counseling Association website • •
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APA Workshop, October/November 2007, Copley Library (Final date to be announced later) American Counseling Association (ACA) Annual Conference. March 26-30, 2008. Honolulu, Hawaii. *Our very own Dr. Brian Canfield is currently serving as ACA president. Fly to Hawaii and stop by the conference to say “Aloha” to Dr Canfield and the host of other USD counseling Faculty/Staff/Students who will be there! Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE) National Conference. November 9-10, 2007. Georgia State University, Downtown Atlanta Georgia American College Counseling Association (ACCA) National Conference. February 6-9, 2008. Savannah, Georgia. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) National Conference. October 10-14, 2007. Columbus, Ohio. American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Annual Conference. June 28-July 1, 2008. Atlanta Georgia.
USD Counselors in China From May 29 through June 11, 2007, accompanied by Dr. Z and Lizet Campos, over 20 counseling students and one MFT student from USD participated in a study abroad tour of China. The tour took our USD group from Beijing to Xi’an to Hangzhou, finally stopping in Shanghai and culminating at the 12th International Counseling Conference (ICC). Throughout the tour our group was exposed to awesome sights, amazing architecture, beautiful culture, delicious food, and of course TONS of PEOPLE! Our very own Dr. Z held a leadership role at the conference, and many of our students participated in sharing their study abroad experiences and observations in a presentation that was well-attended and received by the conference attendees. USD was the ONLY university (American and non) to have such a strong representation at the conference, and it was great to see all of us USD students in action! The next ICC will be held during Winter 2008. For more information on the ICC and other international study abroad opportunities for USD counseling students, contact Dr. Z at or stop by the SOLES Global! office in the new SOLES Building, room 129C.
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Graduate Students and Stress By Jennifer Biebl, 2nd Year Career Counseling Stress is a part of all of our lives and as graduate students we deal with an abundance of it. As the school year starts it is always good to remember key ways to help lower your stress. There are various techniques that can help you to deal with the physical, emotional, and mental stressors you may be facing in your personal or academic life. The following are a few of the techniques that have proven to be beneficial in aiding in stress management: • Breathing Exercises • Mediation • Physical or Mental Relaxation Activities • Good Diet and Exercise • Self- Hypnosis • Positive Thinking • Being Aware of and Understand the Causes of Stress in Your Life by Keeping a Journal • Time Management These are just a few techniques, but ones that have proven to be successful with a variety of individuals. If you are feeling stressed, try some of the above or create your own method of minimizing stress. As counselors we need to ensure our personal wellness and dealing with stress is a key way of doing that.
IMPORTANT REMINDER! Reminders that graduation petitions for Spring 2008 are due by October 16th. Hopefully the winter graduates have petitions in already. Comps for those graduating in January 2008 will be picked up from Sergio Rodriguez on November 1 and returned Nov 8. Email to confirm that you are taking Fall comps and we will send you more info on content or make an appointment to see me. Please pick up a petition at the registrar's, get an unofficial transcript and a copy of your academic record. Fill out the petition best you can and then make an appointment with me to get it finished and signed before the deadline. I will be gone 9/26-10/5 so the week of 10/6 would be a good time to do the petitions and check to be sure you have the correct spring classes and answer any of your questions. Graduation is Saturday May 24 at 1pm in Jenny Craig Center - hooray!!!! Those who have courses left in Summer 08 but take the comps in spring can participate in graduation ceremonies. We can do petitions for August graduation too. What a novel idea to get them in early! Susan M. Zgliczynski, Ph.D.
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What’s Next? Didn’t see anything that struck your fancy? Have a great idea for what we can include in our next issue? Perhaps while cleaning out your closet you found that old poem you wrote in the 3rd grade about the beauty and versatility of Velcro and thought to yourself “Hey, I think this would make a great addition to the Chi Sigma newsletter!” Well lucky YOU! If you would like to contribute something for the next newsletter, we’d love to hear from you. Contact Lori Moskal ( or Jared Lau (, editors of this internationally acclaimed newsletter. In the meantime, be prepared for the next issue of Connections to include: • Faculty Spotlight… • Student Spotlight… • Quotes and words from the wise… • Random pictures • Results from a national survey that shows 9 out of 10 counseling students agree that Connections is the best reading one can do while in graduate school.
Contact Us! Chi-Sigma Advisor: Dr. Susan Zgliczynski : Board Members: Marina Barriga : Ana Bravo : Erica Garman : Jared Lau : Lori Moskal : Lawrence Ortiguerra : Paola Reyes : Karey Santilena : Newsletter Editors: Lori Moskal Jared Lau
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