Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) TPA Program Specific Information For Completing the Teaching Event Information for Multiple and Single Subject Students at the University of San Diego January 2008
Introduction During you student teaching seminar, you will complete the PACT Teaching Event. This handbook provides you with important information you will need to complete and submit your Teaching Event here at USD. In this document, you will find the following: 1. The list of materials to download from the PACT website: 2. Information about parent consent for classroom videotaping 3. Procedures for video recording 4. Requirements for formatting your video recording 5. Directions for creating your PACT Teaching Event Portfolio 6. Directions for submitting your PACT Teaching Event Portfolio 7. Information about how your Portfolio may be used
PACT Materials You will need five documents, which you will download from the following website and bring to each student teaching seminar meeting, starting with the second meeting. These materials and other information will be discussed in detail at these meetings. PACT Website: From the TE Materials tab: 1. Making Good Choices 2. PACT Videotaping Policies 3. The Teaching Event for your subject From Rubrics tab: 4. The Rubric for your subject From the Required Forms tab: 5. Teaching Event Authenticity Form
Obtaining Parental Consent for Classroom Video Recording You must obtain parental consent for video recording. Start working with your cooperating teacher early to get these consents. Any student for which you do not receive consent must be seated outside the range of the camera. On the next page is a sample parent letter. This letter is also available in Spanish from your seminar instructor. If you need a consent form in another language, check at your school site for language support assistance.
January 2008
Teaching Performance Assessment Parent Letter Dear Parent/Guardian: This semester, your child’s class is working with __________________________, a student teacher from the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences. All teacher credential candidates are required to complete a Teaching Performance Assessment. The assessment contains a 15 – 20 minute video of one or more lessons. Although the video will show both the student teacher and various students, the primary focus is on the student teacher’s instruction, not on the students in the class. The recording will only be used by faculty to assess the student teacher’s performance and evaluate our program effectiveness. The assessment also contains samples of student work as evidence of learning. No student last names will appear on any submitted materials, and all materials will be kept confidential. Please complete and return the Permission Form to document your permission for these activities. Sincerely,
Linda Siefert Dr. Linda Siefert Director of Assessment USD School of Leadership and Education Sciences ====================================================================== PERMISSION FORM Student Name _____________________________________________________________ School/Teacher ____________________________________________________________ I am the parent/legal guardian of the child named above. I have received and read your letter regarding the University of San Diego student teacher in my child's classroom and agree to the following: (Please check the appropriate blank below.)
I DO give permission for my child to appear on a video recording and understand my child’s name will not appear in any material written accompanying the recording. I DO NOT give permission for my child to appear on the video recording, and understand that he/she will be seated outside of the recorded activities.
________________________ Date
Signature of Parent or Guardian January 2008
Procedures for Classroom Video Introduction These procedures are provided to help you produce video clips that clearly represent the teaching and learning in your classroom. In order to capture elements of instruction and student learning, you will need to produce video clips of high audio and video quality. The procedures below will help you successfully produce video clips with minimum problems. Preparation and Practice First, we do NOT expect a Hollywood production. It is important, however, that the quality of the recorded activities be sufficient for scorers to understand what happened in your classroom. As a general rule of thumb, sound quality is generally more important than video quality to understanding the teaching and learning being captured. Ö If you are unfamiliar with the video recording process and/or do not have access to video equipment, consider the following resources for equipment and assistance. • your cooperating/master teacher (who can identify potential resources in the school as well as assist you with video recording); • your university supervisor; • resources at your institution of higher education; or • other students, friends and family (for equipment). Ö Schedule/reserve the necessary video/audio equipment well in advance. Ö Advise your cooperating/master teacher and the principal at your school of your need to record lessons for your Teaching Event. Discuss any arrangements for a camera operator with them. If you use a camera operator, look to people who already have approval to be in classrooms, e.g., your cooperating teacher, your university supervisor, designated student helpers. Ö Think about where you and your students will be during the activities to be portrayed on the video. Will different activities require students to regroup and move around the classroom? How will the use of instructional materials be recorded? What will the camera need to capture? If applicable, when should the camera operator zoom in or rotate the camera to a new position? Ö Meet with the camera operator to plan the taping prior to recording your lesson. Share your lesson plan and discuss your plans to capture the teaching and learning. Ö Use a sturdy tripod to avoid shaking images which often stem from shots from a hand-held camera. Ö Practice the video recording process. This will provide a chance to test the equipment and give your students an opportunity to grow accustomed to the camera. Ö Adjust, if necessary, for the light source each time a recording is made. Newer cameras may have a switch for recording in incandescent, florescent, or daylight or may be completely automatic. Do not place the camera facing the window or other bright sources of light. Ö If you are having trouble hearing yourself and/or the students, try placing the camera closer to the action OR use an external omnidirectional dynamic microphone plugged into the “EXT MIC” jack on the camera. Confirm that this turns the internal microphone off. If the camera operator wears headphones plugged into the camera, the sound quality can be monitored during taping. Ö For safety reasons, as much as possible, tape extension cords to the floor with duct tape. Ö During videotaping, don’t worry about calling students by name, or having them address you by name. Note that names or other identifying information heard on the videotape will remain confidential to the scorers.
January 2008
Video Formatting Specifications Videos can be uploaded into TaskStream, and this is the preferred way to submit. However, it is acceptable to submit your video via CD. If submitting on CD, you must submit 2 copies. Our Media Services Center can help out with video, including converting analog (video tape) to digital video. Please bring the following specifications with you when you work with them so that they understand what we are trying to do. In addition to the information below, the file format must be QuickTime or Windows Media Player to insure that the scorers will have the correct applications on their computers. Also, the files must be formatted for computer viewing, not viewing on a TV through a recorder. Information from TaskStream Video files up to 50mb in size can be uploaded to TaskStream through the Video Network. Other attachments up to 20mb in size can be uploaded to the Web Folio Builder, Web Page Builder, Lesson Builder, or Unit Builder. Please note that unless additional storage is purchased, each individual account comes with 100 mb of storage space. You must keep in mind both the 50 mb file size limit AND the 100 mb account limit. These are some of suggested tips for formatting video files to consider before uploading a video into TaskStream: 1. Ensure that the sound is set to mono instead of stereo. 2. Make sure the frame rate is set to no more than 15 frames per second. Using more frames per second will increase the size of your file. 3. Increase the compression of your file to decrease file size. 4. Reduce the size of the video: (320 x 240) is common on the web, 5. Reduce the number of colors stored for each pixel (bit depth) Also TaskStream subscribers can find detailed information about their storage usage through the Mybrary. In the 'My Work' area, a subscriber is able to see the percentage of storage space used. For more detailed information, the subscriber can click the 'Manage Online Storage' tab or the 'Click for usage details' link.
January 2008
Creating Your PACT Teaching Event Portfolio in TaskStream 1. After you've logged into TaskStream, click Web Folio Builder. 2. The FIRST TIME you are working on your teaching event portfolio (skip to step 3 if you already have created a teaching event portfolio) a. Type in a title for your portfolio in the Presentation Portfolios section. b. Click Create it.
2b 2a
c. Select Teaching Event Template. d. Click Next Step.
2c e. Select a style. f. Click Next Step.
January 2008
3. If you have previously created your portfolio and are returning to work on it, click on the title of your teaching event portfolio in the “Presentation Portfolios� section (skip to step 4 if you just created the portfolio in step 2).
3 4. Decide where you wish to attach your work. There is a section for each Task. Within each task are subsections for the required materials. Choose that subsection in the outline on the left. 5. Click the Edit button.
4 6. In the Content Editor window, click on the Attachments tab. There are three possibilities: a. If you are attaching a file from your computer, click on Browse and find the file to be attached. b. If you are attaching work which you previously created in TaskStream, such as a lesson or unit plan or a web folio, click on My TaskStream Work and then select the appropriate type of work from the first pull-down menu. Then select the particular piece of work from the second pull-down menu. January 2008
c. If you are attaching a file which you have previously uploaded to a different DRF in TaskStream, click on Previously Uploaded Files and then select Web Folios from the pull-down menu. All files previously uploaded to other program DRFs will be displayed. 7. Click on Introductory Text and delete the instructions under Introductory text, optionally replacing it with your own introductory text. 8. Click on Save and Close Window.
8 9. Repeat this process until all work for each task is complete, and the portfolio is done to your satisfaction. Questions? Contact Mentoring Services at or at 800-311-5656
January 2008
Submitting Your PACT Teaching Event Portfolio in TaskStream Once your have completed your PACT Teaching Event Portfolio, you are ready to attach and submit it. Follow these steps: 1. Choose Work on DRF to the right of the Teacher Credential TPE Assessment on the My Programs page. 2. Choose PACT Teaching Event under Exit Assessment. 3. Click on 'Add/Edit Work' 4. Click on the Attachments tab 5. Click on 'My TaskStream Work' 6. Choose "Web Folios" from the 'Select Category' pull-down menu 7. Choose the Teaching Event e-portfolio you created from the 'Select Work' pull-down menu 8. Click on 'Add File' 9. Close the Content Editor window; click on Step 5 Evaluation 10. Click the Submit button; then click the Submit for Evaluation button in the pop-up. In addition, if you did not upload your video into your portfolio, you must submit 2 copies of a CD which contains your video clip(s). On the CDs, write the following: 1. Your Name 2. Your USD ID number 3. The format of the video (Quick Time or Windows Media Player) 4. The lesson number that the clip(s) come from
PACT Consortium Guidelines on Use of PACT Teaching Event Portfolios In Decisions to Recommend a Candidate for a Credential In accordance with sound psychometric principles prohibiting the use of a single assessment for high-stakes purposes, the Teaching Event scores should be used in conjunction with multiple sources of information, including course grades, student teaching evaluations, and information from embedded signature assessments (ESAs), to determine whether a teacher candidate should be recommended for a preliminary teaching credential. A candidate who has not successfully completed other credential requirements should not be awarded a preliminary credential on the sole basis of having completed and passed the PACT Teaching Event. In other words, passing the PACT Teaching Event alone is insufficient to demonstrate one’s qualifications to become a teacher of record. In Releasing Scores to Outside Agencies Individual candidates’ Teaching Event scores, like other licensing test scores and academic records, are confidential and should not be released without the prior consent of individual teachers to employers or induction programs. Schools and districts are prohibited from using Teaching Event scores for hiring purposes or for determining pay differentials. The scores may be released by programs to the PACT consortium for the purpose of assessment validation, research/evaluation, and regular activities involved in January 2008
implementation of the assessment system, but may not be released to outside agencies other than the CCTC without prior consent of individual teachers. Scores may not be released to BTSA (induction) programs without the prior consent of individual teachers. Should a program release PACT Teaching Event scores to an outside agency with the prior consent of individual teachers, the program must inform the agency that the assessment is valid only for determining the pedagogical competence for initial teaching credentials in California. The PACT consortium will use the materials in your Teaching Event as data for a study of the technical quality of the Teaching Event as an assessment tool. The study of technical quality will have no effect upon you as an individual, but is likely to result in revisions to the Teaching Event materials and scoring process. Specifically, your Teaching Event materials will be used to: • conduct research related to the validity and reliability of the Teaching Event as an assessment; • train scorers, including college/university faculty and distinguished classroom teachers; • inform potential professional development of supervisors and cooperating teachers to prepare them to better assist teacher candidates in completing Teaching Events; and • improve the fit between the Teaching Event, coursework within the teacher preparation program, and the context of the student or intern teaching assignments. Materials used for the purposes described above will not include any identifying information, such as your name, the name of your school, or names of your students. In addition, educators serving as scorers, supervisors, or cooperating teachers will be required to sign a confidentiality form, indicating that they will not discuss the content of videotapes or related materials outside of the professional development or training session.
January 2008
Checklist for Submitting Your PACT Teaching Event Materials 1. _____ Teaching Event submitted on TaskStream 2. Video clip(s) submitted _____ on TaskStream with format and lesson information from Video Label Form typed in the “Intro Text” under Video Label Form OR _____ Two copies of your video segment(s) submitted (2 complete CDs) with all information from Video Label Form PLUS your name on each CD 3. _____ Authenticity Form signed by Supervisor AND _____ Authenticity Form submitted 4. _____ Consent forms submitted 5. _____ Student Demographic Survey submitted on SurveyMonkey
NOTE: Your PACT ID number is your USD ID number.
January 2008